The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

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Flower of Scotland

Thanks Alex , Stoker for your support ????

Michael McCabe

@ Thepnr I liked that. Don’t Dream its over. And know why ?Because its. link to Aye till I die

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi peeps.

Had a word with Bob Costello (Team YES Bus) at our Dundee foodbanks collection at City Square (Dundee) today and he indicated that he would put on a bus (mini or George Square 49 seater, dependent on numbers) to get us from Dundee to the ‘Friends of Wings Over Scotland’ get-together at the YES Bar in Glasgow on 22nd November.

He just needs numbers, then he can work out a price per head.

So, are we going to the party, the tea party…?


Michael McCabe

And as that Scots Legend said. link to Aye till I die

Alex Clark

I’ll be coming Brian, make that two seats.

I like a tea party. link to

Michael McCabe

And link to Aye till I die

Brian Doonthetoon

HA HA! I’ve got it sussed!

When I submit a post, this blüddy system accepts it, but instead of letting me see what I’ve just posted, the WordPress system takes me back to the page before, which makes me think that my post has gone into the cyber-ether, and not been accepted.

Bear it in mind peeps.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Alex.

That’s five of us so far. What about Quentin Q, Paula R, Tartan Tory, and so on?

You must network…


@ Brian Doonthetoon Two more for the bus from Dundee on the 22nd Nov please – QQ and me. Like you I am still here reading all I can here,but not able to answer often. Dundee isn’t 4G city!

It’s been an incredibly difficult month,hasn’t it everybody? Hope to see lots of you soon.

@Paula Rose…I just saw an ad for spiky boots like your! Not sure I’ll be able to walk in them like you can 🙂


Are The Red Tories deed yet?
link to


Is there any way to search through all the posts of someone?


Sorry, I meant to search through the comments of a known person?

Flower of Scotland

Just realised when I put a smiley face in I, Four question marks come up!

Definitely wasn’t questioning your support Alex and Stoker.


I don’t know about anyone else but i’m starting to have serious doubts and concerns over the “new look” NNS (or are they still in the process of giving the site a makeover?) and the way it seems to be conducting its business.

They recently published an article about the roll the DR and its journalists played in the referendum. The article, to me and many others, seemed to be a load of sympathetic journalistic shite and most comments on the article seemed to reflect that thinking. That article has now vanished.

The most recent article is badly written with spelling mistakes and a link to a unionist newspaper. You get the impression it was very hastily cobbled together.

The same article seems to be pointing the finger of blame at the “Better Together” parties via Davina Moron – when the No1 culprits in the destruction of our referendum were the BBC, DR and The Red Tories.

I mean, not that i would ever even think of defending these scumbags, but nobody can very well blame English politicians for trying to look after English interests, can they. SLAB, and everyone connected to them, sold Scotland out.
They must never be allowed to get away with that, focusing the blame on English politicians is detracting from the real problem.

There is also a lot of growing discontent among NNS readers due to the slow production of articles – its not as if there’s a lack of material out there, is there – but to take several days between the appearance of relatively poor quality articles does not make a lot of sense.

What the hell is going on over there? Are they working on something big? Have they given up the ghost? Can anyone shed some light on all of this?

James Caithness
Flower of Scotland

Have a look at Bella today.


Just replaced NNS with ‘Bella’ in my boomarks.



I think this article may explain the NNS story.

link to

I suspect they are going through changes at the moment, which may also include new reporters etc.

You’d expect it to improve going forwards with Derek Bateman involved. I’m prepared to be patient for a wee while to see what happens.


Thanks, Sticks, I’ll keep checking for any progress.

Brian Doonthetoon

I’ve just been looking at Jim Thomson’s ‘Dropbox’ pics from the ‘Hope Over Fear’ rally in George Square and I realised that I’ve been a tad remiss.

I shot one video that day, really only as a ploy to show the sea of saltires. I used one of the songs done by the ‘Trongate Rum Riots’ as the excuse. The sound is a bit ropey but you’ll get the idea.

BTW: YouTube’s ‘fix your shaky video’ filter is working brilliantly these days. The video below was done with my arms almost straight up above my head and tiring from about a minute in.

link to

Jim Thomson

@Brian Doonthetoon

fur a shoogly auld bugger like you thon’s a pretty guid effort 😛

Yeah, these fix-it apps are pretty good now. They only throw away a few pixels from the border of the image. They’re a bit like the apps that normalise the levels in audio tracks when converting to MP3s. They need to see the entire file first and then work out how much they can keep and what needs to be tweaked.

The fact that they’re free is indicative of how good the professional plug-ins are nowadays.

Quentin Quale

Over on the twittersphere, Mr Roger Quimbly is arguing that now would be the right time for the EDL to release their reggae song. Top man and top site.

Tackety Beets

@ Brian Doonthetoon

Aye , Brian , good video clear pics etc Thank you for posting .
Looks like I missed a ” Gran Day Oot ”

I’ve noticed recently posting seam to indicate / suggest ( creaking chairs & music ) many are of the senior age bracket .
I’m heading towards my Pension at a relentless pace .
I only say this bearing in mind the statistics on the Ref , and we were singled out for a wee bashing .
I do hope there are plenty young ones here too .

James Caithness

If anyone on twitter have you ever come across this?

I was left a message to click on that link.

Betty Boop

@ Briandoonthetoon, 8:47pm

That’s a pretty good video of the Trongate Rum Riots – you’d think you were there or summat, eh?

See y’all in the Yes Bar, hopefully. We’re up for Nicola’s world tour in the afternoon.

Naina Tal

Boycott having an effect already?
Just heard an advert on Forth 2 (well, I stopped listening to Bias Broadcasting). B&Q offering discount vouchers and free stuff, but only in Scotland.

I do hope they are hurting, but expect they’ll claim it’s a long planned promotion.

That’s the only thing these big companies understand though – the bottom line. Keep the pressure on everyone! No drifting back!

Paula Rose

Darlings, such problems – normal service will be resumed at some point tomorrow xx

Tackety Beets

Boycott !
I popped past Aldi to collect a few bits , Milk etc , jings got the only empty parking space . Non stop inside. I only hope their staff manage to handle the extra trade , they seam to be in control at the moment .
N.B. ASDA & Tesco are both nearby .

Keep up the boycotts folks , I’m sure they will feel it .
There is a page on FB if you are unsure of which Co’s to Boycott .


@Tackety Beets
“There is a page on FB if you are unsure of which Co’s to Boycott “

What if you’re already boycotting FB? 😉

I get most of my stuff from Aldi already. With occasional visits to the conveniently-placed Lidl at the end of my street.

Getting harder to find packs of frozen peas without union jacks on them for some reason. Is there a unionist monopoly on frozen veg or something?


Hey ewes,

Good times in iGlasgow on the 12th, cheers to thepnr and co. from iDundee, Ronnie, Mr X, JS, JT and many others 🙂

Count me in for YES on the 22nd November in Glasgow aye.. as Nicola is also gigging that night in The Hydro, maybe we could all meet-up afterwards at the public bar in the SECC.. then take a leisurely stroll up to Drury Lane together.. a bit like the tour guides do in Edinburgh CC, you know.. the 500+ people waiting to cross at the traffic lights on the Broomielaw hehe 😉

Scotland’s opportunity to independence should never be generational, it should (at the very least) be seasonal..

Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi
link to

Cheers to y’all people of Xland!


@Flower of Scotland 11.42pm

Just read your post! Thank you and don’t worry about it; I should have just let it go. By the way, I just mentioned your comment about me lording it a bit on another thread, but I wasn’t being bitchy; I was joking because I know I can come across a bit superior sometimes. 🙂


@Auld A 9.40am

Are you planning to stalk someone? Thought that was my job! I’ll be interested to see if you get an answer; I need an easy way to hunt down the Plod.

Michael McCabe

Here is a wee bit of Night Music. / Aye till I die


There is a bus service from George Square, Queen Street station side, to the SECC, which serves the Hydro, and also the Clyde Auditorium, for those of us going to the Radical Indy conference. It also stops near Central Station, which is near the Yes Bar.
link to



suppose I’m considering moving to Edinburgh. I’ve more or less found out that the nicest areas were south of the railway. Is that correct? Does anybody also have an opinion on primary schools? I’ve got the map of catchments, but it does not tell much.



Cactus – good to hear from you again. 😉

Great idea to meet up in the Hydro public bar after event, as I have no idea how to get around in Glasgow (QSt station to CH is it!)

Also is there anyone going through to Nic’s Hydro gig by train from Edin who knows where they’re going at the other end? If so we could meet at Waverley?

Paula Rose

Hello darlings – c’est moi!

Gosh ten days ago my lovely lap-top refused to do anything other than go down on me

apparently this was due to a faulty hard drive – not something I’m used to, anyway, a lovely man I know in Dundee suggested some –

Virtual Integration And General Realigning Applications –

Problem solved – my dear little lap-top responds to every keystroke and command!

Natasha and Flower of Scotland – see you in Glasgow on the 22nd, and everyone else, book me a seat on the Yes Bus. Off to see what you’ve been talking about – need some new knitting patterns doubt that will be on wings.


@Paula Rose:
Hello darlings – c’est moi!


If you want to be perfect, and if I nitpick, you’d have to insert a space between the ‘moi’ and the !. In French, ‘double signs’ such as ?, !, :, ;, %, etc. are always preceded by an unbreakable space (whereas there is no such space in English).

Have fun the 22nd!

Paula Rose

Darling AuldA – there is no space between moi and my exclamations, its all a very tight fit xx


@Paula rose:

Translation exercise for tonight:

“Les femmes, je suis contre, tout contre.” (Sacha Guitry)


Just voted for Stewart Hosie! Looking forward to seeing you all on the 22nd, especially your heels, Paula Rose! 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Frankie Miller, ‘Darlin” –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Hey, how funky can YOU get in three minutes?

James Brown, ‘Get Up Off That Thing’ (live on Letterman) –

link to


@Ian Brotherhood:

In a very different style, ‘Les passantes’ (the passers-by), poem by A. Pol.

Original French version by G. Brassens: link to
English translation by G. Allwright: link to
E per coloro che capiscono… Italian translation by F. de Andre: link to

Ian Brotherhood

@AuldA –


Very interesting stuff, and a fine tune to boot.

I’d never heard of any of these dudes. Next time I’m out galavanting (as I’m wont to do of a Tuesday afternoon) I shall bear that tune in mind, and burst into whichever version seems most appropriate as I wander around Kilwinning et environs



So you’re a modern minstrel, aren’t you?
A gallant lad wandering from town to city, with a restless heart who only knows one master: his country?

Brassens is well known in France. Famous for his irreverent songs (he was anarchist) and great poetic talent. G. Allwright is a New-Zealander who was a friend of Leonard Cohen and John Baez. He sung in French, translated songs of Cohen as well as his own, and sometimes the other way round. On Fabrizio de’ Andre I know much less, though I own one of his album where he sings in his native patois, Genovese (the album is called ‘Kreuza de ma’ and the eponymous song begins with a kind of bagpipe instrumental riff that’s worth to listen to.

Have a great day and great ballads! (Ballade in French means both ‘romantic song’ and ‘saunter’).



So you’re a modern minstrel, aren’t you?
A gallant lad wandering from town to city, with a restless heart who only knows one master: his country?

Brassens is well known in France. Famous for his irreverent songs (he was anarchist) and great poetic talent. G. Allwright is a New-Zealander who was a friend of Leonard Cohen and John Baez. He sang in French, translated songs of Cohen as well as his own, and sometimes the other way round. On Fabrizio de’ Andre I know much less, though I own one of his album where he sings in his native patois, Genovese (the album is called ‘Kreuza de ma’ and the eponymous song begins with a kind of bagpipe instrumental riff that’s worth to listen to.

