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Wings Over Scotland

Every day is a new day

Posted on April 13, 2016 by

Not so very long ago, someone said this:


Of course, it’s not that day any more.

Which means it’s safe to reveal this:


So, who’s feeling better together?

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    Every day is a new day | speymouth

80 to “Every day is a new day”

  1. Betty Boop says:

    Amazing how those “talking heads” can twist 360 degrees and keep going until they strangle themselves.

  2. Me Bungo Pony says:

    I’m certainly not feeling “Better Together” 🙁

  3. Macart says:

    Brought to you by the same better together team (that would be Her Majesty’s Government), who wanted to saddle Scotland with a £7bn albatross of detriment in the devolution settlement.

    Are we YES yet? Or would sir and madam prefer to continue being abused and laughed at some more?

  4. Robbo says:

    As a SNP member of many years and regular viewer of WOS I would be interested to hear from others. Like or dislike him Donald Trump when continually abused by Fox News decided to boycott the channel. Do you and others think it is about time that the SNP now take a similar stance with all the Media including BBC with possible exception of STV who seem to take a more balanced approach?

  5. Jim Thomson says:

    Stephen Hawking must be really pleased with all of these new Black Holes appearing so close to home.

  6. galamcennalath says:

    Westminster rule is shite. The evidence is overwhelming. A lot of people still don’t seem to get that simple fact. Education, information, persuasion is the way out of this mess.

  7. Grouse Beater says:

    They don’t give a damn for Scotland, never did.

    They see it as a useful ‘resource’ for plundering, but as for looking after its population they think us a burden.

    I tried telling dyed-in-the-wool unionists before the vote and they just laughed … which is, of course, the natural reaction of those who don’t give a damn.

  8. Breeks says:

    “The Scottish Parliament election campaign has been dominated by how the parties would use the new powers over income tax…”

    It has? Who knew.

    Now, if you said it was dominated by UKOK propaganda, then you’d have won a coconut.

  9. Bill Fraser says:

    Should it not be Bitter Together !!

  10. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Robbo If all Media was free of Corperate Biaz we might have a better service. Trump needs exposed as what he is a Dangerious Clown ( Coburn without the danger).

    And Yes the SNP should have a Media blackout of Bbc, that would get attention of the People,that is something that will grab the attention of the World Media & burst the bubble of the Bbc as a reliable trusted respected World News provider.

  11. ArtyHetty says:


    It must be tempting Robbo, but would make not a halfpenny (happney in geordie) of difference, it would still be SNP evil by the meedya every day, all day.

    In fact, the SNP are clever cookies and can handle the crap. They keep their cool, are level headed and allow the unionists to dig a bigger hole for themselves. With major onslaught of lies they are of course working against massive odds, and still doing a good job of running the country.

    SNPx2 in May is the only way.

  12. muttley79 says:

    So, who’s feeling better together?

    Certainly Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown are, they are now consultants at major banks. Darling is at Morgan Stanley, not sure where Brown is.

  13. iheartScotland says:

    I disagree, admittedly the game is rigged, but we have to reach the No voters.(or more importantly, the soft No’s).
    I’m not sure the MSM SNP BAD approach is having the desired effect they wish for.
    Just my opinion.

  14. mealer says:

    Robbo 12.14
    I’m prepared to leave such decisions to the SNP leadership and strategists.I have full confidence in them.Personally,I think a boycott at the moment would be seen by the public as being petulant,childish and huffy because that’s the way that very media would spin it to the public.

    The good news is,thanks to this site and others,trust in the London controlled media is steadily eroding.We can play a part in this by having little conversations pointing out their bias and deceit.But gently does it.Dont get too far ahead of where people are at.Just guide them in the right direction.Let them make up their own minds about the media.

  15. Inverclyder says:


    If anything they should be increasing the effort to appear on all things BBC to get the message out there to the ever decreasing viewers the BBCUK and BBC Scotchland may have.

  16. Hamish100 says:

    Linked with another post should an MSP candidate be asked t o comment surely all it has to be said is that the Guardian can only sell less than 9000 copies in Scotland and is not worth losing our breath over. It is biased.
    The Mail is just a Tory rag controlled by Tax exiles ….
    It is biased
    The Torygraph….
    The Record is controlled by labour in London and whose circulation is falling

    So called BBC Scotland is merely parroting …..
    Which is biased

    As said before the SNP are too soft with the media.

