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Wings Over Scotland

The death of irony

Posted on October 01, 2013 by

Part 1: Scottish Labour – yes, Scottish Labour – have a go at another party for (get this) an insufficiently prominent leader. No, we’re not making that up. The party led by Johann Lamont just slagged someone off for not being seen in public enough. It’s possibly the first time they’ve ever accused Alex Salmond of underpromoting himself.


Part 2: “Boo to privileged poshos!” says, um, Lord Prescott.


Oh, wad some pow’r the giftie gie us, as a man once said.

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Oh, the gall!

les wilson

We have to put up with their crap every day!
labour is the most deceitful party, there is no doubt it is true!

Adrian B

Where the heck is Eck?
Here is Eck :
Some of the comments are rather good too.

Jim Watson

Surely this must be a spoof! It cannot possibly be from the peoples party…and as for spelling – jeeezo (hope thats spelt properli) – was it not Jackie ballie who linked into the wrong cara hilton on twitter as thier candidate! I cannot recall an SNP press statement condemning them for that social media faux pas. It really is scraping the bottom of the barrel and an indication of how low the labour party are in Scotland…


Is someone telling these people to act like this or are they really that lacking in self-awareness? 

Red squirrel

People in glass houses etc.
At least voters don’t have to ask “who is he?” Certain other party leaders aren’t so fortunate. 

Murray McCallum

Wonder how the Scottish Labour membership dive is coming along?


Scoatish Labour. We’ll dae/ say onything that deflects scrutiny of us.


That Unite poster isn’t very original – I think Private Eye might have something to say about them stealing their (rather old) ideas.


Nice try Labour; pathetic as usual. God they are going down the pan and obviously have  no bloody clue what is happening.

What a waste of space ; will anybody miss this bunch of duds ?

Who’s Lord Prescott ?

O/T – Must be good gap in the market position for a poll ??

Papers MSM have gone quiet for now – good time to strike ?


Are SLAB just trolling these days?  It certainly looks like it.  How long did Lamont refuse to answer any questions on the situation in Falkirk? 

Sheena Wellington

This will be the Cara Hilton who as a Councillor voted in August for closing Pitcorthie Primary School then changed her mind the minute she was selected in September as a candidate and declared she was opposed to the closure and was supporting the parents’ campaing?   Embarrassment to her party doesn’t begin to cover it! Glass houses and stones come to mind.


If anyones missed it watch the STV ‘Cara Hilton’ Labour Candidate Dunfermline clip its hilarious. 

David Fletcher

If this belter wants to be pedantic about the constituency name, she doesn’t KNOW the name of her constituency or know how to correctly write “by-election”.

From her Councillor Facebook AND her personal Facebook page, 15th September;

“Delighted to be selected today as Labour’s candidate for the Dunfermline and West Fife By Election, caused by the resignation of the disgraced Bill Walker. Thanks for all the kind messages, the hard work starts now!!!”

link to

link to

She’s not trying to become an MP, which WOULD be for Dunfermline and West Fife. She’s trying to become MSP for the Dunfermline Constituency of the Mid Scotland and Fife region!

She is truly pathetic.


Would this be the Eck that gave a rousing speech on Calton Hill in front of 20,000 plus people last week that the media ignored. You can’t accuse people of not being visible if the media pretend things aren’t happening.
It is amazing from a party whose leader disappeared off the face of the Earth for two months until Falkirk died down.


Cara Hilton as Labour candidate is a great pick in terms of YES campaign though !!
What a gift.

Paula Rose

HandandShrimp – 20,000 people in Edinburgh? What? Where?

Bill C

0/t apologies but quite significant.  Very large Independence banner on show tonight at Celtic Park. Little acorns??

jim mitchell

So labour have set the usual tone for their election campaign. I wonder how long it will be before they bring in Gordon Brown from Kirkaldy as the savior of the world?

Bill C

Cara’s a cracker, leave her alone. She’s a very talented comedienne!