Have a great day and great ballads! (Ballade in French means both ‘romantic song’ and ‘saunter’).


Hey TJenny, yeah meeting in the Hydro public bar after the do would be good for everyone. I’m not going to the event, but quite fancy coming along to check out and feel the positive after-vibe..

So yes, allow me to be your tour-guide for iGlasgow, who knows.. maybe some of the other gig-goers would like to join us for afters at the YES bar on Drury Lane?

Enjoy the show and see you at the bar lovely lady 😉

Lenny Hartley

Looks like Ive given away my tickets for the Hydro to some new converts. I will be at RIC so see y’all at the Hydro public bar and the YES bar afterwards.

At least we can wear badges with our real names this time no more Jingly Jangly or Liquid Lenny for me, I have come out of the cybernat closet 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Thursday Challenge –

Give us a better pop-song than this.

The Foundations, ‘Build Me Up Buttercup’ –

link to


Yuck. A service on the way rabbits are bred and fed in cages. Gives the creeps (English with French subtitles)

link to

Paula Rose

Darlings – ever since my lap-top’s resolve was strengthened I no longer have auto-fill and immediate comment appearance. Seems like I am now in a similar position to many of you – I need a simple form of entry.


Loved the George Brassens music; and thanks for the translated version.

Bugger (the Panda)

Great news wrinklies, drinking later in life helps cognitive function.

link to

All we need is to work on the flesh as well.

Bugger (the Panda)

I am coming up to Glasgow for Nicola’s rally at the Hydro at the end on November.

Anybody up for a wee night somewhere in Glasgow after?



Bugger (the Panda)


you going to the Hydro in November for Nicola?

Bugger (the Panda)

Feck I fecked up the http thingies for this wee tune for Ian Bro

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@BTP –

Many thanks. A tremendous tune, and another artist I’ve never even heard of. And she’s gorgeous…



Personally, I prefer blueberries.

link to



You’re most welcome!

In fact, I was acquainted first with the English version, and still like it a bit more than the other two. I find G. Allwright adaptations always better than the originals, especially when he translates Leonard Cohen in French.

Have a great night!


@Paula Rose:

Welcome to the real world! 🙂

@BtP (bis):

Will you write me a report on the Glasgow event?


Ian’s challenge but for Brian Down Town

link to


Popping back a couple of weeks of o/t
Dad type pop song

link to

Now Paula Roses’s theme tune.


Tears of a clown?

link to

OK Buttercup still winning.


What about the king of the pop song – standing the test of time.

link to


That wasn’t the name of the song ;-0 It was just a comment.

He turns up again this year:

link to

I’ll stop now…

See you on the 22nd 🙂


Ian B – think these are better?

Badfinger and ‘Come and Get It’

link to

Followed by ‘No Matter What’

link to


BtP – I’m also going to Nicola’s gig in Glasgow and the plan is to meet in the Hydro public bar after, Cactus, IB, Morag others?, and then on to the YESBar. 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)


This blog will be the report.

Bugger (the Panda)


Done deal.

Brian Doonthetoon

hi Bugger The PAnda.
You haven’t been keeping up with events, have you, yi wee scamp?

There’s a Wingers’ get-together taking place in the YES Bar, Drury Street, on the evening of the 22nd.

I’m trying to get enough bodies to fill a minibus from Dundee. So far, we have:

Brian Doonthetoon
Chris (my son, the lurker)
Pete d’Baj (aka Pete the Camera)
Alex Clark + 1
Paula Rose
Quentin Quayle

Onnybody else from Dundee, Angus, North Fife, Perth want to join the party? Pickup possible at Broxden Interchange if needed.

Pop music…

Thanks for the mention of my Sunday name Chipmonkey!

Here are a couple of tracks from one of my favourite bands of all time in the world ever, who were a legend in their own lunchtime. One from their early period and one from their ‘psychedelic’ tea break, whewn they were heavily under the influence of tea, like many of their peers.

link to

link to


I like those @TJenny!

Now my multimedia device has forgotten who I am so this will probably post at Christmas. First problem I’ve had for ages.

Ian Brotherhood

@chipmonkey –

Ah, superb stuff there. Wonderful.

Haven’t even looked at TJenny’s and the others…great night here, loving it.


IB – ‘Haven’t even looked at TJenny’s’.

I am wounded to the marrow. Sobs. 🙁


Still taking +20 mins to see posts.

Ian Brotherhood

@TJenny –

I should’ve added ‘yet’!

I have now viewed and enjoyed – they spark very early memories. Cheers, and hoots!


IB – whew – glad you liked them. 😉

A wee O/T O/T (?) – still haven’t received my email so that I can vote for SNP Dep Leader. Phoned SNp HQ n Edin today and they said that they were having probs sending these emails to hotmail addressess.

GCHQ shennanigans at work?

Alex Clark

Pretty sure I played this before but the memory can play tricks!

It’s good anyway.

link to


Oh and what about this one?

Bandwagon, ‘Breaking Down the Walls of Heartache’

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@TJenny –

This is for you.

Aztec Camera, ‘Somewhere In My Heart’ –

link to


IB – thanks Ian – ah, memories, really liked that one – now for you and all night owl Wingers…..

The MacCoys and ‘Hang on Sloopy’

link to

Followed by,

Lou Christie, Lightnin’ Strikes

link to

Enjoy. 😉


Last post seems to have disappeared.

Michael McCabe

I Was going to Protest about all these great songs posted on here. then I thought what the hell. link to Aye till I die

Michael McCabe

Just to be fair and balanced. link to Aye till I die


My comment with 2 music links disappeared and maybe, on reflection, they were a bit frothy? after Michael McCabe’s offering, which was very moving and by someone I’d never heard of before. WOS really informs on all sorts of things. 🙂

So here’s a number that should really resonate with all of us – try singing along and replacing the words ‘over me’ with ‘for indy’ (you have to pronounce it indeee). 🙂 (Could be another one for YEW Choob?)

John Lennon, ‘Come Together’

link to

Michael McCabe

Here is my attempt at a great wee pop song. link to Aye till I die

Michael McCabe

@ TJenny Great song. I took your advice and sang along and my Neighbour banged down and asked if I had left the cat out. Here is someone I just discovered on you tube last night. link to I Think she is no bad.


Aha – it seems that if I post a comment 21 mins after the time the most recent comment, that I can see, was posted, mine posts instantly. Hmm.

‘Though heaven only knows where or why some don’t post at all. Maybe the ether, or GCHQ deems them unworthy. (Either that or the GCHQ nightshift aren’t big fans of either Lou Christie (Lightnin’ Strikes) or The MacCoys (Hang on Sloopy) – Nae taste, obvs. 😉


Mchael McCabe – that was a beautiful song from a very beautiful lady. big thanks. 🙂

Are you going to be at the gathering on 22nd after Nicola’s gig?

Michael McCabe

@ TJenny 2:14am I Am hoping to go but can say for definite yet. I will post nearer the time if I can make it. (Hopefully) Hopefully can get yourself and tam jardine through on the train from Edinburgh if that’s how you are going through ? If tams going ? Don’t know my way round Glasgow.

Michael McCabe

Hope this works. for TJenny link to Aye till I die

Michael McCabe

Well it is Goodnight from me. But I will leave you with some Old Soul. link to


Just going to test another diasppearing post to see if I can figure out why it won’t appear.


I’m doubtful anything will come of that, for the simple reason that McTernan didn’t say how he got that information. It could have been a legitimate opinion poll, it could have been an educated guess, it could even have been pure bluff. He’s got plenty wiggle room to get off the hook there.


Ruth’s situation was different in that she specifically referred to “sampling” carried out by BT polling agents during the postal vote opening. That does constitute an offence, but not by her, by the polling agents involved. Unfortunately it’s likely to be impossible to prove that any specific polling agent actually did this.


I just think it’s a bit unwise to keep shouting about people having committed criminal offences when they’ve neither been charged nor convicted, and indeed where there seems to be no compelling evidence that they have actually committed a crime. They probably won’t come after posters on an internet blog for defamation, but you never know.


That’s funny, it wasn’t my post itself that wouldn’t appear, but the bit I quoted from a previous poster.


Ah, it’s the old YouTube catch! I forgot I had to remove the first bit of the link to stop it embedding. (Actually I barely noticed there was a YouTube link in the quote.)

Sorry to have troubled you, as you where!

Michael McCabe

We are the Revolution. link to Aye till I die


Got a couple of live streams for you over weekend people…

#NewScotMedia let’s make it happen…

#IndyLive Sat 25th 9:30-16:30 SSP Conference, Edinburgh link to

#IndyLive Sun 26th 14:00-17:00, BBC Bias VII “Switch Off”, Glasgow #bbcbias link to

Alex Clark


I hear there is a do going on this Thursday at the Central Hotel in Glasgow. Are you saying you haven’t got an invite. Ah c’mon 🙂



You mean the gladiator event?

Alex Clark


I heard it was a dinner. Like this one!

link to


For Gerry Parker

Santana, Sould Sacrifice from Woodstock:

link to

gerry parker

@ Morag.
An incident of a polling agent counting votes is currently being investigated by Motherwell police.

gerry parker

@ Colin. thanks got it bookmarked for later.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Alex Clark

You mean like this?

link to

Bugger (the Panda)

For the night shift

link to

She played the Hydro last night.

and this

For T Jenny

link to


link to



Gerry, just realised that is a cut version of the track which misses out most of the drums 🙁

Here’s a bit with the drums only – not a long solo but one of the best.

link to

If you like drum solos one of may favourite soloists is Jon Hiseman of Colosseum / Barbara Dickson’s Paraphanalia (his wife) brilliant. Wish I was that good.

Colosseum – A Machine Demands Sacrifice / John Hiseman’s Drum Solo (live version) 1971

link to

You can look up any Hiseman solo on YT and be blown away.


And while I’m on the subject here’s a bit of Jon at a Planet Drum clinic 40 years on from the last one.

Especially of note is at about 6:00 – he speeds up the bass drums and slows down his hands and then reverses it. Get your head round that!

link to

Paula Rose

Who needs instruments…

link to

Paula Rose

And more beautiful voices with pictures of St Kilda…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

I think I may have posted this some time ago but it can stand being reprised.

CAUTION! The Dundonesian twang may confuse Loons, Westcoasters and Morningsiders. Fifers, due to their geographical location I understand, are bilingual, ya hoormin!
And I believe Paula Rose is always up for a wee touch of bilinguality. As she says, “The more the merrier!”

link to

I haven’t posted this one before but it goes down in the Scottish musical history books as a ‘Dundee classic’.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

If anyone’s been wondering whatever happened to atypicalScot? fret not – met him today at SSP conference. He’s been having strange connectivity problems, but can, I think, still see what’s going on here.

So, give him a wave abody!

ATS, ’twas great to meet you, and congratulations on the very brief speech – ‘a minute’s silence for Labour’.

Nice one.


I would like to dedicate this one to any disaffected Unionists
who may be lurking with their life currently at a crossroads.

Don’t despair – there is hope.
We all make mistakes – come and join us.

CCR – Up Around The Bend
link to

gerry parker

Colin, great drum solo there.


Brian Doonthetoon

I’m wondering if anyone actually reads my posts, coz I haven’t elicited a response for days.

Onnyhoo, update on the minidragon from Dundee to the ‘Friends of Wings Over Scotland’ get-together in the YES Bar on 22nd November.

