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Wings Over Scotland

The morning after

Posted on October 09, 2015 by

Nope, still too soon. Can’t take the world this morning.

(Quick trivia fact, though. Ireland scored 90th-minute goals against Georgia, Germany and Poland that got them four extra points. A 90th-minute equaliser from Poland cost Scotland two. That’s how narrow the line between success and failure is in football.)

(Also, the defeat in Georgia ISN’T what did for us. Had we won that game we’d still now be three points behind both Ireland and Poland. If they played out a draw in their last game we’d have finished 4th even if we beat Gibraltar 1000-0.)

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  1. 09 10 15 10:43

    The morning after | Speymouth

91 to “The morning after”

  1. Fairliered says:

    We were harangued by a gloating unionist on the train home.
    The words tractor and quizmaster came to mind.

  2. Capella says:

    It is disappointing. Worse things have happened. Today is John Lennon’s birthday. Roll On John
    link to

  3. Scott Wardrope says:

    Agreed, the pundits are focussing too much on the Georgia game. What did it for us was Ireland and Poland taking 4 and 3 points off the world champions.
    In a way, I’m glad we drew last night. Winning would have just prolonged the agony – Ireland won’t win in Poland.

  4. Scott Borthwick says:

    Two beautiful goals. We can remember that. Maybe now Strachan can actually start experimenting with his team. Time to give Griffiths, Rhodes and others a chance. Maybe time to say goodbye to some of the older members of the squad too.

    Life goes on.

  5. David Wallace says:

    I’ve got used to supporting our auld ally France in Finals over the years. It has its advantages.

    Cue EBC ‘1966 hyperbole’, Rooney injury shock and penalty shoot out grief…

    Nae bother, oor lassies might make it & there is always Curling!

  6. DerekM says:

    Ach its just the same old story Rev close but no cigar.

    And it will always be this way until the Scottish leagues are reconstructed ,the problem we face is not enough top flight positions for young players to learn their trade in,we more than ever need the provincial clubs to be able to bring young Scottish talent into top flight football.

    But the way things are just now they cant as they can not consolidate a position in the top league,this bouncing up and down every 2-3 years does Scottish football no favours at all.

    We need 2 leagues of 20 teams playing each other twice home and away ,2 up 2 down,if you come bottom of the top league then you deserve to be relegated,and the cups should take on a two leg game under the away goals rule,so we are used to playing this system,might help our clubs in Europe.

    I do hope wee Gordie stays on he has been a breath of fresh air and you can see he has a plan,if he leaves or is pushed then we will be back to square one again.

  7. X_Sticks says:

    Hey, look on the bright side.

    We’re the best losers in the world. Bar none.

    They say practise makes perfect 😀

  8. ewen says:

    Can’t say I’m having the best of days since I work in Dublin.

  9. galamcennalath says:

    Never mind, there are some non sporting challenges coming up, and Scotland is going to win.

  10. Fixitfox says:

    I’m in Vilamoura. I’ve followed Scotland far and wide. That Poland second goal last night is the most sickening thing I’ve ever seen. I’ll be at The Stadio Algarve on Sunday, supporting the team, but my heart is broken.

  11. dakk says:

    Excruciating watching Poland’s last minute goal.

    Familiar feeling watching Scotland play.Deja vu all over again as our fellow Scotland fan,glue sniffer and Irn Bru drinker might say.

    I said few weeks ago I had already started to focus on WC Russia as that would be much bigger prize to qualify,and is possibly slightly easier group if we get our act together.

    I’m not that interested in Euro 2016,it will be rubbish anyway with lots of crappy wee teams like Northern Ireland,real Ireland,Iceland,Wales and Norway.What a bore 🙂

    I would stick with Gordon Strachan at the moment,but progress will be required on overall performance.

  12. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Rev – being a good deal older than you, I have had a few more disappointments in following Scotland.

    It has aye been this way, two steps forward – one step back.

    I don’t even see Independence as changing things – we will still have the same self-centred stumblebums running things badly.

