Conservative and Unionist of the day
Posted on
September 03, 2015 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Party member. We’re sure Ruth Davidson (who follows him) will take prompt action.
She will, won’t she?
Hmm, maybe best not hold our breath.
I’ll hold me breath shall I?
Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen Rev.
These people are a complete and utter disgrace to mankind. No decency and absolutely no humanity.
What would they do if the shoe was on the other foot and it it was they or their families needing help.
Dear god, UK and USA are the cause of most of the problem in the middle east. It would appear that the Tories have no sense of responsibility either.
What a charming man. He must have been such a blessing, for his parents.
I knew there was a reason I blocked that account.
Here’s hoping The National, or the Sunday Herald compiles a whole list of these sickening tweets coming from rank and file members of the Tory Party, UKIP, and (if any crop up) the Labour Party.
Might put that whole Daily Fail ‘CYBERNAT WATCH’ campaign, or The Hootsmon’s running of Blair McDougall’s clypegate dossier into perspective and show exactly which parties need to put their house in order.
There are humans and there are non-humans. Today we have found out which is which.
So, I take it, it’s ok for David Cameron to continually roll out his dead Son, Ivan, everytime the NHS is mentioned ? ? ? Refugees ARE political Especially if your Prime Minister wants to Bomb the Crap out of the Country they lived in (in the name of Peace, Oil/Worship/Terrorism/American Warmongering).
I want an independent Scotland to be a welcoming place for people coming from other parts of the world
But in Stevie’s case, I’d make an exception
Quick Ruthie – He might be a burly man.
I wonder what Stevie would choose?
A chance to live with Barrel Bombs, or
A chance to live by running away from them.
Just your typical British Nationalist. Cameron of course should be in the dock along with the rest of the Naw trumpets for being collaborators in causing this in the first place. Dont suppose that will ever happen though. Still waiting for Blair to swing for what he did.
Typical unionist, no heart, with brains to match.
Syria’s a safe country? I’d like to know what would constitute a dangerous one in Stevie’s “mind”.
You can feel the love.
Can’t see Ruth putting a stop to that, after all it’s all about giving 🙂
She probably wont…Such a shame that “Stevie” can’t grasp the reasoning behind the vast majority of refugees is that they are trying to escape the very wars that the UK government started and are continuing to support
A fine example of why the political construct that is Britain will never be one nation.
I have nothing in common with this disgusting eejit.
Disgrace. (No doubt part of SNPout)
Have a heart Stu, the blokes only tweetin what Ruthie, Carlaw et Al are thinking. Hence the silent treatment at FMQ today from the Tories regarding the refugees.
Fat chance – she’s a Tory. Also what’s Nicola having any weans got to do with anything? And they say Cyber nats are NASTY – what a joke.
Auld Rock
I know who is heartless and it is not Nicola Sturgeon.
Ruth Davidson had nothing to say today about the plight of refugees, I doubt she will have anything to say either about one of her parties members views on same.
Some people it seems just have a total lack of compassion for others.
“Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; each has their suffering. Some suffer too much, others too little” Buddha
Munguin posted some pictures yesterday of Syria. Blown to bits I would say. Are British pilots still embedded with American bombers? Normal practice Mr Fallon tells us.
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I’m surprised Angela Merkel doesn’t kick the UK out of the EU. First we bomb the Middle East, then we leave everyone else to pick up the bill. Cameron is despicable.
Cyber nasties woz it ??
Bound to be on Scotland Tonight !!!
“WandrinUlsterScot ?@BigGfaetheBigG
Sturgeon’s crocodile tears over that wee soul Aylan. She wasn’t crying over the children her IRA heroes killed. #FMQs”
Disgusting individuals.
Swamp life emerging – the above is an example on twitter.
Why does this always miss the MSM radar. Oh thats right cause Ruthie & Fulkesie won’t covert it !
I’m becoming more and more convinced that support for the Union is like following a cult.
The complete lack of compassion exhibited by some No supporters is astounding.
They, the hard core No supporters, appear to be suffering from some kind of delusional programming that has resulted in common sense, compassion and humanity being diluted from them.
I consider myself as a representative member of society, and I cannot fail to be moved by what is happening in the Med, but I am asking myself if Unionism is actually bad for you. It’s the sheer nastiness on display that can be breath taking.
There is a siege mentality on show that that seems to have gripped a large number of them. In their world, it would appear that what they hold sacred is tissue thin. Maybe they are scared. Not only is a drowned child represented to them as the “other” but their fellow Scots; who show compassion and a desire to simply help fellow human beings, who want the Westminster Government to just do something constructive to help; those fellow Scots are “othered”.
Sad, very sad and disturbing.
Crowd fund a one way ticket for Stevie to Homs ….
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It’s a great picture but. (Ruth on a gun barrel)
An interesting thing from the STV poll is that the Conservatives stay on 12%, whereas they were hoping to pick up Labour votes and make a breakthrough.
Interesting though is that the LibDems seem to have picked up some of those votes, as well of course as the Greens, (not to mention the SNP getting most of them). I personally would like to see the LibDems drop their Tory wannabee thing and go back to good old-fashioned personal and civil liberties. Become, well, Liberal. Rennie is OK in that respect in some ways, but a dunce in general political terms. Too close to the Tories.
He’s just another British nationalist with bile for blood.
Ach, Rev Stu, You have forgotten the 1st. golden rule of Scottish politics, unionists can and do say whatever they like about independence supporters, no matter how offensive. They do this with impunity, in the full knowledge that the blatantly biased and propagandist BBC will not mention it, and their chums in the foreign owned ‘Scottishy’ press, will ignore it.
The 2nd golden rule, of course, is that no matter what independence supporters say, it should be, and is, misreported, distorted and publicised, in order to smear independence supporters.
Ruth Davidson will do nothing. She is a unionist, and a heartless Tory who supports the truly evil Ian (I’m a big barsteward who hates poor and disabled people) Duncan Smith.
… and he’s now proudly displaying the above article.
Surely you meant C********** *** Un*****t Of The Day?
Their bitter hatred is so vile and contemptuous it overcomes all forms of life
Animals are more caring than the Conservative and Unionist Party, what on earth does it make these people if not a blight on mankind
To use the First Ministers feelings in this matter as somehow disingenuous is sickening
Now it doesn’t matter what Cameron does, anything now is out of embarrassment for a sick minded nasty political reason
He’s a real wee bigot that bloke.
At various times claiming to originate from all over the UK. Seems more likely he actually came from NI complete with drums, bells, whistles and sectarian chips on both shoulders.
There is something wrong with this site I think. I use Chrome and for a week now it is not retaining my username and email. Posts take a long time to appear.
I followed the sugestion above and tried using Firefox. My post has still not appeared on that either. Strangely, Chrome is stuck on Robert Unwin’s post at 4.50 while Firefox has snode1965’s post at 4.56.
Is it akismet? Gremlins? Or just a real scunner?
Can we crowd fund a one way ticket for him and his family to enjoy a holiday in that safe place? He can find his own way back obviously.
Is idiocy the cause or do you get that thrown in free when you purchase a union flag.
Worth a study?
This ‘man’ has nothing of relevance to say to anyone. Mum and dad Stevie must be very proud.
D’ye think Stevie’s cool too wi Ruthie’s sexual pref’s?
Nae weans like, natch. Adoption notwithstanding.
I would like to know who this “Stevie” actually is.
” A child of neglectful parents fleeing a safe (sic) country”…Twat doesn’t come into it !!!!
You have to laugh at folk who complain of flag waving and use a flag as their banner. What a moron!
His description of himself is “single parent”
pity the poor kids.
Dr Jim says
“Now it doesn’t matter what Cameron does, anything now is out of embarrassment for a sick minded nasty political reason”
Could not agree more,
those people are pond life!
Been like that for me and a great many others for close to a year. Welcome to the list!
