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Wings Over Scotland

Paddington sequel announced

Posted on March 22, 2015 by

Featuring Scotland’s own very special bear.

Wow, Tories. Just wow.

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They are absolutely terrified of Scotland having any say in UK politics at WM!

Dumb Unicorn

I’m speechless, literally.

Matt Seattle

What’s not to like?



Can you smell the fear!

Swami Backverandah

Shows the level of intelligence of the Unionist voting electorate, that they need a cartoon to explain their cartoon version of democracy.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Not content with having a revolting coward for a leader the tories now also have five year olds do their PPBs.

Just how think how big a twat they’ll look when Nicola does the debates since she’s already more popular than the corrupt westminster establishment leaders. 😀


“Comments are disabled for this video” – now there’s a surprise.

This insults the intelligence of everyone, north or south of the border.


They are absolutely terrified of Scotland having any say in the politics of WM.


They really don’t do shame, do they? Not very bright either. Every time something like this comes out, it’s another thousand votes for the SNP.


All the multi-coloured swap shop Tories are bricking it.

They just don’t like democracy, do they!

Calgacus MacAndrews

No flutes were harmed in the making of this video.

Chic Thomson

the music used is Camille Saint-Saëns’ Danse Macabre, how very apt!

Swami Backverandah

Vote Conservative get EDL.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

The taxi driver may look a bit like Murphy but if you took the helmet off the bobby and put a dog-collar on him instead, he’d certainly resemble you-know-who…

Donald mac

Wow indeed….


FFS, and there are Scots who believe that we are better together! I say again, FFS

Iain B

somebody somewhere is very frightened …. who is this even really aimed at?

Iain Hamilton

From project fear to projected fear.

I’ve met him and I don’t think he’s scary at all. But then I have nothing to fear from him.

Mr Salmond your legendary status grows day by day.


Unbelievable WOW

As an English voter do I believe this? NO

Will any English voters I know here in England believe this-I very much doubt it.

But it was funny though 🙂

Hotrod Cadets

That Greg Moodie is a satirical genius.

Wait, what?


And apparently according to the voice over, westminster is the “bigger prize”

Shower of patronising bar stewards.

Kevin Evans

That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages.

Oh more of that please.


Too funny. Someone should tell them Nicola is leader though.

Mad Jock McMad

They have now run out of anti-skidmark Teflon tear off strips in their communal Westminster pants gusset…. their laundry bills must be rising exponentially.




And our red/blue tory imperial masters call this democracy.


We’re at FearCon 2 now are we?


So if we all vote SNP this could happen? OOOhhhh, yes please!

Mind you, not sure why the London-centric Tory party seem to think that for Salmond this is the “bigger prize”? Maybe they’ll be happy to get rid of him by giving him the runners up prize of independence then?


They had the chance to get rid of us not so bitter to geather

call me dave

Brilliant advert… 🙂

The Ice Man Cometh!

Roland Smith

Better Together? Is it not interesting that Scottish MP’s that do not belong to one of the Tory parties are considered to be beyond the pale.

bookie from hell

blackcab drivers eyes


Iain Gray's Subway Lament

“Vote Conservative get EDL.”


Can you imagine the howls of outrage from the BBC if it had been anyone but the tories caught? They wouldn’t shut up about it for months but the BBC are still doing their best to cover up for their corrupt paymasters in the tory party.

Juan P

The part 13-16 seconds in which finishes with the raised hand is creepy.

Another attempt to smear Salmond as a Nazi/Fascist?


The background music is “Danse Macabre“. This (aside from being composed by a tory nightmare inducing native of fellow auld-alliance member FRANCE) is about death returning on the night of halloween to play his fiddle and waken the dead who will be compelled to dance to his tune until they finally vanish by the light of dawn. So they got that bit right!


How lovely to witness the Westminster meltdown. If this exemplifies the level of political debate in the UK, it is hardly surprising the country is fucked. The SNP should field candidates in all seats north of the Watford Gap; nothing like a majority party in Government…

Stewart Hunter

When I read this I had to go and check my calendar to make certain today wasn’t the first of April!

Kevin Evans

Yous do all realise that’s insane yes?

An Duine Gruamach

What a strange way to pronounce “Gordon”.


And this is why the Tories can’t beat Labour and Labour can’t beat the tories.

Lynton Crosby and John McTernan were made for each other. Neither thicko can understand that negative BS doesn’t win you an election in the modern age.


Holy cow Batman are they FEART or what? 🙂

I really don’t know what to say I am literally speechless, thank the lord is the chorus that rings out. 😛

I really do not know whether to save this link under Conservatives or humour. 😀

I don’t know how many folks noticed but when they *ahem* talk about Alex returning to WM they show the taxi crossing Westminster bridge! ha ha ha. I think someone should *ahem* inform the good old boys in Tory central office that ALL traiuns from Scotland North Britain terminate NORTH of the river Thames! 😉




I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at a political party broadcast in my life. I mean… there really is a growing hysteria now isn’t there? I think I may be ready to actually believe all the recent polls. How do they think this will all play out? Say perhaps the fear of the Scot does take hold in England so badly that blue Tories manage to take a significant portion of red Tory seats on this fear alone, and gain a majority by the skin of their teeth? The anti-Scottish nature of such a government in the face of 50+ SNP MPs would be on display for all the world to see. Especially if today’s hysteria from that ‘lady’ on the politics show is anything to go by.

I think no matter the result in England now, if the SNP do win the majority of Scottish seats in May, that will be the true start of march to Independance. sept 2014 we lost a battle, but we did not lose a war. And is is a war we are now winning.

Hello btw, long time lurker :p

Kevin Evans

It reminds me a bit of the Scottish hotel owner on little Britain.

” miybe aye, mibye naw”.


“about death returning on the night of halloween to play his fiddle and waken the dead who will be compelled to dance to his tune until they finally vanish by the light of dawn.”

Ah, so it’s about Labour in Scotland rather than the SNP? Right.


This, from the biggest party in government,oh dear. They have been in government for 5 years, and this is all they have to get voters on their side.


