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Wings Over Scotland

Fork handles

Posted on November 05, 2016 by
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The Isolator

Genius pure genius,

That is all folks!


I passed a woman selling The Scotsman in Stirling yesterday and she was offering a bottle of sun cream? a canvas bag with the words I heart the Scotsman and the paper , for £1.00
she heard me sniggering and shouted “dont laugh at me”
she said the sun cream was worth £9.00 hahahahahahahahahaha
I bought it, kept the sun cream and went over to a bin and put the paper (torn in half) and stood on the bag placed over a nearby dog turd and put them in.


no flame throwers oh wait that is the express easy to get them mixed up.

lol nice one Chris


That’s the dogs-bolloxs, brilliant Chris.



Excellent summation once again. You manage to achieve more in one cartoon than others could do with a thousand words.

What is happening in England is scary. Those who keep pushing the myth of there being no fundamental politicaldifferences between England and Scotland are either deluded Or liars.

[…] Source: Wings Over Scotland Fork handles […]


£3/4Billion for AWPR. The Tories have ruined the Oil & Gas sector. The ignorant Press.

Scotland is paying nearly £4Billion a year for Trident and building frigates. Scotland could be building supply boats, ferries, frigates and liners. Without Trident. The Tories are destroying the world economy. The only way out of their mess is to have a GE and they lose.


He’s got soor plooms !

Nice work chris


Oh Dear. A really nasty can of worms has been opened with BREXIT. The behaviour of the Tory press, inciting the mob, is utterly deplorable. We are now caught in a cooker and the pressure is rising rapidly. This will end really badly if the Brexiteers feel they are not getting their way.

As the BREXIT nonsense continues, I am more convinced than ever that the only thing that can prevent a catastrophy; the only thing that will wake the people of England out of this xenophobic stupor, is for the UK to break up (asap). The vile BritNats need to be hard-kicked in the balls. They need to be humiliated before they again see reality.

Only a YES vote will create hope for future generations in Scotland, and save England from itself.


Chris, right on the button again!

Technology doesn’t always mean progress. Our modern hacks are no better than authors of the Victorian penny dreadfuls. Sewer rats have more morality.

Get out the pitchforks, swab the ducking stool and dust off the stocks. We shall have no dissent or independent thought. You WILL comply.

The Tories actively encouraged the slobbering hounds and now they have come to bite Master in the airse. We still have a democracy, just, but for how long?

I want out of this Maelstrom, I want my Country.

Robert Louis


Frankly bizarre interview on BBC ‘breakfast’ this morning at around 0810am onwards, with a columnist (Glover) from the Daily Mail, Went to great lengths to IMPLY the judges in the high court could have been biased politically, and from his comments seemed to suggest they were swayed in their judgement, yet also repeatedly denied he was suggesting that very thing.


Worth watching if it goes on iPlayer etc.

Ian Mackay

“Today in your Daily Mail: your choice of torch or pitchfork!

You, too, can join an angry mob and attack others.
Why not: drive out foreigners; set fire to your high court; rob the disabled; lynch the blacks and Asians; and draw and quarter the jocks?”

– What do you mean the press is drumming up hatred? Nonsense. England voted out of Europe. It is the democratic will of the people that England should only be for the English. And by that we mean white English! We at the Mail are only following the lead of the country.

“Next week in the Mail:get your free drum! Rouse your neighbours together in a lynch mob with our Daily Mail branded drum. Also: your 4 page pull out and keep guide to the best hangman rope nooses!”

Robert Peffers

Hey! Rev Stu. Can we have a crowd funder to fund Chris for all the nails he hits on the head?

His original supply is bound to be running out now. Alternatively, can we start a collection of old rusty nails for Chris as it is rather a waste to use nice shiny new nails just to hit them on the head.

Oh! And what about old off-cuts of wood to bang the nails into?

Belter Chris. you have a great gift.

Arthur Martin

Someone is going to end up dead again due to this xenophobic hatred being stirred up by the Britnat press over Brexit. We will have another Jo Cox on our hands and the press are so powerful that they will never be held to account for their actions.

Now if only there was a way that Scots could distance themselves from this madness……..mmmm let me think.


frogesque wrote:

“Technology doesn’t always mean progress.”

Very true!
You can stick a handle on an anvil but it doesn’t make it portable.


Excellent as usual.

All very sad, though. Is England now beyond salvation?

At IndyRef1 independence was desirable, while at IndyRef2 it will have become imperative.


Funny! Brexit doesn’t mean Brexit. To the barricades. Has Crash Gordon intervened yet?


Brilliant picture/story and the comments have been cracking too!

John H.

The peasants are revolting. All too accurate I’m afraid Chris. The situation down south becomes more frightening by the day.

donald anderson

The Full English Brexit can fork off.


Great toon, and sad comment on how low the Heil has sunk.

