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Wings Over Scotland

All Out Of Bubblegum

Posted on July 07, 2024 by

Joanna Cherry’s been on a mission on the airwaves today.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch. The truth usually is.

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I watched that interview. She interviewed well. Surprisingly I thought the lad Philips was well informed to the point where he knew the score with the SNP and lead the interview or was lead with that knowledge in mind. Sturgeon’s still there though, in charge. A person who would sell out the entire world and everyone in it in a quest to make herself look good. More worrying for me anyway are the number in denial. I think we need a court case and a conviction or 9.

Andrew scott

Cherry tearing lumps out of fatford
Demanding the truth -THE WHOLE TRUTH about fatfords tenure at westminster be told
Yum yum


It’s good to see her finally talking about what happened to her, as well as what was happening to other party members.


Scathing but true. Well said Joanna!

Stuart Campbell

Pick that one out….bitch!


I can only say, good on you Joanna. I would do exactly the same. Relentlessly and with no mercy. Both barrels at any opportunity. Over and over again. Nicola Sturgeon deserves that and far, far more. Her true colours must be exposed.

I suppose having lost the seat brings for Ms Cherry a sense of freedom in some way. They certainly can no longer keep her on a leash. Because what is the worse they can do to her now? Stopping her standing for Holyrood on an SNP ticket now that voters are so disgusted with the party that anything with the brand SNP stuck to it is doomed to fail?

I want to see Ms Cherry, Mr McKaskill, Mr Hanvey and Mr Angus Brendan McNeil in Holyrood, standing for Alba or as independents and burning the hell of all them wankers down to a crisp (metaphorically speaking).

Go Joanna!

Garavelli Princip

Cherry showing the narcissistic pygmy what a real lawyer and a real Indy politician looks and sounds like.

The imposter taught several lessons in 4 days.

But will her party learn those lessons.

There are still too many with a vested interest in not doing so.

Well past time for COPFS to act.


@ Mia
The strength of the SNP at Holyrood in the early days was precisely that their best people wanted to be there, and branches were free to choose them. Now the leadership are able to impose candidates, that has gone.
As you say, it would be great to see all those folk rock up on as independent candidates!


That will be Ian Blackford the Merchant Banker and possible City of London agent, see there is more to the humble crofter than meets the eye.


One swallow does not make a summer.

Blackford accusing Cherry of being “bitter”.

MacNeill could be dismissed as bitter, (not that I know whether he is or isn’t), but Blackford is a classic embodiment of the Peter Principle, and as such his accusation that Cherry is bitter shows him in his true, pish-yellow colours.

David Hannah

Stick the stolleto in Cherry and twist.

Sturgeon’s going to prison.

David Hannah

Yer tees oot Nicola! It’s time to say goodbye! You let the party die!

David Hannah

Send Yesterday’s woman. Nicola Sturgeon to jail for her virtue signalling shite! Lock her up. And lock up Dorothy Bain her protector! Rinse her boys Rinse her. Take her to the cleaners!

David Beveridge

Happy to keep her trap shut during the years of betrayal of the Yes movement though. Now she’s been hoofed out she starts acting like a wee lassie that’s had a dizzy at the high school dance. No applause from me.

Willie John

Never mind the bubble gum, is there any popcorn left?

Anne Roberts

Well put Joanna. We need you so much. Hope we see you in Holyrood in 2026.


Too little too late. Whats the point of moaning about everything now. Should have left SNP long ago like the rest of us and joined another group

David Hannah

The elephant in the country. The biggest elephant. Is that she’s not been charged. Lavender Pete’s been charged. For the missing 600k. Sturgeon’s deeds would shame all the devils in hell. That’s absolutely clear.

We want her jailed. We want her put away. We wish Sturgeon. The gravest of ills.


Joanna Cherry ousted, yet Pete Wishart retained his seat.

He is the Weakest Link.


