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Wings Over Scotland

A hero of Scottish Labour

Posted on March 07, 2015 by

Here’s delightful Labour MP “Diddy” David Hamilton this morning:

His personal attack on the First Minister’s appearance went down well, not just with the crowd in the room at the Scottish Labour conference but also with the party’s sniggering juvenile boys’ club. They wouldn’t say their wives were fat, but…





Ah, “real politics in this country”. Here’s what those look like, by the way:

(Click the icon at the bottom right to enable sound.)

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    The Devo Files: Case Closed | A Wilderness of Peace

225 to “A hero of Scottish Labour”

  1. Gary says:

    Jesus Chris. How could anyone elect such a fucking moron. The mental capacity of a gibbon, dropped on it’s head at birth. If this fuckwit hadn’t got on the gravy train he’d have got no where in live.

  2. steviecosmic says:

    Wings over Scotland, the boil on the arse of Labour in Scotland.


  3. muttley79 says:

    The bitterness and hate postively oozes out of these Scottish Labour types towards the SNP. Let them stew in their own bile.

  4. Pat says:

    14 years a MP and nothing of note to show for it apart from a speech negatively commenting on a womans appearance.I hope it’s the last we’ll hear of this throwback to the 60s.

  5. Zen Broon says:

    Well at least we know who “Davie Hamilton” is now. And indeed who are the clowns that applaud that reactionary sexist shit.

  6. Jojo says:

    He’s an utter disgrace. Labour is so keen to appeal to women voters yet would publicly patronise that “wee lassie” who is at the top of her game and who is widely admired and trusted by many Scottish women. This misogynistic dinosaur is turning off women voters and seriously underestimating his opponents in this one sentence.

  7. Grizzle McPuss says:

    I hear that there is to be a re-make of ‘Love Thy Neighbour’, based in Scotland and that David Hamilton has auditioned for the part of ‘Eddie’

  8. Democracy Reborn says:

    Somewhere, in deepest Midlothian, there’s a village with an idiot missing…

  9. Torry Quine says:

    Envy is a terrible thing,and, being shown up by a woman just puts the tin hat on it. Not one labor politician can hold a candle to our Nicola and the rest of the fab SNP guys we have. Aye vote SNP

  10. Kevin evans says:

    Thank god the days of stick a red Rosette on a pig and getting voted as an mp are over in scotland. Sorry for insulting pigs

  11. Tinto Chiel says:

    Ah, that wonderful, rasping, hysterical delivery, what does it remind me of? Is it Adolph, with perhaps a suspicion of Göbbels?

    God, these people revolt me. What a pathetic, desperate bunch.

    Vote SNP for a new country and a new politics.

  12. Macart says:

    Yeah, that’s a Scottish representative at Westminster that is. Don’t you just feel your heart swell with pride?


    Done in May along with the rest of those childish, tribalist troughers.

  13. Inky pic says:

    International Women’s Day this week & I just think – why bother? Will we have a wee snigger at how you look Duncan?

  14. Big Jock says:

    I couldn’t understand him. Surely speaking some form of English should be a basic for a Brit Mp.

  15. Grouse Beater says:

    He should have left the stage decades ago – once a jerk always a jerk.

    Shame about the Scottish accent.

  16. JPFife says:

    Is it just me or does that sound like it’s been edited, with a word removed where there’s the visual cut? Didn’t watch it so I don’t know if this was live or not.

  17. Betsy says:

    Wtf is Hothersall on about. Real politics is dismissing senior female politician as a wee lassie? Progressive my arse.

    I’ve always been against all female shortlists but judging from today’s performance there may be a genuine need for them in the Labour party.

  18. J. R. Tomlin says:

    The ‘best’ line of his speech regarding Westminster was ‘a job for the boys’.

  19. No no no...Yes says:

    Every day,in every way, Labour shows they’ve lost the way.

  20. Alan stirling says:

    That’s just a lovely breath of fetid air.

  21. sinky says:

    O/t but bbc tv still advertising highlights if scottish cup tie in inverness that was cancelled this morning.
    This just proves how we are treated as idiots by our state broadcaster.

  22. pa_broon74 says:

    There’s a political dinosaur we should all be happy to leave behind.

    Its why Labour in Scotland are on their way out.

  23. heedtracker says:

    He jacked in January and Daily Record quote Morphy with “Davie Hamilton is a gentle giant of the Labour movement.” Morphy just says the exact opposite of reality and that’ll save them now.

    They also keep repeating he’s a Fife miner over and over but what did the red tory boys like Bliar, Brown and the Flipper ever do for the UKOK mining industry? Oh yes they got Arthur Scargill a knighthood.

  24. nycgype says:

    Thankfully Scotland has moved beyond this type of politician. They are about to be smacked full in the face with the reality of an educated electorate. They are done. Soon to be unemployed.

  25. One_Scot says:

    It’s funny, but when you see people like that, you realise how far Scotland has moved on from that type of hatred politics.

    There is no place in politics for this type of abuse from Labour or the supporters of it.

    They are beneath contempt.

  26. msean says:

    Unbelievable comment when facing a wipeout.

  27. Patrick Roden says:

    @ JPFIFE,

    Yes I noticed that it seemed to be edited when he said ‘let’s stick it to the bl(edit) SNP.

    It felt like he had said ‘bloody SNP’

  28. Effijy says:

    I have never heard of him but he seems to have the sort of intelligence quota as most of the monkeys with red Tory rosettes.

    I take it that he is retiring having filled his pockets with expenses claims, or representations for Chinese start up companies?
    He can then enter the prize draw for a seat in the Lords.

    Does he listen to himself?
    “Let’s nae go oot there an be negative aboot the SNP” he then goes on to try and slag off SNP’s Alex Salmond?

    Maybe that was why the pensioners were laughing?
    He just did what he said they shouldn’t do!

    My God he has Labour leadership qualities!

  29. heedtracker says:

    link to I just hope these women understand that their hair cut is what really does it for team Vote SLabour 1955. I mean 2015.

    If all these gorgeous SLab dinosaurs don’t like your hair, watch out.

  30. Dr Jim says:

    Red Ties and Badges, those were the days when men were men
    and so were the women ..Boom Boom..i’ll be in the bar the wife’s wae the weemin in the lounge
    I saw this as he did it and i just made the noise, you know the noise Augh Jee makes you proud doesn’t it
    2015 Who would think eh
    Does this man even have a wife or a daughter or any female relative at all, i was just looking for the stain on his tie and as for badges, “we don’t wan your stinkin badges”
    Mexican Accent

  31. Allan Gow says:

    A man of his time. 1976 Mibbee? Cheerio, cheerio cheerio…..

  32. Patrick Roden says:

    Did everyone else notice Johann’s face, when he made the wee lassie with the tin helmet on insult?

    I think even she is sick of Labour, lol.

    Going to put my own tin helmet on, but after Mr Hamilton ‘sticks it to the bloody SNP’ it cuts to the crowd, and in the middle of the picture there’s a fat guy with a white shirt on having a right old laugh.

    It might just be that he’s one of those guys who laughs louder than others and goes to all labour conferences etc, but I immediately felt that I had saw that clip of him laughing like that, during the referendum campaign.

    Surely the BBC wouldn’t edit clips from previous meetings, into this conference in order to try to save Labours blushes…surely?

  33. Alexandra-M- says:

    As Nicola Sturgeon does her utmost to promote equality in politics, and more broadly across society, we have neanderthals like Hamilton who think it’s ok to make such misogynistic comments.

    It’s NOT ok.

    I was glad to see Johann Lamont looking extremely displeased after his tin helmet comment, and not just laughing and whooping his idiocy like some of her female colleagues. Good for her.

  34. ronnie anderson says:

    The only time that fucker shone wiz when he hud a miners helmet oan.

  35. Valerie says:

    As Rev put it on FB, what next, a stint by Roy Chubby Brown. No need to send for him, because here is the Scottish equivalent.

    It should be compulsory viewing for anyone who is still thinking of voting this party.

    Absolutely shameful on every level, and speaks volumes that he appears to be some kind of demi god to the Labour arse lickers.

