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Wings Over Scotland

The Scissor Sisters

Posted on August 31, 2024 by
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Bravo Chris! Love SR’s vacant eyes.


After 14 years of Tory austerity, cut backs, credit crunch and recession the Labour Party decide to take Winter Fuel payments away from pensioners.

Labour now looking at increasing the tax levels on private pension payouts.

On Thursday I noticed the Summer temperature in Glasgow was 15 Degrees and in Cambridge it was 30 Degrees.
In Winter the Scots can freeze but we are all in it together aren’t we Keir.

Motorist who really need their cars for work already face 40% increases in insurance,
More repair bills with pot holes for roads, ULEZ restrictions and fees, and eye watering parking costs such as £15 for 21 minutes at Glasgow Airport.
Labour want to increase the taxes for refuelling your car.

10% on to home energy bills and my broadband and mobile phone providers all seem to have government blessing to have annual increases above the rate of inflation.

For 60 consecutive years the gap between rich and poor grown wider and Labour intend to make sure that will continue for another 5 years at least.

I use my own car to travel to surveys for my employer.
The government agreed a rate of 45 pence per mile for the first 10,000 miles and 25 pence beyond that. The rate was set and never upgraded back in 2011.
It was at that time to take account of fuel, insurance, repairs, MOTs etc.
Now it doesn’t pay for the fuel that Labour wants to cost even more.

Now my council want £60 p.a. to continue to take away my garden waste bin.

Where is the party who want to improve the standard of living for the majority.
Where are the politicians who will increase and improve public services.

Enough is enough in this country.
No more tax increases and no more cuts ever.

winifred mccartney

Who is SR – Rachel Reeves obvious but cant work out the other one.

Mark Beggan

The deformed ear lobes are spot on.

Mark Beggan

Shona Robertson looks like a guppy with a stick rammed up it’s arse.


Shona Robison.

i.e. both blaming each other will both wielding similar tools hidden behind their backs.

Both are the same. Horrific.


winifred mccartney 9.10am

Thanks for identifying the other one. The rabbit in the headlights one is Shona ‘it winsae us’ Robison. Trying to figure out if the shape behind her is a mirror, the back of a throne or an angel’s wing…


Heck – it’s a chainsaw!!

Captain Caveman

Well, that’s Labour for you isn’t it?
Great if you’ve never saved a bean in your life. However, those who’ve worked hard and been responsible, saving whatever modest sum for their old age, scrimping life savings and paying off a 25-year mortgage? Forget it: you can pick up the bloody tab.

Socialism is a prime red steak laced with poison to the starving man.


It’s a chainsaw bar.

Alf Baird

Postcolonial theory suggests, and the SNP actions prove, that a national party that opts to become a colonial administration is destined to lose sight of its main goal. For they become part of the colonial racket which oppresses (hauds doun) the people and protects only the colonizer’s interest.

link to

Zander Tait

SR is Shona Robison.

Mark Beggan

Socialists are like Transvestites. It’s all the mind. Take away the makeup and all you got is a big and dangerous deviant.

Zander Tait

7 weeks in and the Labour Government are displaying a unique consistency.

Scrapped winter fuel payments for pensioners – vindictive.

Removal of Thatcher’s portrait – petty.

Criminalising smokers for smoking in beer gardens – vindictive and petty.

I predict that in 5 years time the actions of this UK government will be described accurately by using 2 words.

Can you guess what they are?

Hatey McHateface

Effijy 8:04

A great post I can mostly agree with. Thanks. One correction is needed, though. Poor pensioners on pension credit aren’t losing the winter fuel allowance. It’s a detail that is worth getting correct. Why should the poor working class get taxed to transfer unneeded funds to rich pensioners?

Whatever. When I complain about the eye-watering levels of tax I have to pay, I get pelters on here.

But I reckon you’ll be fine.

I also reckon that if you die-hard Indy supporters can’t come up with a compelling, persuasive, democratically popular route to Indy in the next year or so, as the bitter disappointment of Starmer’s Labour becomes clear to all, then you will really need to pack it in and find a new hobby.

Stamp collecting maybe.