I think this is a very dangerous sign of the times for Scotland under Labour-
From todays press-
Stormont is “going to have to look at” raising its own money to help with public funding pressures, the new Northern Ireland secretary says.
On a trip to the country – his first since taking office days ago – Labours Hilary Benn says the executive in Northern Ireland has historically “not been as good as it might be in income generation”, and that public spending there is greater than in England.
The region receives around £124 per head for every £100 per head spent in England – and Benn says the “urgent” focus needs to be on using this money “most effectively”.

At the referendum the Unionist proposed Scotland had far more money per head to spend than England. The figure that they used was £1200 per head per annum, but the reality of the suffocated situation was that Scots sent £1700 per head per annum to Westminster so we actually give the English £500 each.

Here comes Starmer ready to use the same fake figures to cut the Scottish budget even more than the despicable Tories.

If it is the case Swinney should use it to remove his MP’s from Westminster permanently.


Yeah, but when do the Alphabetties get what they deserve?

Those are the revelations we need exposed so the purge, when it comes, gets rid of all the scum, and hopefully goes a long way to rehabilitating the career of a particular Alex Salmond.

Yes, I don’t fully agree with Salmond’s current strategy, but he is a wily old fox with unsurpassed capacities to change the agenda in a heartbeat.

I also know a lot of people aren’t fans of Salmond. Ok, I get that, but take a moment and think ahead… when Sturgeon and the Alphabetties go down in flames, and they will, that man Salmond will be unstoppable. Walls will fall and crumble to dust, and so will reputations.

He doesn’t need to lead us, though personally I have no problem with it if he does, but next time out the blocks, Alex Salmond will not be taking prisoners, and “taking care of business” will see Independence on the front page of every agenda.

So yeah, when do the Alphabetties get theirs?

Stuart MacKay

Political parties have had their tyres slashed and set on fire but somehow people still think they will drive us to the promised land. Cherry in Holyrood in 2026 will have much the same effect as Cherry in Westminster in 2023.

Political parties follow, they don’t lead, or at least not any more. Politicians are just there to hoover up votes based on the sentiments of the voting population. They’re trailing indicators not leading ones. The case for independence will be made among the populace and the politicians will only pick up on it when they think there’s votes to be secured.

Robert Hughes

David Beveridge
Ignored says:
7 July, 2024 at 4:37 pm
” Happy to keep her trap shut during the years of betrayal of the Yes movement though. Now she’s been hoofed out she starts acting like a wee lassie that’s had a dizzy at the high school dance. No applause from me.”

Nor me : for the reason you give + after her moment in the spotlight during the Prorogation fiasco she immediately sat back down on the WM bench and kept shtum about what Brexit meant vis-a-vis Scotland’s rights within the * Union * of which we ARE AN EQUAL SIGNATORY . Neither did she say a word all during the attempted political assassination of Alex Salmond and it’s despicable aftermath when the vicious , bungling criminals continued to slander him despite the verdicts .

Pleasing as it is to see the poisonous dwarf get slagged in public , it’s all too little and very much too late .

She made her choices at the time . They do not reflect well on her .

As far as I’m concerned , she can fuck-off with the rest of them


Sturgeon appearance on ITV, she was asked if Joanna Cherry’s views were correct that Sturgeon was to blame for the SNP loses and stated Joanna had won her seat three times during her leadership, NO Ms Sturgeon she won because of her own campaigning in her own constituency and lost this time because people who would have voted for the SNP either stayed at home or voted for someone else because of your leadership on Independence. Watch you back Joanna Sturgeon is till in charge of the SNP but for how long?


People may well celebrate Joanna Cherry’s exposure of the BETRAYER of Scotland’s actions in SABOTAGING our independence fight,let us also remember that Joanna Cherry took on the might of the establishment against Boris Johnson’s prorogation of PARLIAMENT using SCOTS LAW and WON

Make no mistake that was a HUGE victory against the ASSERTED lies of the english parliament that parliamentary sovereignty overrules ALL, she had PROVEN that SCOT’S SOVEREIGNTY took precedent

Unfortunately instead of continuing with the certainty that Johnson had BREACHED the TOU through his actions and had therefore ripped up the treaty ,she sat back on her comfortable arse with her salary,expenses and pension IGNORING the FACT that if she had continued exposing the TRUTH we would be closer to independence



Would have been more impressive had it occurred prior to Ms Cherry losing her seat.

