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Wings Over Scotland

Their master’s voice

Posted on May 17, 2014 by
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Bill McLean

…… nor a clue!

john king

Ok get them to say a bottle of beer without moving your lips.

Bugger (the Panda)

Just cut their strings.


Colin Morrison

Has Darling not been cut loose then.


Nice one Chris, their noses should be a bit longer though 🙂


Even though we suspected they were missing “bits” you have now confirmed it


” Pinned-nocchio “.

# I got no strings to down my lies. #


Labour not genetically programmed for politics, so the Tories have to pull the strings

Nana Smith

Love is just like a merry-go-round
With all the fun of a fair
One day I’m feeling down on the ground
Then I’m up in the air
Are you leading me on?
Tomorrow will you be gone?

I wonder if one day that, you’ll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I’ll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string

I may win on the roundabout
Then I’ll lose on the swings
In or out, there is never a doubt
Just who’s pulling the strings
I’m all tied up in you
But where’s it leading me to?

I wonder if one day that, you’ll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I’ll gladly, be there
Like a puppet on a string


And this statement from Cameron just totally sums up the guy he is an out and out liar and no way should he be trusted. If he say’s today is Saturday – check it out somewhere else.


Great cartoon Chris


And here I was, lying in hospital and minding my own business when man mountain lefty-leaning liquid lenny was charged with distribution of unassailable facts.

I asked my consultant to shove the shovel harder and deeper when performing liquid lenny`s rectumology.

I was ignored, even though I offered to pay.

Hope you enjoy. Keep well liquid lenny.

Fergus Green

Should there not be a couple of extra strings for the eyebrows, or do they work independently?

Dan Huil

Accurate depiction: no balls.


Thanks Sally and everyone knows I’m Tottenham United’s biggest fan too.


Dare I say that liquid lenny was doing STERLING work.


Postings failing again 🙁

Robert Louis

Great cartoon as ever.

Sorry to go O/T so early, but something which readers here may be interested in. The Broughton Spurtle (from Edinburgh Newtown), has an excellently unbiased and fair account of a recent independence debate held at Edinburgh Academy, which was attended by over 200 people (check those pictures). This was organised by Stockbridge and Inverleith community council, with fair speakers for each side, chaired by Ruth Wishart.

The demographic for this part of Edinburgh is akin to Morninsgside with bells on, so the result is somewhat interesting, with a marginal win for YES at the end. This I think is very significant in such a part of Edinburgh. I think the fact that over 200 people attended is also interesting.

The report, which is very impartial (a lesson to our ridiculously biased mainstream ‘scottish’ journalists) can be found here:

link to

Yet again, even in Stockbridge, given the facts, YES still wins.


If referendum campaigning was confined only to those who have a vote, Yes would be far in the lead by now.

Westminster, Tory government, London civil service, BBC London, most of the MSM, NobOrders etc etc. Imagine if France interfered in the democratic process in Belgium like this? Ah, but Belgium is an independent country.


Very true. Tell you one thing Chris, you could have had a whole line up of them. Missing Broon, Wee Dougie Alexander, wee Danny Alexander, Jola, Ruthie, Wee Willie Rennie, and even a couple of Main TV Newsreaders too…

In fact… you might need 2 screens to get them all on!


Strange that the House of Lords has said it has the power to stop independance after the vote if it dosent suit rUK.


Don`t chide me.
Sore heid.

Had a somewhat and sometimes lucid liquid lunch with a left- leaning liquid lenny-type.One became two, and you can imagine the rest.

Woke up early this a.m.- after she left me sleeping on the floor.Dinner – in the dug.
Woke in a cloud of dust because my snorting snoring had erupted a cloud of soaking beer- sodden sawdust.

Need to monitor the beer- intake of that drunken hamster.

David Agnew

Hey Boys and Girls – Its the Diddymen!

Here comes the Diddymen, The Scottish Union Diddymen
Here comes the Diddymen, who come from Christ knows where.

Here comes the Diddymen, who make a giant diddy noise.
Here comes the Diddymen, who come from Christ knows where.

Here comes the Diddymen, Johanns dotty Diddymen
Here comes the DiddyMen, who come from Christ knows where


fairiefromtheearth says:
Strange that the House of Lords has said it has the power to stop independance after the vote if it dosent suit rUK.

Another I heard was that Westminster would need to pass legislation to empower Edinburgh to negotiate on behalf of Scotland. All sorts of legal tactics are probably at the disposal of rUK.

Liquid Lenny


Welcome to Wings, thanks, health as good as it gets, that little unexpected experience of last week will encourage me to work my butt off in the next couple of months, then I might not have any more probs with it 🙂
The Health service may have a few faults but I found none, and the dedication, skill and professionalism of all the staff will spur me on to campaign even more for a YES vote, which as we know from Dr Phillipa Whitford and others is the only way to stop the eventual privatization of the Scottish NHS.

