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Wings Over Scotland

The air war

Posted on May 02, 2015 by
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The biggest crisis since the abdication?


The biggest constitutional crisis!
An invasion of Nazis is obviously a trivial matter compared to the King marrying a divorcee. But electing SNP MP’s! The end of the world is nigh. Repent! Repent!


Hyperbole? I think not.


The battle of Britain indeed Chris, the north British are getting restless. I saw some hyperwanks had posted pictures of the butchers apron with happy birthday UK 308 years old yesterday well we are about to crash the party

Robert Louis

How bizarre the hysteria from England over the SNP. In total, Scottish constituency MP’s from all parties make up just 9% of the total at Westminster. England has a built in 80%+ majority, no matter how the election turns out.

What is truly shameful however, is the outright xenophobia and casual racism against Scots and Scotland, that has been a feature of this election. If ever you needed proof of why Scotland needs independence, the last few weeks have made it crystal clear.

Then, to top it all, the London political commentariat has the temerity to write the most ill-informed, nonsense articles, asking ‘why are Scots voting SNP?’. Truly beggars belief.


Thankfully we have our own Winston Churchill in the form of Ed Miliband to help us deal with this existential threat.

Bob Mack

Chocks away chaps ,these damn Nazis north of the border deserve a sound thrashing . We have already bayoneted the wounded ,so a straffing run or two should be just what the doctor ordered to see the blighters orf
Love the artwork Chris

Alastair Wright

Dah dah dah dah dah daaaaaah!

[…] The air war […]

Red Squirrel

For you Tommy, the IndyRef is never over…

Grouse Beater

Ah yeah but-no, but yeah but… another Royal baby on the way. What perfect timing. Announced as conceived a few days before the Referendum vote, born a few days before the General Election. Those Scotties will come back to their senses. Three hurrahs for the British state!

A sedentary man’s contribution to the slop of the election:
link to

Tackety Beets

I have craved Independence for Scotland since the 60’s . This current round of arrogance and ignorance from ” people who know better” is nothing new to me .

The slight difference recently is that they are unable to contain themselves and fail to realise that a huge chunk of those living in Scotland are very aware of reality and truth.

Their muck and lies do not stick so hard anymore .

I feel like many who have posted here that SNP , at times , seam too polite.

Eg We still hear the biggest party crap > fair enough the ” Anti Tory MP s ” rhetoric from Nicola
The ’79 SNP voted with the Tories should have been emphatically debunked by SNP by reminding everyone ( at every opportunity ) that 34 Labour MPs inc Denis Skinner etc voted with the Cons !
When 1924 pops up ” so what was 1951 all about ?
Or Yes but the smaller party Did become the Gvt so it can happen ! Etc etc

On balance it has been very hard for SNP to get a full message across when the full wie

Regardless of my critical view , take nothing away from our current Polls and pray it converts to votes on Thurs .
I thank everyone here and on the doorsteps for everything they have done , making WM squirm , and making an Aull Mannie affa happy .

Thank you


Scotland’s been heavily demilitarised for over a decade anyway. They could Trident nuke the place if their BBC says style democracy fails to save creepy Jim next week.



Best wishes to Kate for a safe and early deliverance.

@tackety bits

Please get the facts for 1979 . I find it best just to remind folks who Callaghan and his cabinet blamed. They blamed their own Labour MP,s .The SNP and the bigger number of Liberals voted against but by that time the duck was already dead!

Grouse Beater

We have reached the stage the British state must protect itself against a section of its own population – Scotland!

Grouse Beater

Famous 15: Best wishes to Kate for a safe and early deliverance.

From Scotland? 🙂

chris kilby

It’s Scoterdammerrung. Ascotalypse Now. Armageddon outta here!


That’s the nub of this election it seems Chris.

That ‘n’ thoosands of leaflets!! 😀


Bandits at 5 o’clock!


Are there any betting odds on how long Ed M will last as leader if Labour could form a government with SNP support, and they refuse?

Charles Edward

I say.. have you heard about the Killing Joke Plan?

We have an agent seeding this new secret weapon to the old High command up there.

He’s very good, blends in as one of their own..Bloody dedicated to the know he’s not what he once was..survived a dangerous attack..turned his hair White!
I think it was an egg grenade, ..

But this weapon, let me explain..
Delivered directly to the enemy in letter form it petrifies the minds of the weakest who read it.. only the strongest survive.

Incredibly toxic..We can’t let the Geneva convention get in the way here.. too much at stake my boy!

But the funny thing is that the ‘joke’ isn’t actually funny at all..

Designed especially by chaps in white coats it has been translated into their own language. .I can’t read it..gobbledegook to me..
Did you know they don’t talk like us? Heaven knows we tried to beat it out of them..


Caught Jim Naughtie on R4 this morning reporting from Clydeside, once great bastion of Labour politics, now sadly defunct. The empty shipyards, the closed pits, Ravenscraig blown up and demolished, a tram museum. Illustrated by clips from Jimmy Reid (Communist), John MacLean (Communist) and the song written by Hamish Henderson (Communist). Is Jim confused?


Could have been ” the air waves war” Chris.????


Coming to a headline where you are…….
Scotmageddon? Defcon Scot? FrankenScot?
McDanger? Panic McStations….etc etc etc


Air War aka Snakes on a Plane


I’m with Famous 15 on this. The lass is having a bairn and I wish her well.

I don’t think her family are at all relevant to me or to anything I do. I don’t feel I should be paying her or her family, who have plenty money of their own.

But anyone in the throes of having a baby has my best wishes.

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 2 May, 2015 at 8:46 am:

“We have reached the stage the British state must protect itself against a section of its own population – Scotland!”.

That’ll be the United Kingdom State, Grousebeater, – they only think they are the British state. Just as they think they will still be the United Kingdom in a bipartite union with Scotland when we disunited the Treaty of Union.

As I pointed out on your website, they all seem to be rather confused all the time.


Per ardua ad astra.

Dr Jim

Who’s having a what?

Och aye thae folk

Robert Peffers

@Capella says: 2 May, 2015 at 9:17 am:

” … Is Jim confused?

So you noticed that too?

I was over at Grousebeater’s site earlier on just that subject.

link to

The confusion stems from, not only Jim’s head office manager, but his contemporary Establishment Head-Office managers.


News stand headlines have Miliband in retreat over SNP tie up. Ed looks like he’s trying to hand the election to Dave. There are only two reasons for voting for Labour in England – Nicola as backbone and removing the Tories. Miliband is a nightmare.


Update: Jimmy Reid joined the SNP in 2005 and fully supported Scottish Independence.
link to

Jim Naughtie forgot to mention that in his piece about the slow death of Labour in Scotland.
John Maclean and Hamish Henderson also supported Scottish Indpendence. The BBC should learn to use Google when researching the background of their opinion pieces.


It’s been all turbulence so far – what’s the odds on a crash landing for the Union?

Cadogan Enright

off canvassing in East Renfrewshire . . .but first link to

The Man in the Jar

Biggles fly`s undone!


Good article on your website Grousebeater

To Robert Peffers I like reading your posts and keeping us on the correct lines ref our history and the UK

Grouse Beater

Do the few remaining Labour supporters in Scotland know how ludicrous the are applauding their nasal leader when he boasts he’ll keep Scottish politicians out of Westminster?

[…] Visit the post for more.  […]


O/T Just watched John Harris’s revealing piece on Coatbridge and sitting MP, red tory, Tom Clarke:
link to

The picture it portrays is truly pathetic, in the true sense of the word.

We see Clarke prompting one of his constituents, a former miner, to confirm that when his pit was closed, Clarke was right there, ensuring that he got his redundancy payment okay. A redundancy payment that would, of course, been unnecessary had our country’s mining industry (and many others) not been destroyed by an extreme right-wing Westminster government that we didn’t vote for and which Tom Clarke and the huge cohort of Labour MPs from Scotland were utterly powerless to influence let alone stop.

