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Wings Over Scotland

A thousand-word metaphor

Posted on September 02, 2014 by
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john king

What? what?


The NO campaign is in a tip?

Nana Smith

Ah its the barren waste. No hope territory.

fred blogger

vote no, get mined out, spent, wasteland!


Is this what the whole of Scotland will look like after a no vote?

ronnie anderson

Its Patersons tip on London Rd.


At last honesty from the NaeSayers!


will not see this in the future but only because they shut all the mines ( def look like a coal bing )

Roland Smith

You have got to agree with them, a mess like that should not be allowed. I do wonder who is the genius that creates most of the No Campaign’s publicity.

Findlay Farquaharson

Its perfect.

call me dave

Looks like a wild and lonely place..Were Awa doomed!doomed a tell ye! Says Mr Fraser!

Anybody know the where this is?

Only saw part of the debate but looked 2-0 to me for YES
We will find out at 10:30 STV live tv says. Is there to be a poll taken?


Doesn’t look like the Pentland Hills?!


The utter, bleak, desolation of a future after a NO vote.


Looks to me like the pylon is creeping backwards downhill, doesn’t want to be associated with no


Vote NO – get desolation.


Anyone see the grotesquely biased reporting of the poll narrowing on C4 news tonight? The reporting on Ukraine was more even handed lol.

I know we focus a lot on the BBC because it is the state broadcaster, but all of the TV news broadcasters are supposed to be unbiased.

scaredy cat

YouGov have just polled again. Similar questions as last time but they are also asking about devo max again.

Ian Brotherhood

All that’s needed to make it complete is the silhouette of lonely McDougall against the skyline, as he plays ‘Desolation Row’ on his tuba…proooorrp!


This is a landfill site next to the M74 near Baillieston. It’s about the best use case you will ever see for a ‘No Thanks’ sign.


Passed that on the M74 yesterday and near pished myself.

Michael McCabe

Just saw Jim Murphy on ITV News at 10 and near the end you see the crowd and I thought I seen someone who looks like the egg thrower from the other day. Can anyone catch it on plus 1 and have a look and capture it for good. Cheers.


Jeez, their not very good a being positive that lot are they and show no intelligence?

I mean whose decision was it to put greyish black signs on a greyish black background?

They have tried everything from Better Together to NoThanks and achieved absolutely nothing.

Whereas the only slogan used by the YES campaign has simply been YES.

Tartan Tory

This is the latest upgrade to the national grid, taking electricity from Beauly near Inverness to the south of the border. The upgrade was made because the old system was unable to handle the amount of energy required by the south. Most people along the route opposed it, with massive pylons spoiling the scenery of Scotland, but it went ahead anyway. Everyone said No thanks, but the will of Westminster prevailed.

If everyone says No Thanks in a couple of weeks, the will of Westminster will prevail again, against the interests of Scotland.

Because the needs of the many in the south, will outweigh the needs of the few in the north.

Live long and prosper, or not, under Westminster rule. 😉

Nation Libre

Gordon Brown: “They tried to make me go to rehab, I said …”

shona louise paton

Tap the potential. Or not.

Findlay Farquaharson

If ever a campaign deserved to lose, this nobetterthanks campaign is it. If there is any natural justice then this miserable poverty ridden garbage will be soundly thrashed on 18 sept.


Its all that’s left of Scottish heavy industry after 70 years of Labour in Scotland right to rule, forever and ever, SNP are just a blip.

Giant Scottish oil and gas reserves, build the rigs here link to

Its lovely in Norway but Norwegians all say, if only we could let England run the country for us, like what Scotland do do.


They’re right, strip-mining shouldn’t be allowed without provision for restoration. A definite No, No, No


The resting place of the 3 political horsemen of the apocalypse – Lib, lab, Tory

shona louise paton

What Findlay said!

Andy smith

The big guy at the back of the audience asking about local government funding is an ex labour councillor, apologies if this has already been pointed out .

joe kane

Fracks sake, give them half the chance they’re going to lay waste to our new native Green energy industry too and replace it with Chinese-French owned nuclear power stations.


So the Nazgul are voting no then?

shona louise paton

Ukraine is being invaded by Russia, that’s why we need nuclear weapons! Said Ruth Davidson.

Bob Sinclair

I saw that on Monday morning & honestly thought was hallucinating. I mean, could they be any more stupid, No Signs on the largest Waste Landfill site I’ve ever seen, the perfect metaphor for a campaign founded on garbage.

Ian Brotherhood

What’s the betting they had to give someone a bung to put them up?


@Paula !0.23pm

That was Matt Frei reporting. Used to be on BBC and always on message. Hasn’t changed a bit since moving to C4 but then they all do that, Michael Crick, Laura Kuennsberg etc. It’s just like musical chairs for them – different studio, same old story, same masters to please (and that’s not the public.) How else would they ensure that they could move so effortlessly from one TV news outlet to another?


‘What’s the betting they had to give someone a bung to put them up?’
Yup! Where there’s muck there’s money!

Elaine Chapman

Roland, it’s got to be a Yesser who’s responsible for that campaign!

Tackety Beets

Yip …. The Beauly to Deny Pylon line was a disgrace and so was the “Enquiry” The Power of The Power of Big Co’s etc made sure it went ahead regardless. It could have been a wee bit more expensive but undergrounded …….. discussion for another day . Sorry . I’m pleased to say that the YES vote is gathering momentum , certainly within my FB & social circle . Keep up the good work folks and a very big thank you to the REV , all the contributors here and all the magnificent effort by our friends out there in the streets

shona louise paton

Mary Doll 😀


Oh my

If that is a real photo it sums up a dismal No vote future

I canny believe wee Mary doll never swung a few with that performance , outstanding.

loved the comments as the show went on , you guys are hilarious .


