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Wings Over Scotland

21 days later

Posted on October 08, 2023 by

A page 2 SUNDAY MAIL EXCLUSIVE from Hannah “Trannah” Rodger today:

Or if you’re a Wings follower, last month’s news.

Wings Over Scotland: where the Scottish media reads about it first.

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vomit inducing…

there must be another country called scotland that produces trash
like these,

It,s not a place i know!


Its just a squalid cess pit. That is the way of it.

And it’s not difficult to see why the electorate are rejecting the SNP in their droves.

John Thomson

Roll on the 2nd indyref 19th october this month, don’t anyone laugh pretty please ?


a forlorn message, to the likes of wee ginger dug and davy mcwhatsit

the snp has been destroyed,just like the labour party was shortly
after it’s birth in the last centuary!

It is now a falseface (halloween’s coming up),fool’s gold,whatever you want to call it.

Please stop what your doing and rejoin the movement for Scottish independence,(for which there is at present a natural majority),

Wee Chid

John Thomson says:

8 October, 2023 at 5:13 pm

“Roll on the 2nd indyref 19th october this month, don’t anyone laugh pretty please ?”

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sorry.


Once upon a time I’d be surprised, nay, dismayed by the internal goings on in the SNP. But now…

Captain Yossarian

Sexual impropriety was reported to Humza and he did nothing about it. If the membership had elected Kate Forbes, would she have done something about it? Would the SNP have put-up a better fight in Rutherglen last week? Would next week’s conference be better attended and a hell of a lot more credible? Whoever elected Humza is seeing the dominoes fall, one after the other. There will be no more good news for the SNP. It will be all bad.


So Tracey Carragher is a close ally of the sex pest, and she has PAST the SNP party’s internal vetting process, what does that say about the SNP. I think the answer to that question can be found below.

“The councillor for ­Coatbridge South has senior allies in the party and works for MSP ­Fulton MacGregor as a ­part-time caseworker. She also did casework for the party’s Business Convener, MP Kirsten Oswald, earlier this year.”

“She ( Carragher) neglected a complaint of sexual harassment, ­protected Jordan Linden and refused to acknowledge her role as leader to appropriately investigate his alleged actions then threatened to suspend the person who reported their experience with Linden to her.

“Humza Yousaf admitted earlier this year that ‘things could have been handled better in North Lanarkshire’ and promised a review that didn’t seem to materialise. What exactly are SNP HQ vetting if they choose to ignore this behaviour consistently?”.

“Meanwhile Linden’s partner Adam Gentles has been charged after allegedly harassing Sunday Mail journalists.”

I get the feeling that the SNP’s hierarchy no longer cares about what voters think of episodes like this one, why anyone would vote for any of these political candidates and the SNP in general is beyond me.

Vote Alba or the ISP.

Geoff Anderson

The SNP did everything to silence this story. The sent in Party heavies to keep it quiet. The Wheesht for Indy is a well used tool

Carragher is connected. Once you are in you are IN. A bit like the Mafia.

Sturgeon certainly changed the SNP.

Nobody knew about Patrick Grady….what a surprise. Nobody was aware of the rumours, Nobody knew about the complaints.
Victim(s)……never mind them. The Westminster team must get behind Patrick Grady. Grady must be shielded because the Party must be protected.


Aye! Sturgeon’s Nonce Party right enough.


And they will *still* have the nerve to blame Ferrier for their abysmal Hamilton & Rutherglen result.


The Labour Party has hired intelligence firm Hakluyt to assist them getting into government.

Hakluyt was founded by a handful of MI6 spooks, it has strong ties to Shell and BP.

link to


lock up yer daughters !

– maybe not …

“get me another lad … this one’s split … ”

we keep making jokes about this, but none of it is funny, it is beyond satire

and right now, on the news, keir starmer is the man of the moment, a cert to be next PM

– didn’t he “make his bones” by doing -everything- possible to block any investigation into a certain james savile

someone said the SNP conference wouldn’t be well attended – maybe they could have it on the beaches of pattaya where you can get a lad for the loose change in your pocket; they are not underage, oh no, just small …

link to

George Ferguson

If you take the SNP political badge away from this situation and consider any political party in similar circumstances. What led to these selection decisions?. A party that is immune and unresponsive to public opinion?. The power and control is structurally retained by a select group of people in complete charge of party decision making. The forthcoming SNP conference is an opportunity for ordinary members to inject some reality into that decision making process. They have been unable to influence events so far. It is to all intent and purpose an existential Conference. I don’t hold with the view that there will always be an SNP. First they said activists weren’t required, then members weren’t required and then properly constituted Commitees weren’t required. Disengaged from public opinion and not listening to anybody. I forecast a complete wipe out electorally. The responsibility for the fastest decline in UK politics lies with Nicola Sturgeon. But Humza will be the last leader. And I accept a disportionate blame to him is undeserved.

