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Wings Over Scotland

Pride and patriotism

Posted on July 05, 2014 by
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And it doesn’t worry the establishment that the previous Prime Minister has a foodbank in his constituency.

Geoff Huijer

An absolute DISGRACE!

How people can vote for the continuance of this (i.e. No) is beyond my thick* mind.

(c) Jill Stevenson


No Thanks: We can only have Food Banks in Scotland under the Union by pooling and sharing resources throught the UK.

Yes Scotland: There will be no need for Food Banks in an independent Scotland as its resources will no longer be PULLED out of Scotland.


In or out of the union there is NO necessity for food banks. We are still a rich country. Therefore food banks are a choice we make: all of us. It is obviously what the UK wants. An independent Scotland can make a different choice and that is the single biggest reason to vote yes. It is utterly shameful that the UK has decided not to feed all of the people, much less house and clothe them. No excuse for it: no escape from the responsibility, either. The only thing we can do to change it is vote Yes: for all the mainstream westminster parties are intensely relaxed about this horror


Let’s just say goodbye to neo-liberalism. It’s a cul-de-sac. Dead end.
The alternative would be to start negotiating how we want the new Scotland to become. There are some basic fundamental principles which need to be written into a new constitution. We could make a start on that?

[…] « Pride and patriotism […]


Why would folk vote No ??
It really does defy logic.

link to

Despite losing the legal fight against this, IDS is furious and will appeal.

He is adamant until the appeal is heard, sanctions worth 130 million will NOT be repaid and will indeed continue to be enforced along with the scheme, despite it being judged to be a breach of human rights…!

Is this REALLY what No voters want as a future for Scotland?

I find that incredible to believe.


Chris,you’ve done it again.

Encapsulating a thought is the cartoonists gift.


link to

Vote No for more of this…!



And nothing Westminsters done in the last 40yrs hasn’t breached any laws?

Naw,y’re richt,they’ve only stretched them.


Let’s break his heart.

Turn about is fair play.

Grouse Beater

Argentina has managed to jail another general for life after he was found guilty of ordering the death of a dissident priest. (He’s already doing a life sentence for other assassinations.) Here in good old Blighty Blair pockets the cash and liberty, and not a single bankster has been given as much as a parking charge.

Red Squirrel

Ashamed Scot doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Bless the food banks but curse the welfare policy pushing folk to hunger.

We can do so much better but only if we reject the neoliberal elitist political model. Now that would make me proud.


The penmanship, all that cross hatching, is excellent Chris. The encapsulation ditto.


The cartoon makes a good point. When a proud-scot-but thinks of Scotland, what comes into their minds is something akin to the contents of a clichéd gift shop. They don’t think of the people and the culture as it stands in the 21st century. Nor to the values most of hold.

And, that perspective is what they see from London.

My view, proud-scots-but are British inside with a tartan veneer of Scottishness.

True Scotland has huge potential, yet has much which needs dealt with. True Scots see that. Let’s vote YES and get on with it.

James S

Interesting development on FutureLearn – a six week course on IndyRef:

link to

Starts on 25 August with live streaming webinar events.

Robert Peffers

Would you lower inteligence NAZI like YESSERS please stop asking such utterly stupid questions?

Questions like, “Why do NO campaigners choose to vote NO”?

Anyone with, non-NAZI, higher intelligence can tell you why they do it.

It’s because a NO vote supports food banks in a rich country.

It’s because a NO vote supports demonising the poor, old, sick and disabled.

It’s because a NO vote supports Weapons of Mass Destruction, illegal wars, a widening gap between the rich and the poor in one of the most unequal administrations in the World.

There is a single word for all these things :-


Now I know why we are too wee, too poor and too stupid, we need Cameron to tell us what to think. Thanks Mr. C. for telling me to think about Scotland and at the same time forget about the poor, the ill, the infirm, the disabled, the unemployed, the low paid and those who are unemployed.

How’s your tax payer subsidised meals these days Bra?

I hope your chilled Champagne is chilled to the correct temperature, I’d hate for you to have to send it back because it was not chilled enough!

How are surviving on only £400 a month for food, are you coping or will you need a food allowance pay rise to go along with your proposed 11% pay rise?

Dorothy Devine

A very telling cartoon.

And what’s with the ” Alex Salmond gets bigger boo than David Cameron ” reporting by our Scotland correspondent Debi whatserface.

I still haven’t sorted my “shameless” from my “shamefuls “but whichever one applies ,apply it.


Excellent Chris,

Another little known fact about this crumbling UK Welfare system is that Job Centres have been told to start removing the free phones they have in their centres.

These free phones are needed for people who can’t afford a landline phone in their house or don’t have a mobile phone and have no access or knowledge of how to operate a computer.

The free phones can be used for phoning companies about employment, about benefits that you have not received yet or even to phone the benefit office to let them know that your family have no money for food and you need a letter so you can get access to a food bank.

All designed to make it even harder for someone in a desperate situation to contact the faceless people running our welfare departments.

Nana Smith

I was involved in setting up one of the first foodbanks in the Highlands and well remember the shock of the volunteers when they realised what we were actually doing.

Because our charity were best known for sending aid to Romania our volunteers believed we were now sending food parcels as well as clothes etc.

Breaks my heart to see how many have opened up since.

Mark Coburn

This juxtaposition in Chris’ drawing here is as accurate as any commentary I’ve read anywhere on the false illusion and damning reality of the country we live in. Labour Hame and Tory Hoose are equally as patronising.

Re the foodbank, my lastest fundraiser aims at providing campaign bases for 10 local yes groups. And, I’ve pledged that should I break my target the good folks at the Maryhill Foodbank will receive the rest.

I was inspired to do this after Stuart had re-posted the story of the Maryhill Foodbank which appeared in The Evening Times.