I try my hardest to be open-minded and respectful of others’ views and hope they’ll do the same for me – but then I read things like this…Unfortunately, it’s not the worst I’ve seen today though; anyone else seen Wimbledon UKIP’s Peter Bucklitsch’s tweet about how Aylan was well-fed and well-clothed and died because his parents were greedy and queue-jumping? I don’t cry very often at things people say, particularly on the internet, but that was just so cruel that I couldn’t help myself. Apparently this man ran for election as a Lib Dem. God help us all when that’s what’s running for parliament in Westminster.
David Cameron said that “accepting more refugees is not the answer, we must look to resolve what is causing it”…..Want a mirror David?
His comments say far more about him than they ever will about Nicola. Can you imagine the outrage if someone were to post equally sinister comments about Ruthie and her marital status and sexuality?
All becomes abundantly clear when you read his information on the left-hand-side of his twatterings (as you face it).
I’ll put money on him being one of the Homepride Brigade.
How bereft of basic human compassion can one be, to think they are oh so clever and intelligently insightful, to make the death of a mother and child, a quick quip, to impress your followers, Oh yes SNP bad! A woman and her children drown, god I hope it was over quickly.
I only hope this reptile, this excuse for a man is shown more sympathy, for his must be a tortured soul to spew such evil.
Here you go folks, lets see if she has a moral compass.
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I browsed down through the tweets this guy shows. His MP is Martyn Day, so, he lives in the Falkirk/West Lothian area.
His likeness for Rangers and Linfield marks him down as a true-blue bigot.
He also has re-tweeted stuff from well-known Scottish Tories, and has had his stuff re-tweeted by them, so, he may well be someone who is known to some of the Tory hierarchy in Scotland.
There is no way, therefore, he will be censured for his comments. But, to be fair, although offensive, his remarks re Nicola Sturgeon are I would say at the mildly-offensive end of the scale. That, however, is no excuse.
Used to live in Antrim, now lives in Scotland – Ireland’s loss is Scotland’s gain! 😀
A lament for the wee barra on the beach:
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Seems were not too fussy about the scum we let into our country, meanwhile the UK government seem quite at ease about leaving bairns to be washed up on a beach, maybe a border would not be such a bad thing?
A safe country?
Would this be Syria, you know, the country that your leader Cameron bombed only a few weeks ago
I’m not surprised ruthie never mentioned it today….
Heard a BBC England radio report today about the call placed to Police Scotland on a “999” call, wasnt it called in on a non urgent line 111?
yet more BBC lies!
It all ties in with their most dangerous women in teamGB smear. Having no children is a regular vote NO/vote SLab rage thing but maybe when its all over, SLabour have taken back their Scotland region for UKOK, Sturgeon can adopt, mine:D
Thanks Stoker,
email duly sent.
Stv also said it was a 999 call.
Do tv journos never check facts before giving live
“It all ties in with their most dangerous women in teamGB smear. Having no children is a regular vote NO/vote SLab rage thing”
Eh how many weans do Kezia and Ruthy have again?
As I said on the last thread “We know what’s coming next.”
Hypocritical bastards.
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Mmm, Labour have John McTernan, Tories have Stevie baby, and the LibDems have Alistair Carmichael. Powerful stuff!
I presume, as Syria is such a safe country, that Stevie will accept my offer to buy him a flight there so he can enjoy the safe holiday fun. He needs to get his own flight back though…
I was talking about the car crash @ bannockburn of course.
It is with a great sense of irony that I suggest that a Scottish right wing lunatic Tory should be described as part of the Untermensche.
Mince Divot
Unionist agitators and agent provocateurs suddenly all hiding. Seems they have nothing to say on this topic.
Nice guy. I particularly enjoyed how he tries to turn the tragic death of refugee children into a crude attempt to score political points against the SNP. You stay classy, Stevie.
Nawanderthal Nawbag.
(Sometimes a tank is just a tank…)
Mmm, thinking about the 3 unionist parties and the three above I mentioned:
“Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, no sir, three bags full.”
I’m in a kind of fey mood today after that Indy poll.
@ Thepnr
Thanks. You have great stamina to keep going for a year filling in the form every time and waiting …waiting…
I’ve emailed Stu to see if anything can be done. It must be something like Akismet randomly unregistering users.
Will now press the “submit” button and go off to cook supper!
They are Tories, so is anyone actually surprised at the comments?
We have to remember, just last year, that on more than one occasion, David Cameron openly questioned the fact that Palestine was being obliterated by the Israeli armed forces, and thousands of Palestinians were being killed.
An Ulster Unionist by any chance…?
A lament for the wee barra on the beach:
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Today’s National said that Aylan, his elder brother and mother were Kurds who were in a small boat with about 11-12 refugees in total. The family surname was Kurdi.
The Kurds are fighting Daesh, yet they are being target by Turkey. So now they are fleeing.
It’s a vicious circle that seems to have no ending.
1,000 desperate people is what Scotland is prepared to take which is drop in the ocean compared to the millions that are scattered in refugee camps, or heading to Europe and safety.
I would just love for the Scottish Goverment to say “Stuff what David Cameron and Westminster says or does” and to allow some of these refugees in through Scottish airports.
If Germany, a country that has little involvement in the disaster zone that is North Africa and the Middle East will accept 800K refugess then UK along with the US and its so-called allies, should take their fair share.
Eh how many weans do Kezia and Ruthy have again?
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has no children. Wonder if she’s plagued by same sort of rule Britannia/red and blue Tory creep show? Probably not. Its a teamGB thing. There was often a UKOK activist roaring this creepy UKOK smear at YES in BBC vote SLab Scotland ref tv debates.
And it wasn’t this clown either, oddly enough
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It is with great regret & despair that there are such human beings as this….
Every child born has the spark of genius within , for this person who has the stupidity to deny this because of place of birth is obscene.
If these places , made such a paradise by continuous British govtments, are so idyllic then YOU CAN GO THERE NOW…
If they will have a person of your towering compassion
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Shows kobani being bombed 2 weeks ago
Small child washed up on turkey’s beach this morning was fleeing……um…..
Well done Cameron. At least Blair lied before he took us in to a war. You just mentioned it after the fact?
I too, for months, have had to repost my name and my comments take a while to appear, but hey it’s no probs!
I’m no Slab supporter ( never have voted for them) but I do appreciate Patricia Ferguson,s emotional appeal to Cameron, today at FMQ, to help the refugee situation. Well done her!
It would appear he was talking of the fact the family came from Turkey where they WERE in a safe country, he has a point as much as it pains me to say it.
Looks like poor wee soul is a drop out of the NASA space programme.
Once a troll always a troll.
Tomorrows toilet paper.
If this is the best the unionists can come up with, next years election NO WORRIES.
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My apologies.
Capella wrote:
“I use Chrome and for a week now it is not retaining my username and email.”
Been that way for me since day one.
Until i read your post Capella i just assumed that was the norm.
Here’s a wee tip for you, just to speed things up and avoid the need to retype your details with every post.
(1)-Compile your post.
(2)-Move the cursor over name box and tap mouse pad twice. Your name should show in drop-down fashion. Click on your name. Done!
(3)-Do same as with No2 above on the Mail box and click on your email. Done!
(4)-Hit ‘Submit Comment’. Done!
I can’t vouch for the speed of your posts appearing as it varies according to several factors such as heavy site traffic etc.
Ruth keeping an eagle eye open for immigrant boats with her own personal immigrant disincentiveiser.
I’ve seen some ill considered tweets in my time but that is a doosie.
Sickened by some of my fellow human beings today,but very,very proud of others.You can guess which is which.
Hard to believe this type of reptile lives among us.The pictures of that wee boy being lifted from the water had made me unashamedly,very misty eyed indeed.
To hell with Westminster.Damn them all.
John King @ 6.11
I noticed that the news announcer referred to it as a 999 call but I listened carefully to the report and noticed that the reporter, who works in Scotland, did not mention at any time which number was called.
I then listened to the report on Reporting Scotland and again the reporter, a different one from the 6 o’clock news, did not mention the number called and neither did the announcer when introducing the item
Guess the reporters up here do not want to contradict their colleagues down south.