Patsy Millar

As my mother would have said ‘She didn’t miss and hit the wall’.

Young Lochinvar

The thing is, the SNP cultists and their queer cling- ons were warned for ages about this daily in the Nationals comments section and totally ignored (or usually trolled) in their mad gallop to the political cliff edge.
Come 2026 and a HR election similar result the queer cling-ons, professional SPADS and ideology cuckoo chicks will migrate back to their natural home in Labour.

Wonder how Starmer will deal with them?

I wish Branchform and Big Ecks court case against ScotGov would come to a conclusion and Saint Nic, “partner in crime” Liz Lloyd can share a prison cell and look forward to regular visits from “friend” Val McD.


“Yeah, but when do the Alphabetties get what they deserve?”

Actually, I think this could be a very dangerous time for them. If I was any of them I would be rather nervous. With so many people scorned after losing their jobs and with all the political knives going into Sturgeon’s direction, how long it is going to take for the loyalty to be forgotten and for somebody, in a moment of madness, to “accidentally” open their mouth in anger and reveal where the bodies are buried?

There has to be a good reason for the political fraud Sturgeon and teflon Lloyd now becoming the darlings (minions?) of the British state propaganda mouthpieces. I wonder how long it is going to take until Leslie Evans appears in some TV program or another too …

David Hannah

Blackford’s came out and said Joanna Cherry’s just upset and that she’s talking nonsense. He said she’s bitter!

So bitter from Ian Blackford. The man that hates woman. That dumped his wife and traded her in for an older model.

Fat oaf!

Ian Brotherhood

@Mia (5.36) –

‘I wonder how long it is going to take until Leslie Evans appears in some TV program or another too…’

Probably not long at all.

In the meantime, Grousebeater bumped into her in a chip shop and gave her a dirty look…there’s a good joke in there somewhere.

link to


Joanna Cherry will be a massive asset to Holyrood.
I hope she, Neale Hanvey, Kenny McAskill stand.

The troughers have already got their eye on a nice cosy wee list vote but they’ll be fought off by the current Nicolaphants

C MacKay

Brilliant – she summed up the situation perfectly

C MacKay

Great post – she summed up the situation perfectly.


If you want to get a measure of the bin fire which is the Sham Nationalist Party, just pop over to Wee Ginger Dug (I know he doesn’t deserve the web ‘hits’ but hey-ho) and Scotland Goes Pop and read what the denialists, cultists and outright moonhowlers are saying. You’ll soon conclude that despite Cherry and MacNeill and a couple of others, the well has been poisoned and the SNP are beyond saving.


Its a pity Cherry wasn’t as scathing when she was an SNP MP, it has taken for her to get the boot to really open up and tell it like it is.

Maybe if that had been the case she might still be an MP.



Starmer’s off to a flyer, as we expected.

“KEIR Starmer has been slammed for appointing a disgraced former Labour politician who claimed expenses for pornography viewed by her husband to his Government.

The Prime Minister has revived the political career of former home secretary Jacqui Smith by appointing her as Higher Education Minister and giving her a seat in the House of Lords.

Smith quit Gordon Brown’s government in 2009 at the height of the expenses scandal, after she was found to have misused the second home allowance to fund her family home.

She apologised to the Commons that year for wrongly claiming the cost of pornographic films watched by her husband at her family home and said she had repaid the money in full.

