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Wings Over Scotland

Assessing the earthquake

Posted on September 02, 2014 by

If anyone was still harbouring any doubts as to the significance of last night’s poll news, they would surely have been dispelled by this serious, thought-provoking and perceptive analysis on the BBC news channel’s “The Papers” roundup last night.

Of course, the poll might be a rogue. It might just be a temporary bounce from the second Salmond-Darling debate. And it still shows No in front. The Yes campaign will have to redouble its efforts in the last couple of weeks, not start congratulating itself.

But the one thing we can surely all agree on, right across the political divides, is that the most important aspect is whether someone might at some point have been slightly rude to Andrew Lloyd Webber on Twitter or not.

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More patronising BT ladies that sound as if we are foreign already.

Rod Robertson

The two women are typically ill informed Metropolitan brainless wonders.
They are just spewing out nonsernse with no facts to back it up ,except the lies of BT and Daily Mail and Telegraph.
They just do not get it.

Wee Jimmy

Insightful, thanks Penny. Who knew that the social media abuse is all one way?!

What surprised me most was a BBC presenter actually challenging some of the things that were being said (e.g. “maybe it HAS sunk in”).

That hashtag at the bottom right gives me an idea for a new one for Twitter – #BBCcapers 🙂

gerry parker


The Morgatron

Great political mind that Penny Smith. These two clowns are thick as pig shit peddling the same tired pish. ” forever is a very long time” . They just dont get it ! Roll on the 19th and get shot of these arseholes and let them go back to their hard hitting day jobs on GMTV reading comedy news.

You and My Comb

The whole Yes campaign has run under the London radar entirely. Nobody has shown them a Map of Yes and/or explained about the nightly meetings the length and breadth if the country where hordes of people come and hear the vision of ordinary men and women for a future Scotland.

James Sneddon

Penny Smith talking nonsense…as per usual. Some of her best friends are scottish. But jeez where did the BBC drag those two fools from?

Brian Mchugh

Compare and contast that BBC clip with this from the USA…

link to

A wee plug to get this guy over…
link to


They just don’t get it.Stu,you’re right about the self congratulation.I remember seeing Mr Mason being held high before the result had been announced.Take nothing and no one for granted.Work hard for every vote.


The vapidity of these people is staggering. That it’s a debate they’re not interested in and don’t particularly care about is abundantly self-evident.

If this is demonstrative of the understanding in London of what’s going on in Scotland, they’re going to get a very, very nasty shock on September 19th.


Penny Smith first comment ‘maybe rebuild Hadrian’s wall’…

… moving on.

Metrocentric nonsense. No idea, no clue, no insight, nothing. Just vague insubstantial woo and by the way – MONSTER!

Who knew that voting to become independent was forever?


Dundee Courier reporting the BBC are struggling to find any No voters for their 5 Live debate from the Caird Hall this morning.
Dundee really is Yes city!


These two have obviously never looked at the comments section of the Herald, Scotsman, guardian, BT Facebook page etc.

Nation Libre

Man is their bubble going to burst. They haven’t a clue


Jeez! Is Penny so dumb that she can’t understand that (even if it were true) that “every time a UKOK’er puts their head above the parapet, they are shot down” ….. is because there are so FEW of them? If there was huge BT support, and hardly any pro-Yes, then surely the situation would be reversed? Or do unionists not own computers? Is she really saying that unionists have such a tiny voice, and are in such a minority that they are “swamped out” by Yes supporters? ? Wonder why that is, Penny? Think it through please?


It doesn’t occur to them for a second that the trend going towards independence means they must be wrong or at least missing something sitting down there believing the yes side has no strong points only trolls.


Once again I hear, we are better together, why?

The vote IS and SHOULD only be for people who live in Scotland, why does this lady not understand that?

Robert Peffers

What absolute claptrap from that trio of utterly uninformed/misinformed and biased English broadcasters. The canary clad airhead erroneous implied that only imperialists of the Bitter Together campaign are monstered on Twitter and that it is so terribly unfair of those nasty separatist nationalists to abuse such wonderfully, and obviously correct, patriotic imperialists.

The other female broadcaster was of the opinion the diaspora of ethnic Scots Worldwide had a far better right to decide the future of Scotland than the actual, “People of Scotland”, of any colour, creed or country of origin who actually reside in Scotland and who are registered to vote in Scottish elections.

The rather well tanned male broadcaster had, perhaps, the better grasp of the real situation but was overly timid to express his more correct and balanced views to the pair of Anglo centric viragos who were intent upon monstering the independence supporting faction of the Scottish electorate. (Or, as we say in Scots, “Awa an bile yer heid ya bliddy numpties”.


I always thought that BBC Scotland liked a good poll result. After all, they have taken great pleasure in the past, telling us how wide the gap between YES and NO was.

But today there is nothing, not a peep about the latest You Gov poll showing the YES campaign need just a 3% swing to win Independence.

Even their latest Poll Tracker page hasn’t been updated yet. It only shows the You Gov poll result from 15th Aug, not the one for today.

link to

Come on BBC Scotland, stop being so shy.


Well these girls know their stuff.


Roll on independence, so we don’t have to hear such rubbish anymore.


I just keep hearing Richard Madeley saying “But what have we done wrong?”

James Sneddon

Robert Peffers “The rather well tanned male broadcaster ” Who cares what colour he is, that statement could be considered as racist.


“Forever is a very long time.”

James S

1. How does Newcastle feel about the Hadrian’s Wall jibe?
2. The Roman Empire left a long, long time ago.
3. Pro-unionists might be averse to using anything with the word ‘Mac’ associated with it and are still waiting on updates to download and reboot…

Maybe, when you don’t spend time watching or reading MSM you actually free up time for solid research and educating yourself.

(If you haven’t registered to vote, today is the last chance
link to )


Keep up the good work and it’s coming people.
Revolution may be not more than a few t shirts away!


Used to fancy penny smith 🙁


There are, however, cool heads in London that are anything but vapid, and are thoroughly versed in the dark arts.

Beware the Reichstag fire.


Carry on dreaming Ladies safe in the knowledge that you and everything you do or say is correct (even if you are blissfully unaware of the facts) and anything that Scotland thinks does or says is done through either stupidity or nastiness Your dreams are about to become a nightmare!


The solution to people who know nothing
Is surely to educate them.

I learned that yesterday.

CameronB Brodie

Fingers firmly in ears and loud nah, nah, nah. Oh, and your a bunch of small minded racists.

Thanks for reminding me why I ditched the TV. I’m much more informed and happier now for doing so. Thanks for helping to open my eyes and fill me with conviction to escape your perverse agenda. 😉


They just can’t believe it


Goodness me! To suggest we aren’t actually having a debate on this matter, or that it isn’t something which is considered near constantly is pretty galling! Those presenters just seem so out of touch with reality

Dan Huil

The views from these two ladies were a wee bit silly. Yet we shouldn’t be too harsh about them because all they know about the political scene in Scotland has been based on the biased reporting by the British media. They haven’t had the benefit of knowledge gained by visiting sites like this one. They have no idea about the grass-roots movement bringing independence back to Scotland. I almost feel sorry for them.

Tony Little


I think many in Newcastle might be quite happy to become part of the new Scotland, stretching down into Northumberland!

It is difficult to be too serious when you hear such unmitigated ball-cocks from “commentators” in London. They really do live in another world to the rest of the UK. I hope Billy Bragg is right and that an independent Scotland becomes a catalyst for a major break up of the centralised and suffocating power of London on the rest of the UK.

Tam Jardine

I would be very surprised if the two lassies having an informal and uninformed chat about Scotland would know our geography, our history or politics any better than that of, say Bhutan.

They certainly haven’t delved any deeper than the headlines. I think that is what infuriates people – those who don’t live here who have no concept of what is going on proclaiming their opinion partly based on archaic concepts of Britishness, partly because they feel that someone else is in control and not them. People like Penny are getting a taste of what Scotland has been served for ever: policies we didn’t vote for being enacted that effect us. And she doesn’t like it.

As for the idea that these poor celebs down south have been getting a roasting – she ignores the voters in Scotland who have been abused for making a stand on supporting Yes. Christ, I can remember reading the comments in the Scotsman when the wonderful children’s author Mairi Hedderrick, a lovely lady in her 70’s who has brought nothing but joy into the world getting abused again and again in the Scotsman comments page. And Alasdair Gray being dismissed as a “minor scribbler”! by the same team of bullies.

She ignores assaults on Yes supporters, vandalism and the constant bias from BBC and press which assaults the population everyday. She ignores pretty much everything.

Scotland seems like a long way away from within an English BBC studio, and the metropolitan media types are still in denial – they are in for a monumental shock


Terrible, the BBC as per usual.

Independence cannot come quick enough for me. I’ll be there at 7am to vote Yes. The clip from Will McLeod in the USA is just brilliant and I’ll be donating, thanks for pointing that out.

Another Union Dividend

O/T but keep downloading Cap in hand

link to

Jim McIntosh

Did this poll happen? Just listened to GMS since 7 o’clock, absolutely no mention of it.

Les Wilson

God awful stuff fueled by ignorance. However, it is not just the BBC ( who are the worst of course), when looking at the late night press reviews on SKY, they are no better.

How they select these people I do not know, they are clueless about what is really going on, and just do not understand it.
Shows their intellect of course.

Bugger [the Panda]

So this is what passes as the Metropolitan Media Elite?

There are thoughts of a suitable epitaph to the BBC in there.

Makes me think of the Anglo Ascendency in Ireland; thick as mince and with no useful purpose.

Now we know what the London Chaterati talk about their prawn cocktail hors d’oeuvre over the dinner table.

I am convince and will now vote No.

Except that I don’t have a vote as I live in Shanghai.

Real nominees for The Oxygen Thieves award.


All in all a victory for Rupert Murdoch whose newspaper The Times is prominently advertised by the BBC on the flat screen behind the ladies.

Grouse Beater

They have a good chance of winning the Perrier Award.


Oh, the clip looks like its from a channel I stopped watching long ago. I cannot imagine any reason why I would be interested in anything they have to say. So I’ll just give the clip a miss.

There are many sources of news in this digital age. Newspapers from around the world are easy to access. Comments below articles in the wider read sites tend to allow the reader to get both sides of any issue. After a while you learn to think for yourself.

Of course that is dangerous. Its as seditious perhaps as an ordinary labourer learning to read his bible in his native tongue. Who knows where such a thing could lead? What if people could learn to find out information on issues that concern them on their own? Without the filter of a skilled career minded journalist on a state broadcaster, or a lazy newspaper hack just recycling press releases. Who knows where such thinking could lead? Why,old orders could be overturned. People might discover how their money is being spent. People might question their very relationship with the society they live in.

If it offends you switch it off.

Edinburgh Quine

As for the poll, cast your mind back to the last Holyrood election, where the so-called experts were uniformly telling us the SNP were 15% lower than their actual vote. No analysis after to say where they’d gone wrong of course.

Bugger [the Panda]

Poxy smart phone touch screen and podgy fingers.


Arabs for Independence

These two ladies really think they know their stuff – total and utter ignorance. At least the presenter tried to challenge them but he was too powder puff although he was thinking – hang on a minute….

I have been listening to BBC GMSsince 6 am (7 here in Norway) and only brief mention of poll due to reading out newspaper headlines

Bugger [the Panda]

Bugger [the Panda] says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
2 September, 2014 at 8:13 am
So this is what passes as the Metropolitan Media Elite?

There are thoughts of a suitable epitaph to the BBC in there.

Makes me think of the Anglo Ascendency in Ireland; thick as mince and with no useful purpose.

Now we know what the London Chaterati talk about after their prawn cocktails at their candle lit suppers.

I am convince and will now vote No.

Except that I don’t have a vote as I live in Shanghai.

Real nominees for The Oxygen Thieves award

Caroline Corfield

I think a lot of this Hadrian’s Wall stuff is subconscious referal to the ice wall in Game of Thrones, Scotland is beyond civilisation.

There are quite probably a few who genuinely think that’s where the border is too. After all a lot of imperial Brits think they are the remnants of the Roman Empire. All that classical stuff taught at private schools seeps into the psyche.

These metropolitans know very little about anywhere north of the fabled Watford Gap. It’s almost as bad as those Americans who though Iraq was inside the States. Manchester is the north of England for them. Not Leeds, not Newcastle not Berwick, HS2 is a case in point.

I believe there is a petition going around for Geordies to cede to an independent Scotland, though it’s possibly tongue in cheek it’s only half kidding.

Bugger [the Panda]

I am thinking that the same thing happened at the last Holyrood election.

The polling companies infated Labour’s position and the side in that in the last few weeks was greater than reality as it was the only way they could salvage some respect and cover their lying trCks?


My, my that is a lot of erm’s, eh’s? and stuttering long pauses in one ho hum BBC “news chat” for many a long while.

Maybe even since, forever.

Pause, comma, break-space, pfft….

Can’t help getting the feeling they were kind of scared to comment at first but then when the got on a roll it was all downhill.

Keep it coming chummies.

Les Wilson

Gordon Brown now saying we will be International outcasts if we do not pay (our!) share of the UK debt in the event of a currency Union being rejected.

Gordon WE HAVE NO DEBT, it is WESTMINSTER’S DEBT,confirmed by WESTMINSTER it’self!
If they do not share assets we do not share debt. Simples, and their choice, as we are fed up offering to contribute a handout to help them out.

Please also bear in mind, that to be handled in this way is an International standard, which is of course rarely spoken of.
As far as my opinion is concerned, my question is ” what will they offer us to take a CU with a bankrupt rUK?

Tom Platt

At least the presenter was asking sensible questions. The 2 women just hadn’t informed themselves about the issues though. They were just peddling the line that Westminster puts out to the Brit Nat press.

“I can’t understand why we let someone else rule our land – cap in hand.”


Disgraceful lack of coverage on BBC Scotland website, but I have found some great news for us all.

Jim Murphy is back on tour!!! Excites!!!

Grouse Beater

Westminster has never regarded Scotland as an equal or a priority. Only when we complain do they toss us a bone.


Oh ladies …are you in for one helluva shock on Friday the 19th.


An excellent example of the ‘best of both worlds’ theory, where we are able to listen to ourselves, valued and loved members of the UK, being talked about in the third person.


Interesting. On one hand, the Unionists accuse the Yessers of being right wing, Nazis and on the next, we hear a suggestion that the referendum should have been on ethnic lines i.e. Scots living outside Scotland should also have a vote.

Also, to suggest that Yessers have not been trolled online…ridiculous. That journalist has not seen or chooses to ignore the abuse thrown at street campaigners, on the door step (just last night in my case), burnt out campaign premises in Glasgow – need I say more? A lot of the abuse has come from leaders of BT – I cannot forget darlings accusations of ethinc nationalism…


Warning: That’s what happens to your brain if you take up reading the Telegraph.

[Not than many Wings reading are likely to switch to that particular Westminster parish newssheet.]

Claire McNab

Brunette woman said: “This is not just a vote for four years. This is forever, and I wonder if that’s really sunk in”.

Obviously not. How on earth could people in Scotlandshire possibly be expected to understand a concept as advanced as forever? Even the word is difficult, having three whole syllables in it.

I think that the BBC should start regular public information broadcasts to explain this difficult concept to the Scottish people. Something like this:

“Independence means no more rule from London. Ever.
London rule gone this week.
London rule gone next week.
London rule gone next year.
London rule gone so long as your children live.
London rule gone so long as your grandchildren live.
London rule gone so long as your great-grandchildren live.”


BBC propagandists at work. We’ll do an Indy ref thing, so one of you bash on about how awful the Yes vote is, attacking anyone that speaks out etc and the other complain about how unfaei and undemocratic it is, easy few hundred quid there ladies plus your cab fair home back to the burbs of merry olde London.

