Posted on
January 02, 1968 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
For off-topic chat. Duh.
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Fred, that’s why my freezers full, let me know if you want a loan of my punt gun for Huggy.

Geese AlX…Peace Always
Smallaxe: “fill my heart with a monotonous languor.”
Ooh, matron.
@ Ian Brotherhood, 12/07/17, 11:50pm
Ian, get yourself a stylus pen for your wee keys!
Good luck to your son in his job as well.
Here’s something for you, classic trolling and the troll gets his just desserts. Very entertaining and a good watch as a blast from the past. First ever sweary word on the BBC.
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@ Smallaxe,
You get better Now, NOT soon, NOW. Thanks for the tunes smallaxe ,pure memories of the past , thank you ,thank you oh thank you.
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If only .
Peace big chap.
Thanks, for your kind thoughts Phil, make this 401 views,
Words are all I have
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Peace and Love to you and to those you Love, Phil.
Peace Always
It’s a journey.
Hey Miss Paula Rose x, mwah! yer right about ra tune..
The dude honda video has got some excellent side’ee’s hehe.
Yeah, that was me from a previous plaice.
Right here, right now.
“There is a real good a feelin’ a coming over..”
Welcome to off topic.
@ Smallaxe, anent the punt!” Old Mrs Hunt had a cuddy punt, not a cuddy punt but a hunt punt cuddy!” Dae it fast!
@Betty Boop –
Cheers missus, hope you and yer better half are well there.
Maybe see you at ‘WOS Friends In The Park’?
Yes picnic at the Eggy on the 29th of July – all welcome.
Cactus Honey do we have a means of contact?
Cactus plus anyone in the Ayr, Irvine,Kilwinning area – email me at paula(dot)honey(dot)rose(at)gmail9dot)com xx
It’s Probably Me link to
Hey Paula, aye, aye’ll email you when I gets home x.
On location the now.
Cheers Wingers.
Can any of you wonderful knowledgeable people tell me!
Are the American fire crackers that they use on the 4th of July dangerous …like fireworks are?
Or are they more like cap’s that are for toy guns?
And can they be bought here?
@ Liz g
I’ll ask my American contacts and get back to you – could be a day or two, is that ok?
Crazycat @ 12.24
Yes it’s ok there’s no rush.
Thank you very much for doing that.
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Put a tiger in your tank. Next time with full metal flak jacket.
Liz g @ 8.06:
I can answer part of your question, if that’s helpful? Fireworks available for purchase by non-professionals in some parts of the US can be quite dangerous – news reports of people losing part of a hand are sadly commonplace – and while many cities ban them outright, if someone’s determined it’s often simple enough to drive to another municipality, purchase there and bring them back.
Here is a link to some of the sorts of things that can be bought by anyone of legal age (which in Washington State is 16) with the cash in hand.
As for contacting the police if they’re being set off illegally? A friend who works as an emergency dispatcher has said they are so overwhelmed that they make annual announcements telling the public “Unless you can see a structure on fire or a person who is injured because of a firework, do not call the emergency number about fireworks: yes, we know they aren’t legal; we need to keep the lines free for this and all the unrelated calls coming in.”
@ Liz g
I’ve had a response, after copying your post and sending it on:
I’m not really sure what she’s talking about. We have fireworks on the 4th of July that are very dangerous. We also have smaller, personal-use fireworks, that are less dangerous (I’ve seen these used in Edinburgh, too). We also have sparklers, which are hand-held, and hardly dangerous at all, which I’m sure you can buy here too.
Not sure if that helps…”
@ Liz g
ps – there may of course be different traditions/accessories in different parts of the US, though my informant has relatives in several states and is generally pretty clued up.
There is a Yes Picnic in Eglington Park near Kilwinning on the 29th of July – my email is a few comments up the post if any of you want more details.
Thank you and your friends and (I think) family
I was trying to work out if the firecrackers would hurt horse’s/rider’s ect.
Many films show the comedy effects…. I am no that sure??
Safe, good idea, don’t be stupid,….??
Well it’s why I was askin!
I will mibbi go for sumthin else.
Indy biker’s wedding….?any ideas
Love tae ah the wingers.
Say nae mair aboot it
An tae yer yerself too William Wallace ~
Hey Liz g ~
You could try contacting these folks for pyro’s.. here’s their website:
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Check out ‘Special Effects’ from above.
Just ask for Perry. He should have an idea of what you’re after, or even just give you some helpful advice on it.
(he’s the guy that played the ‘naked rambler’ in that advert on tv for Irn-Bru).
Hey Paula ~
Lemmy get back to you on that one.. I thinks I’ve already got stuff on.
Cactus @ 7.17
Thanks for that…. always a winger willing to go find an answer, this is why I love this site.
Has anyone heard from Smallaxe or Nanna?
Hope they are keeping ok.
Liz g, aye I was wondering how both Smallaxe and Nana are doing as well. I know that they are both struggling with their own issues, but I hope that they are making some headway, and will be back among us soon.
Love and best wishes to both of you. It’s awfi quiet here withoot the pair o’ yous.
It’s no just quiet Marie…. it’s more I’ll tempered as well.
We need our link’s and our reminder to be always peaceful back.
Sending love and best wishes to you both too…
Haste ye back..(but obviously no before ye are absolutely ready)
Love and strength to Mrs Smallaxe & Mr Nana too of course X
Pravdasound4 in full irony bypass mode this morning, describing heroic Estonian resistance to Soviet political and cultural assimilation.
This lovely anthem came up, though:
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Not vile seps, though, in this case, just ‘cos we say so…..
seeing that there’s no much doin the noo, and the MT is a pain in the proverbial, here’s a daft wee song tae cheer us up.
I thought on this song as it’s a beautiful night here, and they have Scottish night on a Thursday in the Summer ower in Kirkcudbright. You know a’ the stuff fur ra tourists. Pipe band, Highland and Country Dancers, the Kirkcudbright tug of war team, never been defeated I might add. Aye you micht laugh, but it’s actually quite a guid wee nicht.
Hope you enjoy the song, and Tinto, if you decide to dance along with it, please dinnae dae yersel a mischeif.
seeing that there’s no much doin the noo, and the MT is a pain in the proverbial, here’s a daft wee song tae cheer us up.
I thought on this song as it’s a beautiful night here, and they have Scottish night on a Thursday in the Summer ower in Kirkcudbright. You know a’ the stuff fur ra tourists. Pipe band, Highland and Country Dancers, the Kirkcudbright tug of war team, never been defeated I might add. Aye you micht laugh, but it’s actually quite a guid wee nicht.
Hope you enjoy the song, and Tinto, if you decide to dance along with it, please dinnae dae yersel a mischeif.
dearie me, forgot tae add the link. DOH!
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Forgot tae add the link DOH! Ma heid’s wasted the noo. link to
My goodness, I don’t know what’s going on here. Apologies folks for the triple post.
I’ve no flipped, really, no a hivnae.
Tried to follow Mr McGinn’s steps, Marie, but tripped over my new sarong (tartan mankini melted in Rhodes).
Greek folk were lovely. Mrs TC wore her saltire/Greek flag badge.
Experimenting with my taramasalata and haggis balls fritter combo.
Did u no the Greeks have no word for philosophy?
Tinto, I hope the sarong survived in tact. I could do without the tartan mankini thocht being pit in the auld brain though.
Mrs TC sounds like a lady with class.
enjoy your sojourn in furrin pairts.
We returned, Marie, to pouring Glasgow rain last night. BriNylon mankini in the wash as we speak, so please worry thereupon no longer. Sarong is the future, imo.
Every time I encounter UK passport control I get that sinking feeling: very authoritarian, just wait you plebs, while we make you queue, for no real reason.
Can’t wait for my Scottish passport, of course.
Hello and thank you to everyone who sent their kind wishes whilst I’ve been awol! I’ve had a rough few weeks dealing with a sudden bereavement especially as I did not get the chance to say goodbye.
But as they say “life goes on”
I will let Smallaxe know he is missed, although I’m fairly sure he will already know that.
Thanks again all and let’s get on the road again.
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Seeing as how w’re on a new page – Yes Picnic in North Ayrshire July 29th – anyone want details? email paula(dot)honey(dot)rose(at)gmail(dot)com
@ Paula Rose
We are just miffed we can’t make it to the picnic; mega disappointed. :-((
We are otherwise engaged, dahling, as you know. Remember to match the rain chapeau with the hunter wellies on the day. To be sure, the N Ayrshire set will never have seen stiletto wellies before
Fun to all.
@ Nana,
Apologies Nana. I’m not on much these days and a bit behind the loop.
Glad you are back on your feet, so to speak. Take care. x
@ Paula Rose
Apologies – I had a mix up with my social diary

It seems we should be able to attend your splendiferous event
YAY! so pleased.
Ah Nana, great to see you back in the body o’ the kirk. I hope that you are feeling much better, I know the wingers will be delighted to see you again.
Love to Smallaxe, he’s having a sair fectch at the moment as well.
Should have Alastair MacKinnon on my Roundabout hour on the online Argyll Independent Radio at 7pm talking about the compelling case for the legalisation of cannabis products for medical use
Good to see U back on the road again Nana! Get yersel a lunghi Tinto, commando optional I believe. Been away at Ben Oovi so a bit disorientated, I’ll come roond though!
Welcome back Nana!
Here’s a tune that might not be everybody’s cup of tea because Bowie reportedly (he wasn’t there) said “Please stay Scotland”.
This from a classic album of the likes of Night at the Opera, Dark Side of The Moon, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Tubular Bells… LOL
You get the picture, no one said winning Independence would be a walk in the park and it isn’t. Just need to stick in there!
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@Liz g
I hope you read this as I want you to know that my post last night about sovereignty had nothing to do with you personally.
Let’s be honest, this has been discussed endlessly for months and ends up dominating threads when there is so much more we could give our opinions on.
I don’t hear anyone at work or in social situations discussing such things because they have what they consider to be more important things to worry about.
The trolls have hijacked this topic to deflect from the things they don’t want us to discuss and that anything good about Scotland and anything bad about the UK. So they keep using it.
This is just my opinion and each to their own. Not a dig a you.
@Betty Boop, Marie, Fred, Pnr
Thanks folks, I’ve just about caught up with the comments although to be honest I skipped over a fair amount. No prizes for guessing which!
I think you are right there Thepnr. Hope Liz sees your post too.
Am wondering if there is ploy to plant ideas that are a diversion and to dilute the salient arguements for Independence.
Someone somewhere isn’t happy about the way things are going, which is reflected in the kind of comments turning up lately, and THAT is the best sign possible.
The increasing and blatent contempt for Scotland, our FM and MPs, our devolved powers, our news, our sportsfolk and just about anything else Scottish that can be derided, is a fair baromoter of how close Scotland is to Independence.
We are on the right track and definitely well on our Road !
Morning Cactus, Ghillie and Nana, another bonnie morning.
Can’t do the picnic, Paula. Shame as I like picnics but baby birds needing a bit of care, eggs hatching in incubator and with mum that weekend and visitors a few days later.
Looking forward to meeting up with everyone some time but summer is more a receiving friends time than a travelling to meet them time.
Morning Cearc
How lovely to have baby birds to look after and friends and family on the way. Enjoy !
Wings gatherings soon as folk can would be really nice = )
Well done Paula Rose for organising a picnic ! Sounds like it’ll be loads of fun !! Wishing you lovely weather and a wee breeze to keep the midges away =)
Have a lovely weekend everyone x
Hey ladies of the morning!