Bill C

@Sheena Wellington – Brilliant performance on Calton Hill.  Thanks to you and the other performers.

jim mitchell

I forgot to say that the daftest thing about their comments  is, that if there is one person who is guaranteed to make the most of it or from it, it’s the man their trying to slag off


O/T : Saw the article from Derek Bateman ealier today about the BBC.

Latest : Check this out (might just be me) but sounds like someone has got to him before part 2 below. ??
link to

( backtracking ?)

Saltires at Celltic Park tonight too !!


Pathetic springs to mind. 
I saw the independence banner tonight at the Celtic match.  It was huge across the terrace.  


They are getting upset about a typo? So why do they maintain the hypocrisy of calling themselves the Scottish Labour Party. It’s time the Electoral Commission asked them to ‘cease and desist’ as there is no such party registered with them (likewise ‘Scottish’ Conservatives and ‘Scottish’ Liberals). Most of us here know they are only the Scottish branch of UK Labour. There was a SLP in the late 70s formed by John Robertson, Jim Sillars and Alex Neil (now deceased, in the huff and Health Secretary respectively). To them irony is something that sticks to one of them magnety things.


Did the STV cameras focus on it for more than a microsecond?

Bill C

@gordoz  – Agree, I’m a bit puzzled by the volte-face.


O/T   BT Campaign hits Greenock  (For anyone interested in Greenock)

On Friday 4th October Better Together activists in Inverclyde are going to be out in Greenock from 5:30pm handing out leaflets marking a year to go until the independence referendum.
( + Saturday 5th October from 10:30am for 1hr )
They are meeting at bottom of Campbell Street, Greenock [near the public toilets] and will be spending an hour delivering their new leaflets on our positive case for Scotland remaining a strong part of the UK ???. (From  BT website)


@ Bill C says
Its slightly wierd, spooked me a bit. Don’t know what to make of it. Cant see it as satire but seems to backtrack from earlier blog ?
Just thought I might be reading it wrong.

Rev : Did you happen to see the D Bateman latest?

Bill C

@gordoz – No I don’t think you are, puzzling?


Johann Lamont is unavailable for comment.


What is going on with Derek Bateman?  Has he been leading us up the garden path or what?  I dont know, its all a bit strange. Is he a wolf in sheeps clothing? Help guys.
link to


Labour are beneath contempt. I spat out those words.

Doug Daniel

In regards to Bateman’s blog, it’s quite simple. In his first article he was simply trying to give an example of how Labour forces BBC Scotland to give them favourable coverage, and the dirty tricks used by SpAds to ensure it. He wasn’t trying to show that there is a conspiracy in BBC Scotland to be against independence, but folk were obviously taking it that way, so the second article is him clarifying that he does not believe there is a conspiracy – just bad management making bad decisions.
So he isn’t backtracking, just clarifying himself. He’s got a point, because people throw around the word “conspiracy” which suggests a concerted, conscious effort to defeat independence/support Labour. But the reality is the BBC’s anti-independence bias is more likely simply a case of anti-independence journalists simply being incapable of being properly impartial and Boothman’s poor decision-making. Izzy Fraser’s disappearance from our screens may have made it look like there was indeed a conspiracy, but from Derek’s first article, it sounds far more likely that Boothman simply panicked because he was getting pelters from his Labour chums.


Out of curiosity, has Ms. Lamont been campaigning in the by-election? If not, who the f@ck is Labour to criticise?

Ian Mor

I don’t have a problem believing any side would be capable of questionable antics. I just want them all up here, in a goldfish bowl and answerable. Not hiding in the murk. I can think of one example.(see links)  But just because you’ve dinged the works van, doesn’t mean you’re fired…yet. – I’ve still deliveries and a job of work for you to do for me. But, don’t think I’m so daft as not to pull you up later.
eh hen..? Is that you in this photo? 
link to
Wonder where you will be standing on this..
link to
Aye, I’m watching them all. But, they’re working for me and you remember. Business is business, I’m not firing a good driver til they’ve done what’s needed and/or I’ve a better one lined up. Those of you working in small firms will know exactly where I’m coming from.


