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Wings Over Scotland

As far as they can take it

Posted on June 09, 2024 by

Particularly alert readers may recall this from a few months ago:

An SNP pledge? About independence? Bound to be kept, then, right?

We jest, of course.

But more pertinently, this specific one hasn’t been either – despite being passed by conference, which is still officially the SNP’s decision-making body.

Councils across Scotland have been posting their official election notices now that the deadline for candidates has passed, and the term “”Independence for Scotland”, or words to that effect” are conspicuously absent from all of them.

(Such phrases would have to appear on these notices if they were going to be on the ballot papers, and as you can see they do in the case of other parties including Alba and the Scottish Family Party.)

Readers may also have noticed a distinct shortage of mentions of the subject in the SNP’s election broadcasts and debate appearances. But there is, of course, one area where they’re not shy of bringing it up.

Because when the SNP wants money, indy is right back on the agenda (even if it’s not on the ballot paper). And there sure isn’t much dough coming from anywhere else.

That Herald piece points out something Wings has been telling its readers since 2022 – that the SNP’s key source of income is now the UK government. But the party knows that if it loses a bunch of MPs at this election that revenue stream will take a pretty heavy battering, so it’s gone back to milking its diehard supporters.

Even so, this is a wee bit on the nose.

The SNP, now teetering on the brink of total financial catastrophe after years of squandering millions of pounds with very little to show for it, is fighting the election on a budget of bean fumes. (Of what little money it does have, £60K of it is still owed to a man charged with embezzling large sums from it.)

And yet it’s still too embarrassed to mention independence in public. Only the fast-plummeting number of people still in the party have to endure being treated like gullible chumps and shaken down until the coins fall out of their pockets.

It remains to be seen how much more of that they’ll bear.

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Sandy Howden

My SNP MP in Midlothian according to his facebook has been out campaigning twice. Once with 6 helpers and once with 2 helpers. He has to to give him credit been to see Scotland and 2 Gala days. One photo was a photoshoot. The Labour candidate has been campaigning properly (Knocking on doors) since late last March.


What is it with Edinburgh South – no Labour or Liberal standing?

At least it will be mildly interesting to see the rankings of Independent, Family, Alba and NuSNP – presuming the Con will win.


Anyone giving these lying pricks money needs a lobotomy or have already had one, if you keep voting for the same party and they keep delivering the same fuck all, then you’re the problem not them. Look in the mirror and start the change with the person looking back at You
SNP out


@sarah 2.44 – I think the photo has been cropped. The parties are in alphabetical order.

David Hannah

The SNP should have settled up from Westminister 10 years ago. They’ve lost their chance. We’re taking back control of the nationalist movement. Your time’s up. We’re settling YOU UP.

ZERO SEATS incoming. SNP. Consigned to the history books for being TR@iTORS!

David Hannah

Collaborators – There’s jobs going for clowns at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this coming august.

Calling unemployed SNP collaborators. With tiny feet to stamp. You better learn to zig zag from the tomatos coming your way.

I look forward to Sturgeon releasing her memoirs – she’s desperately trying to get Mein Khampervan released before the Fringe isn’t she? I can’t recall will be the most boring nauseating vomit on paper inducing read in the history of man.

Adolf hitler moustaches incoming the country over!!

SCOTLAND. You know know what to do!!!

David Hannah

STURGEON: “writing my memoir had been a lot harder than I thought.”

memoirs will be edited for “legal reasons.”


Permanent markers at the ready Scotland. I’d rather shit in my own hands and clap than buy your book Nicola Sturgeon – the JUDAS!!!

Deface it Scotland. DEFACE!

David Hannah

Which Scottish Government puppet entity will be buying 300,000 copies of MEIN KHAMPHERVAN?

Another fraudster book sale just like Angus Robertson’s book about Vienna – where his boyfriend stays?

Isn’t that right? Angus?


The SNP are dead.


Sturgeon the Judas didn’t even like the word National in the party’s name, I hope these troughing self-serving grifters get utterly pumped at the GE, they are a huge road block to indy.


@ AnneDon: you’re right – the Edinburgh South list has another 5 candidates – not in alpha order though!

Labour [Murray], Greens, Reform, another Independent, and LibDem.


Geezo oh, its getting to the stage now that not a day goes by without the SNP being up to something dodgy.

“John Swinney is facing an “inside job” conflict of interests scandal over his government’s plans to sell Prestwick Airport.

Multi-millionaire businessman Forsyth Black has emerged as a secret bidder to buy the profitable nationalised facility – despite having been appointed chairman by ministers to run it on behalf of the public.

“Uncovered evidence that Black previously blocked and failed to pass on rival bids.

At a Holyrood committee meeting in December 2023 he admitted having knowledge of alternative bids that were not passed on to ministers. He suggests that even senior management had not been given full sight of bids because they could be “very distracting”, and that a “pre-filter” was being applied.”

Mike Fenwick

(One in a series of posts elsewhere on social media) reads:

The Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative is seeking any candidate(s) who will take an alternative Oath – a Scottish Oath – before the 4th of July. In my last post I used a fictional William Wallace, but lets ask a question: Were he live today, would the actual William Wallace be asking you for your vote, so that he could spend the next five years on an all expenses stay in the House of Commons, on a salary of over £90,000?

In that earlier post, I used an example of a “firebrand” candidate. Let me offer an alternative example (one of many – it depends on the candidate, their constituemcy, and their hopes of success in the election.) In this example, it is a candidate who already suspects they will not win in 2024, but want to establish themselves and become far better known for the Scottish election in 2026. Would they swear a Scottish Oath?

I repeat: The Declaration initiative is seeking any candidate(s) who will take an alternative Oath – a Scottish Oath – before the 4th of July.

This is the Oath – a Scottish Oath:

‘By this Oath, I declare that if elected as a Member of the United Kingdom Parliament, it will be as a result of votes cast solely by Sovereign Scots, and therefore I do solemnly swear and affirm that my allegiance is, and will remain permanently and exclusively, to the Sovereign people of Scotland.’

Ian McCubbin

The ramblings of a dying party. Can’t end soon enough.


Just out of curiosity and out of ignorance, who controls MPs and MSPs? is it an unelected chief of staff?

Who decides if their whip is removed? Is it the leader of the party or is it the Chief of Staff?

Who controls the Chief of Staff?

what about the SNP leader, who controls them? If for instance they were to remove the whip of a particular MP, could this entity controlling the leader actually demand for it to be restored? In other words, can the leader be overruled?

And what about the SNP CEO and the SNP president, who controls them, what is the line of command between the two, who controls whom?

How do the entities controlling the leader, MPs, MSPs, president and CEO actually link with the membership?

Corrado Mella

As I said elsewhere, I’m still in contact with some mid ranking folks in the Saint Nicola’s Party.

The hubris and delusion oozes from every single one of their pores, blissfully unaware of the fully deserved impending walloping.
Either that or they’re putting up a brave face.

Mind you, they may still get away with some MPs and even take “the majority” of them (at best) because the general public are very, very, VERY slow to react.

But it won’t be enough. The scarce Short Money from Westminster for the handful of surviving MPs, compounded by the flow of donations completely drying up, means that the plethora of SPADs, assistants, and the gaggle of bootlickers embedded though nepotism will fall off the gravy train.

This is the dawn of a once portentous party that got infected by narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths. An example for everyone trying to do good: guard yourselves firmly from those mentally insane narcs.


Corrado Mella @ 17.31.

“The dawn of a once portentious party”.

I’m devoutly hoping it’s the twilight of these incompetent grifters, rather than the dawning of the day for them, myself.


@ Sandy Howden 2.40pm So Sandy have you moved from commenting on BARRHEAD BOY about the joys and benefits of voting for the LIEBOUR party to WOS where you are going to extol us with the numerous forthcoming promises from the vastly experienced TROUGHING LIARS of a party of scum trai tors who SOLD OUT Scotland for decades and are excited to compete with the snp scum to see who is the greatest betrayer of Scotland and Scots
And Sandy before you mention trade unions LIEBOUR SOLD OUT the WORKERS, Starmer the STARVER is more TORY than the TORIES


Corrado Mella @ 17.31.

“This is the dawn of a once portentous party.”
For myself I’m really hoping that rather than the dawning of the day for the SNP we’re seeing it enter its’ twilight zone.


Meanwhile (I expect both Wings and David Hannah will be all over this), the liar contingent of Scottish MPS is about to be doubled. Douglas Ross to join Alastair Carmichael in the Westminster Control Centre.

Not my parliament

Iain More

I hope for a bloodbath as the SNP needs to be purged of the Quislings and other Traitors and as many other Wokes as possible.

The irony is that the Blue Tories will be massacred in England by the Red and Orange Tories whilst gaining seats in Scotland. I find that i no longer fuckin care. The Union is safe in SNP hands but not those of the other Tory Unionist Party’s.

I thus cant wait for the bloodbath that is going to occur. It is a just dessert for SNP’s Treason.

Ruby Tuesday

NO Edinburgh Central!

Good! Cos I’m not voting.

I wish everyone in Scotland would do likewise.

That would make for great headlines.

Even if there was a 50% turn out. Headlines could be

Scottish Independence Supporters have withdrawn from the Union.


Someone in a previous BTL suggested Labour will spell the death of devolution.

Oh, I so dearly hope so…

All devolution has done is turn the once pro-Indy SNP into a junkie, hooked on Westminster’s cash injections, and in a state of such dependency as to never be able to deliver independence.

Devolution was intended to kill off Indy.

It failed.

But it succeeded in killing the SNP’s desire for Indy.

We need to see an end to both devolution AND the SNP in order to achieve Indy.

Ruby Tuesday

I’ve heard a rumour that moonho*wler is to be added to the list of banned words.

Ruby Tuesday

Maybe there is no Edinburgh Central in the GE.

Spotted Shephared in Edinburgh East & Mussleburgh.

East, West, Central, Mussleburgh it doesn’t matter I’m not voting.

Shut-up about the suffragettes they didn’t live in a colony.

Andy Ellis

I’ve heard a rumour that c*nt is to be added to the list of banned words.

On the upside few if any of Turettes Ruby’s posts will be visible.

Ruby Tuesday

Madre Mia!

I’ve trigger that cunt Ellis!

I’m off back to ‘Bottle Rockets off topic’ before I catch frachiseritis!

Ruby Tuesday

Ooops it franchiseritis.

Also tourettes!

Not turet
turet is
a low usually rotating structure (as in a tank, warship, or airplane) in which guns are mounted.



My area has 6 candidates from parties that I wouldn’t vote for, plus one independent – Jane Mackenzie Gould – who doesn’t have any details on the ‘Who Can I Vote For’ website (or anywhere else apparently), so I’ve no idea if I’d want to vote for her or not (assuming it is a ‘her’). If anyone has any info about her it’d be really useful to know about it.

Charles (not the R one)

Ruby Tuesday
9 June, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Ooops it franchiseritis.

Also tourettes!

Not turet
turet is
a low usually rotating structure (as in a tank, warship, or airplane) in which guns are mounted.



Ruby dear, that would be TURRET with two Rses.


John Swinney is my local MSP and had a very long article in our local paper (Blairgowrie Advertiser). Not one single mention of independence.


I don’t think c*nt will ever be banned.

I’m sure Stu will have it framed on his wall somewhere for shits & giggles.

Wasn’t it calling someone a c*nt that sent Twitter snowflakes into meltdown & Stu banned for a very long time? Lol


Hahahaha @ “Of what little money it does have, £60K of it is still owed to a man charged with embezzling large sums from it.”

What an embarrassing mess.

That under 10 seats bet is looking better by the minute.

Big Jock

There are many yes voters who are falling for the SNP only show in town crap, yet again. Their polling numbers are steadying,and rising in some seats.

What will it take for people to stop being conned?


Okay, this is probably as good a time as any to confess, lol
After months of being in the abstain camp I’ve decided I am going to vote (through gritted teeth) for my local SNP candidate. I am fully aware of everything that’s happened over the last few years, I am an (inactive) Alba Party member.
I detest the Sturgeonite/WEF/woke-braindead grifter posse that’s taken over what once was a great political party.
I know my local candidate quite well, I find some of his replies when I’ve questioned him about the Murrells and their devious ways naive in the extreme.
But the alternative is a Tory MP, the world wondering what has happened to Scotland and the hideous British State exploiting any drop in pro independence votes as a decrease in demand for a Free Scotland.
I fully understand the frustration with where we’re at and I fully understand the shit I’ll be seen as endorsing.
I still think we have to support independence and where I live that means I have to vote SNP
It’s not an easy decision but

Ruby Tuesday


Thanks for keeping me right with the Rses.

Just googled and found
The word turret comes from the French touret, a diminutive form of the word for tower. It can be traced farther back to the Latin word turris, also meaning tower. In the Middle Ages, turrets were built into city walls and castles, where they helped provide a defensive position.

touret in French I’m guessing would be pronounced toorie (the pom pom on your tam o shanter)

Could it be that ‘toorie’ comes from the french for turret and the ‘toorie on yer bonnet’ is yer little turret.

I love looking at the origin of words & phrases.

I’m having a hard time finding out about the phrase ‘for toffee’ as in you cant do something for toffee.

ie I can’t sing for toffee.

Why toffee?

I recently checked the phrases ‘piss poor’ and ‘doesn’t have a pot to piss in’
and found that very interesting.

Did you know? Not having a pot to piss in is poorer than piss poor.


9 June, 2024 at 8:42 pm

I don’t think c*nt will ever be banned.

She says in a very serious posh voice.

I agree M/s Geri I do not think cunt will ever be banned.

Moonh*wler on the other hand is in for the chop PDQ.

Moonh*wlers days are numbered!

We’ll all be over the moon when that happens.

Over the moon and over the bloody rainbow!

Big Jock

I was abstaining. But we have an Alba candidate in Falkirk. So that’s where my vote is going. The SNP do not have a right to our votes. They have to earn it.

People can vote whatever way the want. But please base it on evidence, not on loyalty or fear. The evidence is overwhelming that electing the SNP does not change our predicament.


Tartanpigsy; “ I’ve decided I am going to vote (through gritted teeth) for my local SNP candidate. “

Okay but why tell us?


Voting SNP *IS* voting for the British state. Lol

They’re no longer a party for independence. May as well vote a yoon cause that’s what yer ending up with anyway.

Better to stay at home & enjoy the telly.



“I still think we have to support independence and where I live that means I have to vote SNP”

That’s a contradiction if ever, given the SNP pays lip service to Indy and only seems to recall its raison d’etre whenever an election rears its ugly head; the troughers remembering that they’re only able to keep their snouts in said trough if sufficient voters buy their BS.

It appears that the quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results” applies to those intending to vote SNP in the belief that they’ll deliver Indy.

None so blind as those who will not see.


“Only the fast-plummeting number of people still in the party have to endure being treated like gullible chumps and shaken down until the coins fall out of their pockets.”

I have ZERO sympathy for the most stupid people on earth.

If they have still not realised that they have been defrauded by the SNP they never will.

Anyone here still buying the “the independence supporting” The National?


9 June, 2024 at 9:09 pm

“Okay, this is probably as good a time as any to confess, lol
After months of being in the abstain camp I’ve decided I am going to vote (through gritted teeth) for my local SNP candidate. I am fully aware of everything that’s happened over the last few years, I am an (inactive) Alba Party member.
I detest the Sturgeonite/WEF/woke-braindead grifter posse that’s taken over what once was a great political party.
I know my local candidate quite well, I find some of his replies when I’ve questioned him about the Murrells and their devious ways naive in the extreme.
But the alternative is a Tory MP, the world wondering what has happened to Scotland and the hideous British State exploiting any drop in pro independence votes as a decrease in demand for a Free Scotland.
I fully understand the frustration with where we’re at and I fully understand the shit I’ll be seen as endorsing.
I still think we have to support independence and where I live that means I have to vote SNP
It’s not an easy decision but”

If you believe what you have written, you are one of the “gullible chumps” as per the Rev. Stuart Campbell’s article.

Although real chimpanzees are too smart to ever be gullible.

More likely, you are craftily trying to make WoS readers vote for the SNP.

My advice is to vote tactically against the SNP in every constituency.

Only when the SNP is dead can the struggle for independence be brought back from the dead.


“Ruby Tuesday
9 June, 2024 at 9:14 pm

touret in French I’m guessing would be pronounced toorie (the pom pom on your tam o shanter)”

More like “touray”, but with the softer French pronounciation of the “R”.


I suspect Alba will not have a candidate in my constituency in which case I will vote for whoever has the best chance of defeating the SNP even if it means voting Tory who have been their main rivals in recent elections. I bitterly regret having paid SNP membership dues for 8 years before I woke up. Like thousands of others I was conned by these by these liars and hope to see their party annihilated. We have to start again.

Above all I want to see Sturgeon, Murrell, Swinney, the Alphabetties, Lloyd, Evans, Harvie, Dorian et al facing prosecution.


Luckily I have one. I’m in Glasgow North I was hoping for an Independent or ISP…at least there is an Alba option this time. Thank you Nick Durie. I do have an issue over the franchise question. Look forward to hustings..and meeting the candidate.

Andy Anderson

Elma’s 11.37
Agree with you. The ISP party is different so if you are in a constituency that they have candidates vote for them. Says it all on their website. They are really anti Westminster and support true peoples sovereignty.


@ Tartanpigsy 9.10pm, you will do what you want irrespective of others opinions, Obviously you have not read Stu’s post properly, of all the banners and election material that you have seen and that Stu has posted above how many of them has the word INDEPENDENCE in them (NONE)apart from the begging letter from Swinney the undertaker cadaver if you cannot see the importance of that message you are lost

I can assure you many many people are going to suffer undeservedly under a LIEBOUR or TORY government but ask yourself has the snp protected us in any way from their enforced policies, NO NO NO NO they have been fixated on deviant and perverted policies and the sex lives of our children, you will vote according to your conscience but be aware you become an accessory to any harm inflicted on our bairns


@ Tartanpigsy 9.10pm, you will do what you want irrespective of others opinions, Obviously you have not read Stu’s post properly, of all the banners and election material that you have seen and that Stu has posted above how many of them has the word INDEPENDENCE in them (NONE)apart from the begging letter from Swinney the undertaker cadaver, if you cannot see the importance of that message you are lost

I can assure you many many people are going to suffer undeservedly under a LIEBOUR or TORY government but ask yourself has the snp protected us in any way from their enforced policies, NO NO NO NO they have been fixated on deviant and perverted policies and the sex lives of our children, you will vote according to your conscience but be aware you become an accessory or an enabler to any harm inflicted on our bairns and womenfolk

Debatable Lands

@ Tartanpigsy 9.10 pm

If you vote for the SNP, you are an SNP supporter.


I got a rather pathetic “Sorry We Missed You” leaflet from Stephen Flynn in the letterbox last week. No door bell or chap on the door was heard. When I opened the door, nobody in sight. They must have done a runner.

Anyone else get the impression they are hiding from us?


Douglas Ross – the gift that keeps on taking.

link to

David Hannah

Sunak will be gone today by 5pm.

David Hannah

Sunak will be gone today by 5pm. Who fancies a bet?

David Hannah

Sunak will be out the door by 5pm.

David Cameron or Boris Johnson will be prime minister candidate by the end of today.

My personal choice would be they should just go for Jacob Rees Mogg for a fuck it will be a laugh through of the dice. To have someone so posh as prime minister. He’d piss off all of the wokies.

Ahaha. Let’s hope something mental happens today.


I don’t follow Tartanpigsy’s logic at all here.

The biggest obstacle to the independence movement are the imposters currently overrunning the SNP. Have been for years.

TP’s solution to that is to continue to vote SNP… wow that is brilliant. That’ll learn them for sure…

First of all you are not voting tory, labour or whatever, you are voting ‘anti-snp’, for whom does not matter, whatever candidate happens to be best placed to defeat them.

And even if it is a tory so what. Starmer is going to win a landslide no matter what or who you vote for so who gives a shit…

Naw, it all just sounds like more of the same… vote SNP ‘because of independence’ blah blah blah when the truth is they are vile frauds.

The Sturgeon SNP have to be smashed and her poisonous legacy wiped like shit from our shoe.

Fucks sake they mutilating children based on mentalist ideology while belittling medical advice and you are going to vote for them… at least the tories opposed that insanity. Child abusers and perverts.

Don’t fall for this crap folks. There are going to be a lot of spurious arguments on here that essentially boil down to ‘vote SNP’ as people see gravy trains plummeting off bridges in the coming weeks.

Fuck them.

David Hannah

Good to see the so called far right winning in the EU elections. The anti-immigration vote up.

I am strongly anti immigration. It’s time to get tough on immigration. We’re letting them in and they’re taking over our streets. I don’t like it one bit. Not at all. It’s annoying.


BNC making big thing of the need for university fees.

Funny how they always want to be the same as england.

Why not france or germany. Its always england they model on.

Also quoting Elly Gormsall, of the national.

So the next policy the SNP will ditch will be?????

There is no excuse for SNP candidates not puting for Indy on the ballot. It was set out at the conference.


Sorry should be BBC

David Hannah

No fucking way!!! douglas ross to resign. Jeesus christ.

I fucking told yees something mental would happen.


Hatey McHateface


Thank you for being honest.

Back in the day when I was a regular Grauniad reader, I used to enjoy Polly Toynbee’s intellectual contortions in the run up to a GE. Put simply, she would list every single thing wrong with Labour, and then all the things wrong with the other parties, and conclude nevertheless that everybody would “have to hold their nose and vote Labour on the day”.

Tribalism, pure and simple. My tribe, right or wrong.

And so it will be on the 4th. To throw in the SNP towel now, after all these years, is to admit to yourself you were a dupe, and an idiot, and a collaborator with Scotland’s tractors. Worse than that, it’s choosing to give up on your tribe. It’s choosing to see the enemy tribe laughing in your face.

