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Wings Over Scotland

Ain’t No Sunshine

Posted on December 02, 2023 by
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Carol Neill

Welcome back, hope you’re feeling better


Glorious Saturday morning – Chris is back.Hallelujah, you have been badly missed Sir.

However, if I can give free reign to my inner sub-editor, while admitting you are allowed a spot of “poetic licence” – I doubt if even The Hootsmon would, as your cartoon suggests, put a “SAlmond Sues Sturgeon” headline on the back page. Graham Bean and his Sports Desk team would come up with something snappier.


Welcome back & hope yer on the road to recovery.

Aye, Yang Go wan, Go wan wisnae up for it & I shudder tae think what action poor Ting Ting seen. I’d wager it wisnae fae a panda.

She was *feisty & crabbit* – aye, I’ll say! Lol

Farewell Pandas.. safe trip hame. You’ll be safer. x

Cameron Lochiel

Welcome back, Chris! I hope you’re feeling much better. How long are you taking off for Christmas?

Marie Clark

At last Chris is back. Good to see you on form again. I hope that you’re feeling much better, mibies go easy on the golf noo young man.

Great toon as well.


Excellent return, Chris. My husband has just pointed out that it is too frosty to allow golfers on the greens just now!

You are a very good artist – the woman’s clothes, bag etc are completely “real”.

Red Squirrel

Welcome back! And what a beauty to return with.



Loving your work Mr Cairns!

(Hope you’re in rude health)

President Xiden

Any footie on the telly today which will cost me £11 000 to watch?


Welcome back Chris, very good toon, enjoyed that.

James Barr Gardner

Back wi’ a bang ! Chris, belter……..


The man in the tight jaicket is keeping his thoughts to himself but the back-to-back pose sort of gives them away. Brilliant.

Pat Blake

Excellent cartoon.

Is it me or does China only send out pandas that are very unlikely to breed?


I would’ve said that Salmond offered the hand of if not friendship, then alliance for independence awhile back to Sturgeon, who instantly rejected it, as has Yousaf.

Now of course Salmond has realised that there’s no route to indy via this SNP, and is taking the appropriate measures.


The exact opposite of the two SNP MSPs who were apparently up for it having an extra marital affair during lock down when mixing was not allowed.

Seems that whilst Margaret Ferrier was thrown to the wolves, thrown out the party, and prosecuted, our two protected MSPs behaviour was covered up.

Reflects just how rotten the SNP are. But here’s the question. Why did Police Scotland not take any action. Why did the COPF not take action.

Maybe Humza Yousaf should be asked to explain. He it is being said is the very person who should be asked.

John Main

Willie 11:36

These allegedly philandering MSPs.

Either of them test positive for Covid, then jump on a train to travel most of the length of the UK, like Ferrier did?

Can you see how the cases differ, or do you need Mr Cairns to draw a cartoon for you?



Obvs the one having the affair didn’t sign Neale’s motion.

Seems everyone who did was deemed surplus to requirement. Except Joanna – who has since undergone the inquisition & seen the error of her ways.

David Hannah

I’ll name them. Our false minister. Humza Yousaf. And Anum Quasir his Saturday girl.

I wonder if Nadia will be changing the locks of Bute House in time for Humza arriving back from his jolly up. With Mhairi MaCallan and Sally Donald.

Humza’s Angels.

Oh Nadia. Once a cheat. Always a cheat.


What a great surprise. So pleased you’re back which hopefully means that your back is also back to nearly normal. Appropriate that the cartoon has the Pandas back to back. Keep moving!

David Hannah

To think after the oreal poor Nadia has been through. Sick with worry about her parents lives Gaza…

Humza should be there with comforting arm.

Instead. He’s in Dubai with his Saturday girl Anum Quasir who’s riding her way to the top.

Sorry darling. I’m needed in Dubai. Myself, Anum Quasir and Sally Donald are off to keep the British End up!

I hope she throws the Koran at him and packs his stuff into black bin bags. If she doesn’t.

Scotland will. Resign Humza. You dirty rat.

David Hannah

They’ll be unrest down as the Mosque. In fact I think they’ll be rejoicing. They know what Humza’s true nature really is.

Once a cheat. Always a cheat. It’s in his nature after all. With the fake hustings. And I’m with Humza. The leaked emails. He cheated his way into Bute House. He was given a wee leg up. Here. And wee leg up there.

I hope he’s on an early flight home from his wee rumpy pumpy in the Dubai hotel.

Because his sex life will be dryer than the Sahara desert in Nadia’s home when the disgraced, criminal law breaking, cheating rat ex First Minister arrives back to face the music.


David Hannah

Most definitely Karma. And no Korma. From the wife and the children on return.

Ex first Minister. And Ex Husband.

Sturgeon not handing over the deleted whatsapp messages to the covid inquiry.

These people have been shagging their way through lockdown when people were separated.

Humza Yousaf. Spreading Covid. And Not love.



Willie @ 11.36.

The press says there are “legal reasons” for non-identification of the two SNP covid bonkers, so perhaps the police don’t know who they are, ha ha. Or if they do, they haven’t had enough time to complete their investigations. Just three years is pushing it a bit for the Scottish polis to sort something out. Give it another couple of years.

David Hannah

But if you love him, you’ll forgive him
Even though he’s hard to understand, mm, mm

And if you love him, oh, be proud of him

‘Cause after all, he’s just a man’

link to

Hopefully Luke Warm Dave has some roasters to share over this scandal.

Humza caught with his pants down and his toad in a hole.


David Hannah @ 12.12.

In view of the fact that the host of a website may, potentially, become liable for the posts published, perhaps it may be wiser to refrain from making as yet unproven allegations about persons in the public eye.
As we know, WOS is a bit of a thorn in the side of many organisations who would just love to attempt to close it down.

David Hannah

Well soon find out Sven. When the Sunday newspapers publish the text messages from the ex husband.

Ruth Davidson wants to reveal all. She can’t wait to speak the truth. That we all know to be true.

And if so. Must resign like the abused and battered Margaret Ferrier, and Matt Handcock.

Caught with his pants down.

David Hannah

link to

“Ruth Davidson. There is clear public interest. It is unlikely that the identities will hold.”

Michael Matheson claiming 11K in his laptop.

Lady Covid Nicola Sturgeon. Deleting her whatsapp messages hiding evidence from the covid inquiry….

We should have a right to sack them all. Instead of a corrupted judiciary, Crown Office protecting our BENT political elite.

Name the bastards.

Mark Beggan

Mike Russell! Is that cretin still living. Land Reform Ha Ha Ha Ha FFS. what a plonker.


They’ve been at it since 2014 indyref.
It’s why she was a shoo in at Westminster to shut her up.
It’s not news tho cause a whistleblower (previous activist) already spilled all on twitter last yr.

It can’t be her as she’s not married & doesn’t have children.

What possible *legal reasons* exist? Other than false accusations?

The Daily Extremist probably making shit up for clicks.

Lol at Biffa getting in on the Act. Everyone would rather know who her donor was doon at the QWERTY club.. lol


Pat Blake says:
2 December, 2023 at 11:03 am
Excellent cartoon.

Is it me or does China only send out pandas that are very unlikely to breed

Perhaps Pandas only like Chinese speaking keepers:-)

stuart mctavish

We likely cloned thousands of the buggers to disguise as lambs pending indy but the Scots bam’s booze could maybe share any blame in the interim – bit too much for one ting ting and not nearly enough for a good yang gang (or vice versa).

John Main

BBC reporting that COP28 hosts, the UAE, intend to massively ramp up their own oil production over the years up to 2030.

Seemingly the UAE has noticed that demand for fossil fuels won’t go away overnight. In fact, peak world oil & gas demand has not yet been reached. And to make things worse, some daft wee virtue-signalling producers, fraudulently lead by imposters, want to accelerate shutting down their own fields, which means the reality-dwelling sensible countries have to up their production to compensate.

And build bigger banks to store their sovereign wealth.

Any chance HY, when not engaged with his “leisure time pursuits”, may have taken in some lessons on how to put his adopted country, nation and people first? After all, it’s us paying for his wee jaunt, so shouldn’t we get something out of it besides higher prices and hypothermia?


Geri; “What possible *legal reasons* exist?”

Maybe they followed Chief Mammy’s example and took out a super injunction?


@ David Hannah at 12.12 and thereafter

You do know that Nadia is also a cheat, don’t you? That she and Humza were both married to other people when they began their relationship? That her first husband and father of her older child wasn’t very happy about it?




Moving swiftly on lol

I see the racist, Lee Anderson, is moving to Orkney if ppl on boats keep arriving. I see the whole migration thing is completely lost on him. Don’t bother moving up here. Feck of to Rwanda – the Tories say it’s nice.



Another example of “White Flight” from England into Scotland…


in British English


The departure of White residents from areas where people of other ethnic groups are settling.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers”


This is what our FM told the audience ay COP28.

“In Dubai, the FM said rich countries which had benefited from oil and gas – like Scotland – had to ‘repair the damage’ done by intensifying floods, storms and droughts.”

“Like Scotland” when the f*ck did Scots benefit from there oil and gas assets, answer, we haven’t.

Humza Yousaf also met with Al Gore,

“In 2009 it was widely reported that he (Gore) was poised to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire” from his involvement in Carbon “cap-and-trade” legislation and his investments in companies that receive vast subsidies to develop. so-called green energy.”

I’m wondering if there’s any assets left in Scotland for Yousaf to give away under the guise of reducing carbon emissions.


Thousands homeless in Scotland many are children, we’re in the midst of a housing crisis and a cost of living crisis, you’ll find it neigh impossible to get a dentist appointment, well an NHS one anyway, our hospitals are bursting at the seams due to pressure, you’ve not to attend A&E unless you have a heart attack or a stroke.

Many folk in Scotland are struggling to make ends meet, poverty being a widespread issue, and many folk cannot afford to heat their homes in a country teeming with energy sources, yet we have our FM and the previous FM pledging to give money to other countries.

“HUMZA Yousaf has announced a further £2 million in funding for loss and damage caused by climate change in marginalised communities at COP28.

The Scottish Government has already set aside £7m for the cause over the past two years.

The First Minister, who is currently at the climate summit in Dubai, has now set out £1m for C40 Cities to come from Scotland’s Climate Justice Fund, while a further £1m will be donated, in partnership with charity Give Directly, to support communities in Malawi dealing with the impacts of climate change.

At COP26 in Glasgow two years ago, then-first minister Nicola Sturgeon was given an award after Scotland doubled its commitment to a loss and damage fund to £2m, becoming the first developed nation to do so. Ahead of COP27, a further £5m investment was announced.”

Mind you the SNP government had already pledged to give a whopping £65 million quid to the mob with the blue and yellow flag.

Our colonial administration is frittering away our cash and selling off our assets on the cheap.

Ian Smith

Even the IPCC admit there are no intensifying floods, storms and droughts.

Just as you know by looking out the window.

Therefore compo should be zero.

It’s just a big grifter’s jambouree.


So no rumpy for the pandas but plenty elsewhere in Embra – allegedly. And it’s been known about for sometime – allegedly. It comes to light now when things are looking bad for Johnson and Hancock.

Cracking script – I wonder who wrote it.

David Hannah

Humza giving John Kerry more money. For Rwanda. Malawi. And Zimbabwe to build their coal fired power stations and mega projects.

Fuck Africa. They’re doing just fine out of rinsing the British tax payer for their fossil fuel mega projects.

Even Ethiopia is Damming the Nile in the biggest megaproject the world has ever seen.

Egypt is building an new river Nile.

The more CO2 in the atmosphere the more food for plants.

I’m loyal to Scotland. It’s time for Ash Regan to come up with an Anti Corruption motion where disgraced ex politicians don’t get their pensions.

David Hannah

Where’s the housing for Scots.

£2 million.

He’s already given £24 million away.

Fucking low life piece of shit. Africa first cunt.

Young Lochinvar

Baz Luhrmann got it right:

“Accept certain unalienable truths,
Prices will rise, Politicians will philander,
And you too will get old.
And when you do, you’ll fantasise that when you were young
Prices were reasonable, Politicians were noble
And children respected their elders”


Y’know, Ash Regan might just have that ruthless streak that I said was missing from indy politicians in Scotland, Salmond/Alba could do worse than to appoint her as his successor come the day he stands down, if he (Salmond) fails to attain independence.

“THE Alba Party will stand in at least 12 seats at the next General Election.

The party’s previous calls for pro-independence parties to stand on a Scotland United ballot failed to garner support from both the SNP and the Scottish Greens.

Now, Alex Salmond has said Alba will make a widespread intervention at the General Election in order to ensure Scots have the opportunity “to vote for independence at the ballot box”.

At a meeting of Alba’s National Council on Saturday, it was agreed that plans would commence to stand candidates in a minimum of 12 constituencies.”

“Alba Party now are Scotland’s independence party. Therefore our National Council have agreed that we will commence preparations for a wide scale intervention of at least 12 candidates across Scotland at next year’s General Election to make sure the people of Scotland have the choice of voting for independence – something I am more confident now than ever that a majority will take.”

“Regan added: :“Alba Party are now represented at every level of Government in Scotland and people are seeing the difference we are making.

“In Holyrood we are the only party taking the constitutional argument forward and the proposed bill I set out last week is the most significant pro-independence intervention in recent years. “If the Scottish Government supports it we can hold a referendum next year on our parliament having the power to negotiate for and legislate for our independence.”

David Hannah

Marginalised communities.

Who are the marginalised?

We can’t believe it’s not butter?



ROS “In Dubai, the FM said rich countries which had benefited from oil and gas – like Scotland – had to ‘repair the damage’ done by intensifying floods, storms and droughts.”
If the fake fm moron did say that where are the politicians who should be SCREAMING from the rooftops that he is once again LYING, The main beneficiaries of the oil and gas WEALTH are the WM english government and the OIL PRODUCING COMPANIES that John MOAN never tires of telling us are PRIVATE companies who OWN the oil and energy , SO Useless go and correct your LIES and you and MOAN can force the oil producers and energy companies to fork out


Very fitting Sir as Salmond was accused of
Eating Shoots and Leaves.

David Hannah

link to

Africa First with Humza. Announced today

link to

Africa First. £24 million for John Kerry.

Google mega projects, YouTube the mega projects in those countries. Methane plant etc. All fossil fuels.

Where’s the money for dueling the A9?

Where’s our leader, he’s not at Grangemouth he’s nowhere to be seen?

Apart from in bed with his Saturday Girl Anum Quasir during covid restrictions.

What a low life piece of shit you are Humza. Fucking rot.

David Hannah

All the africans are doing just fine out of rinsing the Scottish tax payer.

With the baby box.

The free laptop.

The mobility car.

The two child payment.

The free house for refugees and asylum seekers.

NHS to wipe their arse and catch their baby.

It’s a joke. Marginalised.

White males are now marginalised you toss pot.


Meanwhile our FM Yousaf is busy little bee at COP28 he’s networking away ten to the dozen (probably selling off our assets and his services) anyway not all in the SNP are happy with him.

A Kurdish-born SNP councillor has said she is “disappointed and disgusted” by a picture of Humza Yousaf meeting Turkish President Recipp Tayyip Erdogan.

Roza Salih, said in a social media post that the Turkish president kills Kurds.

Salih, has a good point Erdogan wants to eradicate the Kurds especially the PKK, which is primarily based in the mountainous Kurdish-majority regions of southeastern Turkey and northern Iraq.

Erdogan is sly old fox, and his recent support for the oppressed Palestinians could be a sign that he’s open to offers from the West to change his mind, if they allow him to hunt down PKK members in Turkey without any consequences for his actions, which would be undoubtably to wipe the Kurds out.

Or maybe Erdogan wants a fast track into the EU market to stop supporting the oppressed Palestinians, after all the EU has been falsely promising Turkey access to the EU for decades without delivering on it.

Either way our globe trotting FM like the previous one who loves the limelight is rubbing shoulders and probably doing deals with the good and the bad at COP28, and its almost a nail on that none of it will be to the benefit of Scots.

David Hannah

Usman Javed (husband) apparently signed NDA regarding said affair. But I have read that NDAs and itnerdicts are void if they are preventing someone from disclosing information about a criminal offence, and by the looks of things an offence has been committed if said rumours are true.

Snp = nest of lying vipers.

He’s a criminal giving our money away while riding his Saturday girl. That’s what he calls climate justice. He’s threatened Hubby.

The Mosque has threatened hubby. Just goes to show you Humza is a gangster. A cheat. And a fraud. Let’s hope the Sunday newspapers take love rat Humza to the cleaners.

David Hannah

link to

Scottish SNP refugee councillor Roza Salih.

“I am disappointed and disgusted by this Erdogan kills #Kurds in Turkey & does not respect Human Rights. Our Politicians & half of the population are imprisoned by him and you shake his hand. I did not expect this from a FM that says he respects human rights.”

Dissapointed. And disgusted. Humza.

That’s makes two of us.


Cheating on one’s partner is de rigeur for many of our elected SNP.

The current First Minister cheated on his first wife, was caught driving to an overnight function without insurance with a woman not his then wife. And now the reports are that our man, now the First Minister has cheated on his second wife, who cheated on her first husband, to have an extra marital affair with the MP for Shotts.

No doubt the truth will soon out.Affairs happen, cheating happens but breaking Covid laws is a crime. Margaret Ferrier paid for her crimevofvtravellingbon a train whilst infected. However, the allegation of lawmakers deliberately breaking laws is much much worse.

And for that question must be asked, the guilty exposed and the guilty punished with the full might of the law.

And make no mistake the questions will be asked. Watch this space.

Anton Decadent

At least he’s in Dubai because if he had looked out of his window this morning he’d have been raging and onto the phone to Sarwar to see about making snow a hate crime.

David Hannah

I sense the implosion is imminent. Humza has betrayed Alaister Jack’s orders not to discuss foreign affairs and issues that are not devolved. Humza said he wanted to discuss Gaza. Foreign affairs.

The press have been waiting for their moment to unleash the news. And Scotland deserves better than the SNP. Our very own Matt Handcock.