    The SFA makes SLAB look competent.

    Just a thought – maybe we really are Better Together. Close down the SFA – SPFL etc and go-in with England.

    I reckon, a couple of seasons of the Old Firm parading their beliefs around England, they’ll be begging us to take Independence.

  13. Thought both Polish goals were offside,marginal but still off.

    Better than the Irish and easily as good as the Polish yet still out.

  14. Dr Jim says:

    We’re not genetically programmed to win

  15. Lenny Hartley says:

    We will not be sucessful until after Indy, we are brainwashed from birth as being too wee, too poor
    And too stupid, no wonder our National self esteem and confidence is at Rock bottom.

    I was all booked up for Portugal but never went due to health issues, but I’m confident
    That it will still be one huge party.

  16. Tony Little says:

    It was an unbelievable start and finish to the game. In between Scotland struggled to find form, then managed to put together 30 minutes of good football including two cracking goals. We won’t win anything until we can play focused football for 90 minutes.

    I’m a big supporter of Strachan who has at least raised the morale level of the team. He seems to know the direction he would want to go in, but needs far more proper support from the SFA (another useless bunch of time-servers IMO).

    Scottish football needs a proper shake up that enables the young players with potential to have an opportunity to perform. Can’t happen when teams are so financially constrained and need immediate success so bring in non-Scots first. BUT of course these players add quality and skills which the team supporters want.

    There are no quick and easy answers. Root and branch change with a VISION as to what Scottish football at all levels is supposed to be about.

    Who will I now follow? Probably give it a miss.

  17. ScottieDog says:

    Tough group from the outset and some good results along the way.

  18. Hugh Kirk says:

    While watching the game, I was thinking out loud during the final minutes that if we can just hold on to wur lead and no blow it, just hold on, steady lads, steady…….and then in the 95th minute……..Wha’s the fuck like us.

  19. starlaw says:

    Were not mentally programmed to win. Having the success of England pumped into our heads by MSM from cradle to grave must be having a born losers mentality washed into our brains.
    Not really a nation , well not a real one anyway must be having an effect of some sort.
    Time we were a Nation once again .. and believe we really can do things.

  20. Betty Boop says:

    It’s fitba’, it’s Scotland! Worse things happen at sea.

    “Wipe your eyes. On your feet!” to quote Mr McA.

    (Ducks and waits for torrents of indignation…)

  21. Training Day says:

    There was a – let’s be charitable and call him ‘conflicted’ – poster on the Tartan Army Message Board last night sarcastically opining that ‘Salmond and Sturgeon will no doubt blame Westminster for this (the Scottish exit)’.

    How to understand the mentality of someone who sings Flower of Scotland, rising to be a nation again etc., and who then dutifully troops into the polling station to vote against the existence of said independent nation?

  22. Jamie says:

    Stuff football am a Rugby fan now. Scotland is at least the tenth best team in the world now in rugby maybe we will win the World Cup

  23. Breeks says:

    I think sport is just the litmus paper which betrays how most of us do not think in the way we would as an independent Nation. it’s the whole picture; the lukewarm sponsorship, the third rate TV coverage, the lack of faith to seek talent from our own players. We tolerate so much, and accept it has to be that way.
    Rugby is just the same.
    We aim to compete, but don’t reconcile our part time and amateurish attitudes. it’s all about belief; and there are too many of us lacking too much confidence in our own Nation.
    I would rather see Scotland losing on the National stage but investing properly in its youth development than the present philosophy of investing in foreign players just to compete. We need to reclaim the integrity of our sport from professionalism, or we are left with a shallow and meaningless spectacle of Scottish Teams being irrelevant to our domestic sport. If Your Scottish granny is to feature in team selection, she ought to be good enough to play herself.
    It doesn’t help to have TV media which treats us as grossly inferior interruption to the main agenda.

  24. ClanDonald says:

    Can somebody no just shoot that fat lady so she cannae sing?