No gonnae happen. How? Just gonnae no.


The SNP is the only party that cries wolf Indyref2. For me I have no intention of voting for SNP, I want 4th of July to be our day of Independence from the SNP and hope and pray there wipe out from the Scottish map.

The party and its leadership are so hell bent on protecting Sturgeon that the demise of the party is almost certain because of these blind support for a woman who stated she was British

If the SNP had been serious about a new direction then John Swinney was the last person to elect as the party’s leader any one like me who never ever voted for any other party and was a loyal supporter and for 33yrs knew Swinney was wrong on every level.

You have got to be a complete and utter moron not to see that Sturgeon went out of her way to destroy the Yes movement and she achieved it. If Swinney was genuine about saving the SNP he would have started off by saying I’m sorry to the SNP supporters for not delivering on the mandates over the last 10 years, but he was never going to say Sturgeon had failed and now what we’ll see is the demises of the SNP because of it.

What was lagging in the SNP when Salmond left was people who could think for themselves instead the SNP out sourced everything, even its brain power. Only the leadership knows how bad it is, and here’s what I would have done if I had taken over the SNP, apologized to the people who had left the party and those who still remained, set out a clear route to Indyref2 and what direction the party would take if the UKG wasn’t interested.

Whats going to happen is the SNP will loses loads of seat if not all of them, even though the SNP believe its going to win more seats and here’s where the problems lays the leadership can’t see whats coming because someone else is doing the brain processing, when you star believing in your own propaganda then I’m afraid your demise is almost certain.

Two thing has happened in the last couple of weeks which should have alerted Scots who supported Independence 1 the election being called on 04.07.24 and 2 Labour big announcement on the BBC debate that it was going to setup a Great Britain Energy company and its HQ was going to be based in Scotland, so I spell it out the Unionist parties know that the 04.07.24 is Independence day and is the demise of the SNP and the announcement of the Energy company is the final nail in the coffin of the Indy movement because it’ll be dead until someone who puts country before greed, it was so important to protect Murrels than delivery Independence then when the SNP is dead and buried you’ll still have the likes of Flynn and Swinney saying nothing went wrong.


I was just wondering if the SNP as a political party becomes insolvent, will this bring about an early Holyrood election?

Hatey McHateface

If the SNP owes some boy 60 big ones, I sure hope he’s charging them a commercial rate of interest.

30% PA sounds about right.

Any competent fiscal analysis would have to classify the loan as high risk.


If I’d have been Swinney I’d not only have apologised but I’d have called a referendum.

Every constituency to have a ballot.

They’re going down so what’s to lose? They already have a majority in Westminster.

Cowards. Each & every one of them.

Ruby Tuesday

9 June, 2024 at 11:33 pm

More like “touray”, but with the softer French pronounciation of the “R”.

Cheers Derek. I’ve answered you here:

link to

I didn’t want to disrupt this thread going on about ‘giant pom-poms’ so I’ve gone ‘off topic’

Robert Hughes

Well , baldy , smug Blackford replacement- fraud – Flynn – has actually uttered the * magic formula ( ” magic ” as a guarantee of confortable – for them – stasis ) ……” Gold Standard ”

So any possible residual doubt/hope the SNP are aware and concerned about what’s about to happen to them can be eliminated

They are going to be crushed , and they don’t give a fuck .

They’ll soon be able to – formally – take their club-feet off the imaginary pedal they’ve been pretending to press this last near decade .

Any Independence supporter who votes for this mob of shysters – under any spurious justification – is like a gambling addict who despite losing a fortune goes for one more bet in the hope of recouping his/her losses . And loses again . Predictably .

The current SNP are the only real obstacle to progressing our Cause .

If that’s not blindingly obvious by now , it never will be , and we’ll still be in the same stultifying impasse we are now for the foreseeable unless we erase them from the equation .

Ruby Tuesday

Tartanpigsy has come to confess and you are all being mean.

I’ve never been to confession so I don’t know what the priest says but I don’t think he says ‘What are you telling me for?’

He’ll say Bless you Tartanpigsy you have sinned but God loves you. Do a penance! No sweets for a week! Sorted you are forgiven.

Has Tartanpigsy already sinned (by postal vote) or is there still time to save Tartanpigsy.

You don’t have to vote TP join the millions who have decided to give the ‘Great British Election’ a miss.


If the SNP had any sense which it hasn’t but lets believe it does, the party should have stood in this election on a Scotland united and fronted both Swinney and Salmond and all other Pro-Indy parties. The only person in Scotland who could safe the SNP and Independence is Salmond himself and after the election if Swinney had any sense which he hasn’t I’d call Alex again and tell him I’ve fucked up again and can he return to safe the party and Scotland from the Unionist, but some how I think he’ll call Sturgeon instead.

Andy Ellis

Given the failure of the “Scotland United” concept to even clear the launch pad, never mind reach escape velocity, it’s interesting to see Sinn Féinn decide not to field candidates for 4 seats in NI (up from 3 in 2019).

In Belfast South their decision should benefit the SDLP’s Claire Hanna, in North Down the Alliance Party’s Stephen Farry, in Belfast East it will help the Alliance party’s leader against DUP leader Gavin Robinson. Now in Lagan Valley Sinn Féinn’s decision not to stand should benefit Sorcha Eastwood from the Alliance Party, although the SDLP also decided to stand there.

Just imagine if the SNP had had the political nous, leadership and balls to have promoted a similar tactical voting scheme for the 2024 elections and specifically used the result as a precursor for a plebiscitary election at Holyrood in 2026.

Ruby Tuesday

Giant pom-pom!


A Plebiscite election in 2026 is for the birds.

It’s a fckn administration LOL

The seat of power IS Westminster. Not a glorified county council.

Alba couldn’t run a bath. They’re fucking fixated on 2026 like it’ll be some sort of win. A county council LOL.

They’ve known a UK election was coming & they also know the whole of Scotland, the same ones at least, have an a eversion to the SNP & won’t vote for deviants under any circumstances.

So stop blaming the SNP for Albas dumb delay on seizing the moment & going it alone. It’s fucking pathetic.


* same = sane.


The SNP are corrupted to the core!


been reading.

The tory press has a bit of semi on about farage, mouth agape, wet lips … the pause, waiting for the plunge; this is the “real” leader England wants (and he is no friend of ours). Loved how meekly Tice was bitchslapped – it’s my party now … jog on … yes, master.

The international, i.e. non UK business press, bloomberg etc, have been saying the UK’s “books” are in a terrible mess and will leave little scope for whoever wins the election to “do things”.

The middle class are running scared of being taxed, VAT on school fees, but its just scaremongering; the UK tax system is designed like a reverse fishing net, all the little fish get caught, all the big ones swim through; the little businessmen will be up to all the dodges, all middle class have an accountant, and the wealthy have access to off the shelf tax avoidance, then there is non-doms, tax havens. HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME PAY MY TAXES, you marxist shit.

Some crap books have come out; the anglo takes his lying seriously and its more in that line – one was from an oxford history boy who blamed the (british) empire on … the spanish; as you do, minding your own business, then some guy tries it on and you … end up with a quarter of the globe controlled by the public school sodomite club.

– and the other one was about how the wealth of the empire was about … cop this … the rule of law and free markets; nothing to do with, starting off – piracy, the looting of the monasteries, slavery, opium, the gold and diamonds of africa, etc. Maybe there is an excel spreadsheet that proves it; then it is proved. I bet it proves they lost money on the north sea oil, but just pumped it anyway as a humanitarian gesture. What “rule of law” have these world-pirates ever respected?

“everywhere wood floats, you will find an englishman, stealing all he can” – and it all goes back to that lawless, pirate central HQ, the city, then squirrelled away in the tax havens, about half of which in the world, are within UK jurisdiction.

niall ferguson had a great career writing bollocks about how great the empire was; I think anything he said that was true came from quigley, but the latter being an american, had a distance he did not. Ferguson is the worst type of scotsman, a hun, with only one loyalty – the archetypal scotsman on the make. During the thatcher era, norman stone provided a similar service; you need some intellectual wormtongue with sufficient sophistry to tell you “yes, YOU ARE STILL THE GOOD GUYS”, when you are dropping white phosphorus – those cunts on fire will understand the rule of law and free markets, or we’ll fucking incinerate them. (e.g. off the top of my head – britain dropped poison gas on the savage tribesmen of mesopotamia in 1919; it was suggested to churchill they do the same to the striking miners, even winnie rejected that one)

Watching the coverage of Swift – it struck me how people, most of whom believe in nothing very much, invent their own gods, and this is what we are seeing (- her songs are quite good, but this is something else); if the songbird told her “swifties” to cast themselves down from murrayfields rafters, they would have done it. Swift seems very wholesome, but we will see what becomes of her; it seems to go generationally – Madonna was the queen when I was a lad, then it was Britney, now Swift. Madonna has morphed into some scary abomination, a ringer for Marilyn Manson, while Britney suffered a malfunction, a glitch in her matrix and had to be retired.

One of the reasons for religion is that it is simply more useful to believe in something, than not; today it is hard to be a nihilist, believing in nothing, seeing no sense to anything (and your line will end) – primitive man worshipped the sun as a god, realised how important it was, perceived time, the seasons, worked out how to plan, when to plant crops; that the sun is not a god doesn’t matter, for the belief sets you on a good road. Bad beliefs lead you to disaster (sacrificing your children because you are not good at farming?!), good ones to the heights; christianity certainly produces these heights, even if you consider it a book of fables.

– wokeness certainly seems to be a top down imposed new global religion, psychologically a form of puritanism, an unlucky dip of bad beliefs, ungrounded in reality.

was marilyn manson trying to tell us something –

link to

John H.

Just think, if Sturgeon, Swinney, and the rest, had tried and actually worked for independence in 2014, then in spite of all the lies and cheating of the Unionist side, we might well have won. As it is, I can’t vote for the SNP until they are all gone.


‘Given the failure of the “Scotland United” concept’

Never for a moment did I think it was likely to catch on. Lousy name, improbable concept, devised by a party on 3% and expecting party (still) on 30% to play ball.

Anyway, it’s academic now, Alex has dumped United, chucked every other Indy group under the bus, and returned to plan A: SNP1/Alba2.

Hatey McHateface

@Geri says:10 June, 2024 at 11:50 am

A Plebiscite election in 2026 is for the birds

Course it is, Geri, course it is.

The seat of power IS Westminster

So why no plebiscitary election on 4 July 2024?

Let me guess which menagerie that one’s for – the Howler Monkeys.

Assuming Starmer lasts the full 5 years, 2029 will be the next chance. No need to get your excuses in for that one yet – plenty of time.

Alert readers start to sense the outline of a truth that dare not speak its name. Despite all the so-called majority support for Indy, there’s not enough that on the day, will vote for it.

Hence it’s so much safer for even its most enthusiastic so-called supporters to ape their professional politicos and come up with some variant of the “now is not the time” excuse.

Some choicely childish name calling will be needed to deal with this hypothesis, Geri. Chop chop.

Andy Ellis

@Ebok 1.23pm

I agree to a large extent. The issue isn’t with the name per se, or even who is trying to drive it or promote it. It’s the SNP that has become the problem and the fact that the movement allowed the party to hijack “the cause”, or at least acquiesced in the SNP being given a role as the engine of the movement. In reality the party simply parasitised the movement for its own ends, which was power for power’s sake.

Like many who became disillusioned with the SNP I hoped Alba might serve as a corrective, but perhaps not. The question is what happens after the election. Some people – even amongst those who can’t stand the SNP – seem to want it to fail. That rather begs the question of how you think independence will be achieved with the SNP still in the driving seat?

Rev Stu and others who have been advocating for the SNP to be destroyed – or at the very least hamstrung so they can’t presume to dictate terms to the movement as a whole – are correct. Unless you really believe “cunning plans for indy” are going to deliver, and there’s negligible evidence of any widespread popular or legal support for such a novel extra parliamentary route, then writing off the concept of a combined slate to fight plebiscitary elections simply defers independence for a real generation, never mind a few more years.

Hatey McHateface

@Confused says:10 June, 2024 at 1:20 pm

The middle class are running scared of being taxed

The working class too.

Difficult to understand how that may have passed you by.

Oh … wait … I get it.

Listened to some talking heads on the box at the WE, banging on about Starmer’s promise of “my tax rises will only affect others, not you” and Sunak’s claim they will amount to £2000 per family over 4 years. Sunak’s claim supposedly proven to be lies.

£2000 per family over 4 years is £500 a year, or around a tenner a week.

And I thought: only a fecking tenner? Pretty please, make it only a tenner a week and I’ll vote for it myself – a hundred times over.

Tax rises of the order of a dozen cancer sticks a week. Bring it on.

Fecking lies all right. No way will the tax rises under anybody ever be as low as that.

Anyhoo, I’ll leave you to fret over slavery, the Opium Wars, the Jameson Raid, etc. Beats me how you can hold down a job and pay taxes with these kinds of obsessions.

Oops! Sorry, I forgot I’d already covered that bit.


where principles go to be shredded?

Face it Scotland, your ballot box jockeys are simply provincial «also rans» in this Westminster centric derby.

Independence is a «demotic» grass roots matter, the dense, in all senses, political overgrowth is stifling it.


BAP member and joint architect with the Tories Michael Gove, of freeports that will be forced on Scotland Kate Forbes, claiming the Tories and Labour will make big cuts in Scotland if either wins the GE, yes we know this Forbes, but the SNP has sold Scotland out for the last decade, and if her party only had the courage over the last decade to dissolve our ties with England in which the SNP squandered multiple indy mandates to save the union, we could’ve mitigated much of austerity that the foreign country of England has forced upon us.

The SNP cannot be trusted anymore, its no longer an indy party, and we must vote out as many SNP MPs as possible.


cracks in the dam are appearing …

I think main is facing his gotterdammerung – firing wildly in all directions, not making much sense (even by his norms)

the power of cognitive dissonance is wrenching his brain apart – the stress of being simultaneously a british empire loyalist nato shill scottish nationalist for independence …

beep … does not compute …

I keep seeing herbert lom, playing inspector clouseaus boss


Who to vote for in this election is a tough one.

There is no one to vote for who will get you independence realistically, but you should vote that way if you can, alba, or an independent.

So, whatever happens, some tory wanker will win; the argument is never over policy, but what colour of rosette gets to implement it. Starmer as PM, someone so much on the inside he is almost inside out – jewish lobby, check, NATO, nukes, big business … oh wait the national energy company based in Scotland and bringing “100000” jobs (?!) … to switch into brit flick gangster cockney – do me a fay-vour, you fink oim a facking mug?! (Lennie MacLean points at you) … gerroudofit …

The question is then – can we increase the chances of indy down the line? Well, yes we can – I called the SNP a corpse blocking a fire exit the other day, and that sums it up; they need to be removed, plus these people deserve a vicious “punishment beating” for their betrayal.

– the only way I would say no, wait, vote SNP after all, would be if there was some ultra nationalist faction within the SNP poised to takeover in a palace coup and, metaphorically, string up the woke-ists from the streetlamps. (and sometimes a metaphor doesn’t cut it). “ultra nationalist” in this context means – actually serious about it and will try something.

But I don’t see any evidence of that.

The long awaited mass exit to alba? – maybe. Salmond has been criticised for not attacking the SNP – I certainly think he should be putting the boot in, I mean, come on, these backstabbing gits tried to put you in jail. Alba = the new snp = snp (2012) ? The snp without the titty hackers, willy snippers and kiddie fiddlers?

Down in flatland, the death of the tories, the rise of the new tories? We shall see.

I think labour, having got in, will do nothing because there are too many people it is scared of; people will then sicken of them, which leads us to Farage. You don’t want to still be in the union when that prick is in charge. The union is a ratchet, no matter how squeezed you think it is, it can always get tighter.

Shame Corbyn couldn’t survive the (powerless and non existent) jewish lobby – he might have been a fairer man to deal with, but I reckon he would have had a heart attack while out hillwalking, if he ever got in.

Starmer – the man who protected one of the most dangerous paedophiles in britain; you would think this would be an issue, fine ammunition for an opponent, but we see how tight the establishment is. They look after their own. Omerta. Don’t talk about that. This is our secret. Then – let’s play secret tickle games … this is how it works – favour for favour, a safe pair of hands.

James Che

Quick comment as Spouse still not well today,

It occurs to me that this is about a game of thrones politically. Not about an election or any election per se. For all falls by the wayside in Scotlands Irelands and Wales governance and colonial devolved governments control system over those three nations if the Crown is deleted from the picture altogether.

Wether in Scotland or England the political elite switch prime ministers and first ministers internally to suit their requirements without any election or consultation being given to or from the people on that topic,
It is false concept of democracy, even if the people do vote one of these ministers in it changes often half through to someone we did not select or elect.

It Presumes that the government is Sovereign and not the people, it presumes that the parliament is the Sovereign entity.

who decided that the parliament was to be Sovereign over the people but the parliament itself,
The parliament of England passed the Act in 1689 to make itself Sovereign of England, then extended it to Scotland,
It could only be extended to Scotland by the “actual Act of Extending it to Scotland”

Thus it legally implies that PRIOR to that Westminster parliament Act Sovereignty, and of “extending” Their Sovereignty to Scotland it did not include Scotland previously.

As the “Extended to Scotland Act” also infers that the Monarch was not a shared Monarch between the two kingdoms of Scotland and England at the time of the treaty of union Agreement, but the Sovereignty of England being seen as extended to Scotland,

The devolved government in Scotland and all its elections is thereby under an Extended Sovereignty Act, that officially could only be extended by the Old parliament of England and the monarch of England by default, as prior to that act held no Sovereign or Sovereignty over Scotland,
With King James gone the Scottish throne or Crown was not any longer shared with the line of succession to the throne of England under queen Anne, this was extended to Scotland (after) the treaty of union. And as a result of it,

The devolved government swear an Oath of alliegance to the crown of England.not a joint or Shared monarch or too a state shared kingdoms.
In Scotland the people are constantly voting for english elections under the Crown of England.


No apologies in saying this again: I’ll be abstaining. I hope the turnout for this latest Westminster farce is the lowest ever in Scotland. Show contempt for both Westminster and the SNP hierarchy.

David Hannah

I may have said this before but Sunak reminds me of the character Will from the Inbetweeners, having to apologise to the veterans. It’s absolutely cringeworthy!

He is the definition of a briefcase wanker isn’t he?

Ruby Tuesday

The risk of voting for an Alba/independent supporter of independence is we might send a good person to Westminster only for them to get a liking for the ‘cosy slippers’ & ‘Bisto gravy’.

Don’t vote in the upcoming ‘Great British Election’

Lets protect our good men and keep them here ready to fight for our independence however that might be.

Sending them to Westminster is not the answer. Look at the lot we sent last time? They are all Bisto Kids now.

David Hannah

Almost as cringeworthy as the Prince William’s speech given to the England team before going to the Euros. Enough to put you to sleep.

We’ll knock them out in the last 16!

Ruby Tuesday

David Hannah
10 June, 2024 at 3:16 pm

Almost as cringeworthy as the Prince William’s speech given to the England team before going to the Euros. Enough to put you to sleep.

Not like this then David?

link to


Its good to see Nicola will be in the tv on election night.

Want to see her face when the snp crashes

Wonder who the witch will blame.

James Che

I want the 4th July to be Scotlands independence day, so I am not voting at all.

If we keep voting unionist parties in by default of the imposed voting system in Scotland then we keep hitting our heads against the same brick wall.
50% plus in none voting in every election local or non local will eventual cause a demise in the strangle hold of the Devolved government with its two sets of laws for Scots in Scotland but not for South of the border,

We are Sovereign people we have the right to choose whom governs us, But…… we also have the right to choose who “does not govern us”,

Its our call,

Ruby Tuesday

Don’t send good men to Westminster to be corrupted.

Don’t vote in the ‘Great British Election’ on ‘American Independence Day’.

American Independence Day! ….. talk about rubbing salt in the wound.


The foreign media in Scotland that’s passes off as Scottish will have Sturgeon the Judas appear on it to talk about the results of the English GE. Another treacherous b*stard Gordon Brown will appear later on.

“Nicola Sturgeon will appear on ITV’s overnight general election results programme on July 4.

The former first first minister will be on a panel alongside former Tory chancellor George Osborne and ex-Labour shadow chancellor Ed Balls.

The programme – Election 2024 Live: The Results – will air on ITV1, ITVX, STV and STV Player.

It will be hosted by Tom Bradby, who anchored election nights in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

Former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown will appear on Good Morning Britain the morning after the election.”


So the leader of a Tory branch office in Scotland is standing down Douglas Ross was the leader of the Fifth Column branch office of the London Tories in Scotland.

Ross an avid House Jock will be at home serving a foreign country’s (England) agenda in London, as he has done at Holyrood.

Will he be missed in Scotland? Will he f*ck good riddance.

Robert Hughes

Confused @ Always

hahahahahahaha , fantastic posts , ma man . Too many zingers to list . If you ever decide to write a book , I’m in 🙂

Wee Slava J.M so excited by his heroes’ latest round of wanton slaughter of innocents + his pin-up masturbatory fodder Zelly The Ham’s star-turn at the hypocrites convention ( D.Day commemorations ) his cog dis has reached critical mass n he’s now prancing around East Kilbride in a spandex IDF jaikit , Zelly-style combat breeks ( in yellow n blue satin ) topped-off by a Hey Jimmy bunnet & a sporran fashioned from the arse-skin of dead ” rag-heads ” : he reckons he looks tha bomb . He does ; an exploded one . All he wants for Christmas is a nice , little , manageable thermonuclear war . Show those nasty * orcs * what Democracy means .

Some might consider this last a tad foolhardy , given the wee man lives no that far from Faslane , well within range of a bracing nuke-slap followed by an invigorating radiation shower .

