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Wings Over Scotland

Roll call

Posted on September 06, 2013 by

Okay, it’s going to be FAR too much work to plough through well over 500 comments in the previous thread to work this out, so let’s do it the easy way. If you’re planning to attend the march and rally on Calton Hill later this month, please post ONCE in the comments below. (Put anything you like in that one comment, though – jokes, pictures of cute kittens, links to comical tweets by Duncan Bannatyne, whatever.)


Please DON’T post if you’re NOT going or aren’t sure, and please DON’T conduct discussions in this thread – use the old one for that. One post per attendee. Any post breaching these rules will be deleted mercilessly and with extreme prejudice. Cheers!

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Paul Kirkwood

Yup I’ll be there,  plus my other half and my 3 kids! ! Kirkwoodsfor Independence! 

Scott Gordon



I’ll be there.

Albert Herring

I’m going with wife and daughter. Furthermore this is quite funny.

link to


All things being equal and me still perpendicular I intend to be there.

Archie [not Erchie]

Yes I will be there – Just me and my bronze winged helmet


Yep. Me, my better half & sprog, Mum & Dad, and 4-5 pipers & drummers. Say 9

john king

DEFINITELY GOING still trying to persuade the wife to go with me, thought of a night in the North British, any suggestions? 
(on another thread of course ahem) 🙂 

Fraser Leith

I’ll be there! with my partner

Gordon Wood

Oh yes I am going! Me, my wife and kids!! Can’t wait!

Stewart Bremner

I shall be there with Yes Edinburgh North and Leith, wearing a brown Leith says aye! t-shirt.

Ricky Nicol



Yes – much as it pains me to miss the league decider between the Dons and ICT.


My bairn and I will be there again.

Chris Knowles

Me plus wife and two kids


I’ll be the very heavily pregnant woman refusing to be intimidated by shouty men with walkie talkies 🙂 also with 2yr old & rather tall husband along to look after me in case I give birth at the top of Calton Hill!


Aye x3


Yes x3
Buaidh no bas

Inbhir Anainn

I will also be there accompanied by my better half but I am still awaiting my E-Tickets being emailed out to me.

Doug Daniel

Sorry for going off topic already Stu, but…
Nah only joking. I will be there with metaphorical bells on.



Neil McCafferty

I’ll be there with the littlest hobo

Steve Duncan

Yes – will be there.
@embradon – no contest ICT this year.

Lothian sky

Going! Hope we get at least around the 30000 mark this time. 

call me dave

I’ll be nipping over the Forth bridge to attend too
link to


Come hell or high water, I’ll be there!

Math Campbell

I shall be attending.

John D



Will be there – 🙂

Training Day

Present and correct, along with at least 5 others


I polled the SS household, weighted according to demographic profile, past vote and got 100% Yes from 3 person sample.


yes, with partner, children and grandchild, can’t wait 🙂

Melissa Murray

I’ll be there complete with high visibility Steward vest.


When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there! I’ll be there!

Bingo Wings Over Scotland

I’ll be there, with the wife and 2 kids. Got my Yes Scotland retro football tshirt ready. All we need is some sunshine.
Not sure how long we’ll last before the kids, 8 and 12, get bored with the speeches, but we’ll be marchin’.

Eric McLean

Present and correct


I’ll be there with bells on. (And hubby and daughter.)

John McDowall

Aye fur Alba 2014


Yes – I’ll be reporting for duty.


I’m Spartacus.

gavin lessells

Me and my boy!!

Ron Burgundy

I will be there. My son was coming but is now working on the Saturday…. shit.


Sir, Yes Sir.


I’ll be there for definite.

Scott Watson


liz quinn

I’ll be there with my daughter. Still working on her (English)  partner. 🙂


me and my pal

Robert Dickson

I’m Brian and so’s my wife!


I’ll be there with two women_for_independence. Which means I’ll be lost in the beer tent.

Jamie Arriere

I will be there. Have paid for the rally bus from Perth but have not received any confirmation – but I WILL be there.


I’ll be there with 4 others and in the Albanach beforehand to;-)


Yes! 7 or 9 of us depending!

