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Wings Over Scotland

The real McPravda

Posted on November 24, 2014 by

Peeking at the Twitter accounts of the country’s more prominent Unionists has been an especially entertaining pastime today, as self-awareness has been cast aside even more vigorously than usual in a concerted attempt to attack new pro-independence daily The National as being an uncritical mouthpiece of the SNP akin to the infamous Russian propaganda newspaper Pravda (mostly despite those concerned admitting to not having read the first issue).


It’s surely a tribute to the pedigree and potential of the new paper that the prospect of Unionists only having 97% of the Scottish media on their side has them hoiking toys from prams with such squealing abandon, and it’s both curious and hilarious that 35 newspapers in favour of the Union was a perfectly acceptable manifestation of the freedom of the press but a single one in favour turns Scotland into the Soviet Union.

But more to the point, there’s a far better candidate for the “McPravda” sobriquet.


Murray Foote, as alert readers may recall, is the editor of the Daily Record. At the weekend he tweeted the above in response to reports that Scottish Labour were set to back the full devolution of income tax to Holyrood, apparently seeking to credit “The Vow” published in the Record with bringing about the change.

The only problem with that line is that Gordon Brown, the chief architect of “The Vow”, strenuously opposes full devolution of income tax, calling it “a Tory trap” that would damage Scotland, and hasn’t so much as hinted about any sort of U-turn on that view.

(Indeed, so far as we’re aware not a single senior Labour MP has spoken publicly in favour, and many have repeatedly expressed concerns and reservations about it.)

So it seems, to say the least, highly unlikely that he intended it to achieve that end.

The blatant rewriting of even recent history is exactly the sort of thing for which Pravda was mockingly renowned. It’s certainly a trick that’s deployed regularly in the Scottish media, along with secretly rewriting or even “vanishing” articles that have become embarrassing, but it’s not The National that’s been caught red-handed at it.

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Bill McLean

Dunc got one bit right. “Pravda” means Truth and we’ll get more of it in one edition of The National than Duncan’s favourites provided in the entire referendum campaign! As an aside – how childishly these unionist twits tweet.

Alex Clark

These twitters just give all the more reason to buy the paper. Sad.

Gordon Hay

Isn’t it hilarious that Maddox, Foulkes and their fellow travellers are using the McPravda hashtag when that was first coined to describe BBC Scotland. The unintentional humour of the “winners” continues.


Love it Stu. Spent an enjoyable afternoon surfing the web, checking Twitter & Facebook & the amount of ire being spewed forth about a single solitary Indy leaning paper is just phenomenal.

Do you think they are starting to worry that MSM & UKOK lies won’t work now? I sincerely do hope so.

Aren’t Mondays supposed to be awful? This one hasn’t been.


@Rev Stu

It’s surely a tribute to the pedigree and potential of the new paper that the prospect of Unionists only having 97% of the Scottish media on their side has them hoiking toys from prams with such squealing abandon, and it’s both curious and hilarious that 35 newspapers in favour of the Union was a perfectly acceptable manifestation of the freedom of the press but a single one in favour turns Scotland into the Soviet Union.

It is really pathetic. They should all be having a long look at themselves.


@Gordon Hay
Its not hilarious, its deeply worrying. Their Editors should take note that these are “journalists” that dont bother to check their facts or are possibly angling for a job at the Beeb. Either way more of their pieces ought to be spiked.


FFS Who won the referendum can you not just all fuck off and take your unionist medicine you naughty children 😀

Dr Ew

Off to the Re-education Camp for you, Comrade Reverend.


Why such an outcry? Maybe being overly cautious here but I hope its not a double blind in some way. After seeing how the press put politics before sales during the indyref,nothing would surprise me now.

I remain cautious,I think the indyref woke us all up to how things work in Scotlands media.

Wee Jonny

Duncan Hotdogstall © – Sassij.
Murray F00te – anither Sassij.

Cadogan Enright

long may the National give them the Twitters, with a bit of luck it might do well enough to spark a competitor title from a different section of the media oilgopoly


Does anyone know how many copies were distributed ?
I checked 6 shops in Stirling at lunchtime and they were sold out.


I suspect it’s not just the existence of The National that worries unionists but the likelihood it well outsell every other daily except the Daily Record, Sun and Daily Mail. It will also show by its content how partial the unionist papers are.


At least they realise we are still here and not locked away in our wee box at the back of the cupboard!

I once posted that is we won it would be the beginning of the end, and if we lost it would just be the end of the beginning. The campaign continues. We will burst their precious London centric bubble sooner or later.

Peter Macbeastie

It doesn’t particularly matter that Brooner opposes full devolution of income tax, even if he is right that it’s a trap which, to be fair, I absolutely agree with. They’d only cut whatever it’s worth from the block grant anyway, so it’s worth a net value of sod all.

The talking shop that is the Smith Commission could ask for the moon on a stick; all we’ve got to after that is get every proposal through the Houses of Parliament which will almost without doubt be in no mood to give us anything except a kick in the nuts.

Foote’s clearly a total and utter idiot if he thinks the vow carries any weight at all… and as for that plook Hothersall… when folk say they wouldn’t ask for the name of the driver who runs him over intended as a bit of an insult… I would ask for their name, buy them a drink and take them out for dinner.

I detest Hothersall. Partly for his frankly ridiculous view of Scotland and anything that isn’t dyed in the wool unionism, and partly for that picture on his twitter account.

It’s a face you would not tire of slapping. Assuming you could restrict yourself to a slap.


Oh well at least McPravda is quite sweet. In a fit of pique yesterday on the Guardian somebody referred to it as Der Stumer….no doubt their will be more of that.

It beggers belief that Duncan and Co can be happy that the Mail, Telegraph, Record, Scotsman etc, can all be ferevernt No supporters but the toys have to go out the pram the moment there is a bit of redress.

For winners they sound astonishingly nervous.

James Caithness

Pravda. State propaganda tool.

It is to be noted that the person ”Duncan Hotherasshol” does not engage in debate if what he says is challenged. I know this because Duncan Hotherasshol, David Torrence and now Kezia Dugdale has blocked me. All for asking them a question.

I have written a question on twitter to about 30 unionist MPs, MSPs and I am yet to get an answer.


And yet, the first issue has a guardedly optimistic critique of the 50:50 cabinet calling it a start, not an end. Plus Cat Boyd saying she would have stood as Yes Alliance but will not stand as SNP.

Presumably the unionists have not read the paper and expect the peanut gallery they are playing to not to have read it either.

Murray McCallum

That the naysayers react like this shows how decrepit their fundamental case is – 97% versus 3%!

alternatively, maybe they are just small-minded, thick, arrogant, controlling, beyond criticism, …?


Hey Murray n Dunc, guess what, I couldn’t get a copy of McPravda anywhere earlier today, all SOLD OUT.

[…] The real McPravda […]

Steve Bowers

Love it, their ire is brilliant, poor dears


Did a quick run down to my local newsagent at 5.30pm in case I needed to mop up any unsold copies of The National, but they were all gone. 20 odd copies in a wee 50/50 village.

Furthermore, the man himself (a solid No) said he’d ordered more for tomorrow….. (Profit before principle) 🙂


Well, let me see.
Only one point of view in press (and it’s central government point of view);
Closed corporation in power;
Suppression of opposition;
Aggressive foreign policy;
Fraud and lies during the elections;
Seems like pretty Soviet Union for me. But it’s called United Kingdom.

ronnie anderson

Seized the bull wie the baws masel,going to the Herald tommorow to pick up advertizing leaflets for the National.
(Gary McNulty Sales) 0141 302 6261 ask him to post them out to yous.Distribute them everywhere,let him know that your a Winger.