John Walsh

“If they leave it will be FOREVER and that’s a very long time” sweet baby Jesus the half Scottish woman is supposed to be a journalist .


Caroline Corfield says:

I think a lot of this Hadrian’s Wall stuff is subconscious referral to the ice wall in Game of Thrones, Scotland is beyond civilisation.

That is absolutely spot on! We are the back of beyond. The Wildlings.

Doug Daniel

Petrie Hosken – you’re right, we’ve not thought it through, we’re just silly little kids getting over-excited without considering the consequences of our actions. How will we survive without Tory governments, nuclear weapons and public service privatisation? Thank you ever so much for bringing a semblance of common sense to the debate with your incredibly well-informed arguments.

Oh no, wait, what I meant to say was: piss off, you patronising idiot. Go and learn about how pollsters can tell which way undecideds tend to end up voting, so that you don’t sound like such a moron next time.


Why all the soundbites lately about abuse, carnage, etc? It looks like they are planning something either before the or during the voting or is that paranoia?

paul gerard mccormack

what the fuck! arses!

Grouse Beater

the half-Scottish woman is supposed to be a journalist.

There’s a good many with (BA Failed) after their name, including Andrew Neill, but by some mysterious quirk his documentary made a decent stab at explaining Scotland’s position. Perhaps he employed a researcher resident in Scotland.


Completely, and utterly out of touch, but there again that is the view of most of the folk in England, I regularly visit friends and relations in Yorkshire, cracking people they are, but this referendum just does not feature in the day to day events.
As for the remark “forever is a very long time” just sums up their grasp of the situation .


Posting this from an English Guardian newspaper blogger this morning, hits the nail on the head.

“I certainly envy the Scots. They seem to have found their democratic soul, and look set to deliver a blow against austerity and neoliberalism in these isles. The first such blow in thirty years. If the result comes back as yes, and that looks more and more likely, it will possibly be a death’s bell tolling for the antidemocratic Westminster model of parliamentary democracy.

And it’s not a day too soon. I just can’t see how those of us who live in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can put up with the charade any longer. Thank you Scots for taking the old horse to the knacker’s yard.

I believe the message is getting through!

Port Jim

The presenter says -we’ve had luminaries from the government saying it’s not a good idea .. And yet still . .

I think that, win or lose, one of the unintended consequences of this “debate” will be that few Scots will ever again believe anything said by a Westminster politician – particularly a “luminary from the government”.

Les Wilson

Caroline Corfield says:

Ref the Geordies, can we have Carlisle too?

Tam Jardine

I’m starting to wonder if I dreamt the yougov poll – no mention of it on Radio Scotland so far this morning to my knowledge. It did happen, right?


Oh gosh, I do hope “they”understand what they’re voting for and are actually being able to debate including hearing from the poor old trolled no side. And isn’t it just beastly that my Scotch meeja friends don’t get to vote.

Ffs. Utterly ill-informed and not a clue What’s happening in Scotland, miles outside their media bubble.


link to check out this numb nuttery.

“As an Englishman, Birley won’t be voting on Scottish independence. But he says his personal view is, why shove up more walls? He thinks, better to bring barriers down than put new ones up.”

So there it is from Rory the Tory country, bring down the barriers at Hadrian’s wall. Wonder if the Vikings got the same thing about Denmark but it’s interesting how all we hear about is stopping immigration into the yewkay and much more border controls to stop all these foreign types but the thought that England might lose control over Scotland and all that this brings them, is a very bad thing.

Wonder how long it will take guys like this to get used to England just being England because Wales is next.


Telephone conversation this morning between Gardham and John MacIntyre OBE…

Gardham – ‘John, what the hell is going on!’
JM OBE – ‘What do you mean, I haven’t read the headlines yet’
Gardham – ‘YouGov!! Yougov is what I mean… how the hell can you spin a 3 point swing to a yes victory as being a rejection?’
JM OBE – ‘I will cut and paste a load of stuff about Alex Salmond and project vanity and also cite a poll of polls which has no credibility and in which I have been selective which I have left out and which shows a 12 point lead for No’
Gardham – ‘John, FFS, do you think the people who read our paper are retarded? They’re never gonna go for that’
JM OBE – ‘well actually, yes I do… and anyway, work to do! These quotes won’t cut and paste themselves you know’
Gardham – ‘Ah well, its really all we have left I suppose’


It’s precisely this sort of thing that has made me suspend my hostility to UKIP.

Controversial, I know.

But all I know is that they gained very broad support in a short space of time across southern England- and that while there was no shortage of news outlets portraying them as racist, I noticed that I hadn’t actually heard much from them directly myself.

Now I read their last manifesto and it’s not my cup of tea, but I can’t help think there is/was something going on down in England that the media have completely missed and that I don’t understand.

I just don’t trust most news sources now


Vivienne Westwood votes Yes!

Grouse Beater

Vivienne Westwood votes Yes!

Never liked her designs, but thank you, Vivienne! She made here statement when receiving an award. Terrific. Let’s have more enlightened like her.

Grouse Beater

JM OBE – ‘well actually, yes I do… and anyway, work to do! These quotes won’t cut and paste themselves you know’
Gardham – ‘Ah well, its really all we have left I suppose’

There’s a touch of Patronising Lady’s mercurial reasoning there, McHaggis. She’s getting to you!


Penny immediately waffles off on an embarrassing tangent and the “journalist” to her side fails to understand how polls work or even the democratic system itself! What a joke. This is the BBC, the supposed gold star for media and it is woefully ill informed. How are the public supposed to learn if they rely on that as a source? Garbage in, garbage out. Just as well the new media, social media, etc. have spread so far to improve things.

Why do these people have jobs at all? I could go to any job centre and find someone better informed and more intelligent than that pair.

The host plays it fairly neutral to be fair to him although I’m not sure he always does or is aware enough of issues to counter or question/catch the silly stuff.

Graeme Doig

Ignorance is bliss … Until reality bites on the 19th

CameronB Brodie

Robert Peffers
I reckon the male presenter recognises racism when he hears it. I don’t think he was particularly comfortable with what the two female dinosaurs were saying. Apparently he knows his place though.


Even the Italian press is gob smacked at the sexism of that BetterTogether “I don’t have time to think or research so I’m a No” TV ad. Scottish women that dumb? lol. It’s cooler in Italian. Bliar Macdougal, first propaganda merchant ever that probably couldn’t get hired in Italy for being too sexist, shock.


They really are in trouble and don’t they know it.
The BBC Scotland news website…”Last Show for the Singing Kettle”!

dennis mclaughlin

This sketch comes to mind watching these airheads 🙂

Go For an English – Goodness Gracious Me:

CameronB Brodie

As far as selling a Unionist narrative to manufacture a British consensus – 2 out 10 (1 for turning up and another for not mangling any pronunciation 🙂 )

jim watson

“It doesnt sound like a democracy to me” – at least she got that bit right – its not a democracy and after Independence we will get the government we actually vote for! Wait…what do you mean that’s not what she meant…squirrels!

Les Wilson

All this shite just shows how they think and are fed the lie’s that we are effectively the underworld up here.
Never to be taken seriously, only there to be ridiculed and patronised when it suits, and of course systematically robbed.

Their true feelings about the actual standing of Scots is now in full view,we see and hear, they will reap what they sow.

Socrates MacSporran

McHaggis – brilliant.

Posting under my own name, I have been one of the most-consistent harriers of old OBE on the Herald threads.

This earned me a “final warning” from their webmaster, until I pulled a couple of favours from Yes-sympathetic high-ups at the Herald, since when I have been pretty well unmolested.

However, this week, I am finding it very difficult to renew my Herald subscription – aye well, that’s something like £37 I’ve saved this coming year.

fred blogger

onwards and forever upwards.
this is a well put case for indy
link to


Unbelievable patronising ignorance from these two with their “have they really thought about it” and their “forever is a very long time” criticisms!!


Hahaha what the hell did I just watch! Amazing.

john j

Breathtaking ignorance and arrogance.


John Macintyre OBE is the editor. He trolls BTL for kicks or why so many Yes CIFers messed about and treated like idiots. He gets his kicks but it’s all good fun.


”…rebuild Hadrian’s wall’ , did she really say that? Wow.

john j

And you can just sense the rising panic

Bugger [the Panda]


Miles outside their brains.


Hell hath no fury like a unionist scorned.


Victoria Derbyshire to host a two hour BBC debate from Dundee.

It is live on the BBC News channel from 10am this morning.

link to

“Victoria will be joined by around 300 5 live listeners and leading politicians from both the ‘Yes’ and ‘Better Together’ campaigns.”


I post almost every day to The Herald BTL.

I never swear or personally attack anyone. About 1/3 of my posts make it through moderation and usually 3 or 4 hours (at best) late.

I have been know to throw in the odd cheeky one to JM OBE – perhaps thats why unlike him, (who regularly breaks the Herald’s own rules) I seem to be permanently on moderation.

Its fairly clear JM is the Herald’s very own pet troll and clickbait.

What is most interesting about the BTL comments though is the prevalence of ‘Yes’ support. The naysayers haven’t been able to drive away/takeover like they did on The Scotsman.


Please, don’t get the impression that everyone in England is quite as blinkered and ignorant.
If I had a vote I’d be casting a “Yes” without a moment’s hesitation. The chance to build a new and free country which is free outside the control of the Oxbridge “career politicians” and their vested interests is tremendously exciting and empowering – a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that should be grabbed with both hands.
If nothing else, surely, everyone should vote “Yes” on the principle that the smaller the electorate, the closer each voter is to those in power, and so the louder their voice is.

Helena Brown

Tried to listen to it this morning on the Kindle, but sound too low so I gave up and now I really cannot be bothered. Two women who live in the South East Bubble, ignorant of the facts but with mouths to run off.
O/t got our YES paper late last night and this morning found the Wings leaflet, and the Aye Right leaflet. We were just saying this morning that this was all that was needed to be sent out. If people are going to say they do not have access to the facts now, they are voting NO.


O/T but had to get this out there, saw a brilliant song about Scottish independence on you tube released yesterday, really positive and catchy I think this will be big, people should check it out, don’t know how to do the linky thing here but if you type in Be a Nation, by Macanta, you’ll enjoy it 🙂


Fifteen sleeps until we will have the power to tell the world that we voted for Scotland to become an Independent Nation once again.

And it’s also you’re chance to vote for the beginning of the end of BBC/Westminster establishment propaganda in Scotland.


Nigel @ 08.33 comments, ‘we hear a suggestion that the referendum should have been on ethnic lines i.e. Scots living outside Scotland should also have a vote.’

A related point, will Scottish birth be a qualification for a Scottish passport?


Rebuild Hadrian’s Wall? Now THAT’S a good idea. Go for it ladies raise the funds get Rory the tory to lend you his spare brickies, job’s done.

Gets my vote YES

David Stevenson

BB: My thoughts exactly re the employability of that pair of numpties. The tragic thing is, they are probably paid a fortune for spouting their ill-informed pish. You could probably hire a dozen people on the average wage of a skilled worker in place of the pair of them.


Make no bones about it, the only folk who truly know what is happening in Scotland, is Westminster. The major politicians know; Cameron, Osborne, Miliband, Clegg ..even Boris. And they are bricking themselves! They realise that a terrible storm is looming on the horizon. Not Scotland …the English electorate.

Should Scotland vote Yes, the political elite of Westminster will have to address the English electorate and try to ‘explain’ what has happened. The English electorate will be a in a blind fury with the Scots, , quite rightly so! Why? …because they’ve been fed the same garbage as the Scottish electorate. And the politicians know it! The only problem is, Scotland is 3 years ahead of the curve in political awareness. Slowly but surely, each day brings more conversions to Yes as more and more Scots awaken to the truth of what has been done and said in their name. The English electorate aren’t their yet. They will after the 19th.

So how Cameron and Co squirm their way out of this one will be a belter. For the Scots, we will be watching with great interest. The English electorate will want to punish the Scots. Cameron and Co know they dare not do this. Pee off the Scots severely, and who knows what will happen with Currency, the Debt, the Submarines?

When Cameron bows (which common sense tells you, that he has too) to the Scots wishes, the English electorate are going to go mad and demand why? That’s when the fun begins. That is when Scotland may get its revenge on everything that Westminster ever did to Scotland. Watching these sidious, greedy, manipulative men finally tell the truth to an electorate in a blind fury, is going to be epic.

After that, I expect the English people to engage politically and start dismantling Thatcher’s great dream…

Geoff Huijer


Or is it? It’s the BBC after all…

Nana Smith

One thing that little comedy sketch above highlights perfectly, is the gaping chasm of both common knowledge about everyday life/politics in Scotland and an utter lack of empathy or understanding. They have absolutely zero clue about what is occurring here and if things conclude they way we hope they do on the 18th, then an interesting problem presents itself.

You can see that the rUK electorate, the great British public, are going to have a question or two to ask their media and their government, yep some very hard, very pointed questions indeed.


Vacuously vacuous vacuousness.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

Jeez-o. I hope these two dimwits are better informed about whatever else they might be paid to give their opinions on than the future of their own bloody country.

James Caithness

Martin says:
2 September, 2014 at 8:31 am
Disgraceful lack of coverage on BBC Scotland website, but I have found some great news for us all.

Jim Murphy is back on tour!!! Excites!!!


I’ll bet the one thing missing from his tour will be his helper the egger.


Couldn’t bear to watch it. Last time I switched the TV on was for the debate on Monday of last week and that was just in case someone asked me about it while out canvassing. And the time before that was for the 5th August debate which I watched for the same reason.

So far I’ve printed off 22 Wee Blue Books on my wee printer at home. It takes about 15 mins a copy so I figure you could print about 32 in an 8 hour day. Now, since we’ve got 16 days left I reckon if all 566,000 Wingers each print off 32 copies each per day till the ref we’d have 289,792,000 copies to distribute! That should about do it. Don’t you think?



There’s something in the white paper about that. I think the qualification are:

> Born in Scotland
> Parents or grandparents born in Scotland
> Ordinarily resident in Scotland

I haven’t a copy in front of me to be able to check though.


Cameron’s going to have to resign for being the Prime Minister that “lost” Scotland, is what I’m listening to right now.

Bet future PM BoJo is kicking himself for not having the balls to stand as an MP now. The real shoe in for next PM is another John Major stuffed shirt what the City can use, much safer that way for Scotland and post ref negotiations with the last thing we need is a Farage style Britnat tub thumper like Boom Boom Boris.

Anyone else catch future PM BoJo’s Boris island replacement for Hearhrow go tits up in the real world this morning? Guess where the money for Boris island is coming from because a pound spent in the Thames estuary is far more value than one spent in the Scotland region.

FM Salmond’s changed it a bitty, but rise up Scotland and be a nation.


OMG, these people do not live in the real world, the sooner we are rid of these clowns, the better.

Dorothy Devine

Thanks James – second playing as I type.

That BBBC interview is shockingly juvenile and ignorant.
Who do these intellectually challenged folk think they are ?
Their opinion is woefully bereft of any cerebral effort.
In fact it’s shite!


Victoria Derbyshire IndyRef Debate on R5 Live at 10 am.
From the Caird Hall in Dundee to an audience of 250.

Apparently, they are struggling to find “NO” participents, but BBC Scotland staff will fill the bill.?

Another RIGGED BBC Debate hosted by an English Chair.

I will not hold my breath expecting our side to be given ANY EQUALITY by anyone at BBC.

c`mon “YESSERS” tear them a new one.


The views, opinions and standpoint of these two women are in fact quite typical of both media and population in the SE of England.

