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Wings Over Scotland

All in the edit

Posted on August 16, 2014 by

An alert reader notes an interesting choice of cutoff point on Reporting Scotland:

(From Friday 15 August, 11m 53s.)

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Jim Thomson

[smacks forehead REALLY hard]

What a bunch of …

Totally lost for printable words!


“In Scotland where it will be much harder to do business WHAT?” Casual BBC vote No propaganda in action.


I saw that too, I won’t write here what my reaction was, think you can all guess.

James S

Fracking has already proved poisonous to many households in the USA.

The technique of fracking was first used to extract oil from Iraq by Kuwait – under the border.

Oil pipes that bend through 90 degrees were around in 1990.


Good spot. It happens all the time, we see it weekly with Brian Taylor’s reports from FMQ’s where the unionist position is always given last in the news report whereas in reality, their questions come first.

Similarly this week saw the separate interviews with Messrs. Dalmond and Darling. The odd but very deliberate choice by BBC Scotland was that one interview was conducted by Bird, the other by Magnusson.

This is so that you could not notice a different tone between the programmes that you may have been able to had they been conducted by the same interviewer. Any ‘anomalies’ could be put down to the fact that each interview was conducted by a different person. It gives BBC Scotland and easy excuse.

This has been happening for the entire campaign, and frankly, both the SNP and Yes campaigns have not handled this issue well, especially considering Yes is headed by an ex-BBC chief.


Sorry, don’t know who that person Dalmond is, I meant to type Salmond. 🙂

Giving Goose

I wonder if there is an interested party out there who would like to examine whether an actual law has been breached or, indeed, whether a UN convention, or European ruling on Human Rights?

There is no longer a shadow of doubt that BBC Scotland is opening broadcasting propaganda.

My own view is that this is definitely morally illegal. It’s comparable to the Nazi state propaganda from Goebbels.

In the event of a Yes vote, if no one else takes it up, I will definitely consider the merits of asking and campaigning for, an investigation into this behaviour by the BBC in Scotland. Whoever is responsible is no better than William Joyce.


heedtracker says:
16 August, 2014 at 4:24 pm
“In Scotland where it will be much harder to do business WHAT?” Casual BBC vote No propaganda in action, but at a wild guess, did the FoE guy end with “in Scotland it will be much harder to do business for fracking companies that demand the absolute right to frack drill anywhere in Scotland, like what they can in England’s green and pleasant land, and clean aquifer drinking water for now at least”

Is it just a coincidence that one of BetterTogether’s grass roots donors, Ian Taylor, also owns big fracking companies waiting to start drilling anywhere he likes in the Scotland region?

I think grass roots millionaire Ian Taylor of Vitol oil trading gave Bliar Macdougall half a million quid too, which was lovely of him, plus about half a million quid to the Conservative party, also lovely of oor Ian. Just don’t mention Iraq and sanction busting, New York convictions that all went away with a large payment, not fine, of $20 million or so to the courts of New York City.

Big Al

A new edition to Pacific Quay’s output. BBC Fracking Scotland.


European Convention on Human Rights
Freedom of expression
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to … impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

Just saying like

Brian McHugh

Here is a related vid out today to counter the Australian PM’s outburst…

link to

Les Wilson

Full iplayer report of this has been snipped too!


Just flicked on the TV and saw Eilidh Child proudly holding a butcher’s apron above her head after winning a race, I’m sure that picture will be in all the paper’s tomorrow.

Mrs Grimble

@James S: “The technique of fracking was first used to extract oil from Iraq by Kuwait – under the border.”
Nope. That was done by plain old drilling, but sideways instead of down.
Fracking is short for ‘hydraulic fracturing’ and has been used in the US since the 1960s.


@ James123

link to

[…] « All in the edit […]


James S directional drilling and fracking are entirely different things. In one you drill a non-vertical well to a pre-determined target, in the other you pump fluids and chemicals into the formation under high pressure, causing the formation to fracture. I’m a directional driller, not a fracker.


According to fracking began in the USA in the 1940s. I see no reason to disbelieve that.


BBC Bias Peaceful Rally/Protest IV “The People’s Voice” Glasgow Green – 16 August at 18:00–20:00 (Followed by a March and Protest to the BBC Building)

link to


No doubt sleezy old beeb will be Reporting Scotland about this sleezy old git keen to get at the oil in Scotland’s soil, for cheap.

link to

A $1 million payment was made by the firm to notorious Serbian warlord Arkan in 1996, check

Vitol have also admitted making payments to Iraqi officials under Saddam Hussein, which circumvented the UN’s Oil-for-Food programme. check

Vitol admitted to Grand Larceny and paid $17.5m in restitution for its actions. check

Vitol paid senior staff using the controversial Employee Benefit Trust scheme (sound familiar?), allowing employees to avoid paying Income Tax and Vitol to avoid National Insurance contributions.check and so on, give the Cameron a cool hundred grand just for dinner at Downing Street, money talks bullshit walks, I’m a proud Scot but…

It’s all in the news that never gets Reporting Scotlandised by Pacific Quay propaganda machine. Wonder what Bliar McDougal did with the 500 grand Taylor gave him anyway.

Terrible editing, the point should be that it will be as easy or difficult to do business in Scotland as the people of Scotland want it to be. If the people of Scotland want fracking they can vote in a government that is in favour of it. If they are against it they can vote for one that is against it. Mind you, with London rule you might not get a choice.

Incidentally Dan Snow had a BritNat rally down in Cardiff today. About 7 UKOKs turned up.
link to

call me dave


She doesn’t have a choice about who she represents as Scotland is subsumed into the GB team. Pity about waving that flag though if it’s true.

With a yes vote Scotland will be there warts and all, I look forward to that.

When I say to sports folk how unfair it is that GB has had an unfair advantage for years masquerading as a single team with Wales, England, N Ireland and Scotland when the other countries stand on their own, they just look at me and don’t see the irony.

I don’t watch

Tommy Kane

Scotland does not need to frack, we have more than enough in the offshore fields. When that runs out then maybe fracking will be safe or proved to be a non starter. The only people who want to frack in Scotland are the grubby wee minded people who only see pound signs when their eyes open in the morning

Democracy Reborn


I wonder whether Dan’s 7 groupies were Welsh, Scots or English? Maybe they’re workers on his father-in-law’s 100,000 acre Highland estate.

CameronB Brodie

At least the BBC are consistent. Nice to know they are not simply trying to terrorise Scotland. 😉

What is fracking and why is it controversial?
27 June 2013 Last updated at 10:11 GMT

“Shale gas is not the solution to the UK’s energy challenges,” said Friends of the Earth energy campaigner Tony Bosworth. “We need a 21st century energy revolution based on efficiency and renewables, not more fossil fuels that will add to climate change.”

Green MP: ‘Government has something to hide’ over fracking

11 August 2014 Last updated at 10:07 BST

“The only conclusion you can draw from looking at this report is that the government has something to hide and I think we need to know what it is,” she added.

Key parts of an official analysis, examining how the controversial technique might affect rural areas, including the effect on house prices, were redacted before publication.

link to

Fracking threatens tremors in general election
By Emma Bishop
14 August 2014 Last updated at 17:00

“Every time ministers open their mouths to claim that fracking must start everywhere around Britain, and not just in carefully selected and remote areas, they lose thousands of Tory votes.”

These words, from George Osborne’s father-in-law Lord Howell in May this year, go some way to explaining why fracking – the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock – is already one of the issues to watch out for in the run-up to next year’s general election.

link to


@ Welsh not British, also check how tiny the Scotland is on Dan’s T shirt, Dan’s in great shape isn’t he. Bet Bliar MacDougal hates him. Maybe we should crowd fund Dan’s T shirt and donate it to Bliar for the big day.

David Whannel

Was recently reading ‘Strange Bedfellows’ about green activists in Scotland, reminded me of better together paying activists from afar to ruin areas they know nothing about due to who they’re funding by, remain alert and enjoy link to


It will get worse! As long as No are in danger of losing, the tactics will become more and more desperate and blatant. I suspect they will stope to unimaginable depths right up to the wire. And, there is nothing we can do about it. We cannot stop them. The whole Yes campaign just have to take it on the chin.