Just wish I knew I was going in for several days, would have brought more than Aye Right Cards, as good as they are some choice would have been good.
Next time I will take some LFI for indy and YES ballons!

link to


Essentially Labours “top” man in Scotland and the Lib Dems “top” man in Scotland shown for what they really are. Tory puppets.

Nick Heller

Of course they should really be wearing little wooden running shoes.

link to


Alarm…WantonWampum link has a security warning .Please explain Wampum.

Proud Cybernat

“It’s not for me to debate Scottish independence. I don’t even have a vote.”

And you don’t have a mandate to govern Scotland either but that hasn’t stopped you, has it?

Nice ‘toon, Chris. Says it all.

call me dave

MadJock covers some of this HoL stuff as well as stating the rUK won’t exist, it will have to put in legislation first to convene as a political entity in order to carry on.

I paraphrase… He has posted a marker on NNS.

working from new tablet here but it is worthwhile checking tarffadvertiser blog and look through this stuff.

Excuse text etc 🙂


Is Darling still an official puppet of the Tory funded campaign? I don’t think I have seen him in weeks….not particularly bothered but his angry interviews weren’t a bad thing for Yes.


fairiefromtheearth says:

Strange that the House of Lords has said it has the power to stop independence after the vote if it doesn’t suit rUK.

That had me wondering too. The question is …would they? They probably could cause real problems, but the chances are they might be consulted quietly, but will take a back seat for certain reasons. The Lords is pretty much detested in Scotland. The last thing Westminster would want is the Lords to demand that the rUK take half the oil, have the Scots take a quarter of the debt, give us the scraps from the military hardware, and to take Faslane as an rUK enclave …any nonsense from the Lords will be greeted with the 1000 yard stare from the Scots.

My view is (as we probably all believe) is that the talks are already happening behind closed doors. Should a Yes victory happen, then even Westminster will not want great uncertainty and volatility that could (cough) cripple their buoyant economy once more. They have that £1.3 Trillion pound debt to deal with, and they will want Scotland onboard to help tackle it, and probably want a time lease on Faslane. They will not want to stir a hornet’s nest up here. It wouldn’t matter if the vote finished 51% Yes-49% No; if Westminster gets shirty, then the Scots will unite in anger. Nothing unites them more than an attack on Scotland (we only have to look at Osborne’s ‘Sermon on the Pound’ and look what happened to the Yes vote! It surged!). Westminster will not want the wrath of the Scots on them.

Plus, I’m also inclined to believe that the story is also just another scare story by the media in a bid to sow the seeds of doubt in Scottish minds that the rUK will hammer the Scots if they are foolish enough to vote ‘Yes’.


I see Cameron thinks we should all be gratefull for the “precious asset” that is London and all it is doing for us. The fact it is nothing more than a vile sinkhole to Scotland the rest of the UK seems to have escaped him.

I am still trying to work out how Scots would feel they are living in a foreign country after independence ? how on earth does living in your own independent country make you think you are in a foreign country ? But then again maybe Cameron thinks everywhere outside London is a foreign country.

The only thing Cameron has gotten right, was not to debate with our First Minster, Alex would have torn him a new earse hole.


galamcennalath / fairiefromtheearth
Another I heard was that Westminster would need to pass legislation to empower Edinburgh to negotiate on behalf of Scotland. All sorts of legal tactics are probably at the disposal of rUK.

I really can’t see Westminster stopping the legislation going through. You can’t have William Hague striding the world demanding autonomy and rights of freedom for Ukraine, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, etc, and then deny it to the sister nation in the United Kingdom.

As said in my previous post, the Scots would kick off for a start, and I can also see Salmond running to the EU, as well as the UN, crying ‘foul’. Putin for one, would just love to beat the likes of Hague and Cameron over the head with the ‘rights of freedom’. After all …what goes around …comes around.


Oh I forgot to mention the House of Lords are nothing, they mean nothing, they are just 800 plus legal benefit fraudsters and with independence we will be shot of them for good, screw the whole bunch of thieving gits.

[…] Their master’s voice […]


The Muppet Master !


There does appear to be a lot of bitterness and bile here! I was hoping for some balanced argument, but I think I’ve come to the wrong place. There is no balance at all – I think the mainstream press provide a more balanced view at least with airtime given to all sides!

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“There does appear to be a lot of bitterness and bile here! I was hoping for some balanced argument, but I think I’ve come to the wrong place. There is no balance at all – I think the mainstream press provide a more balanced view at least with airtime given to all sides!”

We’ve run several articles by Unionist MPs. But we don’t make any claims of being “balanced”. Our job is to correct lies told by the media. We ARE the balance, which isn’t the same thing as BEING balanced.

ronnie anderson

@ Chris Cairns, Chris it might be that ah,ve come to expect

excellance from You I feel a bit disapointed ( not with the

cartoon excellent as per ) but where,s the futin music vid

did you forget the ( Sandy Shaw, Puppet on a String ).