You could sort them by countries of the world, and keep an album page blank for Scotland as a reminder of what might have been.


winifred mccartney
31 August, 2024 at 9:10 am

Who is SR – Rachel Reeves obvious but cant work out the other one.

Don’t worry Winifred, got it right first time. SR is a nobody, an absolute nobody.

Hatey McHateface

Zander Tait

There you go, repeating the same untruth.

Richer pensioners are losing their winter fuel allowance. Poorer ones aren’t.

I’m not defending Labour here, I’m defending factual accuracy. Why? Because I don’t believe you can build a route to anything, whether that’s Indy or something else, on errors and/or lies.

As it happens, I don’t personally believe you can justify taking money from poorer working people to gift to richer pensioners who don’t really need it.

Captain Caveman

“Fucking useless”?

Captain Caveman

“No more tax increases”

/wry laughter

Good one.

Hatey McHateface

A quick perusal of Wiki reveals that SR has been consecutively and democratically voted into office since at least 2003.

That doesn’t necessarily rule out her being a “nobody” of course, but it does raise a very important question.

Why are so many Scots prepared to repeatedly, of their own free will, vote for “nobodies”?

Find the answer to that one, find the way to break our fellow Scots of that self-defeating habit, and maybe we’ll start to get somewhere.

Haha, we could start with a few of the usual suspects spending an hour in front of a mirror, having an honest dialogue with themselves.

Zander Tait


And you conveniently omit the fact that pensioners have to complete a 22 page form containing 243 questions in order to get said pension credit. Extremely vindictive.

@Captain Caveman.

Ha ha ha. Excellent. ?


Spot on Chris.

Instead of finger pointing – if the SNP hadn’t sold us out on indy around Brexit – a perfect opportunity to ditch this illegal union – we wouldn’t be in the position of mega cuts coming down the line – yes there would have been some cuts, but not as hard and as deep, as we would’ve been able to mitigate some of them, as an independent nation in control of our resources – its more than likely, that the pension age for women would’ve remained at 60 – and our NHS would be in better shape, than it is now.

But the SNP – decided to save the union instead, they put the union, and their party above the interests of the people of Scotland – and here we are – as Scotland circles the plughole – and public services look likely to take a huge nosedive.


Look at the Capitalist eejits on here lol

Arbeit macht frei!

You don’t have a pot to piss in. Yer county asset stripped & sold. No paying back into the system. Shit floating in rivers. Workers treated like slaves on low wages. No job security. No free education. No future. No old age security either & no one to wipe yer dribble unless you sell that house you’ve just bragged you paid off.

But first to scream blue murder when a service is either fucked up is taken away all together.

You lot don’t pay for poor ppl, ya eejits. The UK has modern day slavery. Young ppl not even given opportunities to better themselves.


Some wonderful comments today. Keep it up folks.

Captain Caveman

“Look at the Capitalist eejits on here lol”

Ha ha. So, paying your way in life (as opposed to taking a slice out of other people’s income whilst being on the internet all day), paying your bills, your mortgage, saving a modest pension for your retirement and putting a few quid away for your twilight years makes you a “Capitalist eejit”. You heard it here first, folks.

As tempting as it may be to define what the opposite is, I’ll refrain from doing so. Just use your imagination.

I think the mood music is changing in the UK and EU also; I think the days of this kind of stuff are numbered.

Antoine Roquentin

When things go wrong in a socialist country they blame socialism.

When things go wrong in a Communist country they blame Communism.

When things go wrong in a Capitalist country they never blame Capitalism.

Similarly, when things go wrong in a colony they never blame the coloniser.

Anton Decadent

Apropos nothing, one of the people funding RR whilst she was Shadow Chancellor is also a donor to The John Smith Institute.

James Che

The parliamentary political union ended in 1707 when Westminster parliament under the Crown of England put the Scottish parliament under Dissolution from the treaty of union.

A parliament under dissolution has no members of parliament.
The ex- members of a Scottish parliament cannot represent their constituents once that parliament is dissolved.