Highlighting it will inevitably cause DKs and soft-Nos to go Yes in disgust. This whole Fear and Smear approach will, to some extent, backfire.

The sure way to win the referendum is face to face in the real world.

CameronB Brodie

Oops. What is fracking link.

link to

Brian McHugh

cynicalHighlander, where’s the demo on Glasgow Green? I live on the green, but the Bagpipe Championships are on just now.


Panelbase poll – 48 yes 52 no

ICM poll also out tomorrow in klan alba on sunday

James kelly will be busy

Archie [not Erchie]

@ James123 – What did u expect her to hold above her head? Is she suddenly a disconnected Scot? Geeza break eh? 🙂


@Brian McHugh map here.

link to

creag an tuirc

In Scotland where it will be much harder to do business … deals, that will destroy our countryside and water supplies

Rev, have you contacted him for the full quote?

Brian McHugh

Cheers CH… be there in 10.

CameronB Brodie

Over the years, how much evidence of BBC malfeasance has been swept off the cutting-room floor or dropped into the desktop wastebasket?.


@Archie [not Erchie]
What did u expect her to hold above her head?

Nothing, she’s not forced to hold any flag above her head, its not mandatory.


To be fair to Eilidh, James123, there’s really not much else that she could do.

I can just imagine the furor if she whipped out a Saltire and held it above her head whilst representing Team GB.

If we vote yes next month, then expect the Scottish athletes to proundly hold a Saltire above their heads.


Sorry to arrive late (and also making dinner at the mo) but what was cut? I clicked on the video but it was cut in the same place. Link to the whole interview, pls.

fred blogger
Brian Mchugh

CynicalHighlander… this is extremely confusing. The live stream has vanished and i’m not sure anyone is at Glasgow green? The Facebook page has this…

BBC Bias Peaceful Protest; Glasgow Green – 16 August at 18:00–20:00 (Followed by a March and Protest to the BBC Building)

…This suggests that it starts at Glasgow Green at 6pm, followed by march? Elsewhere 10:00am is mentioned?

Think I’ll give it a miss.


There was an official team gb propaganda officer ready to hand out the flags. I recall Liz Lynch/McColgan wrapping herself in a Saltire after winning a medal and being reviled by the better together-best of both worlds-we love you Scotland, media.

Also possible that Scottish flags are forbidden under the rules. We are untermench remember.


They anxiously scramble to hide truth, which becomes more difficult as time passes by.

In their effort to insult, they inform.

Truth is the will of this country, and those who oppose it will be left behind.



We don’t know what was cut. He says “in Scotland where it will be much harder to do business…” in such a way that it is obvious there is a dot dot dot; he said more but the interview is cut to avoid revealing what that was.

creag an tuirc’s suggestion at 5.49 seems reasonable, given the general tenor of the interview. As is, it has been made to sound as if he is saying that it will be more difficult, full stop.


@Brian Mchugh

Sorry about that I am only a messenger but thanks for making the effort.


@Brian McHugh

Seems to have just started.


Its live now Brian.

Brian Mchugh

Yeah… just got it there cheers.

Be there in 5.


Dear BBC,

I have recently watched one of your news items concerning Fracking. Unfortunately there did seem to be a rather abrupt cut off point which changed my full perception of the piece.

I have no experience in the world of broadcasting but I am certain that even I could have made a far superior job to the full point of the interview concerned than the imbecile who edited the piece concerned.


WoS Village Idiot

Down here we’re under threat not just from fracking but also from UCG. Underground coal-gasification is a process where whole coal seams are set on fire and the gas is extracted from the smouldering seams.

Now I don’t know about you but setting fire to coal seams sounds like a bloody stupid idea to me. Coincidentally the areas being touted for this just so happen to be owned by The Crown Estates.

Vote YES and ensure that Scotland is frack free forever. If we (or you) are stupid enough to remain ruled by London then quite frankly we deserve all we get.

Socrates MacSporran

Eilidh Child is Scottish. However, as one of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ireland’s elite athletes, her subsitence payments come from centralised UK sources.

She lives and trains in Bath. It would be hypocritic of her to win for GB&NI then wrap herself in the Saltire.

To my mind, and this was demonstrated more than once during the Commonwealth Games, many English athletes and (more-importantly) sports administrators have great difficulty differentiating between GB&NI and England.

At best, they don’t think about it, at worst, they don’t care. At least, we Scots are aware of the difference between UK&NI and the four individual nations.

In this case, Eilidh was representing the whole of GB&NI, so I am not losing sleep about her wrapping herself in that flag – I am just so-happy that, she finally won a major title.

As someone who has spent some 40-years in sport, I can tell you, to be accepted by the English as an equal, a Scot has to be consistently better than the best of the English; Eilidh has managed this.

Lynsey Sharp, who, considering the travails she has had to overcome this season, has had a fantastic year, is still not being totally accepted as the UK’s best in her discipline.

In the build-up to the 800-metres final, there was more about Judd, the English-born UK runner, than about Sharp, who is the proven championship-class athlete.

I repeat, they may not know they do it, but, the English repeatedly under-rate the Scots.

Let’s just use this to our advantage and give them cause for regret on 19 September, when they waken up to discover – we are going.

David Anderson

I stopped watching/listening to the BBC due to their obvious bias, this week i have been travelling a lot and went back to radio Scotland and it is the same old same old. Just as well there is wings etc and US!! O/T Just done a wee count of facebook friends and there are 63 confirmed YES, 41 don’t knows (as in I don’t know if they are yes or no, though I suspect a good few of them are YES) and only 3 confirmed NO’s. Now that is just as good as any poll i have seen, there is a cross section of society in there. So basically it’s looking good from my perspective!

G H Graham

There are only three actions you can do as an individual to change the way our state broadcaster operates.

Protest outside their offices; waste of time because no remedy is ever applied never mind considered.

Cancel payment of the TV license fee as I have had; a small but personal gesture. And only marginally effective if say 1/3rd or more of all fee payers just stopped paying immediately.

Vote YES & lobby the new, independent Scottish government for a national broadcasting framework & regulator that is accountable to us, easy to access & delivers the type of service we deserve.

The current framework is steered by committees of titled elitists managing a power base that is entirely in London, designed to serve the needs of the British Establishment.

Thus, Scottish independence is seen as a democratic threat by Westminster, by the British Establishment & naturally then by the BBC.

Neither the BBC or those who oversee its structure & operation are remotely interested in changing it because it serves the British Establishment very well indeed.

The only real alternative is to achieve sovereign independence so that we can construct a new, democratic model of fair news reporting & program making, that reflects the type of society we are and just as important, the one we aspire to be.

If you still want to sit in front of the telly watching the debilitating misery of Eastenders, get a subsciption.


Interestingly, the Guardian Guide today describes tonight’s Andrew Marr programme on James Boswell as having a ‘barely disguised unionist subtext’. If the Guardian notices this it is blatant indeed.


Reminder 11am on Sunday the Ally Bally Scotland talks phone in will have A Darling and A Salmond in answering your questions for an hour each.

link to


Socrates MacSporran says:
” …. have great difficulty differentiating between GB&NI and England. At best, they don’t think about it, at worst, they don’t care. ”

Not only in sport but in many many other areas. We Scots have had to but up with this ignorance, arrogance and disrespect in all sorts of situations. A lot of what we see in referendum reporting suffers in this way. However, on top of that we are being given confusing identity messages for malicious propaganda reasons. And, it’s never easy to tell when it’s time honoured stupidity and when there’s a darker intent!

A Yes on the 18th will sort all this permanently!


Given the years of constant increased lies and fear from the unionists and their media, it might be an idea for the Yes camp to deliver a knock out blow about a week before the vote.

