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Wings Over Scotland

Do It For John

Posted on July 04, 2024 by

It’s almost 20 years since this last happened.

The 2005 election was the last time the Daily Record and the Scottish Sun both endorsed the same party at a UK general election. So, y’know, something is going on.

The Record backing Labour is of course about as shocking as finding water in the sea – and its pretence that it hasn’t done so at the last few elections is so hilarious it’s almost charming – but the Sun (on both sides of the border) usually tries to back the winner, and it nearly always succeeds.

The Sun hasn’t thrown its weight behind the loser for 50 years, and the only time the Scottish edition has picked the wrong horse was in 1992 during its brief and bizarre flirtation with advocating independence.

(The supposedly right-wing paper has in fact only supported the Tories in Scotland once in its history, and that was 37 years ago.)

There is of course no “CHANGE” on offer to Scottish voters. If every SNP MP was replaced by a Labour one tomorrow it wouldn’t make an ounce of difference to Scotland. With a Labour majority of over 200 expected, their Scottish contingent will be ignored just as thoroughly as SNP MPs have been for the last decade.

The only statement Scottish voters can make today is that they’re sick of the SNP and would at least like some new faces to be let down by. But for independence supporters specifically there IS a chance for their vote to mean something.

They’ve put their faith in the SNP for almost a century, and in 2007 that faith finally paid off when Alex Salmond audaciously captured Bute House on a knife-edge, and then did such a good job of governing in a grown-up manner in extremely difficult circumstances that the people of Scotland gave him a landslide and brought about a historic referendum on independence.

When he narrowly lost that vote Salmond resigned, and all genuine intent of pursuing independence went with him. For the next decade the SNP dithered and stalled and bluffed and retreated on indy, antagonised supporters and opponents alike, and ran the country more and more shambolically, undoing all Salmond’s good work and throwing away all his goodwill.

The party itself was gutted and defanged and turned into a personality cult for the leader. Tens of thousands of members and activists, won on the back of Salmond’s achievements, were driven away, leaving it a hollow shell. There is no-one left in it capable of saving it, and even if there were the party’s internal procedures have been gerrymandered to prevent them from doing so.

The SNP is not fit for purpose. Every vote for it from now on is a vote to continue and reward failure, to perpetuate a stagnant stasis where half of the people of Scotland want independence but are offered no democratic means to bring it about.

Every SNP MP who holds their seat today is a soldier for the enemy, because as long as they are the “party of independence” independence will not be achieved, but no better alternative will have room to take up the mantle and do the job that is so manifestly beyond the tired, bloated collection of gruesome chancers and shameless grifters straining to squeeze their fat behinds onto the SNP benches.

They’ve had every chance possible. 56 MPs out of 59, a whole circus of comically incompetent Tory PMs, arithmetical leverage after Theresa May’s disastrous 2017 snap election, Brexit, COVID, you know the story. Uncountable open goals, every one missed or shied away from. They simply don’t have what it takes.

So the chances of achieving independence under the SNP are ZERO. Nil. Nada. Nothing. Hee-haw. Zip. Zilch. Bupkis. Nane.

It therefore follows that there is literally NOTHING you can do at this election that would be WORSE for indy than voting SNP. You can’t have less chance than none. You could literally vote for Proud Edward and his army and you still wouldn’t have any less likelihood of getting independence than you will if you vote SNP.

But wait! There IS hope! Because John Swinney says that a rotten Labour government will boost support for indy!

Now, just for a moment let’s try to forget that that’s what he said about Brexit, Boris Johnson, the refusal to grant a Section 30, the Supreme Court judgement and pretty much everything else that’s happened in the last 10 years, and it was all complete gash. All those things happened and support hasn’t moved an inch.

Let’s take him at his word. Logically, in that case what we need to happen today is for Labour to win everything. Give them sweeping majorities and say “There you go, you always say Scotland’s best future is in the UK under Labour, let’s see what you can do with untrammelled power at Westminster and all your MPs making sure Scotland’s voice gets heard, like you say.”

Make sure that EVERYTHING that happens in the next five years is on Labour, that they’ve got nobody else to blame, that they had every possible lever in their hand with which to improve Scottish people’s lives.

According to Swinney, they’ll fail and indy support will rocket. Great! The SNP haven’t managed to make it increase in a decade of Tory rule, but if Labour can do the job for us then that’s a huge win in half the time! Hand them the keys to Downing Street, sit back and wait for the gift to fall in our laps!

After all, even the SNP aren’t pretending THEY’RE going to get anywhere any quicker than that, so what have we got to lose?

In reality, of course, the problem is that even if Labour did somehow make indy support rise to 60% or 70%, we know – see above – that the SNP haven’t got a scooby how to capitalise on it. They’ve already wasted all the best chances we’re ever likely to get.

(What do you think John Swinney would do to force another referendum if support ever got that high? The man doesn’t even have the spine to say what a woman is, let alone take radical action to face down the might of the British establishment.)

We need to start again, and the best time to start on a long road is right now. You don’t want it to be true, we don’t want it to be true, but we know it IS true. The SNP have failed, and all they offer is more failure. Get rid of them, readers. Whatever it takes.

Do it for John.

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0 to “Do It For John”

  1. Karen

    Yip, just held my nose and everything else and voted Tory for the first time in my 62 years, to keep the SNP out of my seat.