It also seems clear that BBC Scotland does not want to let the fact it was a 101 call figure in any report. Whether 101 or 999 it should still have been answered but why avoid making it clear which number was called when reporting the incident?
The British Government don’t want these ‘migrants’ here because they have a surplus source of cheap labour within the indigenous/present population already.
They never really were into this multi cultural thing in the first place,let’s face it.
O/T – Ann from Team YES Bus – could you go to ‘off-topic’ and leave your email address in a post?
Pete wants to give you your flag poles before the 19th. Doesn’t know how to get in touch with you.
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Just because the BBC wrongly refers to these people as migrants doesn’t mean we should stoop to that level of ignorance or parroted propaganda.
These people are refugees! Trying to escape a war. Imagine Britain had treated the Jews in the same way during ww2.
For any posters who dont get out much or who r not on twitter, im sorry to break it to u but your own countrymen are like those anywhere. Nasty and nice. But to me i find the brit mentality is sadly still 50 + %
@ Stoker
Thanks! that works!
This problem happened last year for a while then corrected itself. Other than that, I usually have no problem posting and posts usually appear almost instantly. Now it’s hard to follow the thread and often someone else has posted a similar comment which I hadn’t seen.
When this problem occurs, the site returns to the top of the post instead of refreshing to the latest comment. Same as when you first register and are in “quarantine” till someone decides your post can be published. But once registered as a user, the login details are retained. Until now!
Annoying. I hope Stu can fix it.
John King
The family are Kurds, don’t think they will feel safe in Turkey.
John King at 6.48
Are you under the mistaken impression that Kurds are safe in Turkey?
If you can end up in court for singing insulting songs at a football match how the fuck are the police not knocking on this cretins door. To write what he did is unbelievable.
Is this single parent a man or a woman?
So the call was made on a non emergency number? That surely could mean it was then taken as a minor incident? Or could have been more easily interpreted as something for the AA to deal with. I think the usual BBC formula is at work on this story.
We all know how that formula works.
Excuse this test, folks.
It is beginning to look as if there is a chance that Cameron may be shamed into showing some compassion for these poor refugees and change his mind about taking in a fair share of them.
Given Nicola’s offer that Scotland will be glad to accept its share preparations should be made in anticipation of Cameron relenting in the face of public opinion.
Plans should be put in place for the construction of reception camps to feed and accommodate refugees until such time as they can be assimilated into society or, should the situation improve in their respective homelands, be helped to return there should they want to.
In the meantime, I understand that the Comrie Community now own the old Cultybraggan Camp and they may agree for its use to provide immediate accommodation prior to reception camps being available.
On a different tack – not only has The RN played little part in the rescue operations in The Med I am suprised that we have not heard of any participation in said operations by the much vaunted US 6th. Fleet (HQ – Naples, Italy).
Perhaps they are busily employed making friends and influencing people by bombing Iraq & Syria or alternatively are at the other end of The Dardanelles in The Black Sea stirring up confrontation with Russia.
“It all ties in with their most dangerous women in teamGB smear. Having no children is a regular vote NO/vote SLab rage thing”
I had posted that thinking they were Syrian and had made to to Turkey.
Reply from Stu re login and long waiting times for posts to appear. 30 mins time lag tonight.
There’s nothing that can be done at the site. It’s my computer.
So will now see what might have caused this. If I find out I will post, but as I haven’t changed any settings I can’t think of a solution. Also, this doesn’t happen on the other sites I sometimes comment on which are also WordPress.
@john king says: 3 September, 2015 at 6:11 pm:
“Heard a BBC England radio report today about the call placed to Police Scotland on a “999” call, wasnt it called in on a non urgent line 111?
yet more BBC lies!”
Yes John it was a non-urgent call in. The chap who phoned it in said he felt guilty about having done so. He really has nothing to regret as anyone who has done lots of UK touring will tell you. There are abandoned cars littered in many places.
I once even came across a freshly burned out shell in the middle of Blairadam Forest.
Off topic, but still on the subject of vile unionists.
Tony Blair (and his office) complaining about IPSO, making the comment ” It would seem that the truth counts for little in the eyes of Ipso.”
You couldn’t make it up!
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Time to stop pussyfooting around. The UK Government’s attitude is borderline racist. Does anyone imagine that if it were western Europeans, say from France, Denmark or Norway that were fleeing they would be refused entry? Cameron doesn’t want to upset his racist conservative voters.
This site is still using WordPress 4.0
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Sky News
Labours “leaders” debate
What a bunch of howlers.please we need out of this union.
Listened for about 10 min All I got was SNP=BAAAAAD.And lump SNP with UKIP
He describes himself as a single parent , surely of an only child.
There surely cannot be 2 women that niaive ,and stupid?
The SG could just ask for people to offer to house people temporarily. Lots of us have a room or so to spare.
In Iceland loads of people offered as they thought their governments offer was to low.
It may not be ideal but it would provide shelter for many families whilst something more suitable was sorted out for them.
How tragically so very clear today the “crux” of the “better
together” “No vote” last year when our democratically elected
First Minister has to stand up in our Scottish Parliament with her
“hands tied behind her back” having to “plead” for David Cameron
to “allow” more refugees to enter “our country” (Scotland) .
Should it not be for the “people of Scotland” to decide who
is “allowed ” to enter, live, breath and be granted sanctuary
In our homeland? and not a ” uncaring Tory government in London”.
Today clearly demonstrates why the Scottish Parliament
should have control over immigration policy and thereby the
” sovereign people of Scotland” should decide who is allowed
to enter/reside in OUR country.
Thank you again NO voters / “better together”
Aye, we’ll soon see right enough if Ruthie jumps in to defend Nicola. Anyone remember when Nicola defended Ruthie?
Here’s a reminder:
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@ cynicalHighlander 8.18
Oops! Looks like the site needs an upgrade. BTW I got your comment at 8.38. I’m now posting this out at 8.45 but don’t expect to see it till at least 9.05 not any other comments posted in the meantime.
A scunner.
@Crisiscult says: 3 September, 2015 at 7:30 pm:
“For any posters who dont get out much or who r not on twitter, im sorry to break it to u but your own countrymen are like those anywhere. Nasty and nice. But to me i find the brit mentality is sadly still 50 + %”
Could you, perhaps, repeat the above comment for we poorly educated Scots? In plain English please, Crisiscult.
Im going purple in the face now! Can i breathe .What a prick Stevie appears to be.
Email from “A Small Gesture of Solidarity”, the Indiegogo campaign Stu set up against a heavy fine for stealing a mars bar.
£16,083 raised.
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Robert Peffers, on previous thread…
…Those members of the Unionist campaign, including Gordon Brown, who made such threats should be prosecuted under Scottish law which states it is a criminal offence to threaten anyone with menace in Scotland.
And, re crisiscults nonsense above, @730pm..
Indeed, explain that in ANY LANGUAGE..
Mind you, probably still wouldn’t be worth it.
but don’t expect to see it till at least 9.05
9.07 for me any tips for lottery, wee smiley thing.
This site has been erratic for nearly a year for me and I think if it ever normalised then the end of the world might be nigh.
@Col says: 3 September, 2015 at 7:41 pm :
“So the call was made on a non emergency number? That surely could mean it was then taken as a minor incident? Or could have been more easily interpreted as something for the AA to deal with. I think the usual BBC formula is at work on this story.”
For anyone doubting the truth that the call was made on the non-urgent line, here is a reference to the Guardian story at the time : –
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Personally cannot blame the caller. He only saw what seemed to be a car off the road, in among trees, as he whizzed by on a busy road. The situation was at a slip road and thus there was no place to pull in and investigate.
No indication of when the car ended off road nor if the matter was already known to the emergency services. Nor can the desk staff or patrols be blamed for putting 999 calls before non-emergency calls.
Just watched reporting Scotland on the I-player.
The usual SNP BAAAAD, surprisingly nothing about the poor wee soul Stevie the failed astronaut and pathetic troll.
As already said why aren’t the police at this parasites door.