    They are not the friends of independence.

  17. Lollysmum says:

    Well it won’t deter me. Still moving to Scotland & now counting down the weeks & house hunting. Can’t wait 🙂

    Black hole-no worries. Pulling together Scots will soon fill it in with indy & powers to grow own economy.

  18. Joemcg says:

    Barring the hard core rangers support and a smattering of loonballs going by the various social media platforms and newspaper columns the tide is steadily turning in our favour. The big problem is the grey vote as they rely on MSM for their information. We need to find a way to target them.

  19. carjamtic says:

    The MSM/BBC continual political photoshopping of Images,Words,Politicians etc.,are truly pathetic and so unnecessary,the real ones are far more interesting/entertaining,unless of course,’they’ want to be the story mmmmnnn….

  20. NeoconNat says:

    iheartScotland: “we have to reach the No voters.(or more importantly, the soft No’s).”

    Or we could leave them to evaporate.

  21. dakk says:

    ‘So, who’s feeling better together?’

    They are,of course.

    The Lord Darlings,David Cleggs and all the other sundry agents of the English Establishment in Scotland will always do very nicely out of the Better Together British largesse.

    Scotland as a nation and its people not at all.

    But then,that’s really of no consequence to them.

  22. Proud Cybernat says:

    “So, who’s feeling better together?”

    The ‘I’m alright, Jack’, ‘Fuck yer equality’, ‘Stuff yer progressive policies’, ‘Betty Roolz’ brigade. They’re doing just dandy.

    Oh and Jimmy, “Even if independence was beneficial to Scotland, I’d still vote against it” Hood. He’s just fine too.

    These buffoons just don’t CARE if there exists a better way to run Scotland for the benefit of ALL its people. The YooKay is doing just fine for those selfish gits, thank you very much.

    It’s not just politicians that are on the YooKay gravy train. A big chunk of the Scottish electorate are happy to be at the trough too. They just don’t realise (yet) that it’s Cameron standing right behind them at the trough with that wee twinkle in his eye.

  23. Big Jock says:

    When are No voters going to finally realise Scotland is shafted. I think some of them could lose their house,family,pensions…the lot and they would still say:”Aye but think how much worse it would be on our own”.

  24. Hamish100 says:

    Isn’t the recent “exposure” of a government minister just too much of a coincidence ?

    Sacrificial lamb to divert away from Cameron and PM questions.

    Got to hand it to the tories they cut the throats of their own kind for the greater good.

  25. Iain says:

    Well just think the empire could all come crashing down on June the 24th.

  26. call me dave says:

    No sign of any news in the Herald about schools they must have learned all they need in about 3 days.

    All that dodgy building standards and PFI stuff rinsed, dried and vanished!.

    No SNP bad story, but they’re working on it 🙂

    Here’s another angle on the Schools in the Hootsman.

    link to

  27. Craig P says:


    Certainly Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown are, they are now consultants at major banks. Darling is at Morgan Stanley, not sure where Brown is.

    I wonder… do the banks listen to Browns advice, then make very sure they do the opposite?

  28. Greannach says:

    Better Together was great for Lord Alistair Darling, just not so great for those of us not swilling around the Britnat troughs.

  29. jimnarlene says:

    Who knew this would happen?

    Oh, that’s right, we did.

    Better outta the union, awe the gither.

  30. Proud Cybernat says:

    “It’s not just politicians that are on the YooKay gravy train. A big chunk of the Scottish electorate are happy to be at the trough too. They just don’t realise (yet) that it’s Cameron standing right behind them at the trough with that wee twinkle in his eye.”

    Perhaps if Brexit happens then the ‘I’m alright Jacks’ in Scotland might suddenly develop a whole new perspective? Perhaps they might see that there is more to be gained for their own selfish ends by being in a market of 500 million as opposed to one of only 65 million.

    Is that how to win IndyRef#2? Appeal to the selfish as well as the selfless? If so, then rUK Brexit could be a cathartic moment for the selfish in this country. Will rUK Brexit be the Damascene moment for the selfish in this country, converting them to Scottish Indy in Europe?