Muttley got a wee link to watch all uk tv

type into your browser

You can choose any channel you want live. only saw your earlier messages a few minutes ago.


Financial Times stating tomorrow that the London stock markets have the jitters over Scottish independence. Very odd that.
Thought that the markets would be glad to get rid of the whinging Jocks, subsidised by English taxpayers.


Yep… a picture can indeed say a thousand words. Second one is OFF methinks 🙂


Well, how f**king apt. A rubbish campaign!


DumbMcDougall spouting nonsense, Zzzzzzz…..

When he was born the midwife smacked his mother…lol


It’s here, as I said saw them yesterday.,-4.129191,3a,75y,39.34h,78.57t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sNdr0Uz_qJ5xEjtbLKBMsAQ!2e0


Interesting revelation from the DR boy.

Kez (attack)Dugdale for next leader of Labour.

Time to give her another email.


Is it a bing?


Is it a bin(it)go?


No campaign end up on a rubbish tip. That sums up Better Together perfectly.


What do you expect of the Country Landowners Association?


They make a desert and call it peace. lol

Bob Sinclair

I’ve heard that the Landfill site is run by a quarrying company which has links to certain labour MP’s.


goldenayr says:

Is it a bing?
It is the HQ of Wombles for No !


Anybody going to tell the Ramblers?

Murray McCallum

Sexy No images. They are pulling out all the stops.

Short changed

No need to gather up the signs after the 18th

Training Day

STV has just said the hostage held by IS is a Scot.

ronnie anderson

BBc2 2014, british civil servants have a contiuancy plan about a contiuancy plan, ah’ve goat a discontiuancy plan am voting YES.

Andrew Wilson

It’s the landfill site at Cambuslang just beside A74, good place to put No Thanks signs if you ask me 🙂

paul gerard mccormack

Scotland a desert.

wingman 2020


Interesting revelation from the DR boy.

Kez (attack)Dugdale for next leader of Labour.

She wouldn’t last a second as a first line manager in a blue-chip company. And lets hope this comes back to haunt her.

link to

She is a complete waste of space.

dennis mclaughlin

This is Bitter Together’s apocalyptic scorched-earth vision of Scotland. …just say NAW 🙁


No Power (what’s being offered)

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Scotland Tonight trying to boil down the civil war in Iraq into simplistic nonsense. Do some fucking research and stop pretending this is only about ISIS when it quite obviously isn’t. What is it with the media and Iraq?? Do they all empty their brains and memories before each new carnage filled phase of the Iraq catastrophe?


Off topic. Let’s keep the proclaimers song Cap in Hand at number 1 in the charts. Download it for 99p here
link to

Calgacus MacAndrews

It must be a Art Installation, or a Yesser taking the piss.

Ian Brotherhood

Ho ho ho…

Scroll to top of this page, click down one beat, and check out the scared eyes in the ‘Fearwatch’ tab directly beneath the ‘Wee Blue Book’ – that IS Kezia Dugdale, right?


New post, please share

Project: What The F**k? | todayinscotland
link to


Tellytubbyland has gone right downhill since La-la and po-face left to join Bitter Together

Tackety Beets

I’m not taking any credit for this, it landed on my FB page and I thought it was a great summation . Your call , it can be copy&paste to word doc & printed ?
“I always find that if you flip the debate around with a no or undecided voter it always has the desired result. Try this next time you speak with a no voter, ask them how they would vote in this situation…..there can only be one outcome.
Imagine Scotland was already independent and we were about to have a referendum on whether to join a union with the rest of the UK.
Could the Pro-union side convince us that getting together would be better when we were told what would happen to Scotland after such a union? Some bullet points from the campaign…
-Your main Parliament will move 600 miles away, and your MPs will be in a tiny minority & will therefore have limited ability to effect policy on your behalf
-Scotland will get a government it didn’t vote for.
-All of your oil and gas revenues will be handed over to the treasury in London.
-Even though not 1 inch of track will touch Scottish soil your taxpayers will contribute £4.2bn to the HS2 project.
-Your taxpayers will also subsidise the crossrail project to the tune of £4.2bn
-The biggest nuclear weapons facility in Western Europe will be built on the river Clyde, just 30 miles from your largest city.
-Even though you only have 8.2% of the UK’s population you will contribute 9.9% of the UK’s total tax take yet will only receive 9.3% of that tax take back to spend in Scotland (you will lose £4.4bn per year to the UK treasury)
-You will devolve all of the economic levers you have used to shape your economy directly to London and will now only have control of 7% of your economy
-Even though 79% of your MP’s voted against it we will privitise your publicly owned mail service
-Even though 91% of your MPs voted against the bedroom tax in your parliament, we will impose it.
-Even though 82% of your MP’s believed that a VAT increase would be detrimental to your economy, we will impose a VAT increase.
-You will join a country whose health and education services are rapidly being privatised.
-Now and again you’ll get dragged into an illegal foreign war.
-An austerity budget will be imposed from London cutting jobs and threatening vital public services even though 81% of your MP’s voted against the cuts.
-The financial regulation system will be so weak and so lax that your whole economy will be brought to the brink of collapse.
-The most weak and vulnerable in society, instead of getting the protection and support they deserve will be interrogated and humiliated in an effort to get them off the meagre levels of support to which they are entitled.
Who in Scotland would vote for such a package?
Who would vote for that union?
So why would anyone vote to remain in such a union now?
This is about democratic ownership, social responsibility and the fact that Scotland on its own will be economically stronger from day one of independence…..”

Not to mention the £5K per second , 24/7 the UK is still spiralling deeper into debt !

Grouse Beater

That photograph looks like Whitburn on a sunny day.