  25. Jamie says:

    Also thought if you can’t beat Georgia, Scotland don’t deserve to be in the tournament. Also from watching Poland are probably the worst team out of the 4 other than that striker they have. We should have beaten them home and away comfortably we have them too much respect. The other 3 teams beat Georgia home and away it’s a disgrace Scotland failed to do that

  26. Davy says:

    No doubt there’s some deluded people on here. Independence will make no difference. In fact it will be worse. What will save Scotland, is the return of the Rangers. Competition at a high level is being desperately cried out for. Strachan needs to get away from the mentality of building a team round certain celtic players.

    The talent pool in the Rangers at all stages is the future. Give it time. We need to loose the tartan trannies and their cu jimmy wigs as well.

    We will return to a class side again as soon as the OF get back to business.

  27. Ruby says:

    starlaw says:
    9 October, 2015 at 11:22 am

    Were not mentally programmed to win.


    That is very interesting! Definitely something I would be interested in reading more about.

    Do you reckon we need a ‘Psychological Revolution’

    Sorry I know absolutely nothing about football. I do however know all about ‘vicious gossips’ so I’ll perhaps go and post a few comments about the the ‘Evil Tongued Trio’ on an earlier thread.

    I’ve logged into the online Bible so I’ve got a good few quotes about the immorality & evilness of gossip.

  28. Hobbit says:

    Completely O/T but we’re still in the Rugby World Cup … and England isn’t …


  29. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Friday Poser:

    You find yourself in some Mephistophelean-type scenario where you can have full independence for Scotland guaranteed. The pay-off? The national football and rugby teams are doomed to never EVER making the final stages of any major tournament.

    Would ye take it? 😉

  30. heedtracker says:

    Just caught BBC vote NO Radio Scotland man saying “is it time for a new national sport?”

    Which is a fascinating comment considering BBC vote SLabour Scotland refuse flat out to show any Scottish international matches on tv!

    I know, Scotland’s just one of their regions, BBC says SNP bad, Sturgeon’s evil, Thompson’s a gangster, vote Dugdale or else, rule Britannia, blah blah bleh.

    But, if its possible to completely misunderstand just what exactly that freak show in Pacific Quay is actually up to in Scotland, today’s the UKOK day.

  31. boris says:

    link to

  32. Al Dossary says:

    Never even saw the game – 3,500 miles from home, not reading any online news outwith of RT and the National when I find time at work means that I lose touch with the world of football.

    I do hold the blame for the quality of the Scottish game firmly at the feet of the SFA and the Andy Roxburgh / Craig Brown years. This was the age when EVERY manage or coach had to be an accredited FIFA coach. Problem with Scotland is that they all did their training with the SFA, and every one of them developed the “defend at all costs and hit on the break” attitude.

    It meant that every team in Scotland overnight became a mirror of each other one. It does not matter how good your defence is, the team who scores most goals is always the winner in football.

    And don’t even get me started on the Hypocrisy of the old firm. Criticising every team in the country for 11 men behind the ball, yet in every game in Europe they adopted the same tactics.

  33. MrObycyek says:

    Scotland failed again. People keep saying we were unlucky but you make your own luck in life. The Republic of Ireland do not have a better squad than us but are simply better coached than us. It looks like all the home nations will be at the tournament next year apart from Scotland. How sickening is that? Yet we got what we deserved in the end. Bugger all big bum.

    Scotland opened the campaign away to Germany and played well enough to take something from the game but we got nothing.

    Ireland went away to Germany played total mince and yet still had enough about them to grab a point.

    Scotland went away to Poland and got a draw when we should have had a win. Strachan’s negative thinking cost us the win late on and we ended up hanging on for a point.

    Ireland beat Georgia away. Scotland lost and deserved nothing from their game against Georgia.

    After the Germany game at home when we lost 3-2 people were saying that Germany were world champions and Scotland were a small country etc and what did you expect blah blah. Clearly the Irish never bought into that and were able to get a win at home against them. In two games against Germany the Irish got four points out of a possible six, scoring two goals and conceding one. Scotland took zero from six, scoring three goals and conceding five.