The Scottish elites from the “now ex- parliament of Scotland” entered Westminster (as new English members) to the Westminster parliament of England only members which holds its Sovereignty from the monarch of England through the “Act of Settlement” and the “English parliament Act Bill of Rights”

The pre union terms and agreement to the treaty of union agreed that the parliament of Scotland and the parliament of England would join to become “One, united parliament of Great Britain” to be Styled the parliament of Great- Britain,

Not for the Westminster parliament to dissolve the parliament of Scotland From the treaty.

So while “Keir Starmer and his employment crew in Westminster parliament are busy trying to end” the rest of the treaty which prescribes only two religions for Britain mentioned repeatedly throughout and agreed.
But it also only refers and mentions “Two genders” that bind the treaty of union together between Scotland and England,
His Majesty and her Majesty, he or she, male or female.
Male and female are the only two genders included and inclusively mentioned throughout the terms of agreement and the ratification process,

The ideology of Socialism and diversity of Gender or religion within the so called Westminster parliament of Great-Britain ends the terms and agreement to the 1707 treaty of union with Scotland .
His speeches often incite many breaches to end the treaty of of union not only for Scotland but also in England, and Ireland.
“For non of the other Countries involved in these treaties” agreed in the treaty of union “for more than two genders “except male and female” and non agreed to more than the two stated religions To be had in England and Scotland,

So how does a parliament in Englands-Great- Britain that has only the Westminster parliament of England left in It reconcile itself to diversity of genders, diversity of religion, while maintaining there
Is still a fallacious treaty of union,
Whilst Breaching the treaty of union with ( more than One parliament ) “styled the devolved parliament of Scotland” . Not the to be styled one parliament of Great- Britain hereafter”


If you read the international business press before the election (not the UK) you would have known about “how bad the books are” before the election.

So, Labour gets in, talking a good game. The telegraph/mail is running scare stories about “labour tax raids” and a “12B black hole” (never mentioned this when the tories were in).

– you gotta hand it to middle class narcissism – for them its all about VAT on school fees and their tax dodges. Bless. Broad shoulders, for we are all in this together.

Now, we all know the Labour party has been shiting it from the city post-wilson, so it will do nothing and has nothing in the bag. And so we get the “dose of realism” – worse, before it gets better – why not tell everyone to chin up and show some moral fibre?

Before their victory, the tories were doing a lot of dark things with welfare, like chasing long term disabled off the books, with increased assessments and general bureaucratic harassment; looks like Labour will be doing the same, only more. Complaining about “benefit fraud” when the augean stables of corruption and tax evasion called the city is standing behind you, is pure chutzpah.

And the sick – “is this a joke!” – not a joke is that Starmer is enthusiastically shovelling billions to some eastern made up non country no one gives a shit about; it was billions for weapons and also billions in loans, but these loans are like the ones the US gives to israhel – they are never to be paid back, never called in.

Check that : the Labour Party, of the people, gets in and turns around to go turbo tory while it pishes approx 12B up a wall – and I would doubt even half of that cash goes to actual fighting.

Over the next few years people will hate Labour as bad as they did the tories, then Farage has a good chance of getting in due to the popular will of the anglo cabbage head – and things will get a whole lot worse, especially for us. Indy is a matter of survival now.

Latest Scotland Speaks has Alex talking to an economist on a “what if” scenario if we had gone indy in 2014. Interesting – the problem would have been too-fast growth, plus the need for a massive infrastructure upgrade, a need for our own currency which would strengthen wrt the pound, maybe lower taxes. These are the right kinds of problems to have – from wealth, not poverty.

link to

“here is what you could have won”


Captain Bullshit

No one is taking a slice out of other people’s incomes, certainly not the poor, the one that takes it is Big ears & his government.

That money doesn’t belong to YOU. It belongs to his maj & when you were offered yer job you aren’t consulted on where the fuck he chooses to spend it. They have laws about & everything. You may want to get off an Indy site & go doff yer cap to yer King – blame him.

As for having all the pretty things in life, good for you. Others may not. Another bastard stain Thatchers minions left us – selfish barstewards who are also as thick as shit about *their taxes* cause they’ve been programmed to believe they actually buy things & pay for the poor FFS LOL!

Poor ppl pay tax & NI too doncha know? Just like you it’s deducted at source. So try break yer mould & try shitting upwards for a change.