    Just eww, yuck

  36. Helenearth says:

    I see David Hamilton is described as a Labour giant. Oh deary me. He clearly has made little impact in his 14 years as an Mp, although listening to this dire and embarrassing misogyny it’s little wonder that he has rarely opened his mouth in parliament.

  37. Surge in cereal consumption.

  38. @Allan Gow says:

    A man of his time. 1976 Mibbee? Cheerio, cheerio cheerio…..

    Aye 1976BC.

  39. Heaerhammer says:

    The audience looks like they’ve just been to Songs of Praise!

  40. Macandroid says:

    @ Gary

    I don’t think he’s a moron. He’s got a lot of work to put in before he rises to the level of moron.

  41. Marcia says:

    Sunday Herald front page;

    link to

  42. galamcennalath says:

    I’ve begun to have nightmares that it won’t be total SLab wipe out in May!

  43. muttley79 says:

    David Hamilton is a Labour dinosaur. It is pathetic, although sadly unsurprising, that the likes of Iain Gray, McDougall, James Kelly, Hothersall think he gave a great speech. They are the ones who are among those responsible for the ongoing self destruction of Labour in Scotland.

    The time as come for women to be giving the same representation in politics and other occupations as men imo. It is time to consign the attitudes Hamilton diplayed today to the rotten dustbin, where they belong.

  44. Alexandra-M- says:


    Loving your wee shed Ronnie! Looks braw.

  45. Peter Macbeastie says:

    He’s just like Willie Rennie.

    I’ve seen his picture, I’ve heard him speak.

    And I still neither know who he is or what he is for.

    And just like Rennie, I don’t care either.

    The usual Labour mouthpieces are acting entirely according to type.

  46. Joemcg says:

    Apologies to wingers from that neck of the woods but are the voters in Midlothian no righters for allowing this cretin to represent them for FOURTEEN “bloody” years!? What is wrong with you people?? Please please kick this arsehole out in May for Scotland’s sake. What an utter embarrassment of a man. He’s not fit to be a street sweeper. In fact he’s not fit to be employable ANYWHERE!

  47. caz-m says:

    And he was a crap DJ when he worked at Radio One.

  48. Joemcg says:

    He IS standing down.Still,how the hell did he keep getting voted in? Jesus.

  49. Andy Hay says:

    He’s like Bernard Manning’s less PC brother.
    WTAF! You couldn’t make this sh@t up.

  50. ErinT says:

    Well he comes across as vile, blinkered and a massive misogynist as well.

    Good going Scottish Labour. Really helps those “progressive policies” that Dugdale keeps mentioning.

    “I was glad to see Johann Lamont looking extremely displeased after his tin helmet comment, and not just laughing and whooping his idiocy like some of her female colleagues. Good for her.”

    Agreed! My respect for Lamont just went up considerably after seeing her reaction to that.

    Quite frankly, I find it galling that Hamilton would make remarks about someone’s appearance while revelling in a good dose of gender-hatred to score cheap political points.

  51. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    A sad wee pretendy hardman who has spent 14 years on the wesminster gravy train sucking up his expenses while living in the lap of luxury.

    He would shit himself if he had to go to some of the places of extreme poverty and deprivation where we went and got so many new voters.

    We will sweep away most of these corrupt useless dinsosaurs and scotland will be a better place for it.

  52. Wulls says:

    I was brought up in an environment where ranting idiots like this were union officials.
    I honestly thought we had grown up as a nation.
    Apparrently not.

  53. Such oratory, such intellect – so many brilliant policies articulately put forward. No wonder they’re so far ahead of us in the polls!

  54. Clootie says:

    Now I have followed politics for a long, long time (I even remember Jeremy Thorpe!).
    However I have to confess that I have never heard of this guy. I wish that state of affairs had continued.

    It is quite some time since I have encountered a “character” of such pathetic intellect and manners.
    Why would anyone select such an offensive cretin to represent them?

  55. lumilumi says:

    I see the Raving Loony Monsters had a party conference in Edinburgh.

    I agree with Patrick Roden above: Johann Lamont looks sick of the Labour party. She’ll probably vote SNP in May.

  56. caz-m says:

    This guy Hamilton is way behind the times.

    Our very own Queen Nicola has actually changed her hair style

    She’s got beauty and brains, a think she is a wee cracker.

    Gaun yer sel Nicola.

  57. Johnny says:

    JR Tomlin @ 10:34

    Yes, that was odd. It was like he was seeking approval for the idea that Alex Salmond heading back to Westminster (if elected) for a 3rd stint there was ‘jobs for the boys’.

    In this odd mindset, unbroken stints of 32 years (Malcom Bruce, Charles Kennedy,and Gordon Brown just being some examples) must somehow be less clubby and such than broken up stints based upon pursuing particular objectives at different times.

    None of what I say above alters that politics (like most things) HAS been too much of a boys club, but what Hamilton was really saying is ‘that’s ok for our boys, but not for their boys’.

  58. Bogiesdey says:

    As a ex Fife miner I am appalled at this piece of excremant.he gives us all a bad name, ranting on like a 1970s sexist dickwad. Could we not uncap an old shaft and tip this lot of treacherous , nawbaggery scum into the bottom and reseal

  59. Clootie says:

    Joemcg says:
    7 March, 2015 at 11:09 pm
    why have a go at street sweepers? I’m sure that you didn’t intend that to come across the way it did.

  60. JLT says:

    Each day, Labour just keep coming across …as the Party Scotland should NOT vote for! Honestly ….talk about bitter!

  61. Tattie-bogle says:

    Reminded me of “i want boils all over Gerry Adam” spitting image parody of Ian Paisley

  62. Papadox says:

    Hope all the NO voters are proud of their leaders. Mcdoodal, McTernan, Murphy, Gray, Davidson, Roy, Hood etc etc.

    Cameron tells Milliband not to help the SCOTS.

    Are we still loved, wanted needed? THE QUESTION HAS GOT TO BE WHAT FOR, THEY HATE US, they really do!


  63. K1 says:

    If the laughter that followed his comments about our FM is anything to go by then it’s clear for any to see that the tribal hatred of the SNP is what is driving the Labour accounting unit in Scotland.

    I would like to see more footage of this to see the reactions from the main stage, especially as he turns and addresses Murphy after this little tribal sexist tirade, to make his little sarky quip about Alex going to Westminster. That others close to Murphy have applauded and lauded this man only serves to further reveal that they have understood nothing about the true cause of their current and rapid decline within Scotland.

    They made the rod and continue to strengthen it for their own back.

  64. SquareHaggis says:

    A fez wouldn’t go amiss.

  65. orri says:

    Johann Lamont has a hairstyle not a million miles away from Nicola’s. Not surprised she was a bit pissed off. Not only that but I kind of suspect she may also have a touch of PCOS which might explain the thinning. Doubt that also applies to Nicola if it did would explain her lack of children which in turn brings up the tacky attacks on her.
    I wonder if Lamont will simply tell Labour to get to fuck and not stand in the GE?

  66. HandandShrimp says:

    I genuinely have no idea who this man is…and he is apparently retiring, if the Tweets above are correct, so I probably never will. I suspect I won’t care either.

  67. Proud Cybernat says:

    So–let me see if I’ve got this right.

    “SNP bad.”

    Is that what this loon is saying?

  68. Harry McAye says:

    I’ve never heard of him and I watch most of the political programmes and have done for very many years. A political pygmy who isn’t worth mentioning in the same breath as Nicola.

  69. Alex says:

    He is not a fife miner.He was from Woodburn in Midlothian and worked at Monktonhall Colliery,most of the time as union delegate.

  70. Tattie-bogle says:

    lying Fat Tuba of lard

    Blair McDougall ?@blairmcdougall 16m16 minutes ago
    @Lothianlassie tweet was before I heard that bit. Clearly that’s not on, as Kez has made clear.

  71. Krackerman says:

    Some have short memories and are being unjustly kind to JoLa… That was not a look of disdain at Diddy’s joke..

    All that happened is the laughter woke her from her slumber – the expression was one of confusion “where am I?? Aww sh1te… I’m still b00dy here!!”

  72. Marie clark says:

    what an absolutely repulsive tube.