The Unionists have to accept Britain and especially the US have to take full responsibility for the crisis in the Middle east.
They went into these countries to “free the citizens from despots”, robbed them and left total carnage.
Cameron should hold his head in shame ,along with Bliar and Broon.
999 OR 101?
As a member of the public I’m now confused.
The number called is a CRUCIAL FACT in the unfortunate case.
To get THAT wrong…MUST be deliberate.
Ah..the art of lying..
What a pathetic case, single parent???? I bet his kid(s) are proud to have a dad like that, but I presume like all other sperm bank kids, they most likely dont know who their dad is, which is probably a blessing for them
STV and BBC at it again over Braveheart
It’s the anniversary of the movie so there’s a showing to mark that at the McRoberts Centre
So they’re doing the Historically inaccurate thing and the laughing thing at Mel Gibsons accent and the, how did it win Oscars thing and did it contribute to people wanting their Independence thing
As we all know, every British war film that ever came out of Elstree Studios was 100% accurate (NOT)
Pinewood Studios (NOT)
Any British accuracies anywhere in war movies ( Still Not)
David Niven, Richard Todd, Errol Flaming Flynn, between all of them did not win any of the wars anytime DAMBUSTERS not even close to correct and don’t get me started over Bridge on the River Kwai
Did we Scots complain, NO except maybe for the silly characterisations of drunk Scots with totally ridiculous accents, although Londoners didn’t come out well either (Cor Luv a Duck Mum)
Funny though, as we all know John Wayne won everything for the Americans and they’re quite proud of him and the fame he brought to movies for that country
So why rubbish a perfectly good action movie, and the answer is kinda insulting really
When we were kids we ran around with our mums Pinny tied round our necks to be Superman or Batman or if we had a gun we’d run down the street slapping our Erses on our pretendy horses to be cowboys (I favoured the Cisco Kid myself)
And that’s how stupid they are
We grew up, we know the difference between a film and pretendy, they think we think It’s still real
And I think that says more about them than it does about us
Hiegh Ho Silver Awaaay…..
Just wondering why it takes universal disgust and outrage at the human suffering to make this prime minister respond . you can imagine a focus group being hastily summoned to work out how Cameron should play this.
I am proud of the people of Europe in their response and those leaders who have started to lead on this issue. Were we an independent country today we would have the means to act instead of waiting for the Westminster elite to grow a fucking conscience.
How it was pilloried, the notion Scotland could have a navy (wee Scotland!) and could play a role in international affairs.
Nicola has shown how in synch she is with the people (and not just the Scottish people). Cameron is just another selfish nimbly, reacting only when his reputation such as it was is under threat.
55% is what Nicola asked for- another few polls the same or better and we’ll be on our way. Cameron said ‘I don’t want you to leave the UK, I want you to lead the UK’ I think Scotland is, in a sense leading the UK already – imagine how much more we can achieve in leading the UK out of the neoliberal darkness once we have actually left!
Onwards, friends. As a father of a 3 year old and a five year old I’m kind of lost the night. Let’s hope some good will come of it. As for the tosser the Rev has unearthed – just a sad, sad individual.
@louis.b.argyll says: 3 September, 2015 at 9:23 pm:
” … To get THAT wrong…MUST be deliberate.
Ah..the art of lying.”
As I’ve been at pains to comment here, for what seems forever, the Romans were the first recorders of British History and a study of their records shows they were influenced by the different recording person’s political ambitions back in Rome.
They played down personal failures and played up claimed successes. Reports often are conflicting. The Romans were also the very first southern elite rulers but although subsequent historians have consistently implied the Romans ruled all Britain they never did.
After the Romans the south Britons invited the Germanic Tribes, with bribes of free land, to protect them as the Britons had been several hundred years without experience of defence or of running a country. This movement of inviting the, “Norsemen”, to settle and protect the natives was also going on in Normandy, (actually named as a corruption of, “Norsemandy”.
The southern elite since then has been a succession of these Germanic elites and the Normans of 1066 are still the basis of the English aristocracy still sitting as hereditary Peers in the House of Lords and they have been distorting British history since the Romans left and they are still doing so today.
Oor Andy is winning 7-5 ; 6-4 and the third set has just served off.
Take a little cheer from the petition to the UK government which has passed 300,000 mark.
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@ Robert Peffers (9.20pm).
Why would any independence supporter in their right mind want to help support the Unionist Guardian rag by clicking on the direct link to their site which you supplied? A rag which openly promotes and encourages anti-Scottish racism and openly spouts so much lies and deception about Scotland and our fight for independence. Hard to fathom that one Robert!
Meanwhile, back on topic, here’s another Tory taking pleasure from the suffering of the migrants. And note how the article refers to the females in the boat as “women”, well, is it just me or do these “women” look more like young teenage girls?
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Dr Jim @9.44
Some great posts again but Dr Jim ,The quirkiest post tonight
“if we had a gun we’d run down the street slapping our Erses on our pretendy horses to be cowboys (I favoured the Cisco Kid myself)”
That brings back memories , we were all @ the Ponderosa everyone wanted to be Little Joe or Adam !
Sorry Hoss , we were jist bairns havin fun.
Aargh, BBC repeats 999 claim.
It’s not me being pedantic, or scoring points, it’s a matter of fact.
Bbc news still repeating lie that member of public phoned 999 to report car off road at M9
@Dr Jim
Noticed all that earlier this afternoon and you have managed to raise a smile and lifted my wrath a wee bit on a dreadful day.
Heard about 2 minutes of Kezia railing at the Tories in FMQ’s and asking about what are we doing about the refugees then Sturgeon replying that moves were a foot and inviting all other Holyrood leaders to a conference tomorrow. I hope it happens and a rocket is sent pronto to daun Sarf. Cameron & Co disgraceful!
Too angry to comment on the the bold Stevie above.
I had a Hopalong Cassidy ‘sloppy joe’ (tank top for younger viewers) with Topper (horse) on the back but my Dan Dare jaicket with the yellow plastic rocket badge was the coolest.
Well done Wales in footie, should qualify now.
Marvelous Mannarino making Murray mincemeat in first two sets.
6-1 Murray in third. Not for the nervous 🙁—Arthur-Ashe-Stadium/
Very heartening…people are organising and helping, looks like ‘down south’ are genuinely waking up…pity it takes a crisis for this to happen…but then it usually does…
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Thanks – signed
@ Stoker
That picture appears to have been retweeted by the woman who was UKIP’s candidate in North Ayrshire and Arran in May; the local paper has a robust reaction to her on its front page.
Another charmer.
Quite how the Tory you refer to can have “not intended to offend anyone” boggles the mind.
O/T Re the labour leaders debate on Sky – an unofficial poll of viewers at the end, using the Sky Pulse (whatever that is), put JC well ahead.
About 80.7% of those surveyed had JC winning the final hustings. Liz Kendall was second on 8.5%, Cooper at 6.1% and poor old Andy B at 4.7%.
Oh dear, never mind, how sad.
The BBC. They’ve been attacking the SNHS relentlessly. More recently it’s been Police Scotland too. Which Scottish institution will they turn their attentions to next? Education I suppose it will be next.
SNP Bad! Scottish Government Bad! …. Scotland Bad!
The BBC is Scotland have turned into an utterly vile hate driven organisation.
Robert Peffers,
The history you lay out is neatly concise..
..relative to the true distribution of the peoples of these islands…
The fact that there is very little other information available let’s us see and imagine ourselves without known leadership…
And so, without the histrionics of elitism..
The ancients had an innocence.. brutal by our standards..
(on second thought, maybe not)
but everything done for survival and power over adversity..
(and if that was an invader so be it)
But invading a neighbour would need to be triggered by paranoia or greed.