Dundee Scot

This Sex Pest episode could (and should) be used to promote independence.

The Rev. Stu and nearly every one of the commenters here agree that the Scottish independence movement has stalled. The Rutherglen results—where the ISP candidate most beloved by the commenters here got less than 1% of the vote (Walker did outpoll “Prince Ankit Love, Emperor of India”) only underscores what the polls have been saying for months.

In this regard I offer my modest suggestion on how Scotland can become independent: have a referendum asking THE REST OF THE UK whether they want Scotland to be a part of the UK.

Many of the factors that lead Scots to oppose independence—for example, this Sex scandal, or the known corruption and incompetence of the SNP government—would work the opposite with voters outside Scotland. The campaign could emphasize that UK taxpayers support the corrupt SNP machine, that the Scots always seem to demand more bribes to remain, etc. In fact, in the resulting referendum campaign the Scots independence leaders should emphasize their corruption and their coverups of sex and money scandals. They should demand more and more subsidies.

In short, they should do everything they could to reinforce what many UK voters already believe—that the UK would be “better off” without Scotland.

Stuart MacKay


The “camaraderie” in the SNP is such that they probably do genuinely believe that their loss was all her fault. Given that level of solidarity how do you save the SNP? You don’t. Just like the neo-liberals and the trans-activists weave their agenda through everything, the only was to save the SNP is to remove everything down to the last cell, otherwise the cancer will regrow.


Funny how these creeps, weirdos ands ostriches are attracted to the SNP.


Following on from my 7.09pm comment on Labour.

“The Labour Party conference this year is sponsored by arms companies Boeing and Babcock as well as CIA intelligence firm Palantir.”

The Labour party conference I think will be held from the 8th to the 11th of October this year in Liverpool.

Anton Decadent

Let us not forget that it was under the watch of the SNP that imported organised paedophile gangs were operating in Glasgow city centre and that a blanket ban on any kind of reporting was imposed by the Scottish government to keep this information out of the public eye. The Hate Crime Bill was announced within literally a matter of weeks of word of these gangs leaking out. Every time I go to look up disappearing information about that last gang I find something about another one which I did not know about, it stands at four for the Glasgow area at the moment.

The entire spectrum of mainstream politics is rotten to the core, every party. The only crime in politics is being caught.

John Main

George Ferguson

One correction to the end of your post if I may.

For “last leader” insert “hopefully only pretendy leader ever”.

We mustn’t forget that the election that resulted in him being declared SNP leader was a flawed and fraudulent one, as was pointed out at the time by at least one of the other leadership contenders.

We mustn’t forget that instead of challenging Yousaf’s legitimacy, HR MSPs of every stripe connived in the sham process that saw him declared FM of Scotland.

We mustn’t forget how diminished Scotland now looks to those in the international community who still care about probity and the rule of law.


The SNP are gone. Done. Too far gone. The rot is terminal. They are not a pro-indy party. They haven’t been for years. I can’t get my head round folk that say things like ‘oh, the membership can take back control at the conference” or those who think that Kate Forbes would be anywhere near a decent leader (eg James Scotgoespop). They are as viable a pro-indy party as the Scottish branch office of the Knight of the realms workers party.


@ Stuart MacKay on 8 October 2023 at 7:41 pm

Indeed, Stuart! If the current SNP was an animal, we would do the humane thing and put it out of its misery. We would put it to sleep.

Maybe a better analogy would be to refer to it as an old building vandalised by various passing vagrants. Attempting to renovate it would be akin to pouring money down a bottomless pit. Better to demolish it completely, clear the rubble, and start a new-build.

David Hannah

Perhaps she can borrow Amber Roberts pacificer to suck on.

SNP sex pest freak show.

David Hannah

Jordan Linden. He cancelled David Goodwillie and Clyde Football club.

He is a sick beast and so is she.

Human garbage SNP.

David Hannah

The fabiani whitewash 2.0.

They got Linda fabiani in, sacked by Alex Salmond for good season. She’s crooked.

They got her in to conduct the whitewash. Like they did with the corrupted inquiry into their failed conspiracy.