Nana Smith

media allows another rant against the truth.

link to

Flower of Scotland

Watched the BBBC Demo at Glasgow Green , well done all! Lots of Wingers talking on line! Wish I had been there. Was able to go last one. YES!

Jim Thomson


Just been reminded that Wings has a Facebook page. Wouldn’t it be nice if the number of likes followed the trend of WBB donations … upwards 🙂

Thanks to Yes Shetland FB page for the reminder 😉

Tam Jardine

I am proud of the Scottish Government’s stance and appalled again by the BBC. I can sit and fume about it to no end – has anyone heard Dr Dixon’s response to being misrepresented in this way?

I would expect someone who is applauding the Scottish Government’s position on fracking to be livid that the edit makes it look like Scotland is closed for business.

Can any Wingers also in Friends of the Earth make contact?

CameronB Brodie

Not on my usual playlist 🙂 but perfectly timed. Thank you.


Yes…that’s it Thepnr…”We’re gonna do it anyway…because there’s somethin inside so strong…”


Welsh not British (@welshnotbritish)

Wings really appreciate your input and updates from the good people of Wales.

I find that video from the Welsh people showing their support for an Independent Scotland very uplifting.

link to


O/T – Kevin Pringle’s has just re-tweeted this from Kenny Farquharson of the Scotsman on Sunday link to which is usually a sign of good yes poll. This is from ICM which would be on top of the panelbase numbers Mike Smithson tweeted earlier

Also Blair McDougall is tweeting some odd stuff lining to the only poll showing Yes in the lead. Looks like he is trying to prep the ground for some very pro Yes polls

I think we might be in for some interesting polls tonight and there’s me wanting to get to bed early!

John O

watch both to find out how dangerous fracking is.

link to

link to

fred blogger

Nana Smith
they really are afraid of the nhs privatization truth, and also the retrospective cuts to the barnett formula, because of cuts caused by privatization in england, aren’t they!
vote no! and nhs scotland is done for.
the health and social care act, ensures the privatization of the nhs in england and therefore any other devolved nhs’s, it’s what it is for. link to



I also heard that today when we were handing out Yes leaflets today. An SNP insider mentioned that we were to watch out for a couple of good polls coming out tonight.

Jim Thomson

More subliminal crap from BBC. Lottery show has a boy band called “Union Jay” coming on shortly. They’ve been mentioned several times in the last few minutes [groan]


O/T but I’m curious. Does anyone know when the likes of Kevin Pringle and Blair McDougall see the results/figures of these polls?
As we’ve probably all noticed, if a poll is good for Yes/No – usually either someone like Pringle or McDougall will retweet early on.

I take it they see them this afternoon? But are forbidden to announce the scores until it’s in the paper?

Also, noticed that a ranger of pro-Yes Tweets tc were re-tweeting Mike Smithson’s tweet of Yes 48 No 52, but his original Tweet has been deleted.

A curious few hours ahead.

Democracy Reborn


Apologies if this has been recommended before by anyone, & I know we’ve all been blown away this week by The Wee Blue Book. But there is also an excellent e-book available by Adam Ramsay, “42 Reasons to Support Scottish Independence”. You can get it on £1.99 as a PDF download through PayPal, or on Kindle.

G H Graham

If protesting against the BBC’s bias makes you feel good, keep doing it but if you expect it have any consequential effect, you will remain disappointed.

You are up against a £5 billion organisation that is managed by the British Establishment to serve the British Establishment.

It has no desire to change because it is satisfied with itself.

On the very rare occasion when some of its employees were questioned by a committee in Holyrood earlier this year, they sneered at the committee, clearly affronted by the very idea of being questioned.

The only way to change your own relationship with the BBC is to extract yourself from it.

And the only current way forward to achieve that is to vote for independence.


The poll is already having an effect, the people at have had a change of heart.

John Young

Made me laugh

Iain Macwhirter ?@iainmacwhirter Aug 13
There’s no secret about Clair. Cameron coy. But Shetland oil industry is booming again. Should see the place.

Derek Bateman ?@DerekBateman2 5m

Don’t be silly. It will all disappear again on Monday. Might start again Tuesday.
Very volatile.


i was apoplectic with rage when I saw this on Friday and had to run it back to see it again to make sure it was right! This is just not acceptable editing by BBC. The tone of his voice tell you he was in mid sentence. I am still angry at this !

Dorothy Devine

The Guardian giving a little balance to the NHS England
privatisation by Daniel Boffey.

“The development comes as Clive Stone, a campaigner for an end to the rationing of cancer treatments, who David Cameron said had inspired him to pledge a special cancer fund, warned in a column for his local newspaper that “sadly, we are now closer to privatisation” following the coalition’s reforms.”

ben madigan

here you are Scotsmen and women – The answer to all your worries as to why YES is not running up the polls!

Darling won the debate because he treated you as if you had a mental age of 10. Isn’t that nice to know?link to

Maybe Salmond treats the Scottish voters as adults? Maybe that’s why YES will win?


The excitements building waiting on this ICM poll result.

C’mon Marcia, make it a good one.

Have we all to start singing “Auld Land Syne” after midnight.



I’ve juts been looking through some news clippings and was reading a piece printed in the ‘Independent’ in January.

It refers to the possibility of new legislation in England that will see elderly people denied new drug treatments (including cancer treatments) by the NHS if they are deemed ‘not a benefit to society’

You can read the story here:

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

John Young at 9.19

I always agree it is very volatile. Sometimes it is worth a lot of money and other times it is worth a helluva lot more!


Lots of Yes Flags and YES posters at Celtic Park today. The “celtic” community is walking towards us an an increasing pace. My feeling is we are on the verge of sweeping lots of areas of Glasgow and if the display of YES flags and posters in the windows in many places is anything to go by we have already done so.
West Central Scotland is critical. If we win it we win.

This will more than balance out the effect of the “proud Scot buts” who make me sick


Sorry to remain off topic.

This is extremely worrying.

Although this report is speculative at present, it’s well worth a read:

UK ‘is first country to face UN inquiry into disability rights violations’

link to

Robert Peffers

@Giving Goose says: 16 August, 2014 at 4:35 pm

“I wonder if there is an interested party out there who would like to examine whether an actual law has been breached or, indeed, whether a UN convention, or European ruling on Human Rights?

Couldn’t agree more, Giving Goose. A long time ago, and on a different topic altogether, I came across an on-line article about state propaganda. The point I was reading had nothing to do with that so I skipped past it with only half my attention and got on with what I was researching.

Since then, of course, we have reached the question of Scottish independence. It sticks in my memory the organization that dealt with state broadcasters and propaganda was, “The Council Of Europe”, and the article a skipped over had them locking horns with the EU on the matter. However I have looked for it several times since then and can find nothing. Not only that but I’m almost certain the article said that the Council of Europe, if requested, would send in people to oversee elections.

Calgacus MacAndrews

O/T – If you are in Scotland please don’t watch this excerpt from Episode one of ‘Outlander’ :

Better Together have told their chums at BBC/ITV etc. not to show the series in the UK until after the IndyRef.

It is Scotland’s ‘Game of Thrones’. A second series has now been commissioned. But Dave says don’t tell anybody. He says don’t mention Oil Boom #2 either.

Calgacus MacAndrews
Another Union Dividend

Good to see Hearts and Hibs YES supporters hosting a joint YES stall tomorrow before the Edinburgh Derby.

Irrespective of the result in September,the north British Unionist parties will regret their venomous running down of Scotland tactics as thousands of non aligned members of the public have been politicised and will given them a bloody nose in 2015.


Scotsman website:

ALEX Salmond and his Cab­inet will invoke the 1320 Declar­ation of Arbroath tom­orrow when they head to the east coast town to make their own “Declaration of Oppor­tunity”.

link to


Dave McEwan Hill

While I was leafleting in the Paisley area today, a crowd of Celtic fans took a load of our YES posters and stickers onto their supporters bus heading for Parkhead.

call me dave

A wee scrap of new info about the new poll on Scot goes Pop.