No paper should be allowed to whip.up hatred the way the Press are currently doing.

Everyone has noted that the Govt failed to condemn the vilification of the judges.


Valerie says:
5 November, 2016 at 8:57 am
Great toon, and sad comment on how low the Heil has sunk.

Its glory days for UKIP though. Which also begs questions like why assorted UKIPers were all over the BBC, ITV, C4 etc yesterday, Suzanne Evans for example, never off the box, looking almost sane too.

The liggers say UKIP’s got 4 million votes, is why, how much of that’s down to tory BBC style boosterising Farage, Coburn and co. And we all know tory BBC really weally wuvs democracy n shit.

John H.

If you bypass parliament once, it becomes easier to do it a second time, then a third. What you have then is not a democracy whatever else it might be.

Why can’t they see that? Do they really want to be governed by the Daily Mail and the Daily Express?

Brian Powell

OT but Fallon on the frigates not quite a deal. Agreement in principle only, no contract, and no commitment if we talk about Independence.

But we knew that would be the case.


@Robert Louis at 8:23 am

“Went to great lengths to IMPLY the judges in the high court could have been biased politically, and from his comments seemed to suggest they were swayed in their judgement, yet also repeatedly denied he was suggesting that very thing.”

If it was the same guy he did it on Newsnight last night and a touch more


Extremely weird tory BBC reportage on not insane UKIP leader contendererising contestants. All household er, nutcase names now but why do the liggers include all the UKIPers what are not running? C4 national news now have that nice Raheem Kassam as their Washington election correspondent. Google Sturgeon/Kassam. Lovely chap.

link to


That cartoon is ‘wicked’!

I like it!

John H.

Brian Powell. Fallon tried hard not to answer too. (hope this works)

link to


John H. says:
5 November, 2016 at 9:04 am
If you bypass parliament once, it becomes easier to do it a second time, then a third. What you have then is not a democracy whatever else it might be.

I thought the ruling meant that parliament is now back in charge of Brexit. May would let the Commons or the Lords vote on her Brexit means Brexit but now they can. Majority Commons and Lords are Remain, so its all over now.

Its probably why SNP are in their UK news again, at the very bottom. The ruling gives Scotland a say now too.

And that’s why the tax dodging filthy rich newspaper magnates have gone UKOK mental, Scottish independence style, let slip the dogs of war, cry havoc and vote UKIP, they’re NOT fringe hard right nutters, at all!


England has move further to the right to the point that to wear or not to wear a poppy is not free choice but an obligation. Not just for Remembrance Sunday but for the month of November.
The scummy right wing press attack (right wing judges)demanding that the Westminster Parliament process is subverted to suit HM Queen May the brexiters.

We are all suffering as a result but retribution for Scotland and NI for not being exiters has still to come.

Davidson, Rennie, Dugdale and even Harvie will have to decide once and for all do you put Scotland first and foremost or another country.


May would NOT let the Commons or the Lords vote on her Brexit means Brexit but now they can. oops.


link to

It seems you can’t archive Herald articles. If you do you just get a load of Lorem ipsum text.

I wonder why that is?


Hey, calling all you rednecks out there…

The BUM’s organising a winchin’ and a lynchin’ posse.
It’s all your birthdays come at once.

Pappy redneck: “BOY! Go bring yer sister.”

BillyJoe: “What one’s ma sister Pappy?”

Pappy redneck: “The first wummin you see, BOY!”

Pappy redneck: “Better still, BOY, go bring Mommy.”

BillyJoe: “Who’s my Mommy, Pappy?”

Pappy redneck: “JEEEZ, BOY, the one they call Siobhan McFadyen.”

link to


Meanwhile, The Guardian engages briliantly with their Scotland region of greater England, in the really big issues facing Scots today.

link to


@MjohnH 9.19

That arrogant young woman reminded me of a “clippie” telling Ponsonby to get to the back of the bus. Perhaps in another life she was a clippie in Alabama?

Fallon and the whole May cabinet show their true concern for Scotland. Scotland just gie us yer money and shut up you moaners. Tell you what we will do with your money? Scotland,get to the back of the bus. We have Policies of a Titanic nature and no time for plebs.


The Mail and Express are something of a tail spin over this fairly simple ruling. While it is funny, and some of the foaming from Brexiteers is positively hilarious, I do have concerns that this could turn nasty and that in areas where Europeans have already suffered abuse the ante could be upped further.

It is something that we have so far avoided here in Scotland but we need to keep our guard up and ensure that the febrile seizures griping the English political sentiment stay south of the border.


Nailed it there Chris.

First our independence referendum and now Brexit really has exposed the nasty undercurrents in the YooKay (should that have an ‘e’?) media.

How long will it be before the tories consider the Turkish solution? Jail the judges, journalists (but only the ones that tell the truth), teachers, lecturers, artists, writers and anyone else that openly disagrees with the ‘elected’ government.