I predict an exclusive interview on the cards with his first ex wife. Who wasn’t a good enough Muslim, as she was white. For the unfaithful. Criminal law breaking First Minister.

If only he was a better man….

If only you were a better man Humza…

Your daughters wouldn’t be growing up with daddy issues in a broken home.

David Hannah

We can’t let the SNP sweep this under the carpet.

Dorothy Bain. Chief Cover Upper. Of the Clown office.

No one ever gets prosecuted. No one ever loses their jobs. Yet they take. They steal. They lie.

We need vigilante justice in this country.

Screw Humza. And Dorothy Bain and all of their corruption.

The press should name him and do Scotland favour.



ALBA should create and widely publish an initirim target list which is specifically predicated on targetting those SNP MPs who have shown the most antipathy towards or disinclination to support, independence.

The should make no two bones about it. Or that it is an ongoing growing list.

If an Alba candidate is standing it is because their research team has grounds to suspect that the incumbent SNP member has demonstrably lost sight of the very reason for her/his political existence.

Doing this now, or very soon, would achieve three things.

First it tells the electorate, most of whom do not have the time or resources to check for themselves, who the wronguns (according to ALBA at least) are.

Second it would, or should, encourage those who have been biting their bottom lip in secret despair to come forward in revolt at SNP party UK compliance policy or even decide to walk to ALBA or some other pro indy party.

Third, it would or should, save more of the genuine pro indy SNP incumbents.


Here’s one that will get you thinking of would they or wouldn’t have they (with Tammany Hall aka Glasgow City council in mind).

Would GGC have declared a housing crisis if the UK governments office hadn’t cleared the backlog of asylum seekers claims?

What I mean is that the foreign country of England that controls who can and cannot live in Scotland is about to decide how many new asylum seekers will be able to come to Scotland, (assuming our colonial admin SNP Government agrees to take them) and those bright sparks that run the councils up and down Scotland realise that there’s already a massive housing shortage, but hey its only Scots that are homeless so f*ck em, now know that more housing will be required to meet the new influx.

One thing that’s crystal clear, those filthy seedy cheap hotels that up to now have been housing a plethora of homeless Scots kids will continue to rake in wads of taxpayers cash because in my opinion GCC and our colonial admin don’t really care about those kids, or Scots in general.

Anton Decadent

@RoS, I was recently in a public building which had a framed painting on one of the walls of Glasgow cafes with a Refugees Make Glasgow sign as part of the painting. One of those cafes is where I live and changed hands and is very pro immigration as it was prior to the change of ownership. I used to frequent it before my worldview changed and it closed suddenly for two weeks and when it reopened I asked the owner why it had closed. She told me that she had been behind the counter when a New Scot had came in with a DWP form which he asked her to sign saying that he had applied for a job in the cafe but as he had not done so she refused at which point he had leapt over the counter and strangled her. She closed the cafe for two weeks as she recovered and organised the sale of the lease and her emigration from Scotland but assured me that the cafe was going to other right on people so there would be no change in the ideology driving it. This was directly from her to me, not hearsay. I have been in it three times that I can think of since the change of ownership but I decided that I no longer wished to financially support businesses which are a part of a mass cover up of what we are bringing into all Western countries.


Is nobody else getting extremely fucked off with all these overly well remunerated virtue signalling cunts swanning round the planet?
Tell you what Humza (and any other twat that even utters the term “NetZero”), if the climate is in such a fucking emergency then why the fuck don’t you actually do something to start to correct the issues.
I’ve just learnt yet another lovely young Scottish couple with a couple of wee bairns are having to sell up from my village because they can’t afford to pay the mortgage and cover the heating bill.
Paying 350 quid every month of the year for leccy is a fucking joke, but it is the harsh reality of living in properties with low thermal efficiency ratings and often with reams of regressive legislation slapped on them.
If the Scottish Government Administrators of devolved powers had half a fucking clue on how to improve the lives of oor ain folk as they struggle through the engineered cost of existing crisis, and also how to reduce energy consumption to save the planet, then the very first thing you should have concentrated on would be insulating to improve the thermal efficiency of our Scottish properties. But no, you are clearly too thick to understand where to even begin to addressing the matters you so regularly pontificate about.

If as we’re so regularly told that there is a climate emergency, then change the archaic planet wrecking planning legislation on listed buildings and conservation areas so people can at least get with last century and fit double glazing so their houses aren’t just pissing away expensive energy and heat. Because until you do that simple thing, it continues to show that you are not at all serious about addressing the issues, but are in fact the actual problem which is holding us all back.
And you can no longer state the aesthetic appearance of the buildings must be preserved because you’ve already allowed the old fashioned traditional look of the village to be trashed by clagging fucking useless ASHPs and solar PV arrays all over the properties and gardens.

George Ferguson

Good to see Chris back with a great cartoon if you forgive the “back” reference. For those that want to see Humza go, he is gaffe prone every other week. The opportunity will arise I don’t see extramarital affairs during Covid restrictions being the issue that will topple him. Unless the one injured party will speak and release his evidence. He has already said he is mindful of the family consequences. But in terms of Scottish Independence do we want a third first minister under investigation?.

David Hannah

Alba needs to stand on an anti corruption platform as well. Do some serious vetting of their candidates. So that BDSM and adult babies like Amber Roberts aren’t selected on all female lists like the SNP.

Ash Regan should announce an anti corruption bill.

Stating any SNP MSP found to have lied, or mislead parliament will not have their pensions on retirement.

And a Salvo convention. The people should be allowed to sack the government.

David Hannah

link to

Humza. As Health secretary. Announcing that it’s a criminal offence to breach his covid restrictions. The very same laws he broke himself. Having cheated on his second wife. When Saturday girl Anum Quasir was bouncing on his cock.


Mike Russel quits as President of the SNP, step in the right direction.

A Scot Abroad

I understand that political campaigning at elections costs money, and that as a relatively new party Alba may not have that much in the bank just yet (neither do the SNP, though, for different reasons), but I find it somewhat underwhelming that Alba only plans to stand 12 candidates at the next WM elections. Twelve candidates isn’t really going to make any form of national impact.

While the chosen 12 will be focussed on winnable constituencies, I think it would be better to have a wider slate. If nothing else, it gives new candidates campaigning experience that they could use for subsequent elections (either WM or HR), it encourages activists across the nation, it gets volunteers engaged, it gets more media attention.

So, Alba, why so shy?


Chick McGregor.

Pretty good ideas there, the problem arises at the other end, with not enough indy voters being aware that the SNP aren’t a party for Scottish independence anymore.

In my opinion, the SNP will get back into power in 2026,, and if they need to do a deal with Labour, and the Greens again, they will, however they won’t do a deal with Alba, who will gain a few seats but not enough to make a difference this time around.

Christ we’re looking at 2031 before Alba can make an impact at Holyrood.

This is ballsy from Alba’s Ash Regan, and it would help our cause but I doubt the SNP government will support it, as we know the SNP only pretends to support Scottish independence to garner votes at elections.

“In Holyrood we are the only party taking the constitutional argument forward and the proposed bill I set out last week is the most significant pro-independence intervention in recent years. “If the Scottish Government supports it we can hold a referendum next year on our parliament having the power to negotiate for and legislate for our independence.”


Oh look what a surprise not.

“PLEDGES made by Labour Party leader Keir Starmer during the 2020 leadership election have been removed from his website.
When Starmer was running for leadership of the party he made a list of ten pledges he vowed to keep, including scrapping tuition fees and ending universal credit.
However, during the course of his leadership Starmer has abandoned or watered down many of the promises made.”

Why any sane person would vote for Labour is well beyond me.

link to

George Ferguson

@A Scot Abroad 7:42pm
I agree with your post and as a member of Alba I find the timidity very disappointing. The main focus of Alba has been of a Scotland United approach and deference to the SNP. Its over, a failed strategy. I would put myself forward as an Alba candidate for the GE and cover all my election expenses and supporting staff myself within the rules. If nothing else to have go at the SNP on a public platform. One look at my Alba account I haven’t recruited any members. Understandable given all my immediate and extended family members are scunnered with the Independence issue. Most of them work in the public sector and see at first hand the reality of the SNP Green Government.

KT Lorimer

George and A Scot Abroad – did you not follow the debate at conference?


What makes people here think Alba isn’t vetting their candidates? What do the same people think is the difference between vetting and ‘seriously ‘ vetting? Lastly, taking away people’s pensions for misleading parliament risks a pointless law suit that the pursuer will easily win, so why indulge these kinds of gesture politics?
The way I look at politics generally is to try and understand the behaviour from the party’s or the politician’s point of view because trying to understand political behaviour from some kind of standard – even one that might seem essential, like politician’s shouldn’t be corrupt – isn’t analytically effective and makes you sound naive, petty or someone who just doesn’t understand basic politics.
I wonder how many that post regularly on here have ever read something like Richard Crossman’s ministerial diaries? I wonder how many here have even heard of him?
Zero and zero probably…


Suspect you may well be right but more optimistically it may be the case that most of the tacit SNP support smell that there is something not quite right but need simple straightforward guidance to where the actual rot is.

Of course it would have zero support from Pravda Quay (both outfits) they will support Humza Usefulidiot to the hilt.

The other approach I grow weary trying to push is supplication to the UN to demand from the UK which path to self-determination for Scotland they would acknowledge. The UK are legally obliged, under various international treaties to which they are signatories, to specify how Scots might exert their inalienable human right to self determination.

The current confusion on the way forward has, of course, been deliberately created by the well practiced UK mandarins of malevolence. (Not the puppet fronts we routinely see). Obfuscation and confusion, if they are allowed to get away with it, is their dark art theater of preference.

If, as they are legally required, they are forced to clearly state which route to self determination they would accept then that alone would, IMHO, have an immensely unifying effect on the
lovingly crafted fractiousness that currently exists,

Most of the division in the greater Yes movement is based entirely on different interpretations of what constitutes the best way forward.

Sadly, none of them are, because if and whichever any one of them comes to tho fore the UK**ts will move whatever goalposts they need to make it ‘illegal’.

If they are forced to specify as required by the international treaties they are signed up to, then we will all then know exactly what is required and work, in unison, toward it and they will not be able get out of it.

At that point England’s ruling elite will need to decide whether they honour their treaty commitments or go full rogue state and I imagine the largely decent English people themselves might have some input on that.

Geoff Bush

I heard on the radio today that she’s only “receptive” for 36 hours each year, not hard to believe

A Scot Abroad


The legal route forward is captured within the Scotland Act 1998. The UN are happy with that.

David Hannah

link to

Sunday Mail. Front page.

Michael Matheson. Holiday home let scandal.

Our polticians failing Scotland’s housing crisis.



With all due respect. Bollocks.

A Scot Abroad

Big Jock,

that was the case in 2014. Nothing’s changed since then. If you don’t like it, tough luck. It’s still the case now. Given ScotGov acceptance of the 2014 route, there’s a precedent. The UN will find it hard to see any other route taken.



Scotland is a sovereign nation in an international treaty as a co signatory.

An international lawyer from the UN has already stated Englands Supreme Court decision is unlawful.

A sovereign nation can end a treaty whenever they feel like it. It was never a territorial union.

Jog on, Ass.

David Hannah

link to

I’m surprised the Sunday Mail hasn’t printed the Scottish edition.

Like Derek Mackay. Humza’s lawyers must be trying to silence the story about him bouncing on Anum Quasir and he should resign for breaking the law.

Set the truth free.

David Hannah

#HumzaBinShaggin #ScottishNookieParty

Print and be dammed. End SNP corruption.


I think the reason Alba haven’t made inroads is because people are scunnered with inaction & tbh they’ve had no real test. No one much cares for diddly council by-elections.
The GE will be the test.

Alba is a political party. Funds are limited until it can break through.

56 MPs was a complete waste of everyone’s time. They settled in straight away.
Brexit happened despite a mandate /manifesto pledge & whining Blackford reminding us every week it wouldn’t happen.
Sturgeon was a liar. People feel anger.
£600k has gone walkies with no accountability.
They’re all corrupt as feck with wandering hands.
The horrors of GRR being passed regardless of no mandate.
The deviant Greens – no mandate.

Holyrood, it seems, is a cesspit knocking shop.

When trust is lost its lost.

With ID it’s going to be a lot harder too. People already on the breadline won’t waste money even applying.

Scotland needs to return MPs. It’s the recognised seat of power & that’s the system – tho I hope Alex would be ballsy
& refuse to sit but that’s a big ask cause folks can’t work on self esteem. That doesn’t pay the bills lol

Alba are the only ones doing anything for Indy in both parliaments. Sturgeon turned the YES movement tribal with her bullshit but I don’t think it’s Indy supporters yapping on social media – it’s the GRR gang knowing their gig is up. They flock to Labour now.

Whoever in England thought *Sir* Starmer was ever going to be anything but Mr Establishment is as thick as shite.

That’s if the votes weren’t rigged in the first place. Just need to watch the Labour files to see the absolute corruption of that party working against the rightful leader to undermine him out of office.

A Scot Abroad


the UN declines to get involved in treaties concluded 250 years before it was formed. In any case, the treaty was then taken into law by both parties and has now stood for over 300 years.

I hate to break this to you, but lawyers making statements is actually just them advertising for their next gig by bigging themselves up. It means fuck all.


That Land Commission job:

Is Mike Russell moonlighting with the horsebox?

link to

stuart mctavish

O/T but arguably as fundamental an observation as the apparent absence of knives in the back of ting1 or ting2

Thank heavens for Liz Truss..

As an irregular communicant she can surely be forgiven for not knowing that the pope, correctly in my view, called Israel a terrorist state last week.

As a member of the UK parliament however she should be very much aware that the ONLY reason King Charles, and not some other lucky random, receives her oath of allegiance is because a popular relative of his, Robert Bruce, was removed from the contemporary papal terrorist list with the declaration of Arbroath.

Since such a declaration is unlikely to be coming from the Israel anytime soon (and certainly not one in favour of the indigenous peoples it appears hell bent on genociding), and since Charles has expressed
a personal ambition to be defender of all the faiths,(rather than take his oath to the Scots?), I’d say the logical extension to her claim about pro Palestine protests being pro terrorist, ie that the King rejects his Christianity, needs urgent testing in both parliament’s and the high court. 🙂


Labour, AKA Tory Party in red see their leader knight of the realm Sir Keir Starmer praise the leadership of Maggie Thatcher!

The woman behind the poll tax, the woman who went to war with Argentina to win an election. The woman who fought trade unionism with the Miners that closed all of the pits she promised to keep open and the U.K. lost a valuable mineral most needed at that time.

She imported coal from Columbia where 10 old kids worked in the pits.

For those who don’t know she handed a contract to the company her son worked for and made the reasons behind it top secret to stop compensation claims from those not allowed to tender.

Does anyone believe the reason was anything beyond filling her son’s pockets.

And will any party trying to stop pathetic right of centre Labour from forming the next government highlight this story, not if your in the Sleeping Numb Parasite group. SNP.


A Scot Abroad said;

“Given ScotGov acceptance of the 2014 route, there’s a precedent. The UN will find it hard to see any other route taken.”

Bollocks, ASA, that 2014 route is completely non-compliant with the UN Charter, which mandates facilitating the right to self-determination, not finding ways to block it. The UN will find it unacceptable. The precedent is only in your head.

“In any case, the treaty was then taken into law by both parties and has now stood for over 300 years.”

Completely irrelevant; not only is that just domestic law, so it must defer to international law, much of it falls foul of the Treaty’s terms and certainly of its context.

The Treaty didn’t remove, transfer or demote Scotland’s inherent sovereignty for the simple reason that nobody involved in negotiating, agreeing, signing and ratifying the Treaty had the authority to do such things, and domestic legislation hasn’t the authority to do them either.

David Hannah

comment image

Statement from Michael Matheson

John Main

@Xaracen 8:39

I’m interested in looking for “Scotland’s inherent sovereignty” today.

Where should I start?

Where will I find it?

Seems like a simple question, so I’m kinda expecting a simple answer.

Surely, if it exists, it has to be vested somewhere.

David Hannah

At the Cop28 summit in Dubai, Humza Yousaf said the money will go towards urban communities in the global south. Countries such as Afghanistan, Algeria, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and many others.

Aparently Zambia is to get 36 million. It’s time to take our country back and sack this cheating, lying Muslims first Minister.

David Hannah

No doubt all the flats at the Wyndford will be given to asylum seekers. If we don’t get rid of this c*** Humza Yousaf.

He’s destroying our country. Giving our money away to Muslim countries.

It’s time to take our country back from this reverse racist, grand strander.

The flooded residents of Elgin have not received financial support.

Meanwhile Humza is rising Anum Quasir with an open cheque book. I bet you they’ve been shagging on a bed of money. Drinking from a Champagne fountain.

He’s slitting Scotland’s throat. Like its a cut of Halal meat and letting our blood drip to the floor.

He’s a disgrace.


David Hannah

Humza, wants his very own Gaza on the river Clyde.

We know the Ukranian on the boat we’re all housed before Scottish men.

We know that the rental market is out of control. Yet they don’t declare a housing emergency.

But he’s got 36 million to give away. To the false green agenda.

Because they are Muslims INIT. INIT BRUV Erdogan.


Police Scotland have confirmed they attended an incident at the home of the ex husband of the female SNP MP accused of having an affair. Male family members of the MP issued threats and warned him to keep his mouth shut.

FFS. Why are we tolerating this in Scotland? The Police are complicit in SNP cover ups, they already have the chief constable by the short and curlies from day one when she used a squad car to give her mate and herself a lift to Durham. She is compromised.. What chance to you have of getting justice when the Police and the SNP are in a incestuos relationship.This country is being dragged into banana republic status under this government and they don’t give a shit who knows. We need those who behind putting the frighteners on this guy identified and charged and the Covid rule breakers named and shamed.


John Main @ 09.17

Ask a metaphysical question, expect a metaphysical answer.
“Inherent sovereignty” lies, undefeated, in the free heart of all true Scots.

David Hannah

Muslim gangs. You don’t want to get on the wrong side of them.

