The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Extended play

Posted on August 10, 2018 by

You may have seen yesterday’s interview with new Catalonian president Quim Torra on The Alex Salmond Show. But we’re very excited to bring you this EXCLUSIVE full edit, almost twice as long as the broadcast edition.

(And yes, we’ve got full copyright clearance for it.)

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ooooh! Get you and yer new best mate!

I love the longer interviews without the constant haranguing!

Well done Stu.


Thank you Rev Stu =)


Dear BBC,

This is what happens when you are renowned for telling the truth.

Well done ,Stu. Next stop a movie studio ?

Ian McCubbin

Much more civilised interview than BBC propaganda do.

I have just completed the very difficult to find questionnaire on BBC site to cancel the licence.
No more illegal tax for me.

Ian McCubbin

Great to see an interviewer treat the person interviewed with respect and dignity.
Unlike the propaganda BBC channel, which I have now informed of my cancellation of licence.

Highland Wifie

That was excellent and deserves a wider audience.
If the BBC or Channel 4 were worth their salt a similar interview would be shown on mainstream television. Shame on these establishment mouthpieces.


Alex Salmond has the imagination to interview the President of Catalonia and RT broadcasts it. No wonder Westminster wants both of them to just go away and shut up. Brilliant.

BTW his advice to Mrs May, which Nana posted on the previous thread, is also vintage Alex.

link to


Oh, what a coup for Wings!

I presume the extended edition must have come from ?Slainte Media? If so it’s a good sign that they are recognising the reach that Wings has in the independence community.

I hope to see as many wingers as can make it to the BBC demo at Pacific Quay tomorrow at 13:00. I’ll be making the trip from Aberdeen because I believe it is important that we maintain the pressure on BBC Scotland.


Neatly done.

On both counts. 🙂

Jock Scot

Scarey but exciting times we live in. If you can get along to PQ between 1-3 on Saturday, Mr Anderson will be pleased to indoctrinate you with his ‘wee hairy string’.


Interesting how the quality of an interview improves when you listen instead of waiting to talk.
Another noticeable difference is a story being reported without trying to spin it towards “the UK interest”.

If only we could have such reporting in Scotland….perhaps one day!

Donald anderson

From Caledonia to Catalonia.



With the recent copyright fiasco with the BBC I noticed this story online and it would appear to be a warning for anyone with a website. Not sure if this covers facebook posts as it’s not mentioned.

link to

Andrew Gallacher

I really wish supporters of Scottish independence would distance themselves from what is going on in Catalonia. Most Scots haven’t got a clue about the reality of what is happening there and know next to nothing about the history and politics of Spain and Catalonia. The actions of the Spanish government have been highly questionable, but so too have those of the Catalan independence parties. We risk damaging our own cause by associating ourselves with that of Catalonia.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Extended play You may have seen yesterday’s interview with new Catalonian president Quim Torra on […]


Stu is recognised as the Special One! Not surprised. 😀

Just look at the quality of interview and weep you ‘kiddy-on’, so-called journalists. THIS is how interviews should be conducted and less of the ask question jump right in straight away guff.


Good scoop Rev, so just when is your invite onto the Alex Salmond show coming through? 🙂


Love the disclaimer, lol.

Hoss Mackintosh

Well done Rev Stu!

Obviously Wingsgate has opened up more opportunities.

It is great to see Alex interviewing folk.

No interruptions, intelligent questions and just letting the interviewee answer in their own time.

Something you just don’t see any more on MSM.

Just a great program.

Robert Louis

I know it’s not the BBC, but the paid liars at the BBC will probably try to get this taken down anyway. Then run away and hide, and blame ‘process’ or some other such bullsh*t.

Great video btw.

Meanwhile in the real world, yet another high street chain has gone under, yet we are still being told by so-called ‘journalists’ that this is merely because we are all internet shopping now. Funny how the same thing is not happening in Barcelona, Amsterdam, Paris, Milan, Berlin..etc..

No, only in the UK apparently. BUT, it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the economic catastrophe called brexit, we are told. People are not spending because they are afraid.

Seriously, so-called ‘journalists’ need to get their collective heads out of the sand.

I really don’t think the UK will ever recover from this, and Scotland is now on the verge of permanent economic catastrophe too. All because the Tory party cannot agree on the EU, and the so-called ‘opposition’ (AKA, Red Tories) has what will go down in history as the most inept, unelectable leader in political history. Unless he launches a military coup, Jeremy Corbyn will NEVER be prime minister.

Independence for Scotland is not just preferable, it is now an absolute urgent necessity.



Now don’t forget. It would be a controversial interview, with a controversial blogger, who runs a controversial site.

Controversial has to be included as many times as possible. It’s a rule apparently. 🙂

Proud Cybernat

Nicola Sturgeon attack on Brexit blamed for £ tanking.

Aye, you guessed it – ‘The Express’.

So, we’ve all just to keep our gobs shut, wave our wee Union flegs and everything will be hunk dory.


Robert Peffers

Great work, Rev Stu, and a weel skelpit earse for the unionist media.

I’m sure they will appreciate such lessons on how interviews should be conducted by real professionals.

Oh! Wait!

Aren’t they supposed to be the experts?

Iain mhor

@Andrew Gallacher 10:52
I understand the sentiment and personally prefer not to “ally” myself wholeheartedly with the Catalan independence movement – purely through ignorance of the finer nuances. That is not to say I am not sympathetic to the aims of democracy, self determination etc. I certainly identify with those ideals.

What I am interested in are the parallels, where they exist, and how this educates and informs. I believe assisting the dissemination of the Catalan situation informs the Scottish independence struggle. It informs on the political tactics of those who oppose, the political stances of other European nations and the EU/ECHR etc. It educates on the arguments and potential solutions and how to reconcile independence with the percentage of the Catalan populace who oppose independence.
This interview indeed covers this very aspect. That is only one parallel example relevent to Scotland. How does the country engage the population of Scotland opposed to independence. How to reconcile them in the event of independence.

Yes there are pitfalls with inadvertently conflating the Catalan independence situation identically with Scotland -they are most certainly two different animals.
However, although it may be viewed as a distraction or ‘dilution’ of effort or even harmful by association; what it certainly does is inform on the actual common parallels and situations which may yet occur in Scotland.

The primary concern, I understand, is that it may ‘spook the horses’ Those who tentatively support the ideal of Scottish independence, or neutrals, may point to Catalunya and say “Look at the catastrophe there, I want none of that” especially where it is levered as more Project Fear. Though the weakness of that argument is that it most certainly will be (and is) being levered in that very way. It’s incumbent (©T.May) on us to be able to counter this. Disseminate our own observations and conclusions on the situation – where Scotland is different, where the ‘repression’ is the same.

Knowledge is power. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

Brian McHugh

Great interview.

…someone have a word with the director though. They were getting a wee bitty carried away with the camera changes. Felt like my eyes were flickering about towards the end.


Alex Salmond gives every last one of UK media interviewers (Jeremy Paxman, Andrew Neil, Andrew Marr and Gordon Brewer to name but a few) a REAL SHOWING UP. And how much are they costing us financially (in wages) and in terms of our mental health (with bias)?

If the BBC want to show impartiality (eh!), and appease around at least 50% of the Scottish population, then give Alex Salmond a job. Spend some of the, at least, £100 million (of the £320 million you garner from Scotland) that you’re robbing from the Scots year on year on employing a truly professional interviewer.

No? Why not?

Answers on a postcard. Clue: They are not independent, impartial and honest at all.

link to


Related articles.

Posted earlier by Nana. Worth a read.

‘Professor: Court ruling is independence boost for Scotland and Catalonia.’

link to



‘Henry McLeish: Europe could hold key to Scottish independence.’

link to



Don’t forget to vote YES Maureen when the time comes.

‘Maureen Lipman brings the house down by explaining move to Scotland.’

”….She added: ‘It’s (Edinburgh) relaxed and inclusive and I wanted to get away from all that Brexit nonsense and live in an inclusive welcoming place so here I am…..’

link to



Watch the video again folks. Cheer yourself up.

link to



‘Wages growing faster in Scotland than in non-Scottish parts of the UK.’

link to



Want to win £399 million for £2:50 and donate half of it to the Independence cause, LOL. You’ve got a few hours to do so, as the draw is being held tonight.

link to


Murphy’s back!!! Quick run and get your Irn-bru (and some eggs)!