We really do seem to be standing on the precipice now. Are we going to allow ourselves to be dragged over the edge by the YooKay or will we cut the ties that bind and find another path?

Willson, LL.B

Any first year law student with constitutional law basic knowledge could have predicted the High Court decision. “The Mail” plumbs new depths; I fear for the safety of claimants, their barristers and solicitors and the judges. Problem is that there are so many people whose ignorance of the basic working principles of the UK Constitution is breathtaking. The first X1 team of UK Supreme Court judges are unlikely to reverse the decision when they go into bat early in December; hopefully their decision will be delayed until January rather than delivered as a Xmas gift to even more “Mail” judge and lawyer baiting coverage.


Excellent cartoon Mr Cairns.

How quickly things have escalated with the vile rags whipping up the masses and some of the threats I’ve seen on twitter are worrying. Hope the police are watching.

As HandandShrimp says we had best be on our guard.

Morning links on previous thread for anyone interested.

Hoss Mackintosh

@Wilson, LL.B,

What will May do when the Supreme Court kicks out her Brexit appeal – will she appeal to the European courts for a final judgement?

Liz g

Hoss Mackintosh @ 9.55
Now that I would like to see.
European Judge’s trying to work out the UK Constution.
Mibbi they will order Westminster to write it down for them.

There really isn’t going to be enough pop there!

Jim Thomson

@Robert Peffers 8:32am

if you have a look here:

link to

You’ll be able to support Chris directly. Got two of the mugs and the tea tastes great in them.


As usual brilliant cartoon, funny and sad.

My O/H’s uncle, 90+ yrs old, was ranting yesterday about ‘how very dare corrupt FIFA tell our boys etc etc and ‘who do those judges think they are?’.

So it’s hitting the target they want.

Guy Verhofstadt was on twitter yesterday shocked at the UK ‘newspapers’, so the Europeans will think we are nuts


Great work Chris.

Posted this earlier on the last thread in reply to another comment. Seems a bit more appropriate to the subject matter on this thread.

They’ve lost control.

The mob is now directing the actions of the media and significant numbers of politicians. Runaway narrative basically.

They created a narrative to divide and manipulate for their own advantage which has now rebounded on them big time. The narrative of course was intended as a get out jail free card for political idiocy. A policy fails? Blame this group. An economy fails? Blame that group. We need to take money from here and move it over there? Demonise those who currently are in receipt of those monies and make it socially acceptable to take food from the mouths of one group and turn it to cash for the bank balances of others.

But always, ALWAYS, it was about telling people who to hate, who to mistrust, who to fear and who to blame for the woes of their world. Confusion, frustration, rage, mistrust and fear. Eventually, in fact inevitably, when fed on such a diet of hatred, a socially cohesive population (in our case populations) becomes a rage filled series of terminally divided demographics. A mob by any other name.

What were institutions and structures of trust and cohesion have been systematically dismantled through short termist, short sighted, fuckwitted policy of expediency in pursuit of power, wealth or advantage. There’s nothing left which binds communities together, never mind populations.

Across the UK people are pretty much done listening now. They’re looking for something to hit, to hurt and to direct this rage against. The media and politicians have begun to mirror and ape the rage of the mob they created. Run with the pack or be consumed by it as it were.

There’s no stopping it now. It has to run its course, burn out and its going to be messy and all over the place.

On the up side? Scotland doesn’t need to have any part of the natural conclusion of such madness. Scratch that. We really, REALLY, shouldn’t have any part of the natural conclusion to this madness.

CameronB Brodie

I forgot to mention “Differential Oppositional Consciousness” the other night. I hear that works pretty well against those who would crush liberty.

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Willson, LL.B [Problem is that there are so many people whose ignorance of the basic working principles of the UK Constitution is breathtaking. ]. You make the same mistake as every other commentator in referring to the Uk Confusion , where might that be found in written form ?.


STV reporting …. “Jeremy Corbyn has demanded that Theresa May reveal full details of the government’s plans for Brexit “without delay” after the High Court ruled the government cannot trigger Article 50 without the approval of MPs.”

link to

That will be a challenge, firstly May will need to actually formulate plans!

If plans are made public, the first thing that will happen is that all over the EU politicians will crack their ribs laughing. The EU will set the terms, not May!

It is possible May would announce Brexit will be on the hard to dirty part of the spectrum and therefore involve very little negotiation. That would also, presumably, start the IndyRef2 ball rolling sooner than later.

Proud Cybernat

“Majority Commons and Lords are Remain, so its all over now.”

While there is a majority of MPs in WM who support REMAIN, there are over 400 MPs (mainly English and Welsh) whose constituencies voted majority LEAVE. If these MPs then vote against the wishes of their contituents they’ll be out on their ear toot-sweet next election (which could be very soon).


liz says:

Guy Verhofstadt was on twitter yesterday shocked at the UK ‘newspapers’, so the Europeans will think we are nuts

True! Batshit crazy! Let’s hope they realise it’s not the UK, but England.

