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Wings Over Scotland

Don’t Even Bother

Posted on June 19, 2024 by

The SNP released their general election manifesto today. We’re not going to link you to it, because we don’t want to be responsible for wasting your time. This is everything it has to say on the party’s (cough) strategy for achieving independence.

It deserves much, much less respect than we’re giving it. Tomorrow, ice lolly reviews.

0 to “Don’t Even Bother”

  1. Ian McCubbin says:

    Well said as it says nothing.
    The phrase ‘to give democratic effect’ (shake my head in disbelief).

  2. aLurker says:

    Does anyone have a suitable cartoon image depicting the
    dangling of the stale and rotten Indy Carrot for one more time as the cliff edge of deselection rushes towards SNP MPs ?

  3. Milady says:

    I vote for Solero Exotic!

  4. Dave M says:

    What’s the bloody point?

  5. David says:

    Surprised no journo asked what happens if Westminster says NO, to referendum etc

  6. ronald anderson says:

    Stuart F the Icelolly reveiws um intae Snawcore,s

  7. Kevin Cargill says:

    I’m supremely confident it’ll never work!

  8. Red says:

    I think a lot of voters have caught on to the fact that our elections are essentially fake, a Hobson’s Choice imposed by powerful globalist money men who want to eradicate our nation via immigration so we’re easier prey.

    The SNP are not different to the Tories or Labour. Politicians don’t represent you, they’re hired actors playing a role (poorly) to distract you while your pocket is picked.

    The divide in politics isn’t left/right, it’s the Powerful vs. the People.

  9. fillofficer says:

    very sturgeonesque eh
    mealy moothed mutterings

  10. Anton Decadent says:

    For any PPB the front it is promoting should have to eat five jooblies before going on camera and not be allowed to wash their face beforehand.

  11. 100%Yes says:

    So basically what the SNP is doing is asking when Labour get into power, to make it look as if the SNP achieved something when they haven’t.

    Crying wolf again, at some point the cries of Independence is going to fall on deaf ears with the voters. You don’t have to be a genius to realize that day is fast approaching.

  12. Republicofscotland says:

    Yeah the Teflon Don (VONC’s) never stick to Swinney, his coupon has been all over the foreign media in Scotland today on the bundles of goodies he’s going to give to Scots if only we’re stupid enough to vote for his party’s candidates.

    Like the Fifth Column parties at Holyrood, Swinney will spout any old shite to win your vote, the NuSNP is about as interested in dissolving the union as the Tories are.

    Just don’t vote in the GE Scotland and Scots gain nothing by doing so.

    Boycott the GE.

  13. Alison says:

    Since interest in ice-lollies is likely to be far higher than in the looming general election, might I respectfully suggest a best loved ice-lolly poll? Following a clutch of personal reviews if you feel so inclined.

  14. duncanio says:

    The Scumbags Manifesto

  15. Stravaiger says:

    They choose this election to come out with that strategy?
    They know they are in for a pasting, so the Unionists can afterwards state ‘The people of Scotland have spoken. They clearly don’t want independence. If they did, they would have voted for it.’

    You really have to wonder which side the SNP are on sometimes.

  16. stuart says:

    ooh – ice lolly reviews…great idea. My wife loves FABS, but tbh i prefer a classic orange or even a risque 5 alive.

  17. John C says:

    I saw Swinney earlier trying to explain what ‘immediate negotiations’ are and if it’s just going to be asking Starmer (who is probably going to have a 3-figure majority) for a Section 30 when he’s made it clear he’s not going to grant one. He waffled as one would expect because this is really the only thing the SNP have to get a part of its core vote to come out for them.

    Sure, some sitting SNP MPs will keep their seats. Some of them are good local MPs and deserve to keep their jobs, especially when considering some of the candidates Labour are putting up are just going to sit there as lobby fodder for 5 years. The rest though have failed to even do the basics of the job and deserve to be out of work in a fortnight.

    Things aren’t going to get better in the long run either. Assuming Labour get a victory in 2029, the fact is there’s now a real chance of Farage becoming an MP, the Tories collapsing & a pact of some sort between the Tories & Reform isn’t out of the question. The wasted chances of the last decade, especially in the Theresa May era, is going to hurt more and more in the coming years and the blame lies firmly on Sturgeon’s shoulders.

  18. Johnlm says:

    I vote Choc Ice.
    Independence on the outside. Westminster in the centre.

    Better still stay away from ice cream. It’s damaging to your health.
    No self ID.
    And no postal voting.

  19. socratesmacsporran says:

    David @ 1.31 pm

    You posted: “what hapens if Westminster says NO”.

    I fell you should, more properly have posted: <i."what happens WHEN Westminster says NO".

  20. Campbell Clansman says:

    The SNP may nominally be for Independence–independence from the UK, that is. But since they want to join the EU and come under the rule of Brussels, they (and Alba and ISP) just want to switch rule from Westminster for rule by Brussels.
    That’s not independence. That’s just a switching of (what they at least view as) masters. And in the EU Scotland would have even less of a voice than it does in Westminster.
    For better or worse, there’s no party–not even fringe 1% moonhowler groups such as Alba and ISP–that backs actual Scottish independence.

  21. Black Joan says:

    Tory election leaflet:
    “Just look at the facts
    1. The SNP are obsessed with independence”

    Labour election leaflet:
    “the SNP are only interested in breaking up the union at any cost to pursue an ideology of separation and division”

    Such uninformed candidates do not deserve a vote from anyone. Who is going to tell them the ACTUAL facts?

  22. Anton Decadent says:

    O/t already but vale to James Chance who was such an influence on Big Country they named a song after him.

  23. Doug says:

    Murray Foote must have spent minutes writing up this “manifesto”.

  24. James Che says:


    I think some in Scotland are beginning cotton on that we have a Hobson’s choice when it comes to elections,

    I am not saying I have perfect remedy by withdrawing my vote from the elections altogether, but the Sovereignty of people should raise their heads and cause a break in and to the election system,

    No one on Scotland has even voted, and yet the fore runners for the main British prime minister political party have already been decided.
    Hobson’s choice indeed.

  25. Oneliner says:

    Shouldn’t some of that have been redacted? The word ‘Independent’ appears twice.

  26. Dorothy Devine says:

    Jings! What can one say?

    Ice lollies win hands down! I found ice pole Pina colada’s
    , they were good!

    Ronnie , a big wave to you and yours!

  27. Doug says:

    Hopefully this SNP dishwater manual will inspire folk in Scotland to abstain in sufficient numbers as to show England and the rest of the world just how farcical Westminster’s electoral system is in Scotland and how much the people of Scotland hold it, and the union, in contempt.

    Get turnout under 50%.

  28. Andy Harrison says:

    If we are to get independence at some point we have to get rid of this chapter of the SNP.
    We will NOT achieve independence in the next five years with any government, but perhaps following a boot up the backside and a purging of the freeloaders, we may see a reinvigorated SNP or other independence movement in time for the next election.

  29. Karen says:

    Fab (no, not the SNP) or Fruit Pastilles, but both are Nestle, which we must still boycott, so I usually just get a supermarket own brand pure orange lolly. link to

  30. Marie Clark says:

    Blimey, is that it? Wisnae worth the effort boys, waste of time and space. Nae votes fae the Clark family.

    Are Mivvi’s still a thing I used to love them. Failing that a nice orange ice lolly for me.

  31. Hatuey says:

    I’m not so sure, they seem really serious about independence this time… I think they really mean it.

    And John Swinney has that honest, ordinary fellah thing going for him. I think he could really win a lot of the people over that we found hard to reach before.

    That manifesto pledge basically turns this election into a referendum. And that means we face a really exciting choice — independence or slavery?

  32. JB says:

    Someone was obviously sent in to the panty to grub around and find the manky carrot for all to view.

    It’ll have a short 3 week airing, before being chucked to the back of the pantry for another 2 years.

  33. Shug says:

    I have had to start a new and separate list for Mr Swinney’s mistakes, sorry they are inly mistakes if they were unintended, lets just call them, justifiable strategic steps to maintain his position this side of Saughton.

    s in westminster instead of planning to leave it.

    Suggesting nicola has something to contribute.

    John Swinney- if we win the majority of votes we negotiate independence, i mean if we win the majority if seats, i mean if we win the majority we will ask fir another referendum, i mean we will do fuck all. Oh we are back to a majority of seats negotiate indy.
    Starmer has already said no!!

    SNP silent on Grangemouth closure, silent on power lines headed south.

    Conservatives and labour do a deal in aberdeen and labour pull their candidate allowing Ross a clear run. Silence from SNP.

  34. robertkknight says:

    At this time I am asking you to donate £5 towards a greener Scotland. If I reach my target of £55 million, I will be sufficiently financed to begin immediate negotiations with the UK Government to give every person in Scotland a free electric car.

    It is through the power of my financial acumen that I will secure the right of people in Scotland to have an electric car.

    ….and there’s as much chance of the above becoming a reality as there is the SNP’s equally ridiculous claim.

  35. Mia says:

    “If the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats, the Scottish Government will be empowered to begin immediate negotiations with the UK government…..”

    Let’s be honest.

    These olympic grade champions at the art of deception and forever time-wasters have only managed to find the balls to say such a thing because they (and the whole world) know that there is not a chance in hell this party of back-stabbers and gravy slurpers will ever get a majority of the seats this time.

    But let’s look at their assertion in a little more detail:

    1. The MSPs who form the “Scottish” government were elected under a different manifesto and under a different franchise. So a manifesto to elect members to a different parliament does not change what the Scottish gov stands for, only what the MPs stand for. This assertion therefore could be easily construed as a disgusting attempt by these chancers to purposely disinform and confuse voters.

    2. The negotiations for the dissolution of the Treaty of Union are not between Scotland’s “government” and the UK government.
    The UK government, the same as the UK parliament and the UK so called “Supreme Court” are not signatories of the treaty of union. They are PRODUCTS of the treaty of union and therefore SUBORDINATED to it, not above it.

    The Treaty of Union itself is a product of the parliament of Scotland and the parliament of England, therefore SUBORDINATED to each of them, and not the other way around. The “UK Government” is not the partner Scotland has to negotiate the division of common assets with. The correct partner is the Kingdom of England.

    Scotland is as much “the UK” as England is, so it is the pinnacle of the stupid for these idiots to now claim that Scotland has to negotiate with itself the partition of its own fcking assets.

    So either the SNP are complete ignoramus on the matter of the union and therefore totally unfit to conduct such negotiations on behalf of Scotland, or they are deliberately portraying Scotland as if it was just a region of the Kingdom of England so the latter can keep most of the assets, including the rights to Scotland’s crown. I consider this a spectacular dereliction of duty and a disgusting betrayal of the rights of Scotland’s rights under the treaty.

    The dissolution of the Treaty of union must be done by an entity that is SUPERIOR to the Treaty of Union itself. That is not Westminster. That is not the UK parliament. That is not the so called “Supreme Court”. That is not even the crown of “Great Britain” or the monarch, unless he and his successors choose to decline their right, under the present Treaty of Union, to the crowns of Scotland and England. Should the monarch do this, then the treaty of union would be effectively terminated because its main purpose has always been to ensure that the crowns of Scotland and England sit on the same monarch.

    These four entities are SUBORDINATED to the Treaty and products of the treaty. The only entities with the power to revoke the Treaty of Union are a reconvened Scotland’s old parliament, or an empowered Holyrood, or a reconvened parliament of England.

    It does not have to happen in both parliaments. It is enough with one of them to revoke the treaty for it to become null and void.

    So, where is Scotland’s old parliament? Where it always has been for the last 300 years: it is represented by Scotland’s MPs. SCOTLAND’S MPS, mind, not England’s.

    And this means:

    a. A majority of anti-union MPs empowers MPS to recall Scotland’s old parliament and to revoke the treaty of union.

    The people of Scotland has been empowering the SNP for the last NINE YEARS to end the treaty of union. If the gravy slurpers in the SNP had wanted Scotland’s independence instead of filling up their pockets and enjoy Westminster bars, they would have reconvened Scotland’s old parliament and ended this union on any of the 3,330 days that have passed since 8 May 2015.

    To the SNP:

    Stop talking bollocks. You have done nothing but talking bollocks and wasting our time for the last 9 years.

    Shame on you for insisting in subjugating Scotland, for insisting in undermining Scotland’s sovereignty and for insisting, for the last nine years, in handing Scotland’s sovereignty over to a bunch of England MPs.

    Stop wasting Scotland’s time. You have already wasted enough of our time and have tested our patience beyond breaking point.

    If after 9 years you still could not find the balls to deliver independence, and that decaffeinated assertion demonstrates that you have not, then move out of the way.