Someone once insightfully said that the Labour party in Scotland’s primary purpose is to reduce the ambitions of the Scottish people. The thoroughly mediocre Tom Clarke and his decades-long track record of lack of achievement (with the obvious exception of his maintenance a very lucrative career for all these years) perfectly embodies this concept. His ousting this week, should it happen, will be very richly deserved.


Great cartoon. I wondered if the ‘air war’ was a pun on broadcasting?

The current circumstances are a indeed a huge crisis for the London establishment. Largely their own making, of course.

There’s my theory on what will happen after the election. Lab + LibDem will hold a majority in seats and votes in rUK. This will give them the moral justification to form a more representative government than the Tories+UKIP. The SNP would vote against a Tory, but not a Lab+LibDem.

This will be a full blown Lab+LibDem coalition, a majority of rUK, bit minority of UK. They can pass English only legislation if SNP abstain. For anything UK wide, they will do some basic mutual back scratching deals with the SNP.


What a grand idea Chris. It could also be the meeja on the announcement that the “Royal” baby was on its way.

I also like the idea that the “Few” of the SNP will show the might of the “Luftwaffe” of present parliamentarians who is boss in the next 5 years war.

However there was a piece in the FT this week saying the world has moved on and we should stop measuring everything in terms of the WW2!

call me dave

Caption… No No come back ….I said scrambled eggs!!!

David Torrance praises the labour rally where Murphy gave “the speak of the campaign” last night.
He then bemoans the fact that the guests were ‘carefully selected’ and numbered all of 200.

paul gerard mccormack

I wonder when the powers that be in England will actually proscribe the SNP, or Plaid Cymru for that matter and be done with it.

They’ll have no doubt considered this and the means by which to do it as a solution to their problem.

Is it only a matter of time before a private members bill is put forward in westminster banning any party advocating the ‘break-up’ of the united kingdom?

That way they can move their problem into legal territory, which they do control.

i would put nothing past them.


Do Scottish MPs have the right to represent their constituents in Westminster? Do they have the right to fight for a better deal for Scotland? Do they have the right to say who they will support at Westminster? Do they have the right to state their demands for their support at Westminster? Do they have a right to have their own view of the economic policies that should be implemented across the UK?

The answer to all of the above is a big, resounding YES!

Does Nicola Sturgeon have the right and go on TV and tell the whole of the UK who she is going to choose as the Prime Minister? Yes she does. Do the rest of us have the right to disagree with her choice? Yes we do.

Does she have the right to tell the people of England (whilst holding out her hand of friendship) that she doesn’t care if the English vote Tory – she will never work with them – and she wants to be part of an anti-Tory alliance to block them out of office. Yes she does. Do the rest of us have the right to object to that and vote and act accordingly. Yes we do.

Do the SNP have the right to try and get their economic policies adopted at Westminster? Do the SNP have the right to use whatever leverage they feel they have to achieve those aims? Do they have the right to work with other parties to prevent the implementation of policies they disagree with?

Again, a big YES. Do other parties that disagree with those policies, and don’t want those aims achieved, have the right to vote, or act, or speak against them? Yes they do.

The SNP have made incredible and unprecedented gains on the political stage. They are a serious political party with enormous support in Scotland. However, the forthcoming GE, contrary to what many here seem to think, is vote for a Parliament that represents the UK – not just Scotland -and everyone in the UK has the right to their opinions and to choose the way they vote.

The SNP has made Scotland a key issue in this election. The SNP chose that as its mantra.

Scotland is not the key issue in this election. The UK economy is. The SNP wants to implement economic policies that parties representing (as stated above) 80/90% of the UK electorate disagree with, and don’t want.

It is the nature of many here on this site that they confuse people that have a distaste for SNP economic policies – with being anti-scots or casually racist. Understandably, for political advancement, the SNP has wrapped its desire for Independence and then included implicit support for its economic policies under the same flag. And that is the SNP’s problem.

There are many more Scots that want Independence, probably enough to win a referendum, but their desire for Independence is overshadowed by their fear of a Scotland run with SNP economic policies.

Naina Tal

Sendible Dave:

Grouse Beater

The Italian Job: Good article on your website Grouse Beater

Molto grazie!

Drop by there sometime! 🙂

Dr Jim

The only one saying NO DEAL is Miliband

The rest of his party are saying the opposite
Andy Burnam, Harriet Harmon, Chukka Omunna and on and on

The Media just aren’t reporting it London Evening Standard
interview with Burnam

Now we hear the Queen won’t deliver the speech unless an agreement is reached for a working majority
So is Ed just hoping for a Lib Dem surge?

I’ve a feeling he might be a tad disappointed there


Nevah, have so many, been scared by so few, with so little,

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“The SNP wants to implement economic policies that parties representing (as stated above) 80/90% of the UK electorate disagree with, and don’t want.”

How are you arriving at that figure?


Nice one Chris.

Anyone who doesn’t submit to complete centralized British control from London is seen as an enemy ‘clear and present danger’-even their own countrymen.

Totalitarian British Nationalists – if only they could see themselves as they are.


Sensible Dave…An oxymoron

The Man in the Jar


“The SNP has made Scotland a key issue in this election. The SNP chose that as its mantra.”

No shit Sherlock!


As the independence movement moves forward post referendum,it is clear that the big divide is generational.Folk with closed minds on independence drop off the register and folk with open minds come on.The majority of them will have atleast one Yes supporting parent.They won’t read unionist newspapers or watch the BBC news.Miliband knows this and that’s why he has chosen to court voters in Middle England rather than Scotland.He realises independence is inevitable.


Coming soon in the next week in a headline where you are…
Scotmageddon! McNasty Party! FrankenScot! etc etc etc…

No no no...Yes

Nice one Chris.

In the last weekend of full campaigning we still have a lot of work to do to counter negative tactics of the Unionist parties who don’t want their policies scrutinised. The frenzied MSM rhetoric is reaching full throttle, but a new royal baby this weekend could be a fantastic distraction for us.

One issue that has not been discussed very often this campaign is MPs having a second job or other sources of income. The website link to of Members’ Interests is a great reference source. For example, the Register of Interests for Gordon Banks, the Ochil and South Perthshire Labour candidate and incumbent MP states:

“Last updated: 30 Mar 2015.

1. Remunerated directorships
Cartmore Building Supply Co Ltd, Cartmore Industrial Estate, Lochgelly, Fife. Builders’ merchant. Work includes: attending meetings; reviewing management accounts; reviewing company procedures; performance and processes; management of staff; and, management of stock control and IT development.

27 January 2015, received salary payment of £22,666.67 gross, (£13,160.20 net) for period 1-31 January 2015. Hours: 19 hrs. (Registered 23 February 2015)

27 February 2015, received salary payment of £2,666.67 gross, (£1,559.80 net) for period 1-28 February 2015. Hours: 16 hrs. (Registered 11 March 2015) ”

All MP’s are permitted to have second jobs and other sources of income, but I understand SNP MPs are not allowed to have second jobs. Surely the voters need to know if their MP can/will dedicate all their time and effort to serving their constituents? Do candidates have a responsibility to share their intentions BEFORE 7 May?


Scotland is not the key issue in this election. The UK economy is. The SNP wants to implement economic policies that parties representing (as stated above) 80/90% of the UK electorate disagree with, and don’t want

Its democracy dickhead. Although now Scotland might have some actual say in teamGB, the UKOK freak show’s starts whimpering on about an all new PR Westminster. Funny that.

Dan Huil

@sensibledave. Great advert for voting for the SNP. Much appreciated. Keep up the good work.

Bill Greaves

I got a well liked reply to a comment I made about the hatred spewing north of the border from England. Apparently the problem is Scotland’s hatred for everyone and everything. Any evidence to back that up? No, evidence is not necessary when you are an all knowing Englishman.


Not forgetting all those Johnny Foreigners and immigrants who flew the spitfires eh Nigel 🙂

Grouse Beater

Sensible Shoes: …but their desire for Independence is overshadowed by their fear of a Scotland run with SNP economic policies.