If there is a Yes win announced on the 19th, there is going to be a massive backlash in England. It won’t be, for the main part be directed against Scotland, it will be aimed squarely at the MSM. Millions are going to ask a very pertinent question, “My country is going to cease to exist and no one warned us this might actually happen, why did you keep us in the dark?”

We must remember, we in Scotland have a very effective alterative online media and a widespread grassroots organisation. Both feed a narrative totally different from the MSM. In England, they only have the MSM.

The MSM has failed Scotland dreadfully. It has failed to keep the rest of the UK informed in the same way.

From an English perspective, the MSM has never moved beyond Gandhi’s ignore and laugh phases. They might even miss the fight before the win!

Much excrement will hit the fan on the 19th if Yes win.


Betfair odds on Yes now down to 3.95, or 2.95 to 1

fred blogger

crash aaah aaah, is @ it.
link to


Andrew Lloyd?

Can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t concentrate, can’t wait.

Tomorrow, tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a day away.


Off to the Bookies


Hightlights for me “forever is a really long time” and “it’s undemocratic”

Robert Louis

Dumb and dumber reviewing the ‘papers’. Why does the BBC insist on allowing the pig ignorant to give us their idiotic and racist opinions on the referendum and Scotland, especially when neither has the vote, and they apparently know sweet b***** all about Scotland.

‘rebuilding Hadrians wall’. How freaking stupid is that to say, considering the wall runs right through the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne (over 60 miles South of the Scottish border), ending in an area of the town called (and this is a clue to the morons on the BBC) Wallsend. It is also racist if you give it any thought – a wall to keep the Scots out. Very, very offensive. I’ll not hold my breath waiting for them to apologise.

As regards the vote business, it is the same as any vote, you need to be on the electoral roll in order to vote. To be on the roll you actually have to live here. If dumb and dumber, the newspaper reviewers of the BBC actually lived in Scotland, they would have the vote. It’s not rocket science, FFS.

Archie [not Erchie]

Interesting comment at the end of GMS programme today – An academic of Media Studies suggested that in 2034AD there could be a quiz question about the Reverend Stuart Campbell and the name of his blog/forum. Funny ole world eh?

Nana Smith

Ramping up the agenda….public enemy No 1 is Westminster.

link to



Victoria is far better than any radio Scotland Labour lovies.


What strikes me about all of this type of comment is the sheer unthinking insult which is routinely trotted out. They quite clearly hold the electorate in total contempt. They have not a democratic bone in their bodies

ronnie anderson

London Bridge’s no being build no being build nither is Boris Airport island, awe whit happened abody know.


Earlier on up the page, I said that there were fifteen sleeps until Freedom Day.

Well I’ve had a recount, it is infact sixteen sleeps until Freedom Day.

“Good things come to those who wait”

Robert Louis


The white paper clearly states;

“Inherent to citizenship is the right to hold a passport. In an independent Scotland all British citizens born or habitually resident in Scotland on day one of independence will have the right to acquire a Scottish passport, although, as in most countries, there will be no requirement to hold one. A Scottish passport will also be available to anyone who acquires Scottish citizenship through naturalisation.”

You will also be able to hold both a Scottish and UK passport (if you already have one).

Link to the section 7 of the white paper is here;

link to

Scroll down to the foot of the page to section on passports and the table explaining eligibility.


Penny, forgive them for they know not what they do.

ronnie anderson

Prof Pumise with front row seat at the Dundee debate on BBC News channel.

Calgacus MacAndrews

Archie [not Erchie] says:
Interesting comment at the end of GMS programme today – An academic of Media Studies suggested that in 2034AD there could be a quiz question about the Reverend Stuart Campbell and the name of his blog/forum.

What’s the answer?


Joe Swan

At the Yes stall in a shopping centre today, handing in registration and proxy forms.

A elderly gentleman with a No badge approached the stall and asked for a couple of Yes badges.

When we pointed that he had a No badge on he said, “Don’t worry that’s coming off. I’ve had enough of that”.

Made my day.

Keep up the good work guys.


I don’t want to spoil everybody’s day by referring to the Scotsman but some … In fact many good yes leaning articles today. I doubt they will “come out” but I do feel that the individuals who work there might fear for their futures as the polls tighten. Anyway almost balance even a bit pro today, but one swallow does not a summer make.
Onward and upward

ronnie anderson

BBC cutting the time down on the Dundee debate with the national news.


“Forever is a REALLY long time”

They talk like we are all idiots. I think they may have just added a few thousand votes for YES.


A elderly gentleman with a No badge approached the stall and asked for a couple of Yes badges.

When we pointed that he had a No badge on he said, “Don’t worry that’s coming off. I’ve had enough of that”.


Calgacus MacAndrews

They still might as well all be talking about a duck billed platypus, none of them ever having seen a duck billed platypus, but one of them having once spoken to a blind man who had described one.

(Old joke from a Wings page of many months ago on a similar topic)

Bye bye Metropolitan bubble.

Peter Macbeastie

I’ve only got one comment on rogue polls.

Remember the last Holyrood elections.

Polls in general? The head of Ipsos Mori admits they’re kind of winging it as there is no precedent for a vote of this kind in recent memory and the pollsters to like to have base values to work from. So they could actually all be, as a lot of people assume they are anyway, total and utter rubbish.

BBC ‘analysis;’ I have long since been suprised by the fact that I ever took it seriously in the first place. It’s pretty much all utter shite.

ronnie anderson

Would somebody in Dundee go tae Tesco & give Douggie ah WBB

Peter Macbeastie

Luigi; that comment deserves applause.

“I’ve had enough of that.”

There’s hope for everyone.



On the doorsteps and the street quite a few No voters are apologetic about it. This is not a stance that will encourage you to put your head above the parapet on the telly to back it up.

I told one guy on Sat who had stopped to enjoy our flashmob despite being No: ‘someone has to vote No, a 98.5% North Korean style vote for Yes would be embarrassing’.

No voters are doing a civic duty to make our referendum internationally respectable and we should thank them afterwards for their selfless sense of duty.

Graeme Purves

Penny Dreadful.

CameronB Brodie

Re. Daniel Johnson who is now defending NHS privatisation. He was introduced as a businessman from Edinburgh. He is the SLabour drone I bumped into coming out of the SLabour HQ in Edinburgh. He was the Fraser Nelson clone.

link to

trudy williamson

First comment from the lady was, may have to rebuild hadrians wall again. That is not the first time I Have heard that from an English person. The English did NOT build it the Romans did.please get facts right before opening your mouths people.

CameronB Brodie

Last comment regarding the live debate.

Robert Louis


The YES LGBT group have published their version of the white paper. The rainbow paper sets out the benefits of independence for equality.

Most important is the ability to enshrine equality into the written constitution.

Have to say, the group don’t make it easy to download the document by putting it on scribd (you need to register to download). After much searching I found the proper download link;

link to

Maybe the group needs to make the document a bit easier to find and download – not everybody is on twitter, scribd or facebook.

Nana Smith

Currency union anyone??

link to


@Cynical Highlander

Ow owowowowow! That lady is so uncertain about the oil and so many other things. If it runs out what will we do?

Is the lady’s answer to depend on others? Did the lady think perhaps that it doesn’t matter if there’s 10, fifty or a hundred years left, its how the oil and indeed all of our other resources are managed? How the stewardship is what is important? How those resources can be made to work for the benefit of the wider society rather than the privileged few? No, mainly I think you’ll find that we’ll do nothing toward restructuring our economy, reprioritising our spend or marshalling those resources more effectively.

Bangs head off desk.


The thing that should rally people to a YES vote is the oft heard line that they say “….we will lose Scotland”. We are just like their car keys, mere serfs to the so called “ruling elite” like Boris Johnson!


Seems the mainstream media believes only its own perceptions. Only better together supporters get “jumped on”. Right?

Robert Peffers

James Sneddon says: 2 September, 2014 at 7:46 am:

“Who cares what colour he is, that statement could be considered as racist.”

Oh! Piss off, James. I haven’t got a racist atom in my body. Here’s a true story for you. In the extremely bad Winter of post WWII, (1946/7), I was being brought up by my Grandparents in a farm cottage. My father was still in the army and mother still on defence work. No one in that wee group of cottages ever locked their doors and we would just knock each other’s door and walk in.

We were just finishing breakfast when there was a knock on the door but no one came in. Granny called on the visitor to come in but they knocked again. Granny went to the door and standing on the step was a coloured gentleman with a big suitcase. Granny had to actually pull him in from the bitterly cold outside. He was a young peddler. His teeth could be hear rattling as he shivered. Granny guided him to the fireplace and sat him down upon the seat on the end of the fender. She asked him his name but he struggled to understand her. So she pointed to herself and said, “Me Granny”, (She was everyone’s Granny). Then pointed to the young man and said, “who are you”? The name the lad said was not pronounceable so Granny said, “Och! Ah canna say yon – I’ll just call ye, “Johnny the Darkie”, and she handed him a bowl of porridge, a lump of buttered toast and a big mug of hot tea. Thus began a fond friendship that was to last until Granny died.

Johnny soon learned to speak both Scots & English and became the head of a large business that spanned all Scotland. He never forgot his Scottish Granny and fetched his prospective bride to meet her. He later returned for regular visits with his wife and children. Followed by regular visits with each of his grand children.

Now tell me, Was Granny a racist? What would the situation have been if Johnny had taken the hump at being called, “The Darkie”? BTW: We had a POW camp across the road from the cottage and the German & Italian prisoners were all Granny’s Grandsons too. Many wrote to her until Granny died – many travelled to Scotland to pay their last respects to that kind and wise old lady. I went to school in Leith when it was the main Scottish docks and had classmates from all corners of the World and you imagine I’m a racist?


I see the BBC website is reporting a sudden slump in the value of the pound this morning, wonder if its anything to do with a certain poll? If the trend toward Yes continues I wonder if a few days before the vote Osbourne and Darling will threaten Salmond that he MUST agree to a currrency Union or else! now that would be priceless…

Derek Morison

I continue to be astonished on a daily basis that even now they still don’t have a clue about what’s happening in Scotland. The biggest constitutional upheaval in 300 years is treated with as much gravitas as a Red Top spat about who should have won Strictly Come Dancing. UK politicians and media are either in denial about the potential break-up of the UK – or they know the vote is going to be rigged?

Robert Louis

Nana Smtih

A very interesting article on the pound. I fully expect as the polls narrow, the pressure on George Osborne will grow, and he will be forced by the city bankers into discussions with our First Minister.

Westminster, your currency bluff has now been called.

Robert Louis


See the article linked to by Nana Smith above.

Nana Smith

@Robert Louis

Oh to be a fly on the wall in Dave & Gideon’s offices, and lets not forget “I will resign before I allow a currency union with Scotland” Ed Balls. HAHAHA

Les Wilson

fred blogger says:

Sneaky Gordon trying to positioning himself to “save” rUK?
What a laugh that would be. Should not be too difficult as he “saved the world” already.
Aye, right!


Why do they always come out with ‘Rebuild Hadrian’s Wall’?

Do they actually know where it is – or is it the case that they’re desperate to get rid of a large chunk of northern England?

Harry McAye

Never liked Penny Smith. She seems to under the mis-apprehension that she’s hilarious. Petrie Hoskin I’ve mentioned on here before. On Sky Papers, she was asked why she would be against independence. She stuttered and stammered her way through her reply, “that, you know, I’d like my kids to have, you know, a good old passport”. Seriously! They just don’t get it and they never will. Come independence we can say goodbye to these numpties for ever.


@Robert Peffers

Hello. I think we had a wee chat a few days ago when I appeared a bit rude about my mum and elderly Aunty (Dad’s cousin) who were both voting no, particularly my Aunty who has been reading the Daily Mail. Well, what do you know, after a chat on Sunday when I found out that her Dad (my great Uncle – an Eastend of Glasgow lad)was imprisoned during the first world war for being an active communist opposing the imperialist war. He was just 16 but was taken to London and was in prison for 4 years (and pretty badly treated you can imagine). I asked my Aunty how her dad would have voted if he was alive today. She went silent for a while and said, you know, you’ve made me think. I’m not sure how I’ll vote now.

It’s funny how a nudge, even accidental, in perception, can turn a hardcore no into an undecided.


If you want to read the herald without subbing use firefox with addons ghostery and cookieculler.

Ghostery stops trackers communicating with homebase so when you get the 3 articles or subscribe message just restart your browser. I tend to use it with only disqus enabled which allows me to read and comment without being hassled.



I wonder if a few days before the vote Osbourne and Darling will threaten Salmond that he MUST agree to a currency Union

Page 110 of Scotland’s Future suggests CU, but I wonder if Unionist blood is a little chilled by the throw-away line on page 111: “It would, of course, be open to people in Scotland to choose a different arrangement in the future.”


Yes Penny…forever is a long time… but 307 years can seem like an eternity when you are treated as second class helots.


Well.your vote resides with you,if you do not live in Scotland,you cannot vote in Scotland. Equally,resident Scots cannot vote in RUK constituencies. If we could,while still residing, like them,in another country,where would that vote be cast? Would be able to pick to vote in the Prime Ministers constituency and unseat him at every election?

You have to live here to vote here. As for the trolling,if you only use mainstream media outlets,you will not be informed as to what is actually happening.


link to here we go again.

Watched Flipper last night threatening a million job losses and today it’s Crash with you will all be “an international outcast”

What a relief it’ll be to see the back of these tow abject failures. History is watching them, a parcel of rogues for our time. Although history is written by the winners so BBC, Crash and the Flipper etc probably do still think they have a chance of pulling it off.

Caroline Corfield

I see no sudden slump

link to

just the markets realising that economic indicators cannot rely on house price figures for ever

Caroline Corfield

the slump will come after the 18th

Liquid Lenny

Just back from a quick visit to the deep south, Reading and Oxfordshire. Got a few incredulous comments about my YES stickered Camper Van, they really do not have a clue what’s going on up here.

Nearly had a heart a few times last night coming up the M6, several times when I overtook Artics, they were blasting their horns, at first I thought I must have cut them up by mistake, but then I realised it was due to the large YES Signs on the back of the Van (And the Sides and the Front)


So, Penny thinks ‘NO’ voters are frightened to speak out, as the whole debate has been led by quite nasty and rude ‘YES’ voters, not allowing the ‘NO’ side to be heard? Not only is that sweeping statement unsubstantiated & untrue, the opposite is, in fact, the case. MSM, like the BBC and daily papers, have completely controlled the public debate, and have painted an argument very much in the ‘NO’ camp’s favour. Also, Penny, Hadrian’s Wall is entirely in England. If Penny rebuilds the said Wall, then a triangular wedge of England will become part of Scotland, which wedge, along the East coast, is a distance of 68 miles from the ACTUAL Scottish/English border. Better not do that Penny, as then war criminal Tony Blair’s illegal appropriation of Scotland’s North Sea gas fields would fall back into the hands of their rightful owner, i.e. Scotland.


link to

So where’s the world famous BBC neutrality and unbiased reportage then? Britnats say vote Noo and be proud of your BBC, it must be great because it’s attacked by left and right, but just this one piece of BetttertogetherBBC propaganda alone is enough to say bye bye Pacific Quay. Mind you, we must be like ants to these conmen in their shiny new £500m Clyde side office block of garbage.

Caroline Corfield

in fact from Nana’s earlier link
“The cost of hedging against sharp swings in the British pound in the near term also rose as speculators sought to insure against the risk of Scotland leaving the United Kingdom.

The one-month sterling/dollar implied volatility rose to around 5.45 per cent, from around 4.85 per cent on Friday. One-month risk reversals, a gauge of demand for options on a currency rising or falling, showed a greater bias for sterling weakness than a month ago.

Part of the reason for bearish bets is also due to a slight unwinding of interest rate hike expectations in recent weeks. Data has shown that economic activity is moderating in the UK and is likely to cool expectations of rate hikes further.