  36. Confused says:

    The political philosophy of the SNP right now amounts to “mate-ocratic quangofantastic knife and forkism” with a solid commitment to PPPP – politician pension protection plans.

    soshalism?! nashnulism?? national-socialism???


    politics, may well be showbiz for ugly people, but it is also a kind of high end welfare state for lazy mediocrities; not everyone can have talent and get to the top, not everyone has the stomach for the graft required to be one of society’s essential, but poorly paid functionaries – and so what happens to the “people left behind”?

  37. Antoine Roquentin says:

    Who in their right-mind still believe that old crap?!Jist get hammered on July 4th and fuck-off out the road.

  38. Roddy says:

    Better not be joking about the lolly reviews.

  39. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    4 for 79p

    Must be consumed before 4th July

  40. Mia says:

    “Tory election leaflet:
    “Just look at the facts
    1. The SNP are obsessed with independence”

    Labour election leaflet:
    “the SNP are only interested in breaking up the union at any cost to pursue an ideology of separation and division” ”

    The unionist parties and British establishment propaganda mouthpieces are the only ones desperately trying to resurrect the perception that the SNP is still a pro-independence party.

    And, by the look of those leaflets, they are doing it frantically, as if their political existence depended on it.

    The SNP is no longer a party of independence. It ceased to be thus the minute the political fraud Sturgeon opened her betraying gob and claimed that “a vote for the SNP is not a vote for independence, nor even for a referendum”.

    Since then, EVERYTHING the SNP has done has been only to lick the boots of the English crown and to run away from independence, not towards it.

    Yet, unionist parties and propaganda mouthpieces of the British establishment are actively helping the SNP to keep the deception alive.

    When political “opponents” are actively helping each other out instead of trying to cancel each other out, you know the whole thing has become a giant scam and what we have in Scotland is, at all practical effects, a one party state enabling the English crown to deliver absolute rule.

  41. Onlooker says:

    So if Scottish politics are broken, destroyed, irreparable, hopeless, bobbing like an unflushed stinking turd in a malfunctioning cludgie, as is the tone and tenor of things round here for a very long time…what’s the point of this site existing anymore? Seriously. Could it be put to some communal good, where people could rally and do decent things in their local areas, away from the worthless political parties?

    What’s the point on just moaning and ranting all the time about how shit the SNP are? WE GOT THE POINT YEARS AGO. So…? Seriously. What a whining-faced waste of fucking time this place is now. Could some good come of it? Or should it just shut down permanently? You tell me.

  42. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    What was the name of that lolly which had a green centre with white ice cream spiralling up the outside? I loved those things but haven’t had one for a few years now. Do they still exist?

  43. Neil Mackenzie says:

    How did they figure that one out?

    “The Scottish Government” isn’t empowered to do anything the Westminster government hasn’t empowered it to do. The constitution of the Westminster government makes no difference. Their statement is wrong and if they know it is wrong, it’s a lie.

    What’s true – and has always been true – is that a majority of Scottish Westminster seats falling to pro-independence MPs empowers those MPs (not Holyrood) to begin negotiations for independence. That’s how democratic representation works. It doesn’t matter what the breakdown of the vote was to establish that pro-independence representation.

    The SNP has had that empowerment since 2015 and never acted on it.

  44. Redacted says:

    Ignored says:
    19 June, 2024 at 4:50 pm
    Better not be joking about the lolly reviews.”

    He’ll get a lot of stick if he does.

  45. robertkknight says:


    “So if Scottish politics are broken, destroyed, irreparable, hopeless, bobbing like an unflushed stinking turd in a malfunctioning cludgie, as is the tone and tenor of things round here for a very long time…”

    Don’t confuse “Scottish politics” with the SNP. Especially when you so eloquently just described the SNP.

  46. Ruby Tuesday says:

    I thought carrot ice lollies was bad enough but Asda do Brussels Sprout Ice Cream

    link to

    Also Mackie do Minted Brussels Sprout Ice Cream.

    link to

  47. ronald anderson says:

    Big shout out to all you,s INDEPENDENCE REPROBATES that have stayed the coarse .

    3.31 Thanks muchly Dorothy Devine . hope your keeping well KISS KISS .

  48. twathater says:

    @ Ruby whatever day, Aldi and Lidl ice lollies are made by the same ice cream company I think , it begins with a G , I love the Almond ones the chocolate and the ice cream are delicious

    My goodness honest John the redacting undertaker was doing a lot of stuttering during the Scum Nonce Party manifesto which only highlighted his imbecillity , he should have been word perfect as it has been the same shite for the last 10 years and was BINNED everytime they were voted in , BUT no doubt the usual arseholes will still vote for them

  49. Northcode says:

    Mia @5:00pm

    “Yet, unionist parties and propaganda mouthpieces of the British establishment are actively helping the SNP to keep the deception alive.”

    Proof, as if any more were needed, that the SNP has been working in partnership with the British state for quite some time in its attempts to thwart Scottish independence – stringing the Scots along with false promises and lies and using the SNP (England’s wee Scottish disguise) to deliver them.

  50. Shetto Al says:

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s ice lolly reviews. Is Magnum double raspberry any good? Does the Refreshers lolly really taste of Refreshers?

  51. Sven says:

    The Flying Iron of Doom @ 17.05.

    Was that not “The Twister” ?

  52. Bernard de Linton says:

    Lord Toffingham by Walls was my fav in the 60s,toffee in the middle, and a Lord Snooty/ Jacob Rees- Moog type on the wrapper.

  53. panda paws says:

    I see Clansman is wrong again. ISP and ALBA want Scotland to join EFTA, not the EU. Though those damn Freeports will mean we can join neither.

    The only democratic effect the SNP’s pleading will have is Labour and the Tories thereafter saying hahahahahahahahaha!

  54. sarah says:

    @ ronald anderson at 5.47: “shout out to all youse Independence Reprobates that have stayed the coarse.”

    We’re not all coarse, ronnie, even though we are reprobates! 🙂

  55. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Strawberry Mivvi for me. Saturday morning pictures in the early 60s was either orange, lime or banana. 3d each.

    At least I have an ALBA candidate to vote for. Mind you, if Fraser MacPherson was standing in Dundee Central for the Lib-Dems, I’d be tempted. He’s been an excellent councillor over the years.

  56. Campbell Clansman says:

    panda paws
    I see Clansman is wrong again.

    PP, you’re the one who’s wrong.
    Both have signaled they want to join the EU. Everybody knows this.
    For example, I quote from the ISP manifesto:
    “ISP does not rule out an independent Scotland seeking to become a member of the European Union in the future…”
    And Alba’s official position is, once their version of “Indy” is achieved:
    “we will begin the process of joining the EU.”

    It helps to actually read what these parties say….

  57. Towbar Sullivan says:

    The SNP reduced to 10-15 MPs.
    Shifty Starmer in power with a 150 seat majority, thinking he won the election (he didn’t, the Tories lost because after 14 years of chaos and farce even the English have had enough).
    With that kind of majority and with a dunce like Starmer in charge Scotland is irrelevant in London.
    And Starmer will win the 2029 GE too because the memory of Sunak and co will still be too recent to give the Tories another go yet. Not that it matters much – Starmer will be conservative and unionists enough to be going on with.
    So that’s it. It’s over – and Alba and the ISP charge nothing because it would be a miracle if they won one seat between them.
    So what next? I have no idea.

  58. James Che says:


    Re Scottish MPs.

    You use a lot of logic and common sense in you’re comments, and I hope you do not mind to much If I add a little to it,

    The 1707 parliament of Scotland came under Dissolution in England. Hence not part of the treaty of union and especially not a Parliamentary union with Englands parliament with the parliament of England – which continued forward on its own as the parliament of Great- Britain.

    This is the Constitution of England – Britain

    Once a parliament is under under Dissolution all business stops.

    Once a parliament is under dissolution all members of that dissolved parliament cease to be members,

    Once the members of a parliament have ceased as members parliament they are NO longer legally allowed to be representatives or represent their constituents, ( as MPS ).

    So Scotland has not had representative MPs to represent it Constituents from the Scottish parliament sitting in Westminster since 1707,
    when its parliament came under dissolution by the Monarch of England via a proclamation speech,

    This Dissolution of the 1707 Scottish parliament has never been repealed. By the Monarch of England or by the parliament of England running the Government of England and Wales.

  59. Jim Bo says:

    Hi Ronnie, hope you’re well. I remember first meeting you and your neck brace in The Counting House in George Square for the first ever All Under One Banner meetup. Got a bit hazy for some reason but I do recall the fire alarm going off and everyone assumed it was a Unionist stunt. Got the train home with T Jenny. Seems like a lifetime ago and sadly not a step closer to Indy.

  60. James Che says:


    It is over three hundred years since Scotland has had its own parliament to have its own Scottish parliament members that were able to sit in Westminster to represent its constituents as Scottish MPs.

  61. Mac says:

    So after ‘scoring’ our second own goal of the tournament and playing some decent football we are yet again sitting back. It is like going ahead sends us into total fear…

    I am done this weak as fuck Scotland side. Mental midgets.

  62. Mac says:

    Right on cue…

  63. James Che says:

    Panda paws

    The Free ports were not passed as “Scots law” ,

    Due to the Devolved parliament in Scotland being under the legislation and Statues of the Westminster parliament in England,

    They were passed as laws under that of Westminster parliaments secondary sub- parliament “they” sent up to manage Scotland,

    If the Scottish parliament was actually a Scottish parliament then we would not need to ask Westminster for a referendum, or independence,

    The actual real parliament of Scotland would decide this,

    If by some quirk Scotland became independent because the people of Scotland decided they were Sovereign, I would not advise the Scots that the parliament in England could negotiate with Sub- branch the Devolved parliament on Scotlands future.

    It would be the parliament of England and its sub- branch office of England in Scotland, a one sided negotiation,
    Hardly a good out come for Scotland.

  64. Jontoscots21 says:

    Spot on Red. The fact is that all of these pseudo nationalist parties want us under the yoke of Schwab and Van Der Leyen. They ignore the concerns of their peoples look at the fake fenians of Sinn Fein who have ignored and indeed vilified their citizens to fulfil the EU need for immigration. It’s not racist or xenophobic to resist change which ignores your own concerns. Immigration which ignores the capacity constraints and overloads education, healthcare , housing and the job market. We will see this a lot more in Scotland when immigration floodgates open under labour. It’s true that we have an ageing population but I portingpeople from the third world in benefits taking all the available public sector jobs while our own young people study non subjects is not a way forward,

    Ignored says:
    19 June, 2024 at 1:36 pm
    I think a lot of voters have caught on to the fact that our elections are essentially fake, a Hobson’s Choice imposed by powerful globalist money men who want to eradicate our nation via immigration so we’re easier prey.

    The SNP are not different to the Tories or Labour. Politicians don’t represent you, they’re hired actors playing a role (poorly) to distract you while your pocket is picked.

    The divide in politics isn’t left/right, it’s the Powerful vs. the People.

  65. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Jim Bo.

    Ronnie had discarded his neck support long before All Under One Banner was formed. He had it for months during 2014.

    The get-together in the Counting House (with the fire alarm) was the first Friends of WOS event. Read before and after this link for the story.

    link to

  66. James says:

    Campbell Tory Clansman;

    Away and take a flying fuck to yourself. The EU won’t steal our resources or force park nukes on the outskirts of Glasgow.

    Anyway, we prefer EFTA as you well know.

    Fcuking Troll.

  67. Jim Bo says:

    Thanks for the reminder Brian. Yes, of course it was the first WOS event. Proud to say I was here from the start.

  68. Geri says:

    Has anyone else noticed a certain someone is missing when Clansman is around? Lol

  69. Geri says:


    I’m about tae try ASDA Heavenly Moments Chocolate Almond Crunch. Pack of 3. £1.60 lol Magnums were £4.50 whit?! Pfffft!

    In other news, I bought a Ninja Creme a few months back. Still in the box. I’m going to try make cherry sorbet & key lime ice cream. It better be worth it.

  70. Republicofscotland says:

    NK has been sending trash balloons into SK, at least one-thousand have been floated over the border into SK in response to RQ-4B reconnaissance drones flying high over NK airspace to spy on the country.

    Trash balloons are bags filled with dirt, manure, cigarette ends etc, they are tied to balloons and floated over the border into SK where they burst and empty their foul contents wherever they land.

    Trash ballooning warfare who’d have thought it.

  71. ronald anderson says:

    Hi Jim Bo them were the days .

  72. Republicofscotland says:

    Well it didn’t take long for the Swedes to capitulate to the head of the snake aka (US). Sweden has only been a member of Nato since March this year, and already it looks like it will soon be hosting the G-r-eat Sa-tan-s nukes.

    Congrats to the Swedes now like Scots the Swedes have a huge bullseye painted onto their backs. Next up Finland.

