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Wings Over Scotland

Positivity overload

Posted on July 22, 2014 by
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Roddy Macdonald

Here’s a nice wee antidote to all that erm, ‘positivity’.

Welsh Bard and voice of his generation Gerallt Lloyd Owen died on 18th July. His funeral will be on 25th July and his family has asked for donations to be sent to Yes Scotland.

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Unusually upbeat comments from Better Together supporters i thought, on the whole.


Is there a Britnat watch website?, probably too many to fit in

Bugger (the Panda)

I wonder where these quaint Friends of Scotland will go aftebthe Yes vote?

Personally I don’t give a monkey’s, so long as it is a long way from Scotland. Bukino Farso would a good jumping off point for them.

G H Graham

I bet you wish you still had toothache?

Bob Sinclair

Ahh, so I see you’ve managed to get your hands on tge Commonwealth Games opening Ceremony video footage.


At least the soundtrack was good, who is it Stu ?


We’re so lucky with our neighbours, especially the liberal progressive ones that really love democracy, but just not in the patch of England called Scotland:D

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Quentin Quale

Crikey, they seem to be toning it down a bit. Is this the censored version?

joe kane

I knew the London-centric mainstream news media journalists reporting on the referendum on Scottish independence were a bit bias but didn’t realise they were so partisan.

joe kane

The tweet by the Mail Online journalist was quite easy to spot.


You would think that given the serious level of these threatening and abusive comments, the Scottish media would report this and make the public aware of the amount of abuse the YES side receives from unionist supporters.

But then you would probably need a media that was not corrupt to the core for that to happen.

Seasick Dave

Its because they love us so much that they can’t bear to see us go.

Or something.

bookie from hell

Bob Sinclair says:
22 July, 2014 at 7:38 pm
Ahh, so I see you’ve managed to get your hands on tge Commonwealth Games opening Ceremony video footage.

made me laugh


Funny how most of them were English who won’t get a vote anyway if they hate all us fat alki bastards why do they want to keep the union laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic

David Agnew

The only effect this sort of “positive message” has on me is to make me regard “Britishness” as something to be feared and despised. If this was BT’s plan, then please stand up and take a bow, you did a bang up job. If it was to make me feel some stirrings of sympathy for the Union…you done fucked it up.



Glad to see you’ve recovered from your 2:30 dentist appointment.

Judging from the post,I take it your anaesthetic wore off?

Robert Llewellyn Tyler

Gerallt Lloyd Owen was one of our finest poets and it comes as no surprise that his family has suggested that donations be made to Yes Scotland in his memory.

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One has to appreciate the positivity of these folk…


Maybe a border is no such a bad idea after all!


Robert Llewellyn Tyler

That is good news.Another hero of “The Empire” tells them to stuff it.

You wonder how they can be so blind.

Les Wilson

Pretty well outlines the case for Independence, well done.

Oh, the Games to be none political. Tonight BBC1 Johny Beatty to talk to a lot of people and ask ” what would a good performance from team Scotland might effect the Indy vote”, and they are not even started yet! I am not waiting positive with the BBC involved, it will all end somehow the Union is good, Independence bad.


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Please Dont forget my Slovene girlfriend Prof Abiesalba Tomkins too! She’s say Scotland voting Yes is fascist, a dictatorship, all lies, and other very nice girly things in millions of her Slovenia says vote No Cifs.

But on the upside, Abiesalbas says Slovenia is very keen on independence for Orkney and Shetland. Women eh, cant live with them, cant get away with trying to be one either.

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When is Alistair Darling going to call these people off and rein them in?

It’s ‘Liar Liar’ by The Castaways. I didn’t know that up till about 15 minutes ago.


The games to be non-political?

Cameron/Darling/McDougall don’t think so.

Neither do Team Scotland.

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I know it’s childish, but the thing I am most looking forward to if/when we vote Yes is getting it right up people like them. It will be absolutely priceless.