Cmon Chris get wie the proggrame, if Your gonna tae the

piss oota them there,s nae half measures. weil done awe the



Cameron’s standard excuse for not debating with the First Minister is the falsehood that ‘Alex Salmond is the leader of the Yes campaign and should debate with Alistair Darling.’

I don’t understand why representatives of the Yes side consistently fail to correct this statement when given the opportunity to do so.

Mary Bruce

It just shows how London-centric the UK is when Cameron states that Scots will be living in a foreign country. No, Dave , it is the rest of the UK that will be foreign, you moron.

And anyway, what’s wrong with foreign? I grew up thinking foreign meant exotic and abroad. I LOVE foreign travel, it is by far my favourite thing in the whole world. I wish I could do more.

After independence all of us in Dumfries and Galloway or the Borders will be able to go abroad for lunch, how cool is that?

Ian Brotherhood

Wee reminder that the Largs Yes shop official opening is at 1.45 this afternoon. Gallowgate Square, not far from Nardini’s.

link to


I thought that David Clegg, (political editor at the Daily Record), was the new leader of Better Together.

He was on BBC Radio Scotland AGAIN this morning. That is the third day in a row that David Clegg has been on some kind of BBC Scotland programme.

Clegg, the Northern Irishman, Labour supporting British Unionist has turned the Record into a comic.

It never attacks Tory policy anymore. Because he knows that if Labour get into power at Westminster, they are going to continue with the same policies as their Tory cousins.

Blue Tory, Red Tory, no difference.

PS. We are actually paying, through our License Fee, for Daily Record advertising/plugs with David Clegg’s constant appearances on BBC Scotland.

Exactly the same as the CBI membership.

Vote YES.


I dunno, I think the likes of Floella Benjamin has every right to tell the people of Scotland what they can and cannot do.

Bugger (the Panda)

OK, it is the week-end and the sun is over the Yardarm

Monarchs tended to have pretty predictable names , James, Louis etc, so the put numbers after their names I, II, III, IV, V etc.

The Great Unwashed couldn’t count so the game them a sobriquet, Toom Tabard, Louis The Sun King etc.

So let us poor peasants resurrect the tradition for the Naw Sayers.

Broom the Missing
Darling the Blinking Flipper
Cameron the Hallowen Cake
Osbourn the Innumerate
Balls the Priapric
Lamont the Ghost
Grey the Missing Filling

This lot of hooligans on WoS could come up with much more and better?


call me dave

Here is some food for thought re: HoL powers or lack of them.

link to

Worth a search through the archives, much gold!

David Smith

@Mary Bruce. That’s the difference between them and us. We see foreign as interesting/educational. Or just good.
They see foreign as bad, a threat. A challenge to their perceived cultural superiority.
Such a sad outlook on the world.

Greetings from your ‘foreign’ lunch venue! 🙂

Democracy Reborn

Puppetmaster Dave : “Now Alistair, do you see how broad I can make that shoulder of yours if I just pull this string?”

call me dave

@Bugger (the Panda)

Aye… I remember when the names for the new royal was announced they were all saying, including the BBC royal correspondents, that , Alexander…hmm must be Alexander the Great ,Prince Phillip was Greek etc etc.

I posted on the BBC web page naw! Alexander King of Scots of which there were three… The abuse I got from that ignorant shower down Sawth… they no nothing before Queen E the 1st but that’s another story. 😉

call me dave

Oops! a no know sorry folks.


Talk about irony,

Baroness Jay of the House of Lords fame, reminded listeners on BBC Scotland GMS yesterday, that the number of Labour MPs elected in Scotland to Westminster was irrelevant.

“Because only twice since 1945 has the result in Scotland ever affected the UK election result”.

She highlighted, without knowing it, how the Scottish electorate has little or no impact on the outcome of the Westminster Parliament.

bookie from hell

Were Cameron,Salmond the only two signatures on scottish referendum bill?


Great post, agree 100% regards Clegg. I used to see his name in the Courier along with Jenny Hjul and every week their ‘separate’ (that word they love) was near enough an attack on the “Nats” that it sounded very much like a BT newsletter.

OT, but from reading James McAvoy’s Scotsman interview seems like he’s against indy without coming out fully.


@ David Smith ‘That’s the difference between them and us’
It’s not ‘them and us’ – the way to foment discontent using terms like that!


Ian Brotherhood

Good to gear of the YES shop opening in Largs. Will have to call in when I am down that way.

It would be good to see a lot more YES shops popping up all over Scotland.

I do hope the YES campaign have this built into their future plans.


Harry how about we just Queen her, Floella Queen of Scots sounds good. 😉 i love how she has looked 30 her whole life or my whole life she hasent aged.

Democracy Reborn

@Robert Louis

Read your link re the Stockbridge debate. Interesting & encouraging. Very good question that was put by an audience member (who I assume was Yes inclined) that perhaps we should all remember next time it’s raised:-
” Why is it ethical to be able to ‘punch above our weight’?”