Brilliant! Agree with Matt Seattle, what’s not to like, it is making me laugh.

The Tories are doing a great job of at least making Alex look clever, and the poster previously, made him look mighty. All aimed at Miliband looking like a joke.

I think it will inflame more anti jock feelings, but I think we are beyond being insulted now.

June Maxwell

Because women like Nicola can’t REALLY lead her country and party. It takes a man. Sexist, racist and downright anti-democratic.

Auld Rock

Is it true, just heard SNP Membership now through the 100,000?

Auld Rock

chris kilby

Jesus H. Fucking Christ on a bike!

Feel the love.

Smell the fear.

Count the days…

(Then savour the moment/schadenfreude.)

A. Graham

Is that real? Genuine question, actually, as I thought it was a sort of spoof Tory advert – all those terrible Scots will take over and murder us in our beds, sort of thing, and later, that being done, will play flutes.

I really do tend to think it’s fake, but then again, how could I tell?

Alex Salmond having a wee Jethro Tull moment was fun,

chris kilby

Makes me wish I could vote twice.


Give them credit – their beef down south is with Labour but it is astonishing they are monstering A.S. to do this. I just hope the electorate in England are as enlightened as we are and can see through the bluster (not holding my breath).

At recent calculations they need to gain a majority over labour of around 30-40 seats to stand any chance of getting away from a Vote by Vote SNP/Labour agreement – A campaign like this may get them closer to this but I think they’ve already done too much damage.


It goes to show you , the only policy that the 3 so called big parties in the uk have is stop the SNP. Nothing else. The English voters must be wondering what the hell is going on! If Scotland is so irrelevant then why the big panic?

H Scott

This is ‘neocon’ politics stripped down to its essentials: create a bogeyman then scare the electorate with the bogeyman to get their acquiescence. The danger is, however, that people might see through such efforts and question whether all the other bogeymen (Putin/Iran/ISIS/etc) are really to be feared either.

Bugger (the Panda)

I just love the smell of Tories shitting bricks in the morning, afternoon, evening and night.

Labour and the LibDems are shitting different smelly bricks in harmony.

Dontcha just lurve it!


It’s aimed at naive English voters, not politically clued up Scots.

It is possible, if the Tories and the English MSM keep up this bashing Labour over the head with the SNP, then the Tories might edge ahead. Perhaps not to an outright majority, but with enough seats to keep power with the help of what’s left to LibDem and maybe DUP.

Not that I think that would make a post Holyrood 2016 IndyRef2 any less likely!

The more they hammer the SNP, and by proxy, the Scots, the more damage they do to their Union.

Kevin Evans

It’s only a matter of time now before they introduce an emergency vote in westminster to exclude scotland from this GE.

Am tellin Ya. It’s all they have left.



Les Wilson

You would think that somewhere, somehow, some legal entity in Scotland or rUK would make a statement over how democracy is being abused. This to keep Scots from participating in said “Democracy”, is there no accountability, anywhere???

I guess we just have to make our own then!


I mean – crivvens jings, help ma boab! Danse Macabre indeed. This just gets funnier. The over- reaction Westminster style is quite ludicrous.

In the referendum, we had the hysterical reaction to a perfectly legitimate exercise of democracy – to which they had apparently initially agreed – and then went bonzo.

In the Guardian, Jonathan Freedland quite rightly criticised Netanyahu for treating Arab Israelis, exercising their democratic right to vote, as dangerous and threatening. Yet apparently they are unable to see similar attacks on Scots voting for the SNP as also undemocratic.

Of course, it’s obvious that they are aiming a subliminal message at their own voters and those of LibDems and Labour to vote tactically to keep out SNP just as Netanyahu wanted to galvanize right wing voters in Israel to maximise the Likud vote.

Of course, he didn’t care about the collateral damage of demonizing and marginalizing Israeli citizens who happened to be Arab. It appears the Tory party don’t care either about the effects of making the Scots SNP voters appear as a threat as long as it works.

( However, making Miliband appear as a dancing puppet wouldn’t endear them to Labour voters either, you would have thought.)


I especially liked the bit when the police officer looked at the briefcase as though there was a WMD in it

Jim McIntosh

From an article by Steven Foster in the International Business Times last October:

The “Demon Eyes” poster depicting Labour PM Tony Blair in 2001 was, possibly, the nadir of British political advertising – way over the top (whatever else Blair was, he was not frightening) and made its sponsors, the Tories, look juvenile. And they lost.

They obviously never learn.


Right thats it Im off to the doctors tomorrow ….I have started hallucinating.

Those unusual mushrooms from our local european supermarket must have been magic.

Dr Jim

Westminsters version of “Game of Thrones”

Starring Alex Salmond…and Introducing Nicola Sturgeon with her Scottish Dragons
The fall of the House of Westminster continues in next weeks thrilling installment
Will Milliband drink the poison, Will Balls smell (sniff) the coffee or powdered (milk)
Will Farage get a vote, Will Murphy have a large party
Will the Lib Dems do anything

All will be revealed in “The book of revealings”
Available at all bad book shops after the General Explosion


Haha, Dr Jim, the Wildlings are coming from the North


That is quite, quite splendid. Who knew Miliband was so nimble?


So, it is true after all,
The “Yes” side AND Scotland are indeed “better together “!!!!!!.

John Walsh

the Tory WM party are there really scared there is a growing hysteria . You could see that in the body language of Anna this morning and She admitted the thought of democraticly elected Scottish MP’s voting for Scottish interests as “terrifying ” . If the FEART meter is at 11 now what is it going to be at by mid April. Shrill screaming 45.


Auld Rock says:

Is it true, just heard SNP Membership now through the 100,000?

Auld Rock

Erm … how can I say this … YESSSS! 😉

link to

I know up till now I have made the *ahem* occassional mention of the S.N.P. winning 59 seats. 😉 In reality I have accepted that they will win *cough* slightly less that 59 seats. However, having seen this P.P.B. I’m no longer sure that LESS than 59 seats is what we will win. When you start seeing P.P.B.’s like this then three things become set in concrete in my view. 😛

1) the polls that keep showing the S.N.P. light years ahead of Labour in Scotland are correct.

