Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Not impressed by politicians,normally,but to got acknowledge,Nicola Sturgeon is honestly,genuinely, world class.
Some Bob Dylan
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Some Dylan I like ‘cos of the fast, clever lyrics:
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And Mr Hooker, ‘cos I’m happy today laughing at the wheels coming off the Brexit Noddy car:
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By the way, is that beat power Alan Ginsberg smoking behind Dylan in the video?
Same here re. Politicians I prefer action to words,but Nicola played a blinder today.Thanks for the music,cool.
Peace Always
Poet, obvs.
Tinto Chiel:
Dylan and Hooker, what more could I ask for.Mibbie’s BB King,
Howlin’Wolf and hunners mair.Thanks my friend.
Peace Always
Tinto Chiel:
Have you let your daughter hear Julie Covington,one of her best was “only women bleed” but her version is hard to find.
Some of Dusty Springfield’s later Jazz/Blues is also worth a listen and Yvonne Fair”it should have been me”
Peace Always
Thanks very much for the suggestions, Smallaxe. Duly noted. Every day is a school day!
YouTube says the video of Only Women Bleed “is not playable”, unfortunately.
I really liked JC when I was young and beautiful: great voice.
Tinto Chiel:
I will continue to search my memory banks(maybe I could get a bailout like the other banks?)
I have a copy of JC singing only women bleed on my iPod,its brilliant.
Will get my thinker thunking.
Peace Love and Music
Apparently, a certain H journo emailed the poll company to complain strongly about the severe error they made, demanding an apology and immediate correction.
Tinto Chiel:
Found a copy of JC on:music,best of luck!
Peace Always
First excuse my posts earlier,of couse ‘got to’ acknowledge Nicola,also that was not the Bob tracks I meant to upload,was in a bit of a hurry,still any Bob track is always good.
On a handheld,iphone,ipad etc. you can get some tracks,(e.g.JC Only Women Bleed) that are not on you tube.
@Smallaxe & Tinto Chiel
Julie Covington One of my friend’s favourites, for me its got to be Etta James’s version. Here’s Julie
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Ah, JC and that, always like this one
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Kind of defiant like Indy in the early days, like 79 when it faded for a time
Here’s a wee duet for your enjoyment. Bod Dylan and Johnny Cash, not well known song but typical Cash and Dylan.
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Meant to say the video is a recording session not a performance.
Etta James,you know your Singers,Rock me Baby:7 Day Fool.
Messy Bessy Smith: Nobody knows you when your down and out.
Alberta Hunter: You can’t tell the difference after dark.
Vanity Smythe: Back Door Man
And of course,Billie Holiday:God Bless the Child:and anything else that Billie sung.The Lady!
Some of these women and their peers sung songs that can still make you blush,back in the Roaring 20s.
Peace,Love and Music
Thankfully I’m past the blushing stage.
Ah Nina
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Got to be this one today
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Thanks, Nana but it says “this video is not playable”. It’s a conspiracy, I tell you.
Thepnr: favourably surprised at the quality of Dylan’s voice in that session.
Yesindyref2: never seen that before. As for the Ref in 79, remember how the papers just moved on in a “Oh dear, how sad, never mind” kind of a way?
Thank God for the interwebthingy, otherwise do we’d still be Carmichaeled right now.
RE: Julie Covington.
BTW: I sliced my right mouse (index) finger tonight, instead of the intended onion. I’m loeaving the resultant typos in situ, because I was finding them rather amusing.
I came acrloss thkis singl.e years after “Argentina”. Nobody seems tlo know of it, though I think it’s hal;f decent. Apparemntly, kt’s from her third album.
link to
(I have rather a large bundle lof elestoplast on my finger,. hence thje hitting of multiple keys.)
Onnyhoo, my first DJ residency was in The Palais in Dunmdee, from 19072 to 1974. I recorded the residenmt band on three occasions over that period. They were ca.led “Wichita” and had morphed from the Irish “Em,erald Showband”.
I finally got rlound to getting the tapes into my Mac (for the leader’s 70th biorthday in April this year). I’ve uploaded the mp3 files to my Dropbox account for sharing as required. Each one has around an hour’s musioc on it.
Feel free to to downlload for your amisem,emnt. The tracks on them are what a Dundee danmcehall banmd was playking for the p;eeps in the early 70s. You can find them, here:-
link to
Songs to make you Blush!
Big Cynthia:Eatin’ ain’t Cheatin’
Clara Smith: It’s Tight like That.
Sweet Emma:I ain’t gonna give nobody none of my Jellyroll.
Denise LaSalle:Lick it Before you Stick it.
Meet me with your Black Drawers On.many versions!
Ruth Brown:If I Can’t sell it,I’ll sit on it.
ADULTS ONLY. I don’t know how many of them that will be on YouTube,if any,HAPPY HUNTING
BTW: there was a wee bit of discussion about “Morninmg Dew” in ‘off-topic’ a week or so ago.
Wichita do a version of that, based on the Nazareth version, somewhere in those files – Decem,ber 72 or 1973?4, I think.
Onnyhoo, here’s anotjer version of the song that I lik,e. It’s by ‘Episode Six’. This is from the Wikipedia page at:-
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“Group members Ian Gillan and Roger Glover left in 1969 to join Deep Purple, while drummer Mick Underwood founded Quatermass and later collaborated with Gillan.”
link to
Brian Doonthetoon:
Have you heard Morning Dew by the Lady wot did rite it.
Bonnie Dobson.
On YouTube theirs a version with her and Robert Plant.
Peace Always
“Otherwise we’d all be Carmichaeled right now,” I meant.
And I haven’t been slicing ingans.
Love your Finnegans Wake style, BDDT.
Get out the Savlon.
Cash and Dylan,nice one,I’d never heard that before. Thanks
Peace Always
Brian Doonthetoon:
Thanks for the Dropbox stuff. I’ll listen to that at my leisure and pleasure.
Peace,Love and Sook yer Finger
Hi Smallaxe.
I was always under the impression that Tim Rose wrote it. I have hios version on a CBS single. Just checked. This is from the Wi,ipedia page at:-
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“”Morning Dew” was not published until 1964 when Jac Holzman of Elektra Records contacted Dobson with an offer to sign her as a songwriter as Elektra artist Fred Neil had heard “Morning Dew” and wished to record it.
The first studio recording of “Morning Dew” appeared on the 1964 album Tear Down The Walls by Fred Neil and Vince Martin. It was this version which introduced the song to Tim Rose who in 1966 recorded “Morning Dew” for his self-titled debut album after soliciting permission to revise the song with a resultant co-writing credit.
Dobson agreed without having any intended revision specified and was subsequently much discomforted to learn that the changes were minimal. As of the February 1967 release of the Tim Rose single version of “Morning Dew” the standard songwriting credit for the song has been Bonnie Dobson and Tim Rose: Dobson, who in 1998 averred she’d never met Rose (d. 2002), has stated that she’s received 75% songwriting royalty as she retains sole writing credit for the song’s music.”
Yir iyeways lernin’…
PS: nae Savlon. Just soaked up the bl;ood with kitchen roll then,. wioth great difficulty, applied the stoolkies.
carjamtic:@ 8:04,
Excuse whit? Whatever floats your boat,man
Peace Love and No need for excusing.
Why do you think that they call this off topic?
I call it the Jacob’s side because everybody’s Crackers
Loved one (cannot be named, for shame) gets easily mixed-up with idioms etc.
Talking about work, yesterday, he said his colleagues were ‘running around like blue-arsed chickens!’
OK – time flor a serious question in ‘off-topic’…
What is the difference between a duck?
Brian Doonthetoon:
A lassie thit wantid tae sleep wi’ me,gave me a duck,then a lassie thit ah wantid tae sleep wi’,said she wid,if ah gave her the duck,so ah gave her the duck and ah slept wi’her.Oan ma’ wye hame,ah heard a quack,the duck had follied me hame.
So,ah goat a duck fur a fck an a’ fck fur a’ duck an’ Ave still goat the fkn DUCK
Peace,Love and Ducks
Oh Smallaxe, you have overworked the answer! It’s more simple than that – with no swapping of ducks involved…
OK, I’ll give you the answer,. with no typos. It’ll give you something to think about in the middle of the night when you wake up for a P.
The difference between a duck?
One of its leg is both the same.
And to give you some more thought fodder, the secondary question that my son came up with when he was around nine…
What’s the difference between the other duck?
It’s got one leg less too many.
It’s all getting a bit surreal in here…ye’d never know the mushies were in season, eh?
What has four legs and flies
Peace Always
The monkey played ‘The last train to Clarkston’
The hummingbird didn’t know the words.
Serious question:
Does anyone know where Bonkle is,I used to catch a bus going
there when I worked in the steelworks,but my stop was before then.To this day I don’t have a clue.
Peace Always
Hi Smallaxe.
It’s either a doag or a cat…
Bettye Lavette link to
It wis a’ Hoarse.
Peace,Love and Flying Horses
Michael McCabe:
How about Betty Wright,Jools 2012.I’m starting to think that you have got your own private YouTube channel!
Peace Always
Small axe
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Light reading.
Teacher says to a pupil,Johnny,if there are three ducks sitting on a fence and you shoot one,how many are left?
None Johnny says,because the shot would frighten them away.
Teacher says no,there would be two,but I like how you think.
Johnny asks Teacher,miss, if there are three women eating ice cream,ones licking,ones biting and ones sucking.What one is married? Teacher says the one sucking.Johnny says no,its the one with the wedding ring on,But I like the way you think!
Andrew McLean:
Thanks Andrew believe it or not I will read that,its puzzled me for years.
Peace,Love and Bonkle Buses
PS. I set myself on fire at the bus stop,one morning while waiting on that bus.But that’s a different story!
Toots Hibbert- I got dreams to Remember. Smallaxe if you type mcccat88 into you tube it has a lot of Music I listen to now and again. link to
Michael,thanks for the tip,I’ll give that a try.I love good music,but even if the Vocalist isn’t great,as long as they have the passion,I get just as much pleasure from the vibes sent out from that passion.
I don’t think that I would trust anyone,who said that they didn’t like music,to me it’s soul food,vital for spiritual survival.Thanks again my friend.
Peace,Love and Passionate Performers
Well its Goodnight from Me. I will leave you with the Ship Song. link to
Goodnight Michael,thanks for the Music
Peace Always
I think I’ll turnip azvell, thum times me mecidashon works berrer summer knights thin others.he he comma ha ha hahehaaa***********
Last night I had the strangest Dream………… Peace
Smallaxe… sweet dreams
liz g:
Thanks liz,I slept like a log,woke up in the fireplace!
Peace Always
LOL…. morning Hun.
Smallaxe, it would be remiss of me not to let you know that one of Bonkle’s greatest sons was (stands up) Willie Pettigrew of Motherwell, Dundee United and Hearts, inter al.
Am pleased to say he is still in good health and plays golf regularly.
Still hanging around, yeah, yeah, I promise.
Oops, my avatar has been chucked. It’s been two years lads.
Uh, no. Still there. Nice!
Tinto Chiel,
Many thanks for the additional information re’ Bonkle,I don’t think that there can be a City,Town or village in our beautiful country that has not made some kind of contribution to society in so many and varied ways.
Peace Always my friend
Help required:
I would like to change my gravitar,but the methods listed do not give me a way of changing that suits this tablet.
I have a new picture,that I would like to put up,I have it in my photos and gallery but gravitar does not give this option.Any ideas?
Peace Always
Ca va mister?
Longtemps indeed!
Love a duck! Jings I used to use that one about the difference between a duck, really annoyed my son when he was younger as I just know the question not the answer.
He uses it the same way these days
Welcome back Auld A. Any secret news from Brussels for us Scots? Where have you been anyway, deserting us in our time of need?
Preety soon we’re going to need the likes of yer god self to explain to yer countrymen exactly what Scottish Independence is all about. So mind hang around for a bit, at least until this Brexit pish is done and dusted or Scotland hands it’s notice in to the Westminster parliament.
AuldA Honey – how lovely to see you again *big hugs*
Dave McEwan Hill: if you’re out there, I’ve been very busy in a Sistine Chapel kind of way chez moi but will reply by letter shortly.
Hi yesindyref2.
RE: the duck question. The response I usually get is “A duckenwhut?”
To which I reply, “You’ve made that up! The duckenwhut is a mythological creature you’ve just created! Now, really, what is the difference between a duck? Iye? Iye?”
That broils their mind…
I wondered if AuldA would show up again on here…just two nights ago…how very strange…welcome back AuldA!
When I used it, people would kind of look at me and not talk to me the rest of the night.
Came in handy.
Stumbled across this oddity.
Worth watching for those who ‘missed’ it at the time, and some of the themes are familiar.
Otherwise, just bizarre, but at least skip to the end if you’d fancy seeing Robin Day sparking a huge cigar:
Mike Yarwood on ‘Election Night ’74’:
link to
Ah, Election ’74, IanB.
That was the election (or one of them), when the first few results were earth-shattering.
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@Ian Brotherhood
Your link led me to this. I thought David Icke was a weirdo. Maybe
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That stuff is valuable. Gives a wee glimpse into the mindset of the elites. No doubt that Cleese, Idle & the rest of them were talented, but they were always laughing at ‘us’, and how stupid we were/are.
Who’ll get the last laugh?
This guy is totally nuts right? I always thought so.
Turns out he was just talking of the MSM.
link to
After watching the two Icke videos, I wonder if he’ll be at the next BBC demo at Plantation Quay?
20 years ago, I thought he was a bit of a nutter. Looks like he had it sussed well before the rest of us…
@Thepnr –
Cheers for the Wogan/Icke link.
Never saw that before.
Fair play to Wogan for letting that one happen, but I’m not sure why he did. He came out badly, especially when feigning no knowledge of PNAC.
Who knows? Perhaps the ageing Wogan was trying to make amends by letting some ‘truth’ get out there?
Surprised how ‘quiet’ it is in here tonight.
Thought there would be a mad dash for the 20k ‘spot’.
Ach well…
Nina Simone, ‘Sign O The Times’ –
link to
I’m still here Ian.
No news though yet. All I can offer is that Independence is coming.