Predictable. Bet uncle Rupert is watching how sales go too. 2 million Scots is a big market to sell to and he wont like competition. If only we didn’t have to pay for the BBC in Scotland trying to brainwash Scotland into whatever their ideal teamGB, City spiv worshipping, zero hour contract, royals grovelling regime they’re forcing on their imperial subjects. There are so many awful BBC Scotland vote NO propaganda blasts, its just staggering. No Scots oil left for starters, then that Nick Robertson goon heckling evil and cruel AlicSamin etc. You’ve got your neo fascist DailyHeil chasing down perfectly respectable Yes voters on twitter and monstering then centre page, that has to be a neo fascist UKOK media first since WW2 at least. Could be here forever listing their horrendous bettertogether fraud on Scotland. I wonder if they realise just how hard they are loathed in Scotland.


Ronnie, can you get the editor to give you a signed copy of the 1st edition while you’re there?

Rab Kay

Can we build the circulation up to over take the DR. That would be the icing on the cake.

Early Ball

Bought a second copy at Danestone Tesco in Aberdeen. Problem was the barcode had not been set up. They a got a Daily Record which was 50p and swiped that instead. I went away with my National. Look out for an increase in Daily Record returns today.

Chic McGregor

I suppose with Nic being arguably a tad to the left of Alex we will get more of the ‘Commie’ jibes than the ‘Nazi’ ones now.

But I remember one day near the end of the referendum campaign, Farage was in the States telling the yanks that Salmond was a communist while here in the UK on the same day, UKIP spokespersons were telling the UK media he was a nazi.

Repeat, on the very SAME DAY. That had to be some kind of record.

Dr Jim

It certainly looks like they dont like it up em Captain Mannering…As for certain people who wont stand as MP for this or that because of this or that, maybe they could put the country first. Gain Independance first then argue which bits of it you’re not happy with after instead of splintering about all over the place and giving the Brits something to aim at for division…maybe use what’s behind your eyes instead of what’s behind your lips…Only Saying..Gently


Meanwhile, British regulator Ofcom critises RT for not showing due impartiality. Lavrov jokes:
link to
“Russia’s top diplomat was clearly referring to RT’s recent dispute with the British media regulator. This month Ofcom announced it was censuring RT, citing a lack of ‘due impartiality’ on its Ukraine coverage in March this year.”
The irony!

Nana Smith

I noticed something peculiar on the BBC News Channel’s Paper Review during the referendum. Whenever a journalist from the Sunday Herald appeared on the programme, which was rare, the presenter would strenuously point out to the viewers that the Sunday Herald was a pro-independence newspaper, something they never did for the Scotsman, Daily Record, Daily Mail etc.

Okay it was the BBC so it wasn’t that peculiar.

[…] The real McPravda […]


If this is how wee Duncan Whatisname behaves when a new indy supporting newspaper starts up how on earth will he react when the Scottish Evening News starts up next year. 😛 (Hope I’ve got the news programme name right there 😉 )

donald anderson

Firinn Albanach. Scottish Truth


I agree with Bill McLean – Pravda meaning truth. As I was at the newsagents just after 8 am I got my copy, however friends locally were unlucky as all newsagent stocking the paper were sold out by mid morning. Gave my copy to a friend who went to four newsagent but was unsuccessful in buying a copy.


Rab Kay says:
24 November, 2014 at 7:29 pm
Can we build the circulation up to over take the DR. That would be the icing on the cake.

Don’t worry the DR will come down to meet us!

Cadogan Enright

@Capella – what about wingers joining me in complaining to Ofcom about the inconsistency between its findings of bias against RT on Ukraine and not against the BBC in Scotland?


@ Cadogan Enright
I recall many Wingers complained to Ofcom during the campaign only to be advised that Ofcom doesn’t regulate the BBC. That is the job of the BBC Trust – which it performs with astonishing success.


On the subject of articles being ‘vanished’ this morning had in their Scotland section an article about Darling opposing full devo of Income Tax and another saying that Mr. Sincerity Murphy opposed it.

A while ago I looked at the site again – the Darling article is still there but the Murphy one has been ‘vanished’.

Cadogan Enright

Ofcom complaints

Cadogan Enright

Ofcom complaints link to


After looking through various places in Dunfermline with no luck, I eventually got a copy of the National at the wee village shop on my way home from work.

A couple of copies left at about 5.30PM.

I think that is bad thinking by the likes of Tesco and Morrisions. Big supermarkets with loads and loads of floorspace. No excuses acceptable.

If wee village shops and smaller retailers can make space for a new paper, why can’t they?

Have they learnt nothing?

If the want to entice us “yessers” back to their stores and spend our money. Wouldn’t putting the paper up for sale be a step in the right direction?

I really hope that the National is a success and goes from strength to strength.

First Edition has been read and stored away for future generations to look at one day.


Similarly, a hilarious response to RT launching it’s UK news channel earlier this month.
“UK news outlets and personalities are reacting with predictable venom to the just-launched RT UK’s pledge to “challenge” the UK status quo.”
link to

The MSM can just cut and paste the standard abuse memes for the National.

Dr JM Mackintosh

@Cadogan Enright
Save yourself the trouble – been there before you. Ofcom do not regulate the BBC over journalism. That would interfere with the BBC’s impartiality – apparently.

You have to go to the BBC Trust but that should be fine as they are now run by an ex-HSBC banker. You know the same HSBC that has been fined billions of $ for fraud and money laundering.

You could not make it up. Time to get independnce and get away from these nutters.

Paula Rose

(@ Cadogan Enright – are you still looking for proof readers? Contact me on fb UKOK if so)


Those who voted NO, and who did so because they we’re persuaded to, by the ‘VOW ‘, will, I am certain, reassess their decision to do so when reading the comments of the likes of Duncan Hothersall and Murray Foote. Delivered in their superior and disrespectful manner.
I’m confident of that, because I have belief in my fellow Scots, sufficient enough, to consider that when they consistently read such muck, not just spewed from them, but also from the so called ‘free press’, they will be as angry as I am and, whilst growing angrier, wish for the opportunity to determine a totally different out come.
I know I may be considered either stupid or at least naive, to hold this view, but ask yourself this.
How angry do I feel right now?. What would I like to do to make them regret their remarks they have made today?.
You might, hopefully, see where I am coming from.
“Soar Alba”.
The NATIONAL must prevail. We must get right behind it, and those responsible for it’s creation. We WILL succeed in the end.
Their pomposity and disrespect will fail.


What kind of newspaper editor is he if he can’t even use an apostrophe correctly?

David Agnew

All Mr Hothersall is, really, at the end of the day, is an apathy engine. Powered by snide asides and smears. Get him on some failure of labour and watch him back pedal furiously. Once he knows the smears and snide comments can’t help him, he resorts to plaintive pleas of Labours helplessness in the face of adversity. Not exactly a very good spokes person.

He is symptomatic of the malaise that has crippled Scottish labour. For all the damage the big beasts have done; and they have done plenty, Hothersall and those like him are the most corrosive and divisive elements in the party. They’re like the creepy kids who hang out with bullies, egging them on to go further, while they cower in the shadows.


The National will cause a few ripples within the Scottish press and might well encourage others to follow their lead, (with luck).

The National would do well to pick up current newsprint from sites the like of WOS. It is often the case that matters in need of additional publicity are added by activists such as The Rev and promoting myself. Me.

The outright duplicity of Gordon Brown, Rosyth and the long term storage of nuclear contaminated submarines and associated waste need to be brought to the attention of the wider Scottish public whose wishes in regard to nuclear weapons and radiated waste storage is being studiously ignored by Westminster.

Next year as example the entire UK submarine fleet, including conventional submarines will be transferred to and operate from the Gareloch which is now a heavily contaminated nuclear waste tip.

I am also reliably informed that all UK nuclear waste, for long term storage, (1000 years+) is earmarked for deep seabed placement just south of the Isle of Barra. which would be an environmental disaster.