Smith’s return to Parliament means she will again be entitled to expenses as a member of the House of Lords on top of the £361 daily attendance allowance.”

ben madigan

Would she have said all this about Nicola’s reign if she hadn’t lost her MP salary?
Rather think she wouldn’t have


I have no idea why some people are moaning about Joanna, if you had gone through what’s she done through in the last ten you’d have left the SNP on day one she didn’t she stayed and it’s all credit to her for not leaving. Maybe it was a huge mistake for us to have left the SNP, instead maybe should have stayed and saved the party and Scottish Independence from Sturgeon and her mod of gangsters from within but we didn’t we took the cowards way out and walked and then started moaning about what could have been, we have ourselves to blame for not being there for our country when she needed us most. The biggest question we need to ask ourselves now is how do we fix this mess and who do we trust to lead us with the public behind them.


“I have no idea why some people are moaning about Joanna, if you had gone through what’s she done through in the last ten you’d have left the SNP on day one she didn’t she stayed and it’s all credit to her for not leaving.”

100% Yes.

As far as I aware Cherry came out a few years back and told us why she didn’t jump ship to a real indy party, and it had nothing to do with integrity, no Cherry said she couldn’t do that because her staff at Westminster would’ve lost their jobs and she couldn’t let that happen.


100% yes
Perhaps you should take up knitting as a hobby because political insight ain’t your thing.


@ Ian B

Best I can come up with is a Kirsty MacColl / The Smiths mashup

There’s a guy down the chip shop swears he saw Evans… but Evans knows he’s miserable now…

Other chippy related gag.
Vinegar tits finally gets her chips after serving both Sturgeon and Salmond on a platter to her establishment masters.


100% Yes …

“Maybe it was a huge mistake for us to have left the SNP,”

I didn’t leave the SNP. The SNP left me…

Robert Hughes

” Maybe it was a huge mistake for us to have left the SNP, instead maybe should have stayed and saved the party and Scottish Independence from Sturgeon ”

And how would * you * have done that ? If we’re talking hypotheticals here , want makes you think * you * would have done anything different from those who stayed , is it not just as probable that you would have been as mesmerised , pacified n patronised as the rest ? Even had you attempted to penetrate the delusional aura of infallibility that was * manufactured * around the Stooge from day one of her – unchallenged – coronation , the would those attempts have proven successful ?

I’ve never been an SNP member so it’s never been an issue for me but I can understand how the loyalty of those who are – in many cases – lifelong members would cause them to sit on their doubts / concerns in the belief it was to serve a greater cause , eg Independence ; still ….

The horrible abuse J Cherry endured ,as well as being demoted n replaced by a dolly dimple head-nodder , whilst fckn Hypocrite-to-her-Fingertips Sturgeon uttered not a single word in her defence , in fact , appeared in spiteful agreement with the wailing Manshees calling for JC to be immolated for Anti-*Trans* heresy would have been the optimum time to say what she’s saying now , in addition to what was referred to above .


What Joanna Cherry said is 100% correct but she doesn’t come out well with saying so after she lost her Westminster seat.


A bit of an old article, especially as it is well before Japan’s PM Abe assassination and Covid but a surprisingly even handed American view of Japan’s alternative to neo-liberalal globalism particularly when it talks of European “exclusionary nationalism”.

link to

A long read but interesting take-outs in particular to Japan’s economic activity:

Reassessing Japan’s recent history in the light of Western failures does not mean whitewashing its current weaknesses and challenges. A third of a century of anemic economic growth, averaging 2 percent from 1981 to 2015, is a signal that the mature Japanese economy will likely never again see double-digit growth. Unbalanced investment has left Japan’s rural regions in parlous economic shape, and temporary workers now account for nearly 40 percent of the workforce. The country’s regulatory environment is stifling, corruption nests inside corporate and political cultures, the service sector is startlingly inefficient, and the nuclear industry is a mess. The government was widely criticized for its inept handling of the March 2011 nuclear crisis after the devastating Tohoku earthquake.

Socially, Japanese youth are widely reported to be dissatisfied with their future prospects, and the scope for individualism in the workplace remains tightly constricted. Foreigners are tolerated but not particularly welcomed, and Japanese of Korean descent still face discrimination. Immigration is all but absent. Moreover, Japan has faced its own homegrown terrorists, like the millennial Aum Shinrikyo cult back in the 1990s. Above all, the country faces a debilitating demographic collapse, one that no modern democracy has ever encountered and that poses the single greatest threat to Japan’s future.

