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Wings Over Scotland

Compulsory conciliation

Posted on September 22, 2020 by

Senator Claire Chandler is a Liberal Party member of the Australian Parliament. Some recent experiences she’s had send a very serious warning about the likely outcomes of the Scottish Government’s wildly unpopular new Hate Crime Bill. She’s graciously allowed us to publish this column she wrote on the subject.

Early this month I received a letter from Tasmania’s Anti-Discrimination Commissioner directing me to attend a compulsory “conciliation” conference with somebody offended by my comments about the need to protect women’s sport and women’s toilets and changerooms. You can watch them here:

Ironically, the complaint against me was about an opinion article I wrote about free speech. You can read it here and make up your own mind whether bureaucrats at the Anti-Discrimination Commission should be able to censor any Australian citizens for this kind of public policy discussion.

The sentence in my op-ed which triggered the complaint was this factual and common sense statement:

“You don’t have to be a bigot to recognise the differences between the male and female sexes and understand why women’s sports, single sex changing rooms and toilets are important. The overwhelming majority of the world’s population grew up understanding these concepts.”

Since news of this complaint broke, I’ve been overwhelmed by the support I’ve received from all across Tasmania, Australia and the world. Thank you to all those who have contacted me and expressed support and encouragement.

My case is just the latest of many examples of Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission bureaucrats around Australia attempting to force radical views and compelled speech onto mainstream Australians.

In past years, university students have been dragged through the courts for comments on social, the late cartoonist Bill Leak was harassed by the Australian Human Rights Commission, and Archbishop Julian Porteous was hauled before a tribunal for defending marriage in accordance with his faith. As recently as this month, a Canberra radio broadcaster was ordered to pay $10,000 [around £5,600] to a former Greens candidate and trans activist for ‘liking’ comments on Facebook.

Issues with the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act have been known for a long time. The Tasmanian Liberal Government in 2016 drafted amendments to the Act to prevent activists using it as a weapon to shut down alternative views.

But the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner campaigned against the changes and the Bill was blocked by the Legislative Council.

My legal team and I are in the process of documenting the numerous errors in law and process by the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner in accepting this complaint and directing me to attend conciliation. Questions have also been raised about the constitutionality of bureaucrats vetting statements by Members of Parliament for ‘offensiveness’ and threatening to take action against them.

Regardless of how this case proceeds, it is abundantly clear that anti-discrimination laws give bureaucrats and unelected tribunals the power to censor perfectly reasonable public policy debate on almost any topic that a minority labels ‘offensive’.

Just a few years ago, nobody could ever have dreamed that pointing out that women’s sports and toilets were designed for females could cause an anti-discrimination body to take action against you. What will be the next public policy discussion that they will try to silence? It could easily be something important to you and your vote.

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Carol Fraser

She’s a breath of fresh air. I’ve watched a few of her speeches and she absolutely nails it every time.


Wow, wish we had someone with “balls” like this in our parliament.

Dan Watt

What has been happening in Australia this last few years has been absolutely shocking. That Abbott fella is only the tip of the iceberg. Check out the juicemedia youtube channel and watch their “honest government ads” series – it is funny, but also absolutely frightning.


What a wonderful woman. Thanks for publishing this.

Robert Hughes

I watched this a wee while back . a salutary lesson on where they the toxic mix of ” Trans Rights ” and The Hate Bill could lead us . By the way , if anyone is interested I’m a black ( with a pinch of Inca and a twist of Inuit ) grandmother with 13 kids and 55 grandchildren – Honest . link to

Sharny Dubs

Like others here how I wish we had such in our parliament, a shining light in a dark place to be applauded with the likes of Bettina Arendt who has been fighting this battle in Australia most of her professional career.

A glimpse into the abyss we face folks.

Thanks for publishing.

Dave Beveridge

‘directing me to attend a compulsory “conciliation” conference’

Be afraid. Be very afraid. The lunatics are well on their way to taking over the asylum.

Ian Brotherhood

I’d like to see Mhairi Black try giving her the ‘Jeremy Hunt’ patter.


Just goes to show the authoritarian nature of the trans rights brigade. A lesbian myself, I can empathize with those Polish towns setting up as LGBT free zones because the Queer Theory underpinning the current LGBT push is horrendous and destabilizing.


Fantastic column. I dread to think what the future holds for us here in Scotland with the Wokist zealots we have in charge.


@susanXX It’s unsettling, but I know what you mean. Post-modernism is fine for novels, but it shouldn’t have any place in public policy making.

fraser reid

geez oh – how can it be outlawed to say “a woman is a woman”? How did these idiotic fringe groups get so powerful. Paedophiles are also a dangerous fringe group but we wouldn’t even let them get away with farting loudly!

Everyone needs to do thier part in stamping this shit out now!

I didn’t vote for this new hate crime bill by the SNP so that they could stomp all over my freedom of speech when something is said that they don’t like – I think they are getting a little too comfy in Scotland just now – we deffo need the List Party to get shitloads of votes in any elections to waken up the “comfier” members of the SNP.

oh and btw – (Off Topic) I think Joanna Cherry should go for FM.


Boris Johnson has started something he appears not to have the competence, willpower or political intelligence to terminate
Nicola Sturgeon is endeavouring to prove she’s as good as he is.
The pair deserve each other.
We do not!

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“‘directing me to attend a compulsory “conciliation” conference’

Be afraid. Be very afraid. The lunatics are well on their way to taking over the asylum.”

link to

David Rodgers

This is what happens when the woke crowd get into power. Time for a wake-up call for everyone!


Allium their MO seems to be delegitimizing the meaning of words so that societal conventions and boundaries can be eroded and keeping society in a state of flux. This they seem to be achieving by going ‘under the radar’ and piggybacking where possible, institutional capture and the indoctrination of schoolchildren. It’s a recipe for disaster.


fraser reid says:
22 September, 2020 at 12:42 pm

Paedophiles are also a dangerous fringe group but we wouldn’t even let them get away with farting loudly!

perhaps not yet Frazer

[…] Wings Over Scotland Compulsory conciliation Senator Claire Chandler is a Liberal Party member of the Australian Parliament. Some […]


Yes Graeme , paedophiles, or MAPs, are hanging onto the LGBT alphabet soup coattails too.

Daisy Walker

Very important article. It lead me to a you tube video of Rowan Atkinson speaking up about Free Speech – also very well worth viewing.

Once the initial hurdle – of getting members of the public to realise just how far the proposed reforms are going (bonkers distance) – once that hurdle is over, those proposing this nonsense lose all credibility – all of it.

What a weapon to make them completely un-electable. And its not like the MSM don’t have all the tools and resources at hand to do this at the drop of a hat.

And lets have a look at the groups who will learn first about how bonkers it is:

Police – the right to be insulted – is infinite, make it criminal and Police will be at the sharp end of having to try and ‘enforce’ unjust, and illogical nonsense. You lose their vote.

Medical Professionals – make them carry out a cervical smear test on a male body, self ID’ing as a woman. Bonkers – you lose their vote.

Teachers – insist that they enforce genuine concerns about shared changing rooms by potentially vulnerable students, and make the students the ‘baddies’. Bonkers – you lose their vote.

Parents – ditto.

Those from different ethnic cultures – with a more a stricter attitude towards segregation of the sexes. Gone – you’ve lost their vote.

Women – old enough to have experience how the real world works, and to appreciate the legislative mechanics that have won them tangible rights over the years, and can remember when those rights were on paper only. Gone – you’ve lost their votes.

Biological Female Lesbians – being bullied into having sex with men self IDing as women. Gone, you’ve lost their vote.

Prison Officers – seeing vulnerable women in prison put at risk by preditory males – self IDing as women, and insisting on a place in the womens’ prison. Gone – you’ve lost their votes.

Anyone with even the lowest qualification in biology – bonkers – you’ve lost their vote.

Transgenders – who do not support the above and realise that it will potentially steer up a backlash against them. Gone – you’ve lost their vote.

And on and on it goes, as soon as anyone with any sense about them, starts to scratch the surface of this legislation and looks at the potential consequences. Gone, you’ve lost their vote.


@ Fraser reid

How did these idiotic fringe groups get so powerful. Paedophiles are also a dangerous fringe group but we wouldn’t even let them get away with farting loudly!

There are people who believe that trans-rights are being pushed in preparation for re-defining paedophilia as “just another sexuality”*. MAP (minor-attracted person) is already appearing in some social media bios, I believe (I don’t have a reference for this, and it may not be in the UK).

Once children have been deemed capable of consenting to irreversible, life-changing medical – and possibly surgical – intervention, it is not much of a leap to claim that they can consent to other things too.

(See susanXX’s comment at 12.52, too.)

*trans is of course not a sexuality, since it is about one’s own identity, not what sort of other people one is attracted to.


Well done Senator Claire Chandler. I’m glad we have people like you to speak out and you speak out eloquently and forcefully. We need people standing for free speech so keep going.


I agree, this whole thing has capacity to change almost everything about the society we know, and not for the better.

The recent Westminster decision is a good one if it can be done without being changed or overruled. But there will be further fights on these issues, for the forces behind them are not going to give up whatever their end goal is. That the right wing comes out looking better in a free speech debate is perhaps what they want since it’s pushed by some powerful people.


Daisy Walker and crazycat, you say things much more eloquently than me. Thanks I agree totally.


@ susanXX and Graeme

cross-posted 🙂

Dorothy Devine

Bloody marvelous woman!

Can we have her?

Bob Mack

If we learn nothing from this woman it’s we who are beyond redemption. We cannot let this happen.


An awful lot of people now realise that there is something sick and nasty at the heart of the SNP. Many keep quiet, cross their fingers, and continue with their support in the hope that the SNP will sort itself out. There is no hope of this happening anytime soon, and certainly not before any chance we have of escaping this evil and corrupt union has gone.

Pressure must be put on the current “leadership” to clean out its stable. The only pressure that has a chance of achieving this is financial. Stop all donations and subscriptions now and tell them normal service will only be resumed when Sturgeon and her crew are gone together with their woke policies.

In the meantime, if a credible alternative independence party arises give them your list votes at least. If the SNP choose to go bust before they make the necessary changes then so be it. We will be no worse off as we will never obtain independence with the current set up. The Sturgeon cabal will have cost us dearly but better a fresh start than fooling ourselves that it will all turn out right on the night.


@ Daisy Walker

Well said; I agree completely.

If this is a wedge to hold open the door for “MAP”, the fact that there seem to be so many such people in positions of power is even more worrying than it is for its own sake.

[…] Thanks to the Courtesy of : link to […]


Just wait til a woman gets raped in a woman’s toilet by a woman with a penis and testicles.

Castration, public castration, without anaesthetic, that is the answer. Cut the boaby and baws off in the village square. Then let them visit the women’s toilet.

And what about a new class of human – fanny baws!

But coming back to seriousness has anyone every pondered deeply the sexual orientation of the Looney Tunes character “ Elmer Fudd “. I mean a trans in full sight all these years and not a cheep.

Or “ Bugs Bunny” . I mean who ever heard of bunny boys. Way ahead of her time perchance. Was Bugs Bunny. Yes, it’s all set me thinking for the day now, got to keep the looners on the path!…………” loon balls” ……..oh.there’s another. …….argh!

Otherwise, well done the Tasmanian senator, which rearranged spells treason. There’s a message in everything when you’re awoke.

Ian Brotherhood

Short of euthanasia I’m honestly struggling to think of a policy which would cause as much damage to a political party’s reputation as this one.

It’s almost as though someone, somewhere, staged a brainstorming session aimed at finding out what would piss off the Scottish electorate the most – if that is what happened then they did their job well.


@Susan XX
When kids find out when they are old that they have been badly misled they get very angry and disillusioned indeed. Lying to the kids about reality will not end well.


‘Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
22 September, 2020 at 12:50 pm

link to

‘Struggle session?’ These bangers are struggling with consensus reality – and losing. What a bloody mess. The sad thing is, Scotland could easily enough have chosen to ignore this myopic mode of anti-thought and censorship, putting it down to middle-class American hysteria. That would have been sane and sensible.

But our narroweyed, hetero-hating government are too intent on jamming this university-indoctrinated dross (any way we could stop people wanting to study intersectionalist shite from getting a free education here at the taxpayer’s expense, and make them pay for ruining their own brains?) down our throats to allow us to stay unmolested away from the idiocy and intellectual decay.

This country used to be highly regarded round the world as a bastion of intellect and invention and brilliance. You remember, back in the days before everything white Scots in history had done was connected to slavery, and trying to make us hate ourselves for the actions of a small percentage of historical figures from this country. Look at the fucking horrendous, pitiful mess it is in now, just because of a few agenda-waving nutters. It’s embarrassing, quite frankly, and when friends of mine in other countries ask me what the fuck has happened here, amazed and appalled to see our mental and emotional and societal decline…what am I supposed to tell them?


If the Hate Crime Bill is passed without major safeguards being in place in Section 2 then you won’t be invited to a Struggle Session, you will be hauled before a court and sentenced.


Boris today appeared in a shirts that appeared to have been ironed.
Things are improving, right up to when he opened his mouth.

He states he knows the importance of clarity?
That must have happened earlier today as he has been imbecile previously.

No more than 6 people can meet unless they go to a pub or restaurant?

Pubs must be empty by 10pm so last orders at 9.45pm?
The virus must turn nasty at 10.01?

No face mask if you are in a business where you eat or drink?
You must have a mask on if you buy a coke and crisps in a shop?

Patting the Tories on the back as they have many more tests now than
They did before the virus arrived?

No mention of No test available in many major cities and the long backlog for results.

Work from home but we need you to go to work as you will go on public transport and buy from
Shops on route. You can touch contaminated hand rails and coins and spread the virus further.

Schools are having contamination’s across the country but we must keep the kids in school.
It seems schools in England can have 10 tests per week so if a pupil tests positive in a class
Of 30 then a third of them can have a test and they can wait a week for a result.
Meantime the spread go to other classes, teachers after school friends, families and shopkeepers.

We are in this mess due to the complete mismanagement by the Tories and a whole raft of them
breaking their own rules month after month.


The penultimate paragraph…”Regardless of how this case proceeds,…? Should serve as a beacon for fair-minded people.


And here’s another insanity from the biology deniers.

How do you treat a man for mans diseases when no ones allowed to know that they self ID’d as a woman.

And would it be assault or grievous bodily harm if a doctor treated a self I’d woman for a man’s problem like prostrate cancer. Makes you realise how mad we must be to entertain this lunacy

Or maybe we should just fight fire with fire and take this biological denying freak show head on. Society has a right not to be intimidated and biologically turned upside down.

Tinto Chiel

Yousuf’s Hate Crime bill seems to me to have two main targets: those who oppose the lunatic elements of the GRA, and dangerous “malcontents”, principally people like Stuart Campbell, who will harry the SG on other matters such as The Salmond Affair and the conduct and accountability of COPFS.

Also, please don’t forget that at the start of lockdown, the Justice Secretary even proposed “temporary” legal changes such as non-jury trials, no cross-examination or automatic right of appeal and the permitting of taped testimony. How would Alex Salmond have fared in such a system? The blood runs cold.

The creeping authoritarianism of the SG is deeply worrying and I’m not entirely sure who is really directing it but I suspect it will be the same people who have engineered the inexplicably and repeatedly-taken wrong turnings and dead-ends on the issues of Brexit and Sovereignty, to give just two obvious examples.

Thank you, Claire Chandler for warning us of our likely future.

Be afraid, folks, be very afraid.

Lorraine Glass

She is fantastic. When will any male MSP’s speak up on this matter?


Here’s a question. Does anybody have a link to a comprehensive examination/deconstruction of the Hate Crime Bill and its potential effects on free speech in the arts? Thanks in advance. Be damned if these zero-talent, glazed-eyed, drivel-drooling apparatchik halfwits are telling me what to write or think or say or do. NAE CHANCE.

They’ve been to push this pitiful pish for a while now. Here’s something I wrote last year aboot their Orwellian, gubshutter gobshite the-weans-will-clype-oan-ye video:

link to


So it’s come out now that Dumbza Useless’s wife is wanting to stand against Willie Rennie.

Another parachute job perchance by a blow in opportunist. Like Angus Robertson one suspects that she’ll be seen by members for what she is.