Dr JM Mackintosh

Why do you keep posting links to Abiesalba?
She is a bit of a nutter and her views will be of little interest to most people on this site.

Interesting that independence is good for Slovenia but apparently not for Scotland – truly bizarre.

Can you please stop posting her links – it is getting a bit boring – like Duggie.

Dan Huil

Rinse and spit. [Darling and Foulkes?]


@BuckieBraes – Thanks for that 🙂


The rUK education system is worse than I had imagined also their mental health services appear to have closed down. However pity the poor souls they don’t know what they are doing or they are pretty immature. It’s a zoo down south, no kidding, think a border fence sounds more appealing by the day. Yep I’ll settle for that.


ha ha ha some of those were hilarious 😀 I was pi$$ing myself at a couple of them. Awful but also funny.


Is this for real?


@ Dr JM Mackintosh, jealousy Doc? this is a love that dare not speak it’s name, Yoo hoo Adam sweetie, my Slovene love machinexxx

Don’t worry Doc, when it stops being funny, if that’s ok with you like. Anyway this Is one hot Professor in Slovenia with more to say about Scotland 2014 than anyone actually in Scotland, even though he’s actually in Scofland, if you are following this love story.


Not my usual battle cry(yes,it’s a pun) but Christians for Indy have a lot to contribute too.


Maybe some Barry White for the soundtrack on the next one? 🙂


Surprised that Edinburgh OK’d the OO march. I would have thought the inclination for the council would have been to come up with some reason to not allow it, as it is hardly a positive thing for Better Together.

Can’t say I am disappointed about it going ahead and so close to the vote too.

Paula Rose

Perhaps they’ll invite the Butkok Nob Orders to join them?


slackshoe says:
“I know it’s childish, but the thing I am most looking forward to if/when we vote Yes is getting it right up people like them. It will be absolutely priceless.”

That will be a wicked little pleasure indeed 🙂


It’s as awful as watching or worse hearing, BBC vote No Scotland, according to these guys

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Imagine a BBC actually worht € 4.5 billion a year. See the BBC liggers monstered the evil Russians today with a murder case a decade old. Dark times for teamGB media and now back to the study in Glasgow, where our crew of over paid shills led by Jacky Bird have found something really terrible about the Glagow Common Wealth games, again, rule Britannia.

dennis mclaughlin

Makes you proud to be a cringin’ Jock , so it does.

Ian Brotherhood

Every time I see Blair McDougall I’m reminded of a tuba, which in turn triggers this – Reginald Perrin whenever his mother-in-law is mentioned:

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@ Peter, that’s my girlfriend you’re talking about:D in Slovenia women are often mistaken for. Professors of Constitutional law at Glasgow uni. It’s vey stylish.



Forgot the link. Doh!

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Aye,they aw tell ye shite when they want to lead you on.

Grouse Beater

Darling will do and say nothing about abusive comments against yes voters because he is one of the abusers.

He absolutely hates democratic progress, seeing Scotland simply as North Britain.

Dorothy Devine

OT just caught the end of River City and some woman was carrying the baton – not a saltire in sight and kids wearing a red cross on their T shirt .
Obviously BBBC Scotland doing its thing yet again or am I just paranoid?


I cannot understand, how people can hate their own country so much. If it’s not hate, what is it? Do they love being an underclass in the British state? Are they enthralled by the prospect of more food banks and a privatised Scottish NHS?
Seriously, what is wrong in the minds of these people?
I’m f*+-ed if I know.

Brian Doonthetoon

Croompenstein says:

Is there a Britnat watch website?

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joe kane

News just in.
It has just been announced that after successful field trials of the new £3,000 bazillion pound IDS Iron Dome defence system (designed to defend and protect IDS from such dangerous threats as truth, reality and the general public thus creating a bubble of delusions and lies within which he can safely operate) a decision has been taken to extend it to include the Better Together campaign from now until September the 18th.