If any of you guys are interested in donating, click here: link to


On the military jingofest at Rosyth, when the bleak future for shipbuilding in iScotland was discussed on GMS Radio Scotland this morning there was no mention of thriving shipbuilding industry in high wage Norway and Finland while Union rep claimed that we can’t compete with the far east so must rely on MOD work.

The whole debate was framed in the BBC’s typical London centric approach (on all subjects) on whether we can afford such expensive Warships?

Do the BBC not do any research other than relying on UKOK press releases?

Robert Peffers

Isn’t it clear to everyone YES voters ARE NOT PROUD SCOTS?

Who the hell would be proud that there are FOOD BANKS in their country?

Nah! It is the Unionists who almost exclusively all claim to be PROUD SCOTS, but who almost always add the wee word, “BUT”, after it who are proud that their country supports food banks, austerity, hate fests against the unemployed, poor, old, sick, disabled, immigrants and even their fellow countryfolk who work for low wages.

Me? Oh! I’m ashamed of those Scots who back such abuses and the other horrors such as illegal wars and Weapoins of Mass Destruction. The only way to make me again proud to be a Scot is for Scots to regain their dignity by reclaiming their birthright.


link to Progressive liberal wishful thinking except all their headlines have been vote no and uk will give you a billion quid Glasgow, while the George Galloway horror show slithers around the place.


So clever Chris!

Love the Union Jacks in amongst the Proud Scots; how cutting, how apt.

Lets simlpify for the Undecideds shall we, (as per Allan Bisset).

Vote YES > for Scotland – (return 100% Control of our own peoples destiny and identity)

Vote No > for Britain – (Pool & share = 9% input / 8% share of failed ‘Empire’ brand, endorse regional status for Scotland and continued decline via remote control governance)

Findlay Farquaharson

scotlands first minister booed at british military event, wow, who would have thunk that.

Findlay Farquaharson

scotlands most popular and trusted politician booed at british military event, wow, who would have thunk it.

Helena Brown

I had a really depressing day yesterday, I think launching that Carrier had much to blame, that and handing in food for the Food bank here in Dunfermline.
I was fair scunnered when I heard about the booing, except for one fact I will now consider any Unionist Politician fair game for the same treatment.
Whether you like or dislike the First Minister or even the Prime Minister, some dignity should be accorded the position, well except for elections when they no longer hold it.
I do hope that some of those carried away with the event realise that come September if they Vote No, redundancy awaits, not just for them but for the whole country.
Blooming good cartoon Chris, as ever.

Brian Powell

Related to this, when I read the Guardian ‘story’ about the people living around Scotstoun shipyard and their acceptance of the degeneration around them and going to vote No, it was like hearing someone saying, “At least the jailer brings us food once a day, if we escape he won’t”.

But of course we know the Guardian has gone the way of the Telegraph and the Times, so I’m judging their ‘story’ in the same way, but they do keep putting this downside stuff out there.

Voting Yes will clear the poison out.



BBC Scotland told us yesterday that 3000 people were at the naming ceremony of the aircraft carrier.

Well this morning on BBC Radio Scotland GMS, that figure had jumped up to 4000 people attended the naming ceremony.

They also said 350 attended the PQ2 Protest last week.

BBC Scotland really do have a problem with figures.

And on the same programme, who the hell was that eejit shop steward from BAE Systems Scotstoun Yard on the Clyde.

No wonder I cancelled my GMB Union membership last year.

I did not want my money being spent on idiots like him.

One of the best decisions I ever made.


@Robert Peffers

Nailed it in both posts for me Robert. I’m not proud of what we’ve allowed to happen at all. That post ‘Four Days Later’ damn near broke my heart.

How could we feel pride at allowing that to happen today?


Look see which politician Came off worse for dodging questions….Gordon Brown, union saviour, no less!

link to


Grouse Beater: at 7:06 am

Argentina has managed to jail another general for life after he was found guilty of ordering the death of a dissident priest. (He’s already doing a life sentence for other assassinations.) Here in good old Blighty Blair pockets the cash and liberty, and not a single bankster has been given as much

Iceland let its bank fold and even jailed some of its top bank executives. Even on some of the blogs I look at today Iceland is often portrayed as a basket case even though the truth is far from that.

Dan Huil

Ed Miliband should have been drawn alongside Cameron nodding in agreement.

Brian Powell

When I heard about the booing of Alex Salmond, it did make me think; in Fife there were once 30,000 miners and 15,000 shipyard workers.

The miners went under Thatcher, and around 13,000 shipyard jobs, 5,000 of these under Labour. None under the present Scottish Government.

I just feel there is a hard core of Labour union unionists there, blinded to what will happen to the industry, or still believing Labour will save the day.

Hard core, maybe I should have said blockage.


Last week, Jim Sillars was quoted as saying,

“I am not a Proud Scot. How can I be when so many other Scots are stuck in poverty”.


Re: The Royal biscuit-tin Lizzie

How about a floating food-bank providing humanitarian aid to the people who have suffered to pay fot it? They could catapult pot noodles off it, oops! Forgot, it doesn’t have any catapults…


Story doing the rounds that some construction guys are refusing to go to work in Celtic Park and are very critical that HM Queen is going to be walking through its doors.

No doubt, they ain’t gonna be voting YES, or are to be found angst-riven in the Don’t Know camp, but ‘vewwy pwoud Scots’, for a’ that!

Question is, what are these folks gonna do when it’s 50+% for YES?

Nana Smith

I see all the old fear stories are being peddled in the papers today. That missing mystery poll must have been a real scare for the Westminster troughers.


Robin McAlpine reports from deepest, darkest and muddiest England.

link to

It includes this perfect line:
“When you own the guns and when you own the ink you can force the people onto their knees and then report that this is their natural position. ”

It is only by swapping ink for pixels on a screen that we have been able to subvert and find a way through this to inform people. The only problem is getting people to come and see for themselves and the ink brigade demonising us. And of course Yes helping them do so in the denigrating of this very site.