Though knowing the wee guy’s strong feeling on the subject , he’ll probably consider total annihilation preferable to paying £3pw more in tax .

re voting ….not a single – real – Independence candidate in ma crib , so I’ll be ” repurposing ” mine with the message ” yr all cunts , fuck-off ” . Or maybe just #ENDTHEUNION . We’ll see .


As one treacherous Tory shit departs for England (Ross) there’s always another one to take their place in Scotland, in a land teeming with House Jocks.

“DOUGLAS Ross is set to be replaced as an MSP for the Highlands and Islands by a London-brd executive whose six-figure salary from the charity her mother founded was recently the focus of a watchdog’s investigation.”

“If Ross resigns from the Scottish Parliament, he would be replaced by the next candidate on the Tories’ Highlands and Islands regional list from the 2021 Holyrood elections: Ella Robertson McKay.”

Robertson McKay is employed as the managing director of the London-brd charity, and according to her LinkedIn and other social media activity, she is also brd in the city.

In October 2022, the Charity Commission opened an investigation into One Young World amid concerns linked to “senior staff salaries and bonuses paid”.

“Robertson was paid £440,000 in the 18-month period to June 2021 and £225,000 in the 2022 calendar year, while Robertson McKay received £195,000 and £115,000 respectively over the same periods, reports said.”

“Amid the investigation, charity chief executive Robertson resigned her role as a trustee.”

“In January 2024, the BBC reported that the Charity Commission’s probe had concluded with an “official warning”, suggesting the charity had been found guilty of a breach of trust, misconduct, or mismanagement.”



Oucha magoucha.

James Che

The ID card for voting was supposed to see a reduction of undesirables being able to register or to find it difficult to access a vote,
However it is within that theory that I have been hearing, lies a fault, and the capability to turn the tables on vote rigging entirely on its head by abstaining /not voting in elections at all en masse, wiping out most of blood sucking parties in Scotland if not in the first elections but by the third or forth elections local or non local, within a short period of time.
Certainly quicker than any other indy route at the moment and it would be decided by the people, for the people legally, not the politicians that would eventually be “ousted ” out in Scotland.

There is a possibility For us to make the in-roads To start and choose a new form of governance in Scotland,

Hatey McHateface

@ Confused says:10 June, 2024 at 2:33 pm

Starmer as PM, – jewish lobby, check, NATO, nukes, big business … oh wait the national energy company based in Scotland and bringing “100000” jobs

Sounds not a bad prospectus, Confused. Defo worth a few votes.

I notice your favourite people get a couple of name checks too.

Good move. If you want to live in a first-world country, with working, advanced technology, advancing science, high educational achievement, excellent medical knowledge and good arts too, they’re the kind of people you want in positions to influence and maybe even run things.

So much better for everything and everybody than people who still believe it’s 1446, and the only way to deal with skeptics with modern ideas is to kill them.

I notice you’re very shy about your tax situation, Confused. You do right to keep us all guessing. Taxpayers do tend to get the hump when lectured by non-contributors.

David Hannah

“NICOLA Sturgeon will feature in ITV’s election night coverage alongside former chancellor George Osborne, the broadcaster has announced.

The former first minister will also be joined by ex-shadow chancellor Ed Balls, who is now an ITV presenter as well as hosting a podcast with his former Tory opposite number.”

Ahaha. This woman can’t contain herself can she? Will she be answering and taking responsibility for the ZERO SNP seats – or will she be sitting there and blaming each individual candidate for their shorcomings as the results come in?

She’s fucking bonkers. Shame on ITV – 2 x massive scale criminal police investigations into Sturgeon – she’s not cleared.


I see Lady Dorian’s been in the news – Scotland’s corrupt judge – you know the judge that hates Juries? That judge!

And Dorothy Bain – she’s sitting on Murrell’s charges. Can you believe it?

These people fucking sicken me to the core. I hope the cops march into the studio and handcuff Sturgeon live on air. Now wouldn’t that be something worth staying up for?

Bring it on folks.

David Hannah

Nicola Sturgeon – the queen of spin!

Handcuff her life on television and cart her off to Cornton Vale – via the English courts – where Lady Dorian has no jurisdiction.

Big Jock

Republic- Ella went to Fettes. Can I safely assume she has a sasenach accent? Not that I need another reason to dislike the privelaged erse.


John “show me the money” Main there, trying the tired old Daily Mail rage against the benefit cheats line.
Trouble is John, way more money is lost to society through big corporates tax evasion, and DWP errors than by benefit cheats.
I’m in no way condoning benefit fraud, but jist pointing out that maybe you need to re-access your sights if you are genuinely interested in trying to see the money.


Benefit fraud. In the two years of the pandemic, 2020-2022, official figures show that £10.2bn was lost to fraud on Universal Credit.

Most organised benefit fraud is committed by foreign gangs and the money ends up in their home countries.

Colin Alexander

The SNP is just like Alba: an undemocratic dictatorship.

SNP conference made policy, the leader, Swinney, overruled it.

Similarly in Alba, Alex Salmond rules by diktat.

Alba’s constitution is based on the Sturgeon / Murrell SNP constitution. Does that not tell you all you need to know?

Power concentrated in just a few people: political leader, CEO / Party Secretary, chairperson.

Power concentrated in a few people leads to abuses of power.

Neither SNP nor Alba have any credible plan to achieve indy. The reality is it’s about political careers. The WM and Holyrood gravy train.


‘I want the 4th July to be Scotlands independence day, so I am not voting at all.’

‘We are Sovereign people we have the right to choose whom governs us,’

Two comments above from Che in the same post. He/she/it is not intending to vote but demands the right to choose who forms the Government. How does that work?

Does anybody in Scotland really take these people seriously? At least we were spared the 300 year old shite……….for once, but……….give it time!


Re my last post. I always start at the bottom of the comments section. I moved up half a dozen comments and Che is there giving it the ancient history guff. I should have known better!


Red@ 6.53pm.

Fraud yes, the Tory government and their corporate buddies have stolen billions, such as the £2.7 billion quid the taxpayer lost via dodgy PPE.


The Wingate wankers are out in force in here tonight.


Shitface is about to pay more taxes LOL.

The UK is skint. The only things left to sell are all Scottish. So it’ll be that or hike taxes. The gig is up on printing money to share with Tory chums.


James may be correct. I read 45 Scots need to sit in Westminster otherwise it’s fcked & no longer a legitimate parly of GB. Oh deary if that’s true.

Hatey McHateface

@Geri says:10 June, 2024 at 7:26 pm

The gig is up on printing money

Back in the real world, the Pound is at a two-year high against the Euro. Expected to continue on the upwards trajectory too, as the relative prospects of the UK and Eurozone continue to diverge.

Leaving us with a conundrum. Is it Geri’s shallowness of analysis, or her narrowness of knowledge, that we marvel at the most?

Naw, it’s her parochialism of outlook. My posting this will be seen as just more evidence for my Tory Yoonery.

But it’s not intended to be. I’m trying to educate those who just don’t want to learn, that however Indy is eventually brought about, it won’t be by stubborn, proudly blinkered ignorance.

As James writes above:

We are Sovereign people we have the right to choose whom governs us

Exactly. That also means we have the right to block the congenital idiots from ever having a say.

Hatey McHateface

@Red says:10 June, 2024 at 6:53 pm

Nobody mentioned benefit fraud until Dan was inexplicably triggered at 6:23.

You’ll have to ask him why, but first, you’ll have to care.

Confused was writing about the Middle Classes and their fear of paying (yet more) taxes.

I was questioning why, as an ostensible member of the working classes, Confused was not also writing about their very own fear of paying (yet more) taxes.

Again, you’ll have to ask Confused why that thought never occurred to him.

It’s an observation of mine, supported by experience, that those most in favour of paying more taxes usually have reached the lucky state of living essentially tax-free.

Simple and basic human nature of course. But no reason for us to pretend it’s not the reality.

The wise man keeps his Bullshit Meter switched off in the vicinity of virtue signalers loudly telling the world how they want to pay yet more tax. BSMs explode in an environment like that.

Towbar Sullivan

Why are there TWO Slab candidates standing in Edinburgh North?
That can’t be right..

James Che

Reverse psychology,

Reversing the purpose of elections,
Elections are what bind to people to the governance they choose, as many unionist often harp on about here on Wings, “you voted for them” So stop whinging.
Now they are gonna whinge if you don’t vote any one of them in,

Some people just argue no matter what the topic as if they suffer from a mental illness, or perhaps just like to feel self important if they bully,
However it is sad if yer wheener is smaller than brain, or mouth, one may feel the need to bully others due to their inferiority complex, and these people deserve a platform to cry, an inform everybody of how life is so unfair.

Back to the not voting topic.
What if we stop voting, stop voting any of the two or three horse limited selection of political parties that the British electoral system allows.
The question has to be asked where would the devolved government or Westminster gain its authority from if not from the people.
That is what elections are supposed to for,

So applying reverse psychology to all elections in Scotland that the devolved government are in, or local Council party candidates elections leaves non of the above elected with any authority to govern Scotland,

The people of Scotland could change and turn over their actual government in Scotland under a political system that is allowed legally in Britains.

That is the way Scotland can state not in our name, not our choice of government,

And to answer mr wheeners silly question, you simply start “your right to vote again” when you vote to bring in a new government,
Because in the political system and constitutional system of GB at the moment you do have the right to vote or not to vote by abstaining.

Reverse psychology used in elections.
It Pretty much cheats the rigged system that was set up and meant to bind the people to the limited choice of political parties in government.
The people of Scotland have a opportunity to make that change happen, the change the political parties system are avoiding.

So lets change the political picture ourselves, by ridding ourselves of those useless self serving “Sell Scotland down the river” parties

James Che

Hatey mcHateface,

Indeed you are Sovereign, as is everyone else,
I see You fully realise that if you weren’t , you would not be asked to vote at all to elect a government or governing body for the people,

Ruby Tuesday

It looks as if Ellis has claimed the ‘Fossil Free books’ thread as his

What a brilliant idea.

‘The Fossil Free Books thread’ can be where Ellis posts all about the franchise,

nationality & ethnicity.

Those interested in reading all Ellis’ repeats can go there.

It’s perfect.

Maybe John Main could pick a thread where he can post all his ‘Show us the Money’ posts.

‘The Elite & Me’ might be the perfect thread for him.

It’s the perfect solution and all he new treads can be kept clear of all Main’s & Ellis’s repeats.

They make so many repeats I know their script off by heart.

Main has a new phrase now it’s ‘Howler Monkeys’ He must have thought that one up when he found out ‘moonh*wler was to be banned.


@ Towbar Sullivan at 9.05

One of them’s the Scottish Labour candidate and the other’s the Socialist Labour candidate

Towbar Sullivan

@crazycat – so it is. My bad.


The SNP need to be completely smashed this GE.

Put in their place people who actually have a clue, and put in place policies that make being an independent country actually feasible….


“Mr Wheener”


Nice one James..

Iain More

Sturgeon the ("Tractor" - Ed) bitch on TV instead of being in a cell where she belongs. The English are fuckin mocking us.


nice to see you back round Robert H

I didn’t think you would stay away for long.

re : rougharse dross

When you suck as much english cock as a scots tory does (no spitting, mind), the point comes when the cum pressure on the internals risks rupture and then on to cum-sepsis.

– these then have to be rotated out of the game. Stomach pumped and given antibiotics.

Main : what’s your problem – do you need tax advice? Want the name of a good accountant?


David Hannah
10 June, 2024 at 9:59 am

No fucking way!!! Douglas Ross to resign. Jeesus christ. ‘..

How many wages has he been collecting? My guess is that he has been diligently counting his money over the years. Probably reached the total he was looking for out of politics a couple of years ago but found it hard to stop collecting. Will the SS have someone lined up from Glasgow Uni?


His English overlords didn’t even know who he was a few yrs ago. LOL

Even that public humiliation didn’t dent his slavish devotion. Anyone with an ounce of integrity would’ve told them to stick their fckn job – ungrateful barstewards.

The Tories do seem to get off on a bit sadomasochism tho so he probably enjoyed it.

Another cretin gone but one cert about the Tories is that they seem to have a bottomless pit of odious knts that crawl out fae the swamp to replace them.

Maybe it’ll be Stu’s mate Ollie LOL!


Big Jock
10 June, 2024 at 6:20 pm

Republic- Ella went to Fettes. …

Getting paid hundreds of grand a year to work in the THE FAMILY CHARITY?

Well fuck me. What a gig and now seeking to influence the world we live in.


“Pandemic! Pandemic!”

Hang on to your masks, people, bird flu has mutated and is on its way.

Yes, mistakes were made with the last pandemic but we have learned from those mistakes.

I just hope someone can come up with a vaccine. My arm’s like a teabag but if it helps stop the spread, I’ll roll up one last time for democracy.

Time to print more money.



10 June, 2024 at 2:33 pm

“Who to vote for in this election is a tough one.”

Who to vote against is super easy.

Send the whole lot of SNP tractors to the dustbin of history, all in one go.

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 12:54 am
WHO have reported the Australian case was contact with Avian Flu infected poultry in India. Previously cases in Vietnam and the USA were similar transmission routes. Contact with infected poultry. No evidence of human to human transmissions anywhere in the world. After the Monkey Pox ridicule WHO have to be more careful in their media management. The public have major trust issues with WHO.

Robert Hughes

Hatuey @ 12.54 . Lolsville , daddio !

Aw naw !! Quick call the Voodoo Modelling Agency we need some hyperbolic predictions of just how terrifying & almost certainly fatal to the gullible this – no doubt Sino-Russo created – avian terror will be .

Can we lockdown the bird population ?

Has £XXXbillion been allocated to those extremely efficient ” Fast Lane / No Bid Required ” PPE suppliers ?

Have the Pharma Philanthropists’ pre-patented wonder-drugs passed their rigorous 2 day testing procedure ?

Has anyone thought to develop bird masks & the means to enforce their use amongst the flying granny-murderers ?

Couldn’t we just nuke the entire airborne vermin population ?

Will even household budgies require to be culled ?

Christ ! this is deeply worrying . Better get the Stoogeon back

What ? She can’t * help * this time , she’s contracted to Election Coverage gloat and wallowing in the MSM reinforced narrative that the impending SNP implosion is absolutely , incontrovertibly down to her absence as F.M/Party Leader .

Aw naw Pt 2 !!


Iain More…

She’s as much a creature of the British State as James Bond. It’s HER that’s f**king mocking us! I recon the English as you say couldn’t give a shit.

Whereas the 90-minute nationalists, and the “proud Scots, but…” and the other assorted manky jaicketed mouth breathers, like the one I saw the other day in his HGV with his wee red/white/blue light bar and little table-top flag arrangement on the dash (can’t think what team he supports…), they’re also the ones who are doing the mocking.

The enemies of Scottish Independence predominantly lie within Scotland… they’re called Yoons! (For the avoidance of any doubt, I include the entire devolution addicted, Westminster cash dependent, aspiration-less, ultra-Woke, incompetent, corrupted, compromised and crooked SNP in that category. So f**k the SNP, and all who sail in her).

Vivian O’Blivion

Redfield & Wilton, Westminster voting intention, (large) Scottish sub-sample, population (weighted) 684, field work 7 – 10 June, (change from 2019)
Con 16% seats 4 (-2)
Lab 37% seats 41 (+40)
LibDem 4% seats 5 (+3)
SNP 27% seats 7 (-41)

David Hannah

What chaos will ensue in the world of politics today I wonder?

I see David Davis is running again for election. Good! I hope he wins his seat back – Salmond’s pal. I like him!

David Hannah

The Scotland national team have arrived in Germany to bagpipes and John McGinn doing a German dance! Heroes. The blue and the white and the saltire. The flowers of Scotland.

Scotland the brave. when you hear the noise of the tartan army boys we’ll be coming down the road.

For Scotland! SCOTLAND! You’ll take the high road! Scotland the Brave!

David Hannah

Dancing McGinn. Scotland land in Germany. Euro 2024. Scotland on the map. Beautiful. Fuck the politicians – the scum of the earth – the Scottish national team. I could cry with pride.

Let’s scud the Germans. 2-0 fucking nil. Friday night. The world’s eyes on the tartan army!


“What chaos will ensue in the world of politics today I wonder?”

Von Der Liar has been reported to the ICC for being complicit in war crimes & incitement. It’s A tae Z on every convention.
Sunak may be up too for a bit of a thrashing.

Robert Hughes

Lol at the flying grannie murderers..

Ruby Tuesday

It’s only the 11th June! Ages yet until we get to the good stuff.

I hope someone makes a compilation of the 41(and counting) losing their seats juxtaposed with Sturgeons reaction.

What a great idea to have her on TV on the night of the ………

Can’t think of a suitable name atm can you?


RobertKnight @8.50am.

Bang on Robert.

What really gets in ma craw, as you say are the 90 minute nationalist who shout and bawl at Hampden and Murrayfield come on Scotland.

Then once the game/s are over they go back to their positions of Scotland could never be an independent country, and vote against any chance of it.

Ruby Tuesday

I’ve thought of a song for ‘The Night of…………..’

link to


Saw this tweet on the wings account. I ended up watching all of it. Fascinating in a very annoying way, just listening to it was painful at times.

link to

I really admire the reporter who endured it. It really shows up the demographic that makes up the woke movement. Wow.

Sturgeon stuffed the SNP full of them. Bitter incompetent losers. A literal army of toxic morons.

By the letter of the law the reporter and cameraman must have been assaulted fifty times each watching it, minimum, and that includes sexual assaults as well, ghastly old women rubbing themselves up against them at times. It would have turned my stomach.

If any one of us tried to do what these ‘trans activists’ do we’d be arrested for sure. And rightly so. Yet they get a pass…

These are people who are so stupid that they can recognize even 1% that they are the living embodiment of everything they claim to be protesting. It is staggering how stupid they are.

I don’t think they were high IQ to start with but the woke ideology is like stupidity magnifier… it takes normal stupid and supercharges it to new levels of cretin and beyond. Science may soon discover the first negative IQ person amongst their ranks.

This tweet demonstrates why you can’t deal with them, and you can’t live with them, because they are a menace to free speech and all our civil liberties.

The only thing they are meaningfully ‘trans’ is trans-fascists.


I hope ITV rooted out all her old footage.

Especially the night she held in Edinburgh, not long after Salmond stepped down, where she said she was Salmonds very best friend &

“If I ever become complacent, like Labour, let me know”

“I’ll never take yer votes for granted”

She’ll surely pull out last minute. How she has the nerve to show herself as her party is publicly sacked beggars belief.
But then I remember she’s a fucking psychopath & the blinking & dupers delight will be off the friggin charts..ITV will want to save it for prosperity lol


Sturgeon hasn’t even got the good sense to realize she being setup by doing this election night debate, but of course she does and she has all of her chairs at home, its all about image and money with her.

Ruby Tuesday

Suitable name for ‘The night of…….’
to be found in Shakespeare?

I would mention the name of someone I think might know but I wouldn’t want to put him on the spot.

The name for ‘The Night of………… could come from anywhere. Maybe even inspired by a famous football game or sporting disaster. ie a car crash

Sigh! 23 days to go.

A whole 11 days until we can start opening the 12 days of the ‘Great British Election Calendar’.

On the 12th day of the election my true love gave to me……………….

I don’t know yet but there could be up to 48 of them plus a partridge in a pear tree!



Rachel weeping for the slaughter of her childer. Massacre of the (not so)Innocents.

Ruby Tuesday

Just got an alert saying

‘Pay back of the Paedo’

I told you I was easily distracted

Gotta go to find out what that is all about it seems it involves £half a million.

Hang on: The Night of the pay back of………….

Andy Ellis

The Scottish independence movement ought to take a lead from the French left of centre parties, who have moved pretty quickly after Macron’s surprise decision to call elections to the National Assembly and hold talks about forming a latter day Popular Front à la 1930’s to challenge Le Pen’s National Rally party.

With headline support for independence bouncing around the 50% mark (within usual usual pollling company margins of error) it’s incumbent on all our parties, particularly their office holders, activists and members, to justify why they have acquiesced and contributed to a situation where achieving independence now seems further away than before when the headline support was lower.

Presumably it’s going to take the imminent political defenestration of much of the SNP’s parliamentary representation for some of the loyalists to finally wake up, but some people are going to have a lot of explaining to do if we don’t enter the 2026 elections with a 0
pro-independence Popular Front in place.



It’s manufactured grievance. NGOs/think tanks come up with this TRA shit & send them forth to infest & multiply in every parliament on the planet to cause a bit of civil unrest so that same parliament can crack down & pass new laws to curb speech & freedoms.

Population silenced. Job done. Everyone goes home with shiny new laws. Lol

James Che

As a result of the fallacious treaty of union the Monarch and Sovereignty of England was……Extended to Scotland,

Not a shared monarch of the two separate kingdoms and Countries of England and Scotland then prior to the treaty of union.

She was the Queen Anne of England since 1689 Act, the acts of Settlement and limitatations,etc, and again in 1702 coronated as the line of Succession as Queen of England, an signing royal Assent to the treaty of union for England before she was Queen of Scots,

If she was Queen of Scots she would not needed to have a parliament act to extend her monarchy to Scotland after the treaty of union,

Does Someone want to unravel that early stages of one shared monarch of Scotland and England before the Westminster parliament ( post union ) made the extended Act to make her queen of Scots?


A Scottish Independence Movement is a good idea that some clever guy might run with ANDY ELLIS but in the meantime the electorate of Scotland can occupy the time rearranging the furniture on SS Britannic as it sails vaingloriously into a crush of icebergs, without a single lifeboat.
The veteran EU might keep the Britannic company.


It’d be illegitimate cause the Scots weren’t asked in a referendum LOL

Did we grant her a section 30? Cause if not I have questions..