Its just a shame that Humza couldn’t keep if in the family. As Muslims are known for their loyalty to their home.

George Ferguson

@KT Lorimer 9:21pm
That’s fair criticism I haven’t been to an Alba branch meeting or Conference. I watched some of it on tv. But take your point. Inactive members should channel their energy by turning up.


@John Main, 9:17am;

Don’t give me that dishonest tripe, John, you know perfectly well where it is vested.

That Westminster’s English establishment completely ignores our sovereignty is its greatest constitutional crime, and if there’s any meaningful justice in the UK, it will eventually be held to account for it.


Anyone heard hiw snp finances are doing

Dave Collin

Ah. The Minister for Being Horizontal. That’s who it is

David Hannah

Well Nicola Sturgeon resigned because of the police investigation into the SNPs finances.

The investigation that she was later arrested as a suspect. With Peter Murrell’s showroom raided including digging up the back garden for evidence.

Ian Livingstone also visited Nicola a week before to warn her what was coming.

Meanwhile the SNP saved up for flowers to send her.

And the police work for the SNP. Thanks to Dorothy Stain of the Clown Office of Clowns. Chief Cover Upper of criminality.
Sturgeon’s jury hating hench woman to her left. And rapist enabler. LADY Doughball Dorian.

So I don’t expect much justice in the SNP. Who put this clown Humza Yousaf into office in a fixed election. We know no one will resign. Michael Matheson even blames his kids.

No one is ever held to account. No one voted for Humza Yousaf. The SNP conference was emptied. And Sturgeon fucked off the the cash in a suitcase and a caravan with her lesbian lover. Stuffed in a closet somewhere.

The whole of Scotland knows. It’s an embarrassment that the police haven’t done anything about it.

Then again. JOE Farrell
The new woke chief of police is a corrupt cow as well. If she let Dominic Cummings drive 300 miles to test his eyes.

I suppose she gets police Scotland to drive her 300 miles as well.

Bent copper alert.

Fuck them all.



She sunk the Belgrano too that was moving away & her son tried coup d’état too.

Which will be what Labour will have done if they win in Scotland.

No way would it be legit. Not after Better Together. People aren’t going to forget that in a hurry. Blair *I lied to win* McDougall & Douglas Alexander will be there to remind us what a clusterfck they were in office before.


I think it was the dumb transfer of votes system that led to Dumbza.

Why not just normal voting. FPTP?
Instead of all the ranking shit.

Tho I don’t believe the SNP membership is pro Indy anymore.
How many voting in that election were rUK?

A political party can have members from anywhere. As the Tories proved.


Something happened in that hotel room between Sturgeon & Mayhem in 2017.

I believe she was given a golden pass to be as fcked up & corrupt as the rest of them if she took independence off the table.
She’ll have honed in to her narcissism. In power forever.

Police Scotland is just wasting everyone’s time to be seen doing something while doing sweet fck all at cost of £millions to crush a nut.

We’ll find out in 50 years with some sealed documents at Kew exactly what the tractor agreed to.
All done to *save the union* of course.

Sturgeon has no future. She’ll be heckled tae feck once the attack dogs are called off cause that’s all that’s protecting her. Scotland despises what she’s done – unless yer a sexual deviant. Then she’s the best thing since Nutella & a banana. Lol

David Hannah

#HumzaBinShaggin. Leader of the SNP grooming gang. According to the daily Record. The ex husband of Anum Quasir is was threatened about going public on the affair.

You don’t want to get on the wrong side of an Asian grooming gang that’s for sure. It’s 100 lashings for adultery and death by stoning in Sharia Law!

Well. Unless you’re on top of the the SNP grooming gang that is. And then you get to become an MP. Wish an envelope of cash from Daddy.



David Hannah

I think it’s a disgrace about what’s going on.

Come Home Humza. And Resign. You adulterer. Criminal covid law breaker.

Stop giving our money away to Muslim countries while we’re all struggling at home.

Humza Out.


I wonder if Humza does irony. There he is giving millions of pounds away to foreign countries in a posture about global warming, whilst at the same time Scotland is starved of money to help the people and freezes in temperatures as low as minus 18c.

Where is the mandate for him behaving in this way? What have the Greens got on the SNP to make them act in this way?

Sturgeon started this absurd posturing, and now Humza is pursuing it further.

What about the farmer’s propmised millions? What about spending it on a decent road to Inverness. What about using it on the ancient fery fleet, or the healht service, or home insulation, or……

The SNP have shown where their priorities lie. And it’s not with the Scottish people.

God help us from posing buffoons who just want the limelight and care nothing for those they are supposed to represent.

John main

Two responses.

Zero answers.

Our inherent sovereignty has a real world existence, or it is worthless.

So how does it manifest in the real world? Who wields it and how?

Take your time, I’m here all day.


Sounds familiar?

“The identity of those involved have been kept out of the news for legal reasons, however it is widely known among the press and politicians”

So says the Scottish Daily Express about the bonking SNP covid busters.

The same words apply to the Salmond stitch up.

The Scottish people are treated like mushrooms. It’s time for change. Let the people know the truth about these events. The judicial system is failing us by agreeing to all this unjustified secrecy. The press should do something to stop the rot. It is not healthy living in the dark and being covered in sh1t.


I see Humsa shovelled some of our money to the third world, doing “penance” for the Scots, and yet I don’t feel guilty about anything and don’t see why I should pay up.

– but why would he have needed to do this anyway?

Mark Carney and a wall st group made 1 TRILLION DOLLARS of loan guarantees available for climate change at COP26 … surely that fixed the problem?

I thought bankers writing stuff on paper was our societal equivalent of the word of God himself?

I know how we can solve the whole thing – an options market.

You can buy an option for a temperature future, or a sea level value, at some expiry date in the future.

The magical invisible hand of the market creates financial incentives for private enterprise to solve climate change by providing a profit motive.

Aid to poor countries can be provided by allowing them subsidised contracts. The way this works is – if their countries are ruined after all, made unihabitable, the contract pays out bigtime, and so their population can just go and buy property in the arctic circle. If their countries are alright, the contract expires worthless.

Markets, they always work.

Starving? Let them eat a wheat futures contract.

David Hannah

link to

Humza Yousaf. The MSP Who Shagged Me!




Ash Regan’s motion through Holyrood.

That’ll sort the wheat from the chaff.

Just in time for a general election. What Scot is in Holyrood to fill their bank account & what Scot is there for the sovereign people to choose.

Independence isn’t going anywhere.
The chaff need removed.

Dumbza shouldn’t be giving any money away. He’s a branch manager in a diddly administration. Scotland has no foreign policy & Scotland didn’t benefit from plundering & asset stripping African Nations while aiding various regimes.

The whole climate change bullshit needs to end. It’s a con to fund further plunder. If they cared about net zero they wouldn’t hold these bullshit jamborees every few months in a digital age.

David Hannah

link to

The Ex husband. AND the police have confirmed they were called to deal with threats made by SNP gang members of Humza Yousaf asking him to shut up.

Why would SNP gang members be threatening a husband for nothing, if the allegations weren’t true? Why would the Asian grooming gang members be there, if it weren’t true?

That’s because it is true. They’ve been shagging. They’ve breaking the law. Our corrupt First Minister is a double cheat. Who’s cheats on his first wife. And his second wife. And breaks laws he set himself. Spreading covid not love.

Everyone knows the truth. He has no mandate to he in office. Let alone give our money away to Africa. While he’s bonking Anum Quasir.

Why is she there? For what reason?

Is Mhairi MaCallan just another play thing for Humza, is she his Sunday girl in Dubai? His cocktail waitress at Cop 26. Is that why she’s the environment secretary, for the business trips?

Humza. Hang your ex in shame. 100 lashings coming your way for being an adulterer. As per Sharia Law. The Mosque won’t be happy.

And neither will your daughters. Shame on the press for not doing Scotland a favour and naming him.

Tony + Hay

Get this clown Hannah so far to fuck.


England’s Home Secretary James Cleverly is to fly out to Kigali (Rwanda) to give its government £15 million quid to take what the UK government calls “Boat People” (a derogatory term if you ask me) arriving in UK waters.

The Tory government has already squandered a whopping £140 million pounds on the sending them to Rwanda plan, which the UKSC shotdown recently. The £15 million quid payment isn’t likely to be a one off shot, infact Downing street insiders think that more payment will be forthcoming.

Rishi Sunka met with the Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame on Friday at COP28, Kagame is one of many dictatorships that Westminster props up around the globe. Sunak refused to rule out more millions of pounds payments going to Kigali.

One wonders if our prolific shagging FM has made any side deals at the COP28.

“The Conservative Party leader told a press briefing while at Cop that he was “finalising” legislation designed to push through the Rwanda proposal, which is seen as key to delivering on his pledge to stop the boats before a likely general election next year.

The Prime Minister has set the target of deportation flights taking off by the spring.

Sources inside No 10 said the UK Government was hopeful that the emergency legislation would be ready this week but that it could not be guaranteed.”

link to


John main said;

“Two responses. Zero answers. Our inherent sovereignty has a real world existence, or it is worthless.”

False dichotomy, John. It clearly isn’t worthless, or it wouldn’t have been necessary for England’s establishment to steal it or block it, and we wouldn’t be wanting it back.


So the millionaire knight of the realm and leader of the Labour party Sir Keir Starmer has praised Margaret Thatcher in a bid to win over some Tory voters.

Yet not one current/in office, Labour branch office MP or MSP attached to Scotland has spoken out against their boss lauding Thatcher.

In reality there’s virtually no difference between Labour and the Tories, other than Labour pretends to be a socialist party where the Tories don’t.

The (OIM) Optional Image Mark, of London Labour as the Electoral Commission has described “Scottish Labour” is a Fifth Column at Holyrood its remit is to make sure Scotland never leaves the union, and like the Tories and Lib/Dems which are also Fifth Column parties at Holyrood, they must always talk an independent Scotland down.


As already suspected by the sane amongst us..
These jamborees are fck all to do with the climate crisis.
It’s a talking shop for other business.

The Tories are hell bent on breaking international law & domestic law. Time the UN took them to task or they’re absolutely pointless.

David Hannah

Well Tony. Humza says we’ve got to be reconciled for the industrial revolution. We’ve got to apologise to the global south. For the false green agenda.

So in that spirit. Humza should be reconciled to history as well. Sharia Law. For being a two timing double cheating adulterer. As, per Sharia Law. 100 lashings. And death by stoning. Metaphorically of course.

Because we’ve got to apologise for our anncestors being the land of enlightenment and the land of invention.

If we’re going by history Humza…


Whenever I look at the scotgov, SNP, media people, I can just think one thing and have one word screaming in my head …

everywhere a NEWSCOT

for a people barely 4% of the population at large, they seem over-represented, maybe quotas are needed. It’s funny you know, minorities screech about their under-representation, but go all quiet when they are “over” … no, for now “the system works” and we are all living in a “meritocracy”. But of course we are, since 3rd rate anglos run all the quangos.

Maybe it’s all okay, Humsa and the rest of them are just getting a job for their cousins, this used to be in a cash and carry, now its holyrood or a quango.

Can’t muslims have up to 4 wives? This might help Humsa with his problems of remembering just who he is married to. Then there are their progressive cultural traditions – first cousin marriage (the catholic church banned this throughout europe – so you can blame the pope for not having 6 fingers), which is always good for the IQ, and then the honour killing – dead in a ditch, throat cut, when that dowry was not up to scratch.

The asian-scots “business miracle”? – a masterclass in carousels with people who are all your cousins, “losing the VAT”, and such technical retail channel innovations as selling single cigarettes, with a SINGLE match, to children. Renting out flats with no locks on the doors and bars on the windows, also a specialty. Still, a cash heavy asian business still has more honest accounts than GERS, eh?

Have the asian business community bought the SNP? Is this why the Murrells never seemed to be worried about money even though the accounts were holed below the waterline? Were they being “subbed out the till?” Is this why “their guy” HAD to get the top job, even though he is a fuckwitted incompetent?

– if it is a takeover, can we at least get a decent jalfrezi out of it? I mean we got fuckall from the Anglos, maybe the Asians can be more generous. Thank God we never sold out to the EU superstate, they would be taking all our money, giving us pennies for the tuckshop and parking the euronuke up the clyde, buying up all the highland cottages an all, making fun of our accents … at least that never ha … oh

Nikki had a wee asian GF I think; I thought this because there was a picture of her gurning like Sid James next to Barbra Windsor in the SUN, in a story about nothng much. Next day that story was memory holed. Gone. It never happened.

Then we have Ammer Anwar, this “fighter for freedom” lawyer, which the BBC just made a multiple part advertisement for. If a black man trips in a forest, with no one to blame or there to see it … anwar will still be there, because it is still RACIST, and he will prove it. He is like a one man “ADL for BAME”. Once the BBC start making deferential booster shows about you, I think you are “establishment”.

The world with hilarious irony keeps us all entertained – Pakistan is making moves to boot a lot of asylum seekers/refugees – I can see a Naavid AlfGarnesallah screaming – “they come over here, they dont respect our traditions, they commit crime, they prey on the young girls … ” – 1.7million afghans, back to the taliban; this is hard-core. If any european tried such a thing, people would go nuts. Can we send the Anglos to Rwanda? They seem to have a fetish for the place.

– shall Humsa make a statement about the plight of these asylum seekers?

If anyone thinks Humsa “makes it up as he goes along” – e.g. the never tested blatant incompatibility between blanket support for trannies and islam (in the mosque, where do they go?) – it is because he is, and is allowed to; this is called “taqqiya”.

David Hannah

Scotland produces 0.1 per cent of global emissions.

We shouldn’t have to apologise to the global south for the industrial revolution. Being Scottish. And being the land of enlightenment. And invention.

Humza should be in Grangemouth. But no. He’s in Dubai. With his toad in every hole. Carrying on Sturgeon’s narcissism and making a fool of every suffering scot here. And most recently in Brechin with the floods.

Humza has abdicated all responsibility. Glasgow has just declared a housing emergency.

Meanwhile. Humza gives away £36 million of our tax payers money. To Africa. The middle east.

I’m not apologising for our proud history. I want Humza gone. He’s broken the law. And he’s corrupt. And the SNP. And the police know it.


Another madcap plan from the SNP/Greens that’s already a million quid over budget.

“The cost of an ­experimental Scottish Government funded scheme to ­“decarbonise” a small town office by fitting heat pumps will cost an ­eye-watering £3.5million.

The Crown Office announced in August it was closing its p­rocurator fiscal’s base in Elgin, Aberdeenshire, to upgrade ­insulation and fit an electric heating system at a cost of £2.2million. But we can reveal the estimated price of the project – designed to showcase the viability of retro­fitting Victorian properties to become more environmentally friendly – has increased by over £1million in just a few months.”

link to

Alf Baird

Xaracen @ 2:45 pm

Scottish sovereignty “clearly isn’t worthless, or it wouldn’t have been necessary for England’s establishment to steal it or block it, and we wouldn’t be wanting it back.”

Yes, independence is about a peoples struggle to reclaim their sovereignty which has been taken from them. In a colonial society “only the values of the colonizer are sovereign” (Memmi). And the colonizer’s values seek to make the colonized forget about their sovereignty, to make it not exist. The colonizer cannot therefore respect the sovereignty of the colonized, and they cannot afford to allow it to exist. If the colonizer recognises the colonized’s sovereignty then the colonial relationship is ended.


Another foreigner buys a Scottish castle with a landed estate and wants to open it up for the rich to fly in and use it as their playground.

The foreigner also wants to buy a local forest.

The locals are not happy with the plans.

Of course Andy Wightman revealed that Scotland is up for grabs to anyone and everyone, I’m sure he said in the programme Who Owns Scotland, that Scotland is the most privately owned country in Europe with land in mind.

link to

David Hannah

The locals should just storm the castle and sieze it back to Scottish hands.

David Hannah

link to

I think we dispel any suggestions that king #HumzaBinShaggin and Susan Aitken have been getting down to business in Dubai.

Meanwhile her city declares a housing emergency. While she’s lording it up in Dubai. Like Saudi Queen. With a house boy. Dipping strawberrys into chocolates and feeding her. While someone fans away the heat.

Shame on you both. Return to Glasgow. And Resign.

George Ferguson

@David Hannah 2:54pm

It’s worse than a apology the UN representative body has calculated a 24 Trillion Dollar reparations from the UK for the transatlantic slave trade. On a pro rata basis that’s 2.4 Trillion Dollar reparation for us. Of course the UN have declared we won’t have to pay it in one go. How very nice of them. And here is me worried about a definite mere 2 billion hole

George Ferguson

@David Hannah 2:54pm
An apology would be fine but it’s worse than that. The UN representative body has calculated the UK reparations for the transatlantic slave trade is 24 Trillion USD. On a pro rata basis that’s 2.4 Trillion reparation from Scotland. Here is me worried about a mere 2 billion black hole in the Scottish finances next year.


Dumbza is in line with Islam.

It’s hidden within the fake tranny shit.

Women are 2nd class & need permission to leave the house.
Men rule the roost & can shag anything that moves.
Queer away homosexuality.
Thought police & ministers against stupidity.

Coming to a parliament near you.

Gender critical have been warning it’ll be islam next. It’s just a hop, skip & a step to what the fascist pampers brigade are already cheerleading.

Confused.. pmsl at the single cigarette.

George Ferguson

Oops apologies Stu. Please drop the hammer on my foot so I can morally swear. I never got the chance to say what a wonderful group we have drawn in 2024 Euros. I am thinking of a Roy Orbison? song, “It’s now or never..”


Confused @2.59 Thank you for your enlightening post on the Moslem concept of taqqiya. I have often wondered how Humza Yousaf could claim to be a good moslem and at the same time be the leading proponent of Transgender rights in Scotland.


George Ferguson @ 16.19.

Based on “O Sole Mio”, it was Elvis Presley who had the major hit with it I believe, George.