Red Tory Jim Murphy, former Chair of Labour Friends of Israel, takes a swipe at Corbyn. No mention of the MANY Tories, supposedly the political enemy of Labour, being clearly Islamophobic racists.

I wonder who’s behind this, ”I’ve paid for a full-page ad in this week’s Jewish Telegraph”, as Jim Fundamundily as we all know is totally incapable of stringing a sentence together? Tony B-Liar?

HaHaHa! Sounds as though he’s talking about himself. The Louse, how appropriate – ”O wad some Power the giftie gie us. To see oursels as ithers see us!”

‘Former Scottish Labour leader takes out full-page ad for antisemitism apology.’

…” Referring to Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell as “British Labour’s top-team” he accuses them of being “intellectually arrogant, emotionally inept and politically maladroit.” …

link to

Dan Huil

Well done, Rev. Yet again showing up the britnat hacks for what they are: useless.

Robert Peffers

@Andrew Gallacher says: 10 August, 2018 at 10:52 am:

” … I really wish supporters of Scottish independence would distance themselves from what is going on in Catalonia.”

Yes and I’ll venture a guess that so do the rest of the unionists and their tame media.

” … Most Scots haven’t got a clue about the reality of what is happening there and know next to nothing about the history and politics of Spain and Catalonia.”

And your evidence for that claim will be verifiable with factual evidence, no doubt, Andrew – but you seem to have forgotten to reference that evidence.

” … The actions of the Spanish government have been highly questionable …”

A rather poorly worded statement there Andrew, and I stress that it is perhaps only my own opinion, but I would have written that as “The actions of the Spanish government have been highly unacceptable,.

” … but so too have those of the Catalan independence parties.”</i?

Once more you offer that as being a fact and not as your own personal opinion yet provide no reference to what was unacceptable by "The Catalan independence parties". You also neglect to mention that the actual actions being violently suppressed were not just those of the Catalan independence parties but were factually those of the democratically elected government of Catalonia.

” … We risk damaging our own cause by associating ourselves with that of Catalonia.”

Yet again you offer your personal opinion as fact and offer no evidence whatsoever that it is anything more than your personal opinion. Now what you claim may, or may not, have some merit but if it has it got lost in seemingly only being a mixture of your personal opinions and the bland accusations that Scottish independence supporters are unaware of the facts of the history of Catalonia and of Spain.

Perhaps some, like myself, actually know how to use the Google Advanced Search Engine and have read several different articles on the Catalan/Spanish history – such as this From the Britannica:-

link to

Not to mention that most here on Wings know, as do the Government of Spain who have officially made many statements to the effect that the situation of Spain/Catalonia is entirely different to that of United Kingdom/Kingdom of Scotland and also have made abundantly clear that Spain will NOT veto an application from Scotland to REJOIN the EU if Scotland is taken out of the EU against the will of the people of Scotland. Note that wee proviso, “If Scotland applies to re-join the EU”.

The point I’m making is that the EU could solve the problem by simply correctly taking the EU member state known as, “The United Kingdom”, at its legal face value i.e. a union of two equally sovereign kingdoms and not, as illegally assumed. by many as, “A unified country”, composed of four distinct countries of which the only two KINGDOMS with signatures on The Treaty of Union that formed the United Kingdom are the Kingdoms, (not the countries), of Scotland & England.

Thus the EU can rule the Kingdom of Scotland voted to remain an EU member while the Kingdom of England voted to leave. Everyone gets what they voted for and the EU retains Scotland as the legacy member state which Spain has NOT said they will not accept.

Have you, perhaps an axe to grind that you have not revealed in your comment? If you feel I’m being unfair then feel free to engage in debate for it is by open debate we can all arrive at better understanding.


Where is everybody, LOL. This is like a one man band on here! Apologies for taking over, folks.

On the other hand are you all off betting on the 399 million dollar jackpot. £2:50 a ticket with one free.

Robert Peffers

@Robert Louis says: 10 August, 2018 at 12:21 pm:

” … I know it’s not the BBC, but the paid liars at the BBC will probably try to get this taken down anyway. Then run away and hide, and blame ‘process’ or some other such bullsh*t.
Great video btw.”

Very well put and very likely true, Robert Louis. One wee criticisms though, It isn’t the sand the Westminster controlled media has it’s head in. It is, mind you, just as dark but it smells a great deal more pungent.


@Andrew Gallagher

Please describe what actions of the Catalan independence parties are highly questionable. Maybe suppressing a referendum violently? Imprisoning political opponents? Denying voters the representatives they’ve chosen at the ballot box? Using a politisised judicial system for undemocratic aims? Or maybe leaving unopened more mass graves than any country in the world apart from Cambodia because, I quote the leader of the Spanish right, the historical memory is ‘for old-fashioned people and grannies’?

Those are questionable decisions, all made by the Spanish government, which have led to the questionable but very legitimate decision by Catalan independence parties to suggest to the Catalan population what country they (we) want to be part of.

Of course, you might find something questionable in every political party you look into – a wrong decision, a wrong stance – but if you look at the essence of the Catalan confrontation with Spain what you find is a country, Spain, that keeps reverting to it’s authoritarian and corrupt right preventing a subject nation from becoming a modern liberal democracy.

Please let me know why we, pro-independence Catalans, are as highly questionable as the Spanish state. I’m keen to be enlightened.


A friend of my mother lived in Catalunya. Over a period of about 20 years we visited there, but it’s now been 10 years since last there.

We noticed the changes. TV in Catalan, road signs changing language, the appearance of the Mossos d’Esquadra (police).

Our friend was Scottish and fluent in Spanish and Catalan. She worked as a courier for local tour operators. She had lots of friends there and tended to avoid the ‘expat Brit’ types, preferring to merge in with the locals. We got the opportunity to get away from ‘tourist traps’ and meet locals ourselves.

It was good to see Catalunya express its identity and culture more openly.

There was one NEGATIVE aspect which was quite apparent then. People of Spanish origin who couldn’t speak Catalan we being sidelined and discriminated against in rural areas where Catalan culture was strongest. We did here of one bus driver she worked with who was sacked on an excuse, but it was ally because he wasn’t Catalan.

I’ve read other similar stories and it does seem that ethnic nationalism is much stronger in Catalunya than here.

I wish the Catalan people well and hope they get their independence soon. However, I do think it’s worth pointing out that difference between Catalunya and Scotland – our nationalism is almost exclusively civic however there is little doubt ethnic nationalism, in part, drives their bid for independence.

There are plenty of non Scottish born people in the SNP including elected representatives, I wonder how many Spanish (non Catalan) people are active in the Catalan independence parties?

Dr Jim


It doesn’t really matter whether you’re for or against the situation in that country or not what does matter is that do you want to be a part of a Union (the UK) where expressing your opinion makes you worry that the UK will dislike you more and exact some sort of revenge upon you for expressing your opinion which might be an opinion they (the UK) don’t like or somehow the threat that some other country may not like what you think

That’s the basis of the Scottish cringe and how insidiously the UK over time has suppressed the freedom of Scottish thought and speech under threat of disapproval and retribution

No man or woman in Scotland should fear their government and indeed nobody does fear our own Scottish government yet there are folk who still FEAR the UK government
We in Scotland cannot allow this behaviour by the UK government to stand, no longer do we need to be cowering vassals of a dictatorial state doffing our caps or bonnets to a regime that threatens citizens right to speak out for or against any proposition or ruling we as free people deem worthy or unworthy

Freedom for Scotland means more than just economic autonomy it also means the removal of an authority (the UK) that Scotland has been manipulated into voting for in the mistaken belief that Scotlands votes meant something when we actually never got what we ever voted for anyway

This deception must stop



You want Scottish independence? Here’s something to do to help achieve it

link to

Iain mhor

@Petra 2:00pm
It’s a pleasant interview, though I wouldn’t go quite as far as to say it’s better than everyone else, it’s a different interview style certainly. Conversational and not interrogative. Alex doesn’t wrestle or press specifically with counter arguments and minutia, nor the history or reasons behind the desire for Catalan Independence.
If the same style of interview was with Theresa May I think people would complain it was ‘soft’ and didn’t question her agressively enough or at least press ‘key’ issues.