2) the idea of 50+ seats, if not actually 59 seats, are bang on the money these days

3) the MORE the London centric parties run with this line of anti S.N.P. rhetoric then the even MORE likely it will become that on May 8th we will have between 50 and 59 seats in Westminster occupied by the S.N.P.

Every day seems to bring another twist to the “We hate the S.N.P.” story line and every day the spring in my step becomes stronger and stronger as the grin/smile on my face becomes bigger and bigger. 😀


Cameron is more scared of Alex Salmond and Stewart Hosie than he is of Miliband and Balls who voted for the Tory Austerity measures


Presumably we are not supposed to see this up in North Britain? Because if every unionist now panics and votes Tory in Gordon (not Gourdon as the voice over says – that is somewhere quite different), then Alec Salmond will be a shoo-in. He is anyway but that seals it.

How dare he stand for election! How dare Scottish voters vote for people in an election. Eh? Creepy isn’t it.


Just thinking outside the wee box I’m in at the moment. 😉

Would now be too early a time to start designing a medal or other *ahem* honour of some sort to be awarded to Cameron on the eve of Scotland becoming independent in the near future? 😛

I was thinking of something like the Grand Order of the Superfluous Numpty! 😀


The Nazis were male supremisists. Painting the SNP as Nazis is easier if you keep pretending Alex is still in charge. Nicola presents them with a problem – history doesn’t seem to have too many female extremists / dictators / fascists! They can’t play the same game with a woman, thus the pretence about Alex.


call me dave wrote:
“Brilliant advert…”
“The Ice Man Cometh!”

I remember the forensic accountants being sent in to Ibrox to investigate the goings on. I posted those very words in The Hootsman, “The Ice Man Cometh” and was papped for my troubles.


Auld Rock wrote:
“Is it true, just heard SNP Membership now through the 100,000?”

Aye, what a week, eh!

WOS smashes through the £100,000 fundraiser barrier.
And the SNP smash through the 100,000 members barrier.

Oh what a week that was.


I love this – it’s brilliant, I wonder who made it for the Tories. The cartoon style is pure vintage Tintin, while the voice…it’s somewhere between ‘Protect and Survive’ and Hammer Horror. Any guesses as to the actor?

And it’s not actually anti-SNP – quite the contrary in fact. Alex is the sinister Mr Big – but wee Ed is the pathetic victim. That’s the message to English voters, but Scots watching this may well think – Aye that’s not such a bad idea – and switch away from Labour. Which is also good from a Tory perspective.


Best episode of “Jonathan Creek”. Ever.



Did I just see that?


Scotland has set its sights on an “EVEN BIGGER PRIZE”!

Influence in *OUR* government.

Stop the Scots. Vote Tory!

They are TERRIFIED of the SNP.


More so than during the referendum, I’d be watching out for vote fiddling. Let’s face it, Labour have form, and right now it’s about all they’ve got going into this election. If Labour and Tory reps were accessing postal votes before September 18th, you can bet your bottom dollar they’re doing it going into this election.

Cadogan Enright

It is quite conceivable that anti-Scottish racism from the London/Westminster media bubble and the Tories will combine to win a few extra seats for the Tories.

I sometimes feel that they don’t truly understand that the rest of us can see what they are up to, they are so fixated on talking to people who look and sound like themselves – the rest of us don’t impinge on their consciousness.

That being said, it won’t be enough to overcome the losses from shame of Cameron being too chicken to debate head to head . . . I’d say Labour would be mad not to keep asking why.

Dorothy Devine

This cannot be real, surely it is a bad joke.

If they have the temerity to show that widely south of the border just who are they aiming for ?
Under age non English speaking immigrants?

I know many English folk and know that they have quite high IQs – not as high as the average Scot but high enough to smell yon stuff when it is presented on a platter.
( apologies dear friends – just a wee bit of banter!)

it kind of reminds me of Obama’s election and all the crap they fed to the American people from their Tweedledum and Tweedledee parties. ” Put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig” – trite but true.


Kneejerk and Scotophobic much?

The conservatives are what they are. They are simply now putting it out there for all the world to see.

In the absence of progressive policy we have this form one set of tories and rewriting history from the other.

To those who voted no, this is the reality of what we voted on.

Now what are you going to do about it? We can stop this, but not without your help.

Dave McEwan Hill

Political betting now has the Tories hot odds on to win the most seats (4/9) but it also shows no overall majority at 1/5.

I think the movement is towards Tories now and a minority government, operating on a vote to vote basis, is a real possibility. However a Tory/UKIP/LibDem coalition is also possible. While there is a slim (very very slim, but far from impossible) chance of a Tory majority government the way the polls are moving it is obvious there is no chance whatsover of a Labour led administration without the SNP

Tories are moving to make that impossible -and doing it well.
If a Labour defeat is mirrored by a virtual wipe-out for them in Scotland Labour in Scotland -which relies heavily on London funding and MPs expenses – is completely finished
I have believed for some time we have seem the last UK Labour Government.

Jock Watson

If I was an English taxpayer I would be angry at the Conservative government for wasting their money on such drivel, that said, it was so pathetically bad it was amusing.

Marie clark

wow FFS

feel the fear oozing oot o’ them.

Dr Benway

Thoughtsofascot 3.19

“Neither thicko can understand that negative BS doesn’t win you an election in the modern age.”

I wish I could be sure about that, but I’m not, certainly not entirely. How many gullible dolts in Scotland allowed themselves to be swayed by it on Sep 18 last year?

However at the same time the anti Scots racism, demonization of AS and NS and general negativity about Scotland which passes for commentary and debate in the msm can only help to further drive the wedge between Scotland and Westminster, at least among those with half a brain anyway.

