The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Becoming the story

Posted on June 14, 2014 by

The story in yesterday’s Scotsman carrying outrageous and defamatory slurs against me has today vanished from its website. There’s nothing by way of an apology or correction in the paper’s usual page 2 corrections column, however, and there’s been no reply to either my email of yesterday morning or the letter our solicitor sent yesterday afternoon. Be assured, readers, that the matter won’t rest there.

But today things are even more interesting.

Firstly, it seems we’ve come to the attention of jobbing actress Frances Barber, who we’re told once appeared in Doctor Who. Ms Barber drew the ire of some nationalists a few days ago, but wasn’t highlighted in the papers as a victim of “vile cybernat abuse” to the same extent that Labour activist Clare Lally and author JK Rowling have been this week, perhaps because she provoked the anger at her with a fatuous and offensive attack on Alex Salmond and was a rather less sympathetic case.

It seems she’s not a fan of mine either.








Just for the record, I didn’t laugh at 9/11, I don’t want anyone to get AIDS and this is the full text of my vile misogynistic abuse of JK Rowling:


So, to cut a long story short, Frances Barber’s a bit of a swivel-eyed mental case and that’s all good for a chuckle. Knockabout fun, no harm done, because her rants are so deranged that no reasonable person could ever take them seriously. But talking of swivel-eyed mental cases brings us, inevitably, to Brian Wilson of the Scotsman.


Campbell Gunn’s in the headline, but the story isn’t really about him.

“Mr Gunn is a cog in that ever-active wheel of threats and bullying which now pervades Scottish life. If the referendum campaign has taught us anything, it is just how small a country Scotland is and how relatively easy it has been to create a climate in which so many people feel it safer to ‘say nothing’.

Let’s take the relationship between the official independence campaign and the Wings over Scotland website which acts as a vehicle for the worst elements among the Cybernats. Incidentally, if Alex Salmond’s claim that they are only a ‘few mindless idiots’ was true, they must all be on 24-hour shifts with 100 aliases apiece.”

An impressive start. A slur not only against Wings, but quarter of a million ordinary Scots. You, dear readers, for no specified reasons and with no evidence offered in support of the smear, are “the worst elements among the Cybernats”. Congratulations!

“Around 10 o’clock on Tuesday, that website ran the original ‘revelations’ about Ms Lally in order to discredit her credentials as the ordinary mother of a disabled child who did not want to see the United Kingdom broken up.”

The fact that Clare Lally is the mother of a severely disabled child has been used constantly by Unionists and the media as if it in some way means her politics are above any criticism. David Cameron used to have a severely disabled child – now tragically deceased – but we’re reasonably sure that we recall Labour still criticising Cameron’s politics while his son was alive.

“In the paranoid world of nationalism, it was not enough to let her have her say, disagree and leave it at that. Half an hour later, Campbell Gunn sent his e-mail echoing the website misinformation.”

We at no point said or implied that Clare Lally shouldn’t be allowed to have her say and disagree. We quibbled with a description of her in the Times as someone who wasn’t involved in politics, because she’s very heavily involved in politics, and we suggested in a comic manner that she MIGHT be related to an esteemed and well-liked former Labour grandee. As soon as we found out that wasn’t the case, we added a clarification to the story pointing that out.

“It seems reasonable to conclude that Mr Gunn did not start the story but, once aware of it, was somewhat over-eager in disseminating it without checking a word of fact – a hazardous approach given the source and its pedigree.”

This is defamatory on its own. The clear implication is that Wings Over Scotland is in some way an unreliable source. In fact, we back up all our assertions with sources and links, and to the best of my knowledge we’ve NEVER published a single factually-inaccurate statement in over two and a half years of existence.

We weren’t certain of Clare Lally’s relationship to Pat Lally, so we deliberately avoided stating it as a fact for that very reason – a step Campbell Gunn should have taken, and which he’s apologised for failing to do. But our “pedigree” is that of a site which backs up every factual statement it makes, and it’s indisputably libellous for Brian Wilson to claim otherwise.

“The guy who has made a business out of Cybernattery through Wings over Scotland, Stuart Campbell, operates from Bath which is what any unsuspecting visitor needs after wading through the comments which his outpourings attract. As a shock-jock blogger, Mr Campbell has an appalling record on every subject from the Hillsborough disaster to 9/11 which he ‘laughed all the way through’.”

Oh dear. We don’t even have the time to go through everything that’s false about that paragraph. We can only assume the Scotsman’s editor was on holiday yesterday and the paper was in the hands of the sandwich guy or something. To wave through a column making the same allegation that you’d just had to pull a matter of hours before is either astonishingly incompetent or deliberately malicious.

“This is a chap whom any respectable political organisation might steer clear of, one might think? Even Blair Jenkins, head honcho of Yes Scotland and former BBC Scotland news editor, seemed to have cottoned onto that last September over some particularly noxious outpourings. He was quoted as saying: ‘We don’t have any direct contact with him. He is not part of Yes Scotland.”

I’m not part of Yes Scotland. That’s just true. Blair Jenkins isn’t responsible for me.

“In retrospect, that appears as a more carefully qualified disclaimer than it seemed. There is certainly a high degree of cross-fertilisation between the site’s wares and leading figures in the nationalist movement. And, of course, every time they share its postings, they also multiply the audience for the truly awful stuff – as in the case of Clare Lally – which is appended to them.”

This is a weird statement. We said absolutely nothing – nothing whatsoever – abusive about Clare Lally. We attacked “Better Together” and the Times for presenting her as something she wasn’t. By “appended” we can only assume Wilson means the comments, but we’ve seen nothing “truly awful” in the comments on our story either.

(Some people had quite strong opinions, particularly about the use of her child, but there’s no law against strong opinions. Nobody wished any harm on her, and if anyone had we’d have banned them immediately. I’ve repeatedly asked anyone to identify any comments they consider abusive, and had no valid responses.)

“If Salmond wants to distance himself from the worst excesses of the Cybernats, this is one clear-cut action he could take. Tell his MPs, MSPs and other Nationalist apparatchiks not to distribute the content of websites which are most frequently and offensively used by the people he supposedly disapproves of.”

Ah, the crux of the matter. Brian Wilson, and the No campaign in general, is terrified of this site. We calmly debunk lies from both Unionist politicians and the media, and expose spin and hypocrisy with evidence. The defenders of the Westminster state really wish we wouldn’t do that, and so they attack Wings Over Scotland ten times as much as every other pro-Yes site put together.

Unable to rebut our arguments and unwilling to debate the facts, they focus instead on playing the man – on discrediting the site, but mostly me personally, with smears and lies, knowing that the smear is far more powerful than the tiny apology you have to print the next day.

I’m an easy target – in more than 20 years as an often-outspoken journalist and also someone with a fairly black, Jerry Sadowitz/Frankie Boyle-type sense of humour, I’ve said all sorts of things that have offended all sorts of people. But it seems that people don’t much care about my countless appalling personal shortcomings, because I’m not standing for election anywhere. What they care about are the arguments and the facts we marshal on this site, and those are a lot harder to sling mud at.

On Wednesday I wasted several hours dashing back and forth across Bristol at the BBC’s behest, filming a piece for Scotland 2014 on the Clare Lally incident which ended up not being used. That in itself isn’t an uncommon occurence – Patrick Harvie was also bumped from that night’s episode and Robin McAlpine of the Jimmy Reid Foundation had almost all of his contribution dumped on the cutting room floor.

What DID make the show, however, was not only an extended interview with Clare Lally (in which she made untrue allegations about the content of our article) and statements about abuse which were entirely unsupported by evidence, but two Unionist figures – Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Scottish Daily Express editor Ben Borland – who were both allowed to attack and smear Wings Over Scotland with no challenge whatsoever.

(The entire edition was perhaps the most staggeringly unashamed display of unbalanced broadcasting we’ve yet seen on the BBC. The show’s presenter Sarah Smith – who of course actually IS related to a former Labour figure, being the daughter of ex-leader John Smith – openly ganged up with Unionist guests throughout the show to attack Wings, Campbell Gunn and the Scottish Government using sympathetic leading questions, but was far more aggressive in her grilling of the SNP’s Annabelle Ewing and Women For Independence’s Carolyn Leckie.)

The wider story about Clare Lally and Campbell Gunn will be budgie-tray lining soon enough. We’d be amazed if the Scottish Government backed down and fired him, and it seems the public couldn’t give a monkey’s about it:


But it’s revealing that it’s being used as an excuse to ramp up attacks on this site. Make no mistake, readers – you scare the living hell out of them, precisely because you’re NOT easily-dismissed raving “cybernats”. Let’s keep it that way.

There will be more smears. I tend to keep most of my personal skeletons out on display, but as we’ve seen, that’s no barrier. If the British media can’t get true stuff to work, they have no compunction about completely making something up – as we noted earlier, the lie lives on long after the tiny 50-word correction.

But we have no intention of letting the Scotsman off the hook on this one. Stay tuned.

[EDIT: The Scotsman settled out of court for over £6000.]

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Andy Nimmo

Please do not let them off the hook Stu.
This is only the beginning of the state propaganda machine’s vile outpourings.
It takes a lot to get me angry. My ex once said that if someone punched me in the face, I’d spend a week trying to analyse why they did so before becoming a tad miffed.
There is more to come as I predicted in my blog

link to

They must not succeed


Ad hominem attacks are evidence you’re doing a great job. Keep up the good work!


Brian Wilson gives me the creeps.

That is all.

Calum Craig

Sue the fuckers. We’re all 100% behind you, including cash if need be.


They No side are out to waste your time, don’t let them.

The actress if I remember correctly was in a mini tv series in the late 80’s playing a propagandist for the Nazi regime.

The Tree of Liberty

“the crux of the matter. Brian Wilson, and the No campaign in general, is terrified of this site.”

Rev, I know yir a big boy, but seriously, you watch yir back.


They = the – aw gawd I do need a fresh pair of eyes!

The Saltire Pimpernel

Smashing article! I wholeheartedly agree, but maybe it’s worth removing references to Ms Barber as a “swivel-eyed mental case”? Kind of steps on your point about factual statements, as I presume you haven’t got access to a physician’s report confirming same. Any sensible person can get the measure of the woman from reading her tweets… Keep up the good work.


The vilest personal abuse of Brian Wilson could not compare with the stench of his lies.

I will not therefore lower myself to join him in the gutter. I was taught,coming from a Free Kirk background, to think the best of people but Mr Wilson makes me struggle.

Strangely I find in the intensity of his evil abuse the thought that his self loathing is the beginning of redemption and salvation.

He crossed the River Jordan in his youth and I suspect he will do so again.

Vote YES for HOPE and Justice.


You need to crowdsourse some cash for a legal challenge of the Scotsman and Wilson. Force a public retraction. If only to dispell the myth which stops people engaging.b

Roddy Macdonald

Excellent article, Stuart. My take on this bizarre week for us Cybernats:

Blòð eða Bj?ð / Fuil ‘is Talamh / Blood and Soil

link to

Nana Smith

When rats are cornered they become ever more vicious so here we see the rats coming out of the sewers.
Some are generally dirtier than others especially those who carry parasites which they like to infest other rats with.
I can see some very dirty stuff coming our way if these particular rats are cornered.


Whilst I don’t envy you the microscope or the wave of slurry, this is a very good thing for the Yes campaign. As No amp up their smear campaign against you, Yes and Scot Gov are free to push the positive campaign into the hearts and minds of voters.

Said voters of course – those with an attention span of more than 5 minutes – will see through the smears for what they are, and will no doubt flock to the Yes camp on realising just how desperate and destructive Westminster politics have become. Alec has been saying for months that a positive campaign will always beat a negative one, yet in their blinkered twisted state No just haven’t grasped the fact that people vote for hope not fear.

Congrats to you Rev on becoming UKOK Public Enemy No. 1 🙂 FANTASTIC effort to date, and I think Scots will in no small part owe their freedom and prosperity in ten years time to your extraordinarily analytical mind.

We’re coming onto the last lap folks. Let’s make this one to remember.


@Calum Craig.

What did your foul language contribute to the discussion?Do you never learn?

Lewy Tee Bee

The only thing that surprises me about this all, is that they have taken this long to level their sights at you!


Always worth remembering that incident involving the Scotphobic , Iraq war supporting, nuclear weapons loving, dildo brained bigot and all round prick B Wilson at the labour conference held at Meadowbank 20 years ago. Made me laugh. Any time you hear or see this poor excuse for sub-human filth just call up that image and it makes the World seem a much fairer place.

Gordon Hay

Seems to me that Frances Barbour is re-playing her upper-middle class opinionated dinner party guest role from the days of Bremner, Bird and Fortune, but the problem she has is that she isn’t a patch on them as a script writer.

Steve Bowers

Go get em Rev, I picked up my own personal troll yesterday, been chasing him around for a while, he pops up spouting vile anti English abuse on FB and I’ve had to slap him down before, this time he PM’d me and had a rant, very amusing stuff from MR Soave

Eddie Barbour

I suppose if there is anything positive to be taken from this ongoing smear campaign it is that it will increase traffic on this site – even possibly by curious unionists who will realise the lies they are being fed and that may even win over a fair few. I often wonder if the SNP played a long game in the knowledge that the truth MUST get out there eventually in the age of the internet.


Well done Stu, keep right at them. The cracks are now seriously widening, close to instability.

Signs all around of coordinated attack and smear strategy on online support.

The tactic seems to of accusing Yes side of lying and abusing whilst employing the very same tactics to do it.

Half of Scotland are cybernats according to his analysis, everyone who supports Independence with an internet connection and the other half know one, their colleagues, friends, family and community.

Online tactics proving very effective, meet lies with truth, anger with humour, misinformation with cold logic.

The a Establishment must have got wind of something, could it possibly be that we are winning!


I’ve been saying for a while that someone needs to launch a libel action. Indeed, by lack of specificity, I believe Wilson has libelled every single one of us. For those with reputations to protect, you might wish to speak to your friendly neighbourhood solicitor and ask them to write a strongly worded letter. As for Stu – apology on the front page or you drag them through the courts. I could quite enjoy seeing every last member of the Smear Stu campaign forced to testify about how they justify their behaviour.

Oui Things

This has all been an attempt to drive a wedge between women and the independence movement.

It fails spectacularly on two fronts.

1. Women can sniff out a lie 100 miles away.

2. Women tend to be put off by desperation.

The no campaign is a desperate lie dispenser.

A footshooter of a campaign.

Thanks BT!


I am looking at the third Barber post,and without going further.That appears to be liiablous,and without the financial protection of a newspaper


Stu, Keep up the good work.

Margaret Cooper

I would like to thank you for all the information found on this site. For your determination not to be bullied, or to allow us to be bullied! They have decided that you are a serious threat so must be vilified, and their confidence that we would even give their lies a second thought, is an insult also to our intelligence.


Gaun yersel’


Now we know why the Radio, T.V media were trawling last month with features on where people go for information!

Their survey highlighted this and other online sites.

Meetings held, strategy fixed, attack, attack,attack!

Same old.

North chiel

As the “old guard BT leadership”lose the independence
Debate’ the subversives take over and the “dirty tricks”
And “smears” team moves into position led by the
Usual suspects who have been given prominence
Lately on the late night “Scottish” political chat shows
And in the “London controlled” “Scottish press”.
Expect more of this, and continue with the positive
Rational argument.
Expect a lull, from BBC news24 and Sky as they are
Preoccupied presently with the “World Cup/England
And Iraq.
However no doubt if England are eliminated early
They will be back to normal service re the referendum .

Gordon Hunter (@GordonHunter11)

As We have said all along they will start to play the Man,it will only get Dirtier.Keep Chin Up “The Truth Will Out”,This Referendum Will Be Won On Simple Truths.

allan ross mackenzie

Hi Stu. I have read many sites over the last few years, but none have come close to the truth as yours has. Your site is a shining example of right in your face opinion that needs to be expressed in the no fashioned way we have all come to expect from an exemplary Scot. You, my friend, are an example to us all, of what the msn are not… A Real Source of what a newspaper should be. I am proud to call you a friend, I am equally proud to call you a man after a Scotsman,s heart. Carry on the good work, we all need you to be right in their faces and to continue what you do best. Allan.

frazer allan whyte

The Germans have a saying “Many enemies – much honour.” Should the ‘scotsman’ be called to account? – of course but please don’t let it distract you from the goal. You may be the target of mud-throwers but it is their hands that are dirty – not yours.

After seeing your video, may I also make a suggestion… produce lots of shorts of yourself quietly, calmly explaining the positive side of independence as opposed to the NO negative stuff ( the REAL NHS situation for example).

You were given far to little uninterrupted time to speak but seeing you speak calmly and authoritatively really impressd. We live in a sound-bite age and your ability to speak succinctly and calmly would be a big boost for truth in media. On youtube these shorts would be a great resource to point people to – given that many are unwilling or unable to concentrate on read-throughs.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Neil Craig

Meanwhile the BBC, an organisation legally required under its Charter to be balanced, recently invited George Kerevan to say “UKIP is a racist party”, something all parties know to be a totalitarian lie.

If the BBC had any slightest trace of honesty they would, of course, have immediately called him on that; requested he prove it; and if he couldn’t have made a fulsome apology; and in any case given UKIP airtime to dispute it.

Of course none of that happened.

Imagine that somebody had been invited on the BBC to state that the SNP is a party of people who have sex with dogs (something I acknowledge there is no reason to believe true) or that the LabConDems are war criminals who have assisted in racial genocide and worse in Adolf Hitler’s cause, and done so with the assistance of deliberate BBC lying and propagandising (things unquestionably both true and provable) – does anybody doubt that the “balanced by law” BBC would have expressed some question?

Drunken Hobo

The real problem is that the propaganda has got to such a level, that to any outside observer, it’s beginning to look as if Yes supporters really are completely paranoid.

Undecideds will start to think “Well the media couldn’t be THAT brazen about it; these guys must just be a bunch of paranoid nutters.”

How do you convince people that they really are all out to get you?