Do you agree that PROGRESS HAS STALLED.?@
On the refugee crisis – what contributions could an independent Scotland be making? (i) playing a positive role in the Europe Union to frame an effective, humanitarian policy; (ii) being able now to welcome and support refugees; (iii) pushing for action internationally through our own seat at the United Nations; (iv) engaging in direct diplomatic action towards the USA and other ‘powers’ to act differently; (v) having a substantial, long term Scottish naval presence to help rescue refugees from the waters of the Med; (vi) generally, setting a humanitarian example for the government of our neighbours, the independent rUK; (vii) contributing funds for humanitarian aid in the war zones; and (more trivially, perhaps) (viii) having a national broadcaster that does not refer wrongly to the ‘European migration’ crisis (as distinct from the ‘refugee’ crisis) as BBC Radio Scotland sloppily did earlier tonight. You may know of others.
Quite amazing. BritNat agitators have been quite active on Wings recently. 125 comments now on this thread and I don’t think they have posted here at all. Either too embarrassed to show face, or they all clocked off at 4:30 today 🙂
gus1940 says:
“Given Nicola’s offer that Scotland will be glad to accept its share preparations should be made in anticipation of Cameron relenting in the face of public opinion.”
I am currently in Budapest and have been helping out every day at Keleti Station, as I am a Farsi (so also Dari) speaker and they have a lot of Afghans.
I would like to put a few things straight about the SNP policy on immigration. Months and months ago, when this situation was developing, as I was an SNP member, I wrote letters to Humza Yousaf suggesting the SNP government get together with the recently elected Syriza government in Greece to at least sponsor holding camps, ship out blankets, tents, whatever.
I received no reply to any of my letters. Not even a single acknowledgement of receipt!
He is never off Twitter, so I tweeted him… but received no response either, even on the same day he was making personal tweets (in working hours).
There was a case of a family of Syrian refugees being persecuted by their racist neighbours in Maryhill. I wrote about this matter to the newly elected SNP MP for that district.
He did not even respond to my letter. Yet I know he received it. Why? Because the chump followed me on Twitter! His name is Patrick Grady by the way: I have no hesitation at naming and shaming someone on here for turning a blind eye to racism against Syrian refugees.
There is plenty that the SNP government can do, as an independent government, to alleviate human suffering, despite having its hands tied by Cameron when it comes to the question of bring people in. But the facts for me show that the SNP is all talk and all smug, self-praising tweets, but NO ACTION (the sort of behaviour I would expect from a Dugdale, but not a supposedly left-of-centre party).
If you do not believe me, I ask you to do this: find a cause surrounding refugees that is relevant enough to warrant contacting an SNP MP or MSP. And then see what they actually do. I can guarantee that it will be a case of the SNP being “weighed in the balances and found wanting”.
When it comes to real action on refugees, the SNP’s credibility is a myth. They have simply jumped on the left-wing bandwagon, rather like the weathercocks that genuine left-winger Mhairi Black spoke about in her maiden speech.
Do not full for SNP soundbites or tweets! In my book, using popular rhetoric as a vote-winner in left-wing Scotland and doing nothing is almost as bad as racism itself.
Roman Britain was known as Britannia,and it stopped roughly at Hadrian’s Wall,though the actual ‘border’ moved around sometimes. Britannia didn’t really include Scotland as we know it I think. Nice wee site here:
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Oh the irony – From the Telegraph
“The BBC could undermine the EU referendum if complaints about its “distorted” coverage are not speedily addressed, the Culture Secretary has said in a warning over impartiality.
John Whittingdale has written to Rona Fairhead, chair of the BBC Trust, saying that the Corporation’s coverage of Europe has not been “faultless” in the past.
He indicated complaints about the BBC’s referendum coverage should be adjudicated on within 24 hours amid fears “partial” coverage could mislead voters.
Failure to do so could increase the chance that public trust in the referendum process and the BBC would be eroded, Mr Whittingdale warned.”
Re britnat postings,have noticed that a lot of the britnat postings take place during office hours 🙂
@Stoker says: 3 September, 2015 at 10:08 pm:
“Why would any independence supporter in their right mind want to help support the Unionist Guardian rag by clicking on the direct link to their site which you supplied?”
Fair question, Stoker, and the answer is one who has updated his laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and found it an almost total disaster. Not only did it take almost 24 hours to actually download but then had neither a start menu nor a quick-start bar. Then some installed programs were missing and it took a lot of hard work to get far enough as to be usable.
” … A rag which openly promotes and encourages anti-Scottish racism and openly spouts so much lies and deception about Scotland and our fight for independence. Hard to fathom that one Robert!”
So now the mystery has become fathomable, Stoker. As the lady of the night said when asked why she did it, “Needs must”.
” … Meanwhile, back on topic, here’s another Tory taking pleasure from the suffering of the migrants. And note how the article refers to the females in the boat as “women”, well, is it just me or do these “women” look more like young teenage girls?”. Well since my late wife died it has been such a long time since I saw one in the flesh, so to speak, that I’m not in a position to judge anymore. Like the guy said about the Orientals – they all look the same to me.
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Jim McIntosh 10.45
I concur.
It was a sombre, moving, impressive show of collective will in which almost all parties joined the applause; only the Conservative MSPs stayed silent.
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Tennis: Murray in 5 🙂
@ Cal 7:00 pm Your Lament for the wee boy on the beach touches the Heart and was worth waiting for. Thanks.
galamcennalath. 11.10
‘BritNat agitators have been quite active on Wings recently’
I notice the Rev Stuart hasn’t commented today either 😉
@Tam Jardine (9.49) –
‘Just wondering why it takes universal disgust and outrage at the human suffering to make this prime minister respond.’
And it’s worth bearing in mind that he wouldn’t have had to ‘respond’ at all had that image not become viral overnight.
I hope you don’t get down about it all. When 9/11 happened my son was a week away from his 2nd birthday and his wee sister was two months old. I watched it all, pacing about, convinced that WW3 had arrived, hoping that my wife would get back from work so that we could all be together when we were nuked.
We’re still here, and the true nature of the enemy facing us becomes clearer every day – it’s quite clear that we are not dealing with ‘normal’ people. With that in mind we should value the utterances of repulsive characters such as Katie Hopkins – she embodies the natural ‘Tory’, but stripped of all its charm and diplomatic skills, unashamedly flaunting its ignorance and bigotry in a display of imagined ‘sophistication’.
Dead babies? ‘Isn’t it ghastly dahling?! I say, it’s simply too beastly…’
No. Not if you’re a Tory, Cityboy, New Labourite, Neoliberal Machiavelli-admiring pragmatist. The ‘ghastly’ business involves dealing with the fallout when ordinary citizens object to seeing such images on the front pages of their newspapers and start asking bloody awkward questions.
(Well done ‘The National’. And well done everyone here on Wings for keeping the heid amidst some mind-boggling provocation.)
how the family came to be on the boat
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‘I would like to put a few things straight about SNP policy on immigration’
Since immigration is reserved to Westminster,it is a fact that all any Scottish Government can do is’ TALK’.
They have no power over immigration,so don’t pretend otherwise.
As for the racism, your first port of call should have been to the police,as it is a criminal matter,why didn’t you inform them directly ?
Sounds like another BritNat case of SNP bad.Nice try.
@louis.b.argyll says: 3 September, 2015 at 11:03 pm:
“The fact that there is very little other information available let’s us see and imagine ourselves without known leadership…” Fact is there is little known of the Britons who were outwith Roman Britain. My own impression is that that those the Romans recorded as savages were perhaps less savage than the Roman historians were recording.
Take, for example the settlements at Skara Brae : –
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This settlement is remarkable by any standards. The homes bear striking resemblances to fairly modern homes. The bed recesses, stone sideboards and even drainage, (to use an old Scottish term), sheuchs, that carried the sewage out of the house. Now if that was the standard in stone age times it suggests things would have improved somewhat thereafter.
Then we have the way the Britons adopted Celtic culture and brought Christianity to Britain. They really were not really genetically Celtic as the Celtic saints were celibate holy-men.
Like the myths of the North American native nations being savages as portrayed by the European settlers. In truth it was the European settlers who first began collecting scalps to prove how effective they were at killing the native Americans. The natives adopted that particularly nasty trend. Perhaps the Romans were far more prone to slaughter the native tribes than their history records.