Thinking the Unthinkable – grousebeater.wordpress


It’s a pity they didn’t catch the ever-present “Mad Max” style rubbish shifting trucks to complete the post-apocalyptic vision 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

@ronnie anderson –

That story hasn’t had anywhere near the coverage it deserves – Nicholas McPherson admitting that there are ‘contingencies about contingencies’ etc etc.

Don’t know if this link to Financial Times article will work (it asked a bizarre question before I could access it…) but the audio statement is great as well, if anyone has it. Like a sketch from ‘Yes Minister’ – even John Beattie and, later, the RS Drive Time presenter openly laughed after playing it.

link to


History will look back on these days as the most hopeless Better Together campaign EVER.

“The NO Vote Graveyard.” just off the M74

Don’t know’ers we offer hopes and dreams and a fresh start.

Whats not to like??


This used to be real estate
Now it’s only fields and trees
Where, where is the town
Now, it’s nothing but flowers


Oh my, is that a photo of what I think it is? 😉

Is that really Better Wahtsit’s Headquarters?

Seriously? 😛

Ian Brotherhood

@Tackety Beets –

Great comment.

I’ve often heard that ‘angle’ being used by Richie Venton (SSP), in public meetings.

It’s a cracker. You can see the proverbial light-bulbs pinging-on above people’s heads as he lays out many of the same facts you listed above.

Gavin Dowds

The No Thanks grassroots campaign has finally been caught on camera.

Wee Isa

Aye that landfill is a horrible thing. It stinks to high heaven on a warm day and can be smelled for at least a couple of miles. It has improved somewhat since I was a kid. It used to be that unmarked lorries would go in and dump loads of mysterious waste in the dead of night. I believe there were lawsuits in the 80’s after the local area saw increases in child Lukemia.

So it’s manky and toxic… I believe the No campaign will feel right at home.


O/T but on the rev’s twitter – Tony Blair has been awarded ‘Philanthropist of the Year’ by GQ magazine – and that in a nutshell is why we have to get out of the madhouse that is the UK.


Great piece Takety Beets. I’m not wishing to take anything away from anyone but I think I first heard something similar to this being said by Blair Jenkins at one of the S.N.P. conferences, I think it was the 2012 one in Inverness. Never the less the whole aspect of the speech is one fantastic brain challenger to all NO supporters and brain awakeners to all Don’t Knowers. 😀

The Earthshaker

Apologies if it’s been posted elsewhere but its’ a cracking demolition of Better Together/No Thanks by George Monbiot in the Graun

‘Scots voting no to independence would be an astonishing act of self-harm’ link to

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

@Ian Brotherhood

@Tackety Beets

It’s already a poster and committed No voters DESPISE IT. I mean they see it in Yes shops read it and look like they are about to explode in impotent fury. It is however extremely effective on don’t knows.

I’ll see if I can find the original poster image.


wingman 2020

Then she’s perfect candidate as Slab leader.

Murphy on Newsnight

Don’t use this terminology often.



What to say? Tragic.


What stinks even more than that landfill is Jim Murphy on newsnight a few minutes ago.

Basically he claims he had to postpone his tour to protect his acolytes from the evil nats who had been “switched on” by “someone”. No mention of assaults on yes supporters.

He was sleekit at uni and worse now.

Holly G

Looks like BT have picked the burial site for all their left over propaganda including their butchers aprons, MP’s expenses claim forms, Labour membership cards and JoLo’s career. Dig it deep boys – Dig it deep.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Here it is guys. (though it is not an exact replica of Tackety Beets post)

link to

As Ian Brotherhood says the light-bulbs go ping when those facts are ingested by don’t knows. You can see it just as clearly when someone reads it. It is a supremely effective poster.


@paul gerard mccormack 11:05pm

Quote ” Scotland a desert.”

Yes, Eton Mess comes to mind.


Self-fulfilling prophecy? The power of negative thought?


That makes a cracking poster Iain. I only have one problem though, there is not enough window’s on our Jeep that will allow us to put it up, and stay road legal I hasten to add. 😉

I know we could take one of our Jeep posters down to be replaced by this one but there in lies the problem which one do we take down. Oh decisions decisions how do we decide? 😛


Grendel. Another Talking Heads fan,

Don’t worry about the Government.


Just read from someone who works in the NHS that the guy on the STV debate tonight that brought up the council tax freeze and the NHS in the same sentence who admitted that he was an NHS worker, failed to mention he was also a Labour councillor – well, well.

BTW I do not and never have supported the conservatives, it’s just that they admit they are bastards but the Labour lot pretend not to be.


Wastelands are voting No.

Houses are voting Yes!

sausage fingered luddite

ewan at 11.34pm
Murphy was sleazy at Uni, as well as sleekit

schrodinger's cat

the auther is fishing for sound bites, or having day off.
fill yer boots min

we are where we are in large part to you Rev

caption compeition

cuts to adolfs bunker scene
“I bet 800 grand on this”??????????


The pic reminds me of Mozarts “Don Giovani” without the music.

Ellie Robot

I was so hoping that someone would’ve challenged Douglas Alexander on the foundations of the Labour Party in the STV debate. Just remind him how Keir Hardie felt about home rule, and leave him hanging.


To those activist from all parties and none of the Yes Scotland movement who helped to register people to vote on the 18th a well done from me.


Well there’s a surprise … NOT Liz. A Labour councillor does NOT mention he is a Labour councillor, no doubt in a Labour run council, when he tries to set about Nicola Sturgeon. 😉

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

@Lesley Anne

I have heard it rumoured there is wonderous predictive properties contained in the power of cereal. Merely eating your cereal should provide you with the answer to life’s most troublesome conundrums. The cereal will provide the answers you seek. 😉 😀

More seriously, it’s possible to reformat that using only the most apposite points you think best pack a punch and reduce the size. Though it does require a degree of ability with some printing software or art package. If I were to choose it’s a great ‘parking’ poster so having that and leaving the most visible and clear Yes posters for ‘on the move’ might be good. 🙂



Was at the Courier debate in Perth tonight.Panel consisted of John Swinney,John Curtice and Alistair Carmichael.