Wonder if she’s an approved and vetted candidate and I ask this because anecdotal comment is that the candidate selection timetable set out at the NEC on 30th July 2020 and only limitedly promulgated around the end of August is already in tatters.

With nominations for ‘ approved ‘ only candidates being closed on the 14th September 2020 but with candidates still to be approved or rejected it is difficult to understand how first balloting can be commenced mid September 2020, a date now passed.

Legal challenges ahead one does suspect. But that’s what happens when you play fast and loose with party democracy and due process.

A Person

Mark my words, soon a gay woman will go on a date with a male who calls himself a woman, he will make a pass at her, she will decline, he will **** her… and when she complains “civilised”, “tolerant”, “progressive” opinion will support him and decry her as a bigot.

I am a man, so I have heard enough passing remarks among other men that i know deeply ingrained misogyny and the rape instinct is among many men. This agenda is all about controlling and abusing women.


Scary, scary, stuff.
Some time ago, I was threatened on a football website for criticising BLM and ‘taking the knee’.
I was immediately called a racist and other despicable names.
As a consequence I joined the Free Speech Union for a small fee and I would recommend it to anyone in a similar position.
They carry a lot of clout and have lawyers willing to help on a ‘pro bono’ basis.


‘Willie says:
22 September, 2020 at 1:44 pm
So it’s come out now that Dumbza Useless’s wife is wanting to stand against Willie Rennie.’

Saw that in The National today as well. Magic. “Fill your boots, ladies, jobs for the girls! Plenty of room on the gravy train for everybody!”

Bob Mack

I become annoyed when I read other sites decrying the Tories on any given subject whilst totally ignoring and accepting the excesses in Holyrood which are equally as bad.

I always believed we all wanted an Independent Scotland which was totally different from Westminster in the way it was run.

Now we are the thickness of a piece of paper from being the same ,if not worse.

I cannot ignore this. The road leading to a loss of freedom is getting more hazardous by the day.

What do I want? Simply the SNP back to what it was. A party committed first and foremost to the Independence of our country, because ultimately that is why I vote for them.


Can we start by ripping down statues of Shakespeare?

“To be or not to be”.

How dare he write that!
What if they don’t want to be or not to be?
What if they were be but feel they are actually not to be in the wrong body?

All toilets must have signs on the door that just say Be-ish.

All dispensing machines for those who used to describe themselves a female
Must be removed as it might upset those born as men who want to be female.
No need to rub it in what they are missing?

Condom machines must be removed too as some people just can’t fill them?

All this is too much of a farce for ridicule in a Monty Python sketch.

Ian Brotherhood

Barbara Allison has provided more written feedback to the Harassment Committee:

link to


‘Effijy says:
22 September, 2020 at 1:48 pm
Can we start by ripping down statues of Shakespeare?’

Too slow! They’re on it! Those tireless brainwashed religious fundamentalist zealots never sleep when pointless retro injustice needs to be highlighted and combated! 🙂

link to


The next step is denial of the rights for Europeans to have their own countries and have the numbers to democratically choose their future, which has been underway for a long time. Now however the same Critical Theory types are trying to rewrite history to suggest that Europeans were never European.

Women don’t have a right to their own sex. Europeans don’t have a right to their own countries

One more step – you don’t have the right to your own children.

Sound far right? Sound very ‘Nazi’?

If so then drop your lovely, cosy, fluffy wee biases you have been brainwashed into (and tricked into believing its your ‘free thought’) for just a minute and open your eyes.


Something which I feel should be said is that every fair minded, rational individual person today would have once supported paedophilia back in the early days when P.I.E (Paedophilia Information Exchange) was first set up.

Before you all choke on your Irn Bru, let me explain.

When P.I.E. was set up, the age of consent between heterosexuals was 16 years old. For homosexuals, it was 18 years old, maybe even 21 years old, I can’t remember.

But anyway, the original idea for setting up P.I.E in the first place was as a campaign group, campaigning for equality between heterosexuals and homosexuals over the age of consent. Why was there this discrimination? They quite rightly in my opinion, wanted to change it so the age of consent would be equal across the board.

And as I said at the beginning, any fair minded, rational person would have supported that cause and in the course of doing so, would have supported paedophilia.

What happened with that is exactly what we’re seeing with the ‘woke’ brigade around the world. These groups achieve one small concession, one small victory in their cause which gives them reason to make a further demand and eventually, they gain another concession. This is their strategy, they gain small victories over a period of time which nobody really pays any attention to because they are to most people, small, meaningless minority causes.

Eventually, all these small victories add up and we wake up one day and these groups have become powerful.

The media now helps them along. Has anyone noticed how many stories there are in the media these days concerning paedophilia? There’s at least one story in every newspaper, both on a national and local level concerning paedophilia. It’s there every day and the purpose of that is that what was once a taboo subject, is now in the process becoming normalised. It’s conditioning people to accept paedophilia as natural but not in the way that the aims of the original P.I.E was, this is much more sinister. I can see the day that paedophilia becomes normal. Already there are groups in the UK campaigning to lower the age of consent. In France where I live, there wasn’t even such a thing as age of consent until about the last year or so and even now, it’s about 14 or 15 years old.

On a final note about this subject for now, I’ll state that from what I’ve seen, ALL these ideas, theories and plans come from the LEFT. Every single one.

You don’t have to be right wing to detest the Left.

James F. McIntosh

Next up will be the lowering of consent age so they can legally have sex with children.


“Regardless of how this case proceeds, it is abundantly clear that anti-discrimination laws give bureaucrats and unelected tribunals the power to censor perfectly reasonable public policy debate on almost any topic that a minority labels ‘offensive’.”

There in lies the crux of the Hate Crime bill, it s basically a tool to shut people up. To stop them displaying their anger at a government forcing through a bill that alienate half the population.

The bill isn’t designed to stop hate crime or reduce it, the bill is designed to force through an ideology that half of the Scottish population don’t want. In the sense of some big hairy fat bloke wearing a dress covered in tattoo’s and brandishing ruby lipstick, smiling sardonically through a mirror in the ladies toilets at a real woman, and in the process frightening the living daylights out of her and her children if they’re also present.

I’d imagine, under those circumstances the poor woman and her children if present, wouldn’t be able to complain about it, and if they did it would probably be labelled as a hate crime.

The bird of sanity on hate crime in Scotland, proposed by the SNP has long flown over the horizon, possibly never to return.


They are introducing brainwashing classes now. I mean, I hate the Tories, but this is ridiculous. Wonder how many non-whites will take these classes to cure them of the anti-white racism fuelling this sort of shit?

Wait, I forgot, only white people can be racist! Sorry, just showing my unconscious bias and white privilege and unreconstructed knuckledragger roots, dahlink.

link to

Bob Mack

Good judgement only comes from experience, and experience usually comes from bad judgement.

Can’t remember who said it but it’s very true in this instance.


‘Education is what you get when you read the small print, experience is what you get when you don’t.’


Isn’t there some woke idiot on the SNP NEC, can’t remember his name, who boasts that he likes to use women’s toilets. What that party has come to.


I don’t keep well, I have several health problems so being energetically anti HCB is beyond me, but I will not lie and I am prepared to go to prison for stating that sex is binary, sex is immutable and no one is born in the wrong body.


It is just so amusing reading some of those posts mostly from left leaning types criticising the wokeists.
Wake up, all you leftists.
It’s from the left that all this crap is coming from.


Fear is the most powerful enemy of reason. Both fear and reason are essential to human survival, but the relationship between them is unbalanced. Reason may sometimes dissipate fear, but fear frequently shuts down reason. As Edmund Burke wrote in England twenty years before the American Revolution, “No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.”
Our Founders had a healthy respect for the threat fear poses to reason. They knew that, under the right circumstances, fear can trigger the temptation to surrender freedom to a demagogue promising strength and security in return. They worried that when fear displaces reason, the result is often irrational hatred and division. As Justice Louis D. Brandeis later wrote: “Men feared witches and burnt women.”
Understanding this unequal relationship between fear and reason was crucial to the design of American self-government.
Our Founders rejected direct democracy because of concerns that fear might overwhelm reflective thought. But they counted heavily on the ability of a “well-informed citizenry” to reason together in ways that would minimize the destructive impact of illusory, exaggerated, or excessive fears. “When a man seriously reflects on the precariousness of human affairs, he will become convinced that it is infinitely wiser and safer to form a constitution of our own in a cool deliberate manner, while we have it in our power,” wrote Thomas Paine in his legendary pamphlet Common Sense, specifically warning that the Founders should not take the risk of waiting until some fear seized the public imagination, in which event their reasoning processes would be hampered.
Nations succeed or fail and define their essential character by the way they challenge the unknown and cope with fear. And much depends on the quality of their leadership. If leaders exploit public fears to herd people in directions they might not otherwise choose, then fear itself can quickly become a self-perpetuating and freewheeling force that drains national will and weakens national character, diverting attention from real threats deserving of healthy and appropriate fear and sowing confusion about the essential choices that every nation must constantly make about its future.

link to
Recognize the signs?


Could be time to apply this bill to prior statements made by those in favour and overwhelm the police with complaints when introduced.


What is the first human instinct?


So with these face masks, we’re told that they’re not for our own protection, but to protect other people.

Which is the complete opposite of human instinct. The first priority is to save yourself, not someone else.

It’s for this reason that I think the Left is orchestrating the Corona crisis.


some of my best friends are David Icke


I can predict the future BTW and I predict that tonight in Scotland at 8.05pm, Scottish people will watch Sturgeon destroy and close down the tourism and hospitality industries in Scotland.

Bob Mack


Yes,we already assumed such.

Bob Mack


Does Covid 19 take political affiliations into account now ?

Well I never.


Brilliant article. I love listening to Australian politicians (well, most of them). They don’t pull their punches.

It is worrying that our Scot Govt continues to push this legislation, despite all the warnings including from many supporters.

Would be great if there are any similar articles from politicians from other countries.


Told you, except I was wrong about waiting until 8.05pm tonight.

3. A strict nationwide curfew for pubs, bars and restaurants

They will be required to close at 10pm. This measure is the same as the curfew rule in England. To ensure compliance, they will be providing resources for additional environmental health officers and providing.

So, furlough ends at the end of October, who’s going to be paying for the staff? The pubs and nightclubs won’t have any money coming in, landlords will still be looking for their rent. Hotels and B&Bs don’t have money coming in, nobody can come to Scotland for a holiday.

She’s just fucked Scotland up for good.


Humza Yousef’s wife’s parachuting into North East Fife demonstrates forcibly, as if it needed restating, that the SNP is a closed shop of self seeking parasites with dark age mythological beliefs synthesised with 21st century age totalitarianism.

FFS…His wife…currently his ‘staffer’..stated that she had been in the party ’10 years’ and ‘stood out in the rain ‘ for ‘Palestine since I was 14’. Well , I am sympathetic to the Palestinian people’s plight, but I want to know what a candidate is going to do to break OUR PEOPLE FREE from the English prison of colonial subjugation!

Jobs for the girls of any gender, and anyone that hates the idea of ‘Nationalism’ and wants to spend all their parliamentary time creating gags for freedom of speech…never mind that we can’t even build our own renewal energy industry..the second stolen Klondyke..while they work on navel gazing fiddling while Holyrood burns.Is there no end to this hypocritical bullshit?

Alec Lomax

Mist from the SiU.



I want to know what a candidate is going to do to break OUR PEOPLE FREE from the English prison of colonial subjugation!

well we could give a platform to taz english colonials, they really know how to deal with uppity indigenous natives, yes sireee

Lorna Campbell

There are adverts everywhere right now proclaiming that trans rights are human rights. Aye, they are. The thing is, though, that trans people, since 2004, have had all the rights that the rest of us have (apart from the self-ID and two-year medical ‘gate’. The 2010 Equality Acts protects them as it protects women. Yet, still, the trans lobby claims that trans people are being discriminated against and trans women want to be legally, women in every sense.

I think we have to make a distinction between trans people who just want the freedom to live their lives as who they are and the vicious, nasty and totalitarian/fascist trans lobby. Many trans people never asked for this nonsense and they understand why women are so angry. This phenomenon is also a Western malaise: the flabby, self-indulgent, pampered, liberal West is the target fr now.

It stands to reason that, if you legally allow natal men to be women in the legal sense they cannot – simply cannot, legally – be kept out of ALL of those spaces and ALL of those rights that women have based on their sex (not their gender, their biological sex, that being the very foundation of the discrimination that has always been practised against them) so the push-back must come via the law – the law that these idiots in the Scottish government are breaking in order to push through their ‘woke’ agenda.

There can be no way, for example, that every woman’s place in parliament, every woman’s sport, every woman’s board allocation, every woman’s medical facility, every woman’s scholarship, every woman’s prize, etc. can be closed to trans women. It is that simple, once the law is changed to allow self-ID without any medical diagnosis. The aim must be to displace women completely, and to silence natal men from objecting in any shape or form.

For our children, it can only mean something very much worse. When the sex education in the Scottish curriculum encourages young girls well below the age of consent to try anal sex to avoid pregnancy, something has gone mad. That is because it is, but they will call it sanity and their ‘right’.

Infinitely stupid and immature people, who are not trans, but who want to stroke their ‘right-on’ credentials till they purr, presumably making themselves feel good, because it is all about ‘self’/me/I/teenage self-absorption carried on into the 20s and 30s and 40s, are so detached from reality that they can’t see the wood for the trees.

Many of them squatting the higher echelons of the SNP and many more will be contesting seats on behalf of the SNP in 2021. They mean to push through this stuff anywhichway, coupled with the ‘hate crime’ legislation so that, together, they silence and completely alter society in one fell swoop. The Sturgeons and Humzas have been conned and royally shafted, or, maybe, they are just as culpable? This is the SNP, the party of independence now. Unbelievable.


“Humza Yousef’s wife’s parachuting into North East Fife demonstrates forcibly, as if it needed restating, that the SNP is a closed shop of self seeking parasites with dark age mythological beliefs synthesised with 21st century age totalitarianism.”


If she wins the seat, which is currently held by Willie Rennie who I would like to see removed, one British nationalist less at Holyrood is always a good thing. Still its a double edged sword, good that Rennie might be gotten rid of, bad that she’ll probably just be another nodding head.

Still at the very least Sir Keir Starmer says that if the SNP have a majority next year, an independence referendum will need to be looked at.


Republicofscotland says:

define looked at

He is labour!!

He lies


“It’s for this reason that I think the Left is orchestrating the Corona crisis.”


The left isn’t even in power, in countries where the right hold power Brazil, USA, England etc, the virus is never really been under control, and tens of thousands have died.

No ones orchestrating the virus, its just that the handling of it has been very poor indeed. Its a very difficult situation trying to control the virus and not damage the economy at the same time.


I posted this on Stu’s previous thread NO MORE LIES in response to Gary 45% who you gonna vote for, in answer to Gary45% if this shower of lunatics don’t wise up I will spoil my vote, FFS SNP members are you CONTENT TO SEE YOUR PARTY TRASHED by NS and this shower of woke bampots

twathater says:
22 September, 2020 at 2:06 am

@ Gary45% 6.06pm WHO DO I VOTE FOR IN 2021?

HERE’S a thought Gary why don’t the SNP members get together and FORCE NS and Murrel to stand down , CLEAR out the NEC of all the nutjobs, members know who they are, Then have a leadership contest between Joanna Cherry and Philippa Whitford and whoever wins will have integrity and honesty to LEAD the party and possibly be FM and the other will be depute leader and depute FM

You will remember Robert Peffers and his INSISTENCE that the SNP is a democratic party with the policies and direction of travel being the will of the membership , when has that changed and WHO changed it

THIS clusterfuck can still be fixed and WE can still get independence , but the answer lies with the MEMBERSHIP, GET HER AND HER CABAL OUT
I as a non member can ONLY do one thing and that is not vote for a corrupt lying party but that harms my independence dreams but I will NOT give in to BLACKMAIL the answer lies with the membership


The Left doesn’t need to be in power. As we’ve seen, all it needs is opportunity.


Spot on Lorna Campbell.


I think you will find wee Willie Winkie Rennie is on
The Fib Condemn leader of the Northern Colony
will be on the party list as No 1.

There are just enough old codgers around to get him a seat by
The back door if necessary.