Big Jock

McGinn dancing in Bavaria was fantastic to watch. He is just one of life’s happy go lucky types. Very patriotic and does our country proud wherever he goes.

McGregor is the serious midfielder (the controller) , and Tierney is our only truly world class player. I watched him on Friday , and he stood out with his last ditch defending and wing play.

James Che

It is better not to give your consent via your option to vote or not to any of these moron parties,
And I have no desire to be led by voing into a Civic National Scotland night mare.

Alway helpful to read up on the Theoretical ideology.of Civic Nationalism, and how theory tells us that immigration populations are “not required” to integrate with their host Country,
How is that working in Ireland and England right now?

The native people of their Country are being treated like second class invader citizen of their own Country and it is their government ( civil servants) in England and Ireland doing this to them.


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Just popped in here for a quick look and now see what’s happened. I’m scribblin’ doun some scribblings.

Have I said Fuck already? Aye? Well I’m saying it again – Fuck!

I can’t stop myself – it’s addictive. Gotta break this Wings habit. I have things to do – real things in the real world. Things of global importance. Things God himself\herself\it has tasked me with doing (I just made that up – he\she\it didnae. Aye, an the global thing tae).

The ancients, though, are so pissed at me right now.

However, while I’m detoxing (one step at a time):

“Scotland can occupy the time rearranging the furniture on SS Britannic as it sails vaingloriously into a crush of icebergs, without a single lifeboat.”

I can’t resist a good metaphor, TURABDIN.

Or an interesting question:

‘Night of the Demon’ (based on Casting the Runes by M R James).

Or, symbolically of course:

‘Night of the Hummingbird’.

Andy Ellis

@Turabdin 11.56 am

I think the issue will be convincing the various parties and individuals to sign up to the concept in the first instance. I don’t think it’s necessary for them to agree or even like each other, still less agree on detailed policies, but the basic concept is hardly rocket science.

I suspect a lot of folk scunnered with the SNP simply won’t vote, so the turnout % is going to be interesting. There’s no Alba candidate in my constituency, but there is a former Alba now independent standing. Sadly Christine Jardine will be a shoo in for the LD’s.

James Che


The Sovereign Scots were not invited to join the treaty of union either, the uk Westminster parliament site say this as a statement of fact 2024,


Indyref was successful cause it wasn’t party political.
Sturgeon sucked the life out of it by designating the SNP as the YES movement & for some inexplicable reason Salmond wishes to not just drag everyone along the same failed path but also support the same fckn roasters who’ve just stiffed us out of £600k & at least a solid triple mandate for indyref2.

Who the fuck is advising them this was a plan? Anglo Andy?

James Che

Personally am scunnered with every political party across Britain.

Westminster parliament parties have had over three hundred years to make Scotland equal in a treaty of union, they have had ample time,

The Devolved government have also had ample time since the Scotland Act to improve Scotland in the union, if anything they have made the situation worse for Scotland.

Why give your consent via your vote to be governed by any of these parties that put lining their pockets and pension purses before the welfare of the people,
Because your vote gives your consent to be ruled and governed by them,

It might be occurring to the “party before people elite groups”” at this late stage to panic, that they should now encourage the middlean lower classes to vote for them because other wise they might not get into power ever again, and the gravy train may stop.

Too hundreds of years.

Ruby Tuesday

Turabdin talks in riddles.

I never understand what he’s trying to say but I don’t get a good feeling from his posts. Then there’s the fact he’s so buddy buddy with Andy Ellis.

Birds of a feather.

I thought Ellis was setting himself up on ‘Fossil Free Books Fix The World?’

It was the perfect arrangement. What happened?

Ruby Tuesday

11 June, 2024 at 12:36 pm

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Just make Wings your special treat after you have done all your chores or when you are having your coffee break.

Don’t worry if you miss a day there are always tons of repeats.

Don’t forget to go to ‘Bottle Rockets Off Topic’ where you will find loads of special treats.

James Che

I have always believed that Scotland should be a independent Country, but these political parties in Scotland do nothing but help and confirm that my position is the correct position.

I have always believed that there was a “big Con” going on regards the treaty of union against the Scots people, and my post at 11: 39 am is part of questioning that scenario,



Many are waking up. Not just in Scotland but across the EU too.

Political parties, of every colour, voted into power only to go off on a fckn tangent the moment they’re in & immediately adopt another countries whakadoo ideology, economic & foreign policy & then have the cheek to wonder why they’re being ejected.

A reckoning is coming. The media is trying (& failing) to chalk this up as the rise of the “far right” lol bearing in mind the TRAs see everything as “far right” these days.

James Che


Thank you for your kind supportive messages the other day.
A good pick me up to keep me going with the difficult tasks I had ahead of me that day and evening,
Thank you both. And to all the others over the last few years, Scottish people without doubt have have good hearts and soles

I have found Welsh and Irish people just as quick to have that same trait of empathy and understanding in their culture too,
There will be some in England, but I have never visited there much as an adult.
Never let these cultures of community, family and languages pass away into the abyss of globalism and civic nationalism,

Ruby Tuesday

The Night of the Howling Moon.

The night the moon, the stars and all the planet joined in & howled with joy.

Michael Laing

@ Geri at 12.56pm: My guess is that Salmond was planning on a reconciliation or merger between Alba and the rump of the SNP when the truth of what they’ve been up to these last ten years finally comes out. However, the way things are going, there’s going to be nothing left of the SNP to reconcile or merge with by the time that happens.

Also, Salmond has a need to be seen to be the good guy in all of this; the one who gave the SNP every possible opportunity to mend its ways and do the right thing.

James Che


The world in general IS wakening up, and it is has gone too far and to late to stop it,

Did you ever view the MET office video of them admitting that they spray chemicals into the Sky to change climate, you can find it on Richard Vobes youtube channel.
While governments and Councils charge for people in vehicles “air pollution charges with schemes such as Ulez,”
We are all breathing in the chemicals being sprayed into the air, I doubt the Met office is about to get fined for air pollution though,
Manifactured bad weather experimental Climate change by the MET Office,

And the other side of the coin is the creation of a energy crises, bringing in non- green wind and Solar panel that are not degradable after their lifespan has ended.
But big investments by the elite,


“ought to take a lead from the French left of centre parties, who have moved pretty quickly after Macron’s surprise decision to call elections to the National Assembly and hold talks about forming a latter day Popular Front à la 1930’s to challenge Le Pen’s National Rally party.”

Andy Ellis.

Macron had already compromised his party and and his own position by giving concessions prior, to Le Pen’s party according to radio news, Le Pen’s party is on course to win 32% of the vote, exit polls say, more than twice that of the president’s Renaissance party.

Listening to French people speak especially younger ones I get the feeling that Le Pen’s party is no longer taboo amongst younger French voters.

So why is the Far-Right rising across Europe? well much is down to austerity and immigration, when times are tough the finger is always pointed at immigrants and they are blamed for it.

Of course not much is said about the west plundering poorer nations assets forcing these folk to come to Europe, the narrative has changed though and they are now welcomed in most countries in the hope that they upset the balance which has led to the rise of the Far-Right.

The Cost-of-Living-Crisis, which western government help create, has only been exacerbated by the billion stolen from Europeans and given to U to further the war against R, this means supporting Kneeo-Kna–ttzzi-s and this helps ease the rise of the Far-Right in Europe.

Its western governments that have aided and abetted the rise of the Far-Right across Europe, this has been combined with a cost-of-Living-Crisis and immigrants are being blamed for it.

Of course Europe has its own ugly face, in funding and supporting not only the Knee-o Knatt–izzi-s in U but also the Zzz-io- Mon–sters in Izzhe-ll who are committing ge–n-o–ci–de.

The Far-Right will have no qualms about calling for war, and that suits some western countries agendas, their plan is in motion they’ll be hoping that sending weapons to U to hit deep inside R will trigger a larger conflict and it will.



Good advice, Ruby. And I haven’t forgotten ‘Bottle Rockets Off Topic’. I keep an eye on it.

I’ll post my scribblings there if the mood to show-off my literary ‘talents’ comes upon me – and maybe save my short quips of wisdom for more current threads. We’ll see.

“The Night of the Howling Moon” – I like it.

Anyway, lunch break over – back to work.

BTW, that youtube link you put up brought back memories. Maybe that’s a good rule for us all to live by – ‘It’s My Party’.


James Che

Yeah, it was clear you were having a tough day the other day. Hope today is a better one for you and your spouse.


Remember all the SNP promises about cutting drug deaths in Scotland?

The SNP doesn’t give a toss about Scots, its now a party of self-serving, grifting, careerists, its also a roadblock to ditching the illegal ball and chain union.

“SNP ministers have been called on to take immediate action after shock figures found suspected drug deaths in Scotland have risen by eight per cent in the last three months.

Official data – drawn from reports by police officers attending the scenes of death – estimated there were 320 suspected fatalities involving drugs in the first three months of 2024.

That represented a rise of 23 compared to October to December last year. A total of 1,219 deaths were believed to be drug-related between March 2023 and the same month this year.”


Robin McAlpine nails it here.

“After all, really the only thing they have done is the Scottish Child Payment which was introduced by a politician who knew she could take the plaudits for it because she wasn’t going to hang around to have to pay for it. Those who did have to pay for it all but took the whole lot back again.

I repeat, almost every penny allocated in the Scottish Child Payment has been clawed back from cuts to other budgets for poverty issues (from Council Tax freezing local services to affordable housing subsidies). That’s the political attitude to poverty eradication – do one thing that gets you credit and use it as cover to steal mercilessly from poverty budgets elsewhere when no-one is looking.”

link to


The foreign media in Scotland sticks the boot into Alba, this is what happens when a foreign country controls your terrestrial channels.

“ALBA have reacted with fury after STV opted to move their party’s political General Election broadcast so it will no longer be shown ahead of Scotland’s opening game at the Euros.

Alex Salmond claimed that STV had said the slot on June 14 – just before Scotland kicks off against Germany in the first match of the 2024 Euro championships – would give Alba an “unfair advantage” over other parties.

The former first minister said the proposed new broadcast date added “insult to injury” as it would be after postal votes have been sent out, so some people may have already cast their ballot.”

Hatey McHateface

@Andy Ellis says:11 June, 2024 at 11:15 am

some people are going to have a lot of explaining to do if we don’t enter the 2026 elections with a pro-independence Popular Front in place

Nae rush, eh Andy?

Well over a year since Ash Regan made the Plebiscitary Election pledge the key point of her FM campaign.

Don’t tell me. Xmas holidays to plan and take, then Summer holidays to plan and take. Etc etc.

If nothing happened over the past 15 months, why do you think anything real will happen after Starmer takes over?

It won’t.

I see you’re quoting Indy support at 50% again. That could be 10% or more higher if there was a credible, popular, organised, engaging, planned Plebiscitary campaign under way right now, with 4 weeks to go. Anybody who believes there will ever be a better time than this, when we’re at peak-anti-Tory, is not of this real world.

The heather could be on fire as I write.

Tell me again who’s stopping us. Cause I honestly can’t see them anywhere I look.

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscotland says:11 June, 2024 at 2:03 pm

Its western governments that have aided and abetted the rise of the Far-Right across Europe

Course it is, course it is.

There, there, you just learn how to spell “Scotland” and you’ll feel better.

And be grateful that of all of us, you are immune to the scourge of our governments aiding and abetting the rise of the Far-Right across Europe.

How goes your favourite jenocide these days anyway? Last I heard, Biden’s USA had a peace plan on the table and was hoping to get all sides to sign up.

Let me guess. You desperately want the war to continue because the only hope for your side to be able to declare a propaganda “win” will be a few more tens of thousands of dead human shields.

BTW, if you want us to believe that you give a toss about Scots, show us some respect. Learn to spell the name of our country correctly.



Main aka Hatey.

The only way the Z—iio-Kn–att-z-is will be stopped from completing their g–en-oc–ide is by force, for they will not stop, why do you think Z-io- m-on-st-er Gantz quit the war cabinet.

The G–re-at S-at–an aka (US) and its minion the UK has already delivered enough weapons to Izz–hel-l for them to finish their evil task.

The UN does have an option that it won’t entertain.

“So there it is, this little-known mechanism hiding in plain sight in Article 27 (3). It’s the Rodney Dangerfield of the U.N. Charter. It gets no respect.

“Abstentions under Article 27 (3) are mandatory only if all of the following conditions apply: the decision falls under Chapter VI or Article 52 (3) of Chapter VIII; the issue is considered a dispute; a Council member is considered a party to the dispute; and the decision is not procedural in nature.””


Ignored says:
11 June, 2024 at 2:05 pm

Anyway, lunch break over – back to work.

Blimey! A working Scot. Whoda thunk it?

Hatey McHateface

@James Che says:11 June, 2024 at 1:58 pm

The world in general IS wakening up

It’s funny you should say that.

Just yesterday, I read a post (never mind where) from somebody who had just come out of a 4-day power cut.

He claimed that had certainly woken him up.

“Drill, baby, Drill” and “Fuck the climate” were his new enthusiasms.

If he has his way, he will never ever have to endure what he went through again.

Have to say, I agree. I bet you secretly agree too, but why not find out for sure. Throw the master switch on your fuse box and turn it back on in 4 days time.

Be sure to let us know how it went.

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscotland says:11 June, 2024 at 2:54 pm

Naw, you’re still not getting it. Just think what else you must be missing.

It’s “Scotland”.

Monsters with all the weapons they need to finish their evil task, eh?

And there was me thinking the yellow tunnel crawlers could finish it all in 24 hours by handing over the kidnapped lassies and the rest.

I know, I know. The yellow tunnel crawlers are your saintly freedom-fighting martyrs, and the kidnapped lassies are your warrior comforters who had it coming.

Keep posting. I sense a surge in Indy support every time.

Can you feel it too?

James Che


Thanks for your kindness,
yeah was bad for two and a half days, it can vary in a week to cover from one single day or four days and evenings, washing bedding, floors, walls, door handles, bath and basins.
Leave hubby weak and under nourished and dehydrated and extremely exhusting for hubby too.
Often spend rest of week home cooking and blending his food down,

He is at the hospital with district nurses today getting the dressing changed on his foot,

Doing catch up washing , normal household chores and some official letters to write otherwise having a break today.

Change of topic,

Why did Sparticus not complain when the lion ate his wife?


David Hannah

I hate myself for saying this but I think I’ve been judging the Nigerians slightly unfairly. I’ve been judging them like they are some underclass?

I’ve been reading Billy Connolly’s autobiography. He’s wonderful, delightful and warm about Glasgow.

This is in direct contrast to the writer – Douglas Stuart – of the fiction novel Shuggy Bain which was like poverty porn.

Anyway Billy Connolly is right on the finger about the spicy relationship sectarianism played in Glasgow. But the Scots were working class, Clyde built. Proud strong, comparatively well off. Merchant city but they viewed the Irish as lower than them. And when the grand children came along the families were unable to get over their parents not being at their weddings.

Connolly is such a caring man. And I suppose that when it always comes to things like immigration, politics and housing. You’ve always got to look into yourself about why you’re judging these people. Because you’re actually judging yourself. Life is always about taking responsibility. And doing the simplest things – like saving for a mortgage – can be the hardest. I’m all right fortunately.

But I still can’t get over the amount of blacks everywhere now. In the care homes. The Hospitals. They speak in that broken english. It’s so annoying.

I want a Scotland for the Scots. But at the same time I don’t really want one of these democracy hating, right wing fascist governments which seems to be the direction of travel all across the West.

I’d love to know how I can make the case to my colleagues. About putting Scotland first. Without sounding like a racist, and at the same time saying – I’m taking responsibility. It’s a hard argument to make I think – when it shouldn’t be.

You can’t just suddenly turn around and say – No more nigerians can you?

David Hannah

It’s a waste of mental energy envying the happiness of the Nigerians being given free homes, free housing bringing their children over. For all the benefits.

When I should simply improve my own happiness by doing the hard things. Standing on your own two feet. Thinking noble thoughts. And ideas and concepts. I need to learn to be unpassive in what doesn’t energise my soul. Self pity. And judgement. It’s murky.

I want to know where on earth is the heavenly feeling of love with the nigerian invasion?

I can’t square that circle yet. I’m trying.

David Hannah

I think what I’d like to see is some politicians making a case for Scottish people first that is considered and compassionate for our history.

Now is our time to be proud to be Scottish. The Saltire needs to fly on the Government buildings. Not the pride flag. Which is the new global-border hating movement of the woke left and the middle class. That is bringing our society to the brink of destruction. Inviting fighting aged men in from the third world – where democracy doesn’t exist.

These illegal immigrants have no loyalty or affinity to democracy. They are an underclass being housed. being given benefits that the Scots don’t get.

Like free bus travel? You know what I’m saying. So what will happen in 20 years. What kind of Government are these illegals going to vote in? A democracy hating government?

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 2:16 pm

“Robin McAlpine nails it”

Unfortunately not, I’m afraid. Robin suggests that Scotland’s problems can all be solved simply by better management within the present colonial administration; but as most of us here know, that is never going to happen in what is a ‘racist and exploitative’ colonial society where maintaining the hoax and economic plunder is the main goal.

As postcolonial theory tells us, the native bourgeoisie, which also includes the national party elite, are unable to ‘nail it’ because they have never bothered to undertake ‘a reasoned study of colonial society’:

link to


Perhaps in Alex Salmond cam out and said there is no need for independence now the SNP would start campaigning for it.


I agree, Alf.

Demonstrating proficiency as colonial administrators is a peculiar way of going about national liberation. Using the old dysfunctional marriage analogy, it is the equivalent of telling a battered wife that she needs to raise her game in the kitchen.

When a country wants to take control of its own resources and affairs and is prevented from doing so by another, its goal is national liberation — not independence (which is an abstract idea at best).

James Che

David Hannah.

Being at peace with oneself is a hard hurdle for anyone and with governments setting up the people, one race up against other as if the were contestant in a multi-cultural game of the elittes.

A square peg in around hole never fits, but ideology of Civic Nationalism theory is forcing and imposing this on nations, they are not meant to assimilate us with them or them with us,

How do I deal with it,

I collect apples or fruit of the trees and go around to offer them to the old age pensioners randomly knocking asking if they would like some for free as I have to much,
Much of the well known fruits grow wild along abandoned railway lines or around old farm steadings long abandoned,

Or if I am in the car and its raining in my home town, which is often, I stop the car and pass my out umbrella to anyone I see waiting at the bus stop or walking along looking rather drenched,

Although my hubby is a kind man he is not so bold to communicate with strangers in this way, and perhaps I get away with it because I am a woman, I think hubby thought he had married a crazy women in our first years,
And before he became ill he had started doing this too,
I would help him collect golf balls that had over shot the golf corse and until we had bin fulls, then we would hand them to golfers for free before they tee’d off,

This all helps staying connected to your own, to your community, to your people and your culture without offending others,

Perhaps someone local wouldn’t mind a hand with gardening or mechanics or taking a neighbour to the shops occasionally ,, whatever you excel at can maintain that local communications in your own community and culture you wish hang on to and grow it.
There is more than one way to beat the modern woke imposed multi cultureism being imposed on us without offending.
And it has a feel good new friend factor for both parties, the giver and the receiver, in your culture.

James Che

David Hannah,

Actually I believe DAN does not exactly the same something similar in helping neighbours and the Community around him,
Scotland is wise to strengthen its Community and cultural bonds. We may not always see eye to eye and you get some right grumpy people, but in general the rewards far out weigh those few moments.

George Ferguson

@Alf Baird 3:50pm
Agreed Robert McAlpine makes money from the Independence movement as others do. His position on Grangemouth was reprehensible. Other examples of his policies are there to be analysed. For me another grifter a la Lesley Riddoch. My claim to fame. I have never taken a pound from another Independence supporter. And that’s what we have to deal with. Robert claimed the Engineering profession was a closed profession. Absolutely the opposite. You can read open source Engineering magazines for nothing. Try getting an Engineering degree and the Chartered Status programme along with multiple projects and then come back to me for the soundbite Podcast or paper. A disengaged approach that divides. An naive to the extremity of understanding.

Hatey McHateface

@Hatuey says:11 June, 2024 at 4:18 pm

When a country wants to take control of its own resources and affairs and is prevented from doing so by another

[grits teeth]

Two words.

Plebiscitary Elections.

Wha’s stopping us, eh? Answer me that.

Or deflect, or spew profanities, or ignore, or greet about life being unfair, or agonise over something that happened before we were all born. Whatever.

Hatey McHateface

@David Hannah says:11 June, 2024 at 3:43 pm

Glass half full and all that.

There’s a good chance the ones you write about are the Christian kind.

That immediately makes things better than the alternative.

This happy state of affairs will likely persist until all the Christian ones have been chased out. Then their persecutors will come over here to look for them, and the fun will begin.

Look at the Swedes. Tribal warfare on the streets of their cities, with England catching up fast.

I give Scotland five years tops.

Should I expect somebody to come along in a mo and say we Scots deserve it because some people long since dead might once have done something bad to some other people long since dead?

That’s usually the outcome, but I guess it’s not much fun to post that when it’s already expected.

Ruby Tuesday

In the event of a low turn out at ‘The Great British Election’ I think it will be down to more than just disillusioned independence supporters.

There’s going to be a fair number of people questioning the parties views on gender ideology.

Police, nurses civil servants & private sector employees can be forced into waving the rainbow flag and reciting the mantra but they cant be forced to vote.

Turn out will be interesting.

I have never ever advised anyone how they should vote before. This it a first.

Don’t vote on 4th July, 2024.

I have heard the criticism that we must vote because the suffragettes fought to get us women the vote.

Here’s a the thing about the suffragettes ladies they didn’t live in a colony.

I believe the suffragettes would be 100% behind the idea of not voting in the ‘Great British Election’ on 4th July, 2024 considering the circumstances.