  31. HandandShrimp says:

    Draped in ermine, I am sure Alistair feels it was all worthwhile.

  32. Big Jock says:

    Lets pray things go our way in June folks. This could be a very exciting year for Scotland!

    Even a narrow stay vote is damaging for the UK. England can claim Scotland stopped them leaving against their will. Where will that debate end up!

  33. Skip_NC says:

    Greetings from Raleigh, North Carolina. Robbo, I think the issue with Fox News actually helped Trump. His base (white, working class, mostly male) watch that channel and he got out a strong message that convinced a lot of right-wingers, including a few I know whom I would peg as liberals (in an old-fashioned British sense, if you see what I mean). So I agree with the other posters that the SNP should continue to engage with a hostile media. With cool heads during tough interviews, it will gradually seep through to the undecideds. The SNP is where it is because of sensible, level-headed leadership. When I was active in Edinburgh East thirty years ago, we were seen as a benign sideshow, barely saving our deposit.

    Back to Trump. Despite his success in the primaries, I suspect he will fail at the convention. Mind you, if the alternative is Ted Cruz, I think I would prefer Trump. Cruz is dangerous. Trump can be controlled by a Congress that, hopefully, will be evenly split half-way through his first term.

  34. Proud Cybernat says:

    Dear Kez, Ruth & Wullie,

    Would you prefer to have the ‘Broad Shoulders’ of the UK or the ‘Broad Shoulders’ of the EU?

    SNP X 2 + EU IN

  35. carjamtic says:

    Big Jock @ 1:30

    Exactly,not really Yoons at all,but thanks to years of exposure to MSM/BBC ‘framing’ have some-how become absorbed into their own reality,the belief that they are inferior and by default ‘better together’.

    I hate the MSM/BBC for doing this to them,but no-one controls evolution,no-one can suppress ideas,sites like WoS tell it like it is,we are not inferior/superior,slaves/masters,if anything,messengers,another way is possible,a more democratic,fairer way.


  36. Valerie says:


    That’s great news! You are moving to a beautiful country, and you will have fun exploring.

    I’m in the Central Belt, if you need any info 🙂

  37. call me dave says:

    This is quite a good source of information on whose standing in the election and I have not archived it as normal in case it makes the source unusable.

    link to

  38. iheartScotland says:

    I’d prefer Independence sooner rather than later.
    Better to engage with people, regardless of their attitudes/opinions.

  39. Has it still escaped the unionists, that their claims about the financial state of Scotland is a result of being in this bankrupt union and governed by Westminster.

    Who in their right mind would argue for remaining in a union which has impoverished your country and its people.

  40. frogesque says:

    Why buy a dead tree newpaper when I can watch BBC propaganda?

    Neither fit for purpose.

    SNP/SNP Remain

  41. Valerie says:

    Panic stations!

    The postal votes are arriving.

    Any way we can get one of those ankle bracelets onto Tank Commander? Sorry, mounted gun thingy…..

  42. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Extreme vote SLab bias but corrupt media is the UKOK way.

    If Sturgeon is a tartan tory, how come tory voters in their Scotland region are still piling in behind Ruthie babes? In fact Scottish tory vote could be building on ex SLabour. Weird.

    For BBC vote SLab balance, BBC gimps say “left leaning” Public Policy Research (IPPR) while today, likes of red tory rancid The Graun SNPbad/tartan tory propaganda goes with “independent” Public Policy Research (IPPR)

    Weird, also.

  43. Jack Murphy says:

    OT.FILM. STV interview with David Coburn MEP,UKIP Leader in Scotland—-first 5 minutes of a terrible interview last night.
    The UKIP Leader was asked to name his sources for UKIPs manifesto figures.
    Who on earth in Scotland voted this man into the European Parliament must be living in a parallel universe. 🙁

    VIDEO is near the bottom of page.

    link to

  44. frogesque says:

    WTG Lollysmum, a fine welcome awaits!

  45. deewal says:

    Think the SNP have lost the plot thinking they will get the same support as in the last general election.
    Unfortunately that result was a protest at the stealing of the Ref.
    They are not denying any of the accusations aimed at them, don’t speak out on downright bias on the BBC.

    I think they are being complacent. Very complacent.