I had a constructive blether with Bob Costello, the head man of ‘Team YES Bus’ at our stall in the Murraygate today, to collect food donations for the Dundee foodbanks.

Here are the pertinent details. Assuming we can get another 8 (Eight) names for the minibus, he’ll provide the following…
Minibus leaving Dundee Sensation Science Centre at 4pm.
Drop off at George Square (handy for the Counting House for tea) sometime approaching 6pm.
That lets us have a meal and then head for the YES Bar for 7, or just after.

Pickup at the YES Bar, for the return journey, at 12 midnight (due to 10 hour rest time constraints on his driver).

The cost will be £8 per head, basically as a contribution to the actual cost.

So, can we have another 8 heads from the greater Dundee area, or we’ll have to make our own way…

Alex Clark

@Brian Doonthetoon

I read your posts Brian and watch your links. The Devil Went Doon Tae Forfar was great. Few would understand the berry language he was singing in though, might be an issue! LOL.

Brian Doonthetoon

Thanks for that Alex!

A couple of songs for those of us who will (hopefully!) be on the minidragon to Glasgow…

link to

link to


I’ll be heading along to The protest on 30th. If anyone is going but isn’t sure what sort of stuff to donate to the foodbank, this list gives a few good suggestions

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Betsy –

Cheers. Hope to see you there.

A wee word for anyone who might be getting brassed off about the Glasgow-Glasgow-Glasgow refrain.

I know. It’s tiresome. But hey, we don’t decide where these people have their glam shindigs. It was their shout, they chose Glasgow, so Glasgow it is – if they’d chosen Cumbernauld, Lossiemouth, Brechin, Inverness or Milton of Campsie, the response would be the same – ‘youse are having a slap-up dinner when a third of your own peoples’ weans are in poverty?’

They’ve nowhere left to hide.

Let’s not miss this chance to give Glasgow and Scottish Labour the utter shirriking they’ve deserved for so long.

Paula Rose

Ian darling – they wouldn’t dare set foot in Brechin!


Here’s some fun from Jock Scot and Ninja Panguin 😉

Timing is everything as they say…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

I met someone you know earlier today – please see 8.58.

A lovely man!

castle hills chavie

That’ll be a double post then.
If not at all.
R.E Jack Bruce.

castle hills chavie

Jack Bruce passed.
Your talking about drummers, the greatest thing a drummer can, ever have/want/be is the bass player.

link to


Aw FFS Jack Bruce.. RIP Jack


Yet another wee and cute French tune: “Fontenay-aux-Roses” [Lyrics: JP Kernoa; Music and voice: M. Le Forestier.]

link to

Translation (not literal):

You are so beautiful
As you, in the twilight,
Round the corner of my street.
Perfumed and colourful,
Under the evening light,
Clad in a blue that sweet.

When I watch you go by,
Sometimes I imagine we are to meet so soon,
A secret rendez-vous, a crooned lullaby,
Bathed by the waxing moon.

Nightly, tucked in your sheets,
I percieve you naked, enrapt by written words.
Mr. Audiberti softly brushes your cheeks,
And opens forbidden worlds.

You’re dreaming you’re away,
What will you discover, the weather was so cool,
Tomorrow’s Saturday,
Feverishly I’ll wait for your egress from school.

My Sunday will be grey,
I won’t see you again,
Not before Monday’s eve,
Where will you go astray?
Will you feel desperate pain?
Whom will you all day grieve?

The secret which is mine
I cherish like a trove,
Please don’t name me a fool:
It’s the very first time
That I’ve fallen in love
With a whole boarding school.

Paula Rose

Time for a spot of shaking…

link to

Paula Rose

Talking of spots, The Spots were the first name of this adorable bunch…

link to

Paula Rose

Oh this is the one I sing whenever I think of any of you (Alex, Ian, John and Ronnie especially xx)

link to

Ian Brotherhood

What’s the catchiest tune of all time?

Please don’t listen to more than ten seconds of this unless you want to be humming it for the next fortnight:

Traveling Wilburys, ‘End Of The Line’ –

link to


I have no idea, Ian, but i often (nearly every morning) wake up
with some tune stuck in my head.

And its not as if its always songs i like and it usually takes
me hours to get rid of the things.

This morning it was ‘Rambling Rose’ – don’t even ask – don’t know
why and i don’t even like it.

Ian Brotherhood

@Stoker –


Having been prompted to recall it, I will now have ‘Rambling Rose’ in my heid until Christmas.

Michael McCabe

Here is a catchy tune for all you Drivers out There. link to Aye till I die


Ooh spooky coincidence or what? Just as I’m posting this link to Macie Gray’s ‘I Try’ song, check out top comment on the Rev’s twitter! 🙂

So here’s Macy Gray

link to

And Eliza Doolittle, ‘Pack Up Your Troubles’ – enjoy trying to get them out of your head. 😉

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Ian brotherhood Rambling Rose in your heid & Paula Rose lusting after your body lol.

Michael McCabe

@ Ian Brotherhood. Here’s a Who’s Who with some of the Wilburys link to

Ian Brotherhood

@ronnie anderson –

If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against Paula Rose?

Michael McCabe

Ah the old ones are the Best. or so my young Wife tells me Here is my Catchy old tune. link to


As it’s now after midnight,

A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our own Rev Stu. 🙂


I don’t tweet, but if any of you do, you could tweet him birthday wishes etc.

Michael McCabe

Happy Birthday Rev Stu Hope you have a good one. link to

Alex Clark


Yes a happy birthday Rev.

@Ian Brotherhood

You did warn us and I ignored the warning. Still sing “Yes it’s alright” 20 minutes after watching it. Won’t sleep tonight now!


For any of you who have been to the YESBar, where some of us Wingers are going on 22/11, can you help with this plea from twitter?

‘Please show support2 @Vespbar who changed the name to #YesBar in support of #IndyRef ppl trying to ruin trip advisor reviews link to


Ian Brotherhood says:
26 October, 2014 at 9:45 pm
@Stoker –


Having been prompted to recall it, I will now have ‘Rambling Rose’ in my heid until Christmas.

You’re welcome.

Don’t know why i’m laughing – probably wake up tomorrow morning
with “The Crystal Chandelier” or “Lets Go Fly A Kite” burlin
roon ma heid.

Ocean Colour Scene – Better Day
link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Stoker –

Okay, here’s me revenge shot. Open it if you dare:

The Beatles, ‘Obladi Oblada’ –

link to


Hee, hee Ian, I only had to read ‘Obladi Oblada’ to have it burbling away in my head, without even having to open the link. 🙂

Michael McCabe

The words are hard to remember and the singing does not start to about 1:30 in But it sticks in your head. link to


Nah, yer alright Ian, i’m quite happily listening to some Jarre
(Jean Michel Jarre) right now.
😉 🙂

btw, All the very best, Stu.
Don’t know what yer tastes are but here’s a good yin tae chill tae
Paul Weller – Broken Stones
link to

Brian Doonthetoon

C’mon peeps!

I’ve just taken this up to £2,500. £1,500 to go to meet the target by the 29th October.–2

Just to let you know, there are only 6 seats remaining in the minibus through to Glasgow on the 22nd November. If you want seats, book them here.


OK, Ian, done and i listened to it all the way through.

I’m away to my pit, will let you know if Obladeeeeeee worked.

night night folks – Wee Lamonts Lament
link to



From the crazy hatter.

Brian Doonthetoon

Karen and Christine have put their names down for the minibus to the YES Bar (they were on the ‘Hope Over Fear’ bus).

So, that’s 6 seats remaining.

Paula Rose

Brian Doonthetoon honey, any chance you could make us all some lovely badges for the 22nd? That way we wouldn’t have to put up with Ian Brotherhood’s tatty sticky labels.

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s one for Paula Rose and her p-p-p-pet.

David Bowie, ‘Cat People’ –

link to


o/t on o/t 🙂

For all those people having to reinput their details each time they post, the issue isn’t with you or your device. WOS site is not serving out cookie files to your browser so your name and mail details aren’t being stored on your PC. There is nothing you can do about this but put up with it, the issue is on the server side. This issue will affect everyone on here eventually as Word Press cookies are valid for 1 year, when the year is up then your details will no longer be stored. The latest valid cookie I have on my devices is dated 26 August, 2014. This is the reason some people are affected and others aren’t. If you have installed a new browser or bought a new device since the start of September this will be an issue.

Graeme Doig

Wee question from long time lurker (sounds like the polis should be involved 🙂 )

I was going to head through to Glasgow on Thursday for the wee demo at the Slab dinner. I don’t know Glasgow that well, except that it’s the place of my birth, and think i read somewhere that folk are meeting at the Yes Bar. (I believe Yes Bar is near Freedom Sq which i know well)

Anyone able to confirm and if it’s ok to tag along.

Cheers folks

Ian Brotherhood

@Graeme Doig –

Some of us SSP Ayrshire folk will be there, and some of us will surely be going for a wee refreshment afterwards. I’ve never been in the Yes bar but it seems as good a place as any, and is certainly close enough.

We won’t be hard to find, and you’re very welcome to join us.

Graeme Doig


Thanks for that bud. Should be in Glasgow about 5 ish. Hopefully dragging a mate through.

Cheers Ian.

Ian Brotherhood

Something different. We’ve had it before, after you good folk helped me locate it.

Hamish Maccunn, ‘Land of the Mountain and the Flood’ –

link to

ronnie anderson

@Graeme Doig Yes bar is in Duary St of Renfield St.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Paula.

I’ll have to consult with Pete d’Baj (aka Pete the Camera). I only do the artwork sheets; he makes the actual badges. I do have an idea for YOUR badge though…

Onnyhoo, as I typed this morning, there are 6 seats left on the minibus so if you want to join us, get in quick. Also, we could pick up at Broxden bus thingy if there’s anyone from Perth wants to hop aboard. Same cost; £8.

Alex Clark

Had to go to the Glasgow passport office yesterday for a replacement and decided I might as well visit the Yes Bar and scope it out.

A pint of John Smiths £3.95 and a pint of Fosters £3.70! Might be better in the Horse Shoe Bar across the road. Just saying.


Passport Alex?

Not thinking of doing a runner are you? 😉

Alex Clark


Not running away, running at you :o)

Jim Thomson

Jings, Brechin’s declared UDI and Paula didn’t tell us!

What are the vaccination requirements? How much does a visa cost? are the border crossing queues tolerable?

We need to know.

Jim Thomson

OK – apologies to (at least) three wingers ..
not paying attention to who is posting and who is responding to whom.

I thought Alex was responding to Paula and not X-Sticks [note to self … read the sodding text before responding!]

Jim Thomson

So, in way of seeking a wee bit of forgiveness here’s a bit of George Harrison

link to

Not the best video quality (sorry … again)

ronnie anderson

@Briandoonthetoon (Pete d’Baj) ur you in Mike Reid mode

yad ma mannnnn

Paula Rose

Getting a bit ratty over on the main threads – time to check out my funky time abroad…

link to

Paula Rose

Me getting ratty that is – anyways I’ve put a deposit down on this wee place, time to move on – at least I’m not too poor, too wee or too stupid…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon


Scottish Independence Live Events fundraiser has reached its £4,000 target – and there’s still 8 hours to go.

Big thanks to funder 108, who seems to have donated just over £1,000 to take it to the limit.

Paula Rose

Brian Doonthe wotsit – could you save me the hassle and post the link, I was just trying to find it to put up on pages I manage – cheers.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose (9.39)-

Good stuff, and you appear to be in good form, but I’m gutted we didn’t get any close-ups of the heels.

Paula Rose

S’ok B de D – got the link from a wee way up the thread now mailed an posted etc.