There’s something else Europeans think, and we Scots must remember it. I posted similar the other day but I think it’s a point worth making again ….

Of the 28 EU members, 14 of them gained independence in the 20thC, and a further 4 including Verhofstadt’s Belgium in the 19thC. Nations gaining independence, usually from overbearing neighbour’s, is the norm in the EU.

All that is needed is for Scots to get their act together and be like everyone else!

Bob Mack

“A people that puts its privileges above its principles will soon lose both”

Dwight Eisenhower.

Very apt in this instance.


Just read the story on the new frigates. Surely the shipyard workers won’t be conned AGAIN regarding promises from Fallon?

The Tories will use any propaganda to get the result they want and making promises that may never be kept to vulnerable voters who only want job security is despicable.

Blowing smoke up their arses comes to mind


Spot on. “Hearing something a hundred times isn’t better than seeing it once” (??????, Commonly requoted as ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’.




The Guardian On the subject of U.K. Trying to get trade with India poor Theresa doesn’t have her sorrows to seek.

“”Tharoor, who is promoting a book on the toll of British imperialism on India, also told the Times of India that persistent requests for the return of the 106-carat Koh-i-noor diamond – given to the British government in the 19th century – were unlikely to be heeded.

“Atonement is, therefore, the best we can hope for,” he said on Tuesday. “A British prime minister, on the centenary of Jallianwala Bagh, apologising to the Indian people for the massacre and by extension for all colonial injustices – that would be better than any sum of reparations.””


If these MPs then vote against the wishes of their contituents they’ll be out on their ear toot-sweet next election (which could be very soon).

Which is why we’re being wound up to insurrection levels of hard core tory lunacy. Except its not. Its just another day of SNP bad for the Scottish Daily Heil and co but this whole Brexit farce is historic leverage that gives hard core right Britnats across teamGB the chance to take real control of teamGB.

So watch as UKIP get more and more tory BBC led MSM boostering, with huge polls increase, next year and onward to next UK GE.

The left in England are pretty much Corbynista floundering, but the English right have just had enough of the UK as it is today. When they really get UKIPers going, watch them move on Holyrood for starters, immigration control like an iron curtain, public sector spends slashed and other assorted planet toryboy goodness.

Big shakes like Brexit in democracy’s like England’s provide hard core conservatives lots of opportunity for power grabbing, so this time they’re really going for it.

Snatcher Thatcher will be very proud up in rule Britannia heaven.



Jacob Rees Mogg, said,

‘We will achieve Brexit, even it takes an election, a purge of the Europhiles or 1,000 new peers to get there.’

So no problem then!


cearc says:
5 November, 2016 at 10:48 am

Jacob Rees Mogg, said,

‘We will achieve Brexit, even it takes an election, a purge of the Europhiles or 1,000 new peers to get there.’

So no problem then!

I refer my Honourable friend to the answer I gave earlier:D

Dan Huil

Something else free with today’s daily mail: a Zinoviev Letter opener in the shape of a butcher’s knife.


heedtracker says:

Big shakes like Brexit in democracy’s like England’s provide hard core conservatives lots of opportunity for power grabbing, so this time they’re really going for it.

Which is what it was really all about all along – getting the EU of their backs – deregulation, removal of workers’ rights, slashing the size of the public sector, further increasing inequality, etc etc … a right wing feeding frenzy. It was never really about immigration, that was just a tactic to get enough plebs on side.

Brian Powell

Apologies for going OT twice but the I saw the parody front page of the National.

Henry McLeish, and ‘Scotland must be in the forefront of the battle to block Brexit’.

Not a patch on Chris’s Fork Handles parody, but it made me chuckle.

but for ‘Enry’s ‘reluctant No’ and voter’s must think carefully’, earlier comedy pieces we wouldn’t be stuck with the Three Stoogies and May, the Talking Donkey, version of Brexit at all.


Where did we reach discussing getting some of these masterpieces up on billboards?

Can’t happen soon enough…

Dr Jim


Whoever it was who coined the phrase the British “State” was definitely right
Only good Scottish humour turns things around to sound right

The “State” o they British eh


Did the Daily Heil run out of Jack Boots?

Free Swas Stickers in next Saturday’s edition,

Retain vouchers for a chance to win your very own Panzer Tank. Go on your first trip with Ruth Rommel akimbo.


galamcennalath says:
5 November, 2016 at 10:59 am
heedtracker says:

Looks that way. Holyrood’s probably the top of their hit list. Scottish democracy or rather our 5th Scottish parliament is the biggest threat to planet toryboy’s reign over the UK in modern times.