Two revelations.

Carmichael has accepted defeat.He went through the motions but he had no conviction in anything he said.

Curtice was actually balanced and pulled both up for any slight inaccuracy.Carmichael tended to be the one on the end of his reprimands.

Highlights-The deputy editor of the Courier telling the chair that he had to take a comment.Turned out it was one of his old BlackWatch officer buddies who proceeded to dribble over the mike and mumble something like “Separitists meh”(Fry would’ve been proud of the impersonation).

And the best highlight?

Standing outside covered in YES badges and wristbands up to my oxters,Curtice comes out.

“Thanks John” says I.

After checking the bling “Anytime” says he with a huge grin.

Hmmm…he’s left me with a real quandary.

Did he think I was gay?


Is he on our side?

I’m still leaning towards the “gay” option(not literally,before the wife reads this).

CameronB Brodie

It’s a BING. 🙂 (pedant power to max)


Its all thats left of Saddam Hussein’s house because when they piled in there, they really knew what they were doing too.

Wonder why Ruthie babes is only proud of the Black Watch in Kosovo. She only gets UKOK pride when they’re doing nice army stuff? She was really stomach churning tonight.



Maybe he thought you might be a lesbian trapped in a mans body ? just saying like 🙂



WBB update in previous thread (because it was more interesting) 🙂


I think that the “No Thanks” team are doing a great job. Stop interrupting them !!! 😀


Bing Hitler?

Michael McCabe

@ Ian Brotherhood 11:10pm Have a closer look at the Fearwatch tab Ian. It is Actually Sarah Smith and she has just seen her Viewing Figures. Vote Yes.


Although just a thought can you be a councillor and have a job?


Yes you can.


Totally O/T but my wife just got a facebook thingy from a friend of ours who was totally NO ( I know what I know and am happy with my thoughts). Her friend has done some reading and investigation into this referendum thing and is now voting YES. I am so proud of my wife. I would be prouder but she leaves the cereal bowls for me to clean up.

We are winning

Ian Brotherhood

@goldenayr –



Could be the start of something wonderful – just don’t expect any commitment from him.


Aye that seems like a good idea Iain, I’ve just discussed it with my partner and we’ll see what we can come up with. 😉



You ever thought of becoming a therapist?

What a life transforming insight you’ve just given me.

Is being a billionaire a known genetic condition?

If it is,it would go a long way to explaining how I hate being skint.


Ian Brotherhood

Hands Aff,Ah’ve got dibs.

Grouse Beater

Well, as predicted, the press sensing victory for Yes has finally lost its reason and howls:

“Jihadist Threat to Kill Scottish Educated Aid Worker” (My italics)



That’s definitely worth a pity groan.


Grouse Beater

They’re going ballistic because of the run on the pound.

Westminster don’t want to do a U-turn on the CU but the markets are pushing them.The “City” know The Pound is underwritten by oil.No CU,no oil,no faith in the gilts and bonds.The markets are playing hardball with Osborne because they don’t like people gambling with their money.



I prefer dog training TBH. Did it for over 10 years. The best therapy I’ve ever received:-)

Joe Swan

As the Reverend Spooner would say, “They couldn’t run a tight ship”.





Hmmm…it’s the carpet burns on the knees that get me.

Joe Swan

Belter 😀

Training Day

@Grouse Beater

Glad someone has picked up on the potential howl. STV sneaked it in as an afterthought. Could become a maelstrom.

Grouse Beater

Goldenayr: They’re going ballistic because of the run on the pound

It was always wating to happen – soon as finance houses thought a Yes win on the cards they’d hammer the hell out of Osborne’s arrogance and threaten Armageddon.



Must be shag pile then ? (Now you’re showing off :-))


Sausage fingered luddite. I was restraining comments about Strathclyde’s perennial student activist. Sleazy and sleekit doesn’t even come close. I always felt tainted when I encountered him in the union.


Have to say,the last week has been the best of the last seven years campaign.

BT are in disarray.

The media smell blood and are turning on BT.

And to top it all,I’m not as ugly as I thought(at least to psephologists)


That you boasting again goldenayr? 😛


Grouse Beater

Check out the coded warnings in the financial mags.I reckon if the pound keeps slipping,we’ll hear a backtrack by the end of the week.

We’ve had one already today from the finance sec.

“We have contingency plans for contingency planning and we’re ready to go in the early hours of the 19th”


Grouse Beater

What’s next?

Aussie, with great, great grannie born in Scotland, lost in outback. Cameron blames movement for independence.


Any drop in Sterling will be blamed on the YES campaign.



Howye lass?

Boast? Mois?

It’s kendo that’s boasting he can afford shagpile.

Burnt my carpets in the winter of 2010/11 trying to keep warm.

I suppose in that respect I was.I don’t get carpet burns anymore…just splinters.



I’m not financially adept at figuring out what is actually best for Scotland with all this run on the pound thingy that is going on in London. I believe that this run thingy means that the pound is worth less against dollar so if I’m right then our products made in Scotland will be cheaper to buy in the USA, and elsewhere right?

If my assumptions are right then why is the idea that the pound is falling against the dollar a bad thing other than the fact that imports will obviously become dearer.