    “Lawmakers in Stockholm have approved a controversial defense pact with Washington, which allows American troops onto 17 Swedish military bases and training sites. Critics have blasted the agreement for not explicitly barring US nuclear weapons from being deployed in the Nordic country.

    The Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) was signed between Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in December of last year, but needed parliamentary approval to take effect.

    On Tuesday, lawmakers in Stockholm overwhelmingly backed the DCA, with 266 members of parliament voting in favor and 37 against, while 46 were absent. As a high-stakes vote, a three-quarters supermajority with more than half of lawmakers present was required for the bill to pass.”

  73. Derek says:

    Not a lolly as such, but the Finns do salt licquorice ice cream – which is available in cones.

    It’s a bit odd, but in a good way.

    I liked Zooms and Raspberry Mivvis as a child; choc ices later on.

  74. Geri says:

    The Swedes have lost their tiny minds.

    That defence cooperation agreement has given the yanks full control of 17 military bases & the Swedish government is to keep their noses out of what comes into their country & what goes out of it. All US military personnel also wont pay taxes/vat & can’t be prosecuted for anything lol! It was an interesting discussion on The Duran a few weeks ago with both Sweden & Finland commentators.

    No referendum has been held but a daily bombardment of propaganda gave *public opinion* & they’ve just gone ahead. Also the president went from being rather insistent they’d not join NATO to practically putting on a party for their arrival & all within a matter of weeks of each other which is dubious as feck.

    NATO means nukes wherever the yanks want them. That’s why P won’t allow them in U. They’re trying to cut off his navy.

    Lol at the trash balloons. That’d be a good idea for doggy poop bags LMAO!

  75. David Hannah says:

    link to

    George Galloway. “The Royal Navy’s principal purpose and duty is to defend the shores of His Majesty’s realm, but they’re not doing so. They’re in every sea except our own sea.”

    Calling for more involvement from the Royal Navy in removing illegal migrants from the UK back to France, Galloway explained: “They are not involved in turning back illegal departures from France.

    “Illegal arrivals in England, which then cost £80 a night per person, and potentially forever to the British taxpayer. We’ve got all these Royal Navy assets, the problem is they’re deployed everywhere except defending our own shores.”

    Galloway claimed the French authorities are “watching migrants leave their shores”.

    Galloway fumed: “We certainly wouldn’t allow them to leave unmolested from the beaches of France.”

    “We paid France billions of pounds to stop these illegal departures, and I saw a news bulletin last night in which the French authorities were watching these illegal departures.”


    Finally. Someone’s said it. Everything I said about deploying the Royal Navy to defend Britain’s shores from illegal migrants.

    It comes from George Galloway.

    Starmer is talking about “smashing the gangs.” What does smashing the gangs look like? I want to know what getting tough on illegal crossings looks like.

    These people are entirely different from legal migrants. They are entirely different from refugees and asylum seekers state sanctioned and crossing from legal routes – of which I am respectful of.

    We’ve got to stop the illegals – the boat arrivers – the Royal Navy needs to pick these people up and handcuff them.

  76. David Hannah says:

    The British public voted for sovereignty. It voted to leave the EU.

    Now the Scots including I voted remain. 10 years on my life is a disaster and I want a Government that puts my interests first.

    As part of Britain – we’re being over run by migrants – I accept this to be the case.

    Look at the videos coming out of Dublin – Croke Park – muslims praying in the home of Gaelic football.

    This cannot be allowed to take place in Hampden Park. Our woke leaders need to be told enough is enough. Put us first for once in your lives. It’s what we voted you in for.

    Build more houses – and give the homes to scottish people first.

    And then we can all live in harmony.

  77. David Hannah says:

    I want to see some up to date polling done in Scotland on their views on illegal migrants crossing the channel.

    And the housing crisis.

    Because its the central dividing issue in our time. I can’t think of anything more important right now for the country than looking after our own.

  78. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Sven says:
    19 June, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    The Flying Iron of Doom @ 17.05.

    Was that not “The Twister” ?

    That’s the one! I see that the inside is red, not green as I remembered it – not sure why I got confused over that but then again it must have been ten years since I last had one. Tomorrow’s mission is to buy a handful of Twisters (with some Zooms on the side) and then bury them deep within the permafrost region of the freezer where Miss Iron won’t find them while prospecting for peas or whatever. What could possible go wrong?

  79. David Hannah says:

    Alex Salmond is coming for the £3 million in compensation.

    The Benjamin Harrop FOI is still to be released? Why has this not happened yet?

    Will we ever know the redacted pieces of the James Hamilton report?

    What is scottish legal doing over this? Why is the truth not seeing the light of day?

  80. David Hannah says:

    As for the migrants. We only need to do it once. Pick them up. Boat them off to a British overseas territory and process them there under British law. That should put them off.

    My preference being Gibraltar. This is just my idea. Perhaps George Galloway reads wings over scotland.

  81. David Hannah says:

    How miserable am I. I’m looking at the full moon out my window. The summer solstice.

    And yet I’m moon howling online. I need to let go of all of this. and reconnect more spiritually and let go of all the grudges and angst I feel. For renewal.

    The moon is talking to me. these feelings serve as mirrors to my inner state.

  82. Hatuey says:

    I see Edi Rama, the Albanian PM, has referred to the US and Israel as “major devils”… Blinken looked on gobsmacked as he did so, blinking.

    Republic of Scotland was right all along about the Great Satan. Credit where it’s due.

  83. Breeks says:

    Ignored says:
    20 June, 2024 at 12:30 am

    NATO means nukes wherever the yanks want them. That’s why P won’t allow them in U. They’re trying to cut off his navy.

    Not saying you’re wrong, but that would drive a coach and horses through the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – which Sweden ratified.

    I’d agree that the Swedes have lost their minds, but the reality is there is an insidious malignancy in Western societies with a clear agenda to vilify the “East” as sworn enemies. It is most threatening in its NATO expansion actions which has already started one war in Eastern Europe.

    My great fear is that “peace in our time” requires Western so-called democracies to denounce their own warmongers and shit-stirrers, root out the insidious covert influence of Tel Aviv in Western affairs, and refocus upon their own integrity, honesty, and respect for International Law…. Ominously, this malignancy is well dug in and all around us. It is strong.

    Sadly, it is my perception these influences are still on the rise, and becoming more powerful. The butchery in Gaza has disgusted most right thinking people on the planet, but already, the planet has demonstrated it hasn’t the power to stop it. Humanity loses, the warmongering butchers toast each other in somebody else’s blood.

    Kill is insidious malignancy or it will continue to aggravate tensions until it provokes the war which destroys everything we know.

    link to

    David Mitchell isn’t really my cup of tea, and I wonder if the satire above is far more biting than he intended. Are we the baddies? Yes. Yes we are the baddies, and it disgusts me. We are the milititaristic aggressors, we are the covert destabilisers, we are the febrile propagandists, we are the flouters of International Law, we are the invaders and occupiers. We are the raging hypocrites and nemesis of all things good. We are the promoters and instigators of abuse, depravity and hedonistic immorality.

    If we are on the path to global annihilation, we are on the side provoking the others to defend themselves from us. We are the ones with skulls on our cap badges.

    Well not in my name. I want no part of this.

  84. Robert Louis says:

    Ho Ho! what a rouse by the SNP. Look at that woolly phrase, “The Scottish government will be empowered to begin..”

    The key word is empowered. I can be empowered to do any number of things, but it does not mean I actually will do them.

    If the SNP were serious, it would say WE WILL, instead of saying “be empowered”.

    I’ll be voting ALBA. Here is what Alex Salmond, the leader of the ALBA party said on the SNP wishy washy plan for ‘independence’,

    QUOTE “They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Sadly though the SNP have failed adopt the Alba strategy on achieving independence. The SNP’s current offering is a confused and continuing state of constitutional limbo for Scotland.

    “When I delivered the referendum in 2014 it was because because Westminster feared what the Scottish Parliament would do if the UK Government said no. No rational person believes that the SNP will deliver independence by losing 19 seats at the General election – as the bar in their own manifesto sets out.

    “The dogs in the street know that Westminster is not going to agree to a referendum and only an electoral test with independence parties seeking a popular independence mandate can now deliver independence.

    “Next week Alba Party will set out the only serious plan to deliver independence when we unveil our General Election Manifesto.”

    Source link to

  85. Andy Ellis says:

    @RoS 10.49pm

    Gotta love aw the wee tankies having a meltdown over a supermajority of Swedish MPs approving something in their parliament.

    Having discussed the matter with a number of Swedes, can confirm that far from seeing joining NATO as painting a giant target on their backs, ordinary Swedes were much more concerned that given Uncle Vlad’s fondness for destroying the independence of neighbouring small countries, they saw being part of NATO as a much better (and more pressing) option than maintaining their centuries long neutrality.

    Opposition in Sweden is confined to the fringe of cranks and nutters on left and right extremes, much like aw the wee xenophobes and bigoted anti-immigrant nativists in here.

    Thankfully you and they represent a vanishingly small proportion of the Scottish people.

  86. Dorothy Devine says:

    Robert Louis , I’m more concerned with the ‘to begin’ – what the devil have they been doing with all the ‘mandates’ given them?

    Don’t answer that question , we all know what they have and haven’t been doing.

    I love D Ross’s assertion that the SNP only care about independence – the word has been barely heard falling from the lips of the SNP , only the so called opposition parties mention it ad nauseam.

  87. Breeks says:

    David Hannah
    20 June, 2024 at 1:05 am

    As for the migrants. We only need to do it once. Pick them up. Boat them off to a British overseas territory and process them there under British law. That should put them off…

    Back in 2013, just as YES was getting going, there was a brief advert on TV with an immigrant describing his fears and anxieties about starting a new life, in a new land, without a penny in his pockets. He had nothing and he was afraid.

    He described how the friendly welcome, the generosity of the people who took him in and fed him, had a profound and lasting affect on him, and made him quickly feel like a valued member of the community, toward which he became a constributer, and his kids grew up as part of that community.

    The kicker was, this wasn’t a refugee fleeing a war started by the West, nor a desperate boatperson arriving in a dingie wanting a better life, the type of immigrant the BritNat Media “encourages” us to despise. The words from this particular immigrant revealed he was a Scot in the 19th Century describing his arrival in Canada.

    Before you rush to judge any “immigrant”, sink their liferaft or push them on a plane to Rwanda… hear their story first.

  88. Iain mhor says:

    Yeah took me a second read to parse that:
    “We’ll begin to start asking for an S30”

    Such semantic shenanigans are indicative of the pathological dissembler.

    Mine’s a Cider Barrel ta.

  89. Xaracen says:

    “With that kind of majority and with a dunce like Starmer in charge Scotland is irrelevant in London.”

    That Scotland is irrelevant in London is entirely down to Scotland’s and England’s MPs not doing their jobs properly, and not understanding what that job formally is!

    Both bodies are there to represent the entire country, nation, territory and people of their parent kingdoms AND their full sovereign authorities and constitutions as Kingdoms in the Union’s parliament of only two such kingdoms.

    The relative numbers of Scotland’s and England’s MPs have no formal relevance whatsoever to the equality of those authorities, and neither of the two bodies of MPs has ANY formal authority over the other, and there is literally nothing in the three formal founding documents of the Union that says otherwise. The right of England’s MPs to ‘outvote’ and thus overrule Scotland’s MPs is without constitutional foundation, thus their imposition of that invented ‘right’ is bogus, because it was never agreed to in the Treaty.

    That both sets of MPs are utterly ignorant of both the real extents and real limitations of their authorities as MPs is criminally negligent of all of them!

    Long past time we jailed the whole bloody lot of them!

  90. stuart mctavish says:

    On t’other hand,

    that’s Peru & Iran done & dusted and, with third being a potential win to new rules regardless, presumably all that’s now needed is something akin to Archie Gemmill’s goals and gerimandering of the defacto ref to:
    (a) account for the newscot votes via cross reference to the census &
    (b) oblige the side that, for whatever reason, silenced Julian Assange’s truth, to win a majority of the electorate (eg 66% of the vote in a 75% turn out) in order to overturn the referendum Mandate given* to Nicola Sturgeon’s government in 2021

    * Despite Brexit, seasonal flu absurdities & the cock (in frock) up lurking in the small print.

  91. Graf Midgehunter says:

    “The Scottish government will be empowered to begin..”
    The SG/SNP has been empowered since 2015 – 2024 to act.

    56 from 59 MPs is a super-empowerment, a mandate to actually do something.

    31.01.2020 The most blatant abuse/break of the ToU possible and the SNP were still the cowards and tray-tors that we know them to be.

    The bald cuckoo and his mistress NS can gtf and rot in hell.

  92. Alf Baird says:

    Dorothy Devine @ 8:38 am

    “what the devil have they been doing with all the ‘mandates’ given them?”