Eh? More fear of being marked out by a shill as ‘a person of special interest.’

You’re spying on us, so who is spying on you, Dear Dave?


Proscribing the SNP would not be the end of Westminster’s problems, this policy has worked nowhere else indeed it has only served to make the proscribed party stronger.

Grouse Beater

The PNR: Sensible Dave… an oxymoron

Nobody likes a name with ‘moron’ in it. 😉



From this and your previous posts you seem to have an unduly high opinion of the UK economy as shaped by Labour and Conservatives over the last 40/50 years.

There are many people in the UK beyond just the SNP who realise that revolving the economy around a corrupt and bankrupt Financial services industry based in London,with centralized control over all economic policy from Westminster is not the way to go.


“It is the nature of many here on this site that they confuse people that have a distaste for SNP economic policies – with being anti-scots or casually racist.”
On the jockophobia scale “a distaste for SNP economics policies” doesn’t even register as being anti Scottish or casual racism.

wee jock poo-pong mcplop

Sensible Dave above makes some fair points – there is nothing wrong in English voters regarding their own interests as foremost when they tick the box. He doesn’t sound like a BritNat troll to me, but someone with a considered point of view slightly different to that of most of us on this site.

But he evades the point that we are in the fog of war – our vision obscured by the stinking clouds of calculated hatred and borderline racism being rolled over the trenches towards us from the Unionist parties and the established media.


Congrats to Wills and Kate on the birth of their baby girl.The bookies will be offering odds on the name.My money is on Caledonia McWindsor.

Grizzle McPuss


When do you start commenting on Northern Ireland political parties in the same way you attempt to dissect Scottish politics in the UK context?

C’mon, give us the benefit of your broad-church insight.

bald eagle

fucksake its a lassie shit born at 8-30am

my money is on her being called magrit curren


Sensible-it’s been stated many times before and you are falling in to the same trap as the proud scots zoomer sites, after we were going to vote yes there would be scottish elections so the people could vote for any party they wanted so your statement “a fear of Scotland run with SNP economic policies” is bullshit.


“The difference between the SNP and those other parties is that the SNP want to break up the Union.
Nobody wants to be wagged by a Scottish tail.”

Some time spent on the tail, being forced to swallow whatever comes out of the dogs arse, will almost certainly modify your point of view.

We’re not trying to break up the Union. We just want to live shit free.


wee jock poo-pong mcplop says:
2 May, 2015 at 11:23 am
Sensible Dave above makes some fair points

No thats wrong. He/she’s just one more rule Britannia Britnat that raged against Scottish independence and won.

And now their UKOK rage is aimed at keeping same Scottish YES vote out of “their” democracy in London. Vote how we say or else now but its all an appalling indictment of same ProjectFear BetterTogether campers that begged, lied, threatened and pleaded Scotland to vote NO, or just another day in teamGB.

It stinks.

west wales


I remember poring over the details of Scottish MPs’ claims during the expenses scandal in 2009. When attending parliament Tom Clark stayed at the Sloane Club in Chelsea,a very upmarket set of service apartments with posh bars and restaurants too. A club that describes itself on it’s website as “the epitome of elegance”. A far cry from Coatbridge.

Still at least he didn’t flip hooses like my MP Alistair Darling.


@ Rev. Stuart Campbell

Morning Rev. The Tories, Labour, the Lib/dems, UKIP, DUP (the 80/90%) all believe, that “austerity” budgeting as it has been labelled, needs to be carried on. The SNP wants to end austerity budgeting immediately – uniquely. Similarly, the SNP thinks it is more important to increase spending elsewhere by saving the money from Trident upgrade. The other parties don’t.

@ Man in the jar

… given you understand and agree with me, you can tell the others above why the rest of the UK don’t want the general election to be just about the Scots – its about what the electorate in the whole of the UK.

@ Almannysbunnet 10:40 am

You wrote: “Nevah, have so many, been scared by so few, with so little,” – a parody/paraphrasing of a speech during a war.

Just for clarity, yes we are scared, scared that a bunch of lefties (wherever they live) ending up being responsible for creating jobs, creating wealth and generating tax receipts. We are afraid because we know, yes we know, that if SNP policies were actually implemented – then, in a few years, we will have more unemployment, less wealth being created, less tax receipts from “the rich” and hence tax increases for the less well paid. We know this because that is what every lefty government achieves.

We are absolutely not scared of “the Scots”, or Independence, most of us don’t care either way.

So, going back to your quote above, I understand that you think you are at war. The rest of us are not. We are having a General Election. In your war, I am your enemy. In my General Election, you are just someone who favours a different party and different economic policies – and thereby hangs the problem.


Love the new poster for Labour “granny terrorising Tory collaborators!”

Free Scotland

Better together? Sorry, I’m not feeling it.

Who came up with the slogan “Better Together?” Self-serving unionists, who figured that they will fare better (in economic terms) if we are together with them. They’re not so keen on togetherness when asked to work with people whose philosophy of life does not chime with their own. What should encourage us, though, is that a rapidly growing number of voters in Scotland have seen through the shabby unionist doctrines foisted upon us by the equally shabby news media.

Roll on next Thursday! VOTE SNP.


Ladbrokes have Baby name
Nicola 2/1
Poopoo McPlop Evens


heedtracker 10:55 am

“Its democracy dickhead. Although now Scotland might have some actual say in teamGB, the UKOK freak show’s starts whimpering on about an all new PR Westminster. Funny that.”

… the normal useful comments from you Heedtracker. If you had a brain, and could comprehend the written language, you would see that the whole post was about democracy.

Ian Brotherhood

I’m off to Poundland to get one of those ‘It’s A Girl!’ cards.

Huzzah! Huzzah!


It’s funny really (ironic) that when Scotland hasn’t been voting Tory for decades and we have still had to endure Conservative governments that do not represent our polity’s preferred social equality agenda. That there was no outcry from the angolcentric viewpoint about how ‘that’ was somehow democratically unfair.

We are attempting to ‘square that circle’. As we have ‘every right to do so’. I wouldn’t be so sure that our polity’s agenda is so different from vast swathes of the electorates’ of other areas within this defunct UK structure.

They have not as yet, had any other than the big Two party monopoly to choose from. That has changed in Scotland. The rUK is playing catch up. People shouldn’t be claiming they speak for everyone else, even from their own polity.

When the mood music is altering, time to learn a different dance.

(Great cartoon Chris; reflects the media’s mood music orchestrated by their masters voice)

Grouse Beater

Sensible Shoes: my whole post was about democracy

You abuse it and use it for your own ends.


That “dave” fella sounds a bit effie tae me likes.


… the normal useful comments from you Heedtracker. If you had a brain, and could comprehend the written language, you would see that the whole post was about democracy.

Thanks. You don’t want SNP vote in Westminster and your bollox is all about how its wrong for a teamGB minority to have any influence on what you decided the teamGB majority.

This is all just one one of the major drivers towards Scotland running Scotland. So have at it dickhead.

Dal Riata

We interrupt this article BTL to happily announce the birth of a girl to Katherine, the Queen’s daughter-in-law…

The glad tidings were announced by a town-crier in the appropriate style that such a momentous occasion deserves…

The waiting crowd were overjoyed at the glad tidings, some with tears of joy on their face…

The whole nation is ecstatic and as one in its happiness…

Events worldwide have paused as the eyes of the world look towards London…

Congratulations are pouring in from world leaders…

The BBC and its presenters have wet their knickers at the phenomenally exciting news…



Poopoo McPlop Evens

hahahahahahahaha 🙂


Ian Brotherhood

Why spend so much? Get down to Card Factory and get a 29 pence card. Good timing, now give us a chance to compare the difference between the many children born into poverty to those born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

Dal Riata

wee jock poo-pong mcplop says:

“He doesn’t sound like a BritNat troll to me, but someone with a considered point of view slightly different to that of most of us on this site.”