Facing the way people are, I don’t see them voting for an Asian
Lady who isn’t from Fife who gets to stand because her husband
is a party minister. A minister who doesn’t what he is responsible
For in the justice department and who has prioritised separate
Hotels for male and female asylum seekers over independence.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“Isn’t there some woke idiot on the SNP NEC, can’t remember his name, who boasts that he likes to use women’s toilets.”

Josh Mennie.


How do you fancy Victoria style fascist policing?

CameronB Brodie

At last, a grownup. The only way that liberal cultures can maintain open government and open society, is by accommodating a legal respect for difference. Not by preventing a legal respect for, and expression of, difference.

Scots law hasn’t gotten around to effectively codifying legal protection of our ESC, biological, or environmental rights, so denying a legal respect for the human genome is simply the most DANGEROUS legislative platform our law officers have ever cobbled together. One that is detached from reality and Natural law, so pretty much the same legal position as British constitutionalism.

The GRA amendments are incompatible with democracy and simply the thin end of a wedge being driven between Scottish society and international human rights law. !

Global Women’s Issues: Women in the World Today, extended version
Chapter 9: Human Rights of Women

link to

Robert Graham

I believe this Hate Bill & the GRA legislation are meant to operate in Tandem , if the first one doesn’t get the required results the second one surely will ,

We are seeing a glimpse of the future and when people realise it the whole process will be complete that’s why if you ask most people at random they won’t have a bleedn clue , no wonder it’s being done out of sight , it’s because we haven’t been paying attention ,it’s our fault .

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“Which is the complete opposite of human instinct. The first priority is to save yourself, not someone else.”

We’re all other people to 99.999% of the world population.


So what do face masks boil down to?

We’re told they’re not for our protection but for the protection of other people.

If they’re not for our own protection then essentially, we’re being told that we’re putting ourselves at risk on behalf of 99.999% of the worlds population.

And that’s a seriously fucked up ideology.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“If they’re not for our own protection then essentially, we’re being told that we’re putting ourselves at risk on behalf of 99.999% of the worlds population.”


Christian Schmidt

Have you seen the New Statesman interview with Judith Butler? Text book straw man (straw woman?) argument:

“NS: In an open letter she published in June, JK Rowling articulated the concern that this would “throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman”, potentially putting women at risk of violence.

JB: If we look closely at the example that you characterise as “mainstream” we can see that a domain of fantasy is at work, one which reflects more about the feminist who has such a fear than any actually existing situation in trans life. The feminist who holds such a view presumes that the penis does define the person, and that anyone with a penis would identify as a woman for the purposes of entering such changing rooms and posing a threat to the women inside. It assumes that the penis is the threat, or that any person who has a penis who identifies as a woman is engaging in a base, deceitful, and harmful form of disguise.”

First this redefines the other side: “the feminist who holds such a view presumes …”, then it falsifies by generalisation: “… *any* [my emphasis] person who has a penis who identifies as a woman is engaging…”, and then it has the temerity to say that people who are with JK Rowling have a “rich fantasy”…



Think of masks like places of worship. Their physical presence reminds people of, and reinforces, the story.

You don’t want people to forget that we are all dropping like flies from a killer virus. Do you?


@ Mist001

Your mask benefits me; my mask benefits you.

You’re not putting yourself at risk for anyone.


Mist001 says:

It’s for this reason that I think the Left is orchestrating the Corona crisis.

have you tried using tin foil instead?

CameronB Brodie

HMG’s responce to covid-19 has displayed a serious dislocation of policy functions, but then the Tories made a balls of things when first informed of the public health threat they needed to respond to.

Face coverings for covid-19: from medical intervention to social practice
link to



on cue,

The buffoon dictator-for God’s sake….
say NO Scotland
where’s your self-respect?


Nice idea but you cannot be charged with wrongdoing if the law under which you are charged was not in effect at the time. We will have to hope they say these things after it gets passed.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“Nice idea but you cannot be charged with wrongdoing if the law under which you are charged was not in effect at the time.”

Sadly that’s no longer true.


crazycat says:
22 September, 2020 at 4:15 pm
@ Mist001

Your mask benefits me; my mask benefits you.

You’re not putting yourself at risk for anyone.

Well, isn’t that nice, caring is sharing but who else does the mask benefit?

Well, it benefits Islam for a start because nobody can now question the issue of Islamic women wearing face coverings for a start.

The mask also prevents communication between people. Whether you realise it or not, human communication relies greatly on facial expressions as well as speech. With a mask of course, this communication is restricted, both visually and aurally.

In fact, there are many nefarious reasons for convincing the general public to wear face masks and guaranteed, none of the reasons are to our benefit, but they will be of benefit to someone.

CameronB Brodie

Remember folks, I haven’t looked at this stuff in nearly thirty years. That suggests our legal Establishment are either extremely Tory in outlook and approach to the law, or they’re simply a bunch of clown-shoes fuckwits determined to create a totalitarian state. Either way, we need to do a better job of protecting ourselves from authoritarian government.

The Constitutional and Legal Frameworks for the Protection of Women against Violence in Zimbabwe
link to


Now here is a comment which would incite rancid hate mail and probably a stretch in the pokey these days.
Slavery was not just the white man’s sin against Africans, although Europeans were keen participants. Slaves have been part of the world’s history for many thousands of years in a every culture and it was actually the Royal Navy who largely put an end to it in the nineteenth century.
The African slave trade in particular depended entirely on the cooperation of the local chiefs along the West African coast who enthusiastically sold their fellows, probably captured in inter-tribal wars, to the Europeans who shipped them to the Americas. The going rate for many years was a copper bar or ring per slave.
The Europeans never went out with ropes and nets into the coastal villages to round up fleeing people, as has been claimed, but were presented by the local chieftain with a selection of people held in a stockade. This cooperation seems to have been wiped from history although the African slave trade could not have happened without such cooperation and I feel no personal guilt for it, deplorable though it was, by all participants, black or white.

Dave Beveridge

Well if the wife of Yousless gets elected you can put money on her being parachuted straight into the cabinet as she obviously ticks all the right-on boxes.

The days of getting the right person into the right role regardless of sex, colour or sleeping partner preference are long behind us.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they become the new power couple of Scottish politics and are being groomed as the anointed successors.

the walk

the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act

does such a thing exist?

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Act
does such a thing exist?”

Today in “Googling Stuff For People Too Lazy To Fucking Google For Themselves”:

link to‘)%20places,and%20harassment%20in%20the%20workplace.


@ Mist001

I realize that nothing I say will enlighten you, so this response to your post is for other people’s benefit.

nobody can now question the issue of Islamic women wearing face coverings

Not so; the rationale, such as it is, behind Islamic face coverings is completely different and can still be challenged.

Whether you realise it or not, human communication relies greatly on facial expressions as well as speech. With a mask of course, this communication is restricted, both visually and aurally.

I will ignore the sneer in the first sentence (since I’m sneering at you in my first sentence too).

Of course face coverings limit communication. At no point did I claim they have no downsides. But being dead or very ill also restricts communication. There are exemptions from mask-wearing for eg those needing to interact with deaf people via lip-reading; there are also masks with transparent sections over the mouth. It is, however, mostly in the eyes that non-verbal communication takes place (“windows into the soul” and all that – I don’t believe in souls but the sentiment is fair enough). Eyes are not affected by the sort of masks used by the general public now.

none of the reasons are to our benefit

Aye right.


Dave Beveridge, don’t forget that the SNP tried the parachuting-in thing with Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh years ago in Falkirk. Only the people of the town didn’t accept it and the chute didn’t open, landing her elsewhere.


@ Mist001

ps Neither of us can see the other’s face right now.

Are you suggesting that prevents us from communicating effectively with each other?



You never hear anything about this either: a million white slaves taken by Africans over three centuries. Guess white European slave lives don’t matter, especially when it’s not polite, in hypocritical society, to mention who stole them.

link to


I made two comments after your “CABAL” post.
Still waiting for an answer, or to save you looking back.
Who do you recommend voting for next year.
New Indy Party, ( who will have to be extra squeaky clean in regards to candidate selection.)
Lib Dem.
Or maybe the George Galloway Party?
He seems to be spouting the same Anti-Sturgeon agenda.


try googling “tasmanian oxymorons” for beginners


There is a strong element of religiosity in all of this & we have to remember that the origin of this latest wave of worrying fundamentalism has received its impetus from the US. In this country & Europe, society is much more secular in outlook than in the past.

The US, however, for a variety of historical reasons, stands out among Western democracies in having a strong adherence to an older belief system influencing their political & social attitudes.

We might wonder at the essentially authoritarian drive of the movement to impose GRA legislation & ignore the rights of women but if you look back at religious fundamentalism of the past, there are interesting parallels. There were many times in the 18th & 19th centuries when there were waves of revivalism which caught up people in the US as well as this side of the Atlantic.

From my point of view, religion has always been the invention of the human mind & as such, contains within it the virtues & faults of human thought. Control of what people believed became paramount, with the often ruthless imposition of orthodoxy, resulting in religious wars & persecution.

So we have commenters on here blaming the ‘Left’ for this state of affairs. Well, in fact, I have read a Marxist critique of the proposed legislation of GRA & briefly, it was pointed out that Marx & Engels recognized that women were the first defeated class & had to be protected by all-important rights. In other words, the conclusion from a Marxist perspective, was that anything which encroached on the rights of women to special protection was unacceptable.

Also, it seems to be the case that the impetus for this comes from mainly middle-class young people, principally university-educated. The working class would appear to be overlooked in all of this. The lordly assumption seems to be that once legislation is in place, almost by stealth, then the ordinary people will just have to comply. The activism of these people has nothing to do with socialism.

Instead, I see at work the human inclinations to belong & be swept up by a universal ‘good cause’. It is essential to have a clear set of beliefs by which to judge those with the true faith & those who have fallen into error. The more fundamentalist the movement the more intolerant against those who do not accept every tenet of the faith.

It is true that these inclinations were often observed in political movements too – the same intolerance, the abhorrence of heretical views. So I see young people who are bored & alienated by the current idea of political parties & who are energised by that same ancient – & sometimes dangerous – compulsion to belong to something greater than themselves while careless of the fact of over-riding the hard won rights of others, in this case women.

In their revolutionary zeal, they seem unaware that while sweeping away the ways of the old – like an old religion – that what they want to achieve is essentially retrograde.

So far, so human. Unfortunately.


“define looked at

He is labour!!

He lies”


I suppose its better than no to another indyref, but then again I suppose the ennobled millionaire leader of Labour will say just abuot anything to get voters back to voting Labour in Scotland


What’s the bloody problem with masks? You can get all sorts of designs including some nifty punk ones. It gives you licence to wear something that may be mildly offensive or completely wacky without fear of comment.

However, most people may draw the line at someone wearing a gimp mask. Just for clarity I don’t own one. Just purely for research purposes, where does one buy such an item?


‘Beaker says:
22 September, 2020 at 5:28 pm
What’s the bloody problem with masks? You can get all sorts of designs including some nifty punk ones.’

My fave one I’ve seen so far was a Crass one, on a fat old punk. An ostensibly anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist punk band…capitalising on human misery. The irony did not escape me.


@David Rodgers
“This is what happens when the woke get into power”

This is a Liberal MP, who are the Australian Tory party, and they’ve been in Government for years in Australia. The fuck are you talking about mate.


Jgedd, I agree completely with your assessments of this madness. There is nothing new under the sun. Just depends how many people get killed in bringing in some ‘new’ society.

link to


Dumza Yousless and wife a power couple ( she being his ex staffer )

Angus Robertson and Jennifer Robertson, nee Dempsie another power couple. ( she being an and Bute House SPAD to AS I believe )

And of course Nicola Sturgeon and scum bag Murrell another power couple. ( with he being the current CEO)

Certainly reinforces how hijacked the party is. And did any of the staffers play any part in the attempted AS stitch up. Well we know about Murrell, but what about Dempsie, or Yousless and his staffer. Maybe we shall find out in the near future ?

CameronB Brodie

I’m not joking folk, our futures are not safe if we don’t sort out law officers out, so that they may better perform their practice of law to ensure UNIVERSAL rights and the realisation of our EQUALITY IN LAW.

Law & Social Inquiry Vol. 28, No. 4 (Autumn, 2003), pp. 941-977
Constructing a Global Law – Violence against Women and the Human Rights System


This ethnographic analysis of one of the core human rights conventions suggests that despite the lack of enforceability of this convention and its operation within the framework of state sovereignty, it is similar to state law.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, or CEDAW, the major UN convention on the status of women, articulates a vision of women’s equal protection from discrimination and addresses gender-based violence as a form of discrimination.

It had been ratified by 171 nation states as of mid-2003. Its implementation relies on a complex process of periodic reporting to a global body meeting in New York and a symbiotic if sometimes contentious relationship between government representatives and international and domestic NGOs. Like state law, it serves to articulate and name problems and delineate solutions.

It provides a resource for activists endeavoring to address problems of women’s status and turns the international gaze on resisting nations. Its regulatory strength depends on the cultural legitimacy of the international process of consensus building and related social movements to define social justice in these terms. Thus, like state law, its impact depends on its cultural legitimacy and its embodiment in local cultures and legal consciousness.

This examination of CEDAW as quasi law extends our understanding of law as a plural and a symbolic system rooted in a particular historical moment of globalization.

link to


link to


Herald are now reporting SG to take legal action about disclosing key evidence to Salmond inquiry.

CameronB Brodie

A parochial, right-wing, and authoritarian, legal culture and practice is killing us, to be precise.

Women’s Spaces, Women’s Rights: Feminism and the
Transgender Rights Movement

link to

Lorna Campbell

JGedd: agree with most of that, but I think we need to separate out the ordinary trans people who just want to be who they are and be left alone, the ‘right-on’, young, middle-class educated elite, whose ennui and saturated entitlement, are having their strings pulled from the vicious, supposedly pro trans lobbyists who are forcing women out of their jobs because they have spoken out, who disrupt women’s meetings and who threaten women with violence.

The latter know exactly what they are doing: it is deliberate and targeted. That is why I suggest that there is an agenda that, to date, we have merely glimpsed for a fraction of a second, not quite sure what we are seeing.

The end result, if this all goes through, will be the total displacement of women from society except as breeding females, while the ‘real women’, trans women, replace them in all other areas. There can be no other result in the long term. The ideological capture of the youngest and most vulnerable in our society, male and female, is already underway. What is it all for?

CameronB Brodie

sorry….legal culture and approach to practice is killing us….

The Legal Protection of Women From Violence
Normative Gaps in International Law

link to

Andy Ellis

@Gary45% 5.01pm

You seem a bit fixated. Are you another SNP 1&2 true believer?

Like many WoS denizens, I definitely won’t be voting SNP with my 2nd vote. It will go to the ISP, or a WoS party if such a thing exists by the time of HR2021.

For my constituency vote I’m in a real quandary, particularly as Edinburgh Central is my constituency. I used to be an SNP member and almost wish I still was so I could have stirred it up about the #Cherrygate: I’d gladly have voted for Joanna Cherry, but I won’t vote for Robertson or for Biagi, altho’ the latter is preferable to the former.

As there are no other palatable options I’ll probably spoil my constituency vote.

To be brutally honest, I’m not longer sure I want to see an SNP government with a big majority. If there is no realistic prospect of the ISP or a pro-indy party apart from the Greens holding the SNP to account, the SNP will have to do without my vote, and that of many other disillusioned former members and supporters.

It appears not bother them one iota.

CameronB Brodie

The drive for inclusive legal practice has traditionally come from the left, or liberal, wing of politics, largely with the intention of improving our access to justice and equality in law. That was before neo-liberalism defeated the left, so the left decided to undermine the normative foundations of culture, as a means of bringing about radical social change they couldn’t achieve democratically. The ideology that trans women are women is intensely neo-liberal in nature, and incompatible with the Common law.

All these radical fan-boys and fan-girls of privileging transgender rights, are most probably unaware of how the law works, so aren’t deliberately trying to exclude women and destroy the fabric of international human rights law. But that is exactly what they are doing, along with promoting an institutional legal psychology that support misogyny.

Women’s rights are human rights
How the Sustainable Development Goals are building on the progress made by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

link to


Makes you wonder why those in positions of power that are so bound and influenced by mandates to implement certain procedures and policies, can push ahead with such radical society altering policies as Self ID and Hate Speech without the consent of the electorate…
Who the hell do these roasters think they are to do this without the backing of the people.
They’re meant to represent us and our wishes.
Scotland has the power to hold referendums now, so why don’t the folk attempting to implement these concepts, if they are so confident in them, let the people have their say on them.