” … And so, without the histrionics of elitism..
The ancients had an innocence.. brutal by our standards..
(on second thought, maybe not)
but everything done for survival and power over adversity..
(and if that was an invader so be it)”
I’ll go along with that,louis.b.
” … But invading a neighbour would need to be triggered by paranoia or greed.”
Except we only have the Roman records to say it was that way and some of those records were written many, many years later and mostly in reports back to Rome to brag how good the occupiers were at doing their master’s bidding. As I already said much of the reports were attempting to boost the writer’s political credentials back at headquarters. Much like the Scottish Labour Party, for example, sends to Westminster.
Remember also that when the Romans wrote their records they most certainly did not overplay the truth that what they were claiming were savage tribes constantly warring with each other amalgamated as one to defend themselves against the invading Romans.
Another myth was that the Gask Ridge, Antonine Wall and Hadrian’s wall were built to keep out the northern tribes. In fact the Roman’s were here for not only the raw materials such as lead and copper but for slaves too. The method throughout the Roman Empire was to tax the natives of the countries they invaded. They operated a full customs and excise system. Taxing the goods both outward and inward from and to the occupied countries.
It is thus far more likely the walls were to prevent smuggling. Some historians have claim that the layout of guard posts on the walls faced southwards rather than northward.
“Do you agree that PROGRESS HAS STALLED”
Stalled? I’d go further than that. I’d say that since WWII, or perhaps more likely shortly after the 1945 Labour landslide the progress has been regressive. Correct my if I’m wrong but have not British troops been constantly at war somewhere in the World since WWII?
@Dr Jim
Achtung Spitfire Donner Und Blitzen
The BBC and ITV both couldn’t fail to show the Hungarian PM I believe having a dig at the Germans. They just cant help themselves.
Achtung Spitfire!
As the lady of the night said when asked why she did it, “Needs must”. Or the devil wants.
link to is great but my works blocks it on some tablets and pc. So stuff like fabulous hypocrites of The Graun brown nose of the Donald is too good to miss.
Its just Trump’s stuff on Mexico and their immigration makes him a great tory boy for the britnats here in teamGB, sadly. I dont know how Bush, Bliar, Crash Broon, indeed any Lab MP that voted for war in Iraq can sleep at night, let alone attack Scottish democracy.
@ Robert Unwin, 3/9/15, 4:40pm
a view from one of the front line countries – “this is not a migrant crisis”
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We all need a ‘reality-check’ from time to time.
This, for some, is ‘reality’ –
‘Lisa Vanderpump: Inside the World of the Rich and Famous’ –
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Aye Betty, he’s probably been there on holiday…safe in an enclave.
In a previous comment I mentioned ‘dead babies’ – I was thinking of a recurring phrase in an early Martin Amis novel.
Just Youtubed ‘dead babies’ – this was one of the first results, and perhaps provides a wee insight into the real Establishment view:
CH4 interview with Martin Amis (2012?)-
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Heedtracker wrote:
“ is great but my works blocks it on some tablets and pc. So stuff like fabulous hypocrites of The Graun brown nose of the Donald is too good to miss.”
You beat me to it Heedy, i was going to put the archive link up for oor Mr.Peffers. As for the blocking thing, so do it when you get home! Plus, i’m not sure it’s your work blocking them on certain machines because i know that some articles just don’t archive. In that case type the general gist of them rather than help them to fund their obstructive anti Scottish efforts.
Ian Brotherhood wrote:
” – it’s quite clear that we are not dealing with ‘normal’ people. With that in mind we should value the utterances of repulsive characters such as Katie Hopkins – she embodies the natural ‘Tory’, but stripped of all its charm and diplomatic skills, unashamedly flaunting its ignorance and bigotry in a display of imagined ‘sophistication’.”
Have you seen her latest filthy mutterings?
I read them on the Revs twitter feed and thought – Keep it up hen, every time you open your trap UKOKland looks all the more repulsive.
crazycat wrote:
“That picture appears to have been retweeted by the woman who was UKIP’s candidate in North Ayrshire and Arran in May”
Says it all really, eh!
Well, another log on the fire time, goodnight all.
In fairness to Ruth Davidson and the Conservative MSPs, it looks like the earlier version of the Herald article was changed about the silent Conservative MSPs to this about it:
“Earlier, Scots Tory leader Ruth Davidson sent an emphatic message to Mr Cameron, telling the BBC: “It’s not an immigration issue it’s a humanitarian crisis.” ”
It seems also from an earlier posting, that Davidson tweeted the same to Cameron early Thursday morning.
Ooops, different articles on the Herald.
When we see some of the stuff that’s happening right now and the really unpleasant behaviour of the Media BBC and STV we can get a bit overwhelmed with the horror at the place we live in
A Vile British Nationalist Institution that is the Conservative and Unionist Party and we must not forget the Red Tories as well remembering that if they had won the General Election nothing would be different
They were not quick to call for action on the Refugees they waited to see how well it went down for Corbyn before the rest of them dived in
The dimensions to this frenzy at the moment, sad to say are being Murdoch Media led
Most of these images were available long before now which means all this was expected by Cameron and still he never prepared
Humza Yusaf has been talking about this for a while along with others but nobody was listening, we had to wait for the absolute horror of a baby boy on a beach so Murdoch could wait for the right moment to manipulate the worlds outlook (It was the Sun Wot Dun It) make his cash and the Tories could avoid involvement or so they thought
Well everybody’s in it now, but as usual The British will say they are doing more than anybody else while we know they’ll do as little as possible because they just don’t want the Nasty Furriners in their country it spoils the look don’t you know
The NO voters in our country need to take a hard look at themselves and realise what they’ve allowed themselves to become, The Labour Party became the Tories and the Tories have become the stuff of WW11 nightmares with UKIP as their Stormtroopers
We’re going to have another chance relatively soon to put some of this right and I hope to goodness we get the result we need and put this Union of the damned far from us
It’s unhealthy and unholy and although we all want to help these poor and battered people it’s not a country any of us could recommend as long as we’re stuck in this UK
I’m sorry I got so serious I meant to try and lighten the mood a wee bit when I started writing but things just got away from me before I knew where I was
I hope it’s not too confused
“Correct my if I’m wrong but have not British troops been constantly at war somewhere in the World since WWII?”
You’re not wrong.
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England/UK is the most offensive state in history, and has been to war with EVERY country on earth (if not the modern country, then at least an empire it was part of). Some people say “every country except Portugal” … but the Brits took a side in the Portuguese Civil War, so them too.
@Dr Jim “we can get a bit overwhelmed with the horror at the place we live in”
Indeed, I thought the same thing earlier myself.
A YES vote would have meant a Scottish Labour party, a Scottish Conservative party and a Scottish LibDem party that could have changed to reflected Scottish values, not the hard-hearted inhumanity of Westminster. What we got is a NO vote, and those three parties as mere appendages of the Westminster system, taking their lead from their lords and masters.
Ah bollocks, time for bed.
Thanks. Thought that was maybe what he meant, but even then it’s still a bizarre argument since ISIS control much of the central Syrian border with Turkey, where Kobani is of course situated. So even leaving aside the issue of Turkish racism they could face, simply being in the immediately neighbouring state would not exactly be the safest place since the conflict could easily spread over the border, if not necessarily in terms of explicit warfare then certainly in acts of terrorism.
The map you linked is interesting. Sweden is marked as uninvaded. There were plans in the Second World War to invade Sweden, a neutral country, to deny resources to the Germans. Nothing happened in the event, but it wouldn’t surprise me if as well as the usual intelligence agents in Sweden, there were specials – and scouts – in place in advance of the plans, so it’s likely Sweden WAS invaded in a small way at least, even if no shots were fired.
After over three years of “normal” commenting I am now suffering the same problems as yourself. I read the other day that the site was under attack again. Something about multiple brute force log-ins. I am assuming (hoping) that Stu has temporarily turned the spam filters up to eleven. Takes forever to refresh a page as well. 🙁
Wonder how long this will take to appear? Posting at 3:27.