In saying that, there is room for ‘Conversational interviews’ and they often reveal where aggression does not.
Here though, my impression is that it did not illuminate as much as it could the raison d’etre behind Catalunyan Independence and it’s various arguments – these issues are to be assumed and previously assimilated by the viewer. This ‘interview’ seemed to me to be more a conversation “after the facts” rather than educating viewers ignorant of the situation.
I personally, didn’t find much substance behind what Mr Torres was saying.

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 10 August, 2018 at 2:47 pm:

” … Where is everybody, LOL. This is like a one man band on here! Apologies for taking over, folks.”

Sitting right here at one of my computers posting but there’s not a lot going on just now and, anyway, I’m waiting for the, “Officers”, from CAPITA calling to, illegally, “Investigate”, a well over 75 Year old person for not having a TV Broadcast Licence that he could have free for the asking. He just isn’t asking.

Like ronnie anderson I have received the latest, (probably illegal), communication, with the extra window in the envelope, informing me, (and everyone who handles the missive in the postal system), in big red letters that, “Local investigation active in KY4 0HG”, but addressed to the obviously anonymous to the BBC & CAPITA, “The Legal Occupier”. The Post Code more than points an accusing finger at, “The Occupoer”, at that post code and that’s against the Scottish law of Coercion.

Now that is not the only thing, under Scots Law, that could well be construed as, “Coercion”, which law contains this little bit of explanation:-


The intimidation of a victim to compel the individual to do some act against his or her will by the use of psychological pressure, physical force, or threats. The crime of intentionally and unlawfully restraining another’s freedom by threatening to commit a crime, accusing the victim of a crime, disclosing any secret that would seriously impair the victim’s reputation in the community, or by performing or refusing to perform an official action lawfully requested by the victim, or by causing an official to do so.

The bolding in that blockquote is by me.

Not to mention they have been hounding me with these letters for getting on for 10 years but have never followed through. (I have CCTV and it records any callers at my door).

Now there are also laws against stalking and I have a wad of letters threatening me with legal action to get me to part with money and that wad is over an inch thick. They also imply in the letters they are some kind of law enforcement, “Officers”, carrying out, “An Authorised Investigation”, at any time and they can get a “search warrant”, though what a search would show is a moot point unless they caught the person actually watching TV. I have TVs connected to two of my computers and another with a large screen monitor above it.

However, if the person isn’t watching a live broadcast modern TVs can stream both internet stuff like Netflex and they also have many radio channels both on and off line they would still have to prove the person was actually viewing live TV.

So I’m actually looking forward to these, “Officers”, attempting to act illegally like they are some kind of law enforcement Officers perhaps like the Police or a court Bailiff.

I might get my MSP, The Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, Anabelle Ewing, a trained lawyer, to take up the case on behalf of the many conned OAPs in Scotland being hounded by CAPITA and the BBC.

Anyway, can any Wingers doubt that I am quite able to put the wind up the would be investigators all by myself and do so legally?

Iain mhor

* Mr Torra not Torres d’oh

Iain mhor

@Robert Peffers 4:24pm
Before I reduce the convo by one and leave more tumbleweed in my wake; I also received one of these missives I’ve been hearing of recently. I decided it has crossed a line from junk mail which is ignored and goes automatically in the bin, to an issue which I will aggressively pursue.
I haven’t had a telly in decades nor a license, nor watch any terrestrial output far less those of the BBC – their letters were an irrelevence to be ignored.
However, up with this I will not put, as they say.


BBC Demo at Pacific Quay Glasgow 1-3pm Sat 11 August (tomorrow).

Fed up with the the lies told by the BBC.

Fed up with the fake impartiality of the BBC.

Fed up with the protection racket (also known as the licence fee) run by the BBC.

Fed up with British Nationalist Propaganda being pumped into homes throughout Scotland.

Fed up with the BBC calling itself a public service broadcaster when it is a British state funded and controlled broadcaster and does not serve the people of Scotland.

Fed up with the BBC telling Scots that they are rubbish and Scotland is rubbish.

Get yourself to Pacific Quay tomorrow and tell them how fed up you are.


VERY interesting, I had no idea that they were imprisoning people merely for criticising the state.

And also interesting to note that none of the warrants were able to be enacted due to all other countries refusing to co-operate. This sheds a little more light, perhaps, on why the new Spanish leader has withdrawn them. Perhaps he sees them as pointless rather than having thought better of them.

But why isn’t OUR state broadcaster telling us this??

No, don’t tell me, I already know. They don’t WANT us to know about this, lest the ‘natives get restless’ is probably the EXACT terminilogy they have used…

Robert Peffers

@Iain mhor says: 10 August, 2018 at 4:16 pm:

” … This ‘interview’ seemed to me to be more a conversation “after the facts” rather than educating viewers ignorant of the situation.”


Well, Iain mhor, that just micht be because it is, “an interview”, intended to explore the views of the interviewee.

Rather than a cross-examination, interrogation, inquisition, or attempting to prove the criminality of the interviewee.

If you really need examples of both to tell the difference between the two then look no further than the BBC and the difference when they, “interview”, Ruth Davidson and when they, “interrogate”, the First Minister.



I am, for one, a Spanish Catalan that supports independence. No, it’s not an ethnic / identitarian thing.

I don’t know how to provide evidence. On a personal level, only a few of my closer contacts who support independence are native Catalan speakers.

You can read about my family’s life as Spanish speakers in Catalonia here: link to

As a Spanish speaking Catalan I can assure you that it is those of my ethnic origin (Spanish) who are predominantly monolingual, whereas those of Catalan origin are overwhelmingly bilingual.

I think you need to look at the websites of the main pro-independence parties, which clearly advocate for diversity.

Also, you will find that the parties in Catalonia that do not actively support humane migration policies are unionist – all independence parties have been noticeably vocal in welcoming migrants.



Interesting post that made me go and look up the demographics of the Catalan population, here’s what I found.

Born in Catalonia 4,899,882 or 64.8%

Born in other areas of Spain 1,325,004 or 17.5%

Born abroad 1,330,944

Total Population 7,555,830 17.6%

link to

So then I wanted to know who was allowed to vote in their referendum.

In the Catalan case, the participation process did not have an
official electorate. The vote was called by the Catalan government for people who were at least 16 years old on 9th November 2014 and who met one of the following criteria:

1) Spanish citizens whose national identity card stated that they were resident in Catalonia;

2) Spanish citizens who lived outside Spain and were registered as ‘Catalans abroad’ or ‘Spaniards abroad’ and were linked to a Catalan municipality;

3) all non-Spanish citizens who could prove they were resident in Catalonia. Catalan people who were resident in other Spanish regions and Spanish citizens who
lived in Catalonia but were not residents could not vote.

link to

Not a lot different from Scotland’s referendum then, with the exception being that less than 65% of those entitled to a vote were born in Catalonia compared with just over 83% in Scotland who were born here. I’m assuming here that the % of those able to vote was the same as the general population statistics.

Just an observation from one anorak to fellow anoraks.


@Iann Mhor, Robert Peffers.

Likewise an elderly cumudgenly codger I have received many letters, visits an threats. I now simply ask to see their warrant when they call.

Also, there is a tendancy ( not sure if it’s under instruction) to leave TV licence demands hanging out the letterbox whereas all other mail including junk is pushed right through. Highly visible to the whole neighbourhood.



Posting a few links as I won’t be here for a couple of days.
Have a nice, safe weekend everyone.

link to

link to

Major funding boost for Scottish high-tech research hub
link to

Speaking at 2018’s FutureFest, Scotland’s First Minister on what governments can do to influence positive social, as well as economic, change and why innovation is in Scotland’s DNA.
Published on 7 Jul 2018

Nicola Sturgeon: How can governments shape the future
link to


@ Robert Peffers says at 4:24 pm …. ”Petra says: 10 August, 2018 at 2:47 pm: …. ” … Where is everybody, LOL. This is like a one man band on here! Apologies for taking over, folks.”

”Sitting right here at one of my computers posting but there’s not a lot going on just now and, anyway, I’m waiting for the, “Officers”, from CAPITA calling to, illegally, “Investigate”, a well over 75 Year old person for not having a TV Broadcast Licence that he could have free for the asking. He just isn’t asking………

… So I’m actually looking forward to these, “Officers”, attempting to act illegally like they are some kind of law enforcement Officers perhaps like the Police or a court Bailiff….