IDS Iron Dome graphic, how it works –
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Ok – I was trying to construct a blog regarding online abuse – wasn’t there a Sunday Times survey that showed Yes supporters were three times as likely to have suffered abuse as No supporters? If so, please can someone send me a link/reference/citation, if not then please someone correct me….

[…] « Positivity overload […]


@ goldenayr, aye but what an arse on her/him though, and just under all that “AlicSmon is a fascist dictator and no one in Scotland understands EU constitutional law like what I do, you fascist SNP sheep,” there’s actually a really boring law lecturer too.


Wasn’t there a great line in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy… (TV series) among very many, that George Smiley said his opposite number in Moscow would eventually fail because he (Karla) was a ‘fanatic’.

Better Together have been losing the battle to keep their BritNat fanatics under the lid. It’s not working and the Orange Order march through Edinburgh will remind people of the baggage that could be shed after YES vote.

With no genuine grassroots Better Together will lose this referendum, modest people don’t want to be lined up and be counted with fanatics, it will lead to many soft unionists abstaining from voting. So good on the loons taking to social media to spread their bile, everyone is watching.

Hamish Humphy

Glad to see you included the Nazi tweet by the vile Jill Stephenson (aka historywoman). She really is a disgusting piece of shit.


@Croompenstein, liar liar by the Castaways, nice bit of 60’s surfer punk, check them out on YouTube. Tried to put the link up, failed. Sorry rev, forgot the rules there, holiday and red wine combo.



Then don’t make the boring interesting.


Bar that,I know how alluring it is to beat them endlessly.

Took me a while to crack my Scotsman addiction,that and 40,50+ email addresses.

Grouse Beater

end of River City and some woman was carrying the baton – not a saltire in sight

It’s a wonder the BBC can bring itself to remind viewers the Commonwealth Games are taking place in Glasgow – Scotland.

ronnie anderson

Noo where did awe they tweets come fae,ah never knew that the luvbombers thought of us in that way, awe am mortifyed tae ma core,diz the Mejia know aboot that they would be aghast & speachless.

Flower of Scotland

@ Dorothy Devine

I’ve been itching to put this up about River City!! It was truly astonishing. Molly ran with the baton and NOT ONE SALTIRE present, but people in white tee shirts with a RED cross. My flabber was truly gasted!

BTW I have put the you tube video of Stu,s piece on Facebook and suggested its time to bring the police in! Naughty, naughty. Some will fall for it!!


Re Rivercity.

The kids wearing red crosses were probably the concession paid by the producers to have The Games mentioned at all.

ronnie anderson

speechless even


ronnie anderson

Y’were right the first time.

S’peach less.

They only make soor plooms.


Good to see our fan club is alive and well, we must be doing something right.

Nana Smith


What a basket case we are…

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S’peach less

I used to work with a guy who thought Kerr’s Pinks was an American boxer 🙂

Nana Smith

Had a reply from John Thurso re his invitation to campaign for a no vote. I had tried to keep my reply civil and fairly polite.

His reply was curt to say the least and according to him 60% of Scots intend to vote No.

He must have a crystal ball.



Disappointed there was no Dennis Norden at the end there.. Thought it was a clip of funny media blunders we could all laugh at..

Just a montage of love bombing messages from people who really know what they are talking about.. hahahahah.

Sure I’ve heard that if no one has anything intelligent or coherent to say/write they usually turn to verbal insults. Suppose it’s easier to write “Your all C**ts” than to actually enter into proper debate, discuss issues in an adult manner, or even face the fact that we will be better off as an Independent Nation.

I can only conclude that Better Together, No Thanks uKOK-ers are not very good at reading or self thought, because if they did read and give some thought to the vast amount of sites that dispel every Better Together, No Thanks uKOK’s lies they’d come round to a YES way of thinking..

Lazy I suppose..

ronnie anderson

@goldenayr,(soor plooms) uve gied me a idea fur Sunday Demo BLUE MOOTHS fur the wains,I needs to visit Ye Aulde Sweete Shoppe, wie awe they Es ah need a pee.



Thank gawd y’never asked him who soor plooms wis.