Stevie’s profile speaks volumes… ‘Nuff said.
Dr Jim says
“Did we Scots complain, NO except maybe for the silly characterisations of drunk Scots with totally ridiculous accents, ”
And why was it ALWAYS wee Shughie from crossroads and WHY was his moral fibre ALWAYS suspect (big bubbly bairn). harrummppphh
dammit now Ive dropped my monacle! ________________________________________________________
Tackety Beets says
“That brings back memories , we were all @ the Ponderosa everyone wanted to be Little Joe or Adam !”
I always wanted to be Ben,
I was a very serious child!
Ok ok I didnt want to gallop along the road slapping my arse shouting giddyup and saying “wait for me Mr Dillon” (gunsmoke) and looking like a total twat,
I had my six year old street cred to consider. 🙁
Stoker says
“Have you seen her latest filthy mutterings?
I read them on the Revs twitter feed and thought – Keep it up hen, every time you open your trap UKOKland looks all the more repulsive.”
But dont you think that just like the more independence is mooted the more mainstream the concept is,
likewise the more creatures like Hopkins are free to spout their vile hatred another little bit of our collective humainty dies,
I used to think that freedom to show what they wanted on tv was sacrosanct and we shouldnt be subjet to censorship as it is a subjective thing, “one mans meat is another mans poison” kind of thing,
but when we are subject to horrible people like ISIL or Katy Hopkins blowing up ancient temples (she WOULD press the plunger)dont you think we become more and more inured to the suffering all around to the point we retreat into our own little family unit and hope the searchlights dont pick us out,
Ive often thought about the kind of country I want to live in post independence and saw in Singapore a good blueprint for a society that respects each other, and has standards that WILL be upheld under pain of law,
I dont pretend to be an expert in social engineering but I know in my heart we could as a society be so much better than we are, maybe we are just a little bit TOO tolerant of extreme veiws because we’re too bound up in ensuring political correctness and not having the moral courage to say “this is the line CROSS IT AT YOUR PERIL”!
Dr Jim @ 1.37
Seems we’re on the same page Dr Jim, exactly how I feel and no amount of showers can wash away the smell.
I’ve never considered myself religious or had any formal introduction to Buddhism. I’ve not done much reading on the subject, either. However, it’s becoming increasingly apparent to myself that in order to achieve a successful way forward, we will need to pay more attention to the Buddhist philosophy.
Balance aids perspective. If only Heidegger had been aware that their is no separation between the individual being and the cosmos. Eh Will? 😉
Last year 55% of our country chose to let Westminster determine their immigration and foreign policy.
We are reduced to asking for permission to give aid.
Government isn’t simply the running of an economy and it never was, though Westminster has likewise spectacularly failed in their stewardship of this area of competence. No, its also about governance that reflects the aspirations and moral compass of the people.
Sometimes you can make a poor choice.
Finding it difficult to put my thoughts into words right now.
James Mates ?@jamesmatesitv · 19h19 hours ago
We are asking what will happen next to these people? Whatever it is, there’ll be no cameras to record it.
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Agree with the bulk of sentiments expressed above.
And apologies for going very O/T
Scotland must be the only footballing nation in the world where the so called national broadcaster won’t show the World Cup qualifying match highlights.
@ john king
@ Tackety Beets
Three words: Hi Ho Silver!
Scotland must be the only footballing nation in the world where the so called national broadcaster won’t show the World Cup qualifying match highlights.
And why dont BBC vote SLab Scotland show any Andy Murray tennis either? I know, the clue’s in the name/they’re a pack of UKOK propagandists
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Radio Scotland phone in with Stephen Jardine
It’s hilarious man, some of the Zoomiest Zoomers I’ve ever heard in my life phoning in
I’d forgotten how mental some of these Britnat loonies can get
I don’t think Jardine can believe his luck at this stream of complete and utter mind numbing Snotters
These are the actual people we need to get rid of
One guy actually said the word Extermination another said he’s got a lot of time for the English Government “Wae that Tony Cameron”
I’m going in again Helmet on kettle at the ready
TMitJ says
Three words: Hi Ho Silver!
like this you mean?
link to
Would the peoples riding aboot riding their horses dain the Lone Ranger, ave put up ah Target,fire your Silver bullets at that. I,ll dig them oot later Caashing.
gillie wrote, “There are humans and there are non-humans.” So people who disagree with the policy of open borders are untermenschen then?
Ah! See what the Beeb in Scotland , S Jardine,s Show, are doing?
The only people allowed to speak this morning about Scotland accepting 1000 refugees, are racist Brit Nats, who spend their time saying SNP bad!
I used to like Stephen Jardine but…………..
Delighted for young Mr Murray.
OT but just how many of us are regretting downloading Windows 10?
I am really struggling to get back some of the apps. and had a hard time getting Kaspersky back on only to find the whole damned thing went blank and a ” failed to load ” message appeared reset urged. Now I’ve lost much that I held dear and there is no ” HELP” button.
Silver bullets?
Aa ca remember Werewolves in wagontrain, ma maw wouldnea huv let me watch it…fae behind the couch!
@john king
at 9:44
Ah, my doorbell chime! 🙂
Will Podmore
““There are humans and there are non-humans.” So people who disagree with the policy of open borders are untermenschen then?”
How can people who see themselves as ubermenchen be described as untermench Will?
Had to switch off that phone in; far too upsetting. Time better spent putting tents and stuff together for the trip to Calais.
Cameron shamed us all the other night, and those tossers on the wireless this morning just brought it all back. Let’s get on with doing, and leave the hand-wringing behind.
Greater Maryhill Foodbank
16 hrs ·
Guys and girls we need your help. Were looking for donations of clothes ranging from baby clothes right upto ladies and gents. If you can help please get in touch or please share …… Nichola x.
Maryhill Foodbank are in the process of setting out the programme for the Winter months & Christmas Appeal for Toys. Food donations as always.
Chapel Street is open 9.30am – 4.30pm
Food Distribution is in Chapel St between 2pm – 4pm
Need anymore info call on 0141 946 6828.
Give as you,s can afford to give, Thanks.
@Dr Jim (9.43) –
Aye, that was an interesting hour there.
Don’t know about you, but I’d swap Kaye for Steven Jardine any day of the week. He even had the common manners to address Humza Yousaf as ‘minister’ and didn’t bark over him.
Not much we can do about the frothing howlers who call in – I daresay the presenter has no choice over who s/he’s given to deal with, but it’s always instructive to get a glimpse into the mind-set of Mail-readers, even if it is like turning over a dead cat.
All politicians and would-be politicians should be made to take an empathy test, a bit like the Voight Kampff test in Blade Runner.
If they don’t pass send them to the nearest war zone.
Catriona was kind enough at 6.30 this morning to tell us British Andy Murray beat his opponent , who apparantly is French . Why we need to know this I don’t know , they’re not playing for their country.
I just find it weird that our state broadcaster even has to tell us who Andy Murray is, do you think it’s because we’re all a bit dippit and can’t work out who he is ?
Patronising sods
“Ah, my doorbell chime! :-)”
Thats yer bucket waashed Mr Jar
that’ll be a fiver,
whit kin a tell ye?
Latest double speak from the last SLab MP of their Scotland region
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Stuff what SLab Morningside say
“I want to ensure that the Scottish Government has the power to mitigate the worst excesses of the UK Government’s punitive sanctions regime, something that the Bill as it stands explicitly restricts”
And stuff what they do
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Good to know nothing changes with these chancers.
Molly says
“Catriona was kind enough at 6.30 this morning to tell us British Andy Murray beat his opponent ,”
Id love one of those idiots to introduce Murray as a “British” player, only for Andy to correct them and remind them he is Scottish!
@Dr Jim
Good luck kemo-sabe!
(Trusted scout) but there are other interpretations 🙂
There,s Auld Codgers an Auld Cuddies an I thing we have heard plenty fae the Auld Blinkered Cuddies on the Steven Jardine programme.
Louie Armstrong,recording Of What a Wonderful World. Will never be aired on Radio again again.