    I have never accepted that small nation drivel, in football, and neither should anyone else. Iceland are a small nation but they have qualified in a group that has the Czech Republic, Turkey and the Netherlands in it!

    Scotland maybe a small nation but if we believed in ourselves a bit more we could kick some serious butt! That result last night and the terrible twist ending to The Phantom Pain have really ruined my week. I think I’ll start reading my Wee Ginger Dug books to try and cheer myself up. 🙁

  34. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Davy @ 11.50

    There is only one possible response to your post –

    Aye Right!!!

  35. Jim Thomson says:

    @Ian Brotherhood 11:58am

    Aye, in shovel filled bucketfuls.

  36. caz-m says:

    Socrates MacSporran

    Would you say that the nineteen seventies were the golden age of Scottish International football?

  37. Betty Boop says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood, 11:58am

    What do you think? That’s not a serious question, is it?:-)

    Me, I prefer to watch snowboarding… 😉

  38. Jim Thomson says:


    I see that Brian Donohoe still thinks he’s an MP

    link to

    I’ve been trying to find a means of reporting this since he and his website no longer seem to respond to e-mails. Or, at least, to MY e-mails.

    Are there any other ex-MPs out there with websites still rumbling on?

  39. Onwards says:

    We are still way behind other similar European nations in indoor pitches and sports centres. That is bound to be a factor in getting kids into sport in the first place, and not just football.

    Especially with our long winters and the alternative of sitting on a comfy couch and firing up the playstation.

  40. MrObycyek says:


    “What will save Scotland, is the return of the Rangers.”

    You been hitting the pipe son? The Rangers, and Sevco as the new club is now known, are as much to blame for the decline of Scottish football as Celtic are.

    The old firm have for years been cherry picking good players from other teams and paying buttons for them yet they were always happy to shell out big money for foreign players. How is a smaller club supposed to bring in a a replacement player of a similar quality when they do not have the money to do so? The answer is they can’t and so the quality of player they get in goes down. If the old firm want healthy competition then they should be willing to pay a little bit more when they take players from other Scottish clubs. This would serve their own interests in the end and it would be better for Scottish football overall.

  41. Tinto Chiel says:

    “ClanDonald says:
    9 October, 2015 at 11:44 am
    Can somebody no just shoot that fat lady so she cannae sing?”

    I liked that.

  42. Ruby says:

    Betty Boop says:
    9 October, 2015 at 12:11 pm

    @ Ian Brotherhood, 11:58am

    What do you think? That’s not a serious question, is it?:-)

    Me, I prefer to watch snowboarding… 😉


    It’s an interesting question but only if the results are divided up by gender.

    The ‘NO to Independence/YES to World Cup’ side would have a very difficult job getting my vote but I would be very interested in hearing what they have to say.

  43. liz says:

    O/T by-election SNP fight it out with LibDems for highland by election.

    LD; 21.1%+ WTF?

  44. heedtracker says:

    Davy says:
    9 October, 2015 at 11:50 am
    No doubt there’s some deluded people on here.

    You’re right Davy, not about the deluded but Scottish football needs Rangers. It’s just next time can they not cheat? Could they be a bit less wrapped up in union jacks, you know, it’s sport not religion etc. Rangers progressive liberal leadership in Scottish sport is something that will never happen but it’s nice to dream of less is more.

  45. Ruby says:

    ‘Nope, still too soon. Can’t take the world this morning.’

    It’s serious stuff this football!

    It causes all sorts of negative reactions:
    lack of confidence
    domestic abuse
    the willingness to sacrifice all for the game
    etc etc etc

    It’s like a drug!

  46. Nana Smith says:


    A hotspot for retired wealthy folk, most probably tories helping the lib dems.

  47. celt4life says:

    No we wouldn’t (Ireland and Poland playing out a draw) we’d have qualified 3rd as having the better head to head with Ireland!!!