    Aye Dorothy, by their actions and inaction we can see what nationalist priorities the SNP really have, nane at aw.

    Rather than seeking the UN and the world’s nations to recognise an independent Scotland (efter six democratically elected nationalist majorities, aw wastit), they put forward a motion to urge the UK to recognise another country as an independent state.

    link to

    And some Scots still think the SNP are Scottish nationalists!

  93. Tinto Chiel says:

    The weasel words of the SNP’s manifesto “statement” on independence reminded me of this famous bullshit phrase:

    link to

    Preferred the “declaring war on the union” bit at the end 🙂 .

  94. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    This is a story from 2007. That’s 16 years ago.

    Lib Dems back amnesty plan for illegal immigrants

    At that point there were 600,000 illegal immigrants who had been in this country for more than 10 years.

    But Liam Byrne, the immigration minister, said that the Lib Dem amnesty was “unnecessary and would simply create a strong pull for waves of illegal migration”.

    Never mind the Lib-Dem policy what about the 600,000 who had been here for more than 10 years. They could be in touch with another 600,000 telling them about there illegal life in the UK.

    He said (Mr Clegg ) that deporting such immigrants would be “massively expensive, impossible to implement”.
    Immigration was “an enormous opportunity rather than a threat”, he said, “but the problem is that people’s fears of immigration get substantially worse if they feel that the system isn’t working,

    The system isn’t working

  95. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    The Pew report estimates that at the end of 2017 there were between 800,000 and 1.2m people living in the UK without a valid residence permit, equivalent to between 1.2–1.8% of the UK’s resident population of 65m.

    the UK had one of the largest irregular migrant populations in Europe,

  96. Alf Baird says:

    Breeks @ 8:41 am

    “The words from this particular immigrant revealed he was a Scot in the 19th Century describing his arrival in Canada.”

    Yes, today there is a tendency to focus on the symptoms of colonial exploitation and oppression (e.g. native migration from their homeland) rather than the root cause (i.e. imperialism).

    Millions of people were forced to emigrate from Scotland, Ireland and from hundreds of other colonies because of colonial oppression where development opportunities were blocked to them and many were also subject to persecution in their own land.

    So perhaps we might focus on eradicating what the UN still terms ‘the scourge’ of colonialism, which inhibits the free economic, social and cultural development of ‘peoples’, including us Scots:

    link to

  97. Geri says:

    Aye, SNP is dead. They’ll never recover. They were given plenty of mandates to ’empower’ themselves. The only thing they empowered was their salaries & the Westminster restaurants to go large.

    Their train has arrived at destination fcked. Don’t remain seated.

    Shamelessly stolen fae tour guide Barbie

    “We are so glad you came. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye now. Bye. Bye-bye. Remember, please discard all candy wrappers and popcorn containers in the nearest trash receptacle. Thank you. Don’t forget to collect yer jotters from the front desk! Okay, bye-bye now. Bye-bye. Bye. Okay. Are they all gone? Is every — is everybody gone? Phew!

    I remember the scrawny class of 2015. Look at the bloated barstewards now LOL Double the size they were before they went in & Sturgeon the most despised woman in Scotland who achieved the grand sum of hee-haw despite an entire nation giving her numerous mandates will fck off into obscurity. There isn’t even going to be a UN as we know it that’ll give her a job. Sold out for a campervan.

  98. Spartan 117 says:

    I for one, whilst dreading an incoming LieBore Government full of utter spanners like Abbott, Lammy and “Sir” Sneer Smarmer as PM, will gladly welcome the utter pumping/reaming sans KY Jelly the Tories are about to get from the electorate.

    After what they imposed on us during the Coof – the suspension of democracy, house arrest, gaslighting, fear fear fear, the lies – in addition to making a complete and utter arse of Brexit, imposing Net Zero on us, enabling mass unfettered open borders, cocking up the economy and everyone’s mortgages and generally pissing down our backs at every opportunity – any punishment is too good for the cunts.

  99. Ruby Tuesday says:

    “We paid France billions of pounds to stop these illegal departures, and I saw a news bulletin last night in which the French authorities were watching these illegal departures.” George Galloway

    That doesn’t sound right. What is it the French are supposed to do.

    The French can’t solve the UK’s problems.

    If it is believed the French are not doing what they are getting paid for the solution is to cancel Le Touquet treaty. Sorted.
    I would question this figure of ‘billions of pounds’ Over what period is he talking about.

    Galloway & Farage a couple of slick con artists?

    link to

    What is the Le Touquet treaty and why do some French politicians want to scrap it?

  100. Hatuey says:

    Underachievers have been blaming foreigners for their failings since time began. It’s ironic to imagine that at one time even the Neanderthals themselves were foreigners here, and they too were probably met on the shores with something resembling racist abuse.

    The historical record shows that over the last 400,000 years, the Neanderthals have succeeded very well in blending in, as most immigrants do. Everybody reading this junk has some Neanderthal genes. That’s dialectics for you.

    Attempting to stop the tides of history takes us right into “let’s build a wall” territory, and that’s a place that most Scots until recently have kept clear of.

    (I say most because there was one little sect in Scotland that carved an identity for itself out of anti-Irish immigration about 100 years ago… how did that work out?)

    Successful societies welcome and accommodate immigrants; there’s a million examples.

    The Royal Navy, which once played an integral part in taking us foreigners to the shores of others (where we proceeded to fleece and massacre the natives at gunpoint), would serve everyone better by helping to bring the immigrants over.

    Hatuey hath spoken. Now stfu.

  101. Geri says:

    Aye if the colonisers would stop reducing their countries to rubble trying to overthrow governments, seize their resources & fund civil unrest then ppl wouldn’t leave their own lands in the first place. It shouldn’t be rocket science for Farage & Co to grasp. Plus the foreign aid he bangs on about is compensation payments for either all of the above activities or stealing other countries professionals that country educated. Doctors, teachers etc.

    The Britnats foolishly believe it’s a charitable hand out. It’s not.

    The UK is a shit place to live. They come hear because the colonisers battered them to learn “The Queens English”
    They don’t stop at other *safe countries* because
    1. They don’t know the language &
    2. They can choose where they want to live under the rules the UK signed up to. Not where the coloniser tells them they must.

  102. desimond says:

    But they were all crying “Page 1..Line 1!” on Twitter so it must be all about Independence…right…Right? ( impersonates Natlaie Portman!)

  103. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Oh dear Hatuey has turned into a cunt.

  104. Geri says:


    Galloway is a con artist. We didn’t just find that out yesterday. Another eejit that fights for another independent state bar his fckn own lol. He lied to a Hydro full of weans. They’d get “Super Devo Max” if they voted No & that the oil was running out.

    Going back to France – Farage & Galloway is talking through their arse. The Brits, under Cameron, laughed & jeered they’d stiff the French out of paying for ‘the jungle’ Calais “We’ll send tents” he said through his dupers delight spoon face. France later cleared the site sick to death of the English not paying their share of the bills. So I very much doubt the *billions* bullshit.

    I don’t blame France at all. Those ppl in boats have a right to get in them. The UK needs to take responsibility for its own shit & provide a safe crossing. Sort their shit out in their own country. The fact that they don’t tells you all you need to know. English exceptionalism. Someone else will sort it for them.

  105. Geri says:


    ‘Successful societies welcome and accommodate immigrants; there’s a million examples.’

    At what point will it register with you that ‘Successful societies’ have a functioning immigration process & functioning public services.

    The UK does not & Scotland is forbidden from even having a process at all.

    Yer trying to compare apples with oranges.

    Is axe murderers okay, wanted by Interpol, if they learn how tae blend in nicely?

  106. Towbar Sullivan says:

    “That Scotland is irrelevant in London is entirely down to Scotland’s and England’s MPs not doing their jobs properly, and not understanding what that job formally is!”

    Lord have mercy…Scotland will have 57 MPs out of 650. By the looks of it all but about 15 SNP MPs will be members of British parties. Starmer seems likely to have a majority of about 150 – roughly 3 times as many as the total number of Scottish MPs, (not to mention that he’ll also have the 20-30 Labour MPs from Scotland in his pocket).

    The treaty of union was signed in a world before political parties. MPs don’t vote by ‘kingdoms’, they vote by party. You might imagine or wish that there are two sections to the Westminster Parliament – an English one and a Scottish one, but there isn’t. No bill was ever passed that way. There’s either a majority for it or there isn’t – they never passed bills based on there being a majority of English MPs AND a majority of Scottish MPs, just a simple majority. And in the last 150 years or so it’s political parties that have or don’t have a majority.

    Now you might say this is not what SHOULD happen, but Erskine May doesn’t agree with you – and, as far as I know, it was never a requirement, even back in the 18th century, for a bill to have the support of a majority of Scottish AND English MPs to pass, just a majority.

    But if you think there’s a legal case to be made that things should be done differently, see a lawyer who specialises in constitutional law and if he agrees, do a crowd funder to bring a case based on that. Personally I think it’s all just pub talk.

    While we might enjoy seeing the SNP get their comeuppance after wasting years and huge majorities prancing around showing how fkn ‘woke’ they are and acting like total clowns over cocks in frocks supposedly being the Most Oppressed People Ever while carrying out a vicious and bitchy vendetta against Salmond, there’s also the fact that the SNP being reduced to 15 or so MPs and Starmer getting a huge majority will be spun by London to read that Scotland’s little hissy fit about indy is now a thing of the past, a flash in the pan, and all talk of indy and indyrefs can be ignored.

    Maybe 5 or 10 years of rule by Starmer the lying Tory will open people’s eyes – but the very best that seems possible now is that 2034 will be re-run of 2015. So the best we can hope for is that the (distant) future is a re-run of the past.

    I don’t know where to go from here.

  107. robertkknight says:

    We all know who is to blame for this situation Towbar, so what you don’t do is reward them with your vote.

    Where we go is anyone’s bet, but we’re going nowhere with the SNP therefore they must be removed in order to proceed.

    Frankly I don’t care about Yoons trying to paint support for the SNP as being support for Indy. Tomorrow will have a different headline.

    What I do care about is a zombie SNP killing Indy stone dead in order to keep itself alive, like that fungus that infects rain forest ants.

  108. Northcode says:

    “Is axe murderers okay, wanted by Interpol, if they learn how tae blend in nicely?”

    I was an axe murderer once – in a past life. I never learned to blend in nicely, though. Ironically, after I was captured by the authorities of the time, I was beheaded – by some guy in a gimp mask wielding an axe. Karma – she has a very dark sense of humour.

  109. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    This lists the countries the majority of the those crossing the Channel in small boats come from. I don’t think any of these countries were part of the British Empire (I could be totally wrong.)

    Iraq would be the only country reduced to rubble

    These people are seeking asylum and we could possibly help them more if this country wasn’t such a huge mess.

    How can we have all these illegal immigrants living here for more than 10 years?

  110. Northcode says:

    This might seem to be off topic…but it isn’t.

    Those of us still waiting for the Taylor Swift craze to vanish from the earth might be forgiven for casting an anxious eye at the example of a previous cult of personality.

    The Roman orator Marcus Tullius Cicero died in 43 BC. Nearly sixteen centuries later many people were still big fans of his – Christian Italians had even taken to calling God ‘Jupiter’ and Christ ‘Apollo’ – that the great Erasmus felt it necessary to write a play mocking them.

    Erasmus’s 1528 Ciceronianus includes a character who has purged his library of all books not written by Cicero, installed paintings of Cicero in his chapel, library and every doorway in his house, and wears a miniature of Cicero engraved on a gem.

    I haven’t gone that far…yet. I don’t have my own chapel…yet. I do wear a miniature of Cicero engraved on a gem, though. I wear it on a pinky ring. Oh, and I have posters of Cicero covering my bedroom wall – and a couple of Marie Osmond. I was in love with Marie Osmond once.

    I wonder if Taylor Swift will be remembered sixteen centuries from now. She has laid down some memorable and profound words of wisdom in her song lyrics:

    “I was tame, I was gentle
    Til the circus life made me mean
    Don’t you worry folks,
    We took out all her teeth”

    And apparently she levitated down someone’s street. How’d she do that then?

    Okay…it actually is off topic – I lied.

  111. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Eritrea sounds like an awful place

    Eritrea has a population of 3.684 million
    If one person from Eritrea is entitled to asylum in the UK then surely the other 3.684 million would also be.

    Same would apply to the other 6 countries on the above list.

    It’s a huge problem. What can the UK do?

  112. James Che says:

    Towbar Sullivan.

    I have come to the conclusion that there are those that want to keep the union treaty as if it really is true.

    There are so many anonmalies surrounding the treaty of union that the bar for it being a reality is pretty low,, However this knowledge is ignored, and twisted to suit their requirement of wanting to maintain a union, all is excused excused under wordsmithing,

    From monarch pretendy letters sent to Scotland confirming that the Queen took the Scottish Oath in ENGLAND and wrote into the old parliament of Scotland by…… those Scotsmen trying and wanting to be part of Englands union Government.

