The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The social network

Posted on July 05, 2013 by

It’s “Follow Friday” on Twitter (as it is every Friday). So for those of you still scared to take the plunge into this most modern of communication tools, we thought we’d put together a handy one-stop list of 50 of Scottish politics’ most significant tweeters, and see if we can get you started.

(Click the images to visit the pages.)

NB: We’ve mostly avoided actual politicians, because of their tendency not to say anything remotely interesting, but we’ve included the party feeds. Where we’ve included individual MPs or MSPs it’s because they’re either (let’s put it politely) notable mouthpieces, or because they also write for papers or have popular blogs.

We’ve prioritised people who tweet a lot, naturally, but have included a few others where there was a significant discrepancy between their activity and following. And we’re bound to have forgotten a few, so if that’s you please don’t take it personally.

twitterrecordtwitterscotsmantwittersnptwittermackaytwitteryestwitterharristwitterheraldtwitternewsnicht twitterscotnighttwitternotwittersuntwitterheraldstwittersheraldtwitterlabour twitterbella twittermassietwittercooktwitterriddochtwittermcalpinetwitternewsnet twitterfarqtwittercarrelltwittermacwhirtertwitterhassantwitterfoulkes twitterscotpoltwitternational twittergreens twitterlallands twitterwings2twittermcmahontwitterhiggins twitterradindytwitterjmacktwitterscotsmanptwitterssp twittertories twitterkanetwitterjoycetwitterlibs twitterllewellin twitterhothersalltwittermccolmtwitterbarnestwitterrhodestwitterbiz4twittermaddox1twittersmarttwitterdcleggtwitterlabhame

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A grand idea, good stuff.
May I also add here that I have a Twitter “list” that people can subscribe to, called Scotland2014, which includes just under 100 accounts, including many of the above. Anyone is free to follow the list here.
link to

I think David Torrance is the only omission I see from your list Rev. And I’m surprised you’ve plastered ol’ Dunc on there!

Seasick Dave

Thanks, but no thanks 🙂


and a plug for the Sunday Herald rather than the Herald:
link to

Melissa Murray

It’s difficult to follow accounts, when you’ve been blocked by a few of them. Not going to point exact fingers, but many of these unionists are more than a wee bit adverse to facts.

Bugger (the Panda)


If I cannot get cite tags right!

Way above my intellectual grade

Paul Martin

Afraid I wouldn’t give many of these twitter accounts the reek o’ ma dung as my granny used to say.
And she DID actually say that. Often !


Bit weird.
Just signed up to twitter yesterday, I mean I didn’t want to (its another thing that needs figured out* then monitored) but its actually ok (plus, I’m so fucking bored at work I was thinking about hurting myself in some fashion to break the monotony.)
Obviously I didn’t though, because I’m not a nutter.
* Still doing this.


I joined Twitter in order to correct a lie Tom Harris MP told about tuition fees (and he did, to be fair, correct what he said); but from then on my experience of Twitter was akin to a bunch of people standing in a room and shouting at the tops of their voices, so I got bored and deleted my account. 
As means of communication go, it might be efficient for posting out links to information; but is it efficient and/or effective when it comes to actual discourse, or is it nothing more than a source of confirmation bias?

The Man in the Jar

Had to laugh at LabourHame “Where Scottish Labour can discuss the way forward without falling out. Mostly” Not the busiest I notice.

Peter A Bell

Were these picked at random?


interested in Euan McColm’s ‘short attention spa’ – wonder how that works ?


“Had to laugh at LabourHame “Where Scottish Labour can discuss the way forward without falling out. Mostly” Not the busiest I notice.”
That’s because they’ve all fallen out.


Liking the SNP ‘Scotland’s largest political party………………’. Seizing it back from Labour.


Still couldn’t make myself follow better together…


Oooh, new toy. Having attempted to tweet, my elbows became very painful from sitting on them very quickly. This may work wonders for slagging opportunities as well as my posture. Cheers Rev.

John Gibson

“see if we can get you started”
Umm… no.
Thanks anyway.

Robert Bryce

Interesting that the Scottish Lib Dems are following Wings? SSP I can understand but not wee Willie’s mob!

Closet Yes voters the lot of them!

Oh and Newsnight Scotland? Spying on the enemy nop doubt!