I can only assume that the *ahem* city is using this pound falling thingy to batter Osborne because it will somehow affect his balance of payments thingy. 😉

That’s all folks I’m all thingyed out! 😛


o/t but – how much will the Independece party in 2016 fill the Scottish Governments coffers as the whole world heads to Scotland to party in the biggest ceilidh the World has ever seen


14 more sleeps ? Night all x


Let’s put it this way Twenty14, you think we have loads of dosh coming in from the North Sea just now. Well just look at that money as pocket money in comparison to the money *ahem* acquired during the 2016 Independence celebrations from overseas visitors etc. 😛


And on the rubbish theme its time for the bins to go out as ours are collected at 0630 if such a time actually exists and even if it does I’m not getting up then.

Nighty night

[…] « A thousand-word metaphor […]

Donald Gillies

I understand the metaphor, its a tip, a wasteland…..but for those that denigrate the Denny Powerlines, whether you are a YES or a NO…remember one thing, this upgrade is vital to move the power that will be generated by the Turbines of tide and wind. And one day soon will be getting metered at the border as well sell our surplus, and we will have a surplus, green renewables energy to rUK so they might comply with the promises they made to the EU and the World.
At the moment Orkney generates more than it can use, and awaits an upgrade to its lines to export to the mainland. Investment in this is crucial and needs some funding from the oil revenues to develop. one day it will be the cheaper power supply, over gas and oil. The future awaits, we only need to plug in and ensure we get a YES Vote!

Chic McGregor


“History will look back on these days as the most hopeless Better Together campaign EVER.”

TBF, it will also be their worst. 🙂

Chic McGregor

Best *&^%@#


I’ve got to be more than happy to agree with Lesley-Anne and Twenty14, that there’s the makings of a huge celebratory period coming up.

Tourism bodies and hoteliers will be well aware of the potential offered – not to mention the many, many thousands of our Scots diaspora who will given the chance to come home, to stay, to visit or, to just die happy.


Donald Gillies,

It is not ‘vital’.

Subseacables running down both west and east coasts could be built or it could have been underground.

The pylon was cheaper and hey, it’s only Scotland so it doesn’t matter.

Leo Foyle

I don’t get it: all I can see is a litter tray and three cats’ arses.


cearc; is it not just possible that many problems can and will be put right, given the will and power to do so.


Well. Just caught up, and nothing to add about the No dump, picture says it all.

Had briefing from Counting Officer tonight, but haven’t had a chance to write it up yet – tomorrow. Nothing of any great import.

Still looking for referendum volunteers for Aberdeenshire to help especially for the postal vote opening on weekdays 8th-18th at Inverurie.

Chic McGregor


The Peterhead to the Wash kind of distance is about break even between subsea cable and conventional pylon for cost.

Shorter than that favours pylon.



Well absolutely and I hope that that is one of them. We need a proper grid to sell the increasing masses of energy being produced in the Highlands and Islands. These monstrous pylons marching through the country are not the solution.



So basically it wasn’t cheaper, bearing in mind that it needed to be from Orkney.

Still in the future we can decide in Scotland how we do things and the ‘customers’ for our energy will have to pay accordingly.



This is doing my head in. I’ve not “had enough” though my resolve has doubled.

We are dealing with complete fools here and we allow them to govern us. I’ve had enough, they will be held to account on 18th Sept.

I hope everyone of you reading this blog feel the same and have enough passion in your soul to get off your arse and do something about it.

“Then they come to fight you” Than we fight them right back.

Ignore the politicians.
Ignore the Newspapers.
Ignore the TV

It’s all propaganda, let’s deliver the WBB to the people and just as important tell them the message yourself.

Your voice is as important as any politician, let it be heard.

CameronB Brodie

No WBB to hand out? Just tell folk about it and that it is online. I did that a few times in the Post Office today. I know a few folk picked up on what I was saying. 🙂

David Smith

Cearc, Chic.
Interestingly enough, I had a newsletter through the door this morning about upgrades to the grid here in Cumbria. These are in conjunction with a new nuclear station next door to Sellafield and a large offshore wind farm. The northern branch will connect with the west coast grid line at Harker Substation north of Carlisle.
The southern branch is more interesting as the favoured route proposal involves tunnelling for several miles across and beneath Morecambe Bay.


Channelling Amy Winehouse:

“They tried to make me go rehab-bing but I said No, No, No”


@ Lesley-Anne

A fall in the value of the pound is, as you correctly pointed out, a good thing for manufacturing. It does suck for consumers because of the rises in the cost of exports, but it helps manufacturers out on two fronts. It makes goods produced within the country cheaper in comparison to imports and it makes goods sold abroad cheaper, boosting the balance of trade. Countries like China, South Korea and other manufacturing nations intentionally keep their currency weak for this purpose.

London doesn’t want this though because 1) they don’t care about manufacturing, and 2) A weak pound is catastrophic for the financial industry which sees a flight of capital to “safer” currencies. This isn’t a problem for Scotland, however this could really impair English economic growth because Westminster has focused so much of the economy around London’s financial centres.

Grouse Beater

Seagull says: One chance tae get rid of these thieves an Quisling ("Tractor" - Ed) scumbags

Do you mean Westminster’s elite? Too many nouns, Mr Rebel.


I see they have wheeled out the old EU argument again – from a guy who doesn’t work there anymore.


Scotland had better act quick after the YES vote to free the hostage.

Grouse Beater

I see they have wheeled out the old EU argument again

Yes, read it minutes ago. The opposition keep recycling old material as if the old ones are still the best ones.


Post the times, places where Referendum volunteers are needed or rendezvous details. Where to apply YES shop? Etc. They will come forward.

john king

goldenayr says
“It’s kendo that’s boasting he can afford shagpile.

Burnt my carpets in the winter of 2010/11 trying to keep warm.

I suppose in that respect I was.I don’t get carpet burns anymore…just splinters.”

Is that when you ate the wallpaper and curtains?
did they really taste like chips?

Grouse Beater

Scotland had better act quick after the YES vote to free the hostage.