George Ferguson

@John Main 7:54pm
I will concede to your correction. But it’s all integral to a party that was sent into a tailspin by his predecessor. Now things of the past begin to make sense to me. The grooming of our young political class in America. Hilary Clinton’s ridiculous promotion of Nicola Sturgeon as ‘The Queen of Scotland ‘. And the result the enforcement of Woke and GRR policies that affect every family in Scotland.

David Hannah

All the SNP sex pests have completed some kind of CIA grooming.

Remember the wings article – all the jolly boys and girls?

I wonder what sex pest MP Patrick Grady was doing on that trip with the crooked and corrupt liz Lloyd. Sturgeon’s hench woman. And the daily record journalist Clegg.

It seems that if you’re a sex pest and have completed CIA screening you can moslest male staffers to your hearts content?


It has just occurred to me that I should not be hoping for a decent, principled, independence-first person to become SNP leader because I fear they would be saddled with personal liability for the Party’s debts.

If that is the case there is no way that the SNP can be rescued and reformed as a decent and useful part of the independence movement. It will delay progress using the political system as the voters won’t catch on for years and many will still vote for NuSNP. And NuSNP is about as useful as a ricepaper parasol in a cloudburst.

Lenny Hartley

Re snp conf , reckoned to be quiet, more by design than chance I reckon, a Mate who has life membership of SNP has been trying to get hold of a delegates pass for several weeks.
Nobody answering phone at HQ, not returning Calls, cant get hold of anybody in his local Branch. Its as if they are frightened of the traditional Indy Supporting non Woke Member getting voting rights!


There can’t be much of the constituency left. They used to have 60 to 100 at every meeting. After the carry with Lindon most left. I can tell you Carragher is deranged and refused to listen to anybody.

Most of the councillors left the party and are not independents.

What is left are a bunch of nodding donkeys


It’s clear that many in the SNP have become comfortably numb.


What is left of the SNP is living in the party’s dying days.

The next general election for Westminster will show that. And a Hollyrood election thereafter will deliver the same.

The failure of the SNP is not however the justification of Labour. It’s just that folks have now woken up to the fact that the SNP are as big a bucket of shite as Labour before them.

It’s a new movement we need, new unity candidates for Scotland that we need. And folks know that. And that is the challenge and a challenge that is gathering pace.

Westminster colonial iron grip can be lifted. Back in the early 1900s Sinn Fein replaced utterly the Irish National Party, walked out of Westminster and three years later were free.

We can do the same.

A Scot Abroad

RoS, @ 6:30 pm

“Vote Alba or the ISP.”

That’ll be Alba that doesn’t stand candidates at winnable bye-elections in pro-Indy constituencies, and the ISP that does, but gets a pitiful 207 votes?

I’ve never seen a better definition of a wasted vote.

President Xiden

This is what cronyism looks like. It always destroys , always.


207 votes in a turn-out of 30,000 is poor but all by-elections have a story and the fall-out from Margaret Ferrier’s recall was the story here. The ISP were never going to do well.
That being said, I wouldn’t take heed of any political analysis from Our Man in Norfolk. Political causes are not his strong suit.
Here’s the latest tally from his forlorn attempt to interest…well…barely anyone at all it would seem.
link to
28 signatures. 28. I wonder how many of Norfolk’s family signed up for the crusade of this sandwich-board crank…
Is this not acutely embarrassing?
I’ve tried my best to draw attention to this petition but sadly at this rate Norfolk will be lucky to get 50 signatures, a figure which is a lot less than 207.
Oh dear.

Mark Beggan

The SNP are the Beasts of no Nation.

Billy Carlin

She will be successful then in becoming an SNP MP candidate – the more corrupt and useless you are then you will be a shoo in. After all Derek MacKay and George Adam from here in Renfrewshire managed to to back stab their way into becoming MSP’s and they were useless and corrupt – the biggest laugh is Adam was never even allowed to put his name forward to be a Councillor because he ripped off banks all over the country and blackmailed and bullied a guy into helping him as well. After a lot of backstabbing the decent Councillors and members in Renfrewshire by these two and many of those still Councillors here today that caused most of the Paisley South branch to resign and many in the other Renfrewshire branches to as well he was allowed to put his name forward as MSP. The same useless and corrupt Councillors are still in position as Provost and leader etc today – always the same ones. I was thrown out of the party for exposing all of what was going on back then and even the police wouldn’t investigate the corruption and when they did they were clueless even when presented with the evidence and told where to look for more.