We can only fervently hope that by May 7th the awake and aware outnumber the porridge-for-brainers.

ronald alexander mcdonald

It’s all about the tories trying to make Labour seem anti English.
If they win, it will be dropped like a stone. If Labour win it will rumble on.

I’m not making excuses for them. It’s outright racism.

How’s this for a scenario. A minority Labour government is formed. They will have to rely upon SNP support.

Cameron resigns and is replaced by a rabid anti-Eu leader, whose more right wing. They want Labour out and the UK out of Europe. They devise a plan to get the ball rolling.

They propose a Bill to have another referendum in Scotland for Scottish Independence. Organised by Westminster. Citing the fact that the current situation is untenable. The Scottish Parliament cannot have more tax powers as it would lead to the UK becoming unstable etc etc.

The new leader admits that they weren’t as open as they should have been during the last referendum. There would be a currency arrangement and the UK should begin discussion with the EU on Scotland’s behalf prior to the referendum.

The tories state that they would support a no vote, but would deem in inappropriate to get involved in any shape or form.

The Bill would be passed with SNP/Green/PC support.


Epic Fail…..Westminster Sucks

wee folding bike

Is that Ian McShane doing the voice over?

Dumb Unicorn

Now that I’ve regained my voice…

I have a picture in my head of Nick Clegg with his old school recorder, puffing frantically behind David Cameron:

“How did Alex do that!? I can’t get David to do ANYTHING. That’s so unfair, how come we don’t hold the bloody ‘balance of power’? All he gave us in 5 years was that stupid AV referendum and no-one even voted in it. Coalition my ar%e. He even made Danny buy his own briefcase, and all they had left was a stupid yellow one which looked like he’d borrowed it from effin Balamory.”


22 March, 2015 at 4:02 pm

..Scots watching this may well think – Aye that’s not such a bad idea..

Yep, Scots might actually feel like calling the tune, instead of getting ignored.


Dorothy Devine

I’ll forgive your bit of banter I know you don’t really mean it 🙂 🙂

wee folding bike

Mr Salmond didn’t have his seat belt on.


Fear… Shite… I’m smelling something… just cannae decide what… fear… shite.. hmmmmm

Neil Anderson

Aw c’mon – a flute? Whaur’s Alex’s bagpipes. & in order of the constituency LGBT folks, Ed needs to learn the Gay Gordons!

Jings they’re really brickin’ it.


@Macart says:
22 March, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Kneejerk and Scotophobic much?

They are making a point to personalise it.

Making it all about Alex Salmond again, not Scotland.
Even saying “when HE lost the referendum..”

But it’s not hard to see the underlying message:
Scottish voters shouldn’t have power and influence in London.


I particularly like the images at the end. Move your cursor over the Osborne pic on the right and you get the following message:

#Budget2015 – Securing a better future for you and your Conservatives 🙂

They got that right.

Our local Labour Candidate’s election bumph is out and he will give us 1000 more nurses paid for by a UK-WIDE tax on homes worth over £2m. Has anyone told Jim? He’s also promised to ‘scrap the unfair bedroom tax’ (fancy!) and ‘strengthen the minimum wage’ (which means what exactly?).

You gotta laugh.


This would not be out of place in the propaganda wars of the 1930’s. Which were, as it happens, quite effective. I see it becoming a collector’s item in the future. Store copies now!

[…] Paddington sequel announced […]


They are really scared.
And what a threat to democracy Scotland represents!
Words fail me. Utterly beyond comprehension. These people are obviously stark, staring bonkers

james m

Was that the Harry Potter music playing throughout? I hope they got the music rights, now who would the tories get them from?

Tackety Beets

Ok then Stuart , you got me there .

Own up , you got Kenmacarroonbar to do the video ?

If naw , gee whiz .
Its certainly has both a very funny side and very enlightening as to where they are @ Tory HQ , gormless gits !

Do not forget folks , any advertising is GOOD advertising .

As posted above tho’ , just shows how little they really know. Trains etc and Nicola in charge & Angus being the leader in WM , altho with Stewart now SNP deputy has that changed ?

The thing is tho’ , having followed politics since the 60’s all I have seen is Scotland get the short straw for the last 50 years .Tony Blair rejected the Carbon Capture Plant in Peterhead , Rosyth / Davenport saga …. etc etc you know the list better than I .
Anna SOURbry’s outburst and this video is shocking but its not far removed from how they feel and how it has been for those last 50 years.

GE 2015 is enabling WM to show that all those years our 59 / 71 MPs were all controllable under the whip etc and failed to represent their constituents views .
There were of course some good guys & gals ploughing a lone furrow for their constituents of course.

I used to feel like an “eggy fart” at a party whenever politics came up in a conversation , thank to this site I have found common ground , thanks for sharing.

We have had some new readers recently , some openly admitted to being NO voters .
I would like to know how they view things today ?
Ooo yes and our Wesh and Irish readers , how do you see these posts ?

Greouse Beater

Bet the bastards have not paid a penny in royalties for the backing orchestration of Mussorky’s ‘A Night on Bare Mountain.’

A pint to the first man who can identify the sultry voiced actor doing the narration.


Last time anyone Scots or SNP had the outrageous, appalling, disgusting temerity to even discuss post May 7 Westminster, rancid Guardian went into racist overdrive with this.

Wonder what our phony progressive liberal, malice dripping chums at The Graun will fart out tomorrow.

Come on Steve Bell, you back pedaling shill, tory boy England expects much more of

link to

Grouse Beater

This is the transfer of USA dirty electioneering brought to Britain. Have the Tories employed a Republican adviser?

Bet the sods have not paid a penny in royalties for the backing music of Mussorsky’s ‘A Night on Bare Mountain.’

A pint to the first man who can identify the sultry voiced actor doing the narration.

You’ll be scunnered!


I love this. On so many levels, I love this. Oh yes.


I have a wee thought here. Yes folks I know I know and YES it does hurt! 😛

Can we demand that all broadcasters play that Anna Soubry with Alex Salmond exerpt from the Marr show BEFORE this P.P.B. I’m sure the two go really well hand in hand and by a slight coincidence would bolster the vote for the S.N.P. even more! 😀



Heh, they dis our representation, they dis the Scottish electorate.