    Also a lot of the 56 MP’s doing bugger all in London but all putting on weight, new clothes, enlarging they’re Bank accounts, new offices and tours of the world on expenses has pissed a lot of people off.

    Word on the street

  46. call me dave says:


    Well I watch them at their work on parliament tv almost everyday and know a couple of them on a personal basis. I see a different picture.

    Larger salaries might well involve a better standard of living and the the ability to eat and dress well but look on the other benches …Oh wait!

    They are mostly empty, what are they doing then these labour , tories and libdems… SFA except screwing Scotland. 🙁

  47. NeoconNat says:

    iheartScotland, not sure I agree it’s better to engage. I tried on here with a couple of people and ended up nearly swallowing my tongue.

    Then you’ve got those orange types.

    I think the way society is fragmenting has turned out to be a good thing.

    If you read the socialist/Marxist literature on this atomised society stuff it’s very dystopian but they wrote all that junk before the big tellies and the Xbox One came out.

  48. t42 says:

    “Word on the street”
    chip wrapper in the gutter?

  49. NeoconNat says:

    deewel, it’s purely coincidence that I think you are full of shit.

    I’m posting because of this; “enlarging they’re Bank accounts”

    It would take you much less time than it took you to type that crap to learn the difference between “their”, “they’re”, and “there”.

    Think of the potential rewards, you wouldn’t need to put up with pricks like me badgering you.

  50. heedtracker says:

    Scott Arthur ?@DrScottThinks 2h2 hours ago
    The big lie that the SNP are an anti-austerity party has been exposed today: link to

    Has Doc Bonkers been on the BBC vote SLab radio again today? Hope so, these uni lecturers clearly have tons of free time at work but-

    on one hand SLab lord Darling Project Fear’s 2014, vote NO for no cuts UKOK style. They win, 2016, in pile same SLab unionists monstering SNPbad for the UKOK austerity.

    Confused of Herriot Watt university.

    Wonder what UKOK toryboy of the year is SNP bading today-

    Kevin Hague ?@kevverage 23m23 minutes ago Gifford, Scotland
    Excellent PMQ fact check – exposing @AngusRobertson as a meme-quoting half-wit

    Bit harsh. That toryboy fact check says over 30,000 HMRC are UKOK tax dodger finders, or more half of the total current 55,000 HMRC staff. Not very good at it in Panama though.

  51. ScottishPsyche says:


    Ok I’ll bite.

    No complacency whatsoever where I am. If anything it is the Yoon press and Kez and Ruth doing their ‘Ill be the best loser” act which is creating and maintaining that illusion (for some).

    Seriously though, the SNP Westminster victory was symbolic for all sorts of reasons. Mainly to illustrate the fact that no matter how many MPs Scotland sends, unless they are the same party as the UK government of the time, they will always be seen as powerless.

    Out of interest what do you think they should be doing differently?

  52. Inverclyder says:


    Which streets?


  53. Ruby says:

    muttley79 says:
    13 April, 2016 at 12:33 pm

    So, who’s feeling better together?

    Certainly Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown are, they are now consultants at major banks. Darling is at Morgan Stanley, not sure where Brown is.

    Ruby replies

    Is this their reward for privatising the building, staffing etc of schools, hospitals and all the other PFI projects?

    What are they advising the banks on? How to con the British taxpayer & make huge profits?

  54. Ruby says:

    Inverclyder says:
    13 April, 2016 at 2:50 pm


    Which streets?


    Ruby replies

    Union Street?

  55. Dr Jim says:

    I have a feeling postal votes will be down due to many less Unionist activists filling them in

    In my area the very nice Liberal Democrat MP filled in all the Referendum postal votes in care homes and sheltered accommodations to help the older folk

    So that was nice, and it gave the older ones a wee bit of company and showed them that the MP, who they’d never met before, cared about their welfare

    #Liberal Values working for you

  56. gordon ford says:

    Slightly O/T…..
    I live in East Renfrewshire and received a Tory leaflet.
    It seems that The Tank Commander is my local candidate.
    No mention of the Guy I thought was the local Tory candidate…………….That wee wummin certainly gets around !!!!!!