Yet compared with the problems that both the West and many of its neighbors face, Japan’s relative strength and stability should at least cause us to rethink our assumptions about social and economic policy. The Wall Street Journal’s Jacob Schlesinger argues that, for two decades after the popping of the bubble, Japan’s leadership consciously chose a deflationary course for the economy, seeking stability and the minimization of social risk that would accompany radical economic restructuring.4 Only the return of Shinzo Abe to the premiership in 2012 reversed this long trend, as he actively sought to inflate the economy, privileging economic expansion over stability. The difference might be thought of as “value” policy versus “growth” policy, similar to stocks or mutual funds. The careful, moderate reforms of what is called “Abenomics” indicate that even the current government is seeking a mix of value and growth, again prioritizing social stability.

Despite decades of officially slow or stagnant macro growth, the real economic picture of Japan is better than many Westerners think. Writing in the Financial Times, Matthew C. Klein showed that, in the decade from 2005 to 2014, real GDP per person grew more in Japan than in the United States, Great Britain, and the eurozone.5 In the almost quarter century from 1990 to 2013, nearly the entire post-bubble era, real household consumption in Japan also grew more than in the eurozone, and behind only Great Britain, the United States, and Sweden, and without the massive rise in household debt experienced in the United States.

Japan is neither sprinting ahead nor rocked by economic instability. The uncertainty that clouds so many of the world’s economies exacts psychic and material costs, but Japan, where GDP growth has been sluggish for decades, seems less threatened by the roller coaster that is prevalent in the West, in part because its system remains more resistant to radical restructuring and the diktats of unrestrained market forces. In fact, things simply aren’t all that bad.

Japan remains a high-income country by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) standards. Its GDP per capita at purchasing power parity rates increased from $35,779 in 2011 to $40,763 in 2015, while the cost of living in Tokyo and other major cities declined, due in part to moderate deflationary trends.6 Japan’s Gini coefficient, which measures income inequality, stood at 0.32 in 2008 (the latest year available), according to the World Bank. Though higher than many European nations, it likely remains lower than America’s 2013 measure of 0.41.

Another interesting part is Japan’s role on the world stage:

In response, scholars such as Keio University’s Yoshihide Soeya have argued that Japan must pursue a “middle power” strategy that acknowledges its gross power limitations.21 Specifically, Soeya believes, Tokyo must embrace a “middle power internationalism” that seeks to maximize Japan’s diplomacy and participation in multilateral fora and embed itself in a community of similar middle powers balancing off the demands of the United States and China. Suggestions such as these seek to counter a perceived trend towards “regressive nationalism,” in Soeya’s words. The belief that the cork needs to remain in the bottle of Japanese militarism more than seventy years after the end of the World War II highlights just how strongly Japan’s past continues to shape current views.

Japan’s unique perspective which has shaped it’s policies both domestically and abroad isn’t comparable to Scotland and even parts can’t be replicated in an independent Scotland but it does show a way that a small independent country can operate on the world stage.



Had forgotten to mention that my previous comment was Off Topic to the current article, especially as it is new at time of my post.

Hatey McHateface

Aw, she’s out of work and with no great talents to offer any new potential employer.

But she can big up her profile meantime by hawking her tawdry tales round the gutter MSM.

Pardon me for not being impressed.

She had a good innings sucking on the taxpayer’s teat – 9 years. Those more knowledgeable than me will know if she ever achieved anything more useful than delaying some inevitable legislation for a couple of days.

It’s hardly the stuff of the after dinner speaking circuit.

Ruby Sunday

I had to google ‘All out of bubble gum.’

“I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubble gum.”

That’s a great line. No idea what it means I expect it means there’s going to be a lot of ass kicking.

I’m quite bad with popular culture as Anton will tell you it’s ‘cos all I do is read romantic fiction with HEAs.

SNP did the same but there wasn’t a lot of ass kicking just of lot of blowing bubble gum bubbles. They too are all out of bubblegum and I’m predicting they will be out of Jackson’s Entry this time next month.