Just hanging out here on the side, watching the main thread.
Watch it grow.
Glad you’re back, Nana, but slow down, you’ll do yourself a mischief.
Yon “Man at C&A” on the M/T is really going for full spectrum dominance and is really getting on my nazzums. Thank God for the scroller: I never read a word he says now. Great comment by Thepnr re the tiresome ‘bot.
Am I paranoid? Big plug for Mr Poulter, an English golfer on Pravdasound4 this morning, but no mention of young Caledonian, Mr Ramsay, a shot behind. Is this normal or should I be worried?
Thanks for the fashion tips, Fred. Sarong packed away. Off to the fitba’ this afternoon: another season of disappointment, depression, broken dreams and failure.
Cannae wait!
Smallaxe: hope you’re just a bit whacked and are lurking gently. All the best, mon vieux.
It’s intense main thread, passion for Scotland, like you, we breathe it!
Morning Cearc, beautiful day here as well.
Man at C&A lol!
Talking about well dressed men and all that, do you know Lunghis are available in a tartan pattern, perfect attire for a man about town like yourself.
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PS any slower and I’ll be horizontal, time to pick up the pace.
@ Nana, Whingers no Wingers unfortunately. Cool lungi, the wind wid play havoc wi it hereabouts the day!
@ Tinto, we all have our crosses to bear kid! Mind noo, the Heid Wizard of the OO has banned the Buckfast-fuelled hordes from using the expression RIP as it pre-judges Gods plan for the deceased, so the Gers should be OK pro-tem! Long-lapsed follower masel! Ironic that the OO contributes so generously to the Benedictine Order’s funds.
Thanks, Nana. Love that lungi look: will be part of my autumn collection, probs topped with a fuschia fedora. Glad you are on the up, up and away and that Norman is supplying the tea and cucumber sandwiches at regular intervals.
“Ironic that the OO contributes so generously to the Benedictine Order’s funds.” That’s something that had never occurred to me, Fred. That should gie them the boak.
Weather here terrible for my sphere-based cultural event but I’ve got to take my punishment like a whingeing haggis-muncher.
Give my best to Smallaxe if you’re in contact Nana.
Missing some peace…
Aye Macart, gie’us peace!
People don’t want to talk about sovereignty. So how come the talk is of indyref2 and the effects of Brexit on Scotland after Scotland voted Remain?
Underlying those issues is the non-existence of Scottish Parliamentary sovereignty.
Independence is probably the best way of establishing that sovereignty. However, as there has been nothing on that subject from the SNP or Scot Govt or YES, there’s nothing yet to suggest the majority will vote for it. The SNP have postponed discussing it until Autumn 2018.
That’s one of my points. The SNP and Scot Govt don’t talk about it: sovereignty. They shied away from talking about indy too.
Their voting figures crashed in the GE.
I will Sam.
I tried archiving Donald Anderson’s letter in the National but as I don’t have a sub they would only allow the first couple of paragraphs.
We’ve been rumbled, my fault didn’t realise I was being stalked as I made my way to this place of refuge.
Off back into the thick of it, maybe he’ll follow. Wish me luck.
@colin alexander
My apologies after all I did invite you here so wasn’t stalked, pull up a chair and welcome.
What is sovereignty? It would seem to be many different things depending on your point of view, here’s a couple of examples:
‘As a political system, democracy starts with the assumption of popular sovereignty, vesting ultimate power in the people.’
‘Parliamentary sovereignty means that Parliament can, if it chooses, legislate contrary to fundamental principles of human rights.’
These two examples are complete opposites, are you looking for Parliamentary sovereignty or popular sovereignty? You can’t have both.
Don’t expect a debate on this subject from me because it is irrelevant as to how many votes could be won in another Independence referendum. 99% of Scots just don’t care, they have more to worry about than this.
That includes the middle classes as well as those forced to visit foodbanks. All the majority want is a better life and sovereignty doesn’t mean anything if your hungry and have an empty purse or falling behind with the mortgage due to having a real wage cut of 10% since the “crash” in order to subsidise the banks all in the name of austerity.
Endless discussions on this topic are a waste of bytes on a hard drive somewhere in cyberspace. In other words a complete distraction from the reality of everyday life.
Independence = Sovereignty
To win Independence you need to win minds and that will only be done by highlighting the positives of an Independent Scotland and exposing the negatives of remaining as part of the UK. Sovereignty to the vast majority means diddly squat.
You start focusing on that and maybe I’ll start listening.
Mon now pnr. Build a bridge no a wah
Did ye no gi me similar advice aboot teaching fowk the way forward no sae lang ago
Ignore meh last comment lol. Oot A time. Nae points.
Ignore meh last comment.
Oot A time. Nae points.
@William Wallace
I see your sober the night. Yer a class act so ye ur
Right! Time for an old favourite of my old mans. Never before played version on Off Topic cos I never knew it existed.
Exclusive scoop.
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Howdy all,
Just a wee tester. Am now using a different browser and just want to see if I can get YT links to play okay. Being very much a creature of habit and tech-averse, it hadn’t occurred to me to try different things…
This should be Thin Lizzy.
(If it doesn’t work it might be Fat Betty…)
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@ pnr
No fir lang
Enjoy it while it lasts. Which will be fir anither half hoor at best.;)
Eh deserve a drink this weekend eftir haein a shitey week. 1000 smackaroony repair bill on meh campervan. Could hiv burst oot greeting when eh got that news.
Your browser seems to be working ok. Glad to see you back on here.
Great stuff. Everyone was thin in the 70s, weren’t they?
Was a wee skelf, myself.
Re- sovereignty: I am a very rare contributor to OT so indulge me for a moment or two.
I suggest we can divide the electorate in Scotland into three: (i) those that already understand the significance of ‘sovereignty’; (ii) those that don’t understand its significance now but could be persuaded to understand it; (iii) those that will never engage with the concept or will never understand its significance.
I suggest we can also divide the first two categories into two: (i) those that do now or could come to understand its significance and would chose to take an opportunity to exercise it IN SUPPORT of an independent Scotland; and (ii) those that do now or could come to understand its significance and would chose to take the opportunity to exercise it but NOT in support of an independent Scotland.
So where does this get us? ‘Sovereignty’ may well become important in case-making towards the Westminster government and the UK Supreme Court for the electorate in Scotland to be able to exercise its right to decide the future of this ‘kingdom’, independent or not.
But so long as this exercise is to be done democratically (and it must), then considering all Scotland’s electorate – regardless of views of ‘sovereignty’ – the challenge remains the same, to win majority support for independence.
There has been so much stuff written on Wings over recent weeks/months about ‘sovereignty’ that, despite being an avid follower, what I have written here may show up that I have missed the ‘point’ – if so, to the proponent(s), candidly, sometimes in case -making less is more!
In my view, making a compelling case to my fellow citizens in Scotland to support independence has always been and remains all that matters – winning an argument over ‘sovereignty’ in a democracy does not by itself get the outcome indy supporters wish.
@Ian Brotherhood
Howdy yersel.
It worked, got Thin Lizzy great song too, the 70’s has to be the best decade ever for “pop music”. So many good bands and song’s I guess I’m biased since that was my era.
Think about it though, we had the likes of ABBA alongside the Stranglers, Thin Lizzy, Slade, TRex, Led Zepellin, Deep Purple, the Clash, Sex Pistols, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Kate Bush and my all time favourite of the 70’s :).
The Bay City Rollers link to
“To win Independence you need to win minds and that will only be done by highlighting the positives of an Independent Scotland and exposing the negatives of remaining as part of the UK. Sovereignty to the vast majority means diddly squat.”
You have summarised the situation in a few words, Thepnr.
Not much else needs to be said. Everything else is a distraction from the task of waiting up the sleepers in this UKOK nightmare.
The SG probably don’t touch the legal quagmire of sovereignty because it is a tarpit which could snag us for years. Who believes the legal establishment would rule in our favour anyway (and I believe our legal position is strong)?
It’s much easier to get 50% + x to win our independence and stuff the utterly unacceptable Blair Supreme Court (an affront to Scots Law and itself in defiance of the Act of Union).
Heavy stuff for O/T. Can’t we go back to the old Fleetwood Mac days and Paula Rose’s potted palms?
What a voice, what a dude…
Imagine being able to sing like this, and being able to do it in a shopping mall?
Billy Ocean, ‘Suddenly’ –
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Absolutely, sovereignty of the people means that they get to chose. I totally agree with you.
Regarding an Independent Scotland? It matters not a jot without majority support as those that voted No will have exercised their sovereignty. That’s exactly why we must win another referendum.
Ah the 70s sure takes me back. link to
Apologies accepted and thank you for the nice welcome.
It’s the practical aspects that I’m concerned about. The English idea of Parliamentary Sovereignty is not what I’m on about. I agree with the Scots idea of popular sovereignty – we the people.
If we the people decided Holyrood had to give consent – or had power to veto legislation to legislation- because Holyrood would have the final say on legislation affecting Scotland, then Holyrood should be empowered to decide Benefit Sanctions, Two Child Benefit cap or Rape Clause would not apply to Scotland. It would be able to decide about Scotland’s part of Brexit.
Or even be able decide to have a totally separate benefits system, as an example.
Sewel was a convention that was meant to enshrine that concept with regard to devolved issues and Brexit does affect devolved issues, as all EU powers were devolved to the EU, so not reserved to WM. However, even that has turned out to be worthless and unenforceable legally.
The Scot Govt tested it and the Supreme Court ruled on it in the Miller / Brexit Supreme Court case.
The SC has shied away from ruling on the legal foundations of the Union. On Sewel, it basically said it’s all for politics not courts.
You, I and others want independence. But to achieve that you need to convince enough NO voters the Union is holding Scotland back. That an indy Scotland would be better.
Rather than going for indy as the first step, I think the best strategy is trying to achieve the most we can without pushing for indy. Ms Sturgeon has done this, but one important step, I feel is missing is that she fails to give the people to chance to declare Holyrood as empowered to rule o legislation affecting Scotland.
The Scot Govt is powerless, even on devolved matters. She should attempt to empower it via popular sovereignty. That would not be a push for indy but greater power for Scotland. It will be difficult for the Unionists to say, No, WM should rule over Scotland, instead of Holyrood.
Many who initially opposed devolution, now don’t. Empowering Holyrood would also be popular with No voters, as it does not involve full indy.
If WM opposes it they risk alienating NO voters who would prefer a strong Holyrood that makes laws they like.
As I said, in 2014 people rejected the arguments put forward for independence. They did NOT vote for FOR Westminster ignoring what the people of Scotland decide within the Union.
Instead of polarising people as YES or NO, we should be encouraging Scottish sovereignty being upheld. Holyrood rather than WM deciding for Scotland rather than indy talk. That avoids the divisive indy question.
I don’t want to talk theory, I’m hoping the SNP will put this into action as part of their plans to garner support for Scotland’s wishes to be respected, before any indyref.
No doubt I’ll be told: it’s not possible. How can we say that? It’s never been attempted. It should be attempted in my opinion.
I’m not going to go on about it any longer unless asked to ( loud cheers from Wingers). It’s clear people have read my views on this -or avoid it- and the SNP have had the chance to consider it, if interested. It’s up to them how they progress now.
Summer Breeze link to
@Michael McCabe
Good tunes, I’ve sent you an email. Get back to me.
Anyway this is maybe my favourite song that I’ve ever posted on Off Topic, I think the choice would surprise you
Nowhere you can run or hide because the worst is behind you.