The insurgents tend to behead prisoners in retaliation for US killing their fighters in groups from helicopters. (There’s YouTube footage that looks as if a video game.) You can pretty well predict whose next as soon as a US commander boasts his troops wiped out an armed group at so-and-so. I don’t get the message Isis is looking for money.


The Oil pipe line should have been at Peterhead. Nearest and cheapest. Thatcher tried to get it to Newcastke. It got as far as near Grangemouth. Paid for by the Oil companies.

Thatcher cancelled a pipe line wasting the equivalent of £Billions of Gas. The Gas was burnt off. One of her Ministers resigned because of her (secret) conduct. The Papers were released last year. ‘This must be kept secret’ written in her handwriting. Evil.


Anyone see the unionist commentator on with McWhirter on STV last night?He reckoned a lot of people who say they’re going to vote Yes will bottle it and vote No.And feel ashamed for doing so.But they’ll have voted No.Not a good position to put yourself in.To betray yourself like that.

Grouse Beater

Mealer: He reckoned a lot of people who say they’re going to vote Yes will bottle it and vote No.

Was he challenging Yes waverers to a duel or telling them they are scaredy cats?


Mondiot (like many people) doesn’t seem to get the difference between the EU Union and the UK Union. Entirely different.


The NO’s are changing to YES – big time – not the other way around. The Polls are manipulated. PR companies are being paid £Millions of public money to manipulate the Polls to NO. Gerrymandering. Weighting as GE (not appropriate) and leaving out weighting for those who usually never vote. Predicted large turnout. The higher the turnout, the higher the YES majority.


Grabbed a few words with john curtice last night as he was leaving, asked him directly. Who do you think is going to win. His answer? “It’s no-s toblose and with there ability for screwing up…” Read into what you will. I take it as a yes win.

Grouse Beater

Most No’s I know don’t seem troubled to vote.



Get these leaflets delivered.

link to

The Rev was offering them free, paying postage only. Have to leave for work and can’t find the link from a few days ago.

The only ones that are losing their bottle are the Onionists.


This photo is a selfie, isn’t it? It is How No Thanks see themselves in Scotland.



Yeah, conversely there are those who’ve maybe been saying they’ll vote no to their family and friends who will have that moment in the polling booth where they say ‘feck it’ and vote yes.

Voting no isn’t a vote for the future, its a vote to cling on to the past. Its not a vote for hope or choice, its a vote for the absence of hope and the excuse of having others make your choices for you.

With very, very few exceptions almost every person in this country knows this on some level. That polling booth and the second we have that piece of paper in our hands will decide a lot of minds on the day.

People, even under the weight of fantastic pressure from financial adversity, the state and the media can often surprise you. 😉

john king

Goldenayr says
“And to top it all,I’m not as ugly as I thought(at least to psephologists)”

Sorry to burst yer baw Goldenayr but nobody’s ugly to a psephologists. 🙂

Stewart fae stoney

Is that Margaret Curran’s front garden

Nana Smith

“Gordon Brown and John Reid to lead Labour fightback against nationalist surge.”

link to

Is this it? Is this all Better Together have left.

They are running out of ammunition fast, they’ll be hittin us with eggs soon.


Thought I would share this with you.

link to


Gordon Brown, John Reid and Co the most unpopular tax evading criminals in Britain.

They should be in jail.


O/t I read recently that state pensions in Scotland cost £6 billion a year.
The interest payments the Scots pay towards Westminster’s £1.6 trillion debt is £6 billion.
Now I’m not by any means a financial genius but if we can afford £6 billion to pay for Brown and Osbourne’s incompetence we surely must be able to pay better pensions when we are independent.


Haven’t read all the comments so this may have already been mentioned but I noticed something very, very telling last night.

When the broad Edinburgh chap pitched the question on where the working classes would be better off when Dugdale answered they’d be better off in the event of a No vote her body language was incredible.

She could not look the guy in the eye. She looked straight down at the ground and look genuinely ashamed when she said a No vote was best for them. If you can’t even maintain eye contact and answer these points with conviction at this stage then you must know you’re on the wrong side.


I see someone has raised his ugly head again.


My employers contributed to this.

link to

Scotland could be sitting on more than double the amount of oil and gas reserves currently predicted, a new independent industry investigation has found. The investigation reveals that the scale of Scotland’s untapped frontier West Coast or Atlantic Margin has been underestimated.

The investigation was undertaken by, the world’s largest oil and gas industry jobs board, and independent North Sea oil and gas industry experts. The investigation included interviews with industry experts and collated seismic and expert evidence from a range of independent sources such as the British Geological Survey, DECC, oil and gas companies, the Institute of Petroleum Engineering and the Energy Institute.

The findings show that the current predictions of extensive untapped reserves of oil and gas could be underestimated by 100%. The West Coast alone could provide oil and gas for at least 100 years with an estimated value of more than £1 trillion.

bookie from hell

Stewart fae stoney says:
3 September, 2014 at 7:37 am
Is that Margaret Curran’s front garden

bfh—thx—bet laugh yet in this campaign


I see in The Herald, ”undecided” Sir Tom Hunter has a wee booklet out on indy, the result of investigation by a range of ”impartial experts”

Does anyone think there is something suspicious that this tycoon can be ”undecided”, two weeks out from the vote, a man surrounded by economists and such, unless its gonna be a heart thing for him? Its bad enough listening to the run of the mill, ”not enough information brigade”.

I haven’t read it of course, but I smell something smelly. Will have to wait and see.