Simon Heffer in the Daily Wail doing what he does best.

Telling the English the Scots are too wee, too poor and too stupid to go it alone without England (and only England!).


@Brian Powell

The people who booed Mr Salmond are proud Scots apparently Brian.

But maybe, if they get their way on September 18th, they can let us know how that ‘pride’ will translate itself into retaining support for frozen council tax, a social wage, free prescriptions, higher education, NHS aid at point of need and so many more gains? Maybe that ‘pride’ will somehow, ‘Canute like’, prevent billions being cut from the Scottish budget, or prevent the inevitable second tranche of austerity measures?

These proud Scots should remember that pride comes before a fall.


I missed Lizzie’s wee visit to Rosyth yesterday, (I think I was back combing my pet Porcupine),just caught the highlights at night on the News.

Who was doing the booing?

Any video of the booing?

British Establishment, Projecting Power.

BBC Scotland, Projecting Fear.


Knowing that the navy seems to have a penchant for running its wee boaty thingies aground, exhibit 1… H.M.S. Astute 😉 , I’m still not convinced that this “Hunk o Junk” will not run aground or hit the Rail bridge as it tries to leave the river Forth. 😛


Great cartoon image, hits the nail on the head.

I have mentioned before, but I am reading, bit by bit, a book called ‘Black and Green Gold, Aberdeen’s Continuing Role in the Energy Revolution’. Found in a charity shop, it is very interesting because it delves into the oil, gas and renewables industry in Scotland. The UK government have all but run down the industry for some years prior to the book, 2010, not interested in investment or exploration while taxing some companies out of existence. At least that is the gist of what I can see from what I have read so far. I wonder, will that all change if it is a no vote, a rhetorical question.

The book is available on amazon, it sounds dull, but really worth a read, lots nice photos inside too, just gives a bit of an inside view of oil and gas in Scotland and the UK gov’s lack of interest, even stifling the industry.

There should be absolutely no need for poverty and food banks in Scotland, it is an utter disgrace, in fact it is actually immoral. Who would vote for that? A no vote will ruin Scotland and it won’t take them long.

Robert Peffers

Here is another list of people that make me feel ashamed of belonging, (at present), to this so called, “United Kingdom”.

It is a list of just a few of the insulting Unionist political and unionist media persons who have directly abused, the democratically elected First Minister of Scotland and thus indirectly insulted every single person in Scotland who is registered to vote in Scottish elections : –

Denis MacShane – Who compared Salmond to, “Slobodan Milosevic”.
Lord Foulkes – Who compared Salmond to, “Benito Mussolini”.
Tom Harris – Who compared Salmond to, “Adolf Hitler”.
Ann Moffat – Who compared Salmond to, “Adolf Hitler”.
David Starkey – Who compared Salmond to, “Adolf Hitler”.
Alan Cochrane – Who compared Salmond to, “Joseph Stalin”.
Lord Cormack – Who compared Salmond to, “Robert Mugabe”.
Jeremy Paxman – Who compared Salmond to, “Robert Mugabe ”.
Lord Forsyth – Who compared Salmond to, “Kim Jong-Il”.
John Macleod – Who compared Salmond to, “Caligula”.
Neil Collins – Who compared Salmond to, “Nicolae Ceausescu”.
Kevin McKenna – Who compared Salmond to, “Genghis Khan”.
Annabel Goldie – Who compared Salmond to, “Nero”.

That is all without those, more or less, nonentities who have claimed the several grass-roots independence movements resemble the NAZI party.


@ Caz-m

I clocked that 3,000 to 4,000 increase in Boat launch figures today too. Must have been acall from David or Ed

Pathetic manipulation from the ‘Borg Collective Cube’ at PQ.


Just in case any one was considering voting YES in September here is a wee reminder of why we are better together. Westminster has it’s own wee specialist paedophile ring or at least had one, apparently.

link to


I think we should claim the ‘I’m not a proud Scot’ or ‘I’m an ashamed Scot’ title.
If the Britnats want to be ‘proudscotsbut’ we can leave them to celebrate our role in making the poor poorer and foreign adventurism bringing western style democracy at the end of a gun.

Emphasise the fact that under the current set up there is nothing to be proud of – only by reclaiming control of our our country will we be able to restore our pride.


Do you have pride in poverty then vote no is the real message of these self serving elites.


That should be The bitter Together campaign mot
“Pride In Poverty”


My local Tesco now has a large board sort of thing near the exit which says something like donate to your local foodbank and Tesco will match it with etc etc.

Out of the goodness of Tesco’s heart or part of the social conditioning programme to normalise foodbanks as another step towards the Dickensian society that TPTB (not necessarily Tesco) want to recreate?


Perhaps the silent majority were doing the booing? After all Dave told them to speak up!!

Rosa Alba Macdonald

And Yet… We can have the Tourist Income without the Foodbanks more easily if we Vote Yes. Squadillions of overseas students and tourists are not going to vanish into thin air if we Vote Yes, but the Food Banks will.
Davie or Eddie is worried that they cannot pack up “shortbread tin Scotland” and ship it to Scunthorpe or Skegness, and the loss of tourist revenue if we vote yes.
They already have their own Food Banks of course.

Did you see shocking photos of 4 diff Westminster Debates: most populous – MPs Salaries, then Death of Thatcher (even a good dollop o Lsbour MPs fetched up), then neck in neck for Benefits – disabilities and Special Ed: by neck and neck I mean 5 MPs or so each, maybe less while the other two were stowed out?

That montage needs to be in popular press, for all the Special Ed does not affect Scotland: it speaks to the governements betrayal of weakest.


Think Milipedes foreigners article in todays Sun, must be one of the most desperate of roads that Labour have gone down in this debate.