I put this poem on the main thread once and believe me got pelters in response. I don’t remember who it was but fuck him anyway. I think some of you might get it.
Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d,
Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?
That you are here—that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.
Hi everyone, not been here for a while and in fact just took my first dive in a long time to read BTL on the current main thread. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a nice read, I don’t think I will be doing that again for another 18 months or so.
Anyways some might find this interesting (if you are on twitter you might already have heard this):
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BBC2 have put a documentary up on youtube about the good old days of the Conservatives
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Maybe I’m getting a bit paranoid.
Has anybody else noticed the reduction in or lack of Scottish cheeses in our main supermarkets.
Tesco have no Scottish cheese but are happy to move cheese up from Somerset and middle England. Cathedral City being the most offered.
Morrisons now only sell Orkney, Lockerbie and Galloway cheeses from the deli counter. The main cheese section is all English. Cathedral City being the big push..
I smell a move to destroy cheese making in Scotland to make up dependant on English imports.
How many others of our food supplies are being attacked in this way?
‘Twas good to see a Winger speaking on stage at the SNP conference this morning.
Well done Chipmonkey!
And live at this fringe event a couple of minutes ago.
link to
Seriously strong is in a bit of trouble, hopefully it’ll get past them. From the Herald business section 20 sep:
“DAIRY firm Lactalis McClelland has widened pre-tax losses to £16.4 million as revenue fell 6.5 per cent to £187m in what the company called a “challenging trading environment”.
The Stranraer-based company, which is owned by French conglomerate BSA, blamed milk price fluctuations for the losses, which have significantly accelerated from £3.8m in 2014.
The company said the instability of milk prices has led to a decline in the stock value of cheese, which has been compounded by a falling market price for cheddar that was manufactured at a higher milk price and has been in storage. ”
That’ll explain it, the supermarkets always have an offer on cheese, likely McClelland are unable to be able to give the supermarkets the price they want.
Hey hey guys! Always nice to be back here amongst you, wonderful people.
@Ian: yeah, couple of years if I’m not mistaken. Maybe slightly less or more, I didn’t keep the tally :/
@ThePNR: well, news from Brussels? Not much. I mean, you know Asterix, right? He always keeps rapping on his temple with his finger, saying “Those Romans are crazy”. Well, we do say the same thing about the Brits now. As far as I know, many people are upset. Not because the UK voted to leave, but because they’re under the impression they were railroaded all the time into making concessions for the UK to remain in the group, and now… it’s like, you know, caving in to a lover’s whims just to find out (s)he dumps you at the end of the day. And then, once it’s done and dusted, you always have those guys that keep saying you, “you need to get real, the dice were loaded from the start.” And, I mean, that hacks off more than one.
Personally, I think most people over here on the mainland want the moors to be retracted as soon as possible. As to an independent Scotland, they probably won’t speak about it openly until the cleft is acted (even though they may support it in their innermost selves). And then you’ve to take the Spanish situation into account. When the UK leaves, it becomes a foreign affair, and I expect people to become less terse about it.
@Paula Rose: nice to know you’re still hanging around, you drop-dead knockout.
@K1: Thanks. You’re like psychic? You should apply your gift of prophecy for more… economic matters?
Seriously, I bided my time. I’ve been thinking about working in Scotland, but it’s not an easy task, and really when you do anything else than toy with the idea, you bump your head against things like social security or pension; and then of course, there was that sudden game changer, so now, I can hardly do anything but twiddle my thumbs, since we’re all flying like seat-of-the-pants — or sailing through a squall. So, tactics over here is: let’s weather the storm and see how things will turn out.
Well, otherwise I took the opportunity of those two years to improve on my English. Hopefully you’ll notice the difference from before I left.
Have a great week-end guys, even under dreich weather!
Hi AuldA.
Good to see you back!
Puis-je confirmer que vous avez eu votre thé?
(Feel free to improve Google’s translation… 8=))
Here’s one of our badge designs for you.
link to
Brian Doonthetoon
You mentioned a theory about people who always post late in your reply to Rock on the main thread.
Can you remember what it was,I don’t remember reading it and it may have been before I found Wing’s.
Sorry to bother you but I am nosey,and was wondering what you meant.
Thanks in advance.
Come on a’body, let’s dig out some classic tunes to see us over the 20k line…
Here’s your starter.
It’s the one, the only…
Sydney Devine, ‘Nobody’s Child’ –
link to
Ian Brotherhood @ 10.21
All very well Ian ….bit is there any way of knowing if Shirley ever did put that kettle oan.
@Liz G –
That’s right o’er my heid…
Never mind. I’m pished.
World Party, ‘Put The Message In A Box’ –
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Serious politics: I want Trump to be president. Yes, yes I do.
Because that means it is only 4 years until America elects President Lisa Simpson!
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@ Ian Brotherhood. I am not saying Sydney is not famous. But here is some really famous folk Playing that tune. Hope you and yours are keeping well. Are you through for the March next Saturday ? link to
Hi Liz G.
I’ve spent an hour or so trying to find the comment but no success. I’m sure it was during 2015, or late 2014.
To sum up… The theory was that those who live under the bridge keep their fingers under control until a thread/topic/Wings page is getting towards the time when a new thread/topic/Wings page is expected, then they start commenting – it can be up to 24 hours after the start of the topic; never in the first few hours.
The comments are usually mince in terms of facts but serve to draw people in to comment – in effect using up productivity. Keeping people occupied, instead of adding their input to the new topic? Your guess is as good as mine.
Think of the peeps who, over the past three or four years, only appear with comments WELL DOWN the page, sometimes after a new topic is already in existence.
As a wee exercise, you could look at the last dozen or so posts on a selection of Wings pages (from whenever) and see if you spot a pattern.
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Brian Doonthetoon @ 11.18
Thanks again that was very interesting and good to know.
Will certainly try and watch for it.
Never would have thought things would be that complicated,guess I should have known better.
Ian Brotherhood @ 11.04
Sorry pal , chances are now I think about it, (cause am no far behind ye … intoxication wise ) you are probably too young for that catchphrase to mean anything.
Sidney had a radio show back in the day,and his sign off to his show was a shout out to his wife to “put the kettle oan Shirley” ma wee grannie loved it and waited to hear it every time.
@Liz G –
I didn’t know the bold Sydney had his own show. Was it, perchance, on Radio Clyde? If so, that would help me address certain ‘memory’ issues…
Anyway, by suggesting that I’m ‘too young’ you are now my best pal, if that’s alright with you.
Hoots aplenty!
Hi IanB.
Did Sydley Divide not have a show about Scottish cross country dancing, on this station?
link to
Guilty pleasures…
Jessie J, ‘Price Tag’ –
link to
Ian Brotherhood @ 12.40
I am pretty sure it was radio Clyde.
Also when it was a relatively new station.
Ma Grannie went blind and had no use for TV so she pretty much used radio the way everyone else used TV.
So while we all talked about TV programmes she spoke about radio shows,and could not get over the “cutting edge” format of.. cosy… this new kind of broadcasting, where someone admits to having a personal life.
I am about to become your super best friend,because I have to admit that it’s now so obviously before your time,I can only thank you for not thinking I am/was insane by posting what I did.
Also hoping that you still don’t see me as bat shit crazy when I admit I am…. actually….LOL about sayin that catchphrase to you now.
We should really make way for someone to come flouncing in at the 20k mark…
…can’t you hear the clack-clack-clack of those familiar heels?
“Those heels were made for clackin’,
and that’s just what they’ll do…”
Apologies – I just LURV causing Paula Rose to flounce…
Onnyhoo, she’s been neglecting her playground the last few days, while she’s been flouncing on Clydeside.
So there!
Think your 1.07 am comment was the 20000th one Ian. Bravo!
@K1 –
Nah mate, wisny me.
Liz-G…take a bow there madam…
*sustained raucous applause*
Ooooh-er, someone’s gonny be awfy cross when she sees sumdy else nabbed that one.
Looking forward to some fireworks well in advance of Nov 5th!
Hoots to all Wingers, and nichty-nicht!
Well really you might of waited – some of us are serious politicians – love you all xx
Och well, wrang again…well done Liz on yer unexpected achievement
Now what was best about conference – riding pillion on the leading bike in the Yes Bikers cavalcade or Nicola asking to borrow my latest pair of darling heels for her wonderful speech.
Darlings – I’m in Edinburgh anyone around for a wee cocktail lunchtimeish?
Thank You I think!
Trying to be proud and humble at the same time.
Paula Rose how do you do that???
By being me Sweetie – workshop session in the Palm House in 1/2 hour *learnt a lot about political organisation*
With the incredible and surprising to me till he was interviewed by Brian Taylor (who I like by the way just to be contrary) , superstar Mike Russell in the hot seat to clear the way for Indy Ref 2 – or get the 5 tests completely achieved which is impossible, what an amazingly co-ordinated and concerted complete plan there is in place. I’m gobsmacked.This is a well-oiled machine reaching full speed ahead operation, and thanks goodness Angus got the position, he knows exactly what to do as well.
I’ve been patient with Curtice, but his wittering on about Jim Gallagher and his “more powers” garbage when he was aksed about Russell’s interview with Taylor, really puts Curtice in the category of w*ker of the first degree. First time I ever thought that.
Hope you are feeling good today. Thought you might like to know Scotland hot topic even in Jamaica
link to
Yeah yesindyref2 also mentioning that Jack McConnell was the ‘first’ to mention overhauling the care system immediately after Nicola’s speech. How’d that work out then Curtice? Dick.
Thank you for the Jamaican newspaper,I used to read the daily Gleaner when I was there,it’s more sort of”local”.I’m ok thanks,just a bit tired but fine otherwise,hope your well.
Watched Nicola’s speech,a lot of Peace and Love there.
More here,Peace Always Nana,and Love xx
Good to know you are doing ok, I know battling fatigue is hard.
Had a tear in my eye watching Nicola’s speech, she had to gulp a couple of times herself. A very emotional subject talking about disadvantaged children.
Love and peace to you and yours Billy xx
Greetings y’all from Killin, Middle Scotland.
Tick tock (faster tempo)
Yes, if people find a thread via a search engine or even from the index, one of the things I think some do is scroll down to the end and look at the latest comments. Which is why we should keep a watchful eye on older threads. Doesn’t need an answer to whoever has put the troll like posting on at the bottom, who cares, just repeat some important conclusion, and away they go.
A song for David Mundell (the title I mean!)
link to
Mmm, is that Tony Blair on the right?
Hey, Cactus: how was Barca?
Hope you like the new *ahem* “palm house” a Certain Lady installed while you were away.
It’ll be orchids next.
*looks over top of glasses*
@Paula Rose –
Empty cocktail glasses, nae doot…
Just to say I’ve looked at some of the remarks left on the Brain family’s justgiving site and I am appalled.
I am in shock at their lack of empathy whilst being taken aback at how daft they are linking their horrible comments with their place of work (quite a few NHS and education establishments). I mean…eh?! I only hope NHS Tayside looks at one particularly nasty comment.
Rant over. Didn’t want to go o/t on the new post. I’m sure the rev is a softy inside that scary outer shell, but I’m no risking it…!
Sway hey Tinto Chiel
Barca was brilliant.. tremendous tapas, fine wine, lots of fork lightening (with no sound of thunder WTAA?) and unlike Glasgow.. the pigeons are teencey, must be their diet.
Speaking of Glasgow.. many a time walking through the streets and meeting with local people, I felt like I was back in my home city.
Caledonia & Catalonia.. we’re so much the same.
Nice greenhoose!
Yes, it’s a great city and I must go back since one of my daughters deleted my foaties. All of them. With one little click of a button.
I hear they’re renaming Paula’s Gaff the Kibble Palace.
It didn’t have to be this way…..
Morning Smallaxe, hope you managed to get some rest and aren’t as tired to day.
You will certainly have to brace yourself for this morning’s catch up.
Insanity has broken out on Wings I blame Fluffy,we watched far too much of him yesterday.
Now late last night I did wonder if I myself was a wee bit crazy,but thankfully worked it through.
But this morning….. there is most definitely contagion.
Started on the main thread with buttered toast tied to a cat.
But quickly moved on to the Revs twitter.
There’s giant wheatabix .
Unspeakable toilets.
Boasting about how many pint’s the Rev can drink, now while that’s not unusual for a Scotsman . Oh Smallaxe….he ment milk!!!
They all seemed to have trouble identifying their mum.
And most disturbingly one seems to think milk is an erotic term.
I am honestly scared to go back and look.
So I thought I would just come over here to off topic where all the sane people hang out.
Anyhoo now your all caught up, how are you today?
@Brian Doonthetoon:
Good to see you back!
Puis-je confirmer que vous avez eu votre thé?
(Feel free to improve Google’s translation… 8=))
This looks a bit formal. “Puis-je” is not stilted, but close. Posh. Try Avez-vous eu votre thé ? That’s more informal, and sounds better.
Here’s one of our badge designs for you.
Thanks! I’ll adopt it as soon as I get round to it.
Take care!
Hi AuldA.
Avez-vous eu votre thé ?
The only problem that I see with that is that it translates as “Have you had your tea?”. This could be taken as an invitation to come in and partake of a meal, if the answer is no.
What I was trying to translate was, “You’ll have had your tea?”, which, although an apparent question, is more of a rhetorical question – a statement that you HAVE had your tea so don’t expect anything here.
Yippee modern languages lessons again *gets notepad and pen*
Hi Paula Rose.
Seeing as AuldA is back and is a sponge for language knowledge, we can start to introduce him to the various Scots dialects an’ thah’, iye? Ya hoormin! Nihin’ else even cams close!
Mind you, we could have a problem relating the story of the wee cooper o’ Fife, specially when it comes to “Nickety, nackety, noo, noo, noo”, or “Hey willy wallachy, how John Dougal Alane quo rushety, roo, roo, roo.”
link to
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Not quite appropriate but shame to waste it
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Yesindyref2: even less relevant but a great way to finish an album:
link to
Great lyrics in all their songs, imho.
Oi who’s been leaving their fag-ends in the plant tubs?