If y’dae go tae sweetie shop,see if they still hae MB bars.Also,if y’go,I’m no bringin the bairns.

They’re already nuttier than me,without e numbers.


ITN News questioning Russia Today’s impartiality. Nearly pissed myself.


I’m actually quite fond of “Mcbill”. Each time I gave him a rough ride he called me a Cybernat then ran away.

I think he lives in a shed somewhere if my memory serves me right.

He used to cut n paste some of my posts from DT then twist them and use them in his wee website “Inside the bunker”. Most amusing.

The best part of it all is that you just know all of these eejits are reading wings but they can’t post as it’s impossible to argue against the truth.

And you can’t lie to yourself.


Missed this one in the Daily Wail (copied and pasted) on 7/6/14

“Scotts are a lot better off staying in the UK. That’s why I want them to leave. We can rebuild the wall to 50 meters high, man it with machine guns and effectively take out the trash”


On another note has anyone heard anything about the supposed bomb threat in the NO office in Cumbernauld? Are the police still investigating, the “perpetrator“ must surely have been picked up on CCTV.
The J K Rowling investigation by the police into her death threat also seems to very quiet.


Oh and this from the Wail again:

“Get rid of them bob. We don’t need them never have apart from cannon fodder. Let the Germans bail them out next time.”


Watching J.Beatties prog.

At PQ,can we just have one banner asking..

“BBC,please,let our people speak”



Sooo…are y’married?

And was it in Devon?



Eh? Mm! Ooh think I’m blushing!

And yeh the English online DM. Anything with Scotland in the headlines gets them going. I’m trying real hard to wean myself off it. It does my blood pressure no good.


Just finished watching “The Games People Play”.

Got to agree with John.

Let the guys win and the feelgood factor do its thing.

Tartan Tory

BBC now reporting that rUK will be better off AND they will live longer without Scotland:

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Oh, and they will suddenly become more crowded and have a conservative government too…..


Ruthie; “Each of us – Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat – have different ideas about how best to develop devolution . Some people find this confusing but it is perfectly natural, as the side advocating No Thanks is a genuine alliance of different political parties. In contrast, the Yes campaign is funded, led and run as an SNP vehicle and therefore has a single point of command and control.”
What grassroots ? Is that a squi….

“For our own part, the Conservatives strongly believe that a Scottish Parliament, in charge of spending tens of billions of pounds, should be in charge of raising sums too.”
Sums ! Does that include long division?

“The next world-beating inventor, industrialist, composer, medical researcher, economist can come from Scotland and develop their talents here too. How best do we make that happen?”
Vote Yes, silly bint.

” As important as this campaign is – and as committed as I am to it – I look forward to this debate being settled so that the country can come back together and move on.”
Look, another squirrel.

So many words, so little meaning. Did Ruthie do meeja studies, or PPE ?

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@goldenayr – Just finished watching “The Games People Play”

Watched it too goldenayr, thought Alex Arthur’s revelation of TeamGB bullying was interesting.



If y’seen the wife,y’widnae blush,y’d run.

Don’t let it get to ye.

Tell the truth when asked,walk away,if annoyed.



Very,and so was the whole slant.

Surprised Michael Stewart was allowed to say what he did.

Hence my call for one banner at PQ.

If we’re doing it,do it with dignity for all.


Is it just me or could Willie Rennie moan about a sunny day?



It’s just you.

Wee Wullie disnae get his heed oot the crack long enough tae ken whit dae aw the week it is,nevermind the weather.



He’s trying to make himself relevant, and failing…again.


Noticed Paul Hutcheon on Scotland2014. Looks exactly as one would imagine a Scottish MSM journalist to look. Without the scales maybe.


My last post kinda puts my previous post into a juxtaposition.

Nah!Some folk don’t deserve dignity as they don’t respect themselves.



So you are Sarahs only viewer.

Forget it,she buys batteries by the artic.