I’ve been suffering toothache for more than a week after chipping a tooth and finally managed to get an appointment today to begin the start of treatment to address the issue.
The dentist is having to install all sorts of expensive equipment to filter air and prevent covid spread.
They pointed out that dentist’s surgeries with their normal procedures were not previously identified as hot spots of transmissions for various other virus and bacterial infections.

Brian MacLeod

What we need are segregated spaces, eh toilets.
1. Born with a penis
2. Born with a vagina
3. Other.

No need to mention gender or sex. 🙂


A must read for Sturgeon and her masked militants.
link to
Sweden, community immunized and back to normal, the old normal.
UK and especially Scotland, back to square one and no end in sight.


So we are all effectively under house arrest.

Our freedoms removed until Christmas, maybe longer, the state is fully prepared to use force to restrict movement, restrict freedoms and it does not bode well.

And of the drive by the Boris Johnson Government to propel us out of Europe, introduce the UK internal Market Bill and neuter the Scottish Parliament, that will carry on unabated. That is the way things work. COVID is the cover.

And of the impending election in Scotland, and any campaign, doesn’t one just get a dark feeling.

Bob W


Herald story srchived, outrageous doesn’t cover their actions.

link to

CameronB Brodie

Why are you trying to derail a thread supporting women’s right, by trying to undermine a respect for public health law? Are you a Tory, if that isn’t a personal question?

Bob Mack

Why do people keep quoting Sweden as a model to follow?

It has the highest death toll of all the Nordic nations.

Crazy .



Marxism, in all its forms was always and is still backed by international bankers (G.Soros is the current front man). The common folk think that communism is a revolution against the elites, when in fact its the revolution of the bankers on the people.

That’s why it has always ‘failed’ to provide what was promised because it was always a swindle.

When it was realised that ordinary people wouldn’t flip their society on its head through being exploited and ground down they then went to marxism 2.0 which pretty much where post modernism and critical theory comes in. Which is what we are seeing at work now – all to consolidate control of the very wealthy by sowing chaos among the plebs.

In short Marxism is a tool for the capitalists to get rid of their competition – the old aristocracy and simultaneously deprive the people of their rights. It is a swindle. Using the legitimate grievances of people back against them through the impossible promise of equality.

Trans rights, BLM etc are all being forced on us artificially by NGO’s and promoted by international corporations and it is serving a particular purpose. It is not about our well being nor the ‘rights’ of the people being falsely represented. Their causes are just expendable means to an end.

That’s not to suggest that no socialist ideas or collective efforts are worthy of consideration but Communism TM is a fraud and ultimately fast-tracks the same centralizing of power as capitalism.

CameronB Brodie

We are certainly in a perilous position, but that is largely a legacy of British constitutional practice’s historical antipathy towards, and isolation from, the international rule-of-law. Also an increasingly apparent institutional disregard for Natural law.

Overview of the Human Rights Framework
link to


@Andy Ellis

Andy I usually agree with most of your posts and I particularly like the way you deal with Peter Bell who is one obnoxious bully,
But I can’t agree with your rationale of not voting for the SNP or not voting at all, either of these actions will only help the unionist candidate, what possible good will that do ?
I wholeheartedly share your disillusionment with the SNP but sadly there’s no other independence supporting party standing to vote for other than the Greens and they’re worse.
I understand this is a point of principle for you I get that but sometimes we have to cast aside our principles for the greater good, sometimes principles can get in the way

Andy Ellis


You’re an utter roaster. My daughter just returned from 6 months in Sweden. Sweden =/= UK. The population is far less dense, poverty is less severe and less widespread. Many Swedes were self isolating, but schools never closed and neither did bars and restaurants.

Their death rate, though considerably better than England or Scotland, was many times worse than Denmark, Norway and Finland all of which cut Sweden off during the worst period of lockdown. There was considerable criticism within Sweden of the governments strategy and particularly WRT to care homes which, like here, were badly impacted.

Many Swedes died because of the bad decisions of their government, but not as many per capita as died here because our government is even more incompetent and clueless than theirs.


some of my best friends are illuminati lizards…..


I see the Harassment and Complaints Committee have published two letters they have received from Alex Salmond’s solicitors ,

link to

link to

I haven’t read them yet as I’ve only just seen them just now .


Sweden has had 5870 Covid deaths population 9.1 million

Scotland 2500. Population 5.4 million.

They haven’t done well curbing the death rate especially considering but
Their economy is in better shape but my choice would always be life before finance.

Andy Ellis


Sometimes not voting or spoiling ones vote is the rational thing to do. I will vote in the list: I’d hoped some time back that might make a difference if *enough* people voted that way to hold the balance. I fear that’s unlikely now.

Again to be brutally honest I’d actually consider voting tactically against the SNP because I honestly consider them unfit to govern. I’m so over the “eyes on the prize” excuse. The SNP as currently constituted aren’t really any more likely to deliver a vote or independence than the other parties.



1st one not available yet as hasn’t been archived.


I see the Herald has this article “ Alex Salmond threatened with prosecution over evidence to Holyrood inquiry , This is from the article .
Me 7.13 pm ,
I didn’t want to post too many links in the one post ,

“The First Minister’s legal team said they had received a letter from the Crown Office reminding them “in the strongest terms” that it would be a “criminal offence” to release certain restricted material.

Mr Salmond’s lawyer said it could have “significant implications” for the inquiry, as it hamstrung Mr Salmond’s ability to give meaningful evidence. “

link to

I presume this ties into the two letters from his solicitors . I know Rev Stuart is trying his best to get answers but it’s time for someone from the Scottish Parliament /Government to answer questions on this whole sordid matter .

Jock McDonnell

@MaggieC – 1st pdf link appears not to be working directly – but I found it via the live link.

CameronB Brodie

The right-wing are bio-neurologically predisposed to think in the immediate to short-term, and don’t deal well with complexity or the tolerance of difference. This tends to lead to the right-wing tendency towards poor ethical and moral literacy. That’s why it simply isn’t rational to trust the Tories with your health, a.k.a. your biological integrity.

International protection of human rights LA2029

This module concerns the protection afforded to individuals under international law and examines fundamental concepts, principles, theories and philosophies underpinning the law of international human rights.

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Cynicalhighlander @ 7.28 pm

Here’s the link to the correspondence page and both letters show right at the bottom , when I clicked the links both pages opened for me , possibly a wrong link to the letter on the correspondence page ,

link to

CameronB Brodie

sorry….tendency towards poor ethical and moral competence.

Human Rights Basics – The Advocates for Human Rights
link to

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“1st pdf link appears not to be working directly – but I found it via the live link.”

You need to manually add “.pdf” to the link. The file is appallingly named and confuses almost all browsers into removing the last four characters.


Got it now thanks Maggie my gawd how they hate Alex Salmond is unbelievable.


You keep your whole self in
Your whole self out
Eat out, Drink out
and spread it all about.

You do the Tory Okay and you turn about
and money’s what it’s all about.

Oh Boris Boris Boris
your just a F****** ignoramus.

mike cassidy

A serious must-read about how the self-id case was propagated

link to


Get Brexit Done
Oven Ready
Whack a mole
Stitch up in time saves nine?

The wisdom of Boris left with us for perpetuity?


Rev Stuart @ 7.59 pm

Thanks , I didn’t even notice the difference in the links when I posted them .


Sweden has different demographics to Scotland. Different buildings, lower population density and so on. They do have some lockdown restrictions, but they tend to follow them better than the numpties here.

Back on topic, the militant trans-brigade are causing more problems for the LGBT community who just want to get on with their lives. I have relatives and friends who are gay, and none of them are out pounding the streets and accusing people of threatening their lives.

There is sufficient legislation to protect minority groups, but this proposed bill is big step over the line.

You know what is going to happen as soon as it becomes law, the hate mob on Twitter and other social media platforms are going to start reporting people for innocuous statements, and the police will be duty bound to investigate these.

On the other hand, if it does become law, then we have the opportunity to report those people who have been making threatening and inappropriate comments to the likes of JKR. Wonder how they will justify themselves in court.

mike cassidy

I posted this a while back

But well worth reading to see how the transactivist mind thinks

Resisting TERF’s and Transforming Their Organizations

link to


Effijy started the COVID Version of Eurovision…

Here’s my effort, with apologies to the Automatic:

Confused, mind bruised, it seeps out
Face down, hometown looks so grey
Convexed, he bends, twists and shouts
Stand up, sit down, get moving
Lock down, get moving

What’s that coming over the hill?
Is it a Monster? No it’s Boris?

tbh the original lyrics don’t really need changing 🙂


@Bob W & @Maggie,

That’s not the article I meant. Sorry, on mobile, can’t get past paywall.

link to


Changes to gender recognition laws ruled out.
(In England) says the BBC today.

Scotland gets a mention at the last paragraph.

link to

Just read the latest on the AS situation for giving his evidence at the Holyrood Enquiry.

Shocking that he is being hamstrung by ‘the law’. A stitch up becomes and more the direction of travel.

Seems everything in his favour is being turned against him! 🙁


Succinct analysis of the slave trade fireproofjim.

Spot on again @ Lorna Campbell.


Sturgeon and her accomplice Johnson can go to hell.
I and friends of my age will not be suppressed or have their lives infected by this authoritarian malaise.
The rotten political class has lost a generation.
Trust has gone.

mike cassidy

They’re even after women’s Paralympic medals

And, under the Hate Bill,

It would be a hate/transphobic/both/crime to complain about that.

link to

Bob Mack

I thought Alex Salmond had been found innocent of any wrong doing and get the Crown Office a branch of the Holyrood CGkvernment are not going to allow him to explain how the situation of his trial arose, in his view.

It seems protecting the name of those who falsely accused him is the priority here. He has no such rights

I could understand this if Alex had been found guiltg, but I bet those same accusers who seek anonymity would have been in every paper and news outlet to tell their story.

Have I just got this wrong?

This is insanity, or is it perhaps the vindictiveness of the cabal within government of all branches still seeking its revenge for the complete screw up of indicting Alex in the first place?


@ Gary45% I did answer your question upthread and on the other post, just like Andy Ellis if the SNP doesn’t change I will spoil my vote and if that let’s in the unionists it’s the SNP and their members fault

The SNP because they’re a shower of arseholes
and the membership because they’ve ALLOWED them to become a shower of arseholes without challenge

As I said I will not be BLACKMAILED to vote for a shower of arseholes whose head arsehole REFUSES TO FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE



Concur my integrity is not up for sale.

CameronB Brodie

mike cassidy
Thanks, it’s a very long time since I studied the epistemology of the law and public policy, so it’s good to see a bit of policy and law anthropology. Though I may just have made that policy disciple up. 😉

All legal systems need to respect a foundational moral theory if they to hope to be universal in outlook and prescription. The law can’t constrain itself to foundational principles only though, so it’s fortunate that Natural law is compatible with our understanding of the bio-neurological dimension of reality. Unfortunately, Scots law appears to be being re-imagined so as to remain compatible with British constitutional practice, which is no longer coherent or compatible with the Common law.

A foundational approach to law is simply regressive. Post-foundational law has the potential to be coherent with the Common law, and allows sufficient ontological indeterminacy to support open society. Anti-foundational law, not so much. Scots law is being forced to accommodate anti-foundational legal doctrine. That bad. Mkay!


1. Emergence and development of legal theory

The progress of science and the emergence of new disciplines are not only the fruit of genius and the work of the learned. At certain points in history the time seems ripe for certain ideas, for new approaches in the field of a branch of science or for the development of new disciplines. It is no coincidence that the same discovery is sometimes made by two researchers at the same time, independently of each other.

Neither is it coincidental that a distinct paradigm, a scientific approach to law, is successful and is published by different researchers in several different countries at the same time. The emergence of a new approach or of a new discipline results from certain needs which are developing in society at a particular time. There is an awareness of deficiencies or weak points in the current approach and a ‘demand’ for new or further lines of research.

Sometimes it is a reaction to the previous approach: the rationalism of the nineteenth century, for instance, gave birth to romanticism. The present discussion on deregulation is probably the inevitable consequence of the policy of intervention by the Welfare State. At other times the trend is to pursue the path mapped out by a former approach.

Econometrics, for example, attempts to transform economic science into a more ‘rigorous’ and hence more ‘scientific’ discipline by mathematical means. It is in this light that the emergence of new approaches or new branches in the science of law should be viewed….

link to

CameronB Brodie

Sorry for the typos in my previous post, but I was in a rush.

The Legal Mind: A New Introduction to Legal Epistemology
link to


This is all about fear and controlling the people.


Same here twathater.

CameronB Brodie

I’m not breaking new legal grounds folk, or espousing radical legal philosophy. This stuff is already well accepted and forms the basis of international best practice. That’s what’s at stake though, if we roll over to expansionist and authoritarian English nationalism. The future of international law and order does appear to rest on our shoulders, to some extent anyway. And to a greater extent than some appear to appreciate.

Justification, Coherence, and Epistemic Responsibility in Legal Fact-Finding
link to

Tannadice Boy

It’s a difficult situation but I have now decided to not vote at all in 2021. I don’t want any part of this Charade. Queen Nicola on the BBC tonight Your country not mine. Your welcome to it.


So you’ll not be voting for the SNP then. I am sure they’ll miss you.
Spoil your vote, or vote for a Yoon party= same result.



They have a higher death rate as they made a similar mistake that we made here. We didn’t protect care homes adequately enough and that is where most of the deaths have come from.

There is still no evidence at all that lockdowns save any lives, infact there is an argument to be made that lockdown funneled the virus into care homes. At the start of this whole thing lockdown wasn’t about defeating the virus it was about “flattening the curve” and trying to spread the deaths over time to reduce the impact on the NHS, because you cannot defeat a virus that is already well established and this seems to have been forgotten now. This was achieved the NHS never came close to being overwhelmed even during the height of this pandemic. Now there are very few people in hospital and very few people actually dying but we have this incredible level of hysteria and fear being pumped out by the Scottish and UK governments, totally out of proportion considering the actual risk.

As was pointed out Sweden is getting back to normal now they have increased the size of gatherings to 500 and life is now mostly the same as it was before. It even has a lower case rate per capita than its neighbours Norway and Denmark. We are now stuck in an endless cycle of easing restrictions and then re-imposing them on a whim by panicked politicans.

I don’t buy the line, that many so called nationalists push, that the Swedish approach couldn’t have worked in Scotland because Scottish people are too thick for it, that we need someone like nicola sturgeon to micromanage our lives for us, thats nonsense. The fact is that every country in Europe that aggressively locked down is now finding that they have a spike in cases. When it has now been shown that lockdown or heavy restrictions don’t actually stop the virus, why should we continue to do the same thing all over again.

And it is not as simple as lives vs economy, lockdown costs lives.

CameronB Brodie

Scotland’s potential for self-governance is not in question, the competence and probity of our legal officers most definitely is though.

Artificial Intelligence Law (2007) 15:429–447
Formal models of coherence and legal epistemology


This paper argues that formal models of coherence are useful for constructing a legal epistemology. Two main formal approaches to coherence are examined: coherence-based models of belief revision and the theory of coherence as constraint satisfaction.

It is shown that these approaches shed light on central aspects of a coherentist legal epistemology, such as the concept of coherence, the dynamics of coherentist justification in law, and the mechanisms whereby coherence
may be built in the course of legal decision-making.

Legal epistemology; Coherence; Belief revision; Constraint

link to



So you can be bought your perogative some of us will not vote for a corrupt leader at any cost.

CameronB Brodie

Remember folks, I’m rusty as hell but I appear to be more competent in supporting the principle of “universality” and the rule-of-law, than our legal Establishment. That is truly terrifying, given the party of hope’s opportunity to liberate Scotland from constitutional practice that lacks repect for the legal doctrine of “proportionality”.

So is it really a coincidence, or have our legal Establishment led an inexperienced political party by the nose, and allowed them enough rope to hang themselves?

European Journal of Futures Research volume 3, Article number: 17 (2015)
How to justify beliefs about the future – some epistemological remarks


This elaboration will explore the epistemology of futures studies. To address this, first the logi-cal ground of epistemology has to be examined, i.e., the laws of thought and in connection to that, the mere possibility of justified true beliefs about the future. After a short introduction to the concept of justified true beliefs, the distinction between internalism and externalism will be observed. Then, two approaches of justification will be explained and compared.