This isn’t about Alex Salmond and never was, its about representation. The tame variety that doesn’t fight too hard, ask too many questions and personally gets well rewarded for their troubles. Or the not so tame representation which will fight tooth and claw to protect our interests, can’t be trusted to look the other way, will always ask the awkward questions and generally be a pain in their over padded arses.

They wanted engagement, well we’re engaged. If its a partnership, then the likes of Ms Soubry can get used to the fact that she has absolutely no say in who Scotland sends down to best represent our interests. She may also take it as read, that they will not henceforth be of the tame, well trained variety she and her ilk are used to.


Setting aside the utter pishness of this I can’t help but smile….probably not the desired outcome but I guess this is for Home Counties eyes only.

John H.

Funny. 🙂


Anyone else think the Tories next scare story will be Nightmare on Downing Street starring Alec cruger Salmond.
Smell the fear cause wur cumin tae get ye.
British Democracy….. My Ar*e.
If this was the SNP getting up to this sort of sh*t you would not hear the end of it.

Gary (starting to get restless)


“SHARE this film to let friends know that a Labour-SNP deal would mean chaos for Britain”

See what you’ve gone and done now Stu – when we all vote Tory after watching that compelling video, it will be your fault 🙂

John H.

Seriously though, once the election is over, how will they turn down the volume? Will they even want to?


Just a thought. I’m sure everyone remembers that before the referendum, a lot of luvvies signed a billet doux telling us how much they loved us and that they didn’t want us to leave this blissful union.

Now this is my question: Has any one of them spoken out recently against the “monstering” of Scottish voters almost daily in the media? Not one of them expressing any qualms about what this could say about their beloved union? Nothing from Eddie Izzard, or Emma Thompson or Dan Snow?

It’s a genuine question. If any one of them has demurred even mildly about media attacks on the Scottish electorate and their voting intentions I would like to hear about it. I might then think that they did genuinely care.


More good analysis of political Broadcasting in Scotland

link to

Grouse Beater

As far as the English are concerned democracy and the High Speed Train go no further than Leeds.

Helena Brown

They really do not understand the internet do they, any of them.
I am old enough to remember when Maggie came up here with her sermon on the Mound that many Tories decided she was beyond the pale. I do so hope that there is a similar reaction to this.

Dr Jim

Breaking Rumour…….

Alex Salmond does deal with the Saudis to keep the price of oil low until after the General Election when Scotland gets
Full Fiscal Autononmy

Oil price predicted to rise to $120 a barrel by April 2016 making Scotland the wealthiest country in the developed world
A clear and audible groan is expected in the southlands of the remainder of the broken part of what’s left of Britain

Calls to be made on behalf of the English votes for English Laws party led by Anna Soubry to good queen Nicola of Scotland are predicted to be given a “DEEFY” or “Rubber” as it is known locally

A spokesgit for England said “We are in the shitter”
WAR would seem the only option but we don’t have any sojers
or a big bomb since Salmond made us give it back to the Yanks

Aah… ur dreams no jist great…

Paula Rose

I still haven’t worked out which SNP policies English Labour voters would have a problem with – a real Labour Party courtesy of us Scots.

Helena Brown

Oh Dr Jim, I want a happy ending and there are none in Game of Thrones. Please say it is something else, please, pretty please.

chris kilby

No-one likes us. We don’t care.

Vote “YES!”


chris kilby

@ TheMadMurph:

“They are absolutely terrified of Scotland having any say in UK politics at WM!”

Good. They should nurture that fear. Hold it close and keep it warm. Cos we’re comin’ tae get them – MWA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAA…!


Hello Tackety Beets,

I can answer for one No voter, not myself but my dear granny, who at 86 and as proud a woman as you will find, has had the humility this week to phone me up and say sorry for not listening to me back in September. Came as a shock really, but I think it’s dawned on her what a con the Vow was, and that she will now be voting SNP in May – and she’s came to that voice without me showing her half the stuff that’s been on wings since post referendum. I’ve only ever view this site before, but I thought I’d let’s you know there are No voters out there slowly turning to our way of seeing things even without our ‘help’.

I can only conclude this anti-scottish line coming from many sides in the media is more than some previous No voters can stomach anymore. Propaganda like this will only aid the SNP in Scotland, not harm it. That said, I’m gong out my way to spread the Wings app to as many of my friends, family and workmates phones Iin the next few weeks as possible.

Let’s overcome this pish Union propaganda with the new and continuing Scottish Enlightenment!

Helena Brown

Dr Jim I prefer your dream, no Game of Thrones, a good happy ending.






The cartoon style then Ed dancing just makes me smile thinking of the original mad quiet maniac Mr Hoppy in the brilliant show Monkey Dust..

link to

John H.

Grouse Beater. As wee folding bike says, it sounds like Ian McShane.


Watched it several times now, its either an own goal or accepting that Westminster as we know it is finished and they are doing a smash and grab for the new set up.

Grouse Beater

Ian McShane.

Fraid not. (And McShane lives in Venice, Los Angeles.)

Eckle Fechan

Putain de merde!


There trying to stop me voting SNP by making me choke with laughter.

That and the funeral of RichardIII is sending me into a paroxysm of mirth. One local in his seventies on BBC reckons the funeral is the most important event of his life.

Reminds me of the winter of discontent…this sun of York…black armbands!

That plantaganet will be the death of me.


@Grouse Beater 4.58pm

Come on, don’t tease. Who is it? I felt that the actor’s voice was vaguely familiar but couldn’t come up with a name.
wee folding bike @ 4.32pm suggests Ian McShane and I’m almost convinced. Does he get the pint or not?

If you know, please tell. Here at home we’re on tenterhooks!

(By the way, it isn’t Mussorsky but Saint Saens ‘Danse Macabre’. Several of us further upthread had already agreed on that one. Sorry.)