Paula Rose

As we’re on the subject of puppets, this is the “ordinary person” whose wee poem was posted on the VNB facebook page today.

link to


Bugger their all warmongering capatalist whores enough said.

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath : “Another I heard was that Westminster would need to pass legislation to empower Edinburgh to negotiate on behalf of Scotland. All sorts of legal tactics are probably at the disposal of rUK”.

There is a very simple way to shoot, that particular idiocy full of holes.
Quote them this little gem of a legal document. Legally binding in both the Kingdom of England & the Kingdom of Scotland : –

Treaty of Union – Article III, “That the united kingdom of Great Britain be represented by one and the same parliament to be stiled The Parliament of Great Britain”.

Together with a note that there are only two signatory, kingdoms on those documents. Ergo – when one signatory kingdom of a bipartite union parliament of independent kingdoms resigns from the treaty the SQA, (Status Quo Ante), is a return to the legal situation of 30 April 1707. That status was legally two independent Kingdoms and two independent kingdom parliaments.

In short, the wee bit numptie lairdies hae nae jurisdiction whit sae ever. Not even under their own English Law, that demands their parliament must be composed of properly democratically elected members of the parliament of, the three countrey, Kingdom of England. Each and every present member of the Westminster Parliament was elected as a member of, “Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland”. Which Parliament, post Scottish Independence, will have just disunited.


James McAvoy has a very successful career in London on stage and screen, therefore his life is there.

I only hope he doesn’t have a vote because he doesn’t live here anymore and I object to ex-pat Scots trying to keep us tied to the 3rd most unequal country in the world.

Dorothy Bruce

Foreignness is a state of mind. I suspect many of the people pushing this feel foreign even in Scotland. Some of us feel more at home in Denmark and Sweden than we do in London, so the UK capital city is more foreign than so-called foreign countries.

Paula Rose

As there is a lot of creative talent amongst us, I thought this might be of interest –

link to


“James McAvoy” is getting a bit of an airing lately.

Should I know of this guy?

I have never heard of James McAvoy, honest.

And until he has something constructive to add to the debate, then I suppose I will still know nothing of him.

Rev. Stuart Campbell

““James McAvoy” is getting a bit of an airing lately. Should I know of this guy?”

He was the star of the movie of Irvine Welsh’s book “Filth” last year. Tremendous performance. Don’t know of much else he’s been in, but I’m not really a movie buff.


Paula Rose

Are you thinking what I am thinking.

NOB want us to design a T-Shirt for NOB Orders activists to wear.

I wonder what we could put on their T-Shirts?


““James McAvoy” is getting a bit of an airing lately. Should I know of this guy?”

Also had a lead role in “The last King of Scotland” playing Idi Amin’s Scottish doctor.

O/T EBC news at 1.00 previewing the FA cup final not one mention of the Scottish Cup final. Next item was about dinosaurs, some irony in that.

Paula Rose

@ caz-m, looking at the terms and conditions for the competition, I’m also wondering how quickly the winning design will be printed! As I’ve already mocked the site I may not get the e-mail with the details but I’ll give it try.

Geoff Huijer

James McAvoy started out in the fabulous TV series Early Doors.

He also plays the young Xavier character in the X-Men movies. Also was in the movie Wanted with Angelina Jolie.

I’m not really interested in the opinions of people who have fled the nest and live elsewhere. I would much rather people here took the time to inform themselves rather than blindly believing what the MSM tell them.

Euro, EU, Pound, etc – I couldn’t care less at the moment. Should we be independent? Yes. Everything else can be sorted then.


“There does appear to be a lot of bitterness and bile here! I was hoping for some balanced argument, but I think I’ve come to the wrong place. There is no balance at all – I think the mainstream press provide a more balanced view at least with airtime given to all sides!”

Like the “balanced arguments” you get in the Daily Mail or Daily Express.


Hi. So we can get to know you better can you give us examples from a) the Rev’s, etc ABL posts and or b) the poster and their BTL posts of the bitterness and bile you perceive.

This is important as we keep on being accused of nastiness and then the offending tweets posts etc being “vanished” so noone can tell.

At least here there is no censorship unless you use excess !!! so any you point out will remain for us to see them in their context

Paula Rose

re the competition I mentioned at 1:06, if you register you must give a phone number.

When you click ‘register’ you find yourself at the Donate page.

If like me you are on their ‘cybernat’ list you will also get a wee program added to your computer – at least the last two times I’ve been to their site that has happened to me. So make sure you know how to clean your system.


EBC news at 1.00 previewing the FA cup final not one mention of the Scottish Cup final.

I remember working in Northern Ireland a few years ago and the two cup finals were being played on the same day.

NOT ONE tv staion, radio staion, pub, hotel, B&B, household in the area had the Scottish Cup Final on.

All this bullshit you hear about NI being close to Scots.

They are Englishman with Irish accents. Scotland is way down their list of things that are relevant.