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A great 70s song from a great 70s album. link to
Hi Alex I got your Email and have replied. hope I have done it right. anyway I find this just Wonderous. link to
@Michael McCabe
Hi Alex loved the Florence Track. This is my favourite track from her. it shows her gentle side. link to
This is dead pure brilliant if you liked the Jam!
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Or the Kinks LOL but believe me the Jam had a hit with it too
I’m bored so I’m offering something different. Just my wee joke.
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@ Thepnr here is a wee sing song to cheer you up. link to
(Nods ‘hello’ to the regulars and newbies on the way through the door.)
Has this ever been featured in ‘off-topic’? It was the B side of the Skids’ “Into The Valley”. Quite popular in its day…
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BTW: if any of yooz want to discuss the “S” word, Quarantine is sadly underused.
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@Brian Doonthetoon
I found that video to be amazing. In Dunfermline in 2010 there were so many fans of the Skids.
I went there to see the Clash on a Minibus from Dundee. Probably 1979 or thereabouts, me and two pals went for a pint well before the gig and Joe Strummer came in for one too.
Cool character I’ll give him that, didn’t give a shit.
@Michael McCabe
That’s it you’ve done something to my kidneys with the laughing. No kidding that’s one of the funniest things I’ve watched on Wings.
Thanks for that, keeping spirits up is a great thing, dropping the head no so good, fuck that. Gie me a laugh anytime and get in there with the head down. We’ve all got a job to do and your playing your part. Respect.
Hi Thepnr.
I’ll see your Clash and raise you this.
Around 1975/6, I was press-ganged into being an usher at Pete the Camera’s sister’s wedding. The groom was a guy from Newcastle so the service was in the Episcopalian Church in Invergowrie. The reception was in the Angus Hotel.
When me and Pete got to the hotel, we were surprised by the crowds thronged around the entrance, as we hadn’t made public the fact that Pete and I were going to be there.
Turned out that, because Mud were playing the Caird Hall that evening, they were booked into the hotel. We went up to the residents’ lounge, where the four Muds, wearing their red bomber jackets, were partaking of cocktails. We had a bra’ blether with Les Gray, a down to earth guy who had a packet of Embassy sticking out of his jacket pocket. Nane o’ yir Regal nonsense!
Still have all their autographs somewhere in my hovelhold…
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@Brian Doonthetoon
LOL You might not believe it but I went to that concert and so did my wife though we hadn’t even met then. It was a great night.
I remember the joke Les Gray told, very corny now. He said “if I fell in a barrel of tits I’d come out sucking my thumb”.
The Angus Hotel? Don’t get me started lol. Cheers Brian.
Oh the trials and tribulations of being a cybernat – one of the yoons posted my home address on twitter yesterday and they say we are the nasty ones.
Autumn 2018 is when the FM will make an announcement on how the Scot Govt will proceed. How they will proceed will depend on how the Brexit negotiations are going. Nobody has that answer yet – including the Scot Govt.
We do know they aren’t going smoothly and the EU is complaining the UK is unprepared and unrealistic and that that is stalling negotiations.
So nobody knows if there will be sufficient facts established by Autumn 2018 for the Scot Govt or electorate to make an informed decision on UK v indy.
There are different scenarios of what could happen:
1. The Scot Govt believes there is enough information and it’s clear Scotland will be out the Single Market and so announces indyref2. But playing by WM rules requires a Section 30 permission slip and it’s not guaranteed to be given when requested.
2. Talks are delayed, negotiations are extended. Any indyref decision delayed. That could mean the indyref mandate expiring in 2021 with the end of the Scot Parl.term.
3. It’s clear that the UK will likely be staying in the Single Market. The SNP has already softened it’s stance from EU membership to Single Market membership in Brexit negotiations. Clearly, if that demand is satisfied, it would be unlikely that an indyref would be called.
So, plan A: Scotland freed from Westminster domination by the majority voting for indy in an indyref, followed by indy negotiations with UK Govt and WM MP votes to ratify it, while Scotland is part of UK.
It is very optimistic to believe everything will play out the way independists expect it to. Especially when the UK Govt has made it clear they are not in favour of another indyref or Scottish independence.
It makes sense to consider other ways that Scotland’s interests and Scottish sovereignty can be exercised.
As several people have explained, there is more than one way to democratically and legitimately end this situation where Scotland is powerless and subservient in the UK.
How is Smallaxe farin folks? anybody hear.
Smallaxe is not doing too well at the moment Fred. He said he would be in touch soon as he’s able.
This might cheer him up, I hope.
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Colin Alexander, beat it and keep yer guff for the MT. Dinnae come here wi’ yer nonsense and try and pollute O/T.
Here’s a song specially for you Colin.
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It’s all right Marie as long as he behaves, keeps his feet off the furniture and washes his mug up.
Aye I know Paula Rose. I tend to ignore him on the MT, but when he starts oan here, naw, enough is enough. This is oor wee sanctuary fae numpties like him.
To quote mr Rab C. Nesbnit ” see you, you get right ooan ma nipple ends”.
Sorry Paula, forgive the vulgarity. Onyhoo am away oot wi’ the auld boy fur a while. Catch yous up later. Byeee.
Morning all or is it afternoon? Don’t really care to be honest.
Very nice to see Off Topic busy again, don’t you just get that feeling that some of us at least are not going away anytime soon. The longer we remain a thorn in the side of the Establishment then I believe the more effective we become.
There’s nothing like being hated to stir the emotions eh!
@Tinto Chiel
Great choice of song for Smallaxe, hope to from him soon once he’s back on his feet.
@Marie Clark
Great choice of song for colin, hope not to from him anytime soon.
@Paula Rose
You take care, don’t let the bastards grind you down. Mind and get those mugs washed before tonight’s party
@Marie Clark
Your comment is just plain ignorant and ill mannered behaviour.
Rab C Nesbitt makes humorous comments. Yours is just rude.
It’s Stu Campbell’s website, no yours. If you want to control who comes on a website or which people are allowed to post comments, then I suggest you start your own website.
Nice song though. Cheers for that.
Favour returned:
Cliff Richard: Devil Woman
Colin Dear please keep a civil tongue in your head – this is the nice place for nice people so no uncouthness please and no stubbing your fag out in the palm pot use the ashtray.
@Marie Clark, Thepnr etc who make smart arse remarks.
Save your clever answers for the Indy campaign, assuming it ever happens when the NO campaign quotes Wings comments with all the abuse against those who voted NO: Cowards, parasites, traytors etc to name just a few.
When NO protrays all independists as ignorant, ned tendency morons. Hatemongers and bullies.
You are supplying the evidence to support that picture.
How many of the NO voters will join your side knowing that’s how you regard them and behave?
Jim Murphy won the NO vote by telling people indy Scotland faces a 7 billion deficit.
We are told now by the Unionists it’s 15 billion and rising. That is more than the whole NHS budget for Scotland. Oil a third of what it was in 2014.
We’ll be told the sick will be left to die in hospitals’ corridors with no doctors etc with a vote for YES.
Save your smart comments for them, you’re gonnae need them.
Indyref2: some of youse can’t even string 10 words together without abuse, nevermind winning a debate to secure independence for Scotland.
If some of youse are gonnae be the best that Scotland’s YES campaign can come up with, then no wonder the FM has delayed even talking about it again for over another year. Cos she knows we’d have nae chance.
Right that’s it – who let him in?
@colin alexander
There fixed it for you. No charge.
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@colin alexander
Yer losing it mate, pressure of being a Unionist getting to yeh mibbee. Hahahaha.
@colin alexander
Oh and a by the way, just thought I’d mention your slip is showing.
@Paula Rose
Dear Paula, I totally agree we should all keep a civil tongue in our heads. Please tell that to your Winger pals too.
Talking of doubts the NO campaign will stub out the YES campaign like an auld fag doubt if things don’t improve.
The independence dream will be ashes thanks to the abusive dreamers who shout down the thinkers when they point out the flaws in the campaign for Scotland to be free from WM domination.
Fine Colin but this is called off-topic for a reason – it is not the place in which to tell people they have got it wrong, this is where we chill out, drink tea or whatever, munch cake and watch the plants grow whilst discussing all sorts of esoteric subjects and listening to great tunes. Either join in the spirit of the place or pop back to the main threads.
@Paula Rose
I respect your point of view. But I was advised that some of my comments that were off topic in the MT page were suitable for here as off-topic comments.
I accept, it’s fine to post songs links etc if chilling out or chatting with pals is what you want to do. No issues with that at all.
But it’s an open forum for off topic subjects, so I disagree it’s only for the things you suggest.
I never hassled you or anyone on here. I made a legitimate political comment and received personally abusive remarks, so I’m not the one that destroyed the serenity or good feel of this page. Marie Clark and Thepnr did that and you have joined in to a much lesser degree, like a gang of school bullies.
I stand up to bullies.
Ta for the youtube assistance.
How did you vote in the EU referendum? 62% voted in favour of the EU.
Anyone who voted Remain, voted to remain part of the European Union.
That makes 62% of the electorate who voted Remain: Unionists.
I voted Remain, so I guess the term Unionist would be correct.
I voted YES to independence. So I guess I’m a Unionist Separatist.
Dearie me Alex, we’re a bad pair you and me.
It would appear we have upset dear Colin. Shame that. He’s welcome to call me what he likes, nae skin off my nose. If he thought that me telling him to beat is is plain rude, tough. I could have said much worse.
He’s even going to argue with Paula Rose now. You tried being nice Paula, but just ignore him. He’ll go away sooner or later.
Not a good idea to pick fights in the conservatory, too much glass it’s enough to stop the lemons ripening.
Paula, sorry to hear about the address stuff. I hope all will be ok.
@Marie Clark
I’m no upset, dear Marie.
I’m no arguing with Paula Rose or anyone else.
Paula Rose was relatively civil to me. Sorry to read that she has been subjected to intimidation by some Unionists.
I condemn bullying no matter who’s doing it. Words or actions intended to hurt or upset others, rather than challenging their views, should play no part in the independence/ Union campaigns.
Here’s an old un from the 70’s. Bit long but no too bad for a band from the Dundee schemes.
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Completely o/T – Question Time in 1966 with Jimmy Reid
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In life you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression!
Sorry about Smallaxe Nana, now there’s a gentleman who’s never a boring bastard!
Wow! What an exciting day for regulars on O/T courtesy of our scintillating newbie.
In case you’re too enervated/excited to sleep, can I suggest this as a way of inducing calm and restful repose?
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BTW, Fred, finally finished your very detailed Simon Taylor place-name article. Thanks very much: top-class stuff, really enjoyed it.
Hi Tinto Chiel at 9:35 pm
You typed,
“BTW, Fred, finally finished your very detailed Simon Taylor place-name article. Thanks very much: top-class stuff, really enjoyed it.”
If you’re interested in place names, this could be of interest. Here’s how the Wikipedia page describes “The Meaning Of Liff”…
“The book is a “dictionary of things that there aren’t any words for yet”. Rather than inventing new words, Adams and Lloyd picked a number of existing place-names and assigned interesting meanings to them, meanings that can be regarded as on the verge of social existence and ready to become recognisable entities.”
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In other words, words that only existed on road signs were given a whole new reason for their being. You can find it here for browsing:-
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LIFF (n.)
A book, the contents of which are totally belied by its cover. For instance, any book the dust jacket of which bears the words. ‘This book will change your life’.
Here’s an update from:-
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“The original Meaning of Liff, and its 1990 sequel The Deeper Meaning of Liff, set out to find a use for the “spare words which spend their time doing nothing but loafing about on signposts pointing at places”.