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Aye, right ye are!


sensibledave says:
2 May, 2015 at 11:37 am

@ Almannysbunnet 10:40 am

You wrote: “Nevah, have so many, been scared by so few, with so little,” – a parody/paraphrasing of a speech during a war.
Just for clarity, yes we are scared, scared that a bunch of lefties blah blah..So, going back to your quote above, I understand that you think you are at war.

Wow you read a lot into the parody of a Churchill quote. Nothing so convoluted I’m afraid. Merely the sight of the WWII above cartoon jogging it loose.


What a wonderful day!

Doesn’t it make you feel so proud to be British?

Dr Jim

I see we have the spokesperson for everybody on again
and missing the point by a million miles again

Opinions are fine, opinions are also valid, BUT only to yourself, thereafter people either decide to agree or not

If not then shouting and pushing negates your position again
Maybe then you ask yourself why people don’t agree with your position again

Then perhaps failing to garner support for your argument again you might come to the conclusion you may be wrong again
Being a spokes person for the masses must be arduous when no evidence of agreement or support by these masses can be produced
Which brings us back to one persons opinion to which no one would deny your entitlement but your efforts to encourage agreement here by your consistent badgering of other posters borders on the desire to impose

And by now if you haven’t worked out we kinda don’t care for impositions in Scotland then in the words of the great
Forest Gump….( You’re not a smart man )

Offence intended, again…


Well thats it, game over. Royal baby born so probably an emergency lab con lib coalition now, ie all the unionists will stick together for the greater good. How depressing!


For me it isn’t about the SNP or party politics it’s about Scotland and the Scots at long last having their voice heard in the UK parliament, the UK not the English parliament.

I don’t really care about the SNP but at the moment they are the only vehicle possible to achieve this aim. I would hope that the unionist parties in Scotland would change and cut the strings with their London masters and push for real change for Scotland. No Trident, no House of Lords, no sovereignty of parliament, a written constitution a true partnership of nations in a true union not this sham where the biggest nation overlords the smaller nations.

Name for the new royal – Bernadette Mary 🙂


People won’t be able to vote. Too busy knitting boottees 🙁


Deliverance went down well?

Nicola it is then!


Grizzle McPuss 11:25 am

“When do you start commenting on Northern Ireland political parties in the same way you attempt to dissect Scottish politics in the UK context? C’mon, give us the benefit of your broad-church insight.”

Finding my insight to tough Grizzly?

Bob Mack

You sir are ill named.You lack sense. Stand back from your political affiliations for a few hours,and look at exactly how much debt this country has.The SNP did not do that.It was Labour and Conservatives.
You may feel the country is booming again,but the reality is that we still have a deficit,and massive 1.5 Trillion debt,which by my reckoning will not be paid even by the time I had great great grandchildren.Some legacy is it not?
In this country presumably,my vote is as equal as yours.That at least is the theory.
I give it to the SNP,as do many of my countrymen and women.Live with it.
This is only the start of the battle.Machinations will emerge from many sources.but we shall face them head on ,and deal with them as they arise.
We shall win in the end no matter how long it takes.


Must say I’m getting fed up with the troglodyte theory that goes something like this: there are more English people on this wee stretch of land, ergo they represent the majority, the will, the consensus & what they think, desire, demand, somehow represents democracy because they have the numbers.

Sometimes I yearn for a wee stretch of water that might have made a discernable, physical, geopolitical difference.

But that’s tectonic plates for you!


How about SNPOUT Schleswig Holstein? That’s got nice ring to it and rolls off the tongue beautifully.


Tis time to cut the umbilical and be free to grow into a confident and independent being.


80/90%? Don’t think so,if that was the case,this election would have been already decided. It isn’t,it is in the balance.


sensibledave@12:27. or should be suadedave

Your a drag man,previous UK Gov’s have got us to where we are now,so don’t big them up,they were not ‘right on’ or ‘far out’, ‘dream on’,chump.

Stop all your jibber jabber/gobblygook,dissin us with a bum rap,it’s 2015 you need to chill out and petrichor.(food banks,sanctions,nhs,bankers,corruption,ttip…….)


There’s a juggernaut coming your way,so don’t stand in the middle of the road,cos you know what happens to people who stand there,yeah,they get f####d by the elephant in the room. 😉

May 7th……booooooom !!!

Sue Varley

Further up the thread, a couple of people have mentioned the Queen will not be making her speech unless there is prior agreement to agreement to accept it. Is there a procedure if either there is no Queen’s speech at all, or someone else makes it on her behalf and the House votes it down?

A couple of big questions occur to me.

1) How do we have a PM and a government agreed? If there is no recognised PM, who can call for a vote of confidence, and who would it be confidence in?

2) If there is some way around the fixed term parliament act, suppose we have another election and the same situation holds again, hung parliament with SNP holding the balance which Labour won’t deal with. How would the deadlock be broken?

Has anyone any ideas/insights into this?


@ the dog philosopher

It is usually called “tyranny of the majority”. Not generally held to be a good thing


The BBC and its presenters have wet their knickers at the phenomenally exciting news…

Skin crawling BBC tv news royals groveling, next to BBC party political broadcast on behalf of the SLabour party, with weasely little BBC shill explaining all new and exciting SLabour policies, usual fraud, freeze energy bills FFS and they even had the wee chump of a reporter standing between two giant LABOUR banners, incase you don’t get their BBC says vote SLab or else stuff.

BBC says vote Labour, while groveling hard core to royalty and it probably doesn’t get much creepier than that from our chums at the beeb. 5 more days of BBC right to reign over us.


It’s beginnini to look as if the latest wheeze by our perfidious pals in the media is to suggest to potential SNP voters that as it will be a walkover for the party there is no need to go out and vote.

Have any odds been quoted for a Government of National Unity?


gus-last I heard it was 20/1 for a coalition of the numpties.


Hello Sensibledave

Part of why I like this site so much is that you can debate and discuss issues and gain clarification. However, I’m thinking that you are aware that coming on the site and spieling anti-snp rhetoric isn’t going to gain much support or find you much common ground with others on the site.

I’m all for open debate but I find some of your comments – like to heedtracker @1142 a wee bit on the offensive side.

I don’t think you are a troll but am keen to find out exactly why if you are not trolling, you would come onto a site like this and then end up leaving demeaning comments which may anger/offend others? I think support for your beliefs may be in short supply here.

We all have our beliefs and debate and discussion are good, but think we should keep it good mannered, eh?

Or perhaps you are having second thoughts about the SNP and coming on the site so often has made you think more about how fantastic Scotland would be if we did have independence. It’s only a matter of time.

Anger and denial appears to surface prior to acceptance. Is this where you are, sensibledave? Don’t worry – there are many here on the site here to help guide and inform you 😉


Dr Jim 12.10

You will pleased to know that I have to break off for a while (football Focus (didnt Scotland used to have a team?), dog walk and a game of croquet before high tea).

Firstly, on the generality of objecting to anyone coming here and daring to express a different point of view, if you want to run a political blog on the Internet that only “believers” are allowed to contribute to – then just make it a closed user group or ban anyone that expresses a view outside of the “groupthink” permitted. That was a very long sentence.

I understand the mentality of going on a site where somebody writes something and then a hundred of their mates come back and tell them how right they are. You feel safe, loved, appreciated, etc.

But you are also living in a little bunkered village where you seem not to be able to comprehend that others, even fellow Scots that are No voters, might have a different point of view – Let alone understand that their different point of view, or observations, might be their conviction politics – rather than some conspiracy, oppress the jocks, westminster establishment line?

Quacky, you need to get out more. Visit some other blogs. Read, learn and share. Debate and even argue. But, a word of advice, don’t try the “is it because I is a jock” line – you may find yourself on the end of some righteous indignation from people that do not see an Independent Scotland as being the centre of the political universe. They may think you are single-issue numptie – just after a referendum on the single issue.



We have the democratic right to vote out the living dead if we so choose. Where are the journalists who will speak up for those with the same view. The silence is deafening!

Westminster see the SNP support not as a minor crisis but something far more sinister?