Cassandra Lee

Will be there x 2

wee folding bike

Getting the train from Airdrie. No bike. Saltire Buff, possibly Tilley T3 hat if it’s raining. Craghopper trousers and shirt. Might wear a t shirt with a picture of a bike on it, depends on the weather.
Might meet my auntie there but she can fill that in herself.


I’ll be there.  A work colleague says he’s coming too, and will be bringing his two daughters.  One of whom will be a student of mine next term so she gets extra credit points.  Now I have to phone two more friends who might come if I offer them a lift.


I’ll be there with hubby and 3 kids. Looking forward to it. We had a great time last year.

Gordon Smith

I’m in


Just booked on bus from Gourock.


Me, son and daughter.

Seasick Dave

Me + eldest geet.

Barbara Watson

Myself, my partner and two of my three kids will be there with a couple of pals too  So looking forward to it.  Last year was a fantastic day 

Peter A Bell

Me go!



Brendan hynes

I will be there

Lesley Racey-Backhouse

Aye will be there frae Bonnie Burntisland 

Ron Wilson

Me and the wife will be there!


aye aye




I’ll be there too. 

Gus Steedman

Me, my girlfriend, sister and brother-in-law will be there.

Theo Jones

I’ll be there – with a guest 🙂


I will be there (over-excited bibliophiles permitting).


My wife and I will be there. 

Jon D

Because of the Rev’s stern tone I’m not coming anymore.
…………OK. I am really +2


Will be there with at least 6 family/friends. Apart from myself, only one of them posts on this site (that I’m aware of anyway!).


Me and three 🙂

Bill Oliphant

I will be there with my wife

Steven Anderson

I’ll be there, along with the rest of Scottish Hip Hip For Independence

Bobby Mckail

I’ll be there with my missus, so two. Can’t wait. 🙂


Yes, me, my fella and the two sprogs. Looking forward to it!


I’ll be there .. marching with fellow SNP and YES Dundee members!

John Duncan

See you there!


I’ll be there, one of several Iains I think.
O/t, Bannatyne’s a bit of a roaster, aint he? It’s dead inspirational that someone can be thick, unpleasant and a millionaire.


I will be there with four adults and two wee grandbairns. Might have to let one of the adults start at St Andrews House due to infirmity.Why take the grandchildren? So that they can be proud for the rest of their lives!

Kevin Brown

Yes +2

Craig Dalzell

Present Sir!


I’ll be there, look for link to



Thomas Widmann

I’ll be there with my wife, two daughters and three stepchildren.  I expect to be marching with the Yes East Renfrewshire mob.


Yep. Three of us getting the train from Fife.
Looking for forward to it.

Anne (@annewitha_e)

wild horses, couldn’t keep me away….
hope to meet up with twitter pals I met up with last year but probably marching with Yes Edinburgh North & Leith.



Tam Glenshiel

Me and my sister will be there…


the bunnyman will be there 🙂


YES, with four others.

Si A

Sir yes Sir! I’ll be there, along with my mate and his wife!


I’ll be there with another

George Glen

Yes +1


going with another


Yes, me my partner Sharon and a group of friends who are also long term independence supporters will all be going and will be in the Newsroom afterwards for a few pints if we can find some seats. 


Yes x 4 😀
Alba gu brath!


Will be there marshaling with my daughter

Iain Hamilton

Printed out the eticket from Glasgow today. Can’t wait. (I’ll nudge the wife to post here too since she is also going but can speak for herself)  YES!


Me plus FIVE (so far) going.


Name (required)

+ 2

Graham Barton

YES. Will be there with the Mrs 🙂

Peter Meikle

I will be there with my wife.

Paula Rose

Yes – anyone else from Brechin? xxx to all.


 Aye Dumfries they never got over Bonnie Prince Charlie takin their shoes aff them in 1746. We will have to go by public transport(3 buses) as the bus for a student,pensioner and disabled will cost £45 for we three


I’ll be there ,with a minibus load. Dinnatouch brilliant present to get !

Colin Dunn

Yup. x2
indyposterboy will be there. Along with German wife (who’s also a Yes vote 😉


will be going x2


Aye, + 5 million others when we talk about it in the pub in later years….

Caroline Corfield

really, really, planning to go with two daughters

An Duine Gruamach

‘Tis there that I shall be.