Brian Doonthetoon

@Brian Doonthetoon
Nice! I was starting to worry they wouldn’t make the target.

Maybe they can drop in a couple more thousand so Thistle can take a well-deserved holiday. He looked half-knackered last time I saw him!

Doing an awesome job becoming the media anyway! Good on ya if you read this! 🙂


Here’s the next Slab leader’s dedication to Ed Miliband.

James and Bobby Purify (oh, the irony in that surname) singing ‘I’m Your Puppet’

link to

Alex Clark

Yes well done Independence Live in reaching their target. So much work for so little reward. The reward will come in the future though. Best of luck.

Paula Rose

A few musings on dealing with the likes of Mr Podmore;

I’ve done my fair share of “eating” his ilk, but I never resort to splashing their identity across a main thread, I find that a cryptic comment works very effectively.

If you have the right person – job done, if not, no harm done. Anyway I don’t think endangering someone’s job is at all correct.


Anyone in Glasgow yet?
Just sitting on the train right now and thought I’d check in here 🙂

Alex Clark


I could’t make it, hopefully you and/or Ian can provide some feedback.


@Alex Clark
Just got back home here.
Was a good night 🙂

Jim Murphy got quite a welcome.
Wonder if he ordered the eggs for dinner? 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Alex –

Good showing from Wingers tonight – Ronnie, Patrician, Cactus and Graeme Doig. May have been others I didn’t see or meet, but then again, you could also include me and Gerry, although we were wearing our SSP hats.

The atmosphere was good. Hard to judge numbers, but there was already a fair sized squad outside the main Hotel entrance when we arrived (5.50-ish) and it grew steadily until about 7, stayed the same until 7.30-ish (official sit-down time for the banquet) and we then headed off for a pint. (The Livestream guys obviously hung around a lot longer!)

At its busiest? I’d guess there was maybe 200-250 folk around the main entrance to the hotel, and a fairly heavy Police presence. (Credit to the cops – I didn’t see any heavy-handedeness, and there was no call for any.)

The hairiest moment was when Murphy turned-up. He didn’t have much choice I suppose – really had to show face after all his bluster via the airwaves throughout the day – but I wonder if he realised just how visceral the reaction would be to the mere sight of his big coupon. ‘Baying mob’ isn’t often accurate, but tonight? It was. And I was ‘baying’ right up there with the rest of them. The man has an attitude and body language which seems to incite violent reaction, and he got it in spades tonight.

He was almost at the steps to the hotel when he stopped, turned back, and placed a bag of ‘messages’ along with the donations for the foodbank drive. That incensed everyone even more, even though most of us couldn’t see what he was doing. And then, with the cops forming a guard in front of him, and safely on the steps, he turned and gave us all a ‘wave’ which some interpreted as ‘the finger’.

Looking forward to seeing still snaps of his behaviour this evening – it felt like a wind-up. If it was? it worked.

Michael McCabe

@ Ian Brotherhood. I am from Edinburgh and could not make it through to Glasgow. So I would like to say thanks to you and the other Wingers. and Everyone else who was there to give them the welcome they Deserved. Here is a wee song for you all. Cheers. link to Aye till I die.

Alex Clark

@Ian Brotherhood and Oneironaut

Dammit, wish I could have been there, anyway report much appreciated. Hopefully we will all be seeing each other soon.

I hear Anas Sarwar has gone? //

Alex Clark

Lesson learned, post Yew Choob links on their own line.

link to


Leonard Cohen – Tower of Song
link to


Leonard Cohen – Tower of Song
link to

Ian Brotherhood

Bowie, ‘The Secret Life Of Arabia’ –

link to


@Ian Brotherhood
“you could also include me and Gerry, although we were wearing our SSP hats.”

You got an SSP hat? All I got was a tiny little badge! 😉

Yep, was a good night last night.
Looking forward to seeing Murphy lead the Red Tories out of disaster… And into even greater disaster! 😀

The title of this song is dedicated to them… (Lyrics are slightly NSFW, and you might wanna turn down your speakers a bit!) 😉

link to

“It’s been a long time comin’,
But you got the message now.
’cause I was never goin’.
Yeah, you’re the one that’s going down!”

(Great song for when you’re feeling angry!) 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –

Nice one.

Ricky Ross just played this one on his show. Good one for Halloween.

Johnny Cash, ‘Ghost Riders In The Sky’ –

link to


SSP hat,

Is that the woolly, very proletariat one?

I loved your banner, really class. Well done.


Still trying to remember who it was I saw carting that banner off after everyone left.

Hoping it’ll turn up somewhere else, probably around the time of the election!

Labour, yer tea’s oot! 😉

Paula Rose

Stop messing around…

link to

Paula Rose

Opening shot babes.

Paula Rose

The saints are the people…

link to

Paula Rose

Did I manage to post this?

link to

I think I did

Alex Clark

@Paula Rose

Yes you did! LOL

Paula Rose

Is that you Thepnr, gosh all this name changing – a girl cannot keep up!

Paula Rose

I know Halloween is over but…

link to


Thought of posting up some Rammstein while I’m still angry, but I know there are sensitive people on here so I won’t!

Instead I’ll switch the mood over to something a little more upbeat.
I’m sure the folks at the BBC wholeheartedly agree with the title of this song and find it inspiring. I liked it long before they did though, so I’m keeping it!

link to

Enjoy! 😉

Paula Rose

Never mind all that sunny weather…

link to


This next song is in honour of Paula Rose’s new avatar 😉

Keep on walkin’ all over those trolls! 😀

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

That last one you posted is just magnificent.

Ian Brotherhood

By way of contrast, I offer this effort:

Karel Fialka, ‘The Eyes Have it’ 9see what he’s done there?) –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

‘Standing in the dark, watching you blow…’

Huh? What?

Anyway, I liked this because I thought he was chanting ‘underpants!’. Which would’ve been apt.

John Foxx, ‘Underpass’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

One of the best plinky-plonky stylophone-inspired whistle-along tunes of the 80s, about an entirely inappropriate subject:

OMD, ‘Enola Gay’ –

link to

Paula Rose

Ian honey! Just for you- repeat but one that I never tire of performing…

link to

Paula Rose

Time for a spell Ian honey…

link to

Jim Thomson

You guys need to get out more (Paula you need a night off 😉 )

A bit of Northern European death metal to get the heads nodding …

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula –

T’other night I had a Winger pressing me for details about you, but I was steadfast, assuring him that he’ll have to wait and meet you in the flesh because, however long it may take? it’ll be worth it – only then will he grasp why you are so unforgettable.

Nat King Cole, ‘Unforgettable’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Alex Clark –

If you see this mister…just remembered that something was meant to be happening at ATOS, Cadogan St yesterday.

Did you go? If not, any idea what happened? Anyone?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Oneironaut.

If Rammstein is a tad angry, perchance Laibach is bubblegum to take you out of your mood?

link to


Paula Rose

Why me Ian? There are so many lovely ladies on Wings.

Brian Doonthetoon

It’s funny (peculiar) how you can remember, with some tunes, where you were when you first heard it.

In this case, me and Pete d’Baj (Pete the Camera) were sitting in one of his many vehicles, in St Giles Terrace, having just returned from something, somewhere, no doubt exciting and terribly interesting.

Onnyhoo, we were blethering, as you do, with John Peel on the radio. And this track came on. As usual at the end of it, Mr Peel gave the label and so on so, asap, I went into I&N Records, the only record shop in Dundee, at the time, who dealt with the indy labels, and ordered it.

6 weeks later it arrived. It’s been covered by Grace Jones and Laibach (whose YouTube page reminded me of it) and is still in my vinyl collection.

link to

Paula Rose

Darlings and dears – this is for you…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Oh yes, you can only fully appreciate Paula ‘in the flesh’…

link to

Paula Rose

Brian Doonthetoon – honey you have such happenstance, Mr Normal was a great pal of mine, I haven’t seen him for years – oh yes my warm leatherette period.

Paula Rose

Two of my best friends…

link to

Paula Rose

Brian Doonthetoon honey are we in one of those mind meld thingies (giggling big time)?

Paula Rose

Well it was like this..(btw Cameron Brodie xxx)

link to

Paula Rose

Has the Rev got a son?

link to


@Brian Doonthetoon
Hmm, never heard of them before. If that’s bubblegum for my mood, it must be bubblegum laced with some sort of hallucinogenic compound! hehe.

I wonder what they could do with old folk songs…

link to

Paula Rose


link to

Brian Doonthetoon

To go off topic in ‘Off-Topic’…

I’ve just posted this in the latest thread today…

Brian Doonthetoon says:

I’m gonna try to keep this on topic. (What was the topic again? Oh yes, repetition of ideas.) I posted the bulk of this last weekend so I’m indulging in repetition.

We’re organising a minibus as follows, to get to the ‘Friends of Wings Over Scotland’ get-together in Glasgow on 22nd November at the YES Bar in Drury Street, which is around 5 minutes’ walk from George Square. Here’s the post I did in “Off-Topic” at Wings over Scotland last weekend.

“I had a constructive blether with Bob Costello, the head man of ‘Team YES Bus’ at our stall in the Murraygate today, to collect food donations for the Dundee foodbanks.

Onnyhoo, update on the minidragon from Dundee to the ‘Friends of Wings Over Scotland’ get-together in the YES Bar on 22nd November.

Here are the pertinent details. Assuming we can get another 8 (Eight) names for the minibus, he’ll provide the following…
Minibus leaving Dundee Sensation Science Centre at 4pm.
Drop off at George Square (handy for the Counting House for tea) sometime approaching 6pm.
That lets us have a meal and then head for the YES Bar for 7, or just after.

Pickup at the YES Bar, for the return journey, at 12 midnight (due to 10 hour rest time constraints on his driver).

The cost will be £8 per head, basically as a contribution to the actual cost.

So, can we have another 8 heads from the greater Dundee area, or we’ll have to make our own way. We can also pick up at Perth and so on, en route.

If you want to join us, get over to ‘Off-Topic’ and express your interest.

So, do we have another 8 botties to claim seats?

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Oneironaut.

You did dare to type,
“I wonder what they could do with old folk songs…”

Well NOT Laibach but ‘old folk songs…’.

link to

Paula Rose

Oh gosh – he does it right, so does Thepnr but that’s another story.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

And, Oneironaut, there’s this one I posted a couple of months ago…

link to


@Brian Doonthetoon


Excuse me a moment, I need to go outside and retrieve the speakers I just threw out the window! 😉

Brian Doonthetoon

Bill Oddie or Deni Reid – or both?



Bill Oddie. Deni Reid just made me pull the plug out!


@Paula Rose

Thanks, but your wrong. Thepnr does it like this.

link to

PS Love your new avatar.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; you are ALL on drugs!

I don’t remember Enola Gay as being that fast; did someone speed it up? I used to listen to Architecture & Morality over and over again when I was about 17. Talk about a blast from the past.


Okay, maybe I was 14. Keep forgetting how old I am.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Natasha.

“Too fast”.

The explanation is in the caption on the video.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Natasha –

FWIW, I don’t do drugs. Just milk and hairspray.

Check this out:

link to

Alex Clark

@Ian Brotherhood

Re ATOS and Cadogan Street, I never made it. Full of good intentions ect. but the will wasn’t there to make the effort.

Shame on me.


I just get high on a volatile cocktail of caffeine and adrenaline that would probably have lethal side-effects for anyone not as accustomed to it as I am! 😉

Paula Rose

Alex you gorgeous man – you are due a wee spank, Natasha honey only chocolate xx gosh I love you all to bits.

Ian Brotherhood

@Alex –

Hey man, if anyone’s ‘guilty’, there’s plenty more closer to the place feeling likewise.