Gordon Bain

Twitter is shite. Just sayin’.


Surely there needs to be a PG rating or at least BS rating for some of these tweeters?


I’d probably end up in the Daily Mail for ‘attacks on reputable British polling company methodologies’.


Good list!

I’d add Radical Independence @Radical_Indy (3,486 followers)


Twitter seems to be a place where people go to have a car crash conversation. I think I would be wise to keep my brand of sarcasm away from there.


As someone that enjoys his beer, methinks i could get in trouble with Twitter. 🙂

Bugger (the Panda)

that and red biddy.


“But look at some of the people above who follow Wings but aren’t on our side. There are many others. You DO reach beyond the converted.”
Aye some of them are checking up to find out how many mistakes they’ve made.
Plug for the Sunday Herald,  should be supported if  they keep up the balanced journalism.



Twitter is great for stumbling across news articles and for communicating directly with people who you would never otherwise meet. The golden rule should be – always keep a cool head and don’t feed the trolls such as @GeorgeFoulkes


It took me a very long time indeed to “get” Twitter. The thing is there are many different ways to use it. And I think the main Twitter site is beyond awful (for the way I use it anyway). It’s absolutely brilliant for getting news in the form of links basically sent to you so you don’t have to go search anything much out yourself.
I have a list of official news sites that post stories and links constantly, a list for people who work in news in the UK, a list for sports news, the Scotland 2014 list I linked to earlier, and a list of who I like to call “real people”. No bloody annoying celebs anywhere to be found (it seems most non-users think that’s what Twitter is for).
It’s amazing what you can learn in a day about the world without not doing much really, and you can tailor it to things only you are interested in quite easily.


I’m anti-social so this is never going to work. Strangely I never felt anti-social until social networks started.

Alan MacD

Ah Twitter….. the bit between a burds twat and her shitter.
Le Dùrachdan.


I think my blood pressure would suffer if I followed Ffoulkes! I’ve been blocked by George Galloway, which I’m quite proud of.
Generally, I follow people I find interesting, or who provide good links. I don’t have time to spy on the other side – I have Reporting Scotland for that. 🙂

Willie Zwigerland

My attention span is too long for Twitter.

Rod Mac

I have now got myself a Tweet account and I have added WOS  err how do I actually tweet?
I know  I am a luddite  but not everyone understands these new things.
BTW I can now get BBC2 without a special aeriel on my roof


Sorry but given the shite we saw the other day, I don’t think I could be trusted to hold my tongue (fingers). Besides, I spend enough time keeping up to speed on Wings.


Twitter is the fastest source for almost any breaking news story. That’s its chief virtue. Now and again it turns into a wonderful forum for ridicule that can sink a bonkers political initiative within minutes. Have a look at #500questions for example.
But for the Indy campaign, I’d argue that the most important thing is to be present – to drive it home to the media in particular that it’s not just a tiny bunch of frothing cybernats who are using the social networks, but a whole lot of ordinary people who support the idea of independence. There are now dozens and dozens of Yes groups on Twitter, with more every day. Few of them say anything profound, but even tweets about going out leafleting in Thurso or running a Yes stall in Dalkeith adds to that impression – a genuine one I think – of a growing grassroots movement. Whereas, BetterTogether just aren’t there.
Rather than set up an individual account, I’ve found it a good discipline to curate a group Twitter feed. It stops you shooting from the hip without thinking and is a major disincentive from getting involved in pointless insult swapping or mock outrage. There’s plenty of useful stuff to pass on to others, and that’s another thing that everyone can do.


O/T  They’ve named an asteroid after Iain Banks:
link to
Eventually, there will be a planet, or maybe a habitat…


I’m not sure we should be encouraged to use Twitter. You know we’re only going to issue death threats to all the twats that oppose independence.


I’m sorry to go O/T but I’m noticing it more and more where the UK is switched with England!
Another one from someone I know on FB

link to


Doug Daniel

Just out of interest Stu, are the ones that don’t have a clickable rollover link (you know I likes me some rollovers) the ones that have blocked your twitter feed?
Also, can someone explain what the deal is with the cite tag? What do people keep doing wrong with it, and why are people using it at all? I can’t think of a single time in my life I’ve found need to use it.