Votadini Jeannie

I’ll be there, and will head for the Albanach beforehand. I’m trying to find a tartan cowboy hat for the occasion…


Aye. With a few more bodies and some family.
Trying to get some undecided along too, but they don’t want to support the rally as they’re not for or against yet!

Cauld tattie

Just finished delivering 1500 leaflets in our neighbourhood for the march and rally, so the 3 of us will definitely be going.
(What day is it on again? 😀 )


I will attend. It’ll be my first public demonstration since 1992.


Me and my daughter returning for our 2nd year, I had to drag her last year but not this year…..what a different a year makes;)

P G McLaughlin

Booked bus from Glasgow City Chambers will march even if I have to spend rest of day at the bottom of the hill recovering. Great event last year.

Michelle McMahon

Coming x 7 of us


Got my ticket from Glasgow, got my T-shirt and can’t wait…Yes, I’ll be there. 😉


Absolutely! ¥+2 others and still making arrangements for possibly two more. Should be a really good friendly crowd by the looks of it.


Mine eyes have seen the glory…


I’ll be there.

Andrew Parrott

I’ll be there


I’ll be there!


me plus 4


Will be there


I will be ther with wife and bagpipes

jock burns

I will be there with 3kids youngest 1 year old tomorrow 7/9/13….


Me and the missus have got our bus passes polished up and ready for the occasion. We will be meeting up with the sprog too unless he is marching with his fellow Leithites.


Can’t march anymore – but the bus will drop me at the bottom of Calton Hill, and I’ll trauchle up!

Roddy Macdonald

I’ll be there, to love and comfort you oo oo.




Yes husband and I will be attending


I shall be there to climb the hill.

Geoff Huijer



Me, the wife and the two monsters will be there.

Callum Macdonald

YES Skye, Raasay and Lochalsh will be there. 

Dave Sharp

We will be there. myself and my Son who will be 12 weeks old. It may well be a Daddy day care day!!
I am voting YES, not just for myself, but most importantly for him so that he has an affordable education, so that he doesn’t have the personal stress of looking after his parents when they are old and infirm, so that when he is older, his vote actiually counts to a democratic society that has the ability to chose its own path.
Anything else is not good enough for his future.
Hail Alba


Big AYE from me.


Yes +1, still bartering with the 2 teenagers. On a bus full from Ayrshire.

margaret scobie

coming with my husband from France, despite the fact that we can’t vote next year Some people can’t  understand why it matters so much to us because of this. they are not scottish.


Going with four others.


I’m going plus parents, two sisters, one of their partners & two nieces.


Yes X 4

Eweag MacBeag

I’ll be there,Wings “Hoodie” and this is my 
first post am I a CyberNat now?

Neil Simpson



YES, Father and Daughter.


I’m coming along with my daughter, and possibly also my son. I thoroughly enjoyed last year’s rally, and I want the full set of three with next year’s rally, too. I’ll be wearing my thumbs up saltire badge, well probably several actually 🙂 , along with a small flag of same.

Guy McV

I’ll be there. With my better half, my sister and her husband too. And anyone else I can convince between now and then.


Me and Mrs pnr under the LFI banner.


My wife and I will be there


I’m in!

David McEwan Hill

I’ll be there with around 90 folk from Cowal

Craig Cockburn





Run through your funds already and so now moonlighting for MI5 Rev?
It may just be a rumour that I’m debating whether to plan on attending. Then again, any suggestion that I might consider such profoundly undemocratic action, is based on insufficient information and so might be considered debatable.


I’ll be there x 7… along with some Breton Celtic flags. 🙂

David Smith

Nights are fair drawin’ in, eh?




Yep,  bidh mi ann! 

scaredy cat

I’ll be there with my wee boy.

Ian Grant

I’ll be there


Oh yeah be there again this year, this time I will be bringing Mrs Alex ,mum, dad , and a rag tag assortment of teenagers and children. Oh and perhaps a grumpy pensioner friend of my fathers. Oscar the staffie wants to go but someone needs to guard the house when we are out and it is after all his job. What does he think he gets the bloody Royal Canin food for.


I do hope to be there.


Yes. I’m Brian and so ‘s my wife!


Yep, me and Mrs Jimbo attending on the day, and really looking forward to it.