Confused is not an expert on Islamic law. Do take care what you read.
The matter of deliberate deception, taqiya, kitman etc is a question contentious within Islam itself. Is pretence/deception a betrayal of belief?
It is likewise with Christianity particularly in Catholicism.
The Japanese writer Endo Shusaku’s novel The Silence takes that theme.
We are each individual, rational beings with «choice».

George Ferguson

@Sven 4:33pm
Thanks Sven. Great song. On other matters I researched the entire wealth of the UK. In 2021 including all our land and the assets the Uk have a net wealth of 11.8 Trillion. So reparations are double our entire wealth. And the UN think they are a fair organisation?. There will nothing left for our grandchildren. If only we had politicians acting in the interests of the Scottish people.

David Hannah

link to

He’s giving another 500,000 away today.

When will anyone stop him?

Will the press name him as the love rat and criminal. Or will they wait for Douglas Ross to name him In Westminster Parliament?

Perhaps Douglas Ross can use Parliamentary Privilege in Westminster to bring his nemesis down. Once and for all.

David Hannah

link to

According to this website Humza split from his first wife Gail Lythgoe in 2017.

Gail was reported to have been described as, “not a good enough muslim” to the boys down at the Mosque.

As he cheated on her. If I think with Nadia.

She was white and Scottish. Not pure enough for Dumza.

Which is why he cheated on her.

And he’s, cheated on Nadia as well.

Once a cheat. Always a cheat. What goes around comes around love.

David Hannah

His first wife was white and Scottish.

Not a good enough Muslim. Just a, white girl.

Anum is more his type.


The Tories move the goalposts on voting in GE’s.

“THE Conservative government has been accused of using “every dirty trick in the book” after altering key rules governing General Elections, with more changes set to follow.

The Tories have already raised the amount a party can spend on campaigning, introduced “restrictive” voter ID laws, and reigned in the powers and independence of the Electoral Commission. They now look set to lift restrictions which prevent political parties from cold-calling voters.

On Wednesday, Conservative MPs backed a bill which Labour claim will “transform elections” by allowing political parties to “bombard voters with calls, texts, and personalised social media messages without their explicit consent”.”

Earlier in November, the Conservatives used a statutory instrument to push up the General Election spending cap by around 80%. Previously, the limit was set at £30,000 for every constituency contested, equating to £19.5 million nationally. Now, it is closer to £35m.

“The agency said in a statement: “Any changes to spending or reporting thresholds must be supported by rigorous analysis, including on the likely impact on public confidence and transparency. The commission has not seen evidence to support these changes.

“It is concerned that the proposals risk damaging the transparency of political donations, and gives significantly more scope for higher spending parties to campaign.””

It sounds like the Tories are attempting to buy a win at the next GE.

link to

Anton Decadent

Re taqqiya, a few years ago I was on a date with a Scottish woman who had not long divorced a Muslim immigrant here. She told me that he had been serially cheating on her and when she confronted him his response was that she was not meant to find out and that the Koran says that if no harm is meant no sin has been committed so he had done nothing wrong.

We had ordered a takeaway at her house and as we sat down to eat it what I have to assume was him showed up, sat his arse down in front of the telly, picked up the remote and stuck the golf on. He was a black guy and when she went out of the room he turned to me and asked me if I liked black women, I replied that I did and he said that he would set me up with one and went back to the golf. I made my excuses and left as I felt that she was trapped under their spell.

David Hannah

That’s how Humza sleeps at night. TAQQIYA.

You weren’t meant to find out. So I’ve done nothing wrong.

You’ve got to feel sorry for the Muslim women. Forced to cover up their hair and commit to their unfaithful partners.

Only for them to defile 77 virgins when they arrive at the gates of Mecca.

Ever seen a man wear a hijab? Exactly!

Run as fast as you can. Nadia!


Elements here are descending into an antimuslim, perhaps racist, rant.
Caution. A slope most treacherous.


It’s ironic. Forbes was slated & hounded for being a Christian & how it would affect government policy.

While first thing Dumbza did in Bute House was to hold prayers in front of a press conference while standing in front of his mam to block her from the photo.

He’s a hypocrite.
If it is him, he’s on his third woman. Well, actually, they were already at it in 2014 so he’s been lying all this time.

She was shoo in WM. The whistleblower last year said her father was insistent because while he was with her he promised her the world & the father was calling that in.

Confused is having a laugh but I suspect there is a lot of truth behind money changing hands direct into Sturgeons bank account.



Yes. The Tories are setting up perpetual Tory rule.

Boundary changes & voter ID being the latest along with new crimes bill & BoJo already removed some ppl not playing ball from the electoral commission.

We’re heading into a dictatorship & that’s been on the cards for a while. The Tories are so arrogant they’ll even break int laws.

Alf Baird

John main @ 1:24 pm

“Our inherent sovereignty has a real world existence, or it is worthless. So how does it manifest in the real world? Who wields it and how? Take your time, I’m here all day.”

In a colonial society the sovereignty of the colonized is stolen and hidden by the colonizer. In Scotland’s case this was effected through the deception of the Treaty of Union and complicit elites, as James Che and others confirm.

Independence is about a colonized people reclaiming their sovereignty (Memmi) and can only be made manifest by removing the colonizer.

George Ferguson

@TURABDIN 5:57pm
You are the resident expert on Muslim affairs, so why did you comment on Christianity in your post of 4:43pm. Your equating of the two religions was superficial at best. Perhaps you can explain to me why an Imam refused to shake the hand of my wife during an Open Day to a Mosque?. What part of the Quran motivated that behaviour in an Established Christian country. Reinforced by the fealty of King Charles III at his Coronation. It’s a free speech blog. It’s not racist to ask why the Imam wouldn’t shake hands with a woman. The action maybe was sexist though. Over to you for an explanation.?

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

the only colonising being exhibited in your comment of 7:20pm is the use of American spelling.

Can you please now read and plagiarise a fourth book on colonisation, this time something new? I think we are all a bit bored of Fanon, Cesaire and Memmi. None of them are persuasive on this matter.

Vastly more Scots went south than English came north, post 1707. If there was any colonising being done, it was Scots doing it.

David Hannah

link to

This is a new low. Even for Humza:

“THE Scottish Government will fund solar energy installations for 15 children’s operating theatres in Africa, Humza Yousaf has announced.

Through its International Development Fund, the Scottish Government will provide almost £325,000 for Kids Operating Room (OR) to provide power to the facilities in Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda.”

Ahaha. It’s not even funny. What about our NHS?

David Hannah


“Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda are key partner countries for Scotland’s international development efforts.”

Kam’mwamba Coal-Fired Power Plant
Nkhotakota-Salima Water Supply Project.
M001 Road Rehabilitation
Shire Valley Transformation Project
Greenbelt Initiative
Malawi-Mozambique Transmission Interconnector Project
National Fiber Backbone Project

Why are we paying for their mega projects and hospitals? When you can’t build the fucking A9 or property staff our NHS. Let alone sack your failing health secretary Michael Matheson. The masturbator of Morroco and, the 11K laptop. Worst Dad of the year.

What about the coal fired power station in Malawi? Is that climate justice?




From “Colonialism and the Highland Clearances – Iain MacKinnon

“However, it is after the defeat of the
Jacobite army at Culloden in 1746 that explicitly expressed proposals and projects for colonization become more apparent. The estates of prominent Jacobite supporters were forfeited to the Crown to be governed by the Board for the Annexed Estates. Andrew
MacKillop has described this as ‘the most ambitious and high-profile agency of government intervention in the Highlands in the second half of the eighteenth century’. Led by Andrew Fletcher, the former Lord Justice Clerk, the Board’s commissioners had been set the task of ‘civilising the inhabitants on the said estates, and other parts of the Highlands and Islands of
Scotland’. One of the means by which they set about this task was to develop what the
Commission’s reports call ‘colonies’ of demobilised soldiers and sailors upon the forfeited estates. On their Perthshire holdings the colonies included those at Streilitz, Auchterarder,Borland Bogg and several at Callendar.28 MacKillop has argued that it is among the colonies of the Annexed Estates – which were equated to the colonia established by the Roman empire ‘in order to pacify local populations and act as recruiting stations for imperial defence’ – that the beginning of the crofting system of tenure can be found and that the Board’s ‘true significance’ is as a state intervention initiating policies of land tenure for settlement that foreshadowed the general move towards crofting tenure.”

David Hannah


“Malawi, Zambia and Rwanda are key partner countries for Scotland’s international development efforts.”

Lusaka Dollar Dual Carriageway

Curfew Lower Hydropower Project

Mongu Cabo Road

Livingstone International Airport

Copperbelt International Airport

Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Chapata Few Road

Katipa Talk Road

Solwezi Mansa Road

You can youtube these follwil fuel burning mega projects. Such as Zambias x2 international airports under construction for the copper mine. And motorways.

Where’s the A9 money Humza?

Dundee Scot

ASA says:
“Vastly more Scots went south than English came north, post 1707. If there was any colonising being done, it was Scots doing it.”

Quite true, ASA.

As Professor Tom Devine points out in his magisterial “The Scottish Nation,” emigration from Scotland made Scotland, on a percentage basis, “the emigration capital of Europe” in the 1800s. As the 2011 census shows, a much higher percentage of Scots have moved to England, than vice-versa. See link to

Sadly, facts won’t change the minds (?) of commenters whose intellectual energy is limited to churning out substance-free, repetitive comments.

David Hannah

Why is he giving these countries our money. As they create new fossil fuel extractions such a coal?

All of them are taking us for mugs.

It’s time the UK government intervented and pulled him out.

He’s wasting all our money. He’s giving it away.

To Muslim counties. Of course!

A Scot Abroad

Sam, that was under 2,000 people, and all of them Scots in their own native land.

Nearly 3 million Scots went out to the Empire in the next 150 years. Now, that’s colonisation. And the vast majority went of their own free will, to seek economic opportunity.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 8:42 pm

“the vast majority went of their own free will, to seek economic opportunity.”

That seems at best simplistic and rather ignorant of the facts.

The recorded endemic poverty, deprivation, lack of housing, overcrowding, chronic unemployment and lack of opportunity in Scotland were the main motivations to leave for many Scots.

In addition, mass forced clearances, evictions, land confiscations, transportations, indentured servitude, empire resettlement act(s) incentives, and the fact that Scots armies were used as England’s imperial battering ram led to a massive loss of Scotland’s population in what was the largest outmigration suffered by any nation of comparable size in western Europe.


John main says:
3 December, 2023 at 1:24 pm

“Our inherent sovereignty has a real world existence, or it is worthless.

So how does it manifest in the real world? Who wields it and how?

Take your time, I’m here all day.”

I have answered this question many times.

The so called “sovereignty of the Scots” is not worth the paper it was written on.

If it was, the Scots wouldn’t be fighting for independence three hundred years after it had been taken away.

If the Scots were “sovereign”, independence couldn’t have been taken away in the first place.

The only right that so called “Sovereign Scots” have is the Westminster given right to vote, if and when Westminster allows a vote.

“Sovereign Scots”, my foot.


& it’s still happening.

English moving in & snapping up property & Scots moving out cause they’ve nowhere to live.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

it’s nothing like as simplistic, or as ignorant, as your fallacious argument that Scotland was colonised. Nor does your argument acknowledge that economic conditions were the same across pretty much of the U.K. at the time, whether you were from Wester Ross or Whitby, Exeter or Edinburgh. The only uniquely Scottish element was the clearances, and that was a series of acts carried out by Scottish landowners against Scots. Research shows that around 100,000 were cleared, with about 60,000 going to the cities in the Lowlands, and 40,000 emigrating abroad. A high proportion were Cottars, who were in effect serfs for the clans, compelled to croft and indeed to turn out for military service.

Your colonialism argument has always been nonsense, and now you are proving it. Best stick to counting shippingcontainers or whatever it is that the fourth rate Poly thought that you were good at. You’ve got no grasp of history or logic.

James Jones

David Hannah at 8:30 pm:

“It’s time the UK government intervened and pulled (Yousaf) out.”

There are some on here who would lose their minds at such ‘interference.’



“Sam, that was under 2,000 people, and all of them Scots in their own native land.”

The Gàidhealtachd is the Highlands. Peole were dispossessed of their lands. Their culture was attacked.

The Gaels were attacked as inferior.

“But the Highlanders … had been so contaminated with a Celtic mixture in Ireland, that … in laziness, filth, and every species of savageness, they have been always hardly distinguishable from the savages of Ireland. In all ages of our history they are marked as the savages of Scotland.”

John Pinkerton’s History of Scotland

Iain MacKinnon


ASA. Still spouting absolute garbage.

John Main

@Alf Baird 7:20

“removing the colonizer”

Seems a smidge extreme to me, Alf.

I’ll compromise though. There can be few Scottish electoral constituencies where the “colonising” voters outnumber the “indigenous”, maybes even none.

But I’m sure we can agree that a majority of Scottish constituencies contain a majority of indigenous Scots voters.

Ergo, any Indy party, putting up a candidate in each constituency, standing on the platform that a majority of seats for them will be interpreted as a plebiscitary vote in favour of ending the Union and starting unilateral action for Indy, will be entirely fair.

All that is needed for that plan to work is for a majority of voters in a majority of constituencies to be actually in favour of Indy.

Not only is this a simple idea to grasp, but it requires nobody’s “permission” and it is fundamentally democratic.

Obviously the SNP will never do this, but there is nothing stopping Alba. It’s high time for them to get the finger out and make this happen. It’s high time that the claimed solid support for Indy, regularly referred to on here, is put to the test at the place it matters, the ballot box.

HR elections, 2026 will be perfect.



& His next party trick will be that Slaves wanted to work.

John Main

Oh dear, Yousaf using the position of FM of Scotland and Keeper Of The Great Seal to divert hard earned Scottish tax payer’s “tartan tax” to his favourite good causes.

Michty me. If only somebody had had the smeddum to take forwards the legal challenge against the flawed and fraudulent election process that saw him shooed into place.

But naw, that was dropped and now we all have to live with and pay for the consequences.

Nae probs, eh? It’s only money, and extorted tax payer’s money at that. There’s always more to be extorted – for those in Yousaf’s position, the magic money tree is very real indeed.


Alba are already doing that, ya plank.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 9:57 pm

“economic conditions were the same across pretty much of the U.K. at the time, whether you were from Wester Ross or Whitby, Exeter or Edinburgh”

Again this is not the case. Unemployment was historically much higher in Scotland than in England, and wage levels were lower. The main role of Scotland in supplying England and its empire needs meant Scotland’s economy became highly concentrated on a few industries, and hence much more subject to shocks, which were all too frequent.

This is examined in great detail in Hechter’s ‘UK Internal Colonialism’ which explains the economic differences between the Celtic Periphery nations and core nation England in the industrial process. And it also explains why Scotland’s outmigration per capita was up to 8-times higher than England’s.

David Hannah

I don’t like him John. Not one bit. He’s not loyal to Scotland. He’s done absolutely hee haw to demonstrate that.

I feel sorry Mhairi MaCallan. She looks like his first wife he cheated on. I hope he keeps his hands to himself. Abusing his power as a high profile male.

David Hannah

I hope Nadia is changing the locks as we speak. Imagine giving all that money away.

He’ll start a race war in this country the way he’s going. He’s a disgrace to office of First Minister. And a pestilence to the land. As, someone said!

A Scot Abroad


very few were dispossessed of their own lands in the Highlands, as very few held their own lands. Something close to 100% was owned by the clan chiefs, and tenanted out.

Now, there’s an awful lot wrong with that, but you can’t say it was colonialism. It wasn’t the English marching north, it was Scots doing it to themselves.


Taqqiya – the thing about islamic opinions, if you hunt hard enough, you can always find a scholar to your taste.

Islam is a cheap knockoff of christianity, simplified, mysteries removed, for the left side of the bell curve; it’s a copy paste operation.

– but they got the idea of embedded lying from the other lot

link to

you need to watch all of this, but it gets real meaty half way in; very illuminating re : the situation in gaza, especially if you think of it as a “conflict” with two sides, opposed equally. Who is genociding who? Who has it in their nature?

… jews, muslims … hindus!? – let’s have a full house

Everyone knows Mountbatten drew the India – Pakistan border, “wrong” because he didn’t like Jinnah (one kinky rumour is that Nehru was fucking Lady Mountbatten … and Louis … ), so you have “border disputes” and “disputed territories” and disgruntled populations. They shell each other and have the odd skirmish. I read it got a bit intense of late because of what the Indian government were up to – they were promoting “internal colnisation” into this largely muslim area, but with hindus. Remind you of anything? The old ideas are best.

– you can see the cunning of it all. Some time, maybe 30 years from now, one way or another, there could be a referendum on this area’s political destiny. Then they use a messed up local govt franchise. Are hindus the new muslims, and who are the “soft noes”. Muslims and hindus – who are the real racists? And does anyone give a fuck what that word means anymore, so devalued it is.

Palestine, gaza, india-pakistan, which all goes to show 2 things – multicultural diversity solves all problems (!!), and … the british empire don’t half leave a fucking mess after you boot them (so be warned)


David Hannah

The reason the UK government pays foreign aid is because we rob those places of their talent.

Teachers, doctors, nurses etc. all professional people.

The country has educated & trained them & it’s compo that’s paid.

Until the UK government pays for home grown talent the sooner foreign aid will stop.

The UK government won’t do that tho. They’d rather pinch them from elsewhere.

Charging tuition fees drives away home grown talent.

Who here would sign up to pay £50k+ to sit an exam at 18? It’s mad.

& That is why aid is paid. The UK probably spends more on outsourcing than they do just fixing things.

Dumbza shouldn’t be giving aid as he has hee-haw input on migration.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

unemployment in Scotland was lower than in England throughout the 18th century, the first century since the union. Mostly because England had greater population centres where unemployment was rife. In the rural areas in both countries, most had active employment on the land.

You are pushing a big stone uphill. You’ve got this idea that isn’t actually borne out by history, and you are trying to make a political point of it in the 21st century. It’s a nonsense idea, and you aren’t informed or knowledgeable about it.