Thanks Doug, I’m a newby on all this stuff and get confused at times re what’s really going on.   ~Shy smiley~


Does anyone have any details on the Yes meeting in Cambuslang last night?
Apparently their was a bit of aggro from naysayers that may have gotten a wee bit out of hand?

Bill C

@Doug Daniel – And the band played – “Believe it if you like”. Sorry Doug got to disagree on this one.  Check out the files on Newsnet Scotland. There is incompetence and there is conspiracy. The Brits are past masters at propaganda and mind manipulation.

Adrian B

He is a journalist, has been working in the BBC for many years. He is making the point that the BBC is not politically biased. He is giving instances of behaviour from Spin Doctors. He does not say when this particular event took place.
I would imagine that this took place when Peter Mandleson (Prince of Darkness) and Alastair Campbell were working in the Labour party as spin Doctors. It was a time of massive anounts of spin being used in Westminster politics – I don’t think you can say that Scotland escaped from the problem. The SNP probably felt that they needed someone to fight their corner in the media rather more firmly than they had been doing before.

call me dave

I see the Scotsman is first into bat.
Just marking the crease though.
link to


Bateman says:
“There is a corruption at the heart of our politics and it doesn’t just land at Labour’s door.”
His target is Spads – and every party now has them. If you want a media free from being influenced, than you have to employ newroom heads with balls big enough to tell them to F off. Bateman’s point was that it is virtually impossible to do the latter without dirt being thrown at you elsewhere in the media.
We’ve seen this happen with McBride, & in semi-fictional form with Malcolm Tucker. I would like to say that we can make it stop & purge the corruption – but I fear the enforcers are permanent a feature of politics.


Pass me the ‘crack pipe’, Jeeves.


GrahamB says:
1 October, 2013 at 11:55 pm
Did the STV cameras focus on it for more than a microsecond?
It lingered for a second or two.  You could read it and then wait a bit and still see it.   

Doug Daniel

Bill – Newsnet is obsessed with the BBC, though. I mean, it’s fair enough sometimes, but often they sound like someone detailing the movements of an ex-lover that dumped them 10 years ago, who they’ve never gotten over and now basically spend all day stalking. They pretty much admitted it when they recently faintly praised Stu for holding the print media to account while they concentrate on the BBC. Can’t remember the actual wording, but it made me have a wee giggle.
I just think Derek’s explanation of events sounds more plausible. I mean, what exactly is this conspiracy meant to entail? If we’re talking about decisions from London, then I’m more open to such suggestions of a concerted attempt to foil independence, but I’m not convinced those at Pacific Quay are intelligent enough to pull such a thing off on purpose!
I dare say we’ll get more evidence either way as Derek continues spilling the beans…

Patrick Roden

I think Derek has a point when he says that in order to have a conspiracy you’d have to have the agreement of 200 people and that wont happen.
However… one point he does not cover in detail is the normal office politics of people wanting to find favour with the ‘big boss’
So if Boothman comes into the BBC offices and speaks about ‘just being off the phone to Jim Murphy, and he is also known as an ex labour man, then any journalist hoping to get on at the BBC would know that being pro-Labour would find favour with the Boss.
This is straightforward human behaviour and office politics, and the reason why someone with close connections to the Labour party should never have been given that position in the first place.
Would a genuinely neutral person at the helm of the BBC have employed Naughtie in the way that Boothman has?
No Chance!
So Derek is right about it not being a conspiracy, but he is wrong about their not being a natural bias against the SNP/Yes.