“Wha’s stopping us, eh?”

There is no “us”. That’s what’s stopping “us”.

“Us” was destroyed by Nicola and now everybody hates each other.

If unity amongst independence supporters has ever to be achieved again, several things need to happen first;

1) complete clarity on what happened with Salmond and the role of those responsible.

2) complete clarity on what happened to the SNP and the role of those responsible.

3) the creation of a new movement / party with one singular political goal (independence) so that all of the differences that exist can be set aside.

One of the big problems in relation to point 3 is that politicians put job security above independence and everything else and all of a sudden they are in Parliament arguing about the price of beans instead of independence. They do that because they want to say to the electorate “vote for me, I’m not just a one-trick-pony… I care about the price of beans too…”

Alba is playing the same games. Look where that got them…

Independence, independence, independence. Nothing else.

When will they fucking learn…


@ David Hannah, Connolly is just another proud Scot BUT, he was vociferous in his derision of independence, he was invested in his britishness because he was like a wee pet of the lovies , he was like the court jester who liked performing for his master, hence the sir bollocks, he was very funny in highlighting day to day issues that most Scots encountered and could relate to but his condescension could be palpable

The constant pish about sectarianism being widespread in Scotland is just that, PISH , it is widespread in the west of Scotland but not relevant across the rest of Scotland, and that is from a born and bred proud Glaswegian who worked extensively across Scotland
Funnily enough England fares no better, their are multiple areas across England especially in the Midlands where high densities of Irish people settled that are strongly sectarian and divided ,but nobody likes to talk about that or highlight it , it is better to just ensure the stain of sectarianism is focused on Scotland, it also ensures that the divisions keep independence at bay
It is interesting that NO political party has the balls or bravery to take this issue on and confront it


Why is 1&2 needed at all?

That is locked away into the Kew archives for fifty yrs +

Politicians will always be got at or distracted with mundane shit. That’s why something like Salvo & liberation are more appealing & work alongside various YES groups. They can commit time to independence without distractions.


Interesting results in EU elections.
Can’t be bothered working out which words are banned today.
Nobody expects the Bath inquisition.



The Masons are huge.

I agree about Connolly. He started mincing around hob knobbing with Royalty & began to think he was one. I’d never have put him down as a Yoon FFS.

Another arse that wanted to change his mind after the event..
His colonial condition no doubt – eager to keep in with those he deems his superiors.


David Hannah says: at 3:43 pm

I want to know where on earth is the heavenly feeling of love with the nigerian invasion?

I can’t square that circle yet. I’m trying.

Ach, you could try and strike up a conversation and ask aw those NuScots (and any other recent arrivals for that matter) to furnish you with a detailed understanding of Scotland’s ongoing constitutional and political predicaments, and how the D’Hondt voting systems works. If they provide you with a satisfactory response then at least you’ll feel better knowing that they are up the curve.
However, you should be prepared for receiving a response that may well suggest that they haven’t a fookin scooby regarding such matters.
Last time I asked a group of folk what they thought of Civic Nationalism, many had reservations about the concept because they thought it meant we’d all have to drive about in Honda hatchbacks, and they felt that car drivers should have a wider choice of vehicles and that other car manufacturers should be allowed a market share.
Off the back of that I asked further questions and ascertained that most of the demographic of the group that lived through the early 70s to early 80s would not be supportive Allegro / Maxi / Marina / Ital Nationalism, because they remember jist how shite Austin / British Leyland cars were.

James Che


I agree with how the label of sectarianism is applied to Scotland, but is a tag of ignorance and bloated up out of proportion by MSM and MSM politicians to divided Scots into that believe of falsehood.

Having been raised on one side of Scotland and then lived on the other and been to the highlands and Islands I have encountered none of it,

I remember Ruth Davidson trying to serve up this flag, and look at her with her ermine pat on the back,

So ask yourselves who benefits in keeping Scotland and Ireland apart, and whom benefits in keeping all three Celtic nations under Colonial devolved rolled down management governments passing two sets of laws over those three nations,?



“I have heard the criticism that we must vote because the suffragettes fought to get us women the vote”

Everyone must vote. I wish it was a legal requirement here. Nobody should be compelled to vote for a specific candidate, but people should be compelled to vote; spoiled paper/none of the above is a legitimate choice.


The Irish had the good fortune to have a national poet – W.B. Yeats – who provided a contemporary narrative backdrop to their struggles.

The Scots, on the other hand, have Rabbie Burns who told us that we are ‘All Jock Tamson’s bairns’ while neglecting to mention that he was a Freemason.

Please direct all opprobrium at Westminster and wait for bugger all to happen


Robertknight @ 20.15.

The need for compulsory voting would be the ultimate demonstration of the complete irrelevance of our professional, career political class. And the absolute alienation of them from the populace they pretend to represent.
The sole reason politicians so earnestly desire to introduce voting compulsion is to attempt to hide the contempt and disinterest in which they are (deservedly) held by so many.
Let any candidate, of any sex or colour, present themselves genuinely believed to represent the views and aspirations of voters and there will be no need to compel their electorate to vote.
Our voting just encourages them and draws a false veil of legitimacy over their self aggrandising and greed.


Geri @ 6.51pm

‘Why is 1&2 needed at all?
That is locked away into the Kew archives for fifty yrs +’

We’ve touched on 1&2 recently, Geri, though not the ‘why’.
You need to go a bit further and add to your question ‘what are they feart of?’. The answer is the only concern of New Labour & Tories is Socialism and Nationalism.

In the late 1990’s when the ‘system’ was being devised, Labour was still very much in the ascendency in Scotland, and it seemed inconceivable that they’d ever be challenged by nationalist SNP for supremacy.
Having previously destroyed the left wing of Labour by terminating Clause 4, 1&2 should have been the final nail for SNP aspirations.

Why FPTP for WM, STV for Council elections, and AMS/D’Hondt for HR? Horses for Courses!

George Ferguson

@Hatuey 6 10pm
When will you learn? When you learn a Westminster denial of Independence Referendum 2 is unsustainable. And the SNP no longer represent the people of Scotland but someone will take their place. Roll on a discontinuity on July 4th. Disruption means change.

Alf Baird

twathater @ 6:19 pm

“Connolly is just another proud Scot BUT, he was vociferous in his derision of independence”

True, but at least he called the ‘wee pretendy parliament’ right.


“Why is 1&2 needed at all?”

Because they are sources of continuing rabid division. If it wasn’t for that division, it would have been easy for the SNP and Alba to achieve an overwhelming majority in Holyrood, for example.

The only way to eradicate that division is to throw light on what caused it, who was involved, how, why, etc.

The only reason Alba even exists is down to that division.

Scottish politics and the independence movement will never heal unless the truth of the Salmond trial is revealed, and those responsible are brought to justice.



I meant the two-paragraphs on the Scottish Child Payment I highlighted and what they do to claw back the money by other means.

Alf Baird

Hatuey @ 4:18 pm

“Demonstrating proficiency as colonial administrators is a peculiar way of going about national liberation.”

Indeed so, and Swinney was duly found wanting by the three imperial amigos tonight, trying to defend the inevitable failures of his colonial administration; inevitable given that UK civil servants are tasked with preventing national liberation.

Big Jock

I think Billy Connolly is now an independence supporter. Better late than never,as they say.

I think he confused himself with his hippy outlook. Saying:” there are too many governments in the world”. Logically that means that uniquely Scotland was not worthy of having its own government. And crucially that another government,in another country decided for Scotland.

That’s the problem with the peace and love brigade. They abdicate their responsibilities, and people suffer. The cliche being ” bad things happen , when good men do nothing”.

Scotland’s people have suffered for far too long. Because some Scots just let another country do what it wants to us. I call it extreme liberalism. Which is a very dangerous belief system.

Big Jock

Hatuey. Indeed,as it’s actually the same misfits running the SNP. Sturgeon is still pulling Swinneys strings, as she did with Humza. They have changed the curtains, but it’s the same room behind them.

Anyone that thinks Swinney is the change, needs to seek psychiatric appraisal.

I think unless the Cabal are convicted, then they will just carry on.

For what Sturgeon did to the SNP, Salmond,
Scotland and all of us. She must pay,and the evidence must be brought into the light.


Big Jock
11 June, 2024 at 11:38 pm

Hatuey. Indeed,as it’s actually the same misfits running the SNP. Sturgeon is still pulling Swinneys strings..

Could not agree more with your post Jock

James Barr Gardner

Vote ALBA !

Kevin Cargill

I can’t believe there are still so many people on here voting at all in an election where our vote makes absolutely no difference to the outcome whatsoever. As Stu has taught us for years the maths are stacked against us. They’re designed to politically disenfranchise us. We can vote for whoever we like or not. We can spoil ballot papers or not. It doesn’t matter!! Our colonial masters don’t give a fuck when they know they only need English and Welsh votes to get the result they want.

I won’t be voting this time. Westminster is not my parliament and our colonial masters’ king is not our king.

In the next Scottish Parliament elections I will vote for the party that promises to fight for Independence and a Scottish Republic. Nothing else makes any difference.


James Barr Gardner
12 June, 2024 at 12:57 am

Vote ALBA !
WHY James, Alex is proving that he is just following the Scum Nonce Party Playbook, ALBA’S duplicitous talk re the GRA and protection of women and girls is forked tongue speak, and when he implements the same franchise he and we will get the same result, tied to engerland

The Flying Iron of Doom

Dan says:
11 June, 2024 at 7:12 pm

Off the back of that I asked further questions and ascertained that most of the demographic of the group that lived through the early 70s to early 80s would not be supportive Allegro / Maxi / Marina / Ital Nationalism, because they remember jist how shite Austin / British Leyland cars were.

I’m only a wee poppet so I never had the “pleasure” of driving any British Leyland vehicles. What strikes me however is that I’ve never heard anybody say anything good about them, the main complaint appearing to be that these vehicles would succumb to extensive corrosion in record time. Why was this? Poor design? Poor specification of materials? Delivered materials not being within design spec? Poor assembly? What was going wrong to cause such legendarily pish-quality products?

Alf Baird

The Flying Iron of Doom @ 6:03 am

“I’ve never heard anybody say anything good about them, the main complaint appearing to be that these vehicles would succumb to extensive corrosion in record time. Why was this? Poor design? Poor specification of materials? Delivered materials not being within design spec? Poor assembly?”

Soonds lyke a CalMac ferry! A common theme here may be that the state often tries to design and operate things it kens naethin aboot. British trade unions are another factor influencing ‘the wey things are aye duin’ (i.e. no verra weel). Added to this is ‘British exceptionalism’, a ‘we ken best’ attitude, when the opposite is the case.

As proved with autos, there is a better way also for ferries:

link to


The Flying Iron of Doom @ 06.03.

I lived and worked in Liverpool for a couple of years back in the late 1960s and what was noticeable in the Halewood car production lines, from what I was told, were both the almost complete alienation of management and workers and the complete lack of personal involvement of any individual worker in the ‘end product’. Pulling a drill lever, instituting 10 spot welds etc, hour after hour, week after week, were such boring, repetitive, unfulfilling tasks that when you were on production bonuses the tendency to skip all parts of the process was almost inevitable.
When we saw some of these vehicles years later in garage workshops unwelded seams, poor quality galvanised sections etc were endemic.
Similar problems were apparent at the Hillman Imps built in later years at Linwood. Excellent wee car, build quality not so much.
For folk of my generation this lack of any sense of personal pride in “our” product seemed almost built in to production line assembly and the pressure to link number of units produced to take home wage.
And, no question in my view, sourcing of some materials and components was a case of saving money at every turn on costs.


Listening to Scott Ritter on Judge Nap there…

I know there was some talk about the marking of the 80th anniversary of D-day a few days ago, and how it will soon be an annual thing they way they are going…

Well Ritter made the point that while they are pimping out D-Day they arming and backing neo-nazis in Ukraine while being fully complicit in ethnic cleansing and mass murder based on ethnicity, i.e. a genocide in Palestine.

And then we trot out out D-Day with brass neck fully extended. I wonder what the boys who died on the beaches would say about this…

This really has a collapse of empire feeling about it. It is heading for a fall. It is so crazy…

We can talk about being a colony all day long and it is certainly true but do we really understand whose colony we are.
If you are of the view that we are a colony then that should be the most important question of all.

One sign you lived in a colony would be that if you asserted your independence democratically it would be undermined somehow. Let’s see if this applies to us…

Alex Salmond framed on entirely bogus charges of rape… check
SNP completely destroyed from within by an obvious rat… check
All within a few years of asserting our independence democratically… check

So yeah all signs there point to us being a colony.

I would say that we are not the only colony that was acquired by gold and a scumbag elite only interested in preserving their own status.

Look around you folks at the ‘leaders’ of Europe and the USA… It is not just us, is it. What is remarkable is that there are no leaders left.


(oops forgot about the naughty words)

Listening to Scott Ritter on Judge Nap there…

I know there was some talk about the marking of the 80th anniversary of D-day a few days ago, and how it will soon be an annual thing they way they are going…

Well Ritter made the point that while they are pimping out D-Day they arming and backing neo-n@zis in Ukr@ine while being fully complicit in ethnic cleansing and mass murder based on ethnicity, i.e. a genocide in P@lestine.

And then we trot out out D-Day with brass neck fully extended. I wonder what the boys who died on the beaches would say about this…

This really has a collapse of empire feeling about it. It is heading for a fall. It is so crazy…

We can talk about being a colony all day long and it is certainly true but do we really understand whose colony we are.
If you are of the view that we are a colony then that should be the most important question of all.

One sign you lived in a colony would be that if you asserted your independence democratically it would be undermined somehow. Let’s see if this applies to us…

Alex Salmond framed on entirely bogus charges of rape… check
SNP completely destroyed from within by an obvious rat… check
All within a few years of asserting our independence democratically… check

So yeah all signs there point to us being a colony.

I would say that we are not the only colony that was acquired by gold and a scumbag elite only interested in preserving their own status.

Look around you folks at the ‘leaders’ of Europe and the USA… It is not just us, is it. What is remarkable is that there are no leaders left.

Tinto Chiel

The Flying Iron of Doom says, “I’m only a wee poppet so I never had the “pleasure” of driving any British Leyland vehicles. What strikes me however is that I’ve never heard anybody say anything good about them, the main complaint appearing to be that these vehicles would succumb to extensive corrosion in record time. Why was this?”

Maybe the very term British is simply corrosive 🙂 .

@Sven 7.30: excellent analysis. Top-down management usually alienates the work-force, with predictable results.

Aaaargh! Austin Allegro…


Here is a simple thought experiment.

Have the leaders of Chin@ & Ru$$ia improved the lives of their citizens and their countries over the last 20 years?

Have our leaders improved our lives and our countries over the last 20 years?

Is it any wonder our leader hate their leaders.

They are showing them up. And that is a big part of why we are being led to war.

David Hannah

link to

Wings Over Scotland. You need to see this. Steven Flynn in a high vis-vest in front of gay pride flags being challenged on Scottish Independence by ITV journalist.

Share far and wide. Turn up the volume.




you’ve got to do an article on this. Set the truth free ladies and gents. God bless Wings Over Scotland. Truth tellers. Patriots and lovers of our blessed land Scotland. The brave!

David Hannah

“The SNP has not yet revealed its party manifesto, which is expected to be published next week.”



12 June, 2024 at 7:30 am

For folk of my generation this lack of any sense of personal pride in “our” product…

For Fiat, VW, Audi, Renault, Peugot, etc all to survive, but for the vast majority of UK Companies, going to the wall is all about management.

Complacency in Management, they put their faith in reputation, iconic sports cars, Minis, Land Rovers, and just sat back while iconic treasures were allowed to become dated and obsolete. As I recall, the first Land Rover Discoveries all had parts from Maxi’s or Princess’ or something.

They gave Mr T and the A-Team a factory full of parts, and out rolled the Land Rover Discovery… lol

Underinvestment by Management, admittedly “encouraged” by Government. If you don’t invest heavily in Research and Design, you won’t last long in any industry, especially the motor industry. The UK had to invest in robotics, but shareholders didn’t like the ‘i’ word, but the Japanese did.

Workplace Management. As described above, the attitudes of the time were dismal, but that’s why Management exist… to stop the workers being unhappy and have them enthusiastic about the product. Thats why Management is on better money. They just weren’t very good at it.

You don’t think Management is the problem? Look at Rover, after all the hard work had been done to save it. Biggest trouser pockets in the history of motoring.

Tory Britain. Parasites who think they’re predators.

My Ma had an Imp, and loved it to bits. I don’t remember it being dodgy or unreliable. Got stuck in the snow once, or rather, it couldn’t get up a hill in the snow, but it was a lot of snow. No disgrace. Maybe we were lucky.

Don’t forget the Scottish Scamp too… The electric microcar runabout about 50 years ahead of its time…

David Hannah

link to

Screenshot 1:02 on the video. – Steven Flynn the bogus gas man is here to ransack yer hoose!

Oh my god. And he’s standing in front of homemade LGBT banners as well… I wonder if his woke indoctrinated kids drew them for him? I hope not. He’s a disgrace to fathers up and down Scotland.

Thank goodness for the Scottish national football team. And the tartan army. We can be proud and united by the saltire and our love for scotland.

David Hannah

Dear Steven Flynn.

Fucking ram your gay pride flags.

Our Flags the Saltire you cunt. Our fucking flag. Email your employers brothers and sisters. Tell them you will not tolerate woke ideology anymore.

The saltire goes up the flag pole. Not the gay rights flag.

David Hannah

*the alphabet people flag. my deepest apologies.

Nothing on Scottish independence. Unable to answer a single question.

Even asked “Will it say Independence on the ballot paper?”

We know thanks to Wings Over Scotland that the SNP has removed independence from the ballot paper. Because they are tr@itors to the cause of independence.

Robert Hughes

@ Mac . Excellent posts .

” Well Ritter made the point that while they are pimping out D-Day they arming and backing neo-n@zis in Ukr@ine while being fully complicit in ethnic cleansing and mass murder based on ethnicity, i.e. a genocide in P@lestine. ”

This is exactly why I referred-to the D.Day ” commemorations as a the ” hypocrites convention ” .

If these swine were sincere about honouring the dead they would be doing everything in their power to prevent the human carnage of WWI & WW2 .

Instead they are intent on doing the exact opposite ; in the process potentially instigating WW3 – which could quite easily become literally the ” war to end all wars ” : and the end of Civilisation .

That there are people even on here – ” the World’s most-read Independence site ” – cheering this total insanity on indicates how deep the warmongering mentality runs and how detached from reality so many still are .

Meanwhile in the EU the surge of the – so-called ” Far ” Right suggests there is a mounting backlash against the imposition of . eg lunatic Immigration policies – people are just fucking sick of idiot politicians serving agendas that the people don’t and never have agreed with whilst ignoring , treating with contempt , the real concerns of their electorate .

The rise of the Right is entirely predictable – and was predicted – and will almost inevitably cause a variety of problems in it’s own manner . They are not the answer , but if the * woke * Left continue to be rejected , there may be an opportunity for something resembling sanity to return to our Politics .

Don’t hold yr breath , though . I reckon things will get worse , much worse , before they get better .

It would help if decent politicians , eg people like Alex Salmond start telling – shouting – the Truth about what’s actually happening , whose to blame , and what can be done to turn things around .


Breeks @ 08.56.

Poor management, uninvolved, militant workforce, cutting corners on materials, to be honest I’d see a multitude of combining factors coming together to create the problem; rather than just one failure in the process.
The Imps were, my personal view, a world class design. Held the road like a leech, unburstable engine, however too many just failed the quality test in my experience.

David Hannah

link to

ANTI Nicola Sturgeon Petition.

“Ban Nicola Sturgeon from ITV election night. CHANGE.ORG”

She denied the oxygen of life to all those who had a DNR notice forced upon them – like Lesley Roberts mother – So there is no way this corrupt and murderous chancer be allowed the oxygen of publicity…

Lavender Pete has been charged by the honest officers of police Scotland.

But crooked Dorothy Bain – is protecting him so far. And she’s protecting Nicola.

Jail this bitch Sturgeon. I will sign the petition now. We don’t want to see of hear from you ever again Nicola.

Ruby Tuesday

Kevin Cargill
12 June, 2024 at 3:17 am

I won’t be voting this time. Westminster is not my parliament and our colonial masters’ king is not our king.

Good on you Kevin!

I don’t know why anyone would say ‘you must vote’

You must vote in order to continue the pretence that we live in a

Do not take part in the Great British Election Farce.

Do not vote to send good men to Westminster to be corrupted.

Look at the last lot we sent they are all Bisto Kids now. Addicted to the gravy & cosy slippers.



I genuinely believe the opposite to be true.

“Our voting just encourages them and draws a false veil of legitimacy over their self aggrandising and greed.”

Their mission is to disenfranchise the electorate in the hope that they can then get away with anything they see fit to impose upon us.

Look at the gender woo-woo nonsense. How many were/are aware of just what the SNP would have done if Westminster hadn’t kicked the legislation in to touch.

Force people to take an interest and shit like that might be stopped in its tracks by the electorate.

We need a Swiss style approach – for example if you want to allow anatomically intact males access to female only spaces, have a referendum and a subject specific debate prior to it.

Don’t let thr bastards sneak that sort of shit under the radar so the general public only discovers what’s going on when it’s too late.

The yanks too like their local referendums for particularly contentious issues and it draws huge interest.

We need more scrutiny of our political masters, not less.

Alf Baird

Sven @ 9:21 am

“Poor management, uninvolved, militant workforce, cutting corners on materials, to be honest I’d see a multitude of combining factors coming together to create the problem”

A CalMac ferry typically weighs about three times as much as more efficient ferry designs, and hence needs twice the power, or more, and therefore has far higher fuel cons. I think that might have been similar in any comparison of British Leyland compared with Datsun etc at the time of its demise.