& Re capitalism. It sucks a country dry. Everything is sold off & nothing is reinvested, leaving future generations fck all.

C& R have it about right. Make yer millions creaming a country but haud the front page, you’ll pay yer share back to the country before yeh fck off to fleece anyone else. Commy barstewards!

UK not so bright, Tories buy personal shares only for themselves & fck everyone else including the country they claim to be patriots of.

So get off yer hobby horse, & take Main with you, about *YOUR taxes* That money was never yours. You entered the contract to go pick up a wage.



“Richer pensioners are losing their winter fuel allowance. Poorer ones aren’t.

I’m not defending Labour here, I’m defending factual accuracy. Why? Because I don’t believe you can build a route to anything, whether that’s Indy or something else, on errors and/or lies.”

You may want to shut the fck up then cause you are anything but factual.

You also zip up the back.

The Tories are a dab hand at making life so tedious & frustrating with bureaucracy, a team of paid fuckwits on a bonus if they can reject fifty a day at least & a public service for pensioners with no personal computer, a whole one hour free to answer as many of the 250 questions as their hour will allow them at the library. Result. Hardly anyone applies.

The whole reason means testing was a complete waste of money & was scrapped. It was cheaper to just let a few greedy fuckers like you get off with bonus payments than to pay office space, staff & policy writers to come up with convincing ways to do the poor out of what they’re entitled to..


“The SNP has spent too long focusing on the “process of independence”, Scotland’s first minister John Swinney has said”.

I must’ve blinked and missed something. How can you focus on something you don’t have a strategy or policy for achieving? Or do you put it in the pile marked “Too Difficult” and simply stare at the pile, wishing it it would go away?

(I won’t link to the BBC News page but you know where to go).

Captain Caveman

@ Geri

What a load of laughable, childish bullshit excuses. What has “big ears” and the rest got to do with it? Man alive. How old are you, five?

It’s very simple. If more people got off their “erse” and worked, paid into the system, relied less on others to pay their way – as opposed to, let’s say, sitting around spouting childish bile on the internet and having the gall to abuse those footing their bills – those of us who are currently being taxed to death to (unwillingly) pay for it would be an awful lot better off.

Seriously, bog off.


Anytime you ever look at a photay ay the wee glaikit sabotaging midden Robison, you kin see there’s nuhhin behind the eyes, naebidy hame, a hauntit hoose in search ay a ghost. A flat shallow useless waste ay skin n salary.

A Clark

BBC Online: The SNP has spent too long focusing on the “process of independence”, Scotland’s first minister John Swinney has said.

Should have gone to Specsavers!



You bog off ya cretin.

There’s such a a thing as the working poor, ya absolute roaster.

No contract. No job security. No real living wage to collect. High rents. A cost of living crisis.

Thrill us all on how these ppl can ever put a bit away for a rainy day? Or the pensioners who thought they’d “already paid into the system all their life” only to find that their retirement is extended & they’ve a 250+ questionnaire to fill out.

YOU & yer ilk don’t pay for anyone. Are you thick? You pay his Majesty’s tax office.


No ambulances turned up for thousands of people in Scotland.

“There are growing demands for a government inquiry as new statistics reveal a dramatic spike in the number of patients who, after calling 999 for an ambulance, were forced to find alternative ways to reach hospital.

The figures demonstrate a stark increase from 2,281 individuals in 2019 to 13,182 in 2023 a striking 478% rise. Moreover, the data unveils a marked surge in patients receiving on-site treatment during sudden illness or accidents, with instances escalating from 7,005 in 2019 to an alarming 43,274 in 2023.

Furthermore, earlier this year, the party disclosed that 31 local councils, including notable regions like Glasgow, Aberdeen, Fife, and Edinburgh, have observed longer average wait times for ‘purple’ call-outs the most critical tier of ambulance responses.”

Young Lochinvar

Why further up the comments are people giving socialism full broadsides, it’s hardly relevant – heck why not just shout about the weather – as Starmer “the wet wipe with a haircut” can be no more accused of being a Socialist than the Queen of Sheba.

For light hearted entertainment go to YouTube and search for “wanna be like you”.