So when I asked PR, “Whit are we daein’ aboot the rampant Japanese knotweed in the “conservatory”, Babes?”, this is all I got:
link to
Tinto Honey jokes about foreign invasive species are not appreciated.
liz g:
Good evening liz,sorry that I did not reply earlier but this fatigue is very difficult to explain to anyone who has not experienced it,no matter how long I sleep/rest it makes little difference.I sometimes have to take off my watch because it feels heavy.
I had a look over at the other thread, ostensibly for Nana’s links as always,I see what you mean about coming over to the sane thread,at least we can have humour,music(some of it making more sense than the “serious” posts)and friendship over here. I noticed someone being accused of paranoia,my take is paranoia creates perfect awareness,I also seen G.B.correcting someones spelling,I’ve mentioned this before now,as long as we know what the person’s meaning,what does it matter,things like that could put people off from posting.Inclusion means everybody.
I did smile though when G.B.ended his post with Peace and some thing,it escapes my memory what the other word was.It worries me when some complain about Peace and Love on the end of a post,would they rather have the opposite?.
I have tasked my good lady with hunting out my Jamaican diaries,I will carry on with the story when I’m more up to the task,if some of you are still interested.As for Fluffy,I wrote
to him last week,as I am one of his constituents(lucky me!)and reminded him of his position,and asked when he would be starting to do his bit for his country.I await the reply or the handcuffs!I did receive a letter confirming that he had received my communication,but so far nothing else.
I send my love to you,Nana and all who I like to think of as friends in Paula Rose’s exotically perfumed Palace of Peace.I read every post on this side,so please keep the usual sensible nonsense coming.Thank you for thinking of me,it feeds my spirit.
Peace,Love and Harmony to All
PS.I started writing this before 7pm and rested in between,I apologise again for my lateness in replying.
Hi Paula Rose.
“foreign invasive species”
I’ve come across (well not literally!) a flower that has spread as far north as Brechin and has been spotted in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and elsewhere. Seems pretty “hermless” though…
link to
BDTT Honey I love it when you try so hard to get into my good books.
See! She still called me Honey!
It’s all I wanted, really…
Hey, Smallaxe: have some fun with these bad boys.
link to
Definitely not hippy, but cleans out the tubes!
I’ve given up on this palm house/greenhouse/conservatory nonsense, btw.
And that’s my last word on the matter…..
And ah had a wee begonia tae.
*Flounces off in direction of nearest hostelry.*
@ yesindyref2, 4.25am, 16/10/16
Jings, you were up late! Anyway, have you got a link to the Russell – Taylor interview?
We tried to attend a Brexit meeting at the conference with Russell, Bardell and McIntyre-Kemp, but, it was over-subscribed and we had to leave because of the intense heat in the room where half the folk had to stand! Heard Mike Russell opening, but, couldn’t do the rest. What we heard was impressive.
@ Auld A
Welcome back!
@ Smallaxe
Hope you and your wife are bearing up.
@ Nana
Hope you and your other half are keeping well. Nana, I had a tear in my eye at least three times during that conference!
@ A’body else
Good to have seen some of you at the end of last week and hope to see more of you again soon.
@ Paula Rose, 17/10/16, 3:39pm
If we’re lucky, we might even get some quantum physics lessons too. Yaaay !
And since I’ve got your attention, pop-pickers:
link to
@Betty Boop
Can’t help too much as I don’t have flash on this Windows XP, waiting for a few random photons and event horizons to errr, event, before I get Win 7 to XP mode somehow with the seemingly incompatible AMD processor, but it might be on iplayer afternoon live session on 15th from here
link to
It was on BBC2 where they had an interview with Sturgeon, Andrew “botox” Kerr with Curtice (I think Kerr was actually getting fed up with Curtice), Sturgeon’s speech, and after that some stuff then the interview by Taylor with Russell – out in the auditor..thingy.
The only pen that could ever reach me was the pen of a preacher man…
link to
Smallaxe Hi hun
No need to apologise,was just touching base with you.
I am also replying to you late and I don’t ever have a good reason.
Also pointing you towards those Twitter exchanges cause they really were very funny,and sometimes laughter can be the best medicine so I didn’t want you to miss them.
I understand that it could be a bit of an effort to reply to us right now. So don’t worry about it.
Just a …Hi… form you or even Mrs Smallaxe (give her my best) will be fine just so we don’t worry.
As always stay well my friend and be good to yourself. X
Don’t know if this band has ever been on off-topic, did go looking before but couldn’t find them. I think they’re the one played at the opening of the new union where I was the bouncer for the day. Just let in the football and the rugby team for free, easiest drinking money I ever earned in my life – and they made sure my glass was never empty. Didn’t cost me a penny. Only trouble I had was when I vaguely remember kicking out this political guy going on about Independence draped in a saltire but I might have just made that up.
link to
Hi Liz and all,
I’m fine,more a nuisance,frustrating, but not ill,it’ll pass.
Thanks liz and All
Peace and Love Always from both of us
Smallaxe and Liz g get yourselves comfy *plumps cushions* help yourselves to tea and cake you lovely people – in awe Darlings of the two of you I really am xx
For all those who cherish everyone…
link to
Paula Rose 2.31
Thank You X
Paula Rose @ 2.31
Thank You X
@Paula Rose (9.29) –
‘Oi who’s been leaving their fag-ends in the plant tubs?’
Okay *hands up*, but I was just hoping to grow a tobacco plant.
Anyway, the reason I’m up so early is I want to be sure to catch the Call Kaye show to see if she’ll open today’s show with an apology for yesterday’s.
She did ‘issue’ a a statement on Twitter but it wasn’t so much an apology as a ‘how-very-dare-you’, inviting critics to come ahead and ‘ave-some via her preferred means of contact i.e. her phone-in. We’ll soon see if anyone takes her up on it…and can get through…and can make their point before being cut-off to make space for Ian See-These-People-And See-That-Sturgeon-Lassie.
Ian Brotherhood @ 5.11
well if you or anyone else reading this phones in and manages to get through.
Please let her know its very simple.
When a woman gets drunk on a night out.
What does she expect!!!!!
What she actually is expecting to get.
Is a fucking Hangover…
Maybe that will get through.
So bloody angry people are still having this conversation.
She should be fired.
Sorry Ian rant over.
@Liz g –
Hey, nowt to apologise for.
I didn’t hear her show yesterday (well, not the controversial part) but I did see some of the Tweets and quotes. Did you see her defensive response?
Hard to see how she can avoid commenting on all this later, but knowing her style (and if her Tweet’s anything to go by) there’s a strong possibility that she’ll just make it worse.
Ian Brotherhood @ 6.49
Didn’t hear the show either Ian,like you I just saw the response.
Would be good if she gets put off air for this but I won’t hold my breath.
Wait till she has to worry when her daughter’s (if she has any )are on a night out,that they will encounter that attitude.
She won’t be so chipper on morning radio when she has to pick them up from town. Because enough wasn’t done to keep woman safe.
Arggggg there I go again.
Just when Paula Rose thought I was nice too!!!
Paula Rose:
Beautiful,thank you x
Peace Always
@Betty Boop
Aye the Gregg Brain speech gave me a lump in the throat and then Nicola and the kids set me blubbing.
From what I saw I would say it was a good conference. You both well I hope?
Did you get my phone number from Ronnie?
Morning, Peeps.
Have been clearing out a bedroom and came across an old DVD with this in it:
link to
Kleenex Man Size required for the wee song…..
Don’t know what was going on here last evening, trail of compost on the floor. Between you and me I think it was Tinto not brushing up after planting his begonias and flouncing about.
I suppose I’d best get a brush before PR sees it.
link to
Hope you are doing ok today Smallaxe
It wisnae me, Nana btw.
Must get more Kleenex.
@Tinto Chiel
Aw sorry if I made you cry Tinto, hope this cheers you up
link to
Wondering who is the compost culprit Mmm
It wis me Nana, I wis diggin’ aboot fur Ian’s fag ends…mananged tae find enough fur a roll up, couldnae find the brush n shovel…
Problem solved, and just as well before SWMBO gets on the case.
Thanks, Nana: it’s one of my favourites actually and I like his taste in hats.
There is an article in the Glasgow Herald written by Rosemary Goring regarding Yes/No voters re indy2014.
A great post by Russell Hamilton at 10.15am listing Scotlands resources is a post that should be read by every No voter.
Could some of the savvy computer people cut and paste this post for anyone wishing to share it far and wide. Like me for instance.
Paula Rose is having bother, can’t access any WOS pages.
Anyone been having probs this afternoon?
I’m a bit better today thanks,got your links X
K1: brush and shovel in cupboard in utility room
Peace Always
Looks like Miss Rose is indisposed…
While the cat’s away…
Nicola Sturgeon has of course I just realised, given us THE big word for Indy Ref 2.
It’s inclusive and it’s a winner!
Yippee I’m back – gosh the place is all sparkly and lovely, so nice to know that you don’t make a mess when I’m away xx
@Paula Rose –
So, well, er…you still haven’t checked under that inverted plant pot in the corner?
*puts earplugs in*
Ian Honey are you responsible for this? *smiles sweetly with a faint hint of menace*
What’s the plan for Saturday folks?
@ Ian Brotherhood
I am too. My first post in weeks, and apparently: “You are posting too quickly, slow down.”
Is that what I think it is? Jeezo…..who did that?
*tries to divert attention quickly*
So next up is the famous French song about a tramp who wanders the countryside, sleeping in the woods with the wee elves until the gendarmes lock him up for vagrancy and he commits suicide. Happy ending: his ghost wanders the countryside and goes back to his old haunts.
link to
Phew, don’t think anyone else noticed.
What, you want the words too? Servez-vous…..
link to
Conan Honey not you personally but everyone.
Hi Conan the Librarian™.
I believe we are congregating at the AyeMail/WOS stand on Saturday.
Once the congregation is assembled, we will sing the Wings hymn before a cardboard cut-out of Rev Stu, then afterwards, assimilate as many peeps as we can into the the legion of vile cybernats.
Ronnie will have Scottish passports for those who feel stateless…
Unchain the Unicorn event Holyrood Sat 22nd Oct.
Lindsay Bruce Wings Stall
Donna Babington Saltire Creations
Ken McDonald iScot magazine
Pete the Camera Badges
& various nefarious Wingers I hope to see plenty Wingers Auld & New.
Here is some Bob Dylan Lyrics you have possibly not heard ? Sung by Marcus Mumford Of Mumford & Sons. link to
Michael McCabe:
You’ve done did it again Michael!
Peace Always
Evening, Wingers.
Had a great time at The Cheviot, The Stag and The Black, Black oil at The Citz this afternoon.
Strangely, I saw Arch-Bayoneter of the (Referendum) Wounded, Ian Davidson, there. Can’t imagine what a Slayer of The Nats was doing at such a production. Or has he gone back to being a real socialist?
Anyhow, I enjoyed the Gaelic songs so much I’ll just leave this here for Nana and other sophisticates:
link to
May The Force be with you.
Yesterday was a very important day in the history of the world. It was Chick Berry’s 90th birthday. To mark the occasion I have provided a link to what I describe as one of his finest pieces – yet virtually nobody has heard it.
link to
And just about the most sumptuous base line of any rock’n’roll record which I meant to mention.
I’ll phone Ronnie a this evening, sorry I’ve been a bit AWOL this last week but feeling much better now.
Ian, well I hope you’ll treat my new conservatory with a bit more respect when you visit!
Actually, I am renaming it, ‘the orangerie’. A bit pretentious but I do have wee oranges ripening in it and I don’t want to conserve tories, even as exported jam.
Good news,thanks xx
Peace Always
It sure is Billy, let’s hope there is a good response.
Hope you are doing ok today, the sun is out up here and quite mild. Gings I’ve even got the conservatory doors open. Long may it continue.
Misreporting Scotland website will go live tonight so keep an eye on the facebook page for any updates. xx
The link to is up with around 20-30 articles already there, but the remaining 120 odd articles on BBC bias we’re linking to are going to be uploaded over the next day or so, so folk might find a few gaps initially on the site. They will be filled!
link to
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Please donate if you can.
Hi people
You may have noticed our wee website. Well we know you did! coz you caught us out and you were putting donations in,before our Website was fully live. So apologises to those who may have been disappointed at not being able to work with it.
Myself,Cadogan and Simon hope you will all come over and read our articles,join our membership to be able to vote and choose our next campaign. Print off our poster and stick it in your window, every little helps to get the word out, so go have a look, but most of all help us make our goal. Without your support we won’t be able to put as Many BILLBOARDS as we can throughout our wee country. THIS TIME IT’S PERSONAL!! check it out go to
link to then go to
read articles from Prof.John Robertson, who is our media spokesman, G.A. Ponsonby, Rev Stuart Campbell and many more to come. We are still adding articles daily, we hope to have all the gremlins under control but be kind we are just ordinary folks and we have been trying hard to get this out to the world!!
Donate Donate Donate Donate thank you!
Cherry, Cadogan and Simon
Michael McCabe Sweetie – are we going to see you on Saturday and is that four-poster bed still on offer, can’t find your phone number do you have my email.
Now Sweeties – looks like I can make it on Saturday after all but in order to do so I’ll need to stay overnight – who’s going to be the first to offer me a delightful night’s repose?
He says that the media are involved in a corrupt campaign. Has anyone noticed that when you watch Trump on HD his hair is always SD. I’m not one for those conspiricy theories but you have to wonder. Other than that, I sense an independent Scotland.
Just had to get it off my chest (which is invariably hairy on any screen).
Too much information Dear.
Can’t supply photographic information, sorry. The ferret has just bolted.
I’m doing well,managed to get to a meeting tonight,spoke to
Joan McAlpine,my daughter was nominated for a position,so she
will now be a delegate at future conferences and suchlike.
Will take a look at inform website tomorrow and donate of course.Tired now,will get your links tomorrow as usual.Billyxx
Peace and Love Always
A wee song for Paula Rose. link to
Did you ever get the answer to your sweets question?
link to
@Stoker –
Not to my satisfaction.
‘Fruit Gums’ appeared to come out tops of the guesses, but I remain unconvinced.
Life is full of mysteries.
Just ignore that last question, reading further up stream i can see it’s been answered.
I was going to suggest Fruit Gums but they’ve been suggested.
Prank gone wrong
link to
Job done,donation made,got your links.Coffee poured.