O/T: i have front seats at tomorrow’s opening ceremony, shall I take some yes signs and yes bomb when the camera points in my direction our would that be a bit crude? Looking for advice. I’d only do it as a fun good natured thing…


O/T on Scotland tonight Big John (Och aye) MacKay’s closing ‘and finally’ piece showed a clip from an American Game Show with 3 contestants failing to answer a question about what/where was the Commonwealth Games.

What’s the point of that I ask myself ?

Earlier he asked, ” is the world really watching these games”

His cringe factor is cranked all the way up to 11

Nana Smith

Sleekit coward. Speaks to an invited audience…says it all

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Grouse Beater
” BBC Scotland, not a Saltire in sight”

I’ve been shouting about this for days. We seem to be getting the odd token Saltire, but it is shown to us very grudgingly.

FFS BBC Scotland, the clue of the location of the games is in the name,

“Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games”

Get those Saltires back on our screens.



Time for some brit establishment underhandedness.

If you dinnae feel daft..flap your hands at your head like a pair of wings.

Girfuy Masons,we hae oor own secret.

bookie from hell

business insider–America–trashes Scotland

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Too late,beeb London have hijacked them.Nobody in Scotland is qualified to commentate apart from Hazel Irvine,haud oan,does she no live in London?

The progs we’ve seen are regional,not fit for English audiences.

I can see VisitEngland being bombarded with phone calls about accommodation for the event.


callum, have you considered mooning ?

Dependent on the size of your posterior, a simple ‘Vote Yes’.
If your a bigger chap, maybe you could squeeze ‘Kiss this Project Fear’ in.

Paula Rose

Callum dear – do what I’m doing, take some thistles which have formed seed and blow upon them (as a child we used to do that to ‘tell the time’, tick-tock).


Positivity Overload continued: Watching BBC national news tonight, a Commonwealth Games special feature was devoted near the end to showing the two sides of Glasgow – the regenerated and modern city and the old impoverished parts of the city featuring wasteland, Govan and telling us one third of Glaswegians have never worked.

I don’t think there was anything untrue in the feature but was it really necessary for BBC London to do what can only be regarded as a bit of a put down and trying to take a little gloss off the Commonwealth Games on the eve of the opening ceremony?

I may have missed it but I do not recall a similar programme showing us the worst aspects of London and its eastend on the eve of the Olympic Games.

After the games are over a programme like this might have been interesting based on the legacy of the games. Maybe I am way off beam and too sensitive but that’s what I felt. What do you think?

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

I used to do the same, in Glasgow, as a wean, but thistles weren’t abundant. We used dandelions, and blew on the heads, singing ‘Mary Queen of Scots got her head chopt off!’

‘Chopped’ was sung long – ‘Choooooohpt’ – by the other weans, as the holder of the weed tried to blow off as many of the wee furry seeds as possible, like blowing out all the candles on the birthday cake.

Then we calmed down, and ate worms…

Ian Brotherhood

We know there are at least 10,000 ‘Yes’ saltires in circulation – even mighty Aunty Beeb won’t be able to avoid or pixelate all of them.


Paula Rose/Defo

I don’t know whit’s worse,my idea or yours.

Can ye imagine a bunch o’tattoed,bare arsed guys blowin noaks while flappin their hauns at their temple?


Go wi the YES sign.

Paula Rose

(shh Ian – I was hoping everyone would forget it was dandelions with their various connotations)

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about, but you’ll have to excuse me as I seem to have involuntarily urinated.


Ian Brotherhood

“Then we calmed down, and ate worms…”

Big fat juicy yins
Wee thin skinny yins
See how they wriggle an’ squirm

The Morgatron

If thats their strongest case for the union, well im a c*#t. Savages the lot of them. Paint ball them with their own shite on the 19th Sept.


The Morgatron

Ye ken it was a montage by Stu?

Paula Rose

Ian dear, I hope you had divested yourself of your troosers first.



You could paint YES across your a@*e cheeks then do a mooner 😀

sausage fingered luddite

Just caught the last 2 minutes of newsnight, that Laura Keunnesberg(spelling?) really doesnae like the first minister does she?