We (SSP Ayrshire) had a stall in Saltcoats today, trying to plug the public meeting this coming Tuesday in Ardeer Community Centre, Stevenston. No idea why, but Saltcoats was dead. It felt like a mid-week day, hardly anyone about, and loads of folk in a very bad mood, wouldn’t even take leaflets. Mind you, a half-dozen or so stopped, chatted, said they might attend, but the overall vibe was very low-key and depressing.

So it goes. The heady days prior to Sep 18th now appear distant, are fading, but it’s important to recall that buzz, that optimism – we really were that close to making history? Aye, we were.

The memory is real, and it won’t go until none of us are left to remember it.

‘The dream shall never die.’

Paula Rose

Frank had a frank look…

link to


@Paula Rose
We all love you too! 😀

@Ian Brotherhood
“So it goes. The heady days prior to Sep 18th now appear distant, are fading, but it’s important to recall that buzz, that optimism – we really were that close to making history? Aye, we were.

The memory is real, and it won’t go until none of us are left to remember it.

‘The dream shall never die.’”

Well said! 🙂

We going back out for more tomorrow? (Err, I mean, “later today” since it’s now past midnight!)

Ian Brotherhood

@Oneironaut –

Sadly, not so far as I know. I’ll be here, house-bound. Wouldn’t stop you though! Please don’t go solo though – too dodgy man. Seriously.


@Ian Brotherhood
I can’t really do stalls solo anyway. I’m not even very good at doing stalls with someone else, let alone solo.
And these days I’ve got too much pent-up rage in me anyway… Never been one to suffer fools gladly.

Tempted to try and get along to the George Square do, but also thinking of the train fare and how much I’ve already spent this week…
Might go along anyway. I’ll see how bored I get sitting around at home eating my cereal! 🙂

Paula Rose

Ian honey – let me stroke you my darling…

link to


Oneironaut & Ian Brotherhood: if you’re feeling down, watch Gerry Cinammon at Freedom Square on the 12th; that’ll cheer you up. We will get there, you know.
Love you all. xxx


Can’t spell – Cinnamon. Bloody primary school teachers – get their degrees off the back of cereal boxes. 🙂


All our problems will be solved when England gets home rule….

link to

Paula Rose

Natasha honey! How are you? Are you coming on the 22nd?

Paula Rose

I suppose this gives my age away…

link to


Hey all you Wings regulars, we all meet up again in almost three weeks time. This’ll be the first time we’ve all got together since le result.. lot’s of thought provoking stuff to talk about, let’s make it a fun night to remember!

NOW SHOWING: Wings at YES (plus post Hydro after-party)

Where1? YES bar
Where2? Drury Street (not Lane, that’s a line from Shrek) 🙂
When? Saturday, 22nd November 2014
Time? Before, during and after Nicolas speech at the Hydro
Why? We’ll all be there

As my home city of iGlasgow is hosting this gig, maybe we could all take this opportunity to properly celebrate Scotland, each of ourselves and iGlasgow for saying AYE to independence!


@Paula Rose 1.38am

Hi, exhausted as usual! Hoping to be there on the 22nd unless I have to go to a family funeral (very likely in the near future). Looking forward to seeing everyone. 🙂


I probably won’t be at the Hydro event. But tempted to join in the Wings night out.
Even though I’m usually sort of a fish out of water at social events… 🙂

Alex Clark


“I’m usually sort of a fish out of water at social events…”

No you won’t be. Your a winger, a flying fish and are part of a shoal 🙂


@Alex Clark
Nah, I’m really not a team player.

I wasn’t even going to join a party at all.
Just wanted to do something, maybe so I could honestly say I actually tried to help change things instead of just sitting around complaining about them.

People make me nervous.

The other Wings nights out were ok though. I wouldn’t mind another one.

Alex Clark

Yer still part of that shoal, you may prefer to swim on the edge as that’s where your most comfortable. Doesn’t matter your one of us.

As you know we’re a pretty diverse bunch and those on Wings probably more diverse than most groups. Mavericks in many ways.

That’s fine by me, if you can’t think out of the box then it’s likely your already in the box!

Michael McCabe

In my Humble Opinion. If this song does not get your toes tapping. Maybe you are on the Wrong Train. link to Aye till I die


@Alex Clark
“That’s fine by me, if you can’t think out of the box then it’s likely your already in the box!”

Well, I’ve never been one to be happy sitting in the box eating my cereal 😉

I’ll probably be there if something doesn’t stop me…

Alex Clark

@Michael McCabe

Very good, did bring a smile or two to my face and my knees trembled for a moment haha.

Brian Doonthetoon

Alex Clark typed,
No you won’t be. Your a winger, a flying fish and are part of a shoal

And to confirm that, Oneironaurt, see this page…

link to

To follow on from Cactus’s post about the Friends of WOS get-together on 22nd November…

(Sorry for the repetition but needs must…)
Onnyhoo, update on the minidragon from Dundee to the ‘Friends of Wings Over Scotland’ get-together in the YES Bar on 22nd November.

Here are the pertinent details. Assuming we can get another 8 (Eight) names for the minibus, Bob Costello (Team YES Bus) will provide the following…

Minibus leaving Dundee Sensation Science Centre at 4pm.
Drop off at George Square (handy for the Counting House for tea) sometime approaching 6pm.
That lets us have a meal and then head for the YES Bar for 7, or just after.

Pickup at the YES Bar, for the return journey, at 12 midnight (due to 10 hour rest time constraints on his driver).

The cost will be £8 per head, basically as a contribution to the actual cost.

So, can we have another 8 heads from the greater Dundee area, or we’ll have to make our own way…

Brian Doonthetoon

I just recently discovered what “Quarantine” is and have caught up with the posts there.

All very interesting, from the start of the year, where the first WOS get-together was being organised for the 4th April.

I got up to the posts of 3rd April – then nothing until 27th April! Was the night so cataclysmic that memories were wiped?

We should be told…


In the msm today….£2.5 billion to be spent on new tube trains for…..yup, you guessed it…London.
This shower of shit’s generosity knows no bounds when it comes to ‘their’ city.
They are taking the piss….big style.
Thanks again all you NAW cunts….arseholes!
I’m 67 years old now, have wanted independence my whole adult life.
I’m not for going back in the bottle.
Please make this happen before I die.
I certainly won’t stop trying,
Thanks to all the wingers on here…you have (I think!) kept me sane since that fateful, godawful day in September


Aweright Brian Doonthetoon.

I’ll put £20 into a kitty to help with transport or any other entertainment costs, I’m sure others who can would be able to oblige.

Get yourselves on that minidragon.

Cheers 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Cactus.

Generous of you but, hopefully, we’ll get a full complement on the bus.

I’ll leave it another couple of days to see if any Wingers here want to book any of the remaining seats. If no takers, I’ll do a post on the Team YES Bus Facebook page to see if we can capture some bodies.

link to


I’m going to try to get to the Million Mask March in Edinburgh on Wednesday (closer to me than Glasgow). Will any other Wingers be there?

Michael McCabe

I Might go to the Million Mask March in Edinburgh. If I can find out Where and When it starts. Anyhow here is a wee mellow tune to relax to. link to Aye till I die.

Michael McCabe

No reason for Playing this other than I think it is Great. link to


@Brian Doonthetoon
I wouldn’t make a good fish. I hate water! 😉
I’ve been tinkering with a design for an aerial camera drone inspired by National Collective’s one. So might indirectly try the flying part someday 🙂

Nice avatar by the way!

I’d love to, but Edinburgh is way out of my travel range, especially with how much I’ve been splashing out on fares lately…

Hope you have a good day though 😀


And while on the subject of flying…
I can never resist an excuse to post this one 🙂

link to

(Sorry about using Vevo, but the video is hilarious and they seem to have monopolised the right to use it on there!)


@Michael McCabe 12.31am

Details are on IndyScot Events website; it starts at 6pm at the Castle; route is down the Royal Mile. There will be food stalls and speakers; you can bring foodbank donations and masks will be on sale.
Hope it won’t be p*ss*ng down like it is just now!

Paula Rose

For any devotees of cult punk…

link to


Paula Rose
you’re right – Lost Trios Paranoias. This is definitely off topic. But it does remind me of the Bullingdon Boys.
link to

Paula Rose

This may not be getting through the filter – for those interested over on the ballet thread.

link to

Paula Rose

I’m getting confused – I’m off to bed xx

Lenny Hartley

Paula, michty me you boys are well behind with the Berts I was into them in the 70’s 🙂 Brilliant piss take bank, sadly main man died of leukemia in the 80’s. Check out album Italians from Outer Space, brilliant piss take of Lou Read’s Heroin called Anaddin.

Brian Doonthetoon

Heads up, peeps!

Pete and I are preparing personalised badges for the Friends of WOS get-together on 22nd November.

If you’re gonna be there that night, and want a badge, do a post here, in off-topic, letting us know what name you want on the badge.

There are still 8 seats available on the minibus from Dundee, picking up and dropping off en route (if needed).
Pickup in Dundee at 4pm; pickup at the YES Bar at midnight.

Michael McCabe

@ Natasha 7:52pm Thanks for that link. Hoping to get cover so I can go to the march. only 70% just now. Not bothered about the rain hope it stays off though. Hope its a big crowd.

CameronB Brodie

Paula Rose
Say It – 5 Royales 🙂

link to

CameronB Brodie

Of course, it helps not to confuse the 5 Royales with ten Benson.

Here’s one for Better Together.

Ten Bnson – I Don’t Buy It
link to


Hello folks. I can’t sleep, so I thought I’d pass along the recent Independence Live meeting in Inverclyde:

link to

Quite a few movers-and-shakers from Yes Inverclyde: Ronnie Cowan, Gary Forbes, Jenn McClafferty, mary McGlashan, Fiona Cook, Ian Ramsey, and a bearded guy in a leather jacket whose name I cannot quite recall on mike duty.



Tried to have a look at the vid, but just get

“This video is private”

Bob Sinclair

Brian Doonthetoon,
Include me in. Can’t miss this one.



T’was the 16th not the 18th.

2 days beforehand.

Bugger (the Panda)

No explanations, no problems?

link to

Have fun and chase the Lady?

Ian Brotherhood

@BTP –

Great link. Cheers.


Hi Brian,

A namebadge with Kininvie on it would be a treasured souvenir!


Brian Doonthetoon

Re the effigy burning, I posted this on the ‘an-acceptable-answer’ thread a wee while ago but I think it’s gone too far up the page to be seen by those who just read the last two comments.

So I’ll stick it in here.


If you missed the Reporting Scotland story on this, it’s at the link below. Apologies for the sound being a few milliseconds out of sync.

link to

This second video provides the story of the cancellation of the burning, with a rather nicely generated computer voice.

link to

Bob Sinclair – I’ve noted your name for your badge.


Michael McCabe

With all this talk of lewes on the other threads I just cant help myself. link to Aye till I die


Can I get a badge too? Can I? Please?

Michael McCabe

Would it not be Great if we could sing all our cares away ? link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Kinivie and Natasha – names now on the list.

Brian Doonthetoon



Hmm, tempted to get a badge too… 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Oneironaut – you’re now also on the list.

PS: what’s the story behind your username?

Brian Doonthetoon

I think I’ve got it, oneironaut.

Instead of trying to understand ‘ironaut’, I should have concentrated on ‘oneiron’.

It’s something to do with pitch and putt, iye?