Can anyone explain if Ash Regan’s proposal when she was vying for Scum Nonce Party leadership that Scots held the democratic right to vote for independence and that EVERY forthcoming election was a plebiscitery election and if the indy parties won over 50% of the votes that was enough to enter negotiations for the disbursement of jointly held items

Is this proposal still active or are we now back to holding a referendum on whether the Scottish administration has the authority to call a referendum on independence or are we even further back where our administration asks the english parliament to agree to recognise any referendum

If it is the latter, who actually destroyed Ash’s proposal and for what reasons


ASA. So what were all these redcoats doing in Scotland at the time? Searching for second homes? Oh wait! The IDF seem to be having a similar stroll in Gaza. So everything’s just dandy eh.

John Main

@TH 3:44

Lots of good questions there. Let’s hope somebody answers them (not you Geri, we’re trying to be serious here).

Many liked Regan’s plebiscitary elections idea when she was pitching for SNP leader. It it was a good idea then, it’s still a good idea now she is in Alba.

John Main

@Anthem 7:59

Not sure where yer heid is with that post (haha, an obvious place suggests itself), but you might be suggesting the redcoats were searching for kidnapped bairns and kids, and anxious to deliver kidnapped lassies from further rape and abuse.

If you are suggesting that, one obvious conclusion is that maybes the redcoats had a point.

Luckily there’s a much more obvious conclusion – you’re just an eejit.


Can’t believe John Main was allowed to teach children.


Scotland’s international reputation on Freedom of Information (FoI) has been “harmed” by a decision not to overhaul the system, says the chief Information officer.
Ministers in the SNP/Greens government say the current system offers enough transparency .

Well they would say that. The most secretive corrupt bunch ever to set foot in Holyrood.



“but you can’t say it was colonialism. It wasn’t the English marching north, it was Scots doing it to themselves.”

First of all, the people involved in the taking of land and the movement of the people from it and creating them as inferior were the ones who spoke of creating colonies. The colonisers of the time recognised their colonialism even if you decline to do so.

They also recognised that what they were doing was trying to change the culture by introducing people with different values and having them supplant the indigenous people. That too is evident in the language of the colonisers.

The nature of colonialism shifts and adapts.There is no one definition that fits it.

“J.G.A. Pocock noting that during the imperial crisis that led to the American Revolution it became clear that the British empire lacked ‘a clear concept of a colony as a subordinate political society’.”

Thus the “English marching North” is an irrelevance.

Scots were doing it to Scots but they were doing it with the interest and support of the imperial government.

“Plans for penal colonies in the Westerns Isles were being made from at least the mid-nineteenth century and were still being mooted in the second half of the twentieth.
46 Moreover, the grand project that Sinclair had depicted in the Gàidhealtachd was examined and then proposed by successive British parliamentary committees on Ireland, and a programme of public works put into effect in Ireland in the 1820s, including ‘a domestic colonization of a population in excess in certain districts’.47”

stuart mctavish

Tony + Hay @ 2:29

Steady on there big fella(s), over and above the element of lockdown hipocrisy, Dave Hannah be elegantly exposing a fascinating disconnect in how new Scotland defines (and takes to trial) alleged attempted rape under Scots law v alleged actual rape under sharia.

Since we’ve prolly only got one final Christmas party debate where a SOSFS is able or willing to step in and save us from ourselves, now might be a great time to do the one on Sharia – especially if it means some of the participants will be motivated solely by the possibility of taking FM out to get stoned straight after..

For added value they could tag a massive chunk of apology money onto the bill – and open the floor to requests from the long suffering, and doubtless most horribly colonised, Ardgay community referred to by republicofacotland @ 3:29.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 12:01 am

“you aren’t informed or knowledgeable about it”

Hechter’s work provides much of the socio-economic data you continue to ignore which proves the subordination of Scots, Irish and Welsh ‘peoples’.

Here is a small sample of his findings on the ‘UK Internal Colonialism Model’:

‘Internal structural differences between the Celtic periphery and England are reminiscent of less developed societies which arose as a function of their colonial mode of development’.

‘Development (has) occurred in a largely dependent mode… and special diffusion of industrialisation in the Celtic lands was considerably restricted… and excessively specialized.’

‘The situation of the Celtic fringe in the British Isles is analogous in several respects to that of less developed countries’.

‘The structural consequences of colonial development were such that the country and the people were laid bare and defenceless to the play of the market forces as redirected only by the interests of the foreign metropolitan power’.

‘The persistence of systemic disadvantages…from policies discriminating against the Celtic periphery (and) when long-term differences in aggregate rates of development are the result of ethnic stereotypes, it is appropriate to speak of institutional racism’.


I can see Ash Regan becoming leader of the Alba party, she might just be ruthless enough to save us from this bucket of shite union.

Meanwhile lets see these London Labour branch office MSPs, and Mr Union Jack suit Ian Murray squirm as they contort into all manner of shapes to avoid critcising their millionaire knight of the realm boss Starmer on the below.

“THE Alba Party’s Ash Regan has submitted a motion in the Scottish Parliament calling on MSPs to condemn Sir Keir Starmer’s “praise of the legacy” of Margaret Thatcher.

The motion was lodged yesterday and is being published today.

Scottish Labour MSPs will be in the spotlight as they face calls to back the move and distance themselves from Labour leader Starmer.

The text of Regan’s motion reads:

“That the Parliament condemns the comments of the Leader of the Opposition of the UK Parliament that the Conservative Government led by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher brought ‘meaningful change to the UK’; notes that throughout this period the Conservative Government allowed the failure of British Steel’s mill at Gartcosh, the Invergordon aluminium smelter and the Corpach pulp mill which would further lead to the closure of Ravenscraig that signalled the end of large-scale steel making in Scotland, resulting in a direct loss of 770 jobs, and another 10,000 jobs linked to these; further recognises that the blatant injustice of the Poll Tax being introduced in Scotland provoked protests and demonstrations and non-payment; and recognises that this resulted in the campaign for a Scottish Parliament as a democratic advance becoming something that was absolutely essential to protect Scotland.””

John Main

Great post from Sam at 9:19

Every time another strand of Ancient Guff is revealed, I sense another surge in Indy support, as the relevance to today’s problems hits home with indecisive Scots voters.

Keep em coming Sam.

John Main

RoS 11:21

I am confident that submitting that motion will be orders of magnitude easier than working out a plausible, practical, affordable proposal for using iScotland’s renewable electricity resources as input to a new aluminium smelter, or a new steelworks.

Cos that’s what Scotland needs if we are ever to be independent. Affordable, profitable value-added industries, and our renewable electricity bonanza could, in the right hands, provide the foundations for that.

Anyhoo, if you collect enough paper copies of Regan’s motion you will have the basis of a fire to keep you warm for an evening.

Regan, and Alba, better up their game. Cos that is playground politics posturing.


Scotland is in the state it is, largely because it employed teaching staff of the calibre of John Main.


@John Main. I really worry about your delusions. The Redcoats were the ones doing the rapes, kidnapping & murdering children. Don’t you read.your own history? Shame on you.


54% YES Ipsos Mori


Ash has put a bill through Holyrood proposing it’s the sovereign people of Scotland who shall be asked if Scotland should have the powers to exit.

We’ll see who adds their name to it in Holyrood & who doesn’t.

It’s still every election. 50% + 1 to exit.


ROS Said…
; further recognises that the blatant injustice of the Poll Tax being introduced in Scotland provoked protests and demonstrations and non-payment; and recognises that this resulted in the campaign for a Scottish Parliament as a democratic advance becoming something that was absolutely essential to protect Scotland.””

DasBlimp counters…

link to


Look at the two arses trying a spot of revision that Neil Oliver would be proud of..

Let’s bring it bang up to date shall we?

Scots being displaced by English buying up property.
Scots voting intentions scuppered by English.
Scots not in charge of their own resources.
Scots not in charge of their own spending decisions.
Scots not in charge of her own immigration.
Scots capital city flooded by English. Ethnic cleansing.
Scots capital city has a foreign parliament.
Scots capital city has an English outpost (Queen Elizabeth House) One in Glasgow too.
Scots can’t go for a shit in parly without permission.
Scots can’t hold a referendum.
Scots are restricted in Westminster & outvoted.
Scots have no control over minimum wage.
Scots have no control over fuel.
Scots are forced to live under Tory rule they don’t vote for.
Scots have no defence.
Scots have no foreign policy.
Scots have no say in the banks/treasury.
Scots are forbidden to borrow.
Scots are forbidden from overseas trips.
Scots university & professional jobs are fulfilled in England.
Scots have no powers over pensions.
Scots can’t remove weapons of mass destruction.
Scots have no powers over welfare benefits.
Scots can’t ban zero hours contracts.
Scots had no say over Brexit.
Scots had no say over funding wars.
Scots are forced Royal parasites.
Scots are forbidden to know who buys her land.
Scots are forbidden to hold real accounts on her revenues.
Scots are starved & cold by draconian policies.

Is that enough?

Remind us again why anyone in their right mind signs up to that?

Roasters who aren’t Scots, that’s who.


The British Bullshitting Corporation can report what they like.

They’re aw died.

Why would someone even lock that bullshit for 30 years?

BBC need to rename themselves Jackanory.

A Scot Abroad

Geri, at 12:01,

1. Ash Regan is only proposing to bring forward a bill for consideration. There’s no guarantee that it will be taken forward.

2. The franchise is exactly the same as for the previous referendum, unless amended. The Holyrood Assembly would need to vote on that, and no party has yet supported the “sovereign people” franchise that you advocate, nor the 50%+1 at each and every election.

3. Even if 50%+1 were to become the policy of a party that won by exceeding that figure, it’s entirely in Westminster’s gift to ignore that. Nobody could possibly argue that a vote in favour of that party at an election was a vote for independence. There’s potholes, agriculture, the A9 dialling, fishing, green matters, education, health, social care and so on and on as well to consider, and people vote for all sorts of reasons. Such is reality.


In little more than 50 years the Highlands and Islands, greater in sze than Belgium, became largely depopulated.

There is little trace of those that lived there.

Sheep, which replaced the people, were themselves replaced. The price of sheep here was undercut by those in New Zealand and Australia, places where some displaced Scots went.

Red deer and “sporting estates” replaced the sheep.

No longer sustainable for some of the aristocracy much of the land is now a Nature Reserve.A great wilderness area and a human wasteland.



Probably deemed too toxic.

Another I should’ve added to my list.

A nuclear dumping ground.



Great list.

Scottish historians discuss the Clearances and their effect, until today, with melvyn Bragg.

link to

A Scot Abroad


you have to ask why the Highlands and Islands are so thinly populated. The fundamental answer is that the land is marginal at best across great swathes of it. A second and important factor is that overland transport is very sketchy. It was very hard to make more than a subsistence living there in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was that, rather than the clearances, that took so many people away. My own ancestors left Islay for exactly that reason, moving first to Glasgow, and then two brothers moving to the colonies where they greatly prospered as traders. One can’t blame people for getting off their backsides and going out into the world to give themselves opportunities.

So what would you have done with marginal land and almost zero transport infrastructure in the 18th century? It was only post union that roads were built, and they tend to skirt the waters along which goods moved by boat. Building across the grain of the Highlands is hard, and even now roads get washed away by weather, storms and slippage, resulting in detours of 100 miles.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 1:12 pm

“people vote for all sorts of reasons”

In an artificial state construct like the UK ‘union’, state propaganda and cultural assimilation has a major role to play in the way people vote especially when it comes to a single constitutional matter such as the splitting of that artificial construct that the state has so carefully articulated and embedded in the minds of the people over a lengthy period.

Here propaganda may be defined “as monolithic communication on a grand scale that attempts to encompass all aspects of culture” (L’Etang). Thus, propaganda is that which affects social construction to such a degree that “its assumptions are welded to the taken-for-granted norms and values of the host (Anglo) culture” and this makes it difficult for ‘deviant’ views (e.g. Scottish independence) to be expressed. Ultimately there is no “accommodation” process to be made by individuals as the norms and values conveyed (via propaganda etc) define their identity.

In a colonial society it is only the values of the colonizer that are sovereign and which define the peoples identity, i.e. ‘British’.


Overland transport (and seaport infrastructure) is appalling in Scotland generally, not just the highlands. The reason? We all know why.

Scotland is kept artificially poor by Westminster.

[Stand by for some BS from the usual Yoon suspects that black is white, up is down, it’s all our own fault etc etc]


An excellent and on the money article from Chris Hedges here, the majority of the people around the globe want the genocide to end, its governments and political bodies along with arms producers and the MSM that are complicit in keeping the slaughter going

“No one, least of all President Joe Biden, plans to intervene to stop the genocide. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel last week, and while calling for Israel to protect civilians, refused to set conditions that would disrupt the $3.8 billion Israel receives in annual military assistance or the $14.3 billion supplemental aid package.

The world will watch passively, muttering useless bromides about more surgical strikes, while Israel spins its roulette wheel of death. By the time Israel is done, the 1948 Nakba, where Palestinians were massacred in dozens of villages and 750,000 were ethnically cleansed by Zionist militias, will look like a quaint relic of a more civilized era.

Nothing is off limits. Hospitals. Mosques. Churches. Homes. Apartment blocks. Refugee camps. Schools. Universities. Media offices. Banks. Sewer systems. Telecommunications infrastructure. Water treatment plants. Libraries. Wheat mills. Bakeries. Markets. Entire neighborhoods. Israel’s intent is to destroy Gaza’s infrastructure and daily kill or wound hundreds of Palestinians.”

link to


No one should be forced to leave to better themselves, ya eejit.

What would we have done?

Spend 50 yrs of oil bettering & upgrading our own country rather than someone else’s.

& Started an oil fund.

& Commissioned roads & transport.

& Not have roasters say we can’t have it.

What kind of clown are you to prove our point?



Thanks for the link but I don’t have an account.
I cancelled the BBC & my account yrs ago.

Cheers anyway..


‘Ass Caught’ 2.19pm:
“… the land is marginal at best…”

No it’s not. Much of this land is fertile as anyone who takes the trouble to read up would know. Trotting out old myths might impress the lads down the pub but it disnae cut it on here.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird, at 2:44pm,

You really are a hoot.

Your first main paragraph makes an unevidenced assertion dragged up from the out of your mind. Your second paragraph then attempts to link that assertion to a treatise written on a completely different topic, and with no common context. It’s easily available on Google to check.

You really need to be more thorough and convincing, if you want more than the partisan and credulous, to take you seriously. That’ll be hard though: it’s only the partisan and credulous that are foolish enough to believe in Indy.


Prep. school economics from Norfolk. Lol.



Aye, not only do we have the wrong kind of oil but this roaster is starting on the wrong kind of soil now LOL!


Elections will be simple..

Do you want control over everything in order to better serve the Scottish people?

Or do you want to remain shackled to the parasite next door who is stealing from you & your bairns & charging you for the privilege?

Nothing can be fixed with pocket money & a political party we have persistently rejected for nearly 70 years.


John Main

@Republicofscotland says:4 December, 2023 at 2:49 pm

Here you go Ros, fixed it for you:

Israel’s intent is to get the hostages back, first and foremost

I’m fascinated by your claim that the majority of the people around the globe want the genocide to end. I wonder who performed the miracle of polling that would back up that claim with evidence.

Most of all though, I wonder when the word “genocide” became stripped of its true meaning. Did that even happen, or are the vocal propagandists currently making all the noise just assuming that the silent majority are too daft to know what is and isn’t genocide?

Anyhoo, RoS, for many, it’s not as complicated as it is for you. Return the hostages, as part of a prisoner exchange if necessary. Reveal all tunnels and vacate them. Stop the shooting on both sides. Compromise on the mutually avowed annihilation.

All there to be negotiated and then it’s all over.

You profess to care, RoS, so why don’t you start getting real.


ON Topic: Chris, the way you have depicted the man so we see the whole person with their culture and personality in an apparently simple sketch is incredible. I hope you have been recognised as a star by the art world. “Sir” Chris Cairns, perhaps?

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 3:05 pm

“it’s only the partisan and credulous that are foolish enough to believe in Indy.”

Reverting to debasing the colonized you appear to have run out of even half decent propaganda. Nothing left in the unionits tank other than desperate insults. Is that it, the ‘case for the union’?

Anton Decadent

@Confused, the video you linked to was enlightening, we should also be aware of the line in the Koran which states “Idolatry is worse than carnage.”

@RoS, from yesterdays Guardian, accusing Jews of genocide is, apparently, Holocaust denial and the work of people who are planning another Holocaust. You are now officially far Right like the rest of us.

link to

John Main

@sam says:4 December, 2023 at 1:16 pm

A great wilderness area and a human wasteland

Phew, lucky it’s too early for me to have a dram on the go, I’d be greetin a river.

But I do think my late OM had a better description for it, “a wet desert” is how he used to describe it.

Every time I visit I marvel at the lack of Canadian, US, Australian, New Zealand, South African, South American, Caribbean, etc accents. How odd it is that after the great Scottish diaspora that colonised all these far flung places and catapulted its descendants to lives of freedom, prosperity and happiness, that none of the indigenous inhabitant slaying feckers ever return here to settle.

It’s not that they can’t afford to, so it must be that they are perfectly happy where they are.

Just as well. I can imagine the anguish and teeth gnashing on here if a million or so thoroughly modern and cosmopolitan “Retread Scots” started calling the shots.

A Scot Abroad


enlighten us all. What is the soil (and climate, topography and transport) of the Highlands and western islands good for, and is it economic?

There’s a reason that it isn’t extensively used for economic activity. The two largest economic contributors are Faslane/Coulport, and around Dounreay. And yet the pro-Indy side want to close them down. The third largest sector would be hydrocarbons from new fields, but there’s only one party in Holyrood that wants to open that up. Clearances of people with brains and tax contributors. What then?



I got to it without an account

Alf Baird

James says:
4 December, 2023 at 2:47 pm

“Overland transport (and seaport infrastructure) is appalling in Scotland generally, not just the highlands. The reason? We all know why. Scotland is kept artificially poor by Westminster.”