Callum – bring a sickbag. You’ll need it, especially during the first 10 minutes or so, unless you have a very strong constitution. Also, some sort of jaw support may be useful.

Ian Brotherhood

@goldenayr –

Even as weans, we were environmentally aware – well-ahead of our time.

And we needed the protein. 🙂

(Mind you, I’m sure they taste better with a wee bit of salt.)

The Morgatron

Of course I did!


Press Preview on Sky News and not one English paper mentioned the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

You would have thought that if their Queen of England was involved in the opening ceremony then they would have reported it. Not one English newspaper ran with it.

I am now counting down the minutes to our day of destiny 18th September, the day that we will finally decide to break free from this stinkin Union.


sausage fingered luddite

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Tells you everything you need to know about this unionit.


@ bookie from hell, that Business insider is from hell too. Even Bank of Scotland is owned by Loyds. In fact how many banks are too stupid Scotland too small and too poor to bail again?

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

‘Ian dear, I hope you had divested yourself of your troosers first.’

Unhappily, I had not.

My own dogs are now in a state of confusion, and the neighbours’ cats are circling the premises, sensing a paradigm shift…this could get complicated.


Ian Brotherhood

Prefered parsley myself(The Sage Garden)

Hope ye remembered tae..

Cut aff their heid
Clite aff their tail
An’ throw the skins awa

sausage fingered luddite

Cheers goldenayr – it certainly tells me how to spell her name!

I had no doubt she was another unionist at BBC London however it was the bile with which she delivered the questions that surprised me. Even Salmond looked a bit shell shocked although I was impressed with how he responded.
Come back Paxman!


And Kirsty’s screwed up rag face after the Alec Salmond interview was a picture. BBC balance my arse.

Triangular Ears

O/T, went to Leanne Wood’s lecture tonight at the Mitchell Theatre in Glasgow on “Scotland and Wales: Our independent future”.

An excellent talk by Leanne, with some good questions from the floor, marred only slightly by the MC’s rather petulant retort to the mention of Wings by a questioner that the “Radical Independence Campaign doesn’t endorse Wings Over Scotland due to transphobia and mysogyny”.

The night was ended with short talks from three of the UCS work-in ‘veterans’ who were, I believe, three of the 7 who wrote this recent letter supporting a Yes vote.



Tiny minds think alike.

Mibbee the moon idea would be better suited to the retentive NO side though, bend doon and you get the Scottish version NoO.


sausage fingered luddite


Nae chance,he figured oot their gemme yonks ago.

Played the puppet and left laughing tae the bank.



Your reply to Defo would’ve worked better with the middle “o” capitalised,thus..



Unless you are this poor man.

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Being able to write an “n” and “o” on respective sides of,an exceedingly,stretched orifice is hard to contemplate.

Perhaps we should ask McDougall if he’s felt anything strange?

Then again,maybe not.


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Gosh! A journalist quits state broadcaster because its a propaganda mouthpiece for the Russian government. BBC in Scotland liggers next? ha ha

Nana Smith

Which flags will fly…

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Grouse Beater

Footsoldier says:
I may have missed it, but I do not recall a similar programme showing us the worst aspects of London and its eastend on the eve of the Olympic Games.

It was all there in the opening ceremony for the English national London ‘Lympics’ – lots of healthy children bouncing about on beds, a paedophile’s delight.

I rank that ceremony the crassest in living memory, but except for a few annoyed right-wingers who thought it all a disgusting wallow in lefty hypocrisy, everybody appeared to think it was a wonderfully joyous occasion.

Of course, the games and the Royal flotilla kept our minds off the disaster that is the UK economy, exactly like the fall of the Roman empire when to subdue and distract the unwashed masses they doubled gladitorial games and put on massive processions.


Another day of bettertogetherBBC fraud begins. At least they worked a little bit bullshitting us this gift from Osborne. £24 million for very creepy Mayor of Glasgow to stop Scottish democracy, keep £2 trillion in Scots oil and gas in UK, with lots of green energy and their Scottish nuke strike sub base.