They’re, whoever they are, they are not mad enough to close down Holyrood and sell it to Tesco. They’ll merely strip away what little devo that has been given up by our wetter toryboy imperial master baiters, and ofcourse completely block any ref 2.

Then they’ll turn on the English left and the immigrant, as well as building a wall, a beautiful wall, the most beautiful wall in the history of walls and ofcourse make Johnny Foreigner pay for it, in Brussels.

Tory BBC, Heil, Express, P&J nutters will all tell us to love them for it too, creepy old Graun will whinge but Britannia will rule the waves once again.

kailyard rules

John H @ 9:19 am

Thanks John. That says it all regarding the frigates. That “interview” should be shared widely.

Go to John H @ 9:19am for the link.


Brain Powell
“..Henry McLeish, and ‘Scotland must be in the forefront of the battle to block Brexit’..”

Absolutely spot on.

At this stage if McLeish and the aplogists for the English parliament had supported YES, Scotland would be still in EU watching agast as England moves right wing and leaves i ignring the will of the Scottish people.

There would be no need Mr McLeish to block brexit as we would have our own parliament and country.


Take back control with mob rule. Thats a step too far even for anarchists but not for the Telemailetc ex-press. It makes for a grand toon again Chris. If they carry on Hammond should consider his tax raising opportunities and the VAT exemption for newspapers.

I wonder if TM will argue the Scottish constitution in the “Supreme” Court? After all Brexit means Brexit because its the will of the people, which the Scottish constitution holds supreme.

Its just so unfortunate and unfair that the Scots will is to Remain 😀


Macart says:
5 November, 2016 at 10:16 am

Great post Macart



A better reason not to put handles on anvils is they would encourage some people, and I might be one of them, to test themselves and see if they can shift it.

Oh and the Excise would almost certainly wish to shift such and anvil . . .

The Rough Bounds

OT. Freeview channel 81 has begun showing an old American sit-com from the 50s called Hey Jeannie. It’s about a young Scotswoman who has moved to the USA. It’s a bit twee but now and then some gems appear.

In one scene she is in court and answering questions from the judge. When he asks her if she is telling the truth her American friend stands up and says ”She is from Scotland judge. She always tells the truth.”

We were a people known for our hard work and integrity and that’s how the Americans and other nations perceived us. Considering the lies being told by our Unionist politicians and our press and media today one wonders if the same perception prevails.

People Carrier

What Macart says.


The compliant Labour Party let us down badly during the Thatcher years, and it looks like they will let us down again. The country is screaming out for a left wing stance against BREXIT, but most of the Labour MPs (who supported REMIAN) are aware of where the Brexiteers are concentrated and are terrified of losing their seats.

Priorities, Dear chap. To hell with the country when one’s job is on the line. Actually, if the left could rally in England (Ha Ha) they might just manage to hang on, on a REMAIN ticket. But that of course calls for a bit of courage to stand up and be counted. sadly, labour MPs are, true to form, more likely to panic. Heads will be in the sand and Labour MPs (especially the cowardly Blairites) will hold their noses and vote for Article 50. You read it here first. 🙂


heedtracker says:

Scottish parliament is the biggest threat to planet toryboy’s reign over the UK in modern times …. imperial master baiters

The fundamental here is the nature of the UK. Is it a partnership United Kingdom in Union, OR is it really imperial Greater England?

In the past where WM was populated with mainly UK wide parties with similar agendas on many topics, Scotland was in the UK.

However, more recently, this has eroded as WM’s mandate falters. And now that mandate has disappeared almost completely. The present WM could chose to behave as if they had a solemn responsibility to administer a Union, however time and time again they just act as rulers of Greater England and its colonial possessions.

So be it! They hasten the UK’s demise. And I’m not unhappy about that.

My only real concern is that the Scots bottle their chance to sort this out permanently, again!

mr thms

How about a cartoon on smokescreens and mirrors?

This is worth keeping..

It is an article on the Scot who drafted the Article 50 process in 2003..

I wonder if it was written after Labour and the Lib-Dems formed a coalition Scottish government?

I like coincidence 😉

The article was written before the judges decision was announced.

It is an interesting read.

In particular what he thinks the government will do, regardless of the judges decision.

link to

ps. The same person is also in the First Minister’s Standing Council on Europe, that will advise the Scottish Government on how to “protect Scotland’s relationship with and place in the European Union”.

link to

Grouse Beater

Your weekend reading:

My days as a hero: link to
A good bad movie: link to

Brian Powell


“My only real concern is that the Scots bottle their chance to sort this out permanently, again!”

I can’t work out what people in Scotland think is going to happen if they do nothing. Many seem to thinking this is just a bit of politics. There is no sense of urgency.

Of course the newspapers in Scotland and BBC are perpetuating the nothing much is happening. But it doesn’t matter if little information is coming out, it’s the lack of awareness and preparedness that puzzles me.