Thereafter, the structure of knowledge has to be looked at and the distinction between foundationalism and coherentism will be illustrated. To conclude, the logical ground, the laws of thought, grants the possibility of justified true beliefs about the future, because the third law states that unam-biguous assumptions concerning the future can only be true or false but not undefined.

Re-garding the distinction of internalsim and externalism, it is epistemically reasonable to favor internalism over externalism, because not only is it impossible to refer to the future externally but the internal approach concerning the accessibility of justification is a preferable way to justify beliefs about the future.

Relating to the structure of knowledge, foundationalism is a better choice than coherentism, because it is a robust answer to the regress problem and moreover, a stable initial position is needed to justify beliefs about the future.

link to


Alex Neil Msp called for a judge led inquiry into ‘ criminal conspiracy ‘ against Alex Salmond the day after Alex Salmond’s trial finished in March this year .This is is also in the same article from Jim Sillars .

“ Writing in the Scottish Sun, Salmond’s former SNP deputy leader Jim Sillars said the former First Minister was also the victim of a conspiracy within the SNP. “

Although the article is from The National ,

link to

Robert Graham

I just watched the clip in full and this move by these very vocal and vicious groups dosnt just need to be stopped ,Each and every single piece of legislation these groups are using to follow some kind of crusade that involves effectively turning nature on its head needs to be examined and either removed or altered to ensure these nuts cant continue the face they are following a very dangerous path and with some gusto leads me to believe these people have real psychological problems and rather than confront their problem because it is their problem ,the want society to change to suit there agenda , as far as i know a lot of things have been done to accommodate their needs however that dosnt seem to be enough ,
A short message well its as far as we a willing to go , DONT FKN PUSH IT .
Anyone who hasn’t watched the clip have a look a situation coming to a street near you soon if we dont stop it now

Brian Doonthetoon

To go back to what Rev Stu has alluded to over the past few days…

It is proved that Mr Murrell was a contributor to the Alphabet Women’s Whatsapp group, along with Evans and Ruddick.

This has merited NO coverage by the Scottish MSM.

Think back to 2014-2016. A Scottish cabinet minister was indulging in an extra-marital affair, at the same time as an SNP MP was doing the same.

The case of the MP was all over the Scottish MSM, while the case of the SNP cabinet minister was blanked.

Both characters ended up marrying the objects of their desire. Why was one newsworthy, whist the story of the cabinet minister was not?

And now, his wife of a year is standing for election to a constituency?

“In 2019, Yousaf married SNP worker Nadia El-Nakla and has one child with her.”

link to

Something in the party stinks…


@effigy, @bipod, 9.53

And it is not as simple as lives vs economy, lockdown costs lives.

The lockdown was not primarily about saving lives. It was about protecting the NHS. So medical services were cut to the bare minimum and sick old people (the cohort which are most vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2) were sent out of hospital and back to nursing homes.

“Over the lockdown period as a whole Government policy has increased mortality rather than reduced it.” link to

So the NHS was protected but at what cost?

Robert Graham

I agree with a few folks view of having to hold yer nose and continue to vote for the SNP we dont have any viable alternative right now , we are in a political stranglehold right now , things will change good people inside the SNP will win but refusing to vote won’t help the decent ones .
so hold yer nose the ones inside will be found out even if its at the very top of the tree . but for christs sake dont spoil your vote or be tempted to vote for a unionist party

CameronB Brodie

Town planners do indeed draw plans, but they also need to critically appreciate the nature of government, law, and society, at the bio-neurological, local, national, and international levels, if they hope for their plans to support the legal principles of UNIVERSALITY and EQUALITY IN LAW. So I’m sorry if folks think I’m a bit pushy and up-myself, I just thought folks might be interested in an approach to law and public policy that was recommended to me by the Royal Town Planning Institute. 🙂

Palgrave Communications volume 3, Article number: 17066 (2017)
The relevance of Husserl’s phenomenological exploration of interiority to contemporary epistemology

link to


After watching the above video and reading the article it reminded me of this article posted by Graham Linehan , it’s a repost of a woman councillor in Leeds again regarding women’s rights to women only spaces .

“Men know what a woman is in Holbeck.”

link to


@ Gary45% at 5:01 pm
“Or maybe the George Galloway Party?
He seems to be spouting the same Anti-Sturgeon agenda.”

Galloway has started a petition to oust Sturgeon(and all) and form a cross-party administration .
It’s hard to address what I think of this,.Bawbag will do for the moment


Brian Doonthetoon, who on earth could the Cabinet Minister be that was having an extramarital affair.

C’mon man, spit it oot, who was it. Shit happens, but if it’s been covered up, then let’s know about it. It want Hate Crime Bill Man and ex chairman of the Muslim Students Council now – was it?

sandra k

Brian Doonthetoon, o/t it’s a weird timeline, link to
This puff piece in the National and the Herald about the couple describes his wife as having four miscarriages in three years and they have a one year old child.


Is cheating on your wife a Hate Crime?

Or is cheating on your wife consistent with being President of the Glasgow University Muslim Students Association. I mean is cheating on your wife consistent with Muslim belief?

Important moral questions. Anybody got any answers. Maybe Humza could illuminate a little as his new wife contests a Fife seat slot.

CameronB Brodie

We are getting off track here, but I’d suggest that Islam respects forgiveness and Natural law. Unlike legal practice in Brexitania. Your man is simply out of his depth, or is an enemy of justice. I know which I’d like to believe.

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 5 (2010) 1525–1530
Couple therapy: forgiveness as an Islamic approach in counselling


Forgiveness is a core value within Islam and many other religions, but it is unclear whether valuing forgiveness results in individuals being more forgiving. Forgiveness is proposed to be an important pathway through which the effects of religion on health are mediated. Forgiveness is a powerful way to amend wounds of couples when they have an uncomfortable and difficult trade.

Researches are showing that people will arrive to different profits (physical health, psychological, mental) by forgiveness. Islamic psychology is considered forgiveness of people in three parts: people to themselves, people to others, God to people. Studies conducted in the country by Islamic perspective on forgiveness that worked with the couples it were showing the positive correlation between satisfaction and forgiveness.

Forgiveness, Islamic Approach, Counselling , Couple Therapy Interpersonal

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

2 + 2 = ?

Daisy Walker

OT re Humza Yousef’s wife being parachuted into the NE Fife seat for Holyrood.

On a practical level – they have a 1 year old,

Presumably they live in the Glasgow area, near to Humza’s seat.

He works at Holyrood, in Edinburgh.

So, if his wife gets the seat, she is going to leave the Glasgow area, to travel to Edinburgh, and then what? Nip over to Fife for a visit at the end of her working day, before driving back to Glasgow.

Or will it be, drive from Glasgow to NE Fife, before nipping into Holyrood, on the drive back to Glasgow.

Even a mediocre candidate within the local SNP office would be better placed for this position, and what a kick in the teeth for them, if having grafted hard in the area, they are being pushed out in order to boost the Yousaf family income.

I thought the parachuting in of Alan Smith to the Stirling seat was poor, but at least it could legitimately be argued that he was one of the SNP’s ‘big hitters’.

The New SNP, like New Labour becomes more unelectable by the day.


@ Brian Doonthetoon

3 bananas + 1 Satsuma


@ Brian Doonthetoon

Yes, you’re correct. At the time I’d thought it was because the MP had a higher profile. But thinking back now Robertson was married before too, yet little was said of him compared to Stuart Hosie who had his name dragged through the mud. I’d actually thought Robertson was a dull, old before his time, bachelor when he married, in the Gordon Brown mode, then found he’d been married before, but even yet hardly much written about the first marriage, break up or divorce. Some people don’t attract much attention obviously.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Daisy.

My info is that he has relocated to Broughty Ferry, where his new wife resides.

CameronB Brodie

Brian Doonthetoon
Perhaps I’m overly sensitive to potentially divisive discourse. I wasn’t meaning to imply anything about anyone, I was simply trying to preempt a potential problem. Not that I’m saying there was one, though Scots are not immune to parochialism. I was also trying to expand further on my argument that law which lacks moral concern, does not hold legal authority. Only authoritarian authority. 😉

Journal of Islamic Ethics Volume 1: Issue 1-2, 27 July 2017
Qur?anic Ethics and Islamic Law


The issue of Islamic law and morality has for the most part received scant attention in the modern age. This essay contributes to the exploration of possible ways of understanding the relationship of ethics to Shari?ah and Islamic law.

The author’s objective in this essay is largely normative. While he makes every effort to root his arguments in the fabric of the Islamic tradition, this essay is not descriptive, but aspirational in the sense that he seeks to persuade readers of the desirability of specific understandings of the meaning of Shari?ah and the relationship between Islamic law and ethics.

As a point of departure, the author accepts that the Qur?an and the laws of God are binding, and that an Islamic theory has to be expressed within the framework of Islamic principles. He maintains that the dynamism and vitality of Islamic law must be preserved in the contemporary age, and that such a result is not possible without maintaining the liberty and innovative capacities of the individual.

Qur?an; Islamic ethics; Islamic jurisprudence; Shari?ah; Islamic theology

link to

CameronB Brodie

sorry….aw which lacks moral concern, does not hold legal FORCE. Only authoritarian FORCE.



You don’t get it do you?

The 45% you proudly put in your title was actually 30% until the voters who actually vote for someone and something AFTER thinking about the merits/demerits between parties and candidates is how Alex Salmond got your 30% up to 45%.

I voted for Alex Salmond. I would gladly vote for him again, but Gary, PLEASE read what Stuart Campbell has posted at the top of this page.

The SNP Sturdeonite McWoke Brigade ain’t getting my vote either. You can throw your toys out of the pram all you like blaming Twathater, me and others for “letting the Yoon in”.


Gary this is YOUR problem and that of YOUR SNP.

If the branch members cannae be bothered or are too ignorant of our nation sleepwalking into the HATE and GRA bill horror that Stuart Campbell illustrates with examples at the top of this page then helll mend all of the SNP Sturgeonites.

A spell in opposition will almost certainly see the end of Sturgeon the McWokeist limpet.

There seem very few other alternatives now. It is a fact we have a MINORITY SNP GOVERNMENT now. It would take very little shift for there to be a few less SNP MSPs and a SHIFT to rainbow coalition of NON-SNP ScotGov from parties currently in opposition. That should help term out the current bourach.


I’d like to thank Twathater as he/she just wrote exactly what I wanted to…

twathater says:

22 September, 2020 at 8:54 pm
@ Gary45% I did answer your question upthread and on the other post, just like Andy Ellis if the SNP doesn’t change I will spoil my vote and if that let’s in the unionists it’s the SNP and their members fault

The SNP because they’re a shower of arseholes
and the membership because they’ve ALLOWED them to become a shower of arseholes without challenge

As I said I will not be BLACKMAILED to vote for a shower of arseholes whose head arsehole REFUSES TO FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE.


Does anyone else feel the same way as this? Rather spoil your ballot paper than first vote for Nicola Sturgeon and the gerrymandering Hate police McWokeists?

Daisy Walker

Thanks BDTT

Is that Broughty Ferry, Fife? At least they can look at her potential new seat over the water.

That being the case, its really Humza’s seat in Glasgow area which is going to be neglected? as the geographic miles get in the way.

And there was me thinking one of the many good reasons we set up Holyrood was so that elected reps would be more geographically ‘on site’ rather than ‘far away’.

Its as if, its as if, once in, they really don’t give a shit.


@Daisy Walker says:
23 September, 2020 at 12:26 am
“That being the case, its really Humza’s seat in Glasgow area which is going to be neglected? as the geographic miles get in the way.”

Politicians should always have strong connections with and live in the area they represent. Getting parachuted in is not fair on the local candidates who more than likely have worked their arses off for years.

But you can bet the new intake for next May from the SNP will only be those carefully selected by Murrell, and likely to consist mainly of twenty-somethings to appeal to the younger vote. After all, Angus Robertson doesn’t appear to like anyone that is over 55.


Robert Graham: ”…continue to vote for the SNP we dont have any viable alternative right now “

I’ve yet to read an argument on here from anyone for continuing to vote SNP, given what we know. And the above isn’t an argument. It’s a feeling or something.

I’m not saying I’ve yet to see a convincing argument. That’s a different thing. I’ve yet to see any argument.

We need to hope things change and / or that some other option presents itself.

CameronB Brodie

Daisy Walker
Broughty Ferry is in Dundee, which is in Tayside not Fife. If you had some local knowledge you might appreciate the gross epistemic injustice you’ve just committed, which has a significant potential to cause violence and civil disorder. 🙂


Dick Leopard for First Minister. Yay! Well done.

CameronB Brodie

If folk want to de-stress while edumicating themselves about the two pronged legal assault on Scottish democracy, I strongly recommend the LEGO Movie. 🙂

Issues in Contemporary Jurisprudence, 28 | 2016
The logical structure of principles in Alexy’s theory


This paper offers a critical analysis of the logical structure of principles proposed by Robert Alexy and, in particular, of their structure as optimisation commands. Its first part dwells on the question whether the optimisation element in the logical structure should be understood as part of modalisation, as part of the consequent, or as an independent element.

In the second part, the author analyses possible forms of inter-definability of deontic operators. Finally, some questions are raised on the conditional structure proposed by Alexy for principles.

logic of principles, deontic modalisations, inter-definability, conditional norms

link to

CameronB Brodie

No, I’ve not lost the plot, this is how I was encouraged to use legal theory to resist arbitrary legal practice that support racism and authoritarianism, by none other than the Royal Town Planning Institute. 😉

Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence Volume 32, Issue 2, August 2019, pp. 321-342
An Approach to Legal Principles Based on Their Justifying Function


This paper intends to throw light upon some aspects of the debate on the characterization of legal principles and on their differences when compared to rules. Particularly, this analysis proposes differentiating principles from rules by considering the functions they perform in law instead of their structural differences.

To achieve this, we distinguish between the functions of guidance and justification that legal principles fulfill. From that distinction, we observe that the attempt to characterize legal principles based on the way in which they guide conduct does not seem to be the most appropriate either. In contrast, this paper tries to show that all the different types of precepts known as principles perform a justifying function in legal reasoning.

link to

CameronB Brodie

sorry….I was encouraged to use legal theory to resist arbitrary legal practice that support misogynistic social practice, racism, and authoritarianism….

International Journal of Constitutional Law, Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2007, Pages 453–468
Balancing and the structure of constitutional rights


There are important differences between reasoning with constitutional rights and reasoning with moral fundamental rights. One of them is that constitutional courts around the world employ a balancing or proportionality test in order to determine the limits of rights, whereas many philosophers reject such an approach.

In his book A Theory of Constitutional Rights, Robert Alexy develops a comprehensive conception of constitutional rights, his central thesis being that they are optimization requirements and, as such, necessarily open to balancing.

This essay reviews the success of Alexy’s claim and concludes that he ultimately fails to demonstrate that balancing holds a rightful place in constitutional rights reasoning.

link to


humza’s wife is a PPC, she, along with 3 others who have put their names forward will give presentations to the SNPNEF CA for all local members to hear. A Q&A session will follow.

then the members will chose who they want to be their candidate. no parachutes required. Broughty ferry is only 5-10 mins from the dundee road bridge which takes you right into the middle of what is a very large constituency. getting from Broughty to Cupar and St Andrews (2 largest population centres in NEF) is quicker than traveling from the outer edges of this constituency.

aint geography a bitch


@ Hatuey

I’ll argue that we should vote SNP on first vote, despite fearing they are as bad at present as we fear. My argument is simple – to do otherwise hurts our own cause. With everything in flux we have no means of knowing how long Boris or Sturgeon will be in their posts, or what Alex will suggest or where Joanna’s recent threats re union treaty could lead. They haven’t shown their hand yet, we don’t know what is planned. Once we do that will be different. But surely something is planned from them, otherwise why would Joanna have caved as she did over Holyrood, she’s not normally scared of a fight, perhaps she has a better plan?