Check the article. Hopefully the Editor of the National might be able to stir things up since this is the type of news that needs to be promoted.

link to


Mr Hothersall in a fit of panicked pique = Good

Mr Foote being economical with the truth = Predictable

I wonder when Scotland’s Champion is going to publicly recognise that delivery of devo max or near federalism IS NOT on Westminster’s agenda?

Or indeed that ‘the vow’ IS NOT deliverable as far as other parliamentarians are concerned and never was.

Jamie Arriere

Ho ho, wait till the Scottish News webcasts get going next year, the unionist dingers will be gaun aff like a warehouse full of alarm clocks.

Cadogan Enright

REF; inconsistency on Ofcom in its regulation of the BBC and RT

I was quite astonished to see that Ofcom had censured RT on its coverage of Ukraine as being unbalanced, but has failed to censure the BBC over its coverage of the Scottish referendum over the same period.

Gross and repeated bias by the BBC was a remarkable feature of the Referendum, and copious evidence exists for this bias which influenced the outcome in the manner in which it was intended.

BBC management have consistently denied bias. Can you explain to me why Ofcom has not stepped in and ruled on a matter that undermines democracy in Britain and the United Kingdom. You have my email address. Cllr Cadogan Enright


@Peter MacBeastie

You are right. look at what happened to the recommendations of the last ‘Constitutional Commission’ feck all of which made it through Westminster and that was before the SNP’s wishlist got roundly ignored.

Maybe we should take a leaf out of Aesop and bleat ‘Please don’t throw us into the Devo Max briar patch’.


Give Scotland full Devo Max powers (as promised) might have been a more fitting headline, however best of luck to the new paper.


No nuclear waste in Scotland.Just about had enough of this blatant provocation from Westminster. No Fracking.No nuclear waste.No red tories.


Love this topic, Rev., and high class responses from Wingers, you always make me smile.

I’m so bloody tired of the attention our politics seems to attract. The bile, the snide comments and the gross misrepresentation in an attempt to look clever.

I’m now saying to them, why are you here running us/this down, why aren’t you off pursuing your own clever unionist strategies? Why do you follow our every move and utterance? If it bothers you, go off and do something political – like wot we are!!!!!

Kevin Meina

Can’t say it was the greatest read of my life but early days.Afraid I took no chances and bought 4 posted 3 through neighbours doors and kept one for prosperity.We have to make it work.


Wings carries on being essential reading.

Thank you Rev.


@Cadogan Enright, you are brilliant! I bloody love RT, and tell everyone that will listen. Of course, you know how things are slanted coming from Russia, but I still see and learn stuff on there that you never see on our channels.

It amazed me the fairly good coverage the BBC gave to the students in Hong Kong, but hardly a mention of Catalonia and their independence struggle, and no reporting of the Occupy movement in London, nor the scuffles on 5 Nov. in London, all shown on RT.


Peter Macbeastie

David Agnew; it is not apathy Hothersall causes in me.

It’s the clan memory that we were once warriors and he richly looks like someone who should have been set about with the pointy bit on a targe long before now.

And I, it must be said, am not generally inclined towards violence. But I’m big enough and ugly enough to look like I am.

Now, hand me that dirk.

Dr Jim

For those who think the Daily Rancid sells a lot of papers, they dont, i’m reliably informed that Yes they have high distribution but not sales, advertising is what keeps them going at the moment so they can afford to give the paper away, if it was’nt for the Racing they would in effect be gubbed, why do you think Mr Foote gets his wee self so ratty, he can see what’s coming


Foote-in-mouth tweet:

“papers reporting tomorrow that income tax is being devolved as
part of the Smith Commission. Seems The Vow IS doing its job.”

Mmmmm, really?

Lets just ignore Stu’s factual piece for a second or two.

How would Foote-in-mouth disease and any other paper know this?

ALL parties on the Smith Commission had to sign up to the agreement, prior to commencement of the commission, that nobody was allowed to talk or divulge ANYTHING about the “negotiations” until the meetings stage was over.

Someone seems to be doing a very good impression of a sieve.

Is it any wonder that filthy red tory rag is going down faster than an old Polaris submarine with Captain Polaris in command.

I don’t know what song is more appropriate to accompany the red tory rags demise – Down Down by the Quo or Free Fallin by Tom Petty. I know one thing’s for sure, when your red tory rag bites the dust i’ll be listening to Green Day’ Ha Ha You’re Dead – non fricken stop for weeks, NAE…months on end.
Glug, Glug, Glug, Captain Polaris, Glug, Glug, Glug.

No no no...Yes

O/T Reading the Wings twitter feed I found an interesting link from another tweet. It is about GBroon and the ‘Light touch regulation’:

link to

He really is a failure and so is the Daily Record for continuing to lavish praise on him.Hopefully GB will have the same success if he is asked to save them.

David McCann

Interesting article re ‘The National’ in the Drum by former employee Angela Heggarty and now digital editor of soon to be launched Common Space (Common Weal offshoot). link to
Also note in the same magazine another article about Tesco, Morrison and Sainsbury refusing to stock it.


They planned to print 50,000 copies for the next 5 days to see how sales go, but I’m hearing a rumour, via Twitter, that there will be 100,000 copies printed tomorrow.
Hope it’s true.

john king

Rab Kaye says
“Can we build the circulation up to over take the DR. That would be the icing on the cake.”

That would be a piece of cake,
There fixed that for you. 🙂

Graeme Doig


I like it. Bit less talking, bit more action. Will give that boy a phone tomorrow.


Thanks for that link to the Drum. Clarification on the supermarkets position is apreciated. Now folk can continue their disdain, through boycott, of two out of
three. Och why not all three.
It’s not easy being an independence warrior (over dramatic ?)


I’m assuming Tesco, Morrison,Sainsbury etc don’t want us to buy the other goods we pick up with the papers – milk, fags, dram juice, sausages or whatever. Still we can get all them at the local shops that do stock the papers we want to read.


@David McCann.
Don’t know about Tesco & Sainsbury, but Morrisons have tweeted that they will watch how sales go before stocking it.

link to


Sell more than the Daily Rancid? Page 3 with regular Wings CiFers. I bravely volunteer myself modestly first up, for a small fee, topless, suck that belly right in:D


I couldn’t get the National in Tesco but the COOP and a small corner store stocked it.


We are again getting upset at BBC Bias, which is absurdly its own
watchdog, or in other words incapable of finding itself guilty
as charged. I have been going through tier after tier of complaints procedures but they are all assuring me that I am too
thick to understand how wonderful and impartial that they are.
For goodness sake will everyone sign up the petition below that
will deliver a public inquiry into their immoral actions.
They are just 14,000 signatures away from the 100,000 target.
link to

mary vasey

Alexicon Morrison’s in Newman’s will be stocking it tomorrow AYE


I hope it is up to 100,000. My Yes voting parents (now in their 80’s) used to buy the Scotsman as did my grandfather for best part of 80 years. They gave up on papers a couple of year’s back but toddled down the road to get a National today.
Personally thought it was ok but would like to see the strap line to change to the Paper that supports Scotland (like a couple of other posters). Need to get the No readers onboard but 200,000 Yes voters wouldn’t be a bad start !

mary vasey



I look forward to the Smith Commission devolving Broadcasting to the Scottish Parliament thus putting our State Broadcaster under some democratic accountability in respect of their Scottish coverage.

Jim Mitchell

Steady muttley79, would you want to take a long hard look at that lot?


I stupidly got involved tweet fighting with Mr Hothersall on way to work this morning and regret it.

Not sure what his business is but certainly provides a lot of free tweet time.

On a positive everyone should read Derek Bateman latest article its very good. (As are wings of course). His comments section bit slow to update though.

Wee jock poo-pong mcplop

@heidstaethefire: Indeed, the editor of a “respected” newspaper should have been expected to know the distinction between “its” and “it’s”. Somehow, that seems to say a lot about the current establishment. Sloppy, sloppy,sloppy. Oh,and arrogant.