Peace,Love and Posters
Kevin from IndyLive is looking for somewhere in Glasgow this Sunday to do an interview with Prof John Robertson and our own Simon Malzer, chair of ‘Inform Scotland’
Kevin is checking Brooklyn Cafe to see if it is open
any other ideas out there?
any concrete ideas or off send to Kevin at
I hope someone can help me with a wee problem. I told my son about how Ian Lang (when he was SoS) cobbled together the GERS figures to prove Scotland couldn’t afford devolution. My son wants proof.
More than 2 years ago I read a long post about how Scotland got devolution via the Council of Europe who told John Major’s govt that they should implement it. Major refused and Lang came up with the figures to prove it was impossible.
I think I may have read it as a link BTL on a Yes Scotland FB page.
Anyone got any ideas where I can find the info?
@Still Positive
Just type Ian Lang and Gers into google for more
link to
link to
Currently, the Wikipedia page for Tory MP Sam Gyimah says that he “is an arsehole.”
I concur.
link to
Standing up and waffling in the House of Commons for 25 minutes, deliberately to stop any vote on SNP MP John Nicolson’s bill to pardon men convicted in the past of ‘homosexuality’ offences.
Of course, MP Gyimah did that under orders from higher-up in the Tory party. Disgraceful from them. Instead of continuing to support or at least not oppose this SNP bill, Tories decided to kill it and bring in their own bill.
It seems that Scottish Labour’s ‘Bain Principle’ is alive and well, and living in the Tory party at Westminster.
The sooner we get out of this corrupt union, the better.
Typing about @r$€hol€$…
Anybody else read this? I got the link from Commonspace today.
link to
I wonder if his mother’s proud of him and the way he was brung up…
Sorry – got it from the Rev’s Twitter line thingy.
Yes Dear we dealt with that little twerp a couple of days ago on twitter – do keep up.
It’s a weird thing music, something you used to like just don’t sound the same. Ah well. Maybe I’ll like it again in a few years.
link to
Tweeter and the Monkey Man. link to
Sorry I forgot to answer you yesterday. I had a hospital appointment, was feeling a bit wrecked afterwards.
Lovely surprise last evening, my eldest son came home for the weekend which fair cheered me up. I suppose I’d best get preparing his favourite nosh for later haha
Hope you have a good weekend with your family xx
Question for the O/T film buffs (if there are any?)
An Orson Welles ‘short’ in which he plays a posh English MP who is constantly wound-up in the HoC by a Welsh MP. Pretty sure it was part of a full-length movie but can’t find it…
Help! (Need to find it, part of uni homework.)
@ Ian Brotherhood
Three cases of murder?
@Ian Brotherhood
Yep pretty sure that Conan is right. Orson Welles played Lord Mountdrago.
link to
@Conan & Thepnr –
Pints all round chaps. Soo-perb.
In the hunt for the elusive Lord Mountdrago, stumbled across this. Filmed just eight days before Welles died.
Lovely to see he was still so razor-sharp, and looking good right up to the end. A proper hero, great artist and ‘a good guy’.
link to
Aye Ian, we’re all romantics and that’s why we’re here.
I think of my old man and what he would have thought of the current situation being a Britisher Unionist type as he was.
I can’t ask him as he is no longer with us but I can tell you this. He would be appalled, he would be frothing at the mouth at the antics of the Tories robbing the poor to cut taxes for the rich.
I am certain, he would be fighting heart and soul with us for Independence.
Right Grandads out the way us girls is back from the rally in a place next to Red Morningside – come on in girls, in you come – say hello to papas Ian and The.
Kick off your heels and we’ll get the resident DJs to do their stuff Michael McCabe Brian Doonthetoon where are you coo-ee.
@Thepnr –
It always seems to boil down to the essential Scottish loathing of Tories. It’s always been there, and always will be.
Mundell is a dangleberry. We can’t shift him next May, but we can certainly make his position even shooglier than it is at present, and Ruth’s doing a grand job for us to that end.
I’m sure your old man would be proud of you, all you’ve put into this effort. Every comment and tweet count. Every pub conversation, every wee sticker, every fresh connection made via here, the WOS socials or whatever else. None of us can really appreciate the breadth and depth of this movement because we’re too close to it, but we can see, even in the reaction of Juncker to May night before last, that the UK is on the verge of collapse.
We’re helping that process – every single one of us – and the world will thank us for it.
Oi move over chuck go get some nibbles.
Here’s one of Paula Rose’s fave tunes.
Here’s hoping she likes the treament!
(Where, precisely, is she anyway? God ‘elp Edinburgh…)
Samantha Fox, ‘I Only Want To Be With You’ –
link to
@Thepnr –
An old favourite, and no apologies for posting it again.
One minor change to the lyrics might be nice – ‘Calling’ could easily be ‘Falling’. (Perhaps that’s what Strummer would’ve liked to say?)
The Clash, ‘London Calling’
link to
Loved this
Ruby says European Votes for European Laws
link to
Ian Brotherhood you clever thing you alluding to the fact that I am screening London Calling in Brechin on Tuesday.
@Paula Rose –
That’s yer ‘synchronicity’ thing happening again, eh?
The ‘best laid plans’ are already there, just waiting to be plucked…
Finger on pulse me – finger on pulse.
@Paula Rose –
I do hope your host made appropriate preparations for your stay.
Is your rider as requested?
So I make a totally reasonable sensible posting, but somehow or other this provocative phrase creeps in “(…end of the Union) and a far better way forward for Scotland”. Very naughty, slap slap, should I edit it? Mmmm, nah.
link to
The Union might end on Monday, all bar the shouting. Or the JMC comes out with Vow 2, and drags on for a few days, a few weeks, a few months. A critical point for Indy.
link to
Nana says:
22 October, 2016 at 10:13 am
No apologies needed Nana,I seen on the main thread that you had an appointment.I hope everything went well for you.Enjoy having your son home.I’ve just been taking things easy this
Peace, and Love Always xx
link to
Hi Still Positive.
Catching up on the past few days…
On 21 October at 5:08pm, you typed,
“I hope someone can help me with a wee problem.
More than 2 years ago I read a long post about how Scotland got devolution via the Council of Europe…
Anyone got any ideas where I can find the info?”
Is this what you’re looking for?
link to
More links here:-
link to
I’ve just posted this on the “Sewer” page…
RE: lack of publicity and dependence on Facebook/Twitter.
A few weeks ago, I saw mention on Twitter about a Fife cavalcade for independence. I’ve seen ONE graphic about it –
link to
I uploaded that to the WWW as it only appeared to be visible on Twitter and/or Facebook. I’ve seen no more info about it, only that assembly is at Fluthers car park in Cupar at 10am.
What’s the route?
Is it ending back in Cupar?
I read that the Yes Bikers had been invited. Do they know?
What’s the finishing time?
Are any stops en route planned?
I was pushing this event at the Holyrood rally yesterday but the only info I could offer was the start time and location.
Michael McCabe:
Lazy Sunday,Small Faces?
Peace Always
Well done Re.billboards,music to my ears.
Peace Always
A nasty smell….
link to
With reference to Fife cavalcade
Fluthers Car Park 10am 29th Oct:-
Finish Luthrie Hall.
Journey is about 80. miles and includes a stop in Anstruther for a fish supper. Journey could take around 4 Hrs taking into account speeds of 25 to 50mph. It is non political, purely a promo for Scotland,s Independence.
That’s all that I’ve heard so far. Hope this helps.
Hi Flower of Scotland.
Thanks for that – allows some planning!
I had a look on the Yesnef Facebook page before I posted the above but there is no info there at all. People can only turn up if they are aware of an event.
Thanks Nana and Briandoonthetoon.
Both links great. Much appreciated.
@Brian Doonthetoon
Yep you are surly right, where is the organisation coming from? There is none, 5/10 Must try harder.
@Flower of Scotland
Well done you for the additional info.
How pathetic is that though that we do not have a central hub to share information? Mental I think, SNP of Yes Scotland if you still exist get your ares in gear.
Beyonce & Kendrick Lamar, ‘Freedom’ –
link to
@Ian Brotherhood
Pretty pictures, and they were very pretty. Freedom though? Nah.
@Thepnr –
I am assured, by people who know about such things, that Lamar is a genius. Pushing the boundaries an’ aw that.
An acquired taste perhaps, but worth persevering with IMO.
Hi Thepnr.
There IS a web site, rather than Facebook/Twitter but next Saturday’s event isn’t on it. It is showing an event in Edinburgh but nothing about the Fife cavalcade.
I guess if the web site doesn’t get the info it won’t be on there.
This web site has been on the go since indyref1 but doesn’t appear to be well supported ie, most people appear to be ignorant of its existence. Its url needs spread more widely and then used for notification of events.
link to
@Thepnr –
You know I wouldn’t give you a bum steer.
Please have a wee snifter at this…give it a couple of mins, eh?
Kendrick Lamar, ‘Alright’ –
link to
This is for K1 and Hamish100, who are having an amicable discussion about swearing on the latest page.–Ijdc
Seems to be ok for YouTube…
Brian Doonthetoon:
I’ve been watching that conversation Brian,is Hamish 100 oor Heidmaister? will he be getting the lochgelly oot,ahm feart!

Peace Always
BTW Flower of Scotland.
I’ve passed through, or visited, almost all of the locations on your cavalcade route but, I have to admit, I’ve never visited Elite and Frail.
Looking forward to seeing what attractions these Brigadoons of the East Neuk offer!
And Leuchers.
Yes, I ken them all well, many a fond memory from long ago. Wish I could make it.
My answer would be “I fucking can you fucking cunt”.
Just keeping you on your toes! Predictive text is a bummer at times.
Hi, Thepnr
Hopefully the Indy app will call these things together.
This cavalcade has been organised by one guy. He,s sort of been left to get on with it.
I’ve shared it on facebook. It’s really word of mouth advertising.
I’ve just watched “YesBikers Thunderburgh Arriving at Scottish parliament Oct 22nd 2016” on the ‘YesBikers for Scottish Independence’ Facebook page.
At least two of the bikes were flying WOS flags. Who are you?
link to
The reason that I had a look at that page was to see if there was any mention of the Yesnef cavalcade this Saturday. I scrolled down the page back to 12th October, where I found that ‘Thunderburgh’ on Saturday past is mentioned as “the last YesBikers ride out of 2016”.
So it looks like either they haven’t been notified of the Fife event, or they’ve declined. I was under the impression that they had said they’d turn up for any event. Maybe somebody from Yesnef should get onto the Bikers Facebook page and message them to clarify?
link to
Hi Flower of Scotland.
I’ve just pasted the message below on the following Facebook pages:-
The Indy Inn
Scot2scot North East Scotland Region
unleash the unicorn to independence
YES Dundee and Surrounding Areas Events & Information
YES Dundee Hub
Yes City Dundee
and finally…
YesBikers for Scottish Independence
Yes NE Fife cavalcade this Saturday, 29th October.
Assemble Fluthers Car Park Cupar at 10am.
Finish Luthrie Hall.
Journey is about 80 miles and includes a stop in Anstruther for a fish supper. Journey could take around 4 Hrs taking into account speeds of 25 to 50mph. It is non political, purely a promo for Scotland’s Independence.
That’s all that I’ve heard so far. Please share this info as widely as possible.
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The right thing to do is to respect human rights, right?
Jim Murple Memorial – Why Don’t You Do Right
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The main problems an independent Scotland’s economy would face are largely related to our peripheral location in Europe. As someone with at least a partial understanding of the development process, what would be my prognosis for an energy rich independent Scotland, functioning within an EU which seeks to reduce spatial competitive disadvantages across Europe?
Jim Murple memorial – No problemo
link to
The main reason the EU’s spatial strategy has failed to address the structural problems faced by Scotland. HMG and British nationalism. Simples.
This is a handy wee video to demonstrate to Yoons why there shouldn’t be any blue in the Union Flag, if Scotland removes itself from the union, leaving just the kingdom of England.
link to
P.S. to my post at 6.31pm. The main reason for the structural problems of poor housing and general low levels of wealth, are primarily the result of Scotland’s ‘union’ with England. The subsequent utilitarian approach to managing two entirely disparate nations as one, has naturally turned out to be a bit of a disaster.
GERS is a snapshot of the pish Scots have been fed for three centuries of internal colonisation. No wonder some of us suffer from an identity crisis and low-self-a steam.
Scotland could be so much more than it is. What about England? That is a matter for England to debate.
I have “Autumnwatch” on just now.
I never knew that – I’ve just learned that The Trossachs are in south west Scotland! Has there been a tectonic shift that I missed coz I’m on a couple of days holiday?
@Ian Brotherhood says:
23 October, 2016 at 11:19 pm
@Thepnr –
You know I wouldn’t give you a bum steer.
I know you wouldn’t and I shouldn’t have doubted you. That second video though done the Biz. You must know how to rock my boat.
@Ian Brotherhood
hahaha I’ve just been put right by my son regarding the two singers. I didn’t realise it was two different singers!
I just thought it was a band. LOL beam me up Scotty.
BrianDTT: thanks for that. Short but sweet.
Of course, they had to darken our blue and counter-change the Cross of St Patrick, but the Cross of St George carries on sublimely, and over all.
“There’ll always be an rUK” won’t really have the same ring, will it?
You know, after The Change comes…..
I think I’m turning into Cactus, and no bad thing.
Every time May opens her cake-hole, I have these songs ringing in my ears:
link to–40
J’aime l’Ecosse.
Ich liebe Schottland.
We’re aa ae oo.
Oh, my country:
link to
Theresa May should be in a padded cell, but I offer her better accommodation:
link to
No-one else on here tonight, so I’ll leave this for Smallaxe if he wakes up early.
link to
I led one of my daughters down the aisle to this and I love the wee Scotch Snap Horner slipped into the dying fall in the strings.
First Aid Kit-Red Dirt Girl link to
(Early) Bob Dylan-Man of constant Sorrow link to
Morning Smallaxe how you keepin the day?
liz g:
Hi liz,I went to an AGM last Thursday and I think that I was a wee bit ambitious,it’s left me knackered.Hope you are ok.I’ll be back to normal soon.