Victory for Better Together now appears to have been a bitter sweet vicyory, I can see things getting pretty ugly if the jocks refuse to get back in the box.


I concluded during the YES campaign that Scotland was insecurely attached to WM politics with all the emotional long term damage that it does to the adult psyche – I now think the reverse is true and we now witness the maladjustment reaction of WM whIch is insecurely attached to Scotland.
The externalising behaviours and aggression emanating from WM mediated by a complicit MSM convinces me that this extremely dysfunctional relationship will end by whatever route is practical and pragmatically possible. We can then establish a mature healthy relationship based on reciprocity and trust – the YES campaign was the initial step ,the GE the next phase – it is a process and certainly not an unfinished project.

Ian Brotherhood

Yon Nicholas Witch-hazel must’ve done something truly gross in a past life to have landed this Royal Correspondent gig.

“Your job, for the next four decades, is to update the nation on what’s happening in a flea circus. And you mustn’t ever ever laugh…”

Desperate desperate stuff. This is (checks diary) the twenty-first century we’re in.

“Witch-hazel, you stand accused…of a wasted life.”


@Fiona 1216

or knitted Buckie bunnetts – with the big loopy hoops all over them and knitted flowers…!


Sigh, the royal card is played yet again. Did it work in 2011?

Emotional unionists all over the land will be taking a day off to celebrate. The Tory press and BBC will be completely distracted. Meanwhile, that other lot will be quietly going about their business, pounding the streets, chapping doors and speaking to people with ears.



Thepnr says:

2 May, 2015 at 12:40 pm

Victory for Better Together now appears to have been a bitter sweet vicyory, I can see things getting pretty ugly if the jocks refuse to get back in the box.

Indeed, and the ugliest behaviour is going to come from fellow scots – that hard core unionist element among us who see their world threatened yet again. They represent barely 20% of the population, but they will become increasingly loud and aggressive as the union gradually disintegrates.


Seems to me that the obsession with the royal family is the measure of the strength of the positive case for the union. It is all they have. We are encouraged to believe it is a positive cohesive force, but how can we know? It is taken for granted, mostly. All politicians collude with this, and it is pissing in the font if you don’t.

I wonder what they think the difference is between this and East Enders or other soaps?


sensibledave says:
2 May, 2015 at 12:39 pm
Dr Jim 12.10

You will pleased to know that I have to break off for a while (football Focus (didnt Scotland used to have a team?), dog walk and a game of croquet before high tea).

Have a lovely afternoon and come back soon, relaxed, refreshed and ready to tell us all about how the SNP are the in fact the Tartan Tories and isn’t that a terrible terrible thing too.

Here in Aberdeen, the Press and Journal has gone vote anyone but SNP mad with full pages from likes of Norman Tebbit demanding everyone must now vote Libdem and not SNP. Fit Like Times have lots of other project fear stuff, one ex civil service no mark in P&J says vote SNP and you’ll have to pay £128 billion off for the teamGB debt share.

Its certainly an odd time to be a young conservative in their Scotland region these days.


After last week’s “Worst Crisis Since the Abdication” headline in the Unionist press I have consulted my crystal ball for tomorrow and… “Vile Nats In Royal Baby Twitter Shame”. Any bets??

Auld Rock

Hi Takeety Beets. We should also remind them to read Jim Callaghan’s memoirs where he places the blame for the fall of his Govt. squarely on the heads of the ’34’. I have made this point to SNP/HQ.

Auld Rock


Here we go Dave, supersonic hero of the Scottish conservative party says “don’t vote conservative” lol

link to

Former Conservative Party chairman Norman Tebbit has urged Tories in key north and north-east seats to shut out the SNP by backing the Liberal Democrats.
The peer revealed he had a “soft spot” for under-threat Chief Treasury Secretary Danny Alexander – and that he believed former Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy brought “joy and happiness into life”.

And Norman says Scotland’s the next Greece.

Dr Jim

I remember the black desolation that was Central Scotland under Labour and Tories both while the whole time we were being robbed of our Industries our Natural Resources our Pride and any sense of self worth we had was battered out of us in order to keep us servile

The SNP have changed a whole lot of that
Infrastructure projects Hospitals to rival anything in the world new road networking projects the Commonwealth Games we have our own Silicon Glen equal to anything in the world Farming, Agriculture, Fishing, Golf the food and drinks Industry is second to none we have some of the best restaurants on the planet because of SNP promotion of our country Fergusons Shipyard who kept it open, Alex Salmonds efforts in encouraging investment the list goes on
and all done during the so called recession and on dwindling year on year budgets
The detractors moan stamp their feet with constant SNP bad rhetoric from every angle and still the SNP push forward for Scotland

I remember Labour in power sitting on their backsides taking the money for years watching the plight of our country and doing nothing

How dare Unionists criticise the honesty and efficiency with which the SNP carry out their work on our behalf when they, the Westminster Politicos of all colours year on year deceived our people and held our country in a vice like poverty grip while they themselves grew fat on the juices of Scotlands wealth

I could crush a grape with animosity towards the so called Better Together Yookay…OK


… just for the record, as a red blooded Englishman, I couldn’t care less about a new, royal baby. Again, sorry if that doesn’t fit your pigeon holing.

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 2 May, 2015 at 10:05 am:

“Do the few remaining Labour supporters in Scotland know how ludicrous the are applauding their nasal leader when he boasts he’ll keep Scottish politicians out of Westminster?”

Nah! Of course they don’t, Grouse Beater. Those guys would have applauded that numptie if he had told them he was about to rename the Labour party the NuTory party.

Grizzle McPuss


Your insightfulness was a fail the moment you uttered the line:-

“The SNP has made Scotland a key issue in this election. The SNP chose that as its mantra”

I was being merely facetious in alluding to your attempt at perception of the bleedin’ obvious.

You then go to make the sweeping statement:-

“Scotland is not the key issue in this election. The UK economy is. The SNP wants to implement economic policies that parties representing (as stated above) 80/90% of the UK electorate disagree with, and don’t want”.

Let’s take that one to bits as it’s the one I spent most time shouting “fuck off” at…

First thing…evidence of your alleged 80/90%?

Perhaps given the chance, the reality is more a case that many a voter from the likes of Liverpool, Manchester and all the major cities and areas down south, those actually feeling the effects of the past 5 years of so-called good economic management, would relish the opportunity to vote for a party that saw more than just an austerity mantra as the way forward.

But, what are their choices?…same-old…same-old, and ALL singing a similar, but slightly skewed version of the same broken dogma. Perhaps if the SNP could field candidates elsewhere in the UK you would be surprised at the take up of supporters.

What is the current alternative elsewhere? Extremism wrapped up in a woolly Ukip racist agenda? Thank goodness there are those elsewhere in the UK who want change, but not at the expense of fair principles of common human decency; hence why we do not see an SNP type surge reflected in Ukip support.

If you try listening very carefully you will actually hear the SNP speak of a progressive UK-wide economic policy that satisfies economic stimulus…job creation, increased tax receipts etc (via moderate borrowing & investment) while still aiming to reduce the deficit. Perhaps it will take longer to balance the books, but all the SNP is merely asking is that everyone shares the burden (the pooling and sharing philosophy) and not solely those at the bottom facing continued struggle during this rapid pursuit of the previously mentioned common WM political dogma.

And if you are not hearing the public opinion that I allude to in your neck of the wood down south, perhaps you should start to ask the same questions of your branch of the MSM as WoS does for us up here.


living dead

deafening silence

minor crisis

bitter sweet

pretty ugly

sensible dave?


That big dysfunctional family is the ultimate expression of British Nationalism. Although treated asd relatively benign (referendums excepted) these genetically special people function as the Totem Pole around which the little Britisher dances the dance of inbred superiority, a divine line that stretches back to some fictitious biblical moment.

Millions have died in their name.

gerry parker

@ Almannysbunnet.

Aye, and we’re not nearly at the end, or even the begining of the end, but we are at the end of the beginning.