The debt interest is £4Billion. On money Scotland don’t borrow or spend. The rest of the UK borrowed and spent the debt. Even the banking debt. The debt was borrowed and spent by Westminster. Scotland had no banking debt (in Scotland) and did not spend the excess borrowing (on housing/illegal wars/tax evasion) Westminster did. Scotland outvoted in Westminster 10/1 had no say. That is why the rest of the UK has more disposable income (appears wealthier – more borrowing and debt. Living beyond it’s means) Secrecy and lies.

ronnie anderson

Nth Lanarkshire cooncil is making a appearance in sending out housing Inspectors to survey the houses for New Roughcasting caught the guy out ( they were supposed to do this 10 yrs ago )& the Cavity / Loft insulation re-placement) Nth Lanarkshire are coning people into believing they’re houses are being upgraded, another ploy from the Labour cooncil to get people to vote for them.Muppets.

Nana Smith

Rally in London 6th September. London says YES

link to


Tom Hunter likes publicity.



Yep, that piece was only allowed to be released for general viewing today and its a real game changer. The figures as used for projections by both HMG and the SG to date are chicken feed to the potential, that’s yet to be tapped.

“Kevin Forbes, CEO of, said: ‘The report provides independent evidence that the frontier Atlantic Margins off the West Coast of Scotland are likely to hold large oil and gas fields that could well be the same size if not bigger than the reserves in the North Sea,’ he said.”

Oh dang! 🙂

ronnie anderson

The Tip is owned by Patersons of Greenoakhill & is olso a Methain extraction plant from the waste, the people that put those signs there must have worn Gas masks,anybody that knows the area puts up they’re car windows driving past as do the people in surrounding areas.


Hewitt83 says:
Dugdale … her body language was incredible … then you must know you’re on the wrong side

Agreed. I noticed that throughout. I’m not an expert in body language, but we all have an intuitive way of assessing what’s going on in someone’s mind.

Dugdale’s now not committed to the side she stands for. You can tell she was just trotting out mantra which she no longer believes herself.

My assessment too.


john king

They tasted flocking awful.

And Cheers,just when I thought it was safe to take off the bag.



From previous thread.

I notice (unless it’s a spoof) that there’s a 200 quid donation from one Blair McDougall.


Seriously folks, check out skiers link. I guarantee your eyes will widen a bit. 🙂


@ Goldenayr

Does Curtice practice psepher sex? He’s a unionist after all. 😉


WOW, in Guardian is story about shortly retired UK Ambassador to NATO (Dame Mariot Leslie) is voting YES and debunks some of the scaremongering around this.
Message must be getting through….
link to


Great article in the Guardian from George Monbiot “Scots Voting No to Independence Would be an Astonishing Act of Self Harm”
link to
The Wee Blue Book has arrived in rural Aberdeenshire. Getting snapped up quickly. At a meeting last night an enthusiastic crowd of YES supporters cheered Lesley Riddoch in calling for freedom from the corrupt and outdated Westminster system.

Graeme Doig


It’s only a game changer if the unionist meedya run it :/

Just noticed we’re spending another 300 million (scotlands share of 3.5 billion) on armoured vehicle deal.

Love what you’re doing with my hard earned tax’s WM. Criminals!

Robert Peffers

@ronnie anderson says: 2 September, 2014 at 10:15 pm:

“Its Patersons tip on London Rd.

How appropriate is THAT Ronnie?

Excuse me while I clean my screen, Ronnie, a mouthful of cereal just hit it.


I wonder if Douglas Alexander has been told to tone down the “debt defaulter” rhetoric. He has been the Better Together cheerleader on this line.

And if there is anything that would infuriate a hard working Scot, (who pay their the bills on time every month), is to tell them that if they vote YES, they will be known throughout the world as a “debt defaulter”.

This tactic is slanderous and should be dropped immediately.


It appears that Westminster has decided they don’t need to change their strategy of scaring voters because they have calculated that there isn’t enough Undecided/Don’t Know voters left for YES to win with as long as NO can continue to scare and hold on to those core NO voters that they have had all along.

This is why Project Fear has tried to smear the YES campaign with their Big Lie about “intimidation”, and continued with their Big Lies over currency and the EU and pensions in recent days.

The YES campaign know this which is why pushing forward Patrick Harvie and Elaine C Smith at last night’s debate in order to demonstrate that the YES campaign is a broad based church and not just AlicSammin and “Nationalists” was so important.

It is also why it is imperative that YES supporters re-double their efforts to convert the soft NO vote at the edges of the NO core vote, to vote YES.


@kendomacaroonbar re: Friends of Wings crowdfunder

From previous tread.

I notice (unless it’s a spoof) that there’s a 200 quid donation (2 days ago) from one Blair McDougall.

Grouse Beater

Wings must be heavily occupied deleting the rush of spam – one topic in a day is unusual.


GMS this morning in Ayr interviewing a NO youngster who is voting NO because we will not get any more transplants cross border. This LIE has been exposed here and yet disgusting people like Gordon Brown reinforce this LIE.

I now truly know what it feels like on the moral high ground and am voting YES. The son of the manse may rot in …..for his LIES.


Westminster refuses to rein in it’s over indulgence. In everything. Gluttons for punishment.



Just heard,I’m off the hook.

He prefers “poll” dancers 😀


BT will be in full scare mode for the next fortnight.

Expect relentless threats on a scale we haven’t seen yet.


BT are so out of touch, they do not realise people are not concerned about currency, the Crown or the EU. All expendable. Like BT. That is why they will lose.

Grouse Beater

What the opposition will use against Scotland’s aspirations is what they always planned to use in these last days of the debate – ramp up war cries and demand Scotland close ranks.

The Rough Bounds

I heard a No supporter on Radio Scotland this morning saying that ‘Scotland is a small country, smaller than Yorkshire.

Scotland’s size: 78,772 square kilometers.
Yorkshire’s size: 11,903 square kilometers.

Scotland’s population: 5,327,000.
Yorkshire’s population: 5,300,000

Nobody corrected him.

Grouse Beater

The British patriot card is about to be waved in our faces.