Socttish Conservatives claim their progressive….Pat Kane wants to be a Progressive… Go On Pat, you know it makes sense


I still don’t know what a cite tag is on this site, I have never seen one, I don’t know how to get one, and I don’t understand the difference between a post that has one and a post that hasn’t. And I consider myself fairly able at making websites and doing internetty things. But I deleted my twatter account because the whole twitting thing was so rubbish, so perhaps there is a connection there.

BBC Scotlandshire

Yet again we are ignored by Wings, along with our 2050 followers. Just because we take the opposite political stance you have no right to marginalise us. We would never behave like that.


What about Michael Greenwell too!

Tom Hogg

Apropos of twitter, I follow Douglas Alexander, who has recently tweeted this link to Labour events related to the 65th birthday of the NHS.
link to
Can’t get it to work. It seems to think that Stafford is near Moffat.


“Just because we take the opposite political stance…”
I thought you were neutral?


I thought you were neutral?
The opposite of ‘separatist’ is ‘neutral’, as any fule kno.


Which ones are missing links?
Foulkes and Hothersall, I think, though you’d have to do DNA testing to be certain.

Roddy Macdonald

A wee plug for yours truly: link to
You’re fond of excitement if you follow Hothersall and Misanthrope McColm!


lesson learned about cite tags, having copied so and so says in the past i wont be doing that again apologies

Bill C

Sorry to go o/t but there are reports from ITV that Labour are to report the shenanigans in Falkirk to the police. Labour the gift that keeps on giving. Don’t you just love it?

Doug Daniel

Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

“I thought I’d caught them all. Which ones are missing links?”
ScotLab, Lesley Riddoch, Peter MacMahon, James McKenzie and Euan McColm. 

And now my curiosity about the cite tags is satisfied – I see it’s the “copies in the date even though you’ve not highlighted it” thing. That’s why I only ever copy folk’s actual text and type their name in myself. Safest way to do it, folks!

Dorothy Devine

having had a quick look at JOHN MACKAYS ( He bellows his name which drives me up the wall)  I think I’ll happily remain a Luddite .
What on earth is all that drivel about?
How much time do folk spend writing self important crap?

Jim Mitchell

Don’t know where you get the energy from REV! i wonder how many folk from outside of our country keep a weather eye on events here.
BTW In today’s Stirling Observer there is a report on the Launch of Better Together Stirling last Saturday.  Said launch had had Anne McGuire Mp, Liz Smith MSP and Willie Rennie MSP doing the honours. According to local Better Together organiser Ross Oxburgh there was ‘around’ sixty folk present, (I guess there still not too hot at the counting).
Sixty folk from the city of Stirling and it’s surrounding area, says it all really!

Doug Daniel

Off-topic, but has anyone else looked at this blog from Yes Scotland and thought “how did they get Noam Chomsky to hold up a Yes sign?”
link to

Arbroath 1320

Thanks for the list Rev. I do follow a few on your list but that is all. I value my computer screen a wee bit too much to go follow certain “other” individuals. 😆
Have to admit I agree with BBC Scotlandshire here Rev, they are the voice of reason in all of this Independence debate nonsense and I’m surprised they are not in your list. Thought you’d have wanted to include someone from the balance of neutral argument in your list. 😆


Twitter? Include me out.  I behave badly enough here.
Entertaining post over at Bella (scan the comments). ‘Intellectuals’ being very sweet to each other, but obviously wanting to scratch each other’s eyes out.  Tam Dean Burn leading the Unionist charge, and passionately recommending that the best way to do something for socialism is to do nothing at all.  Let’s hope he’s MI6, I’d worry for him if he actually believed that.
link to


Rev you have missed Johann Lamont’s twitter feed, Though I doubt she knows she has one and it’s probably controlled via London Labour or Unite. P.S. please don’t add JoLa’s twitter feed to the list.

Seasick Dave

Get the popcorn and beers…

Labour to refer Falkirk selection row to police
link to

Doug Daniel

Vronsky – I think it’s a bit unfair to call TDB a unionist. There may be many “international socialists” who are little more than closet British Nationalists, but in TDB’s case, I’ve seen enough of his arguments these past few months to be convinced that he truly does believe in what he’s saying – it’s just that his reasoning is utterly, utterly bonkers.