Again it isn’t helped by the focus of Labour and the Tories in Scotland, they want it to remain small politics issues, local stuff.

The bland way people will say, yes, neither for or against EU had a plan. My reaction is, neither had a plan, so are we really going to stick with these no hopers.


O/t, what on earth prompted Alex Neil to parade his Leave vote on the BBC?


Topper Chris I just hope they don’t come for us with the pitchforks..

I loved this wee thread which takes you in to the mindset of the Yoon as Duncy drowns in his own Yoonarrhoea.. 🙂

link to

Dr Jim

Jacob Rees Mogg is a clever and learned man so I’m quite sure he understood exactly what he was suggesting when he talked about the Purging of certain people

Perhaps if someone applied the same rhetoric to Jacob he might be more than slightly outraged and a wee bit concerned that the purging of individuals from society is something that has been done before and didn’t go down well

Tha Tories and their propaganda press allies don’t even seem to need their uniforms to be getting away with this kind of talk

I might be lucky with fair hair and blue eyes although I’m not tall and I’m old so that could be a drawback when the purge comes


Heard Alex say that he had made no secret of voting leave and that when he spoke to the BBC that was the first time anyone had bothered to ask him about it. He didn’t campaign for leave because he only changed his mind a the last minute mainly due to the repeat of all the scaremongering from the Treasury.

I know a couple of SNP members that voted leave. One wants independence akin to Iceland and the other regrets her leave vote and would now vote remain.

I don’t think it is an issue we should do a Tory party over and rip ourselves apart. I could happily live with an Icelandic type independence if the EU said we can’t join but on balance I think in is better than out. I don’t think too many SNP members are going around beating up Europeans living in the UK though….there are degrees of Brexiteer and I think the UKIP/Mail sort are quite different from Alex Neil’s reasons for voting leave.


Food for thought: “All Tories are liars, but some Tories are bigger liars than others”

The law is the law and if you don’t like it you get Parliament to change it. Clue is in the name Parliament not the only May in the village nor the Express, Mail and Sun etc.


Alex Neil just has a mouth to match his ego, his future’s behind him. Who cares?



I voted remain because I fear an unshackled tory govt. That said I would ideally want scotland to be part of EEA for two reasons
1 the economic straight jacket that is the stability growth pact.
2 free movement of capital. This is what allows the speculators to try to destroy currencies.

Yes iceland’s not being in the EU has allowed it to do what’s best for its citizens rather than the markets.
The EU must reform or it will soon die.


Re: Alex Neil. At least it is out there now. Of course some SNP MSPs and MPs voted leave but what is less surprising is yet again an out of favour member of the SNP is parading their maverick status and it is being lapped up by the press who are determined that this is a story because the SNP are uniquely incapable of independent thought.

If you don’t like what the party line is, leave. If not, reconcile differences and get on with whatever it is you feel you still have in common with the party aims. The others should come clean because the witch hunt is on.

In the interest of balance should not any Slab/ LibDem or Tory (there must be at least one!) elected officials now have to declare their vote for Independence as well?


Nana posted an interesting link near the end of the last thread re the Judiciary being outraged at the lack of support from the Lord Chancellor, Ms Truss.

link to
(Hope it works as I’m rubbish at links)

If the judiciary end up seriously falling out with the government it does not bode well.

Robert Peffers

@Jim Thomson says: 5 November, 2016 at 10:13 am:

“if you have a look here:
link to
You’ll be able to support Chris directly. Got two of the mugs and the tea tastes great in them.”

I wasn’t being serious, Jim, but I’m sure your plug for Chris will be appreciated.

In any case, (ATM), I’m rebuilding my extensive home network again after designing and manufacturing a built-in entertainment centre.

This in conjunction with a partial rewire of the house electrics and a circuit for a new gas boiler. The boiler is yet to be installed as I’m now retired and thus not registered to work on gas installations.

So I’m not yet set-up again for securely accessing and using my bank account on line. So anything not done by direct cash handover is not getting done yet. I will indeed be bunging something to a few web based folks when I stop living in a building site.

I’ll be really glad to close the trapdoor to the underfloor and the hatch to the attic space. The rewire also included a rooftop TV/FM/DAB aerial and amplifier network with plug in sockets throughout the house.

It has been a long drawn out process but will be worth all the effort. The hardest part now remaining is the sanding and finishing of the wood of the living room built in entertainment centre.

The new set-up is almost finished as far as the wired Ethernet, aerial system and house mains wiring goes.

K. A. Mylchreest

Or maybe all she wants are the four candles, to cast a little glimmer of light in a very dark place?


Dr Jim says:

I might be lucky with fair hair and blue eyes although I’m not tall and I’m old so that could be a drawback when the purge comes

Aye, but your deviant anti-UKOK political beliefs could be a problem 😉

Joking aside, I am astonished that more people in South Britain don’t see what is happening around them. It’s like the 1930s and WW2 didn’t happen. To most Europeans, the EU is about far more than trade, it’s about preventing a repeat of history. And here we have one member state Hell bent, if seems, on a re-run.