Peace Always
Tinto Chiel:
The LSO music was beautiful,but please keep T.May out of the White Room,that’s where I go when lights close their tired eyes.
Peace Always
Michael McCabe:
Musically you can do no wrong.
Peace Always
Got your links this morning thank you,I was a wee bit later than usual.
Peace Always xx
Stat well Smallaxe X
liz g:
Will do liz thanks X
Peace Always
Smallaxe @10.11: yes…yes, I see what you mean.
Have put some garlic and a cross in there and fitted a “triple lock”.
That should do it.
Tinto Chiel:
Well done Tinto,I knew I could depend on you

Peace Always
Nae probs, Smallaxe.
Have to say, I also left this guy behind:
link to
Rank Badyin, me.
Tinto Chiel:
Oh for the good old days,when you could set fire to your head,without being arrested and committed to an asylum.
Freedom indeed,Siiigh
Peace Always
What a country we live in when you just KNOW that every post you make, every tweet and email you send is being read then handed to others who try to use this information to get more out of you.
It’s ridiculous Scotland is supposedly a free country. Well it’s definitely not. I know for a fact that my supposedly private information is being noted and then is to be used as a weapon against me.
I couldn’t care less now, too old and a true believer in Democracy, the power is with the people and all that. I just think they really are scared. Poor them, I have no sorrow for those that are determined to enslave us. Just Fuck Off.
“Them belly full (but we are hungry)” Bob Marley
link to
Rhiannon Giddens – Lonesome Road/ up above my head. link to
What Thepnr Says But (Live) link to
@Michael McCabe
Cheers buddy, that was better. Brain not working properly, still ragin. Tell you next time I see you.
Thepnr & Michael:
You guys couldn’t have timed BoB better,I’d just popped in for a nosy.
Thepnr,dont worry about your mail,they have more pictures of me,than my mother had.
One Love
There may will be…
link to
@ Thepnr Here is Bobs mate Peter with a wee bit of Sun for you. link to Looking Forward to the next Catch Up.
Louis Prima link to
Israel Vibration:*Rude Boy Shufflin*
One Love
I’m watching…
link to
@Paula Rose 12:05
That was brillant, still smiling haven’t got to the others yet.
@Michael McCabe
Really cheered up now. Here comes the Sun always been a favourite of mine no matter who was singing it.
Here’s George Harrison without the Beatles singing it. Does no bad
link to
I guess that’s enough for one night. Loved the Yew Choob Paula as always and the One Gigolo though that’s just Michael taking the piss
Smallaxe wishing you the best and that’s heartfelt, believe me xx
Thepnr Honey Smallaxe is total legend – I’ll tell you tomorrow xx
Modern day one man band link to
OK Ringo was there and Phil Collins and Jeff Lynne and Elton John and Eric Clapton. Guess they must be friends!
Thanks my friend,Goodnight to All you good people.
Paula Rose,behave yourself!
Peace and Love to all of you
Got My Beer in the Sideboard Here. link to
Smallaxe Goodnight to you. and I leave this here for your Viewing later on Today. link to
Michael McCabe:
Some problems sleeping Michael,that made it worth it!
Peace Always
Morning Smallaxe hope you managed to get some sleep!
This is the most off topic question of all.
Where is all the vile independence guys?
I have read that this site, well it’s supposed to be a hotbed of vileness and nastiness! Well is there a secret corridor only for the invited? Because you all appear to be genuinely nice people, caring and compassionate, wanting the best for your fellow mad, really what gives?
To be honest the only independence people I have spoken to recently were a very nice lady, a chap from off the telly, and a ex military Freemason? If fact is that why I can’t find the den of vileness? A secret sign only known to the brotherhood?
Where as on the opposite side, well their vileness they wear as a badge of honour!
Keep that small axe sharp, brother.
link to
Just catching up and saw your comment on the main thread. I’ve been running about like a mad thing the last few days.
My boy went back to uni this morning, the dog is moping and the house is so quiet.
Let’s you and me rock it up a little xx
link to
Andrew McLean @ 9.27
Ok you have busted us…. we’re secretly adorable.
But shhhh
If that ever got out,our Street credibility would be ruined!!!!
We might….Gulp…. even finish up…… Mainstream.
I’ve just discovered those doors you buy in Cornes DIY take three coats of vinyl silk. There are eight doors in Tinto Towers.
This song keeps playing in my noddle:
link to
Only two doors to go.
liz g:
Hi liz,sorry about the delay but I was charging this tablet,
Good afternoon,hope your well.I did get some sleep but it’s rare for me to sleep any more than three hours,thing is I never know when that three hours is going to happen.
Peace Always
Andrew McLean:
Welcome to the dark side,you should come over at Halloween when we all dress up as real people.Terrifying!
Peace Always
Hi Nana:
Fill your home with Love and Music,thats how I cheer myself up

when I’m missing someone.When the dog is finished moping give it some hoovering to do!
Peace,Love and Family xx
Tinto Chiel:
When your finished painting them,listen to them!
The Doors: “Alabama Song”
Peace Always
Hi Smallaxe glad to hear you got a bit of sleep at least.
Don’t forget I am usually around at stupid o’clock in the morning,so if you’re fed up and want to put the word to rights just shout out.
Well not actually shout or you would be in big trouble from Mrs Smallaxe (tell her hi) but you know what I mean.
Hey Smallaxe
Met up with Paula Rose today and now know why you are a legend
I’ve been there. That was 1989 though and you were probably gone by then, had a Sunday Mail tucked under my arm and was totally ignored.
Don’t know if it was me or the Sunday Mail, never hung around to find out LOL.
Call me paranoid but has anyone else typed “Wings Over Scotland” into google recently?
Well, for the last week or so to the right of the links you get a very unflattering picture of the Rev in his youth. Then if you click it, the most unflattering links are offered.
Someone must have paid for this or maybe not, governments probably get to advertise for free. Panic though seems to have set in LOL.
Get the Fire Brigade. Now!
link to
That last song from The Move in 1968 is so bad that it’s GREAT
Sorry Smallaxe link was faulty
I know you have probably heard this a thousand times but you can’t go wrong with a bit of Bob!
link to
Rastafa Aye Man!
If you are the big, big tree
We have a small axe
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
Sharpened to cut you down
If you are the big tree, let me tell you this
We are the small axe
Ready to cut you down (well sharp)
Sharpened to cut you down
If you are the big tree
We are the small axe
Thepnr @ 4.33
Didn’t get anything on my straight search but OMFG
Try googling Wing’s Over Scotland Images.
That’s quite a collage
Wonder if the Rev knows about it
Andrew McLean
You said earlier you thought we were a nasty lot can I ask where were you looking us up?
The bastions of journalism in Scotland, the BBC the Herald, The Scotsman, et all.

Turns out that they were lies,! Who knew!
Wings is read by most journalists in Scotland, it was commonly discussed in the Herald editor’s meetings. Or so one of their editors told me. One of the Newsquest editors actually posts on here. I wonder if I could blackmail him into buying me a pint?
Andrew McLean:
I can never hear that song too often.Smallaxe was the name given to me by the Brethren(Bredren)of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in St.Ann’s parish Jamaica.
Abu Ye! Abu Ye Abu ye! Abu ye
Peace,Love and RASTAFARI
@Andrew McLean
Re your post earlier this morning. I suspect this is where you find the vilest of cybernats only to find that there not so vile after all.
You should go back to page 1 of Off Topic for the really vile stuff
@Liz g
Andrew might have got it from here.
link to
Probably not though as there are more than enough hits on a google search for vile journalits all too happy to tell you about the vilest cybernat of all.
Em Andrew that’s no quite how it works
You need to blackmail him into buying us all a drink.
liz g:
Hi liz,I get great fun watching you and Ruby and the rest of the ladies taking on all comers and beating them,over on the other thread.I wouldn’t dream of depriving myself of that pleasure.
Peace,Love and Lurker’s
To be honest as I posted on another link, “looking a the state of politics in Scotland if you haven’t cussed you haven’t being paying enough attention”. Anyway I was talking about wings, the only use of the C word regularly used on here is compassion, There is no I as in egos Just Inclusion. and as for Yoon, most Yoons use it as a badge of honour. Better that than Nazi, which I most definitely hate, unless they are the stupid Right hand waving footy Yoons, and even these are just idiots.
Thepnr @ 5.15
Good Grief,never thought to look that stuff up before.
Knew they didn’t like Wing’s and didn’t expect them to.
I just thought that it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea because the debate is quite sharp and you need to be able to defend your point of view.
That’s why I liked it but many don’t like to be called out on what they say.
But didn’t really know how negatively this site is portrayed.
Now I’m feeling all Edgey and Radical.
Or else I really am in the Twilight Zone.
Ha… our pleasure Sir!
Unfortunately I had left the West country by that time(just)
but 20yrs earlier, 1969 you would have found me in the Fulham/Earls Court area,two pubs in Old Bromton Rd,”The Bolton’s” and The “Coleherne Hotel”. The newspaper that you would have had to have under your arm,would have been the Gay News,and you may have met Freddy.
Did Paula Rose tell you that!?
Peace,Love and People Puzzles
Thanks for the whisky, Smallaxe, most enjoyable
As the Reverend I M Jolly would say, “Lovely water, this…..”
You know how your mind wanders while you’re painting? Well, I suddenly remembered a political term Unionists used to get really exercised about, particularly Dalyell of The Binns.
Remember The West Lothian Question? Whatever happened to it? I laughed so much I got paint on the tiles.
Oh….I think I’ve just become a vile cybernat.
I was going to link to The End by The Doors but the YouTube clip is so anti-war it’s pretty distressing. You know, a bit like the Highlands in 1746. NOT for the faint of heart, so be warned.
link to
liz g:
The pleasure is all mine dear liz,a few pages back I put one of my rhymes named “Politically correct”.I sent it into a “women only”book of poetry,and they published it!
I truly believe in balance in all things,politics especially,in my opinion women can be better communicators than men in many situations and are essential in public life.
Keep up the good work!
Peace,Love and Political Princesses
Yes Paula did tell me, and the place I was referring to was The Bolton’s in Old Brompton Road LOL.
Let me say that was an eye opener for me at least and probably the reason I was ignored by the barman. I was getting a bit annoyed as to why I was being ignored, after all being a Sunday morning I just wanted to sit down with a pint and read about Saturdays football in my Sunday Mail!
Then, as I stood at the bar and became aware of my surroundings a light bulb went off in my head. Oops! maybe I should find another bar to sit and read the paper LOL.
It really was funny Smallaxe, or at least I laughed as I left.
Tinto Chiel:
Depressing yes but that and more like it should be compulsory
viewing for some people.I can remember going to the movies and coming back out nearly traumatised,the movie was “Soldier Blue”,it somehow reached a deep place inside me.
Weather by bomb, bullet or bayonet,people are being murdered for no other reason than profit,since the sixties,I have been
shot,stabbed and have had countless stitches applied to wounds
in this country,not in some foreign field and I fight and at times write,only for peace.
The only source of evil,on this planet,resides in the minds of evil people.There is no other source.
Sorry to go off on things,my friend,sometimes it’s good to get
some of it out whilst among friends.
I thank you and all the good people on here for putting up with my inane(insane) ramblings,keep the music coming,soul food for all of us.
Peace love and People
Probably the most harrowing anti-war film is the one described here…
link to
I have never forgotten it.
It REALLY is “Misreporting Scotland”…
On two broadcasts of Misreporting Scotland today – 1.30 and evening – in the story about the Forth Road Bridge repair winning the Saltire prize for civil engineering, the burd referred to the Forth as Scotland’s “longest bridge”.
PURE $H!T€!!!
The Forth Road Bridge is 8,241 feet long.
link to
The Tay Rail Bridge is Scotland’s longest, at 10,711 feet.
link to
How do you get a job as a researcher with “so called” BBC Scotland? Eh kid mak stuff up! Did you know that wulks need $h!T€ to survive? That’s why they congregate around sewer pipes – a bit like “so called” BBC Scotland researchers…
End of rant.
If you had crossed the road over to the Coleherne,you would have been able to enjoy Jamaican day,for some reason,unknown to me Sunday was always that day.Then again if you had went on say a Tuesday,you had a good chance of meeting the “Leather Boys”all dressed in their leather gear,some of them even had motorbikes!they were a great crowd,some of them even became famous.
Watch what Paula Rose tells you,some of it may be True!
Peace,Love and Leather
I saw “Soldier Blue” at the Tivoli (Continental Films) in Dundee. Along with “Easy Rider”, “Wonderwall”, “I Am Curious Yellow” and other fullums regarded as “naughty” in the late 60s and early 70s.
A Tivoli story… It was posted in the original DC Thomson “3Js” forum.
Doon the Toon on 10-Jan-01 23:26:31
I think I may have told this story before.
One night in The Tivoli, me and my cousin sitting in the balcony, the whole place silent, everybody engrossed in whatever nonsense was on the screen.
When a clatter was heard from the back stalls, just below and in front of us.
Four young ladies were sitting a couple of rows from the back of the stalls, sharing a box of chocolates. Unfortunately, they had elected to buy the most embarrassing brand of chocolates – embarrassing when you drop them, anyway.
Yup – one of them had failed to keep a tight hold on the box of Maltesers, with the subsequent reaffirmation of Newton’s theories on the effects of gravitational pull.
The clatter was followed by the collective racket of the contents of an almost full box of Maltesers racing excitedly down the slope to the front of the auditorium.
Nobody uttered a sound.
Eventually, we were left with the sound of the very last Malteser, struggling to reach the others.
There was about three seconds silence, then the whole audience burst out laughing.
I’ll certainly never forget it!
“Then again if you had went on say a Tuesday,you had a good chance of meeting the “Leather Boys”
The “Leather Boys” were there that Sunday, that’s why I didn’t get served!
Ah the auld Tiv, will never forget watching Confessions of a Window Cleaner there
I had a lovely day roaming around the estate of Thepnr, right at the end as I was leaving he showed me his lovely tool which I kid you not takes two hands to hold – next time he’s promised to give me a demonstration of his prowess with it.
@Paula Rose
Mrs Pnr has said your absolutely terrible and she will have you guts for garters next time she sees you.