Grouse Beater

The Vow is doing its job,/i>

Absolutely – showing the Daily Record to be what it is, a worthless fiction sheet devoid of integrity, repelled by truth.


Sainsbury have had a bad day re National. Hordes of complaints, via Twitter, Facebook, phone & email. They say they will be selling it from tomorrow.


Popped into ALDI tonight to pick up some Ayrshire middle and noticed the shop girl pulling all the pspers for tomorrow mornings’ pick-up.
Sadly, no National though she’d heard of ol it and had bought one in the morning from a nearby McColls. Left it in the canteen so everyone can read it, nice.

In passing I spotted a pile of Records and asked her how many they’d sold today, referring to her docket she replied with a broad smile “one”.

Sweet music tae ma lugs.

GRFUY Scotlands Chump!

Ian Brotherhood

Murray Foote must be looking forward to Thursday, when The Vow will be honoured in full and his reputation will be restored.

Here’s hoping he remembers to save any mysterious unsolicited e-mails he happens to receive over the next few days – it’ll save him having to search for them when they’re requested by a judge.

Early Ball

92,000 members of the SNP but only 85,800 signatures on link to
Does that mean 6,000 members thought the BBC coverage was fine!

David McCann

According to the other article in The Drum “Walker, who also edits the Sunday Herald, said that the first edition of the paper received an “amazing response” and the print run for Tuesday will increase to 100,000.”
link to


Early Ball says:

Doesn’t that mean 6,000 members don’t use internet.

Betty Boop

@ Early Ball, 10:10pm

92,000 members of the SNP but only 85,800 signatures on link to
Does that mean 6,000 members thought the BBC coverage was fine!

It might mean that more than a few people are wary of 38 Degrees and their data gathering and possible motives.

Alex Clark

I no longer sign any 38 degrees petitions. Mr Brown is the reason why.

Early Ball


There will be a few. My mother doesn’t but then she voted no and gets the Daily Mail. I know!

ronnie anderson

@ Graeme Doig you were posted missing on Sat nite & the lovely Paula Rose was there to greet you, she was handing out stroking badges.

ronnie anderson

Has anybody heard from Bugger the Panda.

Ian Brotherhood

Does anyone know precisely where, when and how the Smiff Commission findings will be delivered?

Hopefully the National will despatch people to flush out Brown, Darling, Murphy etc – they’ll have to break cover at some point, and when they do? it’ll resemble a Benny Hill sketch.


‘Independent enquiry into BBC bias’? Ha,ha,ha.

Let me think, who might be suitable. Lord Patten maybe? Or there are two wonderful and definitely not establishment ladies who recently lost their chances of heading an Independent enquiry. I am sure we can think of loads ‘suitable’ and ‘definitely not establishment’ figures, to do it.

It would run for years, cost a fortune and the conclusion would be:


The BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation was utterly fair and balanced, after all it is British and all our best pals make loads of money running and they say it is unbiased so it must be.


Are Labour going with full income Tax Powers hoping to gain votes from this move at the 2015 General Election. Then if they are elected doing a “U Turn”. OR if they lose they don’t have to “U Turn”. After all the smith Comission isn’t written in stone!

Ian Brotherhood


Oh dear. Must’ve taken him yonks to come up with that.

Hothersall might be slightly less irritating if he possessed any genuine wit. Does anyone remember him cracking a half-decent gag about anything?


The “Vow” doing its job?

or rather perhaps the unstoppable juggernaut that is the Yes movement concentrating minds?

I lean to the latter.

Ian Brotherhood

Rev has just tweeted screen-grab of E-bay page showing WBB, sold for £14.25.

Grouse Beater

Does anyone know precisely … how the Smiff Commission findings will be delivered?

With forceps, immediately put down – humanely, of course.

David Smith

Anybody in The Deep South managed to get a copy yet? Wondering if it’s available within a short road trip from Carlisle.
Not holding any hope out for the Carlisle suburb of Gretna mind!


I took two boxes of them down to Moffat. Must be some kicking round there – maybe there’s one in Mundell’s office 🙂


Great praise for WOS and Bella on Scot 2Nite from journalist Ross fron SOS and presenter. They suggest The National should include more of the creativity and cutting edge of online journalism.

All supportive of new title as creates more journalistic jobs.

Maybe Mr. Ross sees writing on the wall for SOS as he nods in agreement to K. McKennas suggestion of including soft Unionist contributors!


What Alex said @ 10.21pm.

Ian, no is the simple answer from me but i’ve a feeling we might not get to know any detail until January, or for as long as they feel they can get away with it. I’m still expecting the deliberate delay excuse, ie; due to the overwhelming response we were not expecting we have not had time to consider, fully, all the submissions etc – or similar.

SquareHaggis says:
24 November, 2014 at 10:08 pm
“In passing I spotted a pile of Records and asked her how many they’d sold today, referring to her docket she replied with a broad smile “one”.
Sweet music tae ma lugs.
GRFUY Scotlands Chump!”

And with that i’m off to my pit, laughing like feck.


Wunderbar REV

Oh to see the DR used as a budgie shit catcher. The vow and their shit throughout the referendum will never be forgotten. Anyway there are other papers to buy now. 🙂

I tried all day to get a copy in Dalkeith and none left so only a wee bit miffed as i have asked everyone to support the paper . Looks like it was a huge success as the print tmoz will be 100,000 . That’s gotta hurt the DR big time.

We need to give the National a show of support even if it annoys the DR staff only and is full of rubbish, 50p for the chance to get it right up ye is as cheap as chips.

Labour stuttering and tripping over each other and the Daily Rancid team shitting bricks out of a paper willing to , and get this , give a Scottish perspective for the independent minded.

Does it get any better ??

Wee ps

Stu you could pop a few articles off to them to act as fillers , who knows how many folk would buy the National featuring the greatest independence blog on earth, Wings Over Scotland.

Just a thought. 🙂


A fair discussion on the National on the STV just now, and mentioned it could do with a bit more “edge” like Wings or Bella!

Also said they need to move it a bit to appeal to the No voter. Need a crossword, better Sport.

They all agree Mr Walker is a smart cookie and knows what he is doing. 60k all sold and 8k on-line subscription, which they all agreed is amazing, and pretty spectacular work for a newspaper put together by a pressured team in only 3 weeks!

These guys at the Sunday Herald are stars!!!


Heidstaethefire says:
24 November, 2014 at 8:19 pm
What kind of newspaper editor is he if he can’t even use an apostrophe correctly?
Its obvious that hes not among the top one’s.


Scotland Tonight featured the National, Kevin McKenna, Joan McAlpine and Peter Ross. Good mentions for Wings and Bella Caledonia at the end.


With the almost guaranteed success of the National, how long before it is merged with the loss making Herald and Gardham etc get their P45’s

You could not make this up..


Second front page looking good too.

Betty Boop

@ ronnie anderson, 10:31pm

Ronnie, sounds like John King (over on Off-Topic) has heard from him.


It is so much what was needed, for a major newspaper group with established distribution to produce a new paper.

Ian Brotherhood

I’ve just asked Rev, via Twitter, if he would write a column for the National (if invited, naturally).

Anyone else think the National should issue such an invitation?

Betty Boop

Well done to the National.

They have listened and included Shetland in the title graphic in tomorrow’s edition.


I joined the Independence debate rather late in day, 6 months or so before the referendum and I was humbled. For many years I had been shunning politics, it’s language was childish, sniping across the parties. The Yes campaign created a rhetoric where snipes were treated as ill-informed questions, snipers were treated with respect and informed, rather than denigrated.

I fear I see a retreat to the old ways. Party politics is once again debasing the debate – as I believe the establishment desires. Ill conceived name calling and ridicule is replacing circumspection and evidence.

If there are any lessons to be learned from the dissatisfaction with the result, let them be wise and guiding. Let’s not be bitter together.