“Our job, as we see it, is to get these words down off the signposts and into the mouths of babes and sucklings and so on, where they can start earning their keep in everyday conversation and make a more positive contribution to society,” wrote Adams and Lloyd in 1984″
Onnyhoo, enjoy – and may you not suffer from LONGNIDDRYs!
Hi Tinto Chiel at 9:35 pm
A wee addendum from the Wikipedia page…
“The title of the book was chosen to be very similar to Monty Python’s film The Meaning of Life that was being produced at the same time, after Douglas Adams called Terry Jones to ask if it would be OK. Adams’ idea was that the potential confusion with the film’s script would help to sell more copies of the book.
In fact, in the beginning of the Monty Python film, the gravestone with the title “The Meaning of Liff” appears before a lightning bolt strikes the last F and converts it to an E.”
Heeheehee, BrianDTT!
I’m sure I will enjoy.
Longniddry, is it? I give you Lickprivick (EK parish).
I heartily endorse your Quarantine option, btw.
Hi Tinto Chiel at 10.23.
“Lickprivick” doesn’t appear in the dictionary so I will offer a definition.
Lickprivick (n) A practice that takes place between consenting adults, when the children are asleep.
I hope you’re not being some sort of LARGOWARD?
Largoward? Heavens forfend!
What kind of a guy do you think I am?
I think it’s time Wingers had a get-together quite soon to blow off some steam.
Only then will the full majesty of Lickprivick be revealed.
Thanks for the question time from ’66, different days for sure.
Check out the female journalist from the Observer at 32:00 wow couldn’t imagine that nowadays LOL.
Here’s a good wee Jimmy Reid video from the sit in. Educated me, I didn’t know the half of it.
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I have ITV4 on as my aural wallpaper while I’m typing away. It’s “An Audience With Billy Connolly”. Say what you like about his ignorance of the Scottish political climate these days but that programme is a classic of Scottish comedy.
Thepnr: amen to that, and this:
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@Tinto Chiel
You see we’re learning all the time because we share such things. Of course I knew about Jimmy Reid but I really knew nothing just thought I did.
The internet and social media is a fantastic thing, your never too old to learn and I loved the image in that clip of the “worthy” with his head in his hands.
Project Fear? They fear us, next time we give it to them by the barrel load. Cast off the cringe, it’s time to get right in the liars faces. The media of course, the voice of the Establishment.
Re the despair of the “worthy”: noticed that too, Thepnr.
I’ve linked to Jimmy’s Alienation essay often enough but it’s great to hear the man himself.
He was about two generations ahead of his time, imo.
Wish we had him with us now.
I grew out of The Cringe in about 1974: “After such knowledge, what forgiveness?”
Fortunately, (as you know more than anyone), the tipping point is just ahead of us.
Not long now, mes braves.
@ Thepnr 11:32pm Here is part 2 of last nights Sing Along link to
This seems very appropriate, I’m sure we’ve all been there some time or other.
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Mmm, probably including being a B side of an old 45.
@Michael McCabe
Cheers anything that brings a laugh is good for me.
I think you might be on to something there. Change will never happen if you just go with the flow. It’s those that swim against the flow that will make the difference. Those that have stuck around on Wings for a while seem to be the type.
Your one of them and I’ve met a few. Read your posts on the Herald today, would have joined in but shame I got banned on my very first post in 2014.
You did good though.
See if we all only had the same goal, like Independence? Well…
@colin alexander
off-topic is for – off-topic, as in way off topic, like music. And Paula OWNS it. Give us some music of your choice, ask her nicely if you can have one of her homebakes, and have a cuppa. Here’s one for you.
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You’re supposed to laugh, by the way, not take offence. Lighten up as they say!
Thanks. It was good to see DDM around on that thread, he’s solid. Which means on threads I can play around a bit, maverick fashion, get closer to the “other side” at times maybe. Good bit of promotion for Wings all the same.
Common goals, different paths, all of them going in the same direction though. My route is better than yours, we all think. hehe, in five hundred years from now, who’ll know the difference? (got that line from Peanuts – Linus).
Be so proud of your culture…
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And this…
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Was up that way last week, hired van with my own van having decided to go on an off road adventure. Stornoway festival on (Hebcelt), would have liked to have had time to stop off for a few hours.
Thepnr @ 22nd July 12.15
Sorry just seeing your post now….
Thank you for even thinking to make sure I know you were not getting at me….that is so very kind.
I actually agree with you,and was trying explain why I go on a bit about Sovereignty….but it’s fine really.
It’s important,wide ranging and endlessly interesting,for those who are interested in it.
It also matters for Independence……
But ….it takes ages to explain one wee bit….and is so ripe as a resource to disrupt any conversation….as you very well know.
TBH. Ah bore the arse aff ma self wi it sometimes.
So feel free as far as I’m concerned to say enough ma ears/eye’s are, bleeding with it, No worries….
But having said that…. I was “extra” commenting in a place I usually don’t bother with… because I felt that I should show a bit of contempt to the “truth always” attempt at having a dig at Smallaxe….
And that just “happened” to be about Sovereignty ..mostly,
Well I think it was…… Anyhoo no worries or problems between you and I my friend.
And of course as I am sure I don’t need to remind you…… if there’s ever anything you want to know about Sovereignty.. please don’t hesitate to ask LOL. X
Best wishes all true, proud & passionate Wingers.
May the freedom be with us.
The sun is coming up.
The year is 2017.
It’s Monday.
Late July.
Morning Manky Mates! weather looks good, off for the National & a stroll roon the park, won’t need the new Berghoose I think.
@Liz g
Don’t worry I intend to get your views on sovereignty when the time is right
@ Tinto, if U recall our conversation about Whitebeam’s? what was the name of the species U were singing the praises of? There’s one in my local park which has me stumped, it gas a dark green leaf 3″ long, serrated like an apple’s & not felted underneath. Very floriferous & popular with bees but the berries stay unripe on the tree and are not eaten. Not Sorbus Aria or Intermedia but probably from somewhere hotter than here? “Has me stumped!” gerrit!
I was going to say Swedish whitebeam (S. intermedia), Fred. They planted 1000s in EK and it’s common elsewhere as an amenity tree. As you say, the berries remain hard. If it’s not that I’m struggling. Perhaps Himalayan whitebeam (S. vestita) if the leaf is very long? I used Collins Tree Guide.
The common whitebeam is really beautiful in May imo when the undersides are almost white.
I read in The National a wee while back that the beech is now accepted as native to Scotland. In the 18th c. they were planted by farmers in EK parish both as shelter belts and along farm roads, where they liked the clay soils up there. That and the old “red roads” of Lanarkshire made that part of the country quite distinctive.
And snow in June, of course.
Here’s a nice foatie of the kind of roads I mean:
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Some of these “recent discoveries” are really very very strange. Scotland was forested in olden times, same as the rest of the UK was, with a large mix of trees and of course it’s only in recent times the pine became so endemic because it is relatively quick to grow, and was planted (60s 70s perhaps) to reforest Scotland – stripped of trees all over for navies and even for the Clearances. Admittedly the Victorians amongst others did bring some new species to plant, from vague memory you can see a lot in Edinburgh botanical gardens.
But the mix of trees in oilden days would be the same largely as the UK mainland as a whole, and would have included beech, ash, elm, oak, hawthorn, willow and many others. But what’s even stranger is you don’t have to read very much to find evidence of this. If for instance these excited researchers had taken the trouble to read a book or two about the Druids with respect to Scotland, they’d have quickly found mention of the trees not surprisingly, as largely the druids were into nature.
I just think people these days don’t read much, they expect to be spoonfed it all by the TV.
Hey TJenny, good to see you xx
Stand & deliver:
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Avec 4,291,733 sultana views.
Heard a very plummy English ecologist on the wireless once who was excusing the cutting down of 18th cent’ beeches in Perthshire as they were “non-native!” Didnae dae irony obviously! When the ice retreated the first trees were birch, willow, aspen & pine, is that what they want Scotland to look like? a few muskox, wolves & bears thrown in! It’s crackpot eco-fascism.
Nice pic Tinto, I remember driving back from Peebles years ago & that straight red line on the road foretold approaching civilisation!
Been reading up in the Whitebeams, fascinating stuff as DNA now explains the origin of these trees. Arran alone has three species & all have Rowan as a parent. In the case of Swedish Whitebeam it is a triploid & has three parents, one a Rowan & is also self-fertile.
Not many places on the interwebby thing that you could watch a video of Adam and the Ants in between reading post about trees
Yes, I’ve always wanted to see the Arran ones: think their existence is a bit precarious, though.
Did you see your mystery one in a public park?
Re the red roads, there used to be a very sudden line going the other way, between Leadhills and Wanlockhead.
Stendhal wrote his novel Le Rouge et Le Noir after he got lost on the way back from Leadhills library.
He he here be another, brother…
Get up, stand up (Genre: reggae-reggae)
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That one was for you too Smallaxe.
X always.
You’re right, Thepnr: this place is getting weirder and weirder.
They should call it Different Drum instead of Off Topic.
Tomorrow me and Harvey are going on a whitebeam hunt.
Night all.
The Rouge Road Flats! alas nae mair. This tree is in the park Tinto, the ranger has an app thing on a phone which can identify any plant it takes a pic of, amazin, must chase him up. This could be Sorbus Huggyii?
FREEplay on jukebox…
Nice one William Wallace backer.
Get in there.
Haha! Started to look it up!
What a silly billy……
*washes up – sighs*
Hey and here’s one for you Miss Paula…
Stand up for your human love rights (Genre: Yazz)
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@Paula Rose
Nice of you Cactus. Wee tune from me too for you
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Sorbus are a strangely mixed bunch. I have whitebeam and masses of rowans and younger shrubs, self-sown that look like a different form of the ‘whitebeam’. Hybrids? Maybe, who knows.
Happenstance, a huge multi-trunked, Leylandii, blew down last week blocking the road to my house so I was able to get the factor to send some tree guys to clear it and of course they charge for a whole days work to come here and so I was able to get rid of the last half dozen grand firs today! Wonderful, I am so pleased, trees rapidly wanting to reach 95M. high are not very attractive.
Anent Tinto Chiel’s remark that he “grew out of The Cringe in about 1974”. My indy journey was more recent:
Late 2013 or early 2014, I was following my hometown football club via a fansite, which led to the “Pie & Bovril” site, and its BRALT thread, and from there somehow here to the Wings site.
And Wings led me to the article that turned me into an ardent Indy supporter, the McCrone Report from 1974.
No way back to being a proud BritNat after reading that Prof McCrone, 40 YEARS AGO, “gave a highly favourable projection for the economy of an independent Scotland with a “chronic surplus to a quite embarrassing degree and its currency would become the hardest in Europe”. ”
No way back after finding that both Labour and Tory had deliberately hidden this from Scots for decades.
No way back after realising that unlike Norway, Westminster had wasted billions of oil income without even starting an oil fund.
Westminster did not even say “look, we are going to make billions from North Sea oil, but we will use it to upgrade infrastructure throughout the UK, for the good of all, how does that sound?”
I believe Scots would have agreed to that, shown solidarity with people in the rest of the UK, but Westminster was too scared to even put it to the test. Instead they hushed it up, insisted oil was running out, made sure most oil jobs went to non-Scots, and mismanaged and sold off our precious resource.
No way back after reading McCrone.
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cearc, yer hoose sounds very grant indeed, looks like the woodshed will be well stacked, it’s an ill wind! I’m up a close myself & trouble the factor but little!