Dave the Squirrel

Absolutely brilliant. Hilarious! And better graphics and flair than anything the dunces at Labour can seem to put out.

I’ll be humming that tune when I put a cross in the SNP box.

Chris Cairns

The bastards stole my idea!


Could we borrow this for use in Scotland and change the last frame to:
“To ensure this, VOTE SNP”?

call me dave

The 3rd biggest party in the UK by tiny compared to labour!
It’s in the Herald it must be true. Aye right!

link to

call me dave

@Chris Cairns

Shame… never mind ech!


Can anyone point me in the direction of “the constituency of Gourdun”?

I have had a good look on a map and the closest thing I can find is Gordon 🙂

Oscar Taime

The Tories new campaign video is certainly hilariously but our @JimForScotland isn’t even allowed to speak in his latest


We had our Common-wealth games last year..
This year it’s Scotlands shot in the Westminster-wealth games!

The SNP are on the track, well in the lead and look set to WIN the gold for Scotland come May 7th.

We’ll be having a ceilidh in the commons 🙂

Grouse Beater

Saint Saens ‘Danse Macabre’.

Damn! You’re right. Been ages since I heard it. Still won’t have paid royalties. That’s a full orchestration.


@Grouse Beater 5.53pm

I did think that Ian McShane was more gravel-voiced than that. You will have to divulge the actor’s name soon. The Rev has just posted another article, so please reveal before everyone moves on to the next thread.

( Here at the homestead, there is a small, inconsequential bet riding on it.)


Chris Cairns @6.05, theft of intellectual property!

john king

A Graham says @ 3.29
“Alex Salmond having a wee Jethro Tull moment was fun,”

like this you mean?
link to

DAvid Anderson

@steveasaneilean 6:12

Ahahahahahah I know, ‘Goordin’, where is that, I have searched the world over and I cannae find it! Think those voters in Gordon want to take heed and deal a blow to this ‘Goordin’ by claiming Alex for themselves! Mind you, good man that he is if he gets paid twice over he’d most likely give it away to charity 🙂

john king

June Maxwell @ 3.24
“Because women like Nicola can’t REALLY lead her country and party. It takes a man. Sexist, racist and downright anti-democratic.”

Its a transparent ploy to drive wedges into the solidarity of the SNP

Anne Bruce

Is the voice over Bill Paterson?


Enjoyed that.Hilarious.

You know I’m beginning to warm to the idea of sending down a phalanx of Scottish MPs with Scottish interests at heart.

We could use the ‘clout’ of being part of a bigger country to ‘influence’ smaller weak countries and get them to buy our shortbread and stuff.We could rule the world.

We could get legislation passed to give all Yessers peerages

Or maybe we could just use it to make a better more progressive country and world.

Yes indeedy , bring it on !!!

frazer allan whyte

What a wonderful cartoon – Alec Salmon saunters into Westminster, effortlessly takes over and helps poor old Ed finally learn to coordinate his usually bizarre hand movements. Competence vs gormlessness.

I had to watch it three times one after another to truly appreciate this entertaining piece of SNP election propaganda – a classic for the ages. Hopefully more of this fine political cartoonery is on the way. Kudos to the artist and patron of this great work o fart.

Dr Ew

Personally, I found this quite sinister and disgusting. Yes, it is risible and evidences the rising desperation and fear but more particularly it is designed to generate fear. In that context it is part of the strategic monstering of the SNP, Scotland and all things Scottish by the Tories and the mainstream media.

That bothers me. I am not anti-English and did not find any trace of it in the Yes campaign or the SNP – indeed several leading lights of my local Yes campaign were English – regardless of how we were depcited by the MSM, BT and JK Rowling with her vile, insulting description of us as ‘Death Eaters’. The praise she received for that disgusting slander was ludicrous and deserved to be challenged far more at the time.

Now this, along with Steve Bell;s tripe, the Wrecking Ball and the rest. My son lives in England and has come up against more vocal anti-Scottish prejudice of late, blurring from “Jock-Sassenach” banter into angry declarations against Alex Salmond and “the Scots running our business”. This is not good for political discourse.

De Valera

Can’t help feeling that they mentioned the constituency Alex Salmond is standing in as an appeal to tactical voting, rather than just saying ” Alex Salmond is standing again for election to Westminster”.

Pretty sure it isn’t Ian McShane doing the voiceover.

Alex is coming to get you WOOOHOOOO!!!!!

Dorothy Devine

Lollysmum , thank you – there were exceptions and you were one ,of course!


I think the problem with this kind of campaigning by the Tories (and to similar degrees Labour and the Libdems) is the fact that they are focusing on ONE single candidate and ignoring the 100,000 + members as well as the 50 odd SNP candidates.

The SNP might be able to benefit from that fail


I keep wondering, even more so since watching this video and Anna Soubry today, if after May 8th when the S.N.P. travel down to Westminster will the rail company lay on a couple of carriage specifically decked out for the *ahem* “Famous Fifty Nine.” 😉

I think stickers on the carriages windows like S.N.p. army on its way to counter austerity in Westminster might look good as the train stops at the various stations on the way to Kings Cross. 😀

Grouse Beater

Is the voice over Bill Paterson?

No. Stick with English actors.

Grizzle McPuss

Oh dear…(sigh)


A pity they don’t have a positive message to present instead of “attack ads”

Iain Hamilton

Is it James May?

2nd guess: Martin Jarvis.

James SDneddon

And this is supposed to appeal to ? er..Scotlands ever shrinking brand of tories to rUK voters? either way I found the cartoon very funny 🙂


Sorry folks you are all wrong about the voice over.

I have it on good authority that it is none other than that bastion of all things BBCish Jeremy Clarkson! 😀


Thought it might be Bill Nighy?

ronald alexander mcdonald

A Labour MP whose into glue!


Thank goodness they luv and need us. Just imagine how they would treat us if they despised us. Contemptuous, ignorant moronic idiots. Yep sure they despise us.

They are terrified the truth about the sordid operation of WESTMINSTER comes to light by the new skins.