Freddie Threepwood

Reporting for duty. (And still oan hoaliday by the way). 


I’ll be there +6.


Come hell or high water i will also be there.  Remember the rally last year and wouldnt miss this one for the world.  Just waiting on my orders coming through the post that i be wearing and taking to the march.  Been hearing others at my work and beyond are also attending.  So it would seem an even bigger snowball effect is taking place for this rally.


Expect a couple of MacDaids from the far North….
Cue the music – “I’ve just come down from the Isle of Skye, I’m no very big and I’m awful shy”.
Apparantly Andy Stewart wrote the song in 10 minutes while he sat, trouserless, in the lavatory of a recording studio. And it featured in a episode of  Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Honest.
I just love it for the Elvis impression at the end – cracked me up as an 10 year old and cracks me up now.


I, along with nine others, will be there. Or I’m dead.

p.s. none of my companions post here, although all read Wings. Except the dogs of course as they have more important work to do.


Two Pictishbeastie’s fae Perth will be in attendance! SAOR ALBA! 



Lynn MacRae

I’ll be there  🙂

Keith Gilchrist

Yep, I’ll be there 🙂

Robyn - Quine fae Torry

Aye +1


me n’ the family are planning to go..





creag an tuirc

Aye, with 10 others 🙂


I will be there and I have motherfu*kin’ volunteered to help out as well, but obviously will volunteer a tad more politely than my few beers have made me come across.


Standing up to be counted.

Mr. K

Watched the march last year from afar and wished I was there, really thrilled to be able to go to this one – count me in!

frazzle dazzle darling

Salt ‘n’ Sauce here we come.

James D

See you there!

David Fletcher

Me, my wife, my three kids and in-laws all going!!! YES!!!


Definitely I’ll be there too 😉


Yes + 2


Me and Mrs Macandroid will be there. We will have walked a couple of miles from home carrying Saltires aplenty and with the hope for a resurgent Scotland bursting from our soul. 

Eddie Anderson

Me + 8.
link to


Mr & Mrs Dram (senior) and possibly young Mr Dram Junior (shift dependent) and Mrs Dram Junior with accompanying Miss Dramlet

John Hamill

Got my train ticket.

Robin Ross

Yes x 2

Michael Morris

see you all there


Self + 2


I intend to be there with a few other hardy souls…..and maybe even my 9 month old son.


I shall be arriving by hot air balloon.  I found the transport in Yellow Pages,  Blair McDougall Enterprises.  Hopefully there will be enough hot air to get me down there and I’m certain Blair’s enterprise will flourish in an Independent Scotland.

Quick the suns oot

I’ll be there with quick the rains startin and our two littles. Hope Scotrail put on enough train carriages!


Coming up from Henley to be there. Might capture a couple more from Glasgow en route.

Sign for Scotland

We’ll be there!


attending with my Cuz  – yipeekiyah


Be there with the YENL troop yes


Myself and at least four friends definite. Not a cute kitten among us sadly.



Doug R

Count me in too



The Man in the Jar

I am committed to coming now that the small replica of my jar is complete. (It took ages to get right!)

GP Walrus

Yes I will be there


Ah had a heart attack this week. But it didnae kill me, which it wid’ve had tae dae tae stop me fae bein up the hill that day. However, ah might need cairryin up the steepest bit o the hill, so if ye see a wee biddy oan a fancy litter, grab a pole! Ah’ll be bringin Mr P but ah widnae trust him no tae drop me…


Me + OH + dug


last one there’s a wet kipper!!

Graeme R

Just the two of us
Building them castles in the sky
Just the two of us
And next year we’ll be saying aye


Will be.

al fae buckie

I am definitely going with 2 others! Hail Alba!

Bill Watson

I’ll be  there

Martin Cunningham

Me and my long lens will be there mate.

Christine Sinclair Kabashi

Aye I will be there. Is there enough room for us all?


Aye Rev – 4 to 6 for sure…


No idea how we’re getting there but me and piratesforindy will be there. If we have to walk from Glasgow we will.

Scotimus Prime



I’ll be there with wife and one other, that’s THREE ATENDEES

J.A. Komensky

Will be there, family in tow


Can’t take the Dug , it’s a nutter!