Surely Labour must be badly damaged by portraying foreigners as something to be feared, with the head of the party the son of an immigrant.


Sadly many of our population have been brainwashed in to thinking that the people who use food banks are to blame for their own predicament. Someone told me that there was a food bank collection at tesco and he heard a woman with 3 kids say “I’ve enough to feed my own without helping the junkies and scroungers”.

These people have been drip fed the propaganda ‘benefits street’, ‘on benefits and proud’, ‘gypsies on benefits’, ‘i’m coming from Bulgaria to shag yer maw’ and they have fallen for it hook line and sinker.

They actually believe that the food banks are like mini marts where these junkies and scroungers go to buy their food, they have no idea that you have to be referred to the food bank it drives me crazy.

We really have a job of work to do on these folk to help them see through the utter pish that they get from the MSM



On the military jingofest at Rosyth, when the bleak future for shipbuilding in iScotland was discussed on GMS Radio Scotland this morning there was no mention of thriving shipbuilding industry in high wage Norway and Finland while Union rep claimed that we can’t compete with the far east so must rely on MOD work.

This is very familiar. We used to make cars. Then we could not afford to compete with the far east because of our high wages. Oddly enough, I drive a French car and my neighbour drives a German one.Seems they could compete – are the workers there all on a dollar a day? I don’t think so.

This story is part of the long term neoliberal plan in this country. The high unemployment arising from closure of whole industries is very handy in keeping wages down: and to hell with the long term consequences. It is not just Scotland that is told it is too stupid – it is a theme for the whole of the UK. And the people have accepted this self serving guff.

Robert Peffers

I’ve posted why I’m not too proud of being both a Scot and a UKsian at this point in time.

Now I’ll tell you something I am proud of being.
I’m proud to have been a supporter of independence since I was a wee schoolboy way back in 1946.

My parents had recruited me to post election leaflets for a neighbour. The neighbour was, Jack Kane, eventually he was to become the first Labour Lord Provost of Edinburgh. This, and joining the school debating society, got me interested in politics.

I soon changed my support to the then rather unfashionable SNP and have remained loyal ever since. I hope, after a lifetime of support, to live, however briefly, in an independent Scotland.


Looks like the TRUTH is starting to materialise regarding the Westminster paedophile ring.

link to


Sorry o/t but next week (and there’s still about 10 weeks to go) there are FOUR prime time MSM programmes about the Scottish referendum.

Monday 7th July Channel 4 8.00pm it’s a Dispatches programme called “The Great British Break-Up” about “dubious tactics and misinformation” in the campaign. Who wants to bet that the tactics used by the No campaign will be portrayed objectively and factually?

Also on Monday at 9.00pm BBC2 has a programme called “For Richer Or Poorer” by Robert Peston, who is employed by and highly paid by the BBC and so is by definition a unionist shill and you can be sure that there won’t be a peep about the truth about oil reserves (for example West coast and currently blocked by Trident) and Scottish subsidy junkyism. If any such facts are allowed to be revealed it will be very briefly and will be immediately rubbished as “unrealistic” or something by the various bought and paid for pro unionist talking heads they’ll use.

On Tuesday the 8th at 9.00 on BBC2 there’s a debate from Skye and on Thursday the 10th there’s a Question Time from Inverness. A few months ago I actually watched (this time I won’t bother) one of these debates, can’t remember which channel or programme it was, where they introduced Naughtie as “neutral”.

As we know these “debates” are carefully managed, audience members and questions pre screened and subtly edited. They’ll use subliminal messaging through lighting and sound control, give predominance to the No campaign and edit any pro Yes speakers and comments for maximum negative effect. There might even be audience plants posing as Independence supporters asking stupid and/or aggressive questions.

They might even be so unsubtle as to dig up that clown with the jimmy hat and orange wig, an image of whom is sometimes used as an MSM backdrop to comments on Scottish Independence.

There is a chance that they’ll be objective, factual and fair, yeh right I just saw a flock of blue pigs flying by outside.

How will the Yes campaign management and the SG respond to what will almost certainly be a co-ordinated attempt to undermine democracy in Scotland?


I would go with social engineering by normalizing food-banks.
This is definitely what they are trying to do, it goes hand in hand with the dismantling of the welfare state.
Soon we will be like the cattle that come running when they see the farmers tractor towing a trailer full of hay, swap the hay for baked beans and spaghetti hoops, tatties and dessicated egg.

Derek M

nice satire Chris hard hitting to the bone.
Proud Scot i will tell you what will make me a proud Scot the end of neo-liberalism and a fair just society that looks after its people put in place ,the big hole cut into the safety net by those parcel of rogues repaired.

I used to be a union member stood up for workers rights but those who were in control off the unions made me start asking questions about myself so i tore up my union membership as most of them are no better than the political elite ,the old guard got smashed by Thatcher the trade union movements were then infiltrated by neo-liberal failed politicians to help destroy the meaning of Trade unionism now we are left with a toothless movement that panders to the political elite but still pretends to be on the side of workers ,sound familiar it should as it is new labour.


We are going backwards in time in respect to the conditions we are living under at the moment. No welfare state, no NHS, eradication of decent wages, it’s all coming your way.
This is no accident for it is the way they want it, engineered it and whether we like it or not, if we stay in this union then we are going along for the ride and it pains me that this may be a one way street to a hellish existence from which there may be no turning back.


Am I a proud Scot? No, I don’t thinks so, at least not in the meaning of the cartoon.

In this day and age where we are surrounded by wealth, natural resources and the brains to use or harvest it, we actually allowed a situation to develope where people are dependent on food banks in order not to starve to death!

I’m not talking about the minority who abuse the system (they should be prosecuted where necessary) but the folk who’ve been caught up in the disgusting policies and power egos of the establishment. Their selfish greed takes no prisoners when it comes to furthering their pockets and quest for ermine.