“John Swinney’s former chief of staff vows to vote No to independence after claiming SNP have lost economic argument. STUART Borrowman, now a West Lothian Councillor, said his old party failed to put together a convincing case – made even worse by confusion over our future currency. He also claimed some SNP members of his local authority are ready to reject the party’s core aim.

This is case of sour grapes, Borrowman was first a labour Councillor. He deserted the party and transferred his allegiance to the SNP. Later he was forced to leave the SNP under a wee bit of a cloud, (over 10 year’s ago). He now stands as an independent Councillor having tried and rejected, on a number of occasions to rejoin the local Labour Party.

In his statement Borrowman concedes; “Judging by Yes and No posters and stickers, my own council ward will probably vote 60-40 for Yes.


21 JUL 2014

Britain’s anti-fraud agency has launched a criminal investigation into alleged rigging of the $5.3 trillion (3.1 trillion pounds)-a-day currency market.

“The director of the Serious Fraud Office has today opened a criminal investigation into allegations of fraudulent conduct in the foreign exchange market,” the agency said in a statement.

It is alleged that traders used online chatrooms to collude in the fixing of benchmark prices.

Scrutiny is focused on activity around London’s 4 p.m. currency fix, a 60-second window where key exchange rates are set. These prices are used as reference rates for trillions of dollars of investment and trade globally.

link to

Jim Thomson

@Robert Peffers 9:41pm

Anything in here?

link to


External debt, top ten worst performing countries worldwide – 2012/2013, (all $US) Note: (UK debt increased by a further 300 billion $US to 2014.)

USA 15930,000,000,000
UK 10090,000,000,000
Germany 5719,000,000,000
France 5165,000,000,000
Japan 3024,000,000,000
Italy 2487,000,000,000
Spain 2311,000,000,000
Switzerland 1563,000,000,000
Australia 1497,000,000,000

The UK ranks second only to the USA in terms of national debt. It is time to re-establish Scotland as an independent country. The constant harping by Westminster, ever stating Scotland will not be allowed to share Sterling has to be seen in the context of the list. In recognition of it’s great wealth, (coupled with a well balanced, income, expenditure and efficiently managed account) Scotland would be very well placed, as a trading nation if Westminster retained it’s crazy stance re. Scotland doesn’t need Sterling but Sterling will be sunk without the support of Scotland. Scotland should re-establish it’s own currency and go it alone.


So Glasgow It Is Up To You

A leading Tory politician, asked why Alistair Darling had been selected to lead the, “Bitter Together” campaign said, “with Alistair on-board we are sure to win. The follow up was revealing, “Which ever side gathers the Glasgow vote will win the referendum and in that city they could stick a red rosette on a donkey and they would vote for it”.

I think otherwise. Glasgow has changed. It’s citizens are not to be messed with anymore. Vote, “Yes” in the referendum.


Westminster Isn’t Working

A look back, with sadness to a period in the dying days of a corrupt political system called Westminster. You know it doesn’t work in the interest’s of Scotland. Vote, “Yes” in the referendum so that Scotland can once again be a nation that decides it’s priorities in support of the wishes of the electorate and not a bunch of money grabbing politicians and their masters.

link to 13 Year’s of Labour
link to Darling trashes Brown


It’s obvious The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, but this is even more shocking than the usual fare.



You will have to wait until well after 11 before the front page will appear.

fred blogger

grant shapps took the p out of raquel rolnik
link to
the un are also preparing a report on uk welfare “reforms”.


Dave McEwan Hill

I am still puzzled by the lack of No posters/stickers in windows. I have had Hubby’s relatives up from London for 2 weeks and they have been touring the area especially in Perthshire, Fife and Angus. His brother who is rather Tory in nature made his first real comment about the referendum tonight as he felt he should not comment on it as he doesn’t live in Scotland. He said that the No Campaign was ‘very lacklustre’ but the Yes campaign ‘seemed to have enthusiasm’. He now blames me for him looking at windows to see if No and Yes posters are displayed.


“Which ever side gathers the Glasgow vote will win the referendum and in that city they could stick a red rosette on a donkey and they would vote for it”.

Darling, less convincing than a donkey.


Front page of SoS being tweeted by lots of folk. ICM poll showing Yes increase, by the look of it.


@Calgacus MacAndrews

Don’t watch! Might be something to do with the Scottish good guys versus the English baddies.

link to


Minty – they are very coy by putting the figures on pages 4 to 5 so the numbers are not shown on the front page.


Got to love the front page headline of the Sunday Telegraph “Our generational struggle against a poisonous ideology”, apparently written by David Cameron. Now if only he was writing it about OUR fight for independence as the headline suits it so well. Alas no it is about the Middle East.


Psy Ops at work R4 ‘voters voice’, Naghty chairing



Trouble is with that tactic, how many people remember that he is ‘red’.

I think a lot of people struggle to not think of him as a tory.

Robert Peffers

@G H Graham says:16 August, 2014 at 9:02 pm:

“If protesting against the BBC’s bias makes you feel good, keep doing it but if you expect it have any consequential effect, you will remain disappointed.

I think there very well may be a point to keep going with anti-Bias protests but in a retrospective manner. If, heaven forfend, we lose this vote, especially if a fiddle is suspected. There have been international bodies involved in post election interventions in the past. Evidence that people were protesting about a state broadcaster being biased might well be needed to instigate such interventions.

fred blogger

the behavioral insights team, aka the nudge unit, yes it’s real folks. link to

bookie from hell

sky news going to talk about SOS poll I any minute

bookie from hell

sky press review preferred fat dogs than SOS poll


Abbott Aussie PM, commenting on the referendum Said;

“I think that the people who would like to see the break-up of the United Kingdom are not the friends of justice, not the friends of freedom, and that the countries that would cheer at the prospect of the break-up with the United Kingdom are not the countries whose company one would like to keep.”

Abbott Elected – Australia Lurches to the Right – Racism Surfaces Once More – UN Unhappy with Abbott’s government:

Australia had barely absorbed the shock of the recent election when Abbott’s government announced it was suspending all visa processing of Afghan and Sri Lankan asylum seekers. The move fitted with a pre-election canvas of the Australian public in which revealed that 36% of respondents said some groups did not fit within Australian society, with Muslim, Middle Eastern and Asian people cited most commonly. It is hard to reconcile the new PM’s aspirational statement with these alarming public attitudes or with Australian government policies and practices that actively treat people less favourably because of their race or nationality.

Noteworthy is that the recently announced policy change is directed only at people of two particular nationalities, who as a result were, and continue to be, locked away in prison-like conditions for at least three to six months, even though they have committed no crime. The UN racism panel found this practice of suspending processing claims, without even a legislative basis, of particular concern.

The UN racism panel also stood by while the Australian government suspended the right of people in Aboriginal communities to be free from racial discrimination, so that the government could send troops into Aboriginal communities without their consent, reclaim land and implement paternalistic policies such as welfare quarantining.

The UN’s expert racism panel further stated that the Northern Territory intervention policy continues to discriminate on the basis of race and restricts Aboriginal people’s rights to land, property, social security, adequate standards of living, cultural development, work and legal remedies.

link to…m-policy/843272
link to…d-racism/844572


YES to Truth
YES to Freedom
YES to Prosperity

Our purpose is honourable and true, yet they seek to oppose it.

Pity them.

Calgacus MacAndrews

@galamcennalath says:
@Calgacus MacAndrews
Don’t watch! Might be something to do with the Scottish good guys versus the English baddies.
link to

Dammit. 60 people have watched in in the last hour or so.
I hope none of them are from Scotland. 🙂



Nothing is going to change the MSM. It is a dead duck.

What will win this is what is happening on the ground.

The Yes stall in Aberdeen today was the busiest ever. Huge numbers of people wanting debate, information, badges and window stickers. Big squad out and Chris Law with the Spirit of Independence there on the Independence convoy.

link to

link to

We handed out over a hundred wee A5 flyers with the QR code for the WBB. Lots of people wanting the hardcopies as soon as we get them.