    I thought facts were your plus point Rev!!!

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “No we wouldn’t (Ireland and Poland playing out a draw) we’d have qualified 3rd as having the better head to head with Ireland!!!”

      Sure, if UEFA suddenly decided that it was zero points for a draw.

  48. crisiscult says:

    don’t wanna make too much of my cod scientific observation but one thing I notice, sort of, is the athleticism of many European teams. Our well nourished nationals (I mean kids growing up big and strong) are in rugby or not in sport. The best footballers at my school (really good technically, skillful etc) were definitely not the big robust guys. Football has moved on a lot in 30-40 years and I think physically and athletically we are behind, never mind the more obvious points about skills, ball control, etc.

    By the way, as with many of the Tartan Army, I wasn’t in the least surprised by the ending. I can think of umpteen similar endings but here are just the first two off the top of my head:
    Italy freekick in 90th minute when Hutton was fouled but Italy got the freekick.
    Leighton’s save against Brazil in Italia 90, as we watched in (what felt like) slow motion while Brazil scrambled in in the 82nd minute.

  49. Socrates MacSporran says:

    caz-m asked me:

    Would you say that the nineteen seventies were the golden age of Scottish International football?

    In a word – no.

    The Golden Age of Scottish Football was in the 1870s – 1880s; since then, we have been going backwards at a rate of knots.

    In more-recent times, we were actually stronger in the 1960s than in the 1970s.

  50. yesindyref2 says:

    @Lenny Hartley
    There’s a lot to be said for self-belief, and perhaps it is something missing from the football side. And perhaps there is a connection with the Referendum. A lack of confidence in the country to stand on our own two feet, a lack of confidence in teams in their ability to win.

  51. I stopped watching football and the Scottish national rugby team years ago.

    While I support players being paid a decent wage, the pendulum has swung too far in this direction and players are becoming mercenaries playing for how much they can earn rather than playing for the jersey.

    Money particularly in football has ruined these sports with big clubs looking for instant success by spending funny money buying in foreign players.

    This means home grown youngsters are deprived of the opportunity to develop their skills by playing for far less securing a place in the first team at the big clubs.

    And until these clubs see sense and get back to basics our Country will continue to struggle find skilled quality players to compete at national level.

  52. Balaaargh says:

    So, 4 countries from 5 on these isles will be going to Europe next year.

    I suppose, we were asked but decided to say NO.

  53. Dr Ew says:

    Bloody Poles! Coming over here, taking our goals, overburdening our centre backs, crowding us out of our rightful place at the Euros…

  54. Chic McGregor says:

    We had the only group with one minnow, with the current World champions and an in form Poland.

    England’s group had the most minnows arguably.

    Not saying Scotland would have had a 100% record like England in their group, well done them, but we would definitely have qualified from it.

  55. Alex Montrose says:

    We need to visit Iceland, and learn how to bring our young boys thru to be top class pro’s,

    Playing competitive league football from age 9 is daft, a lot of kids give up, fed up with the thoughtless competition.

  56. Tam Jardine says:

    Rev Stu

    Also, the defeat in Georgia ISN’T what did for us. Had we won that game we’d still now be three points behind both Ireland and Poland.

    That is to assume that that the results after Georgia would have been identical had we won that game. I think that result was the critical one – and if we had won that night we would have kept up the momentum. As it was, a poor performance lacking in ambition left us with a mountain to climb.

    All academic now. I’d love to say I’ll be cheering on the other ‘home’ nations and ROI but I’m not built that way. Northern Ireland yes.

  57. tartanarse says:

    Nothing to do with domestic football.

    Northern Ireland and Wales have no league. We can’t argue small country crap league when NI are qualified and Wales are 8th in the world.

    Perhaps we need to stop drinking beer and eating pies.

    And stop listening to those who say we’re 2nd rate as a people. Although admittedly that is a hard task if you consume any form of media.

  58. Iain More says:

    Well not long back home after last night. It was a bloody gorgeous day in Glasgow yesterday. Pity about how things turned out.