    If that’s all they have to offer Scotland, it’s not surprising that Lord Ashcroft’s polls are showing the results that they are.

    I’m pleased that’s not my husband up there making that sort of remark, or he would be in the deepest doo doo you could possibly imagine. In fact if he was mine, he would be better just not coming home.

    These Labour arsesholes, Hothersall and McDougall think he made a great speech. Hell’s bells! What century are we living in.

  73. SquareHaggis says:

    link to

  74. Defo says:

    He used to be quite nice, when he was on Radio 1.
    The years haven’t been kind…..

    The valedictory speech, on behalf of Slabs old school ?

    It’s fucking brilliant watching this lot implode, after decades of them taking the piss out of us.

  75. chris kilby says:

    “Take my voters. Please!”

    Consider it done, mate. Consider it done…

  76. caz-m says:

    Scottish Labour’s day out in “The Last Chance Saloon”.

    Murphy was having a despairing look around the hall and said to himself,

    “What a right shower of losers a ended up wi”.

    link to

  77. Almannysbunnet says:

    Nice to see the Northern Branch Leader warmly applauding this “speech” from this hatemonger. Are you proud of your party up North Jim, figured out why your on the road to oblivion yet? What about you Kezia, happy to be on the same platform as this misogynist? If this shower come asking for our support after the election I’d squeeze them till their pips squeak.

  78. Molly says:

    So according to Labour , it’s easy to go negative , especially when you see a wee lassie etc’

    Disappointed to see Iain Gray thought this was a great speech , don’t care for the mans politics but thought he had more about him than that. As for Duncan Hothersall , perhaps there’s a reason the Cybernats are so distant from his ‘ real politics’ .

    That speech and the men congratulating him on it ( when women were celebrating International women’s day in Glasgow ) really shows johann Lamont has her party nailed for what it is – full of dinosaurs .

    Wonder what Kezia in her role as deputy leader thought of it ?

  79. Onwards says:

    @Effijy says:

    I have never heard of him but he seems to have the sort of intelligence quota as most of the monkeys with red Tory rosettes.

    I honestly have never heard of him either.

    I had to use google to find out that he has been the MP for Midlothian since 2001.

  80. Patrick Roden says:

    The whole of Scotland has been voting Labour for a lot longer than 14 years, so lets not be too hard on Edinburgh folks.

    Just scanned Marcia’s link to the Sunday Herald:

    Someone please tell me it isn’t ‘International Womans Day’

    What an own goal for Labour!

  81. nycgype says:

    K1 says:
    7 March, 2015 at 11:47 pm
    “If the laughter that followed his comments about our FM is anything to go by then it’s clear for any to see that the tribal hatred of the SNP is what is driving the Labour accounting unit in Scotland.”

    It’s a fascinating study in psychology watching the Labour party in Scotland. Their ‘rightful’ position has been usurped by the SNP and they are driven by nothing more than bitterness towards the people they know have replaced them. It’s a toxic hatred that eats them from the inside. The Yes campaign was wonderfully positive and the SNP campaign has continued in a similar vain. They are a crumbling relect of bygone days. This wave is passing them by.

  82. dramfineday says:

    Who’s David Hamilton? Fourteen years as an MP and still people ask who he is! Outrageous quoth Duncan H. Outrageous indeed Duncan – 14 years a Weary Willie and now retiring a hero of labour; still a Weary Willie. And Marcia, how ironic the Sunday Herald Sub headlines (above the main) anent women, when women have such glorious examples of manhood to look up to!

  83. nycgype says:

    Relic of course. Damn you phone.

  84. Training Day says:

    No one anywhere, ever, has ever heard of this ptomaine.

    Yet someone, somewhere voted for him.

  85. sunshine says:

    Jeez, this guy has actually been passing laws for 14 years.

  86. heedtracker says:

    Another issue about this kind of sneering sexist SLab goon is that he’s no different from his SLab colleagues like Ian Davidson MP, who threatened the female SNP MP on his committee in Westminster. And it may well work. It probably does deter women and men.

    link to

  87. chris kilby says:


  88. Dr Jim says:

    Wouldn’t be so bad even if the so called joke were new but it was Nicked from another idiot who said it first and that was
    Da Da Ra Da Da Da Dah…..UKIP Cockburn..Another Dinosaur

    I thank you….i’m here all week….

  89. Patrician says:

    The guy in the leather jacket 11 secs in looks really impressed. Probably thinking, with idiots like this on our side we don’t really need any enemies.

  90. Geoff Huijer says:

    Truly sad & pathetic.

  91. HandandShrimp says:

    What is he waving about….it looks like a tea spoon

  92. Gary45% says:

    Normally with morons like this, I would probably write something just as offensive back at them.
    But I have to say “words fail me”.
    This is Scotland 2015 and to see the reaction from the Labour delegates totally saddens me.
    If they manage to sway the vote with the help of the media and allow these parasites into power then we will rightfully be a laughing stock.
    We cannot allow this to happen.

  93. Haggis Hunter says:

    Aye, the hero you never hear o

  94. HandandShrimp says:

    Dr Jim

    You are right…so Labour are reduced to nicking UKIP’s “jokes”. That really is the sign that it is the end.

  95. Robert Peffers says:

    @Clootie says:7 March, 2015 at 11:31 pm:

    ” … Why would anyone select such an offensive cretin to represent them?

    Probably because the only knowledge they had about him was the lies on the write-up they read on the glossy leaflet the Labour Party stuffed through their door and the glowing write up they read in the local rag. After all he never seems to have featured in political reports if the number of commenters reporting here they have never heard of him.

  96. Papadox says:

    They obviously kept quiet about him for the last 14 years. Could be their no as daft as they appear, all the time

    Class act!

  97. Legerwood says:

    Watching this again I am even more amazed that they showed this clip on the BBC News tonight.

    Maybe their weekend staff did not get the memo so are not on ‘message’.

    Truly appalling.

  98. sunshine says:

    Correct Dr Jim @ 12.26am. I remember seeing it on the news and I thought it outrageous and there would be some kind of backlash, the wife was raging about it. But nothing, not a peep. It was even edited out of all the later news bulletins for some strange reason. I couldn’t and still cant think of why the MSM would want to protect UKIP MEP Coburn. Bizarre.

  99. chris kilby says:

    “Jim Murphy walks into a pub and the barman says: ‘Why the long face…?'”

  100. Fran says:

    ” Lets go out n do it, lets stick it to the SNP”
    Are the Labour party saying similar south of the border?

    “Lets go out n do it, lets stick it to the Greens” cos they are worried about that in England. Disenfranchised Labour voting Green cos they have no else to vote for and letting the Torries take seats from them.

    Labour are lost all over these isles.

    The cry should be ” Lets go out n do it, lets reach out to other left leaning parties n stick it to the torries!”

    Nae chance o that

  101. sunshine says:

    Whit is he rambling on about on the loop speech? I can hardly make out a word he is saying. He is like a Jim Murphy (14 Towns in 100 days) impersonator, on speed.
    Is he shouting something about “let us get oot there and day it, im bursting for a bloody pee”
    Seriously, I cant make it out. What is he actually saying?

  102. Malcolm says:

    “Let’s stick it to the bloody SNP”.
    That, my friends, is the first full reading of the Scottish Branch manifesto.
    If Mr Hamilton is an elected Labour Politician then I am proud to be a “vile cybernat”.

  103. The Man in the Jar says:

    “SquareHaggis says:

    A fez wouldn’t go amiss.”

    I’m surprised that he didnt black up!

  104. liz says:

    Btw not entirely sure what James Cook said but if it upset Labour then, well done that man.

    Tables turning??

    link to

  105. Craig Wilson says:

    Almost speechless. I don’t come from a hardcore Labour family/town, but a lot of my work colleagues do, and I imagine them watching this through their fingers. He’s not got a clue if he expects a stream of boorish sexist abuse to turn the polls back in their favour.

    I’d be embarrassed enough if I heard a bigot talking like that at the pub, but he’s an elected representative speaking at a serious party conference. Are they just in denial now?