  57. Anagach says:

    deewal says:

    I am interested in how anyone knows what the MPs are doing in Westminster – the media are doing their utmost to avoid mentioning them. Except for ‘accused’ articles.

  58. Dr Jim says:


    Either you don’t keep up with politics and you’re having a wee guess at what goes on, in which case you might be forgiven for being uninformed, or you’re an Arsehole, in which case you’re not forgiven

    Which would you like us to treat you as

    Go on, pick one you know you want to, which’ll it be Hmmn?

  59. gordoz says:

    New slogan to sum up ref result and where Scotland stands

    “Together Yes … Better ? No”

  60. Stoker says:

    Thought for the day, Rev wrote on the previous Groaning article:

    “The Guardian’s daily sale in Scotland: 8,700 copies and falling.”

    That’s enough to help get Dippy, Dopey or Demented elected.

    @ Lollysmum – Leaving a message for you over on OT!

  61. Ruby says:

    gordon ford says:
    13 April, 2016 at 2:58 pm

    Slightly O/T…..
    I live in East Renfrewshire and received a Tory leaflet.
    It seems that The Tank Commander is my local candidate.
    No mention of the Guy I thought was the local Tory candidate…………….That wee wummin certainly gets around !!!!!!

    Ruby replies

    It would seem everyone in the whole of Scotland has received a ‘Vote for Ruth Davidson’ leaflet except people in Edinburgh Central.

    Perhaps she is planning on visiting every in Edinburgh Central. I’ll be watching out my window to see if I can spot her tank. I could ask her Stu’s question when she comes to my door.

    Do you think I should fly a Union Jack out my wind to attract her attention?

  62. dakk says:

    @ Lolliesmum

    Welcome,and good luck on your new Scottish adventure 🙂

  63. G H Graham says:

    I’m with Robbo; when are the SNP going to tell BBC Shortbread to politely fuck off & refuse to participate in any more pointless interviews?

  64. The Rough Bounds. says:


    Snool alert.

  65. ROBBO says:

    Following on from my initial posting re a media boycott I’m certainly not defending D Trump although similar to the problems with the UK media a lot of crap is levelled at him by the main stream journals. That said his decision to boycott Fox was I’m sure not taken lightly and if anything has improved his ratings. The battle with the establishment national press here I’m afraid is also lost and will not change anytime soon. If however the SNP publicly came out with a boycott I’m fairly sure the likes of STV and other media channels would welcome the opportunity for exclusive access to Government to the detriment of their competitors.

  66. schrodingers cat says:

    if there is complacency

    it isnt on the part of the snp msps,mps our councillors

    it isnt on the part of the snp activists and members

    the voting public is where the problem will be. the fact that turnout for hes is usually less than ges is unavoidable evidence

    lets push to get the indy voters out,

  67. Ken500 says:

    Scotland raises £54Billion in taxes. Pays £4Billion debt repayments on money it doesn’t borrow or spend. Scotland has lost £4Billion+ a year in Oil revenues. Osbourne has been taxing the Oil sector 60/80% when the price has fallen 75% = £20Billion.

    Scotland pays £1Billion on Trident/ illegal wars. Scotland can’t taxed ‘loss leading’ drink to save £1Billion. Scotland loses £3Billion? a year in tax evasion.= £13Billion a year x 5 years = £65Billion which could be better spent. Any deficit is because of Westminster economic policies. Vote SNP. Vote for Independence.

    The Unionists want Scotland to pay more taxes for Westminster policies which the majority in Scotland do not want. Against the majority wishes and the public interest. The promise of FFA, Home Rule , Federalism was reneged upon.

  68. Greannach says:

    Valerie @ 2.20. Do you know if Tanktop’s given the postal votes her OK?

  69. katherine hamilton says:

    Really sympathise with your frustration, but all we would get a la BBC, STV, Channel 4, Sky would be

    “We asked the SNP for a representative, but no-one was available.”
    And to boot, commonly, this is when any politico is embarrassed, caught out or has a pretty indefensible opinion or policy.

    Stick with it, keep working and all will be well.