Onwards and upwards.

Kevin Evans

Ya know how some unionist post photos of graffiti and such on walls and cars saying “red Tory” and “Tory scum” and such. Is it just me that looks at it and thinks “there’s no evidence who wrote it and there actually insane enough to have done it themselves”?


@ sensibledave says:

Save your broadband and just keep posting “I disagree with Nicola Sturgeon and The SNP so they must now stay out of UKOK Westminster politics and 80 to 90% of us say so too”

Rule Britannia

Iain More

Achtung Hillman Imps. Donner Und Blitzen Jocklanders!

katherine hamilton

Hmmmmm. Bit of a flap on Ginger!

John H.

I was talking to my postman today. According to him Labour will be putting out two leaflets this week.

First – “48 hours to save the NHS.” Then – “24 hours to save the NHS.”

I thought that voting no in the ref. was going to save the NHS.


Glasgow’s rickshaw man strikes again. Not quite as good as his earlier stunt but a nice welcome for labour at Tollcross swimming pool yesterday. A bit disjointed but the dance off at the end is worth waiting for. 🙂

link to

Dal Riata

Yer one there, under the moniker of sensibledave, is exhibiting classic Contrarian Troll behaviour:

The Contrarian Troll. A sophisticated breed, Contrarian Trolls frequent boards whose predominant opinions are contrary to their own. A forum dominated by those who support firearms and knife rights, for example, will invariably be visited by Contrarian Trolls espousing their beliefs in the benefits of gun control. It is important to distinguish between dissenters and actual Contrarian Trolls, however; the Contrarian is not categorized as a troll because of his or her dissenting opinions, but due to the manner in which he or she behaves:

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number One: The most important indicator of a poster’s Contrarian Troll status is his constant use of subtle and not-so-subtle insults, a technique intended to make people angry. Contrarians will resist the urge to be insulting at first, but as their post count increases, they become more and more abusive of those with whom they disagree. Most often they initiate the insults in the course of what has been a civil, if heated, debate to that point.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Two: Constant references to the forum membership as monolithic. “You guys are all just [descriptor].” “You’re a lynch mob.” “You all just want to ridicule anyone who disagrees with you.”

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Three: Intellectual dishonesty. This is only a mild indicator that is not limited to trolls, but Contrarians display it to a high degree. They will lie about things they’ve said, pull posts out of context in a manner that changes their meanings significantly, and generally ignore any points for which they have no ready answers.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Four: Accusing the accusers. When confronted with their trolling, trolls immediately respond that it is the accusers who are trolls. Often the Contrarian will single out his most vocal opponent and claim that while he can respect his other opponents, this one in particular is beneath his notice.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Five: Attempts to condescend. The Contrarian will seek refuge in condescending remarks that repeatedly scorn his or her critics as beneath notice – all the while continuing to respond to them.

– Contrarian Warning Sign Number Six: One distinctive mark of Contrarian Trolls is that every thread in which they dissent quickly devolves into a debate about who is trolling whom. In the course of such a debate the Contrarian will display many of the other Warning Signs mentioned above.

(With thanks to Ubuntu)

You have been warned.

Free Scotland

The inappropriately named “Sensible Dave” aims to distract you from the discussion of what is meaningful, valuable and worthwhile. If you fall for it, more fool you!

Don’t give him air.

Iain More

Gott im Himmel! They are bombing us with tartan tin shortbread and Irn Bru!


Quiet day here today. I suppose everybody is part of the ‘joyous nation’ out celebrating somebody having a baby.

There is of course no question over the name. She will be named after great women of her time.

The glorious Princess Paula Rose Nicola of whatever etc.

James Barr Gardner

The new buckhouse baby girl will be named Victoria, her pet name will be TORY, who would have thought that!


Like three crooked salesmen trying to sell a dodgy motor while the buyers are moving towards the exit, Dave, Ed and Nick’s offers get bigger as the UK’s dodgy details, like the faulty debt brakes and the knackered engine of manufacturing industry, get forgotten about.

Such is life in the final week of GE15. But still, 90% of the 47.4 million voters still make their way to Ed, Nick & Dave’s glossy showrooms.

Trouble with the punters is they know next to nothing about the economy or cars, which is why they’re known as ‘mugs’ in the trade.

But how things are changing in Scotland where 90% has come down to about 50% and is still falling. Soon, Ed & Dave will be packing up as more and more of the punters learn what their game is, and make the move to a new make, the SNP Nicola GTI. Reliable, safe, comfortable – and at an affordable price.

Vroom Vroom

Independence here we come.

Robert Peffers

@handclapping says: 2 May, 2015 at 10:13 am:

” … However there was a piece in the FT this week saying the world has moved on and we should stop measuring everything in terms of the WW2!”

No one should ever ignore their countries history. Our whole culture has grown from our history. Anyway, talking of history – here’s some for you :

The very first WWII air raid on Britain was what, for propaganda reasons, was called, “The Forth Bridge Raid”. 16 October 1939. In fact Hitler has said he would not bomb any main bridges in Britain as he would need them after he invaded.

The real Target was the largest capital ship in the Royal Navy – The Battleship HMS Hood. They under refit in a Rosyth Dockyard dry dock. Some claim the Germans didn’t know the ship had been docked but this is quite a doubtful assumption.

In fact the Luftwaffe had bitten off far more than they could chew for the Dockyard, and Port Edgar had gun emplacements as did every island in the Forth and on both shores of the Firth. Every ship was armed and City of Edinburgh Spitfire Squadron were at Turnhouse while the City og Glasgow Squadron were base at Drem. Even the Forth Bridge had gun emplacements. Moreover a flotilla of ships were steaming up the firth.

HMS Edinburgh, HMS Southampton and HMS Mohawk opened fire and found themselves the new centre of the attack. Mohawk gave good account of herself but a German bomb struck just yards from her port bow and 15 sailors on the upper deck died. Several German planes were hit.

After the action the Mohawk’s skipper, Captain Jolly, brought his ship into the Dockyard’s South arm and made fast fore & aft. Now in those daye warship’s bridges were open and the Skipper sat in what was somewhat like an enlarged child’s highchair. The bridge crew turned to speak to their skipper only to find him sitting unconscious in a pool of his own blood.

He was rushed by fleet ferry to the military hospital at Port Edgar and there he died. Captain Jolly was buried in Queensferry but in the 1990s reinterred in his home town graveyard.

As a follow-on to that story. All air raid targets have a secondary target. If a raider is damaged they must jettison their weapons and head for home but if they can should jettison at the secondary target. In this case that target was the Kelty Coal mines, generating station and the largest coal marshalling yard in Europe.


There’s gonna be an onslaugh this week. I hope the north Brits hold together and then we can test the better together mantra.

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 2 May, 2015 at 10:27 am:

“Do Scottish MPs have the right to represent their constituents in Westminster? …

Sheesh! First Prize for stating the bleeding obvious. Now take that to the English MSM, broadcasters and the Establishment. However, they won’t listen to you either.



This is not a political blog it is an independence blog. You are on a site commited to an independent Scotland. You’ll find all sorts here and not all SNP.

Your continuall picky statements say you are a troll. Go find a UKOK site to while away the hours . You only piss off folk here.

Your in England and haven’t ben up here to see the changes throughout this country. We Scots have a real choice other than the usual suspects. We made changes happen from the grassroots up. You guys turned to UKIp and the like .

This election is about Scotland Not England. You can say all you want about it being a UK election but we do things differently up here. This is about Scotlands voice being heard in WM. 59 Scots mp’s against 500 or so unionists is hardly a big deal but WM and many of the population down there see it as a challenge on Englands authority.

Again back to England , who do nothing to change their lot but moan when we do things differently.

The anti-Scots rhetoric is the norm as are comments like yours.

We have heard it all before.

And we’re not listening anymore . Do you get that ??

We’re not listeing .