With those matters unresolved, together with covid and brexit, no one can tell how any of this will play out. That being the case and with such a short time left I would argue vote for them one last time at this critical juncture to see how they play out, to give the many good ones still in the party a chance. If factions in the party initiated this mess by trying to nobble Alex Salmond’s attempt at a comeback, which then spiralled out of its original remit, and allowed unionists infiltrators, looking increasingly likely to be some in the party, to continue to agitate and cause problems – then what those infiltrators within the party, as well as the unionists without, want is for the party to lose support so they can trumpet ‘Scots prefer tories to SNP, or Scots don’t mind Brexit’. If SNP lose the next election it would be tories who win, especially if there is more dirty money used as there was last time. A tory FM, do you really fancy that? Especially after we’re completely out of EU.

I don’t want to give them what they want. If I had to I would use the party at present, however corrupt, and however many ‘woke’ get in with it, so at least we voters had spoken with a loud voice for independence and against tory government just after we finally exit transition, otherwise it looks like we capitulate and accept brexit too, like lib dems. It would give us that mandate to say we still reject tories, we still want independence, even when we dislike many in the SNP. If I had the choice from now, we’ll i wouldn’t start from here, obviously, but from here I’d use the party to win the next election so there was a few years, then start to clear a lot out, join, agitate for change or get another party up and viable. That’s assuming things are static like now until May, but they won’t be so tactics would change, but the strategy still has to be getting maximum votes for independence parties. Successful politics is a dirty business, it’s one of compromise, sometimes making deals with the devil to get something in return – and that goes for voters as much as politicians themselves. Sometimes you have to work with enemies to achieve things, even when those enemies are another wing of your own party, or less than clean. Tories are good at doing that, that’s a big part of why they win so often and stay so strong. We should do it this once, then go looking for SNP scalps to pay for what they’ve done, but win the election with them first.


@ leither

She who you’ll vote for then? Hardly whiter than white for the purity SNP., except they’re not so pure these days. Ain’t history a bitch

link to

CameronB Brodie

Sorry, I was thinking about the how to support the epistemic coherence and integrity of Scots law, not the practicalities of living. I wasn’t concerned about which candidates stand where, I was focused on supporting the democratic principle.

International Journal of Constitutional Law, Volume 12, Issue 3, July 2014, Pages 511–524,
Formal principles: Some replies to critics

link to


I’m in a quandary over whether to spoil my constituency vote or not. Is Fergus Ewing one of the reality deniers? If I vote SNP will they read this as a vote for their authoritarian and reality denying policies instead of a vote for independence? This is a mess the SNP have created.



I absolutely understand your passion behind giving the SNP one last vote.

In fact I WANT to give the SNP all my votes for the foreseeable future, but NOT Sturgeon and her dangerous Wokeists.

Some good and genuinely decent folk on here don’t seem to understand the Hate Law that is being proposed.

I can all but guarantee you as an example WINGS OVER SCOTLAND WILL BE CLOSED DOWNas a direct resul of the powers the Hate Bill will give akin crawlers such as Rhiannon Spites.

If you doubt me, just nip across and read last weeks Twitter posts from Wings Over Scotland.

What is that you say? There are no posts. Why? Well Stuart Campbell is the best person to answer WHY WINGS OVER SCOTLAND HAS BEEN CLOSED DOWN AT TWITTER..

Free speech will be damaged beyond your wildest nightmare if Sturgeon and her Coven get their way. Please wake the fuck up. Anything the Wokeist Freak Police dislike will be banned under sanction of heavy fine and/or custodial sentence.

If you still have doubts, PLEASE read the article Stuart has put at the top of this page.

Someone joked about Dick Leofart becoming First Minister. No thanks, perish the thought.

It would be more likely a proposal from pushy pushy careerist Baroness Davidson of RapeClaws for FM and Willie Reptile of the LibDems will want to be Deputy FM.

That’ll no work either.

If Margo MacDonald were still alive she would work well.

The point is I am FUCKED and YOU are absolutely FUCKD if you hold your nose and vote Sturgeonite SNP one last time in May 2021 because that will be the LAST time you will vote in a free and fair election in Scotland for the next 20 years.

Sturgeon, Humza and the Wokeists have one aim with the Hate Crime Bill: to shut down sites owned by the likes of Craig Murray and Stuart Campbell.

What did you say? ScotGov couldn’t do that? Please pay attention to the FOI farce uncovered by Rev Stu. COPFS isn’t responsible to anyone. The justice system is going down the tubes and in case you haven’t noticed, the powers that be are trying to shut Craig Murray down for good with a very large legal hammer and his liberty at stake right now.

So what are you recommending? People like me vote for a cabal who have taken over SNP High Command and are bringing in the worst, most oppressive laws since Hitler took over Germany?

Aye right.

I voted SNP last time for the last time until either Alex Salmond or Joanna Cherry get their mojo sorted.

If we have to have a caretaker FM in order to get Borgen loving McMachiavelli Cruella De Sturgeon banished to political Hell, then so be it.

There was a respected English journalist who stood against the dodgy Neil Hamilton MP and he won that election. He stood on an apolitical ticket. Can’t recall the journalists name but he wore a trademark crumpled white tropical suite.

As for who to vote for in May 2021?

If someone such as Craig Murray or Joanna Cherry was parachuted in as an MSP and installed as a caretaker FM to head a Scottish Government of national unity with Davidson or a token Unionist MSP as DFM, that could work as a way of cleansing the Sturgeon McWokeist infestation at the top of the infected SNP.

It worked in Northern Ireland. If, in 1985 I had suggested Martin McGuiness and Rev Ian Paisley would be FM and DFM of a devolved power sharing assembly in Northern Ireland, you would have labelled me mad. But hey, that is exactly what happened.

So with regret to Gary45% and Robert Graham, unless Alex Salmond comes out with a miracle between now and May2021, I will NOT be holding my nose to cast the first/constituency vote for an SNP led by Sturgeon and her dangerous puppet Justice Minister.

I refuse to support he SNP Woke Brigade when they signal their intention to close down sites such as Wings Over Scotland with their draconian and badly frame laws.

Fifteen love. Gary45% to serve.

Bob in Oz

Before you start holding up Claire Chandler as a shining beacon of reason and light, you should take a look at her voting record – not just what she has voted for, but what she has voted against.

She is a rampant Tory in Australian terms. Voted for: Increased investment in coal, privatising government services, decreasing availability of welfare payments, increasing surveillance powers.

Voted against decreasing the gender pay gap, increasing accessibility to government data and documents, increasing political transparency – the list goes on check out the link below for a full list.

link to

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“Before you start holding up Claire Chandler as a shining beacon of reason and light, you should take a look at her voting record – not just what she has voted for, but what she has voted against.”

This isn’t Wings Over Australia, Bob. Nobody was telling you how to vote. I’m well aware that the Liberal Party is broadly the Australian equivalent of the Tories, and included a prominent link in the intro paragraph so that people could see that. But I’m so over the tribal bullshit that says “my opponents can never be right about anything“.

Wee Chid

Pete says:
22 September, 2020 at 2:21 pm
“It is just so amusing reading some of those posts mostly from left leaning types criticising the wokeists.
Wake up, all you leftists.
It’s from the left that all this crap is coming from.”

You sure about that? Who is really behind it? Who would benefit the most? Funny how various groups seem to be led by middle class pseudo socialists.

Maybe it’s Putin’s revenge on the west for their former betrayal of Russian agreements.

Stan Broadwood

If you are an SNP supporter, if you are an SNP member, do you still proudly admit to being so???

If you are ashamed to admit to being an SNP member, then you have to ask yourself why?

What a sorry state of affairs this has turned into.

Sturgeon has literally made it impossible for us to support our only Independence Party at next year’s Hollyrood election.

Sturgeon brings out every negative feeling in my body.

SNP members need to push back.

SNP members need to show their anger.

If not, all we are in for is five more years of Devolution and Sturgeonism.

Boy,,, that little evil bitch has got a lot to answer for.


Is today when the accounts are due?


I’m an SNP supporter and member. I and my two daughters are all proud members of the SNP.


Beaker says: at 12:44 am

Politicians should always have strong connections with and live in the area they represent.

Aye, it’s not rocket science, but seeing as quite a few in the SNP appear to struggle with biological and social sciences these days, the lack of general scientific nounce within the party may explain the more whacky policies they seem to be pushing.

Some individuals seem to be so aloof with their head in the clouds that they need to be parachuted back down to earth and reality.

I’d urge SNP members to support strong, informed local candidates in the selection process to ensure they get decently represented, rather than be stuck with a lightweight narcissist.
Just remember this, if we move to end the Union in the next parliamentary term we want the sharpest tacks overseeing and negotiating the process for us, not some useless bumbling no marks.

Robert Graham

Just heard a closet Nazi on the Radio the presenter was listening to views on the Army being deployed to assist the police, the caller a English Nazi said she previously worked with the Army during the Firemans strike and she said they were very professional , no shit eh , anyway she said she worked in A&E and would refuse to treat anyone without a mask even if they said they suffered from Asma she went on to recite the oxygen transference was not restricted by wearing a mask , oh really tell that to a someone who suffers from Asma , I hope this control freak isn’t a Doctor if in fact she is a Nurse or probably a auxiliary, she is in the wrong job , Anytime I hear about nurses being angelic I say aye how many times have you been in Hospital mostly it’s either never or years ago , Nurses don’t don a magical Halo when they put the uniform on , the worst traits of people don’t disappear when the uniform is put on , anytime I hear of abuse by patients on hospital staff this is sometimesas much the fault of the ones that are supposed to be treating and as the ones being treated , I have seen some really nasty Angels in my time in Hospitals it usually shows itself when visiting is over then the captive audience the patients when the real Angel comes out , not saying they are all like that that , but they ain’t that special, but listening to that nutter on the Radio brought back memories of the Angels .


Gary45% says:
22 September, 2020 at 9:45 pm
So you’ll not be voting for the SNP then. I am sure they’ll miss you.
Spoil your vote, or vote for a Yoon party= same result.

Fix the SNP of it’s rank “leadership”, purge the Wokerati infiltration and all it’s toxic nepotism, and make the SNP electable as agents intent on delivering Scottish Independence. Do that and the vote will take care of itself.

I repeat, the “who else you gonnae vote for?” attitude stinks of entitlement, which given our current predicament is more than somewhat inappropriate. To sit back and glibly blame those disillusioned by the dismal SNP for putting Independence at risk is going to have the opposite effect of what’s intended.

The “anything goes” attitude, so long as it’s got an SNP badge on it, is the biggest threat we have to winning Independence, and I’m afraid to say Gary, your tolerance for the root cause of this rift is largely responsible for the rift not being addressed a long time before now.

And before you start, it’s not anti-SNP rhetoric, because right now there is one, and one only, voice in the SNP which is keeping the SNP in the hunt. It certainly isn’t Nicola Sturgeon, but Joanna Cherry, and her robust and inspiring constitutional defence of Scots Law from colonial encroachment. Yet in SNP terms, Joanna Cherry is a voice in the wilderness when she should properly be carrying the flag at the head of our columns!

If Joanna was to sicken of the SNP and all it’s nonsense and garbage, and either pursue Constitutional action in Court independently, or defect to another party, then the SNP would be looking extremely anaemic and lost, and singularly unfit for purpose.

Who am I going to vote for? Fix the SNP and you can rest easy. Don’t fix it, and the revolution will require to be deferred until the rot is gone from the SNP, or more likely an alternative Party emerges to challenge more than List Seats.

See I don’t look upon the SNP as maybe losing us Independence. I see the clowns in the current SNP as the cretins who already lost Scottish Independence, when Sturgeon squandered the irreconcilable Constitutional stand off created by Brexit. If she had a shred on integrity, instead of her gutless capitulation in January, Sturgeon should have resigned or been impeached for her abject failure to protect Scotland’s Constitutional sovereignty. She has already done her worst and cost Scotland grievously.

Vote Sturgeon? Vote Tory. Same difference. Self serving liars and despicable frauds who can’t be trusted. Neither are capable of defending Scotland, but if it comes to it, a big bloody nose for an arrogant SNP might reinvent itself or be replaced by a more effective initiative.

You need to remember Gary, it isn’t the YES community who are playing Russian Roulette with an SNP majority. It’s the SNP Leadership, and the Sturgeon cabal, who have purloined all that the SNP once stood for.


Nicola excellent as usual on GMB.

Stuart MacKay

Iain Lawson has an interesting post from Geoff Bush about the fledgling SNP Members for Independence Facebook Group

link to


Nicola lets so many open goals fly past being nice and not
Highlighting the idiocy of Boris Johnson’s Covid management.

You fight fire with fire!

His actions has cost many lives and still more to come so
If that alone didn’t lead you to condemn him, what on earth would?

Does anyone think if the boot was on the other foot that this would happen?

Go for the throat before we are dragged out screaming from Europe.


Well said Breeks.

Mike d

This wokerati sh**e and anyone promoting and pushing it, needs to be stamped on from a great height.


CameronB Brodie
[Day one of the Evil Clowns’ New Order]
Put the books down, step outside that bubble and see the grotesque constraining authoritarian construct in formation around you. Unless maybe behind that cut n paste thing you do so well you’re existentially purblind.
Anyway, a morning of roses to you…sabâh al ward!

Big Jock

Does anyone get the logic in leaving pubs and restaurants open all day until 10pm at night! What happens between 10pm – 12pm that doesn’t happen in the preceding 13 hours? This is a political decision and will have zero impact on Covid 19.

I said before. All of the measures are just delaying the inevitable full lock down in November.

The lock down killed the virus spread, and as soon as we opened up again it came back. The spreaders are pubs, restaurants, gyms and people in and out of other peoples houses.


[THIS ARTICLE presents important public health lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Reliable safeguards are needed in epidemiological research to prevent seemingly minor miscalculations from developing into disasters.]
link to


Breeks, agree with most of that. I’m not 100% sure that Cherry has a solution. She isn’t either. I think it’s time to consider all options, including telling Westminster to fuck off with its corrupt and illegitimate ideas about democracy.

Salmond would be willing to hold a referendum without a section 30. And the threat of doing that is why they hate Salmond. That threat or fear of that is also what would bring them to the table offering a section 30, just as it did before.

Everything that was previously used to hold us in place works for us when we have a leader that is willing to confront them.

Daisy Walker

‘CameronB Brodie says:
23 September, 2020 at 12:46 am
Daisy Walker
Broughty Ferry is in Dundee, which is in Tayside not Fife. If you had some local knowledge you might appreciate the gross epistemic injustice you’ve just committed, which has a significant potential to cause violence and civil disorder. ?’

I was actually being sarcastic, and being as how ehmm fae The Fair City I ken the difference between a harbour and a dock – how’s that fur local knowledge 😉

Anyways you look at it, its a long way fae Glasgow.


@ Effijy

‘Go for the throat before we are dragged out screaming from Europe’

I entirely agree, it’s what they should have done since the beginning. I used to admire the principles of fair play I bought she had and having a party cleaner than the opposition, well fat lot of good that was, even if she was ever true about it. But I’m tired of losing, I want Scotland to win this time, and as the old ditty goes

The rain it raineth every day, upon the just and unjust fella, but more upon the just because, the unjust steals the just’s umbrella

Well I’m sick of being pissed on. We all tried playing nice last time and the other side who played dirty won – and they still slandered us all as being ‘cybernats’ far worse than them. We need to fight dirty now, at times at least.


Big Jock, one word; schools.

Big Jock

Yes Schools….I missed that out! Kids often have no symptoms. Spreads from school to homes unnoticed.

The compromise was leaving schools open and offices shut. Combine the two and it’s disaster. However blaming it all on illegal parties is wide of the mark.

I think Schools and pubs are the spreaders. It’s an economic decision.


Big Jock,
What do you think should be done?


Bad link to 09:39 post
Correct link: link to


OldPete @8:29 am

“Nicola excellent as usual on GMB”

GMB? Oh aye, Gender Moonshine Bullshit.

Stuart MacKay

Big Jock,

Saw a comment about shutting pubs at 10pm halves their income. If we take that at face value then 10pm – 12pm is when it’s busiest. Increased consumption likely reduces people’s ability to practice social distancing – which is the whole point of having a pub in the first place.


That report is very interesting and sounds about right regarding overestimates and scaremongering.

Stan Broadwood

Old Pete 8.29am

Pete, you sound really please that Sturgeon performed well on the GMB programme this morning.

Is that what floats your boat?

So Sturgeon pleasing her English Masters without rocking the boat, without any mention of Independence, that is your idea of a good performance?

She is meant to be the fearless leader of the Independence Movenent in Scotland, not some star struck bimbo telling the english media exactly what they want to hear.