…. Anyway, can any Wingers doubt that I am quite able to put the wind up the would be investigators all by myself and do so legally?”

Put the wind up? Are we talking about a light breeze or a hurricane force here, Robert? God I’d love to be with you when he / she / they or it arrives at YOUR front door.

Invite them in and lock the door behind them, Robert. Plunk yourself in front of the door and then sort them out with no form of escape for them. Hahaha, I can just see it. Shouting ”mammy, daddy, mammy, daddy FGS let me oot o’ here.”


Who wants to continue living in a country like this? Not me, that’s for sure.


‘Gregg Brain: Torture of children by Home Office is entirely deliberate.’

”Anyone who knows me (and thousands who don’t) knows that I am passionate on the subject of fair immigration. Let me get started, and I can rant for hours on the subject. There’s very little that stuns me into speechlessness. But I’ve been staring at one particular story for hours without being able to put my fury into words.

I don’t care what your immigration status is, there is no excuse – none, none at all – for torturing innocent children by ripping them away from their parents.

The Home Office knows this, and that is why their own rules say that they are NOT ALLOWED to do it. But it’s happening.

Kishi dropped off her two- year-old child to a nursery while she attended an immigration reporting centre interview. Kishi was detained, despite having had absolutely no indication that this would occur (after all, she left her child at a nursery for the day).

You can easily imagine that Kishi’s first, last and only concern was to ask immigration officials what was going to happen to her daughter. In the event, the child was put into emergency care when nobody came to collect her.

Kishi was not told where her child was for two days; it was a month before she saw her daughter.

Another, darker case – if that’s even possible – is the case of Leysa, forcibly separated from her six-month- old daughter and two-year-old son for four months while she was detained.

The Home Office then actually tried to argue that Leysa could be deported because she wasn’t the children’s primary care-giver. Of course, the only reason that they could even say this was because it was the Home Office that had separated them and put the children into care in the first place!!!

These are just two of more than 300 such cases, just in the last year, and numbers are exploding.

It’s worth noting that at the time I read it, four of the most recent ten comments on The Guardian’s story had been deleted by the moderator, such are the nature of the comments being posted.

I have always believed that the ridiculous initial decision the Home Office made for our family was not born out of malice. Bureaucratic incompetence and monolithic contempt, perhaps; but not malice. I even think that our subsequent rather horrific treatment by both the Westminster government and various trolls was motivated far more by embarrassment and pride than actual evil.

But what happened to Leysa? That took three successive steps: to detain her; separate her from her children in defiance of departmental rules; and to then make the argument that she could therefore be deported. That was not accidental incompetence or contempt. It was methodical, deliberate planning.

This was a purposeful, carefully planned decision to torture two children. And they were tortured to achieve only one pitiful goal: it was all so a departmental official could – completely artificially! – improve the quality of their argument in an immigration case.

Again, there are absolutely no words to describe this evil.

If you thought that this only happened in Trump’s America – actions that Theresa May once described as “deeply disturbing” – and somehow thought the UK was better than this, you now know you are wrong. This same Theresa May is the architect of the Hostile Environment policy, and her department is operating exactly as designed.

If you think immigration status justifies torturing children – children who have had no say in their current circumstances – then I have no words for you. None at all.”

Gregg Brain, Dingwall

link to

ronnie anderson

Rev am gon tae Shout at Windie’s tomorrow BBC BIAS PROTEST dey U want tae hing aboot wie us the morra ( wee swally after wards ).

On a more serious note I hope its not long before Alex Salmond gives U the call .

Flower of Scotland

Really enjoyed that interview! Well done Rev Stu for being able to show the whole interview.

Alex Salmond is absolutely excellent at interviewing, giving the interviewee time to explain his position without continual interruptions.

Wings is such an integral part of the Independence movement now. No one can dispute that.


Dammit to Hell. I have to work tomorrow. Sorry team YES. Can’t make it to PQ.

Patrick Roden

I’m starting to think that one of the most effective weapons that can be employed against the BBC, is us all lobbying the Scottish government to ban the use of coercion by the Capita / BBC criminals.
( If they are doing something illegal, they are criminals )

The publicity that would be generated by this move, would be off the scale.
The SNP would be asked to justify why they had taken this step, and would then be offered an ‘open goal’ with the many examples of bias (including a very recent incident)

The disgraceful way in which Scots pay millions more than is spent on Scottish programs.

The way in which the BBC try to deceive us (using a very typical Westminster tactic) by saying that they produce programs in Scotland (such as Question Time) that does not use Scottish people and does not benefit Scotland in the least bit (how many times has an SNP MP, been invited on in the past year? )

The lack of a purely Scottish News.

The appalling under funding of Scottish football, with one football pundit from England being paid more in wages, than is given to the whole of Scottish Football.

The many, many, incidents of clear pro Tory/ Unionism Bias.

It’s time for us to challenge the SNP leadership, to stand up for Scotland and demand better treatment from the BBC, starting with the banning of any illegal threats by Capita.

(I’m pretty sure that the SNP have made the decision that it would be a bad political move to challenge the BBC, as it would be painted in the media as an attempt to silence the media, however if we could lobby the SNP, they would be duty bound to begin to take up our concerns with the party involved (the BBC ) and to deal with the reports of illegal activities by the said party (coercion)


Petra has had too much Red Bull – but its all “kwality” – no need to stop.

A handful of reads for yizall –

corbyns real problem
link to
undercurrents in the present censorship drive
link to
trump doing bizness, his day job – arms dealer
link to

Good interview BTW. Wings is now the third leg of the triad SNP-YES-WINGS – the iron triangle, the independence vehicle.

Good posts, many contrasts, re: “is scotland/UK like catalonia/Spain”. Wading blindly into other folks fights is rarely sensible, but you must learn what you can and stay on the ball.

Robert Peffers

@frogesque says: 10 August, 2018 at 5:11 pm:

” … Likewise an elderly cumudgenly codger I have received many letters, visits an threats. I now simply ask to see their warrant when they call.”

o.k., frogesque, I’ll give you a wee tip here on a better way to deal with them if they call again.

First though a few facts. These people have absolutely no legal authority whatsoever, secondly there is no legal requirement for anyone to tell the BBC anything and, while there is no English style law of trespass under Scots Law there is a legal right to privacy for dwelling places whether you own where you live or not.

You can post a notice by the gate, common entry, or at the door if it opens onto the street or a common area. This only needs to say No unannounced callers, or the old style No Hawkers or something of that sort.

Now that doesn’t prevent everyone for gas, electric, water and other services workers have rights of access but it does prevent cold callers.

What that does is restrict the rights of members of the public to only having legal access to the private dwelling to make contact with a legal occupier but no right to do more than go to the main entrance by a path and to knock or ring for attention. You have no need to identify yourself and if you request they leave at once they must leave.

Now let’s just consider what is likely to be how things begin when they call – and they will come mob handed and act as if they have the legal right to interrogate you.

They haven’t, so the first thing you do is wrong foot them – no matter what attitude they adopt you stop them immediately, especially if they flash an identity card thingy at you. You ask them who they wish to contact and they will tell you the legal occupier. Ask them. Which one? They will not know so you ask them, “Just who do you think you are? When you come into private property I am in charge of proceedings, not you.

You have now wrong footed them and now you really are in charge.

If you can be bothered to humiliate them you ask the person in charge if they wish to remain but state the rest must leave at once or you will call the police. They will all probably leave at this point for the reason they come mob handed is to be witnesses if they have a mug who gives them information.

Then if the person in charge of the group does remain you start asking the awkward questions. Why have you attempted to give the impression you were Officers of the Law, Why are you attempting to coerce me to part with money? Get the picture? You really are legally in charge – not them.

But really the people to blame are their bosses and they won’t be out knocking doors.