  2. Grey Gull

    Voted SNP all my life. Spoiled my paper today. Sadly, no Alba or ISP alternative here. I know it won’t make any difference but it made me feel a bit better in a small way.

  3. Stoker

    I’m boycotting it. But i can say that with a certain degree of confidence because i live in a relatively safe Tory seat.

    First time i’ve not voted and it won’t be the last either. Boycotting Westminsters fake democracy shenanigans and then sit back and watch the cards fall wherever they fall.

    Leave Westminster to the BritNats and see just what their representatives achieve for Scotland.

    Holyrood plebiscites is the game for us. We need to start really promoting that message. The sooner we start the better chance of success. One or two of us mentioning it now and
    again isn’t going to cut it.

  4. Stoker

    Rev wrote: “the Sun (on both sides of the border) usually tries to back the winner, and it nearly always succeeds.”

    Was it not The Sun that confidently claimed, in a front page headline all those years ago; “FREE BY 93”? LOL!

  5. Oneliner

    Repurposed my ballot paper. I shall never vote for the Butcher’s Apron

  6. FionaN

    For the first time ever, I am not voting. This is a strong tory constituency, and the lib dems would be the likely challenger of the tory vote has fallen. There is an unknown independent who sounds good on paper, but I live around 2 miles up a steep hill to the polling place and dont have a vehicle right now, so my arthritis will not permit a walk like that – if it was an indy referendum, I would be persuaded to take extra painkillers and make the effort, but not for another country’s GE which wont make a difference to us , or at least no positive difference. I hope nusnp get gutted tonight/tomorrow, almost wish I had tv to see their faces if that happens.

  7. Cuilean

    Only ever voted SNP my whole life til Sturgeon took over and killed the party I grew up with.

    In an SNP held area, and no Alba or Cherry to vote for, so I voted tactically today for the 2nd place team in the 2019 GE.

    Before you can plant new flowers, you have to root out the weeds. I’ve morphed into hippie. Peace. Man.

  8. BaronessSamedi

    Well I voted Alba in the newBroughty Ferry & Arbroath constituency

  9. Cuilean

    If the nuSNP are thrashed tomorrow (as I sincerely hope they will be), the yoons’ll never see us coming in 2026! *Cue evil laughter*


    The final curtain for party centred politics but definitely not game over for Scotland.
    2024 could be year of that «douche écossaise» the nation needs.

  11. A Clark

    An Alba vote from me in Mid Dunbartonshire, big things have small beginnings.

  12. Keithmo

    I voted for the independant candidate in Argyll and Bute/Lochaber. Not independence minded but very much believes in biology. I previously voted for the SNP but they have driven me away with their incompetence and woo woo nonsense. I very much hope for a big Alba turnout but we have no candidate. Onwards to the Scottish elections in 26 and drive change from within our own country, Westminster is no longer the answer.

  13. John C

    There’s also a chance that when Labour come to power things improve which frankly, even if things improve slightly as Labour try to repair the damage the Tories have done then that’s going to make it harder for Swinney’s pitch in the Holyrood elections.

    If people see their lives improving, then where does the SNP and Swinney go from there? They’ll have talked themselves into a dead end & all they’ll have left are those poor sods who think a vote for them is a vote for independence.

    I think if Labour do improve things even slightly, which is likely as even reversing some of the Tory cruelty we’ve seen for 14 years will help people, then the SNP face another problem in the Holyrood elections and of course, there’s still ongoing criminal investigations that could seriously impact the SNP. No, the SNP have backed themselves into a corner with no way out all because Sturgeon sold the party out for a tiny minority of mentally ill people.

  14. Craig

    To all those that voted Tory whilst holding your nose, no complaints from me if that was the best choice to prevent SNP winning the seat.

    I am fortunate that I am able to vote for my ALBA candidate and didn’t face that choice.

    You tried to save Scotland from the NuSNP and be proud that you did even though it was against everything you believed in.

    FUCK YOU for doing this to the independence supporters of Scotland, I will rejoice for each seat the SNP loses tonight as I did when the Tories lost every seat in Scotland and making the Nation a Tory free zone.

  15. Geri

    If the SNP win seats I expect it will have been the ‘best of both worlds’ crew who like them exactly where they are ie – going nowhere anytime soon & continued stalemate.

    It was always on the cards the more the SNP shat over every opportunity given to them & theres only so much millage out of taking folks votes for granted. I hope there is no SNP left by the early hours but I will guess five lol

  16. Brian John FitzPatrick

    Did Magna Carta die in vain?

  17. 100%Yes

    JOHN, I’ve done it! All not lost, I have every faith that Labour will achieve us 70% on indyref2 then it’ll be over to you John (to fuck it up).

  18. 100%Yes

    SNP leader John Swinney cast his vote at Burrelton Village Hall FOR the LABOUR Party.

  19. Jim Thomson

    Well, deed done. Couldn’t force myself to vote for ANY of the “main” parties. Was considering spoiling paper with a pithy comment or two but, ended up voting for a snowball-in-hell’s-chance candidate just to ensure there was at least a protest vote counted against those “main” parties.

    I’m hoping there will be enough of the locals voting to also send a similar message and I apologise now to the candidate if they find themselves having to head south unexpectedly.