Rootes Hillman Imp was a fine innovation of a small light car but heavily unionised labour structures and mindsets among ex shipyard workers did not readily transfer to mass auto production, with supply chain logistics another factor, e.g. engines, gearboxes, parts etc having to be transported to Linwood.

Scottish industry across all sectors would doubtless be more competitive if we had access to our own energy at low cost, instead we allow our colonial oppressor to steal our energy and also to impose on us the highest energy prices in the world, thus ensuring our poverty and lack of commercial opportunity:

link to

Ruby Tuesday

I got an alert yesterday about a peodo having to pay out £500,000 it turned out it was about Gary Glitter. Up until I go the alert I was mostly unaware of what was going on with Gary Glitter. It turns out that is quite a story with people reporting they felt physically sick and that their skin was crawling having watched the ITV documentary about Gary Glitter.

The £500,000 is to be paid to a woman who he abused in the worst possible way when she was 12 years old.

It’s a very unpleasant story and I can understand why people might want to ignore it.
However I think it’s important to be aware of these things I will explain why in the next lot of posts.

If you want to read about it there is a never ending series of stories about it.

The ITV documentary is called ‘Glitter: The Popstar Paedophile’

In one article there is a clip of Gary Glitter and Jimmy Saville sharing a private joke.

It’s quite a story.


The USA has overthrow over sixty governments worldwide.
Has over 700 military bases.
Is well known to create, fund & arm terrorists.
Meddle in elections & organise civil unrest.
Noise up some sectarian conflict.
Take part in terrorist activity.
Assassinate ppl they don’t like.

It’s of no surprise they’re arming Neos. They have from the very beginning of this conflict. The media even tried their best to distance themselves while Z gave them a new name. They were still the same shite. Only reason it’s now more out in the open is because the dumb yanks can’t keep their mouths shut & are openly celebrating it & don’t forget BoJo – they’re his heroes.

The West is controlled by American Hegemony.

They’re not democratic & they’re not liberal either.

Cameron even called on Obama to interfere in indyref & look at who refused..

The USA, UK & Irl cannot lose their security seats. They’ll ensure that doesn’t happen & indyref would never have been implemented.

The U debacle has been a job creation project, arms sales & snatching natural resources. They’ll soon kick off in Finland next & Georgia already lined up. Unless they nuke us all first cause they’re narcissistic psychopaths.



Re energy. Same thing is happening in Germany since the USA blew up their cheap energy. They’re having to import it at far higher costs & their car industry has tanked. The EU aren’t cheering now lol


Liberty from oppression is the urgent goal for the Scots as a people, not which of ‘Scotland’s’ political parties is going to lead England’s colonial administration, or the Scottish Parliament as the Scots have been fooled into calling it.

For the Scots, the 4th July ‘British’ general election is a circus show; a pantomime…an irrelevance.

The only real choice the Scots have is not to participate in England’s general election – and at least prove, even if to no-one else but themselves, that Westminster has no legitimacy to rule over Scotland and the Scots; and never did.

In the words of Michael Sheen “For Britain – see England”

Ruby Tuesday

Sall Grover tweeted the following:

The moment I realized that puberty blockers keep children biologically pre-pubescent as time passes to the age of consent I couldn’t unrealize it, and I am highly contemptuous of every single person who supports it.

A sixteen year old pre-pubscent with a flat 12 year old flat chest.

A peodophile’s dream girl.

Still wondering why they are so keen on puberty blockers?

You wondering what the + in the LGBT+ stands for.

That is for folk like Gary Glitter who is referred to as a MAP, a minor attracted person.

‘MAPs rights are human rights.’

Glitter spend 8 years in jail and as soon as he was released (8 years early) he was straight on the dark web searching for pornographic photos of children.

Obviously the 8 years in prison did nothing to cure his paedophilia.

He’s back in prison now maybe planning on self-identifying as a woman. There are women’s prisons with mother and baby units or may he’s hoping for a nice pre-pubescent cell mate.

Glitter? I wonder if that’s where ‘Sparkle’ got the idea for his name from.

That’s it for now. I’ll be back later with posts about castration. I can’t remember what they are called but there are people who enjoy watching others being castrated and also those who crave castration.

Assisted castration might be something worth considering.

Ruby Tuesday


Force people to take an interest and shit like that might be stopped in its tracks by the electorate.

I am trying Robert!

Trying really hard but there is this idea that it’s a woman’s issue.


Alf Baird @ 10.05.

I take your point re the comparison with our present Ferry situation and the demise of our car industry, Prof Baird.
But then, you’ll be aware that I still find incredible that the SNP administration chose to wilfully ignore the best efforts and offers of input re Ferry design and construction by not only yourself but a proven successful marine engineer.
That act of folly alone, even were there none others, would be sufficient to demonstrate their ineptitude and profligacy to me.
Please believe me, had it been in my gift, your marine consultation group would, I doubt not, have had a couple of catamaran ferries in operation by now !


Typical lying BS from Starmer’s puppet branch manager of BLIS in Scotland on the Scotland Debates programme, which itself comes courtesy of the BBC a foreign state broadcaster.

“The leaders clashed on a range of issues with Sarwar saying that it is “for Scottish people to decide what the future of our country is” while refusing to be drawn on whether Scotland should have the powers to hold a second independence referendum.”

Don’t vote in the GE its an English election and any Scottish MPs sent to Westminster will be there to make a good living and nothing else, for they have no powers to change anything, its all smoke and mirrors to give these English elections credibility in Scotland.


Robertknight @ 09.46.

“Force people to take an interest”.

Is where we have different views, Robert. I greatly doubt that anyone can “force” a disinterested, disillusioned person who is just struggling to get through life to generate an informed, involved interest in a failing political system by compelling them to turn up at a polling station every few years.
My own belief (I may well be in error) is that if people had an interest and a viable alternative which they truly believed would improve their lives no compulsion would be required.
What’s that old saw about taking horses to water and failing to make them drink ? Demanding that people attend polling does nothing to in any way involve them in any meaningful way.
However, I doubt that we’ll agree on this one, Robert.


Sven… Indeed. ?



As incompetent as the SNP are I believe it’d be out of their hands.

There are 47,000 civil servants in Scotland with the sole aim to fck everything up & it’s even increased by another 1,500 despite nothing happening in the Scottish government of any importance.

I believe Scotwind was exactly the same. Locked, sealed & put down to the SNP incompetence.

An administration will never be allowed to get ideas above it’s station & that is regardless of who is in charge.

Holyrood needs closed & a real Scottish parliament reopened.

The first thing new management does is clear out the dead wood & that’s not in an administrations remit. Those civil servants are Sunaks employees, not Scotlands. They’ll never serve our interests.


A year or so back I watched Ballantyne give an interview on Prism. From memory he said the same thing regards not listening & not ditching the old board?

It reminded me of Labour Glasgow City Council lol Holding onto incompetence for dear life while wasting copious amounts of money instead of just clearing out failure & starting from scratch.

Alf Baird

Sven @ 10:55 am

“I still find incredible that the SNP administration chose to wilfully ignore the best efforts and offers of input re Ferry design and construction by not only yourself but a proven successful marine engineer.”

Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, the ‘top’ officials and quango appointments here are still all decided via Whitehall. These UK officials inform Ministers of their recommended options and all Ministers do is rubber stamp the option given to them and hope for the best.

Hence the crisis in more or less all policy areas in Scotland is largely down to the ‘cultural hegemony’ running a colonial administration and its agencies who are inevitably tasked with protecting the UK and making a nationalist government look inept. Whether Ministers are part of the deceit or just plain stupid is another matter.

James Che

Disenfranchise the electorate,

Yes that was their plan, but it was only meant to disenfranchise enough people so the votes results could be rigged, they just intended enough to swing the results,

However if everyone stops voting ‘en masse” it swings out of their favour of rigging selection population % votes altogether, ….. in the other direction.
You cannot mess or rig the results of a population vote that has not voted at all,
And the people are saying Not in our name, or with our given authority.

Keven Cargill,
3:17 am.

In Scotland We are indeed voting for Englands governance over Scotland every time we vote,

Heres why

After the hoax treaty of union The monarch of England and the Sovereign parliament of England Passed a Act of the parliament of England to EXTEND the English monarch line of succession of the throne of England,,,,,to Scotland

It is the monarch of England by “extention act of the parliament of England, that now Claims it and the Crown of England is monarch of Great Britain, because it says so, because see we extended it to the land of Scotland,

We are voting under the false premise that we have a shared Monarch in Scotland with England we do not have a shared Monarch or Crown..

Here is the Conundrum,

If Scotland and England had previously shared a monarch , it ended due to the 1689 act of the parliament of England, and under the Acts of Settlement and limitations passed by the English parliament,
the Scottish monarch then became solely the Monarch of England, in line of succession to the Crown and throne of England,
The parliament of England garnered its Sovereignty of the english parliament via the 1689 bill of rights act, all prior to the 1707 treaty of union.

Shortly After the treaty of union but in the same year, the Sovereign parliament of England then EXTENDED the Sovereign parliament of England and the Monarch of England to cover the territory of Scotland.

Which they would not needed to do at all, if We had a shared Monarch.

We vote for the Crown of England, the Throne of England and the Sovereignty of a English Parliament due to that Extension Act passed by the parliament of England after the treaty of union,

Thus we did not share a Monarch with England until after the treaty of union,

The queen of England and the parliament of England arranged and ratified the all treaty of union on both sides,
The Scottish parliament was under Dissolution, by the monarch of England and parliament of England,
whilst Scotland had no Monarch, as it was now actually a republic of Scotland.since the Scottish monarch and crown were now a English Crown and in line of succession to the Throne of England until after the hoax treaty of union.

We Vote for Englands Sovereign parliament and Englands Crown in Scotland,

So I will not vote to sustain the deceit of the Crown of England in Scotland nor for the Sovereign parliament of England to rule over the Extended English parliament act made after the said one sided English treaty,

This is How The government and parliament of England cheated Scotland and nicks Scotlands resources under a false premise that we shared the same crown at the time of the treaty of union,

That is the hoax, that falsely created the treaty of union,


One reason to crash the SNP is in the unlikely event indy appeared out of the mist, can you imagine them negotiating.

We would end up with the uk debt, nuclear waste and no north sea wind farms. They are beyond incompetent, they are compromised.

Andrew scott

So skull aka flynn announces that if snp achive a majority if seats in Scotland(fat chance)
He will call independence vote within 5 years
Where oh where have we heard that before??

Dean Clark

‘Received no donations’, or “quietly pocketed all donations”… It’s a tough one.

James Che

Keven Cargill,

Added to that Monarch and Crown of England and Crown of Englands Acts passed by the parliament of England is the UK parliament 2024 admitting after much debate in 1706 / 1707 the parliament of England and the politicians and presumably the Monarch of England decided “Not to ask the the Scots to join the treaty of union” , because in all probability the Scots Would vote NO anyway,


I am trying my best to ignore this election due to a lacklustre campaign and lack of ficus on independence. Was Alex Salmond included in the debate if not why not

James Che

Kenny Cargill.

As a result of decisions in 1707
How valid was it to ask the Scots to vote on wether they wanted to remain in a treaty of union in the 2014 referendum, when the Scots had NOT been asked to join the treaty of Union in 1707 in the first place,
According to the UK parliament site 2024.


“As incompetent as the SNP are I believe it’d be out of their hands.”

I doubt the SNP are incompetent, most of what they are doing is planned including helping the English parliament to block the dissolving of the illegal union.

The SNP in effect are now a unionist party, I fully expect after they are soundly thrashed on the 4th of July and then again in 2026 to start filling up the HoC with House Jocks.

Westminster needs Scotland to participate in its elections, if no Scots were sent to Westminster as it should be, we remove any credibility (not that it had any in the first place) that Westminster thinks it has over Scotland, but our political parties politicians want to send MPs to Westminster, the MPs make good money and the parties receive monies as well, whilst Scots get nothing but overlordship from a foreign country.

Don’t vote in the English GE, no Scottish politicians should be sent to this alien parliament in a foreign country, all they are doing is making a good living, and giving a foreign country’s parliament credibility.

Boycott The GE.


Sven @ 11.07am

I’ve always been in favour of compulsory voting. A huge number of spoiled ballot papers would tell a much better story than a poor turn-out


Gordon @ 15.17.

As long as you accept that if compelled to vote you may get a shedload of “tribal” votes from folk who have neither much interest in, nor yet knowledge of current politics.
So, as a neighbour said to me recently, she doesn’t think she’ll bother voting because it won’t make any difference which one of “them” gets in … but if she does vote it’ll be SNP, because after all they’re the only ones who’ll stand up for Scotland against, “thae tories”.


Now we have the Teflon Don (VONCs never stick to him) our FM John Swinney spouting the same lying shite as Stephen Flynn in order to dupe Scots into voting for his party in the GE.

We all know that an indyref can’t be held without the consent of a foreign countries parliament giving the nod to an S30 which it will never ever do. Flynn and now Swinney think we are mugs and that these two-charlatans who sold out Scotland along with Sturgeon the Judas, can once again dangle the indy-carrot and voters will come a runnin, not this time, they’ve wasted ten years and countless mandates for indy to fill their own pockets at our expense.

I hope the SNP lose all their seats in this foreign country’s elections.

“John Swinney has said a second referendum on Scottish independence could take place within five years if enough voters back the SNP at the general election.

The First Minister described such a scenario as a “realistic timescale” if the Nationalists win a majority of seats north of the Border at the poll on July 4.

It comes after Stephen Flynn, the SNP candidate in Aberdeen South, last night insisted that independence could be achieved before 2030.”


“John Swinney has pledged to work with a future Labour government at Westminster to secure the future of the Grangemouth industrial complex.”

Take Grangemouth out of the above equation and this is a prelude to what we can expect in Scotland for the 2026 elections. The SNP will jump into bed with BLiS and govern, neither party wants independence, so it will suit both of them in that department.

The SNP is now a party for Britnats, and like the Greens they’ll do and say anything to remain or be party to governing Scotland.

Big Jock

SNP at 36% in latest poll. Seems the gullible are reverting to type. Albeit 49% say they may change their mind on the day!

Indi at 51% , which is good news.


Sven @ 3.27

Sadly, a lot of people already vote like that, e.g a lot of people didn’t vote Yes due to antipathy towards “that Alex Salmond”

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 2:51 pm

“Westminster needs Scotland to participate in its elections”

Indeed it does RoS, because without Scottish representation Westminster would be unable to lawfully legislate for Scotland, according to the Articles of Union:

link to


Yep, don’t vote for any of them.

As for Flynn & Swinneys bullshit of indy in 5 yrs – bollocks.
They’ve had three GEs & haven’t used a single mandate yet & have dropped indy the moment the election was over.

The EC should really start issuing fines for being lying bams lol


The only simple single reason to vote for the SNP is for free prescriptions. Seriously. Labour were making noises about scrapping them, and the Tories hate anything they can’t profit from, and hurt people in doing so. They’re all total shit, so we might as well keep our free prescriptions at least.

Ruby Tuesday

Onlooker I think the free presecriptions are devolved.
The free prescription would be something to decide on in the Holyrood election in 2026.

There is no reason to vote SNP in ‘The Great British Election’ on July 4th.

No reason to vote for anyone on the 4th July as you say they are all shit.


Vote SNP to keep free prescriptions:)
Fuck me that’s scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Charles (not the R one)

Gordon says:
12 June, 2024 at 3:17 pm

Sven @ 11.07am

I’ve always been in favour of compulsory voting. A huge number of spoiled ballot papers would tell a much better story than a poor turn-out

Indeed, but keep in mind that under current rules, the ballot is SECRET ONLY AT THE POLLING STATION. The common people cannot be trusted to vote in true secrecy.

Once the election is over, ‘they’ can find out who voted for which parties, for example, for the NONE OF THE ABOVE party, or for making rude comments.

Ballot papers are NOT anonymous. On the back of each paper is a serial number. The same number is shown on the “ballot paper stub”. That is retained after an election WITH THE BALLOT PAPERS, and the Electoral Roll, all kept neatly together, with the ballot-papers in tidy bundles of 100, and sorted by the candidates.

On each STUB, the polling clerk writes the elector’s individual electoral roll number. Then it is easy to match things up, and find out who voted for what, and compile a list of the relevant names and addresses.

It is also recorded who DID vote, and who didn’t.

After an election, there is in effect NO secrecy, and there’s a whole list of ‘legal’ reasons and excuses they can use to find out how one or more electors cast their votes.

Job done.


It is unbelievable how many hard of thinking voters there are , or ones who have such an affiliation or habitual loyalty to a political party that they REFUSE to LISTEN to what they are being told by THAT party , they think the party are just kidding on and what the party will do is what THEY are THINKING in their tiny minds
It never ceases to amaze me the number of times and the number of articles that Stuart Campbell has posted EXPOSING in great detail and highly illuminating prose the deliberate DUPLICITY,CORRUPTION,OUTRIGHT LIES,INCOMPETENCE,THEFT, FAILED PROMISES, CONTEMPT by a cabal of deviants and perverts who have willfully and deliberately sought and created division, publicly and deliberately ignored and treated with contempt numerous mandates given by the electorate to action independence, misappropriated and misused funds and donations for a referendum and yet some clowns are looking for an excuse or ANY reason to vote for them to continue their destruction of the independence movement
FFS free prescriptions REALLY


@ Charles

Plus IDOX computers produce ballots and count the votes now, so all very handy holding that data in house now that pesky human involvement and oversight in the democratic processes has been reduced.


Scream and whine madly all you want about free prescriptions, but it’s about the only material thing I can see getting out of the scabs at the SNP. It’s a practical, real, tangible thing, especially for those with no money, versus all the hot air and farts and waffle they usually come away with, any of them. I didn’t make this mess, the SNP and Sturgeon and MI5 did.


If folk stop getting free benzos fae the chemist the NuSNP vote would likely collapse; Coz you’d have to be high and brain melted aff yer tits to still be voting for the cretinous NuSNP after all they have done over the best part of the last decade.


Healthcare is devolved but it’s budget isn’t.
Westminster could cut our pocket money & force changes to be made.
Procurement was a power they stripped back from Holyrood so we can assume that also relates to medications available & it’s costs?

If Labour introduced widespread charges for prescriptions you can bet yer house the SNP would be right there signing up for it with their new found mates in Westminster if they win seats. They’re a Yoon part now.

Over £500 million is spent by the SNP mitigating Yoon policies. Nawbags will shit a brick when they actually have to live with Yoon policies coming out of Yoon Holyrood.


It can be a worry for folks. Some ppl are on 10/12 medications a day. Do the sums at £9.90 per item.

& It’s been proven that ppl will start to drop what they think isn’t vital from their prescriptions & end up right back in hospital.

Everyone complains about cheap paracetamol being on prescription too but if yer on eight a day & the supermarket will only sell you one box of 16 a day you’d doon be running about town like a junkie lol.

Oh well, should’ve voted for indy eh?

Weans school meals were also being floated for the dustbin.

Fun times ahead. We may even be back to ration books soon too lol. Let’s pray they’re not fckn rainbow or something.

Charles (not the R one)

Geri says

Fun times ahead. We may even be back to ration books soon too lol. Let’s pray they’re not fckn rainbow or something.


Food rationing started during Worls War 2, and didn’t finally end till nearly 10 years after the war ended.

Today, any dietician will tell you that the people of UK were never so healthy, neither before nor since food rationing. There were very few ‘obese’ people during the days of food rationing, whereas now, obesity is the new norm, with the inevitable serious consequences.

Perhaps Geri’s idea to re-start rationing isn’t as daft as it looked.


Weans school meals were also being floated for the dustbin.

But would that not mean the end of pink custard!

Anybody ken how Auld Reekie bairns are fairing as iirc the school dindins were going all virtue signalling enviro woke with nae meat.

Anyway, have to get back to being all sombre after administering the last rites ceremony to a neighbour’s car this afternoon after the timing chain and tensioner shat itself causing an impressive full house of 16 bent valves.
Rust in pieces Skoda Yeti, you’ll be remembered for being an exceptionally shite car.


Charles R

I doubt that. Children died fae the most common illnesses back then. Malnutrition & a return tae rickets. I’ll pass.
Being half starved isn’t healthy. Folks topped up their diet by killing wee bunny wabbits or keeping a small holding of chickens.

Can you imagine ever going back to that? Townies overrun with chickens in the garden.

Jeez *barf* I couldn’t kill anything so that’s me deid.

Robert Hughes

@ Charles

” Today, any dietician will tell you that the people of UK were never so healthy, neither before nor since food rationing. There were very few ‘obese’ people during the days of food rationing ”

Yes , I’ve read that too , I believe it’s accurate .

Not only down to people eating less , also because the actual quality of food was much better .

Since then food , like just about everything else , has been taken over by corporate interests , whose sole priority is shareholder profit . There’s no business like Agribusiness !

If anyone wanted an example of the lunacy of the commodification of one the literal essentials of life – food – none better is the ” Trade Deal ” mad little toy town Tory Lizard Truss * won * for good old Blighted , which entailed importing lamb from about as far distant from the U.K as possible , ie New Zealand whilst making domestic sheep-farming so economically unviable many farmers have been forced to give it up .

Other than an extremely ascetic diet and/or the means to grow your own , it’s now very expensive to eat healthily , that is to say have access to high quality , ideally chemical/additive-free produce : ” Organic ” = ” much dearer than xyz ” . Even quality food can’t guarantee good health , there are a variety of factors related to that , but we can be fairly sure it helps .

As ever , the poor get the shite n the better-off the get cream

‘kin ” amazing ” this is STILL the case , given the ( alleged ) ” advances in Civilisation ” ushered in by modern technology n the sheer fabulousness of many-hued ” Progressive ” Potty-licks , not to mention the galactic quantities of money circulating round the globe 24/7 .