Here are some very nice Giant Redwoods at Provanmill, nearly opposite the Ranza Bar. Visited there last year one cauld day out of curiosity & the place was in darkness to save the electric!
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The only ‘grand’ feature was the firs, less than 20 years old and 30 metres of bare dead branches with a green ‘christmas tree’ on top. Rather handsome when younger and smaller though, when the branches were leaved to the ground.
I wonder which prat thought it good idea to plant redwoods so close to a road!
Some very fine trees in the Lael Forest Garden near Ullapool.
@Tinto Chiel
Oops Tinto, you’ve gone and done it now. “Vol au vents a bit soggy”
Going to take a bit more than a few cocktails methinks!
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Serendipity is strange right enough, David and is one of the best things about the internet. Unfortunately we have a relative who “doesn’t believe” McCrone and just repeats “the oil will run out soon”. None so blind, but she is a Daily Heil “reader”. Not much you can do with the hard of brain-cell.
So, the Ranza Bar, Fred? Is it the kind of place I could take a young lady for a range of cocktails? I feel I need to make it up to Paula Rose for all this tree talk. I sensed she was a bit brittle last night. And was it just me or were her vol au vents not a bit soggy?
Mmm, yes, Nana, I think my finger-food remark was a bit pert.
Oh, well……
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I am sure that you now realise that, as it was very hot in the conservatory after a suuny day, it must have been your sweaty fingers rather than the vol-au-vents to blame!
Oor Paula is more a shrubbery lass, methinks.
@ cearc, near that big gorge I think!
@ Tinto, it’s not at all the kind of place for cocktails, “local colour!” is the phrase I’m searching for here!
Apropos nuttin’
What’s the difference between Patsy Kensit and Walt Disney?
Patsy Kensit and Walt Disney.
(I’ll get ma coat)
Missed you
don’t let the door bang yer arse on the way oot. LOL
@K1, Both preyed on Simple Minds!
@cearc, sympathies with your Leylandii, trouble is, nobody has ever seen a mature specimen of this hybrid/triffid!
@Tinto, moist vol au vent? dearie me!
cearc, Fred: I have decided to not comment further on the general volleyvong situation, since I have only had a faux leopard-skin stiletto jammed up my left nostril once but have no desire to repeat the experience.
Shoulda stuck to whitebeams.
*quickly changes subject*
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Tinto Chiel Tongue Tied that was Brilliant. in fact I am Lost for Words. link to
Hi Smallaxe I came across this and I thought of you. the Cameraman seems a bit unsteady but I think he is just Inhaling the Atmosphere. Anyway hope you enjoy my Friend. Haste ye Back Soon. link to
Heard it on the radio today, Michael, and really liked it.
Sounds a bit like a modern version of those French jazz combos with Stephane Grappelli.
And timeless Flink Poyd…….
And it’s not 6 o’clock yet.
Only Scottish people would get that joke:-)
Don’t think I even get it myself, K1.
Think I’m morphing into a version of Cactus.
This place is great. I love Scotland and Wings. All Wingers too xx
Just read your comment on the taking a stand thread re this morning’s link. Sorry for not replying earlier, been out most of the day.
I think a lot of yessers have friend’s or family members like your own pal. Sometimes it just takes a wee nudge for them to see the truth but for some…ah well we can only provide the information and hope they take heed.
It’s a good article and hopefully wingers have shared it.
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A wee tune for Wingers, their families and their friends
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Och Tinto, it’s a play on the wurdz…c’mon…
patsy kens-it, walt dis-ney, made me chuckle anyway…I’m also half sure you’re pullin’ ma leg
Now am fully sure
Whit ur ye like…
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A wee piece of advice for all Wingers, when reading the main thread just stick Nana’s choice of song on. You’ll relax
Believe in it too, we are family. Not a very popular one though LOL.
One of my faves, actually, K1: Dunfermline’s finest. Mind you, big Dan (?) was a bad, bad boy!
Thepnr has retired, will be seeing some of you in real life when we get round to it. All the best have enjoyed every minute.
Thepnr: hope this is not permanent. Unless you are working on the Top Secret Plan No.1 to Deliver Independence, we need you on here.
Liked your Walt Whitman poem on the M/T. He knew a lot about the horrors of war: he was a nurse in Civil War hospitals for a time and saw the dreadful effects of industrialised warfare.
Eh? I’m just back and you are retiring! Was it something I said, lol
I hope Alex is staying around.
@Thepnr, retiring ! Whit!, Surely not.
I hope you stay around Alex, we’re short enough of good folk round here. I felt a bit like that a wee while ago, and I took time out to detune my head, which I said at the time felt as if was going to explode. I’ve felt a lot better for the time out. Try that and see how it feels.
Please don’t go, we need you.
Ye canny retire I have no told ye all about Sovereignty yet.
There’s more….much….
Anyhoo what’s up….and mair tae the point can any of us fix it?
There once is a young man called Alix
Who can spot from a mile all the troll tricks
He gives them some rope
Then he plays rope-a-dope
And that’s how they show they’re just dicks
Thepnr – you won’t retire, believe me. There’s always a yoon out there who will make you so mad you will be more determined than ever to do your part.
Like today, I had a nice middle aged couple. Happy holidays in the Scottish Highlands & Islands, so beautiful, simply stunning they said. Scotland going indy would make them sad, but if that’s what we want then good luck. Then they spoiled it all by saying – “How you’re going to pay for it is another matter”
Later, I had a customer from Switzerland gave him a Scottish fiver with his change. He says, I heard they don’t like those in England and laughs (and does that finger at the temple thing showing the madness of it all)
Then I have an Australian tourist being told by her tour guide not to accept Scottish notes for change as they are not valid in England.
Yes your right it’s the simple things that make me mad, the big things depress me so much that sometimes I feel like giving up, but giving up is not in my nature. Tried hard to switch off after indyref but I simply cannot get back in my box.
Sorry for rant. ( I know off topic is supposed to be a happier place)
So I leave you all with this (Scottish & European me)
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Hi Thepnr.
Did you see the “long letter” in today’s National? a lady from your neck of the woods stating supposition as fact. here’s one short quote from the letter…
“I am not racist, xenophobic, uneducated or just plain stupid, yet I voted Leave because of, amongst other things, deep concerns over the lack of democracy evident in the EU.”
She then went on to NOT explain what this ‘lack of democracy’ is. I read it in the print edition, which I was reading in The Corrievreckan in Oban this afternoon. I’ll see if I can find the link.
I have – but it won’t archive at try using a ‘private window’ in your browser to read the whole letter. Worked for me. Here’s the link:-
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Thepnr has definitely retired, no big deal I hope to be a suitable replacement and I’m not retiring yet. I went in the huff yesterday after the Rev went mental at those posting poetry right after I posted poetry. I took it personally and I shouldn’t have, one beer too many.
I actually thought the couple of poems on that thread were pretty good but that’s my personal view and it’s not my blog. Anyways, I will be taking Marie’s advice and having a wee break at least from the main thread for a period as it can become pretty intense.
Well if you’re me it can, as I allow myself to get too involved, I couldn’t leave Wings yet as still a lot of unfinished business to take care of that I can see.
Anyaway, catch you all later.
@BDTT I think they may have ran out of acid in Froickheim
BIG SMILE for Thepnr( or Alex). Glad you didnae go awol. love yer posts.
Aweright Alex, welcome back ~
Poetry is excellent.. I enjoy reading them all in this place.
Enjoy yer break from the m/t bro.
We’re all due a night out!
Should hiv rapped iz puss Alex
The grumpy auld bastard.
Eh think he is going through the change lololol. He gave me some snash a while back in caps via Email and he got telt lol.
He hiznae quite worked oot the intricacies o wir humour yet.
Peas and Lurve tae ah the wingers
That’s a relief!
I was going to change mine but couldn’t choose between Samantha or Vlad The Impaler, so I didn’t bother.
Looking forward to your new gravatar.
@Tinto Chiel
How about Sam The Impaler? Has a certain ring to it don’t you think
You cannae retire after I praised one of your posts.
Yer pals will be blaming me for giving you such a shock that you’ve had to retire.
Good evening Wingers, both national and international!
Try your ears n ayes around this one (song / movie)
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Many are in for a rude awakening.
Not us, we already know.
This time next year.
Hi gang, I’m getting bored wi’ no a lot goin oan.
Tinto, ah innae ken if ye hiv seen this, but dinnae try this or Mrs TC will hae my guts fur garters if she his tae tak ye tae A&E.
Don’t get carried away with the music either LOL
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OOPS! that’s a wee song for Paula Rose.
Try this one Tinto
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Hope Alex didn’t mind being called Alix – it was the only way to rhyme it!
Pretty graceful for a big man, Marie.
Don’t think my snake-hips could match that: had a nasty accident with a hoola hoop trying to impress a girl in my P7 class. Was walking kinda funny for a few days.
Not the same without Smallaxe, is it?
No, it’s not
Mon Smallaxe, the Ferr’s nearly over, back tae auld claes n puritch!
Books! finished “The Cone Gatherers!” a very good if slim book. How dark it was, how dark!
Aye Tinto, you’re quite right, it’s not the same without Smallaxe.
I wish him well, he seems to be having quite a battle at the moment. It’ll be nice when he returns to the fold.
Yes, Duror’s a right bundle of laughs, isn’t he?
Have you ever tried Ringan Gilhaize by John Galt? Another tormented character, but, like Duror, for a reason. Don’t bother if you can’t thole historical novels.
That site that deals with Old Welsh in Scotland has moved, Fred, and is now at:
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He’s doing a revised version at the mo.
Morning all. I’ve spoken with Smallaxe and he has asked me to tell you he is grateful for your kind comments. He’s not fit to come on himself and will not be for some time, going through a lot right now.
He sends you this wee tune
link to
and says
Peace always
Thanks, Nana. All the best, Smallaxe.
Liked the Kinks track.
Pigeon chest, is it?
*Old Joke: avert eyes if sensitive or have standards*:
(Honeymoon couple are taking clothes off in bedroom)
Bride: I didn’t realise you were so pigeon-chested.
Groom: That’s why I love like a doo.
Right, off to do some goat-nadgering.
Groom: That’s why I love YOU like a doo.
Zut alors!
@Tinto Chiel
Goat ‘worrying’ appears to be a ‘grand’ pastime down at the lodge
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Whatever you are planning make sure there are no photographers about. Anything untoward could make the evening news, as we all know the media are always on the hunt for a SNP Baa Baa BAD story!
@Tinto, ah ken a keeper who is a bit like Duror! Big fan of John Galt but reading Rebus the noo. Thanks for the Smallaxe update Nana, miss the Bar L take on matters!
Don’t worry, Nana. Got one of those Vulcan cloaking devices off e-bay for £7.50.
What could possibly go wrong?
Hey, shouldn’t that be Klingon cloaking device?
Oh, hello, officers….
Nana, Fred, get me Beltrami! Get me Beltrami!
Anent the goats! ma auld grannie used to say of heavy imbibers, that So & So wid drink it through a goats erse!
Thanks for the update on Smallaxe Nana.
Wishing him and Mrs Smallaxe all the strength they need,right now.
Sending love and Peace to you both… always!
Haste ye back XX
It’s been a long day for me.
Good night, chinas.
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Diddiewinker… is not a word Google recognises.
What are the chances of inventing an entirely new word. Bet you couldn’t do it if you sat down and tried.
I came up with ‘diddiewinker’ entirely by chance.