Just look at their flag. A St George’s Cross with a hand on it.

My point being, Vote Yes and we will have control of our OWN Broadcasting Corporation.


Nice one Chris, Bill and Ben the flower pot men, haven’t got a look in, compared those two wooden tops.

Trussell Trust reveal, foobanks have risen 400% in one year in Scotland, SNP announce a £1 million fund to help keep foodbanks stocked.

link to


Today is World Whisky Day,the SNP has criticised the Westminster Government for charging Scottish organisations to promote, whisky in UK embassies,despite Scots taxpayers contributing to Foreign Office hospitality. Other trade investment groups, aren’t charged at all, only Scottish Development International are forced to pay.

William Hague, infamously said if Scotland becomes independent UK embassies would charge to promote Scots whisky, to promote it,it now turns out that Westminster has been charging £3000 pounds a promotion all along.

This is another clear cut case of Westminster working against Scottish interests, we’re NOT in this together, and we never were, you must vote YES.

link to


As we’re on the subject of puppets, this is the “ordinary person” whose wee poem was posted on the VNB facebook page today.

Good spot, Paula.


The fishing industry is far more significant to Scotland than to the UK, with Scotland accounting for 87% of the UK’s landing of key fish stocks, by value. Yet despite this,Scotland receives just 40% of the UK’s European Fisheries Fund allocation, why?.

That money represents just 1.1% of EU wide total fisheries funding,despite the Scottish fishing industry landing 7% of the EU’s wild caught fish, and being responsible for 12% of the EU aquaculture production.

Again another clear cut case of Westminster working against Scottish interests, we’re not in this together, we never were we never will be, vote YES, for Scotland.

link to

Liquid Lenny

“that £1.3 Trillion pound debt”

That will be at least doubling from Sept 30th 2014, as the UK is being forced to adopt the same accounting systems as the rest of Europe, this means that off balance sheet liabilities such as public sector pension liabilities, PFI etc have to be on the books.
Funny that they are waiting until after the referendum to do this, Gordon Brown said when he was PM they would do this asap.

Re house of lords crap, we have all the cards, they have nothing, if they don’t play ball we tell them to shove their tridents and debt interest payments etc.
We don’t want any of their assets as they are all shite and not fit for purpose for Scottish requirements.
For example what use is Warships designed for Aircraft Carrier protection when you don’t have Aircraft Carriers?
What use is Typhoons which cost 4 times the costs to fly and maintain than ones we can get from Sweden on a lease.
i.e. no upfront costs.
Apart from Physical assets in Scotland I cannot imagine anything we would want from them, UK Defence procurement is a joke, the equipment is crap, the vehicles don’t do what there meant to, the guns keep on jamming, the ships are not fit for our purpose, the aircraft as too expensive to operate, the soldiers radio systems don’t work.

We would be better starting from Scratch, probably a lot better stuff on Ebay than we would inherit from the UK



Please explain. I`ve only had a laptop and internet access for about a month. I am not au fait with protocols etc..

Is your alarm real or a wind-up?

Doug Daniel

Genius, Chris.

Liquid Lenny

With you regarding Mr Wamtum, I could not copy his handle yesterday when I responded to a post, he suggested he knew me and then suggested he had a liquid lunch with me and
I have not a Scooby who he is. So Mr Wamtum give me a clue and we will give you a clean bill of health otherwise folks Troll Alert.


Anyone wishing to see UKIP’s Nigel Farage squirm, here is the LBC interview.