I do however, have a certain inner sense of pride that being a Scot and seeing how Scotland is determined to break out of the Westminster stranglehold, that we can forge a society where food banks become history.


Saw a car sticker 10mins ago. ” Proud to be Scots – Delighted to be united”

Clearly there are people out there who think things are just tickity boo. Tory rural folks, my guess would be. Why don’t they just be honest and say, ” I’m all right in this Union, So f**k the rest of you”


Great juxtaposition Chris!
Another real one which annoys me is in Leith. Within a very short distance of each other there are two separate Michelin Star Restaurants, another with various Rosettes, and South Leith Church Foodbank.*
The wealthy Edinburgh NO voters who frequent the restaurants do not notice the foodbank, or if they do, it doesn’t bother their consciences. Sadly this is not unusual in Edinburgh.

*Apologies if this foodbank is run by another organisation, but it is collected in the Church Hall.


Vote no and the quality of life in this country is going down the toilet. Politicians like Lamont, Sarwar and their ilk wont give a damn because, “they’re alright jack”.
They wont have to worry about where their next meal is going to come from or how they are going to manage to feed their kids, educate them, keep them warm at night or even keep a roof over their heads.
Their families wont need to worry about the NHS because they will have the money to go private whilst we can’t even get a GP appointment within two weeks. That is the reality.
Vote Yes


@ Chris, once again a great cartoon, however the full name should be “The Proud Scot Butt”, that is about as close to swearing as I get.

Re: the caption, if there are forms to be filled in, we can’t forget the pens 😉

Robert Peffers

Look folks, just pause a wee moment and think on this fact.
Normal BBC TV & Radio Programmes are in fact subliminal brainwashing. I stopped watching TV in my own home some time ago. Even when I’m well over 75 so could claim a free licence. I only see it now when visiting my family or when in my friend’s house.

However, I can access the TV programme guides on-line and I can assess the subliminal messages the TV, (and not just from the BBC), are sending into every viewers home.

Here’s a wee sample of subliminal messages for you of what’s being sent out right now.

Saturday Kitchen Live – The BBC Bryne Williams, Lisa Faulkner, Victoria Pendelton and hosted by a Celebrity Chef.

This is a bunch of celebrities who can well afford to buy the very best of ingrediants and who probably dine out on their expense accounts more often than not. Yet we have people in the UK who will not have eated today or even for several days.

This is followed by Paul Hollywood’s Pies & Puds. This is followed by Bargain Hunt about collecting antiques.

If it isn’t such food programmes it might be luvvies tasting wine or rich people buying up property in the several hundered pound bracket or others buying at auction to do up and rent out or sell on for profit.

For goodness sake we are living in an era where people are starving, living on the streets, dying for lack of care or medical attention. Where disabled, old, sick and out of work people are being persecuted for no other reason than they are disabled, old, sick or out of work in a country that has no reasonably paid jobs for them.

Statistics show that there has been a very steep rise of deaths among those disabled people who have had their benefits and support either removed or curtailed.

Meanwhile the rich/poor gap is ever wider that anytime since we had poor houses, work houses, debtors prisons and places like Bedlam Mental Asylum.

What are such TV shows but the opiate of the masses and the propaganda from the Establishment. All this in a period the government classes as Austerity but a period where the rich continue to become ever richer while the poor become ever poorer.

Ach! Ah’m fair scunnered, disjaskit an disjeckit wi a’thin the Unionist clamjamfrie say or dae.

So beware for the Tory/LibDem measures are set to become much, much more severe and the Labour Party are PROUD it promise their PROUD followers they will be even more severeand will top every measure the Tory/Libdems have PROMISED .

Since when did such dire THREATS translate as promises?

Robert Peffers

Oops! I meant several hundred thousand pound bracket houses.


Well the comments say it all.

I AM a proud Scot. Just a peek at the comments show me that we are aware and fighting to rid ourselves of a govt that preys on the weak and poor.

You make me proud , all of you .REAL Scots.

The cartoon sums up everything that’s wrong here but keep the faith. This cannot and will not go on. Fair play to you Chris the union flag in amongst the scottie stuff says plenty.

I can hardly get anyone to read things these days and a picture like this does get the message through. Thanks for this one . it will be on facebook and everywhere else i can post it.

We are the PROUD SCOTS . Don’t let the unionist bile get you down. Our day will come. The others are nothing more than pawns for the establishment. Too stupid to see they are fighting the wrong enemy. Well they are in for a shock.


Oh dear,I think I’m being swayed into voting NO because they used that whisky to launch a ship yesterday,and the money for Glasgow area over 20 years.

Sounds good when it gets announced,till you find out that it’s over 20 years and our benevolent overlords will review it after 5 years. Every one should realise the word “review” usually means “stopped”. So the sum should read 5 x £15m = £75m,or in the real world,not even enough to buy Neymar over 5 years.


Sorry but this is a no brainer.

‘Beware the ‘Proud Scots’ & the ‘Proud Scots but’

All are counter to the true goals of a YES vote.
None can be trusted to represent the citizens of Scotland and never put Scotland first.

Im very sure any one of us could prepare an extensive list of so called ‘Proud Scot’ apologists and wannabe ‘Brits’.


@YESguy: Well the comments say it all.

I AM a proud Scot. Just a peek at the comments show me that we are aware and fighting to rid ourselves of a govt that preys on the weak and poor.

You make me proud , all of you .REAL Scots.

My sentiments precisely. I too am a proud Scot, but it certainly isn’t because of the political class – it’s the people I’m proud of. It all depends what it is about being a Scot that you’re proud of. Heck, in a weird way I’m most proud of the Scots who say they AREN’T proud Scots because of the unfairness of the UK system and the dire straits many Scots are struggling in – how’s that for a mindbender?


I had the privilege to meet YES Scots yesterday at the newsroom.