Data on Monday showed factory orders rose at the slowest pace in more than a year and the Markit/CIPS UK Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) dropping to its lowest level since June 2013. ”

UK plc is being seen for the charlatan economy it is despite the spin from the Tories, possibly because Mark Carney won’t play ball but actually wants to do the job properly.

I wonder what the Scottish figures look like, especially if they include all that economic activity taking place West of Shetland, eh?


Crash Gordon spraying the “Brown stuff” again this morning, saying that if iScotland does not pay it’s fair share of the UK dept, it would be considered as a default and would become an international outcast.

Really? I don’t think anyone outside Westminster and the home counties would consider iScotland an outcast for standing up to the bullies if they try to sieze all the assets. No assets, no contribution, repeat no contribution to servicing the UK dept.

Scotland has no dept.

CameronB Brodie

I think it would be foolish to think that No Better Together Thanks, have no idea as to what they are doing and saying. IMO, this is condensed UKOKery and an indication of an imperialist British nationalism that will provide little prospect for the future integrity of Scottish culture or institutions, in the event of a No vote.

link to

James Caithness

I was in Liverpool over the weekend (BTW no-one would take my Scottish £10) and they don’t give a monkeys about what is going on up here.
My pal told me everyone detests the Westminster politicians but his answer for wanting change was he is voting UKIP.


“it would be considered as a default”

Desperate stuff, Gordon. My sides ache.


NO,because we will have to vote again lol?

Quentin Quale

To be fair to the reporters on the paper review, if I had been asked about something I knew absolutely sod all about, say particle physics, the demented garbage I’d try to pull out of the hat to make the editor think the money for having me on the tv was well spent would likely sound similar.
Oh but wait, are journalists and broadcasters not paid to source information, understand the topic and give a reasoned discussion. Ah, there’s the rub.

CameronB Brodie

I thought this was quite amusing, and wasn’t sure how much longer it will last on the board.

link to 🙂


If they were anything but shills for the BBC, they would be giving some thought to what Scottish Indy might mean to England’s future, economics, foreign policy, energy supplies, demographics, democracy and so on but no, let’s all whine on and on about some perceived hoped for attack on them instead.

Tricia Martin

do the not even know what their own news channel is reporting…when a member of the better together campaign “assaults” a woman by kicking her!

Tricia Martin
packhorse pete

£ affected by polls closing – today’s FT.
“The currency markets reacted to the poll on Tuesday morning, with sterling falling 0.5 per cent against the dollar to $1.6524 and dipping 0.4 per cent against the euro to £0.7935.
“With the Scottish independence referendum approaching, the narrowing of the opinion polls is having a more direct negative impact on [the pound],” said Hans Redeker, head of global currency strategy at Morgan Stanley.
Angus Campbell, of FxPro, said the pound/dollar trade would be “one to keep an eye on as 18th September approaches”.


Jo Swinson FibDem MP WHOSE EVERY “PLEDGE” WAS DITCHED WITHIN ONE MONTH in 2010 will be out on her arse – whatever the result of the IndyRef.

HER nose was in the trough of MP`s Expenses to the tune of £1,160 – for FOOD.
Expenses for “Tooth Flossers”, eye-liners and 29pence dusters.

Let`s re-elect “Troughers” who are proven Liars.?

Jenny Marra was the third-choice from the “Additional Members List” for the Scottish Parliament in North East Scotland – Chosen from Westminster – NOT by Lamontable.

Marra, Swinson and all the Naysayers were totally stunned by the Scottish Socialist guy who rammed FOODBANKS and ATOS results in their well-fed physogs.
Well done that man.


Jim Mitchell

It all hangs together with recent events like the lady being kicked in Glasgow and Jim Murphy s rants.

As we oldies know, unionists only start getting this nasty when they are really rattled, but the thing is, rightly or wrongly it’s up to us to keep OUR shape and discipline.

The right contact with the public is still what matters above all!


Clearly the BBC and the British establishment do not like the thought of losing a country from their portfolio.


Who picked these two ignorant mouthpieces to give their opinions on a subject they obviously know absolutely nothing about. They exposed the EBCs total bias and propaganda for the establishment they along with the EBC don’t let the facts get in the way of their ignorance, although I don’t think either of them had a clue about the subject. The EBC is determined to destroy any respect it has left, and that ain’t much. RIP EBC.


The NO guy on the R5Live who said something about the great Scots that would have been nothing without the union really cracked me up… i suppose Robert Burns wrote in RP and it was just the nasty nats that changed it to Scots….lol , some people have a real contempt for their own country.

Donny Mac

Perhaps the West Lothian question has been superseded by the Westminster question. What happens when the Scots say Yes?.


Did the BBC pull the debate? Too many undecided’s coming out for YES for their liking? It was scheduled to run until 12.00 not 11.30… why did they pull the last half hour of the 5 live debate? They even said in the introductory remarks they would be on for the next two hours.


Just re-drawer the border along the M62. They most likley don’t know where that is ether. West bound carrage way England,east bound Scotland.


It was obvious well over two-thirds of the undecided’s at the debate were coming out for YES. Although the chap who was undecided when he applied but had voted yes by post before he took part in the debate (because he is off on holiday) didn’t do us any favours by making it appear that some of those undecided’s favouring YES had been planted.

Still the vibe from the Dundee audience and the undecided voters was very positive and having been in Broughty Ferry and Dundee the last three weeks it is obvious as anything Dundee is coming out for YES in a very big and passionate way. A friend who had been on holiday and came back recently said he couldn’t believe the visible transformation over the two weeks he had been in Greece. It is inspiring to see this new Scotland emerging before our eyes.

P.S. does anyone not think Brian Taylor is a diehard NO voter?

Graeme Doig


“Vacuous’ is my word for the nonsense the majority of nay sayers i listen to but you have expressed ‘vacuouosity’ to a whole new level. Cheers.
Another convert in local second hand shop. Folk are desperate for a reason to vote Yes. Tactical conversations pitched at the right level.
I know some seeming converts may get gripped by fear before the 18th but the tide has turned.


Apologies to the young lady who spoke last in the Victoria Derbyshire Debate.?

In only a few sentences this young lady put the debate in a nut shell – POWER in Scotland DECIDED by Scots in Scotland – for Scotland.

ALL the deceitful Tories in this Audience have been promised – by BamCam – that they will be Excluded from the Commons via his Boundary Change Legislation after 2015.

Scots Tories vote versus Freedom in a fortnight.
In MAY 2015 They vote to exclude themselves from the House of Commons.

Is there a dafter place to be a Tory.?

Ian Brotherhood

Tony Robinson’s been at those wee mushrooms again;

“I’m a big fly and I know no borders…fzzzz (THUD)…fzzz.”

GTF, you irrelevant tit.

ronnie anderson

@ Donny Mac Tam Dalziel wont be happt chappie, still he has the comfort of his Hansards in the Taxpayers funded Bookcase.


James Caithness says:
Jim Murphy is back on tour!!! Excites!!!
Maybe he can take Paul McCartney along to serenade the public with, “I am the Eggman”.


Oh! Piss off, James. I haven’t got a racist atom in my body.

So this; ‘ The rather well tanned male broadcaster‘ isn’t racist? He’s black and you call him well tanned and it’s not racist?

You might not be, but the remark would certainly qualify. You let yourself down with a remark like that and you let yourself down with a spurious defence.

Arabs for Independence

Jo Swinson – we’ll give Scots lots of tax raising powers

Victoria Derbyshire – including tax on oil revenues?

Jo Swinson – No that’s better handled by Westminster

Cue huge groans from the audience and you just know the games up

Les Wilson

Tricia Martin says

Clearly shows he kicked out at her, let’s hope he is charged.

Les Wilson

Ian Brotherhood says:
2 September, 2014 at 12:03 pm
Tony Robinson’s

Yes, and he made some onerous comments.



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link to

Dr JM Mackintosh

That was just SO funny.
There are going to be a lot of very confused people down South.

Good question from BBC to BBC – why did you not have a proper debate???


@Caroline Corfield

“I see no sudden slump”

Yet clearly there has been one, how much of that was based on the long-term economic outlook who knows, currency is affected by all manner of things, afterall the pound took a dip against the dollar when the UK raised the terror threat last week. The FT article linked to by packhorse pete above suggests the poll result had plenty to do with the yougov poll this morning. There will only be a big slump on the 19th if the markets don’t see a Yes vote coming first, cos if they do, then Westminster’s hand will be forced, much like it was earlier this year when they had to publicly acknowledge full legal responsibility for the UK debt.


Gordon Brown’s latest intervention on the debt issue is really quite astonishing. He talks about Scotland defaulting on “our” debt. Apart from the obvious point that Scotland does not have any debt, for there to be a default, someone would need to be defaulted against. In other words, somebody who was entitled to interest or repayment would need to not get that interest or repayment on the due date. As Osborne and Alexander have guaranteed all of the UK’s debts, it’s simply not going to happen. There cannot be a default if the creditors are being paid on time.

If Scotland agrees to contributing to the debt, the mechanism will be that Scotland transfers some money to rUK to help rUK to make the interest and capital repayments. At no time will Scotland have any direct dealings with the money markets, other than for any new debt that we might take on in our own right.

Gordon Brown knows all of this. It is hard to reach any conclusion about his latest outburst other than that he is deliberately misleading people. I don’t think the Scottish people are so gullible that they will be taken in by his latest distortions and lies.


I just heard something on Radio Scotland about Murphy being followed by a Sun journalist wearing a chicken suit. Please let it be true! 🙂


My kids high school is trying to organise a referendum debate. Yes voting pupils have always been a small minority, the town itself has been a UKOK bubble.

The debate looks like being pulled as only 3 No voting pupils have come forward. My daughters are reporting a huge swing to Yes amongst 16-18 yr olds, including some of the most vociferous former No supporters. The town has become awash with Yes signs in the past 2 weeks.

I’ll be handing out 3 WBBs right under the noses of 2 prominent UKOKers on Thursday evening. I’ll report back.

16 sleeps to go!

Dr JM Mackintosh

were the original badges blue on white and new ones white on blue?
If so I will get new one.


“the FT article linked to by packhorse pete above suggests the poll result had plenty to do with the yougov poll this morning”

the fall in the pound, not “poll result”!


Big Gordy doesn’t realise that you cannot default on a loan you have not signed for or agreed to, either that or he is lying through his teeth, which one is it Gordy?

As a career politician I think it’s probably a mixture of the two.


@Dr JM Mackintosh

The original badges are blue-on-white, and they had a limited edition from 001 – 100.

The current badges (there are other items on offer) are Blue-on-White, and Blue-on White limited edition numbered 101 to 200

There are also NEW White-on-Blue badges as well as limited edition 101-200 ( There has never been a batch 001-100 of White-on-Blue)

Nana Smith


I would say he’s lying through his teeth just like these lib dem muppets

link to


While Penny and Petrie are clearly not disinterested, can you imagine the BBC getting two more uninterested punters.


Full Scottish, what like, the breakfast. lol

turnbull drier


*closes eyes and crosses fingers*


Taxi for Mr Chop 😀

Nana Smith

Murphy takes a stroll with a chicken…

link to


Compared to yellow Penny, I think old Cockers of the telegraph is pagen of eloquence. 😉

turnbull drier

@nana smith…


I’ve never been so happy.. Mon the chickens 😀

bob sinclair

This from the BBC Website:

‘Police Scotland has confirmed Deputy Chief Constable Iain Livingstone recently met Better Together chairman Alistair Darling to discuss referendum security matters.

As a result of that meeting, liaison arrangements between Police Scotland and the Better Together campaign office were put in place and these are operating effectively.’

Just what are the BBC trying to imply with this statement? because the way I read it it looks like they are implying threats to BT offices.

They just can’t help themselves.

bob sinclair

Juteman, Yep, It’s true.

Josef O Luain

@Robert Peffers

“The rather well tanned male broadcaster” After having made your perfectly good points, Robert, you go and fuck it up completely. Why oh, why?


Vote – “NO”

Take two Aspirin and come see us in another 300 years.?

“Pledges” and Promises from BamCam, Clegg, Mibbeland to their own Scottish voters are not worth the candle that lights their sleekit ways.

Tories Demand Total Tory Rule over all the UK and legislated to ensure it.
Defeated by the Unelected House of Lords, but only AFTER they realised they might LOSE 300,000 Scots Tory votes in the IndyRef.

Legislation on Boundary Change that has been merely DELAYED until AFTER the IndyRef.

Who will vote for Unrelenting future Tory Rule that will UNDERFUND a future Scottish Parliament.?

Lamontable Begging Osboring for “MAIR MONEY” IN 2016. ??

The prospect of of a “NO” vote terrifies me and should terrify every Scottish voter.

“YES” stops ALL their machinations on Sept 18th.


Juteman says:

I just heard something on Radio Scotland about Murphy being followed by a Sun journalist wearing a chicken suit. Please let it be true! 🙂

The only thing that would top that would be the sight of Alistair Darling and Gordon Brown being pursued down the street by a couple of giant pound coins with legs.

Nana Smith

@turnbull drier

All together now….

Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, lay a little egg for me
Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken, I want one for my tea
Oh, I haven’t had an egg since Easter, and now it’s half past three
So, chick, chick, chick, chicken, lay a little egg for me


Any giant pound coin suits out there?


Mad Murph being interviewed on Politics Today now.


Jim “The Egg” Murphy

Reputation scrambled.



Another convert on my Facebook feed to Yes after years of being a staunch No.

I have to admit I did not expect this last minute change of heart from so many people but it is happening more and more everyday.

If we keep working – we will win.

turnbull drier

I know his reputation is “scrambled” and it reminds me of Mr Chop, but you just know he’ll be loving all the attention..

Still I can always console myself with the fact that he’ll be out of a job soon trying to seek attention from all the Unionists in WM, pleading for a peerage..

Long may he be cast out into the wilderness of “Jim who? Ah, the one in the chicken suit.. Meh”

Dr JM Mackintosh

I am the same – TV used to be on all the time as background noise.
Peace and quite – no BBC license fee – all donated to Derek Bareman which is much better value.
I do not miss it at all and anything worth watching is on iplayer anyway.

Funny thing – I think I became independent ,in my mind, some time ago. London BBC has meant nothing to me for a long time. It is like a foreign country already and we have not even got independence yet.


Has the egg incident ‘Murphed’ enough voters into turkeys voting for the No Christmas? I think the opposite to be true – despite the ‘best’ efforts of the BBC and MSM.

Jim Mitchell

Meanwhile back at the ranch, are we seeing the non too subtle signs of strings being pulled from the back with the NO campaign, in last nights debate Johann going on about Alex Salmond’s threat to blockade our fishing ground if other countries don’t do as we wish (she never said how this could actually be done though), and stressed that this is what happens if anyone want’s to disagree with the nationalist position on anything!

We have had the Jim Murphy situation and the following rants and now we have dear Penny telling everyone of how anybody who speak out for the Status Quo gets vilified big style through social media.

You know, if you can’t kill the message etc etc.

Dr JM Mackintosh

Thanks Kendo
new white on blue for me.


Murphy on Daily Politics was called ,”precious” by a commentator. That about sums him up. He spewed his usual nonsense and interestingly blamed AS losing the first debate as the trigger for the rioting! They said a YES Scotland speaker was invited to comment but they declined.

I was angry at this but then it dawned on me this is the correct response..turn our back on him to show our contempt.


Famous 15,

It’s akin to getting someone on to “counter” Nick Griffin.

ie: needless.

Skeletor is irrelevant. He should just be allowed to whistle into the wind.

Whilst stinking of BT egg.