I heard she even told Morgan this morning that “the second world war went on for five years, so we can surely handle this”

If that interview went on a minute longer, I swear, she would have broke out chanting, Rule Britannia.

She reminds me of the wife beating husband who, in front of his Unionist pals down the pub, they think he is the best guy in the world, the life and sole of the party, but once he gets home behind locked doors, he shows his true vicious side and starts slapping the wife all over the house.

Similar to the way Sturgeon acts in front of her Unionist pals, but once she gets back to addressing her fellow Scots, the true evil Sturgeon comes out in her.

Sturgeon has a face for every occasion and is not to be trusted.


We were starting to focus on politics again. Now the discussion here is about viruses and lockdown once more. Keeping the public scared until big pharma can make vast profits from covid and flu vaccines which will do more to spread than prevent anyway. While economies go to pot and people can’t get cancer treatment. And the world has seen few political marches and demos during 2020.

Cui bono? Not the people.


anyone noticed that Nicola is suddenly keen to point out Westminster holds the purse strings and her options are limited on corona?

This could be confused for progress although it would help if she told us what she thinks we could or should be doing as an alternative to tinkering with pub closing times.

In early March they knew it was both deadly and highly infectious, yet they decided to let it spread like wildfire. No talk back then about options being limited and Westminster calling the shots…

With lock down the virus was naturally snuffed out and for months she enjoyed the praise. The message was “Nicola’s got this…” She said nothing during these months to suggest her options were limited by Westminster. On the contrary, she was keen to take full ownership.

So, why the honesty all of a sudden? Trying to endear herself with the Indy support who are slowly and surely finding out about the Salmond conspiracy? Or covering her her ass because she knows corona is going to kill thousands more?

Both, of course.


some of my best friends had their hamsters eaten by nicola…..

Lorna Campbell

A fairly right-wing intellectual – he has a Scottish-sounding name, but I forget it – pointed out that, although many men argue against the trans lobby, it is almost aways women who are targeted and hounded from their jobs by both the trans lobby and their own bosses. He thought that was significant. Perhaps they think that women are weaker and more easily attacked? Perhaps the bosses are misogynists under the radar. I rathe think that it why the SG is under siege from this group, too, as opposed to the Johnson government, where the right-wing Tories are not afraid of the insane wing of the left. I would like to quote the bible and Jesus (I’m not at all religious, incidentally) and say that these people know not what they do, but I rather suspect they know all too well.


Voting should be a positive experience. The SNP have no right to our votes. They have found a good trick (asking for mandates for an indyref) and are using it to push through appalling policies. There are perfectly fine other indy parties. What if the 100,000 Yessers of 2014 all joined Solidarity?

I would vote SNP at a Westminster election because my WM MP is good. My SNP MSP is appalling, arrogant, dismal… and everyone else I talk to has similar experiences. They do not even reply to letters: how is this any different to a colonial master or a rotten borough?

In 2011 I will certainly vote for the new list party for indy. Unfortunately, in the constituency, you only get the SNP with its awful MSP and the three unionist parties. None of them have earned my vote as they all work for either themselves and £££ or a foreign country.


Lorna Campbell: Not sure if you mean Douglas Murray?

David Caledonia

Why are the clowns that run these organisations allowed to do this, time to get rid of all of them if, I have yet to hear of any man dressed as a woman enter any woman’s toilet in america, they know what will happen to them, americans are not going to be told what to do by a load of clowns that think they can just force people to accept their nonesense


OldPete @8:29 am

“Nicola excellent as usual on GMB.”

GMB? Oh aye, Growing Murrell’s Bank-balance.


“…Murrell’s Bank-balance.”

It’s probably in Switzerland.

Michael Laing

Breeks @ 8.29am: I agree with your comment, except that I wouldn’t go as far as to say the SNP and the Tories are equally bad. I would never vote Tory in a million years, but if there’s a change in the leadership and direction of the SNP, I will be more than happy to rejoin the party and to vote for them again. My hope is that when the full details of the conspiracy against Alex Salmond come to light, the era of Sturgeon and her acolytes will come to an end, and the movement for independence will get back on track.


I’ve just realised Humza’s new wife was an aide to Shona Robison and the SNP councillor she had the on-off affair with while married to her first husband was an aide to Stewart Hosie at the same time.

For anyone who doesn’t know Nadia’s first husband supposedly found text on her phone and suspected an affair and used software to recover deleted texts where he found a few said to be racist – at the trial the detective working on the case said they had found no such texts on her phone and the only proof was on the disk her husband had made of the thousands on downloaded pages of texts and it was put to him by the defence that he might have written them himself. The recent columns given over to heartfelt anguish is complete soft soap to wash everything before clean. It’s obvious who is the preferred candidate in NEF.

link to

David Caledonia

I will not change my vote for the SNP
50 years to get where we are now, and some people want to vote for another party like solidarity
You couldn’t make it up, sometimes you wonder if these people even understand what its all about
I have never really liked any of the SNP MPs that I have voted for over the years, but I have to persevere and vote for the only party at this moment in time that can deliver Independence
If anyone disagrees with that, then, please be my guest and explain the alternative, cause if you think there is another way your deluded


David Caledonia @11:37 am

The current version of the SNP is incapable as well as disinclined to deliver independence.


David Caledonia, do you remember any stories a few years ago about North Carolina’s “Bathroom Bill?” That came about because Charlotte City Council voted you allow people to use the bathroom according to their gender identity. The NC General Assembly passed a bill that made such ordinances illegal.

When a new governor came into office, he negotiated a compromise of sorts. Councils could not pass legislation like this for a period of time. In the meantime, the university system stepped in with a really brilliant idea of the sort only a (ahem) prestigious university can come up with. They used to have male and female toilets. Male had two stalls and one urinal. Then they made them unisex and put a sign on the door to lock it upon entry, thus turning three spaces into single-use. The area of the university I went to was well-hidden but I cannot imagine what it would have been like if they had instituted the same rules in the conference center down the stairs.

David Caledonia

Michael Laing ( interesting comments )

Your not going to vote SNP


William Wallace died for Scotland, he was not the most popular guy around in some scottish quarters, but the real scots stood and died alongside him, and all we have to do is put a little x in a box, well its not as painful as being hung drawn and quartered

David Caledonia


I have read and seen many american men express what they will do if any clown in a dress enters a ladies toilet, one guy said, if any of these perverts enter my granddaughters toilet he will be dead, cause i will shoot the bastard dead, no iffs or butts dead
Mark Chapman, the guy that shot John Lennon will never be released because he would be shot dead if they released him
American males are not inclined to be forgiving to anyone that steps out of line, and thinks that any law will keep them alive, killers with guns do not care about stupid laws

Bob Mack

@David Caledonia,

Wallace put his life on the line for Scottish Independence

We can’t get Sturgeon to even try to get a vote.

Some difference.


Hatuey says:
23 September, 2020 at 9:41 am
Breeks, agree with most of that. I’m not 100% sure that Cherry has a solution. She isn’t either. I think it’s time to consider all options, including telling Westminster to fuck off with its corrupt and illegitimate ideas about democracy.

I can’t find the link now, but there was a clip of Joanna Cherry arguing that the Internal Market Bill’s assault on the Court of Session’s jurisdiction was a specific and explicit contravention of the Treaty of Union, which enshrines protection of Scots Law.

Given that both the independence of Scots Law, and separately, the Claim of Right, remain formally extant and recognised inside the UK Union, I don’t see very much Constitutional difference between contesting a constitutional assault on Scots Law, or contesting a constitutional assault on Scotland’s popular sovereignty.

Arguably, because there is a specific reference to it in the Treaty, perhaps there has been traditionally less ambiguity surrounding the sanctity of Scot’s Law as compared to the centuries of ambiguity, disinformation and sophistry which seeks to undermine Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty. Perhaps that clarity is enough to make all the difference.

But the point is, whether the Union is breached by a colonial assault on our Scots Law or Scottish Sovereignty doesn’t really matter. When a contract is breached, it is ended in it’s entirety, cannot be resurrected, and cannot be undone. It can only be replicated with a completely new contract freshly agreed by both parties. Kill it once, and the contract stays dead… At least that’s my understanding of it.

Joanna Cherry has form to for winning the battles she picks. Thus, when Joanna Cherry says the Internal Market Bill breaches the Treaty of Union, I think it’s a similar Constitutional argument to Ian Blackford’s “Scotland will not be taken out of Europe. Except when he said it, it was hollow rhetoric. That Joanna Cherry is now saying something broadly similar, is tremendously encouraging, because JC delivers what she sets out to deliver.

I also think the significance of what Joanna Cherry has already achieved, capitalising on Scot’s Law and Constitution to do it, has been grossly undervalued, under appreciated, and under reported. That the BritNat media should downplay her success comes as no surprise, but the pro Independence movement hasn’t really grasped what she achieved and how she achieved it.

I don’t think Nicola Sturgeon represents anything like the threat to the UK which Alex Salmond did, (and still does), but I think Joanna Cherry is another live wire which the UK Establishment will recognise as a much bigger danger to them than Sturgeon will ever be.

That the Wokerati have also determined to make Joanna Cherry their enemy seems truly incredible from an Independence perspective, but begins to make a lot more sense if you recognise the Science denying misogynists are not there to further Scottish Independence.

Without knowing her personally, I worry (and fear) that Joanna Cherry might feel isolated and ‘out on a limb’, which tends to sap the confidence, which is disgraceful really, because the SNP and wider YES movement should be 100% backing her to the hilt. I think the YES movement already does, but once again, we’re left scratching our heads trying to work out what the lacklustre and ‘enigmatic’ SNP might be thinking.

David Caledonia


Same question to you, who you voting for The Green Party, Solidarity, or maybe Gorgeous George can persuade you to vote for his unionist party, he and his new tory pal are coming up for the election to try and try to undermine democracy by only having one unionist candidate stand against the SNP, a stupid man with delusions is galloway, he never learns from all the stupid things he has done


‘Joanna Cherry has form to for winning the battles she picks. Thus, when Joanna Cherry says the Internal Market Bill breaches the Treaty of Union, I think it’s a similar Constitutional argument to Ian Blackford’s “Scotland will not be taken out of Europe’

Exactly Breeks, it seems to me she’s on to something. I’d like to give her time to see where it goes. Also Alex hasn’t spoken out yet and before anyone trashes the party – especially if they feel they’re doing so because of what happened to him – then I think they’re going to far and too fast. I’d rather wait to see where he leads before committing. If he says enough to know he’s against the party he helped build I’ll be against it, but he’s not damaging it yet. Give them time to try to fight for it, or at least don’t damage it if they are trying to save it, save independence. If anyone can help save party or movement with good legal and political strategy is is both of them.


David Caledonia

I’d still vote SNP1 and enthusiastically vote List Party2. No List Party, then it would be the Greens.


@Breeks at 11.59am

I think this is the clip you are referring to.

link to

CameronB Brodie

“That report is very interesting and sounds about right regarding overestimates and scaremongering.”

OFFS, your man is a bit of a reactionary Tory who’s been desperate to undermine solidarity in our support of public health law. Not as desperate as others, admittedly, but he/she/it certainly doesn’t appear to support the legal principle of UNIVERSALITY. Yes Westminster has made a total balls of things, but that’s because the Tories are ideologically hostile to science, ethics, and the rule-of-law. So by all means support the populist right, just don’t expect to retain your health, or democracy.


Half the problem with all of this legal route to independence stuff is that it’s formulated by intellectual types who let themselves be trapped and confined by a rational desire to play by the rules, rules that were constructed to keep us in place and which are flouted when it suits certain people towards keeping us in place.

It all quickly gets very complicated and they’ve got you by the throat before you even enter the debate if you take that stuff too seriously.

The simple truth is this; no person, foreign government, or organisation has any legitimate right to intervene or hamper the ‘general will’ of the Scottish people if they desire to run their own affairs. That’s it. You don’t need claims of right, lawyers, or scone stones. Everything you need to know springs from that.

The goal, always, should be to cultivate and harness the ‘general will’ in that direction. The SNP lost their way and lost sight of that goal. They are now part of the problem rather than the solution; that might change in the future and it might not.

It’s time to circumvent politicians and appeal directly to the real master, the people. The grassroots organisations need to step up to the plate on this — that’s what would normally happen in a situation like this and I believe it will happen here. When the real master cracks his whip the politicians will follow, as they always do.

CameronB Brodie

The people hold the power in a social democracy, but Brexitania is an exceptional democracy sustained through propaganda and legal pseudo-science. So the people need some help in awakening to reality, and could do with a bit of legal know-how, IMHO.

Doctrine of Principles

link to


Has the mortality rate along with IFR been overestimated or not?
It’s a simple yes/no question?


Hatuey @1:26 pm

Excellent post. Agree with it all.

CameronB Brodie

The science is evolving, as is the policy response. I’m certainly not defending the way things have been handled, but I’m not that happy about basic principles of public health and law-and-order, being ATTACKED by those who appear to support right-wing, SCIENCE DENYING, philosophers, rather than the principle of EQUALITY IN LAW. 😉


Dan says:
23 September, 2020 at 1:02 pm
@Breeks at 11.59am

I think this is the clip you are referring to.

link to

Yes Dan, that’s it. Thank you.

Well worth a watch, and then a think about what she’s saying.


@Breeks, 11.59

Good comment.

I don’t think Nicola Sturgeon represents anything like the threat to the UK which Alex Salmond did, (and still does), but I think Joanna Cherry is another live wire which the UK Establishment will recognise as a much bigger danger to them than Sturgeon will ever be. That the Wokerati have also determined to make Joanna Cherry their enemy seems truly incredible from an Independence perspective,

It seems to me that the UK Establishment has already recognised that Joanna Cherry posits a real threat. The Wokerati activity is a very useful way of disrupting the independence movement.


Do you realise you didn’t answer my question or are you intentionally evading an answer.

I think I’m entitled to defend my statement when you have singled it out to be somewhat incoherent or nonsensical.

I can prove its veracity with your own words if you feel inclined to engage honestly.

CameronB Brodie

Daisy Walker
My apologies, but it’s hard to keep track on where everyone if coming fae, when you’re trying to reconnect with legal and democratic theory. I was only forcing a joke in support of epistemic integrity and Common law constitutionalism. 😉

LSC Law, Society and Economy Working Papers 6/2007
Utility and Rights in Common Law Reasoning: Rebalancing Private Law Through Constitutionalization

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CameronB Brodie

I’m not prepared to argue outside my competence, and I’ve not looked at the matter in sufficient depth. If there is apparent over-estimation then there is apparent over-estimation. Let’s not reject a science-based approach to law and public policy though, no matter how badly mangled it gets through ideological abuse.

CameronB Brodie

That’s not quite what I meant, as the ideological abuse of a science based approach to law and public policy is essentially eugenics, which is bad. Mkay? 🙂

Principles of Law and Legal Dogmatics as Methods Used by Constitutional Courts
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Yet you felt competent enough to have a go at my statement.

I’m not rejecting any science based approach to law and public policy, precisely the opposite, one can not make appropriate decisions based on incorrect information.

CameronB Brodie

I’m not denying there are policy and procedural weaknesses in the response to covid-19, but public health law is there for a good reason, as it supports the potential for democracy. It won’t help us to its’ full potential though, if we reject universal principles of law and democracy (see Brexit and GRA amendments).

Maastricht European Private Law Institute Working Paper No. 2015/06
What is Legal Doctrine? On the Aims and Methods of Legal-Dogmatic Research


This paper seeks to obtain a better understanding of the aims and methods of doctrinal legal scholarship. It argues that legal doctrine serves the three main goals of description, prescription and justification and makes clear that many methodological choices have to be made in order to pursue these goals.

One important finding is that legal doctrine reflects the normative complexity of the law: it offers detailed and sophisticated information about how to deal with conflicting arguments. Stripping the law from this practical knowledge by reducing it to general principles or policies, or by trading it in for economic or empirical analysis, is not helpful.

In addition, the doctrinal approach is in many ways the necessary prerequisite for undertaking any other type of analysis of law (such as economic, comparative, empirical or behavioural work). All this contributes to carving out the proper place of legal doctrine in current legal scholarship.