Seasick Dave

Bill C
Sorry, didn’t see your heads up at 2:26 🙂

Bill C

@Seasick Dave -No probs mate.

The Man in the Jar

@Seasick Dave
at 4; 26pm
& Bill C
Looks like Jo La. will be getting all the debate that she can handle now. Love it! 🙂


I see the BT Twitter “byline” under their name uses the word “patriotic”…I wonder the reaction had Yes Scotland used that..?


The main problem i have with ‘International’ socialists is that they dismiss the word ‘nation’ in international.
I flirted with Marxism in my youth, but found it to be like the Church.  A doctrine that struggles to keep up with the reality of modern life. The basics are still very relevant.

John H

After the Falkirk scandal, can we look forward to more scrutiny with regard to postal voting in the referendum?


“…all twittering is to be treated as a sign of hopelessness!”
Alasdair Gray, Lanark.


Looked in over at the Hootsman at the Labour story. Some very bitter individuals deflecting (I said deflecting) like anything. That Slater chap is away with the fairies. I see someone referenced that he doesn’t live in Scotland. No idea if that is true but if so why do all the really determined anti-independence writers not even live here. MM and OBE on the Herald are ancient ex pats with no intention of returning either. I can think of a host of others too.


Euan was definitely there earlier


Project Fear..said today that Nessie, will be relocated to Lake Windermere if a YES vote is returned next year.

Inbhir Anainn

Nessie is non-negotiable like the oil (it’s ours).


Plus you would have a job catching Nessie or is that Yessie.


I think we might have the makings of another good natured and positive mascot there

The Flamster

I think Peter A Bell means – he’s missing??


Hang on! I’ve just bought myself a new phone – with rixydixy class x twin channel processor and hoobedoo operating system – and you’re asking me to twitter? I now understand, when I see people standing (or sitting) gazing at a handset, they’re not doing anything other than trying to guess what to do next! I’ve reached page 42 of the handbook (120 pages) on “how to call the last dialled number” – and you’re asking me to twitter?
I’m nearly greetin that my old Motorola gave up the ghost – it’s been up mountain and down glen, across moor and mountain with me. It’s poor wee body was as cracked and battered as mine – but I knew how to make a call and send a text. Ah weel, page 43 here I come……..
PS The hinge broke – a bit like me – and you’re asking me to twitter!


Just asking—is Johan Lamont still alive?
Haven’t heard from her recently about Labour loosing Donside or doing everything possible to lose Falkirk…..

Murray McCallum

I believe on Fridays Johann goes to the laboratory for reboot, mineral transfusion and text upload.  It’s at least a 19 hour process if all goes well.

Steve Duncan

You have to follow darling twitter. (@A_DarlingMP). See headline Graphic


“Foulkes and Hothersall, I think, though you’d have to do DNA testing to be certain.”
Doffs cap..

Bugger (the Panda)

UV light and fluorescent dye


No further comment is required!
link to

Robert Bryce

The love around Britain for Andy Murray on twitter tonight makes you want to ditch this independence lark and tough it out with the rest of the UK 🙂
link to
Better Together my arse!


While we’re at it, what’s the past tense of twitter – twit or whatever this strange thumb strengthening occupation is.
Can I say – A twtter twat a twit yesterday –
or – A twitter twitted a twit yesterday – ???????
I’m not a twitter by the way.


Alastair DarlingMP
Well done Novak. The longest semi in Wimbledon history. How long will semis be in a separate Scotland? Salmond needs to tell us.
Please someone tell me that isn’t really him because I really didn’t think he was that daft.

Murray McCallum

Alastair DarlingMP twitter account is hilarious.  It’s a joke account but gets across the flavour of Darling and No campaign very well.


Murray thru to Wimbledonon final,  Nicola Sturgeon sitting in the crowd.

Adrian B

Alastair DarlingMP twitter account is hilarious.  It’s a joke account but gets across the flavour of Darling and No campaign very well.
Amazing just how many get caught out by a parody twitter account – it must seem all to real.

Murray McCallum

Adrian B
Amazing just how many get caught out by a parody twitter account – it must seem all to real.
Exactly right.  The negativity and constant questioning (usually looking towards the worst possible outcome) has totally backfired.  A lot of people are basically laughing at much of their output however seriously they try to frame it.