People have been waiting for years to finish BT off.



I just wonder in the situation of a no vote (hopefully not) how people such as the youngster in Ayr would feel when they discovered that things like transplant worries were shown not to be true and are shown the evidence to prove the scares otherwise.

Or as people watch oil being extracted for the next 40 or 50 years and that these reserves were known about before the vote.

I despair at how the media and politicians have been “economical with the truth.”


A “chookie”,in every sense of the word,defends his privilege.

link to

Robert Peffers

How right is THAT?

The Tipping Point.


It is Mount Doom, if you look close enough you can see Frodo and Sam climbing it. They don’t have a ring this time, just a Yes vote, all that is needed to defeat the powers of darkness.



Ah, ok, 🙂 It may be 🙂 Agent Blair is very close to completing his mission. 🙂


I heard Johann on the radio this morning. According to her undecideds are turning to No. This is her response to polls showing Yes moving forward and that undecided are leaning to Yes by 2:1

She is in de Nile up to her neck…and a wave is coming.

Robert Peffers

@Andy smith says: 2 September, 2014 at 10:33 pm:

“The big guy at the back of the audience asking about local government funding is an ex labour councillor.”

Aye! And the shouty guy with the beard was on the last TV debate but I think without the beard.

ronnie anderson

@ Robert Peffers You of all people on this site should be aware of the health & safety rules No EATING,NO LIQUIDS,& CERTAINLY NO BEVVYING unless its a quality biddy & only in that wind down period over in O/T lol.



Why has the Scottish Government been so hesitant to mention the oil and gas reserves that are all the way down the west coast of Scotland, form the Shetlands to the Solway Firth.

It is a certain vote winner, yet they never utter a word about it.

I think Alex Salmond should use a full party political broadcast to tell the people of Scotland of the potential oil and gas reserves that are in Scottish waters, including the Clyde Estuary.


I was on the road yesterday from Aberdeenshire to Kilmarnock and back and noticed “No” posters on a “Cooncil tip” beside the M74 and thought someone doesn’t do irony in Glasgow or a “Yes” supporter from Baillieston has a great sense of humour. They are plentifulin Baillieston and Shettleston!
Another observation was that the “No” signs in the fields all through Strathmore look as if they had all been professionally placed by the same person compared to the varied”Yes” signs. Anyone else notice that?


In the near future, say four year down the line, the majority of No voters will wish they had actually voted Yes. They will see their mistake.

If a Yes win is announced on the 19th, then in four years Scotland will already have become a better place and No voters will wonder why they were so stupid to not see the potential and the opportunities.

If, God forbid, No win on the 19th, then the above photo symbolises Scotland’s future perfectly! And, probably far sooner than in four years, No voters will realise they made the biggest mistake of their lives.

I may be biased, but I know I’m right!



That’s an opportunity for the Rev. to send him a “Special message” on his very special edition 😀


Gordon Brown, John Reid, Charles Kennedy, and Alistair Darling are all apparently pitching in like mad for the last two weeks. Private polling of Labour voters has clearly started a bit of panic. 🙂

This is good!

ronnie anderson

@GoldenAyr that Duck of Northumberland, should be re-named the Duck of Slumberland ( if it ain broke dont fix it ) did he know listen to his great leader Diddy Dave’s Broken Britain speech, he must have been sleeping at that one.


@caz-m says

Yes, I do wonder why little is made of West Coast oil. Two possibilities. Firstly Green minded people feel uneasy about hydrocarbon exploitation. Secondly, not in my backyard backlash from people in the West.

Although I feel increased oil production means an even fairer and just iScotland if the income is used properly, there may be some voters who have negative feelings about West Coast expansion.

Free Scotland

Scrabbling around in the wasteland of political opinion, Alistair Darling scavenges like a starving seagull for signs of life in the bleak, grey landscape, hoping to avoid the strident voices of people saying “No Thanks” to his weary and discredited claim that we are better together.



I have a feeling in the event of a Yes vote the Seville calculator might come into effect.

You struggle to meet a Celtic fan of a certain age who wasn’t in Seville in 2003.

In 2024 everyone you speak to will have voted Yes 😉


David Smith,

Interesting. One could almost imagine the London planning meeting.

‘North of Carlisle, Isn’t that the other side of Hadrian’s wall? Lancashire, well that’s England isn’t it?’

I can’t imagine how our neighbours in northern England feel every time some ‘prat on the telly’ says Hadrian’s Wall when talking about Scotland. Disenfranchised at least.

john j

The M77/A77 between Glasgow and Ayr is littered with these signs in farmer’s fields. The landowners are worried that the urban dispossessed are about to descend on their estates and disrupt their Young Farmer’s Balls and their curling matches, and maybe steal some turnips. Revolution is in the air, a bas les Aristos!

Dr JM Mackintosh

west coast oil would get in the way of all these yachts – so not so good.

Brian Fleming



What’s the point. They don’t have BBC Scotland or STV. Damned if I’ll watch the BBC for fun.


Right.. Hang on.. How’d you manage to get a copy of the picture for Gordon Matheson’s preferred option for the George Square revamp.. Has there been a leak at the City Chambers.. He threw his toys out the cot when this didn’t get passed..

I can see why now.. It’s a perfect Landscape representation of what Labour have done for this City, and what they are now trying to achieve by coorying up to the Tories for Better Together, No Thanks uKOK.

(or is the view from Gordy’s car at Linn Park.. he’d have been speechless at that sight through the tinted windows.. controversial..)

(I do like how the picture has been cropped to miss out the effigy of him at the top of the pylon.. shame would liked to have seen him dangling there)


Good picture. This could be the tipping point in this debate. Given the environmental impact of this place I find it odd that they should have drawn attention to their failure to adequately screen their activities.

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