Methodology of legal research, Black letter law, Legal system, Comparison Europe-US, Law and…, New Private Law

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CameronB Brodie

Am I having a go at you for supporting an apparent Tory on public health matters? I wasn’t inclined to do so until now. Mind, I’m trained to support public health through science, ethics, and the law, so don’t think I’m not alarmed by poor practice and policy. I’m not claiming I know it all but I do understand a bit about how to support the rule-of-law.

Ratio Juris. Vol. 16 No. 2 June 2003 (131–40)
Constitutional Rights, Balancing,
and Rationality

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CameronB Brodie

And I’m not simply stroking my ego in public, as this stuff is kind of essential to the health and sustainability of all our futures. We are living under a judicial system that has been deformed by the principle of Parliamentary sovereignty, and which no longer appears to consider due legal process and Natural law, as being necessary constraints to public law, which needs to be coherent and compatible with the principle of “bounded rationality”, if it hopes to support democracy.

That’s what happens when you place politics above international law.

Revista Direito e Práxis vol.10 no.1 Rio de Janeiro Jan./Mar. 2019
Sociology of law against legal dogmatics: revisiting the Ehrlich-Kelsen debate


This work revisits the centenary controversy between Eugen Ehrlich and Hans Kelsen on the scientific study of law, based on the analysis of the original texts published in the Archive for social science and social welfare (1915-1917). The analysis of Kelsen’s critical reaction to Ehrlich’s project shows that the trajectory of sociology of law in the history of legal thought has been marked from the beginning by the clash with legal dogmatics.

Sociology of law; Eugen Ehrlich; Hans Kelsen

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@ Breeks and others , yes Breeks I previously saw that statement JC made in wm and I like you fervently hope that she has this up her sleeve as and when it is required

And as you have STATED numerous times this indeed WILL be the STRAW that will break the Union, BUT,BUT,BUT WE have to ENSURE that it is used ,no more pish about sect30, straight for the jugular in the INTERNATIONAL COURTS after the imperial markets bill receives assent


So this Friday, Nicola hangs the jacket up and steps down, along with all the other SNP MSPs the current hate campaign are against.
Who’s in the dream team lads and lassies? remember they start the new job on Monday morning.
If you care to look outside the wee bubble you all seem to live in, ask a normal “Joe Public punter”, about the current situation in the SNP/country and they will tell you Sturgeon is head and shoulders above the other leaders, I’ve done it already, I don’t think you’ll like the answer.
Looks like the usual suspects are now after Humza’s wife, pathetic really, take a look at the Yoon parties which seem to be getting ignored when talking about corruption, jobs for the boys garbage etc.
Aye, get a new FM before the election causing confusion for the “Joe Publics” and any “soft No voters” who are sitting on the fence regarding No To Yes, will simply vote the same as the last time.
And before anyone says two wrongs don’t make a right, I am reminded every time I switch on Radio Shortbread, look at Newspapers etc. Its only the SNP that are shite.

Andy Ellis


You’re definitely over fond of stroking something bud, but it’s probably not your ego….? 🙂

Andy Ellis


Slavish loyalist is as slavish loyalist does. Stun us wi’ another.

Imagining there is a dearth of talent in a nation of 5.5 million is just a variant of the Scots cringe: uncommon amongst Scots nationalists, but obviously not unknown as your atavistic forelock tugging to the dear leader and the party amply demonstrates.

The quality of some PPCs, particularly the barrel scrapings coming out of Stirling Uni, YSI and the various alphabet soup groups hardly gives us hope that Holyrood will be uplifted by their election. Sturgeon may be seen as a competent administrator, and comes across well in front of camera, but she has to be judged in the round.

She looks better than her actual ability in large part due to the piss poor opposition: she can hardly help but look good in comparison with the horror show in Westminster or compared to yoons in Holyrood.

That doesn’t give her a free pass when it comes to the Woke Stasi, knifing Salmond in the back, and kicking #indyref2 into the long grass.


David Caledonia, granted, the USA is not as far along as other countries with this. However, there is a softening up process going on. The media reports “Trans” deaths as hate crimes, without discussing properly whether it might be a rather tragic domestic dispute.

I think the “Bathroom Bill” was a factor in the Democratic challenger for Governor beating the (moderate) Republican incumbent. NC suffered a bit of an economic boycott because of the bill. My concern is that a lot of people jumped on the #MeToo and George Floyd bandwagons, without being particularly supportive of either cause. A lot of celebrities and would-be celebrities just thought it was the right thing to do. I am no fan of Donald Trump, but I fear a similar thing will happen with “Trans rights” under a Biden administration. Remember, we do not just elect a President; we are choosing the person who will try to keep promises to various constituencies by appointing people who represent those constituencies to his administration.

CameronB Brodie

We are fighting for our national survival and the SNP are publicly recognised as the main vehicle for our self-emancipation. There needs to be some banging of heads and better corporate compliance with ethical and legal principles though, if we hope to resist the shit-storm of English/British nationalism that will be directed against our efforts to access our inalienable human rights.

Rationality and Ethics between Western and
Islamic Tradition


In the contemporary legal and political debate a large space is taken by the concept of ‘reasonableness’ as a multifaceted notion. Its plasticity makes it very adaptable to the variety of problems that is called on to solve. Its philosophical underpinnings are located in the tradition of Western thought. On the one hand, we have the modern tradition, including the Kantian and the Humean views and, on the other, the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition, proposing a different
and competing conception of reasonableness.

Insofar as the latter tradition proposes an idea relying on perfectionist considerations, I want to inquire into the Islamic tradition of reason and rationality in order to find whether it is closer to the first or to the second model. Concepts such as ‘ijitihad’, ‘maqasid’ and ‘maslaha’, I shall argue, find their better explanation if interpreted along the Aristotelian perfectionist tradition rather than along its competitor. If this move is well-founded, some important consequences for the understanding of contemporary Islamic culture may derive.

My basic assumption is that those Islamic concepts (and a few others) embed a religious and cultural core of tension to ‘human development’ that can nicely dovetail with Aristotelian rationality and ethics of virtues.

Islamic ethics; Western ethics; reasonableness

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CameronB Brodie

Andy Ellis
Get over yourself you eh, and acknowledge good legal opinion when you see it.

CameronB Brodie

Andy Ellis
Seriously dude, you’re hostility to opinion that is grounded in post-positivist social science and public law discourse, is becoming a bit of a pain. So just grow up eh.

Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, Volume 13: Issue 1, 09 May 2019
The Power of Comparative Constitutional Law Reasoning in European Criminal Law Procedure

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CameronB Brodie

It’s a bit late in the day, but I think our law officers need to start supporting the universal rule-of-law, rather than institutionalising misogyny into Scots law, and capitulating to expansionist English Torydum.

The proportionality test in UK Administrative Law – a new ground of review, or a fading exception?

Traditionally, administrative action in the UK has been subject to three grounds of review. Lord Diplock, in the GCHQ case, reiterated these and labeled them ‘procedural impropriety’, ‘illegality’ and ‘irrationality’.[1] The test to establish whether a decision was irrational had been subject to a particularly large amount of litigation and, consequently, debate.

A definitive answer to the debate was laid down in 1947 by the House of Lords in Associated Provincial Picture Houses v Wednesbury Coroporation.[2] Lord Greene MR ruled that the exercise of executive discretion could be invalidated if the decision was ‘so unreasonable that no reasonable body could reach it’.[3] This rule was designed to make it unusual for decisions to be successfully challenged on this ground, and hence set a very high standard for invalidation.

It was not generally considered to be within the courts’ constitutional role to criticize executive decisions on their merits – they were only to intervene in the most inequitable of situations. Proportionality, a doctrine applied as a ground of review across continental Europe, necessarily grants judiciaries wider powers to consider the merits of a decision.

Broadly, it necessitates an assessment of the balance between interests and objectives. The decision made must be proved to have been necessary to meet a legitimate aim, and the most reasonable way of doing so. Consequently it is a far more stringent test for irrationality than Wednesbury.

Since the UK joined the European Union in 1973, judges have been required to apply the proportionality test in cases with a European dimension and increasing pressure has been placed upon the judiciary to incorporate the test into domestic administrative law. This study will assess the origins of the doctrine’s increased influence, the present state of the law, and the likelihood that it will be incorporated as a distinct ground of review in the future….

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Mr/mrs Breastplate.

You can’t give a definitive IFR until at least a year + has past.That’s how most stats are done for all diseases. Is near 1 million not good enough for you so far then? You want more heartache for families.

Sad man/women you are along with yir pals bipod and ottomanbi.

A Person

-Al-Stuart (much earlier):

I am fairly certain that, as NS has created such a personality cult these past few years, and so many people seem to adore her without ever having any reason as to why they feel that way (very similar to the adulation Tories give Boris), that, were she to lose the election (unlikely), I doubt she would resign. It would be cast in terms of “Scotland wants Nicola” because enough of her supporters would have posted it on Twitter. Essentially it would be “our fault”. A bit abusive-husband-ish if you ask me…

I agree with Rev. Stu’s point about tribalism. The attitude of “what are you, a Tory?” is the kind of crap that dodgy councillors and crooked lawyers used to justify decades of Labour dominance in Scotland. If this right-wing Australian senator has been threatened with prison for not thinking the right thing, that should worry us all- goose and the gander, etc., etc.

CameronB Brodie

I’m only tribal against Tories, as I have some insight into the threat their general moral and political disposition poses to social well-being. Which I though a reasonable foundation on which to base my hostility.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(2), 366–385, 2012.
Mapping the Moral Domain

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It seems pretty obvious that the intention of the SNP is to bind independence to the full woke agenda. If, despite what it says on the can or the Party’s constitution, that agenda is now the main objective of the SNP leadership – a Woke Scotland – they will USE ANY MEANS to achieve it, even independence.

In other words, all you who believe in an independent Scotland are about to be blackmailed. ‘So, you want independence? OK, you can have yer independence – we’ll give it to you (and don’t forget, we are the ONLY Party who can) – so long as you accept our conditions: full, unqualified acceptance of our Hate Bill, our GRA and the NEW WOKE SCOTLAND. You see, these will be in our manifesto just as much as independence will. And, you know us, we are the HONEST PARTY: we always keep our manifesto pledges. So that’s your choice, pal! If yez waant yer Scottish Independence, yeez’ll have tae vote fur SCOTLAND the WOKE! An alternative? There isn’t any!’

I expect that decision has already been made. They’ll decide much later, nearer election time, in one of their strategy sessions, exactly how they are going to play you. But play you, they will. They’ll probably talk a lot about independence, and how the SNP is the only possible vehicle for attaining it, but not because they (most of them) care about it or want it – but because what they want above all, more than anything, is to impose their WOKE AGENDA on all the rest of us. Then they’ll turn round, all democratic, and say: ‘But you voted for it: we’re only implementing the will of the people.’

And when they don’t actually get independence, they will put up a show as if they were really trying. And if/when they still fail (but meanwhile, GRA and the Hate Bill and everything else have already gone through), they’ll say ‘But we did and are doing our best; it’s that Tory Government down there that’s stopping us; it’s all their fault’.

And even if they do succeed in getting their ‘gold standard’ way to independence – (although, unless I am mistaken, I always thought the ‘gold standard’ had been abolished by the Tories in the 1920s, even if it wasn’t till Gordon Brown’s heyday that the last vestiges were sold off when gold was at its lowest ever price) – as I was saying, even if they do miraculously (even against their own instincts) win independence for us, Scotland won’t be anything like the country you once dreamed it could and should be. Their intention in killing off AS was also to bury as stone dead the dream that he had said would never die. The WOKE SCOTLAND is someone else’s dream – someone very authoritarian, and very determined in imposing their own version of reality, and denying even the most basic truths of the way things actually are – and their dream-come-true will be your nightmare for a very long time afterwards. And mine too.

I will not vote for reality-denying authoritarians of any stripe. It’s not a matter any more of ‘Which Party?’ but, rather, ‘Which Person’ can I, in conscience, vote for. The NEC will do everything in its power, and play tricks that it was never meant to play, to oust every candidate or sitting member that they reckon will not support their WOKE agenda, but they won’t succeed in every case. Those that are genuinely against that agenda might not be speaking out against it as forcefully as we would like them to, not just yet. But, if they find their way through all the ambushes the NEC will be laying for them, once they are securely and irrevocably selected, we might see something very different. With their names safely on the ballot paper, even before election day, they might at last feel free to speak up.

I know at least one sitting SNP member who has said, quite a while ago, that he would definitely oppose GRA if it ever came to a vote, and (although you never know!) I tend to believe him. There seem to be moves afoot to try to deselect him, but there is a very good chance his opponents will not succeed in their project. If he does remain the candidate, I could very well still vote for the person concerned, especially if, prior to election day, their commitment to opposing the whole WOKERY PROJECT within the SNP is clearly reaffirmed.

The fact that the SNP is split about this might just become public prior to the election, in a way that will show us who is who among the candidates they will by then be stuck with. I would also like to see one of the new pro-independence Parties (not the Greens, obviously) take an anti-WOKE stance, and fight for first votes (as well as second ones) in all constituencies where the SNP candidate is obviously more pro-WOKE than pro-Independence, and probably got their nomination on that account. The same new pro-Indy Party would desist from contesting seats where the SNP candidate came out publicly as anti-the-WOKE-agenda, giving clear and explicit 100% priority to Independence.

Everyone knows that the SNP is split, or soon will. The best thing – even for the cause of independence – will be for that split to become known and undeniable. Those who are trying to change the Party’s priority, away from independence and towards their unreal WOKE-fantastic fantasy of a future Scotland, need to be exposed. Such exposure might even make an honest man / woman / or whatever out of some of them. In the sense that they will be forced to say clearly what they really believe and really want, without any longer trying to obtain their objectives by deceit, subterfuge, sleight of hand and, as described above, blackmail.

If they play their cards rightly, the new independence Parties, or at least one of them could play a vital role in exposing the real state of affairs within the SNP, including this giant chasm of a split among them. There could be some real fireworks before the May election. It could all become very interesting indeed, and we certainly should not despair of the eventual outcome. The cookie could crumble in many a different way, but there is still every chance that fortune will favour the cause of independence. And that despite those who wished to replace it with their own half-baked anti-reality delusions, the dream of a genuinely better, and authentically free Scotland, will indeed gain the day.

There is still everything to play for. Whatever happens, don’t ever despair!

CameronB Brodie

WOKE folk don’t deny the significance of biology, so the folk directing SNP policy ain’t WOKE. They simply don’t appear to have much understanding of how the law works, though they appear rather overly-familiar with legal practice that support misogyny, racism, and authoritarianism. I blame the crap legal advice their taking.


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CameronB Brodie

It’s not as if my perspective is revolutionary. Women are human and have human rights, which would be infringed upon by the GRA amendments, in order to “privilege” a minority of individuals, who’s claim to EXTRA rights is their belief that a clinical disorder is a health foundation for legal judgement and public law. The most dogmatic being men who’s desire is simply to penetrate the legal realm of womanhood. Enabling this would be neither proportionate or how to promote inclusive open democracy, so here’s a recommendation from Dr Katie Boyle, Associate Professor of International Human Rights Law, Law, at Stirling University.

Economic and Social Rights Law: Incorporation, Justiciability and Principles of Adjudication


This monograph develops principles of adjudication to facilitate accountability for violations of Economic and Social Rights. Economic and Social Rights engage with areas relating to social justice and their violation tends to impact on the most vulnerable members of society.

Taking the UK as a case study, the book draws on international experience and comparative practice, including progressive reform at the devolved subnational level, that demonstrate the potential reach of Economic and Social Rights when the rights are given legal standing in domestic settings according to their status in international law.

The work looks at different models of incorporation of rights into domestic law and sets out existing justiciability mechanisms for their enforcement as well as future models open to development. In so doing the book develops principles of adjudication drawn from deliberative democracy theory that help address some of the critiques of social rights adjudication.

The first chapter of this book is available at: link to

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CameronB Brodie

sorry…. who’s claim to EXTRA rights is their belief that a clinical disorder is a healthy foundation for legal judgement and public law.


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[…] “Compulsory Conciliation” was the title of the post in the pro Scottish Independence blog “Wings Over Scotland” where I saw this most interesting illustration of how fast once-cherished notions of free speech can fall. It would have surprised me in 2014 to know that in 2020 I would be grateful to Stuart Campbell for the good work he is doing to protect civil liberties in Scotland. But that is the sort of thing that happens when a Bill allows as much scope for abuse as does the Hate Crime Bill (Scotland). […]

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