Frances Barber is, like all irrationally angry people, a rich source of unintentional comedy – like a drunk trying to fight a lamp post. Though I must say it’s a bit inconsistent of her to get so worked up about misogyny and supposed offensive behaviour when she’s quite happy telling female independence activists to ‘fuck off and die’ link to

As for The Scotsman, if you need a few quid for legal fees, do shout.


Elvis: UK Break-up would leave Scotland “In The Ghetto” says dead singer.

Proud Cybernat

Dear Mr Wilson,

I hope you read this. Is it because you cannot control the internet like you can the BBC and MSM in Sotland that you have to demonise it and those who obtain relevant referendum information from it?

Your attempts, Mr Wilson, will, in the end, be seen as futile. You annot control the internet, you cannot prevent people from accessing the truth–like you could before. You can control us no longer. We see that your interest in this referendum is merely a self-interest–a warm bench in the House of Lords to keep you out of harms way.

Your control of the truth has ended. Welcome to the new world, the ‘Tartan Spring’.


Proud Cybernat

[…] « Becoming the story […]


Rev Stu

I’ve highlighted elsewhere today on Wings the attacks now coming our way to all and sundry, yourself, internet websites, (more so WoS), Yes campaign etc.

Ref Frances Barbour. Seen here tweets being produced by other’s and she is an irrelevence to the cause. Likewise when the Scottish daily express editor Ben Borland says “don’t believe anything you read on Wings”, if he had said that about his own newspaper I would believe that.

Keep up the good work we are all 100% behind you and the real truth being spoken about Independence.


If nothing else, they are bringing WoS into the public eye. If you conduct yourself well, they will take you as they find you.

No such thing as bad publicity etc.


Does the MMS never tire of being torn a new one every time they print fibs?
It would be amusing if it wasn’t so serious.
I have seen just about every code that the msm should adhere to being trampled on and ignored and the establishment are doing nothing at all to deter them.
They talk about conduct and decency, history will show who used underhand tactics and were economical with the truth.
Once we get the yes vote the truth will out for all.

ronald russell

I must be getting naïve in my old age. I had an idea there would be some “dirty fighting” but the amount of lies and misrepresentation from the NO camp has really astonished me.I don,t know you personally STU but thank you for all you efforts and more power to your elbow. Hail alba, alba gu brath Ronnie Russell


Just thought I’d mention that the British Labour and Unionist Party, The British Liberal Democrat and Unionist Party and the British Conservative and Unionist Party are all registered in England. Just not in Bath.


I presume your solicitor will be contacting Brian Wilson as well about defamation?

Grouse Beater

We the voters will not be dehumanised!

Harry Potter is a little snotter!


What you are doing is clearly working Stuart. Keep doing it.

Ken MacColl

The News where we are

Abuse from Brian Wilson is the political equivalent of appearing on the Honours List, something that is far more likely to affect him than those he attacks.


It strikes me that any legal action would be pointless in that it would not be resolved in our favour before the referendum. Even if we did win, it would not be reported anyway. If we lost (totally unlikely I agree) it would be reported wall to wall everywhere.

So I think it is best to carry on doing what you were doing Stu. For it was for that reason they attacked you and by extension us.

It is deflection, and is another weapon in their arsenal.

They’d just love it if we spent weeks discussing the legal case and Clare Lally and JK Rowling and all manner if irrelevant nonsense.

What we should do is get back to basics and break down their lies with facts. This is what it is about, and this is why they are attacking us.

Onwards to truth, victory and democracy.



It seems we’re mad, bad and dangerous to know. 😀

When experienced politicians and media savvy celebs are forced to sic the willing media hounds on you, you know you’ve had an impact.


“and statements about abuse which were entirely unsupported by evidence, but two Unionist figures – Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Scottish Daily Express editor Ben Borland – who were both allowed to attack and smear Wings Over Scotland with no challenge whatsoever.”

Spectacular tv display of teamGB media bias for chronicles of BBC in Scotland corruption. At least noone has to actually buy that smirking lad’s Express garbage but Sarah Smith certainly has not failed to live down to BBC biased expectations.

Pay my fee or get a criminal record Scotland. Sarah Smith bettertogther attack probably explains BBC cunning plan with vote no hard man Gordon Brewer etc faded out in the run up.

Smith does the really dirty work, but its ok she’s a lady and she scarppers back to C4 news/London with Jim Naughty. Then Brewer pops up again, triumphant, assured, magnanimous, spinning ukok triumph, they wish.


ah I’m so tempted to recut that episode of Morse, and replace her scenes with footage of a drunk guy kicking a lamp post. I think she was in that episode where Morse’s love interest turned out to be the killer.

Neil Mackenzie

I’m not happy. I have an allergy to Brian Wilson’s bile. I have consciously avoided reading any it for months and I suddenly find myself exposed to the poison, HERE!

There should be a health and safety prohibition on stuff like that.

jim Dear

I know it’s difficult to not get bogged down by the petty school yard stuff of, he said she said. Remember to focus on the bigger picture, we are uniquely carrying out a peaceful, democratic process. Just remind yourself of Ukraine, Egypt, Iraq and Afghanistan. In comparison Scotland’s constitutional process is an exemplar to the world and we should proud of how we are going about trying to achieve change. Regards.

Geoff Huijer

I saw some swivel-eyed Rangers ‘man’ tweeting about the 9/11 comments.

Didn’t know what it was all about but reckoned it would be something taken WAY out of context.

Thankfully, I have sense enough not to engage with any of these BritNat nutters.

And by the way, I go with the theory that if it walks like a nutter, talks like a nutter and looks like a nutter – it’s a nutter!


Good incisive article as ever RevStu. On a lighter note, if you have to end up suing the Scotsman rag and its unhinged columnist Wilson, be prepared for the self-pitying claim that they were “threatened into silence” by a vile cybernat in order to stifle freedom of speech, etc.

bookie from hell

im 100% certain BT will design a huge smear early sept

union or bust for them


I think there’s great mileage in a Wings article about these Laird Wilcox extremist tendencies. I looked through them and saw nothing but the characteristics of the No movement…

For reference, they are:


Would anyone care to join in a fun game of “Cite The Unionist Examples”?


What is more vile and abusive than to deliberately lie and deceive? The entire No campaign “Project Fear” is a vile abuse which deliberately denigrates free speech and free expression in order to subjugate fact and truth beneath a flood of spin lies and smears.
And nothing is beneath them. From lying about rape victims to holding up disabled children as victims of yes campaigning complaints against No campaigning deceits.
The austerity program of the UK Government is a direct physical as well as psychological abuse on the most vulnerable in our society.
They smear the very idea of national independence for Scotland while promoting the idea of National Independence across the rest of the world as a very British democratic ideal.
There are even whisperings to encourage a Westminster Government to ignore a yes vote if it only wins by a small margin.
But all of that is nothing to the absolute abuse we all suffer from the media. An orchestrated abuse of deceit we actually have to pay for. We pay for a product called news only to get a manufactured censored version of events instead.
Even calling somebody by the C word hardly pairs in comparison.


I’ve repeatedly asked anyone to identify any comments they consider abusive, and had no valid responses

Plenty of reasonable debate going on here


Oops. I’ll try that link again…

Flower of Scotland

An own goal! Lots of visitors to Wings! Welcome folks, you will learn an amazing amount backed up by fantastic research done by out Rev. Welcome to the TRUTH!

You’re doing a fantastic Job Stu, keep it up!

Proud Cybernat

@ Mike

“Even calling somebody by the C word hardly pairs in comparison.”

Call me a ‘C’onservative and I’ll scratch your eyes oot.


i give up!

link to


This vile BritNat attack suggests that they really have gone raving mad. Alistair Darling agrees that YES voters are “blood and soil” Nazis. Brian Wilson vilifies us as evil cybernats. Do they really believe that smearing ordinary voters in this way will persuade us to vote NO! I’m not a member of any political party (but regret to admit I previously voted Labour – never again!). I will definitely be voting YES. The sooner we rid ourselves of these bitter, nasty and insulting people the better.


Its almost as if they were running scared, trying to cling onto the greasy Westminster pole.. keep up the good work Rev 🙂


Is that Frances person all there? I suspect she’ll soon tweet she’s being abused by evil cybernats despite no such comments existing. This is done to create fake support. She’ll then retweet any comments that have obliviously supported her lies as “proof”. This creates a snowball affect where other users send in supportive comments to her.


So proud I’m officially one of the worst of these cyber at types. Can we get badges to acknowledge this, we all like badges.

Brian Mchugh

This is exactly why I use my real name now. I urge all wingers to unite and do the same. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear and proud of it. 🙂


Thus the casual observer assumes she is being abused.

Robert Louis

I hope nobody minds (and I really hope I don’t sound patronising), if I bang a drum again in relation to this. I know many here, are very experienced campaigners, but to those who are not, it is really, really important NOT to rise to provocation either online or on twitter etc..

It is abundantly clear their is a co-orinated campaign under way to smear independence supporters – it is the ‘British’ way.

The Most effective way of dealing with abusive comments such as ‘Separatists will cause the break up of the NHS’, or ‘separatists will lead to poverty for all of us’, is to ignore it. It is silly, and ANY grown adult in the real world would see it as such. Do not underestimate the savvy of the Scottish public.

If you do really feel the need to respond, then reply with cold hard facts – they can all be found on the YES scotland site or in the white paper. Do not lower yourself to their level, and you will rapidly find they lose credibility, compared to your reasoned calm reply.

This is all pretty much what Jim Sillars said in his open letter the other day. It is good advice.

As for the laughingly titled ‘Scotsman’ newspaper, it really has hit rock bottom, printing what are clear demonstrable lies, in order to smear Wings over Scotland, Rev Stu, and by implication the entire YES campaign. It is a deliberate act by the ‘Scotsman’, so make no mistake, they and their unionista cabal in Scotland are feart.

It is remarkably easy to post comments (I in the past have done a few), which in reality are not in any way offensive yet when read back after a year or so can come across as, well, idiotic, in the harsh cold light of day. If we keep things tight, do not let the online agents provocateurs lead us on, encouraging dissent or worse and do not rise to bait such as that in the Scotsman today, then it is those who are trying to smear us who will look silly.

It is true, the pen really is mightier that the sword, but only if you use it correctly.

It says near the top of this page, the famous lines attributed to Gandhi in his fight to end colonial London rule over India;

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they come to fight you, and then you win.”

This is the fight. We will win.

jon esquierdo

The way the MSM are behaving is unacceptable, but with the toothless Electoral Commission failing to accept any responsibility and the press complaints commission doing likewise we will all need to step up our efforts to turn people heads. I have alredy spoken to the REV re the NHS being privatised in England being one of the most important factors in the debate and we must at every opportunity bring this into play.Lets all get back to exposing the truth and the lies and do not let these people distract us from our goal


@Oui Things says 12:49 pm

Totally agree,

They see the writing on the wall and they will try anything to stop the movement towards YES. I DO MEAN ANYTHING. they have no scruples, none!

Schrodinger's Cat

why does everyones icon look like a space invader?

@Peter, while i have no liking for Brian wilsons views

when disagreeing with his POV, be sharp, witty, clever and incisive. avoid personal insults. as the popularity of this site grows, it becomes more difficult to police it, many who will come to this site today for the first time, because of the publicity given it by the likes of wilson, will see your comment and see it as proof of the accusations of nastiness. it may even be lifted out and posted else where as an example of the nasty cybernats
i think we need to be careful,


The general impression given by the Barber tweets is that she seems a bit, well, thick.



Set up a paypal for people to donate so you can take legal action. someone needs to make an example


Frances Barber is a Labour Party member and activist (quite a well-known one in political circles), since the 1980s. She also likes to spill her ‘love life’ on the pages of the Daily Mail while venting her spleen ‘at men’. She’s also a bit looney.

‘I’ve had it with men!’
link to

‘Frances Barber told me to fuck off and die on Twitter’
link to

‘…. engaging in political debate – she’s a staunch Labour supporter’
link to

Schrodinger's Cat
i had a look at his wikipeda page, it read fairly nutral until the end when this appeared

“A spiteful little man who should remember the promises he made to men who were writing to him from inside Shotts prison. This was after he stated on BBC radio than men were being killed inside this prison. Men who were writing to him suffered at the hands of their captors for so doing. Mr Wilson knew this as he was kept full informed. Once elected into power he and his Labour party did nothing to help these men. Brian Wilson is nothing more than a hypocrite of the highest order.”

wots this about?

Grant Cruickshank

See, I didn’t think there was enough to the Clare/Claire Lally story to justify posting it. Attacking her accomplished more for the No camp than the Yes, as you’re clearly feeling the brunt of now. More care should have been taken, especially in light of her being mother to a disabled child; I’m sure you’d struggle to find an easier hot-button, knee-jerk outrage generator than that but, no, you ploughed ahead and leaped straight into the waiting trap. And now it’s talk of solicitors. Good luck getting the horse back in the stable, chaps.

It’s precisely the warning I gave when you decided to pre-empt poor journalistic standards by mocking up an example, featuring the Ukrainian riots, before anyone else got there. I told you that was wrong at the time, as did a fair few people, but we were arrogantly told, in comments AND in subsequent posts, that WE were failing to grasp what you clever/subtle/witty people were doing. You might want to remember that when you breathlessly point out how OTHER journalists write about the Scottish people.

WoS HAS to be morally, unequivocally golden or you WILL be attacked for it. When you stick to the facts, you’re golden. when you dip into character assassination, you’re treading thin ice by playing the exact same game the MSM do, and I reckon all those decades of practice have made them better at that game than you’ll ever be.

Otherwise, this is a magnificent website that should, by rights, and once it has learned which lines not to cross, become the gold standard for Scottish Journalism in a free and fully democratic Scotland.

Grant Taylor

It looks like the Hootsmon group are really gunning for you. Brian Monteith was demonstrating a worrying obsession with you – link

Of course, if you really want to get nasty in response then you could arguably file a formal criminal complaint with Police Scotland for a harassment Breach of the Peace against an individual or individuals currently unknown in the Better Together campaign as this is pretty clearly part of a co-ordinated campaign of vilification targeting you personally designed to intimidate and silence you which is causing you annoyance, upset and/or distress.

If Police Scotland try and dismiss or ignore the complaint then cite the argument the Crown is presenting in the charge on the pending petition matter of HM Advocate v Taylor as to what the Police Service of Scotland and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service believe constitutes criminal harassment in Scotland.

The Crown are actually arguing as part (ii) of that charge that Taylor simply mentioning Person A in an email to Person B, with no threats whatsoever, constitutes criminal harassment because Person B might potentially have informed Person A about the email.


The actual term, cybernat (s) is abusive in itself, but we are tough and we know that the abusive attacks on the YES campaign and anyone involved in it are basically a reaction from btbbcukgoverment. The reason being, that they have not one positive thing in their bag of tricks to keep Scotland and the Scottish people where they want them, which is to be scared of taking back their own country to the benefit of the people, and not the rich bully boys and girls in London and further afield.

The accusations of abuse from bt are a projection of their own nasty tactics to bully the people of Scotland. If there were no resources to be had, it would be a very different story indeed. Most people know that, thankfully.

Robert Louis

Grant Cruikshank,

I don’t think recrimination or ‘I told you so’ type statements are helpful. Perhaps they make you feel better.

I do however agree, that this site is at its most effective, when it is demolishing unionist lies, with cold, hard FACTS. Everything else is a distraction.


Brian Wilson targets anyone who he thinks is a threat to the British establishment. He had a go at Derek Bateman a few weeks ago in one of his odious articles. We know from Derek Bateman that even Donald Dewar admitted Wilson was out and out propagandist! His comments today on Rev Stu and Wings show that he views this site as a threat to his cause.

The same is true of BBC Scotland’s wretched new show with Sarah Smith this week (as the clip above shows). They cannot tolerate anyone who supports independence because they are diehard British nationalists. According to Gerry Hassan, Sarah Smith and James Naughtie have made no secret of their dismissive attitudes, and antipathy, towards the SNP. These people are pet journalists of the British state and establishment. The reason Wings is viewed by the establishment journalists as being beyond the pale is not difficult to discern. They are intent on preserving the British state, with Scotland in it, and at the same time preserving their own careers and status.


@ Kenny, some list but the real irony in all of this is that WoS is so popular parly because ukokBBC etc media is just so hideous.

Look at the WoS page hit rate and blanket BBC blast for Vote In any other arena the extraordinary WoS phenomena would be news itself but BBC/teamGB media is on a mission to frighten the life out of Scotland and now they’re really coming after WoS. But its all jolly good news!

ronald alexander mcdonald

If court action is the only recourse, then I suggest a crowdfund to finance it.

I will hear and now pledge £100 if required.

joe kane

Actual footage of a Scotsman-sponsored rally when they screened their new independence referendum advert called Rev. Stuart Goldstein
1984 2 Minutes of Hate

Richy D.

Rev Stu,

I would say watch your back my man.

We have a few more months to go and can expect all sorts of dirty tactics being used to blacken your name. We stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

You get the truth out and as for Wings readers, i am sure anyone new to this site will see for themselves that this is a not a cyber natzi blog but a place of discussion among concerned Scots who see through the daily lies and smears of the MSM.

I believe that the negativity has back fired and the tactics of playing the man not the ball has angered many so much that they are speaking out on twitter and facebook etc.

You can’t blame folk for being angry. The constant bile poured out by the MSM is to provoke us into swearing and showing our anger. Many, myself included , feel more could be done to combat the lies , maybe Mr Salmond addressing the issues as to why we are angry. being spoon fed unionist drivel every day without balance or being called Natzi’s .

I understand the need to keep the message to the people of Scotland positive. I also believe too much “whinging” will show us in a poor light but it is constant and deflects away from the real issues.

This is no longer a democratic country. Not when one side gets all the MSM coverage. What democratic country relies on spin and deceit to fool voters. This one.

Keep the language plain and simple folks. Swearing down too as it plays into the hands of the anti- independence mobs.

And just a wee reminder , that they tried to play the (anti-English)racist card and failed. A win for us there. They tried the “fear” card and have failed , another win for us.