CameonB Brodie

Why rush such a major transition? Independence first, then see what we want to do once were functioning as a proper democratic nation state. It might also be a good idea to build some resilience in to the fledgling state, within the EU, before thinking about alternatives.

Andrew McLean

Careful guys the fascist Scotland in Union are parading the streets of St Andrews looking for democrats to burn! Silly boys!

Flower of Scotland

@Fred 12.47pm

At least they can’t say that the SNP are a “one party State” on this one!

Great cartoon Chris!

Tam Jardine

2016 will be remembered as the year the USA and the UK (or rather parts of it) collectively lost their minds.

The ruling this week I think will lead us to a new general election (and in this climate of fear and loathing God only knows what grotesque government would emerge). I think Trump will win next week.

With these 2 massive economies having a collective seizure, Putin sounding belligerent, with the EU economies struggling with growth and the migrant crisis, the ongoing middle east disintegration and climate change looking unavoidable one would be forgiven for taking to the hills and stocking up on tinned goods and small arms.

And folk wear poppies somberly reflecting ‘lest we forget’ and admonishing, shaming anyone who doesn’t poppy up.

If Earth has no drive or interest in averting massive global catastrophes that loom before us right now, staring us straight in the face what is the point in trying to learn lessons from wars fought 100 years or 60 years ago.

Mankind is doomed. If you’ve always wondered what hard drugs were like or thought about dabbling in same sex relations I would suggest now may be the time to give it a go while we still have running water and electricity.

Jesus- Homo Sapiens – gie yersels a shake


Is that Gove behind the counter ?

He really is open all hours then.

Proud Cybernat

“Oi! Get a poppy on your jacket!”

“And what will you do if I refuse? Shoot me?”


But we don’t need running water and electricity to dabble in hard drugs or same sex relations Tam but perhaps if we’ve not had a bath for a while or read a book deep intae the night? Now’s the time! 😉

CameronB Brodie

“How does independence solve our problems Simon?” – D. Hothersall

It enables the delivery of the human rights which the British state denies to Scots. Read up on equality and identification yet?

“The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.” (Article 1.1, Declaration on the Right to Development)

“The human right to development also implies the full realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which includes, subject to the relevant provisions of both International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural wealth and resources.” (Article 1.2)

link to


Absolutely heinous that the Bar Council has had to make a statement calling on Liz Truss to come out and defend the judiciary.

Anyone with a decent IQ must be terrified down south right now, but it started way back, and where were they? I think it really shows what happens when the Press operate to freely incite, and worse, the government encourage it.

Bernard London by magnificent with that horrible, pompous Fallon. I think what they want to do, is offer sweeties after A50 is triggered, and say it’s dependent on remaining in the Union.

If anyone falls for that horseshit again, shame on them.

CameronB Brodie

Tam Jardine
The climate has always changed Tam, that’s why we’ve had ice ages. It’s a cosmic time thing, where variations in orbit result in fluctuations in the solar energy hitting the earth and also where it is focused. I’m not suggesting for a minute though that we should not plan for the inevitable changes ahead of us.

Of course kids, we all know what the post-modern three “R”s are.

– Reduce
– Re-use
– Recycle


Brilliant Chris 🙂


“Behind the shelter,in the middle of a roundabout,the pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray….”

….is it Strawberry Fields….Forever ?



Another gem, Chris.

This is the time to nip the Daily Hates in the bud. The boundaries of free speech and hate speech in the press are increasingly muddied. After the death of an Labour politician it looks like the UK has learned absolutely nothing and is going to have to learn the hard way all over again.
It`s sad, infuriating and frightening, and not a healthy situation to maintain over any length of time.




CameronB Brodie


Whilst human rights have a strong normative dimension, they are not mere moral aspirations. Their codification in laws is to provide concrete accountability and entitlements. Enforceability of obligations is hence central to the idea of a legal human right.10 There are three levels of rights-obligations: the obligation to respect, to protect, and to fulfill.11 Different duty-bearers may hold different levels of obligations: while multinational corporations may for instance be required to respect human rights, it is not their duty to fulfill them. This obligation pertains to states.

link to


In other news.

Andy Murray confirmed as world no.1. 🙂


@ Macart above

Whoop whoop! ‘mon Andy! At least some good news! 😀 I was getting pretty depressed.

Also, let me congratulate you on your longer post earlier, the rough analysis of what’s going on and what it’s been all about all along. I’ve had similar thoughts but haven’t been able to formulate them so well.



The young fella has done well. 🙂

Probably best to give twitter a miss though. I have a feeling the zoomers and haters may be out in force by this point. 😉

mike d

I couldn’t give a rat’s a**e about 8 frigates . anyone who opts for this rather than independence, is a moron and deserves all they get. In spades.


