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Wings Over Scotland

Meet The Yoons, Part 2

Posted on October 25, 2016 by

A member of an MSP’s staff posted an image on Twitter this morning of a flyer that had apparently just been shoved through their office letter box:


But after having a merry old chuckle at the layout, colour choice and language, we wondered what sort of person might produce such a thing. So, ably assisted as ever by a team of alert readers, we decided to see if we could find out.

The flyer was illegal under Electoral Commission rules, as it didn’t include an “imprint” identifying the publisher. But it did have a phone number on the other side.


The number showed up in several places from a Google search.



It appeared to belong to someone called Jim Brown – a wrestler, gym instructor and model from Kilsyth, who used the town as his username on a wrestling forum. And users of the forum were quick to react angrily when he posted on it, accusing “Kilsyth” of being a sex offender, something he didn’t deny.


So we had a look for Kilsyth-based sex offenders called Jim Brown, and there wasn’t exactly a shortage of results.




Now, as Jim Brown’s number is in the public domain to some degree, it’s not possible to entirely rule out the possibility that someone put it on the flyer maliciously. When we rang it the man on the other end answered to “Jim”, but then denied his surname was Brown. Brown, however, has also wrestled under the name “James Wallace”.

And when someone’s already a convicted multiple child sex offender, it would seem a bit weird to try to get them nuisance calls over being a Unionist rather than, y’know, all the child sex convictions. So a reasonable person acting in good faith would probably conclude that the offender and the flyer creator were the same man.

As Jim Brown has served his time for all his offences (as far as we’re aware), he is of course an innocent man and respectable member of decent society in the eyes of the law once more. So given his political-activism talents, he should probably expect an offer to join the board of Scotland In Union any day now.

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John O

The unionist do have some very unusual friends.

Bob Mack

Boak! !


Board of Scotland in Union? I’d suggest a man of his talents would find a much loftier place in the British State! Much easier to control someone with “unusual” tastes!

Liz g

Trying to imitate their betters down in Westminster is what Unionists are encouraged to do is it not ?


I will never understand the workings of the Yoon mind.

Just seen this from Scotland in union. It’s almost like they think, we have loads of money, lets just take the piss out of them.

link to

harry mcaye

Only thing I’d point out is that Holytown is some way from Kilsyth (he probably moved after his release), but it all does seem to match, even if he doesn’t seem to be being entirely truthful in that forum post, understandably.


Is this the core of No vote? JKR should have a chance to comment.

It seems a bit unfair of Doug Daniel to equate that flyer with the poster crowd funder. It is just gratuitous insults and no attempt to produce alternative info which is what I understood the crowd funder to be about.

Jockanese Wind Talker

The board of Scotland In Union?

Surely a Peerage so he can join the other Unionists with that kind of ‘appetite’ in the HOL (Unless you only get one if you haven’t been convicted).

As previously posted The Ruthenfuhrer, WATP Tomkins and Queens 11 Fraser lifted a lot of rocks looking for Unionist votes.

Is it any wonder creatures like this have crawled out?

Kilsyth is also in deepest Citrus Fruit Fan country if I’m not mistaken.


Guy need to do a computer course on desktop publishing i cna’t read the text it bad


Probably a welcome relief to get pinged for being a Yoon I would have thought.

Looking at the piece on the fan forum he also writes rather better than many of the Unionist contributors I have seen over the last couple of years so a job in communications in Scotland in Union beckons 🙂


Well we know that Police Scotland seem to have taken offence with the SNP Scottish Government for them trying to protect their pension, against Westminster’s wishes, and for giving them greater numbers per capital than their English counterparts, so I wouldn’t expect them to be able to question this “Guy”, while still contempalting whether to ask Michelle Thomson questions about buying a home to let through being the highest bidder!

Is it a considered opinion that the UK has many high level politicians, Police Officers and Judges who have
the same sexual orientation, might be tempted to fund such leaflets?

I can find no other reason why those accused in high places manage to die of old age before they are brought to court and why the Public Enquiry continues to select friends of the suspects, or people who are not up to the task.

Will we all have expired before any findings are made, and will be another Chilcott Report that costs millions but took no action against the guilty.

Scotland must get out of Sodom and do it Tomorrow!


“As Jim Brown has served his time for all his offences (as far as we’re aware), he is of course an innocent man and respectable member of decent society in the eyes of the law once more.”

The law doesn’t see him as a ‘respectable member of decent society’. He’ll still be on the Sex Offenders Register. His last conviction was in 2014 so he’ll be on it until 2024 at the earliest.


Poor Holytown! What a strange guy…


I think he is not too well versed in the occupational pitfalls of abusive language when trying to convince people to vote against something. 😉

There again maybe I’m just looking too deeply into this. 😀


He’ll surely be welcomed by the UKOK campaigners like Scotland in Union, as long as he’s not left alone with unsupervised children.

“It’ll be great.” Donald Trump.