link to


100+ Famous prominent great Scots pledge support for INDEPENDENCE:-
Sir Sean Connery, iconic actor;
Blair Jenkins, former BBC Scot. & STV head of news;
Sir George Mathewson, businessman & banker;
SARAH-JANE WALLS, businesswoman;
RUTH WISHART, journalist;
TASMINA AHMED-SHEIKH; lawyer & businesswoman;
Dan Macdonald; property developer;
ELAINE C. SMITH, actress & comedienne;
Dennis Canavan, former Labour MP & MSP;
John McAllion, former Labour MP;
Paul H. Scott, author & former diplomat;
Jim McColl, businessman;
Tommy Brennan, former shop steward;
Dougie MacLean, singer;
George Kerevan, economist & journalist;
The Proclaimers, singers;
Cameron McNeish, hill-walker & author;
Pat Kane, musician;
LOU HICKEY, singer;
Hardeep Singh Kohli, comedian & writer;
Brian Cox, actor;
Alan Cumming, actor;
A.L.KENNEDY, writer;
James Cosmo, actor;
John Byrne, writer;
Martin Compston, actor;
Stewart Kirkpatrick, website editor;
Andrew Fairlie, restaurateur;
Colin Fox, Scot. Socialist Party;
Alex Boyd, photographer;
Alasdair Gray, writer;
David Hayman, actor;
James Kelman, writer;
CAT BOYD, trade unionist;
Alan Bissett, novelist;
Irvine Welsh, writer;
Alasdair Stephen, architect;
David Greig, playwright;
Alastair McDonald, singer;
Frankie Boyle, comedian;
Jack Vettriano, artist;
Iain Anderson, radio presenter;
Gerard Butler, actor;
Jim Delahunt, radio sports presenter;
John Wallace, Principal of RSAMD;
Ted Christopher, singer;
Gerry Hassan, writer;
Peter Mullan, actor,
Dick Gaughan, singer;
Mark Millar, comic book writer;
Kyle Falkoner, singer:
Aamer Anwar, lawyer;
James Aitken, lawyer;
Peter De Vink, financier;
Malcolm Fraser, architect;
Angus Tulloch, investment manager;
Tim Barrow, actor;
Prof. Joe Goldblatt, academic;
Greg Hemphill, actor & comedian;
Ricky Ross, singer & radio presenter;
JEANE FREEMAN, public affairs consultant;
LARI DON, children’s story writer;
James Robertson, author;
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, composer;
Malky McCormick, cartoonist;
KARINE POLWART, singer & songwriter;
Sir Tom Hunter, businessman;
EDDI READER, singer;
Michael Fry, historian & author;
Craig Murray, author & former ambassador;
Kevin McKidd, actor;
Sandy Adam, businessman;
MARY LOCKHART, Scot.Co-operative Party;
Tony Banks, businessman;
Mark Shaw, property developer;
Calum Colvin, artist & photographer;
LESLEY RIDDOCH, writer & journalist;
Simon Howie, businessman;
Aly Bain, musician;
Harvey Aberdein, lawyer;
DOLINA MacLENNAN, actress & singer;
Dr. Richard Dixon, environmental campaigner;
Jai McDowall, singer;
Sir Charles Gray, former Labour Strathclyde Council leader;
LOUISE BATCHELOR, former BBC news presenter;
Alex Mosson, former Labour Lord Provost of Glasgow;
Nick Johnston, former Scottish Tory MSP;
John Mulvey, former Labour Lothian Council leader;
Derek Bateman, retired BBC radio presenter;
MARY ANN KENNEDY, singer & broadcaster;
William McIlvanney, author;
Alex Arthur, former championship boxer;
Bob Thomson, former chairman of Scottish Labour Party;
LIBBY McARTHUR, actress;
David Taylor, former chief executive of SFA;
James Scott, former executive director Scot Financial Enterprise;
FREYA MAVOR, actress;
Andy Myles, former chief executive Scot Liberal Democrats;
JOAN BURNIE, journalist;
Duchess of Hamilton (KAY CARMICHAEL);
Ken Stott, actor;
Canon Kenyon Wright, former chairman of Scot. Constitutional Convention.


ps. an updated list:
two added(111 listed)

courtesy of link to


Alex Salmond urging the ethnic community in Scotland to vote for the SNP, to help gain three seats in the EU Elections, because there is a strong possibility UKIP will take a seat at the expense of the Lib/Dems.

Even taking this into account UKIP have a 10% polling rate and may get a seat,if the turn out is low. I sincerely hope not.

link to

Paula Rose

@ Grab The Thistle, I’ve got a list of hundreds of thousands of non-prominent Independence supporters – but I don’t think the Rev would like it if I posted it.


liquid lenny


Liquid lenny TYPE. is what I said.Not you.

Robert Peffers

@Davy : “I am still trying to work out how Scots would feel they are living in a foreign country after independence”?

That’s a simple one to answer, Davy. A listen to Cameron tells, that particular story. He says things like, The British armed forces when he means, UK armed forces.

The list of such lies includes British Parliament, British Government, PM of Britain, The whole country, The country, My country and Britain. All of which are in fact in reference to, The United Kingdom.

Which in truth is NOT a country nor even a group of countries. It is exactly what it describes itself as – a bipartite union of two only Kingdoms. At present it is acting as a single kingdom but is about to disunite and return to the status quo ante of two independent kingdoms that share the same persen as the head of their respective states.

joe kane

17th May – Happy Norwegian National Day!
200 years since Norway became independent.

Norwegian Constitution Day
link to


Still awaiting apology from liquid lenny.

Robert Peffers

I expect we will hear a, (cough!), BBC United Kingdom news reporter say, , “They will be dancing in the streets of St Johnstone tonight”, tonight.


Rev. Stuart Caampbell:-

liquid lenny issued an unwarranted and scurrilous ” Troll Alert ” versus me – because – HE CANNOT READ.?

What can I do when he ignores my request for an apology.?

He had zero hesitation when branding me as a Troll.


Hey GrabTheThistle ~ Re: 100+ Famous prominent great Scots pledge support for..

Now we’re talking, that’s the kind of positive promotional material that we should be putting up on all them street billboards in our cities.. whether people are out walking/cycling or stopped at the traffic lights, people WILL stop to look and read whose names they recognise, it’s an automatic reaction.