Paula Rose

Brian Doonthetoon honey – a problem

I don’t know if I’ll be able to come on the 22nd, no problem with my pussy I have a friend who will spend the night with her, but…

The Perfect Noble Romantic who gives up his bed for me when we have these merry jaunts will be stateside starring in his new movie, so unless the bus does a wee detour to Brechin or…

some other gent is prepared to sleep on the floor or sofa, I may have to back out



Just watched the footage of the Edinburgh Million Mask March on independence and I am gobsmacked; I was there, but I had absolutely no idea how big it was! I was at the front, and because it was dark and I’m not quite five feet tall, I couldn’t see how many people were behind us. I knew it was a lot, but not that it was that many. Nice to know other Wingers were there, even if I couldn’t tell who you were. Saw Ronnie on the Glasgow footage, though, which was nice.


Must find another adjective instead of ‘nice’. Thanks for the badge, Brian – will collect it on the 22nd.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Paula.

Working on a solution to salve your dilemma. Will probably email you over the weekend, once the ingredients are assembled.

Paula Rose

Oh gosh ingredients and salve – you are a real sweetie!


Unless I get a last minute reprieve from a business trip to Houston I won’t make the party.

Damn, I’ll usually do anything for a badge! 😉

I know the rest of you won’t even miss me.

Swearies, swearies, swearies!

Ian Brotherhood

Ceelo Green featuring The Muppets, ‘All I Need Is Love’ –

(Watch out for Beaker and AD)

link to

Ian Brotherhood

P.S. And Alistair Carmichael AKA Fozzy.

Paula Rose

X_Sticks honey – there are many wonderful wingers I hope to meet up with but none are quite as sweet as you… I feel a song coming on – you are always on my mind…

link to

Paula Rose

Oops – Ian honey you know how special you are to me…

remember I wrote this for you xx

link to

Paula Rose

My heart is all a-flutter apparently the perfect noble romantic is still in town, be still my quaking heart – my heart is not silly, enjoy this…

link to


@Paula Rose:
Be careful! Other wingers might become prickly if you hold Ian to be sweeter than them!

Alex Clark


Keep my badge on hold, might make it after all but will take the car. Will explain all when I see you next.

Paula behave yersel 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Anyone still feeling low or sorry for themselves post-18th should have a swatch at this, and bear in mind how much the guy has lost in his life. Oh, and he’s 68 years old.

Barry Gibb, ‘Tragedy’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

re link at 8.45 –

‘Our music will live on…’

Nice one.

Ian Brotherhood

Here’s Barry Gibb when he still had his brothers, giving it big licks. (Not many people know that the video for this was shot entirely in Kilwinning.)

Bee Gees, ‘Stayin’ Alive’ –

link to

Alex Clark

@Ian Brotherhood

As soon as I heard the first bars of Staying Alive it made smile and remember this 🙂

link to

Ian Brotherhood

And while we’re on the subject of decrepit property…

Shakin Stevens (with Legs & Co), ‘This Ole House’ –

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Alex –

Great stuff. Takes me back. I might dig out my white suit for the next Wings night.

Brian Doonthetoon

At some point, between now and 25th January, I will stick something on that YouTube, which will hark back to this wee flurry of Bee Gees tonight. Take note and remember…

Hi Paula.

I’m still sourcing ingredients for what could be merely a salve or, with a bit of joined up thinking, could become a soothing balm.

Keep an eye on your Inbox. (I know; if you could keep an eye on your Inbox, you wouldn’t get into half the bother you do…)


Brian Doonthetoon

Oh, BTW:

Apart from us coming down to the YES Bar on 22nd November from the greater Dundee area (whose badge names I know), the only Wingers who have requested badges marking the night, are

Bob Sinclair

Looks like the Westcoaters may be outnumbered…



The thought of missing you chasse through the Yesbar in your Yes heels is a killer 🙁

link to


Lost the last post – may end up a duplicate


The thought of missing you chasse through the Yesbar in your Yes heels is a killer 🙁

link to


Lost the last 2 posts – may end up duplicated


The thought of missing you chasse through the Yesbar in your Yes heels is a killer 🙁

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Guess what X_Sticks?

They weren’t lost at all! At all. At all.



Lost the last 3 posts – may end up duplicated


The thought of missing you chasse through the Yesbar in your Yes heels is a killer 🙁

link to


I give up – tried to post a reply to Paula three times now.

It might yet appear.

Brian Doonthetoon

At all.

Which reminds me of the archaic joke:

What does a single yellow line at the edge of the cribbie in Ireland mean?
No parking at all.
And what does a double yellow line mean?
No parking at all, at all.


Brian Doonthetoon

Hi X_Sticks.

When the page resets itself after you click on “Submit comment”, reload/refresh the page before you post again.

All your 4 posts have appeared.


Sorry folks! It’s a sign of determination 😉

Ian Brotherhood

More property-related woes…

‘Cities, buildings falling down…’

Simple Minds, ‘I Travel’ –

link to

Alex Clark

Hey I’m sure you all knew that the Gibb brothers were great songwriters as well as performers. Check them out, all classics.

Did you know they wrote this?
link to

or this?
link to

and this:
link to

All great songs, not surprised that they sold over 200 million albums.


O/T. Can all Wingers please check out and respond to link to Braco, who posted the original article on Bella Caledonia, and all of us in Yes Largs are trying to get as wide a coverage as possible to get this very practical project widely known. It’s success depends on ‘word of mouth’!”. Braco can be contacted on We have reopened the Largs Yes Shop – details at link to and are hoping to work with other similar shops and organisations. We want to share ideas, recommendations for speakers, support, equipment, coffee and inspiration. If you can help, it will be really appreciated. Thanks. Braco and Fairliered (and all the other Largs Yessers).

Paula Rose

I think I’m coming darlings!

Oh gosh yes – Thepnr is working his magic

as is this lassie

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Fairliered –

Good to see you in here!

BTW, I passed on your message/invitation to someone better placed to do something about it. If he doesn’t contact you directly I’ll be chasing him up for something solid.

Orrabestest mister.

Paula Rose

My darling X_Sticks honey – a fab song for you should be hereabouts xx


Did try that Brian but hey still didn’t appear. WordPress seems to be getting pretty cranky. Obviously not happy with the referendum outcome 😀


Thanks Ian. See you at RIC?


Forgot to say, if anyone was involved in a now defunct Yes shop, can you also let us know?

Ian Brotherhood

@Fairliered –

I’d love to go to RIC and/or the Wings night. Neither’s looking likely for me right now, but you never do know.

Paula Rose

X_ Sticky honey

link to


Alex Clark
Despite being just a CHILD when the songs you linked to were popular (!) I did actually know that the BeeGees wrote almost everything worth hearing (smug expression). You are clearly a closet romantic.

I think there is a Yes shop re-opening in the Borders somewhere; I will let you know once I find out more.

Ian Brotherhood
Loved your comment on the other thread about the SSP meeting in Stevenston.

Paula Rose

(where’s Tartan Tory – So long no spottee)

Brian Doonthetoon

Och well, since the posts in here are still mentioning the Bee Gees, here is the link to my fave BG track of all time, in the world, ever – on a number of levels.

1. It heavily features the mellotron, probably my favourite instrument in the world ever.

2. It was released, and tuned in with, the psych-pop movement in British music in 1967-69.

3. It works as a SONG.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Alex –

Cheers for those links. Every one a belter.

The Bee Gees wrote some fantastic stuff and were never given, IMO, the kudos they deserved. (For example, all their contributions to ‘Saturday Night Fever’ were written in just three weeks.) The largely forgotten Kenny Everett had a lot to do with the opprobrium heaped upon them in the UK, and Clive James’s treatment of them in interview was appalling. (BTW, Graham Norton’s ‘joke’, when Robin Gibb was in a coma, was written by a Glasgow-based, female freelancer – utterly shameful. She would’ve been paid approximately £100 for it, and will have received repeat royalties every time that clip was shown.)

Anyway, their music will live on, while the detractors sink further into irrelevance. My own favourite is ‘Jive Talkin’, and they wrote it while in the back of a van, travelling between gigs in the USA – the ‘beat’ at the start of the song is based on the regular rhythm of the van-wheels against the road. Superb artists who generated a lot of joy in their lives.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Off topic O/T – anyone else watching Dolly on BBC4?

‘I will always Love You’ on the noo.

paula Rose

Natasha honey – bit stealing my thunder doll.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

re ‘Where’s Tartan Tory?’

When was the last time you checked under your bed? God forbid, but he may have expired by now…

Paula Rose

No probs dolls – lovely gorgeous Tartan Tory clad in leather has just knocked on my door (swoon)


Paula Rose
NO ONE could steal your thunder! I know my place. 😉

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Did you open the door before you swooned, or is he still standing there?

Best check dear…

Paula Rose

Due to the vagaries of the modern world my declared love for Tartan Tory may be lost – but there is no denying my desire for Ian Brotherhood – total swoon and desire.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Right back at ye.

When we first met eyes? I knew, right then, it was a moment I would never ever forget.

Sure enough, I haven’t.

Bee Gees, ‘More Than A Woman’ –

link to

Betty Boop

@ Briandoonthetoon, 7/11/14, 10:42pm

“Oh, BTW:

Apart from us coming down to the YES Bar on 22nd November from the greater Dundee area (whose badge names I know), the only Wingers who have requested badges marking the night, are

Bob Sinclair

Looks like the Westcoaters may be outnumbered…

Brian, the other half Jim T and I have every intention of being in the Yes Bar on 22nd – can’t miss the Wingers meeting. How many are bussing in from my fav city?

Haven’t been around much recently and trying to catch up on the goings on… soooo much to read.

Ok, so we are technically Westcoasters, but, actually Eastcoasters, so I don’t know it that evens up the numbers or not 🙂

Alex Clark

I’ve enjoyed the music, education and the banter tonight with the Bee Gees. Has been a laugh.

Friday nights are now theme nights. First up first served. Dying to be first next week lol.


No way a closet romantic. An out and out left wing socialist romantic that puts REAL democracy above all else apart from nostalgic music!

Betty Boop

Alex Clark, 7/11/14, 9:21pm


Keep my badge on hold, might make it after all but will take the car. Will explain all when I see you next.

Paula behave yersel :)”

Gee, that last comment appeared immediately – was expecting it to hang around in the ether for several hours!

Alex, we are depending upon Paula not to behave! 🙂
Hope you make it down to the Yes Bar too.

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Betty Boop/Jim.

I will now add yooz twa to the list. Will Betty’s Boy be there for a badge an’ a’?

I’ve just had a wee rant at Dundonians in “the-meaning-of-devo-max” at the link below. (Paula Rose will be sorted, so no need to worry on her account).

link to


Thanks for trying so hard to get the bus going from Dundee Brian. I did try some contacts to add to numbers,but no luck.
I’m very disappointed. We won’t be able to stay over and driving through and back isn’t an option either. Miss you all 🙁 Maybe next time.

Alex Clark

@Betty Boop

I fully intend to be there but will be abroad until the 18th, just hoping the job doesn’t overrun. My expectations are that it won’t see so looking forward to seeing you and Jim on the 22nd.

Off Topic is good, sometimes you need a break from politics and this is as good a place to come as any.


Alex Clark
Will I know you by the red rose between your teeth?

Sorry, just realised that was totally inappropriate – why on earth would you have a SLAB symbol anywhere near you?!?

Let’s make it a white rose.


Hmm, are there ANY Westcoasters apart from me thinking of going?

Alex Clark


You will recognise me no problem. I will be wearing my heart on my sleeve!


Alex Clark

🙂 xx

Alex Clark
Brian Doonthetoon


This just came to me, about a second ago, after reading the comments since my last post.