Darling is a ‘semi’ (as in ‘semi-gemmy’).


Easy answer to Spoof Darling- zero. Wimbledon is not in Scotland.

Scott Douglas

Didn’t know that Ian Smart was a St Mirren fan.  Seems even the biggest tossers can have a redeeming quality.


I was taken aback by the fake Darling account. It was in line with some absolute shite they have produced so far but I just had him as someone who wouldn’t put his name to it.
Murray winning is going to have the haters apoplectic

Murray McCallum

I must admit the Murray Twitter abuse is shocking.  Admire rev Stu for sticking to his principle of showing the hypocrisy in it not being that widely reported like some other traffic!
The funny stuff on Twitter seems really powerful to me.  It’s made for Darling speak.


Is Murray a Scot or a Brit???? Don’t know how to take him, I know his Mother is a unionist. 

Linda's back

On Falkirk 
We should not be gloating about Labour’s problems but pointing out that the Labour PR machine is trying to portray Miliband as standing up to the Unions but ignoring that  the Blairites were also trying to impose their London candidate on Falkirk .  
According to Channel 4 reporter, Michael Crick, one man said to have tried to recruit new members and who paid the fee of £130 himself was Gregory Poynton – himself a contender to replace Eric Joyce.
Mr Crick also revealed that Poynton’s wife, Labour MP Gemma Doyle, is a member of Scottish Labour MP Jim Murphy’s Shadow Defence team.  The Channel 4 reporter suggested the links to Murphy may have been part of the reason for the report remaining secret.
Mr Crick wrote: “Why does Mr Poynton’s recruitment activity matter?
“First because he’s married to Gemma Doyle, the young Scottish MP who is a member of Labour’s Commons defence team under Jim Murphy.  And second, Mr Poynton is the London political director of the firm Blue State Digital, which has a contract to provide campaigning work for the Labour party.
“With that, and all the allegations about Unite recruiting dozens of new members in Falkirk without their knowledge, and seemingly against the rules, no wonder Labour big-wigs decided to keep the Falkirk report secret.”


@ Dee
Andy Murray is a Scot who has no choice but to play for Britain.  Perhaps he is quite happy to do so.  Give the lad a break.


Andy has never shied away from being Scottish…which is why he gets dogs abuse on the internet.


The number of times I’ve had to direct frothing, outraged Nats to Alistair_DarlingMP’s profile to see the light…..
It’s a brilliant spoof  -deadpan, and ever so believable. Well worth a follow.


Joybell I wasn’t sure what he stood for with his close links to Alex Ferguson, and his mothers links to unionism, I was just curious, if he wants to go down that road, then that is his choice. Just to show you I’m not being to hard on the lad, I hope he wins on Sunday.


A good few Saltires on view this evening, Scotland football shirts (of varying vintage) and at least one Jimmy bunnet.
The All-England Club must be bricking it in case he wins the thing, sparking a court invasion, loads of ‘sweaty-socks’ straddling the net, digging up the lines, baring their arses at Sue Barker etc.

Linda's back

My partner knows the family.
Andy Murray and his mother are very pro Scottish. I will say no more publicly  but they realize have to play the UK game in public to avoid lots of abuse and hassle.

Murray McCallum

Hope the Murray v Djokovic final is as good as the US Open.
Will socks be as sweaty in an independent Scotland? Alex Salmond has yet to answer that.


Be good to see a few YES 2014 Saltires dotted throughout the crowd on Sunday.  Need to get the message down to pro Indy fans going to Centre Court and also on Henman Hill..

Scott Douglas

Good to see Nicola in the Royal Box at Wimbledon sitting next to Jude Law.  Prime Minister in waiting (Nicola not Jude……..although he does have a Scottish surname).


Acid test – if he wins, does he shun flags altogether? Would that be humanly possible at such a moment?
My dosh would go on him getting the Saltire about his shoulders – was with my boy in Glasgow when he broke down after winning his Davis Cup match against whoever-it-was.
The guy is a Scot first and foremost (IMO).


Snap poll:
Will Rev’s next post be about:
Last night’s Newsnight Scotland?

None of the above.