  70. Gordon Murray says:

    The UK National Audit Office in 2014 published figures that put UK national assets at £1,337bn.
    Scotland is due hervpopulation share of those assets.
    Likewise we are are also due our share of the UK national debt presently just north of £1,600bn.
    Take one from the other and multiply by 8.4% to find Scotland’s inherited debt if we became independent today.
    I make it just shy of £22.1bn.
    Given that we already contribute to ‘strategic UK national projects’ such as the London Sewer Project, London Crossrail1&2, London HS1&2 etc etc and that we also pay £4.5bn a year as our population share of debt interest charges on the UK national debt that devolved Scotland had no hand in creating, and it is clear to see that independent Scotland if it chose to could clear its debt in the first term of an independent parliamemt.
    Contrast this to the situation facing a former UK chancellor seeking to reduce his Deficit and Public Sector Borrowing without his accustomed Scottish tax take, Scottish export earnings or £160bn of Scottish GDP, hell might well freeze over first?

  71. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    I like that extract from The Grauniad quoting Darling:

    If Scotland were independent today we would have no option but … to put up taxes

    And what is both Labour & FibDem election policy in North BetterTogetherLand?: to put up taxes!

    Another example of being economical with the truth to add to the Wee Black Book!

    (Which by the time of the next referendum, even if it’s fairly soon, will be as big as the Bible!)

  72. ScottieDog says:

    Jackie Baillie’s legs are certainly better together.

  73. neil allan says:

    Could I point out that the black hole is only a seventh of what we would have faced on our own?

  74. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    schrodingers cat @16:2 said:

    the voting public is where the problem will be.

    Not sure about that. It’s a legitimate concern in these uncertain times, of course, but I don’t see any evidence that pro-indy support is softening, despite the relentless hammering from the yoon media. Contrast that with Labour, which might well suffer a significant drop in turnout this time. These waverers may not have completely switched allegiance yet (and to whom anyway might they switch?), but it feels like the tide is going out for Labour, who have done nothing significant to halt it except rely upon obvious propaganda from their media pals.

    That’s why the SNP are “cawin’ canny” in this election, because ensuring they are returned with an overall majority will put another big hole below Labour’s waterline.

    Of course, a drop in turnout for any party will cause a drop in turnout overall, which may then be exploited by the media to somehow demonstrate that the Scots’ ardour for indy is diminishing.

    You have to wonder, after all, that the SNP have apparently managed to navigate a government successfully through these troubled times and yet retain the level of support that they have.

  75. Artyhetty says:

    Anybody notice the front page on the FT today? Oil worth loads more than is being accounted for now.

  76. Andy.D says:

    Aye guys all good in Scotland, even the piss about how good the EU is for us all, mince, project fear on all channels stay or Armageddon, does that not sound like something that happened hear. SNPX2 EU OUT, OUT ,OUT.

  77. Breeks says:


    The end of the BBC in Scotland can’t come soon enough for me, but boycotting the BBC carries risks. However, the SNP doesn’t have to boycott the BBC, but what it could do is help raise the profile and visibility of our alternative media.
    Suppose the SNP started giving statements, breaking news, and high level access/interviews to our grass roots “mini broadcasters”. I mean here, Wings, the Indyref 2 website, the various pod casters etc.
    The SNP being stoically nice and maintaining grace under pressure from the BBC is their call, and probably correct for some counter productive for others, but the strategy doesn’t preclude the SNP from adopting a healthy favouritism to our pro- Indy and pro honest debate “alternative” media. The SNP could easily do more to make these disparate sources more visible places to visit, raise their profile and increase traffic to their varied locations.
    Be kinda nice for the BBC and their like minded propagandists to be playing catchup, and you’d have cause for a rye smile when having to quote and acknowledge their sources too…

    It needn’t be just news. Suppose one of our pro-Scotland bloggers was given access and material to host a “day in the life” of our First Minister as a magazine type story… The SNP could do a lot to develop these sites into rich content news and magazine sources. Rather than some inflammatory BBC boycott, let the focus and intent be to move the audience away from the BBC and UKOK propaganda, and increase traffic to our more humble friends in a healthy and progressive manner.

    Our home grown media will only thrive and grow if it Is better fed on higher quality product.

    Let’s get ourselves a regular “News at One” or “News at Six” daily podcast at the very least, but the wider possibilities are endless. It’s high time the SNP stopped playing the stoic victim and started to get creative. We know what we’re up against. If we can’t get over, go under, if we can’t go under go around, if we can’t go around go through. There is no prize for second place nor any compensation for being cheated or short changed.