We’ve just about sorted out getting one delivery for the WBB for the whole of Aberdeen/Shire to minimise costs.

Braw day folks, it IS happening.

Back into Aberdeen with the YesMobile tomorrow and there for the day again. Rumours of surprise ‘celebrity’ visits 😉 Any Wingers around drop by and say hello.

@Ronnie, Caz, Rab et al, great job at the beeb protest, was enjoying the Livestream then some visitors arrived so had to watch later. Great work and Flower of Scotland Del, big thanks as always. Saw you twirlin’ that hairy string menaciningly by the side of the stage Ronnie, hope you don’t get in trouble for that 😉

Marco McGinty

Got to love the front page headline of the Sunday Telegraph “Our generational struggle against a poisonous ideology”, apparently written by David Cameron.

One might have considered it a piece on the atrocities committed by the Israeli government in recent weeks, but seeing as it’s written by Cameron, then it will surely be an anti-Islam piece, and no mention will be given to the war crimes carried out by his friends.


Mad English politician and pretend Scotsman Ali Darling rants about how cynical the SNP are for trying to get Labour voters to vote Yes.

Is it any more cynical than labour trying to get SNP, Conservative, libdem, Green, SSP or UKIP voters to vote Labour? Is the man a total fruitcake and if so when will he be sectioned?


Oh, and BTW thanks to Calgacus for the poster with the QR code handed out lots to ‘younger’ people 😀

Robert Peffers

@boris says: 16 August, 2014 at 9:57 pm:

“made even worse by confusion over our future currency.”

Anyone still of the belief that there is the slightest doubt about which currency an independent Scotland will use is deaf, blind and has no hands to read Braille. Alternatively they are as thick as smelly stuff in a narrow orifice glass vessel.

Not only that but, as the SG’s declared preference is for doing so within a currency union, and doubt on that score comes from the the Westminster parties who are the only ones who can decide a plan B.

We must thus conclude the bold councillor is the latter.

Haggis Hunter

Scotland doesn’t need fracking, and the played down news about the biggest oil find yet shows that


Think that SKY realised their mistake after they showed the front page of Scotland on Sunday bookie. Still there is always the 11:30 papers review for them to redraw the balance. 😉

Damn it Calcagus, I didn’t see the warning NOT to watch it and I went ahead and did NOT watch it. 😛

Think you will be 100% right there Marco. Cameron will NEVER draw attention to anything bad about his friends *ahem* activities.


Sunday Herald front page;

link to

Robert Peffers

@Jim Thomson says: 16 August, 2014 at 10:02 pm:

“Anything in here?

link to

Hi Jim, it certainly looks very like the article I read. Mind you I’m talking double figures of years so the memory may be at fault. I don’t forget much, (except where the hell I laid my bunch of keys down after getting home from an outing).:-))

I’ve noted that cite and thank you for it. In the original it gave all the information – except who could contact them and how to contact them. It may be it is only the government or political party concerned. So thank you again, Jim.


Sorry if folks have seen this before but it really is comedy gold. 😛

link to

Perhaps we could run a wee competition to find the most favourite silliest reason for voting NO! 😀


@GH Graham. Why do people like you object or at the very least deride the lawful protest assemblies outside the BBC at Pacific Quay?

People coming together, in a crowd, against this State Institution of Propaganda and lies, demonstrates, literally, to other like minded individuals that they are not alone.

I have demonstrated from the beginning; continue to canvass; and convince individuals of the case for independence.

Whether the BBC and its hierarchy care, is irrelevant.
The Scottish people have learned from the participation in democratic action, the ability to find their collective voice.

In these various ways they have been motivated and mobilised. For example: these BBC demonstrations; the two major marches and demonstrations in Edinburgh; attendance at public meetings; RIC canvassing; talking to friends and workmates etc. and now the understanding has grown that we can win and vote out of existence the undemocratic state we are enslaved by.

By participating in these range of activities, politicisation has occurred amongst a previously disconnected population. The culmination of all these activities and political action will bring about the desired objective: sufficient motivated people getting out and voting YES on Sept. 18th.

Marco McGinty

Considering the electorate and the BT liars have been told repeatedly that we’ll be using the pound, no matter what they say, “Because we don’t know what currency we’ll be using”, has to rank amongst the most imbecilic, idiotic and dim-witted reason I will ever hear.

Incidentally, for any gamblers out there that have placed bets on a Yes win, have any of you worried about which currency you’ll get paid out in?

Didn’t think so. It’ll be the pound!


I’m glad AS today mentioned the UK government briefing the world against Scotland. If and when we get independence we will have to spend a lot of time building relationships which our “partners” have spent our money on sabotaging in their favour. The only plus is that the UK is so disliked in large areas of the world that perhaps we will attract the international sympathy of large parts of it that they have history of intervention and interference.


Hmm whys it no letting me post a youtube link


BBC paper review, no mention of SoS poll. I wonder why.


“Women care about real issues not flags”, that is brilliant.

Training Day

Sky news metropolitan bubble booboisie say Yes vote is in trouble – everything ‘they hear from Scotchland’ says so – despite Panelbase and ICM polls saying opposite.

And one of the booboisie tells us ‘we can’t come back’ after a Yes vote.

bookie from hell

sky paper reviewer

YES camp in trouble

NO thx a brilliant campaign



Looks like I might have happened upon a secret mole when I posted here @ 12.44 today that 2 good polls were due, according to a chap I met when leafleting in Johnstone. I now have a useful phone number!!

Michael McCabe

silliest reason for Voting No is I cant spell Yes. X MARKS THE SPOT THOUGH. Vote Aye.


Haggis Hunter says:
16 August, 2014 at 11:08 pm
Scotland doesn’t need fracking, and the played down news about the biggest oil find yet shows that

Maybe but how about this, Scottish fracking is owned by the Scottish people and all profit goes to the planned Scots oil fund Norway style.

This kind of Scandinavian socio economics in Scotland is what really freaks out the owners of teamGB for obvious reasons.

Its not a pipe dream and its up to us, the electorate. Labour in Scotland won’t do it because they didn’t do it 40 odd years ago and they didn’t do it when they got back in 97.

Its up to us now, not our London masters.

Grouse Beater

Some bedtime reading on the media and the press:
The Architecture of Violence – grousebeater.wordpress

Robert Peffers

@Marco McGinty says: 16 August, 2014 at 11:33 pm:

“Because we don’t know what currency we’ll be using”, has to rank amongst the most imbecilic, idiotic and dim-witted reason I will ever hear.

Well no, Marco, it certainly isNOT the most imbecilic, idiotic and dim-witted reason you will ever hear. Its corollary is far more imbecilic, idiotic and dim-witted. There is no doubt whatsoever that the Scots cannot be prevented from use of Sterling on several different grounds but the clever bit is the usual Salmond genius bit, “and we would prefer a currency union”.

Not, mark you, that, “we will have a currency union”, just that we would prefer it to be in a currency union. Now look at the simple logic of those few words – at a stroke Salmond has remove the choice of whether it will be a currency union from Holyrood and punted it right into the centre of the Westminster court. It is no longer Scotland that can make the choice but only Westminster that can choose. There is no other plan for Scotland but there is for Westminster and it leaves them, and everyone else, with the little niggling doubt that what Salmond really wants is for Westminster NOT to want a Currency Union and thus give Scotland the legal right to say, “If we cannot share the assets, including the BofE, then we have no legal or moral rights to share the UK’s debts.

Now you tell me – what is it that Salmond really wants? I’m bu**erd if I know.
Remember the other question on the referendum paper that Westminster shot down and claimed they had won the argument? I’d call that one a rather Pyrrhic victory for them, wouldn’t you?.


Why did the Sky paper preview not go inside the SoS and tell us the ICM Poll result?


The Sky review was hilarious, gosh aren’t they in for a surprise on the 19th…? Can not wait!