Are WE this?

link to

Betty Boop

@ Briandoonthetoon

Thanks Brian, I’ll have a wee gander at your rant in a mo’. Nope, Betty’s boy is unlikely to be there; he’ll be at home looking over at Dundee!

@ Alex,

Hope you will be there and I hope we don’t need a bucket of water for you and Natasha!!! Thought I was reading the personal columns for a moment there, hearts on sleeves and all that. Paula might get jealous.

BTW – is there anything other than politics, these days?

Just in case no one has posted this one, I find it nostalgic because way back in the 60s it was played every Saturday for ages in the ice rink!

link to

@ Oneironaut

Jim T and I are “technically” westcoasters. Living in Ayrshire for 28 years (where did the time go?) Always meant to go home to the east.

Michael McCabe

You have played the Bee Gees songs I like. So Just to be Different. link to the bee gees is boss


@Betty Boop
Ahh ok.
Just checking I’m not alone 😀

Alex Clark

@Brian Doonthetoon

Just checked your rant and you are right!

I don’t understand it myself, there are a good many Dundonians here who have posted here for not just months but years.

Ach well, each to their own and we shouldn’t be critical as we know nothing of others circumstances.

For example I know a very good Winger in Arbroath who has done much to help. In fact a lot, but he doesn’t like crowds and won’t attend anything like the meet up on the 22nd.

He’s still though a great guy and does things in his own way that I at least am very appreciative of. Like you though I wish more would be willing to get themselves visible and become noticed to keep the pressure on.

We still have a job to do. Getting rid of Labour in Scotland is first.

Brian Doonthetoon

Oneironat – you never responded to my enquiry…

Onnyhoo, keeping with the Bee Gees stuffication…
This was this duo’s follow-up to their debut single – and of course, it was written by the Gibbs.

link to

But, their first single, is one I have on 12′. Nina Carter eventually married Rick Wakeman but Jilly Johnson was my fave Page 3. (Well, it was in the olden days.)

link to

Alex Clark

@Brian Doonthetoon

Yeh dirty old man yeh! LOL.

Talking of subways, I preferred this in my younger days.

link to

ronnie anderson

The Wings Banner will be at the SECC on the 22nd as near the entrance as possible.

Betty Boop

@ Ronnie Anderson

Ronnie, I presume you mean the Hydro with the Wings Banner.
I think we should maybe all carry a mock-up card with “Wingers” on it or something like that and see how many we can spot amongst the thousands in the auditorium!

Look forward to seeing you.

ronnie anderson

@Betty boop glad sombodys paying attention Hydro aye.


Brian Doonthetoon,

‘(Paula Rose will be sorted,…’

And which of you think you’re man enough for that!!

Have loads of fun on the 22nd. I definitely can’t come down then as it is inconveniently situated between two unmissable appointments that week.


I’ve often wished that wings had an ‘Events’ area on the site. Trawling through threads to find things takes determination !



I think what this site lacks the most is a search engine able to ferret out words in the comments.

Swami Backverandah

hiya wingers
re your meet up on 22nd.
I would have liked to come but am way way in the country in the Borders, and logistically it would take a lot of travel on public transport for me to get there and back.
I will be there in spirit though so if anyone wants to make me a wee cardboard badge and stick it to the side of a glass in the YES bar, that’ll be me. 😀

Hope you have a great time.

Betty Boop

@ chipmonkey, 9:29am

I’ve often wished that wings had an ‘Events’ area on the site. Trawling through threads to find things takes determination !

I was talking about that with the other half this morning, the problem with the Dundee bus having brought it to mind. We must have been affected by the Arbroath smokie aroma to have come up with the same idea 🙂

It would have to be a different format from the current comments sections because you would still end up trawling through. CTRL f whilst useful for searching out words and names probably wouldn’t be so useful for searching events.

Maybe some of you techy types can come up with a solution, pls 🙂

Sorry you can’t be there Swami Backverandah, but we’ll raise a glass to absent Wingers.


Paula Rose says:
7 November, 2014 at 11:12 pm
I think I’m coming darlings!
Oh gosh yes – Thepnr is working his magic as is this lassie

link to

Absolutely gorgeous, and i don’t even understand Gaelic.

Ian Brotherhood

@chipmonkey –

Have you tried using ‘Control’ + F? Only lets you search within the thread you’re on, but handy all the same.

Paula Rose

oops – I better make it clear that the coming refers to the wings nite out on the 22nd

Jim Thomson

a question for @AuldA and @Bugger (the Panda)…

What’s the difference between the French terms “Bougre” and “Enculer”?

Those nice people in the Google Translate-isphere offer the first if using “the Panda” enclosed in brackets and the second one if the brackets are removed.

I am sure there’s a logical (and hopefully blush free) explanation.


Relax, Paula, i think most of us caught yer drift.

For those of you who may have missed it.
While the filthy London mouthpiece (BBC) is blanking Nicola’s roadshow
they did do this little piece on Women for Independence.
link to

((( GO LADIES )))
The item appears at around the 8 min 35 second mark.
Apologies to those outwith the UK who, i believe, will
not be able to view this.


@Jim Thomson:

Etymologically, both means the same thing. “Enculé” is strictly vulgar slang (offensive) and means “bugger”, both in the “obnoxious” and “sod” meanings. “Bougre”, currently, means a poor guy, an unfortunate one, much like “bugger” when used in an other context (that poor bugger is sick: ‘ce pauvre bougre est malade’).

However, “Bougre” is the old middle French word for “Bulgarian”. Why? Because during the heyday of the Catharist heresy, that heresy was thought to have come from the Balkans (Bulgaria). And – as it was common in those days – since Cathars had to be hated by to populace, the Church accused them of many sins, especially of sodomy. Wherefore the meaning, later inherited by the English word, directly borrowed from French. As it is often the case for English words borrowed from French, they keep their original meaning, whereas in French their meaning might alter, or even the word can disappear completely (‘double-entendre’, for example, does not exist anymore in modern French).

Jim Thomson

@AuldA – ta much for the explanation. I’m sure that @B(tP) is mightily relieved 🙂

Paula Rose

@ AuldA – I presume double-entendres still exist in french, is there a new expression for such wordplay?


@Jim Thorson:

You’re most welcome. If you’ve another question, do not swither. Linguistics have always been (one of) my cup(s) of tea.


Swami Backverandah 10.44am

We live in the Borders; do you want a lift? We’d be going to see Nicola first, and may have a spare ticket, but if we don’t, you could go shopping/have a wander through the toon and meet up afterwards to go to the Yesbar.

Let me know if you do want a lift, and I’ll give you my email address.


@Paula Rose:
In the country of Sade, to whom one of our greatest museum has just begun to dedicate a new exposition (link to, there was no question that a word such as ‘double-entendre’ has to be replaced if it came to disappear. In fact, ‘we’ now use ‘double-sens’ (i.e.: double-meaning) in lieu of ‘double-entendre’.

‘Entendre’ in modern French has almost completely lost his former meaning of ‘understand’ (cf. Spanish ‘entender’) and has come to mean exclusively ‘to hear’, except in some frozen expressions.

Paula Rose

Time for a whip-round – I need to go to Paris!

Jim Thomson

@Paula Rose – you told me to NOT bring the whip last time. Sooo disappointed in you 🙁


@Paula Rose:
Ian, if I were you, I’d not let Paula go to Paris.
She might come back with a lot of kinky ideas. 😛

Betty Boop

@ AuldA, 8/11/14, 4:04pm

@Paula Rose:
Ian, if I were you, I’d not let Paula go to Paris.
She might come back with a lot of kinky ideas. 😛

Or might introduce a few new moves to gay Paris! Most of us don’t really know what fun goes on in Angus 😉

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Betty Boop et al.

This idea of an ‘Events Page’ must have exploded over Scotland the other day, as Pete mentioned the very same to me – Thursday I think it was.

Hi Ronnie.

You’re the second person to suggest the Horseshoe rather than the YES Bar – Alex Clark typed the same a couple of weeks ago.

How about this to mull over/argue about? Move the Wings get-together ‘officially’ to the Horseshoe (more seats/space and cheaper gigglejuice) and then, anyone who wants to, can nip across the road for a pint in the YES Bar, so they can say they’ve supported it.

Could be like the old days in Meadowside, Dundee, where Foreigners was on one side of the road and the Cafe Club on the other. (Both Rock pubs.)

There was a steady exchange of customers all night…

Onnyhoo, update on the names I have for ‘Wings Over Glasgow’ badges…

Alex Clark
Betty Boop
Bob Sinclair
Brian Doonthetoon
Hanii Puppy (my son)
Jim Thomson
Livestream – Kevin + Delboy
Paula Rose
Pete the Camera
Ronnie Anderson

Anyone I’ve omitted so far?

Ian Brotherhood

@AuldA –

The mind boggles. As things stand she can do extraordinary things using nothing more than an elastic band and a ping-pong ball.

Paula Rose

Dear old Donatien – I think I’d have the whip-hand over him, if only he were alive today we could compare notes.



You say that because you both share a sling? Errr… fling, forry 🙂


I am sure Paula would quickly be leonized!

Betty Boop

@ Briandoonthetoon

All those folk with the same thoughts around the same time about an events page… spookily, they were all in Arbroath in the summer. Hmm… I smell smokies! Done something to our collective minds. Anyways, it would make life easier.

As I haven’t been in either the Yes Bar nor the Horseshoe, I shall have to bow to your superior knowledge of the Glasgow drinking establishments 🙂 I hope some more Wingers will manage along on the night. Sure there must be a few going to the Hydro in the afternoon.

@ Paula Rose,

Enjoyed Fear a’ Bhata and offer here a different version for your delectation:

link to

Paula Rose

I posted the song as a metaphor for losing the referendum – those of you who understand the lyrics may be very comforted by the fact that the writer Sine NicFhionnlaigh and Domhnall MacRath (the boatman) married – a happy ending.



Aha, so she didn’t show you the one with the hairy string and the beer mat? 😀

Paula Rose

X_sticks and Ian, boys that entertainment was for your eyes only, now please desist in causing any more speculation.

Paula Rose

Just gone 7 – time to put the juke box on, first up a french classic from 1977…

link to

Paula Rose

More french naughtiness, Stinky Toys…

link to

Paula Rose

and next… Les Wampas!

link to

Jim Thomson

@Paula Rose, you’re straying off-topic … well, anyway …

back to the earlier theme, a nice bit of Doris.

link to

Paula Rose

Damn! You beat me to it!

Never mind – for all those, moi aussi, who are going to have to wait a couple of hours to see how Malcolm Tucker defeats the cybermen…

link to

Paula Rose

Totally on topic…

link to

Jim Thomson

I can’t find any of those hats in the Wings Store 🙁


Jim Thomson – if we’re on a ‘Doris’ theme, here’s a great wee song written by Jimmy Doris, of The Stoics where he was guitarist + vocalist along with Frankie Millar.(from 1969). LuLu is giving it her all, enjoy.

link to

Jim Thomson

Ennio Morricone – Cat o’ Nine Tails
link to

Jim Thomson

@TJenny errmmm, well, actually, errmm it’s kinda more like “whips” 😛

Paula started it earlier, honest 😉

Ian Brotherhood

The Clash, ‘Tommy Gun’ –

link to


If you are curious of French naughty songs, the best reference is Serge Gainsbourg, either as a writer or as a singer. Two examples:

• Soft and very famous, France Gall’s “Les sucettes” (Lollipops, Popsicles):
link to
English exegesis here: link to

• Harder and nonetheless as famous, ‘Love on the beat’:
link to
Some cursory elements here: link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Paula.

“Ca Plan Pour Moi”…
An interesting history. This record was first released in Belgium in 1977, on the RKM label. It was then released all over the world, before being released in the UK in 1978, on the Sire label.