If anyone needs a new word, help yourself. Apply your own definition too.
Best wishes to all.
For Smallaxe… a poem, incorporating the new word – ‘diddiewinker’
The Diddiewinker dupped his dum
and dummed his dup for aw that
But in the midst oh aw that strum
He thukked and gae’d it thawback
I don’t know what it means either. Smallaxe will understand. Take it easy Smallaxe. Best wishes.
Peace always
@Daisy Walker –
Brilliant. I’m sure Smallaxe will love that.
I read somewhere, ages ago, that Shakespeare coined thousands of neologisms. James Joyce surpassed him on that front, although few are bold enough to attempt a definitive list.
Making up new stuff is always the way to go – given the extraordinary times we happen to find ourselves living in, it’s vital that ‘we’ do it, and not leave it up to the boring, predictable bawbags who work for big corporations – to be sure, if those fuckers could monopolise language, they’d do it in a heartbeat, but they’re interested in a ‘universal’ form of English which suits all markets. They cannot, and never will, be able to accommodate human wit, especially when it’s ‘regional’, but has broader appeal. ‘Boaty McBoatface’ and ‘Hurricane Bawbag’ are two wee examples.
A few days ago, more than a week, less than a month, someone in the comments on one of the threads talked about local radio, and mentioned SunnyG Community Radio in Glasgow.
I do one of the weekly shows on the station, and around half our playlist is local, by that I mean Scottish or Scottish Based bands and artists. Been doing the show for a couple of years now, and so I guess we’ve played as much Scottish music on the radio as anyone. So, since this is where some of you post yer tunes, i figured I might from time to time, post some quality Scottish stuff. We play anything as long as its guid, from Scottish Hip Hop, Indie, Techno, Psychadelia, Ska, Reggae and so on.
There’s very little exposure on the radio for Scottish Contemporary Music, and yet there’s so many amazing artists out there, it’s as good as it’s been in my lifetime, but relatively few people know about it. NB: No Scottish bands made the shortlist for the Mercury Music Prize.
So for starters, here’s one of the best bands around right now – The Mickey 9s, with one of their best songs – Ammunition, from a couple of years ago. It’s a belter.
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This is a great tune and video, note how few views it has, this is par for the course with so much Scottish Music, and yet the video is directed by and starring one of our best Contemporary Artists – Rachel Maclean. A beautiful, moving, song and video, Slow Rotor, by Errors.
link to
Is tomorrow still on?? wee picnic?? @ Paula rose, good scottish weather to be had.
And finally. Joyce Delaney are for me the best band in Scotland. They were a duo: two young women from Glasgow, then they expanded to a 3 piece and their new drummer has really added a new dimension.
What’s Up Wanda, their newest single, and my favourite song of the year so far. The lyrics read like a blog entry, i thought it was a blog entry, about a shitty relationship. It’s angry, punky, tough and yet tender and vulnerable…and it rocks (gie it a coupla listens). If the last two lines of the song don’t get you going…Anyway, if there’s any justice they’ll be huge, they’re plenty good enough.
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Hey Paula Rose x ~ Ah cannae dae Kilwinning until early evening later raday. If yer all still around having a post picnic bash, drop us a line here honey an ah’ll feed ye back.
Mwah y’all.
Daisy Walker just called me a diddiewinker!
Think I’m in love…..
Mwah to Cactus. Hope it dries up for Paula Rose’s knees-up.
Of course the picnic is on – all tough us.
@ Tinto, sent ye a Goodnight Irene link last night kid but it vanished. Aff tae the pub!
“Aff tae the pub!”
Time: 11.31 a.m.
Bit tardy for a Saturday, Fred?
One for our dear friend Smallaxe.
Bob Marley, ‘Could You Be Loved’
Come back soon brother.
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Evening, chinas.
Since the lovely Paula Rose’s gaff is a hotbed of intellectualism *grovel, grovel*, I would like to consult you all on a sentence in Henry James’ The Turn of The Screw. I have read it several times and still can’t understand it. It comes just after the heroine-governess has seen a mysterious figure looking in through the window. The sentence in question is the second one:
“The good thing, after all, was that we should surely see no more of him.
This was not so good a thing, I admit, as not to leave me to judge that what, essentially, made nothing else much signify was simply my charming work. My charming work, was just my life with Miles and Flora…..”
(p.28, Vintage Classics edition).
No comprendy, chinas.
And Anurra Hing……
I am a self-confessed pleb and listen to BBC Shortbread’s Off The Ball programme when I am doing Mrs TC’s ironing. The last two weeks they’ve managed to work in a couple of snide references to the FM. Last week it was “Is Nicola Sturgeon a jinx to our women’s national football team?”. Cue invitation to slag her off on the programme.
Today some non-entity was claiming she gave him the death-stare because he kissed her when introduced to her at a function, as if “How dare you kiss the First Minister?” Now, I’ve met NS twice and would never presume to kiss her. She’s the FM of my country and a handshake would be quite sufficient, imo.
Can you be too paranoid with the BBC?
@TC –
Have never read it, and never will if that’s at all typical of the style.
Heard that dude on OTB – a pity Cosgrove wasn’t on duty today, he’d surely have provided a bit of ‘balance’ as he normally does when indy-related stuff arises.
Anyway, the picnic in Eggy Park went swimmingly, and we’ve tentatively pencilled-in date of next Glasgow social. Details will be forthcoming as and when we’ve got the place booked.
Hoots all, enjoy yer Saturday!
“The Diddiewinker”
Is that not a species of bird that is native to the west-end…
Similar to the swift swallow..?
Good call Daisy W.
Like it x.
Glad Eggy Park went off well, Ian. Hope Paula Rose kept her clothes on and Cactus performed one of his songs. Remember the rave in her smoke-house? Classic! Pity about the mysterious little contribution on her carpet…..
Curiously, it was “Let’s all love Henry James” on Pravdasound4 this week. Spooky: the Northern Ireland connection perhaps? His costive, long-winded, elliptical prose really gets on my nazzums.
Thinking of testing the Rev’s patience by writing a POEM in GAELIC extolling the virtues of FEMALE QUOTAS and KEZIA’S inspired leadership.
Only joking, Stu!
Next Glasgow social soon to be announced… Yes!
Glad to hear y’all had a groovy picnic.
Most excellent Ian Brother ~
To all newest readers..
Come n join us
Be a Winger.
It means, ‘If I mangle a random selection of words together so that they become impenetrable I will be regarded as a master of Literature rather than just a middle-ranking novelist.’
cearc: I agree. I have had to read a lot of fiction for my job: e.g. Scottish, English, French and Russian (in translation) und so weiter, and I’ve never got past the first page of James’ big novels (I count The Turn of The Screw as a short ghost story). I’m sure Mariella Frostbite will be chewing her pillow as we speak.
Battle cry of the week: Galt, ya bass!
@TC & Cactus –
It really was good. We were lucky with the weather, although it did get cold after a while and we had a couple of showers.
And what a spread! Michty – cakes galore, juice, jaff cakes, crisps. Nae bevvy! Just goes to show ye can have a good time without it…
Having said that, ‘slainte’!
I’ve headed out to look for Fred. He’s been awol at the bar since 11:30 this am.
He was going furra whisky…
This isn’t an easy listen if you haven’t seen him before, and it’s very different to the ‘album’ version, but what a performance.
Kendrick Lamar, ‘The Blacker The Berry’ (Live)
link to
Ian at 6.46
But what about this
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and some of the live versions are fantastic
Here it is. One of the best live things I ever saw.
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This is where Kendrick Lamarr’s stuff is from, directly, via George Clinton.
Parliament-Funkadelic, ‘One Nation Under A Groove’ –
link to
@ Tinto Chiel at 6.59
I haven’t read the book, but starting at the end and working backwards, I think it means:
The governess’s life with Miles and Flora (her pupils, I presume) is charming work.
It is so charming that not much else matters to her.
She was not prevented from realizing this by her relief that she would no longer have to see “him”.
Presumably it is good that she realizes that her lovely pupils make her life so fulfilling. So it is also good that there is a limit on her relief and it doesn’t obscure the more important plus points.
Or some such…
I’ve never had any urge to read HJ; I have a friend who really likes him, so if I remember I’ll ask her about this some time. By then, you probably won’t want to know any longer!
Daisy; & all on O/T
Tontessaty, for the Diddiewinker clunchmereium. I groyelledd it loofibelly this evemorraning.

“Unity” Desmond Decker:
link to
Peace Always O/T
@ Smallaxe, good to see you back in your chair kid!
@ Cactus, a fairly long session in the Scotia, how Tempus Fugit when you’re talkin pish!
crazycat: thanks for the effort to translate this. I got the gist after a couple of readings originally but it’s really clumsy/elliptical to my eyes. Old HJ has the reputation of being a great stylist but those long rambling sentences of his just don’t attract. Now, back to my Barbara Cartland…..
Morning, Smallaxe! Take it gently, mon vieux.
Have you really just been down The Scotia with Cactus and Fred all this time?
@ Tinto, do you recall by any chance a wumman called Nancy Smith who ran a tearoom called La Mirage in Helmsdale which was a “Homage!” to Barbara Cartland who had an estate up the glen. Nancy dressed & looked like her & the café was completely OTT in pink froth. A bit disconcerting for lorry drivers who didn’t know the script, not that the late Nancy gave a damn!
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To my shame, I’ve never been in Helmsdale, although a climbing pal’s mum was from Dunbeath and she knew Neil Gunn.
That La Mirage place looks a hoot, Fred: you’d just love to put your pit bits on the table, wouldn’t you?
Sorry, it’s the Lanarkshire in me.
Mts, to The Artist Formerly Known As Thepnr: dig the groovy new gravatar. White Fang or Howlin’ Wolf?
Aye Tinto, I seen that on the MT the Howlin’ Wolf was my thought.
Anyway I thought Alex was having a wee rest, just dipping a toe in the water maybe.
Good to see you posting Smallaxe, take it easy now, look after yourself.
He keeps the white fangs for the trolls, Marie.
@TC & Crazycat –
‘Least Favourite Books’ is a smashing topic.
Two leap to mind: Nostromo by Conrad, and The Shipping News by Annie Proulx. Both had me chewing my own chin off. Was ‘required’ to read them both within a few months of each other at uni.
Gosh, Ian, you’ve opened a can of Pandoras there.
I think I’ll let a few Wingers vent before I give my views *whips out notebook and begins to write feverishly*.
Found this in my faves while weeding and thought Nana, cearc, Fred and other sophisticates would like this.
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Apart from being informative, it reminds us how many birds have become extinct in the Highlands. Another Union Dividend (along with The Clearances, Highland and Lowland, destruction of the Gaelic language, degradation of the land).
Bitter, moi?
PS: it can be a bit slow to load.
@ Ian B
I suspect being “required” to read something may be the killer – one reason why I gave up English Literature at school earlier than the teacher wanted me to.
I absolutely hated To Kill A Mockingbird and can’t understand why it’s so highly rated. Perhaps I would if I re-read it after all this time, but I have so many new books to read I don’t have any wish to give it a second chance.
@ Tinto, some experts? claimed that the Eagle Owl was never a Scottish species yet there’s a Gaelic name for it, if the peeps had never seen one why would they name it?
Folks did you catch Alba on the Gaelic cowboy & killer “Mergantic Outlaw!” Donald Morrison on Fri 25th, 20.00. Rob Roy meets Calum Kennedy kinda thing. Narrated by Margaret Bennett & excellent.