I avoid the BBC as much as I can as one avoids contaminated foods: but after an ingestion of say Reporting Scotland or those truly dreadful evening Referendum programmings, WINGS is always an excellent purgative, restoring the system to a certain balance. An excellent ‘samizdat’ in our captive media world.


Sorry the “rioting ” should have had an “ahem”

Murthy is so precious that he cannot even spend his own money,he prefers the poor taxpayer to pay for HIS keep.

Albert Herring

Yes down to 5/2 with Ladbrokes. Halved since a week ago.

Helena Brown

Dr JM Mackintosh regarding the BBC and living in a foreign country, we have felt this way for some time as well. We have news regarding education and health and none of it involves us, not even a quick remark to say so. I have noticed though and Grouse Beater could actually confirm, we are being inundated with programmes which strangely enough are being also forced on the poor old English which must be making them froth into their beer. All this porridge wog stuff that doesn’t interest them normally which is the reason that the BBC are uninterested in making programmes here with a Scottish Context.


Why has the chief polling guru John Curtains gone to ground?


Just watched Skull Murphy on the Daily Politics and the Environmentalist called him “A BIT PRECIOUS” over the egg-pat on his back.

Murphy said he enjoys his street debates with the public.
What Debate – when he hoards the mic and never allows questions.?

Megaphone politics.Shout down debate.

“YES” activists can also hire megaphones.

Ian Brotherhood

Murphy is a big ham and should be prosciuttoed.

ronnie anderson

Aye when its done Jim Murphy its done,and it all depends whether you want your Egg soft boiled or hard boiled differance about 1min Freedoms forever.


Just actually seen him since my workplace was nearby. Kept my distance as did 3 other Yes folk. Acting all jovial, he has a guy in a chicken suit with him. Obviously, he’s forgotten about his tantrum and complete meltdown only a few days ago. Now laughing it off. Two police officers were there to keep an eye on proceedings. I missed his overall speech (or drivel depending on your point of view) but caught the tail end. I did catch the moment when a voter (a full time carer) chased after him as he spoke to the press, and when she tried to ask him why his views conflicted with that of Ed Miliband when it came to austerity cuts. He was off. Chasing after him, and still asking him a question, he told her to ‘keep up as I have long legs and that I need to get to a meeting involving a TV station’. When she pointed out that she was a voter and that she had the right to ask him, he apparently continued to say that he had a meeting. So there we go. No provocation. Yes folk kept a clear distance, and Murphy’s still not wanting to take direct questions from the public.


There are still some decent journos out there.Read and enjoy.

link to


Jesus wept… and if the gadge had to listen to the BBC I can well understand why….


Juteman says:
I just heard something on Radio Scotland about Murphy being followed by a Sun journalist wearing a chicken suit. Please let it be true.

Yep! Saw it with my own two eyes outside the National Gallery


@James Caithness said
My pal told me everyone detests the Westminster politicians but his answer for wanting change was he is voting UKIP.

Direct your pal to:

link to

The basic site is also quite good:

link to

My own suggestion is mass green voting which would blow the spin doctors minds.


JLT 9.36am

Spot on. the North East are watching Scotland. The English will require a lot of answers and watching the spin and lies get torn apart(like the BT camps) will be “must see tv”. The English take a while to get going but when they do they are unstoppable. They have suffered just as much as Scotland.

They will have many allies north , that’s for sure. The English Scots for indi will have our support as we have had theirs. They are politically up to date and have the knowledge of building a grass roots campaign .

Things are going to change big time for all the UK. We cheeky Scots have started the ball rolling and without the bullets and bombs. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

Watched the video of the news last night. Poor guy interviewing has my sympathy. I have nothing to say about the 2 female panelists. We have folk like that up here and they are mostly ignored.

Great comments too Wingers. Your a clever knowledgeable lot.

” 15 Sleeps “” nerves are starting to tingle. ( big deep , slow breaths ) You can feel it in the air.

Westminster is on borrowed time.

Nana Smith

These rags won’t take a telling even from the police.
Murphy and the torygraph are welcome to one another.

link to


He was also very rude to one lady (a carer) who asked him why he is saying that his views on austerity were different from Ed’s. She wanted to know ‘why are you saying that, when Ed has said that he will continue Tory policy should Labour win?’

‘You’ll need to keep up as I have long legs and I need to get to meeting with a TV crew’.

‘I’m a voter too. Why won’t you answer the question?’

Says it all…

Robert Peffers

@CameronB Brodie says: 2 September, 2014 at 9:05 am:

“I reckon the male presenter recognises racism when he hears it.”

Aye! Cameron, I come from a long line of Scots who really do believe, “Wir aa Jock Tamson’s Bairns”. Then after leaving the farm my schooling was in Leith when it was a great international port. We had all sorts as classmates.

We followed Hibs and/or Hearts and danced at the Fountainbridge Pally or the Eldorado Stadium and Ballroom and went to the speedway to watch the Monarchs together. Most of us also skated at the Murryfield Icerink and if you shut your eyes they all had the sane Scottish accent.

That’s what Scots do – we absorb immigrants and take from them the best bits of their former society. Thats where the ice cream parlours, chip shops, curry houses and Pizza Parlours came from not to mention the Chinese and other eateries.

Milady de Winter

Sorry are these women meant to be journalists..if so how can they be so misinformed about what is actually going on here? Have they been to Scotland in the last few weeks to see what campaigning is actually about. Oh wait …it’s the need for any informed mistake. Just watched my MP Murphy get a nice easy ride on Daily Politics and RS…it makes me so mad. Thank god for sites like Wings and Bella…where the truth isn’t held hostage. Apologies to non Firefly/Serenity fans but I just keep thinking of the quote “you can’t stop the signal’, well the signal is getting stronger and it’s saying Vote YES!

schrodinger's cat

something is up
jitters on the money markets
very quiet on social media
rev been gone for a while now.

ipso moray poll due at tea time

I can feel it in my waters!!


Sorry folks I haven’t read all the comments … YET! Apologies if I’m repeating the thoughts of others here.

Can I first of all thank Penny Smith for confirming for me what I never knew, it is only NO supporters who are the targets of Trolls, no YES supporter has ever suffered at the hands of a NO supporter. Well I’m glad we got that sorted out and cleared the air over those nasty cybernats and all their nasty lies. I’ll bet the Weir’s can rest a lot easier in their beds tonight knowing that they are NOT the target of any unionist Trolls. 😀

It is obvious from her comments that GEOGRAPHY is not one of Penny’s stronger suits, either that or she had the same Geography teacher as dear old Tory Rory Stewart. I’d so much like to contact her and inform her in my usual informative 😉 way that Hadrian’s wall is NOT at the border. That is off course unless she, like Tory Rory wants to cede the northern half of Cumbria and Northumberland to Scotland. 😛

Thanks must be sent to Petrie Hosken for educating all of us too stupid Scots. I hope everyone caught her highly educational comment that this referendum is NOT like a General Election this is for EVER! Well, knock me down with a feather, who would have thunk it.

One final thought here. I think we really should all send dear Petrie a huge thank you letter for educating us about the referendum not being like a G.E. but also for informing us that for ever is a *ahem* very long time! No Shite Sherlock! DOH! 😛

Apologies for the long post folks. I think I feel better now.

Betty Boop

“It’s your country of origin and you don’t get a say in what happens to that country…”

Oh dear, well don’t leave your country of origin if you want a say! Your choice. How many generations do we have to go back with the country of origin thing, by the way?

The vote: “…it’s forever, that’s a long time…” Has she thought about political unions through the ages. Most of them break at some point and I’ll bet some folk said exactly the same about our particular union, i.e. it’s forever.

@ianbeag, 1.:15pm

Don’t worry about the Prof – he popped up this morning along with Brian Taylor on BBC 2 at a debate in Dundee. It never matters what polls do or what election results there are, the Prof turns up to tell us absolutely nothing.


Betty Boop
The vote: “…it’s forever, that’s a long time…” Has she thought about political unions through the ages. Most of them break at some point and I’ll bet some folk said exactly the same about our particular union, i.e. it’s forever.

Forever …aye …until the oil runs out and we’ve asset stripped Scotland dry.

fred blogger

do people realize that before 2010 men could get PGC, and women got state pension @ 60.
but now anyone born after 6 10 54 to 5 4 60 will have to wait until they are 66 to get a state pension.
the human cost is enormous, whereas the fanatical costs are drastically reduced.
as a result of this 6yr gap, funding iscot pensions, which initially is a small cost, as pensions prior to that date are already fully funded, even easier.
according to ESC, pensions and benefits are 40% to low in any case.
link to
which means that even if our economy stays as it is pensions are easily affordable.

fred blogger

do people realize that before 2010 men could get PGC, and women got state pension @ 60.
but now anyone born after 6 10 54 to 5 4 60 will have to wait until they are 66 to get a state pension.
the human cost is enormous, whereas the fanatical costs are drastically reduced.
as a result of this 6yr gap, funding iscot pensions, which initially is a small cost, as pensions prior to that date are already fully funded, even easier.
according to ESC, pensions and benefits are 40% to low in any case.
link to
which means that even if our economy stays as it is pensions are easily affordable.

Nana Smith

Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh I hope Westminster mps and their banker friends have bought enough incontinence pads and nappies.

link to

CameronB Brodie

I’ve heard Paisley has it’s problems, but are No Better Together Thanks really trying? Where did all their Tory money go?

link to


Sorry if I’m slow, but does “Better Together” still exist or has it changed entirely to “No Thanks” (and shouldn’t that be “No, thanks” anyway?)? Does anyone know what’s happened to UKOK? Is it still on the go or has it just been amalgamated entirely into UKIP?

ronnie anderson

@ Nana Smith ave goat some big boy nappies ah kin recycle let me hiv they’re address i’ll send them on lol.


CameronB Brodie
they must have spent all their money on Champagne to celebrate their certain victory

oh dear


Somebody in the above comments was asking where is our favourite and only poll expert John Curtice these days. Well I’ve found him – he’s billed to appear tonight in Perth as “renowned impartial expert” along with John Swinney and Alistair Carmichael. It is a free referendum debate at Perth Concert hall 7.30 – 9pm tonight. 300 free tickets at –
link to

Nana Smith

HAHAHA Ronnie, love your humour. I believe there has been a run on toilet paper this morning.


BBC RS lunchtime news cover Murphy as some sort of returning hero (sans bloke in a chicken suit). Still reporting that he was a victim of Yes yobbery, when the culprit has never been identified.

The more you watch the incident, the more obvious it becomes that it was a set-up. The reason the guy had to go up and break the egg on his back was because he couldn’t hit his target. Murphy didn’t instinctively react to being hit on the back and his minders didn’t intervene, standing as close as they were and having already witnessed two missiles aimed at him miss (partly due to his anticipation of being hit).

Yet another bungled production by those nice people at No Better Together Thanks.


I used to oppose independence. Now I support it.

What made me change my mind? Why, the fact that I “really thought about it”, since you ask.



Heh, the markets are having a bit of a nervous moment. 🙂


I’ve just had a wee thought. Yes I HAVE taken the meds don’t panic folks. 😉

Would it be possible for the dear old BBC to arrange for these two incisive paper reviewers to do the papers review on the 19th of September AFTER we WIN! 😛 Having recovered from watching their epic performance above I can now not get an image out of my head of these two trying to put a brave face on the finality of it all. 😛

I forgot to add my thanks to dear old Petrie in my last post for informing me that I live in a country that is NOT democratic. NOT democratic has she actually stepped outside of her glass sound proof castle to see what is actually going on in the real world in the U.K. today? NOT democratic I think she just read that word in a book somewhere and has been dying to get a chance to use it. Well Petrie you’ve used it now move on … PLEASE!

Nana Smith


Nerves a janglin!

link to


JLT says: Juteman says:
“I just heard something on Radio Scotland about Murphy being followed by a Sun journalist wearing a chicken suit. Please let it be true.”

Yep! Saw it with my own two eyes outside the National Gallery

So, if I turn up with my full sized egg costume on we could have a race?



Oh, let’s go further. I want all those pundits there, every single mother’s son and daughter of them. They’ve been queuing up and eager to trash talk Scotland for the past three years. In the event of a YES win I want to see every single one of them on a sofa explaining to the general public just why they got it all so wrong.


Between the Sun chicken stunt and today’s pro YES issue, makes you wonder if they are going to come oot for indy.

Charles Edward

These strange casual ladies with their old ideas are propaganda pawns in the big media battle.
Dismiss them along with the exhausting list of celebs who think no.
We have to push this one over the line, don’t get distracted.
‘All our base are belong to us..’



Now that’s a mission statement. 😀

Colin Church

Nice colur change one for me although did pain me to see “united kingdom” is compulsory fill in drop down…

CameronB Brodie

Crash Aah Aah
link to

wingman 2020

Meanwhile on Oil and Renewables…

link to

Dr JM Mackintosh

welcome to our happy band.
thinking is good!

Is that a Pokemon I see before me – are they coming out for Yes as well?
My kids will be delighted.


Oops looks like I’ve been moderated again! 😛

Hey that’s not bad. I’m back for just over 24 hours and I’ve been sent to moderation three times already. WOO HOO! 😛

Robert Louis

Robert Peffers, your comment this morning ‘rather well tanned male broadcaster’ in most peoples perception is racist. It matters little what YOU personally think it means.

A silly thing for you to write, given that your postings are normally so very well informed. Quite, quite unnecessary.

Funny how a persons credibility can just vaporise so quickly.


How’s it going???

As to the chicken-man …well, he’s taken to flight …as has Murphy …who was hotly pursued by one very angry voter who wanted to know why he was contradicting his boss, Ed Miliband when it came to the truth about future austerity measures. It was a very bizarre scenario. Overall, I would say there was around 35 folk there …made up of at least 10 members of BT, 2 policeman, chicken man, a dozen journalists, 3 Yes folk and few curious bystanders who I believe were tourists who were wondering what the hell was going on…

I have no idea who Murphy was actually appealing to if I had to be perfectly honest.

Kenny Higgins

These ladies clearly spend all of their lives with noses stuck in the UK Media reports, which explains their ignorance of whats really going on up here. The comments with regard to the rebukes on Social Media is of course partly true but no fiercer than what we receive from btg. The social media is the only tool the Scots have been left with – other than the Sunday Herald. The entirety of the rUK media: TV and Press have swamped us with lies, corruption, fabrication and bias. They are just oblivious to this along with 90% or rUK population it seems. – They just dont understand how oppressed the Scots have been politically and in life. It was not a fair fight from the start. The battle of Stirling Bridge was won by William Wallace and Andrew De Moray’s army of just 2,300 Scots facing the English army of 13,000. Battle of Bannockburn was won by Bruce’s 6,000 overcoming the English might of 16,000. Never under-write the power of the Scots, we have come from behind before. We can do this again. Yes we can.

schrodinger's cat

always wondered about the polls, it is certain that polls are conducted in the run up to an event in an attempt to sway voters, we have seen such polls from Ashcroft etc in the Past. However, as the event approaches, the polsters need to be unbiased for integrity reasons so that they can claim to have predicted the correct result the day before the event.
pound sliding
security alert
8 point swing on a you gove poll, if this is corect then the more favourable pols will be showing a lead for the YES
the CU is an economic issue, not a political one, a point that Cairney from the BOE made last week, (I thought it was a disguised swipe at osborne)
I have always said, it will be the speculators on the money markets who will decide whether Salmond or Osborne is correct. I think we will know the answer to this even before the 18th


@Dr JM Mackintosh

Thing is, it’s not just me. That’s what’s wrong with the argument.

We all know that Yes is rising in the polls (because that is, after all, what’s being discussed here) which can only be true if people who were previously either undecided or No have come to the conclusion of Yes. It’s silly to ask whether those people “have really thought about it” because that’s exactly what the poll-shift is saying they’ve done!