I presume Stu you saw that Mhairi Black was threatening to resign publicly on the eve of the Rutherglen & Hamilton by-election if the SNP does not put the guy who has been her researcher for 10 years forward for her seat at the next Westminster election – he is another Councillor also working for an MP etc – the party said the local party members have between 12 October and 26 October to “vote” for their preferred candidate. They had very few members left back in 2006 when I got kicked out of the party and cannot imagine they have got many new members since then especially as it was all of us that did all the work that got kicked out or resigned leaving the lazy ones to get their snouts in the trough. Will be interesting to see if he does become the candidate and wonder what research he had done for her as she has been just as useless as the Labour MP’s before her and done NOTHING for Paisley and Renfrewshire.

James Barr Gardner

Devolutionist to defeatist to deviant………deceased party ?

Ron Clark

Why does Kate Forbes name keep popping up as the alternative leader of the SNP?

She is as pro indy as Nicola Sturgeon,,,
and as far as I am led to believe, she didn’t even do any campaigning in the run up to the 2014 Referendum.

If she’s the best they have got, then don’t expect any fireworks in her quest for Scottish independence.

Ron Clark

Just reading up on the details from Israel.

The Palestinians just gave the Israelis one helluva kick in the chuckies.

Hundreds of Israelis dead.

This must have been getting planned for months.

Like the English (spit), the Israelis thought they could rule over the smaller nation without consequences.

Well their strategy has been literally blown to pieces.

The Israelis have created the biggest concentration camp known to man in the Gaza strip.

I wonder if recent events will persuade them to have a rethink?

The Palestinians want and deserve their own state,,,as does Scotland.

Mon’ the Palestinians.
Mon’ the Scots.


How is it that all these deviants and perverts have managed to gain such power within numerous political parties FFS we even had a liebour minister having to pay back claimed expenses for her husbands porn viewing something that should have been prosecuted as fraud

There is not one political party immune to infiltration by these deviants and perverts , unfortunately we have broadcasters and the msm who instead of exposing these scum deliberately go out of their way to deflect attention from them or deliberately cover up their EVIL deeds Savile , Glitter, BBC anyone

As we have unfortunately witnessed all it takes is for one of them to get a foothold then the door is opened and they all flood through it bringing with them all manner of perversions , and if you oppose it in any way or expose what is happening you become A TARGET like Stu Campbell or Glinner

This has all gained prominence due to the “be kind” blackmail of anyone who DARES to expose the TRUTH, the progressive mantra that is full of shit and anyone failing to worship at the progressive altar must be silenced through bullying, threats,or being LABELED

Sturgeon and her progressive pish where she invited deviants from all across the world to respond to a consultation on self identification in Scotland who had a vested interest in seeing that legislation passed, yet those self same respondents who had maybe NEVER been in Scotland, or who had NO intention of ever coming to Scotland, or couldn’t tell you where Scotland is, were given a say on a policy that would severely impact on the safety and security of our REAL females

ALL our politicians including the tories sat back and allowed this deliberate attempt to gerrymander opinion on this reviled bill without once pointing out that it had NOTHING to do with the WORLD it was for Scots ONLY to decide our legislation

Ron Clark

Re. The Palestinian fightback against the jack boot of Israeli occupation of their land.

What the fuck is this wanker Angus Robertson on about.

Writing on Twitter/X, Robertson said: “The scale and horror of Hamas terrorism against Israel and Israelis sadly keeps growing. There is no justification for their actions.”

“…no justification…”

Again, the SNP siding with the English and the Yanks.

The SNP “Friends of Israel” mantra coming to the fore.

Fuck off Robertson.

Captain Yossarian

The last Holyrood election seems ages ago but it wasn’t really. At the time, John Swinney called his win in Perthshire North “emphatic”. There will be no more emphatic wins for John Swinney or anyone else in the SNP.

What is needed in Scotland is a purge of the SNP and jail sentences handed-out so that, in the event of an early Holyrood election and a Labour victory, they (Labour) know that they will have to change their ways or exactly the same thing will happen to them.

I can see a public expectation that confidence in Holyrood be restored and there is an opportunity to do that just now. It has failed to live up to any kind of expectation we had that it would solve Scottish problems inside Scotland.


link to

SNP must be ruthless and dump Humza Yousaf

I’ll post this as I’ve archived the link.
Not too sure if I’m going to read it. You might want to.

I don’t know how often I can read that both Humza & the SNP are beyond useless.

I’ll see, Iain MacWhirter is usually a good writer so I might give him the benefit of the doubt.

I have another article lined up to read. One by Joan MacAlpine

Cover star is a coup, but it is now Time for a rethink as SNP suffer in by-election

Could be more of the same Humza is useless SNP are shit.