Now it’s an attack on the supporters of independence, tarring us as vile internet trolls. We can win this easily by taking a few minutes to relax and think before we post comments online. We’re winning and they are getting desperate, even the union supporters complain of the negativity.

The publicity given to Wings means many new readers will turn up here expecting idiots and racists spewing bile and will be surprised in the conduct of the huge majority of Wings readers. We can take advantage of that and to help grow the numbers . This is a positive way to get the message out to even more. lets all work on that.

Using my name instead of an alias (YESGUY) because i have nothing to hide or fear. I know the facts and i will vote YES because of them , not the fears and smears.

Keep up the great work everyone .


Les Wilson

I would think that it would be good sense to sue people who simply make up lies to suit their agenda and attempt to wrongly, but deliberately try to blacken your name.

Somewhere a stance needs taken, so yes go for the Scotsman.

Then consider the rest, by their merit.

Charles Kearney

Make a well known Phrase or Saying:

‘Cleaners them to take the, Stu!’


I wonder if all this is a precursor to a divide and conquer strategy.

The MSM might next challenge leading Yes figures to disown abusive cybernats.

Now, we are absolutely clear that WOS and Stu are all about naming and shaming those up to their necks in lies and deceit. However, this concerted effort to label us as the nasty and abusive ones, might has disastrous potential.

If any leading Yes people fall into the trap of criticising WOS then it will be a huge coup for BT/MSM.


Are legal fees counted as part of campaign costs? Fundraiser to raise more cash?


The BT side are only trying to distract from the real debate and although they’ve now turned their attention on trying to undermine/discredit you Stu, they seriously underestimate one thing.Through your posts and this site, we now know, the power of the media and those allowed to manipulate it?

Let’s use that power.

We will support you both in words and financially Stu as you quietly go about your business challenging the Scotsman etc , as for F Barbour etc, let’s leave them to shout at the moon,I personally couldn’t care less what she thinks but how about the rest of us start to use the power we have.
In front of BT or United with Labour or Brian Wilson we always put the words” is that true?

So it will always be Is that true BT hashtag

That way we are not manipulating the Scottish public just raising a query?

Murray McCallum

Keep up the great work Rev Stu. We all know why you and this site are attacked and smeared.


Oh, the hyperventilation about “blood and soil”.

link to

“There is no country on earth that we have more family connections with than Northern Ireland,” said Salmond. “They are the blood of our blood, bone of our bone.”

Sorry, the SNP aren’t “blood and soil” nationalists.

They’re “blood and bone” nationalists.

That’s OK then.


On a gentle note – living on a farm I listen to “Out of Doors” (06.30-08.00 Sat am) about country issues and this morning there was lamentation over the lack of affordable housing near Glenmore/Aviemore, and what could be done about it. We are invited to make contact and comments are read out – a number of mine have in the past when they are innocuous.

Once again anything vaguely related to Inde is BBC-screened. On this occasion I suggested a read of the new Common Weal book could be helpful for ideas in the future. This clearly was too much for them.

Les Wilson

About them scaring us, well speaking personally, I just let it fly over me. Nothing will change my mind from voting YES!

On the side, the Hilary Clinton thing did last long! I guess having tried to scare us with Obama, which did not work, they realised we would hardly listen to her. In the bin now.

She is a firm friend of David Milliband, another coincidence?
Lots of them eh!

Findlay Farquaharson

there must be millions of women out there feeling their intelligece being insulted by the scottish labour party attemtps to lure them by sneer and by smear.


I see Jim Murphy is also blaming Wings:) It smells like a co-ordinate attack.

“The SNP leadership has always said that these attacks come from a fringe. Scotland now knows that that was never true and it’s a claim that we should never hear again. We now know that the email briefing that came from the heart of the Scottish government against Clare Lally was inspired by Wings Over Scotland – the flag ship blog for nationalist hardliners.”



Quick O/T , but it did make me laugh.
comment image


It might turn out that in their defence they will cite your registration as a participant in the referendum gives them greater leeway to attack yo than they’d otherwise have.
As to abusing and smearing Lally I think you’ve touched a nerve when you seemed to imply she was related to a previous Mayor of Glasgow. They’ve taken it as a accusation of nepotism and perhaps you should ask to publicly apologise for any offence given because obviously no one in the Labour Party gets to a position power through family connections. Not even the nice man who described the elected Holyrood majority administration as some kind of dictatorship.


An oldie but goodie:

“You cannot hope to bribe or twist,
Thank God! the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
Unbribed, there’s no occasion to.”


I see Jim Murphy is also blaming Wings:) Definitely smelling like a full-blown con-ordinated attack.

His blog is on the Better Together website:

“…The SNP leadership has always said that these attacks come from a fringe. Scotland now knows that that was never true and it’s a claim that we should never hear again. We now know that the email briefing that came from the heart of the Scottish government against Clare Lally was inspired by Wings Over Scotland – the flag ship blog for nationalist hardliners….”


@Grant Cruickshank
Your comments are not helpful in my opinion. If faced with an insult there are three possible responses
1 Passively withdraw and ignore it.
2 Aggressively respond and attack it
3 Assert your own position and right to express it.
If someone said to my face that I was a blood and soil Nazi or an evil cybernat I would refute the allegation and demand an apology. If said publicly, I would seek legal advice on defamation. Brian Wilson and Alistair Darling are snidely slandering YES supporters in the national press. The motivation is obviously to subvert the democratic process by presenting YES voters as fascists. This is an attack against democracy and I think we have every right to refute it.

Peter A Bell

British nationalist fanatics such as Brian Wilson are never more deranged than when they go off on some spittle-flecked rant informed only by a mindless belief in the caricature of Scotland’s independence movement conjured by the diseased imagination of the hate-driven zealot.

In the dank, rancid pit of Brian Wilson’s mindm all of Scotland has become a convoluted conspiracy against what he regards as the divinely ordained order of the British state.

According to the tale that Wilson tells, everybody outside the closed ranks of the British establishment is part of a dastardly plot to… well… to be part of a dastardly plot. All that is not avowedly loyal to the old order and the old ways is evil. Any who question the divine right of Britain’s ruling elite represent the forces of darkness.

There is no criticism of unionists or their propagandists. There is only “vile cybernat abuse”. There is no scrutiny of the increasingly ludicrous scare stories purveyed by Project Fear. There is only the dark arts as practised by those have fallen into the web of that most unlikely of comic-book super-villains, Alex Salmond.

There is no alternative to the analysis-free parroting of British nationalist propaganda which makes up the bulk of the British media’s “contribution” to the referendum campaign. There are only the online lairs of imps and hobgoblins railing against the glorious source of all beneficence that is Beloved Britannia.

Brian Wilson really needs to get a grip.

Dal Riata

Take ’em down, Stu. Keep kicking against the pricks.


Elizabeth says:
I see Jim Murphy is also blaming Wings:) It smells like a co-ordinate attack.
“The SNP leadership has always said that these attacks come from a fringe. Scotland now knows that that was never true and it’s a claim that we should never hear again. We now know that the email briefing that came from the heart of the Scottish government against Clare Lally was inspired by Wings Over Scotland – the flag ship blog for nationalist hardliners.”

I’m convinced their next move it to try to drive a wedge between mainstream Yes and online independents, especially WOS.

Leading Yes figures are going to have to act very carefully in their responses or they will score an own goal.


Oops apologies for duplicate post . Thought my first post had disappeared into the ether.

Nana Smith

I feel this is a coordinated attack in order to divert Stu from what he is so good at. Has it worked this weekend?

Here we all are chewing over Wilson and Barbour. Are these people of any importance. Well not to me that’s for sure. After all we know Wilson is fighting for his ermine and a nice warm seat in the benefits hall.

joe kane

Supporters of Scottish independence have to be especially careful when it comes to criticing people who happen to be carers or disabled, because only the British Labour Party leader is allowed to attack them in public using vile disablist hate speech in order to persecute and demonise them as a bunch of liars, fakers, scroungers and spongers –
While out campaigning during the local elections, not for the first time, I met someone who had been on incapacity benefit for a decade.
He hadn’t been able to work since he was injured doing his job.
It was a real injury, and he was obviously a good man who cared for his children.
But I was convinced that there were other jobs he could do.
And that it’s just not right for the country to be supporting him not to work, when other families on his street are working all hours just to get by.

link to

Andrew Morton

You couldn’t buy this much publicity Stu, and to think that Brian Wislon and co. are giving it to you for free. AND the main stream media are helping them give you this free publicity.

It’s as though somone laid into the RSPCA for condoning the torture of small furry animals. Everyone would immediately rush to their website to see if it was true only to find pictures of the SFAs being cuddled and fed.

Aggressive targeting only works if there is some truth in the allegations. I wonder how many of the shocked and horrified stay to become WOSsers?


I dare say BritNat Brian will also be worried that his dreadful newspaper is probably reaching less folk than Wings. Thanks to him some of them might now be reading stuff on this website. Thanks for the publicity.


Who is Jeremy Duns that Ms Barber threatens to have WoS investigated by or with? I want to say he’s a local far right Tory ligger that loves the work of one of the finest actresses in teamGB, mega star, future Dame Franny Barber of so many huge hits including er…


Hi Stu, just to reiterate my trust in you in managing this site with honesty and factual, sourced information, unlike the press and tv.

I’ve read your post regarding the Hillsborough disaster and understood where you were coming from and sincerely hope that we’ve learned lessons in managing crowds safely as well as personal danger awareness in crowd dense situations. You never said at any time that you blamed the victims.
Regarding the other comments attributed you you. I can see from that games forum that you did wish all kinds of harm on someone together with that stupid comment about 9/11. What is clear to me that the comment was made in what seems to be a tit for tat emotive and fairly heated discussion. I am unclear if it was intended as a dark joke, without further understanding of the circumstances in which it was made…but that was then and I don’t hold it against you.

ronnie anderson

Wings over Scotland Health & Safety Manual.

TinFoil hats to be at the ready at all times.

Chastity belts to be wore or carried on person at all times,

we dont know from whitch direction the next attack will

come from.

Stay safe out there.

joe kane

Actual footage of a Scotsman-sponsored rally when they screened their new independence referendum advert called Rev. Stuart Goldstein. It has been mis-labelled on YouTube for some reason –
1984 2 Minutes of Hate
link to


Jim Murphy’s only political skill is smearing opponents, and now he is having a go at Wings! 😀 😀 I remember when he called the SNP “sewer rats,” and now he is complaining about abuse on the internet! 😀 😀 😀

Murphy should realise that many posters on Wings are former SLAB voters. Of course he does not want to face this reality, and therefore says it is a site for “SNP hardliners.”

To try and say that the SNP controls so called cybernats is madness, completely barking, bat shit crazy. By all means keep on insisting this though because more and more people in Scotland will see you for what you are. We saw through your colleague Iain Murray and his cybernat garbage.


Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth, the Better Together supporters club has just gifted us, Stu specifically, a multitude of law suits in my humblest of humble opinions.

Law Suit 1

This is the law suit that has seen legal proceedings initiated already.

The story in yesterday’s Scotsman carrying outrageous and defamatory slurs against me has today vanished from its website. There’s nothing by way of an apology or correction in the paper’s page 2 corrections column, however, and there’s been no reply to either my email of yesterday morning or the letter our solicitor sent yesterday afternoon. Be assured, readers, that the matter won’t rest there.

Law Suit 2

This law suit should be a deformation of character law suit against Francis Barber for her twitter statements of deformation as exampled above.

Law Suit 3

Needless to say this law suit should see Mr Wilson (spit) as the defendant for his defamatory remarks in the Scotsman.

Law Suit 4

This one goes without saying but I’ll mention it anyway. The Scotsman should be receiving a SECOND set of legal papers from Stu’s lawyer for permitting such defamatory stuff to be printed in their *ahem* paper.

All in all I think FOUR law suits in one itsy bitsy little 24 hour period is not bad going for someone who is only doing their job pointing out the errors of the Better together argument. 🙂

Should we see all of these law suits go ahead then I think Stu you should be looking for £500,000 deformation damages per law suit PLUS £5,000,000 punitive damages per law suit plus legal expenses on top. 😉

As a final law suit could we wingsters perhaps initiate a group action law suit against Mr Wilson (spit) and the Scotsman as well, bringing the total number of law suits against the unintiated to SIX! 😛

No doubt one of our very own legal experts will tell me I’m talking a load of nonsense here but remember folks I AM this site’s closet joker. 😛


Shout out for the Generation Yes fundraiser, not many hours left.

link to

Nana Smith

Certainly won’t be taking any lessons on decorum from Murphy.

From the Spectator 26th February

Scottish Labour MP Jim Murphy appears to have been fighting back – not online, but on the Commons floor. Witnesses report that he told the SNP’s Pete Wishart to ‘Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off’ during a division. Disgraceful, as Darling might say!


I have heard these nonsense attacks in re 9/11 so many times from BT, they think it is true which leads me to believe this personal attack on your credibility is being coordinated. They accuse us of the very thing that they themselves are doing. We don’t need to lie, the facts are enough to bring support.

Robert Peffers

Oh! THAT Frances Barber?

Very much a bit of a strange person.

I recall reading a DM article where she proclaimes to the World, “I’ve had it with men”. (I’m not too sure of what the, “it” she refered to was though).

It might, of course, explain her apparent unreasoned defence of imagined attacks upon JKR. Perhaps, having, “had it with men”, she now has a bit of a crush, or something, on JKR?

I think you are correct, Rev Stu, to have a wee laugh at the lady and pass on to actually important matters. It did, though, provide a few moments of laughter in an otherwise none too lighthearted period.

Rod Robertson

Hang in there Stu do not let that Little Britisher Celtic supporting nucear advocate Wilson get to you.
your readers are gonig nowhere we are right behind you all the way ,however you better look out your tin hat you are going to need it.


It seems you’ve become the centre of an Ad Hominem argument, by the press tv and unionist government, the lines from the film The Devil’s Advocate, spring to mind, “Pressure, it makes some people focus and others fold”. We’re pretty sure Rev, you fall into the former category, as do your massive readership.

Meanwhile the anti-independence,and London owned Better Together mouthpiece, the Daily Record,in their Record View Column has called you and me and the plethora of readers who desire, independence, “VILE CYBERNATS” and “COWARDS BEHIND KEYBOARDS”.

link to

For those who aren’t sure or don’t know yet, the Pope DIDN’T say he opposed Scottish independence, even the Anti-Scottish independence Daily Record admits that.

link to


Please please please can Wings get back to discussing issues that people in Scotland care about. This is all just a distraction and will not be winning any votes.

allan ross mackenzie

My thoughts exactly.


Interesting link. However I’m baffled by the point you’re attempting to make. Can you elaborate? Are you seriously asserting that remarking that there are close blood ties between Scotland and Ireland is akin to being a ‘blood and soil’ nationalist?


This is my first post here, thought I’d contribute after these latest attacks.

Anyone remember the ‘Swiftboat Veterans For Truth’ oprganisation? They came out of nowhere to destroy John Kerry’s US election bid in 2004. In the end the republicans won out because they went full pelt on attacking the opposition with smears and false allegations, with Fox news as the focal for endless repetition of pre-agreed bullet points.

Sound familiar? It should. The BT cause is following the same pattern.


Don’t ask for money. Ask for a front page correction and a leader on the website to explain your case with no editorial input.

As for the 9/11 thing – in context, it’s actually hilarious. I’ve said similar things in various forums over the years and most people totally understand. It’s a shame it’s out there though. Sarcasm sometimes isn’t obvious in text form. It’s far too easy to say completely truthfully that you claimed to have “laughed the whole time.” It’s probably worth sticking an explanation of that (and the Hillsborough thing and the Chelsea Manning thing) in the reference page, just so anyone newbies can understand what actually happened.


Jeremy Duns looks like a force to googled with. Winchester, Oxbridge, Telegraph, spy thriller writer, “Paul Dark,”edits his own wiki entry kicking off wiki edit war on his own edits, huge fan of James Bond, Ian Flemming, although writing novels entitled “Paul Dark” is probably going to attract ageing hams like Frances Barber too.

That’s it really. Watch out Reverend, Jeremy Duns/Paul Dark 007 may be on your case!


@muttley79 says

“Murphy should realise that many posters on Wings are former SLAB voters.”

Too true. Supported them all my life and was a paid member until Ed Balls sided with Osborne on his sermon on the pound and I was out.


Andrew Morton says: Aggressive targeting only works if there is some truth in the allegations. I wonder how many of the shocked and horrified stay to become WOSsers?’

I completely agree with you, Andrew. The last time Wings was so publically and agressively attacked reader stats went up considerably. I haven’t read anything Brian Wilson has written for years as everything he seems to write is ill-considered, ill-mannered ranting and I don’t plan on reading anything else he says, ever. So thanks for the links, Stu, but I won’t be following them on this occasion

For all those from the no campaign who are reading these comments. I first came to Wings because I’d been on ‘Better Together’ sites and found them full of people making offensive comments about Alex Salmond, Nichola Sturgeon and the SNP. No fact, no coherant arguements just bile and anger. I read several articles on Cif that mentioned this ‘dreadful Nationalist blog’ run by an Anti-English, misogynist from Bath and considering the comments were made by bigoted anti-Scottish ranters I thought I’d pop over and have a look.

I’ve been reading articles and comments here most days ever since. I am a half-English, Half-Welsh woman, with no political affiliations at all. But I am also a confirmed yes voter, thanks in no small measure to the work of the non-misogynist, not anti-English Stuart Campbell.


I know Wilson personally from his business dealings in Lewis. I’ve known him since the 1980s via the P&J.

I have tried to think of something nice I could say about him but I am genuinely stumped.

Proud Cybernat

Hi Stu–keep sticking it to them. Just look at the massive spike in publicity WoS received after the SPT ad fiasco.

Keep it up Wilson & Co. More fuel to the fire. Looking forward to seeing your next site readership stats, Stu after this latest boost.

And if you do launch a fighting fund to sue the arses off the Hootsman/Wilson I am also pledging a £100. These people don’t actually understand that with every dollop of mud they throw at YES supporters on this site it is being thrown at ordinary people, ordinary mums and dads, ordinary Scots (of all backgrounds).