Ian V

Me the misses an our wee wally dug


I’ll be there. Hopefully bring more of the family this year too!


3 of us.


I’ll be there hopefully bringing another 48 from Moray. 
Still some spare seats on the Moray Coach !!

Archie Hamilton

Representing Stamperland and wondering where that “Yes East Renfrewshire” mob are hiding.

catriona moffat

I’ll be there with OH and 4 family members


I’ll be there with wife, daughter, son and daughter’s boyfriend. Thats 5 for sure.


I’ll be there with husband. Looking forward to it as I missed last years one. Hope to try and recognise some of you from your twitter pics. Will apologise then for my poor twitter etiquette.


We were 2 last year; will be four (with Mrs Gordoz  & 2 kids … ours!) this time + 2 relatives

Just try and stop us !!!


Aye, Yes, Ja, Da, Oui, Si 🙂


I shall be there again….
with friends this time.


Aye + Aye = Twa
for the musterin.

Vincent McDee

My English beloved and I, plus our 2 sammies will be there. She’s still closer to no than undecided, but very willing to hear about pros and cons of Independence.
An opportunity, I think.

Jingly Jangly

Aye plus 35+ others from Arran

BBC Scotlandshire

Our staff will be attending, secreted amongst the tiny crowds. Purely to cover the event in our usual impartial manner, of course.


Yes, me and Mr. AllyPally plus son who’s now an Edinburger. 


Me and my Janette will be there all the way on the number 26 bus from Portobello. 

David Halliday

Yes + 3

Christian Wright

Be seeing you.


two of us are going


I`ll be there. Trying to get a bit of a crew going along too.  So far, just the four of us. Exciting!

Mike McQuaid

I’ll be there.

Bill C

Mr and Mrs C will both be there along son + partner, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.




Yes. With Mrs Fairliered. Marching with North Ayrshire SNP, but hope to meet up with as many of you as possible. How will we recognise each other?

peter stoneman

myself wife and 4 kids x


I’ll be there, most likely at the front of the parade piping again.


Me and a few of the old punks posse will be there.  I’ll be the good looking one 🙂

Robert Kerr

Yes I shall be there.
Wearing my kilt of the ancient Kerr. No red No Tory.(private joke)
See you all in the Albanach at least.
This is too good. Better than making love.
Hail Alba
Hail Albs


It is known.


Will be there with my son who is flying up from England. He is studying history there, but he will be helping to make it in Edinburgh.


will be there with wife, several friends, parents, siblings, nephew & niece

Jim Young

G’day Rev
Long time Aussie Lurker coming out to play, permission granted from she who must be obeyed.  Will be there with my sister. All travel arrangements in place.


Wearing my kilt of the ancient Kerr….
You mean there’s one that doesn’t make you look like a Christmas tree? I need to know about this.

Scott Macdonald

I will be there. Either under the Scottish Socialist Party banner, or my local Yes group. It’s going to be braw. 😀


Me, OH and teenage son, if he’s not too hungover.  Will likely be under Yes West Edinburgh banner (if we have one by then!)


Haud us back! We’ll be there the whole six of us, with the biggest Saltire The Bank of Scotland could fly! 

Colin Duffy

Try and stop me, i`ll be there come rain or shine though weather like last years would be sweeeeet.

Bob Leslie

I’ll be there! (Large fellow, fedora, guitar, loud shirt, singing)

Alasdair Mark


Quinie frae Angus

Definitely going. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I expect there will be thousands more this year than there were last year, and it’s important we show the “undecideds” the huge and growing groundswell of support there is now for “Yes” – among a huge diversity of folk of all different backgrounds and interests. Women for Indy; Labour for Indy; Lib Dems for Indy; Celtic & Rangers Fans for Indy; Witches for Indy!! Not to mention all the geographical YES groups from all over Scotland. The variety of grassroots groups that have emerged is endless, and truly inspiring. The BT campaign will never be able to pull off such a diverse and “truly together” range of voices and perspectives all rooting for the same cause.  
Also it’s really important that we show the biased machine elements within the Scottish MSM, and the Whitehall/Westminster/Millbank/Pacific Quay caucus, that their tactics are just not going to work. The power and control they once wielded is seriously weakened. Thank goodness for the internet. Thank goodness for Wings of Scotland, Newsnet Scotland, BBC Scotlandshire, and ALL the other great pro-indy blogs that have totally turned this game around.
This is the most exciting thing I have ever been involved in. Our country is going to SPARKLE INTO LIFE once we are independent!
And for all those who would love to come but can’t, don’t worry, we’ll be cheering and singing extra loudly on your behalf! 