Surely a line has now been crossed by the Metropolitan Blats, in particular The Mail, Express and Telegraph, whereby something must be done to rein them in from their blatant racism, xenophobia and now what amounts to incitement to civil unrest.

There has recently been talk of Leveson Part 2 and if that goes ahead perhaps something positive will result as regards the right of the press to stir up hatred and possibly violence.

However, care must be taken not to allow the guilty papers to predictably come out with the usual stuff about free speech and freedom of the press.

The counter to that is Tell The Truth And Act Responsibly.

Perhaps something along the lines of defining what constitutes a newspaper as opposed to a propaganda rag with publications conforming to said definition being licensed as newspapers (Didn’t all newspapers used to contain a statement saying that they were ‘Registered At The GPO As A Nnewspaper’).

Back in Victorian Times newspapers were heavily taxed and it was only when said taxes were scrapped that they became mass circulation organs.

Perhaps a system under the jurisdiction of the legal authorities – not politicians could assess papers for licensing as newspapers and if they break the conditions of their license they and the journalists involved should be heavily fined and a hefty tax imposed on their cover price until such time as they prove themselves to have started to behave responsibly as regards license compliance.

I know that anything resembling press censorship is a tricky business as was demonstrated by Leveson 1 but something must be done to rein in irresponsible press behaviour.

The Film Industry has always been subject to censorship to ensure standards of decency so why should the press not be required to behave decently and responsibly.

There might also be a case for licensing journalists to practice their dark art just like professionals in other fields who have to comply with their particular profession’s code of conduct – or else.

Stu Mac

Ruby says:
5 November, 2016 at 9:25 am
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It seems you can’t archive Herald articles. If you do you just get a load of Lorem ipsum text.

The Herald has a firewall (unless you subscribe – and except for a handful of articles over a longish period). It allows you to view the first paragraph or so of an article then you must sign in. The Latin is just filler for what would be there if you were a subscriber: it used to be standard to use these Latin phrases as filler this way.

CameronB Brodie

As a disabled person, I find your cavalier approach to human right alarming, frankly.

CameronB Brodie

When did I first suspect Britain is a neo-fascist state? 1979, when I was eleven. I didn’t have the knowledge I have now. I have found no evidence to dissuade me of that opinion.


@ CameronB Brodie, serious question, regarding your 2:09pm post:

If our state, the UK, has a duty to fulfill our human rights, can UK citizens take the UK government to court if the citizens believe that their human rights are not being fulfilled?

– These human rights of ours including the rights you noted in your 1:35pm post, i.e.
right to development,
right of peoples to self-determination, and
right to full sovereignty over all our natural wealth and resources.

This line of comment of yours is very important, and I believe it is well worth pursuing. If we don’t have rights then we have nothing.

Keep posting on this topic, keep digging, keep spreading the news.

CameronB Brodie

I’m not a lawyer David by I know the spirit of the law is being pissed all over. Has been since 1707 mate. We’re name, eh Loki?

CameronB Brodie

name = the naughty “N” word in case your struggling

CameronB Brodie

I have tried to get support within the movement but it was perhaps bad timing. No response. 🙁

I would have thought international news organisations might want to investigate? The BUM certainly won’t.


CameronB, just keep posting, highlighting what we are guaranteed by international laws and treaties, and pointing out what our Westminster government is not delivering.

Consider that Robert Peffers has been posting on Scotland’s status within the UK for over 2 years now. His message is well worth promoting, and so is yours about UK’s failure to deliver our human rights, including the rights to self-development.

So while he’s covering the 17th & 18th centuries, you can cover the 20th & 21st. Our democratic deficit inside the UK can be attacked on both fronts.

CameronB Brodie

Get it right man, it’s everyone’s “Right to Development”. 😉

“The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.” (Article 1.1, Declaration on the Right to Development)

“The human right to development also implies the full realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which includes, subject to the relevant provisions of both International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural wealth and resources.” (Article 1.2)

link to

Remember kids, human rights and environmental quality are intrinsicly, internally linked. They depend on one another.

CameronB Brodie

Perhaps Scots just don’t like to think of themselves as being name? Won’t go near the idea.

CameronB Brodie

That’s the insidious nature of “habitus” and “symbolic violence”. They distort perception and create structural, cultural inequalities which undermine indigenous cultural resilience and long-term viability.

The BBC ask you to pay for the pleasure. Creeps.

CameronB Brodie

That’s the insidious nature of “habitus” and “symbolic violence”. They distort perception and create structural, cultural inequalities which undermine the cultural resilience and long-term viability of dominated cultures.

The BBC ask you to pay for the pleasure. Creeps.


A quite brilliant cartoon..

Peter Clive

This is a very dangerous time we live in.

America stands at the precipice. The UK continues down the slippery slope.

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