They are throwing mud at REAL people here, not at the computer screen of their wild BritNAt imaginings. The internet is the only tool YES can use to fight against the BritNat propaganda machine that is the BBC and MSM. That is why they have to vilify all the ordinary people who use the internet to get the message out as ‘vile cybernats’. In cyberspace the BritNats cannot control the message and so they have to attempt to poison the message and the messengers in order to scare away undecided voters.

Well, if you are an undecided voter reading this, ask yourself something–do I come across as a “vile cybernat”? Don’t let them scare you. All the FACTS you need to make an informed decision in Septemebr are in the thread right at the top of this page. Enter and become enlightended.

Link: link to

And consider this–where the Rev & WoS hold a candle up to the dark, it is the Hootsman/Wilson/MSM/BBC/BT/UKOK that are attempting to blow it out. Don’t allow them to keep you in the dark.

Morag Graham Kerr

The 9/11 comment has been re-tweeted a lot. The context has not, so I haven’t seen it. However, it is very obviously a piece of very OTT hyperbole. It’s as if someone who has been criticised by a friend has retorted, “Oh yes and I eat babies and torture kittens too, didn’t you know?”

You could claim that someone who said that had confessed to torturing kittens, but would that claim actually stand up when the context was revealed? Intriguing legal point.

The “hopes people get AIDS” thing was much the same, and more recent. There was a day when the Wings inbox was buried in piles of commercial spam. (In regard to that, Stu also tweeted that his penis was now 26 feet long. Should that claim also be reported as serious?)

Exasperated by the deluge, Stu tweeted something along the lines of hoping there was a special kind of cancer only spammers got, and then the cancer got AIDS. It was kinda funny. The howl of a man wanting to get on with his work but having to spend time deleting penis enlargement ads.

Certain purveyors of manufactured outrage and other assorted wet-nats promptly jumped on this and accused him of being disrespectful to cancer victims and having “crossed a line” – you know the sort of passive-aggressive shit they type. This morphed into the claim that he had wished cancer on someone, and then that he had wished AIDS on someone.

Irony, dramatic hyperbole, litotes even – all figures of speech we learned about at school. All part of the armoury of the writer and polemicist – and Stu is a talented writer who uses the tools of his trade. But if he dares use any of these effects, he’s jumped on as if he actually meant the literal words he has written.

He’s not going to tone it down just because the bastards are trying to grind him down, so I reckon we just brace ourselves for more of this. And try to explain the concept of the “figure of speech” to some of the mentally-challenged attackers.


I’m still voting yes.

Blair paterson

I wonder what Wilson and Murphy and all those other liebour heroes think we are vile when they all voted for a illegal war where thousands of innocent people were murdered do they not think that was really vile and they helped it to happen.i wonder how they can sleep at night some day we all have a judge to face I would not like to be in their shoes . Vote yes

bookie from hell

Pro-Union campaign warned to keep it positive

David Leask

Chief Reporter
Saturday 14 June 2014

PRO-UK campaigners have been warned not to “undermine Scotland” by veterans of the fight to keep Quebec in Canada.



I forgot to apologise for my long winded law suit rant above so I whole heartedly and without reservations do apologise for said rant now! 😉

I and many, many others on this site regularly refer to M.K. Gandhi and his famous statement:

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they come to fight you, and then you win.” (M.K. Gandhi)

Now in the past we have quoted from this with reference to the independence debate from the perspective of the YES campaign itself. Well I think that now the Better Together Supporters Club have moved on from attacking the YES campaign to attacking our very own Stu, or GOD as the B.T.S.C. would have us call him, then this confirms one thing. They have given up fighting the YES campaign because they, the B.T.S.C., know they have lost the independence war. They have only one extremely thin, some say anorexic 🙂 , chance of winning now and that is to attack the individual. They know their attacks on the First Minister are failing so who next…well our Stu of course because he is the biggest thorn in the side of the B.T.S.C. In fact some say he is a bigger thorn in their side than the First Minister is. 😛

As has been said by others, well done Stu keep it up We are now in a place where the B.T.S.C. are running around like headless chickens, they have nothing positive to say about the union, not that they ever did of course, they are losing the fight and are looking more and more ridiculous every day. What is more the more they keep up their attacks on us then the more people will visit here, read the TRUTH and move from NO over to Don’t Know then continue over to YES! 🙂

Oops, looks like I’ve gone on a mini rant here…sorree! 😉

Archie [not Erchie]

@ Ronnie Anderson – Male chastity belts? I shall check Amazon or Ebay. 🙂


We would be the poorer for not having sites like Wings Stu. This is one of your best ever articles Stu and thats really saying something. You are a total credit. The problem with the bitter Unionists like Brian Wilson et al is that they cant lay a hit on you as they wont debate the actual facts as they know they’d lose hence the personal attacks on you and us aka the public of Scotland. They’ve proven theyre not fit to tie any of our shoes let alone govern us.

Isnt it just so convenient of the Unionists to include the little snippet from yesterday that Susan Dalgety retracted her barking assertion that the Rev and a member of the public was one and the same on twitter and her false accusation that the guy called her vile was an utter lie. Anything to say Sarah Smith of the EBC or Bernard Ponsoby, Brian Wilson, Lamont, Davidson, Monteith et al?? No, thought not.

The Unionists are getting beat people. The evidence is all around us! We just need to stand strong then mark an X next to YES then we’ll be rid of the real poison that has infected our beautiful country Scotland for so long.


edit; Isnt it just so convenient of the Unionists ‘not’ – i meant to say.


Here Johann Lamont heaps praise on Hilary Clinton of which she is entitled to do. Johann Lamont claims Hilary Clinton has a great track record, and we should listen to Mrs Clinton, when she says Scotland should remain part of the UK.

The truth of the matter, paints a very different picture, indeed Mrs Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State for the USA, was a bit of a disaster, according to the renowned Washington Examiner.

Remember Johann Lamont said in public Scots aren’t genetically programmed to make political decisions.

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Cindie – welcome and gaun yersel hen. 🙂


Vestas says:

I know Wilson personally from his business dealings in Lewis. I’ve known him since the 1980s via the P&J.

I have tried to think of something nice I could say about him but I am genuinely stumped.

Can I just say Vestas that you have my, and I’m sure the whole Battalion of Wingsters, sympathies and commiserations over this fact. 🙂

Walking on Sunshine

Bitter together and the NO campaign see the gap narrowing and panic is setting in big time. They don’t know which way to turn, and so are lashing out in every direction.

I’ve had a look at the email and also the vile attack on Gunn by Johann Lamont during FM questions on Thursday. If anybody has a case for slander and defamation it has to be Gunn, and personally I would take no less than £200,000.

Among other things, she claimed he unleashed a torrent of vile abuse on the internet which palpably he did not. I wish I was in Gunn’s shoes. If they don’t have parliamentary privilege, I would sue Lamont and the Labour party for every penny they’ve got, and then go back for more.

Proud Cybernat

Nice one Cindie. More power tae yer elbow.


@bookie from hell

Pro-Union campaign warned to keep it positive

David Leask

Chief Reporter
Saturday 14 June 2014

PRO-UK campaigners have been warned not to “undermine Scotland” by veterans of the fight to keep Quebec in Canada.

😀 😀 😀



Well said sir. Hat doffed in your honour.

allan ross mackenzie

Keep ranting Lesley-Anne.


Frances Barber has form for attacking Scottish independence.

I was heartily amused the other week when she was claiming faux misogyny and wondering what Nicola Sturgeon would make of it.

Well along came Nicola, condemning any and all abuse and stated she received enough herself. She went on to say that whilst she doesn’t agree with FB’s politics, she thinks she’s a wonderful actress.

Now, clever wingers will have noticed what Nicola did there, but FB took it as a compliment! Hilarious.


allan ross mackenzie says:

Keep ranting Lesley-Anne.

Don’t worry allan I will but I just have to keep it in check a wee bit. I don’t want to upset the locals on here, too much, or even worse really p*** off Stu. (or as B.T.S.C. call him, GOD!) 🙂


Rev – Don’t know if its been said but if you do get the minute paragraph of an apology lets put it up on every Indy site for the day plus a couple of billboards – will get more coverage than the rag it came from

a supporter

Keep it going my man. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.


£720.000 pounds will be the cost for the Pro-Union booklet that will be delivered to every household,the 16 page booklet claims its full of factual (Debunked) information regarding,currency, energy, trade, pension etc. no doubt we’ve already shot down the lies and guff, in this fairytale booklet. Expect the booklets, to arrive through your letterboxes from the 23rd of June.

Me I prefer factual books so I’ll be giving this fiction a miss.

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a supporter says:

Keep it going my man. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

With THIS Battalion of extremely proud cybernats behind that my friend is an impossibility. 🙂


Stu – I am intrigued by the title of this item. Normally, as Campbell Gunn knows only too well, when a commentator becomes the story, this is regarded as a failure. Anyone in the media business knows that there is just no excuse for it.

But your case is, I think, the exception that proves the rule. If we step back for a moment and ask “Why are they resorting to these tactics?” the answer of course is because they cannot win the argument so they have to try to discredit the sources which are putting the facts before the people. So the fact that this site and you have become the story is, on balance, a good thing. By attacking the site, which argues its points in a well-reasoned manner and cites its sources, the No side are exposing their own lack of sound argument. People are not stupid – they will see the attacks for what they are. I think this also came over in your appearance on Scotland Tonight – you were calm, you made your points succinctly and you were rational. Susan Dalgety, by contrast, was bullying, irrational (to the point of emotional disregulation) and verbose.

I really hope you have the strength to continue – they are worried and you are in the unenviable position of knowing that the more vitriolic the attacks on you, the better you are doing your job. So please don’t worry about being the story – it’s a good one.


OMG I’m a worst element of the cybernats! Yes! If only I’d grabbed that Proud Cybernat handle first 😉

Think we’re all a little pleased with these desperate attacks. Definitely in the “..then they come to fight to you..” phase now.

And keep at it Stu. You know we’re all behind you, with cash as well as words.


Just seen this over on Twitter and thought “how appropriate.”

Wherever you see a successful business, someone once made courageous decision. -Peter Drucker

Take out the word business and put in the words political decision and you have an extremely apt description of what we are all fighting for. 😛

Votadini Jeannie

Fanny Barber’s political rants have always been hilarious. You laugh at them, she gets angry, starts swearing, then we laugh all the more. Comedy gold.

Jeremy Duns is an investigative author who takes a right verbal kicking from readers of his genre. Google him for some entertaining comments from his non-fans.

Stu, we knew this day would come, when the media had to start attacking this site. As all of us sane cybernats can see, its tremendous help to the YES cause has gone beyond being a thorn in the MSM’s side; and is now stabbing them in the heart. They know you command a loyalty that none of them can boast:

We support you, we marched up Calton Hill with you, we crowdfunded you, we direct people here for the truth behind the lies, and we will carry on doing so, because both we and they know that Wings is truthful, and therefore an important player in this game.

Don’t be deflected into spending time defending Wings, you don’t need to. Its honesty (and ours) stands for itself.

Keep on with what you’re doing, and remember it’s not you they’re fighting, it’s the truth.

ronnie anderson

According to Jim Murphy am a Nationalist

As a contributer to WOS am now a Hardline Nationalist

Wrang Wrang Wrang, screw yer neck back in.

john king

Do you think we should get an exorcist for Brian Wilson, jola et al?
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I’m filthy separatist scum.I think you’ll find that trumps your “worst element of Cybernat”!


link to Another classic vote no frightner from Crash Gordon/Carrell Brown, no lotto cash for YES Scotland.

Cant be arsed reading sneeky old Severin project fear stuff but I’m sure Severin included Brown and facts like how PM Brown and Chancellor Darling, proud Scots but, grabbed hundreds of millions of Scots lotto money from Scots charities and pumped it all into their London 2012 Olympic games explosion of teamGBness.

Ofcourse London may well have replaced this one gigantic act of theft at least from Scotland but its doubtful.


I will NOT accept being referred to as a vile cybernat, or getting called all the names under the sun, simply for supporting greater democracy and a better future for my country. And I certainly will not put up with it from warmongers like them. To have the likes of Wilson and Murphy pontificating on issues and making statements like they are makes me sick to the stomach. Rev, I hope you take anyone who has libelled you to the cleaners. For my part, I really wish there was some direct action we could take such as demonstrations outside the offices of some of these idiots. They are insulting us all. Why are the people of Scotland putting up with this?


Where on earth do they dig columnists like this up. Repeated mentions of Braveheart, William Wallace and Bannockburn,and a picture of Alex Samond dressed as Robert the Bruce, do him no favour’s, not to mention he claims a huge falling out between Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon.

I’m beginning to think Jim Sillar’s is right,with regards to a concentrated attack by dark forces such as MI5.

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@ Vestas

I liked his early stuff with the Beach boys…

Giving Goose

We need to Keep the Heid;
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john king

Conan says
“I liked his early stuff with the Beach boys…”

I really don’t think he’s feeling those Good Vibrations Conan


@Elizabeth: I see Jim Murphy is also blaming Wings:) It smells like a co-ordinate attack.

Jim Murphy’s worth nothing to BT. He’s another one who’ll lose his seat soon. Check out Murphy’s little interview with Hayley Millar on GMS. She has him crying for his mammy before she’s finished with him (oh man, if only there were a few more interviews of this incisiveness on the MSM).


john king says:

Conan says
“I liked his early stuff with the Beach boys…”

I really don’t think he’s feeling those Good Vibrations Conan

He IS feeling vibrations john but as you say they are not GOOD vibrations they are the vibrations of the cybernat Battalion as we march over the hill to victory! 😛

John Curren

Hi Stu. I’m pretty new to all of this cybernatter but apparently I am now one of those who Brian Wilson thinks are malicious abusers of those who promote a case for voting No.

I’m an ordinary guy (although I hesitate to use that description of myself lest the No side dredge something out of my dim and distant when I might have briefly involved myself in active politicking) in my sixties, living quietly in Skye, and never to my knowledge been malicious to anyone but maybe I’m just insensitive.

All I can say though is that until I came across your site and your tweets I knew I would vote Yes but couldn’t quite articulate why in any detail. You have helped me shape my thoughts by uncovering and explaining the lies we are being confronted with on a daily basis.

Keep it up. Sue the pants off them if you have a chance. But as an earlier post advised please do watch your back as we need you to keep us less well informed cybernats on the right track.


Is there not something a bit bizarre about the Scottish media giving Unionists blanket coverage to lecture us, the people of Scotland about our moral Compass , when it is the pro Indepence people who are in effect pushing for a fairer more equal country?

Is it the same old tactic, cow the people, they’ve no self belief anyway , get them back cringing behind the settee at the ” oh look , shocking, we must be the most awful people in the World because there are some eejits on Twitter ” .

Why are those of us outside of the Labour Party ( it appears to be mainly Scottish Labour who label us all SNP , ranting Nats) not entitled to our opinions, without being pigeon holed as coordinated by Alicsammin, our views deemed invalid and our vote somehow not as important as JK Rowling or someone off the TV.

Why are people in Scotland portrayed as somehow worse than everybody else ( not that I agree with abuse of anyone) ?
Why is it ok on Guido for people to call Gordon Brown the mentalist, report political activists no one has ever heard off and their shenanigans and the ins and outs of the media but a few eejits on both sides in Scotland is reported as if we’ve all gone to hell in a handcart?

I think times have changed and it’s no the people of Scotland who are the fearties, it’s our big , risk averse, manipulative , crawling media , who have never seen , far less dealt with a genuine, massive , inspiring movement , where people will not be frightened or shifted from their belief in a Yes vote.


It was almost certainly Rev Stu’s appearances on Radio Scotland and Scotland Tonight, where he rightly attacked SLAB’s squalid political machinations over the presentation of Claire Lally, that has brought about this smear campaign against Wings. Like the elegant and refined Dandy that he is, Rev Stu completely skewered and demolished SLAB’s deceit and malfeasance. They simply cannot handle being publicly shown up for the duplicitous, self serving troughers that they are. That is the reason they fear Wings and Rev Stu so much. The MSM fear him because of this, and the fact he shows them up for the largely biased, hysterical, Britnats that they are.


I am with lesley ann on the class action suit over the blood and soil nationalism slurs.

Imagine the media trying to hide that news ?

Even the hint of such an action might make news ?

Not my area of expertise mind you…


It seems to me that the misjudged wheeze of setting Squirrel Traps for us ‘cybernats’ baited with “ordinary” persons and/or poisonous published lures and taunts must be either avoided or sprung with an appropriate foil. This does mean some inevitable deviation and time wasting – but a necessary action.

Spotting them ASAP and disarming them has been done with remarkable skill and good grace by our esteemed blog host. I don’t doubt that the Squirrel Trap Setters will try to confabulate many more before (and after)the Glorious 18th – but while they may be so busy setting them they do not seem to have noticed that their prey are much wiser, nimble and perceptive than their lumpen aggressors.

Integrity, self-respect, dignity and self-determination – Yes Please.

Andy C

Also up for any legal fund donation!
Fed up hearing about knumpties like Murphy, etc.
They ARE all meant to be distractions.
Free from the TV licence at last and it feels SO good!
Something that stuck in my head since 1973 (yes, I’m a pensioner, but been clued up all my life)…..
Frank Zappa….’I’m the slime’…
I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed ‘n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the government
And industry too

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the things that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I’m the slime oozing out
From your TV set!

(video on youtube)

This is from over 40 years ago and nothing does change.
I remember all the propagandist shit we were fed during the Falklands and Iraq, Afghanistan and countless other occasions, including so-called ‘public inquiries/coverups’
Nothing ever is at it seems and we are doing a great job on here…people are opening their eyes!
Don’t get distracted, folks!

joe kane

As the swarming unstoppable divisions of the cybernat Red Army close in for ultimate victory with an all-out offensive assault marking the last 100 days of the British Empire on which the sun never set – a smuggled video records the activities of the NO High Command inside their besieged Better Together Fuhrerbunker underneath the NO Chancellery on the Margaret Thatcher Strasse –
A sneaked video from Bitter togerther HQ
link to


Forgot to add, that Lord Advocate QC, Frank Mulholland,is to crackdown on internet abuse, in the run up to the referendum, according to BBC radio Scotland this morning, the unionst’s won’t like that, as in a Survation Poll by the Express, if you’re a yes voter you’re 3 times more likely to be abused online, than if you’re a no voter. Of course the no camp don’t want you to know that.