Controlling Networks through Critical Nodes
Game Theory and Network Theory provide a rational explanatory basis for collective phenomena, such as “group think”, that arise in large networks of people; or any entitities that interact through “reward/punishment” rules!.
The collective influence on the network of power brokers (“critical nodes” in network theory!) like Boothman who clearly message a possible “reward/punishment” rule cannot be underestimated. Indeed, the number of such power-broker nodes one needs to keep a network in a “controlled state” is extremely small; think of the 6 degrees of separation paradox! Denying such effects by projecting naive notions of centrally orchestrated and coordinated “conspiracies” misses this key scientific point, namely, a handful of “power nodes” can easily “control” a very large network of employees who are either fearful or sell-your-soul-to-meet-ambitions types!


Doug Daniel, I have just woken up, i’m tired and I have a busy day at work, so someone will be able to explain the institutional BBC bias, the interwoven links to the UK government establishment and the endless list of place-people with links to the Labour and Tory party’s who get slotted into the decision making positions in the BBC…  and the demotion/disappearance of any not towing the party line from our screens and airwaves… oh and the suspicious removal of the ability for us mere mortals to comment on BBC political blogs, despite E,W&NI retaining this facility.   
Like I say, others will be able to elaborate.

Tony Little

Yes I was also a little bit surprised by Derek’s second article, but on reflection can see that his description does fit the situation.  To paraphrase Anas Sarwar (not something I am likely to do much), “this is not a conspiracy in the usual sense, just political manipulation by one of our boys in Pacific Quay”.
Game Theory does explain much, as does the simple fact that anyone who HAS shown independence of thought soon gets moved on to other “less demanding” work within, or outwith, the BBC in Scotland.
More than happy to allow Derek time to further elaborate his thinking and to share his vast experience.   Another voice from a former employee would be nice to add collaboration and I do predict that by Summer next year there will be an expose of the “poor decision-making” in the BBC.
It’s a long way to go, so let’s not get obsessed with every nuance of a blog like Derek’s which IS a breath of fresh air. 


Bwahahaha! Just woke up to this article today. Thanks, Rev …. this little nugget of pure comedy gold has fairly brightened up a dreich Wednesday morning 🙂
Whit are they like, eh?

Seasick Dave

Its not a conspiracy.
Its just that most journalists and reporters in Scotland are supporters of the Union and many have strong Labour links.
Within the BBC I can think of Glen Campbell, Eleanor Bradford, Sally Magnusson, Douglas Fraser, Brian Taylor, Catriona Shearer and Jackie Bird off the top of my head who regularly dismiss anything to do with the SNP or independence in pejorative terms.
Then you have the talking heads who are invited on, including Angus Macleod, Prof Curtice and Alan Cochrane, all ready with put down lines.
Kaye Adams is almost in a class of her own when it comes to anti independence propaganda.
It wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t have to pay a license fee to get treated like sh*te.


@Doug Daniel
What do you think of the relationship between Boothman (BBC Scotland) and Paul Sinclair (Johann Lamont advisor) ???????????. These two characters actually plan BBC Scotland news and political programming around Scottish Labour Party policy…. FACT!!


The BbC Trust have commenced a survey of news and current affairs open until beginning of December . Get on their web page and download the survey if you are dissatisfied. Wee smiley face!


Out of interest, does anyone know if the Scottish Daily Mail printed the story on Ed’s dad hating ‘Britain’?
It’s just he didn’t have an issue with Britain in the quotes I’ve read…

Doug Daniel

dee – The thing is, Derek’s first article suggests it’s not a fact at all. It’s simply a case of Boothman being incompetent and weak, unable to say “no” to Sinclair when he barks down the phone at him telling him that he’s doing things wrong.
I’ve been as critical of the BBC as anyone over the past few years, but I just think Derek’s version of events sounds much more likely than an actual conspiracy, which suggests folk sitting round a table discussing how they can use this piece of news to foil independence, and this other piece of news to support the union. That doesn’t make it any more acceptable – it means our licence fee is being spent employing people who simply aren’t up to the task – but it does make it more plausible.
(And plausibility is important, because what is the average undecided voter more likely to believe – that there is an anti-independence conspiracy at the BBC, or that it’s simply staffed by people who are incapable of resisting pressure from bully-boy Labour SpAds?)