Falkirk ,,,I hope

Murray McCallum

Some good reader comments in the Record link to
This is going to drag on, and on …


@ Ianbrotherhood, my guess is it will be an informal but informative post on cordon bleu cooking of road kill , to enable us to still have dinner parties after a yes vote.
although I admit I could be a bit of the mark, i will take my chances on that .


Good shout.
Even if Rev doesn’t do it tonight, I’m sure the idea will be filed under ‘L’ (for ‘Let’s Do It!’), right next to the bulging ‘Legal Letters’ section.
(Whatever happened to that Vitol/Ian Taylor mob anyway? Have they ‘ceased and desisted’?)


an informal but informative post on cordon bleu cooking of road kill , to enable us to still have dinner parties after a yes vote.
Don’t be ridiculous.
We won’t be able to afford roads.


Or perhaps it’s a guide with included video footage, of the proper procedure, for wiping with a docken leaf, when andrex withdraw the bog roll , and the dog from an independant Scotland.


Yessie is a product from Yes Scotland
link to
Shame they don’t do an adult version of Yessie T-Shirt.


True jiggsbro , I’m dreaming of a land of milk an honey, I have been seduced by the thought of 6 week old dead fox legs for everyone after a yes vote. I’m now going to see if I can get on the better together re-education programme, for deluded nationalists. It’s my only hope. Just hope Alistair forgives me for the duck tape and chair post.

Bugger (the Panda)

You been channeling Iain Banks?

Adrian B

We won’t be able to afford roads.
There will be no cars in an Independent Scotland.


w wnt b bl t ffrd vwls n n ndpndnt Sctlnd

The Man in the Jar

What about pointed sticks?


@ n brthrhd yr shttng m mte srely tht cldnt hppn. Wht bt th cnstnnts?

The Man in the Jar

Spot the vowel? is it a game? 🙂


@ the man in the jar, pointy sticks would surely disappear, scots pine and dougie fir would be re classified as RUK Wid. They might give us balsa or cork, on the understanding that no smart arse attempts to create a tapered jaggy end on it.anyone caught doing so would land an automatic three year jail sentence for doing so, no ifs or buts about it.
sure I heard that last bit somewhere before

The Man in the Jar

I’m not allowed corks. 🙁


No way I have some stray vowels in there, I’m now shitting myself about the consequences of stealing two E,s.


True jiggsbro , I’m dreaming of a land of milk an honey,
Oh, we can have that, as long as we keep our own bees. And learn how to milk them.


Your not allowed corks? What about cnifes or cpoons?

The Man in the Jar

E`s are good! 🙂
I eat with a pointed stick!


I’m off guys, totally fearing for my sanity , I’m posting this stuff while completely sober, frightening so it is.

The Man in the Jar

Night! Can imagine Rev in the morning “Has it come to this?”
Sorry Rev.!

john king

“It’s difficult to follow accounts, when you’ve been blocked by a few of them. Not going to point exact fingers, but many of these unionists are more than a wee bit adverse to facts.”
averse Melissa averse,
has noone told you about voronsky’s vein Melissla, you dont want to get it upset, cumon guys 
could none of you have told her about the vein?  🙁

john king

“(plus, I’m so fucking bored at work I was thinking about hurting myself in some fashion to break the monotony.)”

Only plastic cutlery in your works restaurant as well huh?
 that’s the reason we have it, to avoid self harming 🙁

john king

“I’m sorry to go O/T but I’m noticing it more and more where the UK is switched with England!
Another one from someone I know on FB”
link to
That’ll be nice and maybe one of those parasol light thingys that light up at night and looks like butterflies out of B&M for 5squid?

john king

“After the Falkirk scandal, can we look forward to more scrutiny with regard to postal voting in the referendum?”

Ach awa an dinna haver min,
or are the turkeys suddenly voting for christmas?

john king

“Looked in over at the Hootsman at the Labour story. Some very bitter individuals deflecting (I said deflecting) like anything. That Slater chap is away with the fairies. I see someone referenced that he doesn’t live in Scotland. No idea if that is true but if so why do all the really determined anti-independence writers not even live here. MM and OBE on the Herald are ancient ex pats with no intention of returning either. I can think of a host of others too.”

Hmm lets see, orraquine, borderbill,  amroth, 
I’ve run out of interest rather than monikers

john king

“Plus you would have a job catching Nessie or is that Yessie.”