TD and bookie what on earth was that Muppet on? and don’t say the sofa! 😛

That guy must have beamed in from the alternate universe. YES are in trouble. REALLY! I take it none of his *ahem* informants have been ANYWHERE near where any of the hundreds and thousands of YES stalls are then. 😀

I loved how he talked about the idea that a YES vote was for all time as if it was a BAD idea. What part of YES means no more having to deal with Westminster does this imbecile NOT understand? 😛


Doesn’t look as though SOS have released that info, in fact it looks like they’ve deliberately kept it off the front page

call me dave

Lets draw straws to see who has to go to the petrol station and buy a Scotland on Sunday.


call me dave,
That was a June poll.

Training Day

‘If there had been a significant change the numbers would have been on the front page’ said the metropolitan booboisie on Sky, thus demonstrating exactly what is wrong in the MSM bubble.

It seems he actually expected a newspaper – far less a ‘Scottish’ newspaper – to report the truth.

Touching in a way.


about the SoS ICM poll:

‘An exclusive opinion poll for Scotland on Sunday, published just one month before the crucial vote, reveals that support for independence still lags behind the No vote, but has risen by 4 percentage points since last month to 38 per cent.

Over the same period, support for a No vote has risen two percentage points to 47 per cent, as the percentage of undecided voters fell 7 percentage points to 14 per cent.

When undecided voters were stripped out of the equation, the ICM poll found that support for No stood at 55 per cent, a decrease of two percentage points on last month, while support for Yes stood at 45 per cent, an increase of two percentage points.’


@call me Dave
That’s the poll from June, we’ll have to wait a bit longer for details it seems

OT Sir Tom Devine has come out for yes in an interview with the observer


Aha CmD, cought you out. That poll is from June (I only know cause twitter told me 😉 )


Thanks Marcia that seems quite a significant change


On the currency issue, I suggest that anyone with savings write to their bank as follows:

‘The Scottish government says that in the event of independence, Scotland will continue to use the pound.

Do you believe this claim?

If you don’t believe this claim, what would your advice be regarding my savings with you which are of course in sterling?’

If the bank gives you false advise, it will be liable to a future claim for compensation.

call me dave

Aye right!

Doh! Sorry folks still not back to normal yet.

Grouse Beater

Women care about real issues not flags”

I don’t know about that. My wife thinks adherents of the No campaing contemptible, and she collects old tattered Stars ‘n Stripes, the fewer stars on ’em the better.


Indigo – I never thought the old Labour man would vote Yes – wonders never cease.

from the Panelbase poll a snippet that appeared on Political Betting re the NHS;

Does the prospect of an increased role of the private sector in the NHS in England having an adverse effect on the Scottish budget which funds NHS Scotland make you likely or unlikely to vote for an independent Scotland in the referendum?

Very likely to vote for an independent Scotland: 37%
Quite likely to vote for an independent Scotland: 9%

Quite unlikely to vote for an independent Scotland: 9%
Very unlikely to vote for an independent Scotland: 26%

Don’t know: 18%

Excluding ‘don’t know’ would give these figures:
Likely to vote Yes: 57%
Unlikely to vote Yes: 43%

Compared to the headline figures, the NHS argument generates a 9% swing in favour of Yes.


Hehe, you’re usually eagle-eyed dave.

O/T No excuses ;}

We all know that getting the women’s vote is critical, right?

How about a little contribution to Women for Yes to help with great work they are doing to win that vote, or are we all contributed out?

link to


Outlander filmed at Doune Castle last year


The interview with Tom Devine – now voting Yes.

link to


Scotland on Sunday poll 17 August, 2014:

“When further analysis was conducted on the 14 per cent who were still undecided, the pollsters found these “don’t knows” were more likely to vote No by a ratio of 2:1.”

Don’t believe this poll, it is more lies.

Nana Smith

Compare and contrast. Danny boy strikes again!

link to

link to

James S


Thanks for the correction. The angled drilling / directional drilling is the part I was referring to. The mysterious cocktail of chemicals to fracture is another thing entirely and I would never wash in them.

The directional drilling might have caused the first Iraq war. Difficult to tell now as the UN redrew the borders.

On the subject of cutting things short – how about the horsemeat fiasco:

Changing the goalposts after the fact seems a regular tactic:

At present the project seems to exist in two parallel universes. One is inhabited by Duncan Smith and the few well-primed DWP and Jobcentre Plus staff involved with the pilots. This is a world where problems do not seem to exist, targets can be missed and new ones set as if the delays had been planned all along, and where criticism is answered with more utopian promises about what wonders, one day, will come to pass.

Asked why people should still have faith when his plans are so behind target, Duncan Smith dodges and says he wants to go slow now for good reason. “We have done this because people’s lives matter and we want to make sure that the UC system works as we move forward.”

UC, he says, “is on track to roll out safely and securely against the plan I set out last year”. Ultimately it will, he says, “make up to three million households better off by £177 a month on average and lift 300,000 children out of poverty”.

The second universe is the one outside that bubble, where fears are growing that UC is developing into a catastrophe that will dwarf previous IT disasters. Even inside government there are profound doubts. After £40m was written off on IT systems that are no longer fit for purpose, it recently emerged that the body responsible for grading its implementation, the Major Projects Authority, had “reset” UC as an entirely new project, meaning that it was classed as having been sent back to the drawing board. It had failed all its tests, so it was starting again.

The Treasury, which refused recently to sign off on a new business plan for UC, is now said to be “drip-feeding” money to it, keeping it alive rather than committing to the huge funds it needs upfront. In April the all-party work and pensions select committee issued a report so scathing it read like a hatchet job. It complained that the original IT system for UC was already defunct and suggested that bad money was being thrown after good in the desperate chase to make new systems work. “The underlying issue … is that the department has written off £40.1m on assets it will now never use and spent a further £91m on assets that will support only a limited service for five years, with clear consequences for public value.”

If that is a solution, I think even a map to his elbow may be misinterpreted.


Auld Scotia himself, Tam Devine!



I see the btl comments are heavily moderated on this article Nana. This becomes a game changer to use the jargon, shocking figures that show what we are in for irrespective of who gets in next year. They are a shower of conniving thieving bastirts, who care nothing for the impact of their devastating immoral policies.

We need to get out of this before they turn back the clock and another generation is cast adrift on a sea of even worse consequences that we endured during the eighties. This is Thatcherism on steroids.

Joe Swan


According to our National Trust guide filming for Outlander also took place in Culross.

Nana Smith

Ooops…hadn’t realised that second one was from 2010, nonetheless my comment still stands…still bastirts, still makes me fume with what they are doing!

Marco McGinty

@Robert Peffers
Which is why I said it ranks amongst the most imbecilic.

As for Salmond, only he and his close allies will know if they will choose a currency union or not – we can only guess or surmise – but as you suggest, a currency union has been stated as the preferred option for Scotland and rUK. However, this has been met with wholesale refusal by BT, thus allowing Salmond far greater bargaining powers when it comes to negotiations. Considering BT’s propensity to rely on scaremongering and blatant lies, their failure to engage with the electorate in a civilised manner, and their reliance on the MSM to propagate the misinformation, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a Yes tactic all along. Either way, in the event of a Yes victory, BT have lost on the currency issue.

If you’re referring to the devo max question, then aye. The BT desire to get of this question has proven to be a remarkably foolish option, and it is an issue that they might just regret. Let’s hope so!


Someone should film Dr Richard Nixon and get him to repeat what he said but this time video allows him to finish what he was up Reporting Scotland.

Janet W

O/T but there’s an Aye Winger ‘Alert Reader’ pic in article 🙂
link to


Simple question – “Why?

I think silence will be the loud reply!!

mai parks

The Westminster government was issuing new licences for tracking companies. The most productive areas , geologically speaking , are the north of England and the central belt of Scotland. The government has no qualms about giving permission to crack in national parks either. So long as the area is kept reasonably well after.
If Scots think they are protected , think again. This comes under Westminster.

Brian Doonthetoon

As Rev Stu always types, (paraphrasing) “read to the end of the story”.