Re Newsnet and BBC tend to agree. They keep banging on about Isabel Fraser having been ‘taken off’ due to political interference. It’s not the case, personal choice as I understand, radio over TV.

And just to remind people, again, about the event at the GladCafe, 1006 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow’s Southside, tonight, I mentioned it a couple of days ago. Kick off 0730 but will be busy and there is a limit of 70 or so.
This the panel, all YES supporters but the hope is the undecideds and no’s that come along will get a chance to ask about what concerns them.
Janey Godley – Actress, comedienne, author and playwright
Mary Lockhart – Former Chair of the Scottish Co-operative Party.
Shona McAlpine – Women for Independence activist
Jonathon Shafi – Co-founder of the Radical Independence Campaign
Pete Ramand – Author and independence activist
Michael Gray – Business for Scotland and National Collective
Tony Kenny – East Glasgow based RIC activist
Lynda Williamson – Newsnet Scotland 

call me dave

Tony Little

I said similar on the previous thread that we should welcome Mr Bateman’s contribution and allow him his view.  Mr Bateman will be a great asset to the independence campaign overtime.  

We cannot throw him out the tent because he was never in it to start with. But we see by his general comments which way the wind is blowing, and who most of the uric acid is going to affect. If there is a wee spray blowing back on us occasionally, so what, we are not perfect.

I commented (on his second ever post ) that if he ever got round to speaking about the SNP  ‘to please be gentle on us’!

Let’s not worry too much.

(Morag my ‘t’ key is sticking apologies if I have not double checked every word) 


Scottish Labour:  “Where the heck is ‘EcK?”
Where the heck has your own leader been for the past three months?


Sorry meant to add, re the GladCafe event, anyone that watched the 5 Live Debate will remember the powerful, passionate intervention from Tony Kenny.


There doesn’t need to be a conspiracy for bias to be institutionalised IMO. The whole UK media is just that, THE UK MEDIA. They can disagree on anything and everything else, but they all agree on how their bread is collectively buttered. They are the establishment with political links and editorial lines born of economic necessity and cultivated over decades. All of these institutions whether dead tree or broadcast are filled with ordinary people brought up in the UK and experiencing the same political structures we all have. The big guns of the media world are all in London and the larger titles of Scotland in the cities which until recently were fortresses of the Labour elite. That is their cosy world, their status quo, that is the reality.
Yeah I can believe that individuals within titles and the broadcast media are particularly politically motivated and absolutely professionally compromised. They will, given the opportunity, colour their stories and articles accordingly. The rest are just doing the day job and independence for Scotland isn’t part of their world view. Hell, half of them struggle to name the major players. Those who are aware exactly of what they are doing aren’t going to be hauled over the coals by the rest, they simply don’t see that they are doing anything wrong or if they do, don’t give a monkeys. And yes we should complain our asses off when it becomes truly blatant, but don’t expect any action to be taken. Its enough to make a noise and let them know the hairy eyeball is on them, that we’re not mugs.
This vote will be won in spite of the media, not because of it as far as we are concerned. Trying to change it right now is a waste of precious energy. So let’s get on with promoting our own media sources and commentary like WoS, NNS, Bella, National Collective, Munguin’s, Peter Bell. Hell the list is at the top of the page. 


When a political party that is entirely dependant on media soundbites fails to produce anything remotely plausible, that cannot be trashed in seconds, that party is well and truly finished.

RIP: Scottish Labour.