Big Jock

Proud to be Scottish but displaying the flag of the UK under the title. Is about as dim as writing proud to be American and putting a Canadian flag on that. They are not proud to be Scottish they are proud that Scotland doesn’t exist as a nation. If you are proud to be British then say it. Don’t falsify a claim to something you ignore the existence of.

I remember a Newco fan in front of me at Hampden for a game against Denmark. Proudly wearing a union Jack hat. That’s the level of stupidity of yoons.

Liz g

One Scot @ 1.31
Just seen your link.
Says it all really.
KEEP Scotland….. KEEP us….
Ye keep a stray puppy or kitten.
Ye keep animals in a zoo
When ye Keep human beings there is a word for that.
Jesus Suffrin Fuck
Whit planet are they on.


Assess the article, come to an opinion about the individual, but its a bad idea to form opinions about a community based on the background of an individual.

I’m central belt born and raised and know those communities well.

Worth a thought.


BBC r4 lunchtime news gave Mike Gove a soap box for ages, on their rolling party political broadcast on behalf of planet toryboy. Same Mike Gove’s got another BBC r4 lunchtime slot, all to himself and all to boost the tory goddess that is Teresa May. Gove wants a UKOK cabinet job but its extremely weird listening to a Scottish haha tory given hours of BBC air time like this.

Are the UKOK right and the yoons in the Scottish region of the greater English state, insane?


Oh fuck liz…jesus and fuck in the one comment and nearby one another too…watch oot Hamish 100 is aboot! 😉


The curse of the disappearing post as you start to edit it!

Doesn’t this highlight the problems of campaigning outwith an election? I saw on Twitter that a couple of people had expressed concern about the poster crowd funder and the tone being too zoomerish. If the tone is kept informative then it should serve a purpose. Seems a bit unfair to equate it with the above.

Liz g

Macart @ 1.58
Well said
Born raised and still living in the central belt.
Most in fact almost all here regardless of their politics would condemn that behaviour.


Sorry for going O/T here but we appear to have upset one or two wee individuals dan suff, or more importantly oor Nicola has! 😀

link to

Liz g

K1 @ 2.02

Chic McGregor

Repeating an OT thought for the day here as it did not appear on an older thread.

Citizenship and passport conferring entities can confer such rights on anyone of their choosing.

For example, Ireland confers citizenship and a passport to anyone born in Northern Ireland and indeed to their children and grandchildren if they apply for it.

By the same token a post Brexit EU could, if they so choose, confer citizenship and a passport to resident or born Scots and there is absolutely nothing (sane) the UK Government could do about that.

We could still enjoy non visa’d holidaying and working in the EU if they wanted to let us as a reward for voting remain.

Question sent off to EUROPA.

Dr Jim

They have a board?

Liz g

Arbroath 1320 @ 2.11
Canny say I disagree.
While their language is intemperate (who am I to talk jist ask K1) the thrust of there argument I could get on board with.


This Union thingy they seem so keen on. What exactly do they think it offers, either to themselves or waverers?

We’ve had a lot of experience of their Union, and much of it hasn’t been good. Wars, sleeze, troughing, entitlement, greed, etc etc. By 21stC European standards the UK can’t reasonably be called democratic. The UK has one of the highest inequality indices among EU members. Basically it’s naff.

An iScotland mimicking Nordic nations would be a better place for us all.

So, right across the pro Union spectrum, what’s the attraction!?

Raw blood and soil nationalism is all I can think of.


For example, Ireland confers citizenship and a passport to anyone born in Northern Ireland and indeed to their children and grandchildren if they apply for it.”

Ireland confers citizenship and passport to anyone with Irish relatives, living or deceased. All you need is their Irish birth certificate and it takes a week.


To be honest Liz I am more than happy for the Daily Mail to organise another referendum dan suff for everyone there to decide whether they want to keep us or kick us out their beloved broken union. 😀

Let’s face it Liz THEY would do OUR job for us and remove any pre or post independence nastiness that might raise its ugly head. 🙂

Thomas Valentine

F#@% me! I actually think I might know this guy.
Ho Ho . When I next run into him I am going to rip the pish out of him. Already though he was a creepy dobber.

Martin Keatings

Roid Rage?

Chic McGregor


As well. But the salient difference is those born in Northern Ireland need have no technically Irish relatives at all.

Robert Graham

Any comments Ruth ? .
As with Christmas adverts in October a bit early but if they have lots of dosh carry on ,
The current crowd funder re Independence should hold off the commission of any work until we see the whites of their eyes it’s way too soon, even then don’t expect cooperation from poster site owners, the yoons tend to operate in closed circles so that might be a big problem, the usual answer might be offered, site booked, maintenance of site planed , site not of a appropriate size, or the final hurdle fee for site suddenly goes through the roof, as in the hostile media this will be paid close attention even at this early stage, in other words all avenues will probably be covered, sorry to be the barer of not so welcome news but it’s going to happen they will try anything.