And if you do that, you find, in The Herald,

“It also emerged yesterday that the English Democrats, a party which campaigns for a devolved English parliament akin to Holyrood, has registered with the Electoral Commission as an official Yes campaigner in the referendum.”

David Stevenson

Elaine S:
that should be Richard Dixon. Richard Nixon was not one of the good guys…..


@Nana Smith

“What does the YES campaign have that no doeasn’t?”

Sheer gallus class. 🙂


Thinking aloud – if a senior Labour MSP or MP (currently serving) moved to us, I think they’d take enough support with them to guarantee victory for us. All of us on here would see straight through the move but most people wouldn’t and they’d go down in history as a great politician of conviction and substance who left tribalism behind and generated that final bit of momentum that won the day. That said, there must be some (well loads) who believe in Indy anyway but keep quiet – time to go Labour for Indy, now or never. You’ll be leader of the governing party in the world’s newest democracy Mr / Mrs Labour bod who doesn’t read horrible Wings’


O/T – apols for grammar in last post (sausage fingers)


The Herald/Panelbase Poll results:

Yes 48%
No 52%

“The prospect of Scottish NHS budget cuts within the Union put support for independence in the lead among both men and women and pushed support among female voters over the crucial 50% mark.”

link to


I heard the full quote on the radio earlier in the day; I remember being surprised by his sentence on Business being harder to do in Scotland. Unfortunately I can’t recall exactly what he carried on to say but I think it was a corollary rather than a clarification; they put in the edit at the end of a clause rather than in the middle of an expanded sentence.


The latest Panelbase poll shows once again that the UK media just makes things up and gullible folk fell for the myth that Darling “won” the last TV debate.

After his nonsense over Plan B, Patriotic Scot Darling, can’t say what his Plan A is for currency if Labour take part in the Scottish negotiating team or win an election in an independent Scotland.


Came across this very helpful website:

“The following resources are available to download and use by anyone working to raise awareness of how to register and vote at the Scottish Independence Referendum.”

link to

steven Seagull

Brit tory/labour paedo convicted child violators.

Scum of the earth.

Sir jimmy, sir Rolf., etc ..and so fkn on.
The evil brit establishment..Nicky fairbairn-evil incarnate, and his pals.

A licence to abuse.

Yet dafties still vote no?

A vile corrupt system.

I will testify in court.

I prosecuted scum like these over 30 years.

I tell it how it is. Put the boot in.

We must vote yes to save our children.

Andrew Morton

Troll alert!


The biased Polls/Media say 50/50. The banners/posters say 10/1 YES

Darling is one of the most unpopular politicans in Britain.

Get yer bets on folk. It’s going to be one big party, voting YES


As far as the BBC goes, I now assume that any clips from an interview are doctored to distort the impression.

They can’t even keep to the same impression through the day on Radio 4 – although truthfully I cannot say that is still the case as I have pretty well stopped listening except for a few selected programs.

If I am interested enough, I go back to the original assuming it was recorded live. Anything else is a waste of time.

@Brian Doonthetoon

The English Democrats have even stood in Welsh elections on a ticket to liberate the Welsh county of Sir Fynwy (Monmouthshire) from Welsh rule and hand it over to England.

When Wales was annexed they liked to run counties in three, since Sir Fynwy was the odd one out they lumped it in with some English counties.

Although typically Tory voting, with the county voting no at both the 1997 and 2011 referenda (the only one to do so in 2011) the majority of them did describe themselves as Welsh in the last census (44% as Welsh not British).

In 2011 the English Democrats polled 2.5% of the vote, down from 2.7% in 2007.

Best case scenario they see a YES vote as the end of the UK and will lead to England being free of the rest of us ‘scroungers’.

Them supporting YES is as exciting for you guys as the BNP supporting NO for the UKOKs.


I have actually sent a complaint to the been about this issue and the biased interviewing of the two campaign leaders. My wife has just finished nightshift at the local hospital, where she and another nurse who are strong advocates of a YES vote, have put the other nurses straight on a few things about the referendum. She’s taking the we blue book into them tonight.


Churchill WW2 speech:

“…whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,…”

Cameron Iraq/ISAS War speech Sunday Telegraph 2014:

He warns that Britain will have to use its “military prowess” to help defeat “this exceptionally dangerous” movement, or else terrorists with “murderous intent” will target people in Britain.

“Because if we do not act to stem the onslaught of this exceptionally dangerous terrorist movement, it will only grow stronger until it can target us on the streets of Britain.”

link to

Cameron is just a mouthpiece for President Obama.

Vote YES and then the Scottish people decide which wars we get involved in or don’t get involved in.


Ref latest poll. Hence the reason for hitting hard the NHS being gradually privitised in England. The No campaign’s response is that in Scotland it is different as it’s already devolved. Yes this so, but not when you consider overall control of policies remain in Westminster’s control. The Yes campaign is getting this message across and will do so in the final week’s of the referendum.



Good point. What is Cameron playing at? Reduced military including equipment and forces. How can we support the US in any military action with limited resources. He still thinks we are some sort of great superpower which in reality the UK is not.


Mail on Sunday:

“BBC in crisis over Cliff raid: Police fury at TV chiefs who screened dramatic swoop.”

link to

The BBC actually do think that they are above the law.

And as we know from BBC Scotland, they don’t even tell the truth.


And no BBC/MSM headlines reporting on the latest “giant oilfield” discovered in West of Shetland. Remember Cameron’s flying visit up there a couple of weeks ago. What was discussed then. Keep everything undercover. Cant’ bury news like this anymore.


The full quote;

“This is very good news for Scotland, it’s also a slap in the face for Westminster and Whitehall because of, course, the UK government has been completely gung-ho for fracking the whole country and this puts a spoke in the works because they won’t be able to make this change in Scotland and it’s also a very clear message for the industry that Scotland is a place where it will be much harder to do business; Scotland isn’t particularly enthusiastic like the UK government is and that’s, of course, because we should be concentrating on our huge renewables resources.”

Heard on Newsdrive about 41 minutes in.

link to


The crew that produced just one more dishonest report know exactly what the boss likes. Changes are coming.

link to


“Scottish independence: NHS becomes referendum battleground”
BBC in Scotland headline. More lies, BBC has used the NHS as their battleground to attack Scottish democracy for years now. Why are they lying about this?

link to


Panel base in more detail
link to

Looks like English NHS reductions/privatisation impacting on Scotland through Barnett could be a topic to focus on. Perhaps THE topic!


“And no BBC/MSM headlines reporting on the latest “giant oilfield” discovered in West of Shetland. Remember Cameron’s flying visit up there a couple of weeks ago.”

Your behind the curve on “new oilfields”, the west of Shetland oilfield was TWO weeks ago. They have named ANOTHER massive oilfield East of Shetland.

“An oil field, described as one of the biggest untapped resources in the North Sea, is set to produce oil until 2050, it has emerged.”

“The Bentley Field, which is due to be drilled by Xcite Energy, has up to 777 million barrels of oil reserves, the company has revealed.”

But you’re right, it doesn’t matter how many oilfields are discovered, BBC Scotland will not tell the people of Scotland about them.

gavin lessells

Just heard that fans had YES posters removed when entering Parkhead yesterday. Electoral Commission or just wee Kelly and Reid twosome?

Can anyone confirm this? Had te game been in Dundee, it would`nt have happened.



Thanks for the correction. The Bentley field was what I was referring to. Missed that it was east of Shetland. Even more good news for the North Sea in this important area.

And yet the No’s I speak too when I mention oil their reply is “It will eventually run out”. Yes but in 50-60+ years and Scotland will have taken stock of the resource by then and have enough wealth in reserve. Better to have this wealth split by 5.5mm Scots rather than sqaundered (as in the past) by the UK government. What have we got to show for the last 40+ years of oil production.


Panelbase poll …..

Do you agree that Scotland could be a successful independent country?
Yes: 54%
No: 31%
Don’t know: 15%

Implies the “could be” debate has been won. That needs translated into “should be”.

My own thoughts are that Project Fear is what is making the difference between could and should in voters’ minds. If there had been a fair and balanced media for the past year, Yes would have been streaks ahead.