I already knew the tune, because I had bought the Elton Motello single “Jet Boy Jet Girl”, on the Lightning label, prior to PB’s release.

Both tracks use exactly the same backing track, ie only the vocal tracks have been changed for each version.

Perchance the English lyrics of ‘Jet Boy Jet Girl’ are more up your side of the street than all that French nonsense?

link to


@Paula Rose:

From the same Belgian singer (Plastic Bertrand), a French translation of the famous Neapolitan song “Guaglione”: link to

Ian Brotherhood

The Clash, ‘White Riot’ –

link to


Jim Thomson – oops.;-) But did you like the tune?

Brian Doonthetoon

Seeing that it’s less than a week to Dundee’s Christmas lights switch-on, I’ll get in with a traditional Scottish Christmas song.

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Skids, ‘Masquerade’ ––TkMjI-Z4

Ian Brotherhood

The Skids, ‘Working For The Yankee Dollar’ –

link to

Paula Rose

Oh giggle giggle…bare as well…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

The Ruts, ‘Babylon’s Burning’ –

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

I saw this band 4 times at the Bowlin’ Alley (Dundee College of Technology Students’ Union) in the late 70s/early 80s.

Hailing from Liverpool, they always went down a storm. Still performing in some shape or form – just stick Supercharge or “Albie Donnelly” into YouTube’s search box. More jazzy tyhese days.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon


Brian Doonthetoon

Ruts are on in Dundee later this week.

Jim Thomson

@TJenny Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie is usually more than bearable 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

The Stone Roses, ‘Waterfall’ (Live – Good God Almighty, they look about 16 years old…)

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Everyone beware – we’ll likely be shifting onto a new page later this evening, so remember to refresh and advance (that sounds positively stirring, eh?), and don’t get stuck here, thinking everyone’s naffed off.

Paula Rose

Ian honey – its all mine xx

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

What’s all yours?

Please put that pink-gin down and explain yourself.

Paula Rose

Any excuse – one of my favourites…

link to

Paula Rose

Off topic on off topic – my big sister…

link to

Paula Rose

Totally off topic – but from the best western ever made, I’m in tearful mode and the pink gins help – I’m all alone except for my pussy…

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Wow. Knew the face, didn’t know the name.

Here’s one you may be able to help me with. One of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen was in at least one Hammer House of Horror movie – a sultry brunette, not dissimilar to Claudia, but I can’t pinpoint which film, or recall her name. She was a proper stunner. Can’t remember if she played a vampire, or whatever, but I can see her face in my heid…

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

Here’s one for your, er, cat:

The Cure, ‘The Lovecats’ –

link to

Paula Rose

16 year old stoned roses – get a grip Ian dear, time to dance…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian Brotherhood.

Could have been Caroline Munro, or one of the Collinson twins, or Lesley-Anne Down, or Fenella Fielding (most famous for “Carry On Screaming” – “Do you mind if I smoke”?)?

You can see Caroline in this Manikin ad from 1970. BTW: the music is “A ‘B’ Side” by Manfred Mann, which was the B side of “Ragamuffin Man”.

link to

Have a look at the site below – you may be able to pick out your fantasy if she isn’t Caroline Munro.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

And you can listen to the full version of “A ‘B’ Side” here:-

link to

Paula Rose

Here’s my big brother telling it li(k)e it is…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Paula.

No reaction to Elton Motello then?

Paula Rose

Oh gosh I love it when boys sing about me…

link to


I know the Rev has an unhealthy liking for young Taylor Swift but she has a long way to go she is running up a hill….

link to


Ah well..since I mentioned Kate..

link to

Paula Rose

A song for those who voted no and now have regrets…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Och Paula, I thought you were gonna link to this, appropriate for all the dual personalities out there…

link to

Still no comment on Elton Motello though…

Brian Doonthetoon


First time ever. First post on a new page!

I am humbled…


@Ian Brotherhood… the sultry brunette was Fenella Fielding in ‘Carry on Screaming’. Her goth vampiric look was ten years ahead of Suzie…I remember seeing the movie at the time and well….it’s an uplifting mammory. Sorry memory.

Paula Rose

I’m getting my whip out.

Ian Brotherhood

@Briandoonthetoon –

Cheers mister.

Turns out I’ve been leading meself astray, as well as everyone else.

The lass I had in mind is Ingrid Pitt. I’m still sure as can be that she was in a Hammer movie, but no matter, she was definitely in The Wicker Man.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Ian.

Ingrid Pitt was mentioned on that list page I gave the link for on the previous page. Her real name was Ingoushka Petrov.

Brian Doonthetoon

BTW Ian.

You no’ coming on the 22nd? You haven’t put your name forward for a badge…


@Ian Brotherhood: Ingrid Pitt?…check out ‘the Vampire Lovers’ a Hammer Horror starring Miss Pitt and another starlet of the era..the toothsome Madeleine Smith.,..something to get your teeth into.
By the way, Ingrid allegedly escaped via the Berlin Wall before becoming the leading light in British Schlock horror movies.

Ian Brotherhood

@Brian Doonthetoon –

That link is a marvellous thing, and I did go through the whole 100 – can’t imagine how I missed Ingrid/Ingoushka. Dammit, I’ll have to go through it all again…

So far as the 22nd goes? Not looking good for me…various family-related shenanigans. Mind you, where there’s a will an’ aw that…

Paula Rose

I am going to be very cross with some of you boys on the 22nd – top spot belongs to the girls.

link to

Paula Rose

Sorry darlings – I can’t resist from posting the prettiest boys ever…

link to

Paula Rose

Ian honey – if you think I am going to cross the country to find that you are not there? No way dearest.

Brian Doonthetoon

Paula Rose – I’m hurt to my back tooth.
You’re ignoring my flirtatious questions. (Did I just type ‘flirtatious’? I apologise.) Questions, period.

BTW: was Tartan Tory in better spirits than the 19th, when he swanned up to your door, no doubt for the usual “coffee and a wee shot on the swing”?

Paula Rose

I’m so naughty – cuntry and western on the bbc watching as broadcast, Brian Doonthetoon I will be getting a

Paula Rose

oh my darling Brian Doonthetoon pour too…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Blanquet on the ground?

I’ve been here, and I’ve been there and, I’ve been everywhere – but never below a blanquet on the ground! This is more my style…

link to

But still no mention of Elton Motello. I will percy vere.

Brian Doonthetoon

And onnyhoo, it was Garth Brookes who put the c*nt into ‘country’.

He was the ar$e who wanted the sale of second-hand CDs taxed because subsequent sales did the original “artiste” out of royalties. Sounds like a red tory…

Paula Rose

For the faint hearted xx

link to

Paula Rose

Brian honey – this is more my style…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

Rockabilly/Psychobilly was hinted at earlier, so I will offer this classic of its time…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

And then keeping in a redneck groove…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

And did you know, Paula Rose, that you have only got to make six connections through your myriad friends, to get into Kevin Bacon’s pants?

I’ll bet you’re swooning now!


Paula Rose

Brian darling – I think of you…

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

You think that has some sort of status?

Nah – ‘Bend and Flush’.

link to

Brian Doonthetoon

And off topic in ‘off-topic’…

WHY, when a new page has been created in this wonderful ‘off-topic’ scenario, does the system take you back to the start of the page before, when you type a comment and then click on ‘Submit Comment’, instead of showing your comment on the current page?

The answer to this is one of my favourite things…


Count me in for YES Brian Doonthetoon, Cactus +1 (Dixie) for now.

Looks like I’m going to the ‘homecoming gig’ of Scotlands newest First Ministeress at the Hydro afterall, received a kind invitation.

Get your name up in neon lights Nicola.. shining onto the Clydeside Expressway like they did for Rod Stewart hehe 🙂

Let’s raise the roof ayeGlasgow!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi Cactus.

Added, just before I turn in. You twa are on the list…

Brian Doonthetoon

And before I finally shut down the computy apparaturie…

Paula Rose: Still no reaction to Elton Motello?


@Brian D.
It seems Elton made a flop.

Free Scotland

Anyone fancy a laugh?

link to


Swami Backverandah, if you’re out there, my offer of a lift on the 22nd still holds. 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi AuldA.

And we all know that Paula Rose turns her nose up at anything floppy…

Betty Boop

@ Briandoonthetoon,

Loved the first comment under “The Oldest Swinger in Town” youtube video, ie “This used to be about other people, now it’s about us !!!”

Oh, how true… Where did the last 40 years go? 🙁


@Betty Boop 3.15pm

I was 6 forty years ago! 🙂 Still, I did spend a whole year thinking I was 39 when I was only 38. It was a lovely surprise when I realised my mistake.

Paula Rose

Sorry darlings – I thought I’d posted this earlier, one of my faces by young elton…

link to

Paula Rose

Oops – faves not faces

Bugger (the Panda)

More Luxembourg tax secrets.

link to

Bugger (the Panda)

@ AuldA

5 points pour toi!

Bugger (the Panda)

link to

More dirt on Luxembourg tax havens

Bugger (the Panda)

no posts displayed?

Bugger (the Panda)


Older posts connection link and new post connection link.

6,000 posts. Hey ho


Bugger (the Panda)
Remember when you’ve posted, you will be sent back to the top of the previous page for some reason.

Bugger (the Panda)

I am only a fekin Panda, not the brightest of badgers.


You’re our Panda and we love you. 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

I left this on an earlier thread but I am offering a one-way lift to Glasgow on the morning of Nicola’s rally at the Hydro.

Could also pick up in Glenrothes or Kirkcaldy.

Just spending the night in Freuchie

innerbearsden(at) gmail (dot) com

Fill in the symbols yersell.

Ian Brotherhood

The Levellers, ‘Just The One’ –

link to

Bugger (the Panda)


Just read further up the pages.

Remind me not to pick a fight with you.

Are the glasses made in real glass or plastic in the Yes Bar?

Paula Rose

I’m not drinking out of plastic glasses!

Bugger (the Panda)

OK ruby plastic slippers?


@BtP 6.13pm

I don’t know whether that’s an insult or a compliment! Put it this way – if you are going to pick a fight, you might want me in your corner . . . 🙂

Brian Doonthetoon

For anyone thinking about producing badges, I’ve typed some advice, and designs for download, at the link below.

link to

O/T in off-topic…
To get round this strange going back a page after you click on “Submit Comment”, what I do is click to submit, then when the previous page appears, I click “Back” on Firefox’s top toolbar, then refresh the page. You should see your new post in situ.
If there is still text in the comment box below your new post, just delete it, coz it’s done its job.

CameronB Brodie

Here is one for all Unionists and No voters. 😉

The White Stripes – You Don’t Know What Love Is [You Just Do As You’re Told]
link to

pete the camera

The story of Jack Bruce is on BBC2 at 9pm tonight for any interested party’s



Merci ! Mais pourquoi cette générosité subite ?

@brian D.:

Floppy and chubby? 😛

Paula Rose

The White Stripes! Any excuse… enjoy

link to

Ian Brotherhood

After the Saturday Night Fever comes the Sunday Night Teaser –

What was the top-selling No. 1 single in the UK in 1965?

Go on, have a guess before you click, and prepare to have your flabber properly gasted. (Clue – it wisny by The Beatles.)

link to

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Brotherhood 8.59, an hiv we no shed enough of them

Ian Brotherhood

@ronnie –

Kin right.

Jim Thomson

@Pete the camera 7:49pm

Yeah – watching it now and here’s a wee sample of the greatness

link to

Go to 1:20 in to miss the preamble.


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1. Visit main page
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