There is nothing wrong with having pride in the people. Everyone feels it their own way. I had doubts about us but reading, hearing and seeing everyone gave me sense of pride.

And be even prouder on the 19th and the re birth of our land

Andy smith

Ot. Spotted Jim Murphy on his ginger crate down at portobello earlier. He was speaking to a “crowd” of around 15 people.
Some of them left after they realised he wasn’t promoting kitchen gadgets !

Chic McGregor

Paraphrasing Union Jack McConnell:

“Best wee con-trick in the world!”


A nice reminder as to what it is all about.
Real skill on display in summing up the story with one piece of art work


The suggestion that all will be well in an independent Scotland just because it is independent is ridiculous. The Holyrood mob have it their power to tax more and spend more but choose to leave folk in difficulty for political gain. The only ‘fair’ tax in most folks minds is the one that someone else pays. Folk in work would have to pay more for those who don’t. Why don’t MSPs donate half their salary to foodbanks. Or employ unemployed folk from their salaries at their plush offices. Same pigs in the same trough

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“The suggestion that all will be well in an independent Scotland just because it is independent is ridiculous.”

Oh, fuck off. Nobody has EVER suggested any such thing. Independence gives us the power to change things, it doesn’t change them by itself.


Found this on facebook.

What Quebec’s NO campaign was prepared to do to win at any cost. Dirty tricks, black ops, secret funding, illegal sponsorship, lies and crimes. This will be happening now in Scotland.

fb: Eu Citizens for an Independent Scotland

Warning from Quebec. via Jacques Lapointe and Martin Dubois

What to expect from Better Together who are consulting with Canada’s Unionist party.

A rally was organised to take place in Montreal, Quebec 3 days before the referendum by sponsors from Canada, Canadian phone companies allowed residential customers to make free 5 minutes long distance phone calls to call relatives and friends in Quebec, to vote No and to come to the rally.where the great and the good from Canada came and spoke. Free buses were laid on carrying between 60,000 and 100,000 people from outside Quebec in Canada. On the day of the rally planes carrying vote no signs streaming from them flew above the massive rally . Many Canadian politicians from outside Quebec including prime Minister Jean Chrétien, Progressive Conservative Party leader Jean Charest and Quebec Liberal Party leader Daniel Johnson spoke to the crowd for the occasion.

The social, psychological and economic impact of the rally is generally viewed as the deciding factor for the “No” campaign. The Yes vote who were in the lead lost by 1% of the votes

Take it seriously before its too late! There is nothing they will not do to keep Scotland in the UK.Hope our story help you to prevent a case of history repeating itself .

(Quebec was effectively promised greater devolution (DevoMax) and more powers and then they didn’t get it, they’ve been marginalised ever since and derided for not taking the chance when they had it. To paraphrase one Québécois friend, don’t enter the future as a spectator, it’s a bad deal.Lux Anderson )

link to

Why Quebec needs independence. There was also an illegal electoral slush fund called Option Canada that secretly funneled about $5 million into the NO campaign and thereby almost doubling that side’s resources. There were actually many other dirty tricks from the federalist (unionist) side…

link to

link to – illegal sponsorship

link to – about Option Canada slush fund(its in French)


@horseboy – The sad thing is that it’s all there for us to see and know what’s going on but still half of us at the moment are for voting no



You need to read this from the reference section here on Wings.

link to

Paula Rose

Rev dear – can we get first bite at the wee people before you start using adult language?


So when I give my opinion I am to F..k off! It has been endlessly said that Independence will mean the eradication of poverty, freedom from this, free this, more that. There is nothing for nothing in this world and anyone who says different is deluded. The bullying nature of your response is offensive but not unexpected.


So when I give my opinion I am to F..k off!

If your opinion wasn’t such utter shit then no-one would tell you to fuck off.

Weelad it is obviously important to you that Scotland remains part of the union but instead of spouting utter pish why don’t you give a coherent or even emotional argument for your view instead of waffling shit


Rosa Alba Macdonald says:
5 July, 2014 at 10:20 am
And Yet… We can have the Tourist Income without the Foodbanks more easily if we Vote Yes. Squadillions of overseas students and tourists are not going to vanish into thin air if we Vote Yes, but the Food Banks will.

SO ‘no one EVER said all will be well……’


Croompenstein says:
5 July, 2014 at 9:21 pm
So when I give my opinion I am to F..k off!

If your opinion wasn’t such utter shit then no-one would tell you to fuck off.

Weelad it is obviously important to you that Scotland remains part of the union but instead of spouting utter pish why don’t you give a coherent or even emotional argument for your view instead of waffling shit

…and your opinion is coherent in what way?


I wouldn’t expect to go on a Vote No blog and spout utter pish and not be told to fuck off.

It’s nothing to do with my opinion it is you who have decided to comment on here and then go all Rita Hayworth when somebody swears at you..


Croompenstein says:
5 July, 2014 at 9:32 pm
I wouldn’t expect to go on a Vote No blog and spout utter pish and not be told to fuck off.

It’s nothing to do with my opinion it is you who have decided to comment on here and then go all Rita Hayworth when somebody swears at you..

The level of your ability to debate is limited obviously. Tell me which part of my suggestion that there is nothing for nothing is wrong?
And don’t swear just debate


Och weelad I never said nothing for nothing was wrong. It’s not going to be easy but the thing is we will take all the decisions into our own hands. You said…

The suggestion that all will be well in an independent Scotland just because it is independent is ridiculous

That is a pish statement and you were rightly called out on it. OK maybe fuck off was a bit strong but don’t go all defensive and indignant no one has suggested that all will be well it’s going to be hard I think but the end result will be worth it.