Bugger (the Panda)

One word from a previous post


Liz g

galamcennalath 2.25
Well I think,that they think,that we think, we need kept.
They think,that we think that’s ok
They also seem tae think they will somehow be these aforementioned keepers.
Some I suspect already have a uniform.
Mibbi they are the ones that think they need kept,and Im no qualified to speculate on that wan.Except to say an intervention of some sort should have been done.

Anyhoo whit dae you think.


The weirdo aside! a couple of excellent letters in todays National confirming Robert Peffers slant on Scottish Sovereignty.

Liz g

Arbroath 1320 @ 2.28
Don’t know about you but I would go and campaign,in a heartbeat.
Seriously though do you think there’s a chance that the Great British Public are being prepared for our departure?
Convinced that this is a good thing and what they actually want?


@the grassrooters of Yes ~

If that’s the kind of material beginning to go through the letterboxes, it will probably inadvertently and unofficially start proper, the long-awaited preindyref2 ball rolling..

Our ship awaits, SO let’s get the hull of Scotland’s ship primed up first, in readiness for the nod from Nicola.

All hands on deck! Rrrrr!

Jim Mitchell

They take an article specifically referring to the First Minister and use it to spill out their bile against ALL scots, wonder what NO voters will think of that?


Rev wrote:

“As Jim Brown has served his time for all his offences (as far as we’re aware), he is of course an innocent man and respectable member of decent society in the eyes of the law once more.”

I know you’re just trying to be your old diplomatic self but you’re technically wrong. He is far from innocent and will be a registered sex offender which remains that way for a certain period of time, how long i cannot say, it may even be a permanent situation. Someone may be able to clarify how long.


@Liz g

You are quite right about keep/kept. That seems to be the mindset of the Uncle Tams here.

The other word they are fond of down south which offends me is ‘lose’, as in, lose Scotland.

Scotland isn’t and never was theirs to lose!

It’s always about Greater England. Their entitlement to rule and dominate their neighbours. And, for the colonial mentality of wannabeeEnglish, their desire to be ruled in the hope they will be accepted.

Fortunately, at least half of Scots are now of independent mind.

John J.

This man seems to be suffering from some kind of personality disorder, associated with narcissism and god only knows what else.
I didn’t detect much contrition or insight into his own ‘condition’.

health warning; I’m not a psychologist or anything.

[…] Wings Over Scotland Meet The Yoons, Part 2 A member of an MSP’s staff posted an image on Twitter this morning of a flyer that […]


So given his political-activism talents, he should probably expect an offer to join the board of Scotland In Union any day now.

Try to picture the tory BBC led media explosion, if this was the political activity of a YESer with this kind of criminal record. Actually it probably doesn’t even bare thinking about, “vile separatist sex criminal” would’nt come close to the whole raft of UKOK rags raging away our news stands.

Maybe he’s thinking outside the box, “Sex Criminals united in Union!” “Great Britain for Great British Sex Criminals!” “Sex Criminals are BetterTogether!” Or even, the UKOK Sex Criminal Party.

Make great T shirts.

Bugger (the Panda)

Macart says:
25 October, 2016 at 1:58 pm
Assess the article, come to an opinion about the individual, but its a bad idea to form opinions about a community based on the background of an individual.

I’m central belt born and raised and know those communities well.

Worth a thought.”

He will be on a very short and tight leish.


Liz g says:
25 October, 2016 at 2:42 pm

Arbroath 1320 @ 2.28
Don’t know about you but I would go and campaign,in a heartbeat.
Seriously though do you think there’s a chance that the Great British Public are being prepared for our departure?
Convinced that this is a good thing and what they actually want?

Oh don’t get me wrong Liz I would be out manning the local YES stall in a heartbeat, assuming my heart decides it still wants to beat as opposed to drum roll that day. 😀

As far as them dan suff are concerned I am 100% convinced they are no where near ready for our imminent departure from their broken union.

I am also 100% convinced that they do not know exactly what they want either with Europe nor especially with Scotland any more!

Proud Cybernat

The English don’t see themselves as ‘British’ – they are English and, first and foremost, that is how they see themselves. ‘British’ is but a sop for those who seek to be second-class ‘English’. We know Gordon Brown claims to be from ‘North Britain’ but when did you ever hear an English person claim they were from ‘South Britain’?

I’d much rather be a first-class Scot every day of the week and four times on Sundays.


Excellent article by Michael Gray in The National

link to

I like it extra because it closes the bonds between the Greens and SNP, vital in the months to come. We’re all on the same side.

Takeour blueback

Of all the gin joints in all the world, the wee perv had to do it at Wishaw sports centre, feckin 2mins walk from my front door! Glad he won’t be back for a while as my kid’s go there regularly!

You know its getting close to halloween, all the Creepy Yoons start appearing!


@ Proud Cybernat 3:00pm :

One of my daughters is attending uni on the South coast of England.

My daughter was born in Leicester which pretty much all of the other students there (mainly from SE England) consider as “The North”. This has annoyed the hell out of my daughter as she says they say “Oh you’re from The North” in a patronising/disparaging way.