  106. Gary says:

    Strange. They seem entirely unaware that the root of their problem is their hatred of SNP. Normal voters don’t understand it. Normal left wing voters think that aside from the issue of independence that Labour would be voting alongside SNP in Holyrood. Holyrood was set up to make coalitions inevitable yet still Labour won’t vote for an SNP policy – even if they agree with it! Voters, myself included, have noticed this and concluded that Labour are prepared to axt against the interests of the people to get and keep power. The hatred is borne of must for power. So used to controlling Scotland are they, no campaigning, no canvassing, no public meetings, no members, that they think it’s their right to rule. Since Holyrood opened and replaced Regional Councils Labour has been on a downward trajectory. Holyrood has placed them under greater scrutiny than the Regional Councils and it didn’t take long before Labour’s First Minister McLeish got caught out. They have displaced their anger onto SNP because they no longer have a stranglehold on Scotland. They can’t believe it could possibly be their own fault!!

  107. TYRAN says:

    Eh, who? He’s a MP?! I thought it was someone from the local pub darts.

  108. boglestone says:

    They say everyone deserves their 15 minutes of fame and David Hamilton is no exception. Well done. No one had heard of him before. Now everyone is donating to the crowdfunding campaign to elect his SNP rival Owen Thompson. link to

  109. Paul Joseph says:

    My first ever comment. I feel compelled to state my utter revulsion at this vile excuse of a man. Not fit to polish Nicola’s shoes. Not fit for much by the looks of.

  110. fletch49er says:

    He’s about as funny as a boot in baws!!!

  111. tartanarse says:

    Sunshine at 1.02

    I had to listen to it a few times before I realised what the ned was saying. What a disgrace of a man. Thankfully he and his like will soon be worm food.

  112. allan thomson says:

    Is that “DIDDY David Hamilton? ( a cerebral one at least if not the original!)

  113. call me dave says:

    Worth popping over here (good pic of the half empty hall) and good article.

    link to

    Bella worth a read too.

  114. Lesley-Anne says:

    What a Muppet.

    He stands on a stage and shouts about getting out there and *ahem* doing it but oh look the wee coward is NOT standing in Midlothian. I wonder why?

    Surely the wee coward isn’t too FEART of getting his earse handed to him on a plate by one of thoise nasty Nats by any chance? 😀

    Sorry for going O/T here, sort of, but we had a group out door canvassing in Annan on Saturday. They did an area that returned a NO response last September and found that, well let’s just say things have sort of moved on so to speak. 😉

    When asked the question “Which party would you vote for if there was a General Election tomorrow?” the responses were:

    S.N.P. 19
    Labour 10
    UKIP 4
    Tory 0

    Remember this whole area returned a NO response in September but what a difference six month’s can make. 😀

  115. charles edward stuart says:

    That wee lassie wi the tin helmet on is more of a man than he will ever be, she would wipe the floor wie the likes of him. How dae ye manage to get sae many nutters in the wan place at the same time.

  116. karmanaut says:

    Not even today, in this most public of arenas, with all of Scotland watching them, could they stop with the hatred.

    I’ve utterly had enough of this toxicity.

    Let’s just get on and build a better country, without any more crap like this holding us back..

  117. Kevin meina says:

    Prick on sky press review what more can we give the scots they have everything.We should take trident off them they will lose thousands of jobs what a pile of piss.

  118. Joemcg says:

    Sorry to street sweepers everywhere! I’m just flabbergasted the eejit has reached the position he has!

  119. thedogphilosopher says:

    @ liz

    It might be something to do with James Cook speaking to a delegate who he then quoted in a report as saying ‘The ship is sinking’.

    How soon before we catch sight of some Labour lifeboats making their way towards the good ship SNP?

  120. Lesley-Anne says:

    Kevin meina says:

    Prick on sky press review what more can we give the scots they have everything.We should take trident off them they will lose thousands of jobs what a pile of piss.

    I watched that Muppet Kevin. I think he was a former Tory advisor or something. I have actually got into the habit these days of watching the papers review mainly because I just love the non stop squirming these reviewers are doing night after night whenever they have to discuss Scotland with respect to May 7th. 😛

    That earsehole tonight though was the closest yet the TV has come to getting a boot thrown at it. HE and his *ahem* smarmy ideas are the reason why, I believe, he and his mates will all be crying into their G & T’s on May 8th as we all celebrate with up to 59 (I know 59 is a pipe dream but hey I like dreaming! 😉 ) S.N.P. M.P.’s travelling to London. 😀

    There was one bit though that I did shout an answer to this smarmy git. It was when he asked “what else can we give Scotland?” I won’t tell you what I said I’ll leave it as a wee *cough* teaser. 🙂

  121. thedogphilosopher says:

    I was wondering how to interpret ‘let’s stick it to them’.

    Does it mean ‘let’s win the argument fairly on the doorsteps’, or does it mean ‘let’s use every dirty trick in the Bumper Book of Labour Dirty Tricks?’.

    Also, I can’t help thinking of the film Downfall and the final days in Hitler’s bunker as madness and desperation set in as the hours ticked down towards the inevitable. And then Eva Braun tries to lift spirits by getting people up to dance and party.

    Perhaps David Hamilton’s speech was Labour’s Eva Braun moment?

  122. Lesley-Anne says:

    I forgot to mention earlier that I received a *ahem* communication from one of the brave 800 who turned up in Edinburgh on Saturday to listen to s**** like this.


    This weekend I was a first time delegate to Scottish Labour Party conference.

    Wow. What an inspiring day. I’ve met delegates from across Scotland who will campaign to get rid of the Tory Government and bring about the change in Scotland we want to see. Labour will make sure that young Scots get the best chance in life. We are going to end Tory austerity and have a plan for Scotland’s working families.

    This will take hard work so I’m chipping in. Will you donate what you can here too?

    link to

    I will be taking every chance I get to go out campaigning in my constituency.

    But this campaign will take resources too. And that’s why I decided to donate £25 today. £25 will pay for leaflets for an afternoon’s campaigning. That’s hundreds of people we can tell about our plans for:
    Better grants for poorer students, worth over £1000
    £1,600 future fund for every young person who doesn’t go to college or university
    No tuition fees for any Scottish student
    And now I’m asking you to help me do the same.

    With your help we can get rid of the Tory Government:

    link to

    I look forward to us all uniting and campaigning together to make Scotland the fairest nation on earth.



    Robert Oliver
    Glasgow Shettleston CLP

  123. Robert Graham says:

    oh just woke up am i still dreaming what a f/n nightmare a reincarnation of John Prescott this clip should get a wider audience if i disliked this lot before well this is the tipping point i hope every last one of this scum are removed at the election then its the councils next then an investigation of what they have been up to over the years remember coatbridge different coloured job application forms uncovered by of all things a English MP and investigated by Prof Robert Black

  124. lumilumi says:

    Apart from his misogynistic jibe at the First Minister of Scotland, I found his cheap shot at the former First Minister bizzarre.

    “Alex Salmond going to Westmister for a third term, that’s jobs for the boys”, or words to that effect, holding up three fingers.


    Firstly, Alex Salmond isn’t simply “going” to Westminster, he’s contesting the election in Gordon. He might not win the seat, though judging by how all the unionist parties and MSM are madly frothing at the mouth it seems they think it a foregone conclusion. Thank you for conceding the election in advance, but I don’t think the SNP or Alex Salmond are complacent but out and about, actively campaigning for every vote.

    Secondly, if voters in the Gordon constituency do, indeed, elect Alex Salmond to represent them in Westminster, what is wrong with that? What is wrong with democracy?

    Thirdly, David Hamilton has represented his constituency in Westminster since 2001, that is, for three terms. Jobs for the boys, eh?

    He’s “retiring” now, of course, maybe because this is the last time retiring MPs can get the whole gold-plated pension and “resettlement” package (= lots of free dosh at the taxpayers’ expense). Surprisingly many MPs, especially in Scotland, have decided to stand down, including Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling.

    What Labour heroes! What a Labour hero!

  125. robertknight says:

    Davie Hamilton…

    So many adjectives – so little time.

  126. ronnie anderson says:

    Hide the plans fur making Tinfoil hats,Labour ur needin heid cover fur the coming bombardment.