Croompstein’s last comment is at a perfectly reasonable statement. My problem with it is that is not how it being presented. We are told we are rich, EU membership is guaranteed, the currency is a no-brainer etc etc. If the case were simply that we can make our own decision and take the rough with the smooth and the losses with the gains then the debate would be credible. I was and am a long time supporter of more power at more local or individual level but what is on over from Alex S and Nicola S is just a different set of controllers from the London set. I suggest re-reading of ‘Animal Farm’ for us all

CameronB Brodie

I was and am a long time supporter of more power at more local or individual level but what is on over from Alex S and Nicola S is just a different set of controllers from the London set. I suggest re-reading of ‘Animal Farm’ for us all

If I might chip in, I think it’s a bit ironic that you mention ‘Animal Farm’. I don’t suppose you support British Labour, do you? Are you forgetting that the people of Scotland have been invited to have their say on Scotland’s new Constitution. How very Stalanist, how very Fabian. In case you are unaware of your political history, I belive it was H G Wells who commented that the Russian Revolution was pure Fabianism in action. Charming.


And how little regard did Stalin pay to the true ethos of communism? Churchill i think said ‘we are all equal, but some are more equal than others’. So the constitution if it comes about will be written for ‘us’ not by ‘us’. Local government rules the locals rather than serve. I have a reasonable grasp of political history but am maybe a bit too cynical..

CameronB Brodie

I think Wells made his comment when visiting Stalinist Russia in the 1930s. I think the first couple of Five Year plans had been completed, all of which entirely planned, funded and constructed by western corporations. I’m not sure how and when the debt was settled.

Paula Rose

Little Theweelad please expound honey.

CameronB Brodie

I’m pretty cynical myself, but I haven’t given up on creating the best possible future. Obviously I can’t say what the future will be like in iScotland, but direct government accountable to Scottish voters can only improve our prospects of achieving a brighter future. Not to mention the retention and control of Scottish wealth for Scottish benefit. Some might call that a selfish attitude, but when there are people relying on food-banks, it is time to say enough is enough.

Can anyone point me to the moral responsibility Scotland has, to continue subsiding the UK, financially and with our talent?


i do hope CameronB isnt suggesting we follow the example of the USSR and Stalin.


weelad it is easy to get wound up and lose control on a text based forum as the nuances of body language and facial expression don’t apply. I don’t want to sound cheeky or condescending but I just believe in my heart that Scotland could do so much better for our people as an independent nation. I appreciate that you may be scared but we are all scared it isn’t something to be treated lightly or flippantly but I just feel in my heart that we have to vote yes.

And please don’t think we are turning our back on anyone the only thing we are turning our back on is Westminster rule which is undemocratic not only for Scotland but for all of the UK


I would have thought that the fact that poor people exist thoughout the UK might pick the conscience of us all and prevent the ‘it’s my ball (oil) attitude. tell me why I if I am better off than you should subsidise you or vice versa?

CameronB Brodie

I’m a bit more hardcore. I already have my “Brother Number One” banner, though not had it out in public yet. 🙂

Misconstrue all you want weelad, but can I ask if you are a Fabian yourself?


Gradual change or continual revolution? Now we are down the road of Mao….oh no. I wish for fair-ness and reasonable-ness (!!) but also the acceptance that our efforts are not all of equal value. The law of the jungle exists in us all but needs to be constrained by a valuing of society. that applies to all people of all sexes, creeds etc etc. To pull up the drawbridge and say lets do it ourselves only just is impossible. In my humble opinion…….


Mind you I do like apples and milk

Paula Rose

Theweelad lovey – which vision for your country do you have?

CameronB Brodie

You are entitled to your opinion, though I would be interested in your reasoning. It would appear that Better Together’s whataboutery and fear mongering, is evaporating almost on a daily basis. So if we are not too poor, are we too stupid? And in what world or time dimension do you think your aspirations will be delivered by Westminster?


Weelad – Come on no one is pulling up the drawbridge! what is it that is so hard to understand? We have in these islands a social union that will last till the end of time. What we are voting for is to end an unfair political union which does not serve the best interests of the Scottish people you and I included


People I smell a troll.

Remember 1st Law:
Don’t feed the troll.

They are to distract disrupt YES debate.


@Theweelad: The suggestion that all will be well in an independent Scotland just because it is independent is ridiculous.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, just better than it is now.

The Holyrood mob have it their power to tax more and spend more but choose to leave folk in difficulty for political gain.

And taxing more wouldn’t leave folk in even more diffulty than they’re already in? That said, they most assuredly don’t have the power to spend more at all.

The only ‘fair’ tax in most folks minds is the one that someone else pays. Folk in work would have to pay more for those who don’t.

And the reason we have less people in work than we should is because of the vast deindustrialisation of the country under successive Westminster governments with no effort to replenish it with other jobs.

Why don’t MSPs donate half their salary to foodbanks.

In addition to the fact that the current Scottish government have rejected pay rises a la Westminster’s scandalous 11%, I know of several MSPs which donate to charities. Alex Salmond, for instance, who donates his salary as a sitting member of the House of Commons to charity. A couple of Labour MPs like Margaret Curran followed his lead. Hell, Alex Fergusson gave his pension to charity – even the TORIES are more generous in Holyrood!

Or employ unemployed folk from their salaries at their plush offices. Same pigs in the same trough

This is part of another insidious narrative I’ve encountered, this idea that “all politicians are as bad as each other, so why bother?” That may be true for some careerist politicians which shall remain nameless, but just as there are some idealist politicians in Westminster, they are there in Holyrood. The difference is the idealist politicians are in charge at Holyrood, and there are enough of them to stand a chance to make a difference, rather than vastly outnumbered by heriditary members and millionaires looking for a peerage.

It has been endlessly said that Independence will mean the eradication of poverty, freedom from this, free this, more that.

Would love some quotes and sources on that. In any case, we would indeed be free from several things by virtue of independence, otherwise why would there even be a big deal about it?

I was and am a long time supporter of more power at more local or individual level but what is on over from Alex S and Nicola S is just a different set of controllers from the London set.