Exactly my point, Fred. But then, as you say, the experts are “experts”. How can you name what you can’t see?
Listen to the people, ya muppets!
Don’t watch causa don’t pay but your prog sounds good, Fred. Margaret Bennett a great woman, imho.
@Dave McEwan-Hill –
Sorry I didn’t respond sooner – your links came in last night and I tried to see them but they wouldn’t load and I gave up. I’ve just copied them into another browser and got them – Joe Cocker!
He looked like he was enjoying himself mightily in that first video, and no wonder. One of the perks of fame I suppose!
You were at that gig? What a spectacular venue. I’ve seen it before, here, so was it you posted it? Wasn’t Cocker though, I’ve a feeling it was Kool & The Gang, Chic, some outfit of that era. It looks like it was once an amphitheatre or something. Stunning.
I’m sure Smallaxe will have enjoyed it too – great to see him back again, fair raised my spirits when I saw his name pop-up earlier.
More power to you too Dave – we’ll meet yet!!
@Crazycat –
That’s another great topic – books still to be read.
Curious to know what you’ve got lined-up, if you don’t mind sharing.
Another thing I totally love is when you get filmed interviews with folk who are at home, and they’ve got their bookshelves behind them, or even still photos where it’s just-about possible to make out the titles. Always fascinating, even to see whether or not they’re ‘organised’ or just piled higgeldy-piggeldy. And, of course, to see if they’ve got any you’ve read yourself. Surprising how seldom I ever see a book I know.
Long time ago, approx 25 yrs or so, I went with a friend to interview a media studies professor at Glasgow Uni for a small magazine I was involved with. Have never seen anything like it before or since – bookshelves lining every wall right up to the ceiling, and waist-high piles of magazines, books, and students’ papers with what can only be described as ‘paths’ allowing access to them all. The room must’ve been 20ftX25ft, easy, the ceilings were at least 12 ft, there was hardly any furniture apart from a very impressive circular table, and elsewise there was barely enough room for the three of us to get a seat. If the Fire Brigade had ever clapped eyes on the place they’d’ve had a hairy fit. Curiously, the thing I most remember about walking into his ‘office’ was that it smelled exactly like a snooker hall. (Sign of a mis-spent youth there!) I can only attribute that to a combination of dust and cigarette smoke.
@ Ian B
My house resembles your professor’s study, minus the fag smoke.
I have a severe, possibly terminal, case of tsundoku (link to I inherited it from my up-bringing.
I almost never read fiction (though I am planning to borrow the forth-coming 44 Scotland Street offering from the Ayr Carnegie, which usually buys them as soon as they come out).
Just now I’m in the middle of a set of conference proceedings entitled The Languages of Scotland and Ireland, which is a curate’s egg. Coming up are Green English: Ireland’s influence on the English language and Dialects of English: Northern and Insular Scots, which I got after reading another volume in the same series, about Northern Irish English.
I’ve also got a number of books about the history of Central Asia and Japan in the pile. On top of that, I’m still grinding my way intermittently through Common Weal’s Book of Ideas, which I’m sure is very good and important but a real struggle!
@Crazycat –
Forgive my boldness here, but it sounds like you’re ‘working’ rather than just ‘reading’ – is it a project of some kind?
I’m a nosy pest, that’s the truth, but it’s always a tonic to know what other folk are up to, no matter how obscure or nerdish it may seem to some.
Not asking you to reveal any major ideas – these days, ye canny be too careful about showing yer hand for fear that ye get ‘Oh, as it happens, I’ve been working on something very similar since 1997’, all that pish.
I can’t take it any more!
The Great Gatsby, FFS!
*calms himself with single malt*
One of an occasional series…..
@ Ian
Nah, I’m just a swot/nerd. I wanted to study history, but various things added together caused me to become a research scientist instead. I’ve tried to keep up with my other interests, and that’s easier now I’m no longer working.
I’ve got lots of other interests too, but my previous post was getting a bit long, so I stopped after the books I’m likely to start in the next few weeks.
@Tinto & Marie
I’m alone and “howling at the moon” that’s how it sometimes seems.
Not on Off Topic though
@crazycat –
Nowt wrong with being a swot/nerd, and no-one here is measuring the length of posts (so far as I know!).
I daresay you have a methodical approach to your reading, and I hope I didn’t sound impertinent in asking about it. As a disillusioned art student, and someone who has always been skint, my approach has been anything-but methodical, unless you give credence to randomness/kismet as a viable inspiration. Almost all of the books I’ve ever owned were gathered from a variety of charity-shops in Glasgow and Ayrshire. Some crackers I’ve kept include the wonderful Hendrick Van Loon’s ‘Home of Mankind’ and ‘The Arts of Mankind’ – spectacularly bonkers stuff he illustrated himself. James Havoc’s stuff is utterly mental and profoundly disturbing. First ‘proper’ book I ever paid full-price for was the ‘I-Ching’ (Wilhelm translation) in the Glasgow Virgin store shortly after it opened – I had no idea what it was, sold it when I was horribly skint approx twenty years ago and found it again, in a charity-shop, three years ago.
So, what?
It’s just so utterly fascinating, how people come to find books, then ‘become’ what they’ve read. I have a (much) younger brother who is probably one of the best-read people I’ve ever known. We’ve spent hardly any ‘meaningful’ time with each other since he was a teenager, but now, with him edging 40 and me in my mid-50’s, it turns out that we have read and know a lot of the same stuff.
How weird is that?
Or is it just not ‘weird’ at all?
I love it. Love it all – it’s what makes life worth living, dealing with these imponderables!
I’m pretty pissed off myself, Alex, but we all need some R&R before getting back into the saddle. You’ve earned it.
As Capella has said, as far as our media is concerned, it’s like living in an occupied country.
That’s our problem: with even a 50:50 media we’d be independent already.
They underestimated us last time and almost lost (or probs did but they swung it a la Ruthie/PV). That’s why their pooping their Pampers just now.
Hold, hold…..
Ahm totally luvvin Thepnr’s makeover – this is WOS’s answer to shapeshifting celebrities. More power to the bold Alex, and I hope we see him (yes, you sah!) in person very very soon.
@TC re ‘Great Gatsby’: Aye, totally agree. Never ever could figure what was so important about it. Enjoyable, aye, but seminal? Hunter S. Thomson (now *there’s* an original, eh?) was so besotted with it that he wrote it all out long-hand. I don’t get it, but, hey, that’s why we love it all, right? Some day, people will write PhDs about WOS O/T and or Quarantine. Mibbe!
@Tinto Chiel
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. It’s the frustration of knowing that no matter how right and strong your case is, that it is not moving forward as it should.
For only one reason and that’s the poison printed and broadcast everyday by the media not just in Scotland but the entire UK. It was meant to dishearten and undoubtedly has/did have an effect even on the strongest characters as the results in the GE prove.
Still that’s why I decided to be myself from now on, I’m not a character but a real person, fear of losing my job stopped me doing this first time around when Ian Brotherhood was championing using your real name and I tried it for a bit though it never felt right for some daft reason.
Anyway, a new Winger is born that when the avatar disappears I will no longer be howling at the moon. We will have proved strong enough to defeat their propaganda and will take our place in the world as an Independent country.
Looking forward to rejoining the Wingers and posting regularly again on the MT as just me. Reminded me of a tune right there.
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Alex: amen to all that.
Nana’s links to cyber-influence of voting, or rather discouragement from voting, are important. Sow apathy, disillusion, complacency: job done.
Trolling on the M/T reflects what we are up against. New faces, same old shit.
No-one said it would be easy: they’re desperate and they have the MSM and State Propagandist.
We have ourselves: it’s all we need.
The man/woman’s the gowd and I have faith in them.
Ian: PhDs about O/T? We’ll be famous at last!
Oh, you are famous……..
Just to be clear, any fear I had of losing my job wasn’t because I feared Independence. It was because of my support of Independence and the type of guy I have for a boss.
I had no problem telling him to his face that I supported Independence but he wouldn’t have liked me much if he knew I posted on wings as Thepnr LOL.
Don’t know what happened there: was going to mention yon Bulletproof Suzy girl!
@TC & Alex Clark –
Ah don’t ‘dream’ very much, well, ah mibbe do, but ah don’t remember much of them.
What I ‘daydream’ about is a day, just *one* day, and it’ll be one where we’re not all thegither as such, physically, but it’ll be one morning, afternoon, disny matter…it’ll be a day when we all *know* that the trek is over.
Independence day.
If ah live to see that, job done, ah’ll croak-it happy. It’ll be up to our weans to guard it and build it, aw that stuff – and they will do it.
Our job is to give them that chance.
Some very thoughtful stuff from the troops, ah like the Wooluf on your new-look posts Alex, Thepnr was a bit difficult. Tantrums & Tiaras,on the main thread battle of the trolls. On the reserve list for tickets for Alex Salmond, not too optimistic, mebbes if Ruth Davidson’s party cancels? could Eck be the new Kevin Bridges?
This one is for Alex Clark
link to
Twitchers abound round these here parts, specifically Dornoch way. link to
When we were wee my dad would tell us all the birds names in Gaelic, sad to say I’ve forgotten a lot. That pamphlet might help get the old memory cells working again. Now to find time…
Thanks for the heads up re Donald Morrison programme on Alba, will look out for it.
Hubby got his ticket for AS fringe show, thank goodness as life is hard enough lol Hope you manage to get some.
Nana, nice tune for Alex. LOL.
@Marie A friend of mine was a big country fan, it came to mind when I read Alex’s post.
I’ve been known to howl myself and not always at night lol.
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@Alex Clark
Glad it gave you a laugh Alex. Man we need a good old chuckle right about now.
That had me laughing, sounds about right

@Alex Clark
Like the new look.
Yes, Nana, a great area. Couldn’t believe how many kites I saw around Tollie.
I you look at Dwelly there were usually quite a few different names for common birds, depending on the area. I once started cataloguing them but gave up!
It’s always amazed me Dwelly was Welsh, yet produced the most complete Gaelic dictionary ever. He even set the text himself.
@Macart @Fred
Cheers, feeling better about things already. Ding! Ding! time for round 2 in the fight for Independence but only facts, evidence and reasoned logic for arguments.
None or at least fewer sweary words
@ Alex
Howlin’ at the moon, Alex
There seem to be a lot of us doing that!
A wee ditty for a laugh on a very wet Monday. (Hope this is OK in off topic, I know the Rev. hates poetry)
Oh, dear me, my Granny caught a flea.
She sa’ted and pepper’d it
And had it for her tea.
My Granny didna like it,
She gave it to her son.
Her son didna like it –
He threw it up the lum.
The hoose gave a shak,
The lum gave a crak,
And doon came Granny
Wi’ her shirt a’ black.
There’s no hiding now, just been reminded of where the Tories have been getting their advice from for all these years. Shocked? Nae really.
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Here’s an example of what can happen to your website if you open the gate to the trolls. A Commonspace article from Monday, check the state of the comments btl.
There are only 8 or 9 but bejesus.
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I think Commonspace like Newsnet before has failed to understnd that those most likely to be loyal to the site and support it are those that post on it.
Newsnet went too far one way with heavy handed censorship, Commonspace don’t seem to look at it at all, check the spam it’s on all the recent threads I’ve read including the now notorious one.
You’d think if you ran a website that wanted to encourage people to visit and give their tuppance worth then you would keep an eye on it? Obviously not.
The Scotsman was first to fall, the Herald is going soon and looks like Commonspace will be another victim of the 77th.
Had my first ever look at Commonspace! Had my last ever look at Commonspace!