Andrew Gallacher

Iann Mohr.
I agree with a lot of your analysis. The problem is that a lot of independence supporters really don’t know what they are talking about with regard to Catalonia.
They don’t know about (or ignore) the hypocrisy that exists on the Catalan independentist side of the debate, particularly from Puigdemont who is nothing more than an opportunistic sociopath. (If you can speak Spanish look for the interview he did with Jordi Evole to see what a snake the man is).
They are unaware of the number of times the Catalan government has broken the rules of their own statute.
They talk about the corruption of the Spanish government but don’t talk about the corrupt actions of the independentists (for example, the bribery and tax evasion of the Pujol family, the 3% ‘tax’ for gaining government contracts, and so on).
They don’t know about Junqueras’ litany of stupid statements, including his pronouncements on the ‘genetic differences’ between Catalans and Spaniards.
I could go on, but I’ve had this discussion many times, and if I’m honest I’m tired of banging my head against a brick wall.
Robert Peffers.
I didn’t want to write a long-winded piece about everything that is wrong with the situation in Catalonia and all the reasons why I think we should distance ourselves from it. As I just stated to Iann, I’ve done that before and it has been a waste of time.
Just so you know, I support Scottish independence and have done so for more than 30 years. My wife of 21 years is from Barcelona (also a ‘Yes’ voter). I lived there for a few years. Most of my friends are Catalans (50/50 for/against Catalan independence). I speak fluent Spanish so I get most of my information regarding Catalonia from Spanish-speaking media. I have no axe to grind. I’m neither for or against Catalan independence, but I don’t want the farcical situation there damaging our cause.

Alba 46


Very interesting story re Jim Ratcliffe owner of INEOS at Grangemouth.

link to

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 10 August, 2018 at 5:24 pm:

” … Put the wind up? Are we talking about a light breeze or a hurricane force here, Robert?”

Nah! Full blown Tsunami

” … God I’d love to be with you when he / she / they or it arrives at YOUR front door.
Invite them in and lock the door behind them, Robert. Plunk yourself in front of the door and then sort them out with no form of escape for them. Hahaha,”

Oh! No they do not get off the front step and stand there in the full and certain knowledge the wee, full colour CCTV camera is recording everything and me having hinted I have a YouTube Channel or that I may instead decide to put the evidence to Annabelle Ewing who is my MSP and just happens to be a lawyer and is the SG Cabinet Minister for Community Safety & Legal Affairs.

They will also have been told that when they, with no legal authority come into my property I direct proceedings and not them. If they are still there by this point, they will be told the several laws they may be breaking under Scots law, (they probably know them already), but are now aware that I know them too.

I’m betting they will be well on there way long before that point and I may still ask my MSP to look into how CAPITA are operating.

Annabelle really is a very good MSP. I was walking my wee dog one day and Annabelle was walking towards me when an overhanging branch on a private housing estate knocked my glasses off. I carried on and walked the dog and on my return there was a squad of workers from the builders cutting back the neglected bushes.

Note the already finished houses in that development were still not all sold and the builders were still responsible for the trees and bushes at that time. It couldn’t have taken the MSP 20 minutes to light a fire under the developers.


Thought Ratcliffe already lived in Switzerland.


An excellent interview, thx.


Here’s one from oor Jock on EP: 🙂
link to

Could be a long play night…

Go to Plantation.

Stuart Dickson

Latest Scottish sub-sample (YouGov/Times):
SNP 42%
Con 29%
Lab 17%
Grn 6%
Lib Dem 4%


Take a look. We definitely have to get the Saltire on all of our produce. More than anything we have to win Indyref2 and demand that the supermarkets in Scotland serve US, not themselves and their ”producers” down south.

Three articles posted: Type ‘Scotland’ in the search box, if you are so inclined, for more information.


‘Feed me the Truth.’

link to


”The UK government has released plans to prevent the devolved nations having any say in GM farming regulations after Brexit.”

link to


Another one?

”UK Govt. under fire for breaking promise with Scotland on GM.”

link to


HandandShrimp says:
10 August, 2018 at 7:33 pm
Thought Ratcliffe already lived in Switzerland.””

It is his company HQ that is in Switzerland. Moved in 2010 or thereabouts for tax purposes. In other words to avoid paying tax in UK.


Love him or loathe him.

”Watch George Galloway’s Mother Of All Talk Show’s | 9th August.’

”Watch the full show as George discusses the Yemen airstrikes that killed 50 children ……..”

link to

call me dave

Quiet day! So here’s St Jim.

Ex-Labour leader condemns Corbyn over anti-semitism

link to


We have long know about BBC bias but have a look at this.

link to



The RT article says Ineos moved back to the UK in 2016.

It’s not the first time Ratcliffe has quit Britain. He relocated Ineos to Switzerland in 2010 in protest at the then-Labour government imposing a harsher tax regime for corporations. The move saved an estimated €450m (£405m) in tax. When the Conservatives returned to power and cut corporation tax from 28 percent to 20 percent, Ratcliffe moved the company back to the UK in 2016.

Robert Peffers

@Andrew Gallacher says:10 August, 2018 at 7:10 pm:

” … I didn’t want to write a long-winded piece about everything that is wrong with the situation in Catalonia and all the reasons why I think we should distance ourselves from it.”

Which, is not the point I made – which was that you made on effort whatsoever to justify either your claims against the Catalan independence movement or to back up your claims that Scots were ignorant of the facts and, which, by the way, is totally irrelevant to the argument you are attempting to push.

… Just so you know, I support Scottish independence and have done so for more than 30 years.”

Strangely enough all bar two, or maybe three, of the more rabid trolls to infect Wings also claimed to be Indy supporters of long standing.

“… My wife of 21 years is from Barcelona (also a ‘Yes’ voter). I lived there for a few years. Most of my friends are Catalans (50/50 for/against Catalan independence). I speak fluent Spanish so I get most of my information regarding Catalonia from Spanish-speaking media.”

I do not think you are getting the drift of this matter, Andrew, the truth being that most of the people I know personally and many more here and on other web and Constituency and/or Branches of the SNP are broadly supportive of the Catalan independence movement but are in no doubt that the Spain/Catalan situation is quite different from that of the United Kingdom both politically and historically.

Not only that but the Government of Spain has publicly stated many times that Spain will not veto a Scottish bid to RE-JOIN the EU in the event of the United Kingdom splitting up and taking the Kingdom of Scotland out of the EU along with The Kingdom of England.

Now that indicates one of two alternative beliefs that could be held by the Government of Spain – besides the fact that the political situation of the Spanish semi-autonomous states and the United Kingdom being legally a bipartite union of two equally sovereign kingdoms but not being legally run as such by Westminster.

Obviously they concede that the two situations are very different but they have not stated how they view the resultant situation when The Kingdom of Scotland becomes independent.

I do not know how the Spanish Government views how that legally works out and I suspect neither do you- But I do know how it will pan out legally under both Scottish & English law and there is no such thing as United Kingdom law.

The situation, though you wouldn’t thinks so if you listened to Westminster unionists is that there is absolutely no legal doubts that the United Kingdom resulted from the Treaty of Union and that treaty has only two signatories and they were/are legally both equally independent sovereign kingdoms. Ergo the Kingdom of Scotland is not leaving the United Kingdom – The Kingdom of Scotland is leaving the Kingdom of England and ending the United Kingdom.

Europe, including Spain, would be mad to want Scotland outside of the EU for Scotland has massive natural resources including around 25% of Europe’s wind power, massive potential for hydro, wave, sea-current, tidal and wave power. The fishing grounds that Spain, which has Europe’s largest fishing fleet which is perhaps Spain’s largest industry and that is without the oil, gas and a very strategic military location.

There is absolutely no reason that the EU could not hold that the United Kingdom, as a bipartite union of Kingdoms, that each kingdom has equal right to decide to remain or exit from the treaty they jointly signed to join the EU and The Kingdom of Scotland’s, EU citizens voted to remain while the Kingdom of England’s EU citizens voted to exit and thus the Kingdom of Scotland has as much right to be the legacy EU member state as has England.

Everyone gets what it wants, The Scottish Kingdom remains in Europe, The Kingdom of England leaves, Europe retains the resources rich Scotland, Spain gets to fish in Scottish waters – the strategic North Atlantic Gap remains under an EU member states control and the only down side, (providing that Ireland doesn’t reunite), is a Kingdom of England border down the island of Ireland – but I wouldn’t bet on Ireland NOT reuniting.