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David Whannel

Time we let them know we find the term cybernat a form of racism, and report it’s every use to our legal representatives. Keep up the work in Bath, we’ll get started up here soon, as planned.

Bill Cruickshank

o/t Just been polled by You Gov. Questions were almost exclusively about referendum.


Whatever any of these Unionist/Britnat hyenas say about you Rev Stu, there is one thing WOSers cannot complain about-you certainly do give some amount of bang for our bucks! More like dynamite or semtex to be honest…I have to praise your unerring ability to get the Rule Britannia brigade into a raging frenzy.


It is very likely that oor Ken will be onto cyber abuse tomorrow in Headlines. In that case he needs a hook on which to hang the discussion. Can I suggest Stu that you do a ‘….ate my hamster’ headline as per the Sun and take it from there? It would be good to publicise that the gratuitist insults from BT and the MSM are in the firing line, legally speaking.

At the very least this is a great chance to have a thorough-going discussion and publicity outing for Wings.


That’s a brilliant video joe.

Funnily enough the actual movie this was taken from was aired a few weeks ago and I actually watched it. Thing is when this part of the movie came on I couldn’t watch it without thinking about this, brilliant! 😛

john king

Gaun yersel Muttley79 @4.09
that comment will get the terrorist klaxons gaun at GCHQ

Helena Brown

Hubby was going to tell you to do a George Galloway, nobody muck about with him. Sue them.
If I had enough money, aka the sort the Weirs have, believe me I would be suing them for all of us.



Just a few more votes to get us in the lead. Technically we already are but the big jumpy out figure is 44% each.

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Kenny Lowe

I hope your case doesn’t end here (as you say) and you show them for the people they are. Glad to hear a solicitor is involved.

We Are All Bourgeois Now

I agree with JohnMac:

“I will NOT accept being referred to as a vile cybernat, or getting called all the names under the sun, simply for supporting greater democracy and a better future for my country.”

I am just an “ordinary” mum, incidently also a carer to a disabled child. I was never that bothered by politics, yes I voted, and yes, more often than not I was a Labour voter.

I was never a “rabid Nationalist”. Yes, I thought the idea of being Independent sounded great, but never thought it would happen and didn’t think we could do it.

Then the SNP won an election and astonished most people with running a credible minority government. They seemed to me to be the only ones talking sense and acting like adults, rather than children, in Parliament. What really opened my eyes though was the way the media and the Labour party reacted to this. Now it was all out “hate anything the SNP does”, even if previously it was issues we campaigned for. The toys were thrown out the pram, and Labour went in a huff.

I realised the media were never going to tell us both sides of the story, and that is how I found Newsnet Scotland, Bella, Wings etc

I take deep offense at being labelled a “mindless idiot” or the insinuation that as a commenter here I must write some “truly awful” things. If anyone from the Scotsman is reading, then I am just an “ordinary” mum, someone who wants to have my say, and I will not be cowed nor intimidated into silence. And by the way, I’ve never seen Braveheart!

ronnie anderson

Could I make a request of the Techo Dept,

Please dont let me be Missunderstood by the Animals.

For the Rev,post links up on main thread I dont think the

Rev would mind this little distraction. thanks

Proud Cybernat

Can anyone confirm for me taht there will be another demo outside Pathetic Quay tomorrow? I know there’s one to be held on 29th June but I’m sure I heard there’s one tomorrow. Anyone knw as I’d like to go along and give them pelters.

Have got me banner nice and ready:

Coming Soon To
A TV Screen
Near You.

Anyone here know?


I know some people see the term cybernat as being a derogatory remark but not me. B.T.S.C. started using it as a derogatory remark against but we took it on the chin and ran with it to such an extent that nowadays it is seen by many as a badge of honour and I, for one, wear this badge with a great deal of pride! 😉

In fact I’m getting to the point of looking at getting some T-shirts with some sort of cybernat logo on it so anyone who sees me has no concerns at all about where I sit in the independence debate. T-shirt will only be worn of course when I’m not wearing my YES shirt or T-shirt with THAT advert on it. You know the one folks, the WOS advert that ran on the Clockwork Orange for oh at least a day! 😛


It is good to be amongst like minded folk for a change.

It does get so wearing on the Telegraph, rebutting the same old lies in the same old way (telling the truth).

Being called scum by people who wouldn’t say a word to your face is entertaining but gets boring after a while.

I’m taking a wee holiday from Alan Cochrane and Simon Johnson et al for a bit and going where there is no internet access and I will have to kill my food with sharp sticks.


@joe very funny. I’d seen it before but watching it again made me laugh. Pity it’s not factual – at least we think it’s not ;). Then the Rev could put it into his Resources section.

Actually there’s a thought. We’ve got loads of facts debunking the subsidy-junkie, oil-running-out, cannnae-use-the-pound, nhs-is-British, barbed-wire-on-the-border stuff. A few wee parodies like these with actual facts in them would be well funny and at least get the noes/undecideds to check them out.


@Conan_the_Librarian, I always love your CiF on the Telegraph Conan. You’re like a shrink in a britnat lunatic asylum with the patients also in charge of said asylum. Have a great holiday!

john king

There ye go Ronnie
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Sorry Rev if this has already been posted, but surely the BBC at Pacific Quay broke some sort of fairness guidelines when it let Better Together film its adverts in their studio’s, BT didn’t even use its own filming crews it used the BBC’s filming crews.

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Gavin Barrie (Jammach)

£30 sent your way via Paypal RevStu. At the very least it’ll keep you in stamps for a bit for legal letters.

ronnie anderson

Sees yous nasty vile Cybernats yer like a plaque of Locusts

Quik get the fryer on,Mmmmmmm their full of proteen

but taste a bit Nutty,(puts the Popcorn aside).

Big Jock

This just part of the dirty tricks campaign by the unionists.It has been said before.Its actually meaningless.No point in getting too excited about it.In fact you could follow the No script like a users guide on how to try and win a referendum.Has Brian Wilson ever actually read anything on Wings?If he did he would realise that this is where the real intellectual debate is taking place.But he know that he’s just angry that they are losing and they are now in full character assassination mode.Just part of their tactics and its the last act of a desperate campaign.We know who we are and we know we are better than them.I think we just need to ignore this as the referee is in their back pocket.Just need to quietly get on with it.Stuart M15 will be at work on everything you have done since the age of 5.They did the same in Quebec to the yes people.Its deplorable but we can look ourselves in the mirror.These people are by default denigrating 50% of the population when they claim every Yes voter is a nutter.I dont think we should enter into conversation hen people don’t respect other peoples opinion and take criticism so personally.Remember sensitivity to criticism is a trait of a sociopath.The no side take any critique as monstoring rather than debate.Trust me as someone with a degree in psychology.But then I am just another nasty cybernat eh Brian?



Killing your food with sharp sticks?

Didn’t know Larkhall was a tourist hotspot.

Nana Smith


Comment from the newsnet article re bbc & cinema ad

A spokeswoman for the BBC Trust told the Scotsman: “We note BBC Scotland’s statement that there has been no breach of the BBC’s editorial guidelines and correct policy was followed. The trust has no plans to investigate this.”

ronnie anderson

@John King, yer a star John thanks.

dedicated to the Rev.

joe kane

Thanks Lesley-Anne and faolie for your appreciation of that spoof Downfall video.

It isn’t just Indy supporters and excellent journalists, such as the Rev. Stuart, who are the targets of the Labour Party bully-boys and their campaign of public abuse and intimidation in order to silence them. Even the mums of Labour MPs aren’t safe. The vile right-wing Labour MP Simon Danczuk publicly denounced his own mum, the other day, as basically lazy in order to criticise the British welfare state and those who rely on it in order to survive.

Reference –
“The party’s been hijacked by a metropolitan elite”: Labour MP Simon Danczuk
link to


@Joe Kane

Hilarious. Great spoof video. There have been a few of these during the campaign.

I like the bit where the Fuhrer says “It’s lost. I wish it was our oil.”


@ goldenayr

They ken how to sharpen sticks there? Surely that would take the paint off the kerb stones?


Stu, re the Paypal link – it takes you to a Paypal site called for which Google can’t find any match. I don’t want to pay into any old ebay account. Can you verify this site?


what Hubby noticed at the YES stall today was that nobody gives a hoot about these stories.Not one person,including two well known Better Together spies mentioned the claire lally/campbell gunn hoohaw.

It was as if it had never happenend,in fact loads more folk signed the declaration today and people were happily taking leaflets!

So maybe the scare stories are back firing,people would rather make their own minds up.
And maybe,just maybe,the likes of Scotland 2014 is getting switched off, and the Scotsman…Well..who buys it anymore?

Dick Gaughan

The dilemma faced by the Murphys and Wilsons in this “debate” is that they have no previous experience of ever having had to confront a genuinely democratic movement. They keep looking for “the leader” that they can bribe and neutralise or attack and discredit as that is the way it works in the world in which they learned their black arts. They and their gophers in the MSM are completely lost when facing a foe they cannot identify as some individual personality or other on which to focus their smears and spin.

Their personalised attacks on Stu indicate a retreat from the now failed strategy of doing it to Alex Salmond. They are a bunch of lightweights sitting in a lounge bar mumbling “But it always works – why is not working now?” It is the only game they know and its failure leaves them totally clueless as to what to do now.

Identify the cause with a personality, character-assassinate the personality and the cause is bust – this is how it’s always been done and a compliant media has always ensured that it worked. They haven’t recognised how much the game has changed – and they are incapable of the fresh thinking it would take for them to catch up.

And those belonging – or pretending to belong – to the Yes side who seem to think that having a polite chat over a nice cup of tea will be more than enough to win this war are nothing new. Every campaign I have witnessed in my rapidly accumulating years on this planet has had those wringing their hands and whining “Can’t we all just get along nicely?” and they’re as much of an irrelevance now as they ever have been.

This is no cocktail party – we’re a danger to the entire British ruling class and there is not a historical precedent I can think of where they have let go of power without fighting to the death to keep it.

All we have to do is resist divide-and-rule, keep the heid and keep doing what we’ve been doing, but even more resolutely. Any fule kno that we’re winning.

Robert Kerr

O/T so sorry Rev.

I had an interesting conversation last night with the labour man Joe.

He mentioned Alex Salmond referring to London as a black hoe. i responded that my friends in the Midlands agree. He retorted that Alex salmon’s plan was to turn Edinburgh likewise to the detriment of the West. I agreed it was likely. Capitol Cities have that effect.

Having slept on it I conclude that this is the real fear of the BBC Scotland in Pacific Quay. A new Scottish Broadcasting Co must have studios close to the Parliament. Transfers of staff or recruiting new staff certain. No Golden Goodbyes for the usual suspects. Goodbye to the leased property at Pacific Quay. It really is personal for these folks.

What’s not to like?


Scotland 2014 sounds like it wears its bias on its sleeve but it doesn’t matter as it must be one of the least watched political shows on the planet.

john king

Maybe we could do with some of this Dick
link to



If this does get nasty with the Scotsman, then by god, don’t put your own hand in your pocket. Give us all a shout, and we’ll get a fund set up. Just setup the fund like you have done before on Wings, and we’ll begin contributing. If we can raise £100,000 over a couple of days, then just imagine what will be raised if we are gleefully given the chance to finally take on one of the Scottish establishment’s mouthpieces.

Graeme Doig

Haven’t read posts here yet but sure i will just be echoing many by agreeing with your sentiments about how ‘dangerous’ your work and everyones support is to the unionist establishment.
I have utmost respect for your stance and can only aspire to be such a thorn in their side.
Full support and many thanks from this proud Scot.
‘Keep the heid’ needs to be our new motto.
We’re gonna do this !!!


The Frances Barber comments seem to be deliberately calculated to attract trolling and abuse. Lets hope noone falls for it.

Anyone wanting to bet that the Fail on Sunday goes into full on evil cybernats rant tomorrow. I’m going to email them my address so they can pop round for a cuppa and meet Mrs Rab, my demonically possessed kids and my Cybercat.

john king

“my demonically possessed kids and my Cybercat.”

You as well huh?

Dick Gaughan

john king says:

Maybe we could do with some of this Dick

Aha, brilliant haka! But that’s simply a polite welcome in Maori 🙂

Bit like the old Leith greeting of “Whit the fuck ur you lookin at gagdie?”

Dick Gaughan

Spelled “gadgie”, of course. No idea what language I was using there.

Les Wilson

I wonder if the Scotsman editor is squirming just a tad on his seat.

Also, the fact that the BBC made NOB video for them, is unacceptable by any measure during what is a referendum lead up, not an election.

The fact they did this for any reason, should be plastered everywhere, let the people decide then, about the BBC faux fairness. So twitters get going, everywhere.

They give us constant verbal ammo.

john king

Aye Dick its a polite welcome aright but its a reminder if you break the Maori’s trust they’ll feed your still beating heart to you. 🙂


@ Dick

I much prefer “How ye doin ya radge cunt?”

I get that a lot.

Bugger (the Panda)

Conan_the_Librarian says:
14 June, 2014 at 4:26 pm

“It is good to be amongst like minded folk for a change.

I’m taking a wee holiday from Alan Cochrane and Simon Johnson et al for a bit and going where there is no internet access and I will have to kill my food with sharp sticks.”

Have you found a Naw rally in the Woods? They canny run verry fast.

john king

“I’m taking a wee holiday from Alan Cochrane and Simon Johnson et al for a bit and going where there is no internet access and I will have to kill my food with sharp sticks.”

So your going to Cowdenbeath then?
they say Wee Jimmies does a mean chicken in a basket, or is that soup?


100% behind you. Let’s stand up to the bullies!


@ Dick Gaughan
Spot on re Murphys and Wilsons. Essentially they are anti -democratic. They have strict hierarchies with “whips”! to keep the sheep in line. Any attempt by the unwashed to have a voice are resolutely howled down. One of the best things about this site and others like it is that, for the first time, ordinary people can voice an opinion without being interrupted or vilified. Looks like they are looking for a way of changing that now. So thanks to the Rev for keeping this site going. I’m sure we will all defend it if necessary.


my demonically possessed kids and my Cybercat.

I don’t have any kids but will my demonically possessed partner do instead? 😉

I don’t have a cat but do have a cyberbudgie. 😛


More unconfirmed jibberish from the MSM: shock. Keep it up stu!

Message from a wee sister;

“We need to get every yes voter to become a canvasser
If 40% of us are Yes only 1 in 4 of us need to convince one other person to vote Yes in the next 90 odd days. (Assuming zero other factors, lol)

Id rather we won with overwhelming support for yes. And let’s not get complacent anyway.

If every yes voter convinces one undecided or no voter to vote yes by the 18th Sept we will have an 80% majority!
It’s all of our responsibility”

So ve-wy pwoud.

john king

” Let’s stand up to the bullies!”

My chiropractor says I have to avoid any sudden movements, can I just hold the coats. 🙂


Hiya Bugger.

I’m sure the bile and venom build up in the average NO blogger wouldn’t make them very good eating..


Hiya Bugger.

I’m sure the bile and venom build up in the average NO blogger wouldn’t make them very good eating..


I know you are going for the hootsmon, but can nothing be done regards that Sarah Smith prog on the BBC?

Bugger (the Panda)

Badger in a basket.

Don’t think, even I, would try that,

I’ve had some weird things in my day but, badger in a basket is way out there.

they have the same camouflage as us Olde Govanites.

Bugger (the Panda)


Get a new keyboard / mouse or clean them.

john king

Cappela says
“Any attempt by the unwashed to have a voice are resolutely howled down. ”

I resent that,
I have a bath on the Equinox without fail,
whether I need it or not. 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

sautéd bile

mmmm ?


That lassie Barber seems as if she’s just not ticht, a wee want aboot her and probably best ignored.

@Rev when is the landmark post 2500 coming?

Bugger (the Panda)

bit like Japanese Fugu fish?

Scottish Fuku bile?

Next Westminster Cabinet luncheon?

Dick Gaughan

Conan_the_Librarian says:
I much prefer “How ye doin ya radge cunt?”

The use of this form is an acknowledgement of previous intimicies (i.e. friendships)

I get that a lot.

You must have a wide circle of previous intimicies.

I must get round to compiling that “Leith-Scots Dictionary” someday …

john king

Ticht? de ye no mean richt?

Bugger (the Panda)

@ John King

I work to in a different Solar System.

What is the colour of the Sky in yours?


@ Bugger.

It’s clean enough, just getting a double click too often for some reason.

I’ll put it in the dishwasher again…

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Dick Gauchanitten

They speak in written words there?


So with my previous post in mind this is now ‘winging’its way over the interweb to the editor of one of those rags that call themselves newspapers.

Dear ….,

For too long now I have been reading about the scourge of democratic debate in Scotland that goes by the name of Cybernats.  I am disturbed.  I mean, how can these Cybernats possibly have any right to comment on the issues surrounding the future of their country.

Well, its quite simple, we live in a notional Democracy where every one has a right to discuss and challenge the Status Quo.  Unfortunately this is a right not accorded to us by our establishment supporting media.  What your publication and others like you fail to understand is that if you persist in suppressing the right to discuss and debate then there will inevitably be a response.  

Websites like Wings over Scotland have become our only recourse to getting properly researched factual information regarding the referendum and in a democracy this should be encouraged, not brutally stamped on in the manner that has taken place in the last week.  

Much has been made of comments made by Stu Campbell, however these comments have been stripped of all context for the sole purpose of attempting to discredit him.  Need I remind you that your own ‘publication’ has a less than savoury record with regard to some of the historical figures you have supported in the past.