    At least they’ll have more votes than just their immediate family 😉

  20. JockMcT

    Kills me to not vote, but not voting for snp or the yoons, no way. Labour will win and yes they will fail us, almost as bad as the sturgid and her troughing hangers on have. Onwards and heads up.

  21. Drew

    No. Imagine being an independence supporter and voting for a unionist party. I’ve no respect for anyone who does that.

    Spoiling, not voting, voting for one of the minority parties (as I would like to do), all fine, but actually walking into the booth and voting for the yoons? My god. Have some self respect.

  22. Ian McCubbin

    No Alba or ISP standing in Angus and Perthshire Glen’s so voted #endtheunion.
    1st time have every done this.

  23. Republicofscotland

    Yeah nice one Rev, the SNP are finished they’ve morphed into a unionist party that pretends it wants independence. Things will get worse before they get better, but with at least half of our nation wanting to ditch this illegal union we may be down but we’re not out.

    The SNP has to go into demise in order for the indy movement to move forward, its taken a decade for many folk to realise this but at least the realisation is there.

  24. Ian

    tipping point

    : the critical point in a situation, process, or system beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place

    Some folk think that the SNP are capable of making changes that would undo what happened to them since 2015, but without an almost complete clearout, that simply won’t happen and there is zero evidence of anything remotely close to that ever happening. The SNP is a dead end and are now openly just taking the piss. It’s a crap situation but it has happened and no amount of wishful thinking about the SNP will change that reality. As long as all the SNP snake oil peddlers are voted for, it will remain as it has been since 2015 –

    ‘The term snake oil has since been established in popular culture as a reference to any worthless concoction sold as medicine, and has been extended to describe a wide-ranging degree of fraudulent goods, services, ideas, and activities such as worthless rhetoric in politics’ – Wiki

  25. Greg

    Unfortunately Alba aren’t running in Edinburgh West, not that carper bagger Jardine is in danger.

    I dont have anybody to vote for.

  26. James


  27. Tracey Saunderson

    There was no-one in my constituency I could vote for so I spoiled my ballot. The SNP is done for me and I am politically homeless unless something drastic happens.

  28. Ebok

    ‘When he narrowly lost that vote Salmond resigned, and all genuine intent of pursuing independence went with him’

    As 40 odd SNP MPs await the verdict of the Scottish electorate, I hope they – particularly those elected in 2015 – and those in HR will reflect on the vacuousness of their time in office.

    I hope they understand that by their inactions they have kept this nation in chains.

    I hope they feel the scorn being shown towards them and realise the contempt in which they are held.

    I hope they are ashamed for not having the bottle to do what they were elected to do.

    I hope they think about the esteem Scotland bestows on the signatories of ‘The Declaration’ and how their names could similarly have been forever revered.

    I hope with time on their hands they will be able look at our hollowed-out NHS, education, and towns and cities.

    I hope they ask themselves if the 30 pieces of silver was worth it.

  29. Ruby Thursday

    Stu or anyone

    Who would you vote for in Edinburgh East in order to get Comedy Club Tommy out?

    I could change my mind about not voting. There’s time yet.

  30. Bidxjr

    I’ve voted SNP all my life but spoiled my ballot for the 1st time ever.
    No Alba or ISP alternative here.
    I know it won’t make any difference but it made me feel a bit better in a small way.
    Put: Liars, cheats & crooks across the paper with Hail Alba Gu snooker loopy! & WOS tells the truth also on it.

  31. Dave M

    I wonder if this’ll cue a second unhinged and factually inaccurate tirade from a far less widely read blog?

  32. robertkknight

    On the basis of ranking my choices in the order of…

    a) Which party to I despise most?

    b) Who is best placed to keep party ‘a’ out?

    …I held my nose and voted Tory for the first time in 56 years.

    I confess it gave me the dry bolk to do so.

    However, I’ve had it with the Sham Nationalist Party and their pretendy desire for Indy when every man and his dog can see where their true priorities are.

    I’ve similarly had it with their claims about standing up for Scotland when they’ve had ample opportunities to do so over the last decade and failed spectacularly at every turn… not least in regard to Brexit when 56 out of 59 MPs were SNP and nearly 2/3 in Scotland voted Remain.

    I’ve also concluded I can’t vote for a party who defines a Woman as being a man wearing a frock.

    So there you have it.

    As pig sick as I feel… GIRFUY SNP!

  33. Ruby Thursday

    A song for Johnny

    ‘Johnny Remember Me’

    From an adult human female independence supporter.

    I won’t forget you Johnny
    Till the day I die you’ll hear me cry.
    ‘Johnny Remember Me’

    I won’t forget you Johnny and I won’t forget ‘Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP’ and all who sailed in her.

  34. Alex Stewart

    Angus – i was actually going to run as an isp candidate here before some issues came up. Main reason being there was nobody else to vote for, today i repurposed my vote #EndTheUnion but iat least i did not betray my country ??

  35. George Ferguson

    @Ruby Thursday 3:58pm
    Edinburgh East and Musselburgh constituency. Labour 74% probability of winning seat. Prediction is a Labour Gain with 10 percent margin over the SNP. Tommy is as good as out but the electorate will have the final say. These are only predictions. You should vote for someone though.