Oh! and BTW, If Scotland remains as the legacy member state then Spain will not need to bother about proving they will NOT veto a Scottish bid to re-join – because we will never have left.

” … I have no axe to grind. I’m neither for or against Catalan independence, but I don’t want the farcical situation there damaging our cause.”

Well, like most Scottish Yes supporters and apparently neither the Spanish Government nor the Catalans seem to think that Scottish support for Catalan independence is harming the cause of Scottish independence and I did ask you for your reference as proofs.


@ Scott says at 8:41 pm …. ”We have long known about BBC bias but have a look at this.”

WOW, Scott! Thanks for that. Looks as though the British Biased Corporation’s days are well and truly numbered. Folks getting pretty p*ssed right off now.

Didn’t we all know that the people that they are lying about are ….. well …. the electorate from NHS staff to the Police Force etc, etc. Next up the newspapers.

link to


NB keep keepin’ yer ayes on ra @WingsScotland Twitter followers prize… almost over 1,000+ followers liking of recent.

link to

Cheers Ninja P x.


Thepnr says:
10 August, 2018 at 8:53 pm

Thanks. I knew Ineos had moved to Switzerland and did a brief double-check to confirm but clearly did not scroll down far enough through the search results – too many stories about him buying a Swiss football club.

Suspect he would move HQ again in a blink if it was to his benefit.


One is one.

Ten is Scotland.

One hundred is a commanding.

One thousand plus is a following.


1 is one.

X is Scotland.

100 is a commanding.

1,000+ is a following.


50 + 1 =

Tomorrow et tomorrow et tomorrow…



Ratcliffe is a serial tax evader. What a much better world we would live in if the largest companies and their vastly wealthy owners just paid their fair share.

Even better would be to give their workers decent wages and let them spend it on everyday things, you know like food and clothes!

The system is totally screwed up, what’s the point of having £21 billion private wealth when you can’t eat more than two chickens a day?


Andrew Gallacher

Robert Peffers.
So you think I’m a unionist troll because I don’t support the Catalan independence movement? You’re totally wrong, but that’s your problem, not mine.
I gave Iann Mohr a handful of reasons why I won’t support Catalan independence. If our movement behaved the same way I wouldn’t support Scottish independence either. Winning independence in that manner would leave a bitter taste. Thankfully we’re better than that.
I don’t know why you’re going on about vetoes etc, because I never mentioned any of that stuff. I’m fully aware that the Spanish government recognises the difference between Scotland and Catalonia, and that they have stated there would be no veto of Scotland’s application to join the eu (although the foreign minister did wrongfully talk about the non-existent queue). None of that is relevant as to why we shouldn’t be aligning ourselves with Catalonia. The real issue is the kicking we’ll take in the British nationalist media. If we associate with a cause that is so dysfunctional (and as has been highlighted by others, infinitely more blood and soil than ours) we’ll be tarnished with the same brush. In my opinion it’s not worth the risk and we should focus on our own cause.

Ian Brotherhood

Cannot fuckin believe that folk are still griping about the demo tomorrow. No names, fingering etc, but some of us have properly functioning memories…not that you’d need a gigantic one to recall the type of shit which precipitated the first big BBC PQ demos.

It’s utterly shameful that YT footage of John Robertson’s testimony to the Holyrood committee investigating ‘alleged’ anti-indy bias in the msm (middle link below) has had only 2214 views. This is, let’s be clear, a pricelessly important document which any teacher or student of media anywhere, but Scotland in particular, should regard as required viewing.

A wee clue as to the gravity of what Robertson has to say (and why the BBC tried to end his career, damaging his health to this day) comes at 11.40-ish when Robertson says ‘My interest is in…dare I say this?…my interest is in thought-control in democracies…’


If that doesn’t arouse curiosity in any lover of ‘democracy’ then nothing will.

So, for those getting on our cases about the BBC PQ gig tomorrow, please read and/or view as much as you can of the linked material below, then get back and give us another finger-wagging if you feel it’s justified – elsewise, please just shut yer fuckin greetin faces and let us exercise our democratic muscle as we see fit.

‘I was bullied by BBC over academic report on indyref bias – the Scottish media blackout must end’
link to

Professor John Robertson giving a intrepid assessment about the MSM coverage of Independence
link to

BBC Scotland chiefs appear in front of Culture Committee
link to


Millions of children condemned to poverty and adverse outcomes because of WM ideology and policy choices. Shameful isn’t it.

‘The majority of the poorest fifth of children living in the UK have no summer holiday – or any holiday at all each year – and this has been the case for at least a decade now. However people are now learning to lower their expectations…These children have no holiday at all, not just during the summer months, they have none at any time of the year…
Children growing up in the UK today are living parallel lives. Almost all of (96% of) the richest fifth of children will have at least one holiday a year, but half of the poorest fifth have none’

link to

Millions of children condemned to poverty and adverse outcomes because of WM ideology and policy choices. The UK is militarily supporting a regime that is killing some of the poorest children in the world. Shameful isn’t it.

‘Children’s lives are in grave danger as a threat of a deadly new cholera epidemic looms across Yemen.
Hodeidah city, where violence recently erupted could become ground zero for a new outbreak.
Clean drinking water was already scarce, but supplies have been further ravaged since the fighting began. For children whose immunes systems have already been badly compromised by malnutrition, the preventable disease becomes life threatening’

link to

‘This morning the Saudi-led coalition was accused of bombing a school bus in Yemen. Dozens of people have been killed, mainly children.
Abdul-Ghani Nayeb, a health department chief in Saada, has said that at over 40 people were killed and 60 injured.
This is the latest in a long line of Saudi-inflicted atrocities. The war has killed thousands of civilians and created one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world’

link to

Evasive WM response to its involvement- denial and deflection of responsibility;

‘we have a very small number of staff working in Saudi headquarters in a liaison capacity only.
Separately, you are already aware that the UK’s role in helping Saudi Arabia respond to the threat from Houthi missiles is limited to providing advice, information and assistance. The UK is not conducting strikes on the basis of this activity. You will of course understand that going into further detail may jeopardise the effectiveness of what we are trying to achieve, which is to reduce the threat to Saudi Arabia of ballistic missile attacks on civilian areas’

link to

‘The UK has licensed the export of a variety of military equipment to Saudi Arabia. We do not have a full picture of which specific items have been used in Yemen, but some combat aircraft have been used there. Details of export licences issued to Saudi Arabia are available in the official statistics’

link to

link to

ronnie anderson

( The real issue is the kicking we’ll take in the British nationalist media. ) PMSL at that in case you havn’t noticed Mr Gallacher the Brutish media dont need a excuse to attack our Independence cause or ridicule Scotland its been going on for centuries

Robert Peffers

When people like this man see the BBC as biased and for what it really is you just know there is no way that the BBC, or the Westminster Establishment, and I do not just mean the Westminster Parliament, can deny it – but they really try hard to do so.

link to

schrodingers cat

it is the labour party briefing against corbyn, the remainers in their ranks can see the ge approach with a no deal tory PM and they want a remainer labour leader in place before then.


You can always make your own window envelope, cut a rectangle out of a standard envelope and put sellotape on either side of the hole.

I wouldn’t recommend puttin a piece of paper inside held in place with a couple of dots of blue tack so that “through the window” you could see “This organisation is under investigation for extortion, blackmail and breach of the peace”.

Nor would I recommend putting any false senders addresses or labels on the back of the envelope. Use of a stamp is optional, maybe they’ll cough up a few £2 royal mail fines to get the mail they were sent.

No, I wouldn’t recommend any of that at all.

Iain mhor

@Andrew Gallagher 10:13pm
The interview caused me much unease.
As I was trying (probably too verbosely) to get across – what did people take from that “interview”?
Was it more what you’d expect from.T.May or Nicola Sturgeon? or *insert politician of choice.
I was left with a feeling of great unease.

Often the ‘gentle’ interview technique reveals a great deal – under no pressure, nothing was said.
Either Mr Torra is a cowed individual or has not the courage of his convictions. A more passionless, pointless display on a global media platform, with free reign to air ones cause I have not seen.


Good luck one and all at the PQ protest tomorrow.

You never know, this could even be a turning point for some of those inside the building =)

Ian Brotherhood @ 10.30 pm Thank you for the links to Professor John Robertson’s study and report on BBC bias.