Donald Urquhart

Poor Jim should have got to bed early and prepared for this interview. That’s what happens when you stay up too late at the Netanyahu Celebration Party and think you can get away with spouting the same pish again.

Even the most staunch Labour voter in East Renfrewshire must be wondering how this right wing idiot ended up as their candidate.


I dunno who the voiceover is but, like a few on here, he seems to be a stranger to the North East, as doesn’t appear to know the difference between ‘Gordon’ and ‘Gourdon’.

Something smells a bit fishy to me.


FANTASTIC, I was wondering when the SNP would get their own version of “NEW LABOUR, NEW DANGER!!! *red demon eyes stickytaped onto Blair*”. Absolutely hilarious.


Wow how pathetic is that lol

Well i guess they all wanted to know what Ecks plan B was well now they know lmao


Grouse Beater, Fiona and others.

Definitely a Scot, in my view.

(Mind you, the hearin’s nae fit it used tae be!)


DerekM says:

Wow how pathetic is that lol

Well i guess they all wanted to know what Ecks plan B was well now they know lmao

Just a wee thought outside my box here, then I’ll retire back into it … honest! 😉

Now that the Three Amigo’s know what Alex Salmond’s Plan B is maybe they are all wishing they had left him with his Plan A instead. 😀

Broch Landers

Love it.


Sounds like Ian McShane to me (Lovejoy)


@ LA
lol they had better hope he doesnt pull plan C out i hear its a beauty 😉

Grouse Beater

Ronnie: Mind you, the hearin’s nae fit it used tae be!)

Chuckle. 🙂


DerekM says:

@ LA
lol they had better hope he doesnt pull plan C out i hear its a beauty 😉

How on earth did you get to hear about Plan C Derek? 😉

This was supposed secret and to be the extra thick Westminster slap around the face plan when they start making fun of the “Famous Fifty Nine!” 😀


Woah that was amazing!
Is it still Saatchi doing these things?

dave oh what

Ah well. My 6 year old honorary grandson asked his nannie on Friday if she had enjoyed the Apocalypse. Glad ah missed that one! Roll on May.

Robert Peffers

These Tory idiots seem to think that normal people are all idiots. There are 650 MPs at Westminster and in the unlikely event that we sent 59 independence supporting members to the De Facto Parliament of England there just will not be enough Scots there to outvote the Englanders.

Even supposing that all 40 Welsh MPs and the 18 from Ulster are counted as other than unionists the figures just don’t show Scots dominating the Chamber. You know, I know and the Establishment know that, formally or informally, the Establishment will act in accord when the Establishment comes under threat.

The did so quite openly throughout the entire independence referendum sharing a Better Together campaign, sharing platforms, sharing civil Service resources and sharing propaganda. Remember the Establishment includes the Civil Service, established Church, English Education service, the media, the financial sector and even the higher echelons of the armed services and security services.

They will make sure the outsiders remain outside. They know it and we know it – so we must ask ourselves why they exhibit every outward signs of abject panic? The answers are not hard to find. It can only be public opinion in the non-Scottish parts of the laughable titled, “United Kingdom. The Establishment knows they can suppress any other real threat from 59 Scots with their 591 non-Scottish members than the thing they are not so sure they can control – public opinion. Remember, though, that a wee scan on English on-line comments for English dead tree press and/or broadcasters shows a great deal of anti-Scottishness among the rest of the UK public.

A wee scan at, for example, the Daily Mail will show you much vile racism and blind hate. Thing is a large Scottish independence supporting faction at Westminster reigning back the worst excesses of the Establishment parties and a weather eye on the UK books to find where the bodies are buried could soon see large portions of the public demanding a better form of government and an end to the pretendy sham of the Establishment being opposed to each other.


lol a wee birdie told me LA 😉

Hehe never write oor Eck aff he has more tricks up his sleeve than the magic circle, but i never new he could play the flute what a talented fellow he is,his only flaw is he supports the Hearts but i can forgive him for that lol

Chic McGregor

I think it is Paul Darrow’s voice which will be a big scunner for all Blake’s 7 fan boys.


Oh so it was a wee birdie… oh that’s all right then. 😉

I’ll agree with you about Alex though he has the WHOLE of the London media dancing to HIS tune. 😀

Jeez you only have to look at the front of tomorrow’s Daily Mail (England edition) and the Times (England edition) to see the FEAR in their eyes! I just mentioned the England editions of these papers cause I strongly suspect their *ahem* Scottish editions will NOT have the “Salmond holds Ed to Ransom” headlines on the front pages. 😛


I think you’re right, Chic, now you point it out. It does sound like Paul Darrow. Never liked him anyway. Cold-hearted bastard, was our Avon. (His first name is NOT MY PROBLEM, OK?)


Flutes. There’s a thought. (That’s a treble recorder, a flute-a-bec, not an actual flute, but who’s counting.)

I need some flute lessons. This afternoon was my big chance to get hold of a teacher, because the two likely possibilities were playing at a rehearsal I was attending. Come tea break I accosted the ladies together and politely inquired whether either of them had a vacancy for a new pupil.

Now one of the ladies I already knew was a Yesser, having spoken to her at an earlier concert where she got very excited about the wee Yes badge I had on the collar of my dress. I knew nothing about the constitutional preferences of the other lady.

We had a short conversation, and as it happened, Yesser lady (who is semi-retired) had room for another pupil, while the other lady was fully booked. Fine. Yesser lady and I exchanged contact details. It was about 20 seconds later I noticed the other flautist lady’s flute case had a big sticker on it.

“Proud to be Scottish – delighted to be united!”



Of course, I had a big round yellow badge on which reads “V[SNP logo]te Emma”. I was no more subtle than the flute case. Just a bit more up to date.

Robert Peffers

@Edward says:22 March, 2015 at 7:13 pm:

” … the fact that they are focusing on ONE single candidate and ignoring the 100,000 + members as well as the 50 odd SNP candidates.