The tool Paula talks of was an Adze, it was a tool of my trade more or less redundant now in Scotland. Like Noah I was a shipwright and like Noah am now defunct as are all shipwrights.
We have Maggie to thank for that.
Hi Thepnr.
You have just activated my research gland, with your mention of “Confessions Of A Window Cleaner”. So, some factoids for you to regurgitate at those select, intimate supper parties you regularly attend.
In the Confessions series, Robin Askwith played the hero. I believe he went on to be in Corrie a few years ago. Might have been Emmerdale…
Anthony Booth played his elder brother in the series. He was the son-in-law in “Till Death Us Do Part”. His daughter, Cherie, married Tony Blair.
In “Confessions of a Driving Instructor”, Lynda Bellingham, who went on to be the “Bisto Mum” and one of the “Loose Women”, got her breasts out for the boys.
There was another film series came in on the coat-tails of the “Confessions” series. That was “The Adventures of…” series, for example, “Adventures of a Plumber’s Mate”. In this series, Christopher Neil played the Robin Askwith part as hero.
“His film roles included The Sex Thief (1973), Eskimo Nell (1975) and Three for All (1975), and in 1976 he starred in the British TV series Rock Follies.
In 1977 and 1978 he starred in two of the three ‘Adventures of…’ British sex comedy films: Adventures of a Private Eye and the final film in the trilogy, Adventures of a Plumber’s Mate. In addition to taking the lead role, Neil wrote and sang the theme songs to the two films.”
He went on to be a fairly successful music producer…
“He has produced records for Celine Dion, Jennifer Rush, A-HA, Cher, Rod Stewart, Paul Young, Gerry Rafferty, Mike + the Mechanics, Marillion, The Moody Blues, Shakin’ Stevens, Bonnie Tyler, Paul Carrack, Amazulu, Morten Harket, Leo Sayer, Dollar, Toyah Willcox, Jose Carreras, Edyta Gorniak and Sheena Easton… ”
The quotes above are from:-
link to
I seem to remember that he produced “Modern Girl” and “Nine To Five” for Sheena Easton.
OH – and Dundee’s favourite MILF (before Lorraine Kelly), Jill Gascoine, was not shy in coming forward in “Confessions of a Pop Performer”.
Enough to be going on with?
BDTT I do the smut archives around here Dear.
Know we know each other pnr,I worked on the steel for the QE2,
Jack Collatin’s dad helped to build the Queen Mary we are all just old shipmates.
Fck Thatcher and all who sallied with her!
Peace and Love Always to you and Mrs pnr
Brian Doonthetoon:
I was so pleased when you said all that info came from Wiki,l was beginning to worry about you.
Are you like me? I’ve had to leave places where something funny happens,I can still be burstin’ intake fits of giggling
in other places, where people huvnae a clue whit ahm giggling aboot.
Or is that just me right enough?
Peace Always
Paula Rose:
I think I know that movie,would I be right if I said that the nurse and the man have a sort of”relationship”.
If so I remember the tenderness of a lot of scenes and the absolute feeling of helplessness,despair and gratitude of the young man.
Peace,Love and Picture halls
She realises that he is in there and she is the only one who knows – at which point the poignancy is heartbreaking.
Hi Smallaxe.
Most of it was in my memory box but I used Wikipedia and the Internet Movie Database to confirm my memories.
link to
BTW: I mentioned “I Am Curious Yellow”, a Swedish film up above. Another Swedish film from the same period was “Sweden: Heaven and Hell”.
The FAMOUS song which came from that film was this:-
link to
I will now retire and look forward to enjoying my beef bourgonyon (SP?) with tatties and green beans.
The bloody QE2 was getting built right outside my close in Govan.
Copeland Road Primary school. I remember the “naming competition” for the ship we could see rising above OUR tenements.
No one in the school chose the winning name LOL. Fuck the lot of them.
Yes! it’s the same film,I can remember having to blink a lot during it.A brave movie for its close up of the tragedy of war and the naked humanity of the nurse.
Thanks for reminding me of that film.
Peace Always
What! You sat through all them? They weren’t that good
Have I mentioned to you at any time that I was born in Kintra St?
Peace Always
One last comment…
I see, from tonight’s footie result, that Dundee FC are obviously not happy with The Arabs being the toon’s diddy team and are doing all they can to take the title from them…
Just lurking, trying to get my blood pressure down after the comments regarding common space and billboards. I only dropped in after visiting time to change the landscape in my mind.
Andrew Honey…
link to
“No one in the school chose the winning name LOL”
Was one of them ‘Royalty McRoyalface’?
Brian Doonthetoon:
Enjoy your dinner,thats one of the few songs to which I know all the words.
Hi Chic
Not that I remember, guess what though I did go to the same school and at exactly the same time in Edinburgh with John McTernan
It’s a long story as to why I went to so many different schools, we moved a lot.
Oxgangs, Edinburgh 1970/71 we were in the same school, if only, if only I had known him then. Maybe i could have saved him from his plight? Who knows, feck him anyway. This is our room.
By the way since this is a place to chill out and play some music, this was number one at the time. I don’t remember seeing it played here before but I’ll bet yeah everybody loves it.
link to
That song was Oct 1971 by Nov 1971 I had moved to Dundee. I remember it well me and my brother were in Deanbank Childrens home.
Old man turns up and “right you two we’re going to Dundee.” Best thing that ever happened to me
My poor brother passed away in 2015, this was one of his favourite songs and I miss him.
link to
Thepnr Honey I am so pleased that I saw the true colours of your lovely brother – my dear friend I send you lots of hugs.
No songs – just lots of love my dear friend.
I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your brother,I have a brother 15yrs younger than myself.I can not imagine how much it must pain you.
Peace and Love to All
my heart is in my words
Well what have I done…
link to
Thanks Paula and Thanks Smallaxe
I do love you lot you know. All of you.
This is a wee tune I just know you will love.
Why? because I love it too. LOL
link to
This is deliberate mind, read every word, just want to make sure that I brainwash you. Now you know. No point moaning later.
Love is Inclusion.
Peace Always
Goodnight my friends xx
*sighs – pulls out sewing kit (knew it would come in handy)*
Listened,read and understood my friend
Peace Always
If you don’t watch that until the very end then your a tosser.
Sorry folks, it’s just you know, feelings and crap. Anyway this is a good un from Ian B back a while. Still like it mesel.
link to
Old Man Time link to
I’m going to follow Michael and leave this here. It was chosen by his partner for the funeral of my oldest friend who took his own life over three years ago. He still comes into my mind almost every day.
His dad used to sing this to him when he was wee. Childhood friends are especially sorely missed.
link to
I phoned my brother and sister this morning,just to tell them that I loved them.I thank you for trusting us with your feelings,I consider it a privilege to call you Friend.
Peace Always
Don’t be sorry for remembering your brother to us,I think it’s an honour that you felt you could.
Grief is a funny thing it creeps in when you least expect it.
While others have lost as I’m sure you know.
He was yours and you loved him so.X
Michael McCabe:
Late to the party last night Michael!
The music that you picked,was Ethereal,thank you.
Peace Always
Good morning,liz,Tinto and everyone.
I think most of you will agree that this side of WOS is as important as the political side,opinions are fine,but getting to know people,to laugh with them and also share in their dark
moments is really what an inclusive caring Scotland is all about.
Peace and Love to All
Hi Smallaxe
Could not agree more my friend.
Take care of you…. love to Mrs Smallaxe X
Hi liz,I’ve been enjoying your conversations with Mr Peffers.
Good stuff!I will pass your good wishes on to SWMBO.
Peace Always
Hi hun
Em…dare I ask…..SWMBO?????
Remember I’ve led a sheltered life.( well that’s ma story and am stickin tae it )
She Who Must Be better half, Mrs Smallaxe.
Peace Always
Hey, Smallaxe, you got a SWMBO too? Thought it was just me.
I thought I’d put this on here for the sophisticates, intellectuals and chantie-wrastlers on here. As some will know, Martyn Bennett was a brilliantly gifted young man who died tragically young. He took old songs and completely recast them for our time. This is an old travellers’ song given the big treatment. It has some heavenly chords and on cd the base line really shakes the house. The sound on the clip is so compressed you can barely hear it, though, chiz chiz.
link to
Tinto Chiel:
I’ve just listened to that track through my own speakers,man,that got my blood moving,it hit me right where I live.Will check out some more of his music tonight. Thanks for that,much appreciated my friend.
Peace Always
Nae probs, Smallaxe. I would never have bought this myself but an old pal gave me the cd when I retired. I put it on when wallpaper stripping, kept getting caught up the steps, played it seven times in one day, and became a Bennettite.
Lots to experience there.
Btw, SWMBO has just passed my paintwork on the doors. Phew!
I’m free! Free, I tell ye!
@ Tinto Chiel This Song is for you. link to
Michael, thanks for that. Those girls sure dance better than me, especially since my loon pants no longer fit.
Update: Mrs TC looking at new kitchen doors in the Homebase catalogue.
The shades of the prison house are closing in again, I think.
A wee tune for you this time.
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Tinto Chiel:
Think yourself lucky,we live near the Gretna Gateway outlet centre,my wife swears blind that she’s saving me money every time she goes.She goes often!!!
I’m coming out of retirement to be a busker,buddy can you spare a dime?
Peace,Love and Pennies in my bunnet
That last post was for Michael McCabe. Wings greatest ever DJ
Michael’s been to the same Crossroad as Robert Johnson
Peace Always
Cheers Thepnr I JUST BANGED MY HEAD THERE. Trying to get out the front door. For you. link to
Right, I need you guys round at Tinto Towers pronto.
Smallaxe, bring yon slide guitar. Thepnr: spirit level and hand plane, please.
I’ll supply rolls and Lorne sausage and Tassimo coffee. Will do general labouring, mixing of mortar, etc.
Fanx, and oblige TC…..
Sokay, Thepnr: you’re off the hook. Didn’t realise you were talking to MMcC.
Looks like it’s just you and me, Smallaxe. Do you have a pinch bar?
Smallaxe you mentioned Crossroads. here you go. link to
Sorry there Smallaxe Here is one of my favourites from the Film Crossroads. link to
@Tinto Chiel
I haven’t forgot you. Michaels video of Rod Stewart reminded me of a Paula Rose tune she put up way back. I thought you might appreciate it.
link to
That was a good party the other night was it no. Shame about the mess
I don’t have a bar,but I’ll pinch one,or there is always the Twa Corbie’s pub in Cumbernauld.Thats a Crow bar.
Michael,that was cruel,I’ve been worrying about Glenda for years,she just walked out of that motel and was never seen again.You’ve twisted ma melon!
Not bothered Thepnr Honey have spent the money raised at the Wings stall in Edinburgh last Saturday on a squad of these…
link to
Footage of wingers in Off-topic dancing…
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You lot will have to cut down on the drink, the longer the party went on the more blurred you’s got.
Blues harp Michael,your forgiven.
Peace Always
Thepnr: haven’t seen that before. L&H always make me laugh. Simple humour for a simpleton like me, perhaps. The old Stepek shop in Hamilton was originally a small theatre and Stan played there before going to the States, it is said.
And that was a great party, but once again I must outline some problems at PR’s Emporium of Fun: 1) Lock jammed again in bog 2) Bloody palms everywhere 3) fruit salad wrappers in the ash trays.
Could someone have a word with YKW? NMMs! Sheesh!
Smallaxe: your jokes are getting worse! Thing is, I like them…..
Somebody’s got to tell the bad jokes,good one’s are easy!
Peace Always
@Tinto Chiel
Talking of locks, this is a true story right. All set for catching the train to Aberdeen to go offshore. Me and the missus in the pub just over the road.
This is the bit you don’t really want to know. Well I had to use the cubicle in the pub for you know what. The lock was a fancy thing not a simple snib or handle.
I turned the lock and then I couldn’t open it again. I was trapped, locked in LOL. So I waited, someone would rescue me, surely my wife knew I wa missing. I waited and waited eventually a guy came to the toilet, I told him my predicament, he would not believe me.
Thought I had been locked in there on purpose. I got out though after about an hour and caught the train.
Moral is if you find yourself locked in a toilet don’t expect any help, not even from your wife
@Paula Rose
That Adams family link was simply superb. Thing changing the record Hahahaha. Will never forget that.
Thepnr: that’s a tale of woe not even my Three-In-One could sort. Keeping an eye on Mrs TC while I lay the laminate flooring in the wee room. No locks coming on the scene, I think
As regards expenditure on male maids by YKW, I feel yon Ian B could exercise some influence. I know he’s been fighting the Good Fight on the billboard front but PR Gaff management is an important issue, IMHO.
Otherwise, we need the soft skills of Alan Partridge to sort it all out.
I fought a monkey at Blair Drummond safari park!
Peace Always
I near pissed myself at that thought. Fucking brilliant. I better go lie down, still can’t stop laughing. Monkeys are getting it LOL hahahha
I had just came back from occupying Centre point high rise in London,we were trying to get it opened up for the homeless.
It was 1974 and I had came back to Glasgow for a rest,my younger brother wanted a day out at the safari park,so I decided to take him.
Anyway we had been enjoying the animals there,then we came to the monkey enclosure,they were climbing all over the car and my brother was delighted.I decided to roll the window down on my side,just two inches and I was feeding them crisps.Suddenly
all the small monkeys ran away as this larger,much larger beast appeared,it jumped up on to the window and put it’s hand in for a crisp.
It was a very polite monkey,I held on to the crisp and it didn’t pull it out of my hand,it waited until I let go.
I rolled the window down a bit further and carried on feeding the big friendly monkey.
Finished up with the window fully down and the monkey sat patiently waiting for me to hand it another crisp.Then my brother said”can I have a crisp””sure says I”and turned to hand him a crisp.Big Mistake!
The fkn monkey went apeshit and screamed and dived in to the car at my brother.It was one of those times when everything seems to go in slow motion.The thing had three inch long teeth
and I got a good look at them when I grabbed it by the neck and slammed it into the steering wheel,setting off the horn,my brother was screaming,the monkey was screaming so loud that I could hardly hear myself screaming,so I started punching the monkey in the face.
When your holding a monkey by the throat,and punching it the face,you find out very quickly that monkeys have four hands.