    The fact of the matter is we weren’t good enough. The irony is that we are a better team than ROI in my opinion. We are at best on a par with Poland. We were lucky last night in that the Poles should have finished the game off before half time we were that shocking in the first half.

    Looking ahead we will not qualify for the next WC. Possibly get a few nice holidays out of the campaign though. I thoroughly recommend visiting poor wee stupid but Independent Slovenia for a holiday.

    Sean Maloney was possibly our best player along with Anya in the recent qualification campaign but he is now 34 years old so don’t expect us to go qualifying for next WC.

    What we lack – players with skill! Too many of them cant control the ball, too many of them cant even elfin pass it, too many of them have no tactical nouse. I actually think some of them are bloody scared of the ball.

    Self belief in the players which is also lacking can only come through acquiring the necessary skills and that cant happen over night.

  59. haud on the noo says:

    I was there, as always, and will be in Faro, as always. Jeez this is bloody hard work.

  60. Jamie Arriere says:

    There’s a primary school up the road which, when I attended it, would have 6 or 7 large groups of kids playing football with schoolbags for goals every breaktime.

    Now that primary school has sold off half its playing field, built an extension on another bit, and last week when I passed had five kids only kicking a ball about.

    It’s not rocket science, if my area is anything to go by, kids don’t want to play the game – they rarely see their teams on TV including their national team, and they are as likely to follow a team from another nation. We’ve lost the battle off the pitch so long now, there’s long odds of ever winning on it.

    Hence my expectations for the Scotland team are a lot lower than they’ve ever been – and actually Strachan has been the best since Craig Brown.

    Won’t be watching next summer, plenty other sports

  61. mike cassidy says:

    Scotland hasn’t qualified since devolution!

    I blame the SNP.

  62. andy smith says:

    Personally,I think we should all blame our parents..the fact that they weren’t Brazilian! 😉

  63. Bob Mack says:

    Well to be philosophical about it,we have waited hundreds of years for our independence ,so another couple of years for a major championship appearance we can do standing on our head.

  64. Davy says:

    WHOA WAIT A MINUTE, I’m the Davy that usually comments on wings, I don’t know who that other “davy” is but I do not in any way agree with him.
    The stupid idea that having Rangers as an example of football excellence is barmy and unlike that tosspot I am a firm believer in independence.

    And just to settle matters I’m a Aberdeen supporter, so any comments using my name that supports the rangers tax fiddlers or the twisted union ITS NAE ME.

    FIND ANOTHER NAME PAL, Davy is mine.

  65. Harry McAye says:

    There are some very impressive young players coming through just now but, and it’s a big but, they are almost all midfielders. Some attacking midfielders, others defensive. I give you the Ryans – Christie, Gauld, Fraser and Jack. Jamie Walker, Sam Nicholson, Liam Henderson, Scott Allan (at a push). We don’t seem to be bringing through many quality defenders and, crucially, strikers.

    My own club, Hamilton Accies, has one of the best youth academies in the country (oh and Davy, don’t make me laugh, Accies do more for our game that your cheating lot!) we have produced James McArthur (Crystal Palace), Stephen Hendrie (West Ham) and the other guy we don’t talk about, the turncoat. We have some excellent young midfielders in the pipeline once more but again very few decent defenders and forwards. I can’t think of one quality attacker that we have brought through. I can’t think of many across the country. I can see a future of pretty play with absolutely no punch where it matters.

    We have missed Robert Snodgrass though, out for over a year now with a terrible Achilles injury. No luck last night and sorry Rev but winning in Georgia would have put a whole different complexion on the group. Would we still have lost to Germany on such a high? Our hearts were in our boots that night. Good luck to Ireland and maybe every one else qualifying and not us will be a good thing long term. Some major surgery required and we can start by playing the best young players in some friendlies when previous managers may have been reluctant to bring in an 18 or 19 year old. Remember Georgia beating us in 2007 with a 16 year old and two 17 year old making their debuts?