Dal Riata says:
2 May, 2015 at 1:52 pm
Yer one there, under the moniker of sensibledave, is exhibiting classic Contrarian Troll behaviour:

All interesting, also interesting is watching britnats like that phoney in action right now.

The one thing they are desperate to stop is Scotland running the Scottish economy, for obvious reasons, first one being it could take funds out of the superheated south east of England. A prospering Scotland is probably going to vote YES next time. and just taking control of Scottish oil and gas energy is a great start.

Instead we have red and blue tory britnats creeping about trying to keep SNP out of their British politics and hard line right tory boys like Tebbit going

“How independent would Scotland be? It would be derisory. Look at the way Greece is being treated.”

The Man in the Jar

sensible dave said.

“… given you understand and agree with me, you can tell the others above why the rest of the UK don’t want the general election to be just about the Scots – its about what the electorate in the whole of the UK.”

What in the name of the wee man brought you to the conclusion that I would ever agree with the likes of you? You are the epitome of all that is wrong with the uk and the reason that independence is inevitable.

Away and take your overinflated sense of self importance and shove it. Or as we say in these parts. Fuckin bolt ya nugget!


A new royal baby! Good news for the royals….. great news for David Cameron!

Robert Peffers

@Dr Jim says: 2 May, 2015 at 10:39 am:

“Now we hear the Queen won’t deliver the speech unless an agreement is reached for a working majority
So is Ed just hoping for a Lib Dem surge?”

Actually it was reported quite a few days ago that a Buck House said source said the Queen had made it known no party leader should even dream of looking for Her Maj to give a Queen’s Speech unless with a good working majority.

Kevin Evans

It’s not up to the quern if she wants to or not – it is her dutie and if she doesn’t she can say goodbye to her benefits. On that matter does the queen pay the bedroom tax?

Proud Cybernat


Check this out. William Hill last night would only give me 10/11 on SNP winning 51+ seats. For the same bet on Labour you could get 40/1.

Bookies arenae dafties.

Kevin Evans

Queenie needs to get back in her box and eat her cereal. She’s a figure head that’s all.


@ Kevin Evans

“does the queen pay the bedroom tax?”

No, but I did read somewhere that she tried to claim some sort of allowance/grant for her hard-to-heat palaces! (She failed, amazingly enough.)

Linda McFarlane

@ sensibledave

My red blooded (and still sexy after all these years) English Husband says “You’re a twat” and that people like you make him so happy that he’s joined the SNP and to vote SNP.

Kevin Evans

So the queen tried for a winter fuel allowance? She’ll no be happy with Murphy rattling on about cuttin that and her havin to pay her TV licence.

Someone tell her to refuse them right of access.


Brace yourself for a massive MSM attack regarding real or planted comments from cybernats about the new arrival. It’s not going to be pretty.

Kevin Evans

Infact that’s twice now the queen has directly interfered with the will of the Scottish people. Pre refurendum and now post. I think she’s declaring all by herself that Scotland is a republic.

Kevin Evans

Am truly glad and happy that a young couple has had a healthy new born baby. Great news. Seriously. Am straight faced. Life goes on.

Grouse Beater

The Lord’s Prayer According to Labour

Our Leader, which art in Denial,
Shallow be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom done.
Thy will be gone in Perth,
As it is in Strathaven.
Give us this day our daily spin.
And forfend us our bus passes,
As we pile fees on education classes.
And lead us not into redemption,
But deliver us to EVEL.
For thine is the ambition,
The Vow, and the Tories.
For ever and ever.


Dal Riata says:
2 May, 2015 at 11:58 am

Congratulations are pouring in from world leaders…

The BBC and its presenters have wet their knickers at the phenomenally exciting news…
Just read the BBC online story – We see the main party leaders congratulating the couple:

link to

For those who care about such things: David Cameron gets a a few words. Ed Miliband gets a few words. Nick Clegg gets a few words. No mention of Nicola Sturgeon’s words of congratulation.

Gives the impression to royalists that she hasn’t bothered to say anything.

Robert Peffers

I wonder if Dave’s ceiling on welfare benefits will affect the taxpayers cash paid to The Countess of Strathearn and the new addition to her family?

Grouse Beater

“Does the queen pay the bedroom tax?”

52 Royal and guest bedrooms.
188 staff bedrooms.
In Buckingham Palace alone.

Boy, is she in trouble!

Cadogan Enright

Was in Clarkston this morning and Labour had a tiny stall and Murphy appeared. He was assailed by elderly complainants with a grudge.

The dozens of SNP folk at the giant SNP stall enjoyed lots of hoots of the horn from passing motorists, handing out balloons and whirlygigs BUT stayed well away from Murphy – leaving the invective to the elderly constituents.

Interestingly, the Tories chose to canvass at Labours tiny stall, bosom buddies all. It was difficult to tell who was who. Can you tell who was wearing the red rosette and who the blue? (clue – one has white hair).

1. link to

2. link to

Anyway! Off canvassing again in Eaglesham . . .

PS someone said Kate Middleton was no longer in Labour. . . good to know the Royal Family is showing solidarity with Scotland


Grizzly @ 1.11

… just between dog walk and croquet, I popped back.

I can’t reply to everyone’s points – so just you Grizzly – and just one of your points.

Let’s talk about “progressive” policies shall we. Like Free prescriptions for all, free university education for all, a freeze on everyone’s council tax, free care for all the elderly.

Down here in regressive England – we actually means test all of those.

And why, may I ask, have the SNP implemented those policies? Because, just like all the other parties, she will allow her “morals and ethics” to be chucked under the bus if it “buys” a few votes.

The Saintly Ms Sturgeon gives “the rich” – free university education, free prescriptions, all paid for by the taxes of the poor throughout the UK – whilst that nasty, only has policies for their mates, Tory party in England – means test them.

You are going to have to do better Grizzly. You are going to have to think for yourself rather than just believe your own spin.

Next, you will be telling me that a 60p high rate tax rate will raise more in income tax receipts – if you think it will get party your elected.


@Cadogan Enright says:
2 May, 2015 at 10:00 am

link to


Very interesting. So Ed couldn’t just hope for the best at a Queen’s speech just on the assumption that the SNP wouldn’t dare to vote against it.


RE: The Royal Sprog, I’m going to guess Caroline Elizabeth Diana.

Alternatively, what about Williamina Wallis Roberto Alexandria Nicola?


Kevin Evans

According to wiki in 1924 (as we all know thanks to Jim Murphy the last time the largest party didn’t form a government) there was a kings speech.

Grouse Beater

Enright: Was in Clarkston this morning and Labour had a tiny stall and Murphy appeared. He was assailed by elderly complainants with a grudge.

Was he charging too much for coffins? 😉

Anybody visit the election stalls on Edinburgh’s plague burning fields, called ‘The Meadows’?


Sometimes it’s good practice to sharpen one’s debating skills with those of an opposing viewpoint. Also whatever anyone says on these boards is being viewed by many thousands that don’t post.

The person (with the opposing view) may represent the msm’s views, which are being beamed into living rooms up and down the land. And if some people can tackle the ‘arguments’ that stem from that consensus view that the person is operating from.

Others see this, and can then think it through for themselves and if they can see the flow of ideas laid out from our alternative viewpoint, this can elucidate their mind and more importantly they can then go forward with a clearer understanding of the issues. And take that into the wider community.

But I agree, that after repeatedly making the same argument over and over and refusing to take on board the arguments that put paid to their intial oppostional view. That this does qualify for the term ‘troll’ to be applied to that person.

By then, it’s clear, of course to anyone else reading the threads that ‘this is what a troll reads like’.

Sometimes people ‘think’ you are just ‘relating’ to them personally on here, but your’e not, you are talking to an increasingly large audience. That audience is going to increase further. Simply because of what our decision in September achieved.

It shattered the consensus. And has opened up the very real possibility of systemic change. It’s not going to stop now.

It’s not that we are not getting back in our box, it’s that there is no box, never was. We just woke up everyone else a little more to this ‘fact’: You change a person’s ‘thinking’ and the outlook is never again the same.