Now there’s an idea, a bow wave moving menacingly across the surface,
and after a period of increasing tension and anxiety up surfaces a placard with YESSIE  on it, liking this 🙂

john king

Alastair DarlingMP
Well done Novak. The longest semi in Wimbledon history. How long will semis be in a separate Scotland? Salmond needs to tell us.”
Could it just be that a semi is all Darling can manage?  

john king

“The All-England Club must be bricking it in case he wins the thing, sparking a court invasion, loads of ‘sweaty-socks’ straddling the net, digging up the lines, baring their arses at Sue Barker etc.”
That centre court nets coming home with us!
it’ll keep the pigeons off my strawberries, cant afford Wimbledons prices I’ll bring my own next year 🙂

john king

“Don’t be ridiculous.

 We won’t be able to afford roads.”
Of course Jiggs you forgot to mention all the animals and birds will migrate south permanently as well, so even if we did have roads, there would be nothing to run over  🙁


john king

what goes clip clop clip clop bang?
 anyone who answered an Amish drive by shooting, is wrong
it’s a post yes Scotland road kill 🙂

john king

“w wnt b bl t ffrd vwls n n ndpndnt Sctlnd”
fr fck sk ddnt sgn p fr tht ,
tht ws kpt qt wsnt t? 🙁

john king

“I’m not allowed corks.” 
I tried lord knows I tried 
I know I’m going to regret this
now, its out there  

john king

“What about pointed sticks?”
oh no not again?
Oh mr la de da wants to learn about pointed sticks does he ?
corks not good enough for him eh?

john king

“No way I have some stray vowels in there, I’m now shitting myself about the consequences of stealing two E,s.”
AHEM that’s nothing, think of the (sentence 🙂 you’ll get for using 31 in your last post,
It was nice knowing you,
see you when your 189 🙂
  ps I did’nt make up the game so I’m immune from your tinfoil hat penalties

john king

“Oh, we can have that, as long as we keep our own bees. And learn how to milk them.”
REALLY? yea? hows that work then ? and many do I need to milk for my cornflakes?
I reckon waasps must be good for milk
you always see them in our local co-op window.

john king

just got an email from the rev guys, anyone know what sine die means?


Although I don’t do twitter, I was having a wee look and found this quite interesting.
link to

The Man in the Jar

@john king
at7: 47am
We’ve done that one!
Now come at me with that banana.


John King
Re sine die  it means indefinitely  Suspending a meeting without setting a date for further action for example


Good final line in current NNS piece on Falkirk – Labour ‘would rather have a nutter than a Nat’ in that seat.
Anyone flushed out Lamont yet? – is she still ‘very very happy’ with what’s happening?

a supporter

John King at 06/07/13 6.52 am 

“I’m sorry to go O/T but I’m noticing it more and more where the UK is switched with England!” 
So what are you worried about? I now do that all the time on the comments sites on the NOMENS’ supporting newspapers. I do it to annoy them because the NO commenters all try to be politically correct and don’t like it.


Surely Limmy should be at the top? Here’s one of his latest tweets from today.
– “The Orange Walk. For stupid people.”
link to


1: Where’s Labour for Independence?
2; We’ve got our Hamish, NNS now has Duggy Dug, and Yes Scotland’s got Yessie. Makes you wonder what kind of mascot BT/United with Labour/Project Fear will come up with. 


CEMarshall says:
Makes you wonder what kind of mascot BT/United with Labour/Project Fear will come up with. 
The Borg, CEM?


Nah, that would require more intelligence than that lot’s got. A bulldog in a kilt’s probably more their idea.

[…] It’s been a very slow news day today and it’s chucking it down outside, so we found ourselves stuck for entertainment. Earlier this afternoon alert readers will have noticed us tweeting about breaking through 35,000 Twitter followers, and while we were comparing that to various other entities for our own amusement (eg it’s over 10,000 more followers than Scottish Labour, the Scottish Conservatives and the Scottish Lib Dems put together), we stumbled across this feature from 16 months ago. […]

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    • Cynicus on Poisoning The Unwell: “Excellent image from Chris The cartoonist. History will surely judge this woman to have poisoned the well of Scottish politics…Jan 18, 02:30
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