  36. Shug

    Put up an alba candidate and i will vote for them.

  37. Lenny Hartley

    For the first time since the 70’s I have not voted for the SNP , the only other time I did not vote SNP was in the early 90’s Aberdeenshire EU elections when I voted NEEP coz my mate was standing! (The North East Ethnic Party -NEEP) were Pro Indy)
    As no other Indy Party apart from SNP and Cough the Greens standing in my Constituency I spoiled my ballot paper writing #EndTheUnion one side and #NotMyParliament the other.
    I cannot vote for a Unionist Party, although I did a few years ago in Error by voting for the SNP.
    Let hope that the SNP deprived of their handouts from Westminster go bust and we can reset the Indy Movement and start again. However a close eye has to be kept on Alba who I presume will fill the Void, issues with transparency over votes for their NEC last Autumn and Hypocrisy over rightfully calling out the SNP for standing against Angus Brendan in the Western Isles and doing the same with Kenny MacAskill standing against Eva Comrie who had said she was standing their several weeks previously. This leads me to suspect that there are figures in the background who are doing their best to disrupt Alba’s progress. They have certainly lost me as a member over the NEC vote.
    Anyways folks, fasten your seatbelts, it’s gonna be a rough ride!

  38. sarah

    Rev – I have just had 4 notificationd on my phone of articles by you in 2010 about Sony and gaming issues. Do you know why this is happening?

  39. James Barr Gardner

    Voted ALBA, the SNP majority is only 149….MP caught on leaked tape backing loser Grady……

  40. la demoiselle sauvage

    Stu – has your account been hacked? See Sarah’s message above.

  41. Dorothy Devine

    Sarah , I have received the same , very puzzling, And i got quite excited at the prospect of some sharp observations to read!

  42. Dorothy Devine

    Sarah , me too – just when I thought we were being blessed by a plethora of sharp observations!!

  43. Linda McFarlane

    I’ve voted Tory for the first time in my life. I’m 65. The Tory incumbent knows what a woman is. I felt pretty shit for doing so, until I went into my local Co-op. One of the ladies there sympathised with me for my voting choice – Then told me she had done the same thing for the same reason.

  44. ScottieDog

    I was wondering about the game related emails too. Thought it was intentional distraction from today’s car crash. Quite a tonic, although didn’t understand most of it.
    Maybe if it had been manic minor, jet set Willy, or raid over Moscow..

  45. Dorothy Devine

    By way of excuse for any duplicate , I also got a gateway error message.

  46. Frank

    Is a vote for the SNP a hate crime?

  47. Ruby Thursday

    Cheers George you are a good man.

    Thanks for info. I’ll vote Labour just to make sure ‘Bisto Kid Comedy Club Tommy’ gets the boot.

    Do you think folk in this part of Edinburgh have been the unluckiest constituents in Scotland? Comedy Club Tommy as MP and Angus Robertson as MSP.

    Any good with 60’s songs George?

    I’m currently compiling a list of 60’s songs for SNP election night playlist.

    This one is on the list.
    Who’s sorry now?

    Who’s sorry now?
    Whose heart is achin’ for breakin’ each vow?
    Who’s sad and blue? Who’s cryin’ noo?
    Just like I cried over you.

    I’m glad that you’re sorry now

  48. Ruby Thursday

    Message on Twitter

    Wings Over Scotland
    Ignore any email notifications you get about new Wings articles this afternoon, folks. Technical issues.

  49. robertkknight

    From Rev’s Twitter (X) feed…

    “Ignore any email notifications you get about new Wings articles this afternoon, folks. Technical issues.”

  50. James Duncan

    Fortunately We have the lovely Joanna Cherry to vote for. She is not representative of the SNP Sturgeon cult. She really believes in independence.

  51. George Ferguson

    @Ruby Thursday 5:04pm
    Surely “The times they are A-Changing”. (1964). And not in the way Labour or the SNP think.

  52. Dan

    @ Cuilean

    Ach, that’s twice you’ve stated you voted for the 2nd place Party in 2019 election.
    Don’t be coy now! If it helps you come out and express your brave and stunning self, I jist engaged honey badger achieve primal objective mode, and for the first time ever tactically voted Conservative as they have the best chance of ousting the NuSNP gravy swilling sellout twats in my constituency.
    Was I happy about that, no, not at all, but needs must and someone needs to step up and deal with this political and constitutional impassé.
    My decision was made on the following calculations:
    It is the best chance to remove the NuSNP roadblock to Indy, and if I abstained it might let the NuSNP get in and prolong their existence.
    Labour will win the election anyway so a Conservative won’t be fully empowered in UK Government.
    Unlikely but Scotland might elect a majority of Conservative MPs and still not get the UK Government it voted for, thus continuing to make the case that Scotland needs Independence so it always gets the Government it wants rather than enduring what England foists onto us.

  53. Ruby Thursday

    Snap Robert!

    I was first. I think I deserve thon ‘Alert readers badge’ that Dan wanted to deny me.

    I’m self identifying as VAR.

    I don’t know anything about football but I know it’s a beautiful part of France and in my case it stands for Very Alert Reader

  54. Carol Jardine

    Ruby Tuesday

    For the first time in 60 years of voting I wrote ‘END THE UNION’ across my ballot paper. I canvassed for Tommy Sheppard in 2015.