‘A land of opportunity’ –
So, that’s what the ‘big speech’ will be about? (Why do they leak these speeches beforehand – takes away all the raw excitement, dammit!)
A wee note for younger readers – you can’t be expected to know what it was like in the early 90s, when it really seemed we would never ever be rid of these Tory bastards. They knew it, we knew it, and there wasn’t a thing anyone could do – they plundered the family silver at their leisure.
Then the euphoria on May 2nd 1997 – it felt like finally being liberated from quicksand. Didn’t last long right enough, but that feeling was real, and it was sweet. (Ask anyone who was old enough, and remembers being ‘up for Portillo’.)
And here we are again – the bastards are back, doing their thing, appear as unshiftable as they ever were, and this time they’re threatening to ‘finish the job’.
It’s become pretty clear what ‘the job’ is – get us at one another’s necks, like rats in a sack, spying, bickering, measuring how many hours this one works, how many electrical gadgets that one owns, how many children they’ve had, how often so-and-so goes on holiday or eats out. So don’t dare complain if you and your weans end up working 12-hour night shifts in Tesdo for nothing – it’s all valuable experience, shows willing, and you’ll get your bus-fare reimbursed so long as you keep the ticket.
Pardon the rant, but it’s the deja-vu – long time since I’ve felt as sick and trapped as this, and it’s the same feeling I used to get when walking to Maryhill Job Centre with my wee ‘Looking for Work’ diary. 
Foreboding. Foreboding.
God help us.


This vote will be won in spite of the media, not because of it as far as we are concerned. Trying to change it right now is a waste of precious energy. So let’s get on with promoting our own media sources and commentary like WoS, NNS, Bella, National Collective, Munguin’s, Peter Bell. Hell the list is at the top of the page. 
I agree – so much energy has been wasted attacking the BBC for, well being the BBC!  Stubborn obstacles should be circumvented, not trashed. 

call me dave

This is unfortunate for all effected and shows how much human activity is now reliant on computer systems
By the time it gets to Thursday it will be the ‘First Eck’s fault no doubt…..Oh! ..but there is no conspiracy in the BBC.  It will be fixed today I hope.  

link to


Exactly Luigi. The UK media is the UK media in general. Its like trying to convince a died in the wool carnivore to become a vegetarian and wondering why they don’t jump to it? You don’t change that kind of institutionalisation overnight, you get round it or develop your own lines of communicating with the public. Looking at the Rev’s figures, the latter is getting along quite well. 🙂


Here is the link to the BBC Trust survey which will give you the opportunity to put your views forward regarding the running of BBC Scotland and their links to the Scottish Labour Party.

link to

gavin lessells

A survey carried out by an EU group last year concluded that of the Scottish population active on social media 76% were in favour of Independence for Scotland.

We need to greatly increase the numbers involved to give us a chance of victory in September 2014. The  purpose of the “Aye Right” leaflet is to increase  those numbers. Get leafleting!

Training Day

What Macart said.
Pilger has written extensively about how the use of the word ‘conspiracy’ allows the establishment to marginalise and neuter dissent.  There is no conspiracy at BBC Scotland because there doesn’t need to be – the orthodoxy (in this case that of default Unionism) prevails unspoken and is seen as the establishment ‘consensus’ position by those operating in that environment.



well said about the 90’s, I remember all those feelings well.

Anyway, Gladcafe event (see Albalha above) in Glasgow tonight at 7:30pm but be early as limited seating… this event is getting videoed which will be available later via RIC YouTube site – will publish details once done.

Also going to try and stream the event, so check in about 7:15pm at link to

Finally we are helping to collecting items for Bridging the Gap food cupboard, so if you come along please bring something. Project workers from BTG will be available before event to discuss what they do and who they help.

Brian Powell

Mr Bateman’s first blog on the BBC didn’t make it into the news, but probably his second, mentioning the SNP, will!