There is a line in a Leonard Cohen song which says

The Maestro says it’s Mozart
But it sounds like bubble gum
When you’re waiting
For the miracle, for the miracle to come

This is from the song ‘Waiting for a miracle’

That is one I’m putting on the ‘What the fuck now Scotland’ playlist.

Robert Knight

I posted links for you on previous thread.

link to


Thanks Ruby

Antoine Roquentin

Cherry was never heroine-material! It’s much too late for her to be candid now, about five years too late. She took the MP’s salary, expenses and perks and said absolutely nothing about what she knew was going on at the top of the SNP. Morally reprehensible and indefensible behaviour, at the end of the day.


Ruby Sunday says:
7 July, 2024 at 8:04 pm

I had to google ‘All out of bubble gum.’

“I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubble gum.”

That’s a great line. No idea what it means I expect it means there’s going to be a lot of ass kicking.

It’s an iconic throwaway one-liner from the film They Live. It doesn’t mean anything but is a great quote when talking about the movie.

IIRC, a clip was made about another scene in film where they did a commando raid on a local TV station and compared it to what should happen at BBC’s Pacific quay.

The clip was tongue in check but I’m sure it was during the indy protests at Pacific Quay and didn’t go down well 🙂

Hatey McHateface


As fourth largest economy in the entire fecking world, Japan is hardly a “small independent country”.

When was that stuff you quoted written anyway?

Japan has been re-arming for some time now, faced as she is with the twin threats of the North Korean nutters and the imperialist Covid spreaders.

FFS, NK regularly lobs intercontinental ballistic missiles over their heads. The threat from these unhinged nutjobs is such that Japan has been forced into forming a mutual defence alliance with their almost hereditary enemies in South Korea. The American–Japanese–Korean trilateral pact (JAROKUS) was announced less than a year ago.

Meantime, with the recently announced intention to send NK forces to fight for Pres Poot on the sovereign territory of Uk=rai=ne, coupled with the fact that the Ru=ss=ian occupiers still have not returned sovereign Japanese territory they seized in 1945, Japan is becoming more closely aligned with the freedom-loving west as WW3 ramps up.

So yes, maybe they do set us an example to follow should we ever become Independent. I’ll allow you that conclusion.


A bit late though, right?


Simply beautiful to watch. The one cardinal characteristic of truth is simplicity. Joanna simply told the truth. Joanna has had to endure a special variety of fear, when it occurs maliciously at the hands of her colleagues and fellow human beings. Sturgeon specialises in deception, is a liar, is cunning, manipulative and cruel. She tried to jail an innocent man she feared, truly disgusting and unforgivable. Joanna has lived in fear not only of her own personal safety but those of her family and friends.

Now that Sturgeon no longer has any power over all those who lost their seats ( glad I did my civic duty by tactical voting ) , I hope that many more of her colleagues will target their anger and animosity wher it belongs and have the courage to destroy Sturgeon and her corrupt and despicable cabal, forever.


Sturgeon and co sold us down the river. Hence, thousands left the SNP. That’s unfortunate, as we now need a purge of the SNP. Starting with the NEC. However, there is no one left to start the purge. Swinney and Flynn are supposed to be listening. Can they start the purge?


It will be tough for her to come to terms with an almost twelve thousand majority being overturned like that. It’s not long since she was crowing that she may be the only woman SNP MP left standing when it turns out to be Kirsty Blackman instead. It’s a funny old world.

Will you be doing one of your unique analyses on SNP finances soon? I wonder.


The SNP the party isn’t to blame for the mess Nicola Sturgeon has left the party in.

I spent 33yrs supporting and being a member of the SNP, other people have spent 50, 60 plus years. A lot of people who still remain in the party still believe its the only vehicle to achieving Independence, I don’t believe that maybe with a different leader and better people in place like Joanna the SNP can turn it round again. As someone who remembers when Swinney was leader the first time he was a tool then and he’s a tool now. For those us us who remember the SNP back in the 1990 it was a solid party and we all new who the enemy was and what it was we wanted to achieve.