If being a ‘Cybernat’ means challenging the establishment, seeking the truth and pointing out misrepresentation of facts by others, then I and thousands of others who care about the future of our Country and the prospects for our Children will wear the Cybernat badge with pride, secure in the knowledge that we cannot be bought.  That is what a democracy means and that is what we wish for an independent Scotland.  No matter how you try to smear and slander us we will still be there to highlight the lies and get the truth out.

With the above in mind I extend you an invitation to meet over a coffee so you can see what a real ‘Cybernat’ looks like and how he conducts himself.

Bugger (the Panda)

Clearly I do not.

A nice wee bottle of seriously great rosé on the way down.

john king

“What is the colour of the Sky in yours?”

A really dinna ken chief, its a kinna grey/black/white/blue


Just pondering on my last post…

For myself, when I reflect over what has happened to Stuart and the Wings site over the last week, you begin to realise that they have decided to go for the source. They have tried to ruins Stuart’s name. They have slandered his site, and they have painted us as vilest dregs within Scottish society.

What the Scottish media outlets seem to have got horribly wrong …and they still do …is that they believe that Stuart is some sort of rogue reporter turned state anarchist with a group of internet followers nodding at his every word. They believe that those who follow him are all sad and lonely individual types who sit in darkened wee bedrooms pretending to be keyboard warriors.

The thing is …they couldn’t be more spectacularly wrong in their assumptions if they tried. The many people that I met at last years rally were the most down to earth, enlightened and some of the cleverest people I have met in Scottish society. Even out with ‘Yes Scotland’, I have found myself engaging with people who I can only admire for their dedication. And then there is this site, where I come here 2 or 3 times a day, and pick up such gems of little bits of information that it is literally just fantastic. There are people on this site that I have corresponded with for 2 years ,and yet, I know I will never meet them. Most of us will be family folk. We come home to a wife or a husband and the kids too. And for many of us, we put family time aside, so we can go out 2, 3 or 4 times a week, and help ‘Yes Scotland’ deliver newspapers or do some canvassing. That takes dedication.

The media might say that this dedication borders on fanaticism …and maybe it does! But, that’s because many people believe in a higher ideal that an independent Scotland will be a better place to live. It will be fairer, more social, and much more aspiring place …far more than what the British State has to offer over the next 2 or 3 decades.

This site has helped to promote that ideal. It’s the reason why it gets a million hits a month. There are at least a million people out there who are voting ‘Yes’. There are thousands upon thousands hitting the streets each day passing that information along. They all believe in something better.

The Scottish media has failed Scotland. By not being impartial, fair or even handed, they have instead lashed out at anyone who doesn’t believe in their version of what is supposed to be ‘British’. If Scotland does become independent, then in the years to come, the media from this key period will be looked upon badly by future historians, who will conclude that those who should have known better, were blinded by their own skewed vision of what was ‘British’ instead of working to see if there was a middle ground where Britain could have been saved, if only they had embraced and reported more of the enlightened ideas that were being proposed by their opponents.


@ Dick

“A wide circle of previous intimicies”

Well, it would be, wouldn’t it?

Bugger (the Panda)

Flush it doon the lavvy whilst hauding the USB end.

Works for me.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ john King

Ah, Lo’gelly


I wish we could get a hold of Fozzie’s doom and gloom booklet and have the ringer ripped right oot it by the Rev for the landmark 2500 🙂


@bab the doubter

Well said!


I am NOT changing my name to Bab ?

john king

Brilliant Rab
But they’ll just ignore it.

Bugger (the Panda)


I received this link, anonymousley, from Hilary Clinton’s Office.

Could this be it or, a phishing link from

Big Jock

Problem with that Rab is.The journalists are not making errors of judgement.Its calculated.They know we are not demons or bad people.But their remit is to make us into demons.That’s just their job nothing personal in it.Its morally wrong of course but since when have newspapers ever cared about morals.They won’t be enlightened by meeting us.They could meet Mother Teresa and then call her a monster in the paper the next day.They are paid hacks doing a job for the state or their paymaster.I doubt some of them even remotely agree with what they write.However they are mercenaries!

Brian Mchugh

John Curren welcome 🙂

Stu doesn’t need to watch his back. The fear mongering and lies are far more toothless than you might think.

Hence me using my real name now… they really are weak… and they are going to lose. 😉

john king

“I am NOT changing my name to Bab ?”

What aboot Babs then?
it suits you. 😉


It would just be great if we had the booklet and Stu tore it apart it would be the Rev at his very best to mark the 2500th post, would be a shame if the 2500 was wasted on the Hootsmon ore some fanny greetin about abuse

Bugger (the Panda)


or it could be this one?

link to


rab_the_doubter says:
I am NOT changing my name to Bab ?

Apologies! Damned iPad spell changing!


@john king says “I resent that,I have a bath on the Equinox without fail,whether I need it or not.”
Yes I can see from yr photie that you must’ve missed it this year.

john king

“Could this be it or, a phishing link from”

If that from a person called Lewinsky don’t open it, it’ll cover ye in,— ach too late

Dick Gaughan

Conan_the_Librarian says:
“A wide circle of previous intimicies”

Well, it would be, wouldn’t it?

It wad hae bin better gin A cud learn tae fuckin spell “intimacies” 🙂

john king

“Yes I can see from yr photie that you must’ve missed it this year.”

Whit? a goat dressed up spechul fur that fotie
a evin hid ma hair dun.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Those who want to get an excellent reception from the scottish public while out leafleting and campaigning right now should try using Iraq at every opportunity. Some of us will even still have the “Don’t Attack Iraq” and “Not in my name” posters and other campaigning material which works perfectly well right now.

Though “Not in Scotland’s name” is incredibly effective.

The anger and weary disgust from the scottish public, at the prospect of yet more scottish troops being sent into yet another unfolding middle east carnage, is very real and very potent. I’ve seen it first hand and you simply can not underestimate it.

When you raise Iraq on the doorstep and in the street, the anger from the public certainly isn’t being directed at Yes supporters, it’s being directed at the warmongering westminster parties.

You can then transition from Iraq into the fact that the media is lying through it’s teeth about ‘cybernats’ and Independence supporters because the scottish public have no trouble accepting that is the truth after an obscenity like Iraq and the prospect of it being repeated.


@Bugger (the Panda) – Thanks for link. OMG what a load of rancid pish, I suppose we can expect it through the door this week some time.


Cyberhen awaiting instructions!

link to


@ Dick

Telling someone whose work you admire that they cannae spell…

Ya radge cunt.

That’s me bein intimite, by the way pal, ye ken? 😉


@Stu – after donating the redirect page has We’ll have a nicer page here soon

May I suggest the Hamish poster 😀

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Croompenstein

I haven’t read and just will not.

All my remaining years on this World are measured out by my liver.

Graeme Doig

rab the doubter

Nicely worded mate.



Bugger (the Panda)

Banking everything on my MoJo.

Deid soon?


@Bugger – the bit that gets me is that we have helped fund that pile of steaming shite, after all the ‘Rita Hayworth’ swoons about how much the white paper cost, really p’s me off

john king

“bit like Japanese Fugu fish?

Scottish Fuku bile?”

Aw cumon am hivin ma tea
Its suchi
an a nice wee Sancerre
well in fact its a single fish oot o Jimmy Splits chip shoap an the fuse has gone on the fryer.



Even out with ‘Yes Scotland’, I have found myself engaging with people who I can only admire for their dedication

Ah, thanks, man: *blush*


john king

An a boattle o American Cream Soda

Bugger (the Panda)

we cannot burn it, not openly, as it would resonant with the Nazi’s book-burning nastiness.


How about calling a US Drone Attack on a unfortunately placed pile of the same?


I’ve no doubt (geddit) that my email will end up in the recycle bin but I just wanted to get a few things off my chest. God only knows what i’d do if they were to actually take me up on my offer.

Bugger (the Panda)

John King

Serious good Rosé, by accident, tonight.

– and I mean it so.

Next time perhaps?

john king

“How about calling a US Drone Attack on a unfortunately placed pile of the same?”

They’d miss,
you would need to stick a wee boy and a herd o goats there as well to make sure they could hit it.


Wee bit of help, I am heading out to a unionist enclave to watch the football, I can safely hold my own(no pun john king) but in case one of them has the intelligence to ask I need to be able to answer these points clearly..

a)If we use the pound pegged to sterling, who sets the interest rates for our loans, mortgages etc..

b)Who prints the money and on whose authority, presumably we can’t just decide to print a billion pounds for the sake of it

john king

good Rose by accident?
accidental Rose,
sounds like you’ve got a good marketing hook there Bugger.


@john king – you would need to stick a wee boy and a herd o goats there as well to make sure they could hit it


john king

1 The Bank of England
2 the royal mint (English notes) since Osborne says he wont honour Scottish currency,
no pun intended.



Mate …believe me …my knowledge on politics, readings and everything else has grown exponentially over these last couple of years thanks to you guys and everyone else here. It’s no surprise that the Establishment are completely horrified when they realise that at least two million Scots are discussing politics. The last thing they want is a very enlightened people beginning to ask awkward questions and making demands that might open up a can of
worms! No good will come of it I tell you!

But no seriously, these day, you’ll be surprised how many folk come up to me at work, or within my circle of family and friends who now ask questions on a variety of subjects ranging from defence, currency to Europe. All thanks to you guys!

Bugger (the Panda)

Jone King..

We could activate your kekks, with the right long distance chips?


Brian Monteith, in today’s Edinburgh Evening News has also written about you. I quote,

“For an example of the language used I offer this discourse about the Labour MSP Jackie Baillie – a particular hate figure of Nationalists – between Stuart Campbell, the editor of the cybernat website Wings Over Scotland, and a follower.

Stuart Campbell: “It’s up against stiff competition, but Baillie’s permanent and gigantically unwarranted smirk is perhaps her least attractive feature as a human being.”

Ianbrotherhood: “and that begs the question – which is her most attractive feature?”

Stuart Campbell: “The fact that she’ll die one day.” ”

I hope you are able to challenge this too. Full article is –

link to

Derek M

it will be the independent bank of england that does this even though it should have a name change to the bank of britain ,and yes like any currency the central bank will do these things but the most important point to get across is that it is independent not owned by the UK government like a lot of people with zero IQ seem to think


Lorraine writes: “Sorry, the SNP aren’t “blood and soil” nationalists.

They’re “blood and bone” nationalists.

That’s OK then.”

Readers of Wings and the MSM will not be surprised that Lorraine has missed out a vital sentence which completely reverses the meaning she has tried to convey in her comment above.

Note the “I would have done it for anybody in that position” sneakily omitted by Lorraine. We ARE all related to others but Salmond makes it absolutely clear that he is NOT restricting assistance only to our kith and kin.

Naughty, naughty, Lorraine.

The quote SHOULD have read as below before Lorraine doctored it to support her own perceptions.

“”There is no country on earth that we have more family connections with than Northern Ireland,” said Salmond. “They are the blood of our blood, bone of our bone. I would have done it for anybody in that position.”

john king

Correction the BoE would set the interest rates for banks but banks themselves set their own interest rates for mortgages, hence why people are not getting mortgages just now at half a per cent,

and why don’t you hold someone else’s makes for an entertaining evening. 😉


@john king – Thanks john, it’s quite difficult to explain things to the knuckle draggers but all info helps

john king

“I hope you are able to challenge this too.”



and why don’t you hold someone else’s makes for an entertaining evening

Thanks Paula Rose…Oh sorry it was you john king.. 🙂

Liquid Lenny

If required I will stand in court and testify that Brian Wilson once tried to bribe me to vote for him, he was trying to get elected in Cunningham North of which Arran is/was a part and I told him that I was living in Aberdeen in a safe labour seat,(Bob Middletons) he asked me to move my vote from Aberdeen to Arran and bought me a pint of lager for agreeing to do so. That is corruption whether it is ten bob or ten million.

In the end he got elected without my vote but just shows the mark of the man.

Is it true that he was once in the Dunoon SNP and left in the huff after he was not selected as a candidate in the council elections because better more experienced people were standing.

john king

Stuart Campbell: “The fact that she’ll die one day.”

Im not sure if I like the tone of that question,
what if he did say that, so what?
He didn’t say he would like to kill her did he, he just stated a fact that one day she will die as will we all.

On the other hand lets look at what Mags Curran said about Alex Salmond that she wouldn’t lose any sleep if he were run over by a bus, lets not get to precious here guys, were all adults.


Whit, wher, when? Jayzus John, you shouting woke me

john king

“Thanks Paula Rose…Oh sorry it was you john king.”

Eh? what? I was er just trying them on honest. 🙂


@Liquid Lenny – he was not selected as a candidate in the council elections because better more experienced people were standing

Was it Sooty? or Sweep? 🙂

john king

Sorry Handclapping I didn’t see you there under that pile of coats.

john king

“Was it Sooty? or Sweep? ”

it was Sue.


Just wanted to say, I read this website a lot because it’s so well researched, (and invited all my friends on facebook too).


I find it very strange that nearly every reference to Clair’s first statment in an article entiled

Leaders make fresh appeal to voters

When I search google I get this coming up

Claire Lally, a mother of two from Clydebank said the were “every day people who believe the best future for Scotland is as part of the UK”. She added: “I’m just a …

Yet when one reads the article the statement is not there

How can it not be in the article now?

was it removed because it was a lie?

or was it removed to hid evidence of the statement she made?

I notice that the article appeared on the 9th and was edited on the 10th to remove all reference to what clair said

I want to know why the press association removed her statement?


“The quote SHOULD have read as below before Lorraine doctored it to support her own perceptions.

“”There is no country on earth that we have more family connections with than Northern Ireland,” said Salmond. “They are the blood of our blood, bone of our bone. I would have done it for anybody in that position.””

Not good enough.

He would have done it for anybody, would he?

But he clearly felt especially pleased about being able to do it for Northern Ireland (NB “Northern”), otherwise why mention the “blood and bone” bit.

Classic Ridley moment. The man is feeling pleased with himself, relaxes and accidentally says something which shows how he really feels: i.e. he thinks of “us” as being defined by “blood and bone”, i.e. white and Protestant.



That’s no a pile o coats, that’s suitable attire for a gentleman o the road in a Scottish summer.
Can I get a shottie o the watter efter you when we’ve won? An the soap?

john king

Thats worth digging Kestral.

john king

“Can I get a shottie o the watter efter you when we’ve won? An the soap?”

Ye might need tae strain the mud oot Handclapping. 🙂


I got the dog some food earlier was enriched with blood and bone, fuck me I didn’t think I was feeding the dog white protestants….Disgusting..


@David nad @john king

That powderpuff piece in the Edinburgh Evening Express just shows you how desperate they are for any headline to slur the Rev and us that post on here.

I don’t know how far back that statement goes but it was a long time ago nd if that’s the worst they can find they are screwed.

If the “leader” of the vile, nasty cybernats can only be found to be saying something as innocuous s that, then they are in trouble.

Rev I think you were right to invlove a solicitor when newspapers are printing out and out lies about you and this blog. Hopefully it may make others think carefully before doing the same.

You really can’t ignore this type of abuse or it would only get worse. Nip it in the bud as you are doing. half of Scotland will fund any legal bill.

You have the support of a great many people, they offer nothing but lies and deceit. The very fact that they are printing this crap shows how disillusioned their leaders have become.

Our resolve is getting stronger and the number of people coming to this site for the Indy viewpoint is growing. They hate you, we love you and they hate us for that.

There is no doubt now we are winning, the smell of fear is overpowering. Keep on doing your thing.


Conan_the_Librarian says:
14 June, 2014 at 6:11 pm
@ Dick

Telling someone whose work you admire that they cannae spell…

Ya radge ***t.

That’s me bein intimite, by the way pal, ye ken?

If the Yes Campaign is to win it’s case

it won’t be through using the ***t word

in fact it is self defeating.

Give it up



Are you not “especially pleased” when you can do something particularly helpful for your nearest and dearest?

Your objection seems to relate to some deep antipathy which you have towards Northern Ireland.

As someone whose late mother was from Cork, I suppose I could choose to share your prejudices about Northern Ireland. However unless Salmond is about to include it in a “Greater Scotland”, it strikes me that Salmond’s comment about Northern Ireland is “merely” factually correct.

Incidentally, my multitude of Irish relatives are almost universally in favour of an independent Scotland.

I gently suggest that, not for the first time,we have a unionist projecting feelings of dislike towards other people-in this case presumably the Northern Irish, and managing to couple it with a dislike for Protestants.

Perhaps not disgusting, but certainly very, very sad.

john king

No I’ll tell you what disgusting is Lorraine
disgusting is Ian smart saying
“better a hundred years of tory rule than a failed Scotland turning on Poles and Pakis,
Disgusting is Joanne Lamont claiming “Scotland is a something for nothing society”
Disgusting is Anas Sarwar claiming “Scotland is run by a one man dictatorship in Bute house”,



Can we start referring to Gordon Brown, not as a former PM, but as the father of a disabled ons.

john king

And just for your information Lorraine I was born catholic.


Oh Dear Lorraine, you come across as a tad annoyed with Alex Salmond. Is your antipathy to Alex Salmond only about him or the Independence campaign in general?


Classic Ridley moment. The man is feeling pleased with himself, relaxes and accidentally says something which shows how he really feels: i.e. he thinks of “us” as being defined by “blood and bone”, i.e. white and Protestant.


It seems to me that your outrage is a tad contrived and forced. You have an end objective and the force the words into with a 10lb sledge hammer. It is exactly this sort of faux indignation that gives political correctness a bad name.


Take them to the cleaners Stuart. I’m sure the Herald will happily do a story about the Scotsman’s demise. There really is very little journalistic integrity or inquiry at that paper anymore, and you are leading the charge to show why.