I don’t have a link to that one yet. It’s from the Sunday Post. If you are interested you can find it on WOS-Twitter but better get out your magnifying glass. It’s an image so size of text is limited.

I’m going to run the image through Google Docs & transpose it to text which can be expanded to a readable size.


PhilM says:
8 October, 2023 at 11:13 pm
The ISP were never going to do well.

Indeed. The MSM did everything to make sure that Rutherglen was a two-horse race (even at the expense of the Tories and LibDums). Made easier by the fact that most of the traditional SNP support (the ones that stayed at home) are still going through the stages of grief. Not interested in voting for anyone at the moment. They won’t be forever though. Then all hell breaks loose. I think Alba were wise to stay out of this one. A real opportunity will come soon enough. Patience.


When you see the vast collection of nonce creeps in the SNP these days and they way they especially are given special status it really speaks volumes of the character of deviant that joined the SNP in their droves post 2014.

Heterosexuals in the SNP on the other hand are dealt with incredibly harshly for even the smallest infraction.

It is a very noticeable double standard.

Sturgeon’s Nonce Party. I may have been the first person to write that. I did so years ago in anger but now I think it is far closer to the truth than I ever realized.

Nonces and nonce enablers.

When you think of that ‘survey’ they made schoolkids take asking about blowjobs etc it really sends a chill down my spine now.


The Joan MacAlpine article is pretty good

Joan writes:
Timing is everything in politics. To have your leader grace the cover of the world’s leading news magazine on the day of a critical by-election is quite an achievement for whoever in Humza Yousaf’s comms team pulled it off. Time put the First Minister in the exalted company of previous cover stars Barack Obama, Princess Diana and George Clooney. Normally I’d praise that accomplishment as enhancing Scotland’s international profile, as well as that of the FM. Unfortunately, not enough of the estimated three million global readership of Time live in Rutherglen and Hamilton West

I would agree quite an achievement by his comms team but sadly it turned into a huge joke. I wonder if his comms team were taking the piss?

Maybe not a lot of ‘Time’ readers in Rutherglen more Twitter readers and by the time they saw the ‘Time’ front cover it had been turned into huge joke.


More from Joan MacAlpine

The magazine cover coup was nevertheless well-timed – it shone a light on a dichotomy which began under Nicola Sturgeon, when the SNP adopted the Great Leader approach to political campaigning. At first, it seemed spectacularly successful as Sturgeon was feted around the world. From the couch of David Letterman, to the warm embrace of the then President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, in Brussels,
the former FM played a blinder.

But the stardust served to conceal deeper, darker difficulties. These include a decline in the party’s membership and activist base stemming from a failure of internal democracy and accountability- as well as a preoccupation with unpopular policies such as sex self-identification. Sturgeon and those around her channelled their energy in “positioning” her as a progressive leader of Scotland. Significant policy decisions were determined by image cultivation. An arbitrary decision was made, with almost no discussion, on leaving North Sea oil in the ground, and to hell with the impact on jobs or a fair transition to the renewable future we all want. A hasty coalition was formed with the Green Party ahead of Cop26 in Glasgow- ensuring positive coverage for the leader of the UK’s first government to include Greens.
These headlines did have longer-term benefits – they enhanced the size of Sturgeon’s advance for future book deals and telly appearance fees once she left office.

These headlines did have longer-term benefits – they enhanced the size of Sturgeon’s advance for future book deals and telly appearance fees once she left office.

That pretty much sums up Sturgeon’s time as FM.

Excellent article.


Captain Yossarian says:
9 October, 2023 at 5:51 am

The last Holyrood election seems ages ago but it wasn’t really.

The 2021 Scottish Parliament election took place on 6 May 2021.

I’m wondering about Dan and why having spent a fair amount of time reply to your posts he decided to leave Wings.

I really like Dan and always found his post to be interesting and informative he also had a great sense of humour.

Please come back Dan I miss your posts.


Witnessing the very planned smearing of Alex Salmond and wholesale ruination of the SNP as the vehicle for independence has been very hard to witness but as bad as it was and is, it is telling us something very important.

Something happened in 2014. Something that changed the game.

It is not a coincidence that less than 9 years after the anniversary of the referendum that both Alex Salmond and the Salmond era SNP have both been effectively politically destroyed, and in a really crude and brutal way that I have never seen before in this country or in any modern democracy. Zimbabwe level stuff but slicker. I would say a ‘very British coup’. But it does not feel like that, it feels much more like a very American coup.