7 July, 2024 at 8:36 pm

Sturgeon and co sold us down the river.

No chance. They need to be part of the clear out.


“Aw, she’s out of work and with no great talents to offer any new potential employer”

Do you actually know who Ms Cherry is?

You do realise Ms Cherry is a very, very talented KC, that took that clown Johnson to court for unlawfully proroguing the UK parliament and won, don’t you?

Do you realise that she was also on the team from the Wightman case that resulted in the ruling by the European Court of Justice that the UK could unilaterally revoke Article 50, don’t you?

David Hannah

The French have voted in a left wing Government? Exit polls saying the left are going to take victory.


Big Jock

At last she can speak her mind. There will be many more who are just as angry. This is how we get the band back together.

We need to form a new movement. It might be that Alba is the vehicle. What I would say is that we need to persuade some of the 30% SNP loyalists to listen. There is a hard-core of about 20% who will never listen. But some just vote SNP out of habit, whilst not actually agreeing with them.

If Alba can get 10-12% in Holyrood. Then list seats will be available.

Margaret Eleftheriou

Who is this Hatey person (good nom de plume, btw). Those unguarded comments about Cherry(!!!) and Japan) show total ignorance and a very high degree of spite. Some life failures react like that. It explains the spite but not the ignorance. What a terrible life to lead and even to draw attention to it by the choice of name.


Watching Joanna Cherry in these various clips has been a delight.

Articulate, super bright and able to formulate responses on the spot, i.e. a super high level advocate.

Now she feels free to speak (and clearly she did not before) she will destroy these rat-oafs like Sturgeon and Blackford if they are stupid enough to take her on. She is pissed as well… it is evident.

They were able to bully her when they held power over her in the structure of the SNP but they are living on fumes if they think that is going to continue.

Cherry could destroy them. She is capable of it. She might be the one. It has been so long since I have seen her I forgot how much I like her.


Listen to the youtube interview clip I linked to above. Cherry was subjected to death and rape threats as were her family due to Sturgeon setting her tranny army on her.

It is amazing she toughed it out to the GE and a real shame she was not re-elected.

I would definitely have voted for her were she my MP despite my ‘Sturgeon SNP must die’ attitude. She, like a very few others, were worth saving. Unfortunately FPTP is very crude mechanism and such fine tunings are not always possible.

If she is willing and ALBA have a brain they will hoover her up in an instant.

Leader material.

Hatey McHateface


Big furry deal.

Brexit still happened anyway.

As for being “on the team”, that’s hardly the stuff of the history books.

Margaret E

If you wish to deny my 24-carat facts about Japan, fill yer boots.

“I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu” as Quagmire might say.

Big Jock

Would Salmond take a back seat and let Jo run Alba? She would be very popular with the 500k Yes voters who stayed at home.

She is everything that Sturgeon is not. A good bloody kawyer for a start.

Jason Smoothpiece

As we face a crazed Labour Government, only for one term I’m sure, we must focus on winning.

I would welcome Ms Cherry to Alba, why did she not join us before now ? I don’t know but I’m sure she had her reasons.

Alba lead by Mr Salmond with the most competent Scottish politicians behind him and a support from the party I believe we could do the job which the SNP declined to do.


Is Cherry one of the good guys?

I don’t know but my guess is we wouldn’t have heard a peep out of her if she had kept her seat.


Hatey McHateface
7 July, 2024 at 8:27 pm


As fourth largest economy in the entire fecking world, Japan is hardly a “small independent country”.

When was that stuff you quoted written anyway?

Japan has been re-arming for some time now, faced as she is with the twin threats of the North Korean nutters and the imperialist Covid spreaders.

FFS, NK regularly lobs intercontinental ballistic missiles over their heads. The threat from these unhinged nutjobs is such that Japan has been forced into forming a mutual defence alliance with their almost hereditary enemies in South Korea. The American–Japanese–Korean trilateral pact (JAROKUS) was announced less than a year ago.