In years to come Professor Robertson’s evidence of BBC bias against Scotland will be referred to in the same way as the McCrone Report!

Time to refresh our memories folks!

Joe of the Coutts

My humble perception.
The BBC has surpassed itself.
A Jim Murphy story AND an anti-Corbyn message at the same time!
They are an electronic tabloid rag!

Andrew Gallacher

Ronnie Anderson.
Oh I’ve noticed, but let’s give them another big stick to beat us with, eh? Great idea.
We need to convince more people to vote ‘Yes’ next time. Why risk losing some of those potential voters by aligning with the mess in Catalonia?


Thepnr says:
10 August, 2018 at 10:06 pm

In some respects these multi-billionaires and their businesses are like the man sitting on the branch of a tree sawing away merrily.

They screw their workforces to the floor and in the process reduce the market for their products and create a situation – the breakdown of society – and all their money won’t insulate them from the consequences. Does that sound too apocalyptic? Perhaps but …


Well said Ghillie x…

“…those inside the building”

Let us bring them out, better ra gether like hehe.

We will even ‘form a tunnel’ like they do on the rugby for em, hell!, we might as well hold a Strip Ra Willow while we’re at it. 😉 🙂 😉

Take yer pardners.


BBC is biased,yes very biased,very biased.

That was said in my Danald voice.

Tomorrow show your concern at the damage the BBC is doing to democracy and do it with dignity knowing you have the moral high ground. We SHALL overcome and SOON.


Get yerselves intae ra City over the weekend, for the Glasgow 2018 European Championships.

The FUN begins tomorrow.

Be there or be.

mike cassidy


I wonder if this recent immigrant is a likely yesser when indyref2 comes along.

link to


Company released personal information to a data mining company who passed it onto the Labour party. Same lot as aided the better together scams in the referendum

link to

Dr Jim

I saw a protest once many years ago where the protesters with their banners stood outside a council building in silence and just pointed at it

The point was well made, and a forceful visual image


Just watched the interview. Thought it was great. I have watched most of Alex Salmond’s programmes on RT on a Thursday night and he has a nice relaxed way of interviewing which so many others could learn from, and he brings out the best in the person being interviewed, giving them the opportunity to put their view across.

We do not need all the aggression and in fact arrogance from the interviewer which we often see in the so called mainstream media.

Great to see the extended interview on Wings. Well done.


I genuinely BELIEVE, at least one employee (within their own already discussed internal dialogue) has already decided and is planning on being the first BBC Scotland SPacific Quay employee to do a walk out tomorrow afternoon and join us, that’s us, the free people.

Count me in for a party.

Naughty, naughty.


Jockanese Wind Talker

“I wonder if this recent immigrant is a likely yesser when indyref2 comes along.”

link to

If he’s on Twitter ping him an English Scots for YES link @mike cassidy says 10 August, 2018 at 11:43 pm

link to

Daisy Walker

@ Dr Jim

‘Dr Jim says:
11 August, 2018 at 12:02 am
I saw a protest once many years ago where the protesters with their banners stood outside a council building in silence and just pointed at it

The point was well made, and a forceful visual image’

Once you get the power of that, you can get the power of a Burka. Its the same principle x10.

Even better in Tartan;)

All the best to those who make it to the protest tomorrow. Thinking of you.

Robert Peffers

@Andrew Gallacher says: 10 August, 2018 at 10:13 pm:

” … So you think I’m a unionist troll because I don’t support the Catalan independence movement? You’re totally wrong, but that’s your problem, not mine.”

Eh! Where did I say you were a unionist troll? I said, that all the unionist Trolls also claim to be independence supporters. The actual point being that anyone can claim to support indy while being on Wings to act, sometimes fairly subtly, against independence. We have several really left wing socialists who are quite anti-SNP and some anti-Nicola Sturgeon and they claim to be indy supporters. Jim Sillers comes to mind.

However, the fact you read what I wrote and inferred from it something I didn’t say speaks volumes. The main point of my argument hinged upon your several, unsupported with evidence, claims that are pure speculation.

For example you claimed that most Indy supporters don’t know the truth about Catalonian politics. You offered no figures or proofs. That, frankly is insulting.

My other points were valid too. The Spanish Government has indeed made several public press releases that the Spanish Government see the situation between Spain & Catalonia as very different from that between the United Kingdom/English Parliament and Scottish Independence as quite different situations. If you don’t already know that there are plenty of on-line instances of their claiming so.

Yet you are claiming we indy supporters don’t know the real situation – if the Government of Spain is not the best source of the Spanish governments views then who or what is?

Until the Spanish Government claims the two situation are the same and the Holyrood government agrees with them I’ll go with the Spanish Government claims. None of which in any way affects the general support of any democratically minded person never mind an indy supporting Scot would not, in principle, support the Human rights.

Human rights as supported by the EU and the United Nations among many others ironically also including both the Spanish and the United Kingdom governments. It is a basic human right for any identifiable group of people to have self-determination if a majority of them want it:-

Here’s just one example:-

link to

Why then should the Scottish independence movement support for any other group seeking their basic human rights be detrimental to the Scottish claim for their basic human rights?

Does the United Nation Support for basic human rights make the United Nations an illegitimate organisation?

Does the World Court, (the ICJ), suffer as a result of championing the right of Self determination?

” … I don’t know why you’re going on about vetoes etc, because I never mentioned any of that stuff.”

Then perhaps you should consider why, “I’m going on about it”. You have insulted the entire Scottish independence movement by claiming we are a bunch of idiots for supporting another independence movement seeking the very same self determination as ourselves.

It doesn’t matter a damn if the situation of the various groups of people, throughout the EU alone, are identical nor does it matter how they became absorbed by a larger country nor what laws that other country dreams up to prevent them gaining self determination. It is a basic human right and should be respected.

Tell you what – have a read at this:-

link to

No matter what laws the big state passes to prevent the smaller identifiable different cultural group from gaining the self-determination the seek those laws were specifically passed by the bigger nation to prevent the smaller groups of people from governing themselves. It doesn’t matter how the smaller lot became part of the larger. Royal marriages in both the Spain/Catalonia and the England/Scotland kingdoms. Many more by military might and by genocide of the aboriginal, (small a), peoples as in The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many, many others including the many countries in the Indian, Asian and South American continents.

The point being that simply by being the larger group they force the smaller group to stay as part of the bigger group against their will and that the smaller group has no wish to be part of the larger.

The only real requirement the smaller group needs to qualify to be independent is that a majority of them freely vote to be self governing. Which is exactly why Westminster says no indyref 2 and Spain says the Catalans needed to be beaten up by the Spanish Government.

Yet here you are supporting the Spanish government against an identifiable group of people that have a majority, (by all accounts), that do not wish to be governed by Spain.


Dedication like, you know whom you are like mwah x.
link to

Has anybuddy got any Brexit?

EP / LP / SP.

Very very.


@ Ian at 10:30pm … “It’s utterly shameful” ………

Ian I feel your anger and utter frustration, but take heart in the fact that it looks as though the BBC’s days are numbered, unless they make some extremely radical changes in the very near future. Can they do it? We’ll see.

No one was interested in BBC bias against the Independence movement in the lead up to 2014 (and since). No one other than the supporters. Now the shift is on because they’ve constantly targetted Corbyn and backed people like Farage. Eyes have been opened south of the border and they’re beginning to see the light. And when that happens there’s no turning back, as we well know. No way of hiding their manifold propaganda techniques from the ‘enlightened’, ever again.

Professor John Robertson’s dedication and devotion to Scotland and more so to the truth will live on for all of us, no matter how many people have accessed the data you’ve posted on here. His “The Bigger the Lie” has been viewed 118,000 times and “London Calling” 104,000 times so far, however when we get our Independence, and control over broadcasting, his contribution, and the personal sacrifices he made, to us acquiring our freedom will be broadcast far and wide. It will be “required viewing” to show how one man, against all odds, took on the might of the BBC (establishment in fact). We’ll also be looking for people of his calibre to take a key role in a future Scottish broadcasting industry (if he so wishes). Take over from characters like Bird, Campbell, Neil, Brewer and so on. And there will be no hiding place for any of them. The part that they have played in suppressing the truth and in doing so repressing a Nation and destroying our chances, and those of our children and grandchildren, of living in a decent, democratic country will be broadcast far and wide too.