I love my country.
I would like to make it a better place.
Once the unionists lose, (and give it a generation) they’ll forget that their identity was lost.
England to stand up to the Scots.
Reading The National this morning, I came across a link to The Telegraph via an article featuring Alistair Darling, in which the mini headline declares “For the good of the Union, it’s time for England to stand up to the Scots”, before going on to say “In the past few months, half the population of Scotland has been in the grip of religious hysteria”.
The rest of the piece contains many more absurdities and I recommend it only as an insight into the huge gulf that exists between the English view and our own Scottish perspective.
It is summed up in the final short paragraph: “If the Union did come to an end, it would be a tragedy, especially for the Scots. (Who are subsidised by the English) But it will be easier to avoid such an outcome if the Scots realise that there are strict limits on the average Englishman’s susceptibility to blackmail, financial or emotional.”
Ps. I recently misquoted some stats, claiming that 50% of the Catholic vote went with No in Indy14. It seems that 54% of Catholics voted Yes. Apologies.
Pps. 69% of Protestants voted No.
(From Lord Ashcroft Polls)
US Tennis is in Eurosport. Andy Murray
Those of you,s running aboot the streets slappin yer erse,s must hiv hud Rawhide,s.
Dorothy Devine,
Time to use Linux?
You can install it alongside so that you still have windows (it will make a seperate partition) many versions out there but Ubuntu or Mint will probably be most familiar for you. It really is not that difficult. Most old windows programmes can be run in Linux these days.
Apart from knackering half your non-microsoft programmes, it has been seen that 10 sends info to MS even if you set all the privacy stuff not to. It also by default ‘optimizes’ downloads, which gives them peer-to-peer privileges. Which means they can use your bandwidth to send stuff to other people! You have also agreed to let them do just about anything they like with your data including the actual content of your email! (Probably designed mainly by the NSA).
If you have problems trying to do it, post in off-topic for more info.
@ Molly
I find it irritating (first world problem, I know) when they come out with something like this:
“He [tennis player X] hasn’t beaten/lost to a Croatian since [insert date]” as if all players from any given country had the same characteristics which made them easier/more difficult for player X to beat.
@ Dorothy Devine
If what I was told at the weekend is true, your downloading of Windows 10 is irrelevant – at some date not too far in the future, all users of Windows 8 will automatically be “upgraded”, whether they want it or not!
If the General Election were to have been held this week I doubt if it would have landed us with a Tory government.
Cearc and Crazycat , thanks for the information.
To be honest, I am too scared to do anything at the moment.
Fortunately I have a whizz kid great nephew and will wait until I can get my hands on him!
@Dorothy Devine
I’m still on Windows XP on both desktops as I have old Windows programs I use for my business. Works with firefox though I get and have been getting for over a year, the 25 minute delay with postings appearing on this site. You get used to it.
Problem can be drivers for such as laser printer but with a bit of jiggling it can be done, and there are XP driver download places on the web for newish devices.
Interesting theory re problems on the site. Last year it resolved itself fairly quickly and I was hoping it will this time.
@ Nana – interesting links as always. But I ploughed through the Gerry Hassan article and, as the one comment said, I was no wiser at the end!
He seems to think that self-determination can be achieved without self government. Good luck with that Gerry. But more debate would certainly be welcome. Unfortunately we do not have an unbiased media to host it.
@ JK and co, Champion the Wonder Horse. I wanted to be Ricky.
@ Cameron B Brodie – you might find the Eckhart Tolle talks on youtube interesting. I find them very cheering and restful. He takes the view that we and the universe are one. Most problems are caused by humans beings lacking consciousness. Be here now!
I swithered about linking to the Hassan article. Then I thought ah well let others read what he had to say and come to their own conclusion.
I’m with you on your assessment!
Does no-one in U.K. remember the trouble in Lebanon when people had to be evacuated? When this little island of Cyprus accepted all regardless of race or creed & fed & clothed them until they could be moved back to their own countries. Again Europe did nothing to help – the only country which did was Turkey. Most of these “refugees” were Brits & Americans!
A picture of wee Ruthie on her leetle tank which, by the way, we are STILL waiting for it to arrive in Annan ahead of the Tory Panzer Division. Maybe she got lost on the way to Annan … aye that’s right she got lost! 😀
As for for our wee matey Stevie what can I say … no seriously what can I say? 🙂
I think it is ever so nice of Stevie to confirm he is a Tory but I am certain he left one wee thing off his profile … membership of the Orange Order! 😀
John King asks, “How can people who see themselves as ubermenchen be described as untermench Will?” Anyone can all anyone anything, as this site proves all too often. Whether any comment is true is another matter.
Are you accusing all Englishmen of seeing themselves as ubermenschen? If so, that is a racist accusation.
Thanks for the tip, looks interesting. I’m not sure if I can accept the cosmos has a ‘divine purpose’, as that suggests consciousness, to me. I can accept the description as a metaphor though.
Eckhart Tolle – THE POWER OF NOW
link to
That’s me hooked. You’ve got to love someone who stirs up Christian fear and loathing of Gnosticism. 🙂
Will Podmore. 4.20
‘Are you accusing all Englishmen of seeing themselves as ubermenschen’
Why would you think John King was talking about Englishmen at all.
The UK Gov has MPs from Scotland and Wales as well I believe,or is everyone just default English to you.
Ye that’s probably it.An international socialist or communist who believes in one world,no nation states,no borders,just so long as it is all be governed from England by Englishmen like yourself.
Your brand of BritNat socialism is all to familiar to me.
Prof.Tomkins eat your heart out 😉
Will Podmore. 4.20
‘Are you accusing all Englishmen of all seeing themselves as ubermenschen’
Why would you think John King was accusing Englishmen at all ?
The UK Gov has MPs from Scotland and Wales also I believe, or are they all just default Englishmen to you ?
Britain is just English after all.Ah the joyous delusion of being a BritNat communist Will. 😉
Apologies I posted a similar comment to the one above which disappeared,so hence duplicated.
Also,for the spelling mistakes in the first comment, I was too much in a hurry,whilst typing.
Anyway, hope you like my response Will 🙂
Yin and Yang man, Yin and Yang make the whole. Mind you, I don’t think Will recognises duality. I’m confused. 😉
Here, look, he’s having a go at the Taoists now.
CameronB Brodie. 8.45
He’s a whole alright.
Back/front take your pick. 🙂
Will Podmore
Only joking Will.
I enjoy reading and responding to posts from opposing viewpoints such as yours as well.
Why is she sitting astride that big gun?
I think it’s called ‘spine envy’ – but auto-correct may mangle that…
@ CameronB Brodie
I love his style. Whether it’s the long 90 min piece such as his conversation with the aspiring young actor, or the shorter videos on “Dealing with difficult people” or “How to stop thinking too much” he is calm, authentic and remarkably free from conceit.
link to
As one who marched in the anti war protests before the Iraq war, we’ve then had military interventions in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, the powers that be then seem surprised that there are floods of refugees fleeing these Armageddon facing countries. We have helped in the creation of ISIS and now that we’ve left Afghanistan, the Taliban have re-taken large parts of the country, murdering anyone that gets in their way. The Westminster warmongers along with their U.S. Paymasters have a lot to answer for. Several European countries are feeling the brunt of the refugee crisis thanks to the war voting politics of the majority of successive Tory/Labour/Ulster Unionist MPs ……………shame on them!!
I am now accused of being “An international socialist or communist who believes in one world,no nation states,no borders,just so long as it is all be governed from England by Englishmen like yourself.”
I’m not a socialist but a communist. We don’t believe in ‘no nation states’ for this period of history, nor in ‘no borders’.
@ Will Podmore, still lurking at the thread ends with your daft notions Podmore!
He’s so predictable, iye Fred? Comes into the party, just as the drink is finished…
Aye Brian a dreg-slurper if ever there was wan!
A communist ma arse, slept wi a communist mair like! 🙂
Dear Fred, nope, you’re wrong on all counts. No change there then.