Ian Brotherhood says:

Does anyone know precisely where, when and how the Smiff Commission findings will be delivered?

I believe the *ahem* infamous Smiff Commission is expected to report on Thursday Ian.


WBB sold on E-Bay for £14.25 someone got a darned good deal there Ian. 😛

David Smith says:

Anybody in The Deep South managed to get a copy yet? Wondering if it’s available within a short road trip from Carlisle.
Not holding any hope out for the Carlisle suburb of Gretna mind!

I live near Annan David and my partner was able, after much hunting through the Annan newsagents, to find someone who still had three copies so she bought TWO! 😉

Funnily enough David the National was actually available in one of the newsagents in Gretna, sorry I don’t know which one, I jest you not.

Reading comments from others she avoided TESCO, I’m not sure what their latest stand is on selling the National.

Alex Clark

@Ian Brotherhood

Anyone else think the National should issue such an invitation?

I wish they would and in doing so would prove themselves to be totally different and totally INDEPENDENT. We can but wish.


I would argue that at (very) least 50% of No voters were just misled, uninformed Yes voters – let’s help them.


@ Ian Brotherhood, 11:28pm

’ve just asked Rev, via Twitter, if he would write a column for the National (if invited, naturally).

Anyone else think the National should issue such an invitation?

I do and, by the looks of it, the National is open to readers’ suggestions.

ronnie anderson

Is the Smith Commission writing the devolution report in tablets of stone,well need tae get wan o they broad shouldered unionist tae bring them doon tae us.


YESGUY says:

Wunderbar REV

Oh to see the DR used as a budgie shit catcher. The vow and their shit throughout the referendum will never be forgotten. Anyway there are other papers to buy now. 🙂

Sorry YESGUY but my budgie point blankly REFUSES to s***e on anything resembling the Daily Record. He says that like everything else he does he maintains a MINIMUM of standards and that goes for his s***e as well! 😛

Ian Brotherhood

…and Rev has just replied, via Twitter, saying ‘I can’t see why not.’

So, let’s ask the National to invite him, shall we?

(Be sure that Neil Mackay and his team will be watching this place very very closely.)


Stu said he would drop dead of shock if he was asked to write for the National – or words to that effect. I don’t know if he’s underestimating them or if he has inside information.

Alan Mackintosh

Ian B, re Hotdogstall and a gag. Only thing that came to mind was a gimp mask I’m afraid


Hmm, I see that now Ian. He was a lot less positive yesterday.

Alan Mackintosh

Yay! They listened. Sent them an email last night re putting Shetland on the banner, and there it is! Well done! Great to see that people are listening and do care.

Ben Zyl

A sell out? There was a big stack still available when I went out to work today at 10:30, Western Corner, just off the Corstorphine Road which was fortunate, that late I thought I’d have to tour the newsagents/superstores in town for a bit still, if they got no returns -good for them!


I did see a good joke from hotdogstall.

link to

Don’t know if it was original though.


Wings and the Rev shouod def be asked to contribute to the National. It’s amazing just how little it’s mentioned on the MSM – even the more friendly outlets – although there are precious few of those. The amount of people I met who told me they had been a solid no and then there was one wee niggle that made them look further than their nose – and 9 times out of 10 it was Wings what swung it to Yes.

And I totally agree with @
SqueuedPerspextive – great point!


I’ve just tweeted Neil Mackay Iain making that suggestion. No doubt Neil will be contacting Stu as we speak. 😉 I just hope I have sent the tweet to the correct Mr Mackay. 😛


I think they must have had some returns. Distribution was patchy and some places were oversupplied while in other places you couldn’t get one for love nor money. It may depend on their definition of “sellout”.

Alex Clark

None in my two local newsagents in Dundee at 11:00, sold out by 09:00 though they only got 6 copies each.


I also agree they should issue invitations to some of the harder edged pro Yes writers such as The Rev and WGD.

Was going to email that but got caught up doing other things but will def send a request.

I think they are up for suggestions.


I agree that distribution was patchy but a guy on twitter is making a list of suppliers and will post it early tomorrow.


Going against the flow here, but I think it would be a shame if Stu started writing for the National.

You don’t find editors with mass readerships writing in each other’s papers. The odd guest piece maybe, but otherwise not.

Wings has a distinctive voice, and it will start to be diluted if it has more than one platform. So I say, keep the Rev where he belongs!

…which is not to stop the rest of us contributing something to The National.

Betty Boop

@ Morag, 11:44pm

I hope Stu is wrong and that contributions would be welcomed by the National.

Are you feeling any better now?

Alex Clark


As much as I respect your views, in this we disagree. Say a once a week hard hitting column? Potential to bring many more readers to Wings and a boost in numbers.

Wings may have a distinctive voice, would be nice if it was heard more broadly.

Ian Brotherhood

Copy of Wee Blue Book via e-bay? £14.25.

First edition of the National? £9.99.

Seeing Hothersall/Cochrane/McColm/Foote’s faces when they open Scottish national daily newspaper to see column written by ‘The Rev Stuart Campbell’? Priceless.


@Ian Brotherhood – HaHa


Pravda? How insightful and original. The Pravda had a policy of never having photographs of personalities on its front page. Another interesting historical fact is that the first person ever to have has photo there was our very own John McLean a Scottish socialist at the time of his time. I suspect Wee Dunc hasn’t met many of them, being in the Labour party.

ronnie anderson

@ Alex Clark already made the suggestion to the Sales Team they,re passing the message on, Rev,WGD,Taranaich.I will ask to see a member of the Editorial Team tommorow when I go into pick up the leaflets.

Tackety Beets

Distribution of The National ?
To be fair starting from scratch we would all be guessing , how many to each outlet .
I popped my form into our Local Store and they said they only got 7 copies , the lady said ” Aye an a could’ve shifted about a 150 ”
” Now now said the gent / owner don’t exagerate , but a hunner onywye ”

Clearly there were not enough to go round .

100k to reel in tomorrow , I’m sure we can do it .
My form was politely returned as we agreed it would be first come first served .
Alarm set for 6 .


I doth think they complain to much.


I think this link should take you to “The National” edition number 2 front page.

link to

The front page is in there somewhere.


Sorry for O/T but think it is interesting, well at least to all of you betting types out there, you know who you are. 😉

I’ve just seen a tweet that claims Ladbrokes are currently running with the SNP sitting at 8/11 to win the most seats in May next year. Labour are at EVENS, Lib Dems and Tories both sitting at 100/1. 😀

Ian Brotherhood

Don’t want to go giving the man a big heid, but we’re very used to his articles here and perhaps don’t appreciate just how good a writer he is.

I can’t think of any mainstream journalist who writes so concisely, but manages to work in humour along with stacks of hard data. It would be unfair to single out any MSM scribe, but we all know those (particularly in the so-called ‘qualities’) who pad their pieces, sometimes painfully, diluting the value/impact of their observations. If there’s one thing Rev doesn’t do, it’s ‘waffle’.

Any ambitious new publication needs original voices (preferably popular/notorious) with solid skills. Rev ticks all the boxes. (Oh, and – nearly forgot! – he also has, what, near-on a million regular readers?)

Looks like the ball’s in your court, National. No harm asking…

R-type Grunt

So, semtex anyone?


Oh dearie dearie me. Labour politicians just don’t get it do they?

I wonder what part of LIES will always catch up with you and show you up for the LIAR you really are!

Well I guess this idea has not filtered down as far as Iain McKenzie Labour M.P. for Inverclyde … apparently. 😉

link to

donald anderson

Don’t forget top ask Lidls and Aldi, who are German and more sympathetic to Scotland than the English supermercats.

ronnie anderson

Its a good nite from me folks sees yous tommorow.

Alex Clark

@ronnie anderson

Don’t forget to get up the morn now 🙂


If there’s one thing Rev doesn’t do, it’s ‘waffle’.