Post 2014 we are in a different world. Or more accurately we are in the same world but the veil has been cast aside and we see the reality of our situation. We are not in a democracy. Not in any real meaningful sense. Salmond proves it (and boy does he prove it), Corbyn also proves it… as soon as you try to do anything to actually benefit peoples lives or far worse seek peace and stop wars (an instant political death sentence) they are taken out one way or the other.

Post 2014 they abandoned the facade of politics and what we are seeing now is more like a form of low level anti-insurgency warfare. Let’s not forget if it were not for the heroes and heroines on that jury they would have sent an innocent man to jail as a sex offender. It is beyond disgusting what they tried to do. That is not politics anymore…

The attempted stitch-up of Salmond was when we saw the beast rear-up in front of us. Seeing the Sturgeon SNPG, the civil service, COPFS, Police Scotland and every single mainstream media outlet bar none all coalesce into one force to destroy one man… and fail.

It is an epic story. I am not sure why no one has written a book on it…


Mac says:
It is an epic story. I am not sure why no one has written a book on it…

link to


stuart mctavish

Luigi @7-56

Did Alba ask its support to stay at home too though, or did it ask folk to vote labour, snp or ISP instead?

If the former; police Scotland murder tents to investigate the postal vote might be urgently required and, if the latter, great first place to pitch them might be the returning officers’ front gardens


Ron Clark @4.51am.

Ron, take a look at this.

UN General Assembly resolution 37/43 adopted in 1982.

link to

The Palestinians are only doing what the resolution says they can do.

stuart mctavish

Luigi @7-56

Did Alba ask its support to stay at ho;e too though, or did it ask folk to vote labour, snp or ISP instead?

If the former; police Scotland murder tents to investigate the postal vote might be urgently required and, if the latter, excellent place to pitch them might be the returning officers front gardens – Worst case, Humza makes front cover of Time 2 weeks running.

John Main

Every day a school day on Wings.

I genuinely was unaware that international law allows you to gun down unarmed men, women and children as they flee for their lives. Seemingly you don’t even have to confirm the nationality of the target, if it’s running away, just gun it down.

If that’s international law, we must all pray it never takes hold here in Scotland.

Captain Yossarian

Ruby – You are trying to “police” this site and keep-out the folk you don’t like (for whatever reason), but that’s not the way it works. Engage if you want to and scroll-on by if you don’t. That’s the way it works.


Pickpockets in Glasgow.

Do we need them?


link to

“Characterising Scotland as an English colony sparks much debate, since Scotland is often considered to be complicit in the British imperial endeavours. The historical perspective of England and Scotland’s relationship underlines the contested nature of Scotland’s status as caught between the desire to stabilise a joint British identity on the one hand and to strive for independence on the other. The analysis of the changing evaluation of the Act of Union in 1707—ranging from being seen as a contract between equals to a feeling that the Scots were blackmailed into accepting the Union—highlights the political potential in constructing a national identity based on one particular interpretation of history. The feeling that the Scots were not appropriately represented within the British state was reinforced after the failed devolution referendum in 1979 and the rise of the Thatcher government. The perception of a ‘democratic deficit’ resulting from the fact that voters in Scotland could not effectively influence the results of general elections led to an upsurge of Scottish nationalism, and consequently a weakening of unionism. The fact that Scottish nationalism has remained an important force in Scottish society was highlighted by the independence referendum that took place in 2014 despite the successful devolution and the establishment of a Scottish Parliament in 1999. Furthermore, the split vote of the 2014 referendum reveals that Scotland is still caught between a British and a Scottish identity, a fact that is also
reflected in its fiction.”


John Main has started building his ‘straw men’ for the new week I see.


Posted a comment about the forecoming electoral drubbing (perhaps destruction) of the Scottish Nothing Party and most all agree but there are unbelievably still the same SNPy folk who think it’s all just a Brit media creation… I told them last November the SNP was fkd and that Sturgeon would resign February (I thought cause she looked exhausted but as we know : rat / sinking ship) but I was a Brit plant or had no idea about ‘things’.

The SNPy lot are beyond imbecilic… why TF did Salmond desert us after nearly claiming victory ? WHY ?


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“Arguably the most public feud over the postcolonial treatment happened in the pages of the Edinburgh newspaper The Scotsman in the summer of 2010. Robert J.C. Young argued for applying the postcolonial lens to Scottish life, emphasizing that the historical experience of the Highlands in particular fit the classic model (16 August). Keith Brown responded three days later, accusing Young of “a woeful ignorance of the subject matter” and of privileging feelings over logic. He continued by downplaying Highland-Lowland divisions, highlighting Scottish participation in Empire, and satirizing the concept of postcolonialism. He concluded condescendingly about his academic peers, “It is our responsibility, however, to highlight the dangers in misusing history, to pour cold water on emotive, manipulative language and to expose sloppy thinking.” Ironically, it is doubtful that Brown is capable of recognizing the hallmarks of colonial discourse in his own text.”