Can I give out a big hello to my mates at GCHQ to let them know I’ll be there too and can I ask that they take a better photo this time as the last one was crap.
Watching you, watching me 😉

The Water Beastie

Made sure of a flight back from the Far East (aye, even beyond Musselburgh) for that very weekend – will probably also have two other voters in tow, one from the Deep South, the other from Germany, but both eligible residents of our fair land…..
Apart from Man in the Jar, any other Alex Harvey WoS members coming?  🙂
“From the North came the Furry Tyrannosaurs…..”

K Mackay

I’ll be there, with my girlfriend, brother, mum and hopefully grandparents, probably a few mates too 🙂
Love this tune,

Davie Hay

Myself and a couple of (non wings) pals will be there.


And I can count for at least three others who don’t post.

Richard McHarg



I HATE kittens, I HATE cats, I’ll be on that march though, with a grand variety of humans; Scots, French, Dutch, German, Slovakian and English. All will be voting ‘Yes’. Vive L’Internationale, Vive L’Ecosse et vive l’esprit de personnes qui rit et qui revent. 


I’ll be there, and possibly my girlfriend. SAOR ALBA!!!




I’ll be there with my 3 teenage kids

Jim Lamb

I’ll be there. I have also managed to persuade my other half who at heart is a Unionist, so I’m hoping the rally will inspire her to Vote Yes!!


will be there with the wife +4 wee devils. I am also trying to get the neighbours (honorary scots) to come along as well. looking forward to it


Count me in, along with son, daughter and  another two friends. (5 in total).

Maureen Luby

I’ll be there. 2 of us last year. 5 this year! 🙂

Gav Bain

Yup,  me +2.  Coming down from Aberdeen.


Yes x2

Dosser fae The Shire

I’ll be there.


Will be there – need to find an East Sutherland Yes banner 🙂 


I’ll be there with my husband.




Oh Yes 🙂  six of us this year , including Mia nearly 4 , 1st grandchild  🙂
see you all there 🙂 

Neil Mackenzie

I might just wander over and see what’s going on.

Lin Anderson

Me plus three

John White

Just got permission. See you there!


Wouldn’t miss it, c’mon Scotland.

alex taylor

? Me, my wife (Carol), wan daughter, wan grand wean and a hinger oan (but we like her).

Still leafleting and mibi nab a few mer.


I will be there with my oldest son , we are still trying to persuade the wife’s to join us .


Try not to smile for the photographs chaps.  At least try to look like nasty cybernats
much appreciated
Your chums


I’ll be there with my partner. Probably won’t bring the cat or the cuddly skull, though…
link to


M M X Aye V

Seasick Dave

It’ll be nice to meet up with Norsewarrior and the other one with the fancy name.

Paul Watson



Strictly come rallying. Compliance given.


I’ll be there with my partner


I’ll be there with my better half.


Aye + 1



Tom Duffin

me and 3 kids

Hotrod Cadets



Will be there with Partner and Father. Look forward to seeing the other Wings folks in person!


Four adults and four kids,with flags and hope.


YES, for sure with branch members


With bells on.


Aye x 5


I’ll be there, come hell or high water and hopefully with Mrs Kendo provided I can convince her that this will not be a telly shouters convention… ( memo to self…. nae mair telly shouting :-()


yep, will be there with my missus and various offspring

Jock Watson

I wouldn’t miss it for the world & this year I will also be bringing my wife and our two year old.


I’ll be there and brining my nine year old nephew.  

Roger Lindsay

First post:Will be there with family. Scots wha hae! 

Feil Gype

Feil Gypes fae Fyvie will be there ….just the one …me ! Probably helpin hud up the Yes Aberdeenshire banner. 😮

Jakey Rowling

I’ll be there too!

Ken Johnston

Hell, yea.

Neil McAdam

Yes. Driving down from Nairn. Bringing two mates who don’t post on this site..