It tore the front of my shirt to ribbons,then had a go at simultaneously disemboweling me and tearing off my nipples.
To cut a long story short,I eventually managed to throw it back out of the window on to the grass,it walked away staggering slightly,my brother started laughing hysterically at me and said”your supposed to beat your chest now and do a Tarzan yell”I nearly punched him for that remark.
I now was covered in deep bleeding scratches and no front on my shirt,I had to put my shirt on backwards to hide the mess that I was in so that we could get out of the park without any of the park wardens asking wtf!
A great day out for all the family.
Peace Always
Thank you for that detailed explanation hahahhahahaha. Oh meh sides best story I’ve read on Off Topic ever.
I’ve got your back next time some monkey comes looking for you. Mean that.
WTF. You think you know what’s going on, there’s a journo who’s obviously a unionist and then this: “Since the election, she has also been unafraid to challenge the UK Tory line on controversies such as the treatment of EU migrants and allowing a second independence referendum. ”
What? Whit? Wot? Who? Whither? Now she’s caught in a trap.
Is he an SNP agent?
I’m very confused.
I think this is Ruth’s song as she stares at the award and the citation on it.
link to
Cheers for that. I’m a right suspicious bugger so a am.
Coming soon,the tale of the tartan gerbils.
Man burst’s into flames at the bus stop.
Tickets only.
Peace Always
Goodnight my friends
Finally a new take on an old Paula Rose one.
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I’ve enjoyed the posts tonight, many made me laugh. Laugh a lot.
Another song I played before but appropriate I think before I hit the sack.
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Bloomin Heather, link to
Blimey between Tinto’s paint fumes, Pnr’s toilet woes and your monkey escapade I need to go lie down in Paula’s palm house. Will advise her to throw out the banana plant, we don’t want primates running aboot the hoose.
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Hope you are having good days? xx
Sorry for the late reply to your post,yes we had a good session on here last night and early this morning.I’m doing OK Nana,thanks for asking,I have another appointment with my oncologist on Tuesday,I’ll find out then how my blood is.
Considering that they told me in December 2014 that I had less
than 6 months to live I am doing great,no use sitting moping.
All of the others on O/T are as daft as myself,but they are a great bunch of nutters with good music and stories as you know.Your 8:21? posts on the main thread make some chilling reading,a few jail terms are badly needed,these people are monsters.
I hope that your own hospital visit went well and that you are getting as good treatment as I receive,I was angered yesterday at FMQs by the idiots decrying our SNHS,I’m certain that I could not pay for better.Stay well and keep your links coming they are invaluable.
Peace,Love and Happiness to you,your husband and your wee dog.
Billy xx
Here’s one for all you pussy and doggie lovers…
Ooh well, stretching it a bit, but this a song for the Unionist agitators as they gaze lovingly at their pictures of Theresa May and Ruth Davidson
link to
That monkey story was one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. Thanks an aw’at.
Hope your having a good day.
Smallaxe this one is for you and only you. link to
Chic McGregor:
Thanks Chic,even I can laugh at that now.Believe me I wasn’t laughing at the time.Glad you enjoyed reading it.

Peace Always
Michael McCabe:
Michael,I may be repeating myself,but if I had to pick a favourite type of music,it would have to be Blues,from Robert Johnson to Rory Gallagher,Mississippi Delta to Messy Bessy Smith.I love it all.Thank you.
Peace,Love and”Politician”…Jack Bruce&Rory Gallagher?
Good evening, aesthetes.
If you haven’t heard of Mae McKenna, listen to her singing on Burns’ “Lord Gregory/ O Mirk…”
A great performance, IMO.
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Tinto Chiel:
Good evening Tinto,thats a haunting piece of music,I love the tone from the flute/pipe/whistle?
That’s one for my relaxation playlist. Thanks
Peace Always
Laughing at the monkey story – brilliant – and at Thepnr’s infectious laugh! So, because there’s a mention of a monkey in the song
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Long week, have barely had time to scratch me own arse, but have been reading here, keeping-up.
Great variety of music and anecdotes. This place is a proper wee haven, and a tonic.
More power to ye’s aw, and have a braw week-end!
Quentin Quale:
Welcome Quentin,please excuse my attire,I don’t normally dress
as Aladdin but it’s nearly Halloween and I’m trying on some of my outfits.Thanks for the million dollar monkey,unfortunatly the one I got was anybody’s for a crisp.:-)
Stick around,Paula Rose will make sure that you are given canapés and cocktails.
These curly shoes are killing me!
Peace Always
Smallaxe: yes, it’s a whistle played by Marc Duff. I love Mae’s tone and articulation for the wronged woman.
At the other end of the Burns scale is Rod Paterson singing “Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast”, a capella and fearfully exposed but still triumphant. Can’t find it on YouTube, I’m a’feared. It’s on his “Songs from The Bottom Drawer” cd.
Welcome back, Ian B. I noticed you were quiet but surmised some Uni assignment
All I can say is “Billboards, Ya Bass…….”
Ian Brotherhood:
Hi Brother,have you had a busy week,good to know that your here,been wondering where you’ve been,hope your staying with us for a while,I don’t know where Paula Rose is so you will have to help yourself to a drink.See you later,my toe’s have went curly!
Peace Always
Tinto Chiel:
I thought it was a whistle,it’s got that woody sound,as I said,another one for my relaxation playlist,Beautifully sung as you say.
Peace Always
@TC & Smallaxe –
Cheers compadres, ’tis good to get the proverbials up, neck some shooggery watter and ponder imponderables without a deadline hovering o’er one’s napper.
Smallaxe, man, have you inadvertently absorbed some Dugdale speeches? That would account for the curly digits…
I’m away to find a tune to post. Something funky!
Where is everybody?
Tonight I am mixing Tinto Chiel’s Blue Train (gin, Cointreau, crushed ice, lemon, blue colouring).
Orange juice available for the liverish.
Zut alors! That palm’s got spiky leaves! Qu’est-ce qui se passe ici? as we sometimes say in Auld Cadzow.
I always wondered what Bearsden was like. Now I know. link to
Tinto,tonight I’m mixing,cider,whisky and Eldorado.Electric soup!
Seriously though,you should see the state of my feet after wearing they Aladdin shoes.I would be guaranteed a medal in the winter Olympics,at the ski jump in my bare feet!
Peace Always
Hey, Ian, where’s your funk?
Try this:
link to
Smallaxe: that’s some tincture. Might be too electric even for the lovely PR *stares into middle distance, transfixed*
Watch those metatarsals, mon vieux. Once gone, they’re gone for ever!
I ‘won’ Graham Central Station’s ‘The Jam’ album in a duck-shoot at the Kelvin Hall ‘Carnival’, must’ve been early-80’s. The cover art looked dodgy, so when we got back home my cousin used it to show-off his new airgun and blew it to smithereens. We hadn’t even tried playing it.
Must’ve been, ooh, thirty years later, remembered that album, looked it up, then got to enjoy other Larry Graham stuff, all thanks to Youtube.
Graham Central Station, ‘Release Yourself’ –
link to
Wow, Ian, those dudes are funky as Freuchie. Amazing lapels too.
I am David Dynamite……
@Smallaxe –
Your mention of ‘Electric Soup’ reminded me of this, and managed to find it quite quickly. Haven’t clapped eyes on this for a long long time, and these versions are new to me – ‘The Greens’. Fantastic stuff…hope you can view it okay, mibbe needs a wee bit enlargement.
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Ian,it’s difficult to read but I got the gist of it,thats what
Electric Soup does to you.I’ve been in a couple of Shebeens,in
the Gallowgate in Glasgow and if anybody ordered it,I made for the door.That stuff turned people into Zombies with a bad temper.
Peace Always
Tried on my Snowman outfit for Halloween,but the scarf is too tight,pity.
Peace Always
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Yo, Dre was panasonic, what’s up now!
Peace Always
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These were just on Jules, don’t know if I’ve just discovered them or rediscovered, mellow but edgy
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Love this track. that’s why I am playing it again. link to
@Michael McC –
You just got to love Cajun:-)
Peace Always
YOu know what it’s like, a guitar chord, a sound, a phrase, a mood even, and you’re going mad, who what, when even, I can’t think, so you roll a fag, go outside and look at the stars, see the trees – the trees, you’ve found the cure
link to
Jools! Ah well.
Some people call me the space cowboy,
Some call me the gangster of love
Peace Always
I overturned a tractor,while I was lassoing a runaway pig!
Goodnight Good People
Peace and Love to All
I Will Bide you all a Good Night and leave you with this Classy Tune. link to
Could you’d do the Brexit conga to this?
Jim Murple Memorial – Qui que l’on soit
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Still doubt the influence of colonial imperialism? However counter-intuitive is sounds, it has produced the odd gem. Meet Swami Vivekananda.
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Neo-Vedanta is another product of colonial imperialism. Why, as a non-religious person, am I talking about neo-Hinduism on a politics blog? Seen as a societal response to British colonialism and orientalism, it priovided….
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Em…A space cowboy with curly toes who speaks Japanese and can handle himself with monkeys
We are going to need a photo of that,my imagination doesn’t do it justice.
Why have you never made a movie?
liz g:
A movie liz,I would get the jail if I made a movie of my life.
I think we will just keep it here,between friends,where I’m safe,I hope!
I’ve lived quite a strange life,for a guy from the “Tenements”of Glasgow.I have met members of the royal family and I have slept rough in some English city’s.
I have stood with “friends”,rock stars some of them,held hands and sung “The Red Flag”with them,only to see some of them in
later years doing gigs in support of fox hunting!ffs.Thats why as I have already said,I have few close friends by choice.I write here on O/T knowing that people here,for the most part,dont judge me and I rarely post now on the main thread.
My biggest fear on the main thread,is that someone(keyboard warrior) will eventually break my temper and I retaliate and get myself banned from I watch,but say little on that side.
Space cowboy: just lyrics from a song.
Japanese:I am trained in Shukokai karate.(also Krav Maga)
Curly toes: from my Aladdin shoes.
Good looks(which you failed to mention) from my dear Mother.
I have been a poacher,deer,deer,deer and thank you,to the Duke of Buccleuch.From our beautiful rivers,I have taken salmon.I can catch a pheasant with a few leaves and pine tree sap.Excepting vermin,I have never purposely killed an animal that I or others have not eaten.
I could go on dear liz,but I won’t as I bet your sorry that you asked by now.
Most of the above,was before I reached 21yrs old,maybe when I’m gone from this life a movie could be made,by then I may be living another life,ha,haa,
Peace,Love and Living Life
Not sorry at all…fascinated and a wee bit heart sorry at the same time.
It must be tough to see people you thought had honour turn out to be so shallow.
Anyhoo speaking of shallow, about this movie can I be in it and will ye make me gorgeous?????
liz g:
What do you mean,can you be in it?you already are in it,just talking to me gets you a part,and of course you’ll be gorgeous,are’nt we all?
Peace Always
Everyone is in
Everyone is Gorgeous
You take a flippant remark an make it profound..
How do you do that man…
Sounds like a grand tale right enough and worth a movie script.
On the posting bit? You and me both.
I tend to read a lot more than comment these days.
liz g:
How do I do that! liz the answer to that is in all of my posts.
Peace,Love and Inclusion
I’m pleased that you agree with me regarding posting,some I find very interesting,others are just vexatious to the spirit.
I have more tales to tell and tell them I will
They all come free
I’ve paid the bill!
Peace Always my friend
Smallaxe.. now you do sound like Freddie Mercury.
But can I just say.
To you and to Macart
Believe it or not,I like to just read what everyone is saying.
I get very anxious if I am involved in a conversation on the main thread because I know that I am not very well informed,other than the information I found for myself and being willing to speak up.
I don’t like anyone trying to make a fool of Robert Peffers so while he can absolutely hold his ground I think it is important to say he is correct about the things he says.
I think this site is important and when I see it going quiet,or ( no going to argue it ) mostly the men talkin I try to make an effort.
I don’t have much to offer cause I am not very tech savvy,so just a bit of debate or opinion.
I guess what I’m trying to say is…. please don’t inhibit your contribution from the main thread.
You may have your reasons..but it’s leaving it a bit lesser than it could be.
It’s important and it really matters,so can you not see your way clear to bring whatever you can to the debate?
Smallaxe I can get what you say about letting rip.
And you may not need this shit in your life,but if you can will ye no mind….
…there are some of us (well me really…. who really is a half educated Scot) who could be doing with a bit of a hand.
Sometimes I get fed up explanin things,as well,and also trying to work out if someone is really just… At It…but whit else can we do??
@Liz G
RE: Well informed
No such qualification required Liz, though it can be of help.
There are folk who are well versed in particular subjects for sure. Historians, economists, engineers, business folk and such. There’s even the odd maths wiz and a crossword demon.
The best qualification you need to offer opinion or insight is your life experience, your passion, your empathy and your honesty.
A qualification from life’s college or the school of hard knocks is every bit as valuable as a degree from St Andrews any day of the week.
Macart @ 7.30
Thank you it’s just that I don’t want to give the impression that I know more than I do.
So when the debate heat’s up… they say every little helps.
So please don’t stay out of it!
Even if… especially if I am wrong.
I hope folk don’t think I was trying to make a fool of Robert, with the wee “innit” I taged on to Roberts closing statement (regarding the ‘United Kingdom’ and there only being one kingdome in it, if Scotland chose independence). I just thought it was funny. I also thought it highlighted the degree to which contemporary English culture has dominated the British consciousness and hence our perception.
No malice intended Robert.
Subsequently, not hence.
Film ideas. Re-make of “The Aviator”, with the baaaad Blair McD as Howard Hughes. It works for one of the breakdown scenes anyway. Subsequently, subsequently, subsequently, subsequently …..
Cameron B Brodie @ 8.14
I absolutely do not think that you were ridiculing Robert Peffers.
I hope I can tell the difference between a humerus remark and a disrespectful one.
As I am sure can Robert.
Also having met you I do not get the impression that you are anything other than a decent and genuine young man.
As I have said before I am ok with words but not so much with the punctuation that gives my words tone.
I tend therefore to give everyone the benift of the doubt and read posts with a smile unless it’s obvious that the intent is not pleasant.