That’s true Ian cause it’s left to the likes of me, the village idiot, to do all the necessary waffling. I think I can waffle for Scotland at the World Waffling Championships if required any day of the week. 😛

Cadogan Enright

@ Early Ball, @effijy 10:10 pm signed link to

Tam Jardine

Well team, I read 2 newspapers today – the National and the Scottish Daily Mail.

The National made me feel good about myself, the country, the future, politics and life.

The Scottish Daily Mail left me wanting to bleach my brain.

As for the adverse reaction in some quarters, let’s not forget that for Duncan Hothersall and his ilk the launch of the National had to be marked with some sneering tweet. It is impossible for him to know of it and not tweet some pish. It is a compulsion.

To paraphrase the Great Johnny Cash- Like a fiend with his dope and a drunkard with his wine, Duncan must have lust for the lure of a whine. 

If you were to seal him in an armoured container he would tap out anti-yes messages on the door using morse bleedin code. And if you are travelling through the outback and see Duncan in the distance spinning a bit of wid on some string aroon his heid just ignore him. He’ll be trying to get that bush telephone to say something disparaging about Nicola Sturgeon.

He is to be pitied. Of course for Duncan I guess I am the worst kind of Yes voter. I have young children and I wanted to subject them to independence and the inevitable self destruction of our economy due to our shiteness. I acted to destroy my children’s future. And obviously as a member of the middle class I am turning my back on my class. And destroying the poor while pretending to want to save them. Delivering them to be sacrificed on the altar of Alex Salmond’s ego rather than the safety of the Bullingdon club and the red, blue, yellow and purple tories.

Maybe that armoured box would be the best place for Duncan. He would be sheltered from the excess of the fascist SNP regime in Scotland, drunk on power, free tuition fees, and renditions of Caledonia, duping people with promises of more free hours of nursery care, improved gender equality and reduced alcohol abuse and all the other policies that appear to make people’s lives better when all they want to do is destroy Scotland and melt everyone in vats of chemicals. Evil Natz!

Maybe while he is in the box Duncan could work out the Labour Party Scottish Branch’s approach to devolution of income tax because judging by Murphy, Boyack and Findlay on Sunday it needs a heavyweight to give it some thought.


Regular items from Rev, no, the occasional one definitely.

Having thought about it, I like the front page “The Newspaper that supports an Independent Scotland”. It honestly lays out its bias, and lets the open-minded know where they can get pro-indy rather than anti indy news.

Swinney looks more relaxed than I’ve seen for a long time in the media, which shows the benefit of a pro-indy paper picking the picture, rather than anti-indy papers picking one that shows him worried. A picture is worth a thousand words.


A little better thanks Betty.

I think it would be great if Stu had a column in the National, maybe weekly? As others have said, he has a rare writing talent. The whole point of this new title from our point of view is to connect with people who aren’t online. It would be a shame to confine Stu to an online platform only.

It could be valuable in another way too, in rehumanising Stuart, if that’s the right word. He’s been so demonised by his enemies that even some pro-independence people are reluctant to look at Wings. Reading his own words in a printed paper will dissipate that and let people see that he’s actually a smart, decent guy.


Sarah Smith in tonights “Scotland 2014” seemed somewhat naive when she said (29:19) “As an idea though it’s interesting. I mean a lot of papers take a stance on politics, eh they came out and support a political party before an election. Most of the newspapers in Scotland took a stance, eventually on independence, all apart from the Sunday Herald, going for a No vote of course.”

The bias seems to still perpetuate.

To the ‘victors is His story’?


Yes, and LibDems evens to lose over 200 deposits.

link to


Kevin Meina says:
24 November, 2014 at 8:50 pm
Can’t say it was the greatest read of my life but early days.Afraid I took no chances and bought 4 posted 3 through neighbours doors and kept one for prosperity.We have to make it work.

Sounds like your keeping it sell later, like yon Wee Blue Book on ebay. I have archived your post for posterity.


I have one more thing to add tonight.

Today is my birthday and I would like to commit myself to leaving the language of the NO sayer behind.

Let’s stop criticizing and abusing the uniformed. Let’s get back to being the shepherds not the sheep.

If I could have one birthday present that was actually worth a lot it would be that we embrace the philosophy of the YES alliance.

Question rather than accuse. Educate not denigrate. Find wisdom and understanding. We don’t have 2 million nae sayers, only barriers to their understanding.

How many would have voted YES if we could have had negotiations BEFORE? If we knew for a fact we were in Europe, had pensions assured, a back out agreement to currency, an agreement on WMD. In fact all the things I just heard a conservative (Owen Paterson:Daily Politics 27:50-) arguing for about UK vs Europe.

Sauce for the Gander indeed.


The main power that Scotland needs is the one to negotiate terms PRIOR to a referendum on exit.

Alex Clark


Wish I’d said that.


…… I smell fear !!!!


Happy B’day, ‘Perspective to the power 2’

All that you ask should be done could not be done because our ‘masters’ would not play ball and they controlled the media 99%.

The Europe question has to be asked by the UK – No chance of that.

The ‘pound’ question was clearly answered by the Governor of the Bank of ‘England’/UK as being “..we can handle any such situation..” only for it to be submerged in flack and mis-construction by the all-powerful ‘UK/World Establishment’ acting through the UK government.



Happy B’day, ‘Perspective to the power 2’

All that you ask should be done could not be done because our ‘masters’ would not play ball and they controlled the media 99%.

The Europe question has to be asked by the UK – No chance of that.

The ‘pound’ question was clearly answered by the Governor of the Bank of ‘England’/UK as being “..we can handle any such situation..” only for it to be submerged in flack and mis-construction by the all-powerful ‘UK/World Establishment’ acting through the UK government.




For arguments sake lets say we get a majority SNP in Scotland in the GE2015.
For arguments sake lets say we get the right to hold referendums (even if they exclude the question ‘Scotland should be an independent country’)

For arguments sake lets say we vote in a Scottish SNP Govt with a mandate to re-negotiate the conditions of the Union?

What then ? (ref link to

It’s just what the UK is doing to Europe – surely that is fine?

Sauce for geese etc.

donald anderson

Don’t forget top ask Lidls and Aldi, who are German and more sympathetic to Scotland than the English supermercats.


I notice all 3 sold for 8 quid each on the bay

link to


They seem to have listen to some comments.
They’ve added the Shetlands and the Outer Hebrides to the Scotland shape on today’s edition…


If the supermarkets who came out against Independence do not carry The National I have no problem with that.
If we do not shop there, we are hypocritical to slag them


Not a peep regarding the new Scottish title this morning on the BBC cozy couch although a cutesey tale about a stray dog and some Swedish explorers in Argentina.
Genuinely heart warming on yet another bleak day at bleak house.

Aye, you’d think the new newspaper would merit a spot in the news, but naw, it’s tumbleweed for north Britain as per…

john king

Ann says
“I think that is bad thinking by the likes of Tesco and Morrisions. Big supermarkets with loads and loads of floorspace. No excuses acceptable.”

I just sent Morrisons an 18 page FRONT AND BACK rant for having the audacity to say they “don’t have the shelf space” to stock The National, I might get a reply suggesting they would like to stock my range of hairdryers though! 🙂

Ian Brotherhood says
“Here’s hoping he remembers to save any mysterious unsolicited e-mails he happens to receive over the next few days – it’ll save him having to search for them when they’re requested by a judge.”

I love (in a brotherly way ahem) Ian Brotherhood. 🙂
Surely to God after all these bastards have done to us at least one of them should spend some time in the pokey surely? 🙁

Wee jock poo-pong mcplop says

oh nothing,
I just love repeating your name. 🙂

“Sell more than the Daily Rancid? Page 3 with regular Wings CiFers. I bravely volunteer myself modestly first up, for a small fee, topless, suck that belly right in:D”

For GODS sake think of your poor mother. 🙁

Greame Diog says
“It’s not easy being an independence warrior (over dramatic ?)”