Blackford Wheeler

Me, three or fower adults an oor bairns.


Hand me down my walking cane, “cos I’ll be there. Wifie will be holidaying in Majorca.


Wow! Just been speaking about this to a mate. I had given up on him, as he is a Rangers fan (I know lots of Rangers fans are pro indy), thinks of himself as British, has no interest in politics, etc. He has said he might come along. Just to see what the fuss is all about, you know.


Definitely be there, hopefully Mrs Costanza too if we can get a babysitter. Saltire bought from Yes Scotland, also got a festival flag pole and a Lion Rampant windsock. It’s gonna be a historic day!

Helen Yates

Oh yes, i’ll be there +6


I’ll be there!


Aye, count me in. I wouldn’t miss this for anything!


I’ve ordered sunshine for the 21st so I’ll be there.

Vee Mack

Wouldn’t miss it!


Will be there with 12 year old daughter and hopefully two other friends.

Charles Docherty


Ian Anderson

With bells on

David McCann

Me too and wife Joan. Also going to the after party. See  link to


I’ll be there plus various others. 

Joe Mullaney

I’ll be there, missing the Queen’s Park game for it!!

Paul Martin

On the 21st…  LEITH SAYS AYE ! 

Mah auld bunnet

Aye! Ahm coming Kilt n’ tattie socks


I’ll be there


Will be there, 7 of us in total


I’ll be there. My Daughters aged 14 & 16 have said they want to be there, without any joldying from me.
Meeting up with 2 friends who don’t come to this site.
5 in total. Rain or shine. 

Turra Loon

I will be there plus wife, daughter and grandson 

ronald alexander mcdonald



Aye, plus Mrs F and the bairn. Party!


I’ll be there.

Angry Weegie

Going as part of a group of 15.

Sam Doak

I’m  in. Gathering the clan in Livingston.


I’ll be there for sure.


First time poster . I’ll be there with 5 family members 

castle hills chavie

first time poster, short time lurker, but love at first site.
Me, the Mrs and minor
Scots wae hae


Couldn’t make it last year, but was quite angry at the way the BBC and Scottish press either ignored the event or tried to devalue it by deliberately underestimating the obvious large numbers who took part. I’ll be swelling the numbers this time, even if it’s only by one!

The Flamster

I and my camera will be there – went myself last year but have managed to talk a friend into coming along this year 🙂

Robert Stokes

I’ll be there. Last year’s weather would be great.

Steven Mair

Yeh i’ll be there with my mum, dad and definitely one mate…. hopefully more.  See you all there 🙂

Red Tam

I’ll be there + 3.

Iain More

I will be there with one mate at least!


Big group of us going. At least twice as many in our group as last year. 


We’ll be there!


I’ll be there under the LDvotersforIndy banner


We’ll be there

Tom Kelly

I wouldn’t miss it for the world, and that goes for my wife, Catherine too.


I’II be there with a YES banner!

Donald Kerr

Aye x 3 – I hope you’re not creating a house breaking list for your mates.


With bells on

J McIntosh

Five of us are coming down from the Black Isle, meeting up with another 2 from Glasgow, then travelling through to Edinburgh Sat morning.


I’ll be there, missus and 3 kids also this year and hopefully a few more mates than made it last year.
Think I’m gonna bring the BBC bias banner, this one
link to
I have a feeling we could be pleasantly surprised at numbers this year.
We’ll be coming, we’ll be coming


I’ll be there (in my WoS t-shirt 😀 ) with the mrs.


Me too and my bro and nephew

Triangular Ears

I’m going, and here’s a cute kitten video:


First time poster
Me wife and older daughter definites.
Son son-in-law and younger daughter maybes.
None of us even knew about last year

Ayes On The Prize


Myself and Mrs Ayes will be attending


Yep, Me, him and her going!

Ivan McKee

I’ll be there.
Business for Scotland will have a stall as well.


Looking forward to being there with my boy


Yep,  wouldn’t miss it


Yup… I will be there 🙂


I’ll be there with parents in tow! I’m really chuffed they’re coming along.


Hello everyone.
I am also a first time poster, but long time reader of Wings, and happy to have crowd funded Rev Stu.  Money very well spent!
I enjoy reading all of the articles and the very informative, and sometimes amusing comments, from the posters who visit Wings.
My daughter and I will be there on 21st, we are booked on a Dundee Indie Rally Bus.
It’s shaping up to be a memorable day indeed!