Well, yes, that’s the point. But as far as I can remember, Alex Salmond & Nicola Sturgeon never tried to drag us into illegal wars, enforce idealogical austerity cults, cover up a paedophile ring in the upper echelons of government, or propose conscription, gagging laws or anything successive Westminster governments have.

I would have thought that the fact that poor people exist thoughout the UK might pick the conscience of us all and prevent the ‘it’s my ball (oil) attitude. tell me why I if I am better off than you should subsidise you or vice versa?

Our oil isn’t helping the poor people of the UK, it’s just going into the giant pot where Westminster decides what to do with it – and that is invariably into the pockets of their friends, family and selves. The best way we can help the people of the rest of the UK is to take control of our wealth and decide how to spend it – which could well include infrastructure in the borders that would tremendously aid Northern England, not to mention foreign aid.

I wish for fair-ness and reasonable-ness (!!) but also the acceptance that our efforts are not all of equal value.

Fair enough, though I think that the value of our efforts cannot be quantified in such terms which makes one member of society more inherently valuable than another.


People I smell a troll.

Remember 1st Law:
Don’t feed the troll.

They are to distract disrupt YES debate.

Generally I give people the benefit of the doubt (often to my ruin), but I found some of theweelad’s comments interesting enough to comment upon.



I know your posts longtime.

You easily best any troll.

I can’t take them on

Go get em.


@Taranaich – Well said you have a way of words that helps us all counter the negativity. I appreciate that people may disagree with us here but they have to put up a logical and coherent argument. If anyone is up for countering Taranaich’s post then this blog is free to listen..


The signature tune of trolls like ‘theweelad’ is to pick an argument by making a poor comment, wait for abuse but expect a reasoned response to blow away their pash then move onto the next crap then the next etc….

I have this image of ‘theweelad’ and his ilk sitting at the computer typing garbage furiously with one hand, and the other, well, furiously doing something else with the other (stirring his tea while pondering the pros and cons of the debate perhaps)….all the time thinking “this is brilliant, i have won something” without knowing what it might be or have an inkling of how he “won” it.

Same people will complain if a No vote is delivered when reality bites them.
Who do you all think will be to blame for what happens ?

‘That salmond’
‘That SNP’
‘They tories’

Point is, these type of people are unreachable imo.

Which is a real shame as everyone deserves better than they are getting from the union, even the trolls.

For the record this is NOT a personal attack on ‘theweelad’, it is about trolls in general.


@geeo – Good words my friend, you are not alone..

Please please undecided’s look in to yourselves and just remember that it’s Scotland just Scotland

Bill McLean

Theweelad is clearly more comfortable being run by Westminster. How many years is it since many of them were accused of robbing the people? How comfortable is he with being run by a body that has hidden paedophilia? How comfortable is he with the President of Iceland’s scathing attack on former Chancellor and Prime Minister Gordon Brown who puts his country’s remarkable economic recovery down to ignoring Brown’s advice ( I wish we had )! Iceland’s economic growth is hit 3.3% last year and forecast to rise further. The President of Iceland said they will “never forget” that UK used terrorism laws against them. British bullying as ever!!


Geoo is rude and way off the mark as are so many others. This site was recommended to me as a source of information and debate. It is anything but. I fear the day that people like most of the posters on here are ever in charge. You can all preach to the converted but the level of abuse is unacceptable. I am ashamed of my fellow Scots if that is how it is going to be. The vision should be real and positive not paedophilia quips etc (lets look at home eh). Shocking truly shocking

Grouse Beater

The wee lad is shocked: I am ashamed of my fellow Scots if that is how it is going to be.

You’re too easily put off, and exaggerating.

When a man is determined his country will regain sovereignty nothing distracts him from that goal.


Well Grouse Beater. Hardly think so. Democracy involves letting folk have their say without the abuse I have experienced and that has come about because I suggested a different view to all the die-hards here. You fellows have, in the main, attacked me personally rather than the issues. Poor quality stuff

Tom Foyle

Theweelad. I’m not going to swear at you, have no fear, nor deride you unnecessarily. But I have reservations about your claims. Your statement, “we are told we are rich, EU membership is guaranteed, currency is a no-brainer…” are not actually claims made by the yes camp. They are reports and accusations that have been taken out of context, altered or just plain mis-used by the BT campaigners for their own purposes. Most of us intending to vote “yes” are voting that way because we are intelligent enough to know what has been done to Scotland by the English for centuries. And some of us have directed our anger at you personally. Although not one of them, and although not even Scottish, I take on the responsibility of apologising for such behaviour but ask you to understand it is because the level of passion involved here is beyond anything previously experienced in this country right back to the time of that old bastard, Edward the first. So, I ask you to forgive them. Now. Democracy should indeed allow folk to have their say without being abused. But for that to occur, first, folk should be allowed to have their say. And that is not happening. ALL the mainstream press, and most of the rest of the Media, is either not allowing or has been prevented from printing the truth and the opinions of the “yes” campaigners. Result: Intense anger. Those who HAVE been involved in publishing accurate details and reasons for a “yes” vote have been both verbally and PHYSICALLY attacked, and, what’s more, the “no” supporters laughed at these attacks and supported them. Cue more anger, outrage and indignation. It is unfortunate, for England, that Scotland WOULD be better off, i.e., richer, if independent. EU membership is not only not required, but undesirable for Scotland. She’d regain her fishing rights and rebuild that superb industry destroyed by English actions in the Hague. And since the Scottish currency of the pound is independent of the English pound, it really IS a no-brainer. No-one is foolish enough to think that these results will happen overnight – well, perhaps a few – but, given Independence, they WILL happen. Don’t take it personally. Think of being a bullied schoolboy for years who suddenly has the chance to turn the tables on their bullies…wouldn’t YOU give them a bit of verbal abuse?

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