Mwe a little bit
Maybe if you were to try it more in the style of Paula Rose dahling?

Ronnie Anderson says
“Has anybody heard from Bugger the Panda.”

I have sor!
told me you’ve been tittle tattling to the Mail 🙂
see my o/t post last night.

Ian Brotherhood says
“Does anyone remember him cracking a half-decent gag about anything?”

but Im sure he did once tell me to fuck off.

“Stu you could pop a few articles off to them to act as fillers , who knows how many folk would buy the National featuring the greatest independence blog on earth, Wings Over Scotland.

Just a thought.”

I have been thinking that as well, the mouthwatering thought of Stus forensic analysis,
WGD’s (suitably cleaned up for the matrons of Corstorphine ye unnerstaun) ability to remind us of our humanity,
(for which we will be forever grateful)

mibbies a guest post from
Conan (where the hell are you?)
heeellllpp a cannie stoap this,
there’s nae brakes heeelllppp!

Kininvie says
“Wings has a distinctive voice, and it will start to be diluted if it has more than one platform. So I say, keep the Rev where he belongs!

…which is not to stop the rest of us contributing something to The National.”

Seems a bit unfair depriving the Rev of a wider audience so we keep all to ourselves?

Aln MacIntosh says
“Ian B, re Hotdogstall and a gag. Only thing that came to mind was a gimp mask I’m afraid”

Like this you mean?
link to

Ronnie Anderson @ 12.28

I was going to say great minds think alike but in fact its a no brainer. 🙂

Lesley Anne says

“I think I can waffle for Scotland at the World Waffling Championships if required any day of the week. :P”

Can I have mine with jam on it?

Were you at the Hydro on Saturday?
I was hoping (really, in that crowd?)
to find you.

Tam Jardine says
“As for the adverse reaction in some quarters, let’s not forget that for Duncan Hothersall and his ilk the launch of the National had to be marked with some sneering tweet.”

Im thinking something like this
link to

R Type Grunt says
“So, semtex anyone?”

Oh Bubbles you are a ca—-


I wonder if the National is just testing the waters for a change of editorial stance at the Herald.If they sell 60,000 copies of the National for five days they might figure it’s better to sell these folk a copy of an independence leaning Herald even if they lose half the Heralds current readership.It wouldn’t be a bad thing,would it? Anyway,I’ll be out for my copy of The National shortly.

john king

Alan MacIntosh says
“Ian B, re Hotdogstall and a gag. Only thing that came to mind was a gimp mask I’m afraid”

your going to ask me how I came up with that photo so easily arent you?
there I said it. 🙂


@Bill McLean – A minor point, Bill, but it is the word “Tass” that means truth. That was the title of the other newspaper that ran alongside Pravda.


Congrat’s to the National its nice to have a daily paper again.

As for the walking wank hothersal, “morning Dunky I hope the National sticks in your throat”.



No, pravda (??????) means truth in Russian. TASS wasn’t a newspaper: it was the name of the USSR’s news agency (acronym for Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union, in Russian), their equivalent of Reuters.

Maybe you are thinking of Isvestia.



I think it would be great if Stu had a column in the National, maybe weekly?

I agree, but under a nickname. Stu’s reputation seems to be so sulfurous that… I am not sure his very name does not act as a strong scunner to some potential readers.


The (??????) was the cyrillic characters for pravda, in case anyone was wondering!


Tam Jardine at 12.58
That’s an excellent post.

Haggis Hunter

I remember Duncan saying on the L@b~*r Hame website that because his Father is English and his mother Scottish, that means he is British.
Seems like he is a little complicated and self loving.


@Haggis Hunter

I understand the fella does like to have his name in lights. The problem being he has neither the talent or the depth to warrant having it there.

@John King

Steady John. Have you been hitting the rich roast before 9am again? 😀

Couldn’t agree more on your idea. It’d certainly be worth the subscription to see most of those names contribute regularly to the National and most especially the likes of Stu, Paul, Derek, Taranaich and so many others. The talent pool for both commentary and investigative journalism is deep and wide. Certainly sales of the National would climb rapidly at the very thought with the fan base of those mentioned eager to see their fav scribes work hit print.

My boss though, may frown slightly at any of my amateur scribblings appearing in a daily title. He’s peculiar that way. 😀


@ Tamson

Thank you for that correction. I am grateful for that.

ronnie anderson

Ooh John King thats ah fabrication ah didna tit tit tattle tae the mail ya diddy or twa diddys.Your in danger o getting stroked on the heid wie Paula Roses (higher heels thats the ither pair you,ve no seen yit) am very much mortyfacated that a Winger should accuse me of such a betrayal ( Irene nae mair Roses fur that feker, hide they Tins ).

BTPanda Cmon noo pipe up,you must hiv sobered up by noo.It wiz U that started awe this,who,s the Daily Mail reporter.

ronnie anderson

@ SqueuedPerspective Hap Happy birthday,people in the Counting House were laughing at us on Sat nite on useing screen names,thank god I didnt have to explain Yours I would,nt know where to start. Hiv a braw day.

Robert Kerr

I am of the view that the initial omission of Shetland from the masthead/logo was deliberate.

If they don’t want to be part of an iScotland then tough cookies.

Now they are included iScotland is truly inclusive geographically and by implication inclusive in all ways. Just a minding?

Is this subtle propaganda or do I read too much into things?



Got today’s national in WH Smith, located at the bottom of the stand, didn’t stop a few folk picking it up whilst I was in for a few minutes….not scanning properly though….

Is it just me, or is there something going on….


Whenever I see Hotties heid I’m reminded of this wee guy:

link to


When the dear old Daily Record finally crumbles to dust,
I think we will then, and only then, all agree that the Vow has done its job.

Betty Boop

@ SqueuedPerspextive, 1:24am

The main power that Scotland needs is the one to negotiate terms PRIOR to a referendum on exit

I agree that would be best, but, to negotiate you must have the power to negotiate and speak to a willing ear prepared to engage.

If you tried to organise a debate during the ref campaign, you will recognise one of the problems, another being, for example, that the Scottish Government did not have the power to negotiate with the EU.

As they say, it takes two to tango.

Grouse Beater

I think it would be great if Stu had a column in the National, maybe weekly?

Wrong way around.

They need only pay him a fee to lift one topical thread a week and reprint it. Stuart is his own man, a maverick, if you like, who most certainly won’t take kindly to another editor telling him to delete this or that, or soften some line of attack.

As for Hothersall – I’d never know such fools existed unless I read these columns. Sometimes I wonder if Wings gives them too much publicity.

Brian Powell

Robert Kerr

Shetland is in the header of Tuesday’s edition.

Betty Boop

@ Morag, 1:01am

Glad you are feeling a bit better, Morag. My rum, as I said, obviously offered some immunity from any stray bug – only a sniff which will be seen off.

Reading his own words in a printed paper will dissipate that and let people see that he’s actually a smart, decent guy

Agreed that Stu should have more mainstream exposure. It would be odd if the National did not pay attention to his contribution, along with many other incisive minds who are keeping us informed. The National has already broken the mould, so why not go further and accept contributions from our independent journalistic community.

Alan Mackintosh

@Robert Kerr, re Shetland, I doubt it. Normally Shetland is portrayed as being stuck in a box next to Orkney on the maps and the typical image of Scotland needs to be shrunk to fit in the extra sea and distance to the real positon. My point to them ( the National) on Sunday was it’s an own goal to the unionists on the Islands who can point and say “look they dont even know where we are”. Does us no favours to make sloppy errors like this.

Robert Kerr

@Alan Mackintosh

Let’s agree to disagree. My point was that this was not a “sloppy error”.

Effective propaganda which alters perceptions is multi-layered. The Shetland Unionists are beyond the pale. There are Yessers there too and some convertibles.