Wonder where it all goes ; and stays ?


It’s the same with simple things like baking a cake. By the time you’ve bought all the ingredients for nearly £10 quid you could’ve nipped to the bakery aisle & bought one for £3 quid ready to eat & with no leckie bill. Bargain.

I dunno why organic stuff is much more expensive. They’re saving money not using chemicals. A few natural predators are free lol

The 50s only had one TV channel & nae broadband LOL
There was feck all going on at home so I imagine the ration book was akin to the tv times with everybody salivating over the menu with their 2oz of butter LOL

Imagine going back to a war zone & nae internet lol!
Disnae bear thinking aboot..

Aye the poor get the shit end. Processed food loaded with sugar & salt to make crap taste better & it piles on the weight.

Big Jock

Here’s the thing, talking about food. Ironically people are getting fatter and living less than they did 30 years ago in parts of Scotland.

Nutritionists blame processed food and lack of fresh fruit and veg. Remember when obese kids were a rarity when we grew up. Now there are 5 or 6 obese kids in every year at schools.

Type 2 diabetes is everywhere, along with allergies to everything. More kids with ADHD. More with Asthma.

It’s all linked to processed food, sugar and no exercise. Parents are killing their kids. And it seems to be hitting poor families the hardest.

Scotland is a very unhealthy nation. But it never used to be.

Campbell Clansman

Big Jock: Scotland is a very unhealthy nation. But it never used to be.

Uh, “Jock,” the easily ascertained figures show exactly the opposite. Life expectancy in Scotland (a standard YOU cite) has INCREASED from “30 years ago,” from about 74 to about 78. See link to


Campbell Clansman 2.07am
“the easily ascertained figures show exactly the opposite”.

Are you not a wee bit quick to contradict Big Jock who is in fact spot on?

Here are a couple of quotes from the easy-to-find page entitled Healthy Life Expectancy in Scotland, 2019-2021:

“Healthy life expectancy has been decreasing since 2015-2017 for males and since 2014-2016 for females”.

“Healthy life expectancy for males in the most deprived areas of Scotland was 26 years lower than in the least deprived areas. For females the difference was almost 25 years”.

“In the most deprived areas, males and females spend more than a third of their life in poor health compared to around 15% in the least deprived areas”.

So the statistics bear out the glaringly obvious as Big Jock and anyone else who grew up in Scotland will know. And if you enjoy this sort of thing, have a look at how England compares ( Scotland has the lowest life expectancy of all UK countries.

Whereas life expectancy at birth in Scotland is given as 76.6 years for men and 80.8 years for women, it’s around three years higher at 79.8 and 83.5 in England.

Similarly, healthy life expectancy in Scotland is 60.4 years for men and 61.1 years for women but 62.4 and 62.7 in England.


I am in Aberdeen South. I emailed Aberdeen Alba a while back to ask if they would stand a candidate, as he/she would get my vote. Got no reply.

I have decided to tactically vote for the unionist (!) most likely to beat Stephen Flynn. Does anyone know how the canvassing is going? The Tories would normally be second, but I can imagine the Conservative vote might be collapsing (plus from all the Ross shenanigans happening further north). Labour candidate does not thrill me, but I would hold my nose and vote Labour if he stood a chance of ousting Flynn.

Disappointed there is no Alba or any form of I4I standing. Some new wards are being added to Aberdeen South from North (harbour region) and they are more SNP than Tory from council elections.

James Che

I see Neil Oliver on his pod cast has come to a similar conclusion, “Who do you trust” , so what is the point in voting,

Hatey McHateface

@SteepBrae says:13 June, 2024 at 6:10 am

Being flippant, I might say that God so hates the English he makes them live longer – just so that they can suffer being English a bit more.

Being slightly more serious, I could say that anybody worried about Scotland’s low life expectancy should import longer living people to push up the averages. White, southern, wealthy people meet the bill perfectly – maybe their immigration is ScotGov policy.

Being totally serious, it’s bloody obvious that the importing of zillions of unhealthy, impoverished people from the third world is going to push down the averages, as well as eventually bring the NHS, and SNHS, to their knees.

It’s the kind of serious debate – the pros and cons of rampant, out-of-control population movements, that should be front and centre of all election debates.

Except, as the cons are so overwhelming, it won’t be.

And there is no party that has any solution.

Again, being serious, we can understand why. It’s because the immigrants are now here in enough numbers to swing the election result, if they get organised and motivated by any single issue that matters to them. There is no single issue that matters more than a credible policy of reducing or even reversing the flow. Thus, no party will touch it, because it’s electoral suicide.

So why don’t we, the indigenous people, use our superior numbers to make our majority count? Because we’re still fractured along tribal lines, but also because the apathy propaganda has such a strong hold.

As witnessed by many of the posts BTL. The toys-out-of-the-pram attitude that because the party won’t do one thing the poster wants it’s nae vote, even if it does a dozen other things the poster agrees with. The me, me, me attitude to politics, probably symptomatic of the entitled, spoilt little shit, me, me, me attitude to life.

The fundamental promise of democracy still holds as good today as it did 100 years ago. One competent, charismatic, persuasive, principled leader, with an absolutely adamantine determination to push her programme through, is all that is needed to get things started. Once the momentum builds and enough followers are on board, things start to change.

That’s the way it has always been, and that’s how it is across Europe right now, no matter how many of the Wings BTL greeters are watering their drams about it.

Scotland cannot be and will not be different from everywhere else.

Colin McKean

It’s as if SNP are deliberately throwing this election – why?

Andy Ellis

Meanwhile, in other news, something positive:

-Moscow Stock Exchange down -15%.

-Largest Russki banks have halted withdrawals.

– Largest Russki banks and brokerages’ websites are offline, client logins no longer work.

The question is, why it took two years to do it?

James Che

Who do you trust?
It is a good question easily answered,

Has you’re life improved or has you’re quality of life and surroundings deteriorated since the last set of politicians and political parties were elected.

There is no point in randomly throwing your vote at a politician because he or she is a second or third best option out of a bunch of crap politicians, our self esteem must be pretty low if we are chosen between bad or best bad scenario,
Surely if we want to improve the place and councils around where you or I live or the head politicians running Scotland then we either stand our ground and say Second best is not enough,
Would you invest in a second best house in a run down district for your family or buy a second best crap car for your family?
So why do that to your self and your family when selecting political parties or politicians.

Scottish people and the people who have chosen to live here for a better quality of life must not except or choose the best of the worst crap politicians to run their life’s as if that is the full valuation of what they are worth. Just because the feel compelled to throw your vote somewhere.

Your can and do have the choice to with-hold your vote while you demand a better quality political party or politicians to run the Country and govern the Councils around you,
You’re own self worth and self esteem must demand s a good quality life, not a expensive offer of a second best Third rate career politician,
For a multitude of reasons I am not voting in this election, but they include the ones above.


Colin McKean
Ignored says:
13 June, 2024 at 8:15 am
It’s as if SNP are deliberately throwing this election – why?

“Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad”.

So true. History is littered with examples.


Ignored says:
12 June, 2024 at 5:47 pm
Vote SNP to keep free prescriptions:)
Fuck me that’s scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Aye, indeed. They are getting desperate.

No doubt that will be one of the many lies and half-truths that the door knockers have been instructed to tell. Quite a few will fall for it, I imagine.

Andy Ellis

@Hatey 7.56am

So why don’t we, the indigenous people, use our superior numbers to make our majority count? Because we’re still fractured along tribal lines, but also because the apathy propaganda has such a strong hold.

Because, as the wee coterie of nativist cranks, vatniks and islamo-fascist fluffers who infect BTL comments here amply demonstrate, it far easier to other out groups and blame the big boy next door than it is to finally grow a pair after 300 years, or do the actual work yourself.

We now find ourselves in the decidedly odd situation of seeing the polls showing (just!) a majority in favour of independence, while the independence movement conspires to eat itself. As so often in our history the Scots have little need of external enemies when they so easily fall in to internecine conflict amongst themselves.

In the past it was the aristocracy prioritising their own interests over that of the community of the realm even at the cost of bending the knee to English power, then later religious extremists who would happily have abandoned independence in the name of their faith, particularly if they could burn a few of the heretics at the same time.

Now we face a situation where the predominant pro-independence party faces an extinction level event, where there is currently no plausible alternative party or group of parties ready to carry the independence movement forward in the short to medium term, and no sign of the competent, charismatic, persuasive, principled leader, with an absolutely adamantine determination you talk of in sight.

Perhaps it’s true things are darkest before the dawn. We just have to hope that dawn isn’t indefinitely delayed.


President of Serbi@ warning in very stark terms that we are on the edge of a major conflict. Irrespective of what you think of Serbi@ you should listen to what he says.

Clip starts at 48:40’ish.

link to

I feel like everyone (even on here) is sleep walking into this.

It is a very surreal feeling. We are in real peril here.

He says all our leaders are now talking about war with Ru$$ia like it is an inevitability.

James Che

Just a wee correction,
The polls showing a majority for yes, indicates that there is a unison of consensus amongst the population in Scotland.which is the independence movement

It is the politicians and political parties that conspire to eat themselves. And are doing an excellent job of it,


H McH 7.56am: “… I could say that anybody worried about Scotland’s low life expectancy should import longer living people to push up the averages. White, southern, wealthy people meet the bill perfectly – maybe their immigration is ScotGov policy.

“Being totally serious, it’s bloody obvious that the importing of zillions of unhealthy, impoverished people from the third world is going to push down the averages…”

You can’t explain away the issue of overall life expectancy by trundling out an old hobby horse – immigration. Have a look at the evidence.

For example, in the five years to 2022, life expectancy fell in many areas including the Borders, Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway and West Dumbartonshire. That can’t be explained by a ‘white, southern, wealthy vs. unhealthy, impoverished’ prejudice. And, as an aside, presumably your ‘unhealthy, impoverished’ are not white…

Make racist comments if that’s your thing but don’t hijack and over-simplify a serious issue to try to justify them.


Well we’ve almost come full circle with the G-r-ea–t S–ata-n (US) now breaking its own Leahy Act to supply the vile(A–Zzo-v) Knee–o–Kna–ttz-z–is in U with weapons.

This law, named after its initiator, Senator Patrick Leahy, was adopted back in 1997 and formally prohibits the State Department and the Pentagon from supplying money and weapons to foreign units convicted of “gross violations of human rights, and this has been proven by numerous witness testimonies and trials that they are involved in mass murders, torture, and the spread of Kn–a–tt-z-zi ideology.

James Che


Some of us are well aware of it,

Cannot leave the warmongering neighbour quick enough, they have lost all sense of diplomatic talks and instead have been talking up war with ruskie land for years,
They still think their in a previous ere with a big inferiority colonial chip on their Shoulder,

I have lost count with how many wars they have been involved in directly or indirectly since WW2 and are itching to create WW111.

We need to remove the right for them to govern us, do not vote them in,
Not in our name,


Aye Robert, it is looking like they are going to do something really insane. I feel like I am living in a nightmare. It is just getting worse and worse.

We don’t even know who is really in charge in the US, it is not Genocide Joe Biden is it, that is for sure, yet whoever it is, they are taking us into WW3. And that election was stolen…

We are not going to make it to Trump in November is my guess. Once it kicks off the internet will be switched off like a light.

Ruby Tuesday

Andy Ellis
13 June, 2024 at 8:44 am

Because, as the wee coterie of nativist cranks, vatniks and islamo-fascist fluffers who infect BTL comments here amply demonstrate, it far easier to other out groups and blame the big boy next door than it is to finally grow a pair after 300 years, or do the actual work yourself.

OK I’m ready to listen what work should we be doing?

Ruby Tuesday

13 June, 2024 at 9:11 am

I feel like everyone (even on here) is sleep walking into this.

OK Mac same question for you.

What should we be doing about it?


The (US) breaks Leahy Act to supply weapons to U’s most evil units.

This law, named after its initiator, Senator Patrick Leahy, was adopted back in 1997 and formally prohibits the St-ate De-partment and the Pent-agon from supplying money and weapons to foreign units convicted of “gross violations of human rights.

Ruby Tuesday

James Che
13 June, 2024 at 7:33 am

I see Neil Oliver on his pod cast has come to a similar conclusion, “Who do you trust” , so what is the point in voting,

Simply No Point

Oh look Simply No Point

Also see BSA survey although I think that is more about England. I think we have totally different reasons for having absolutely no trust in politicians.


Book review

“Social murder:Austerity and Life Expectancy in the UK” Professors D Walsh &G McCartney/Glesca Uni

“Life expectancy is about more than just health – it’s about the kind of society we live in. And in the early 2010s, after decades of continual improvement, life expectancy in the UK, USA and many other rich countries stopped increasing. For millions of people it actually declined. Despite hundreds of thousands of extra deaths, governments and officials remained silent.

Combining robust evidence with real-life stories, this book tells the story of how austerity policies caused this scandal. It argues that this shocking and tragic suffering was predictable, caused by a dereliction of duty from those in power.

The book concludes with an optimistic vision of what can be done to restore life expectancy improvements and reduce health inequalities.”


Tommy @ 7.02am.

Aberdeen South is a fascinating constituency that includes in its boundary both extreme wealth and extreme poverty. It has changed between Cons/Lab/SNP in each of the last four elections, while Lib Dem came a close second in 4 consecutive elections up to Cleggs deal with Cameron.

Unsurprisingly, the vote tends to split evenly with votes for Lab + SNP and Cons + Lib Dem roughly 50/50.
Flynn won by 4000 votes in 2019 from Cons, who were a long way ahead of Lib Dem (3rd) and Lab (4th). If, as seems quite possible – even likely – SNP lose votes heavily to Lab, and a good number of Con voters switch to Lib Dem, any 1 of Cons, Lab, or SNP could win.

So you are right to seek out canvassing reports if you plan to vote tactically. Good luck in choosing the right candidate to wipe away Flynn’s smug demeanour.


They won’t win this.
Other countries are no longer playing ball. They can’t sanction everyone.

All it demonstrates is their hypocrisy, bully boy tactics & that they’ve lost the plot.

Why no sanctions for the space cadets currently under CCJ?
Yet again lying over peace agreements too.
Whatever happens they’ll never be trusted ever again & pay back from other nations will be harsh. One is already a piranha State & the final nails are being hammered in the other one by Kirby & Biden.

Hatey McHateface

@ SteepBrae says:13 June, 2024 at 9:25 am

Make racist comments if that’s your thing but don’t hijack and over-simplify a serious issue to try to justify them

I was talking to a retired GP a few years back. He told me that your average Scottish kid gets 50-60 innoculations and vaccinations over the years 0 to 20.


The purpose of these jabs is to make each citizen healthier and less susceptible to disease across their expected life span.


In the third world, kids don’t get most of these jabs.


When these third world people migrate to here, it logically follows that they won’t have the same life-long immunity to infections and diseases that we indigenous Scots will have, and thus will present a higher pro-rata demand on the Health Service.


It’s not racist to point this out. Grown ups would be discussing how to pro-actively focus preventative care on third-world immigrants, to reduce the long-term demand on the Health Service. For obvious reasons, because of all the lies told about the unmitigated good immigration brings, they can’t. Besides, long-term indigenous Scots, who have been subbing the NHS all of their working lives, might object.

I’m happy to debate on the facts any time, SteepBrae. Your turn.

Then again, it you’re going to dismiss objective facts as “racism”, don’t bother.


“Campbell Clansman
Ignored says:
13 June, 2024 at 2:07 am
Big Jock: Scotland is a very unhealthy nation. But it never used to be.”

What Big Jock says is true.

Until the 1980s Scotland’s life expectancy was much on a par with most other European countries.

The great deindustrialisation under Thatcher affected Scotland and the NE of England particularly badly as unemployment soared, poverty nearly doubled and inflation climbed.

All of this had an effect on the health of the population. Life expectancy increases faltered allowing other nations to catch up and overtake Scotland.

The effect of Thatcher’s policy choices were, for some, long lasting.Drug users (there is a link between socioeconomic status and drug abuse) who began taking drugs in Thatcher’s time were still dying out in the 2000s.

Adverse childhood experiences can affect learning abilities and determine life trajectories.

Former mining communities in Scotland still have lower economic levels than before the mines closed.

All of this was done by a “big boy”. He didn’t run away, the bastard. If you don’t know this much about Scotland yerra mug.

James Che

Ruby Tuesday,

You will have to enlighten me on the BSA survey.

Neil Oliviers previous interview with June Slater was one of those enlightening moments,
That is a man that is waking up, certainly re-thinking his previous conceptions of politics and government he Used to hold,

Ruby Tuesday

Neil Oliver that’s the guy what won it for ‘Better Together’ with his tweet that reached 7.5 million people on eve of the referendum.

James Che

The book title would just as easily sit well under “Crimes against Humanity,”

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscotland says:13 June, 2024 at 9:30 am

It’s “Scotland”. Show some respect.

When you have an international border, and the military of the country on one side is hundreds of miles into the country on the other side, you have to be a spectacularly baboon-arsed Howler Monkey (*) to maintain that it’s the invaded who are the actual N@zis.

Wooo hoooo hooooo hoooooooooo!

There you go – I’ve sorted your post for you.

* Apologies in advance to any authentic baboons or howler monkeys reading here.



Imagine being on the side & ntz & cheering/gloating about it?

It’s openly being discussed now so the public have no excuses when their election campaigns kick off next week across the pond. I wonder what angle the Tangoed one will take?


John swinney- if we win the majority of votes we negotiate independence, I mean if we win the majority of seats, I mean if we win the majority we will ask for another referendum, I mean we will do fuck all oops did I just say that!!


Clansman Campbell

Aye, it’s shit in the Union eh?

300+ yrs & they couldn’t even sort out a wee bit of health. Yet another fail for you to chalk up in yer cons column.

Do we have any in the pros yet? It’s taking you ages …hurry up! We’re on the edge of our seats here! We might die never knowing lol…

Hatey McHateface

@Mac says: 13 June, 2024 at 9:32 am

You do realise you’ve ruined Dad’s Army for me for ever? Compared to you, the original Private Fraser was hopeless. Compared to you, he looks like a raving, delusionary optimist.

That aside, every time I read one of your posts, I am reminded of my schooldays:

“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.”

? William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

It’s not Burns, but I don’t know if he ever felt the need to write stuff like that about us Scots.

Changed days indeed.

James Che

Aye he did help win it for better together. An I have little time usually for unionists as you know,
But I see a man now going through the process of learning that all he once believed in is not gold,

I don’t know where his new thoughts will eventually take him, but it seems to have veered away from the trusted establishment he once had great faith in and is sitting at the half way marker right now,

It is a good stratagist that keeps his eye on those close to them as well as their known enemies.
That is why I came to read up on Andy Ellis’s Civic national Scotland ( which is a theoretical ideaology) while he was claiming to be a Scottish independence supporter,
Which is entirely different and would have a devastating affect on from a Sovereign Scottish peoples independence.


If the proposition that Scotland is a colony is accepted then any Scot seeking Scotland’s liberation is wasting their time if they even go to the trouble of spoiling a ballot paper – their coloniser is uninterested in their opinion or cries of objection.

Their participation in any show of democratic representation would achieve nothing more than to legitimise the theft of their nation and the subjugation of its people.

Britain’s general election is England’s general election – because in the words of Michael Sheen “For Britain – see England”

To vote in the July election will achieve nothing more than to help perpetuate the lie that a foreign nation has legitimate claim over Scotland and the Scots – which of course it doesn’t.


I have been convinced for some time Geri that the only thing that will stop the(ir) madness is some form of heavy defeat.

The mantra I have heard from them (over and over) from the start is that ‘Ru$$ia cannot be allowed to win this war’. This conflict has been planned for a long time. 10+ years at least.

But they now realize they are holding a losing hand in Ukr@ine (as was predicted from the start). So now they are just raising the stakes over and over in some lunatic hail-mary bluffing game with the largest nuclear power on Earth, like they are dealing with Iraq.

This defeat is so coming (and sadly, so deserved). I just hope someone, somewhere is left who can stop ‘the crazies’ (as George Bush Snr described them) who run Joe Biden pressing all the buttons when it inevitably arrives.

Sunak called that GE for a reason. He was told what was coming. No one seems particularly curious why that particular Turkey brought the Christmas vote early…

Dorothy Devine

Neil Oliver wrote a scurrilous article before the referendum about Alex Salmond – he remains unforgiven in my book.

I’m sure if you search for it you will find it.

Ruby Tuesday

Celebs like Billy Connolly & Neil Oliver have a lot of influence simply because they are celebs.
Nothing to do with their great knowledge or wisdom. Its just because they are celebs.

The power of the celeb to influence works. It’s sad but it’s true.

Nespresso pay out mega-bucks to David Beckham & George Clooney to advertise their coffee. They do this because it works.

Celebs like Oliver & Connnolly need to be able to change their minds. Interesting to note they both have.

Beckham & Clooney will need to be able to change their mind in the event of them being offered a better deal by ‘Douwe Egberts’.

Celebs can’t be trusted. As politicians now seem to be more like celebs they can’t be trusted either.

James Che

Who are the invaders.

Propagandist usually are the invaders and the winners of war, only the people pawns die for the bully boys and their lack of diplomatic talks.
Whilst the leaders remain safely at desks planning which human beings are despensible cannon fodder..

James Che

Oops big brother is monitoring us, better not broaching the subject in to much detail.

Ruby Tuesday

Who described the IndyRef2014 as a “hate-fest” and Alex Salmond as a ‘wrecking ball’

And IndyRef2 as a “cancerous presence”.

James Che

Celebs and politicians,
I did not known their was a difference, I see the Astors were into films in the early days, maybe still are.
Certainly in-laws seem to have a roll,

Have to be careful how I comment as i see I cannot comment about H Kissinger politically. It just got pulled under moderation,

James Che


I was going to respond to your comments but it got pulled, you will have to look it up yourself am afraid..