Re the BBC Trust survey, having just spoken to them, to seek clarification on what’s excluded, BBC Radio Scotland, Rep Scot, Newsnight Scotland excluded though all online content, including BBC Scotland, will be included.
As per the page
On this occasion we will NOT be reviewing:

Content aimed at or available only to specific UK nations, regions and local areas.
Content primarily aimed at or available only to non-UK audiences (e.g. BBC World Service)


@Training Day
There is no conspiracy at BBC Scotland because there doesn’t need to be – the orthodoxy (in this case that of default Unionism) prevails unspoken and is seen as the establishment ’consensus’ position by those operating in that environment.
Yup – I’d agree – that’s about the size of it.  It’s just part of the workplace culture at Pacific Quay – which makes it even harder to challenge.  For them, what they’re doing is perfectly normal – they carry out the remit of their job in compliance with the prevailing workplace culture.  In fact, I’m sure many of them think they’re actually doing a good job – and in some ways, maybe they are.  I think most people would take it for granted that if the boss is happy with the work they do, then they’re doing a good job for the organisation.  But in a publicly-funded organisation, it begs the question of who exactly is the boss?
Ken McQuarrie thinks HE’s the boss.  But John Boothman thinks HE’s the boss.  There again, Paul Sinclair of the Labour Party thinks HE’s the boss.  We, as licence fee payers, think WE’re the boss.  Looks likely at least one of us is going to be disappointed.


“There doesn’t need to be a conspiracy for bias to be institutionalised”

This is exactly the point.

“so much energy has been wasted attacking the BBC for, well being the BBC! Stubborn obstacles should be circumvented, not trashed”

And this as well.

Though there may be nothing we can really do to correct this bias, we should still be making as many as possible fully aware of it, almost in a “well, they’re the BBC ingrained with Labour, of course they’ll favour the union” kind of way. (Although from the noises I hear from a number of non-politicos it’s already being noted).


I hate to disagree with you Rev but irony did not die with this yesterday.
Because today, after Cameron – PM of the UK, hence Scotland and leader of the Tories – refusing to debate with Salmond because he doesn’t have a vote and it’s entirely for the people of Scotland to decide…
…today his Scottish leader wee Ruthie will make a speech to Tories in England begging them to get involved and tell the Scottish people not to vote for independence (or separation probably in her words). And no doubt begging them to add funds and do whatever else they can.


Thanks for posting the RIC event btw. I’ll head along and see if I can get in but might “butt out” if it’s too busy as it’s pointless having too many already yes people taking up space.


I remember that 90s feeling too, hehe  (Child of the 80s here!)
I think that’s why, as much as I want to be positive about our chances of winning independence, I know we’ve got everything to lose if we fail.  So I’m going to be gradually chewing my fingernails down to nothing as September 2014 draws nearer.  Even noticed some grey hairs too…  Not good, not good…
Anyways, I’m off for now.  Gotta go fill in my ‘Looking for Work’ diary!


Oh and btw (three posts in a row…sorry) someone upthread mentioned the Cambuslang meeting. The Yes to an Independent Scotland facebook page had details of that and a picture
It appears between 4 and 8 people (some identified as local orange lodge members) turned up with a banner that read “Cambuslang say’s no” (misplaced apostrophe all theirs). They shouted down female speakers and told and a Yes voter with an English accent to “f*** off back to England”. Nice.


Well if it is too busy we can have a blether in the cafe part, the event is taking place in their backroom, used for events, gigs etc. Would be good to meet you and other WoS posters.


At least you’ve got hair. 🙂


Ruth with the same old tired routine there…
Only 67% of SNP voters want independence.
Alex Salmond doesn’t speak for the majority of Scots.
Salmond bad.
Independent Scotland would start with large debt. (a UK better-together benefit, obviously) 
She offered nothing new. Heard it all before. She might as well have stayed away, and they just played a recording of any previous Ruth spiel.


Couldn’t agree more. Spread the word and let folks know there are alternative places to go and alternative views and interpretations of the news to see and hear. That we’re not happy with the established media and for very good reason. Leveson kicked over a rock and exposed all the media in the UK for what it was.
We deserve better.