The SNP might be able to benefit from that fail”

Do they imagine Alex is still our leader? If so they best remember : –

The Female of the Species

WHEN the Himalayan peasant meets the he-bear in his pride,
He shouts to scare the monster, who will often turn aside.
But the she-bear thus accosted rends the peasant tooth and nail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When Nag the basking cobra hears the careless foot of man,
He will sometimes wriggle sideways and avoid it if he can.
But his mate makes no such motion where she camps beside the trail.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws,
They prayed to be delivered from the vengeance of the squaws.
‘Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.
For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man’s timid heart is bursting with the things he must not say,
For the Woman that God gave him isn’t his to give away;
But when hunter meets with husbands, each confirms the other’s tale—
The female of the species is more deadly than the male.

Man, a bear in most relations—worm and savage otherwise,—
Man propounds negotiations, Man accepts the compromise.
Very rarely will he squarely push the logic of a fact
To its ultimate conclusion in unmitigated act.

Fear, or foolishness, impels him, ere he lay the wicked low,
To concede some form of trial even to his fiercest foe.
Mirth obscene diverts his anger—Doubt and Pity oft perplex
Him in dealing with an issue—to the scandal of The Sex!

But the Woman that God gave him, every fibre of her frame
Proves her launched for one sole issue, armed and engined for the same;
And to serve that single issue, lest the generations fail,
The female of the species must be deadlier than the male.

She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest.
These be purely male diversions—not in these her honour dwells—
She the Other Law we live by, is that Law and nothing else.

She can bring no more to living than the powers that make her great
As the Mother of the Infant and the Mistress of the Mate.
And when Babe and Man are lacking and she strides unclaimed to claim
Her right as femme (and baron), her equipment is the same.

She is wedded to convictions—in default of grosser ties;
Her contentions are her children, Heaven help him who denies!—
He will meet no suave discussion, but the instant, white-hot, wild,
Wakened female of the species warring as for spouse and child.

Unprovoked and awful charges—even so the she-bear fights,
Speech that drips, corrodes, and poisons—even so the cobra bites,
Scientific vivisection of one nerve till it is raw
And the victim writhes in anguish—like the Jesuit with the squaw!

So it comes that Man, the coward, when he gathers to confer
With his fellow-braves in council, dare not leave a place for her
Where, at war with Life and Conscience, he uplifts his erring hands
To some God of Abstract Justice—which no woman understands.

And Man knows it! Knows, moreover, that the Woman that God gave him
Must command but may not govern—shall enthral but not enslave him.
And She knows, because She warns him, and Her instincts never fail,
That the Female of Her Species is more deadly than the Male.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)


This could be shown in Scotland as an SNP PPB without any editing at all.
You begged us to stay. We stayed, for now.
Game on.


Paula Rose says:
I still haven’t worked out which SNP policies English Labour voters would have a problem with – a real Labour Party courtesy of us Scots.

I asked my dad (a lifelong Labour voter) the same question a couple of weeks ago, when he used the expression “God forbid” about the possibility of the SNP holding the balance of power. His response was that their policies might well have been good for Scotland but that their raison d’etre remained the break-up of the United Kingdom and that was what he couldn’t stomach.

It was at that point that I realised I was truly wasting my breath. In the face of such conviction that the UK is a good thing which must be preserved, any argument about social justice or democracy is useless. The only thing that would change his mind would be to see for himself exactly how corrupt the union is, and that will only come with events; there is nothing I can do to influence that.


Wow. That is really sad.

I think I am actually embarassed for the Tories.


@Dr Benway

I wish I could be sure about that, but I’m not, certainly not entirely. How many gullible dolts in Scotland allowed themselves to be swayed by it on Sep 18 last year?

That was a referendum though over a clear 2-way question where chips could only fall this way or that way. They only had to eek over the line by scaring people into voting for them with big bad fears of the unknown. Even then they almost failed. That should have been a warning shot for them. They went from around 75% to 55% in 2 years through their idiotic fear tactics.

Most people across the island, I think, have clicked onto the idea that there really isn’t much difference between the Tories and Labour anymore. The problem is that they don’t really have a viable alternative choice (especially due to labours antics since 2010, practically supporting the UK government on just about everything). Apathy is at the highest levels since suffrage became universal and that pretty much means that scare tactics will have barely any effects.

Honestly, if one of the parties offered hope (Even the bloody tories despite their ******* awful record in power) they’d likely romp to victory in England. Instead both McTernan / Alexander and Crosby engage in these tit for tat high-school politicking spats that belong firmly in Australia.

On that subject…

I heard that Wet Ed is going to try one of these idiotic tactics soon in Scotland. They don’t seem to realise that they immunised Scots against fearmongering by abusing it to the maximum last year.


Is this real? I only ask because I can no longer tell. The reality is stupider than satire now…


Love it, Love it, Love it.
Racism, Bigotry, Scotophile all in one small concise package.
Who says the tories are intelligent.
When will the Westmunster parties realise that last year opened the eyes of the vast majority of Scots to the Snake-oil salesmen who have been ruining/running Britian for the past century.
Democracy to them =
vote for either Labour or Tory Good
vote for anyone else BAD Very BAD
Sooner we get shot of them the better, I’ll happily take the risk of Independance.

Gregor Morgan

We are definitely living in interesting times. So much fear abounds from all the unionist parties of our democratically elected SNP MP’s attending WM. Let’s send our representatives down there in unprecedented numbers and rip WM a new one.

Alun Hewinson

They edited the out the bit where Mr Salmond had to pay £351.00 for a return from Aberdeen to London.

See, when the Tories privatised the railways, all they wanted to do was keep Scottish politicians from coming to London and taking their jobs. Well played, Mr Major. Well played.


Comments were disabled on Youtube, so I reported it instead:

Under ‘Hateful or abusive content > Promotes hatred or violence’

“This video unfairly portrays an unelected individual as solely representative of an entire political party. Because the content is factually inaccurate, it is clear that the intention behind this video is to direct hate, suspicion and abuse towards Mr Salmond (who, at the moment, is a member of the public) personally, because of his political beliefs. It is unacceptable and should be removed.”

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