    No checks other than both Unionists in Scotland and Unionist in England telling Scots it was true,

    But Queen Anne was the official Queen of England at the time the treaty of Union was ratified and given Royal Assent,
    Scotland had let England have her,

    Scotland no Longer had a Monarch and after the hoax one sided union the Monarch of England and the parliament of England extended its laws and territory to include Scotland,

    Which was a unnecessary English parliament Act to pass if she was already monarch of Scots prior to the “parliamentary treaty of union”

    I am wont to suspect unionist actors trying to perpetuate the mantra that all is hunky dorey gloss over treaty of union and nothing to see here,

    And yet ignoring many many many anomalies that supposedly created the union and what could potentially be a legal way out of the treaty of union altogether without violence or referendums.

    There are No Scottish parliament MPs sitting in Westminster parliament since the Scottish parliament came under Dissolution in 1707.
    After that date they were officially members of the Sovereign Westminster parlaiment of England rebranding itself as the “Sovereign parliament of Great Britain” extending a law Afterwards to nick the territory of Scotland and passing laws of England afterwards into Scotland,

    You cannot have a parliamentary union with a parliament that came under Dissolution, because all business ceases, That is Magic,

  113. James Che says:

    Towbar Sullivan,

    If want references to what happens to a parliament under Dissolution and it members in British Constitution, you can actual access it surprisingly enough on the UK parliament site itself.

    And I would recommend reading ( Mia’s ) logical posts above on, Does Scotland have a treaty of union with the UK parliament or the parliament of Great- Britain for any legal matters of negotiations?
    As Scotlands supposed treaty of union is with England only.

  114. Alf Baird says:

    Ruby Tuesday @ 11:27 am

    “I don’t think any of these countries were part of the British Empire (I could be totally wrong.)”

    All these territories were at one time colonies of one imperial power or another. However, the numbers of illegal immigrants crossing the Channel on wee boats is relatively small compared to the numbers entering UK on visas:

    “There were 3,287,404 visas granted in the year ending June 2023, 58% higher than the year ending June 2022. This was primarily due to 889,821 (+96%) more grants of visitor visas, but also due to more grants for:

    – work visas (including dependants), up 208,295 (+63%) to 538,887
    – study visas (including dependants), up 165,968 (+34%) to 657,208, including sponsored and short-term students”

    link to

    Helps explain why immigration is possibly the number 1 issue in a UK election, and why public services designed to serve a much smaller population are failing.

  115. Republicofscotland says:

    There’ are rumblings that the G-re-at Sa-t-an will replace Z-e-e with Valery Zaluzhny, Z-e-e appointed Zaluzhny as U’s ambassador to the UK.

  116. Geri says:


    It’s not just the British Empire tho. It’s Americas imperial crusades too & Britain has helped bomb the fck out of them as they’re Americas bitch & NATO is no longer defensive but moved to offensive so we can expect many more now that the European contingent of I will be returning soon.

    & They may not just be fleeing war torn countries but warn torn countries who have a puppet regime who rules with an iron fist on everything from conscription to being gay. 700 Palestinian children are in jail EVERY day. Their only crime being they were walking in the street or they threw a stone. They’ll probably be released (if they haven’t been killed or traumatised by sexual assault first) to find they’re now orphans.

    Stop warring & the movement of ppl would stop but they can’t. These warmongering deviants continually covet other ppls resources & it won’t stop until they’re stopped & we’re moving rapidly towards that as other countries are now just cutting them off completely. They’re now pariah states as far as ‘the international community’ is concerned as they spiral out of control that their empire is over. Britnats too.

  117. Shug says:

    Can the SNP do anything in the next couple of weeks to make the car crash any worse.

  118. Republicofscotland says:

    The Lor-d H-aw H-aw of the Zzz-i–o- Mon-st-er-s Rear A-dmiral Dan-iel Hag-ar-i, has said in not so many words that it might be impossible to defeat the P-ale-st–ini-an Resistance Group (H-a-ma-s)

  119. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile the G-re-at S-ata-n and its complicit minion in ge–noc–ide the UK, have launched multiple airstrikes on targets in Ye-me-n’s strategic western province of Hudaydah.

    Days earlier the same G-e-n-o–ci-de enablers conducted six strikes against Hudaydah International Airport.

  120. James Che says:

    Towbar Sullivan.

    The parliament of England iofficially is gone,
    The parliament of great Britain….. could no longer act as the same parliament of original parliament of England,
    The parliament of Great- Britain has gone,
    It became the parliament Great- Britain and Northern Ireland is gone.
    It then altered to become known as the UK parliament,
    The parliament of Great- Britain, the parliament of Great- Britain and Northern Ireland and the UK parliament are not the parliament of England,

    Neither can negotiate with Scotland as they are not the parliament of England that Scotland made the treaty of union with.

    For those that retain the idea that the devolved parliament of Scotland is a real bona- fida “parliament of Scotland here is a interesting thought to mull over.

    That would make Scotlands parliament the original and only parliament of the treaty of union and being the natural and legal inheritor / owner to the treaty of union,
    And when Margo McDonald publically announced…. “That the Scottish parliament was now reconvened”
    No body or entity or Court of Great-Britain or the Great – Britain parliament, or the Great-Britain and Northern Ireland parliament or the UK parliament made a legal Challenge to that statement.
    So Scotland has many legal options NOT being raised or discussed by politicians in Scotland

  121. Geri says:

    He should be in jail. Not swanning around giving appointments.

    A tractor who not only wilfully depopulated his own country but changed the laws to sell the land to the yanks too & has personally pocketed billions in the process & as if that wasn’t bad enough, broke every rule of his own constitution.

    There’s a special appointment waiting for him lol. I’m guessing it’ll be hot.

  122. Republicofscotland says:

    As Georgia tries to push trough it Foreign Agents Bill, Canada pushes its FA bill through and it only took a few weeks, mind you Canada doesn’t have thousands of NGO’s and foreign agents trying to disrupt its bill.

  123. Xaracen says:

    Towbar Sullivan said;

    “The treaty of union was signed in a world before political parties. MPs don’t vote by ‘kingdoms’, they vote by party. You might imagine or wish that there are two sections to the Westminster Parliament – an English one and a Scottish one, but there isn’t. No bill was ever passed that way. There’s either a majority for it or there isn’t – they never passed bills based on there being a majority of English MPs AND a majority of Scottish MPs, just a simple majority. And in the last 150 years or so it’s political parties that have or don’t have a majority.”

    Then you have completely missed the point. I spelled out precisely why the arrangement you assert here is bogus in the previous thread, and very briefly summarised it in my response to your earlier comment in this thread.

    The Union wasn’t and isn’t formally based on 650 non-sovereign constituencies, it was and still is formally based on two equally sovereign kingdoms! It is their two sovereign authorities that their respective MP representatives wield on their parent kingdoms’ behalf in the Union’s parliament. That’s the whole point of being representatives in the first place!

    One kingdom’s representatives are not entitled to overrule the representatives of a completely different foreign kingdom unless there is a specific formal agreement to that effect in the Union’s founding documents. There isn’t one!

    That’s a sovereign and constitutional fact that nobody is entitled to ignore.

    That Westminster’s English establishment has imposed internal operational arrangements that actively deny the sovereign authority of Scotland as a fully equal partner with England in their Union is clearly not supported by the Union’s formal founding documents, and those arrangements are therefore fundamentally unconstitutional and unlawful.

    That Parliament’s MPs are ignorant of the true basis of the Union, and of their own authorities as formal representatives of two entire kingdoms is an utter disgrace that should have been sorted out centuries ago.

  124. Geri says:


    They could bring Sturgeon back so shush! Lol

  125. Anton Decadent says:

    The organised pfile group made up one hundred percent of people either granted or seeking asylm which was operating at the Four Corners area of Glasgow city centre were granted lifelong anonymity which is completely right as we should be proud that these people chose to make a new home in Scotland. The children they were shggng were schemie neds anyway who should have been quiet for the sake of dversity.

    Reverse victimhood, paint anyone who speaks out as an extremist and further marginalise them, sound familiar?

  126. Confused says:

    on google maps, planning a nice bike ride – looking for good country roads, low traffic, nice scenery; try down clyde valley, checking for local landmarks and places of interest.

    – see this memorial to WILLIAM ROY at milton lockhart; never heard of him, check on wikipedia (always total shite, but gives the broad strokes) – the man who “put surveying on the map”. The wiki is drab, as is usual, but there is a hell of a story between the lines – a lad on the make, lower middle class then on to major general, and with solid scientific work. Another example of Scots being brilliant at things and showing the lazy effete arsehole english, just how it is done …

    One thing catches my eye – he surveyed the battlefield at culloden in 46, and there is a departure point for a story. What tales to tell.

    In those times the purpose of the explorer was to find new lands to pillage, and the job of the surveyor was to make maps so you could – send your troops where needed, and then to get the loot back out. Always portrayed as neutral, scientific, but a role, crucial to empire. For example, reading the tales of the early Himalayan explorers, you realise they were all spies, playing “the great game”.

    Roy – well, no mention of his politics, but we can guess; though it may not be so simple – most of us just have to go wherever in life the opportunity presents … even if you want to smash the british state to smithereens, well, right now, it’s just not happening and if, say, they offered you a decent 6 figure civil service job, with the fat pension … why not take it?

    Roy’s mapmaking helped to subjugate his own land, which sums it up, really. He obviously had talent, but it got used towards a bad purpose, which is a common story. There is a line from a Gray book – something like : “the worst crime is murder, but the second worst crime is selling that small but vital part of your own intelligence which leads to murder …”

  127. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 1:15 pm

    “As Georgia tries to push trough it Foreign Agents Bill”

    We’ll never see a Foreign Agents Bill at Holyrood as that would mean the entire SNP colonial administration are in soapy bubble.

    Such is the Manichean nature of colonialism, with plenty of ‘agents pensioned off at a ransom price’ (Fanon).

  128. Geri says:

    Colonisers have zero self awareness. Its a sight to behold them going holiday daft over Georgia’s foreign agents bill when they have not only similar but ban a foreigner from ever becoming president of the USA – unlike Georginas who currently has a French president parachuted in especially to cause civil unrest.

    Sooner they’re told to GTF the better & take their warmongering elsewhere.

  129. Hatuey says:

    “Yer trying to compare apples with oranges.”

    What’s wrong with that?

    Anyway, a colonised people has no right to complain about unwelcome guests… Scotland is England’s bitch, deal with that and when you have dealt with it you might be in a position to have a grown-up conversation about apples and oranges.

  130. lothianlad says:

    When the people finally wake to the betrayal of the SNP, They are finished!!

    When Scotland changes party, it doesnt mess around!
    Lets hope they choose Alba!

  131. Xaracen says:

    Also, there certainly were political parties during the times of the signing of the Treaty of Union. And that there are parties within the MPs of the Union is also irrelevant in relation to the responsibilities of MPs as formal representatives of their respective kingdoms. They are not there to formally represent their parties, because parties have no formal authority of their own in the parliament!

  132. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    Report: French police put migrants at risk with aggressive tactics against small boats

    In this story the French police are accused of putting migrants at risk.

    UK PM Sunak has pledged to “stop the boats” from crossing the Channel and said he would pay millions of pounds to France for help.

    This is an intriguing story.

    How can France stop the boats without putting lives in danger?

    The French police are accused of standing around watching the boats leave and Farage & Galloway asking what we are paying them for.

    I’m trying to figure out what the French police can do.

  133. Colin Alexander says:

    @ Lothianlad

    Alba are also as corrupt as the SNP. Their pathetic constitution and abuses of the rules, and abuses of members, are straight from the SNP playbook.

    Alex Salmond makes policy and other decisions on the hoof and ignores what little checks the constitution of the party nominally places on the Dictator and his right hand woman and man (namely Tas Sheikh and Chris McEleny).

    As Sillars said: Salmond hollowed out the SNP, destroyed party democracy and turned it into: follow the leader. He’s done the same with Alba.

    Alex has voluntarily sworn fealty to the English Crown as one of the English Crown’s privy counsellors, same as Swinney, Sturgeon and Yousaf. Anyone that thinks he will defy the English Crown and treasonously declare indy is kidding themselves.

    A current example of Alba being the Alex Party: Alba member, Craig Murray is standing for the Workers Party of Great Britain in Blackburn. The Workers Party will contest Dundee Central in opposition to Alba’s candidate.

    Standing for another party that is in opposition to Alba breaches the Alba constitution. But, as Craig Murray is Salmond’s pal, Salmond says it’s okay. Alba just ignore the constitution and Alex can decide whatever he wants just like SNP leaders can do whatever they want.