Paul Davis

Frazerio says:
8 October, 2023 at 8:06 pm
The SNP are gone. Done. Too far gone. The rot is terminal. They are not a pro-indy party. They haven’t been for years.

Not a pro-indy party. I bet as sure as eggs are eggs that you repeatedly voted for them though. More re-writing of history to try and pretend that the SNP, and thus the current mess they, and, by association, the independence cause are in was not enabled by pro-independence voters. If you take that “argument” to its logical conclusion then you’re effectively saying the SNP was repeatedly elected by unionists, which is palpable nonsense.

No the SNP is a classic case of a single issue party failure. The believers are blind to all the failings for years because all they care about is the single issue. Then when the failings finally bring the party down the believers pretend they never believed in the first place because they don’t want blame for the failings to be attributed to them. That’s what you and many others are doing now.


link to

“The Scottish Cringe as described by Beveridge and Turnbull (1989) refers to the Scots lacking personal and political confidence in their ability to govern themselves. Beveridge and Turnbull (1989) argue the Scots suffer from a sense of psychological inferiority in which Scots have come to see themselves and they are seen by England i.e. as being inferior to and dependent upon the largesse of England
Sociological theorist Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of symbolic violence can be deployed as another means to understand Scotland’s sense of culture inferiority because this notion of Bourdieu is used to explain how the more powerful are able to structure the self-perception of the weak, so that social groups are not only conquered or colonised militarily by a more powerful nation as there is another defeat or war waged that is done via or by culture (Bourdieu and Waquarant 1992) i.e. Scots collude in and co–produce their subordination because they sincerely believe their culture is not equal to that of England. On this matter, Carol Craig (2003) argues that Scots are harshly disparaging to their own culture and by doing so create apprehension in the Scottish persona.”


Captain Yossarian says:
9 October, 2023 at 10:03 am

Ruby – You are trying to “police” this site and keep-out the folk you don’t like (for whatever reason), but that’s not the way it works. Engage if you want to and scroll-on by if you don’t. That’s the way it works.

That is exactly what I am doing. You got a problem with that?

I engage when I want to and scroll-on by it I don’t.

Looks to me as if you are the one trying to “police” this site by telling me what I should and shouldn’t be doing.

That is not a good idea.

John Main


Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.


Nevermind politics, what business, charity, or institution, would want a sexual deviant, or even “friend” of a sexual deviant, to be anywhere remotely near a leadership position?

This is political suicide in a political party. Just take a moment to do that minor task in arithmetic.

If these delinquent wreckers cannot be purged or expelled from the SNP, then the SNP needs cut loose from the Indy Movement and left to drift wherever fate will take it.

Too much time and aspiration has already been squandered marking time while the SNP suffers its existential midlife crisis. Corrupt or incompetent? Who actually cares? The nett result is the same. They are on course to destroy the Independence Movement.

Frankly, I would rather have no SNP marching forward beside us, rather than a “sorted” SNP which I wouldn’t trust as far as I could spit. They are tainted. Why should we invite that blight upon ourselves? Surely all must see this?


“But it does not feel like that, it feels much more like a very American coup”

It has the feel of being another example of forced “regime change” instigated by external forces.

The dramatic way the approach to Israel and foreign policy in general has changed is, in my view, a telling sign.

How many of the SNP sitting in the current SGov cabinet, in the previous one under Sturgeon, front benches at Westminster now and during Sturgeon’s tenure, or assisting those, have been to some exchange, “formative” programme to the USA or “visit” to Israel?

How many of those are linked to the John Smith Centre?

How many of those involved in Mr Salmond stitch up were on a visit to USA/Israel and how many are still involved in government?

How many of those who have been in “formative” visits to USA/Israel are supporting gender ideology?

How many of those who have been to the “formative” visits were behind the S30 nonsense and are currently working to stop the next GE becoming a vote on independence?


I said in an earlier post to the Captain that
‘I engage when I want to and scroll-on by it I don’t.’

That is not exactly true. There are many excellent, very interesting posts on this site where I don’t scroll-on by I read them but I don’t engage.

All I usually have/want to say say is excellent post or something similar.

It would be good if there was a different system where you could communicate that to the poster without having to clutter up the thread with posts just saying ‘excellent post’.
I would end up sounding like a parrot.

I might think of way to doing that. Be back later.