  127. Macart says:

    Just read it.

    link to

  128. ClanDonald says:

    Dear Duncan Hothersall,

    There’s a reason that David Hamilton has been kept away from the media and out of public awareness for so long, due to him being an embarrassing, boorish dinosaur. The fact that no-one knew who he was was seen as an advantage to Labour.

    Thank you, therefore, for assisting the SNP campaign by launching him into the public arena in this way, as he demonstrates the backward, anachronistic and sexist nature of the Labour Party in Scotland. Keep up the good work 🙂

  129. Take Independence says:

    Well someone else is going to have to do it, looks like to struggle to wipe his own ARSE.

  130. john king says:

    I heard he still gets his wife to make his “pit peices” “two cheeses two jam hen”
    Jist tae gie the wee wife sumthin tae dae ye ken?

    Ive lived all my life in a mining (now ex, long since)community and I don’t know a single miner who would have been so disparaging towards a woman, not if he valued his life that is.

    Its interesting I watched three people on the tv the other day being interviewed in Kirkcaldy about the forthcoming GE and the single person who was going to vote Labour(and I quote) said My grandfather voted Labour, My father voted Labour and I’ll vote Labour until I die.

    He strangely, spoke like our dearly (soon to be departed ) freend from Midlothian, all the elan and panache of a brick through yer windae, whereas the other two who stated they would be voting for the SNP spoke with a neutral accent,.

    Now before Im shot down, dont get me wrong Im not ashamed of my accent or where Im from, but some people wear it as a badge of pride, as if to say look at me look how well Ive done in life and me just a wee boy fae Dalkieth,(Diddy David no me)

    I work in an environment where what you say and how you say it has an impact on how well you do your job so when I on occasion help a new start I’ll advise them to maintain a neutral accent as the people they’re talking to can come from Lands End to John O Groats and don’t find it easy to understand a Fife accent if it isn’t toned down a bit,

    I sometimes wonder if the London Luvvies when our wee Labour newbies go down there for the 1st time, tell our gullible representatives to talk just like they would do at home just to show people (in their minds anyway) look, see how these people talk, no wonder we don’t want them to get independence, they wouldn’t survive 5 minutes without we who can actually speak the Queens English.

    Just think of Ian Davidson, Margaret Curran, Jimmy Hood, I could go on, they talk like they’re in a local pub in there own hometown, then listen to Angus Robertson, Pete Wishart, Stewart Hosie, all of whom are clearly Scottish but completely understandable, no matter if your from Esher or Edinburgh.

    There a time and place for talking in the vernacular and times where its not smart, not if you want to be taken seriously that is.

  131. donald says:

    You can see Johan Lamont and the guy in front of her in the leather jacket are pretty disgusted, which kinda begs the question as to why they’re there. That’s unthinking, auto piloted, “SNP bad SNP bad” Labour right there for anyone to see. Surely many Labour voters would feel at home in the obviously more progressive, caring, nuanced SNP. All on International Women’s Day too.

  132. David says:

    What a class act! With misogynistic dinosaurs like Dave in the Labour Party why is the SNP even bothering campaigning?

    These erseholes literally can’t see the damage they’re doing to themselves; they can’t beat the SNP on policy so they go for the negative personal attacks. Every time one of them opens their mouths is another nail in the coffin of the northern branch of the Labour Party.

  133. Ken 500 says:

    Murdering and killing the world over, responsible for world poverty. Abusers of Scotland resources. They give to the rich, and steal from the poor and vulnerable. The rabid Unionists are a public disgrace. Wasting £Billions of public money. They are an international disgrace. Brown and Blair should be in jail. Along with the rest of the crooks in Westminster who break every Law in the book. Tribal beyond belief. Habitual liars and cheats. Westminster secrecy and lies. The Official Secrets Act to cover their crimes and criminal behaviour.

    Vote SNP for a better, safer,fairer more equal society.

    Labour/Unionists yesterday’s people.

  134. Effijy says:

    People are asking why Joanne Lamont went to the Labour conference
    Firstly, they wanted their knives back,

    Secondly they wanted to show just how stylish their members are
    hairstyles are. (Dipity Dug came on a motorbike so understandable)

    Thirdly: she could give counselling to those who are about to be
    put off the Gravy Train and cast into the wilderness.

    Fourthly; she filled another empty seat and brought her parents along with her.

    Fifth- They promised her a free ice-cream at the interval, and a
    ticket for the prize draw- A seat in the house of Lords.

  135. Barbara Watson says:

    Unfortunately he is my MP.

    I remember him of old, one of the “Brothers” he was usually surrounded by his own henchmen sitting in Dalkeith Miners club at a reserved table.

    You could always tell the chosen ones, all of a sudden the rollies were replaced with Benson and Hedges, sovvy rings and gold chains appeared and shirt and tie worn. Their sense of entitlement sickening.

    I hear people say they prefer old labour, he is old labour. I would prefer labour to just die off and never take office ever again.

  136. Ken500 says:

    The Labour/Unionists and a Green of ACC are ruining the City centre and creating traffic chaos. Creatiing a non mandated carbuncle. They are wasting £Millions of public money and getting the City into £Millions of unnecessary debt.

    ACC are acting corruptly and should be sanctioned. Willy Young is making secret deals with Developers against the public interest and against the majority wishes. It is a public disgrace. These councillors are acting illegally and should be held to account. They are doing it to try and spite the SNP, their raison d’etre. People are raging.

  137. The Isolator says:

    This clownshoe has been an elected representative for how long?

    FFS ,seriously come on!!

  138. galamcennalath says:

    lumilumi says:
    “What is wrong with democracy?”

    It represents a huge threat to the un-democratic status quo!

    The UK Establishment only holds power by suppressing democracy. Without a doubt, the UK is the most un-democratic member of the EU.

    The iron will be – one of the cornerstones of the UK system is FPTP and that could be what allows a SNP takeover. Sweet, that!

  139. Slabber’s fate is our fault, for to long we have allowed our representatives to see themselves as leaders. The referendum changed that when it engaged civic Scotland.

    Westmonster focused Slabber listened to that source, as usual and engaged their MSM tools towards delivering their message, which was distant from the views formed in Scotland.

    Slabber’s attacks upon the SNP are in effect attacks upon the people of Scotland which the SNP have been listening to, They cannot attack the people of Scotland so that task is taken on by Westmonster, hence the differing news delivered on both side of the border. Which is why south of the border they have no idea what is happening north of the border and accept the MSM of ungrateful Scottish wingers.

    Pre the referendum, we were just like them, led by the nose, but that has changed and so far they have not discovered how to defuse the engagement, nor will they because it has become a grass roots movement. If the SNP had to disappear tomorrow the mantle would be picked up by someone else.

    The referendum also showed Scotland the tactics used to win the vote, Westmonster showed it’s true colours and the Scots, including some unionist didn’t like what they saw. So bring it on attack the SNP, who are for the time being the Scottish people all you like they will only harm their own cause. Change is coming at GE2015.

  140. mumsyhugs says:

    Come on folks it’s understandable he comes away with cracks like this – I mean look at him – the man’s an Adonis and God’s gift to women everywhere, and I doubt if any of us wee lassies would ever be lucky enough to meet his exacting standards of perfection. (Though personally I wouldnae want HIM in a lucky bag! 🙂 )

  141. Mike says:

    Now now we may have to start being nice to our new partners in Government especially if we’re going to adopt all “their” polices. Eh except for Trident War privatisation austerity welfare cuts retaining the House of Lords fracking nuclear energy the council tax etc

  142. De Valera says:

    Just like Father Jack but with the charisma removed.

  143. Rory Borealis says:

    Similar to the scene in “Oh Brother Where Art Thou?” when the Southern politician forgets where he is and spouts his racist bile at the concert audience.

    Who has been voting for him? Lots of postal votes I imagine.

    Outclassed, in every area that is important, by the SNP.

    When these guys are cornered they revert to type.

  144. gordoz says:

    David Who ???

    Says so much about Labour and the historic lazy politics of Scotland that very few know who this eejit is ??

    Take it they kept him in that locked attic called Westminster.