It might be valid to ask whether the ones who were Yes from the start have really thought about it, but the whole point of the story is that more than just those people have reached that conclusion.

Donald Urquhart

So as not to disappoint Penny in her expectation of abuse from YES supporters…

” you should put your arse above the parapet, it could talk more sense”

fred blogger

that must have been an awesome sight, ain’t too proud to beg murphy, chased by a chicken and an irate voter. 🙂


Oh Donald you really are a big nasty cybernat TROLL aren’t you? 😛


Whew! Look at Scottish democracy roar now, while BetterTogetherists squeak on dreay old vote no Gaurdian CIF

link to

If you’re out there Malky, I say!

link to

Murray McCallum

What point is there to a review of the papers when you get people voicing fictional accounts. It is particularly annoying as we are talking about a part of the British Isles.

They almost seem to think that civilised political discourse no longer exists (if it ever did) in Scotland.

dennis mclaughlin

Milady de Winter………Browncoats for YES 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Murray McCallum
When the UK’s public broadcaster has “Home” and “Scottish” corespondents, you know the game’s a bogey, without having to look further for evidence of institutional bias.


1. Why pay so much attention to the BBC.
We know what they’re like.
Turn your back
and they’ll piss in your porridge.

2. The polls: with 99% state controlled media,
is it not rather obvious that the State controls the polls
as well ?

3. Whatever an independent Scotland creates
in the way of national honours
Stu should get the highest honour immediately
on Independence being declared.

Ian Brotherhood

Looking forward to footage of Murphy’s latest escapade – from JLT’s description it sounds like a Benny Hill sketch.


@ Robert Peffers

No number of twee little stories will negate the fact that the remark was racist. Any kid in a playground who has made the mistake of referring to someone’s defining characteristic will confirm this.

You are not being accused of being a racist. I’m a generally nice guy, but I have from time to time behaved like a shit.

You could apologise for the remark. You could even use the politician’s excuse of not intending it to be racist and apologise for the way it’s been interpreted.

Please don’t continue to excuse it; we all have a responsibility here, not just to the regular readership, but to the wider Yes campaign. You wouldn’t want to give ammunition to the No side after all.

Calgacus MacAndrews

manandboy says:
Stu should get the highest honour immediately
on Independence being declared.

Order of the Bath



With Penny referring to Hadrian’s wall I suddenly thought of Rory’s cairn – anyone know how it’s coming along?

James Dow A voice from the diaspora

Petrie Hosken did you mean to say you were a half wit instead of half Scottish? How did you end up half Scottish? when you professed your whole family is Scottish. Well unlike you I am Scottish as are all my ancestors but unlike you I am not whinging my tits off at not being able to vote because I emigrated to Australia. If you and Penny Smith are representative of English, or if you prefer British womanhood then for the first time in my life I am forced to feel sympathetic towards Englishmen, if that is your preference of course.


Well that’s my partner just back from Rigg doing a wee bit of paper delivery work. The great news is that, even though there is only around 30 houses, they are most definitely extremely positive about YES. She talked to a couple of farmers and they are both YES as well as a dear old Irish woman. She also had a talk with a very proper English gent who talked about all the LIES he had been told by Better Whatsit. He was concerned about his pension, borders etc but my partner was very able to put him right on every thing. Think he is now a confirmed YES as well.

I know 30 houses aint much but every little bit helps, particularly Dan Suff here in D&G. 😛


I’ve just read an e-mail from our regional coordinator and it appears D&G is going to be receiving around 5000 LESS WBB’s than we ordered because demand is outstripping supply. WTF

C’mon guys we all know no one wants this book. I have it on good authority, Jim Murphy 😛 , that the WBB is full of lies. 😛


Ian Brotherhood

I just caught the tailend of it. The Herald have a couple of pictures of it. The Sun chicken-man was having his photo taken by other journalists as he made his way back up the mound as Murphy chatted away to the journalists.

One thing I did note …sure there were a dozen ‘Team No’ activists there, but what I saw from the general public that did stand to listen to him, most were wearing aluminium ‘No’ badges. So, these folk that turned up to listen to him were already converted. I believe they slapped wee ‘No Thanks’ stickers on anyone who didn’t have anything like that. But my overall impression was that he was speaking to a group of folk that was generally ‘No’ to begin with.

A couple of bypassers shook their head at him with one commenting that ‘two weeks ago, we hadn’t heard a peep out of him for a year, now he thinks he’s a celebrity!’

I can’t see the point of his roadshow. He’s preaching to the converted. As said, one lady tried to speak to him as he chatted to the press. When she finally got her moment, he was off with her chasing after him along with a couple of photographers and journalists. When I spoke to her a little time later, she was spitting blood. He fobbed her off with what basically amounted to that we shouldn’t believe everything we hear (not to sure if he’s talking about himself or Miliband …that would be interesting. Let’s put Miliband and Murphy in the same room and ask them the same question on austerity).

Ian Brotherhood

Cheers JLT. I wonder where he’ll crop up next.


Eh WTF can you say about that jeebus wept


For the last twenty five years I have watched on in awe as the power of popular people movements have changed the world. From Tank Man at Tiananmen Square to the Maiden in Kiev they have inspired us all. Never in a million year did I imagine that happening to me here in Scotland! Thanks to Mr Osborne in February my interest in politics has been rekindled.This site was the fort port of call that day due to the vague cybernat tag. Since that first day it has been like an explosion in my mind. To watch the movement grow under the radar of the old establishment control, like many others before ours, has been the most exhilarating time of my life. They are crumbling and we are going to win. Stu you are our Tank Man!


I think the “it’s forever, you know” line is starting to backfire on the No campaign now. It’s the same as how at the recent TV stramashes, folk have been saying “give me a reason to vote No.” People are starting to see Yes and independence as a default position with the No case yet to be made. Westminster must somehow find a way to justify itself in the next two weeks AND seem more attractive than independence if it’s to win. It can’t. It won’t.


It really does feel like the beginning of the end for the Union.

I’m trying not to get too excited or carried away but the change in the winds is all around.

I’m starting to allow myself to picture the celebrations on what could be the best Friday ever 🙂


Annie says:

With Penny referring to Hadrian’s wall I suddenly thought of Rory’s cairn – anyone know how it’s coming along?

The wall itself is coming along just fine. Rory is rebuilding it in rememberence to the grand empires of the world.

The western start cairn has just made its mark in history and the eastern cairn will be built on a busy roundabout in Newcastle in 2183 AD.

Every couple of miles there’ll be a watchtower (known as “Rory Cairns”) and Rory will march up an down in his boy scout uniform and scaring the s**t out of the tourists. 😉

CameronB Brodie

Robert is the same age as my father and with a not too dissimilar past, I think. I know my dad doesn’t have a rascist bone in his body, yet he uses the same language. I know my dad doesn’t mean anything by it and I do my best to stop him posting on political blogs. 🙂

Robert Peffers
I hope you can take this one on the chin and accept that your choice of words was unacceptable. Then we can all move on.

R Knight

O/T Several ‘No Thanks’ signs in farmers’ fields in W.Stirlingshire which have been damaged by livestock, the elements or by other causes have been replaced by plain boards with text claiming that the previous No sign was damaged by Yes supporters and asking if this is what can be expected in an independent Scotland.

Surely the money used to pay for such signs on the part of Better Together constitutes a breach of the regulations re. use of campaign funds?

Or are posters accusing your opponents of criminal damage a legitimate use of campaign funds?


What do the BBC Scotland news team have in common with lovers of old Westerns?

-They are Aw’day Murphy fans.

(I’ll get my poncho.)

fred blogger

Ian Brotherhood
according to murphy you’ll have to be clairvoyant to know that.

wingman 2020

O/T And people say there is no difference between the North and the South?

Read the BTL comments.

link to

Les Wilson

Another nice wee video about the egg man

link to



Rory’s cairn. Penny’s going to climb it and throw herself off. Then we can all watch the BBC as the Penny finally drops.


I think I’ll create a wee saying here, thanks go to Petrie Hosken and the unknown woman from BT for the suggestion. 😉

“Have you had your cereal cause it’s for ever you know!” 😛

CameronB Brodie

Les Wilson
But is Jim Murphy a Zionist or is he against racism? What does he think about Palestinian babies getting blown to pieces?

wingman 2020

Egg Man…. Take his pic and do an image search on Google Images. Then you will see who he is.

CameronB Brodie

I liked the suggestion for iScotland’s new national dish. Cheerios. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

wingman 2020
i know who he is, I used to share a flat with him.


@ CameronB Brodie i agree… another one that gets me is the Home counties… Stirlingshire? That’s where my home is….

Nana Smith


What are your thoughts on the Stornoway debate. I didn’t have time to watch it.

Schrödinger's cat

Lol at ananurhing

Schrödinger's cat

Yer wheetos are oot darling

Schrödinger's cat

Ye’ll have had yer wheetos murf

Schrödinger's cat

Or should it be fruitloops


@Colin Church

Sorry Colin, I know it’s a massive P.I.T.A but it’s all down to indiegogo’s internal gubbins and nothing to do with Kendo. 🙁 Thanks for the order though ! 🙂


Thanks for that Cameron I’d forgotten all about those. 😉

As far as I can make any sort of unbiased comment on the Stornaway debate Nana Nicola won by a country mile. Lamont was her usual atrocious self, the former M.S.P was a total berk and the other guy kept looking through his crib book, I kid you not!

Alistair Allan and the businessman for YES did do quite well but in all honesty they were never going to be in the same class as Nicola. She stole the show, as I expected.

You can watch the debate here if you want Nana.

link to



Was there from long before the start until Murphy was doing his press interviews. Almost everyone I saw was badged ‘No’; some were given sticky No badges. Saw elsewhere that No had emailed supporters to turn out.

Today was a glory parade for Murphy, media falling over themselves. He was preaching to the converted: he wasn’t trying to convince doubters. Foulkes, Eric Milligan were giving their support. He was loving this!!

When asked about concerns re Barnett, rise of Ukip, Boris, he said simply that extra powers were guaranteed after a No.

A couple of quotes, ‘We can still shape the world’ and we have saved ‘hundreds of thousands of lives across the world’. He’s on the wrong track

My take is that he is positioning himself for post-referendum. Either he keeps his Westminister seat and salary etc or he’s ready to lead SLab.

The man isn’t worth bothering about: the real debate is elsewhere.

Nana Smith

Thanks Lesley-Anne. Maybe I will recognise some folks.

Will Podmore

I’ll take winning by 53 – 47. A win is a win. This whole referendum coalition between Cameron and Salmond has split Scottish workers on national lines, set worker (unionist) against worker (anti-unionist), all to get workers fighting each other rather than fighting the employing class that Cameron and Salmond both represent.


Westminster lies are running thin soon o.ur time will come


@Cameron B

Does he work for Murphy ?

Schrödinger's cat

Robert peffer
A valued contributed and hard worker for yes

Move on guys, life is too short and we don’t have time
Seriously though, today’s you gov poll is a game changer, what are the other polls like?
I’m sure the speculators on the money market will know
Whatshisface from you government, him who said we didn’t have a chance 6months ago, now saying on the guardian that it is ok to vote no cos another referendum will be along soon??
I can smell their fear from here in holland


Just seen a video on the Guardian site and it looked as though there were quite a lot of No folk surrounding oor Jim.

Someone said they had been contacted by email to turn up – sounds like another publicity stunt.

Big Jimbo suggested that someone had called off the ‘attack dogs’ – he is still getting away with this lie despite the Police media release yesterday and the Herald is still ignoring that it ever happened.


Murphy’s road show is all about publicity, it certainly isn’t about meeting undecided voters, he has seen precious few of them so far. The trouble is that for most of his tour stops he was talking to Better Together people a few passers by and a pigeon. While it was no doubt fun to go and heckle his shabby show it was perhaps unwise. All he wanted to do was play the victim. He was rabbiting on like a whiny kid about nasty cybernats long before he set off on his “waste of air” tour. That said, I am still totally unconvinced that the eggman was a Yes supporter.

Ian Brotherhood

Half-heard on news – quarter of a million raised for pro-Yes groups, £168k of which went to Yes Scotland. (WOS WBB fundraiser was, what £60k?)

Better Together received £0 in donations.

That’ll be because Blair McDougall said they didn’t need any more…right?


Will Podmore

Likewise I would take a 53 47 win for Yes. Then we can set about rebuilding the bridges and bringing people on board. Once we are independent most No voters will want to see Scotland do well. At that point bygones are bygones.


What happened to the Ice Bucket Challenge? AS and NS did it, where is Cameron & CO?


@Luigi 12-47

Yes. Yes there are LOL
link to

Snowy bottles

The presenter does his best to hold The pair of them on topic but they both have a grudge to bare!


I’ll take 50% + 1 additional voter!

CameronB Brodie

This was over a decade back, so I wouldn’t know really.


HandandShrimp says:

Murphy’s roadshow was just a publicity stunt from start to finish boosted by the Blairites in the media who want to see him replace the hopeless Johann Lamont.


I can’t remember if this has already been mentioned here but over on Twitter there does seem to be a lot of questions about the “egg man” HaS. I’d actually go as far as to say there are quite a few, me included, who have very strong suspicions that Mr Eggman was actually part of Murph the Smurph’s security team.

It seems ironic that a guy can go to a football match in Brazil with a you Jimmy hat on and support England’s opponents and his picture is all over the media and he is named within 24 hours yet here we have Mr Eggman and 4 or 5 days later we still know NOTHING. Something stinks and it isn’t just Murph the Smurph’s egged shirt!

In my view this whole egging of Murphy was a pre planned attack by his own staff to *ahem* create something out of thin air because he was not getting the attention HE *cough* thought HE deserved.

Ian Brotherhood

If those ‘donations’ figures are for the past month, and McDougall’s plea to folk to stop sending dosh (because they were ‘inundated’ with donations) was in mid-August, does that mean people had stopped donating to BT a fortnight before McDougall asked them to?


Caroline Corfield

Set unionist ( Ian Woods, JK Rowling, Keith Cochrane of the Weir group…. in fact just read this
link to
Against non unionist (SSP, Greens, Labour for Indy, Libdems for independence, and all those non party activists that are the mainstay of Yes groups around the country)

There, that’s surely what Will meant?


link to

Here we go! this is pants too though. $1.50 is the optimum value of sterling or even $1.45 is fine. Cheaper exports, sell more Scottish produce.


@Cameron B

If you are agreeable and want to mail me his name ? try kenmcdonald1(AT)btopenworld(DOT)com 🙂


Has anyone seen this, Daily mail backlash against the Scots in comments

link to

fred blogger

BT keep banging on about the cost burden of pensions et al across 60m people.
this is simply NOT true.
as only a shade over 30m people are in work, millions of those are in work poverty and also reliant on employer subsidies.

CameronB Brodie

Aye, and you’re just gonna make a badge? 🙂

David S Briggs

Graham says:
2 September, 2014 at 10:48 am
If you want to read the herald without subbing use firefox with addons ghostery and cookieculler.

Thanks a bunch Graham. I can now read The Herald with impunity. Your fix works well, certainly better than vainly cleaning out the cookies on Chrome.


Can’t wait for tonight’s debate watch more people see the truth and vote yes

CameronB Brodie

There’s beer mats to consider, match boxes, tea towels, sun screens, posters, floor decals……. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Key fobs, mugs, t-shirts, wait a minute, I could get back into business. Cheers Jim and Eggman. 🙂

James Caithness

Les Wilson says:
2 September, 2014 at 3:43 pm
Another nice wee video about the egg man

link to

The police must be either incompetent or they have been told not to investigate.

Has Murphy made a complaint? If not why not?