How long did Lamont refuse to answer any questions on the situation in Falkirk? 
If I’m right …I think we’re still waiting! I know Ed, Len and the folk involved have all said their piece …but Ms Lamont? Hmmmmm……


Murray McCallum says:     
Wonder how the Scottish Labour membership dive is coming along?
I can’t work out if you are being clever here or not! Is it meant to be ‘drive’ …or is it ‘dive’?
Put it this way …it works both ways for me !!!


Quite agree with you.  Tell as many people as possible about the bias that comes out of BBC Scotland and their links to the Scottish Labour Party.  That they are a shower of lowlife lying bastards, who’s whole agenda is to bring down the Scottish Government and the Yes Campaign.  It’s a pity their are some on this site who cant see the bias.  If those people on here who have a problem with people complaining about BBC Scotland bias then I suggest all you are doing is supporting the BT Campaign.  They also say there is no bias at BBC Scotland.


Speaking as a non-Dundonian Arabs fan, I was watching the Celtic v Barcelona match last night on TV (hard lines Celtic, btw). Like a couple of other posters on here I too noticed the independence banner and the saltires displayed by some in the crowd. I found this to be encouraging signs that the positive message of the independence debate is getting through to more and more people.
Mind you I have always been puzzled up until now, that Scottish independence hasn’t been embraced enthusiastically by the majority of the Celtic supporters, many of whom are of Irish descent and whose ancestors fought for centuries for the cause of Ireland’s independence. Still, better late than never say I, so welcome aboard you Celtic fans and better luck with your remaining fixtures in the Champions League.

On the subject of Labour’s hypocrisy on name calling, pots and kettles springs to mind!


Highbrows Darling obviously aint the only monkey in the Labour party,
and David Cameron aint the only tory tough guy who plays with dolls.

Jim Watson

@gordoz Should we tell bettertogether inverclyde that the time for marking one year to the referendum has actually passed? Or should we just keep quiet in the hope that they miss out on referendum day…
Forgive me but what a bunch of {insert own expletive}!

NB According to their facebook page no one has signed up for the leafletting sessions yet…


 @proudscot – this is an almost impossible one to answer properly but many Scots with Irish ancestry enthusiastically embraced the Labour party from the beginning.
This is because a lot of ‘protestants’ were happy to vote for the conservative an unionist party for historic reasons.
The Labour lot over the years managed to persuade the Irish, catholic descendants, that only they could protect them from discrimination and the closing of catholic schools.
It would take a pyschiatrist to work through the thought processes. That’s why LFI are so important to the independence debate.
It’s really complex and that attitude exists today even in, well educated, computer literate catholics who should have the knowledge to see through the lies


@cath -I wonder if the beeb will be reporting on the disruption of the Yes meeting in Cambuslang – I won’t be holding my breath.
If there is no bias at BBC Scotland then they are definitely suffering from institutionalised anti-SNPism.
You couldn’t make it up that supporters of the union are telling an English person to fuck off back home – do these people actually have any brains?


“The party led by Johann Lamont just slagged someone off…………..” What party might that be! As far as I’m aware she belongs to the Labour Party that is lead by that lower sixth schoolboy Miliband from always south across the border! She might lead a subset of that domain, a grouping …. but she does not lead any legally registered political party, North or South of that border!


Regarding the disruption to the yes meeting ar Cambuslang , I would imagine that it is something we had better get used to as it is the only ammunition that project fear have left in their armoury.

As others have stated , the more the soft no,s and dont knows are informed the more they will move to yes and the only way that project fear can stop that is by shutting down the debate wether that be at public yes meetings or at yes stalls in city centres and public fetes.

Sites like wings and newsnet are now so important to informing the public that there will be a concerted campaign to either discredit pro independence sites or even have them shut down.

I would reckon that what we have seen thrown at the Rev so far is only the tip of the iceberg that has still to come.

Murray McCallum

“I can’t work out if you are being clever here or not! Is it meant to be ‘drive’ …or is it ‘dive’?”
You’re right it does work both ways. I meant dive – how else could any rational person explain their strategy over the last 15 or so years?

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