No worries 🙂

Grouse Beater

Hand & Shrimp: For winners they sound astonishingly nervous.

I agree. Interesting how upholders of the doctrine of competition scream foul the minute they’re faced with competition.

Betty Boop

@ Ronnie Anderson, 9:08am

@ SqueuedPerspective Hap Happy birthday,people in the Counting House were laughing at us on Sat nite on useing screen names,thank god I didnt have to explain Yours I would,nt know where to start. Hiv a braw day.

Ronnie, are you suggesting that the man now known as Micklemixter (he must surely be lurking somewhere) was laughing at me or TJ? I thought he was a gentleman. He might have been at the thought of BtPanda, mind you, so probably a good thing the big raccoon/bear (who knows these days?) hadn’t turned up at that point; we might have needed a straitjacket to contain his hysteria!

@ SqueuedPerspextive May I join in with the birthday wishes. I agree with your sentiments about educating, not denigrating (or trying not to, at the very least…). This is where the National could be very useful because we all know that many, many people have little understanding of how this country operates.

Grouse Beater

Betty: Agreed that Stu should have more mainstream exposure

The National would be wanting if it didn’t suggest to Stuart they reprint material from Wings, a test of how radical the newspaper wants to be. But so far most of the mainstream Yes camp shun this site as ‘too aggressive.”


Finally got my hands on a copy today and like what I see Lesley Riddoch getting a column is good. But I would cheerfully pay extra for a weekly WGD column!


Wingers should be writing to unionist papers and contacting BBC phone ins reminding them that in The Times, 03rd November :

‘Jim Murphy took a major gamble in his attempt to become Scottish Labour leader by rejecting the prospect of full devolution of income tax yesterday, despite the majority of voters calling for the power to go to Holyrood.

The MP said that by voting “no” in the independence referendum, Scots had endorsed the Union and the cross-border tax system. His concerns about more powers echo those expressed by Gordon Brown — that full devolution of income tax would drive a wedge between Scotland and England.’

The unctuous chameleon changes his colours within three weeks .. next he will be saying he is a socialist when he voted for more Tory Welfare cuts on 26 March 2014 and claimed £196,969.33 in expenses in 2013 /14.

Grouse Beater

Ronnie: Ooh John King thats ah fabrication…

Aye, it is. He took a selfie. 🙂


If there was a poll tomorrow on Murphy’s attractiveness, honesty, trustworthiness, capability and general voter appeal the reality of his situation would be stark indeed.

What the establishment press and BBC are about is fabricating a ‘Murphy’ that people can believe in. In other words they’re creating an illusion to subvert the actual truth.

The Scottish people – including loyal and much abused Labour stalwart voters will not be deluded about Murphy. He’s not the guy they need to restore their reputation with the people – he’s divisive even within his own camp and people know it.

Just for fun, maybe Stu can do a poll on just how folks really feel – it’s clear as day no other source will expose the truth about Murphy. He will be lucky to finish above Farage.

Another Union Dividend

On The National. Reminds me of the popular I newspaper and a good model to follow… a Scottish Aye perhaps.

To date the football coverage is very Glasgow centric and for example no mention of the six week lay off inflicted on the Hearts full back by a leniently punished thuggish tackle on Saturday.

Jim McIntosh

O/T – haven’t got my National today yet. But I’m dying to know, do they tell us where the flat fire they reported about in yesterday’s paper happened. Is this going to be a serial like we used to get at the pictures on a Saturday morning 🙂

Bill McLean

Kenzie – sorry mate “Pravda” means truth. TASS was the Russian News Agency – informatsionnoye agentsvo Rossii (Sorry! no cyrillics on my keyboard). TASS an abbreviation for the “Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union”! Izvestia was a newspaper title derived from the Russin verb “to inform”! I’m old enough to remember when all 3 were widely known!


Just bought issue 2. Chap in Co-op said they sold out yesterday and front page says ditto and printing more today. So looking promising.

Iain More

I had to buy the digital version of the National. Whilst I welcome a pro Indy paper it just isn’t hard hitting enough about the Brit Nats. I would like to see it deliver a few metaphorical Glasgow kisses and pit the boot in tae the Brit Nats.

donald anderson

@iain More.Too True Iain. Get intae them and support the paper through thick and thin.

According to my local Spar, Kelvindale, Cleveden Rd, Glasgow. It is Spar that is refusing to sell the paper. Worth a mass complaint?
link to

Kelvindale Mini Market, Kelvindale Rd, ordered 8, sold out. and could only get 80 due to production problems.

I got a copy in Eastpark, Maryhill Rd.

Anniesland Cross were sold out at the three Newsagents there.


Old joke in the Soviet Union.
“There is no truth (Pravda) in Isvestia (News) and no news in Pravda”


Grouse Beater says:
25 November, 2014 at 10:06 am
“The National would be wanting if it didn’t suggest to Stuart they reprint material from Wings, a test of how radical the newspaper wants to be. But so far most of the mainstream Yes camp shun this site as ‘too aggressive.”

I agree with that but would like to add, re; the last sentence, if debunking the unionist’ filthy lies, propaganda and deception is to be classed as “aggression” then i’m getting quite worried, i fear i have become addicted to “aggression.”

It is this very same unionist thinking which had Alex Salmond tarred as a bully etc. The truth is, it has absolutely nothing to do with “aggression” and everything to do with fear.

Unionists of every description hate people like Stu and Alex because they know their stuff and they educate the masses. They are a threat to the old established order.

For centuries the unionists have had it all their own way without serious question. Those days are now well and truly gone.

Each and every day more and more people are awakening to the realisation that they no longer have to kowtow and repeat the mantra, yes master no master three bags full master.

Ironic, isn’t it, that those who promote a constant campaign of fear, smear and bribery are actually living in fear and dread of a massive movement they have absolutely no control over.

Just knowing that gives me endless joy – oh the warm glow inside.

donald anderson

Just heard the Indy editor on EBC Two cringing to the panel by being apologetic and he will criticise the SNP, etc, so don’t hit me please.

Away ya big Jessie and get intae them. Tell them all the other papers are serial liars and hostile to any concept of a Scottish Nation.

Don’t forget those scouring the shops to hear better than that! You have nothing to0 be apologetic about and you will face far worse interviews than that.

[…] Peeking at the Twitter accounts of the country’s more prominent Unionists has been an especially entertaining pastime today, as self-awareness has been cast aside even more vigorously than usual in a concerted attempt to attack new pro-independence daily The National as being an uncritical mouthpiece of the SNP akin to the infamous Russian propaganda newspaper Pravda (mostly despite those concerned admitting to not having read the first issue).  […]


John King.

🙂 as always i leave this page with a smile. Brilliant comment pal. 🙂 Your the first to answer everybody in one. Amazing.

Tam Jardine

Mealer 7.28am

Thanks- denigrating someone on twitter doesn’t work for me – I’m too longwinded!

Grouse Beater

“As for Hothersall – I’d never know such fools existed unless I read these columns. Sometimes I wonder if Wings gives them too much publicity.”

You are completely right, of course.


Chalk said : “Is it just me, or is there something going on….”

I got The National’s Monday edition in a corner shop in Edinburgh. Today I was in Port Glasgow and went into a giant Tesco store, who told me the distributor, Menzies, didn’t deliver the paper to them today due to an (unexplained) problem. I’ll try again tomorrow.
PS There was a queue of people at their Customer Services counter complaining about the same thing.

donald anderson

Just back from Asda that had a piled Indys on the stand.

Looked a page three Ian. It was disgusting. Should be banned. That is the kind of thing that scares the horses and the servants. I do agree with her about the English white van man, just like a Labour MP at the London Olympics, Jubilees, Royal Waddings, births and Labour Party Conferences.

IO spoke to God this morning and he said he had never heard of Jim Murphy and was it a new mutant species?

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