  55. Michael Laing

    I’m 60 and I’ve voted SNP in every election since I was old enough to vote… Until now. I wasn’t going to vote for Labour or any of their unionist cronies, so I adorned my ballot paper with ‘Independence now!’, ‘SNP tractors out!’, ‘No to GRA’ and ‘Humans cannot change sex’. That doesn’t really convey the intensity of my anger, but I felt it was better than abstaining altogether.

    And I’d just like to add, that’s two very excellent posts in a row, Rev Stuart. They’ve fairly brought clarity to the predicament we find ourselves in. Long may you continue.

  56. Tartanpigsy

    The SNP might be a shadow of the party it once was and full of cretinous arseholes BUT
    They are still the only pro independence party that can win seats today.
    Every single one of you who votes for a unionist candidate today hang your heads in shame.
    It’s an act of treachery to the cause of independence.

    *I require zero lectures on the faults of the SNP btw
    But a yoon vote is a ("Tractor" - Ed)s vote end of!!!

  57. Dan

    At least we can be happy the IDOX vote counting machines are being powered by renewable generated leccy in Scotland.
    And as Scotland is currently exporting more than double the power we are using to England for their IDOX vote counting machines we are helping them have an eco-friendly election too.

  58. Alf Baird

    Ruby Thursday @ 5:04 pm

    “I’m currently compiling a list of 60’s songs for SNP election night playlist.”

    How about Roy Orbison – It’s Over (1964)

  59. Alf Baird

    Ruby Thursday @ 5:04 pm

    “You won’t be seeing rainbows anymore, its over…”

  60. Big Jock

    You either vote Alba , another indi candidate or abstain. Voting for a unionist party is beyond the pale. So please don’t.

  61. twathater

    @ James Duncan 5.19pm, perhaps James maybe you can explain why the lovely Joanna Cherry fought the bozo boris on his proroging of parliament and won yet sat back down on her comfortable backside when it came to forcing issues about Scots SOVEREIGNTY, the EU vote and many other constitutional issues,she is lauded by many for her stand on women’s rights but every time she has spoken out it was in reference to lesbian rights, if she had really been serious about women’s rights she might have been a bit more vociferous in EXPOSING the despicable actions of her leader towards introducing deviant and perverted policies into primary schools
    YET in all instances her actions were all about SELF

  62. Republicofscotland

    “They are still the only pro independence party that can win seats today.”


    Pro-independence, now that made me laugh, the SNP are the main stumbling block to moving forward on independence haven’t you been paying attention over the last wasted decade?

  63. Dorothy Devine

    Ruby , Three Wheels on My Wagon …..

  64. Alf Baird

    James Duncan @ 5:19 pm

    “She really believes in independence.”

    Aye, if that were so she should have brought a case to demonstrate that the Scots enforced EU withdrawal against oor will violated the ToU and CoR and disregarded Scottish sovereignty, instead of bringing a case to confirm the sovereignty of Westminster.

  65. Ruby Thursday

    Cheers Good suggestions for the 60’s SNP Playlist

    You Keep Me Hangin’ On

    Why don’t you get out of my life
    And let me make a brand-new start
    Let me get over you
    The way you’ve gotten over me, yeah

    Cause you don’t really love me
    You just keep me hangin’ on

    Let’s Party!

  66. Ruby Thursday

    Alf Baird
    4 July, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    Ruby Thursday @ 5:04 pm

    “You won’t be seeing rainbows anymore, its over…”

    That’s perfect Alf. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    We’re well over the bloody rainbow now.

    Rainbows no more!

  67. Wee Chid

    I’d decided after the last WM election that I wouldn’t be voting in another as there is no point. Spoilt my ballot, as I did at the last Holyrood election, because there were none of the candidates I wanted to endorse. Had there been a Scottish Socialist or and Indy for Indy candidate they would have got my vote.

  68. Hatuey

    You know the battle bus with honest John’s face on it, has anybody actually seen it in real life?

    Was it a photoshop stunt?

  69. Redacted

    My first spoilt ballot today. Not happy that I had a choice between seven white men or a non-vote.

    And for reference, the seven were: a tory, five other tories, and a tory.

  70. Dan

    Tartanpigsy says: at 5:54 pm

    The SNP might be a shadow of the party it once was and full of cretinous arseholes BUT
    They are still the only pro independence party that can win seats today.
    Every single one of you who votes for a unionist candidate today hang your heads in shame.
    It’s an act of treachery to the cause of independence.

    *I require zero lectures on the faults of the SNP btw
    But a yoon vote is a (“Tractor” – Ed)s vote end of!!!

    Nah, not having that, after the past decade if you’re still so terminally gullible after all that has transpired to think the NuSNP are for returning Scotland to self-governing status then I have a trailer load of foosty auld carrots to sell you.

    I’ll tell you what is a treachery to the cause of Scottish independence though. Supposedly the brightest and best Indy minded persons in positions of power and influence continuing to piss away years of time and not recognising that the NuSNP (and Party politics in general) was morphing into such a toxic trainwreck of an entity it was trashing the YES movement and stagnating political engagement and support.
    This election could have been an official Plan B end the Union plebiscite, but as it is not we are at this time still unfortunately in the Union. So until pro-indy folk get their shit together to officially end the Union it’s just virtue-signalling and denying reality that Westminster isn’t our Parliament, and because of still being in the Union the political shenanigans of tactical voting are legitimate means to try to achieve an objective.