Leicester (for those who aren’t aware) is pretty damn near the geographic centre of England.

Now imagine what they think of Scots 😉


Proud Cybernat says:

The English don’t see themselves as ‘British’ – they are English and, first and foremost, that is how they see themselves. ‘British’ is but a sop for those who seek to be second-class ‘English’.


The fact that some Scots have used the ‘North British’ while ‘South British’ is virtually unknown, tells a lot about the Union, how it worked/works, and how those Scots aspiring to acceptability in it saw/see themselves.

Had a quick Goggle and it looks like the phrase ‘South British’ might have been used in the past in New Zealand!

They shed their Cringe long ago!


If anyone missed last night’s Scotland Tonight here is a wee doozie of a moment from it. 😀

link to


Actually on the subject of “Sex Criminals for the UK” T shirts and our lovely tory BBC led media, one of the really dirty tricks the UK press all use is plonking a photo of SNP MP’s or leaders on their front page, alongside some banner headline on an appalling crime, like this dude’s.

All UKOK media do it but its such a rotten tactic, really desperate and reached peak creep out front page press wise, in their hysterical vote NO or else Ref 2 run up. Slamond really got hammered by our media chums and now Nic Sturgeon gets its from the Express and the Heil reprobates but its used by the BBC tv vote NO propagandists in much the same way.

It would be interesting to see how this kind of front page smear by photo association actually influences votes. But they have their uses too, planet toryboy brainwashing and sex criminals.

Imagine being an SNP MP and having to actually talk to the whole of UKOK hackdom just waiting to smear you like this, every single UKOK day.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Takeour blueback says at 3:07 pm

gym joints surely 🙂


What I don’t understand about the yoons way of thinking is, if Scotland is looked upon as a region and our SG an administration, why doesn’t westminster just come out and say it. I know they won’t as it serves their purpose to down Scotland at every opportunity.
I recall Darling saying something along the lines of Scottish oil underwriting the UK debt so to me, if we actually had access to 100% revenues that westminster takes and squanders, rather than using it to the betterment of everyone, Scotland would thrive.

These people against Scotland and it’s people having the right to
self determination need to see that it’s not Scotland that’s too wee, too poor etc and wouldn’t thrive under our own steam but their refusal through fear, that closes their minds off to even contemplating a better way of life.


Vestas says:

“The North …. England”

I spent some time in ‘The North’ of England.

I used to respond to that sense of geography by saying, “North? You’re only a quarter of the way to Muckle Flugga here”.

That attitude shows many things. Firstly in an internal English sense, to many down south everything outside the Home Counties is remote.

It also shows the mysterious and confused duality Scotland has in their minds. “Is it or isn’t it part of England? Oh, it’s part of Britain. But isn’t Britain and England the same? No, there’s a Wall, isn’t there? And anyway, we are all English, I mean British, aren’t we?”


Not sure he’s regarded as innocent. I think you have to have all your convictions quashed and the records burnt before that happens. He might be reformed and have seen the error of his ways. He may not even be considered rehabilitated.

link to

Given he was stuck in jail for 18 months I doubt his record will ever be cleared.


I blame immigration!

This island went to shit after we let the Romans, Anglo Saxons, Norse, Danes, and Normans in. 🙂


That photo of him in the Mirror article put me off my lunch. 🙁


I don’t like this article by the way, I think it’s petty.


Agree with Indyref2 above. There are more important issues and fish to fry.

For example a brilliant article on Mundell not standing up for Scotland over Brexit from Derek Bateman.

link to

Kevin Evans

If this was a spoof I’d find it easier to believe than the fact this is for real.

What a strange world we live in huh.


On the article, I think we have to remember that it did kick off with Stu trying to find out who put out a flyer calling us scum.

The fact the phone number led back to the chap above is more of a surprise than anything.

Jim Thomson

@One_Scot 1:31pm

I’d love to be able to see what’s in your link but, it seems Scotland In Union think I’m beyond conversion and have blocked me without my ever having acknowledged their existence on Twitter.

I must be on ANOTHER list. [smirk]


Staying in the Union is desirable, is it? A Brexit reality check …

“… EU nations’ number one priority would be to prevent other countries from leaving the bloc – which would require Britain to not get any advantages from leaving.”

… can there be any doubt in the minds of sane people that the UK will not be allowed to benefit from Brexit?

It will be made to suffer, even if that means pain within the EU. This is about politics, not economics, for both sides.

There is a silver lining, I reckon. One sure way to punish the UK is to make it painless, beneficial even, for those parts which wish to leave the UK and stay in EU to do so.

link to

Jockanese Wind Talker

I believe Indyref2 at 3:37 pm pm Sinky at 3:43 pm have a point regarding bigger fash.

Former Army Officer Mike Rumbles (Fib Dems) raises point of order at Holyrood asking about Holyroods competence in relation to an Indyref2 Bill.