  78. Mick DIAMOND says:

    A boycott of the ebc by the snp would have more people tuning in to see for themselves, what all the hullaballoo was about. So any spin(lies) by the gutter media would be quickly exposed to a larger audience.

  79. Mick DIAMOND says:

    Welcome to scotland lollysmum, shame we cant send some a***hole nawbags down to swap places with you. Lol.

  80. Robert J. Sutherland says:

    Breeks, you’re talking a lot of sense there. Proactive instead of reactive.


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    • Hatey McHateface on The tint of rose: “Your interpretation does not mesh with reality, Xaracen. In reality, if the vote was intended to separately determine the fates…Mar 14, 06:37
    • sarah on Off-topic: “I gave that slogan to Swinney during the general election when he visited a nearby heritage site that was central…Mar 13, 23:24
    • sarah on The tint of rose: “@ Mia at 7.30 p.m. Very well explained, Mia – comprehensible to the meanest understanding, one would think.Mar 13, 23:13
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Hatey said; “We voted Remain by 62% on a turnout of 67.2%. By the inexorable laws of maths, we can…Mar 13, 22:58
    • Tinto Chiel on Off-topic: “Stuart McHardy cuts through the crap re The Jacobites: Remember history is usually written by the victors unless the…Mar 13, 21:18
    • Hatey McHateface on The tint of rose: “Boo hoo, Mia gurnin aboot being “forced oot o the EU agin oor will” again. Hindsight is, of course, a…Mar 13, 20:38
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““I cannot see anything which would suggest that the treaty intended to retain two separate sovereign states with their respective…Mar 13, 19:30
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: ““she hates the English with a venom” Are you sure? Has she tried to get them jailed on trumped-up sexual…Mar 13, 18:52
    • Hatey McHateface on Signal and noise: “Good point, Lorn. Still, part of living your best trans life requires somebody to take a (hopefully sharp) knife to…Mar 13, 18:47
    • agent x on Signal and noise: ““what are the odds on Sturgeon running for MP in the UK Parliament at the next opportunity?” Zero chance -…Mar 13, 18:31
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “Oops! Sorry Rev!Mar 13, 18:10
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “Eric Trump at Bute House with Swinney today.Mar 13, 17:11
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “Nothing is happening politically – not for independence nor as competent government. Holyrood currently is a toxic puddle – gone…Mar 13, 17:00
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:26
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “He had a more black and white view of diversity.Mar 13, 16:21
    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Aidan said: “in context of over 300 years of union governance, I think we have to see the fundamental principles…Mar 13, 16:12
    • Sven on Signal and noise: “Charles (non R one) My money would still be on her looking for a post with the EU or UN.…Mar 13, 15:55
    • TURABDIN on Signal and noise: “Signals & Noises in a land far, far away….. RWANDA, new «enriched» kid, thanx2UK, on the neo imperalist block……Mar 13, 15:24
    • John McGregor on Signal and noise: “Ave no priblem way men dressing as womem but as long as they have awe their bits they are MEN…Mar 13, 15:04
    • Charles (not the R one) on Signal and noise: “Don’t forget this – the only reason the SNP is able to behave like this, is because so many Scottish…Mar 13, 14:58
    • willie on Signal and noise: “Why should we worry about the country that Scotland has become. We allowed it to happen. Economic stagnation over the…Mar 13, 13:37
    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “Well, Hatey, you are going to have to explain that one to the four (at the last count) ‘men’ who…Mar 13, 12:54
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “In another turn of events Sarah is partially right and Stuart is partially wrong. Designation as a non-self governing territory…Mar 13, 12:29
    • Marie on Signal and noise: “I agree but we need to fight for Scotland’s historical legacy as an epicentre of enlightened thinking. Political parties that…Mar 13, 11:13
    • diabloandco on Signal and noise: “I used to be proud of Scotland but now I see it as a land of misogyny, perverted beyond belief…Mar 13, 09:43
    • Dave G on Signal and noise: ““Scotland’s top gender law specialist” as ITV dubs her is actually an English barrister (she has a Scottish father) who…Mar 13, 09:30
  • A tall tale

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