I’ll be there

Niall Maclennan

Last year on my own. This year Father ( ex Labour Councillor ) and two brothers in tow.

wee jamie

Two of us last year, 4 this year, this is our chance to show the worlds media how strongly we feel about our future, ‘cos the Scottish press and tv will down-play every aspect of it, as their role in the unionist campaign demands of them !!!


Myself, My Daughters and My Partner will be there 🙂


Going! +3 I hope


I’ll be there, cancer permitting.


Couldn’t make it last year.The good lady,myself and hopefully a few others will be there this time round.


Me too,


I’ll be there with one or two members of my family. 


Yes – I’ll be there with my wife and 3 kids.
Loving this website, by the way – keep up the good work, Stu.


Will be there with my son


Am going, and taking our family (5 in total).
Also taking 4 friends.


*raises hand*

Nation Libre

Went myself last year, going this year plus at least 5

Bugger (the Panda)

Bugger (the Panda) will be there. Flying in on Thursday to Gl;asgow especially.
I and Conan and Jeannie’s brood plus all will be there at the Albanach on High Street before the climb.
All welcome especially the Major, BYOB.

Bugger (the Panda)

I’ll be wearing a T shirt or Sweat shirt (weather determinant) with my Bugger (the Panda) logo on the front.
Easier for the SB to track me.


Aye + wan




Went with three last time hope to be eight this time….

Steven M

Definitely, with a crowd.

Green Bean

I’ll be there, mebbe with a gaggle from London Branch SNP. Will be bringing my camera, and a red tambourine! Who’s going to lead the singing??

Neil Airlie Jones

I’ll be there 🙂


Yes + 1


Yes + 1


I specifically booked my US holiday so I’d be back the day before and able to go. Totally forgetting I’d be knackered, jet-lagged and have a tonne of stuff to do before going back to work on Monday.
I’ll be the one looking like a zombie, not quite sure what side of the road cars drive on and probably still dressed for California :-p


Last year was there on my own. Attending this year driving up three or four friends and joining the Yes Scottish Borders contingent, marching under our banners. Can’t wait for what will be a great day.
And, Rev, in what will be a busy 48 hours for us in the Borders, grateful if I can plug a public meeting event happening the evening before (Friday 20th. September)-“Independence Answers- Visions of a Better Scotland” featuring Blair Jenkins, Ash Regan-Denham from Stow (from the Jimmy Reid Foundation) and last, but not least, a couple of young Borderers Yes Youth speakers. Venue- Main Hall, Scottish Borders Campus, Netherdale, Galashiels (doors open 6.30pm for 7pm start) Everyone welcome.


I’ll be there – et famille. Can’t wait!

John G

will be there

Bill Fraser

Yip, (sorry for late response)

Arbroath 1320

OK folks things are beginning to get sorted out now.
We are now in the initial stages of planning our attack on Edinburgh on 21st September. Apparently there’s a wee daunter boot the toon or something going on so we thought we’d like to go up and watch.
I’ll be there with my partner pushing the old wheelchair holding an even old me in it 😆 along with my partner’s eldest daughter and her 3 year old son.
Don’t panic folks the required website nutter will now be turning up on Edinburgh’s High Street next Saturday. Oops maybe I shouldn’t have said that, sorry Stu think I’ve just driven around 400 would be attendees away! 😆

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    • Jan Cowan on In Ruins: “Mia for First Minister!Jan 11, 19:59
    • Jan Cowan on In Ruins: ““Rat”. Thank you, Mia. Best description I’ve ever heard of that woman. (I can’t understand how Alex didn’t see through…Jan 11, 19:56
    • gregor on In Ruins: “TrueJan 11, 19:55
    • sarah on In Ruins: “Thanks for the link, aLurker!Jan 11, 19:51
    • gregor on In Ruins: “Jan elects Mia too – Jan stands shoulder to shoulder with her Scotland (soul:) sisters Scotland’s true invincible sovereign Queens……Jan 11, 19:49
    • Jan Cowan on In Ruins: “Exactly.Jan 11, 19:39
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