Geri you are on fire as usual, captain shit for brains arse must be on fire the roasting you are giving it,some people are TOO stupid to investigate the REAL BENEFIT SCROUNGERS and CORRUPT BASTARDS


“The SNP has spent too long focusing on the “process of independence”

Naw they didnae. There’s not a single thing they’ve done to prepare Scotland for an indyref or the event of a Yes vote.

“Independence” was even a dirty word they were instructed to drop from conference.

Typical SNP always looking for someone else to blame for their failures. They had a good run for ten years & all Sturgeon managed was a baby box & to piss off an entire Nation while she ogled her various mandates like a psycho ogles their trophies & read books about shite instead of one about strategy. While ppl like pishy slippers claimed secret plans were afoot & tall tales of everyone working like beavers in the background.

If they had a process then it’s the best joke I’ve heard this year.


Lol at the jungle book.

For years Labour has been infiltrated by wasters who should’ve crossed the floor. They’re two cheeks of the same corrupt arse. No money for services but find planty to blow up other countries pretending they’re still a player on the world stage.

Captain Caveman

“There’s such a a thing as the working poor”

Yeah, there is, but what has that got to do with you?

There’s literally no-one on Earth who I have a higher regard and more respect for than the minimum-wage server in Maccies or similar, getting up at 6am every morning for a pittance, in a crap dead end job, rather than sitting back, getting up at 11am and reaching for the TV remote. Because PRIDE. Real pride. Just getting on with it, head rightly held high. Unlike some.

Cap duly doffed, and I don’t begrudge those guys one single penny piece of my taxes (unlike others I could mention).

Anyway, sure you’ll have the last pathetic, foul-mouthed, semi-literate word. Fill your boots, I’m off to enjoy this beautiful evening.

Captain Caveman

“Geri you are on fire as usual, captain shit for brains arse blah blah”

“On fire”, yeah right mate. “Bin fire” more like – and her arse handed to him/her on a plate. Again (see earlier thread).

Back in the day, Stu had a board called “The World of Stuart”. It was an eclectic place, with lots of very intelligent, articulate, interesting and eclectic characters.

Whilst certainly a left-leaning board, Stu’s policy was always to permit fair, free speech and argument. The only bar was intelligence: complete thickoes weren’t permitted to remain and were binned off in short order.

Times change, sadly.


Scottish politics is stuffed with «make weights».
What does that say about the electorate?
Plainly there’s democracy and «deMOCKracy».


Chris, you’ve caught the nastiness in Robison. I used to think she was dim but nice but you’re right, she can’t be a nice person to have gone along with every unpleasant action by the people running the SNP and their “government”.

Spartan 117

Two absolute bastards.

Rachel Thieves doing the old 90s Labour way of taking away from the aged whilst piling tax, tax, tax on petrol, cigs and booze. Party Of The Workers my hairy barse. The old Tory lot were a disaster and I was glad to see them ridden of – this lot are, as I expected, an order of magnitude worse – unbelievable considering how awful the regimes of CMD, Treason, Boris The Dictator, The Lettuce and Shitsack were. TTK is really trying hard to outshine them in the few weeks the new regime has been in power – we’ve seen shameful riots, shameful two-tier policing and political standards, ys Ed Millibrain trying hard to push us into an energy-starved Mad Max-esque dystopia.

…so, considering the above disasters, one asks, where TF is the opposition to stand up against this tyranny? The Tories have been so quiet it’s like they don’t exist, the Illiberal AntiDemocrats are also deafening in their silence and as for the “Scottish” “National” Party, not only are they also completely mute but worse are actively going along with the WFA withdrawal – their complicity with the new UK regime is appalling. True colours shown all round, they all hate us.

Robert Louis

But SIR Keir says we must all face some pain…EXCEPT of course those who sit their lardy arses upon the green benches of Westminster. The MP’s will be ok. Their pension is secure (and rather nice), their salary will go up (funny that), tax rises for fuel – well they can expense that. Good prices up? No matter the MP’s can dine in real style, subsidised by UK taxpayers.

SIR Keir, the champagne socialist’s Champagne socialist, will make sure the rich do not suffer.