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Dave McEwan Hill

Recent posts have just reminded me of a very rude joke.
Read no further if you are easily affronted.

Mary was a dutiful wife but was aware that the fire had gone out a bit and her husband had a bit of a thing about Brigitte Bardot.
So on anniversary she hit on a clever plan (this is entirely ridiculous). She went down to the local tattooist and had a “B” tattooed on one buttock and a “B” tattooed on the other.
After a nice candlelight meal and a glass or two of wine she left the table and ,sans culotte, bent over and lifted her skirt up. “What do you think of that then” she asked.
“Aye” replied Hughie “Very nice. Who’s Bob.”

Boom boom


Grouse Beater

My fathers favourite saying was..

“Football?palliative of the masses”

Hated football,still don’t understand it,for years.

Beattie touched on it in his prog,still not sure why there is so much focus now.

Memo to self,email,and ask why PQ didn’t do the self examination of London 2012?


Please tell me these are the people who say they’ll leave with a Yes vote!
I’ll be glad to show them the door.


I don’t see the point of Better Together being vaguely associated with nutters without the usual definite links..
But on the upside, I could be be wrong but I think the last Commie nightmare didn’t involve the SNP
quote from wiki
“the last time these Games were staged in the country, in Edinburgh In 1986, the legacy was one of financial chaos and political embarrassment: over 30 countries, from Africa and the Caribbean, boycotted the event in protest at the British Government’s policy of dealing with South Africa’s apartheid regime, and the company running the event made losses of £4.3 million.”
That would be entirely a British govt fucking up a Scottish event. Hey ho


Of course they’re doing their level best to promote the games.

Fisrt off we had the NovaVirus scare
Then we had the upping of airport security
Now showing rough areas of Glasgow

All designed to put people off attending the games.


Dave McEwan Hill

“The wife replied,”It’s my tribute to Cpt Birdseye,at least he knew what a fishfinger is”.

John Walsh

At the end surprised to See our old friend Aberdeen Cooncillor Wully ( Sammin is no getting intae oor hoose) Young was telling porkies about Scots in trouble not getting consular assistance . To busy to read EU law is oor Wully.Does he come under the Lab Liar Covenanters?



Wonder if there’s an equivalent to Wesley Warren Junior kicking about in Scotland?

WARNIN – A sicht for sair eyes

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Howde goldenayr ~ Re your 10:29 pm for PQ3 this Sunday..

Are there any talented persons out there who could make rolls of ‘Saltire sticky tape’ (perforated). You know, the kind you could tear off and give to the people to stick over their mouths in protest at the ever-present BBC bias?

Could have the WOW photo-factor, naturally!

Important note: These would be removed during sing-along-a-song 🙂


SquareHaggis, Tiny minds indeed !
Even our simian cousins show displeasure by mooning each other.


Help ma Christ, bl1ddy typos.

Shoulda chosen sossidge fingert luddite but that name’s already taken.



I hope that there is not.

For any of us to wish another to go through so much agony is anathema for the majority.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why that is funny?

A joke is something to be shared,not used to abuse.



You are obviously a master at alienation.

You tell me?


It has occurred to me that while continually castigating Yes/SNP in some crude way as ‘Nazi’ (drawing wildly on the term ‘nationalist’) the Naysayers fail to consider their own deep-rooted, and judging by this small sample, brutish and ugly right-wing ideology, which of course in the great scheme of things can be rationalised away as ‘just the way things are, or should be, or were meant to be’. This extends right across the social spectrum. I’m sure many of the things voiced here have been declared with equal venom by those smooth-talkers in smart grey suits. Because they too can’t accept something that runs counter to what they perceive as ‘the natural order of things’.

For that reason expect the next few weeks to get very rough!



Are you guys canvassers?


