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Following a passing remark from an unsuspecting reader, we’re beside ourselves with excitement to announce some new additions to our range of Wings Over Scotland-branded quality merchandise at eye-watering prices outwith our control.
Just click this link to magically transport yourself to the Wings Over Scotland Megastore’s brand new “ayeStuff” section, where you’ll find a veritable plethora of cases and protective shells for all manner of Apple devices from the iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5 to the iPad 2/3 and various generations of iPod Touch, all of which have been cunningly modified with a subliminal suggestion as to which way unsuspecting onlookers might like to vote in the 2014 independence referendum.
At the time of writing there’s still a 10% discount available for any purchases over £25 (use code SHOPTY3), but let’s be honest, if there’s anyone used to forking out implausible amounts of money for stuff it’s Apple users.
Ach, you know you’re a luddite when nobody even makes cases for your iPod any more.
Morag. I’ve got a 5 year old motorola razor. Never turn the thing on. Not sure they even do phone calls for it any more.
Good kit Rev, will be treating myself to an aye phone cover. O/t just witnessed a superb sight. Paul Laurie draped in the Saltire at the Press Conference after the Ryder Cup victory. Great to see a Scottish sportsman wear his country’s flag with pride. That was on STV, will be interested to see if BBC show the same on their evening news.
Update and to be fair, BBC Scotland showed an interview with Paul Laurie draped in the Saltire on its’ evening news. Wonders will never cease!
Probably because it was preferable to the stars of Europe….
Morag, the UK should stay in the EU otherwise it will not be part of Team Europe any more. I mean look what we achieved at Medinah. How could the separatists break-up Team Europe!
Scottish Labour support a referendum on independence.
link to bbc.co.uk
After all, it’s going to be in the Tory manifesto…
Ahm no buyin nuthin as ye took the pish oota Mac users
(off in the huff)
I like the ayePhone idea. It’d work well for non-apple phones too (although I suppose it depends on what the shop offers to print on).
Ah want a NawPhone.
A’ve got a dinnae phone!
Must admit that I’m impressed, VERY impressed, with Murphy’s statement………..NOT!
Defence spokesman Jim Murphy told the BBC it could take place after the economic crisis ended and the future of the eurozone was more certain.
I guess that will NOT be any time soon then Miurphy!
At the current rate of ups and downs, ins and outs, yaes and naes, and everything else going on in Europe I don’t think we’ll see this “referendum” any time before 2030 at the earliest. Nice to know that we MIGHT get a referendum on the E.U. POSSIBLY within the next Millennium.
Not only does your comment box not play nice with Android, now you are limiting your merchandise to corporate slaves, beholden to the Jobsian Death Cult!
It’s an injustice it is!
Why nae Android?
I’ve got a Sony Ericsson Xperia plAYE (hint hint)
Any chance of a wings puchbag wi Lamont’s face on it?
Or Jim Murphy bog roll?
“Not only does your comment box not play nice with Android”
The comment box doesn’t play very nicely with iOS either, to be fair.
“now you are limiting your merchandise to corporate slaves, beholden to the Jobsian Death Cult!”
Hey, blame CafePress, not me!
“Scottish Labour support a referendum on independence.”
Will there be a Devo Max option?
Of course, it must also be ‘legal, fair and decisive’, no doubt.