The Labour party, same as it ever was. Promise folk the earth then steal their winter fuel payment in Scotland – whilst stealing all our oil ,gas and NOW electricity for England.

Labour, the RED tories. At least the blue Tories are honest about being c**ts, the RED tories pretend to be something nicer, whilst punishing the poor.

And never forget, it wasn’t the blue tories that introduced tuition fees for students, it was LABOUR.

Hatey McHateface

Well, we’re all a lot wiser now, after today’s deluge of bile and bilge.

That’s irony by the way.

Thought I’d just go back to the subject of SR being not only a “nobody”, but also “dim & nasty”.

That’s exactly the opinion I’ve formed about many of the usual suspects on here. Take Geri, for example. Not very bright, closed mind, bigoted, petty and vindictive. Exactly the character traits of NS, probably SR, and most of the others currently lording it over us at HR.

I think we can see that Geri, and many others, have voted into power people just like themselves. Which is why I wrote earlier that plenty of the usual suspects need to spend an hour in front of a mirror, doing some honest soul searching.

I think we all realise that Geri couldn’t lead us to Indy, nor could she arrange things so that we could get 5p back on our jam jars. She couldn’t negotiate us a decent rate for our offshore wind, improve the SNHS, or keep Grangemouth open.

But she could pursue a personal vendetta, against somebody she thought had slighted her in some trivial way, for years.

If a new Indy movement is to arise from the ashes of the current one, I suggest we Scots become a lot smarter about who we allow to be in it. We’ve tried stupid, it didn’t work, let’s ditch it and move on.


“Cap duly doffed, and I don’t begrudge those guys one single penny piece of my taxes (unlike others I could mention).”

There you go again, not understanding how money works.
You don’t have any taxes to give them. Your taxes pay the government. They decide where they’re spent.

A government makes a plan. It then instructs the Treasury to get busy printing money, the government then taxes you to replay it. Don’t pay it back in time? That leads to inflation. Who doesn’t pay their taxes? Rich ppl with the mistaken belief it’s their money.

Thankfully the government doesn’t collect your taxes & put them to the side in a piggy bank marked ‘Don’t give these to lazy fuckers!’

& For the supposed sixth largest economy in the world there shouldn’t be ANYONE on shit wages. For an energy rich nation, thanks to Scotland, there shouldn’t be pensioners worried about heating bills on an absolute pittance of a pension either – the worst in Europe.

You lot celebrate removing the food out of a school weans mouth & giving it to a Tory instead in the bars of Westminster.

It’s not socialism that’s the problem. It’s you lot & you even have the audacity to wonder why Scotland wants to leave.

Scotland looks after it’s citizens. Mitigating over £500 million of our budget the last time I looked against your country’s toxic policies for the absolute garbage you vote continually vote into power.

You don’t stand on your own two feet either or your lot would have been independent instead of scrounging off everyone else on these islands. You have no pride. You reach for the remote knowing others will fund yer wee country for you. Jellied eels & money laundering is all you have on offer.


Another of life’s morons. Of course you can prove, with hard evidence, that only Indy supporters vote SNP can you?

I think you’ll find yer wrong. Evidence of that is the yoons who have an eppy at a plebiscite. Yoons aren’t daft. They like socialist policies, they enjoy all that “free stuff” you pretend you despise. If Scotland introduced tuition fees or prescription charges or how about toll booths? You’d all shit a kitten & look for heads to roll..but stay awake. You may just get what you wish for..

Young Lochinvar

Geri at 8.37pm

Now that sure is a top class surrebutter sandwich with rejoinder relish oozing out of it 🙂

Campbell Clansman

Labour is NOT “Red Tories.”
The Tories are “Blue Labour.”
Labour hasn’t moved to the right… The Tories have moved to the Left. (Fanon, 2023).


Candace Owens talking to the (meticulous) French investigative journalist who published on Brigitte Macron.

Seriously watch this… It is very relevant to all of us.

link to


Swinney us asking the members to list the problems. Can I help?

Swinney failings and mistakes

Failing to unite with Alba.

Edinburgh rape crisis centre silence.

Swinney defending Mackay and his ipad.