Presiding Officer Ken Macintosh (BLiS) says he will not express a view on any specific bill before it is introduced.

So ignore May saying Holyrood has no authority to hold IndyRef2.

The Fib Dems and BLiS supported by the Tories will try to scupper the Bill when it is presented now that Harvie has said the Greens will support it.

That’s all they have left to try to derail the unstoppable IndyRef2 Express hurtling towards them.

Then off down to Great Londonium for Ermine all round for the Uncle Tam Defenders of the Union Hurrah.


K1 says:
25 October, 2016 at 2:02 pm
Oh F** liz…jesus and f** in the one comment and nearby one another too…watch oot Hamish 100 is aboot! ?

Och your absolutely right. I believe Jesus and the F word is inappropriate together. You may not think so but then I doubt thinking is your best attribute. Would you use any other religious leader or name or do you think bigot and racist might be attributed to you liz and k1? To scared?

I think you have not won 1 person over to the independence fight. You have not contributed to WoS website. So what is your game? Can we deduce you are just a troll like spanner or the yoon above?

You don’t have to jump in the sewer in order to be smelling of shite!


Regardless of his past this flyer is nuts straight out of the extreme yoon BF.

Got to be up their in the top 20 daft yoon things of 2016,though the competition for places is getting larger each year.


From the Torygraph…

Conservative MP has called for June 23 to become an ‘Independence Day’ bank holiday … Nigel Evans, the eurosceptic MP for Ribble Valley, said a day of celebration to mark Britain’s decision to leave the EU was a “belter of an idea” and could replace an existing national holiday in August.

He has to be taking the piss!

The anniversary of the first day of Bannockburn, as England’s Independence Day?

Anyway, what national holiday in August? Oh yes, the English one.


So we had a look for Kilsyth-based sex offenders called Jim Brown

Greatest bait-laden line on Indynet Ever!


On a separate note, I find the Scotland in Union name grammatically displeasing

It always make me think “with what? The Welsh Male Voice Choir? the EU? synchronised swimmers”

Just a personal thing and obviously not my problem 🙂


Liz g says: at 1:54 pm

One Scot @ 1.31
Just seen your link.
Says it all really.
KEEP Scotland….. KEEP us….
Ye keep a stray puppy or kitten.
Ye keep animals in a zoo
When ye Keep human beings there is a word for that.

Whit planet are they on.

There, fixed that for you, Liz, for the sake of what could be many ‘soft no’ voting christians who would take offence otherwise. A little thought wins votes.
If The National wouldn’t print it, neither should we.


Whoever wrote that flyer sounds a bit disturbed.



Having grown up in NZ I don’t recall use of the term though it probably wouldn’t have surprised me much. A lot of the non English and some of the English colonisation of NZ was done to get away from Establishment Britain.

Dunedin for eg, the ‘Scottish’ settlement was a Free Church affair, not CoS. Though the modern Presbyterian Church of NZ is not split on those lines. The Irish got the West Coast of the South Island, the Welsh were dotted around. The formal CofE settlement was Christchurch. The traditional Otago-Canterbury rivalry is tinged still with that old Scotland-England squabble. The Super Rugby teams are The Otago Highlanders and the Canterbury Crusaders (with red cross on white tabards). I’m an Otago man through and through.


Scottish Government continuing to pursue our interests with due assertiveness ….

link to

“Scottish Ministers will expect Prime Minister Theresa May and the UK Government to demonstrate how they intend to deliver on their commitment to involve the Scottish Government fully in discussions to develop an agreed UK approach and listen to alternative proposals for Scotland.”

Liz g

Hamish 100 @ 4.12
Thing is Hamish Budda,Allah,Lucifer or any other deity I can think of isn’t really best known for suffering.

So when ye think about it none of them really fit in as well to the Jesus Suffrin Fuck line.

It would loose something in the translation of the emotion of the sentence,readers would be left wondering how any of them suffered and we could then finnish up off topic in a who suffered most type of thing.

And while reading it might not make many converts to Indy it does reinforce his main claim to fame don’t you think,or at the very least won’t create (pardon the pun) a Suffrin competition!
All in all I swear to Lucifer the statement unapologetically stands.


O/t Mark Cairny being grilled in HoL. Pound tanking, again.



On further investigation ‘South British’ in a NZ context applies to a defunct insurance company.

It seems to have had prestigious buildings around the country …

link to

… and that has left and ‘imprint’ on google results. Doesn’t seem to have been widely used otherwise.


Looks like Die Fuhrerin May’s majority is about to get a wee smaller folks. ;D

link to

From what I can remember about discussions in the past about Zac Goldsmith he has said he would resign and stand as an independent candidate. Not only that but apparently his own Tory constituency branch are backing him on this decision. 😛


Joannie says:
25 October, 2016 at 4:24 pm

Whoever wrote that flyer sounds a bit disturbed.

Ruby replies

I can’t read it! Not a good idea to put dark text on a dark background!


What a weird bunch the yoons are…they really attract the dregs.