    Aye, Alex got us a referendum at the height of Alex’s popularity. . But, Alex also lost us the referendum. 10 YEARS AGO. He’s a lot less popular now, except for a few people on Wings etc.

  134. Ruby Tuesday says:

    link to

    Dozens of police officers are powerless on French beaches as people smugglers exploit loopholes to pack dinghy

    And, under maritime law, there’s not much the French police can do to get involved.

    They’re not allowed to enter the water to stop a boat that hasn’t asked for help and, well, it’s not illegal for migrants to run into the water.

    Basically, there are loopholes that smugglers have learned to exploit, and which hinder and frustrate the police.

    If it’s not illegal for migrants to run into the water then it’s ‘possibly’ not illegal for them to get on a dingy.

    Is Sunak wanting to pay the French police to break the law.

    How legal is it for the French police to damage propery? ie puncture rubber boats?

    Why would someone from Iraq be desperate to get to the UK?

  135. Mia says:

    “Stop warring & the movement of ppl would stop”

    You know that the survival of both, capitalism and USA’s hegemony are at stake like they have never been before. And both are welded to each other. If one sinks, the other sinks too.

    Neoliberalism (and neoliberal wars) appear to have become the destructive tool of choice for the main instigators of capitalism. They are an artificial way to ensure continuous “creative” destruction”.

    Continuous “creative destruction” and continuous opportunities for economic expansion and growth is what keeps capitalism alive.

    Wars obviously have several purposes for imperial powers. Geopolitical control is one of them. Seizing control over the resources of another country is another.

    However, an additional purpose of neoliberal wars is for the imperial power to create an opportunity for economic growth. The destruction of a country’s infrastructure caused by the war, for example, will create a huge opportunity for economic growth during the rebuilding process.

    This rebuilding process will attract many investors. But who benefits from it will depend on who is controlling the country.

    The thing is that UKRN has one hell of a lot of resources. The following two quotes were taken from Faiola & Bennett’s article “In the UKRN war, a battle for the nation’s mineral and energy wealth” published in The Washington Post on the 10 Aug 2022:

    “UKRN harbors some of the world’s largest reserves of titanium and iron ore, fields of untapped lithium and massive deposits of coal. Collectively, they are worth tens of trillions of dollars”

    “UKRN is widely known as an agricultural powerhouse. But as a raw-material mother lode, it’s home to 117 of the 120 most widely used minerals and metals, and a major source of fossil fuels”

    So, what is the real reason USA and the UK are so concerned about UKRN? What can be so existential for them in this fight that has made them to completely remove the faux mask of NATO as “the police of the world” exposing it as their private offensive weapon?

    Is it because they really give a shit about the sovereignty of the UKRN people?

    Looking at how little they care about the sovereignty of Scotland or the sovereignty of Syria or Libya when the establishment sent the useless Cameron to destroy the country, for example, or looking at the continuous interference of USA and UK assets in other countries’ political and economic business, it does not look like they give a shit about anybody else’s sovereignty other than their own.

    Could it be because if RSS controls those resources in Ukraine it will be more difficult for Europe to get them?

    This may concern the UK a little, but I do not see how it affects USA. As long as USA gets the supplies it needs, the reality is that its concern for Europe is minimal. So this cannot be the real reason either.

    At the end of the day, for the countries in Europe that need to buy energy or those resources, if the price is right, it does not really matter an iota to them who they are buying them from, UKRN or RSS.

    So what is the real difference that will affect USA if RSS takes control over those energy resources and minerals?

    The main difference is not who owns the resources, but rather in what currency those resources are going to be sold. After USA’s move to steal RSS’s dollar reserves, RSS will no longer sell those resources in dollars.

    If those resources are no longer sold in dollars, UKRN or RSS will not have a surplus in dollars in their bank accounts that USA can steal with the excuse of economic sanctions or that those countries can recycle.

    And if they do not have a surplus of dollars to recycle, then they can no longer be used to buy off USA’s debt in the form of Treasury bonds.

    And if an increasing number of countries with natural resources to sell do no longer generate dollar surpluses selling those resources and investing them in buying USA’s debt, USA cannot continue living beyond its means.

    The overall value of UKRN’s resources will not be enough to topple USA’s economy by itself, but it might be an incentive for other countries rich in resources to follow suit and start selling their own energy resources in a different currency. Once the number of countries selling energy in other currencies reaches critical mass, then the hegemony of the dollar is over.

    It is becoming more and more evident by the day that the UKRN war was always about stopping or, at least slowing down, the de-dollarisation process.

    The irony of this is that it was USA itself with its insatiable greed, arrogance and systematic overreach toward’s other countries’ assets and politics through sanctions who caused it in the first place.

    The problem for us is that a large bunch of tiny-brained warmongers comfortably sitting in Westminster, living at our expense and filling their expanded bellies with quality liquor and food in Westminster’s subsidised bars, in their stupor are threatening with sending us and our children to a war with RSS that we cannot win.

    I say, if they are so thirsty for a war, give each of them a rifle and parachute those fckng warmongers and their own children to the front line. They can leave ours alone.

  136. Anton Decadent says:

    @Ruby, there is an underlying motive of vengeance, someone who had arrived in Eire is on film stating that Ireland was involved in these wars and must take in all of these people as just deserts. It is pretty much every yt maj country which is being targeted and the infrastructure to enable this is huge, media, politics, publishing, law, advertising, entertainment etc. Same as the trans lobby.

    Re Alba, in 2022 its candidate for the Pollokshields area, a Pakistani Asylum And Immigration lawyer, was stabbed in his office in Govanhill by what, judging by the name, was one of his clients

  137. Mia says:

    “Stop warring & the movement of ppl would stop”

    You know that the survival of both, capitalism and USA’s hegemony are at stake like they have never been before. And both are welded to each other. If one sinks, the other sinks too.

    Neoliberalism (and neoliberal wars) appear to have become the destructive tool of choice for the main instigators of capitalism. They are an artificial way to ensure continuous “creative” destruction”.

    Continuous “creative destruction” and continuous opportunities for economic expansion and growth is what keeps capitalism alive.

    Wars obviously have several purposes for imperial powers. Geopolitical control is one of them. Seizing control over the resources of another country is another.

    However, an additional purpose of neoliberal wars is for the imperial power to create an opportunity for economic growth. The destruction of a country’s infrastructure caused by the war, for example, will create a huge opportunity for economic growth during the rebuilding process.

    This rebuilding process will attract many investors. But who benefits from it will depend on who is controlling the country.

    The thing is that UK-RN has one hell of a lot of resources. The following two quotes were taken from Faiola & Bennett’s article “In the UK-RN war, a battle for the nation’s mineral and energy wealth” published in The Washington Post on the 10 Aug 2022:

    “UK-RN harbors some of the world’s largest reserves of titanium and iron ore, fields of untapped lithium and massive deposits of coal. Collectively, they are worth tens of trillions of dollars”

    “UK-RN is widely known as an agricultural powerhouse. But as a raw-material mother lode, it’s home to 117 of the 120 most widely used minerals and metals, and a major source of fossil fuels”

    So, what is the real reason USA and the UK are so concerned about UK-RN? What can be so existential for them in this fight that has made them to completely remove the faux mask of NATO as “the police of the world” exposing it as their private offensive weapon?

    Is it because they really give a shit about the sovereignty of the UK-RN people?

    Looking at how little they care about the sovereignty of Scotland, or looking at the continuous interference of USA and UK assets in other countries’ political and economic business, it does not look like they give a shit about anybody else’s sovereignty other than their own.

    Could it be because if RS controls those resources in UK-RN it will be more difficult for Europe to get them?

    This may concern the UK a little, but I do not see how it affects USA. As long as USA gets the supplies it needs, the reality is that its concern for Europe is minimal. So this cannot be the real reason either.

    At the end of the day, for the countries in Europe that need to buy energy or those resources, if the price is right, it does not really matter an iota to them who they are buying them from, UKRN or RS.

    So what is the real difference that will affect USA if RS takes control over those energy resources and minerals?

    The main difference is not who owns the resources, but rather in what currency those resources are going to be sold. After USA’s move to steal RS’s dollar reserves, RS will no longer sell those resources in dollars.

    If those resources are no longer sold in dollars, UKRN or RS will not have a surplus in dollars in their bank accounts that USA can steal with the excuse of economic sanctions or that could be recycled.

    And if they do not have a surplus of dollars to recycle, then they can no longer be used to buy off USA’s debt in the form of Treasury bonds.

    And if an increasing number of countries with natural resources to sell do no longer generate dollar surpluses selling those resources and investing them in buying USA’s debt, USA cannot continue living beyond its means.

    The overall value of UK-RN’s resources will not be enough to topple USA’s economy by itself, but it might be an incentive for other countries rich in resources to follow suit and start selling their own energy resources in a different currency. Once the number of countries selling energy in other currencies reaches critical mass, then the impact of not recycling the surpluses from selling resources into USA’s debt will become obvious.

    It is becoming more and more evident by the day that the UK-RN war was always about stopping or, at least slowing down, the de-dollarisation process.

    The irony of this is that it was USA itself with its insatiable greed, arrogance and systematic overreach towards other countries’ assets, economy and politics through “sanctions” who caused it in the first place.

    The problem for us here in Scotland is that a large bunch of tiny-brained warmongers drunk in power, comfortably sitting in Westminster and living at our expense and filling their expanded bellies in subsidised bars with quality liquor and food, in their stupor are threatening with sending us and our children to a war with RS that we cannot win.

    I say, if they are so thirsty for a war, give each of them a rifle and parachute all those warmongers and their own children to the front line. They can leave ours alone.

  138. panda paws says:

    @clansman yes it does help to read what those parties say

    “Brexit took us out of Europe but EFTA is the best way back in for an independent Scotland”

    link to

    “EFTA/EEA is the fastest and most practical way to recover the rights of the Scottish people to live, work
    and trade in all 30 EEA states. Scotland would also seek to be a member of the Council of Europe.”

    link to

  139. Willie says:

    Just been reading about the two US astronauts stranded on the international space station.

    Seems that Boeing have excelled themselves again with poor quality engineering.

    Years over time, billions over budget, the Boeing Stsrliner after taking off with a rocket fault and helium leak is now broken to the extent that it cannot return to retrieve the crew.

    Makes you realize that Fergusson Marine is not the only burst ball engineering company.

    Two rotten companies. Both national embarrassments.

  140. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Anton do you recon the people smugglers are terrorists?

    They could be rounding up all the worst criminals and bring them to this country.

    For sure these ‘asylum seekers’ have no fear of the law. If they are happy to so blatantly break the law to get here what will they do when they get here?

    They definitely have no respect for our laws.

    There is something very suspicious about their actions.

    Then you get people like Hautey calling us racists and Humza complaining about racism & islamaphobia.

    There is a reason why people are racist & islamaphobic.

  141. Confused says:

    express, in a moment of clarity

    link to

    supremacism, national character, narcissism

    – and it’s not just me bashing these dogs. And they love farage, for sure, and one day could make him PM.

    there’s more …

    we shall fight them on the beaches … the bulldog, dunkirk spirit (running away!)

    link to

    the anglos booted out of 65 countries, for doing NUFFINK, and never wanted back anywhere; facking ingrates


    (zapped by anglo reality distortion field)

    lovely people, chronically misunderstood, but respected the world over … we fought the nazis and saved the world from ultimate evil …

  142. Mia says:

    “The treaty of union was signed in a world before political parties”

    Sorry, this is not accurate.

    At the time of the ratification of the Treaty of Union there were three main political parties represented in Scotland’s parliament: The Court party, the Country Party and the Squadrone Volante.

    The Court party supported the Queen, Lord Godolphin and the English Whigs, who were all in favour of union and the Hanover line to the throne.

    The Country party opposed the government and the union.

    The Squadrone volante was formed by members who often changed sides.

    The court party relied on the squadrone volante and non-attendance from the Country party to succeed in the vote to ratify the treaty of union.

    The commissioners representing Scotland during the negotiations of the treaty were not elected, but “selected” and appointed by the queen, so the majority of them would favour the union.

    The union was always a crown affair. It was planned and instigated by the English crown. I am of the opinion this remains the case to this day, hence the insisting by the SNP in talking about negotiations between Scotland and the UK government when referring to Scotland’s independence rather than what it should be: negotiations between Scotland and England.

  143. Republicofscotland says:

    “We’ll never see a Foreign Agents Bill at Holyrood as that would mean the entire SNP colonial administration are in soapy bubble.”


    Not just the SNP, but all the Fifth Columnist parties at Holyrood as well, for these parties are nothing more than branch offices of their London HQ’s.

  144. David Hannah says:

    Kate Forbes is such an elegant speaker. Very polite. I like her as a speaker. It’s just a shame she’s speaking about elevating bullshit to something higher than an art from.