    Wonder what Kez thinks of this ‘comedian’ and his Bernard Manning delivery?


  145. farrochie says:

    Why is anyone surprised? This clown emerges fae under a stone. No different than Hood, Davidson and other loudmouths.

  146. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I have just been mulling over the misogynist tendency that Scotchland Labour has become.

    !. Murphy trying to get back to the days of the drunken backhander punch the lights out of the wife after Saturday football match.

    2. International Woman’s day and some forgotten marker on Darwin’s evolutionary map emerges from under his rock and sticks two, or actually three, fingers up at half the voting public and proceeds to confirm the previous by attacking a woman opposition politician because of her size and hair style. No mention of political substance here, just misogyny. This is a UK political party’s spring congregation and he is on live TV.

    3, Not content with what the nonentity has said, other male luminaries of the said political elite are shouting at everyone, everywhere how “brilliant” this clown is.

    Have they all supped at a poisoned well and are all infected by some parasite which changes their personalities to that belonging in a secure unit?

    Or are have they just lost the plot, realise the game is up and are taking the piss out of the people who are so stupid as to not understand the anguish and hurt they are feeling over their impending demise and rejection by the people who are so stupid not to want to vote for them.

    Personally, I don’t give a monkey’s and want them gone. and never to return, as soon as possible. Either that or they will have to be prosecuted and imprisoned for something; impersonating human beings or vandalism of a nation’s aspirations and hopes.

    Maybe it is time to dig out that tumbril and drum?

  147. Bob Mack says:

    Mr Hamilton is voicing a form of self comfort ,where he tries to indicate he appears unfazed by events unfolding around him. His narrative is aimed at those who he believes are of like mind in the audience, and further afield . It is equivalent to that moment in sport when you know you have lost, and try to diguise it with a show of bravado.They are in deep trouble right enough.
    No doubt many among you will remember Michael Foote being attacked for wearing a “donkey ” jacket at the Cenotaph.It is the childish attempt to denounce and demean .Very very sad.

  148. Jamur says:

    Morning folks, just when you think slabnobb can’t get any more vile. Every day more rancid and putrid. How anyone with half a brain in their head can give the time of day is beyond me.

    This will bring a smile to yer face and maybe a wee tear tae

    link to

  149. manandboy says:

    This kind of speaking by Mr Hamilton is usually
    followed by bursting into tears.
    Which he probably did later.

    It’s a healthy release of a build-up of unexpressed feelings,
    after which he will come to terms
    with the imminent reality that it’s over and the date’s been set.

  150. SquareHaggis says:

    Incredibly, he used to change nappies

    link to

  151. SquareHaggis says:

    And clean the cludgie, and do the ironing, but NOT the hoovering.

    In the commons on thursday at a debate on International Womens Day!

    What a Hero…

  152. biggpolmont says:

    no wonder that, even with a quota for the number of women to be put in place as candidates for the general election they can only attract 25% what is that? 15? I am surprised that its that high with that sexist attitude!
    Goodbye and good riddance

  153. george paterson says:

    This is the standard of politics Scotland must vote into the garbage can. Is it any wonder our country has a mountain to climb with this lot in charge for so long?

  154. Murchadhmor says:

    I have to agree with John King with regard to how Scottish politicians express themselves in public. I would also like to reach out all who contribute from our side of the debate. To express our thoughts through the medium of foul language is to descend to the level of the likes of Davidson. It is unnecessary, offensive to many on our own side and probably counter productive.

  155. Dorothy Devine says:

    To applaud and laugh at such a performance requires a collective brain which is utterly bereft of decency or sense.

    Truly shocking and utterly disgusting.

  156. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    David Hamilton, an invisible politician, who gorged himself at the Westminster trough for 14 years and is only remembered by his suicide note.

  157. Gary45% says:

    Morning All

    Has anyone else had problems accessing “Walking with Dinosaurs” (i.e. the “Scottish” Labour Party Conference 2015) on the BBC I player (or YouTube) ?

    Tried late last night (as we do not watch live drivel anymore) and again this morning – but nothing !

    Is it really taking this long to edit out the truly offensive parts, and dub over some wildly enthusiastic applause and cheering ?

    Obviously the Plaid Cymru conference (also held yesterday) needed less “tweaking” – as it is available on the I player).


  158. Ian Downie says:

    One of the dinosaurs Johann Lamont was talking about…from the days when you weighed the Labour vote. I was never a fan of Johann Lamont. But the manner in which she left was not just a fit of pique,it was a warning to her own party that they seem to have failed to learn. But in the days when we are trying promote equality, why are women the butt of how they look in any party? To rapturous applause. ‘The wee lassie with the helmet hair’ is the first minister of Scotland. A consummate debater and politician the likes of which the Labour Party would give their eye teeth to have. She is head and shoulders above the two candidates for Prime Minster and would be welcomed on international stage. Jim Murphy is a light weight opportunist in comparison. What on earth happened to the Labour Party?. It lost its soul and seems to think merely attacking the SNP is a winning policy. While they were trying to woo middle England they let the SNP steal all their clothes and left wing agenda. That’s fine by me. I’m a left leaning nationalist. And so are more and more scots while SL sound bites their way to oblivion.
    What policies are shunned in England has never been that way in Scotland. As has been said recently. Scotland hasn’t left the Labour Party. The Labour Party has left Scotland. Taxi for Scottish Labour. It’s all they should need or deserve.

  159. Effigy says:

    SquareHaggis says:
    8 March, 2015 at 9:30 am
    Incredibly, he used to change nappies

    link to

    I’d like to explain this questionnaire, and the answers:

    Q-Do you ever change nappies?

    Ans- Yes! Every time I see how well SNP are doing in the Polls,
    and as I’ve claimed for £100 worth per month on my expenses.

    Q- Could you say you cleaned the Loo.

    Ans- Oh Yes, I’ve Gleaned the Loot alright.
    That’s why I can retire early!

    Q- Do you Mr Hamilton MP do any Ironing at Home?

    Ans- Yes I did, but I have had to retire from it as on the last occasion the phone rang in mid-flow and I severely burned my ear.

    Q- Do you do any Hoovering?

    Ans- A straight off No. Later he revealed he thought they said
    Hovering.He is working on levitation though and SLAB will deliver

    Survey on last know Scottish specimen of Neanderthal man.
    Homophobia Errorectus

  160. Ben Donald says:

    Says it all, really – a fetid draught from the back room of a 1970’s boozer; a glorious final reminder of the kind of “real politics” we’ll be leaving behind for good, soon, when we’ve become a proper country again.

  161. Martin says:

    To her eternal credit, Johann looked shocked and disgusted in that clip. What an odious cunt that fella is. If he’s a hero I want to be a villain

  162. Graeme Hillan says:

    DavidHamiltonious, every paleontologists dream…a true living fossil. 🙂

  163. HandandShrimp says:

    I saw the Tweet last night from McCabe to James Cook and was a tad surprised. Not only do they want to feed the BBC with their press releases but the toys immediately go out of the cot if a reporter reports something a Labour person says if it is not in accord with their “message”.

    Labour should try coming over to our side where we have a wee cheer we do get a positive report once in a while.

    What sort of state would Labour be in if the media decided to turn against them?

  164. caz-m says:

    This guy Hamilton sums up Scottish Labour. We have a councillor from Ferguslie Park in Paisley called Terry Kelly and he is the mirror image of David Hamilton, they are all members of the Labour Party Mafia.

    They love their electorate under-educated and under-paid. Keep them begging, that’s the true Scottish Labour Party policy.

    And Mr Hamilton, the day you are in the news for attacking an innocent woman’s appearance just happens to be “International Women’s Day”.

    link to

  165. Mosstrooper says:

    On radio scotchland’s political slot this morning heard Kevin
    Mckenna say words to the effect that the Smurph was doing a good job because if Slab got a dozen seats he could claim that he had won a victory and Slab had recovered under his leadership. WTF?

  166. Richardinho says:

    “Let’s stick it to the SNP!”

    The sad things is that when you look at the benches there, the will is certainly there but the energy clearly isn’t. This election the Labour party will just have to sit back and seethe.