This yoon creep gave me the boak. Gone right off my tea.

Liz g

Manandboy @ 4.21
Thanks for your time and consideration Manandboy,as you can see from my previous comment I reserved the right to invoke in any manner I choose any deity of my choosing.
I can appreciate your points but most people of faith who read a political blogs aimed at adults surely would not expect it to be particularly sensitive to the regulations of their particular flavour of religion.
Don’t like your Lords name taken in vain then don’t do it,and I promise I won’t make you,and I’ll try to back you up if anyone tried to……You in the collective sense not you personally…..but any way thanks again for trying but I am a lost cause.


Found this paper by Jim Gallagher published on Nuffield. I only scanned it because I can’t be bothered raking through the bins, but here it is in case anyone’s interested.

link to


link to

‘Australia rules out talks until Britain has left EU’

‘Privately Australian officials want the deal to include privileged access to UK labour markets for Australian workers as well as allowing Australian financial service companies to expand into the UK.’

I wonder if all the countries that the UK want to deal with will want to include these privileges?

Free movement of people or no deal!


@ Ruby – you’re not missing much by not being able to read it. Some rant about burying SNP scum forever. I’d imagine if similar language was used about unionists by any SNP supporter, JK Rowling would be on the case.

Jockanese Wind Talker


Been thinking regarding my post (today at 4:10 pm)

Mike Rumbles questioning Holyroods competence in relation to an Indyref2 Bill.

Surely IndyRef1 Bill sets precedent for Holyroods competence?


I worked around that way (Kingston on Thames) many years ago, and then the planes were noisy. Youngs and Fuller’s ESB 🙂


@ Proud Cybernat.

Indeed. Last week, I walked in on a conversation between a chap at our office counter and a member of staff.

I though the chap at the counter had a European accent and after he had gone,I asked the staff member. The answer was ” yes, he is foreign. He is from Sweden, but he has an English passport”

This member of staff is a really nice chap and is indeed himself English and has lived and worked in Moray for years.

However, he knows my politics and that I voted Yes, but never batted an eylid saying that guys passport was English….

On the plus side, Last night, I was in the home of a very very wealthy Londoner who has a big house in Strathdon. He brought the subject up himself without prompting (i didnt reveal my allegiances), but he was incandecent with rage and couldnt stop complaining about “too many fucking Nats in the area”

I thought to myself “fucking lol, GIRFUY”


‘I’d love to be able to see what’s in your link but, it seems Scotland In Union think I’m beyond conversion and have blocked me without my ever having acknowledged their existence on Twitter’

Jim, I don’t even have a twitter account. Maybe if you sign out of twitter you could view their content. #GetItRightUpYourBlockList


We lived in London for around 10 years Yesindyref2 but out North East way. ( Woodford way.) I used to drive my partner nuts every time we took our dog out for a walk. I’d be constantly looking up (we were under one of the holding areas) and constantly racking off what the planes were or the airlines were. 😀

That said I think you’d guess living directly under the landing flight path wouldn’t bother me although my partner might have had something to say about it. 😀

Thing is aviation nutter is as aviation nutter does. 😀

David Smith

@Robert Graham “..[they operate] in closed circles…”
Don’t you mean ‘squares’..? ?


At least the owners of Buchanan Street Bus Station will know who to send the bill to pay for the man-hours taken by staff to remove these stickers plastered all over the place.

Liz g

Jockanes Wind Talker @ 5.03
That’s what I’m hoping will be the case.
If the PO needs something to fall back on.
Especially if he is under pressure from the Unionist side which will include his own party.
But surely his office is obligated to do the right thing for the Scottish People and at that point the issue needs to be addressed?


For hate is only foiled not when the haters are punished but when the hated are immune to the bigot’s power. A hater cannot psychologically wound if a victim cannot psychologically be wounded. And that immunity to hurt can never be given; it can merely be achieved.

The racial epithet only strikes at someone’s core if he lets it, if he allows the bigot’s definition of him to be the final description of his life and his person — if somewhere in his heart of hearts, he believes the hateful slur to be true.

The only final answer to this form of racism, then, is not majority persecution of it, but minority indifference to it.

The only permanent rebuke to homophobia is not the enforcement of tolerance, but gay equanimity in the face of prejudice.

The only effective answer to sexism is not a morass of legal proscriptions, but the simple fact of female success.

In this, as in so many other things, there is no solution to the problem. There is only a transcendence of it. For all our rhetoric, hate will never be destroyed. Hate, as our predecessors knew better, can merely be overcome.

What’s so bad about Hate – Andrew Sullivan

(Big article good read,would have liked to have linked,but sadly I am not techy enough).

Chic McGregor

Got the expected reply from EUROPA re:

link to

Basically all UK citizens are EU citizens just now and will remain so until Britain leaves but the UK has still not invoked article 30.

The Commission are unable to comment until that occurs.