    And she went awol on self ID.

    Sleekit Kate!

  145. David Hannah says:

    Kate Forbes on ITV this morning talking about Scotland going back into the EU.

    “Let me remind you. That when it comes to democracy. The majority of people in Scotland voted to remain in the EU. And the IFS has estimated that the £30 billion in additional tax revenues of Scotland being in the EU is not unreasonably high. We are unashamedly pro-European Union. And how did that go?”

    “We know the UK runs a very unequal economy with a lot of the activity concentrated in London and the South East.”

    link to

    Typically, when goods enter a country, they have to follow the import regulations of that country. This often involves a tariff—a tax on those imports.

    A free port or “free zone” is an area that is inside the geographic boundary of a country, but which is legally considered outside the country for customs purposes. Goods brought into the free port don’t face import tariffs (though if they are then sent into the rest of the country for sale, they are then taxed accordingly).

    She’s basically saying she wants scotland in the EU – but she was the one turned Scotland into free port. A tax haven. Free market Forbsy.

    A ravenous wolf in sheeps clothing. Watch out for her.

  146. David Hannah says:

    Looking forward to the BBC election debate night.

    Ricki Sunak is an embarrassment. The guys campaign manager’s wife put a large scale bet on the date of the election.

    With some insider information. I can’t wait to hear him explain this one away.

    Sunak is a piece of human filth and has no place in Britain. He’s destroyed the country. Stopped the boats – my arse.

    And he’s off to California. Corrupt to the core.

  147. Republicofscotland says:

    £12,000 quid a minute wasted on weapons that can never be used meanwhile chronic poverty plagues the UK, with parents and children going hungry whilst many, many folk can’t afford to turn the heating on.

    All of the UK’s NHS’s are in decline, housing is in a right old state, road surfaces are a disgrace, education standards are falling, yet £12,000 quid a minute can be wasted on weapons that are nothing more than a Westminster phallic symbol.

    Why the F*ck would anybody other than well paid House Jocks vote to remain in this illegal union. Lets not forget that Scots are paying a percentage of the £12,000 a minute that could be spent on much more worthy causes.

    link to

  148. David Hannah says:

    BBC election night. Leaders of the four main partys.

    Sir Kier.
    Someone else.

    Tune in tonight Fiona Bruce – Question Time.

    Let’s hope the question of Scottish Independence, the missing 600k. The caravan. Branchform. Operation Kopper. What’s the other one. Oh that’s right – the £3 million Sturgeon owes Alex Salmond.

    The Shipman Sisters – Sturgeon and Jean Freeman – SNP Stronger for DNACPRS.

    Justice for Lesley Roberts. set the truth free. The whistleblowing nurse.

  149. Republicofscotland says:

    The G-re-at S-at-an-s Götterdämmerung is well under way.

    “Foreign aid is contingent on buying US weapons. Egypt. which receives some $1.3 billion in foreign military financing, is required to devote it to buying and maintaining U.S. weapons systems.

    Izz-h-ell, meanwhile, has received $158 billion in bilateral assistance from the US since 1949, almost all of it since 1971 in the form of military aid, with most of it going towards arms purchases from American weapons manufacturers.

    The US public funds the research, development and building of weapons systems and then buys these same weapons systems on behalf of foreign governments. It is a circular system of corporate welfare.

    In the year to September 2022, the US spent $877 billion on the military. This was more than the next 10 countries – including Chi-n-a, Rooshh-ia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom – combined.

    These huge military expenditures, along with the rising costs of a for-profit healthcare system, have driven the US national debt to over $31 trillion, nearly $5 trillion more than the US’s entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

    This imbalance is not sustainable, especially once the dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency. As of January 2023, the US spent a record $213 billion servicing the interest on its national debt.”

    link to

  150. President Xiden says:

    If only the SNP had held the majority of seats over the past decade.

  151. twathater says:

    It never fails to amuse me that all these yoons and proud Scots BUTS who continuously denigrate and ridicule any mention of the TOU, Acts of Union , Claim of Rights or any other Ancient laws and agreements have NEVER opposed denigrated or ridiculed the fabled and revered (by the engerlish exceptionalists) constant insistence that the magna carta and their unwritten constitution MUST be adhered to and those documents are gods instructions given to gods people

    It is as if there is some disconnect or they are showing where their true loyalty lies , Scotland’s ancient laws and treaties are all outdated and pish and no one cares about them apart from moon howling nativists who are blood and soil adherents with despicable racist undertones and beliefs

    BUT the engerlish Magna Carta and the unwritten constitution must be adhered to and held and celebrated because it is current and above reproach, it exemplifies the true engerlishman

  152. Republicofscotland says:

    Meanwhile the UK and I-z-he-ll signed a close military agreement a few years back, yes you are part guilty for the ongoing G-en-oc-ide in G–a–z-zz-a and you don’t even know it.

    The English MoD is trialing out drones that can kill in Sa-li-sbury (Sal-isbu-ry again, it figures) bought from a Z-io- company Xtend that supplies the I-D-F. The murderous drone were created partly by a top secret Z-i-o military unit called Yif-tah, Xtend employs many ex-I-D-F personnel. The Gr-e-at Sat-an has purchased many killer drones from the company that struggled badly for funding before the Z-i-o-Mon-sters began their G-en-o-ci-de.

  153. Geri says:

    Mia 4:19

    Succinctly put.

    They’re openly patting themselves on the back that they’ll be fleecing upwards of £12 trillion+ & dumb yanks think no one else watches their TV as they rant “so what if UK-RN lose men..’its not our men’ They’re all foreigners & who gives a feck for them. R is bluffing & anyway, who cares if he isn’t, they’re miles away from us. We must get intae Ruskie land too & break it all up into tiny little bits cause they have even more goodies. Diamonds & Gas & Oil – oh my!”

    The military complex is also big business. No profits in peacetime. Even supplying UK-RN with duff weapons was a job creation scheme & one they want to bring to the EU. Got to have wars to play with their new toys.

    Enter Cuba & North Korea. Possibly a halt to their lobotomy. Things aren’t miles away after all.

    Throw in the general crew too FFS.

    All eyes on Germany too. Are they going to roll over & take being shafted out of their energy & trade or will they manage up…if it wasn’t such a tragic loss of life it’d be better than the footie for drama.

  154. Alf Baird says:

    President Xiden @ 6:07 pm

    “If only the SNP had held the majority of seats over the past decade.”

    Yup, a nationalist majority in any colony usually means liberty for an oppressed people. Except for Scots it seems.

    But who needs a high GDP-per-capita anyway when we can share it with the 60 million folk next door:

    link to

  155. Hatuey says:

    “BUT the engerlish Magna Carta and the unwritten constitution must be adhered to and held and celebrated because it is current and above reproach…”

    I don’t see or hear anyone talking about that. I think most “ordinary” people just switch off when you talk about that sort of stuff and the prevailing political culture hinges on voting, elections, and associated notions of democracy.

    Nothing in any old document or treaty is going to free Scotland. If you found something along the lines of a loophole, they’d just ignore it on the basis that the prevailing democratic culture, norms, and practices supersede everything. And in a sense that means they do.

  156. Geri says:


    The whole world adheres to treaties & agreements.

    Not you, Scotland. Yours is boring & means nothing even tho it’s still live. LOL!

    You can stick to domestic elections where we’ve rigged it so the house always wins.. said no cunt, ever.

    Fcks sake. Go have a wee sit doon Hatuey. Go have a wee think on yer apples & oranges..

  157. David Hannah says:

    They never get asked hard questions on question time do they?

    Swinney getting soft ball question after softball.

    Jail Sturgeon.

  158. David Hannah says:

    Fiona Bruce is a dreadful host. She sounds like a smoker. Look at those wrinkly arms of hers. Drooping.

    Horrible woman. And a horrible host.

  159. David Hannah says:

    I am glad we’ve left the EU. I hate politicians. And I hate people that want to be politicians. The worst kind of people on planet earth.

    Terrible fucking questions from fucking wankers.

  160. Ruby Tuesday says:

    It took me ages to figure out what UK-RN was I though it was the UK Royal Navy.

    The Royal Navy need to be busy in the Channel doing something about the small boats. Not sure what as I haven’t finished my research into the small boats yet.

  161. David Hannah says:

    Fuck climate change. Couldn’t care less. 80 coal fired power stations being built in China. Smog city.

    The new river nile being built by the egyptians.

    The new mega dam being built by the ethiopians.

    Drill our oil Swinney. DRILL THE OIL!

  162. David Hannah says:

    These climate change arseholes have been indoctrinated from school up. They are brainwashed.

    from ages 16-25. They haven’t got a clue. Climate change is their religion. Virtue signalling is their religion.

    The free bus passes for under 22s. The entitlement. The idea that they are right and we are wrong. They are on this panel today.

    Just look what they’ve done to Stone Henge. The summer solstace and they’ve sprayed orange paint on stone henge.

    The sycamore cap tree also cut down in England. They are attacking history. These people hate britain. And they are clapping Swinney like seals.

    This country is lost.

  163. Republicofscotland says:

    I think we’ve come across this Britnat troll before.

    “A UNIONIST blogger has urged anyone who identifies as Scottish not British to rip up their passports “or else be a hypocrite”, before being deported.

    Effie Deans, who has previously written for right-wing magazine The Spectator under the name Irena Skuba, took to X/Twitter to express her latest ultra-Unionist hot take.

    She wrote: “If you think you are Scottish and not British, then please renounce your British citizenship & rip up your passport.

    “You can then be deported from the UK as you won’t have the right to live here. Alternatively you can accept that you are indeed British or else be a hypocrite.” “

  164. David Hannah says:

    Sir Kier and his jew wife got rid of Corbyn. Hilary Clinton and friends got rid of Corbyn. That’s why he lost. Corbyn the anti-semite smear campaign.

    I despise the labour party. More than the Tories.

  165. David Hannah says:

    Corbyn would have been an outstanding and great prime minister.

    The prime minister on Britain’s last hope. Lost and gone. I liked him even though i disagreed with his stance on independence.

    Long Live Jeremy Corbyn.

  166. David Hannah says:

    Don’t waste your time. Don’t annoy yourself. Switch on the Football on the other channel. This is unbelievable. Nothing honest about Kier Starmer.


  167. James Che says:


    Making logic and common sense once again in you Comments,

    What do you suppose is the official kingdom and parliament heritor of the treaty of union?
    ,Now there is no longer a original parliament of England
    The parliament of Great-Britain- parliament of Great- Britain and Northern Ireland – the parliament of the UK

    Or the Reconvened parliament of Scotland,

    As the Uk parliament nor the Courts in England or Scotland did not contest the Statement made by Margo McDonald publically in the parliament in Scotland,

    Due to the 1707 Scottish parliament was Sine die’d in the Country of Scotland.

  168. Republicofscotland says:

    Imagine if this was applied in Scotland, not only would the majority of foreigners be kicked out of Scotland for not being able to speak Scots or Gaelic, but many, many Scots would also be given their marching orders for the majority of Scots haven’t a clue when it comes to their ain languages they’ve been usurped by the foreign language of English.

    Almost 5,000 ethnic Roo-shhi-ans living in Latvia will have to pass a language exam in order to keep their residency under immigration amendments the parliament adopted on Thursday.

    The Latvian language requirement previously applied to around 25,000 ethnic Roos-hhi-ans residing in the Baltic state, but the Supreme Court of Latvia ruled in February that exempting those who received residency prior to 2003 amounted to unfair privilege.

    The Saeima, the country’s legislature, voted 82-10 in favor of the amendments, with six lawmakers abstaining.

    According to the Latvian government, the law will require some 4,949 additional ethnic Roo-shh-ains to pass a language test to remain in the country.

  169. Geri says:

    Effie Deans needs to take a closer look at that Passport.


    Is that not a unicorn on the front of it clutching a royal throne? Whatever could that mean I wonder.

    They should gather up all those Britnat fckwits with identity issues & ship them off somewhere. I hear Sentinel Island is lovely & I think it has oil too lol. Win win.

  170. Hatuey says:

    Geri, the fact is that nobody outside of a few (let’s be diplomatic) dedicated enthusiasts knows or cares about stuff like the Claim of Right, or the Treaty of Union, or Magna Carta.

    You can berate me (the messenger) all you want, but the fact of the matter is that people generally accept that the route to independence must be through existing and accepted practice of voting, elections, referenda, etc.

    I repeat, nothing you find in any ancient document or treaty is ever going to change anything as far as independence is concerned, and even if you found some loophole, technicality, or basis to challenge anything, you’d need a political party that accepts the prevailing notions of democracy and voting to make something of it.

    I wish it were otherwise. If it was up to me, we’d be on the streets kicking up shit — and that works — but the masses have different ideas and I guess that’s what we need to deal with.