I take the point made earlier, someone in Brazil out of a crowd of 000’s is found quickly but the egger, (with more phots of him that most people have in their photo albums) on the internet can’t be found. The Police are either incompetent or complicit


What about Jim Murphy egg cups. Must be a market…


Has anyone tried the Google image search for the egg man?


Be a Nation by Macanta.Dancer!

Nana Smith

Message on Stu’s twitter….

Spam flood now so bad I may have to consider closing comments for a while.


To be honest JC I think, as I said earlier, this whole egging episode was a stunt set up by Murph the Smurph and his security gang. This is why the police are not involved. Murphy’s gang don’t want the police arresting one of their own gangsters.

This whole egging *ahem* incident was created solely for one purpose and one purpose only to get Murph the Smurph onto the T.V. news channels. He has, for the most part, been greatly ignored by the press and other media and he doesn’t like this. This egging scenario was a rather weird but extreme example of Murphy throwing his toys out of his pram! 😛

CameronB Brodie

Definitely egg cups and knitted egg cosies, as well. 🙂

link to


Rev’s just tweeted:

‘Spam flood now so bad I may have to consider closing comments for a while.’

And I think he was referring to comments on WOS and not WOS Twitter, so if you’re experiencing probs posting, you’ll know why.

(Will this post?)


@Lesley-Ann – I have just listened to 25 mins of the Stornoway debate and I found it quite depressing – maybe it improves and I will watch it all when I have time.

The accountant guy sitting next to Jo La could bore for Scotland and I didn’t feel that NS was getting louder applause on the contrary, the bore for Scotland seemed to get the longest applause.

Also when NS was talking sense and you panned round the audience it seemed me there were a lot of crossed arms etc and I didn’t feel they were with NS.

CameronB Brodie

I know who he is, I shared a flat with him years ago. No idea what he’s been up to since then, but I was certainly surprised that he is ‘on our side’.


The metropolitan mindset still wont get ‘it’ ten years after Scottish independence and hopefully, a yes vote, i dont give a harry hit what they and all the other so called experts think. It has been way too long that theyve ponitificated about my country without knowing the square root of diddly squat. Sixteen sleeps to go and counting right enough!


With 20 stores in Scotland I’d think Percy The Pound would love a bit of cheap publicity at the next Darling/Brown appearance…..if he was asked nicely :o)
link to

James Caithness


I take your point and wholeheartedly agree. However Why are we all not writing an email of complaint or to report a crime with the evidence of the latest you tube video copied into the emails.
The guy broke the law. Murphy made a song and dance about it.

The crime is a violent crime. Also its littering. So if Murphy doen’t want to make anything of it then the public should complain.

Also we (the YES campaign) are being tarred by the same brush by Murphy saying we are mobs.

I tried to file a complaint with Scotland Police but its difficult to find an email address or someone to complain to. I was hoping to get the Chief Constable.


@Cameron B

No actually, I was going to shake his hand, then collect the reward money, then sell my story to Newsofthescrews…

The badge is an eggcellent idea though. I’ll get cracking on it. 🙂

fred blogger

yeah just watching it now sound quality is poor.
the atmosphere is even worse.


It’s amazing. Here in Australia I and many others are easily able to follow the independence debate and are fully aware that there is a very good chance Scotland will vote Yes. Yet these BBC journos/commentators/charlatans seem to only just be considering the idea.

Surely the people can see through this. Keep up the good work all of you, and thank you from the diaspora. Vote YES Scotland. I’ll move back.



It would be an interesting excercise for someone to identify any CCTV on shops etc in the area and then to look at footage from the hours and maybe several days prior to the egging to see if the eggman is checking the area out. If he isn’t local, he must have walked through to reherse and ensure his getaway. (He would have been identified by now if local)

For me, that wouldsonfirm that the guy isn’t local and there has been some prior knowledge to the event. This would confirm NO camp collusion and destroy their credibility.


@fred blogger – agree about the atmosphere.

I think they prob like Jo La cos she’s from the islands and what was that guy on about with his union jack flag – did he expect Nicola to catch the criminal?

Was he trying to link himself with big Jimbo and the attack dogs?

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Just heard Radio 4’s PM News programme refer to Scotland’s First Minister as
“this man”.

The contempt the BBC chattering classes have for scotland and our government is not exactly difficult to spot, is it?

CameronB Brodie

He was also spotted at the Murphy Megaphone Ordeal in Ayr and I would bet he has been filmed at other ones.


I wasn’t aware Johann Lamont was from the Western Isles. I thought she was from Glasgow with parents from Tiree.


@Greannach – sorry my bad – I suppose she is linked with that area.

fred blogger

there are only 2 people on the panel who put their points clearly and with passion.
the moderator is happy for people to be talked @, and try to stop the passion from building.
there is a lot of animosity coming from the no side of the panel.
the debate is affected by too much control and by fear!
let the passion live i say.



Donated my wee bit. Got your e-mail. shinee new badge…………… MY PRECIOUS .

How bad can it get ?????

Commenter on the Telegraph says A. Salmond is a sexual abuser. Honest Look for TINTO.

link to

More vile attacks to come folks. Scum !!

call me dave

Big Brian finally getting round to talking about the poll and …. BBC radio Scotland studio lost connection … false alarm, he’s back to tell us about the queue of folk (in Dundee) waiting to register for a vote.
Like the sound of that.

Margrait C on the the hand is plodding along on message saying “NO is still leading and I’ve been a socialist all my life blah . . blah” What’s she like?


No no no...Yes

Here Prof Curtice’s reaction when he read the latest poll results:

link to

Black Douglas


The sound last night kept going off as it was the camera microphone that was being used.

It auto corrects all the time so it appeared that the BTNOTHANKERs got the loudest response but this was not the case as was explained at the time.

In fact Nicola got the loudest response from the crowd but the camera microphone auto corrected and made the response sound poor when exactly the opposite was true. 😀

The guy in the middle for No Thanks(The accountant) could bore for Scotland, the conclusion we came to was he sounded like Droopy the dog 🙂

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Okay. Someone REALLY NEEDS to capture or repost the audio file of Radio 4’s PM interview with arch-Thatcherite Lord Forsyth as it’s fucking jawdropping.

Easily beats those two rent-a-quote media talking heads for being staggeringly out of touch and unbelievably arrogant.

Grouse Beater

AlbAus: Yet these BBC journos/commentators/charlatans seem only just considering the idea.

Personally speaking, I’m happy to have them asleep at the wheel, as long as they don’t veer off the path and mow down democracy waiting for one of Alex three buses.


I totally agree with you Liz about the accountant, what a bore! That point did not go unnoticed in the comments during the live feed last night either. I couldn’t believe it, here he was in a debate and he had a damn thick crib book that he spent most of the night working his way through. What wrong has he never heard of doing your homework BEFORE a debate he actually has to do HIS homework DURING the debate?

With regards to the noise from the applause, someone last night did suggest that the NO supporters were possibly sitting closer to the video camera set up than the YES supporters I’m not sure but if you actually listened to what was being said then, in my view, Nicola was streaks ahead. As a wee aside I have heard from numerous sources that the Islands are very firmly YES and I wouldn’t read too much into the sitting with crossed arms thing Liz. 😉

Up until lately JC I think most folk assumed that a complaint would be going into Police Scotland from either Murphy himself or one of his underlings. As we all now seem to be agreeing on, this did not happen so it is up to us ourselves to do the police work instead. So yes we should be firing off e-mails, tweets etc to police Scotland with a complaint about the incident. I see your problem JC they don’t really seem to have an appropriate form for this sort of crime.

I think the sound problem was down to the acoustics of the hall Fred.

From my time in Kirkcaldy during my formative years Scotspine I think he runs up the steps towards the bus station which, if memory serves me right would put Murph the Smurph outside the entrance to the shopping centre, I think it’s called the Kingsgate. I do agree about the collusion of the Better Whatsit camp SP. This WAS a setup by them to get more media coverage for Murphy, nothing more nothing less.

Robert Peffers

@ fred blogger says: 2 September, 2014 at 9:46 am:

“crash aaah aaah, is @ it.
link to

Brown is a total idiot. It is stupid enough of him to fondly imagine the people who elected him are thickos. He compounds that by imagining that the rest of Scotland zip up the back but now he is insulting the whole of the rest of the World by thinking them as all idiots.

Think of his flawed logic. He states that, “an independent Scotland would become an international outcast if it refused to accept a share of UK debt”.Does the bloody idiot not realise the rest of the World will plainly see that the, (three country), Kingdom of England, is a partner in a bipartite union and there are no other kingdoms in that rUK so it is neither the continuity state nor the sole owner of the bipartite disunited Kingdom’s assets?

call me dave

Speechless he is! He’s only looking at BTNT’s latest leaflet

link to

CameronB Brodie

I don’t know if you will remember my story about bumping into a SLabour apparatchik coming out of their HQ in Edinburgh. The ‘Fraser Nelson clone’. Well, I think he was introduced as an Edinburgh businessman at the live debate earlier today.

link to

CameronB Brodie

Sorry, previous comment for Grouse Beater.


I think it is all that travelling around the world Robert to tell everyone, who will pay exorbitant amounts of money to listen to him, that it was him and him alone who saved the world! I guess all that flying thingy must be catching up on him now cause he clearly has no idea what country he is in nor who he is talking to. 😛

Still never mind Robert he is an EX Chancellor, an EX Prime Minister and an EX M.P., apparently 😉 , so with all that EX stuff going on in his wee head it’s not surprising he gets confused from time to time! 😛

CameronB Brodie

call me dave
Thank you, thank you, thank, you. I’d forgotten about Bill. 🙂

Dorothy Devine

And the Herald obliged like the lapdog it is Lesley-Anne.
Long article and posed /best photo.


Well we all need our little lap dogs from time to time Dorothy. What would our life be like without our little lap dogs? 😛


So the money markets are marking down the pound at the prospect of Scottish independence.
One would have thought that the pound would rise with the possibility that these subsidised Jock scroungers would be leaving the UK.
Funny that!
Markets don’t care. They just want to protect themselves and make a bit on the side. They know who supports whom.


Financial Times nice wee video about Yestival.
link to
embeded in article about the pound sinking after the latest poll results.
link to

“Investors may love golf and grouse shooting, but they see an independent Scotland as on a par with a damp, midge-infested picnic in the heather.”


Anyone who is short of time and needs to explain the referendum to someone then you could a lot worse I reckon than show them this. 😉

link to

Grouse Beater

Cameron: The ‘Fraser Nelson clone’.

Standing before the Scottish Parliament has him appear very confident of getting elected. Odd, how by the cut of his jib one can surmise a private education.

Grouse Beater

“Investors may love golf and grouse shooting,

Dae they? Well Ah’m ready. Ah’ll take them awe oan!

Proud Cybernat


Every vote will count.

I have just undertaken a analysis (fairly unscientific) of the possible vote outcome in the referendum and, on present polling, predicts a narrow YES victory by just 41,387 (Y:50.65%, N:49.35%).

This result is based on the most recent registered voting population of 4,010,397 + additional 120,00 16-17 years. It assumes a turnout at the referendum of 80%. Of the first 63.8% of the registered voting population, it awards No 53% of the vote and Yes 47% of the vote in line with present polls and the highest percentage turnout of a Scottish election (UK 2010 GE).

The prediction assumes that of the remaining 16.2% (of the 80% estimated to vote), 65% will vote YES with 35% to No. Again, this is in line with present predictions of a 2 to 1 split of these additional voters in favour of YES.

The end result is a narrow YES victory. Let’s work harder still to make this prediction a reality.

Proud Cybernat

I should have added, it is entirely in Project Fear’s interest to fill this campaign with apathy to ensure disinterest and, consequently, a low turnout. The higher the turnout, the better YES has of winning. We cannot allow Project Fear to scare people away from the polling stations.

fred blogger

Robert Peffers
i’m simply amazed that anyone listens to him.
who gives him the protected status that he enjoys.
follow the money!

Nana Smith

Thanks for the responses to the Stornoway meeting.

O/T but just watched an advert on C4 about Disneyland Paris and it says – you can say Yes, Yes to a visit etc and a big Yes written in the sky. Ha ha!

Jim McIntosh

Did I just see Nick Robinson standing with Dundee in the background sign off with “This is Nick Robinson for the BBC in Fife”.


I see Stu has just twweeted that after a YES win he’ll get 1 million copies of the WBB printed!

Ya wee beauty! 😛

Grouse Beater

Got a copy of the Wee Blue Book.
Not a risque joke in it.

I was a bit shocked with the way they mentioned it on BBC Wales radio.

They mentioned that the gap was now just 3% and how much it had shrunk but also mentioned the margin of error was usually 3%

The implications from the usually biased presenters were that it could be 50/50. This isn’t an isolated incident either, they appear to be changing their tone towards a YES vote and I can only assume it’s because they want people to think they saw it coming.


I think good old Nick must have been using this to get around Scotland Jim. 😛

link to

CameronB Brodie

Why, would it not have served it’s purpose?

CameronB Brodie

Previous comment was about the 1 million copies of the WBB.


If you’re talking about the WBB Stu is planning to get printed after a YES win Cameron then he says they will be souvenir copies. 😉

I’m just wondering if the front cover will still have the Wee Blue Title on it or will he change it to:

“The Book that won Scottish Independence” 😛


No one listens to Paw Broon surely??

Senile old smell guy. Cheating charities , spreading lies and scares to the most needy people in the country and telling us about debt. The fucking irony of a has been who help bankrupt the union.

I used to enjoy irony but if it’s anything to do with Brown i get so angry. The MSM crow he’s a big hitter is scotland eh ????

Typo should read Shitter.

Aye he’s one of ours i know but he should be exiled to the Bass Rock , old scrote

CameronB Brodie

That’s not how you do it. You write a book, 1,000 of which come with a limited edition WBB. Fancy paper and quality binding. 😉


I bow to your greater knowledge Cameron. Doffs hat! 😛

Jim McIntosh

More scaremongering about EU membership. It seems we won’t be able to join while using the £.

link to

Quentin Quale

Mags Curran on Reporting Scotland. Working in a kitchen. Probably retraining. But guessing it isn’t a foodbank.


@Cameron B

1,000 limited edition ? there are 20 limited edition on indegogo fundraiser right now !!! 🙂

ronnie anderson

Dan Snows latest signings Hinge & Brickit

CameronB Brodie

Nice try. 🙂


That’s sold a NO vote for me then Ronnie. 😛

ronnie anderson

Am up the pole wie polls,hand me up a YES sign an twa cable ties

Quentin Quale

On the Yougov Poll: Jackie Bird – ‘So this suggests, Brian, the Yes vote is on the increase’.
Phew, these journos are good,

CameronB Brodie

I’m talking about production quality that will be handed down the generations. 🙂


C’mon Cameron, I’ll even get it signed for you 🙂


Would appreciate some help. One of my children has come home with a homework challenge which to be honest has me completely stumped.

He has to give three reasons to vote Yes in our referendum and three reasons to vote No in our referendum.

The three Yes I can do, however I really have no idea of one reason why you would vote No. Am I missing something.

ronnie anderson

@Lesley Anne I had to put Brickit cause ah could’na spell Briquit lol

ronnie anderson

Noo there,s wan fur Murph egg Briquits, pelt him wie thame

CameronB Brodie

Perhaps printed on sheet metal, with embossed cover.

Colin Church

Oh no we have it all wrong, no earthquake apparently. Jackie Bird says poll “suggests” there “may be” a narrowing. FFS!


Nice one Ronnie. 😛

I wonder if she worked that one out all be herself Quentin or if she had help from the director’s gallery? 😉

James Caithness

I made a FOI request to Police Scotland on the site : – WHATDOTHEYKNOW

To: Police Scotland
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Jim Murphy Egg throwing

Dear Police Scotland,

I would like to know what Police Scotland has done to apprehend the
man who who threw eggs at Mr Jim Murphy in Kirkcaldy on the 28th
August 2014.