The expected (non) response, however I hope the idea circulates there, at least that was the intention. 😉


Gay men convicted under ‘discriminatory’ sex laws to receive pardon in Scotland

link to

Chic McGregor

Erm that was article 50 of course, 30 for indyref 2.

Oh hell I’ll paste the reply, although you are not supposed to:

“Dear Mr McGregor,
thank you for your message.

We wish to inform you that EU Citizenship is conferred directly on every EU citizen by the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU). According to Article 20 TFEU any person who holds the nationality of an EU Member State is automatically also an EU citizen. EU Citizenship is additional to and does not replace national citizenship. It is for each EU Member State to lay down the conditions for the acquisition and loss of nationality of that Member State.

As long as the UK is a member of the EU, EU law applies to and within the United Kingdom, both when it comes to rights and obligations, including the rights of EU citizenship.

At present, the British government has not notified the European Council of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the Union pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU).

The Commission cannot comment on the possible outcome of such a process.”

CameronB Brodie

Let’s just stop with the inference that yoons may be predisposed to sexual offending, perhaps even biologically. There are many paths to perdition, one of them being steroid abuse. Just saying.

link to


@Chic McGregor
VERY quick reply Chic, good for you, very good for you. IN fact perhaps some more other sensible contacts direct from Scottish citizens to the EU could be a way to go, as long as we don’t flood them.

There’s also another thing I came across 4 years ago, see if I can find it. … Here we go 🙂 🙂 🙂

link to

Might not be time yet, but it might be a good idea to get ready.

Bob Sinclair

I’m willing to bet that this clown works in, or works out in the Gym now occupying the former Habitat Store in Glasgow. The street was plastered with these the other week. I felt it only right as a good citizen to tear them down.


Sorry for being O/T here but I think some peeps may find this quite a moving wee video.

link to

Liz g

Yesindyref2 @ 5.34
In the link you put up about the petition.
Just above it there is a box called Citizen’s Initiative as I am reading it,it seems to be the same kind of thing as the petition to Westminster IE enough signature’s will trigger a debate.
Except this one if I am reading it right allows representation to be made to the Parliament directly.
The catch is that it’s authenticity must be signed off by the appropriate body.
We would be ok if that’s our MEPs and if we could argue that our own MP’s who hold our mandate/Soverenty are the correct people to sign it.
It could if we pulled it off cause quite a stir I think.
And it would be a Yes thing from the people not a SNP thing from politicians.
Will you take a look and see if it would be any use to us?
As you know a lot more about how the EU works.


Went by the name Jay Phoenix. I had read about him on forums some years back. A total arsehole. Some more here…

link to


@Liz g
Seems like a reasonable thing to add to my EU – democratic page. After all, citizen involvement is at the heart of democracy.

But I’m thinking maybe it’s something the Green party could consider organising, they’d know the best timing, and best formulation, and they’re not the Government. Also a fair few Greens on the committee of 60 that consider the petitions, as well as various democrat alliances

Here’s something interesting from Alyn Smith’s website:

Finally, written declarations allow MEPs to make statements on issues that are important to us and our constituents. If at least half of the Parliament’s MEPs sign up to support a declaration it becomes an official statement from the Parliament and is sent to the other EU institutions for consideration.

Both SNP MEPs are members of the Greens / European Free Alliance, as is the Plaid Cymru MEP and of course the England and Wales Green(s).

link to

Fascinating what you find out on random browse 🙂

Scot Finlayson

the union jack on the stylized side of flyer is the wrong way round,

white above red on top left should be thicker than the white below,

absolute disgrace to get your own flag wrong.


Liz g says:
25 October, 2016 at 4:43 pm
Hamish 100 @ 4.12
Thing is Hamish Budda,Allah,Lucifer or any other deity I can think of isn’t really best known for suffering.

So when ye think about it none of them really fit in as well to the Jesus Suffrin Fuck line

I’m sure your nana is proud that you can swear so well. All that good education gone to waste eh? As I said you are just a troll. Nothing to say about independence? Is it above your pay grade or your understanding? Keep yourself in the sewer and give Scotland a break.

Liz g

Yesindyref2 @ 6.53
Thanks for taking a look.
It’s looking like we could make some noise after all.
The stuff you are putting on your site is brilliant,I have been moaning for years that we all know more about the US political system than we do the EU one we belong to.
Thank You and
Well Done

Liz g

Hamish 100 @ 7.20
I Hamish have plenty to say about may things and in many different ways.
Except one
I never insult a real live, living person,about their intelligence,morals, or there smell.
If you think that’s a world view you could get on board with.
There’s a book about it…you might want to take a look!


Would be nice if we could put this “swearing” thing to bed, it does not mean IMO that you lack vocabulary, more so that yoou are passionate about something.

Swear words are exactly that, just words, no different from any other words at describing something we might talk about. Swearing in every sentence would be daft, swearing in every post you stick on the Internet would be daft. Most though don’t do that, they reserve swearing for when they particularly want to make a point.

It’s meant to stand out, that’s the point!