  171. Geri says:

    Dinnie worry, Latvia. #AskAndy will be drafting a stern letter as we speak about how they’re all tankie, moonhowling schemies or something.

    Or probably not.

  172. Republicofscotland says:

    Washington’s puppet in Argentina’s Congreso de la Nación (Milei) gets his knuckles rapped.

    “While 51 percent of Argentines live in poverty, the Milei administration kept 5,000 tons of food abandoned in warehouses.

    By order of Judge Sebastian Casanello, President Javier Milei was forced to distribute food that was intended for social assistance programs for the poorest Argentines.

    On Tuesday, the Argentine army began distributing food valued at approximately US$4 million that had been stored unused and was about to expire.

    This situation triggered a scandal, leading to the resignation of senior officials from the Human Capital Ministry. Prosecutor Paloma Ochoa is leading an investigation into the matter.

    About 5,000 tons of food, abandoned in two state warehouses, must be distributed in the next two weeks under an immediate delivery protocol due to the expiration dates of the products.

    With the support of the highway police, food distribution operations are being carried out in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Tucuman.”

  173. Ruby says:

    Effie Deans is Andy Ellis and Hatuey’s moniker has been hijacked.

    If John Main can be Hatey is there any reason he can be Hatuey?

  174. Ruby Thurday says:

    Effie Deans is Andy Ellis and Hatuey’s moniker has been hijacked.

    If John Main can be Hatey is there any reason he can be Hatuey?

  175. Campbell Clansman says:

    Panda Paws, are you really as dishonest as your comments suggest?
    Of course Alba (and ISP) is for things (like EFTA) other than rejoining the EU. But that doesn’t address, let alone refute, what they said about rejoining the EU. And they want to.
    Alba’s official position is, once their version of “Indy” is achieved:
    “we will begin the process of joining the EU.”
    You know this as well as I do. Why can’t you admit it?

    It’s sad when a party that promises “independence” merely want to trade Westminster rule for rule by Brussels (and Strasbourg). What’s even sadder is that the some people actually pretend to believe that this party is for “independence.”

  176. Ruby Sunday says:

    Just testing.

  177. Ruby Friday says:

    Oops I meant can’t be Hatuey.

    Hatey & Hatuey are very similar.

    Effie Deans like Andy Ellis doesn’t know the difference between ethnicity & nationality.

  178. David Hannah says:

    I despise Sunak the clown – but the alternative is worse.

    The tories can be pressurised to get tough on immigration despite their corruption.

    But labour will be open borders + corruption.

    In which case I’d prefer the tories.

  179. Ruby Monday says:

    How does anyone outside of a few (let’s be diplomatic) dedicated enthusiasts know about anything?

  180. Campbell Clansman says:

    Since nobody here is saying much positive about the ISP’s leader Colette Walker, I will.
    Sure, she got less than 1% of the vote in the Rutherglen by-election. Finished 9th… and barely edged out “PRINCE ANKIT LOVE EMPEROR OF INDIA” (whoever or whatever that is).
    But she’s running again. This time in East Renfrewshire. And I confidently predict that she’ll do better than before. At least finish 8th rather than 9th. And since the self-proclaimed “Emperor of India” isn’t running this time (and there’s no Monster Raving Loony Party candidate), she may actually get 1% of the vote!

  181. Ruby Tuesday says:

    Here we go
    link to

    Why it’s not the Royal Navy’s job to stop migrant boats

    The RN is rightly perceived as the UK’s primary maritime shield. Misunderstandings about its role and about maritime law lead people to call for the navy to protect us from this “invasion” and or even “sink migrant boats and let them drown”.

    Apart from the monstrous immorality of such actions, it would be asking sailors to contravene a foundational Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulation which requires mariners to come to the rescue of anyone in distress at sea. Participants could also be liable for prosecution under international law for crimes against humanity, not to mention making the UK a pariah state in the eyes of the world. No one serving in the navy wants to be involved in such actions and most would probably refuse to be involved.

    Others call for the Navy to “push the boats back” or “return the people to France where they came from”. This is simply not viable without political agreement because UK vessels would need permission to enter French waters as they are no longer conducting ‘innocent passage’ under UN Convention on Law of the sea (UNCLOS) rules.

  182. David Hannah says:

    If Rwanda’s good enough for 15 other European countries. It’s good enough for Scotland.

  183. David Hannah says:

    Sunak got booed. “shame on you. The audience cried.”

    He wants to turn Britain into Russia or Belarus. leaving the ECHR.

    Starmer’s on his way. Disaster! That’s my toughts. No hope for my future. Time to become a migrant myself.

  184. Northcode says:

    Donald Sutherland has died – I’m very sad. One of my favourite actors.

  185. David Hannah says:

    Low lie the fields of Athenry. Where once, we watched the small free birds fly. Our love was on the wing. We had dreams and songs to sing. Now it’s so lonely. Around the fields of Athenry.

    Against the famine. And the crown. Fuck the Crown. I rebelled they cut me down. Now it’s so lonely. Round the fields of athenry.

  186. David Hannah says:

    Nothing matters mary when you’re free. Now the prison ship lies waiting in the bay.

    Low. Lie. The fields of athenry. Where once we watched the small free birds fly. Our love was on the wing. We had dreams and songs to sing.


    And then europe became over run with migrants – and all the men turned right wing. Because the natives have been left behind. Who saw this coming?

  187. David Hannah says:

    The crops are all in and the peaches are gathered
    Oranges packed in their creosote bins
    They re flying them back to the Mexican border
    Twill take all their money to get back again

    So farewell to my friends goodbye Roselita
    Adios mis amigos, Jesus y Maria
    You won’t have a name when you fly the big aeroplane
    All they will call you will be deportees

  188. James says:

    Campbell Tory Clansman;

    Away and take a flying fuck to yourself. The EU won’t steal our resources or force park nukes on the outskirts of Glasgow.

    Anyway, we prefer EFTA as you well know.

    Fcuking Troll.

  189. Geri says:


    Correct. Folks may remember the poisoned dwarf, no, not that one – the other one known as Preti Patel – her answer to this conundrum was to send Border Force out on jet skis & just shout at them to turn around & go home LOL.

    Can’t rescue folks with a jet ski.

    Why don’t they just open a dedicated processing unit & a safe route FFS instead of wasting copious amounts of money trying to get others to do it for them. It’d create jobs too. Who doesn’t love a uniform & a badge? A wee bit of power to wield over applicants thrown in. Grindr pays good money for that lol

  190. Alf Baird says:

    Republicofscotland @ 9:15 pm

    “Imagine if this was applied in Scotland”

    Aye, deid richt, an hits oor ain braw Scots langage whit maks oor ain fowk, an whit aye gies us oor inalienable richt tae sel-determination independence tae.

  191. Andy Ellis says:

    @David Hannah 10.00pm

    Time to become a migrant myself.

    Best news BTL here for a while ya xenophobic racist prick. I pity the place you fuck off to, but at least the average IQ here will increase slightly. I hope the door hist yer arse so hard on the way out it migrates you to low earth orbit.

  192. Ruby Friday says:

    link to

    British tourist cries after Benidorm holiday was ruined by ‘too many Spanish people’

    This is not unusual. English tourists do not like anything foreign.
    This is a fact and this is what English tourists like. Is it racism?

    If you want to sell an excursion to an English tourist you need to emphasise that there will be no foreigners.
    I’ve heard loads of complaints about things being in Spanish in Spain.
    English pubs selling egg & chips are very popular in Spain.

    Are other nationalities the same? I think they might be and this is what brought me to the conclusion that everyone is ‘racist’. I don’t even know if I would use the word racist.

    I think it’s a big ask to expect people who don’t like anything foreign to accept multi-culturalism.

    Do I believe the English people who voted for Brexit are racist?
    No I believe they are just like this lady and they don’t like anything foreign.

    I’m different to this lady and most English tourists in Spain in that I really like exploring everything foreign when I’m in a foreign country but not so keen on everything being foreign in my own country.

    I’m using the example of English tourists because that is what I have experience of.

  193. Ruby Friday says:

    Is that it Ellis? Is that your only contribution to this thread?

  194. Ruby Friday says:

    ‘xenophobic racist prick’ What is that exactly? Is that someone who would prefer people didn’t illegally enter the country. Someone who wonders how so many people can live in this country illegally?

    The government don’t know how many people there are living illegally in the UK. Back in 2017 Nick Clegg knew there were illegal immigrants who had been here for over 10 years.

    Is it someone like myself who wonders why people prevent the authorities from arresting illegal immigrants.

    link to

    Glasgow stand-off: Residents cheer as immigration officials release two men after crowd blocks van

    That is a total mystery to me. Why would people in Glasgow be in favour of illegal immigration?

  195. Ruby Friday says:

    Scotland’s justice secretary and MSP for Glasgow Pollok, Humza Yousaf, asked to speak to home secretary Priti Patel about the events.
    “I have asked to speak to the Home Secretary to gain further details & make clear just how unacceptable this situation is,

    It’s the people of Glasgow who did the job,” says a campaigner who waited with these 2 men and then walked them to a nearby mosque.

    Mohammad Asif, director of the Afghan Human Rights Foundation, said the two men were Muslim and had come from war-torn countries, but the Home Office later said they were not Muslim.

  196. Ruby Friday says:

    Finally on the topic of ‘xenophobic racist pricks’

    Glasgow council declares ‘housing emergency’

  197. Geri says:

    Ellis has zero self awareness. He thinks “islamafascists” shouldn’t defend themselves & neither should the “Orcs”.
    They should just roll over to their colonisers.

    Craig Murray, Chris Hedges & Richard Medhurst gave an excellent overview of the f*scist & racist apartheid state Ellis supports. It’s available on YouTube on Richard Medhurst channel.

    Well done Craig on organising that event & wow at getting Chris Hedges to come in person to Blackburn. Best of luck with the upcoming election. x

  198. Geri says:


    From memory that was in defiance of Mayhems *hostile environment to immigration* & to GTF – it wasn’t Police Scotlands job to go raid ppls houses looking for immigrants to detain. The home office wants them then the home office does their own dirty work.

    We’ve fck all say on who lives here so we should have feck all part in detaining immigrants.

  199. Ruby Friday says:

    I have no idea what Craig Murray is doing in Blackburn.

    I went off Craig Murray when I discovered he was a trans activist.

    Not too keen on all the talk about religion or the idea of someone picking a constituency because of the religion of the majority of the electorate.

  200. Ruby Friday says:

    Sorry Geri I don’t get it.

    The protesters prevented the Home Office from doing their job.

    Police Scotland insisted the force did not assist in the removal of asylum-seekers, and that officers were there to police the protest and to ensure public safety.

    One of the men, Lakhvir Singh, 34, said through a translator: “I’ve been astonished and overwhelmed by the support I’ve received from the people of Glasgow.

    He must have had a lot of support to be able to survive as an illegal immigrant.

    This doesn’t say much for Glasgow.

  201. Geri says:

    Again, just from memory, a post went out on social media & a crowd turned up.

    Who stormed this guys house & how did the police know there would be a protest to police lol

    As for Craig. It’s nothing to do with religion & everything to do with a f*scist regime & their war crimes.

  202. Ruby Friday says:

    I don’t have a problem with the police storming the house of criminals.

    A protester called Sophie, from No Evictions Network, who did not want to give her second name said:

    “We just don’t agree anyone should be forcibly removed from their homes under any circumstances,”

    I don’t agree with Sophie either. I think if someone has committed a crime they should be arrested and removed forcibly (if necessary) from their home.

  203. panda paws says:


    My god that’s some amount of projection you have going there, suggesting I’m the dishonest one.

    Alba and ISP will apply to join EFTA. We, as a country, may later decided to apply to join EU.

    Alba’s official position is what is on their website and the ISP’s position is what is in their manifesto, not what you randomly post on the internet without reference even if you post it in bold.

    Now we are done as you plainly are incapable of responding without resorting to insults and sophistry and I’ve better things to do than engage in your gish-gallop.

  204. Geri says:


    What crime did they commit?

    How the fck would police Scotland know if his paperwork was correct or not? Do they have access to their immigration process?

    Scotland isn’t in charge of a paperclip. If the home office have a problem with someone they should fuck off & conduct the raid themselves. This event, imo, was Mayhems attempt to drag Police Scotland into her whole *hostile environment* bullshit. I’m sure it was at the same time she’d threatened Scots with our own police force if we defied her shit over safe consumption rooms too.

    She has fck all authority here. A problem our 56 duds in Westminster should’ve sorted out instead of leaving it to Joe public.

  205. Ruby Friday says:

    I’ve read your question Geri but I’m just ignoring it.

    As I said I just don’t get it so it seems pointless to continue with this discussion.


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