The man not only committed a violent act and was guilty of
littering. This was also a very dangerous act as those eggs that
missed the target could have hit an innocent bystander in the eye
to their severe injury.

link to

The man is easily identifiable from this You Tube video.

Yours faithfully,

James Caithness

Nana Smith

Gordy Broon open your eyes and clean your ears.

link to



I want to be a Labour politician and climb the greasy pole into the House of Lords


Anyone else watching sneaky old Jacky Bird’s “there’ll be passport check points at Carlisle” frightener?

Keep it coming UKOK liggers, soon be gone for good.

Caroline Corfield


probably looking for the too wee, too poor, too stupid

but it would be fun to suggest: too busy eating cereal, as at least one reason


Some people are just beyond any help heedtracker. We do our utmost best to help them see the light and they keep crying out the light is too bright I’ll stay here in the nice warm dark! 😛


@kendomacaroonbar, re: crowdfunder,

That’s not the REAL Blair MacDougall is it?


@Indy Scot
Not bothering to find out
You’ll make money out of it


Panics on!

priceless interview with Michael Forsyth on PM

from 16 mins in… Forsyth at 20 mins.

“Appauling intimidation”, “no need to panic”, “Labour really have to get the message across to their supporters”, “I don’t think the Gap is narrowing, the polls are saying the gap is narrowing”,”This is not a game”, “Minister for fantasy”, “The BBC audience was certainly bias”

link to


Idi Scot.

House of Lords (Cost millions) Unelected pensioners and donators.
Food banks
TTIP ( opens NHS to American health services )Stealthy privatising .
Welfare disasters , still ongoing and more to come for the poor, disabled or unemployed.
Bias BBC , News about Scotland after local English news.
Bias and stupid MSM out of touch and under another countries control.
Unelected govt changing our laws without consent.
Lie over the wealth of Scotland – mcCrone report says it all.
illegal wars –
Sexual abuse by Mp’s and Peers in the HoL . Wheres the police?????????????????????????????????
Bed room Tax –
Welfare caps – Only feeding two of your 4 or 5 kids and stop you from renting in an nice place.
Taking orders from USA.
Get rid of the Useless shower at Labour. ( That’s worth 2 eh?)

These are some of my reasons for YES

NO reasons.


Shame on the school teacher to force to look for positive reasons . Unless you happy with all of the above.

Good post tho Indy. Had me thinking and if anyone can find a reason for a no vote. Please don’t be shy. I ask every troll and still haven’t got a answer yet.


Thanks, for the suggestions.

All I can think of is, you would vote No because you believe all the media lies and scare stories, you are happy for Scotland to be governed by another country or that you are happy for the South of Britain to drain Scotland’s wealth for their own benefit.

Not sure if the teacher would be happy with these answers. Might just leave it blank.


Indy Scot

I would tell the child to write along the lines of the following

I have been brought up to tell the truth and I cannot find anyone in my family who believe the No campaign are telling the truth

My family are not in the habit of telling me lies so I therefore believe them and am unable to complete the task



There’s a possibility that Johann Lamont might end up as first minister.


@Indy – Best of both worlds 🙂


Just got my first NO canvasser!

Where do I buy fava beans?

Robert Peffers

@Robert Louis says: 2 September, 2014 at 9:49 am:

“It is also racist if you give it any thought – a wall to keep the Scots out. Very, very offensive. I’ll not hold my breath waiting for them to apologise.”.

Here’s a wee thought for you, Robert Louis. I’m not too far away from the Gask Road and used to wander around the area in the wee camper-van.. On one such wander I came upon a couple of women archaeologists taking photos and notes and got into conversation with them. Now I have a lifelong interest in history and had lots of questions. One lady told me something that made total common sense to me.

The Romans came to Britain for the minerals here. Lead, tin, copper, etc. However, their main reason for having an empire was to collect tax and to take slaves. They operated a customs & excise system. That was why they had so many Roman towns on the coasts. Thus the reason for both the Gask Ridge & Road, (it joined with the Antoine wall), and Hadrian’s Wall was as a customs barrier to prevent smuggling. She maintained that the guard posts faced south. So it was not to keep the Northern Britons out but to prevent smuggling..

CameronB Brodie

Print a million WBB, still at a reasonable standard of finish. Sell them for a good profit and turn the proceeds into something.


@Square Haggis

Not with you, sorry ?



Nice idea, but the money needs to be found first to print them circa £ 200,000

Elaine Colliar

I wonder if its the no camp asking the kids to come up for a positive case for the union rather than the teachers?

Cheaper than Saatchi and Saatchi I suppose – and a bit more effective than Cereal Lady.

Seeing as the Head of the whole thing couldn’t come up with three “Job creating powers” if your wee one comes up with three positive reasons you should up their pocket money 🙂

Free at 63!


“Best of both worlds”
“Broad shoulders”
“Pooling and sharing”

They aren’t reasons as they tell you damn all but it quotes BTNT or whatever they’re called today.


There is a great photo making the rounds on Facebook just now of queues of people wanting to register in Glasgow, and the queues reaching from inside the building onto the streets. I have a feeling it’s going to be a Yes victory of more than 5%.

CameronB Brodie

And, is there only one way to skin a cat? 🙂



Puss ably ?

CameronB Brodie

Puss abily not?

CameronB Brodie

I’ve already got an idea that I think has wings. 😉


Would appreciate some help. One of my children has come home with a homework challenge which to be honest has me completely stumped.
He has to give three reasons to vote Yes in our referendum and three reasons to vote No in our referendum.
The three Yes I can do, however I really have no idea of one reason why you would vote No. Am I missing something.
1. Vote No if you want to have to pay for your higher education.
2. Vote no if you think a woman’s place is in the home.
3. Vote no if you think we are not genetically programed to make these types of decisions for ourselves.


I’m out of the bandages though I’m not allowed out tonight but its been a good 24 hours. Last night met a fabulous old lady who didnt need a postal, she’d just go round the corner and up to the church hall as usual. Aged 26 she had a job in Botswana when the thought struck her why could they be independent and Scotland not?. I know its not right to talk about a lady’s age but that was 57 years ago and she was so excited. Then the lad in the flat below was a DK hadn’t had time so the WBB looked just the thing, not too much!

Then today it was the same nurse as last week. I’d given her a WBB as she was a No, but soft. She’s voting Yes and did I have another one as she meets lots of people! I did and I got a hug 🙂


Its squeaky bum time, as Alex Ferguson would say.


O/T somewhat but “had” to spend a couple of hours in Glasgow city centre pub earlier today, met a guy turns out he’s from Oban, indyef comes up and he’s definite Yes. So I asked him about how’s things up there generally re Yes support. He said a few months ago it was pretty much No but over the last couple of months and weeks things have swung noticeably to Yes.

I asked him if he was basing that simply on the increased visibility of Yes support that he’d mentioned- window posters, car stickers etc – and he said no not particularly I’m basing it on everyday conversations I have with all sorts of different people I know who live in Oban and who it turns out most of whom firmly intend to vote Yes, individuals, small business people etc.

He was aware of WoS but hadn’t checked it out recently. I reminded him of the URL and suggested he might download and distribute the WBB and if poss even better try to get hold of some hard copies for undecideds not online.

Onwards and Upwards!!

CameronB Brodie

I couldn’t do ma homework Ms. ’cause I’m not genetically programmed to understand political issues. 🙁

wingman 2020

link to

Just a wee reminder folks. Nae difference between North and South.

Nana Smith

Cor blimey…..

link to


Indy Scot

See what you’ve started


Detention and 100 lines

I must not vote NO

call me dave

Had a couple of guys who were on a course today who were a right pain in the rectum at the official lunch break. They seemed keen to engage everyone about the referendum. I’m supposed to be neutral at work and mustn’t wear badges etc so was an observer.

Turns out they are OTT YES, out of the other five, 4 were quieter YES and only one was a DK. So I volunteered my metal YES badge from inside my pocket to clinch it. Two days of these two and the DK will be voting YES too. 🙂

Here’s the man’s point of view.

link to


Thanks again for all your help.

I think I will go with something along the lines of, vote No if,

1. You are happy to pay for your higher education
2. You are happy for your NHS service to receive lower funding
3. You are happy for Scotland continue to be effectively be a region of England

Hopefully these answers won’t get me detention.

CameronB Brodie

wingman 2020
Aye, it’s tough world out there. Scotland will never finish paying for our lack of democracy though, unless we vote Yes.

Brian Nicholson

Indy Scot

because we are too wee
because we are too poor
because we are too stupid.

three reasons to vote NO… glad to help.


James Caithness.
There is also a public health concern as the eggs may have contained salmonella.



Surely if the eggs turn out to be from a No source – they would just be ‘ordinary’ eggs?

Free Scotland

Notice how no-one ever asks a Yes voter to state the positive case for independence? They know we have a very, very long list of very, very good reasons.

CameronB Brodie

Nana Smith
Independence, as more Scots are beginning to see, offers people an opportunity to rewrite the political rules. To create a written constitution, the very process of which is engaging and transformative. To build an economy of benefit to everyone. To promote cohesion, social justice, the defence of the living planet and an end to wars of choice.

To deny this to yourself, to remain subject to the whims of a distant and uncaring elite, to succumb to the bleak, deferential negativity of the no campaign, to accept other people’s myths in place of your own story: that would be an astonishing act of self-repudiation and self-harm. Consider yourselves independent and work backwards from there; then ask why you would sacrifice that freedom.

Got it in one.

@ Johann Lamont
Astonishing act of self-repudiation and self-harm, doesn’t leave much room for debate, now does it?

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

@ Jim

Vote No if

1. You’re a sitting MP, an old fogey in the HOL, or aspire to either, and all you care about is your own pocket.

2. You’re an absentee landowner, and all you care about, etc.

3. You work for the BBC, etc, etc.

Hope this helps.


Good for you, James re: Police Scotland FOI and Egg-Gate. Please do let us all know.

CameronB Brodie

Une Oeuf Is Never En Oeuf, is it?


What happens regarding crown estates during independence?

Jim McIntosh

@Nana Smith

Whose article was that?
Whose comments were those?
Who are you?
What have you done with the real grauniad?


What with that and Ian Brotherhood’s ham …

Kindly leave the stage


Do we look good?
Do we look important?
Do we look serious?
Do our clothes match the backdrop?
Stagnant, decaying, empty people with nothing to offer anyone.
They say nothing but ask us to listen.
Not for much longer.


Good article in the Guardian @Nana , .. some of the comments are hilarious though… just shows how completely out of touch some folk are , especially as regards history. Scotland voted to join the union??? really? LOL

Free Scotland

@CameronB Brodie

Did you not pay attention at school? On ne dit pas “Une oeuf.” On dit “un œuf.”

Robert Peffers

@trudy williamson says: 2 September, 2014 at 10:19 am:

“First comment from the lady was, may have to rebuild hadrians wall again. That is not the first time I Have heard that from an English person. The English did NOT build it the Romans did.”

Obviously the numpties do not know their history of England. It was because the Romans ruled over the South Britons from 43BC until 409AD and when they left after those 452 years that the south Britons invited the Angles to south Britain to protect them and run their country for them. The Angles took over and called their new country, “Angleland”. Guess what, though? Those Romans had recognized the North of Britain as an independent country called Caledonia before 43 years before Christ was born.

Tom Foyle

Caught a glimpse of a headline – didn’t see which rag -“Within splitting distance.”
Doesn’t matter whether the story’s got a + or a – spin, It’s the HEADLINE that catches people’s eye. Haven’t the MSM learned ANYTHING from this campaign?



I’m not taking any credit for this, I just saw someone’s post on the Vote NO to Scottish independence and protect the union page and I thought it was genius!!

“I always find that if you flip the debate around with a no or undecided voter it always has the desired result. Try this next time you speak with a no voter, ask them how they would vote in this situation…..there can only be one outcome.

Imagine Scotland was already independent and we were about to have a referendum on whether to join a union with the rest of the UK.
Could the Pro-union side convince us that getting together would be better when we were told what would happen to Scotland after such a union? Some bullet points from the campaign…

-Your main Parliament will move 600 miles away, and your MPs will be in a tiny minority & will therefore have limited ability to effect policy on your behalf
-Scotland will get a government it didn’t vote for.
-All of your oil and gas revenues will be handed over to the treasury in London.
-Even though not 1 inch of track will touch Scottish soil your taxpayers will contribute £4.2bn to the HS2 project.
-Your taxpayers will also subsidise the crossrail project to the tune of £4.2bn
-The biggest nuclear weapons facility in Western Europe will be built on the river Clyde, just 30 miles from your largest city.
-Even though you only have 8.2% of the UK’s population you will contribute 9.9% of the UK’s total tax take yet will only receive 9.3% of that tax take back to spend in Scotland (you will lose £4.4bn per year to the UK treasury)
-You will devolve all of the economic levers you have used to shape your economy directly to London and will now only have control of 7% of your economy
-Even though 79% of your MP’s voted against it we will privatise your publicly owned mail service
-Even though 91% of your MPs voted against the bedroom tax in your parliament, we will impose it.
-Even though 82% of your MP’s believed that a VAT increase would be detrimental to your economy, we will impose a VAT increase.
-You will join a country whose health and education services are rapidly being privatised.
-Now and again you’ll get dragged into an illegal foreign war.
-An austerity budget will be imposed from London cutting jobs and threatening vital public services even though 81% of your MP’s voted against the cuts.
-The financial regulation system will be so weak and so lax that your whole economy will be brought to the brink of collapse.
-The most weak and vulnerable in society, instead of getting the protection and support they deserve will be interrogated and humiliated in an effort to get them off the meagre levels of support to which they are entitled.
Who in Scotland would vote for such a package?
Who would vote for that union?
So why would anyone vote to remain in such a union now?
This is about democratic ownership, social responsibility and the fact that Scotland on its own will be economically stronger from day one of independence…..”


I’ve just seen the panellists for the debate on STV’s debate tonight, which is being shown amazingly on ITV Border, let’s just say I fully expect Edinburgh’s A&E departments to be extremely busy tonight working on the NO panellists! 😛

bookie from hell

STV debate
looking forward to it

fred blogger

stop press; proposals have been made for a region to breakaway from england and join scotland in Independence.
link to

Liquid Lenny


Re Crown Estates, comes under control of Scottish Govt, its not part of the Crown, has not been since some of liz’s forebears could not afford their gin bill and swapped it for civil list.


Oh here we go, first NAWsayer and up pops Scotland ignoring its debt responsibilities. WHIT? For the umpteenth time what part of Scotland has NO debt does this numpty not understand? 😛

Don’t worry folks an alegedly undecided voter wants answers on what currency we will use. DOH! What part of we will be using the POUND! 😛

Nana Smith

@CameronB Brodie You picked out my favourite paragraphs.

@Jim McIntosh Indeed I was surprised to say the least. However George Monbiot has written some belters and is quite critical of Westminster so what’s not to like.

@BigRik I’m always surprised at the ignorance and wonder what exactly they are taught in school. I would say they don’t get Scottish history, just taught about the good ol glorious empire days!


Nice to see Nicola is straight in with her version of the Alex Salmond talking directly to the audience technique and it looks like wee Dougie Alexander has adopted the I’ll stay behind the podium approach!

James Caithness

CM says:
2 September, 2014 at 7:51 pm
Good for you, James re: Police Scotland FOI and Egg-Gate. Please do let us all know.


Trouble is CM they have 20 days or so to answer. I will give it until next tuesday then I will go to the Scotland Police complaints commissioner.

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