  167. Midgehunter says:

    Allen Massie is def. a borderline fruitcake.

    He’s come up with another rant in the Mail and it sure takes some beating.

    ” If Scotland rules England, I can foresee the Thames foaming with much blood”

    Or how about an nice insult to the Wings BBC demo:

    “We have already seen vile behaviour in the course of the Scottish referendum campaign, with insults flying, open hostility in the streets, and a nationalist mob braying outside the BBC in Glasgow.”

    link to

    Utterly vile… I need some soap again.

  168. Nana Smith says:

    Labour insiders: saving Curran’s a drain on resources

    link to

  169. Craig P says:

    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed BBC Scotland being a bit harder on Branch Office officials in the last couple of months? Amazing what a few polls will do.

  170. Mosstrooper says:

    Martin @ 10.15

    Unfortunate reference to the pudendum there old chap. It was a woman Hamilton was referring to after all.

  171. Flower of Scotland says:

    O/t I was listening to the paper reviews on SKY last night. They were actually talking about that place way up in North Britain called Scotland. Not talking exactly, mentioned the surge in the SNP.

    Johnathan Haslam who was the Chief Communications Officer to the Tory Party, and worked in No. 10 Downing Street for over 6 years was astounded at what was happening in Scotland!

    Quote! ” We have given them( Scots) everything! What more do they want” ( or something to that effect)

    My TV was lucky. It stood it’s ground.

  172. Richardinho says:

    Incidentally, the reason that Labourites are lining up to clap this guy on the back is damage limitation. They know that he’s made a total tit of himself. It’s the old ‘pretend you meant to do it so you don’t look silly’ act. (Seldom works).

  173. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    from the desk of Duncan Hothersall

    “Folk replying “Who’s Davie Hamilton?” demonstrating how distant cybernats are from real politics in this country.

    Is Duncan right in the heid?

  174. Effijy says:

    A day in the life of Mr Hamilton MP-

    “Doll ! I canae find my pants?

    Mrs MP- They are in your pants drawer!

    MP- I dinae Ken why I gie ye hoose keepin money, why huv ye no left them oot fur me?

    MP- Doll ! Whit side does that Y design on the pants go again?

    Mrs MP- The smaller side!

    MP- I’m running late noo wi’ awe yer carry on, Where are this weeks expenses sheets, that you printed oaf fur me?

    Mrs – Volume one is on the bedside table and Volume two is on the Chaise Lounge.

    MP- Whit room is that? I thought we only had the Sitting room and Living room? Did we get another extension put on for that Chairs room.

    MP- Ye’ll need to come up and help me wi’ this tie!
    I’ll maybe need to shed a few pounds as the last time you put it on, it was awfae tight.

    MP -Make sure my dinner is on the table at 6 O’clock sharp tonight. I’m oot fur a few pints and the greyhound racing tonight, so ye’ll hae tae feed ma Doos.

    Mrs MP- Where are ye rushing oot tae?

    MP- I’ve got a Labour Party meeting in half an hour to discuss equal rights fur Wumen!!!!

    Aye! I Ken Fine!

  175. Nana Smith says:

    link to

    We cannot let the Scottish people have any say in how the country is run.

    Just think about those words again. These were not off-the-cuff comments. These were carefully scripted in advance of the election. These were specifically designed to inflame anti-Scottish feeling among the English for electoral gain.

  176. Mark says:

    It’s quite appalling that a Scottish Labour MP could take such a misogynistic approach on the eve of International Womens Day and be applauded by so many in the Scottish Labour movement. You can celebrate International Womens Day today (8th March) and express your disgust on twitter using the hashtag #IWD2015 (International Womens Day 2015).

  177. Nana Smith says:


    We are not alone in condemning biased reporting from the media. I’m quite sure Massie is well aware of what is going on as he is part of the biased media.

    But of course its never them at fault is it. Tim Worstal was suggesting in a ‘woohoo’ way of course “when do we invade Scotland” only the comments on his piece of crap were downright nasty.

    Massie won’t mention that either as it doesn’t suit his agenda.

    Thousands to protest national broadcaster’s ‘biased reporting’

    link to

  178. Richardinho says:

    Iain Gray: “We are going to miss David Hamilton..”

    translation: “David Hamilton will be missing from ScotLab16”.

  179. Richardinho says:

    r.e. Alan Massie writing about ‘rivers of blood’. Cheers Alan, that’s really helpful for us Scots who live in England.

  180. John H. says:

    Every cloud has a silver lining. If Labour in Scotland had had the wits to back independence, then we might be looking at a Labour governed independent Scotland in 2016. With clowns like him as part of it.

    Much better to let them destroy themselves first, then some other party can emerge as a fit and proper opposition, and at some point form the government.

    Independence will have to wait a wee while.

  181. Richardinho says:

    Incidentally, if anyone sees the pie chart at the far bottom right of the Sun article which shows each parties projected allocation of M.Ps after the next General election; that thin blue segment is indeed the totality of SNP members-assuming they get their best ever result. This is the existential threat to the UK which is apparently going to result in ‘Rivers of Blood’ throughout England.

  182. bowanarrow says:

    Maybe when he eventually shuffles off this mortal
    coil,instead of the usual three little letters,
    R.I.P. on his tombstone he should have,
    W.H.O. engraved instead. 🙂

  183. Midgehunter says:

    @ Nana

    Massie is by no means the worst of the unionists but his utterings are typical of the establishment mindset.

    We are an enemy wishing to destroy their way of life; centuries and generations of “Entitlement” threatened by a braying mob of nationalists. Yes they are threatened and this time it’s real

    By this I make no real difference nowadays between red or blue unionists. There may be 50 shades of gray but it still remains gray.

    We want to forge our own destiny in a nation called Scotland.

  184. Tuathair says:

    I note he says Alex is planning to COME down to Westminster, not GO down. Hamilton has been in London too long.

  185. Fred says:

    Last number from the band as Titanic slips beneath the waves. 🙂

  186. dave oh what says:

    ” “Duncan Hothersall
    Folk replying “Who’s Davie Hamilton?” demonstrating how distant cybernats are from real politics in this country. #ScotLab15 ” ”

    EXACTLY. Yes, who the Dickens is he?? Is it not a JOY,
    has it not just MADE the weekend, that they feel that this turnip (and his slabbering utterance) is of the slightest importance? Agree also we read the expression on the face of the seated delegate with the leather jacket!

  187. The Rough Bounds says:

    Looking at that Labour crowd reminds me of slime mold. It’s a weird mold where the cells exist individually as long as there is enough for them to feed on. When their sustenance runs out they congregate together and move en masse to another location and start feeding as individuals again until such time as they have eaten everything up and it becomes time to bunch up an move on.

    Labour have bled Scotland dry and there is practically nothing left for them feed on. In that hall they are now congregating like the slime mold cells, and looking for somewhere else to go.

    Slime is basically what they are.

  188. desimond says:

    Any pics of Megs&Co laughing at that speech?

    Oh the banter!

    Kezia must still be laughing at all those clown gags after her makeup on Question Time

  189. Wilma says:


    I also a Scot living in England do not like this rivers of blood.

    I say to all Scots who live there show your true colours and vote to keep your family’s safe at home.

  190. Charles Edward says:

    ScotLab rat bids fond farewell afore leaving the sinking ship.

    You are the weakest link. Goodbye.

  191. Ricky says:

    Every time i hear the news down south i despair.

    Are the English so daft as to believe these politicians . The same ones the English stated in polls are the most untrusted politicians ever ??

    Cameron/ Milliband were given negative ratings.

    And why can’t Scots vote for MP’s who will actually fight their corner rather than the useless buggers kept in check by party whips?

    Reading some of the shit from down south clearly spells out that Scotland should be represented by yes men/women. bugger the options.

    I feel proud to be a Scot in these days. The respect and friendship i have with my English buddies is still there but i wonder, deep down, really deep down, do they think they “own ” us ?

    The abuse our representatives receive tells me i should be wary. The Englsih complain of the “whinging jocks” but are far too often quick to pass the blame for all they’re ills.