Yes, the colonised native ‘wants to develop his ports’ and other critical national infrastructure, but the colonizer ‘holds him back’ (Memmi). The colonized are prevented from developing international connections that would bring them back into international consciousness, instead everything of value must be intercepted by the ‘mother country’.


In an independent Scotland we could fund a big ship.

All aboard for a warzone! Free travel. We’ll even provide some free shackles for you to cosplay being a slave.

Once you reach yer destination you’ll be provided with a boiler suit stamped *armchair critic* & a pot lid to defend yerself.

Battle Royale style.

Meanwhile, back home, we can hold a sweepstake on who’d be the first to greet like a big lassie wanting their Maw..

& We can all say we don’t believe

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

rather than preaching to a credulous choir about your half-baked ideas on colonisation (have you learned to spell that properly yet, or is American still colonising the inside of your head?), when you’ve worked out the economic case for Indy, come on here and tell us about it. Not the stupid idiocy that was in Salmond’s 2014 prospectus, nor your moonshine ideas for a transshipment hub in the Orkneys, but actual proper hard numbers. iScotland is going to have to have a reliable income stream, after all.

I’ll give you a starter for ten. Polar orbit launches of micro satellites from Caithness. That’s a growing need and will be a lucrative market.

John Main

@Anton Decadent says:4 December, 2023 at 3:57 pm

Your post contains a number of words and terms which have been so overused and abused they are now essentially meaningless.

The most an intelligent observer can assume when they are deployed is that a semi-literate hysteric is attempting to argue with somebody who holds a different opinion.

John Main

@Geri says:4 December, 2023 at 4:20 pm

Wee bit early, naw?

Aren’t ye finding the MUP slowing ye doon at all?

Maybes it’s still too low then.


ASA. Still spewing infantile nonsense I see. How would Orkney survive if it became independent? Oh wait! They could build a transshipment hub!


What do we want-INDEPENDENCE
When do we want it-NOW
Will we better off-FUCK KNOWS
Who will form the Government-ERM, ERR

Can any one of the fantasists, the fanatics, the delusional, the brain dead, the scum and the outright nutters try and explain to me what the magical ‘Sovereignty’ actually means and how it effects me on a daily basis?

Many thanks.

Dundee Scot

I’d imagine Stuart Campbell is saddened at the low intellectual quality of the comments made on Wings by most of the pro-Indy commenters.

The commenters that assert that Scotland is a “colony,” that the 1707 Union didn’t happen, that voting should be restricted to “ethnic Scots” (whatever that constitutes), or that Scotland is ruled by a shadowy foreign conspiracy. Or comments that boil down to a string of personal insults and England-hate. These comments are embarrassing to read.

There may be a valid case for independence, but it’s not being made by these posters.

John Main

@Chas says:4 December, 2023 at 4:52 pm

explain to me what the magical ‘Sovereignty’ actually means and how it effects me on a daily basis?

Feck off!

I asked first. Wait your turn.


Dundee Scot

Are you not aware that an ‘ethnic Scot’ is any one who would be prepared to vote YES at any forthcoming referendum! It will not matter if they are from England, Morrocco, Pakistan, Argentina, Poland or any where else.
It will also help considerably if they have no idea of what YES actually means to them and their families financially, mentally or physically.

A Scot Abroad

Anthem, at 4:50pm,

there isn’t a business case for a transshipment hub in the Orkneys. There wouldn’t be any investors. Even after the sea ice retreats, there still isn’t a business case. Even the Canadians, who looked at a similar venture in their St Lawrence Seaway couldn’t make a case for it, despite there being over 15 times the trade between the east coasts of Asia and the north American continent, and the mouth of the St Lawrence giving access to not only the east coast, but the internal seaways all the way through the midwest. Orkney gives you access to nothing.

It’s moonshine only advocated by idiots who’ve got no business brain and no sense of finance and investment decisions.

Luckily for the Orcadians, they are sensible.


John Main

Apologies John.

We will await the responses from the ‘intellegencia’ with interest.

Which one will be the first to claim that we are actually the same person. My bet is Confused or, everybody’s favourite, Geri.


Cheltenham has cancelled all leave, I see.


My god the britnat apologists and sycophants are out in force today, that 54% for YES opinion poll must be making the collaborators very nervous ,OMG what will happen to us collaborators when independence happens will our maisters protect us from these savage independence supporters or will there be a wee place in engerland for a good jocko manservant to continue his arse licking

It continues to be Scotland shite, Scots shite,Scots Ship building shite, Scots NHS shite , Scots trains shite,Scots airports Shite, EVERYTHING in Scotland is shite BUT they cannot come up with ANYTHING positive to encourage people to STAY in the onion, unfortunately for them engerland is in a worse state of SHITE

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 4:24 pm

“when you’ve worked out the economic case for Indy”

You really should explain the economic case for your beloved union hoax, amidst a background where half of Scots live in or close to poverty, crumbling infrastructure, a rising population due only to in-migration requiring ever more spend on public services, councils now expected to go bust, and long-term zero economic growth.

Scots having to get by on £60bn a year compared with Norwegians spending around three times that on their people. So can you explain the benefits of the union hoax, ‘hoax’ because Scots have no veto on anything, ergo no ‘union’ exists.

Poverty, economic plunder and subordination of Scots is the price of the UK union.

Dorothy Devine

Dear Alf , please ignore your stalker and any of their ignorant pals.

There is no point responding to a Neil Oliver style argument – ‘economic migrant’ description of burning people off their land is well and truly ordure.

John Main

@twathater says:4 December, 2023 at 6:05 pm

Aw c’mon now Ted, you don’t mean that.

Every true Scot likes onions. They’re a big part of our national dish.

Scots Ship building shite

It is though. It didn’t used to be. But now it is.

James Jones

Geri says at 3:27 pm

“Elections will be simple..

Do you want control over everything in order to better serve the Scottish people?

Or do you want to remain shackled to the parasite next door who is stealing from you & your bairns & charging you for the privilege?”

Nothing can be fixed with pocket money & a political party we have persistently rejected for nearly 70 years.”

Devolution has been a golden opportunity to demonstrate how Scots could govern themselves better than in the aforementioned 70 years (in which Scotland did get the Labour government it wanted, possibly denying the rUK). Are you content with how it’s going? Yousaf is busy giving your ‘pocket money’ to other nations, allowing sexual perverts to steer policy and telling you to stay at home while he’s out committing adultery. Education and Health haven’t improved. The previous leader is in disgrace and Scottish police seem to be in the SNP’s pocket. They’ve all turned Scotland into a deep-fried banana republic, and you think it would be alright if only they were given even more power and money?


John Main @3.44pm.

Well we do know what Western governments don’t want.

link to

link to

However looking at the millions of demonstrators around the globe calling for the genocide to stop, I’m pretty confident that the people of Western countries are at odds with their governments on the mass murder of the oppressed Palestinians by the long term occupying military force known as Israel in Palestine.

Come voting time I’d hope that the Zionist/genocide supporting governments in various Western nations find themselves firmly removed from office.

Anton Decadent.

The f*ckin Guardian a 100% outlet for the English security services as is the Telegraph.

John Main

@Alf Baird says:4 December, 2023 at 6:17 pm

So it’s back to being all about the money.

Great, no quibbles from me, in fact, what took you so long?

The next step is to crunch the numbers, and prove to the unconvinced how Indy will make them richer. That’ll get the votes of ‘true’ and ‘new’ Scots onside, so all the franchise claptrap can be ditched, along with the harping back to the Ancient Guff.

A wee word of advice:

a rising population due only to in-migration

If you are writing about Yousaf’s million or so New Scots he reckons he needs to do the actual work around here, poverty will never be eliminated when new impoverished are constantly being imported to replenish the numbers.

Spread our wealth too thinly, and we won’t personally see any increase worth talking about. It’s the difference between GDP and GDP per capita, as I’m sure you understand.


“Luckily for the Orcadians, they are sensible.”

More sensible than the writer.From The Orkney News July 2021.

“Orkney Islands Council (OIC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Crown Estate Scotland to develop deep water facilities in Scapa Flow for wind renewables.

Described by Councillor James Stockan, Leader of OIC as having ‘huge potential’, he went on to say:

“As a purpose-built facility surrounded by the safe and sheltered waters of Scapa Flow, it would have a vital role to play in enabling a major expansion of offshore wind farms in Scottish waters.

“It’s encouraging that wind farm developers have expressed considerable interest in getting involved in the project – and we are delighted that Crown Estate Scotland will be working closely with us as it develops.”

David Holden

Good God is it full moon? The trolls are out in force and I just wish a few more on here would just ignore the buggers
unless you enjoy playing chess with a pigeon or worse still mocking the afflicted. Please do not feed them as it only encourages them. Message ends.


Its not just our native Scottish languages that have suffered under this vile colonial union.

“REVERSING the rapid decline of Scots learning modern languages is “crucial” if Scotland wishes to become an independent nation within the EU, campaigners have said.
The overall number of young Scots studying European languages has dropped significantly in the past two decades, with an overall drop of more than 30% at Higher level and fewer than 1000 pupils in the whole country studying a language at Advanced Higher.
Such is the drop that earlier this month, the German Ambassador to the UK even raised the issue with the First Minister according to The Herald – saying the number of young Scots studying German was “dramatically low”.”

“It’s become clear that it’s becoming more difficult for young people to choose the languages that they want to study. Particularly given the loss of Erasmus”

link to

James Jones

Assuming ‘a troll’ on this site is someone who doesn’t support Scottish Independence proposals, you should probably wish you had a valid counter-argument rather than complain that someone holds a different view. You do realise that the independence movement is <50% and so has work to do? Keep ignoring that and you’ll never succeed. Indeed, keep it up, I say.

James Jones

Oh, come off it! ‘Colonialism’ preventing Scots learning a second language? lol!

Others have claimed it has prevented Scot’s learning their ‘own’ language, by which they meant the pidgin English, not Gaelic. The Welsh have done better.

Grow up and stop blaming all Scotland’s self-perceived failures on the English. Question how the devolved government have managed Scottish education.


You are only projecting, Main.

I don’t drink. Do you?

That’s a few times you’ve tried, & failed, to land that old trope.

What’s wrong? Don’t like it up ye?

Go on, you & all yer wee britnat pals, answer Alf’s question.

Give us a long list of benefits to remaining in the union.
I’ve provided a long list of why we shouldn’t..

It surely can’t be difficult?

Gowan, Gowan..

We’re all waiting to be amazed.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:4 December, 2023 at 6:46 pm

Dropping the ‘G’ word again I see.

You must believe that over exaggerating things to the max and beyond convinces people of the merits of your arguments.

When there is no actual genocide, “calling for the genocide to stop” only gains traction with eejits. Sure, there’s millions of them in the world. Among 8.5 billion people, how could there not be?

Calling for both sides to cease fire and negotiate a compromise peace is the actual call that may produce results and thus be in the best interests of the Palestinian people. The Israeli people too.

What’s the odds it is precisely that last reason that rules it out for you as an option?

There’s two sides fighting until one of them is exterminated. We can call for a mutual cease fire, but calling for a unilateral cease fire is calling for the side that stops firing to be exterminated by the side that keeps on going.

It’s not complicated, and so I no longer believe you’re acting from naivety.


Indy is already well over 50% & a campaign hasn’t even been called.

Tick tock..



How many bodies does it take in your fcked up world to make a genocide?

15,000, 20,000, 30,000 +

Ya weird sicko!

John Main

“an independent nation within the EU” is an oxymoron in English and continues to be so, whatever modern European language it is translated into.

Scots, Gaelic, Doric and Lallans also.

Maybes our youngsters aren’t as daft after all. Maybes instead of trying to hoodwink them with the “independent nation within the EU” pish, we should explain to them how mastery of a second modern language will increase their earning power in business.

But not in the EU bureaucracy or legislature, where English has always been and continues to be one of the official languages. Any Scottish youngster intending to work in any capacity within the EU bureaucracy can rest assured they need never learn any second language at all. English will see them through their years troughing it large.

As I wrote, maybes our youngsters aren’t as daft after all.


What the hell is wrong with John Main?

comment image


It seems that if anybody dares to ask an awkward question on Wings, to which there is NEVER a sensible response, then said individual is automatically a troll. Are the questions that need answering too difficult?
Everything in an Independent Scotland will be fantastic. How? By magic. Delivered by some new sooper dooper Government which is currently in hiding but is ready to blossom at a moment’s notice!
Most Scots do not like or want the Tory Party. The jury is currently out on Labour. The SNP/Loons are hopefully in their death throes. Alba is floundering with 2% support and simply HAS to attract disenfranchised SNP voters to gain a foothold, however unattractive that sounds and feels.
Scotland is in a vacuum politically with no sign of it ending any time soon. The regulars on Wings prefer to chat amongst themselves about Sovereignty, Colonialism and 300 year old mince and how everything is so unfair-yet do absolutely nothing about it. Personal insults do not solve anything.
Round and round we go endlessly but isn’t it fun?

Dundee Scot

“Indy is well over 50%” is the claim being made by some here, based on a recent IPSOS-Mori poll headline.
I suggest those making the claim look at the actual poll data, rather than the press release or the headline.
The actual data is hard to find, but it can be located. And on Table 32 we find out that 48% of respondents said they’ve vote yes. The poll has a 4% margin of error, so the actual number could be anywhere from 44-52%.
What IPSOS did to grab a “54%” headline was to not count those who said they were undecided, wouldn’t vote, or refused to answer.
And for you Alba fans, Alba is stuck at 2% in this poll.


Westminster is hoaching with carpetbaggers, liars, vermin & sexual deviants who don’t even show up for their constituents but what they can get out of it for themselves along with a side job.

Scotland will be magic. If we fck up at least we can fix it. If we make wrong decisions at least they will be our wrong decisions. An independent Scotland will have a written constitution – starting with parliament – anyone wandering of script will be removed. That’s what a sovereign people can do.

Not the mince we have from Westminster where only buddies can sack their other buddies.

It’s not rocket science. Tho it seems beyond yoons to grasp.

John Main

@Geri says:4 December, 2023 at 7:42 pm

I don’t drink

Sorry to hear that Geri.

That’s one route to self improvement, cutting back a bit, that’s forever closed for you.



He’s straight out of 1930s Germany.

That’s what’s wrong with him.

He doesn’t believe anything unless he sees it on the BBC from his armchair.

Those ppl scare the bejesus out of the rest of us. They’re a grade A weapon.


What on earth is happening in UK gov circles? What possible excuse is there to give them power to see the bank accounts of people in receipt of State Pension? A pension that they and their employers have contributed to?

Surely a judicial review should be started?

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

you aren’t very good with numbers, are you? Net fiscal balance per capita (ie government spending) in 2022 was £20,735 in Norway, and £19,139 in Scotland. Nothing like the difference you fallaciously assert.

John Main

@Johnlm says:4 December, 2023 at 7:56 pm

Woohoo, great post.

Erm …

So should I now respond with a great long list of the Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian, etc calls for the annihilation of Israel and the extermination of the Jews?

Or should I second guess your inevitable denial if I do, and just get in first claim that your post is a masterpiece of PhotoShopping?

Help me out here, Johnlm. Allow me some insight into the mental processes of the congenitally warped.

Ach, forget it. There are rational readers on here. I’ll repeat what I posted above and take my chances:

“Calling for both sides to cease fire and negotiate a compromise peace is the actual call that may produce results and thus be in the best interests of the Palestinian people. The Israeli people too.”

And you can make yersel comfortable, face down on yer bedroom carpet, biting greasy hanks out of the pile. Mind and unlock yer bedroom door first, just incase you choke.

John Main

@David Hannah says:4 December, 2023 at 8:29 pm

You an all?

Look, it’s fine to lay in your supplies early, the supermarkets are hoaching wi cut-price offers right now, and it’s daft to pass them up.

But you’re nae supposed to open them until at least the weekend before Xmas.


Israel is a terrorist state that’s went full Tonto.

As Republicofscotland says, the governments who cheered this on will be removed from office by sane people because they clearly have no moral compass & are a fcking weapon to world peace if they remain.

It’s clear the nutters have lost the plot with those quotes. Mighty mouth considering they’re the occupiers to land that even their God told them wasn’t theirs. They’d be nomads till the end of time. The great diaspora & they could wail all the liked.

The yanks & the UN have created & funded a beast. The UN has continually turned a blind eye to over 200 directives. They must do something about it or it’s no longer fit for purpose as the bastions of international law but are complicit in crimes against humanity & war crimes.

Is there nothing in this world that the barsteward yanks haven’t corrupted for their own greed?

They’re a bigger parasite than the Brits.

David Hannah

Yvonne Ridley says we don’t need to pay our tax to the government in protest.

I want to know she’s getting on with that in the prism show.

I’m looking forward to the next instalment of the show.

Solidarity with my Muslim sister. And feminist freedom fighter Dr Yvonne.

I don’t want to pay my tax either. Show us how.



Geri 7:42

Over an hour & still no benefits of the Union. LOL

Michty me! That’s how to shut them up.

David Hannah

Don’t support the war in Isreal?

Don’t pay your taxes.

Does anyone know a company I can pay my taxes into legally and not pay the UK Government?

Dr Yvonne Ridley is on the case.

Solidarity with Palestinians. From the river to the sea. Palestine will be free!



They shouldn’t have access to anyone’s bank account.

It’s just another attack on the poor.

If anyone’s bank accounts should be checked it’s those of politicians & lobbyists.

David Hannah

I wrote these comments having read that horrific quote from all of their leaders.

That’s the kind of reaction I’ll take to seeing something like that.

I’ve already attended a match for Palestine.

I waves up at the Israeli spy cameras on Glasgow’s streets. The ones that are able to tell my sexual preferences. I blew Netanyahu a kiss, and said. Follow me to the polo lounge. And take a picture. It might last longer!

Than the state of Israel. That is!

John Main

@Dundee Scot says:4 December, 2023 at 8:16 pm

I trust Rev Stu’s journalism.

At some point he will be republishing his infamous “Indy support flatlined at 45%” graph.

If the next version shows an uptick at the end, then I’ll believe it.

Until then, nah.