People relate to people.

How’s your Saturday evening going Scotland?


More than 3 x hours have elapsed and still no apology from blind liquid lenny???


America has 50 equal State governance. Each State has 2 voting Senators, REGARDLESS of their population sizes.

In United Kingdom of Great Britain (and Northern Ireland). We are (supposed to be) an equal 2 state/kingdom system.

But we don’t have equal numbers of MP’s as an equal states/kingdoms would have, regardless of their population sizes

Thus the Scottish state/kingdom can and has been outvoted every time, since its inception 300years ago.

We’ve never had or ever been an EQUAL UNION, thus its not a UNION. Its been a deception, a fraud by the Establishment.

Its been an absorption, an assimilation of Scotland into England. Its called an UNION to dupe, pacify and imposed on Scots. Thus must be illegal and criminal .

It was obviously made this way by the Establishment, to keep the staus quo in power. To profit the English aristocracy and their Scottish lackies, from Scotland’s tax and conscript manpower using outdated feudal governance.

ps. I’m into European Market but the European Union is not an EQUAL UNION.

pps. This is my view on what’s happened in the past, and how we are at present!


If you come on here exhibiting the characteristics of a potential troll then don’t be surprised if somebody calls you out in it. Strange that within a couple of hours of your first posting you seem to be looking for an argument. Wrong place for that. You’ll find it much easier to get on with people here by not provocative.


4 x hours have elapsed and still zero apology.?

Bugger (the Panda)


Baroness Jay is Jim Callaghan’s daughter.

So you know.



At zero point did I say that I had a drink with liquid lenny – CHECK MY POSTING of 10:15a.m. this morning.

I did say I had a liquid lunch with a left leaning liquid lenny -TYPE-.

But was posted as a Troll for something I NEVER SAID.?

I am not searching for a fight – but I will protect my good name versus a blatant lie.

Is that allowed.?

Liquid Lenny

WantumWumtum or whoever you are

I don’t know what your game is pal, if you actually know me you would know that I was in hospital last week, I am still ill and I have been sleeping all afternoon.

First you say this :-
And here I was, lying in hospital and minding my own business when man mountain lefty-leaning liquid lenny was charged with distribution of unassailable facts.

then you say this :-
Had a somewhat and sometimes lucid liquid lunch with a left- leaning liquid lenny-type

As I said, I have no idea who you are, you claim to know me, all I said was give us a clue to your identify otherwise being very new to this site you are behaving like a Troll.

So there you go, if your somebody who knows me, and is just having a laugh, give me a clue otherwise bugger off


Its absolutely allowed, but, with no introduction you are straight in there looking for an apology for a supposed sleight. Just chill out and try to get along with people.

Paula Rose

Listen laddies – we have places like Quarantine and Off-topic for spats, please stop swinging your handbags here. I’m sure you’re both lovely men.


What Paula said – and i’m including myself.

Bugger (the Panda)

Can we put it up on Livestream?

Bob W

WantonWampum – You are quite entitled to protect ‘your good name’ but I have my doubts that that is either your good or given name. However protecting the reputation of a pseudonym is a pointless exercise.


Andy-B says:
Trussell Trust reveal, foobanks have risen 400%

The £1,000,000 our Goverment has donated to the food banks says it all. This is Scotland at its very best, so proud to be us.
Sorry to come back so late, my lady wife thinks we can pull us out of resession using our income alone.

Everyone else read the link please and tell everyone you have ever known


Yes indeed.

Its essential to post positive.

I agree, 100 Great Scots will inspire the populous.

Must encourage ALL to vote YES.

YES clock is ticking!

Thanks for your support.



Is this the Independent Scotland that we support, where I can be posted guilty – despite evidence to the contrary.?

Where one person (unelected) can damn a fellow Scot when the evidence clearly clears his (my) good name.?

You cannot have any idea of the fury that I feel.

Paula Rose

WantonWampun – honey dear, I’m not condemning you and neither are many others, give some slack and lets do some huggie stuff xx

Paula Rose

But WantonWampon clicking on your blue name does suggest you need to sort out your connections, people could get the wrong idea.


WantonWampums link only takes you to the microsoft outlook log in so ain’t nothing sinister. Don’t lose heart wanton I have felt like that too. It’s a public text based forum and sometimes what you think you say isn’t how others read it.


It took a few paragraphs before you admitted the single relevent word – “type” – thereby re-enforcing the fact that -AT NO POINT – did I ever say I had a drink with liquid lenny (actual or otherwise).

For Paula Rose – behind every pseudonym – stands a man or woman who will bleed for Truth.

Retrospectively, my name is still posted as a troll.

liquid lenny has shifted the goalposts to other would-be humourous but earlier posts when I wished him -Keep well- which he accepted.

Paula Rose

WantonWampun – when I click upon your name which is highlighted in blue I get a Warning Possible Phishing Site warning. Please get that sorted and we can all do friend stuff, do you understand my friend?


to Paula Rose :-

Iam not trying to be pedantic but I bought this laptop only one month ago and bought an Internet Dongle.