Tinto Chiel

@Ruby 8.29: Time magazine certainly has questionable judgement about who to put on its front cover. It made Hitler its Person of The Year in 1938 and gave Stalin the same accolade twice.

Looks like Humza is reaping the benefits of his wee political course in The States courtesy of the State Department.

I second your comments re Dan: sorely missed.


Why don’t you fuck off


The britnat troll infestation will be out in force banging the drum for israel


lovely people, the israelis – where these pals get the hatred from who knows … er, stealing your land, your country, is that a legitimate beef?

they also have a LEGITIMATE RIGHT, UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW, OF ARMED RESISTANCE. Dopey Joe Biden should be sending them weapons, not the uk-ies, though rumour has it weapons destined for that country ended up in gaza.

national liberation and anti imperialism, there is no moral ambiguity here, or need to take a nuanced approach.

if you side with israel, you are supporting evil.

hasbara will be screeching all over the western media – just remind yourself as they play victim some of the greatest mass murderers of last century were jews, and it was not ethnic rushians who did the “holodomor”, it was the jews, working for the bolshevik secret police

old polish proverb : “the jew cries out in pain even as he strikes you”

link to

once the new census data comes out the Scots should start to realise

“we are all palestinians now”

– all the ongoing development, the housing being built, their size, cost, location – it’s not for the likes of you

Ron Clark

Republic of Scotland 9.30am.

Interesting link you posted.

Palestinians are up against the Israelis,,Americans and English. (spit).

They are up against powerful forces and need all the support they can get.

Similar to the occupation of Ireland by the bastards of England.

Andy Storrie

Jordan Linden would be hot property down in London. With pervert credentials like this, he would be viewed as being a pretty solid operator at Westminster.

Tracey and Jordan should have a tilt at Westminster at the next GE. They would be right at home among the rest of the creeps down there.


I might as well post the last part of Joan MacAlpines article

Part 3

But people on the ground-like voters in places like Rutherglen and Hamilton West – were less impressed. Nowhere are these mis-matched priorities more apparent than in the performance of the SNP’s coalition partners in the by-election. The Greens polled 600 votes, an embarrassing performance for a party of government. It’s a verdict on their undemocratic influence they are largely responsible for many of the disasters that have dismantled the SNP’s once unassailable dominance of Scottish politics.
Yousaf came out fighting despite the defeat, when interviewed in Dundee. He vowed the SNP would “regroup and reorganise”. During the leadership campaign he promised to be the First Activist and Rutherglen was the test of that commitment, so his morning-after admission was revealing.
Yousaf may well have worked relentlessly to rally the troops this year, but he’s up against it. The party’s membership fell off a cliff under Sturgeon, and many of these were activists who tramped the streets. Anyone who has visited Rutherglen reports the energy was with Labour who also spent large amounts of money. The SNP don’t have that money to spend.
Still, the FM delivered a confident morning-after performance, as befits a Time magazine cover star. He said the SNP was written off in the past, but managed to get into government, achieve a majority and deliver a referendum. All true, but the most recent of those achievements is almost a decade old. The election slogan that delivered the party’s majority in 2011 was Record, Team, Vision. Would any SNP strategist dare to revive that today?
Joan McAlpine

Part 2
link to

Part 1
link to


@Mac, 9.00

It is an epic story. I am not sure why no one has written a book on it…

The book has not been written because the story is not finished yet.


link to
John Main says:
9 October, 2023 at 11:14 am


Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence.

I see where I went wrong earlier I though this was John Main quoting johnlm. Sometimes it’s not clear who is saying what to whom on this website. I reckon John Main was trying not to make it clear.

Not that long ago John Main got a warning from Stu about his personal abuse. Had Dan been here he would have found that post in a jiffy. C’mon Dan I want to learn how to make ‘Wild Raspberry Jam’ and how to search Wings.

To be clear John Main posted the following personal abuse to johnlm

johnlm Why nae jist go feck yersel. Use a hand grenade, dinna forget to remove the pin. Gie yersel a few secs o pleasure jist afore the end o yer miserable existence

I think that is pretty bad considering I got PMTd for calling someone a nutter. Well I did it tree times in a row and I guess the person concerned (take a guess) reported me to Stu.

Some weird homoerotic fantasies going on here. I wonder if you could do something similar & less dangerous with a bath bomb or a crunchie?


Hannah Rodger an alleged journalist follower of all Snp orders,
She named Patsy Gibson’s victim,for something that didn’t happen,She would produce pro Sturg stuff while at Newsquest ,that’s all gone now

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