  71. Derek

    Playlist, y’say? Some ideas (some not necessarily topical, just good).

    MC5 – Kick Out The Jams
    The Damned – I Just Can’t Be Happy Today
    Alice Cooper – Elected
    The Fall – New Face In Hell
    Terrorvision – Oblivion
    Anthrax – I Am The Law
    Dr Feelgood – Roxette
    Link Wray – Jack The Ripper
    Beach Boys – Shut Down
    The Cramps – Inside Out And Upside Down With You

    I might come back to this…

  72. Anton Decadent

    @Ruby, Fire by The Crazy World Of Gordon Brown.

  73. Michael Laing

    @ Tartanpigsy at 5.54pm: Your comment is delusional. Where is the evidence that the SNP is a pro-independence party? Actions speak louder than words, and all we’ve had from the SNP is ten years of total inaction.

  74. sam


    Leave your stepping stones behind
    There’s something that calls for you
    Forget the dead you’ve left
    They will not follow you
    The vagabond who’s rapping at your door
    Is standing in the clothes that you once wore

    Strike another match, go start anew
    And it’s all over now, Baby Blue

  75. Annemariedoc

    I was able to write an honest message next to Sophie Molly’s name to express my opinion. At least it will be read out. Also made clear why Stephen Flynn lost my vote. It feels quite cathartic.

  76. Northcode


    “Puppet on a string” – Sandie Shaw.

  77. Geri

    For Ruby’s playlist

    For the SNP MPs; “I just don’t know what to do with myself” The White Stripes.

    For indy fans; “We ain’t ever, ever, ever getting back together” Taylor Swift

    Could throw in another Stripes song “Seven Nation Army” depending on results

    For the night owls “Insomnia” Faithless

    For tomorrow’s front pages “Do your thing” Basement Jaxx

  78. PacMan

    Labour is going to bring Change but not the type of change that the likes of the Records wants us to hear until it is too late:

  79. Breeks


    I See Red. – Everybody Loves an Outlaw.

    ”You’ve dug your own grave, now lie in it….”

    “You two timing, cheap lying wannabe….”

  80. socratesmacsporran

    I voted Scottish Greens today – purely because my grandson was their candidate. Had he not been standing, I was going to spoil my paper by writing #END THE UNION across it.

    Normally, I would have voted SNP, their sitting MP is one of the very-few of their Westminster contingent who would have got a Good Guy recommendation from Chewin’ the Fat. However, no way was he getting my endorsment this time.

    Once again you are on the money Rev., we have to get rid of the SNP, but, it means, coffin dodgers like me are unlikely to ever see Independence.

    As always, one of the local Labur stalwarts was at the door of the polling station. A former local councillor and a retired Head Teacher, I was kidding him on, about how it felt to be a Red Tory. He was shame-faced as he admitted, he didn’t like what the party to which he given his life had become, but: “needs must, we have to get shot of the Blue Tories.”

  81. Leah Gunn Barrett

    I voted Alba in Edinburgh South, where Viceroy-in-waiting Ian Murray will probably easily get back in. It’s basically a Tory constituency cleverly disguised as ‘Scottish’ Labour.

  82. Bob Mack

    No Alba candidate so me and partner created a new party at the bottom of ballot paper.

    The Wonkey Donkey party got both our x’s. It felt good.

  83. sam

    The only thing I did was wrong
    Was staying in the
    Wilderness too long
    Keep your eyes on the prize
    Hold on

    The only thing we did was right
    Was the day we started to fight
    Keep your eyes on the prize
    Hold on

    Springsteen Eye on the Prize

  84. Ian Brotherhood

    Scored through the empty boxes and spent a wee while doing an emboldened #EndTheUnion with a Sharpie.

    We’re well and truly down the biggest snake.

    So it goes…


  85. Ebok

    Too bad it’s 60’s you’re doing, Poison (Alice Cooper) & You Did the Crime (Buddy Guy) were a bit later.

    It Serves You Right to Suffer
    (This is) The End
    When the Music’s Over
    Town Without Pity
    We Gotta Get Out of This Place
    The Long and Winding Road
    Going Down
    Season of the Witch
    Dracula’s Daughter
    Perfect Day
    Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out
    Silence is Golden
    The End of the World
    Out of Time
    Eve of Destruction
    You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling
    Let the Heartaches Begin
    The Thrill is Gone
    Tracks of My Tears
    What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
    Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
    Lonely Avenue (1956)

  86. Ruby Thursday

    I like these lines from

    MacArthur Park

    Someone left the cake out in the rain
    I don’t think that I can take it
    ‘Cause it took so long to bake it

    Barry McGuire – Eve Of Destruction

    We’re on the eve of destruction


    We’ve already said good bye
    Since you’ve got to go, oh you’d better go now
    Go now go now

    Isn’t it strange how many 60’s song were written just for this ‘Eve of Destruction of the SNP’

  87. Stuart MacKay

    We could starting building the case for independence through goodwill from other nations – how about we ship those three lard-asses off to some remote island where the cannibals will be forever grateful.