North chiel

The spectators have been watching the ebb and flow of the game.
The “Yes Scotland” side have performed stylishly and positively against
A more defensive negative “better together” opposition. The match officials
(BBC and MSM ) have favoured the “establishment side” from the outset,
However the “grass roots youth policy” adopted by the underdogs has
Has produced a well bonded gallant team effort against the professional
Mercenaries representing the opposition.With the game entering the latter
Stages “the neutral spectators “have been impressed with the “yes Scotland”
Measured,skilful attractive performance of the “Yes side”. The worried
Looks of the “Better together bench” has been apparent now for some time
And with play now entering the crucial final phase the boss of the
Bat side Cameron has decided to withdraw his ineffective front men
Broon and darling and replace them with his cynical hatchet men .They have
Identified Stu Campbell one of the “yes” star performers and have singled him out
For “some rough treatment” hoping that he will retaliate and thus
Give the match officials the “opportunity to produce
“The red card” ,with the initiative then swinging back to
The opposition. Most “fair minded ” spectators are willing Stu
To “keep the heid” as he has “played a blinder” and
After the “final whistle” the neutrals would be inclinèd
To “give the nod” to the “fair play stylish Yes side”
However, expect the match officials to award an injury time
Penalty ( on the eve of poll) under desperate harassment from
BT team boss Cameron .

ronnie anderson

Ive just been regailed by 3 Flute Bands passing by the back of my home, ma wee shed didna go doon to weil wie them,

things hiv chinged since ah wiz a targerine,wan of the bands

hud 4 young Florance Nightingails marching smartly at the front of one band an ah dont think their First Aiders Wtf.


@Lorraine says

Your comments are quite disgusting and ill judged Lorraine.

now away back to the No Fanks brigade.


The public arnie daft. Dinnae worry.


O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!

What a week. Raging hypocrites in the White House, pathetic teamGB BBC/media attack on WoS and miraculously super rich/really bad author says vote yes and you’re a death eater, what ever that is. What’s next from teamGB freak show? Come on England!


As you are well aware not everyone in Northern Ireland is protestant or white for that matter. You might want to reflect that trying to stir up sectarian feeling and indulging in cheap smears is as bad as being a sectarian bigot yourself. Do you have a constructive point to make or are you just trolling for your own amusement?

ronnie anderson

@north chief, whos the refferee Jim Murphy lol


Lighten up folks “Was Johann born in a Labour ward?”


@John King says

“No I’ll tell you what disgusting is Lorraine
disgusting is Ian smart saying
“better a hundred years of tory rule than a failed Scotland turning on Poles and Pakis,”

My Polish in-law, who is a Yesser (and I gave her the Wings website to look at a few months back), just this evening emailed me this nice article by a Pole who is advocating a yes vote for all Poles in Scotland as being the best solution for them in the future.

link to


Nicola Sturgeon ?@NicolaSturgeon 17 mins
Expecting a couple of #indyref polls in tomorrow’s papers. #anticipation


It will be interesting to see the Sunday Herald edition tomorrow. I mean, they have so many news stories to choose from what with all the demonisation of the Yes side this past week. It will be interesting to read it from our perspective after the wall to wall propaganda we have been subjected to from the EBC and the massed ranks of the Unionist press, politicans and all with their disgraceful tactics of trying to shut down debate and intimidate people into silence for simply having differing views from them.

I hope the paper calls those Unionists out for the damage theyre doing to this debate and for freedom of speech. Our democracy demands it more than ever.

Those Unionsts for the first time have had a strong light shone on them, their actions and the policies they stand for. They’ve been found wanting big time and they dont like it. They just want their personal gravy train to go on and for us, the public to go away and shut up. Ive got news for them. That isnt going to happen. The reason being is that it was us the people who ensured that we would have our referendum this year. Thats how democracy works. Get used to it.


Brian Wilson is an avid reader of Wings. He might learn something.

Even more publicity. Rev’s on the winning side


@ manandboy

Two things.

When talking about the reality of life in Edinburgh and Leith, ‘Radge cunt’ is is not swearing, nor is it even remarkable.

And, no, I will not give up ‘cunt’, even though I like Dick.

Gaughan, that is.

Dick Gaughan

manandboy says:
If the Yes Campaign is to win it’s case
it won’t be through using the ***t word

He was talking to me.
Wait – help ma boab, you mean I’ve just been abused by one of thae vile cybernats?
Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Call the Daily Mail, I could make money out of this!

By the way, since you’re being so prissy-arsed about use of language, you won’t mind my pointing out that possessive “it” has no apostrophe.

Nae bother, don’t mention it.

Bugger (the Panda)

John King.,

So , you should we allow .this is frothing mouth-feed when we are fighting without the aid of these folks.


Dick Gaughan

Conan_the_Librarian says:
And, no, I will not give up ‘cunt’, even though I like Dick.

Gaughan, that is

I am so glad you qualified that

Bugger (the Panda)

night oll.

Ian Brotherhood

2,500th post imminent? Tension building…


@ ronnie anderson – always manage to raise a laugh. : – )

the shed must have be birrling. All those big drummers

Maj has been trailed about all day in ANOTHER perambulated carriage. Marching up to the top o the Mall and doon again. Ain’t life grand for the dysfunctional immigrant family.


Oot canvassing

The door opened before ringing the bell. 100% Yesser, with Ivan MacKee on the phone. Telling it like it is. Isn’t life grand. The word is getting out there. The tide has turned.


I’m annoyed. I mean really annoyed.


Because I’m being attacked, OK not physically or literally but attacked none the less because of my belifs.

Just what is so nasty in believing that Scotland can be a fairer society, a country that dares to incite growth in manufacturing or to rid herself of foodbanks and believes in free eduction for her children?

Have I got it all wrong and that we really are Better Together. I don’t think so, what I do know is that a No vote means an expansion in foodbanks once the further cuts bite, an introduction of tuition fees and more of the same.

Hands up all those that desire more of the same!


@ Dick

You are welcome.

Now, is Emmylou’s phone number out of the question?


G’night Jim.

Jim Bo

The recent ad hominem attacks on Stu alongside the constant use of the pejorative term CyberNat by the MSM in attempt to tar every Yes supporter with the same brush is as arrogant as it is nasty. To do so not only shows the sheer contempt with which they hold us but also just how stuck for ideas they have become that they have to rely on this strategy.

Although truly saddened by just how mainstream this farcical display of “gutter press” tactics has become, rather than just moan about it, I’ll thank them for acting as a catalyst in my reaction to them.

I’m now on a mission to enlighten some friends of mine I know to be No supporters and self confessed Luddites… i.e. They’ve never read Wings! Can you believe it? 😉

Unfortunately I’m not currently in Scotland to knock on doors and go leafleting but I’ll be dammed if I’m going to sit back idly and allow the Press to shape people’s opinions based on outright lies.

North chiel

Ronnie Anderson: Just to let you know the Jim Murphy
Is actually on the BT specialist coaching staff
As he is supposed to be “an expert on defensive matters”

Liquid Lenny

Croompenstein and John King

Think it was Weed…

john king

“So , you should we allow .this is frothing mouth-feed when we are fighting without the aid of these folks.


eh? Rinse and repeat Jim !

john king

“Think it was Weed…”

Is that a trick response?
Weed was the love interest in Bill and Ben 🙂
Wait I think I can hear the gardener coming back down the path!
bob bob Bill, bob bob Ben, weeeeed. 🙂


Tommy Sheridan tweets that YES campaign and campaigners must be prepared to be attacked by MSM and others and must stand together and NOT retaliate.

On another tweet, N Sturgeon says she awaits the result of two polls with anticipation, good or bad, who knows.

This twitter thing quite useful.

Auld Rock

I seem to recall either reading or hearing this week that a study of Social media activity showed that BritCyberNats out-number CyberNats in the ratio of 2:1. As for the Englishman, Frances Barber and Brian Wilson sue the three of them Stu and I’ll like everybody above happily contribute to a fighting fund to help you – GO FOR IT Rev.

Auld Rock

ronnie anderson

@ken500, but wurent the horses well behaved,some even say

their the cause of the streets of london being paved with


ronnie anderson

To all the keekers & lurkers to this site a very hearty

Welcome, dont pay any heid tae some of the commenters

they,ve just overdosed on Irn Bru an ur Hyper.


@john king
Welcome to the club; isn’t it great when your children are older than you 🙂


Sunday Herald Panelbase poll tomoz by the SNP, Clegg of the DR tweets ”can anyone guess what it says”?

I guess if its a good un, lets batten down the hatches!


Steve, you lurker I know you’ve read for a long time but have yet to post! Where are your posts? Your voice should be heard. Don’t be shy, come on in 🙂

john king

“Welcome to the club; isn’t it great when your children are older than you :)”

How the hell did you know that?
Im convinced my son IS older than me 🙂



I think it will be ICM poll in SoS and Panelbase in the SH.

We will have to wait and see.

ronnie anderson

Oh Oh a Email fae Kensington Barracks.

We never promised you a Rose Garden

its jist the way the Turds work

Signed A Auld Kuddie.


Polls a coming. I hope my nerves can hold till their out.

john king

Thepnr says
“Your voice should be heard. Don’t be shy, come on in :)”

Does Steve know anything about children’s tv circa 1960?
Bit of a heated debate going on here.

ronnie anderson

They tweets between Rev & IanB on J Baille were very short

did yous faw oot that night,are yous peekin noo.

Ian Kirkwood

This is really starting to make me a wee tad upset. Having just watched the Scotland 2014 clip, I am truly in awe of the unashamed “I am a member of the Labour Party and hate all to do with the SNP” brigade and their blatant, biased comments. Just realised that is BBC!
Feel better now, now that I finally understand their agenda.

Nana Smith

Ooh Aah Kevin McKenna on great form…

link to


YES has right on its side, it has the facts and truth on its side, the yes supporters are TRUTHFUL and they are knowledgable INFORMED and well behaved. LETS NOT GET DRAGGED INTO A SLANGING MATCH WITH THE BAD GUYS, THEY ARE A JOKE.


Ian Brotherhood

Superb Stanley Odd:

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Kirkwood, welcome to the light.

John King could ah put in a request fur I Kirkwood

Three Steps To Heaven by Shakein Stevens

nae wobblin noo Ian yer on the rite side.



I agree with his comment;

‘The rise of the cybernats has added greatly to the gaiety of this campaign. They are depicted as a sullen assortment of foul-mouthed social misfits firing off profane tweets and blogs to anyone who supports the union. The crushing reality, though, is that they don’t really exist beyond the febrile imaginings of Better Together chiefs and Alistair Darling.

The social networks attract all manner of semi-literate knuckle-draggers and visigoths who are free to inveigh anonymously on any issue. What some of Scotland’s top football writers, such as Graham Spiers and Tom English, have had to endure on Twitter these past few years far eclipses in volume and intensity anything encountered in the referendum campaign.’


It’s just a pity that Campbell Gunn hadn’t spoken to Joan McAlpine about Ms Lally’s pedigree before he shot off his email. She is a fount of knowledge on who is connected to who in the Labour Party and in the media.


Slightly o/t … but see what BT are up to now! Actually getting misinformed voters to hold up posters stating just how misinformed they are. Here’s a voter who thinks a No vote will save free prescriptions and personal care. And BT is perfectly happy to advertise such a misconception. Surely this is about as bad as it gets: link to


I thought it was about time I read Stu’s post. So he’s the leader of the natpack, is he?

Funny I thought for months we were led in person by that Al-Iqsammin via the thought rays we got when we lifted the tinfoil. Though that was in Better Together days.

Is it because they’re now (Westminster) No Thanks that they can treat us to Mr Martin said: “Some of the most vicious cybernats pump out material which feeds the First Minister’s office. The First Minister’s office doesn’t lead the abuse; they are led by it.”? Or is Mr Martin wrong (a distinct possibility) or were they telling us lies and have found out that they weren’t working?

Ian Brotherhood

@Ronnie –

They weren’t tweets, just regular comments in a thread, but it was a seriously long time ago and I wouldn’t even be able to guess the month.

It started after I compared Baillie’s smile to a Spacehopper’s. I then went a bit overboard and voiced desire to mount her, grab her by the ears, and bounce her down the main staircase in the Scottish Parliament.

Oh well. Whatever rocks Monteith’s boat.

Albert Herring

“The Scottish media has failed Scotland”

The “Scottish media” is largely not Scottish at all, and owes no loyalty to Scotland. It merely acts in the interests of its foreign owners


Praise be to Kevin McKenna. Sanity at last!

john king

I dont have anything in a Shakin Stevens Ronnie but I can do you a nice line in Eddie Cochrane will that do?
link to

ronnie anderson

@Ian Brotherhood sos Ian I ment posts I asked if you were

pished or something that night.


What’s “disgusting”, Lorraine and Better Together/No Thanks in general, is that people in countries as rich as Scotland and the rest of the UK need to use foodbanks.

What’s “disgusting” is that we have nuclear bombs stored only 30 miles from Glasgow.

What’s “disgusting” is that EU money intended for Scottish farmers gets spent in England.

You are adding nothing positive to this discussion.

P.S. I am Church of Scotland, my wife is Catholic, we both want independence for Scotland. Leave your own useless sectarianism back in the 17th century, where it belongs.


Can’t wait to view the next lot of blog stats for Wings! All the coverage of the past couple of weeks should result in a spike that goes off the page. Stuart, perhaps you should be planning the next stage of development for Wings post indy?

john king

Marcia says
“The social networks attract all manner of semi-literate knuckle-draggers and visigoths”

Im a knuckle dragging visigoth, a real knuckle dragging visigoth, and my teacher said I wouldn’t amount to anything,

I think I like Kevins description of me?
dont I? 🙁

ronnie anderson

@ John king,once again thank you

Thers you goes Ian Kirkwood enjoy that wee ditty,from the

Wings jivers & strivers.

Liquid Lenny


Proud Scot Alert !!!

john king

“It started after I compared Baillie’s smile to a Spacehopper’s. I then went a bit overboard and voiced desire to mount her,”

What the hell were you drinking? window cleaner? 🙂

I actually remember that conversation btw.


@Ian Brotherhood

That young guy was brilliant. No thanks can’t compete with that.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Ronnie –

If memory serves, I was unusually sober and it all happened in broad daylight. Let’s just say that we all have our personal tastes (or ‘idiosyncrasies’, if you prefer) and I was indulging meself. There was no fall-out with Rev.

Paula Rose

Hey dolls – the story is we are out there chatting and nattering with our people, yet again today I meet lovely folk with a care and a love for their country. When I got home from the Angus show my nieghbour’s kiddies were running amok in my garden – how lovely.

john king

I hope the wee dears didn’t break anything Paula, good day at the hustings?

Paula Rose

btw they were handing me Aye Right leaflets – clever kids.


Newsnet have an article on yesterday’s smear.

link to

Nana Smith
Ian Brotherhood

@john king –

Aye, cheers for that ‘edit’ 🙁

Goodness gracious me, is nothing sacred? Can a man not express appreciation of the Rubenesque without being viciously attacked?


I am not clever enough to understand all the political arguments but something inside me keeps telling me to vote yes. I look at the lies and smears and I am completely baffled by the No campaign’s need for such nasty behaviour all it does it increases the feeling that I must vote yes.
I really appreciate the time spent by Stuart and the comments made by readers as that also reinforces my determination to vote Yes.
Thank you all

jim gallacher

Brian Wilson was my MP in north ayrshire and I will admit I liked him as a person. He was very pleasant and seemed a hard working MP.When it came to the SNP he had almost a pathological hatred of them.So Brian if you are reading this take a step back THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE SNP,this is your beloved Scotland take a deep breath and join us or forever be the man looking in the window wishing he was inside.

Paula Rose

Could we do some of that lovely ‘we love our country’ stuff, cos I’m bored with the negativity – we have a beautiful vision.

Les Wilson

North chiel says:

Hi, yes he is an expert in defensive matter, he knows how to protect himself, and, oh, there is nothing else!


Sunday Post comes out tomoz to defend Mr Gunn as ” one of the good guys”.

Looks like the media are breaking ranks.

Ian Brotherhood

@Marcia & Nana Smith –


Well, that’s teed it up nicely for post 2,500, should Rev choose to run with it.

‘We Win!’ –

link to

john king

“Aye, cheers for that ‘edit’ :(”

I start as editor of the Scotsman tomorrow. 🙂

Paula Rose

Listen dears – we do the flying stuff, stop rebutting, more vision – I don’t want to see an impoverished child in my country.


I have often come to this site to check on the information about the referendum and have found the articles quite interesting and informative. I read the article and comments about ms lally and tbh was downhearted at some of the responses, in particular mentioning the home and its modifications. I can understand peoples ire and whilst in some the tone was harsh I didn’t see it being particularly offensive. Unfortunately all it has done was give BT some ammunition and perhaps allowed them to start some momentum. I do think that although this seems dark BT have been so inept that they will probably shoot themselves in the foot. Mind you this would all have been avoided had ms lally have been open and honest from the start.

john king



More like Robin Williams aka Mrs Doubtfire
Oh hush my mouth
what have I said
what some people will say to get themselves in the papers.
bring it on Scotsman

john king

Gregor says
“I am not clever enough to understand all the political arguments ”

Then come on in Gregor,
your in good company,
we haven’t got a bleeding clue either. 🙁

Paula Rose

Rubenesque – John dear there is no lovelier form – pity you are curvy rather than rugged – but I still love you sweetie.


Once independent, Scotland must set up a Truth Commission to look into all the lies since the SNP minority government took charge in 2007 to 18th September 2014.

The said Truth Commission must be headed by the person most competent to head it – one Rev. Stuart Campbell.


Testing testing 1,2,3,4,5, 5,4,3,2,1. Is this thing switched on?

Oops sorry about that. I leave for a wee quiet lie down and the cybernat Battalion goes crazy wtf?

Has someone been playing with my computer when I’m not around and switched the camera thingy onto permanent broadcast or something?

I hope everyone is having a great time tonight cause I think the days ahead are going to be ballistic compared to yesterday. I feel it in my water, so to speak, and NO there is nothing in my water either. 😉

ronnie anderson

@Ian Brotherhood, I know there was no fall out between you &

the Rev, its just that two posts out of however many,& we

know on here that posts on whatever suject can go on & on

with others comeing in on the back of your/our posts. ie

no lead up to those discussions, just pick out whats suits

& serves their purpose of abuse, something that we will be

well used to , however guarded we may be, they havent a

clue as to how people on this site interact with each other.