That’s what they, the establishment really fear: The Anglocentric worldview being shattered, and therefore the fundemental unquestioning paradigm of their ‘exceptionalism’ being under scrutiny by the plebs.

We’ve injected genuine democracy into the bloodstream of our polity.

And they’re scared their polity will get infected too….LOL.

Too late! They’ve seen Nicola…arghhh..and they like her!!

Nana Smith


Fake SNP letter being sent out.

link to

Grouse Beater

Bugsbunny: The Royal Sprog, I’m going to guess Caroline Elizabeth Diana.

I’ve got my money on Amber, Kardashian, Sturgeon.


Dear SensibleDave… do you know what the cost IS of means testing people for all these benefits? Not just the financial cost but the very real cost in lives impacted and sometimes even shortened when the means testing systems fails?


Well perhaps try looking up the term “universal benefits”….

Grizzle McPuss


You have already had your answer to the subject of universality from others previously on WoS, so I’ll leave you with this…

link to

And to conclude my debate with you: I refer you to my previous post re: what others are thinking in the rUK, but cannot express because the current political market (outwith Scotland) is same-old, same-old.


@Grizzle McPuss


Captain Sensible appears to have YOU in his sights, don’t let your guard drop for a moment else you might end up voting Tory on Thursday by mistake. They can wear down your resolve.

Thanks for the laughs Captain. I salute your indefatigability!



“The SNP wants to implement economic policies that political parties representing 80-90% of the UK electorate disagree with, and don’t want.”

So what’s wrong with that? Are the SNP under any obligation to propose economic policies based on what the two main Westminster parties are proposing? I think not.

Just because these parties are representing (as you claim) 80-90% of the UK electorate in no way implies that the UK electorate agrees with their proposals.

For all you know the whole UK electorate could agree with the SNP’s economic policies, but even if they did, most couldn’t vote for them anyway, so they know that in order to keep one or the other out they may indeed, and often will, vote for a party whose economic policies they may not agree with, they may not agree with either, or they may agree with both, but who would be seen as a lesser of two evils.

The only thing you can really do to find out for sure would be to look at the polls in a country where the electorate can vote SNP, and we all know how that’s looking don’t we?

To sum up, just because these parties represent a large part of the electorate doesn’t mean that the electorate are in agreement with them.


@ Krackerman and @ Grizzly

Yep. Universality is where the person attending the food bank in Scotland can walk home knowing that the Laird’s lad didn’t have to pay for his university education or the fabulously rich couple on the hill don’t have to pay for their prescriptions …. etc.


Nana Smith says:
2 May, 2015 at 3:24 pm


Fake SNP letter being sent out.

link to


More deceptive letters:
link to

From concerned ‘neighbours’: “I don’t normally get involved in politics, but..”

Small print: “printed and promoted by James Adams on behalf on Anus Sarwar”


“Yep. Universality is where the person attending the food bank in Scotland can walk home knowing that the Laird’s lad didn’t have to pay for his university education or the fabulously rich couple on the hill don’t have to pay for their prescriptions …. etc.”

So you think the Laird is not paying more tax? Do you think the person “attending” the foodbank can also go to university if he has the ability and not pay for it?

You think the “rich couple on the hill” are not paying tax as well?

Your arguments are frankly facile and are born of the divisive politics of greed and envy..

Grizzle McPuss


I agree, this is the danger.

You try, try and try again with these people like our Dave. You set out being calm…persuasive…and all along they just want to have you wear the same Union Jack undies as them.

Well, I’ve seen the light and the elastic is ill-fitting.

Farewell Dave.

Wuffing Dug

Guten Tag Männer und Frauen, Bürger.

Der Vereinigtes Königreich ist kaputt.

Wir haben ein neu Land. Schottland.

Robert Peffers

@Kevin Evans says: 2 May, 2015 at 2:38 pm

“It’s not up to the quern if she wants to or not – it is her dutie

Aye! Richt!

Believe that, Kevin and you will believe anything. Here’s the true, fiction free version of history:

In 1603 things were not working out as the South British Establishment had planned. Instead of the three country Kingdom of England’s monarchy inheriting the crown of Scotland it was the Scottish Monarch who inherited the English crown.

Still not to worry as the Scottish law made the Scot only King of Scots but in England he was sovereign so he would come to England and he did. However, it didn’t go well so they hatched a cunning plan.

In 1688 the English had a, “Glorious Revolution”, and deposed their Scottish monarch, James II and, imported the foreign King Billy & Queen Mary of Orange but they took away from them the royal veto over Parliament.

Now ask yourself why they bothered with another lot of monarchs? Why not just have the parliament, that now were supposed to be in charge, just going on running things?

Anyway, they expected the Scots to just accept they were now part of the English Kingdom and give up their independent monarchy. But Scots, ever thrawn, didn’t do that and thus began the Jacobite uprisings that even spanned the forced Treaty of Union of 1706/7. A treaty the English were desperate for after their close shave when Prince Charles almost took over. Not to mention the threat of The Auld Alliance.

So by a combination of perfidious Albion underhand dealing and military threats they forced the Treaty of Union and then still waged war on Scots until 1745 and Culloden.

Their next attempt was by devolution where they took the bipartite United Kingdom and split it up as four countries but only devolved three of them and although still calling the parliament the United Kingdom made it the de facto Parliament of England. Thing is Scots are still thrawn.

So just why would they continue with a royal family that you think has no powers? The answer is that since as far back as Roman times there has been an Established elite group of people, (we still have hereditary peers in the Lords), and they too have not been thrown out.

The Establishment has always been in charge and they want to keep it that way. Now, though, power is wealth and not just the power and ruthlessness to kill your enemy.

When was there ever a time when the Royal family were not among the top part of the Rich list? The truth is that the Queen is advised by the Privy Council and that includes members from all the commonwealth countries.

The top wealthy folks have more than doubled their wealth at the expense of the poorest in the UK during what they called a period of austerity. It has been austerity for us but rich, rich pickings for them.

They take a bigger share we get less and some sick & disabled folks have had it so bad they killed themselves. Folk sleeping on the streets, folk dying from neglect, others starving and the rich still getting even richer.

Kevin Evans

Yea I agree Robert but my statement had a sense of irony about it – if the queen does not support a government formed by the people then it exposes the sham that is the establishment.


@Robert Peffers

Ashamedly I have to admit to not always reading your longer posts. You do tend to repeat much of what you may have said in previous posts for newer readers.

That last one however is in the top bracket. Thanks.


Robert @ 4.46 pm

It is as well to remember that Mary of Orange was in fact a Stuart monarch. She insisted that William should be given the title of King rather than Prince Consort which he actually was. She wanted them to rule as co-monarchs.

Also remember that all the monarchs of Great Britain since James VI and I have been descendants of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Something that is all to frequently glossed over by historians.


@ Krackerman @ Grizzly

Of course the Laird and the rich couple pay more tax. They do everywhere – even down here!

But it is Ms Sturgeon that keeps going on about progressive taxes and how she will introduce a “fairer” society. Its no good tut tutting me because Ms Strurgeon says one thing and actually does another.

Sorry, but St Nicola is just another bloody politician spinning for political gain. I know everyone here listens unquestioningly to her “we’re good, they are bad” sermons but it just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

And, by all means, if you haven’t got any responses to the points I make , then please don’t bother – rather than make points like your last. Its a little embarrassing really.


Very nice drawing of the Spitfire.


Sorry, but St Nicola is just another bloody politician spinning for political gain. I know everyone here listens unquestioningly to her “we’re good, they are bad” sermons but it just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny

Eh we will need quotes to back that up fuckmonkey


No, you’re Spartacus, cos I’M the only sensible Dave in the village.

Paula Rose

@ Niall – totally agree.

Why has this thread gone so wildly off-topic? I know there are some overlong paragraph breaks on here – but really, one of the joys of Saturday is the fun we have engaging with Mr Cairns’ latest picture that’s worth a thousand words.

Get a grip on that joystick.

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