  88. Alastair Gibb

    Voted by post a week ago in Perth and North Perthshire. Couldn’t vote for cosy feet and had only one choice other than the mainstream parties, so I gave my cross to an Independent who is supporting Independence. That’s the only way I could honestly express myself.

  89. Jim Thomson

    for Ruby’s play list:

    Zak Wylde’s “Hate your Guts”

    Just a shame it references a truck and not a campervan :-p

  90. Geri

    Oh it’s from the sixties? I thought it was sixty songs LOL..

  91. Doug

    Agree with the Rev but my biggest worry is the continuing movement of people settling in Scotland from England, most of whom will be diehard unionists. Time is limited.

  92. Tinto Chiel

    Like Lenny Hartley 4.32 I’ve voted SNP since 1974 but today I did a version of an Ian Brotherhood @7.43 with a graphite recorder implement. My Lanarkshire constituency didn’t have a genuine independence party running but an array of parachuted-in candidates, including Reform UK and UKIP as well as the usual Red, Blue and Yellow Tories.

    There was another party on the list but lawyers do talk of a distinction without a difference, innit?

    The whole rotten political system in Scotland needs a good pull-through with a tarred rope before we can start all over again for the sake of our grand-children.

  93. moixx

    Ruby – for your playlist.

    Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made For Walkin’

    “You keep lying when you oughta be truthin’
    You keep samin’ when you oughta be a’changin’
    And you keep thinkin’ that you’ll never get burnt
    I just found me a brand new box of matches, yeah
    Are you ready, boots? Start walkin’”

    Rose Royce – Love Don’t Live Here Anymore

    “You abandoned me
    Love don’t live here anymore
    Just emptiness and memories
    Of what we had before”

  94. Dan

    @ Stuart MacKay 8:18 pm

    It’s a well known fact that eating TransFats is bad for your health so that plan may well backfire once the recipients become ill post ingestion.
    Of course they could jist be melted down and made into diesel so at least they would provide fuel for compression ignition engine powered vehicles. #AlternativeFightClubScript

  95. Geri

    For folks with no license – where can we watch the unfolding drama?

  96. Ruby Thursday

    4 July, 2024 at 7:49 pm

    Too bad it’s 60’s you’re doing, Poison (Alice Cooper) & You Did the Crime (Buddy Guy) were a bit later.

    It’s not too strict. Remember there’s always self-id.

    I’ve just been to vote. I voted Labour. What the hell they are going to be our next lot of Imperial Masters anyway.

    I did the V sign to the ‘Everytransman statue’

    Not because it’s a transman because it is bloody awful.

    As a reward I bought myself a bar of ‘Marvellous Creations Jelly Popping Candy’ on the way back

    Oh shut it about TMI. I’m just sharing my joy.

    I fought the law and the law won

    This one is for Peter and possibly others in the very near future.

    Here’s another for Peter

    ‘I’m a weaver Master weaver’

    It doesn’t sound as if it from the 60’s but it is.

    It is because I say it is and it’s going on the 60s play list.

  97. 100%Yes

    1 Hour left until we receive the good news the SNP has been chucked out of Westminster and Indy in back on with the other Pro-Indy Parties.

  98. sarah

    Carole King’s “You’re so vain” has to be included – it would suit Nicolson, Alyn Smith, Wishart in particular.

  99. sarah

    Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain”, not Carole King.

  100. sarah

    More light entertainment – pics of dugs at polling stations in the Grauniad.

    8th picture shows a dug peeing on the SNP signboard….

  101. shug

    I just checked John Swinney’s election letter on GBT zero and found that it is 73.82% written by AI

    That strikes me as quite interesting

  102. sarah

    Another thought. Why didn’t someone in Alba or any independence supporter stand in the Speaker’s constituency?

    It would get some publicity and also cock a snook at Westminster conventions. And they would have had a better chance of winning given none of the other parties field a candidate.

  103. Ebok

    Geri says:

    ‘For folks with no license – where can we watch the unfolding drama’

    You can’t.
    But no licence required to listen to radio!

  104. Big Jock

    On other sites, there are fools urging people to vote SNP to keep independence alive. They are as much conmen and Snake oil salesmen as the SNP leaders.

    It is a lie. Independence will not die without the SNP. But it damn well might die because of the SNP. If they walk away with 20 MPs they will proclaim it a not so bad night, and carry on doing feck all. But if they end up with 10 MPs there is no hiding place for Swinney. The knives will be out.

  105. Sven

    Delighted to see that the early exit polls suggest that the SNP are down to a projected 10 seats in Westminster.

  106. Ruby Thursday

    Geri you can watch STV without a licence.

    Maybe try BBC online it might be available to everyone on Election results night.

    Exit polls say SNP 10

    Labour landslide.

  107. Dorothy Devine

    There is an exit poll suggesting 10 SNP seats – the media will of course suggest that independence is unwanted.

  108. Ruby Thursday


    You just need to sign up.

  109. Hatuey

    If the SNP is reduced to ten seats, that’s a real hammering. A bigger hammering than the Tories face.

  110. Kcor on Friday eve

    Well done to the few posters trully loyal to Wings Over Scotland who followed the Rev. Stuart Campbell’s advice to vote out the SNP by all means possible, including voting for unionists if necessary.