The lies by the British Establishment that is.

Keith Smith

Rev. You keep up the great work. Just take care of yourself. You are so right that the unionist politicos are utterly terrified as they cannot control the likes if you snd the others online. Keep it up all the way to September and beyond

john king

” pity you are curvy rather than rugged –”

I wanted to be a lumberjack!
link to

john king

Rotund was the word I think you were searching for Paula.

john king

“The said Truth Commission must be headed by the person most competent to head it – one Rev. Stuart Campbell.”

Every day of the week!

john king

“Testing testing 1,2,3,4,5, 5,4,3,2,1. Is this thing switched on?”

Aye its switched on,
it was switched on when you were in the lavvy as well, 🙁
link to

Another Union Dividend

I believe there is good news about latest polls on Sunday.

Whilst the Scotsman’s stable mate Evening news is slightly less hostile to Scottish independence their leading leader today is an attack on Wings by a regular letters contributor.


Thanks john just confirms my thoughts about that wee *ahem* extra bit I found the other day. 😛

ronnie anderson

@John King. An if hes doing the Service of Reconciliation

I’ll lend him ma neck coller lol.

Paula Rose

Darlings – I’ve been on my feet all day, are you having altercations somewhere above me? I will be very annoyed if I find such things, back in half an hour, by which time I expect total expressions of peace love and general hugs.

Martin Sinclair

I can testify to Better Together no shows for debates. I have arranged a hall for this Thursday the 19th, got speakers advocating Yes and BT originally said they would be “delighted” to take part.” I was to inform them of who was coming from “Yes Scotland”. Even though I specifically and carefully choose the words “advocating a Yes vote” and not “a speaker(s) from Yes Scotland”. Then suddenly, informed me that “Better Together politely declines your invitation to speak at your event. We do not participate in Yes Scotland Campaign events.” I don’t even have any speakers from Yes Scotland. I didn’t even contact Yes Scotland for speakers as I was wanting to show the scale of the grassroots movement that is happening all over Scotland. I’m not a part of Yes Scotland. My employment takes up too much of my time to be a part of any organisation. Speaking at it I had a rep from Gen Yes, Business for Scotland and myself. I even had an old school friend who occasionally writes for the Daily Record to chair it. My reporter friend also tried to get some people from Scottish New Labour to attend and present their case for the UK. His reply to me, and I quote, “Interestingly they’ve been ignoring my messages…”. I then emailed Scottish New Labour myself, Scottish Lib Dems and Scottish Conservatives. No reply from any of them. I have now extended invitations to other pro-indy groups. i.e. The Official Yes Scotland Campaign, National Collective, Women for Indy, Scottish CND, SNP, Scottish Green Party, Labour for Indy, SIC and even Robin McAlpine. If BT want to turn it into a case for Yes event. Surely it is just rude to not oblige?

john king

“Testing testing 1,2,3,4,5, 5,4,3,2,1. Is this thing switched on?”

Aye its switched on,
it was switched on when you were in the lavvy as well, 🙁
sounds better on this one
link to


O.K. folks here’s the latest from the Sunday Herald.

Now I hope you are all sitting down.

Make sure you are not drinking any liquids whilst reading this.

Remember to take a deep breath first.

Remember to breath slowly out afterwards.

Our splash tomorrow: breakthrough poll has Yes at record high in #indyref and margin closing fast: Yes, 48%, No 52%


from the Sunday Herald:

Our splash tomorrow: breakthrough poll has Yes at record high in #indyref and margin closing fast: Yes, 48%, No 52%


Richy D,

Good points there, but one thing:

“This is no longer a democratic country.”

The UK has NEVER been a democratic country.

It is an extremely corrupt system masquerading as a democracy.

The attacks on the Yes campaign we have seen are the standard output of a corrupt system doing its damnest to protect its power and privilege.

The likes of UKIP TV and The Scotsman didn’t just learn the black arts recently. They have vast experience of them.

Yes is almost certainly democratically ahead (remember the hidden Westminster survey) but the Establishment wants to give the impression that No is miles ahead so that they can rig the results.

Many posters have called for independent election observers but no one seems to have paid any attention. If any such ‘independent’ observers do exist (I doubt they do), they should really be brought in now.

Paula Rose

@ my dear Lesley- Anne and a bit of beauty-

link to



Quite a few sour unionist comments below the SH twitter announcement!


48% Yes 52% No Scot goes pop.

ronnie anderson

@Paula Rose, it must be the people in the flat above you,hivin a rammy,all’s serene & tranquil on here.


@Marcia my typing is much to slow.


from the Sunday Herald;

Who are the real indyref cyber trolls? Nasty online abuse has been blamed on the Yes side – but guess what? The truth is rather different.

john king

“Many posters have called for independent election observers but no one seems to have paid any attention. If any such ‘independent’ observers do exist (I doubt they do), they should really be brought in now.”

Right Rock here the deal I wrote to the ODIHR a over a year ago asking for the involvement of Election monitors from them,
to have a response to the effect that they would be delighted to provide election monitors providing the sovereign government of the United Kingdom asked for their atendance,
no shit.


Tomorrows Herald, the truth as to who the real cyber trolls are and an article by N Sturgeon as to why Scotland is obligated to vote YES.


Oops, looks like Sunday Herald is out to expose the REAL cyber abusers and guess what folks it would appear the the members of the cybernat Battalion are NOT, that’s right, NOT to blame. 😛

Who are the real #indyref cyber trolls? Nasty online abuse has been blamed on the Yes side – but guess what? The truth is rather different

john king

“all’s serene & tranquil on here.”

Come aff it Ronnie,
Paula Ronnie startit a fight and were all trying to stop it but he just winnie listen.


from the Sunday Herald;

Our columnists on the week Scotland fell victim to cyber-nuttery; and IanBell on why JK_Rowling is honest but wrong.

Ian Brotherhood

Wee reminder of the ‘blood and soil’ stushie. Will SH mention it this week?

Ian Gray, right here, is a good example of how low SLab have sunk.

A joke? Aye, Ian – we all know who the ‘joke’ is on now.

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Lesley-Anne, hiv ah goat tae womble ma wie roon tae that bloody garage at 6am tae get a Herald or would some kind person put a link up.

Paula Rose

Blood fish and bone – best fertilizer going for getting plants rooted, are we back to a gardening discussion honeys?


Think SH covers all the bases this week.


Ah but potash promotes the Yes fruit.


OMG. Is this really happening ref latest poll. I need a whisky.


@rock says 10:03pm

Agree wholehearted with your UK democracy statement, or lack thereof.

We need to be very careful the Great beast of the union is wounded and cornered and will slash out at everything and anything, very dangerous times.

Stu. You really are an example to us all and deserve all the respect you receive, just please be very careful as I say a wounded monster is frightened and trapped and is becoming more vicious and unpredictable by the day, and it don’t like you, cause you tell the truth, that makes you very dangerous.

I will be here for Scotia, my hats in the ring and I will not be found wanting when push comes to shove. I ain’t going away.

Paula Rose

@ Lesley-Anne, hi honey let’s do gardening tips – it’s more important that Scotland educates itself than has a fractious thingy.

Alan of Neilston

Check Gordon Browns latest piece of Scot/British blurb in todays Scottish Daily Mail. What a load of rubbish. They really do not have a clue as to what is going on and what is the reality of where we are with 3 months to go!!


I don’t do fractions Paula, they hurt my solitary brain cell too much 😛

I am all up for gardening tips though. What’s a garden and how do I get one? 😉


What aboot the slugs? Overrun with them. If they can’t stop digging into a hole, they should stay oot o the gardin.

Paula Rose

@ Lesley-Anne, when these days are done I’d love to come by your way and make a garden with you, after all – we agreed on no borders xxx

Harry McAye

If anyone follows a certain Ian Barr on twitter, I’m afraid tonight pre-England game he has shown once again that he is a nasty cybernat, and I hate that term. Over 4000 followers and often just pure bile. A total liability.

Paula Rose

What’s football – sounds a bit dodgy.


Paula Rose says:

@ Lesley-Anne, when these days are done I’d love to come by your way and make a garden with you, after all – we agreed on no borders xxx

You’re more than welcome any time. The only thing growing in our wee garden, apart from the weeds and the grass is the flag pole with a gorgeous blue and white flag up the top. 😛

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

It’s a thing you can’t do wearing heels. You really wouldn’t want to know.


Ah 12 year old Aberlour going down well. Just sitting down ready for the match. Forza Italia.


Wings has the best tunes/loons and quines.

Paula Rose

Now dears we are being naughty this is a main thread if it all goes quiet I’ll tell you about my adventure with Thepnr.

willie fae kilwinning


First Minister on Ally Bally’s Scotland’s talk in show between 11am and 1pm on local radio throughout Scotland

Be interesting to hear some of the calls re this week’s events.

Have listened to this program for a while now and have noticed an upturn in support for an iScotland but you still have a lot of calls with the twtpts attitude.

Worth a listen.

Gordon E

The very last thing that Westminster can do to save itself is to rig the result.

With a view to at least doing something to keep an eye on everything from the ballot box to the count, would it not be possible to have “official” Wings over Scotland observers.
We should have people attending all polling stations to make sure there is no funny business even through to following the vans taking the sealed ballot boxes to the counting stations.

It is obvious that they are not to be trusted one wee bit.


Paula Rose says:

Now dears we are being naughty this is a main thread if it all goes quiet I’ll tell you about my adventure with Thepnr.

Oh you little tease Paula! 😛

Paula Rose

Actually no I won’t.

Paula Rose

Lesley-Anne dear – we could have a wee chat over on OT


I’ll pop over Paula. 😉

ronnie anderson

@Paula Rose, Is Tiny Tim tiptoein through your Tulips

Paula Rose

Yet again – my show reel – like a summer rose

Les Wilson

Stu A good crowd funding,then top lawyer, maybe an American who knows UK law and these guys do not take it easy,the right one will want to see big bucks compensation.

Maybe, they would have to give you the Scotsman as part payment!

ronnie anderson

Rite am suspendin fur a wee while, ah think theres a kick aboot wie a boot tae start,

Paula Rose

so it didn’t work – maybe the rev got a wee bit jittery

link to


I did suggest earlier on, a lot lot earlier on Les something along the lines of £500,000 per deformation claim and £5,000,000 per punitive damages claim as well as recovery of ALL costs incurred. 😛


Right off to watch the match now, got a big bet on Balotelli scoring in an Italy win.

Hope that is not classed as cybernate like!


Well impressed with the England support, they seem to have learnt that the Union flag is not the England flag.


No way balgaboy I think that is classed as being NORMAL.;)

(Think I’ve just been abuse on line there OOPS! :P)

Mary Bruce

Martin Sinclair: Have you tried to contact anyone from UKIP to represent the no campaign at your debate? I’m sure they’d be delighted and would be very effective in moving undecideds towards yes.

Findlay Farquaharson

cmon england.


Findlay Farquaharson says:

cmon england.

Is that c’mon England cause you want them, to win Findlay or cause you want them to come on home. 😛

mr thms

link to

Pro-independence campaign surge to 48% in spectacular new Panelbase poll

“The Sunday Herald have just tweeted the results of this weekend’s new Panelbase poll (with Don’t Knows excluded). It shows the Yes vote at an all-time record high for the firm –

Should Scotland be an independent country?

Yes 48% (+2)
No 52% (-2)”


Poor old J Barrowman only got an MBE. Expecting a damehood at least for all his Salmond-bashing, surely?

Findlay Farquaharson

my mums a scouser, i want england to win.


Tut Tut Paula you promised to keep keep that quiet. I suppose all the excitement of the poll has got you little carried away.

I must insist that you stop your vile abuse of me online or my solicitor will be in touch with your mortgage provider 🙂


Findlay Farquaharson says:

my mums a scouser, i want england to win.

All sins are forgiven. 🙂


Sunday Herald front page

link to


Marcia says:

Sunday Herald front page

link to

What a fantastic front page. the only thing missing is seeing YES ahead, not to worry that will be reported shortly I have no doubt. 😉


@Martin Sinclair

Well done my friend for making the effort that you have in order to get a true debate going. Don’t be dismayed that the other lot did not feel it was worthwhile taking part.

They are terrified, yer I’ll say again terrified of any debate which will show them with no arguments. I really hope you go ahead with your meeting. It will be appreciated by those that turn up and by me and I think all those that read this site.

Well done on doing something, I admire that and thanks.

Ian Brotherhood

Anyone else get the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Rev’s holding back the 2,500th post until he’s 100% sure it’s a total belter?


He’s probably watching the football now, in which case? we’ll be up for another two hours.

Oooh, Rev, you are a one!

Liquid Lenny

Sunday Herald Front page on Twitter, I don’t know how to copy it, but it says No 52 YES 48
Marcia ?

Ian Brotherhood

@Martin Sinclair (9.58) –

Have you invited the SSP to supply a speaker?

I’d happily do it, as a normal member, but would have to get the okay.


Well to be fair Ian just about anything that Stu does these days is a blinder. 😉

Liquid Lenny

Sorry Marcia I missed your post!!! Was wondering why you had not posted it.

Liquid Lenny

Re Sunday Herald front page, at the bottom its got some factoids that say Exclusive 40% say they will vote YES if the Tories look likely to get in and 45% say they will vote YES if Labour look to get in. Well these figures are exactly the opposite of what I would expect albeit they are probably with undecided included , anybody got any idea’s


HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If any one is actually concerned for our dearly beloved Scotsman newspaper’s health then here is a little health check for you. 😛

link to

Paula Rose

What’s going on? Turn on the TV and there are grown men chasing balls, !t’s a wee bit silly.


Liquid Lenny

It has 49% not 40% if the Tories looked likely.




Paula Rose

I shall be a football widow until this daft frenzy ends.


Paula Rose says:

What’s going on? Turn on the TV and there are grown men chasing balls, !t’s a wee bit silly.

Apparently it’s a funny obscure wee game called football or something like that Paula. 😛


@Liquid Lenny

49% yes with Tories
45% yes with Labour


@Liquid Lenny

Labour trashed the economy yet again so cannot be trusted over the economy making them unelectable no matter how bad the Tories are socially.


Don’t bother suing Stu, there’s no chance of claiming. Scotsman will be oot the door. £300Million of restructured debt and share price tanking.

Sue and take over the paper. Who wants it?

The extra special Wings website has more advantages and honour. Keep it close


cynicalHighlander says:

@Liquid Lenny

Labour trashed the economy yet again so cannot be trusted over the economy making them unelectable no matter how bad the Tories are socially.

Not just that C.H. but Ed Milliband has been reported as saying that if Labour got into power implemented by the Tories. RED Tories through and through right enough.

link to


What’s a telly?


23 Skidoo, Stu and mair power tae yer ‘pen’.

As for a’ you nasty cybernats I see you’ve all been disgustingly deviant while I was away 😉

Looks like it was a fun week. I think it’s all getting to better together. As others have already posted more eloquently than me ‘keep the heid’. I think we’re bang on course and to keep with the nautical analogy I think it’s going to get squally. Choppy even.

Doesn’t it just tell you something when we have such worthies as Obama and Clinton feeling the need to interfere in the democratic right of Scotland to decide it’s own future.

@Schrodinger’s Cat

“why does everyones icon look like a space invader?”


John says:

“This is my first post here,”

Welcome aboard John, be warned it’s addictive!

@Albalha says
Generation Yes: Reaching All of Scotland’s Youth

link to

We all know how important it is to get young Scots engaged, don’t we? I’d hope for a bit of a Wings blast on this – I’m going to get on twitter next to try and give them one last push. Wings raised a hundred grand in two days and all they need in 10k in 9 hours. I think we need this campaign.

@Conan, good to see you back sir. Nearly got worried by your absence, and was all set to send our search parties. Back to your usual form though I see. Not surprised you need a break from Cockers ‘n’ all, you should get a medal for sterling effort. Damn, forgot. We can’t use sterling.

Good news from the Herald, the campaign continues its momentum.

Back on duty at the YesMobile in Aberdeen city centre tomorrow, so off to drop a couple of tweets. The kettle will be on 😀


England are playing a blinder!Right from kick off they have played their hearts out.
I only hope that they do not tire in that heat.Very entertaining game.

I hope my Italian friends forgive my comments but with Scotland not being in the finals I am looking for a team to support.I am looking for a team that plays as a tea m .


cynicalHighlander says:

What’s a telly?

Apparently it is a box, of varying sizes and dimensions, that sits in a corner of a room, usually the sitting room, lounge if you’re posh, and flickers away to itself. This device is electrical and electronic and is the source of the majority of the B.T.S.C. facts and figures about independence. 😛

gerry parker

@ Ken 500.
Something happening all right.

link to


Interestingly the last commenter seems to think that next week the share price of Johnson Press will drop even lower and end up lower that 1p per share. I think this is mega oops in their case. 😛


Everything’s coming up Roses

Liquid Lenny

Should have went to specsavers 🙂


Eh red roses are manured under the daisies


So things looking up. Still behind though even if you believe the effing poll. I don’t because I think the polling companies methods are flawed.

What is this online polling? They miss out a vast swath of Scottish voters that will be voting Yes. This is the main reason for the terror in the Unionist Establishment camp.

No slacking though, do your your best for that one conversation per day. Not always possible, I know. But a goal none the less. Get in there with the head down.


john king,

What ‘independent’ election observers would wait for the very entities they needed to monitor to invite them?

Just like the European Commission can only give its opinion on independent Scotland’s status if the UK asked.

So called ‘independent’ election observers are simply Establishment stooges, that was the point I was trying to make.

Given ODIHR’s response to you, I guess you would agree.

We will need extreme vigilance by our own grassroots to minimise rigging.



Ah a mind dumbing machine thank goodness the only soap I have is in shower.


Well I have to bring every one down to my level at some point in time.At least you have a mind to numb. 😛


Thepnr says:

“Get in there with the head down.”

Get in there with the head up!

Big Jock

Nicola Sturgeon talked about 2 polls.I wonder if there is another to come tomorrow!

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