The difference between them and the toadies, parcel of rogues, that sold us out in the 18th century, is that great innovation called social media. They can’t beat it, ever, and if they don’t know it already, I’d say to them that their chickens are now coming home to roost.

David MacGille-Mhuire

Pseudo angst most unbecoming for BritNat apologists who insinuate concern and outrage over Catalunya/Alba parallels – what more evidence is needed? Castilian style British poileas in full-on Rambo kit on the streets of Scotland with a soupcon of the historical evidence from India, Ireland et al potentially predicating/predictive of such an intervention unleashed when the Brexit BritNats feel fully unchained from Europe and its civilizing effect on the dormant but re-emerging blood and soil neo-fascists in our midst?

I suspect the Spanish state manufactured interventions in Catalunya will look like a walk in the park with a pack of half-starved Dobermans in contrast, vide Ireland once again.

Interesting bunch these “indignant” casuists.


Hey Petra, can we shake and go forward, Zeppelin playin’ on Planet Rock radio like.

One always means well, one has his own ways…

My freedom aye hold dear.

WE good x.


There shall be no silence in the quest for independence.

Ahm back in the blazin’ saddle again.

Today like!


Nothing else matters… until independence.

Nothing else matters.





Yeah let’s try it out Cactus. Shake hands and move on. A second chance as Shinedown would say.


Excellent, thanks Petra x.

To Scotland! 🙂



A new thing ah learned recently…

The difference between Bonny and Bonnie.

‘Bonny’ is the male description.
‘Bonnie’ is the female description.

Did you know that alert readers?

Let’s give it a try, aye.

Second down.


WOW, it’s Saturday the 11th of August 2018.

What you got for us Christopher C?

Give us some H.

To the Clyde.

Liz g

Well …
Bonny Cactus and Bonnie Petra … have just made my day!!
Lovin when wingers are Lovin..
Can we keep it like this… that’s a lyric.. is it no??


Dear England, what have U done to yourselves..?

Scotland is for aye and will be Yes.

Halloween is next up.

Trick or treat.


Robert Peffers

Anent BBC bias. This, just after midnight, very early, morning I read a BBC text service headline that read:-

“Teenager wins three gold medals at games.

I said to myself the, “Teenager”, hasn’t been said by the BBC to be, “English Teenager”, or, “British Teenager”, and I jaloused that the teenager was most likely a non-English teenager as this was the BBC reporting the news.

I read on and the article continued:-“A 15 year old girl from Inverness has won … “ They just cannot help themselves. Hand picked for the propaganda and dropped to minor roles on, “cough!”, ‘regional’. news on ‘regional radio’, well away from cameras if they are even handed and unbiased.

How often do we hear or see that really top quality and even handed broadcaster Izzy Fraser these days?


Robert Peffers @9.11am

Izzy Fraser was only allowed back on air after promisg to toe the Yoon line. As I remember she was taken of air after upsetting Nick Clegg. Who showed his true nature in return, nasty piece of work.

Ian Brotherhood

@Petra (1.10) –

Hear hear.

Let’s see what happens today. Fingers crossed the weather is fair.


Tinto Chiel

@Clydebuilt: it was her questioning of Ian “Bayonet the Wounded” Davidson which got her locked up in the BBC broom cupboard. He accused her of being an SNP supporter ‘cos she asked one o thae question hings he struggles with.

Better weather than expected here so far. Hope as many folk as possible turn up outside Pathetic Quay today. I am making the supreme sacrifice of missing the Lanarkshire derby to attend.

Greater love, etc.

Andrew Gallacher

Robert Peffers.
You didn’t straight out call me a unionist troll, but you implied it, and you’ve implied it again in your second response.
I did acknowledge the fact that the Spanish government recognises the difference between Scotland and Catalonia, and the fact it wouldn’t use a veto, but you seem to have missed that.
You state I support the Spanish government when I have expressed no such support. What I did say is that I am neither for or against Catalan independence. I’m neutral on the issue because I think both sides have behaved disgracefully.
My opinion that the majority of fellow Scottish independence supporters are ill-informed with regards to Catalonia is based on personal experience. I’ve been having this conversation with people for years. How can I possibly provide you with evidence of this? Do you want to plough through several years worth of online conversations I’ve had on the subject?
Please understand that I don’t like what is happening in Catalonia, I have no sympathies with the Spanish government, and I am not happy about the human rights violations. However, I will not support hypocrites and I won’t back a blood and soil campaign.
Robert, I hope you can accept that I hold these views purely because of my fear that association with Catalan independence has the potential to damage our cause. I don’t like getting into arguments with fellow indy supporters, but for obvious reasons this is a subject that means a lot to me on a personal level.
I wish every Scottish independence supporter could speak Spanish because if they could the interview by Jordi Evole of Carles Puigdemont would be enough to make everyone avoid the subject of Catalan independence like the plague.


Good weather conditions for a peaceful protest – visual semiotics are as powerful as the written word. The BBC could chose to comprehensively report on so many relevant issues- climate change, the economics of inequality and tax avoidance, the degradation of welfare state supports, the UKs arms trade, the manipulation of democratic process- and educate the electorate. Instead it’s a diet of omission and subversion and where Scotland’s nation status is concerned – absolute denial.

Millions of children condemned to poverty and adverse outcomes because of WM ideology and policy choices.

‘The majority of the poorest fifth of children living in the UK have no summer holiday – or any holiday at all each year – and this has been the case for at least a decade now. However people are now learning to lower their expectations…These children have no holiday at all, not just during the summer months, they have none at any time of the year…
Children growing up in the UK today are living parallel lives. Almost all of (96% of) the richest fifth of children will have at least one holiday a year, but half of the poorest fifth have none’

link to

Millions of children condemned to poverty and adverse outcomes because of political ideology and policy choices. The UK is militarily supporting a regime that is killing some of the poorest children in the world;

‘Children’s lives are in grave danger as a threat of a deadly new cholera epidemic looms across Yemen.
Hodeidah city, where violence recently erupted could become ground zero for a new outbreak.
Clean drinking water was already scarce, but supplies have been further ravaged since the fighting began. For children whose immunes systems have already been badly compromised by malnutrition, the preventable disease becomes life threatening’

link to

‘This morning the Saudi-led coalition was accused of bombing a school bus in Yemen. Dozens of people have been killed, mainly children.
Abdul-Ghani Nayeb, a health department chief in Saada, has said that at over 40 people were killed and 60 injured.
This is the latest in a long line of Saudi-inflicted atrocities. The war has killed thousands of civilians and created one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world’

link to

Evasive WM response to its involvement with minimisation and deflection of responsibility;

‘we have a very small number of staff working in Saudi headquarters in a liaison capacity only.
Separately, you are already aware that the UK’s role in helping Saudi Arabia respond to the threat from Houthi missiles is limited to providing advice, information and assistance. The UK is not conducting strikes on the basis of this activity. You will of course understand that going into further detail may jeopardise the effectiveness of what we are trying to achieve, which is to reduce the threat to Saudi Arabia of ballistic missile attacks on civilian areas’

link to

‘The UK has licensed the export of a variety of military equipment to Saudi Arabia. We do not have a full picture of which specific items have been used in Yemen, but some combat aircraft have been used there. Details of export licences issued to Saudi Arabia are available in the official statistics’

link to


Great post Phronesis. Thanks for that. If only everyone felt as we do. If only ….


Andrew Gallacher – you may not like Puigdemont (“a snake”) but he is the legally elected president of the Catalans, blocked by the courts in moves that many lawyers question, from taking up office. Maybe he warrants a bit of a second look.

galamcennalathv-you talk about ethnic nationalism and cite rural Catalonia. Don’t forget the banning of Catalan under the dictatorship for over 40 years. This has consequences in people’s perceptions. However, I think the sacking of the bus driver may be down to more mundane issues. Catalan is the majority language in rural Catalonia, and any public servant who (unlike humble immigrant agricultural workers, who assimilate the language pretty much immediately) doesn’t manage to learn the language of most of his or her customers, just isn’t doing their job.

Anyway, just a couple of personal angles – interesting discussion, having info about a parallel situation elsewhere surely doesn’t force anyone to take a stance one way or another.

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