  66. Gavin says:

    MrObycyek says:

    “The Rangers, and Sevco as the new club is now known, are as much to blame for the decline of Scottish football as Celtic are.”

    I couldn’t agree more. To think that since 1986 no team outside the old firm has won the league, and over the last thirty years the national side has got progressively worse. Next season will see the return of “Rangers” and the premier league will return to business as usual with old firm sectarianism ad nauseum and all the other teams just making up the numbers while our national team picks players from the lower English leagues. The future of Scottish football looks bleak.

    On a more positive note at least Scottish rugby is moving in the right direction with our pro sides performing well and the national team playing attractive rugby. Here’s hoping they make the quarter finals tomorrow afternoon.

  67. Davy says:

    Ah! All the usual anti Rangers bile of the usual anti Rangers bile spouters. Ye can have a go if ye like. Waste of time. You know we’re coming for yous. That there is your project fear.

    Reading Wings, opens my eyes for sure and I keep an open mind but some of yous are fanatics. Beyond debate or reason. You dont want to see and can’t see the benefit the Rangers will bring and promote for Scotland. All we see from yous is bigoted acts and talk. Pretty sad and pathetic really.

  68. Ken500 says:

    Scotland does really well at other sports, swimming, tennis, cycling etc. Olympics (12% of UK pop won 25% of the medals, high on the medals table pro rata) and Commonwealth Games pro rata Scotland won.

  69. Davy says:

    Well it would take something something to open your mind after the bile you spouted yer last comment, and the last time you came after someone was it not Motherwell who booted yer earse back to the stoneage.

    Fitba has been fine in the premier division the last few years without rangers and the idea of having that nastiness return does not fill anyone with joy.

    as for calling folks on here fanatics thats something you wouldn’t need any lessons on.

  70. Clydebuilt says:

    Geeze It’s a Tough
    ……Georgia changed it’s manager just before playing Scotland, and got a bounce. Last night was so tough it must be character building. That’ll stand us in good shape for the coming Indy Referendum.

  71. Clydebuilt says:

    Last night Graham Spiers repeated something he’d said few weeks ago, many of Scotland’s players are average or below average for the English Premiership the first he revealed this observation he actually named Steven Naithsmith………. That very night Steven scored a hat trick against Chelsea.

    The topic for this mornings moanin was. “Is it time to find a new national sport”. Yeah the organisation that broadcasts English Internationals but NOT Scottish Internationals denying our youth from seeing the National team, is now positively encouraging us to take up other sports which will only weaken the national team
    As I type this evening’s Sports sound are asking listeners .Should We Be looking For A New Manager. This after Alex McLeish Pat Nevin and Kenny Dalgleish have strongly backed Gordon Strachan…….

  72. Effijy says:

    Tell me more about the 1,000- 0 result! lol

    Things are getting better.
    There were signs of on-going improvement.

    Personally, I think we would have more success as an Independent
    Nation rather than a colony who has permission to play football.

  73. Harry McAye says:

    No Davy, a second administration is coming for YOU. Soon we’ll be singing “You’re not Sevco anymore”, your club/company does not have a pot to piss in.

    We do miss all those players that the old Rangers developed into internationals, like Lee Wallace. Oops, that was Hearts, wasn’t it? Well, Steven Whittaker. Dang, wrong again, that was Hibs. Wait now, I’ll get one. Naismith, yes Naismith that was your old lot wasn’t it? Shit…

  74. starlaw says:

    Would New Rangers players be less prone to injury when selected for Scotland than they were before.

  75. Ken says:

    Yeah, Dave, we’re looking forward to all the great vocal ditties your ‘supporters’ grace us with next year.

  76. Chic McGregor says:


    Interestingly, Serbia and Croatia have both done a lot better individually than Jugoslavia, which was a kind of mini empire, used to do.

    And a lot better than Scotland e.g. qualifying for World Cup finals, progressing from group stage, Croatia have finished as high as third.