Project Fear is working, but only slowing Yes, not winning for No.

While the headline for this poll is good, the underlying trends are superb! Also, look at leaders…

Do you trust Alex Salmond, First Minister, to stand up for Scotland’s interests?
Yes 52%

Nicola sturgeon

David Cameron

Alistair Darling

Johann Lamont


Anybody else having difficulty with making comments?


Was surprised actually that Tom Devine was intending to vote No at the start of the campaign but the fact that he changed his mind since then and was won over by the quality of the debate from our side and John Swinney’s assured handling of our economy just goes to show that once you’ve informed yourself and realise what is actually happening around you, you complete your journey and vote Yes. With Devine’s reputation as the most respected historian in Scotland and a leading intellectual, it’ll hopefully nudge a few more Undecideds over to Yes. I also take heart from the Sunday Herald’s findings that we can win women voters over in large numbers as long as we hammer home the point that only a Yes protects our NHS from long-term privatisation. Yes to win over No with a margin of up to 10%!

bookie from hell

BT 100% attack on Salmond !day in day out

imagine if he stood down and Nicola stepped in,lol



I don’t hear the No Campaign or the UK Government warning the Middle East countries that their oil is about to run out.

Scotland’s oil will last as long, if not longer, than most of the Middle East oil. The Middle East countries are taking the oil of the ground a lot faster than the Scots are.

Oh why was Scotland cursed with this terrible burden beneath our lands.

Why couldn’t we have been like England, who have frack all oil.



I was talking to a few people about your scenarios yesterday and I think you are right. If such a person is waiting in the wings then the time to unveil them is important. Most of the people I spoke to thought it would have maximum impact the day before the next TV debate.

The question is does such a person exist.McLeish looks the only one on paper with enough political impact but enough though he has said some positive things he would still appear to be a firm no at the moment. Anyone else got another name?


The polls are getting narrower as the 18th gets closer (even the unionist driven polls). Maybe best we don’t take the lead till its almost upon us. This latest swing of 4% to Yes in a month is making me feel now its really going to happen. Think in the next few weeks the shift to Yes will be massive.
Who has the most credibility, Prof. Tom Devine or John Barrowman, take your time.


O/T make of it as you will but i heard a story about the O/O last night . The average o/o drones are being told they will not be able to march because of Alic Sammin people with yes stickers in their windows will be smashed and second had story though but also extra ballots being handed out to members on the day


Bookie from Hell, I think Nicola would get it just as bad, in fact Mother Teresa would get attacked by them. Anyone who threatens their beloved Union and Empire.


@bookie from hell

I don’t think you’re far off there bookie. In fact I’d go so far as to say that’s exactly what’s intended. Contrary to what the hard of thinking amongst the press, BT and Westminster promote, the FM isn’t that far off the end of his political career. IMO he’s acted as a human shield to protect the YES campaign and a First Minister in waiting.

I reckon he’s used his own high profile and reputation created by oor meeja against them.

bookie from hell

spoke to soon,hatchet job Nicola sturgeon SOS today

Nicola Sturgeon snubs train for limo

NICOLA Sturgeon has never travelled by train on official business since taking charge of Scotland’s transport, while making nearly 600 taxpayer-funded trips by car, government figures show.

The infrastructure secretary and Deputy First Minister opted for a chauffeur-driven government limo for 590 trips between September 2012 and last December – the latest figures available.


Imagine what it’s like now in Blythswood Square, Pacific Quay, where ever the SUN and the Daily Heil bash out their version of Project Fear, the nutters at the Torygroah or Press and Journal, well in all news rooms across the land really. We need to get Flpper Darling out in front of the cameras. He’s like a Yes vote machine.

The Press and Journal’s been an interesting UKOK attack machine to watch over the last 18 months. They suddenly upped their coverage of local news, more detail, photos etc, bit less cut n paste from broadsheet nationals, fancy Saturday supplement, TV ads for their unionist propaganda online now. So locally Thompson are certainly pumping a lot of money into their P&J/evening express but their attack on Scottish democracy is monumentaly aggressive. I’ve been all over the word, from Stonehaven to Mintlaw and I have never seen such sustained monstering of everything Holyrood and Scottish democracy.

Be interesting to see if the money behind all of it packs up and fades away if they lose, which they will.

Peter Macbeastie

My jaw actually dropped when I watched that. I heard the same interview on the radio and it rolled on a good bit further than that.

If any other outlet pulled that shite I would be surprised more; the BBC are just the state broadcaster doing what they’re told. I hope Dr Richard Dixon knows about this, because I’m sure a shy retiring type like him will want his words clarified.

The BBC will of course claim that they broadcast his full statement in other news slots and on the radio, but that’s not the point. Point is, as everyone here knows, the lie runs around the world before the truth wakes up. How long before ‘Dr Richard Dixon says business will be harder to do in an independent Scotland’ appears in Better Together bullshit?

O/T Speaking of Better Together bullshit; anyone else find that You Decide shite polluting their twitter feed? I followed the page just long enough to comment as politely as I could muster and tag Yes Scotland with a wee enquiry as to whether they would like to give their opinions of it. It’s all the more annoying because I have two twitter accounts; one is for running and political stuff does not go in there. The other is purely political. And their shite is sponsored so it lands in both.

Grouse Beater

I was a foot soldier on the Glenrothes election, knocking on doors, speaking to the disenfranchised and the unemployed, handing out leaflets.

I recall the surprise when the amount of postal votes came in. Nobody could make sense of it.

Severely disadvantaged folk somehow felt safer voting for a terminally useless, monosyllabic former headteacher, Lyndsay Roy, and with a deluge of postal votes.

Check his neglible performance since in the House of Commons on the few committees he’s served upon.

And of course, the outcome of that fiasco was rounded with the ‘mysterious’ loss of the Election Record from the ‘back of a courier’s bike,’ forever ensuring no one could match postal votes with names and addresses.

Let no one tell you voting corruption in Scotland under a Labour fiefdom is an unknown thing.


“We are delighted that the Scottish Government is saying no to UK Government plans to remove people’s rights to stop, or even be notified about, shale gas fracking underneath their homes. The UK Government is falling over itself to get fracking going, all credit to Scottish Ministers for having more respect for Scottish communities.

“The Scottish Government’s more cautious approach to unconventional gas extraction is good news for the people of Scotland and bad news for any operators hoping to make a quick buck before the shale bubble bursts. The United Kingdom government has been completely gung-ho for fracking the whole country but this puts a spoke in the works because it won’t be able to make this change in Scotland.

“This is a very clear message to the fracking industry that Scotland is a place where it will be much harder to do business.”

Dr Dixon continued:

“Unconventional gas exploitation isn’t some far off prospect that gives Government time to play with to get things right. Communities in Scotland are facing commercial coalbed methane extraction on their doorsteps in the coming months.

“People across the UK from Balcombe to Belcoo are already seeking to protect their homes and communities from this dangerous, damaging industry. The UK Government’s plans to take away people’s rights to object are an extremely worrying development.”

“The Scottish Government should say no to the unconventional gas industry altogether and focus instead on making the most of our abundant, clean, renewable energy resources.”

From link to

Robert Peffers

@PeeGee says: 16 August, 2014 at 11:06 pm:
“Is it any more cynical than labour trying to get SNP, Conservative, libdem, Green, SSP or UKIP voters to vote Labour? Is the man a total fruitcake and if so when will he be sectioned?”

No it is not more cynical and Ali Dally won’t be sectioned as that seems to be the SNAFU of Westminster Unionist, House of Lords and all Bitter Together members.
Note SNAFU = Situation Normal All Fouled, (cough!), Up

Blair paterson

I have said all along I do not believe their polls they are only comfort polls for them ,and I am still surprised how many of you stil give them any credence ,the yes votes are miles ahead and the no side know this that is why they are so desperate in their lies and bitterness. .vote yes


HS2 and London sewers have a barnett spend is darling being honest

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