Hatey McHateface

@James Che says: 13 June, 2024 at 11:09 am

“Who are the invaders”

Not complicated, James.

When you have internationally recognised borders, the invaders are the people from one side of the border, who are across the border on the other side, laying waste to the assets, and slaughtering the inhabitants.

I frequently criticise the primary school level of discourse on here, but in this case, I suggest you ask some primary school kids to explain it to you.



It’s insane.

It’s the only thing important right now but let’s talk about fluffy kittens instead..they have a hell of a time eh? Lol


Pro genocide, pro n@zi and now pro war. Gosh I am shocked.

Well hopefully you get to taste your ‘valour’ real soon Genocidey McGenocideface.

Given all the tough talk though I am just surprised you (and Shlomo Kidkiller) are still here, boring the arse off of us, and not out on the front lines dealing with those ‘orcs’ yourselves.

I forget who it was who said it but with regard to the Isr@elis ‘every accusation is a confession’ meaning they are guilty of everything they accuse the other side of doing. And so it appears to be with your invocation of the bard. Why are you here talking pish on the internet and not out walking the walk to match your talking the talk pseudo tough guy mince.

Armchair warriors are the ones I have perhaps the most contempt for, vile cowards encouraging other peoples’ kids to die.

Throw in a love of genocide, infanticide and n@zis and it is now becoming quite the cocktail. Time for another name change?

Hatey McHateface

@Northcode says:13 June, 2024 at 10:54 am

“To vote in the July election will achieve nothing more than to help perpetuate the lie that a foreign nation has legitimate claim over Scotland and the Scots – which of course it doesn’t”

A clarion call from Northcode to sit about on our flabby arses, with our hands out, waiting for the colonialist oppressor to gift us Indy.

Wha’s like us, eh? Those not yet deid might as well be. If we choose to listen to the Northcodes of this world.

James Che

Dorothy Devine,

I am not talking about “forgiving” I didnt mention it, to put it in its context it was written in, , I mentioned in that post it is a good Strategist that keeps his eye on all participants on both sides of the fence,

How do you know when a political challenge is being formulated if our heads are in the sand,

I watch all news for the good or bad otherwise we are ignorant, and live in a echo chamber.
I keep my faith for a independent Scotland, that does not falter, however analytically analysing all news outlets and events as observations, will serve us well into the future wellbeing of Scotland.
We can observe without being influenced.



Well said.



Paul Hutcheon in 2021 Daily Wrecker re Alex


Ach, that’s the problem with ideologies. Namely that they are just ideas thought up and churned out by utter rockets with far too much time on their hands.
Maybe back in the day when humans appeared to have a degree or twa more common and practical sense, the development and rollout of certain concepts had more worth.
Compare and contrast any page of the Molesworth’s Pocket Book of Engineering Formulae against most of the junk excreted by today’s “brightest and best” and you can see how far intellect has fallen.
Now all we seem to have are a menagerie of buffoons that spend inordinate amounts of their time talking pish and implementing endless reams of flawed and unworkable shite.
Some examples of the results of modern ideologies:
Install Solar PV on north facing roofs in Scotland, and fit Air source heatpumps on poorly insulated properties.
Teaching primary school kids about bum sex with a banana and jar of nutella and all the pronouns they can have using a bare arsed rainbow coloured dildo sporting monkey to hold their attention.
Eco-warrior twats gluing themselves to the road to stop a human pedal powered bicycle race, instead of spending their time growing their own food.
People greeting about the state of the planet whilst they sit on their arses watching Netflix or playing video games, chomping away on luxury out of season imported food and tossing all the packaging into general waste because they can’t be arsed or their heads are so fucked that they can’t be bothered or work out how to use the correct recycling bin.
Arseholes designing ever more complex form over function gadgetry that is too expensive to service and repair so it all just gets discarded when it inevitably fails.

Aye, what a fucking shit state humanity has become if these supposedly great ideologies are what is going to prevail.

I’m aff oot tae the garden tae fix stuff and tend my fruit and veg beds. I’d have nipped oot for a fishing session to catch something for my tea, but seeing as the bastarding beavers have cunted all the nearby local trout streams, and the broken village sewer has polluted and trashed the nearby perch and pike catching opportunities, then it looks like a vegan meal night for me…

James Che

Hatey McHateface,

Your comment made sense I -r- a c across the Border of E-n-g-l-n-d, I think.

Campbell Clansman

Steep Brae, regarding Scottish life expectancy, I cited hard, objective numbers–life expectancy.
You counter with
subjective numbers–a made-up category of “healthy” life that inevitably involves a subjective judgement. If YOU read the source you cite, you’d know it based its assertions on an ESTIMATE and an OPINION SURVEY. And that this “estimate” analysis only goes back to 2015, not the “30 years” that “Big Jock” mentioned.
Try again.

James Che

It is an observation that Scots who do not want to vote are trying to be persuaded from the other side to go vote.

How is that working out for those that tried the discrimination and pressure usage of ID cards and the eliminating great unwashed, that are advertised everywhere in the lead up to election day,

Anton Decadent

I looked at the candidates for my area when someone helpfully posted a link to where to find whatever hellport they dwell in via your postcode. Nobody stood out for me, barely any of them had posted anything with regard to their policies, of those that did the Lib Dem was asking the people of Govanhill to help him fight the evils of nationalism whilst the Reform party candidate mentioned priority housing for ex army and also spoke about NATO and yoo crane none of which speaks to me and my needs or those of my country, imo. The Green candidates entire policy blurb consists of Favourite Biscuit-Custard Cream. I do not think any of the other candidates have anything written with regard to their policies, the SNP candidate is David Linden and I have seen a couple of his fliers lying in the gutter adding to the slum status of the area.

On the whocanIvotefor site I also noticed that Govanhill has been changed from Glasgow Central to Glasgow East possibly to reflect its status as an Eastern European occupied territory, they may have scraped together more money from the car washes than the South Asians to swing it via a brown envelope.

Re what is going on across the West, I mentioned on here months ago that only so much pushback is allowed, only controlled opposition. So called populists such as Trump, Milei and Wilders are all Zynsts. In our own case we had an anti white racist as FM which was deemed to be completely acceptable then he criticised a certain country and was gone likely to be replaced by another anti white racist. With regard to controlled opposition, look at Candice Owens in the US, being openly criticised by those she used to work for and unable to defend herself against them due to a gagging order. Down in England Diane Abbott was kicked out of the Labour Party until the controlling power realised that it showed their hand as to who is in control of people such as Abbott and can make or break them as suits.


Northcode @ 10.54am

‘To vote in the July election will achieve nothing more than to help perpetuate the lie that a foreign nation has legitimate claim over Scotland and the Scots – which of course it doesn’t’

The thing is, Northcode, the lie is going to be perpetuated anyway when Labour romp to victory next month.

We need to listen to the great number of voters, like Tommy @ 7.02am, who are committed to Indy, yet have no independence candidate to vote for. Their dilemma is shared by many, me, my wife, and whole family included, who despise SNP for destroying that which we’ve supported all our lives.

It will not be easy going into the polling booth and putting an ‘x’ opposite a unionist, but it is justifiable if it results in SNP being thrashed. They must be destroyed before rebuilding takes place, and the thought of wakening up of July 5 to find that SNP has scraped over the line by minute margins in constituencies up and down the country on a 55-60% turn-out would be too hard to swallow.

James Che


Tut tut, you forgot to mention changing the old meanings of words in the dictionaries to fit with the new ideology paradigm.

Mentioning the garden, I got around to making mint sauce from the ingredients of garden yesterday,
Later on today with plenty left over mint, I think I will add rhubarb to make Rhubarb and mint jam,

How are things with you, I believe you have a considerable variety growing compared to my attempt this year, and perhaps more space,
I kept it simple with spouse not being well and left simple survival plants in ground, such as sage, chives, onions and leeks, a few garlic bulbs, parsley, fruit trees and berry bushes, rhubarb, dandelions, mint, nettles, coltsfoot, and there is birch growing not far from where I live if required

And a small raised bed with clear lid to stop slugs gain access in evenings for my spouse to save him bending down if and when he could manage or wanted to go outdoors in sunshine, a few carrots and lettice, otherwise I will see to it, but he seems to enjoy it when he can go outside and has been quite successful.
Away to do more washing catch up later with you,


The people attacking free prescriptions here really are fucking halfwits. We ALREADY GET free prescriptions. The SNP did this for us. The other main parties do not want this. There is zerobody to vote for in this stupid fucking election, or country. So to me it’s a no-brainer: vote for nobody, which is fine, and sit here and when and rant mad conspiracy theorist pish, or vote for the worthless SNP and at least get a tiny bit of benefit out of it, THEN sit here and whine and rant mad conspiracy theorist pish. I take several meds. That mounts up pretty quickly over a month. Sauve qui peut, ranters. Scottish politics is OVER.

Ruby Tuesday

Links to BSA survey didn’t upload

There were articles all over the press on Tues & Wed

They were all saying the same thing

“Trust in British politics hits record low, latest BSA survey finds”

It was blamed on Partygate, Brexit and poor services. blah blah

Prof Sir John Curtice had a lot to say.

I didn’t read any of them with any great interest. I thought it was all about England.

Scotland has a different set of reasons for not trusting politicians.


@Campbell Clansman

The NRS link you put up says this: “Most of Scotland’s council areas have seen a fall in life expectancy over the last few years.”

Life expectancy and period of life free from disability are good markers about the health of a country and across countries.

Year on year life expectancy in the UK increased as public health measures increased. The only times when this was not so was during the flu pandemic of 1918 and the two World Wars.

Under Thatcher life expectancy increase faltered allowing other countries to overtake us.

What is written in public health research today is that the increase in life expectancy across the UK stopped in 2012 and in the most deprived areas has decreased.

This from Glasgow Centre of Public Health.

“…people started dying younger, and in greater numbers.
These changes have been seen for men and women, almost all age groups, and for almost all causes of death. Other countries’ life expectancy rates have continued to improve.
There have been dramatic changes to premature mortality rates (under 65 years) in all parts of Scotland, and across the UK.”

You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Geri @10.36am.

The G-re-at S-at-an (US) has been keeping Kn-atzzi–ism alive in U since the 1948. The (US) backed and supported ex-U Kn-att-zzi-s, some even went to the (US) such as Mykola Lebed, a top aide to Stepan Ba–nd-er-a, the leader of the fas-ci-st OUN-B, was recruited by the C.-I.A. after the war, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. National Archives.

“The successor organization to the OUN-B in the United States did not die with him, however. It had been renamed the U Congress Committee of America (UCCA), according to IBT.

“By the mid-1980s, the Reagan administration was honeycombed with UCCA members. Reagan personally welcomed [Yaroslav] Stetsko, the Ban-de-rist leader who oversaw the massacre of 7,000 J-e-ww-z in Lv-i-v, in the White House in 1983,” IBT reported. “Following the demise of [Vik-tor] Yan-uk-ovi-ch’s regime [in 2014], the UCCA helped organise rallies in cities across the US in support of the Euro-Ma-i-dan protests,” it reported.

That is a direct link between the U.S.-backed 2014 Ma-i-dan coup against a democratically-elected U government and WWII-era U fas-ci-sm.

Since 2014, the U.S. pushed for an attack on the Rus-hh-ia speakers in eastern U who had rejected the coup, and N-a-t-o began training and equipping Ukrainian troops. Combined with talk since 2008 of U joining N-at-o, Rus-shhi-a reacted after years of warning.

More than two years after Rushh-ia intervention, with U clearly losing the war, Western leaders will do just about anything to save their political skins, as they’ve staked too much on winning in U.”

Meanwhile (US) Senator Lindsey Graham, let slip in an interview that (US) businesses have invested huge amounts of cash in U not to aid it, but to eventually to be able to asset strip it, as U has a plethora of rare Earth elements such as Lithium under the ground, much of which is now controlled by R-us-hh-ia due to the war.


Austerity is the cause of decreased life expectancy. “Social Murder: Austerity and life expectancy in the UK”

“The Violence of Austerity” Whyte and Cooper


That useless self-serving grifting careerist trougher Blackford might stand for the NuSNP at Holyrood in 2026. Note below that Blackford DIDN’T outright deny that he wouldn’t have moved to the English HoL, rather its because there was no SNP mechanism to join the HoL that stopped him doing it.

Don’t vote in the GE its an English election, and all you will be doing if you do vote is sending a bunch of troughers to live the good life in England at our expense, as it always has been.

Boycott the GE.

“Ian Blackford has insisted he still has a “role to play” in the SNP and has not ruled out standing to become an MSP in 2026.

The former MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber called time on his Westminster career last month when Rishi Sunak dissolved Parliament ahead of the general election on July 4.

Blackford was one of the SNP’s highest profile parliamentarians thanks to his five-year spell as leader of the party’s group of MPs, which saw him regularly take on Boris Johnson at the weekly session of Prime Minister’s Questions.

There was speculation in Westminster the former investment banker could become the first Nationalist to take a seat in the House of Lords.

Speaking to the Planet Holyrood podcast, Blackford said he would not become a peer as “there isn’t a mechanism to do that” within the SNP.

But he did not rule out standing in the next Scottish Parliament elections in 2026.”

Boycott the GE.


“When you have an international border, and the military of the country on one side is hundreds of miles into the country on the other side, you have to be a spectacularly baboon-arsed Howler Monkey”

Main aka Hatey or Ellis.

A perfect description of 1948 and onwards of what happened to P-al-est–ine, and still is happening. The Global South knows what’s going on in U and what the Zzz–io-mons–ters are up to with their ongoing g–en-ocid-e, and the west back both, well most of the west.

James Che

Ruby Tuesday,

You gave me enough info to get the gist of it, and basically the same, no need for me to pay any attention to it. Cheers,


“To vote in the July election will achieve nothing more than to help perpetuate the lie that a foreign nation has legitimate claim over Scotland and the Scots – which of course it doesn’t’”

To be clear. I’m not directing anyone to do anything. I set down my opinion based on the conclusion I’ve arrived at after giving the matter some thought. Isn’t that what this place is for, partly at least?

Opinions, including mine, are worthless. It’s up to the individual to work it out for themselves and arrive at their own conclusions.

Vote or don’t vote – I don’t care. Vote for a Unionist party or an ‘independence’ party – I don’t care. Vote for the hell of it – I don’t care.

I don’t care about this upcoming election because as a Scot…I’m ‘out of the game’ and don’t have any real say anyway.

That’s my opinion. And because it’s just an opinion, it’s worthless – just like everybody else’s.


Salmond sticks the boot into the turn-coat Swinney, aka the Teflon Don (VONC’s never stick to him).

“JOHN Swinney is making “independence impossible” at this General Election, former first minister Alex Salmond has claimed.

The Alba leader criticised his SNP counterpart after Swinney’s comments about Scottish independence on Wednesday.

“Speaking to the BBC, the First Minister rowed back on the SNP’s commitment to open “independence negotiations” with the UK Government if they win a majority of Scots seats at the General Election.”

“Instead, Swinney said that the SNP would seek to negotiate holding a second independence referendum.”

And the kicker.

“As John told Nick Robinson, the SNP is campaigning for a ‘democratic effect’ ie to ask Keir Starmer to hold a referendum. As Starmer has already told John the answer is ‘No’.”

Swinney knows fine well that ANY Westminster government when it comes to an indyref, that the answer is NO.

That’s why Westminster has no place in Scots deciding their own future, the GE is an English election Scots shouldn’t be voting in foreign elections to send Scottish politicians to an alien parliament. Don’t vote in the foreign GE, Scots gains nothing expect extra laws from a foreign parliament by voting in it.

They’ll drop a heck of a lot more next month.

“The 2003 Holyrood elections, into which Swinney led the SNP, saw the party drop eight seats from 35 to 27.”

Boycott the GE, don’t give Westminster any credibility to impose any laws on Scotland.


The branch manager of BLiS in Scotland is contradicted by his boss in London, Sarwar says they’ll be little privatisation of the NHS whilst his boss Starmer says differently. Its more like Sarwar lied, of course Labour politicians like Tory and SNP ones will say anything to gain power.

As for Sarwar being caught out this is what happens when you’re not the leader of the Labour party, just a Fifth Columnist for a foreign country.

“ANAS Sarwar was called out for being “contradicted by his London bosses” as he and John Swinney went head-to-head at FMQs.

During the clash, the Scottish Labour group leader raised people turning to private health providers in Scotland due to lengthy waiting lists – before being reminded that his party have pledged to “go further” than Tony Blair in bringing private firms into the health service.

It comes after Sarwar was left red-faced by the UK Labour manifesto launched on Thursday morning.

Two days ago, the MSP promised in a TV debate that there would be no austerity under Labour – but insiders have now said that “really difficult” spending decisions will have to be made as a result of manifesto pledges not to raise the majority of taxes.

As Sarwar and Swinney debated at FMQs, the First Minister raised this pattern of the Scottish Labour leader saying one thing before his Westminster bosses say another.”


Oh, one more thing.

Logic tells us that no Scot who seeks Scotland’s independence should waste their time voting in this general election.

The Scots are ‘out of the game’ and their vote will count for nothing and change nothing. It will, however, lend credence to the preposterous notion that the Scots have a choice.

What? Did you really think a colonised people had a say in their own fate? Really? I mean, really?

But remember, that’s just my opinion and as an opinion it’s worthless – folk should make up their own minds and go find their own opinions; that’s why we were given a mind. Otherwise, what’s the point in having one in the first place?

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscotland says: 13 June, 2024 at 2:32 pm

Learn some respect, why don’t you. It’s “Scotland”.

The Global South don’t give a fuck. Neither do the rest of the powder kegs in the ME.

Ordinary Scots don’t give whatever the technical term for a fractional part of a fuck is. A frustrated howl, maybe.

Any “jenoside” could be stopped overnight by returning the captives.

Instead, it suits the captive-takers to see the corpses of their own people, women and kids, stacked up in their tens of thousands until the sun is blotted out.

They will preserve their own, miserable, yellow hides, no matter how many tens of thousands of their own innocent human shields die in the process. No price in their own people’s lives is too high if they can survive unscathed to proclaim some kind of perverted “victory”.

But by all means, you feel free to howl their praises.


“The Global South don’t give a fuck. Neither do the rest of the powder kegs in the ME.”

Main, Ellis aka Hatey.

I didn’t say that West Asia cared, I said they know what’s going on.


“Any “jenoside” could be stopped overnight by returning the captives.”

Some folk might be gullible enough to believe that, but the only way the Zzz-i-o-Mon–st-ers will stop the g–en-oci-de is by force.

As for the captive many of whom have been deliberately killed by the Zz-io’s attack forces via the Hannibal Directive, what of the tens of thousands of oppressed P-a-lestin–ians from the W-es-t B-an-k held hostage without charge by the Zzzio- Monst–ers, and the uncountable number murdered and held hostage in P-al-est-ine since 1948.

You’re a ge-noci-d-e supporting piece of shit.

Hatey McHateface

@Republicofscotland says:13 June, 2024 at 7:41 pm

It’s “Scotland”, not “scotland”. Show some respect.

You’re a ge-noci-d-e supporting piece of shit

Am I though? Where’s this “ge-noci-d-e” then?

Looks like a war to me, with each side giving as good as it can. There’s nothing that says that one side in a war has to increase its casualties to match the other, just to be “fair”.

Peace deal is on the table. All your side has to do is sign and let the captives go.

OK, so the terrorists will get blown to bits in their tunnels afterwards, but the entire world will think it’s a small price to pay to end the agony of the innocent Palestinians you virtue signalers all claim to want so much to help. Rebuilding, recognition, international aid, it’s all on the table, just waiting to be picked up. Heck they can even put up a memorial to the unknown lassie torturer if they want, just so long as that lassie torturer is entombed where he belongs, deep in his tunnel.

OK, so I forgot the part of the world that will believe the world’s a better place without the nihilist H@mas boys polluting it. That includes big chunks of the ME, BTW.

And you antisem1tes get a special mention too. You’ll be biting the carpet, but boo fucking hoo, eh?

Man up, and learn how to spell “Scotland”, FFS.



1. An invader isn’t ‘both sides’
2. A religion isn’t a nationality either. That’s invented pish.
3. There is no peace deal. The whole world is explaining the con that it is but you’re so fcking dumb it’s sailed on past you. Pay attention to the detail. It was never offered to be accepted. Stop reading propaganda.
4. You’ll be pleased to hear the yanks are trying to move 2 million ppl to the EU. LOL! “Yellow ppl” are stopping that. They’ll never give up their land.
5. Big chunks of the ME don’t belong to you or yer ilk. When will it sink in do you think?
6. You are a fucking racist piece of shit. Scotland would be a better place without YOU. Why don’t you move & go volunteer in all yer wars? They take carnaptious auld bastards so you’ve no excuse. Go fight yer cause, Walter Mitty, & gie the rest of us piece.

Hatey McHateface

@Geri says:13 June, 2024 at 10:50 pm

You are a fucking racist piece of shit

Woo hoo, Scotland’s finest pronounces her verdict.

Her spelling remains all over the place, but she has proved she can count to six. Bless.

I’ll not be taking any lessons from the apologists for the torture, rape and murder of innocent, harmless young lassies.

Seriously, Geri? These are your poster boys? Yellow scum, cowering in their tunnels, behind their hostages, under their human shields of their own women and kids? Women and kids piled high in the tens of thousands so that the yellow scum can eke out another day of their miserable existence with their hides still in one piece? Gorging themselves on the stolen food while their people starve?

That’s your vision for Scotland? That’s who we should aspire to be like?

These are your role models for Indy?

Man, you need a long day of hoovering and dusting. Tire yourself out. Treat yourself to a M&S ready meal. Leave off the sauce. Get a good night’s sleep.

You’ll feel better in the morning.

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