    Blame the Jocks, blame the immigrants, blame the yanks, blame the EU. Why the hell don’t they realise it is up to them to sort the mess this union is in.

    But no , they let the same buggers who they know lie , tell them that it’s a disaster that Scotland will have MP’s that truly represent us.

    I am beginning to lose patience with them all. Cameron , Milliband etc. thank you for being so bad at your job that i decided to look elsewhere for representation. i found it with the SNP and will dance in the street when Labour are wiped out in May.

    As for the English. For goodness sake get a grip. Scotland is on it’s way out of the union and when that does happen, you will have your target to blame, while we build a country we want, whilst watching yours fall apart with debt and the destruction of the social security system that they allowed to happen.

    Fuck em. :EEK:

  192. Socrates MacSporran says:

    I must admit, I had never heard of this guy before I saw this clip.

    He is classic blue or red Tory “lobby fodder” – he represents a constituency where for generations either one of the two main parties have been able to pick a donkey, stick the appropriate rosette on him and he will get elected.

    Once he gets to Westminster, the guys with the working brain cells quickly deduce, he hasn’t an original idea in his head, but, he will obey orders – go through the correct lobby at the correct time and not rock the boat.

    Unfortunately for the likes of Davie, these days are gone and he has been found-out. Even more sadly for Davie, he has proved himself such a liability, he is unlikely to be rewarded with an ermine robe and a sinecure in “another place”.

    Not even Labour could be as silly as to kick him upstairs – could they?

  193. Just ignore the headlines posted by the Westminster parties-That if you vote SNP you will let the ——- in. Does it matter if we have a blue tory government or a red or yellow tory government
    It is US against the rest
    Rob Ron Mcneill

  194. dakk says:

    Rivers of blood ?

    Come come,this is the British people we are talking about.

    You know the ones that civilized the tribal savages around the globe and gave them the English language and taught them how to play cricket,rugby,football and tennis etc etc.

    Surely Massie doesn’t think of his people in this light.

  195. annie says:

    Kezia Dugdale’s “classy” response to the David Hamilton car crash is to retweet a photograph of convicted wife beater SNP MSP Bill Hamilton.

  196. annie says:

    Correction meant to say Bill Walker not Bill Hamilton.

  197. call me dave says:


    Spot on!

  198. Casper1066 says:

    Wow, a flash back to 1920, the proof that Labour are full of Dinosaurs. This is to be more pitied than anything else. Thank god SNP have moved on…

  199. Gary45% says:

    Mr Nobody Hamilton will soon be employed as a bouncy castle at Halloween HQ.

  200. thomaspotter2014 says:

    Patrick Roden 10.50
    that looks to me like 2 different clips with fat laughing guy in white shirt.
    If you look closely the 2 different crowds are clapping at a different sync ,.
    well spotted\
    bbc special ops?

  201. thomaspotter2014 says:

    valerie at 10.51

    One major difference between Roy Chubby Brown and this fat sleazy wanker

    Roy Chubby Brown is funny!

  202. The Knome! says:

    Who is David Hamilton? Sorry Labour, you over rate yourself in the grand scheme. The only David Hamilton worth knowing is the famous photographer.

    link to

  203. Gary45% says:

    Managed to hear a bit of FUDs conference speech, to which he said Deputy Dug is a nightmare for Nicola at FMQs.
    Either has has never seen FMQs or he was referring to Dugs face, which is a bit rich coming from FUD.
    Nicola wins every week.

  204. bob mooney says:

    Even my local Labour MSP,Margaret Mcdougall, thought it was a great speech but out of pity I reckon some automaton in the labour party retweets for all labour attendees at this little party.

    I wonder if Nicola at the Hydro would put up with this 12,000 times

  205. bob mooney says:

    Where was the clap meister hiding.

  206. gorbalito says:

    I take it we all noticed Murphy and (that defender of women’s rights) Kezia Dugdale applauding with delight from the rostrum as Hamilton spewed his misogynistic bile on a woman that we are proud to call our First Minster.
    Perhaps they will regret their behaviour today especially as this Women’s day. I doubt it.

  207. Hugh Kirk says:

    Dear SLab, This stool sample of an SMP is nothing more than a fucking nob……..You all must be very proud. Good riddance to bad rubbish on May 7th.We aint gonna miss youz.

  208. chris kilby says:

    Just had a quick swatch at Mr Hamilton’s voting record. And you’ll never guess who voted for another £30 BILLION of Tory austerity cuts on January 13th there…

  209. Do you remember the old labour mantra,”You could pin a red rosette on a baboon and it would get elected in Scotland”.Now you have the proof.

  210. demonprincess says:

    Dear Goddess, was that an archive audition for “Life on Mars”?

  211. Wuffing Dug says:

    Yes, the slab ship is going down. But, unfortunately, sometimes stubborn shits float. For a while anyway.

  212. Paul Steele says:

    The last person to wear a tin hat freed a nation 🙂

    link to

  213. Jim Stirling says:

    Hamilton, is an old misogynistic relic from a soon to be forgotten time when the people of Scotland put their hopes in a bunch of puppets whose string were and still are tugged by their masters in London.

  214. Jock McDonald says:

    The woman guffawing sitting next to Johann Lamont is none other than Stirling Council’s Labour Leader, Johanna Boyd. She was parachuted in by the Labour party first as a councillor, then within months became council leader and is now Labour’s Westminster candidate for Stirling. Qu’elle suprise? A former London barrister and Dollar Academy head girl, Boyd represents one of Stirling’s poorest areas, the Raploch, and has as much in common with the people there as she has with the Labour party. A Tory in all but name she did a deal with the Tories to form a coalition administration on Stirling Council. I’m sure her Tory bed partners will be proud of her performance laughing at Hamilton’s childish and pathetic comment about the First Minister’s appearance. At least Lamont showed some level of maturity by refraining from joining in. The irony being that Boyd’s own appearance has suffered recently due to crash dieting and overuse of sunbeds but attacking someone’s appearance or at least guffawing in approval of Hamilton’s attack shows a remarkable misjudgement in front of the cameras. But to what level of a person’s appearance will she still find funny? A disabled or disfigured person for example? Is someone who laughs at a person’s appearance the type of politician Stirling wants? Probably not.

  215. allan thomson says:

    He should be locked up in a room and made to watch repeated showings of his new Head of Staff venting his opinions to the Tories regarding Thatchers policies.
    Age is dimming my memory but did she not have a little spat with the miners?
    Looks like he might have been around at the time. Oh yes, my memory clears – Mr Hamilton was jailed for two months during the miners strike and it wasn’t for supporting Thatcher! Yet, he still seems on first name terms with “Jim” who brought McTernan into the fold. Surely not double standards from a Labour stalwart?? Or does he have a short memory?
    Doesn’t look like there’s much going on up top!
    Better still, why not lock him up with McTernan for two months?

  216. Greannach says:

    Good God. Someone thought it wise to put that buffoon on the stage of a political party’s conference. Was he put up there to make the usual mediocrities look good?

  217. Gordon McAllan says:

    A clip from Hamilton’s finest hour, included in the next SNP PPB, should tell even the most habitual Labour voters all they need to know about why they should vote SNP.

  218. alastair mcniven says:

    Nowhere man.

  219. jackson says:

    Jeezo, had the circus rolled into the labour party conference, live tonight for one night only, big davy hamilton as the snp tamer, 14 years on tour with the labour circus comes to a glorious crescendo, it’s like a episode of labour’s got no talent, taking a turn to out do each other in the talking mince department, can’t believe that these labour mps have been in power for so long, well at least labour are still getting a fresh supply of meds from the nhs every month

  220. This is how repentant David Hamilton is about his comment.

  221. link to

  222. Susan Goldwyre says:

    James, that’s a photo, not a real Twitter account.

  223. Shows how still not too computer literate I am. Sorry.James

  224. Susan Goldwyre says:

    No worries, I know that a lot of folks get caught out believing false Twitter tweets, it’s annoying that folks mock up these things and I’ve been caught out myself.

  225. Buntobox says:

    A hate filled, sad and pathetic little man. With this kind of mindless ranting within Labour ranks, it’s no wonder normal, thinking people have deserted them in droves.


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