Irvine Welsh isn’t pleased. The author – who has three instances of “cunt”, one of “fuck” and one of “fucking” on the first page of his novel Trainspotting – has just learned about Russia’s planned clampdown on “foul language”. According to CNN, Vladimir Putin signed a law this week that will not only implement a ban on, and fines for, explicit language in plays and films, but will require books that contain swearing to be sold in sealed packages with explicit-language warnings…

Trainspotting, says Welsh, “wouldn’t have worked without swearing – nor would James Kelman’s Booker prize-winning How Late It Was, How Late, or John King’s Football Factory.”

It’s worth remembering that Tolstoy himself wasn’t averse to a bit of blue language. As Ivan Bunin’s biography of the writer reveals, “even when, as a very old man, he would tell an anecdote in the presence of ladies, he could let loose words that were not normally said aloud.”

I’m sure Kelman and Welsh had the vocabulary to express themselves. Swearing is just another means of expression, nothing more nothing less.


Absolutely howling at this.


carjamtic wrote on 25 October, 2016 at 5:22 pm:

“Big article good read,would have liked to have linked,but sadly I am not techy enough.”

Here you go!

What’s So Bad About Hate – by Andrew Sullivan
link to


Creepy guy in photo, with budgie smugglers on…yuk!

The unionists are welcome to him.

Liz g

Thepnr 8.02
Wouldn’t it be nice.
I don’t think it is the swearing in general that’s bothering Hamish.
He did say earlier I smelled of shite.
I am getting the impression it’s the Jesus bit.
Either way I am struggling to care,its just my grannie always said it was bad manners not to reply to someone who addressed you directly.


I’m not sure that this is wise. Without absolute evidence, you’re laying yourself open to bad things.


There’s a few petitions up already over EU citizenship from the UK this year, and perhaps that shows that it would be better to have one specific one, then tweet it all over the place! Or even 2 or 3 from different points of view, i.e. one for Scotland, and one for people. But I’d say it’s better to wait until Article 50 is invoked.

link to


Dear me, what a rabbit hole you went down here!

At first I quite fancied the wrestling videos but safe to say I wont be bothering now!


Seems the screen shot jk rowling posted of me was actually truth, i stand by it and this article just solidified my point.


This does fit nicely into my theory that Scottish Conservatives (or unionists) are one of the following groups: sectarian types, actual English Tories living in Scotland, people with some kind of grudge against society, and just all round weirdos (like this guy).



Cheers,am offshore,no pc only my iPad,good read although I realise the author’s political leanings are to me anyway confusing.

None the less,a fucking well written,fucking article.

ronnie anderson

Yooner Jim Brown formerly of Kilsyth ,council moved in & boarded up his house lol.


@carjamtic @Stoker

Sickening and a fucking horrible read. Makes me think that the human race are beyond saving.

link to

Liz g

Thepnr @ 10.27
I agree a very disturbing essay.
Sometimes you wonder if humans even deserve saving.
I know that the animal world can be cruel but not like that!


‘Hamish100 says:
25 October, 2016 at 4:12 pm
K1 says:
25 October, 2016 at 2:02 pm
Oh F** liz…jesus and f** in the one comment and nearby one another too…watch oot Hamish 100 is aboot! ?

Och your absolutely right. I believe Jesus and the F word is inappropriate together. You may not think so but then I doubt thinking is your best attribute. Would you use any other religious leader or name or do you think bigot and racist might be attributed to you liz and k1? To scared?

I think you have not won 1 person over to the independence fight. You have not contributed to WoS website. So what is your game? Can we deduce you are just a troll like spanner or the yoon above?

You don’t have to jump in the sewer in order to be smelling of shite!’

It’s pretty obvious ye’ve jist come from the very sewer yer referring to wi that little outburst. Now away and grow up Hamish. (silly wee man)


Police Scotland have been contacted.

If this person is Jim Brown, and it’s the same as the one who was posting on UKFF (who is indeed the convicted paedophile), then it’s a safe bet he’s still banned from all online activity relating to his previous sex offences, including the downloading and making of child pornography.

He was re-jailed just 2 and a half years ago for violating his ban on being anywhere near kids, after he was spotted stalking a 12 year old at his local swimming pool, and rubbing himself with body lotion in front of unsupervised children.
So him being online might actually be enough to return him to prison.


Wonder if Mr Brown is also a fan of a certain 4 year old Scottish football club, whose fanbase sang continuously about paedophiles at Hampden last Sunday ?

Andrew McLean

I think it is safe to say if the political situation hasn’t driven you to cuss, you ain’t been paying attention.


Quite Andrew…quite so.


Thepnr & carjamtic

Aye quite a read! I kept it for my bedtime reading. Enjoyed it but not everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve seen and experienced a lot of violence and hate in my life so i easily took to and understood it. Having said that, i think i’ll just stick to re-reading current WOS articles for my bedtime reading from now on. 🙂


Nurse, caw yoan actress. Franz Ferdinand Sparks.

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