  77. Achnababan says:

    The biggest problem we have in football is the poor quality of coaching in the under 16s. Many intelligent children who can really paly a bit and have the potential to develop into super players are turned off from the game by numpties shouting from the touchline….

    Like all sports in the professional era, football is dying at grass roots level. Lets not waste too much on overpaid flops in the national side – lets get our communities playing sport again with well trained coaches of high integrity and personal qualities. I would rather go and watch the local team than any professional outfit or Scotland for that matter.

  78. Clydebuilt says:

    Harry McAye @7.13 Naismith was a Kilmarnock player ……. Geese the BBC won’t give Killie a mention, now it’s happening on W.O. S.

  79. Harry McAye says:

    Clydebuilt – I thought the “shit” at the end kind of gave the game away!

  80. Simon curran says:

    Absolutely gutted by last night’s result. I used to travel up to Hampden regularly to watch Scotland but with UEFA changing from traditional Saturday fixtures I only saw one game live.
    What hacks me off, amidst the gloom and doom of the football, is Scotland has just reached the Davis Cup final but under a Union flag.

  81. Fairliered says:

    It doesn’t help that we have the only administrators – Doncaster, Regan and Ogilvie – who are more incompetent and corrupt than even FIFA. If we got rid of the old firm arselickers and put Scottish football on a more level playing field, we might start improving.

  82. michael diamond says:

    Training day. 9/10/15 11.35am. Agree wholeheartedly with you. Ive seen no voters ‘proudly’ sporting scotland tops. Wtf is all that about?my mind just cannot comprehend the utter insanity of this, ive blown more intelligent life into a handkerchief.

  83. Gavin says:

    I have a work colleague who is a Celtic supporter who, now that Scotland are out of the euros, says he will now support the Republic of Ireland at the euros rather than any of the “home” nations. The funny thing is, he is a staunch no voter.

    I have always been puzzled by those Celtic supporters who are unionists. They wave the flag of a “foreign” country and sing Irish nationalist songs about the Irish war against the British, but they vote no thus helping preserve the corrupt British state, the very state their Irish heroes that they sing about fought against.

    The question is, why ?

  84. Croompenstein says:

    The question is, why ?

    Subservient Shitebags

  85. Harry McAye says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
    “No we wouldn’t (Ireland and Poland playing out a draw) we’d have qualified 3rd as having the better head to head with Ireland!!!”

    Sure, if UEFA suddenly decided that it was zero points for a draw.

    If we had held out for a win, the table would have looked like this:
    Ireland 18pts
    Poland 17pts
    Scotland 14pts

    so an Ireland win in Poland and a Scotland win in Gibraltar would have seen us finish Third in a play off position due to our superior head to head record against the Poles (4 pts from 6). With both sides going for a victory in Warsaw to secure second place, it would have been very interesting.

  86. Harry McAye says:

    Just realised that wasn’t the issue, apologies but I’ve seen a few folk say that the late Polish goal wasn’t really relevant, it was very relevant.

  87. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “If we had held out for a win, the table would have looked like this:
    Ireland 18pts
    Poland 17pts
    Scotland 14pts”

    Why would Poland have been docked a point because Scotland beat Georgia?

    Can people suddenly not read or something?

  88. Alun says:

    It’s only fucking football. It’s really REALLY not important. Seriously.

    Free yourself from the burden of tying your emotions to a situation you cannot change, and use that energy to work for what you can change. Politics matters. Play some sport yourself; that matters. Other people playing football doesn’t matter.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      Yeah, thanks for the advice. I’ll care about whatever the fuck I want to care about, thanks.

  89. Iain More says:

    For those who don’t care about what our footie team does, they need to get real. A successful Scottish Footie team is good for the economy.

    I don’t much care about what the Rugby team does for various reasons but I hope they do well for one reason and that is that it is good for the economy.

    In that context the Brit Nat Press and Media will always have a good gloat about Scottish Sporting failure because it is just another chance for them to stick the boot in.


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