I mainly don’t like the way Rock speaks to Robert.
He could say what he has to better,if he wanted to,he clearly has the vocabulary.
I don’t actually know if baaaad Blair McD has made reference to “subsequently”, though I thought it would be interesting to hear what his perspective is now. Still Better Together?
Phew. I didn’t think you’d have thunked I was, but you never now. Paranoid, me?
Cameron B Brodie @ 8.43
Decent genuine young man and a bit of a cheeky bugger.
Back to basics:
link to
Re. my on-going geek-out. I’m certainly not claiming comprehensive knowledge but I’ve got a degree in this stuff folks. I suppose I’ve been building to this point for most of my adult life. I found myself a bit unprepared for indyref1, as I hadn’t ever thought I’d be doing this. Communicating across new media. The information environment wasn’t right either but I hope some of the ideas I’m putting forwards will encourage folk to think about how they perceive and rationalise the world around them.
That’s the sort of journey ahead of JK’s new
poodleobject of patronage. Think he’s up to it?Liz-g
Glad we’re all getting to know one another.
Nostalgia, anyone?
link to
@ Tinto Chiel I think this is a good one to follow yours. link to
And almost up to date with a real original:
link to
Night all. The sun goes down early Where I AM.
The Poppy Polis are out again. It’s that time of year. I’m 47 and since the age of 4 I’ve bought and worn the red poppy. Latterly with pride, more recent years with growing unease.
Unease at a media determined to glorify and romanticise the pointless slaughter of WW1. Perhaps they think its far enough away in living memory, no one will challenge it. Well my granny remembered losing her cousin, and she told me! I won’t be forgetting.
And for what? So the already rich could get even richer.
A media extensively owned by tax dodging, non dom, billionaires, telling us how and when to be patriotic. Wheeling out the Royal Family with stories of WW2, and neglecting to mention their private habits of Nazi Salutes in the Garden, attending German Nazi run schools and having SS Brother-In-Laws, when even then, the evidence was blatant, Hitler and the Nazis were bad news.
The same sour faced Royals that grudged paying taxes, and now have the accounts made secret, so you’ll never know if they’re dodging them again. Aye, there’s many ways to be patriotic, but contributing to society with your taxes is no for awbidy.
And recent years, illegal wars for oil. Oh they say its for other reasons, humane reasons. Aye right, like non existent WMD, dodgy dossiers, fighting ISIS one day and funding them the next.
Bastards, its all about the oil, and its all about the already rich getting even richer.
And the price paid, paid in the bodies of bairns and poor bloody squaddies yet again.
And the long haired media ‘history’ man, what he’ll not tell you… The death rates for the Scottish Battalions in WW1 – 26%. 13% for rUK. They keep that little nugget well hidden.
And you’ll not hear about the in-between war, when the survivors of WW1, stood up to Franco. Stood up for the people who voted in majority for democracy in Spain. Got themselves out there, got themselves funded. And the writing on the wall from the Labour Party then, as now. Not an official Labour spine in sight. The people did it. in spite of them, not with their assistance.
And The King kept shtoom. Nae much fae the Kirk ’n’ Chapel either. But they’ll be wearing the blood red Poppy on Sunday, of that you can be sure. One has to be seen to be respectful, for the ‘right sort’ of wars.
So the blood red Poppies are out again. I heard it said, or read it somewhere, now its produced by BAE. A Weapons Manufacturer. Dear God. Beyond irony, beyond satire.
So, this year, I’ll be supporting the troops, as I always have, but I’ll be leaving off the Poppies and supporting the Peace.
Trying in a small way, to get some little pieces of information out there. And while I think of the fallen troops and their bravery, equally my thoughts will be for the Conscientious Objectors and the courage they showed.
This year I’ll be wearing a White Feather, and if asked, I’ll be saying,
“At the going down of the Sun, and with our Votes, we remember.”
And in a gentle way, in a democratic way, we can change this world… I anticipate trouble.
Tinto Chiel
I’m not feeling particularly inspire tonight, so I’ll just lurk. I’ll leave you some popcorn though.
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Sorry Sweden.
@ Daisy Walker. Well Said
Meaning can be hard to convey. I mentioned my degree so that folk know I’m trying to share ‘specialist’ knowledge, not general knowledge. Absolutely no one should feel they are in any way lacking for not being ‘up-to-speed’. Hope I haven’t put any noses out.
Daisy Walker: well said. You should repost it on the main thread. I loathe poppy fascism. Many of those who died in WWI didn’t even have the vote owing to the property qualification, in effect a bar on the working-class.
I now wear an enamel poppy with a saltire with a bit less unease and I buy a poppy cross for the local Garden of Remembrance for those who died for deluded and dysfunctional Royal houses of Europe. WW2 was a different war but if Chamberlain had done the right thing it need never have happened.
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liz g:
liz,please do not say or think that you are “a half educated Scot” you are so much more.
“You are a child of the Universe
No less than the trees
And the Stars
You have a right
To be here”
I am like you liz,I have only a secondary school education.I have since read all the books that I was told,by people far more educated than myself,some I liked,some I loathed and some with so many words that I did not understand.I needed a dictionary by my side so often.I thought that “Ulysses”by James Joyce,was a Greek tragedy,I read about a man turning into an insect,another about an old man trying to bring home a big fish from the sea.Tolstoy,Ghandi,Solshenitsen.On,on,on.
I eventually came to the conclusion,my life was about me and the the more that I read about other people,the less I knew about me.I realised that I learned a lot more about life by living life.I have been dead.Twice.
When I say dead,I mean dead.I had a pulmonary embolism some years ago,it stopped my heart for a long time,I was at home when it happened the first time,my wife panicked,she did not know what to do,so in her panic she phoned her mother,her mother phoned for an ambulance,meanwhile I lay on my living room floor,dead.
My wife sat crying,at my side waiting,just waiting.Then like the Glasgow girl that she is,she got angry,at ME.She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook the life into me,cursing and calling me every name that she knew for leaving her alone with our daughter,she saved my life.My heart stopped again,just as they were wheeling me into G.R.Infirmary,it was 12 minutes until they got a crash cart to me and brought me back again.
I’m telling you this liz,dear friend,and others who may take the time to read it because you have a right to know.I survived twice but I was damaged,I have the memory of a geriatric goldfish,everything before my “death”is perfect but I sometimes don’t know what day it is,names and faces can be lost on me,I can have gaps when I can “lose” weeks of what has been going on.
Please do not respond to this with sympathy,I don’t want or need it.I’m a happy lucky man,I have my family, and my few close friends, and I also have you and all the other good people here on O/T.
You say that you are not very tech savvy,liz,look and see what I did today on the main thread.Thats rhetorical by the way,I know that you already have.I will keep watching the other thread,I will post occasionally,when I’m sure that I’m sure,if you know what I mean.
Meanwhile I will carry on doing what I have always done,donating what I can,to where I think it will do most good and with others like me,doing everything we can to fck up some people’s plans.I said recently to Thepnr not to worry about people reading his mail,THEY have more photos of me than my mother had.THEY have fractured my skull,one of THEM on a horse broke bones in my back,and THEIR little yoons have had a few goes at me.
I’m still here and I will fight on as always.
Now! someone play some music,I was going to write about lassoing a pig tonight.
Peace Always to All
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin….
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As a lover of Sicily and its people, I also recommend this, if you have the time. You can get the lyrics in the comments:
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Hey, Smallaxe, you’re the sharpest blade in town in my book. What are we when we stop feeling?
And now, off to bed, really……
I thought this was Jimmy Stewart!..
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Thanks Michael,
I’ve been thinking it and feeling it for a few years now.
Didn’t want to cause offence in 2014. But do you know what, Who are these supposed gatekeepers of good taste and sensibility. More and more I think they’re just bloody tories (in the shit sense of the word tory and not the good one, of which there are some) trying to shut down all and any arguments, or being used for that reason.
Such atrocities and we’ve all to be fucking polite and avert our gaze. When we should be screaming it from the rooftops. Absolutely wailing. In fact that must be why wailing was invented, so that no-one could politely walk on by and pretend nothing was amiss.
Hey ho. We do what we can, when we can, as best we can.
Best wishes and billboards to all:)
Tinto Chiel,
thanks too for the kind comments and Dick Gaughan, one of the best.
night all.
@Smallaxe –
Thanks for the brilliant posts mister, ye’re a pure inspiration so ye are.
You seem to have such broad tastes music-wise, I’ve no idea if you’ll play this, but here we go…
Rory Gallagher, ‘Bullfrog Blues’-
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Daisy Walker:
May I have the next dance?,we seem already in step with each other.
Peace,Love and Pissed off Ladies
Ian Brotherhood:
Thanks Ian,from the “live in Europe” album,Rory is one of my heroes,he never sold out!
Peace Always
I know I said I just lurk but find I need help to ease the unease caused by my ignorance of the French language. I never managed to get a hold of it a school so had to rely on gogol translate to make sure the Jim Murple Memorial songs were appropriate.
I was under the impression that the lyrics to the conga tune were those of the no problemo song. I know the conga tune is ok but can someone tell me if there was a problem with no problemo? I can’t find a translation. TA.
@Smallaxe –
I’m genuinely curious, but almost afraid to ask – did you ever encounter this dude?
If you did, and the memories are bad, please don’t tell me! For me he’s a hero and there’s precious few of them left!
Gil Scott-Heron, ‘I’m New Here’ –
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I can’t find the lyrics to translate, duh.
Your fine with that guy,he does some great Poetry,and remember
The Revolution will not be Televised.
Peace Always Brother
Had a bra’ day out, travelling round the Kingdom of Fife, ya hoormin!
We kept losing half the convoy but, I must say, the bikers did sterling work trying to keep everyone together.
The fish supper in Anstruther was excellent – the equal of anything I can get from my chippers of choice in Dundee.
Good to see Ronnie A and Mitch Kilbride (and Bob!) eventually meeting up with us in Anstruther.
While polishing off my fish supper, just before we departed for ‘Frail’, a couple wandering down the pavement stopped and enquired through my passenger side window, “What’s it all about then?”, having seen all the vehicles with Yes flags and saltires.
I said that it was just a public display to show that the grassroots Yes campaign hadn’t gone away and that we were preparing for the second independence referendum, probably in the next couple of years.
“I hope it’s a Yes this time.”, she said…
Now THAT’S journalism!
Hoots brother, hope to see you sooner rather than later.
More power to ye, as ever.
Oh, and to all the Wingers who have been dipping into ‘off-topic’ in the past couple of weeks – Welcome! This is where it is all organamised. When is Bob Peffers going to dip his toe in here?
Onnyhoo, typing about organamised…
Some organamised music for you. Saw this performed live in the Caird Hall in 1968.
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Brian Doonthetoon:
I envy you Brian,I would love to have been there with you all,
keep them Saltire’s flying.
Peace Always
We are sort of on the same page I had a Stroke many years ago and it affected my memory too,but more for sequences and for learning new stuff.
I can sit and learn all the steps to email but 10 min after getting up to do anything else I have to start all over again.
The information just won’t stay in.
Believe me in this day and age it makes you feel so stupid.
Can tell you my mum’s and aunts phone number in a heartbeat cause I knew them before but have more chance of telling you next week’s lottery numbers than my own current number.
I don’t lose weeks of stuff I am more sort of oblivious to certain things till I am reminded a bit like when you find your lost key’s,you have no idea where they are till you see them then you can remember putting them there.
Isn’t the mind a funny thing?
So not a sympathetic response my friend but rather an empathetic one.
Also a greatful one….so I am taking your advice and will worry less and keep on keeping on.. Thank You X
Hi Liz g…
As lang as yiv hud yir tea? Dinnae expect nae favours.
This has to be one of the very best-ever ‘live’ concert films. Feels like you’re actually there, all the wee glitches and flashes.
And what a performance…
Otis Redding, ‘I’ve Been Loving You Too Long’ –
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“I have been dead.Twice.”
I’m not far behind you there but were you wearing your blue sued shoes on any of the ocasions?
Liz g:
I admire you all the more liz,your bravery is humbling, dear friend.We may forget some things,but we will never forget what THEY have done, and still do to our beautiful country and her people.We Shall Overcome.
Peace,love and Understanding
And jist how dae ye expect me tae remember if I have hid ma tea or no?
CameronB Brodie:
I wasn’t wearing them when I went but funnily,I was when I came back!?
Peace Always
Oh that stuff I don’t forget and won’t ever stop fighting it.
Stat well my friend.X
@Daisy Walker
Well said Daisy.
Ian Brotherhood:
Otis was great,do we have any Marvin?
Peace Always
liz g:
Any sign of Nana today?
Peace Always x
This week?
A wee bit o’ this-
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Aaand a wee bit o’ this-
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@Smallaxe –
I love this Marvin one cause he gets down off the stage…
‘Got To Give It Up’ –
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Just reporting in from the 80 mile ride round Fife. Just wanted all to know me and Paula got back OK…
Oh my darlings Thepnr is grovelling on the floor – so sweet – oh yum that is so nice…
Paula’s lying. Good day Brian, Let’s do it again.
Some smiled, some scowled but the best image of the day was the woman in her car at the mini roundabout in Crail. She literately took both hands off the steering wheel and clasped them to them her face. Mouth open probably screaming “OH NO, NOT AGAIN”.
Guess what though there were MORE smiling, waving and tooting horns as there were greeting faced Unionists.
No sweary words Dear so absolutely lovely to see you all today, let’s come together again as soonest. xxx Paula
get aff ma computer you biff biff
I ask the man,behind the bar,to play the Jukebox.
And he does
Peace Always
It’s the wee sma’ hours and I’m several tinctures into a bottle of toilet duck.
Ooooohhh yeah.
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Memories,I first heard Barry White in the Escort Club in London many many moons ago,lights low,a fine lady and Barry!
On a winner!
Peace Always
Sorry,I was in the moment.
Don’t be.Cause I used to love her,but it’s all over now!
Peace Always
Does anyone know anyone who doesn’t love this song?
Soo-perb live version…
Stevie Wonder, ‘Superstition’ –
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Ian Brotherhood:
How could anyone not like Stevie,writes and plays his own stuff,he is his own manager.The man does it all!
Peace Always