    As for the dogmatic ‘highly principled’ independence supporters who would never vote unionist even if that was the only possibility to bring the cause for independence back from the dead, you will thoroughly deserve what you get.

    High principles cannot beat a rotten unfair system in a billion years.

    As the Rev. Stuart Campbell commented in the previous article:

    “You can keep your hands clean if it makes you feel better, but all you’ll end up with is a Labour government AND an undamaged SNP continuing to cripple the indy movement. You can’t rely on other people to do your dirty work for you. If you want something to happen, you have to vote for it to happen. It’s your own choice as always, but don’t be on here moaning if they keep their MPs and you didn’t vote to get them out.”

    I hope the Rev. Stuart Campbell will ban the likes of you from posting (whining) here.

  111. Republicofscotland

    I hope the exit poll is a wee bit out and the SNP end up in single figures, meanwhile Sturgeon the Judas on STV now ran by ITV as one of the hosts discussing the GE, the Judas says the country’s in a state, her country is the UK the treacherous b*stard.

  112. Big Jock

    Yes 10 seats is oblivion. I want to hear the shit that Swinney comes out with after this. I doubt they will recognise the significance.

    So becoming a party of devolution, ended up killing the SNP. That’s what has happened. Because there are 3 other parties offering the same parish council devolution. The SNP are now fighting for a quarter of the crumbs on offer.

    Their USP was independence,and that’s why they could command 45% in the polls. Without this USP there is no point of the SNP. Even worse, they can’t influence the UK government, because they are a Scottish only party. So they are back to being a pointless vote in WM. Much as they were in the 80s and 90s.

  113. Harry Mcaye

    Wee chid – by spoiling your ballot you did actually vote, you’ll be counted in the turnout. I decided a while ago that was me done with any Westminster election. An English parliament in all but name. What’s the point? 2015 showed us that there’s no point.

    Exit poll saying 10 SNP seats. That’s 10 too many.

  114. harry mcaye

    Wee chid – by spoiling your ballot you did actually vote, it’ll be counted in the turnout. I decided a while ago that I wasn’t going to vote in another Westminster election. An English parliament in all but name. What’s the point? 2015 showed us that there isn’t any.

    Exit poll saying 10 SNP seats. That’s 10 too many.

  115. gm

    Any idea which ten seats they are keeping? Blackman, slippers, Nicolson, McDonald(the one that looks like young Adolf), Alice Smith, Oswald(LOLLLL)?

  116. Ebok

    Ruby @ 10.05pm

    ‘Geri you can watch STV without a licence’

    No Ruby, you are breaking the law if watching ANY live streaming without a TV licence.
    This was covered extensively on here a couple of years ago.

  117. Rob

    I voted Tory, the main aim was to get the greens and SNP out and they were second last time in my constituency so had the best chance.
    This election is the most negative I have ever known, everybody is voting to get rid of the main parties that they most hate, not vote for one with a plan.

  118. Ruby Thursday

    Sorry Ebok you are correct. I was thinking of STV catch-up.

    No alert reader badge for me. 🙁

  119. Derek

    Part two…

    Stranglers – Walk On By (a really good set closer when playing records out)
    Ruts – Staring At The Rude Boys
    Expressos – Tango In Mono
    Dancing Bears – Got To Get Out Of Here
    Girlschool – Take It All Away
    The Fall – Spoilt Victorian Child
    Smashmouth – Heave-ho
    Ramones – Rockaway Beach
    Marlena Shaw – Wade In The Water
    Siouxsie & The Banshees – Spellbound
    Long Ryders – Looking For Lewis And Clark
    Smithereens – Behind The Wall Of Sleep
    Guadalcanal Diary – Watusi Rodeo
    Frank Wilson – Do I Love You? (Indeed I Do)
    The Selecter – The Selecter
    The Pinkees – Danger Games
    Fountains Of Wayne – Stacy’s Mom
    Silversun – I’ll See You Around
    Radio Birdman – New Race
    Eastern Dark – Julie Is A Junkie
    Velvelettes – Needle In A Haystack
    Martha & The Vandellas – Nowhere To Run
    Della Reese – If It Feels Good, Do It
    Trust – Antisocial
    Iron Maiden – Sanctuary
    AC/DC – Baby Please Don’t Go (ignore the unnecessary coda)
    Yardbirds – Under Over Sideways Down
    Cars – Just What I Needed

  120. Geri

    Ruby & Ebok thanks for the info.

    Aye, I wondered about watching it live. I wonder if rewinding it back an hour would work? Lol

    Ach well, I can watch it on catch-up tomorrow for the 32 reactions to being sacked.
    I’m watching a live update feed but it’s pretty crap. I’m missing the atmosphere. Not worth a licence tho.. I’ll try the radio, thanks.

  121. Mac

    Well, well, well… pleasing (in a totally non-pleasing way).

    Surprised at Galloway losing in such a short turnaround if that is the case.

    Looks like the SNP are retaining the absolute dregs to ensure they are completely annihilated at the next opportunity.

    There is no coming back from this IMHO, not with this ‘base’.

  122. Mac

    Wow, did Craig Murray win?

  123. harry mcaye

    Ebook – oh be a rebel and break the law! They just send you the exact same threatening letters year after year. I watch what I like.

    Looks like Stu might win some money. I tried to put a bet on for under ten seats but the odds were crap.

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