Failing to appoint someone with professionalism and character like Crag Murray international secretary and going with the current air miles Robertson

Failing to take advantage of the skills of Joanna Cherry

Mathieson still sacked.
Mackay not sacked
Lindon johnstone

Pulling out of carbon target with no real explanation.

Failing to unite campaign around independence.

Focusing on protecting Scotland’s interests in westminster instead of planning to leave it.

Suggesting Nicola has something to contribute.

Offering to speak up for Scotland in Westminster instead of planning to leave it.

John Swinney- if we win the majority of votes we negotiate independence, I mean if we win the majority if seats, I mean if we win the majority we will ask for another referendum, I mean we will do fuck all. Oh we are back to a majority of seats negotiate indy.
Starmer has already said no!!

SNP silent on Grangemouth closure, silent on power lines headed south.

Conservatives and labour do a deal in Aberdeen and labour pull their candidate allowing Ross a clear run. Silence from SNP.

Yellow glasses on old man weird not cool. If he hasd shell suit on he looked like Saville.

Sturgeon and Lloyd on TV saying Swinney should have pushed independence to the front of the campaign.

Post election, well the aim was to get the tories out, that was our campaign, and people made the choice ie labour.

Kirsty Blackman for chief whip. She can teach them a dance or two!! Swinney clearly has a sense of humour.

Months after a disastrous election no enquiry and signs the party is manipulation the conference agenda

Angus Robertson having a meeting of support with Israel when Gaza is ongoing and it appears leaked. Swinney again supporting the unsupportable.

Power lines are being built to take green electricity south while Scots have to pay a surcharge to connect and pay international rates for elect. All at a time when a labour government removed the heating allowance. At the same time the labour government plans a new bridge over the thames.
Silence from the SNP.

The SNP is truly unelectabe

Nicolas failures

I’ve been working my way through the alphabet for Swinney related matters and at F I got Freeports and Ferries. At G I had Gupta / GFG Alliance but I digress…

Queen Burner of Mandates did state the buck stop with her re. ferries, but like all the things she said for the simple minds, that doesn’t seemed to have played out.

Maybe add Mackay back on the list though. He gets a mention for the ferry contract, and Swinney checked it for “banana skins” so you got to think the ruling cabal of the Party had an inkling of what was going on.

“Nicola Sturgeon: Buck stops with me over ferry contract

worker rights and tax raising.

Another continuity candidate with same cabinet.

Failing to unite with Alba.

Edinburgh rape crisis centre.

Swinney defending mackay and his ipad.

Failing to appoint somone with professionalism and character like Crag Murray international secretaty and going with the current air miles Robertson

Failing to take advantage of the skills of Joanna Cherry

Mackay still not sacked.

Failing carbon target with no real explanation.

I suppose in determining if Nicola’s team are failures one has to consider what their objective truly was.

Is it conceivable that they could make so many errors in judgement even if they tossed a coin in the air every time

Failing to unite with Alba.

Edinburgh rape crisis centre.

Swinney defending mackay and his ipad.

Failing to appoint somone with professionalism and character like Crag Murray international secretaty and going with the current air miles Robertson

Failing to take advantage of the skills of Joanna Cherry

Mackay still not sacked.

Failing carbon target with no real explanation.

I suppose in determining if Nicola’s team are failures one has to consider what their objective truly was.

Is it conceivable that they could make so many errors in judgement even if they tossed a coin in the air every time?

Mark Beggan

Do we sit back and wait for Dirty Filthy Labour to be the continuity party.


The Labour party is Tory continuity.



That wouldn’t surprise me at all.

The explosion of LGBTQWERTYS2 into positions of power has been rapid. Especially Sturgeons intake of misfits coming from absolutely nowhere with no background. Biden is another who surrounded himself with them. All dubious as feck.

This isn’t their first rodeo either. I’ve mentioned before a book by the investigative jurno M Rose (Goodbye , Good men) who exposed the sex scandals in the Catholic Church.

Exact same methods used. Change from within & maneuver all yer buddies into key positions of power & influence while rejecting the good ones or making their position so uncomfortable they leave the profession/vocation all together.

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