Meantime, with the recently announced intention to send NK forces to fight for Pres Poot on the sovereign territory of Uk=rai=ne, coupled with the fact that the Ru=ss=ian occupiers still have not returned sovereign Japanese territory they seized in 1945, Japan is becoming more closely aligned with the freedom-loving west as WW3 ramps up.

So yes, maybe they do set us an example to follow should we ever become Independent. I’ll allow you that conclusion.


John Main, it seems that you don’t even read comments never mind the articles contained in links.

I fail to see what you have written has anything to do with the comment I had posted and the article contained within it.

Campbell Clansman

Joanna Cherry, from wikipedia:
“Following a High Court ruling in May 2019, in favour of The Daily Telegraph, The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority released figures confirming that 377 MPs had had their parliamentary credit cards suspended for “late, incomplete or incorrect expenses claims since 2015″. Cherry was included on that list, with the paper reporting that she had had her official credit card repeatedly suspended for failing to repay money on time.”
“On 21 February 2021, Cherry was criticised by the Scottish branch of PEN International for her attempts to silence critics who questioned her by threatening defamation action. After Cherry disputed she had taken legal action, letters from her solicitors on her behalf were published.”

Bully, liar and trougher?



We were right to walk away & to take our subs with us.

There was no way to change the direction of travel Sturgeon was taking. She made sure of it by closing down internal party democracy & rewriting party rules & she’s STILL doing it by working her puppet clique from the background.

Sturgeon & her husband have brought the whole party (& it’s brand) into disrepute. Any new leader with an ounce of integrity would have sacked her immediately & suspended her from the party if not outright ban her for life. They didn’t bother. Dumbza & Swindler protected her instead. They put her above party & way above the people who elected them.
That party will be forever tainted now. There’s no way back from them ever erasing that poor judgement.

As for Joanna – well she did speak out & was ignored. Sturgeon even claiming she wasn’t aware she was being bullied online or by her own colleagues which was shit cause it was all over Twitter & very public.

Joanna should have walked & stood as an independent. She had plenty of support on social media urging her to do exactly that ages ago but she made a huge mistake having a pep talk with Dumbza & buying into his ‘assurances’ She should’ve listened cause in that interview she also says that was the word on the street too. The whole brand is in the toilet.

A blind man could’ve told her that was crap & he’d no intentions of reassuring her of anything. He was placating her to shut her up. Obviously instructions from Imelda which she would’ve also been aware of. She’s not stupid.


Jason Smoothpiece said “Alba lead by Mr Salmond with the most competent Scottish politicians behind him, I believe we could do the job which the SNP declined to do.”

One question Jason WHERE are you going to get these competent politicians from, from what I have seen there are only 3 half decent politicians in alba and 2 of them excluding Salmond swear fealty to WM and big ears chuck which Salmond also does

Ian Brotherhood

@Dan (7.10) –

Nice ones.


Colin Alexander

Joanna Cherry is right about everything she said about Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership of the SNP and the many squandered opportunities for liberation.

However, Miss Cherry had fallen back into line, supporting an SNP that had no intention of obtaining or even progressing the cause of Scottish independence / Scottish sovereignty.

Anne Johnston

Spot on, Colin Alexander.


Much prefer this….


from Ian brotherhood @5.42.
the grousebeater’s blog and comments on X are not exactly reliable. Mr GB is a known fantasist with a great record for imagination posing as comment. Seriously do you think Leslie Evans toddles down to a fish and chip shop for her supper?

‘I wonder how long it is going to take until Leslie Evans appears in some TV program or another too…’

Probably not long at all.

In the meantime, Grousebeater bumped into her in a chip shop and gave her a dirty look…there’s a good joke in there somewhere.

link to

as to other bloggers -WGD and its strangely deluded Nicolites, are saying that the SNP and Nicola will rise like Phoenix(s) from the ashes of last Thursday, renewed and fit to fight on when the Holyrood election hoves into sight.

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