Be you for or against my home city of Glasgow hosting the XX Commonwealth Games, it’s happening, now, and regardless of whatever, I hope we put on a great show, Glasgow/Scotland are on-stage, we are in the spotlight, the world is watching.

Outwith the sporting venues, I’m sure the citizens of Glasgow will receive and show our visitors a great time, so I invite ye all to come hither the gither. Also, don’t forget your home flags and ‘face paints’.

Think of our games as a stepping stone to Scotland’s Vote YES day..



As opposed to the biggest man in the world?

Didn’t say I thought it was funny goldenayr, more ironic.



Weegies never fail.

Wish I


Hi goldenayr ~ Nope, not a canvasser, just a passionate Scot. I reckoned the idea of X-tape may ‘speak’ volumes and thought I’d put it out there.. the last time I saw this method used was when a well known professional snooker player did the same in protest at the BBC / snooker chairman.


I hate windows8.

Finish to Cactus.

I was only born in the city boundaries,grew up twenty plus miles outside.

Finish to SquareHaggis

To use such suffering is not ironic.

You are bigger.

Going now.

Oichde mhath.

And chookies,watch oot for the fox.

Dr JM Mackintosh

I just seen a royal squirrel …

link to

Do you think he is a secret Winger?

Grouse Beater

So, the unionists ‘ask,’ ad bloody nauseam, that we don’t make political capital out of the Commonwealth Games, simultaneously as they lecture us that an independent Scotland won’t get the financial support once offered to ‘Team GB.’

Of course, there’s a studious silence over the conspicuous £100 million ‘removed’ from the Scottish Lottery Fund that was earmarked for sport and sport facilities here, appropriated to subsidise the London ‘Lympics.


I’m told the opening ceremony isn’t very British – but that was before the red road flats problems…

We shall see tonight.


has anyone seen the barricade the beeb have built around pishy quay
link to


on another note in glasgow lots of saltire flags and buntings on sale at reasonable prices 🙂 they can stay up all the way through the year


“Grandad didn’t vote for nationalists; he shot them.”

More like Grandad didn’t vote for nationalists; he promised them independence in exchange for helping fight the war.

See, there was this little country called India…


@Dr JM Mackintosh

I suspect Heedtracker is testing the link to destruction. If Tomkins is not Abiesalba then Heedtracker should be receiving a threat of libel any day now and the Rev will be served with a takedown notice for those posts.

If this does not happen and the longer it doesn’t happen then we know that Heedtracker is right.

Now why does ‘Scotland’s foremost legal scholar’ need to post on CiF as a Slovenian woman?


That wee video was pretty nasty and a wee bit scary. But there was stuff on a YES page yesterday about David Cameron that was pretty personal and nasty too.

Now I’m not a big DC fan, but honestly, all this is just a distraction and does nothing for the YES campaign.

Stay positive, keep a positive message and ignore the numpties.

Iain (orri) McCord

Tempting as it might be to attempt to blatantly hijack the games for political purposes it might be worth remembering that the opening ceremony for the Edinburgh Games was dropped entirely due to one banner which they could easily have avoided showing. The propaganda value of being forced to cancel broadcasting a scot winning an event due to Yes supporter being unable to keep it in their pants might be more temptation than the BBC can bare.

As to River city the following might give a clue,

link to

The clubs I spotted were,

Ayr Seaforth at the front, Inverclyde tagging along behind and Kilmarnock who at first seemed to be being allowed to join in at the back but then seemed relegated to being part of the crowd.

The problem with using clubs based in Glasgow seems to be that the majority are in blue and green.

The gig at Edinburgh didn’t quite eliminate Saltires due to the weather forcing people into macs, the white ones having them on their backs.

gavin lessells


Have just ordered 2000 window coloured YES posters for personal distribution. I can supply printer details. Orders of this size reduces cost of window poster to about 15p.

Last print run of Aye Right. Orders min 5K by friday please.

Contact details:- gavinlessells AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk

Jim Mitchell

And these are probably the intelligent ones!


Ah the games are here. Beware the false flag. I pray it does not happen.

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