I do not have a clue about the procedure whereby I can possibly know how to fix this “blue highlighted listing” or how to protect my website from a ” Warning – Possible Phishing Site ” – DANGER.

How do I fix this Problem, you silver-tongued sweetie.

Honestly, I do “GET IT”.

Your talent as an invigilator is appreciated. It really is.

Paula Rose

Honey – I would suggest a new moniker for wings, maybe ‘trout swimming upstream’ xx

just re-do the posting thingy again, the Rev will have a word with Gaiia and all will be well.

There’s always a high-heeled goddess watching your back on wings xx


To Paula Rose:-

Having won my point on a fundamental LIE posted versus me, and I do appreciate your intervention, but WHY should I have to change my moniker and submit to on-line bullying plus false accusations when I have been proven to be – Correct.?

On this website where all agree- we have a duty to expose- the lies promulgated from all quarters that oppose Independence, but ONLY I- will be the Exception. Even when I prove my innocence.?

Even AFTER the perpetrator admits his guilt.?
One word caused this problem – “TYPE”.

And the innocent (not the guilty) must hide behind a new moniker.?


On a basic and base Lie, I have been subjected to a “Troll Alert”. ( swear-words deleted).

Via one word — “TYPE”.

Despite your noble attempt, my very soul shouts to me that

Not bend to an idiot like liquid lenny.

Paula Rose

Honey – I thought you might laugh at my suggestion of swimming upstream, now, what can we do to mend fences, after all Wings is about peace love and understanding. Can we agree that there has been a wee fall out and get Liquid Lenny and you to be best buddies?

Bob W

WontonWampum – You appear to be typing your e-mail address into the website field of the comment block, that seems to be why your pseudonym appears as a blue click-able link.


The House of Lords has No power at all.

The House of Lords should be abolished. It is undemocratic. An extremely expensive ‘talking shop’, with No powers at All. A retirement house for the totally corrupt Westmnster Politicans and their associates, defrauding public monies. ‘All in it together’. A cabel of crooks defrauding public monies.


Bob W

I am a total novice at this internet stuff.
I am making mistakes that I do not know how to rectify.

For Paula Rose:- this whole sorry saga began because I made an attempt at humour. A silly wee tale about a drunken hamster.
However, some people have had a humour BY-PASS.


I only comment occasionally here but I read a lot and in general its a surprisingly polite place given the vast spectrum of people and their views.

I read your initial posts and didn’t really follow what you were meaning. That was because I thought you were referring to the guy that posts here under the Liquid Lenny name and thus I thought it you knew each other and it was some sort of “in joke”.
This seems not to be the case and you have now explained your position.

What heaped the suspicion that there may have been more behind your posts was the fact that your user name is a link and when clicked some browsers report a warning of a possible phishing attempt.

If I click on your name with Internet Explorer I get nothing at all, if I click using Opera I get taken to Microsofts Login Live page. This seems to be because, as Bob W has said, you are entering your email address into the box meant for your (if you have one) website address. Doing so is flagging it as a possible phishing attempt by some browsers and thus why the suspicions were heightened.

I don’t think any malice was intended on any side but it was just a misunderstanding compounded by some browsers flagging your link as possibly malicious.

The internet is a wonderful place but due to not being able to see how things are said (facial expressions, body language etc) or hear the tone of such words, things can be misinterpreted very easily.

Liquid Lenny


Im an idot am I?

Your post first in wings as far as I can tell and you talk as if you know me,then you describe my physical size and political leanings, You say that you asked a consultant to cause me even more physical pain than I have had in the last week.
you have an avatar which comes up with a health warning, All I said was if you are a mate having a laugh identify yourself otherwise you are under suspicion.

I don’t know what is the matter with you, but you seem to be complaining too much. As far as I am concerned you are still under suspicion.

However if you are not, I am man enough to accept your apology and maybe next time you can keep your posts about fellow wingers less personal.


Have we forgotten Faslane.

The ” RHU NARROWS ” were destroyed to allow entry into the loch and an ancient rock formation, formed over many milliennia, was wrecked with explosives by M.O.D.

There must be SEA CHARTS available ( PRE-FASLANE) that delineate the seabed before it was destroyed.

The Scottish seabed owned by Crown Estates.?

Perhaps in Bath, Portsmouth, Bristol or in Scotland.?

Before we attempt to divide U.K.Assets, we can request a price for returning the ” RHU NARROWS” to it`s original prehistoric condition.

By the way, these required “Royal Assent” to be granted.

gerry parker

Ye’ll all need to get to the counting house on the 30th.



to Hood AND Bob W:-

Made the changes recommended by both of you, but my tag is still highlighted in blue.?

Bob W

It’s still showing as an e-mail address, admittedly a different one this time. You may have auto-fill fields set on in your browser.

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