‘It’s no secret that a liar won’t believe anyone else.’

U2 The fly.


The BBC report U.K. military drones are flying over Gaze in order to assist the Israeli’s locate their kidnapped citizens.

How does that work then and why has no one asked them how that works?

If the drones could produce X-Ray into the tunnels how could it distinguish a captive from a terrorist to an innocent sitting in any Gazan room.

Do the Jews glow in the dark or something.

Why are these incredible drones not being used to help find Palestinian children trapped under rubble that was their home before Israeli bombs flattened it.

In the same vain the Israeli’s claim they bomb the homes where Hamas live.
Now I’m no expert but if that is true wouldn’t you expected them to have the Israeli captives with them. Anyway Israel is happy to kill their own and children purely on speculation a terrorist dies with them.

How many thousand people who have lost all of their family members their home their place of work their hospital their water and electricity supply will not want to fight back.

They can’t enter a conventional war as Israel has spent fortunes on their weapons and training and the US, U.K, and the EU will provide anything and everything Israel needs to keep fighting and building in Palestine.


@ Geri at 9.04: “bank accounts should be checked… of politicians and lobbyists.”

Absolutely. What a story that would tell. I still can’t understand how no-one has been charged over the VIP lane for the covid equipment contracts.


link to

“The following are a few of the major economic concerns that have been keeping investors and U.K. loyalists up at night if Scotland chooses independence.

1. The U.K.’s net import dependency for fossil fuels would shoot up from 47% to 95% as an independent Scotland gains control over the vast majority of the U.K.’s oil and natural gas reserves in the North Sea. This could cause energy prices across the U.K. to shoot up overnight as energy traders turn bullish and bid up future prices. While there may not be any material impact on supply, the market reaction could have a long-lasting and devastating effect on prices for some time as forward prices remain elevated. Higher energy prices would result in a decrease in disposable income, especially for the U.K.’s struggling middle class. This would hurt Britain’s service sector, possibly plunging the country back into recession.

2. Scotland could refuse to take on its share of the U.K. national debt. This scenario would raise the ratio of the U.K.’s national debt to GDP from 88% to 99%. U.K. sovereign debt rates would almost certainly shoot up as investors would require higher yields to compensate for the increase in credit risk. The extra debt servicing costs would further eat into the U.K.’s ravaged income statement, forcing it to either take on more debt or make painful cuts in services.

3. The loss of North Sea crude oil would cut significantly into the U.K.’s total exports. Crude and refined petroleum makes up 12.5% of the U.K.’s exports. Scotland stands to gain 98% of the U.K.’s crude oil, reducing the U.K.’s overall exports from $813.2 billion to $713 billion. These figures don’t include Scottish imports of U.K. goods, which could help to balance the numbers.

4. Chances are, U.K. exports to Scotland won’t be enough to make up for the loss of all that Scottish oil. The resultant expansion in the U.K. trade deficit, along with the increase in Britain’s credit risk profile, could cause the pound to lose significant value. The pound’s exchange rate to the U.S. dollar fell from $1.72 to $1.61 last week on fears of a Scottish exit. If Scotland gains independence, Nomura analysts estimate the pound could fall an additional 15%, putting the dollar exchange rate at its lowest level in 10 years, at around at $1.37.

5. The weaker pound would hurt the U.K.’s international purchasing power, forcing it to slash imports, lowering the standard of living for those left in Britain. The U.K. imported $783 billion in 2013, equal to around 28% of its GDP. A further 15% fall in the value of the pound would force the U.K. to spend $921 billion to import the same quantity of goods, making total imports equal to 33% of GDP.

6. The balance of trade could spiral out of control, sending shock waves through many parts of Britain’s economy. With exports reduced to $713 billion and imports increased to $875 billion, taking into account higher oil imports, the U.K. trade deficit would expand to $155 billion, further debasing the pound. The weakened pound would put additional strain on the (half) island nation’s ability to import goods, further lowering the U.K.’s standard of living. The one positive here is that the weakened pound would make the U.K.’s exports more attractive to foreign buyers. But there is no guarantee that U.K. exports could expand enough to fill the hole left by the loss of its considerable energy exports.

7. Depreciation of the pound combined with a growing trade deficit from greater dependency on foreign oil would lead to significant inflation, raising the cost of living and eroding real British wealth. Savings would take a hit, which could cause Britons to take their money out of sterling and convert it into a more “stable” currency, such as the dollar or the euro. This would further debase the pound and cause a major flight of capital that could destabilize British banks. Financial system instability might require government intervention to shore up depleted capital reserves. Currency controls would need to be implemented to keep the pound from falling, further eroding confidence in the currency.

8. All of this economic instability isn’t good for the City of London. Investors pulled 16.6 billion pounds ($24 billion) out of the U.K. last week, the largest such decrease in assets since the start of the 2008 financial crisis. Any additional decrease would be devastating to the city as it could set off a panic in the markets and a widespread withdrawal of capital across many asset classes. If investors kept their money out of the City for long enough, the financial industry would be forced to shrink, meaning mass layoffs. This would deliver a major blow to London’s economy, as it counts on the salaries of financial service professionals to keep it going.”

A Scot Abroad

Sarah, at 8:37pm,

nobody receiving a state pension has actually contributed to it. Instead, what they’ve done is contributed via general and NI taxation through their working lives to other peoples’ pensions. Not towards their own.

At the very best, there’s a social contract between government and working age people that when you hang your work boots up, there’ll be a pension for you. But contracts can be broken, and even if it isn’t, there’s no guarantee as to what your future pension may be worth.

There’s also nothing to say that a pension can’t be reduced by the amount of benefits someone has drawn in their working years. It might be unpopular, but that wouldn’t be
So if people are smart, they’ll put money into personal pensions or invest otherwise.

One cannot trust governments to eventually do what they claim at the time that they will do.


@John Main 8.43pm

What’s your beef?
You deny a g3nocide is taking place.
I posted a link correcting your ignorance.

Maybe your g3nocidal 4partheid beliefs are causing you some embarrassment?
Lazy sociopath.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 8:43 pm

“you aren’t very good with numbers, are you? ”

Still trying to find Norway’s budget, are you?

Sam @ 9.55 outlines England’s dismal prospects without Scottish plunder. It disnae leuk awfu guid fer yer peymaisters.


I really cannot believe that there are so many people here who, like the BBC, support Hamas over the Israelis. Why are you Jew haters? I just don’t get it and I am glad I don’t. Did you see that Youtube of Owen Jones who, after seeing the video of tortured Israelis lashed together and burned to death and decapitated babies he was still making excuses for Hamas. Would you? Un-fuckin-believable!



Great post.

You’d have thought they’d have been at least a bit nicer to Scotland over the centuries eh?

Instead they show nothing but contempt despite us keeping them afloat. Even prior to oil – Scots always paid in more than it ever got back.
Embarrassingly so that they stopped recording it in 1921.
Not only money wealth but on the wealth of our knowledge & invention too.

There’s fresh news for Britnats too, once Scotland leaves the Union the others will surely follow, if it doesn’t happen before we’re Indy.

The union is dead. It has absolutely nothing to offer anyone outside the North East. Even the roasters can’t think of any benefits to list.

The old adages – don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth. Don’t shit in yer own back garden springs to mind. The UK little isolationist English government is about to get a wake up call. They’ll get their independence. They have absolutely zero to offer anyone.



You must be as thick as shite to swallow the shit you do.

There is live footage of Palestinians boys aged 9 being mercilessly executed & footage of babies dead in incubators of abandoned/bombed hospitals.

Do you know what killing & executing CIVILIANS means, ya space cadet!!


For the insanely thick, like DasBlimp..

There are eight mugshots above of war criminals glorifying in the total destruction of CIVILIANS in Gaza.

Fck all to do with Hamas, ya eejit. Sit down.


Das blimp
The BBC are only acknowledging what is going on now, after desperately denying it.
Zionists are of all religions and none.
Being anti Zionist is not being anti jewish.
Many Jews oppose what is being done in Gaza.
Owen Jones was shown an IDF film and reported that other viewers at the screening were claiming
events which he did not see.
I can supply links if you want, but I know you don’t do research.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird, at 10:16pm,

link to

Unlike you, I can reference what I say. All you come up with is nonsense that’s often orders of magnitude out. Some ruddy “Professor” you are, with such a shoddy attitude to demonstrable fact.

I can also convert between currencies, which it appears that you cannot do.

James Jones

Sam at 9:55 pm.

A list of arguments made, “on the eve of a knife-edge referendum that will either see Scotland break away from the United Kingdom or gain sweeping new powers with greater autonomy,” all of which proved unconvincing and unhelpful. An appeal, in fact, simply to use the referendum to harm rUK rather than expressing reasons why Scotland might benefit. A blind, racist charter.

How’s that autonomy going, and do you want more of the resultant fiscal and electoral corruption, the incompetence and hypocrisy, and the worrying alliance between police and political party which devolution has delivered? Do you, like poor, angry, deluded Geri, still believe even greater autonomy would somehow deliver ‘the magic,’ and that you could somehow control the Nationalist politicians you’ve elected? Do you, like David, wish for Mother UK or Daddy EU to step in and rescue the Scottish problem? Grow up.


I haven’t seen anything here or in my social circle that revealed support for Hamas.
No sane person can condone the brutal executions from 7th October.

No same person could expect a nations citizens to accept a new country formed by the West
Christian’s and Zionists should take their land and livelihoods without resistance.

Every day sees new Israeli homes built on even more stolen land and no sign of the land grab stopping.

The UN has made sanction after sanction but nothing is done to enforce them.

The Palestinians must see the whole world is against them.
Even when thousands of their children are blown up in their homes the world says nothing.

Many Jews have condemned these actions against the innocent.
Yes of course Jews must have the right to live freely and safely in every community but none of their factions have the right to stop Palestinians having these same rights.

I have heard so many U.K. Jews on the radio say they live in fear of their families being attacked. They should try the fear of an innocent Gazan who have already lost family and who wait on tonight’s barrage of bombs taking them next.

James Jones

Johnlm says at 10:47 pm

“Owen Jones was shown an IDF film and reported that other viewers at the screening were claiming events which he did not see.”

He was shown evidence of all manner of evil but his bias was such that he picked on one thing; that he wasn’t shown an actual rape in progress despite other evidence, so he denied they’d happened. He wouldn’t dream of trying that in a British rape trial.

Brian Doonthetoon

RE: ‘the wrong sort of soil’ in The Highlands.

Have a wee rake around the link below. It was amazing what my sister and her man were able to do with land in a highland glen, that had not been ‘farmed’ for over 50 years, having only been used for sheep grazing.

link to


James Jones
Not sure if you are supporting Jones or not.
Here is the link
link to

If the IDF have evidence the should show release it, not try to sell it to us via their Hasbara.
You seem to be a very trusting wee soul.



It’s just the usual Yoon trick of trying to shut down calling out murdering barstewards.

8 mugshots of war criminals on record for their evil mutterings.

The UK media is like that scene from Drop the Dead Donkey. ‘People are fleeing (as folks are just going about their business) *launches a grenade* for the camera to start rolling. ‘Women & children are being murdered*Did ye bring a childs shoe for the photie op?*

Ruskies were murdering & raping babies until UK- rainy were forced to admit they lied to obtain more weapons.

The bullshit of trying to shut ppl up from the truth no longer works since the age of the internet & people savvy enough to use it. Bullshit can no longer be passed as facts. The West is certainly losing the propaganda war. It turns out they’re the biggest culprits.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 10:55 pm

“I can also convert between currencies”

Good for you!

Looks like Norway’s budget is abt £140bn/yr, compared with poor auld Scotland’s measly £60bn.

link to

And according to OECD:

GDP per capita Norway $114,932

GDP per capita UK $54,266

Gov debt Norway 42.4% of GDP

Gov debt UK 104.5% of GDP

Life as an independent nation is at least twice as good as existing in the UK union! And Norway disnae have whisky or the extent of renewable energy Scotland has. Which suggests Scotland would probably be three times better off as an independent country.

A Scot Abroad

Alf Baird,

you still aren’t good at numbers, and now you are trying to change the terms. Your original screed was spending per capita, and you were three times out. Now you want to make it GDP per capita. Dishonest, as you always are.

Norway has twice the renewables that Scotland does, and what’s more, they are more reliable (being hydro), and also better connected already to customer grids, so cheaper.

I would stick to counting shipping containers, if I were you. You know fuck all about colonialism (you can’t even spell it properly), you know fuck all about business and trade, or finance or investment, you know fuck all about energy supply, and you know absolutely fuck all about how iScotland’s going to pay the bills. You should be a bit of an embarrassment even to that fourth rate Poly that you used to work for.

Graf Midgehunter

A Scot Abroad says: at 12:42 am

“Alf Baird,

you still aren’t good at numbers, and now you are trying to change the terms.”
I would stick to counting shipping containers, if I were you.”

ASA you dense chap.

We all know that you can’t count containers ships from 50m distance on the Rhine, so why would we believe anything you say anyway?

Tip: we don’t.



It’s fuck all to do with you how Scotland will pay her bills.

You & yer band of Britnats don’t even live here so it’s none of your concern.

Maybe we’ll just do what England does & keep printing money.
Who do they owe trillions to? That imaginary banker that keeps on printing?

Scotland already pays in far more than we get back. & That’s only the stuff we know about. Not the containers sent direct to the EU marked *unknown region* what region do you known of that’s unknown, ya moron.

Scotland will manage her bills just the same as every other independent nation does who doesn’t even have a quarter of our natural abundance of resources.

So get herself tae feck .. we don’t need lying,thieving parasites from next door to handle our affairs. It’s ABNORMAL for a sovereign nation to be dependant on little England.

You’ve yet to make the case for the Union & how little England will support itself. Hup to it.. we’re all waiting. You’ve had about six hours to think of at least something. All you’ve managed so far is to tell us UK pensions aren’t guaranteed..LMAO! Well done!

A Scot Abroad


unlike you, I’ve got a brain. I don’t want my fellows to be “doun-hauden” as the resident idiot calls them by Scots shooting themselves in the feet with ill-informed voting. I’m all for informed voting, with no lies such as Scotland’s better off without England or even that it’s paid far more in than ever taken out. That just ain’t true.

And, I’ve got a right to vote in Scotland. If, in the unlikely event that Scotland gets an IndyRef2, I’ll quietly make sure that I’m properly registered to vote. Perfectly legally.

As I suspect that by your lack of intellect, you aren’t much of a tax contributor, I’m not going to be taking any lessons from you. You’ll just have to accept it. I’ll get a vote, and I’ll also ask the beautiful American Abroad if she also wants one.


Effijy says: 4 December, 2023 at 9:47 pm

The BBC report U.K. military drones are flying over Gaze in order to assist the Israeli’s locate their kidnapped citizens.

How does that work then and why has no one asked them how that works?

If the drones could produce X-Ray into the tunnels how could it distinguish a captive from a terrorist to an innocent sitting in any Gazan room.

Do the Jews glow in the dark or something.

Why are these incredible drones not being used to help find Palestinian children trapped under rubble that was their home before Israeli bombs flattened it.

In the same vain the Israeli’s claim they bomb the homes where Hamas live.
Now I’m no expert but if that is true wouldn’t you expected them to have the Israeli captives with them. Anyway Israel is happy to kill their own and children purely on speculation a terrorist dies with them.

How many thousand people who have lost all of their family members their home their place of work their hospital their water and electricity supply will not want to fight back.

They can’t enter a conventional war as Israel has spent fortunes on their weapons and training and the US, U.K, and the EU will provide anything and everything Israel needs to keep fighting and building in Palestine.

I get it people are drawn into this conflict and feel emotional about it there needs to be a bit of common sense.

The purpose of the drones is for collecting electronic surveillance in order. However, the data collected not relevant to the search will inevitably be used by the IDF in their combat operations which means the UK will become an active participant in the conflict.

link to

John Main

@Effijy says:4 December, 2023 at 11:26 pm

No sane person

Good work Effijy.

I see you have identified the root of the problem.

John Main

@Johnlm says:4 December, 2023 at 10:08 pm

Something wrong with your post.

It’s like the hanks of greasy carpet stuffed in yer thrapple are not only making it impossible for you to talk coherently.

They’re fecking up yer typing too.


Brian Doonthetoon @ 23.43.

Thanks very much for that link, Bri. Absolutely fascinating reading and most welcome squeezed in between the infantile name calling filling so much of WOS these days.
Amazing article, much appreciated.


Times July 2023

“Why has Britain become so poor?
Even eastern Europe is catching up with our sluggish GDP. Our politicians have been slow to act, but economists say there’s still reason for hope”

Fraser Nelson, Spectator 2014

“But if Britain were to somehow leave the European Union and become the 51st state of America, we would actually be one of those poor states. If you take our economic output, adjust for living costs and slot it into the US league table then the United Kingdom emerges as the second-poorest state in the union. We’re poorer than much-maligned Kansas and Alabama and well below Missouri, the scene of all the unrest in recent weeks. Only Mississippi has lower economic output per head than the UK; strip out the South East and Britain would rank bottom. We certainly have our problems; we’re just better at concealing them.”

John Main

@sam says:4 December, 2023 at 9:55 pm

Fair play to Sam for posting something largely rooted in reality for a change. Nearly ten years old, but heck, things haven’t changed that much.

It’s bleedin obvious that UK and US opposition to Indy are fixed, even more so since the start of the War (that cannot be discussed on here).

The answer is, of course, to start with the realpolitik situation and assess and plan for how Indy can be brought about, in the presence and influence of all of the factors Sam’s post lists.

It can be done, of course it can, but realists have to accept that the rUK’s real concerns have to be addressed as part of that planning, just as the western alliance’s defence concerns (and this touches on the EU too) have to be addressed.

In short, we could become Independent, but we won’t be nearly as rich as the eejits believe, and we won’t be allying with the BRICS nations either.

Grown up, rational politicians could do all of this stuff, but first they would have to level with their voters. And just as in the entire UK, Scotland is not yet mature enough to handle politicians who tell them the truth.

[And as a side comment, I continue to be tickled by posters who predict a crash in the value of the pound post Indy, and then go on to tell us how the “currency question” will be “solved” by us using the pound]

Dorothy Devine

Effigy , with you all the way on that.At least some of those kidnapped will end up as ‘collateral damage’. The carnage wreaked over that which should be Palestine is devastating and the world is standing around watching – except for those who are providing weaponry and support, like us and America.


ASA. “You’ve yet to make the case for the Union & how little England will support itself. Hup to it.. we’re all waiting”
We’ve been waiting on that answer since around 2012! Come on ASA, you can do it!


John Main

Another fact free contribution?
Looks like your neo naughty friends in 404 are heading for bad times too

St0ltenberg says bad times are coming.
– Does that mean that these the good times???

I pity the poor conscripted cannon fodder.

Lazy sociopath.
Can’t believe you were allowed to teach children.


Who gave permission to fly “unarmed drones” across Gaza? I doubt it was the Palestinians. Has just become a free for all now?


I assume the English drones will be supplying data to Operation Habsora, to help improve the AI targeting rate.

link to


Office for Budget Responsibility 2023

looks like ASA is an ASS

The UK government raises slightly less revenue relative to national income than the majority of other industrial countries – more than the US, Japan and Korea, but less than Scandinavian countries like Denmark and Norway.
Public spending as a share of national income in the UK is slightly above the average of other industrial countries – the UK spends much more than Japan and Korea, but much less than Finland or France.
Spending just above the international average, but raising less in revenue, leaves the UK running a budget deficit that’s far above the industrial world average.
Net debt in the UK is also higher than the average of other industrial countries.

John Main

@dasBlimp says:4 December, 2023 at 10:18 pm


You’ve been colonised, pal.

You’re blindly aping the oppressive value systems and unthinkingly parroting the simplistic prejudices of the imperialist coloniser.

You’re nae use tae Indy as ye are, nae use at all!


Dorothy Devine

Just realised that Michael Jackson’s Earth song was released in 2009 – just re watched the video and it brought tears.

John Main

@sam says:5 December, 2023 at 7:42 am

We certainly have our problems; we’re just better at concealing them

And again Sam speaks truth.

There was a boy on the radio just yesterday, explaining how the UK has something like 7+ million on out of work benefits and of these, something like 2 million are unfit for work.

And that goes some way to explaining why the joint Tory/Lab governing junta dare not reduce net migration much below half a million PA.

Half a million extra people. Every fecking year, until something snaps.

I reckon that’s between 50 and 100 thousand New Scots every fecking year too. But that stark fact won’t convince any of the regulars on here to start changing their fundamental assumptions about how Indy is going to have to work.

Naw, they’ll cling to their precious shibboleths until the rising waters of realpolitik change finally sweep them away.

John Main

An innarestin Unherd article this morning:

“Can Geert Wilders defeat the Dutch establishment?”

Aficionados of the “With one bound, Scotland was free” school can give it a miss. More thoughtful, rational readers may find it of use in its discussion of how a political paradigm shift works out in the real world.

Just for future reference, should the political paradigm shift that is Indy ever arise.


Thread by John Burn-Murdoch, statistician and writer for FT.

Bottom lines. UK is a shit place to live unless you are very rich. ASA is a dope.

I’ve posted the thread. Here’s a link to the FT

link to

“In most developed countries, the distribution of income is ~relatively~ equal, with top 10% earning about 3x as much as bottom 10%.

That means the same *relative* standard of living broadly persists across the income distribution.
That looks like this:

Norway’s richest have some of highest living standards of rich people in any country, while Norway’s poorest also fare better than poor people anywhere.

French, Dutch, Austrians, Germans etc also all rank among best living standards whether rich or poor.

But the income distributions in the UK and particularly the US are much less equal. In the UK, the top 10% earn almost 5x the bottom, and in the US it’s more than 6x.

That creates a steep gradient from top to bottom.
So instead of those lines being near the top from the poorest to the richest, they’re nice and high for the rich, but much lower for the poor.

Brits and Americans in the bottom 10% have a *far* lower standard of living than the poor in the average developed country.

The result is that while high-earners in US & UK continue to be very comfortably well off, the poorest in those same societies — perhaps in the very next neighbourhood — are scraping by with living standards that the poor in much less wealthy countries would consider rough.

In other words: the reason the poorest Americans are so poor is the exceptionally steep inequality gradient, not a lack of overall prosperity.

There’s plenty of ? to go around, but too much is going to those at the top, while the safety net at the bottom is totally inadequate.
…which brings me back to my initial claim, that Britain and the US are poor societies with some very rich people.

You can become very rich in loads of countries! The real benchmark for whether a country is a good place to live is what the bottom of the distribution looks like.
In Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Germany (you get the idea), you can afford somewhere between a decent and an amazing standard of living whether you’re among poorest or richest.

In the S & UK, life is great if you’re rich, but awful if you’re poor.
And none of this is to say that reducing inequality should come at the expense of economic growth. There is no trade-off here. As you can see from the charts, general economic performance and average living standards are higher in several of these more equal countries than the US
Transpose the inequality gradient from countries like Germany, France or the Netherlands onto the US, and you would instantly lift living standards for the US poor by ?40%?, up to among the highest in the world.

And the richest Americans would remain among the world’s richest!

And just to pre-empt some “yes but Norway has loads of oil wealth!” responses, that’s not the point. The point is Norwegian living standards relative to other countries are the same right across the distribution. As they are in most other countries. But not the US or UK.”


Geri says:
4 December, 2023 at 10:34 pm

You must be as thick as shite to swallow the shit you do.

There is live footage of Palestinians boys aged 9 being mercilessly executed & footage of babies dead in incubators of abandoned/bombed hospitals.

Do you know what killing & executing CIVILIANS means, ya space cadet!!

Why do you always have to be so rude, Geri?

Israeli civilians were also killed which is what started all of this. With you, everything is either black or white isn’t it.


Johnlm says:
4 December, 2023 at 10:47 pm
Das blimp
The BBC are only acknowledging what is going on now, after desperately denying it.



Dorothy Devine says:
5 December, 2023 at 7:47 am

….. the world is standing around watching – except for those who are providing weaponry and support, like us and America.

There’s another dimension to this that I wasn’t aware of until recently.

As a “defence” against BRICS, and the improving trade links between Ch-ina and Ruskia, there was a proposal for an IMAC Trade corridor from India to Europe, going through Saudi Arabian and Israel. Look it up if you’re interested.

Naturally, a huge complication to this was the unsettled resolution of Gaza, and the festering sore of the Israeli illegal occupations.

It’s too complicated to go through in detail in a short comment, but there’s a backdrop to this; the Palestinian “question” needed an urgent solution, hence the Israeli determination to “finish off” Gaza once and for all, and perhaps too, a brutal resolve in Hamas to bring this all to boiling point.

The Israelis have however misread the situation completely, and the global reaction to the barbaric warcrimes and genocide being carried out in Gaza has been extraordinarily damaging to Israeli interests.

The Palestinians? All they have to do is be alive at the end of this, and Israel loses.

You may or may not be aware, that prior to the October 7th uprising, which the Israelis may or may not have known about in advance, many Arab nations were starting to normalise relations with Israel. Not anymore.

So, in conclusion, all kinds of devious skulduggery going on with the October 7 rising; who knew what and when etc, but the heavy handed Israeli response/ genocide has deeply harmed their own interests.

It is arguable that Netanyahu, and his predictable knee jerk propensity towards violence, has been played like a fiddle, and the backers in the US have dealt themselves yet another losing hand from the bottom of the deck.


Das blimp
The BBC have been misrepresenting what has been going on in Palestine for the las 70 years (and before???).

Since the Scamdemic of 2020 they have been shocked to realise that nobody now trusts them.

Not having a TV, I sometimes catch the BBC morning radio headlines.
It is interesting to hear them twist the meaning of words, when undistracted by pictures.

link to


The BBC is quite easy to understand

It works for ‘Britain’ – it works against Scotland.
It works for diversity – it works against societal cohesion.
It works for the USA. – It works against other power centres.
In short . It works for Zionism – against other political philosophies.

As for the rest it’s just cooking programmes and dancing shows

Dorothy Devine

Johnlm, thanks for that , I hadn’t come across him before .

I would add that every time HAMAS is mentioned by the BBBC it adds ‘which has been designated a terrorist organisation by the UK’

One wonders if there is anyone out there , like an Iraqi,Libyan, Afghani ,Syrian , Indian and more who might just designate the British as a terrorist organisation.


Johnlm says:
5 December, 2023 at 9:40 am
The BBC is quite easy to understand

It works for ‘Britain’ – it works against Scotland.
It works for diversity – it works against societal cohesion.
It works for the USA. – It works against other power centres.
In short . It works for Zionism – against other political philosophies.

As for the rest it’s just cooking programmes and dancing shows

That’s the bit I watch. Good innit!


Confirmation of what Galloway said about the five babies being left to starve in their incubators by the IDF.

Their “lives found ended” as reported by the JP.

Beheading them would have been a mercy compared to the fate they faced. Beyond disgusting.


Confirmation of what Galloway said about the five babies being left to starve in their incubators by the IDF.

Their “lives found ended” as reported by the JP.

Beheading them would have been a mercy compared to the fate they faced. Beyond disgusting.

Ah yes that totally reliable source of information, George Galloway. “Lives found ended.’ Give me a break. There’s a word for that – dead.


From an article I read about the Norwegian economy it seems that technically they have no debt. They have borrowed some money to keep that capability open to them but if they had to pay it back they have the reserves to do it.

Unlike the U.K. they kept the National Oil company as their own so all the profits belong to the people of Norway. BP profits go straight to the rich elite who can move the money off shore.

It seems that drilling licences and taxes from external companies are at higher rates than the U.K. receives but if you are the party of the rich for the rich by the rich you let what should appropriate tax levels slip to increase profits.
I wonder how many Tory MPs have money in U.K. oil companies.

Norway’s sovereign wealth fund has over £1 Trillion in it and it grows on an almost daily basis by £millions.

This money remains after substantial investments in infrastructure, housing, health, benefits
and pensions.

link to


BBC reports that trans women with a record of violence against women will be not be housed in the female prison estate, fails to say that there is provision for them to be housed if the SPS report decides it’s OK for them to be so. (Exceptional basis)! How many exceptions to the rule do you think there will be in the first 3 years ? No wonder they do not want a reform of the FOI in Scotland (sweep sweep).


Regarding Effijy’s question about the supposed purpose of the drones, as someone who knows a fair bit about AUVs and their capabilities I can tell you that you are absolutely right. The story about what they are being used for is just that- a fairy story. The UK is using AUVs to pretty much directly supply Israel with surveillance data, and we are therefore directly involved in the war on the Israeli side.

Given the UK government’s involvement in the Zionist cause over the last 150 years or more, this should really come as no surprise.

John Main

@sam says:5 December, 2023 at 8:29 am

Bottom lines. UK is a shit place to live unless you are very rich.

Of course. Penny dropped.

Finally, a convincing explanation of the 745,000 (net) migrants who came in last year, the half million forecast this year, and all the previous hundreds of thousands per year for most of this century.

Not forgetting the unstoppable torrent of rubber dinghies. No doubt another hundred or so migrants this very day, and every other day this week.

Way to go, Sam. You keep on telling it like it is.

It’s unarguable truths like yours that will set us all free.


Reading that Salmond is suing for misfeasance rather than malfeasance. I assume that is because it is easier to prove (because it 100% was malfeasance).

Also 3 million quid is letting them off lightly in my opinion.

Considering the reputational damage to a former FM and the horrific ordeal he was put through and it truly was horrific. I can’t imagine what is was like for Alex during the darkest hours of it all. He should be getting tens of millions for what was done to him and what he was put through.

But of course if Lady D has anything to do with it getting justice in Scotbabwe’s courts might be elusive, so that even when you win, you lose… as this website knows very well.

Alf Baird

A Scot Abroad @ 12:42 am

“Norway has twice the renewables that Scotland does”

By 2030 Scotland will be producing based on forecast output £60bn worth of electricity at todays prices with scope for more. At least 80% will be exported as Scotland only needs 20% or less of what is produced here.

An independent Scotland could therefore afford to provide electricity to Scots virtually free, eradicating fuel poverty imposed by colonial rule. Continued colonial rule via the ‘union’ hoax just means more economic plunder and poverty for an oppressed Scottish people.

We might expect a dominant national party to inform the people of this opportunity, but they are now clearly ‘part of the racket’.

stuart mctavish


Before falling any further foul of the foreign enlistment act, the following true story, and stupid question arising, might be worthy of your reflection:

This weekend a German national was murdered by a French terrorist (out on good behaviour!), in their formerly occupied city of Paris.

Somewhat surprisingly however the East Europeans running THEIR government have yet to bomb any of the French gettos, far less approach the UN for permission to invade Johannesburg becaise there may have been a Chinese passport discovered among any witnesses still able or willing to produce their papers.

Should the people of Germany beg the people of Israel to return and manage their country properly?



**I’ll get a vote, and I’ll also ask the beautiful American Abroad if she also wants one.**

Be ready for: Every.Single.Election. going forward.

The power has been given back to the sovereign Scots.


Aye, that was a great music video by Jackson. So sad & still relevant.


Geri – you’re a bit late on parade today. It must be difficult dragging yourself out of the fartsack on these dark mornings when all you have to look forward to is being sweary on an anonymous online forum.


It’s ironic really..

The racists on here terrified the Muslims will take over the UK & the *boat people* arriving daily..

Yet that is exactly what Israel is. Europeans, Americans, Australians all just turning up & receiving government approval to take up arms & forcibly remove the occupants of a house/land/farm & take it from them. Even just shoot them indiscriminately. According to them they’re *just animals* anyway & they can take as much land as they like – theres no one to stop them expanding.

If anyone was advocating that here there’d be an uproar yet Israel is entitled.

It’s time for everyone to stop. The sympathy card has expired. They’re now Germany 1930s. Made in the USA.


Go back to your fartsack and give us all a rest, Geri.


The DTI and Treasury, as part of their comparative analysis, benchmarking Britain, produce reports for interal consumption, of other economies.

A GERS document has fallen into my possession, a slight variation


it reads :

norway is fuckn poor, rite, or at least it would be as fkn poor as Scotland if it was in the union

so what are we sayin

the glove didnt fit
I never inhaled
I never had sex with that woman

– it’s just words, words and facts and logic, that is how the madness starts


(ed. wrong type of GERS, needs a refrafting)


Sir Hector MacFarquarharkerson



Nothing of value to add to the convo no?

Just the usual childish dross..

John Main

@Geri says:5 December, 2023 at 11:48 am

racists on here terrified the Muslims will take over the UK

I guess we can very simplistically allocate people to four groups:

Those terrified.
Those agin.
Those “meh”.
Those shouting “bring it on”.

As for who’s taking over, I believe HY is still officially (if fraudulently) FM of Scotland, which is certainly an innarestin fact. Seems obvious the tiny minority shouting “bring it on” have won some spectacular gains.

If puir, wee Geri had the brains of a pack of sausages she might be able to comprehend that it’s the tiny minority shouting “bring it on” who continue to dilute the franchise and hence dilute the numbers willing to vote Yes to Indy.

Throw in the extra brains of a pound of liver and she might be able to consider the likely symmetry of her and her better half moving to Pakistan and bringing up a fine, strapping Christian lad (or lass) who will one day be Prime Minister of that proud, patriotic nation and country.

Never going to happen of course, and not because the citizens of Pakistan are terrified. The very opposite, in fact.


What the hell is he talking about? Absolute gibberish laced with insults.


Benefits of the Union.

House of Commons Library. People using food banks.

94% were ‘facing real destitution,’ unable to buy essentials to stay warm, dry, clean and fed.

23% were homeless.

Over two-thirds had experienced a problem with the benefits system in the year before they needed emergency food, including long waits and benefit award reductions.

Over three quarters were in arrears, most commonly rent, and 40% were repaying debts.

In the year prior to using a food bank seven in ten respondents reported at least one ‘challenging life experience’ such as eviction or divorce, while a large minority also reported having experienced an ‘adverse work-related experience’ such as losing a job or a reduction in work hours.

Nearly 75% reported at least one health issue in their household, over half of which were mental health problems.

22% were single parents.

Nearly half were single person households.
89% were born in the UK, slightly above the 86% of the population as a whole.

Show them the fucking money.

A Scot Abroad


that’s an absolutely pathetic list. At one level, none of it relates to the union, or how an iScotland since 1707 would be different. At a deeper level, you are just making excuses for absolutely pathetic people.

John Main

@sam says:5 December, 2023 at 2:46 pm

Show them the fucking money

Mind ye dinna choke on yer synthetic ootrage, Sam.

Ye dae seem tae like spraying yer wee numbers aboot. Sae why dinna ye dae some crunchin and work oot by hae muckle the tax rate has tae increase tae sort oot the problems ye are sae exercised aboot.

Jist publish fit the increase is – hoo mony pennies in the poond oan the tax. Show us that fecking money.

Then we can rin it up the flagpole, see fit fecker salutes.

Richt noo Sam, ye’re comin across a’ Guardian BTL. “There’s sumfit wrang, somebody needs tae dig deep tae sort it, but it better nae be me”.

Here’s fit ah think. Tax rates are currently at a peace time high. Nae working Jock has any wish fitsoever tae pay a groat mair.

Bit ah’ve been wrang afore, every day is a school day when ye want it tae be, sae aff ye gang noo, dae yer wee bit sums, and see if ye can prove me wrang agin.


It’s dire, Sam

& Now they want to go snooping into people’s bank accounts incase someone is running off with a quid they’re not entitled to in savings. While they hustle looking for 2nd jobs in Westminster as if a constituency job & £125k + travel, accomodation, fuel bills & subsidised grub wasn’t enough.

A lot of pensioners will be added to that list now there is a switch over to universal credit/difference in payout related to partners age difference? The last of the project fear lies coming to fruition regards pensions. That’s a full house.

No wonder they don’t want a ref. They’ve feck all to peddle..

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