Hello everyone. After the success of the Picnic on Saturday, I was hoping to organise a Christmas/Winter Event. I did a poll on Twitter and folk thought it would be better to get a hall with a kitchen and for everyone to bring food for it.
Do any of you know any good venues we could hire? Hugs, Ally (@defiaye) xxxx
Sounds like a good idea, telling us in which part of Scotland you intend to have it might help
Hiya Darlings – lovely picnic organised by me and the gorgeous Defy was superb, full of lovely wingers and Yes folk all having a lovely fun time – now we’re thinking about further gatherings.
Long package received in the post.
Thank you Wings.
Thank you ayeMail.
Thank you Hermes.
Mon the weather!
Total amazingness – one of ours…
link to
Very amazing. Such a shame that pub was too noisy for music.
My youth…
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Hey Paula who played that first you or me
Great tune anyway.
Hostels (or bunkhouses). And a lot you can hire the whole hostel, that’s if they’re open in winter. Quite a lot are all the same. I often see large groups having a great laugh.
Quite a lot are, all the same (open in winter!)
Standard is pretty high these days, kitchen facilities good, and bunks comfortable, often two pillows (or ask for another) even the SYHA now give tea, coffee, sugar (no milk). Fridges. TV, the SYHA now give free internet. And even the SYHA who’ve upgraded a lot of hostels or sold othres off for affiliates, often have electric points in dorms (or private rooms) to charge up your devices (less said the better).
Poem anyone?
A weekend knees-up was suggested for last winter but no-one came up with a suitable venue.
It doesn’t even need to be a ‘cheap’ venue.
Out-of-season, weekend rooms can be quite cheap in ‘business’ hotels.
QfaeA and I paid about £40 a night for a room with vast unlimited breakfast and free parking at an Aberdeen Hilton. If you make a booking for 10, 20 or more rooms you could bring the price down quite a bit and get a meeting room thrown in.
Those who can could chip in a bit more so that there can be some free or subsidised rooms for others. As the prices are per room any ‘singles’ have a spare bed.
Are we Human?
The Killers:
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Well, what’s it to be?
Peace Always
Great to see you back at the turntable and thank you for playing one of my favourite songs.
Morning, Smallaxe.
For some reason they play this before kick-off at my Diddy-Team’s ground but I do enjoy it, while not really understanding it.
Glad you seem back to your usual self.
The ball-cock’s gone in Paula Rose’s cludgie, there’s a strange smell under the sink, her weird palms need repotted and there’s no more ginger nuts. Also, the “recyclable” bin (hem hem) is rather full.
Looks like a job for Smallaxe and Tinto Enterprises (“No Job Too Small, No Bill Too Big”).
We’re booked in for 2 o’clock so bring your HD Marigolds.
Watch out Smallaxe, the boss is kitted out and ready to storm the joint. Geez you are not back five minutes and he’s already made a chores list.
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But see when you’re finished at Paula’s gaff could you come around and do some gardening and after that a little painting and …..
Nae probs, Nana. Mates rates for you. Mrs TC got me a Dutch hoe for ma Christmas.
I’m just meeting Fred down The Scotia @11 for some cocktails and canapes first, Smallaxe. Probs finished by 2 but if I’m a wee bit late just start without me.
Remember our watchword: “Need some domestic magic? Let us be your fairies!”
Nana & Tinto;
Marigolds, wet suit and Fireman’s helmet on. All hands to the pumps and Stand by to Ram!
Smallaxe and Tinto Enterprises (Fred, sleeping partner) back in business: Finance Available from No Nonsense Nana Ltd.
Fred, anent the Scotia Bar, do you remember these guys?
The Wistlebinkies:”The Barlinnie Highlander”
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Peace Always #Manky Mates
Yep, if folks could stop flushing their smuggled in DM’s it would be much appreciated. As for the plonker who tried to flush the entire BBC website….. well, let’s just say it is still downloading.
Dutch hoe! Dutch hoe! What’s wrong with a good ol’ British hoe, or did you mean dutch hoer?
No secrets from your plumber folks! Like a bit of folk & a bit of rock as long at isn’t fanny-Rock! The Killers were superb, forgot to mention that Scheme were playing at my local (the wan ah don’t go tae) a couple of weeks ago!
I’ve also got a French three-pronged dibbler, cearc.
Pure continental, soanumurr.
TC, That’s a bit TOO much info, thanks!
Oh….yes….yes, see what you mean…
*takes a big riddie*
Sorry about that.
Perhaps I could have phrased that better.
Oh, look! A big spider!
Three Pronged Dibbler, Tinto;
How about a Two Heided Man!
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Ho, Hoe, Who?

Peace Always
Glad to have you back Smallaxe, we’ll have to have that beer and a chat sometime soon. Willing to travel and I could bring some company along.
A wee intimate gathering in Gretna for friends of Off Topic might be just the ticket, what say you?
That sounds good to me Alex, Border Patrol can be pretty lonely at times so a bit of company wouldn’t go amiss, especially O/T company, this place is Yoon Central for the Mundell Muppets it would nice to have some,
“Positive Vibrations”

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Come in, come in, it’s nice tae see ye
How’s yersel ye’re lookin’ grand
Tak yer ease we’ll try to please ye
Man ye’re welcome here’s my hand
Peace Always
Good stuff
I’ve sent you an email to sort out minor details.
Talking of the borders, does anybody know if Leslie Anne (Arbroath1320) is ok?
Apart from one post a couple of weeks back her twitter account has been quiet for over a month, very unusual.
That should of course be Lesley Anne.
Aweright William Wallace says chez 5:32 this a.m. ~
Heck hell yeah!
Anytime and always on off topic is good.
Time waits for naeb’dy, as music waits for naeb’dy, as does poetry.
Have an excellent “wiki-wiki Wednesday” evening Wingers.
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Not what you thought hehe.. here’s an alternative meaning.
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Poetry good
Cactus, don’t depend on the “urbandictionary” this is wrong, intit?
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“Skaramanga” the Skarsoles:
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Whers the poem Wull?
Peace Always
Hey Smallaxe bro, grand tae huv ye back dude
Didn’t realise there were so many others of us… I’ll opt for option number 4. of the above.
“The moving finger writes and having writ moves on…”
Whose next?
Still weeding out from my faves. This one is a keeper, though: one of Michael McC’s most inspired mix of great music and rare footage.
A tram goes down Market Street to the tower at Fisherman’s Wharf in SF in 1904ish. Funny to see people behaving just like us: gawping at the camera, walking/driving in front of the tram, kids getting hudgies on the back of cars, burly policemen itching to use their night-sticks, and Paula Rose’s great-granny gets on a tram @6.40.
It’s a funny old game, Saint.
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@Tinto Chiel
Saw this and thought of you
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@William Wallace
Poem anyone.
Aye, agree wie Smallaxe, never mind what the Rev thinks poems can also be good for the soul. We’re waiting
Only 9 more threads to go until article 4,500 by Wings, with just over 12,000 more reader comments to go until the BIG 700,000!
I still believe there will be 1,000,000 comments by upon independence.
What’s the prize for comment 1M?
Cactus, No4 is good for me too, also, as well, often!

Some of us write things on Wings
Some of us just look
Some of us play songs on Wings
Can some of us write a p p poetry b b book?
Please excuse the stammering

I’m waiting for a Hammering
Peace Always
Hey Smallaxe, aye, for pain is SO close to pleasure.
Give me something for the pain,
Give me something for the pleasure,
Give me something for the blues,
Give me something for the news.
Ah’ve made and am eating tish now, luxury beans on toasted pan… beans with added fresh chopped garlic, basil leaf and olive oil with a scrunching of the ground pepper-mill, yummy
I saw that, Nana, and considered it for a while, and the venue is lovely but, to be honest, the sponsors put me off. I’m so sick of trendy lefties piggy-backing on the Independence movement while they undermine it from their enhanced media profile.
I think we both know what TM would think of them, a man who gave everything and risked everything for democracy and freedom and who died alone and dreadfully disfigured in France.
But then he couldn’t pout and wear a long, leather coat soulfully while disputing the number of angels on the head of a pin.
Or vote for Corbyn, ffs.
Sheesh, Nana! Off to cool down with some mineral water and a slice of lemon.
I could crush a grape…..
Anybody fancy an overnight in Gretna first weekend in September about four weeks from now to pay Smallaxe a visit?
I’m not thinking of a big Wings night out more a small gathering of those that regularly post here so will not be looking for any takers on the main thread.
I’ll be going, happy to take along a few passengers, overnight accommodation can be sorted later but shouldn’t be an issue.
You know who you are, just say AYE then we can sort out the details
@ Smallaxe, “Scaramanga!” rang a bell, one of Cunninghame Graham’s sketches “McKechnie v Scaramanga, it’s in his “Scottish Stories!” Deffo Fred’s fav’ Scottish writer although most of his stuff was inspired outwith Scotland. Any connection between the two Scaramanga’s must be somewhat tenuous? what!
Cactus says:
“Give me something for the pain,
Give me something for the pleasure,
Give me something for the blues,
Give me something for the news.”
Give me something I can use
To get me through the night
Just a little something to make me feel all right
Written by: Richard Sambora, Desmond Child, Jon Bon Jovi, Cactus and Smallaxe.
Something for the Blues? Well this is,
“Almost like the Blues” Leonard Cohen:
link to
Dae me a flavour Cactus, enjoy yer tish fer me wid ye, Ah’m drinkin’ 800calories o’ Fortisip, it’s lovely..honest… swap ye?
PiecXXX… Peace Always
Tried twice to reply you to you, Nana, but they’ve gone up the lum.
Think my criticism of Bella Caledonia has upset someone, maybe.
I thought of going to the TM lecture but the sponsors put me off, frankly.
God knows what the great Man would think of CS and Cap’n Haggerty.
Hope you are well and Norman’s doing the cooking to lessen your load
Fred, there was a Scaramanga in Ian Flemings “The Man with the Golden Gun” I wonder if they could do the fandango..oh wait! that was Scaramouche. Too highbrow for me Fred, I’m still ploughing through this,
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Lashings and Lashings of Ginger Beer,

Peace Always
*does washing up – loves everybody*
*puts on tune to do the drying up by*
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Hi, Paula Rose; May I tempt you with some water?
Eric Burden (no Animals) “Water” 2013
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Peace Always
Aye Smallaxe hehe, very Bon Joviesque, here’s one from their KTF:
link to
Talks about a revolution
Sure, change yer sip n have some of mine.. I’m having a spicy hot black tea with runny honey, yummy.
Come to Gretna first weekend in September and bring your guitar and patter
Aweright Alex, a crowd of us should be heading over to this then:
link to
Come and join us!
Visit Scotland
Your the man and I mean that, enjoy Millport and at the same time remember and think of your friends in Gretna
Cactus stand tall in Millport, stick up for Independence I know you will anyway. Have a great weekend.
Hi Cactus, if you’ve read Alex’s post, you will be more than welcome.
The Commitments: “In the Midnight Hour” (close enough)
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For any of the many Pink Floyd’ers out there; Uploaded just over 3 hours ago “A Trip Through Time” 1hour 08min 12sec.
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Have a nice trip
Peace Always
Hey, will see what I can do.. mibbies I could do the Friday night in East Gretna then travel to the Isle of Cumbrae on the Saturday.
Sounds like a plan Stan:
link to
So you made a new plan Stan, just drop off the key Lee and set yourself free, there are 50 ways to do it. Come on down!
Who ya gonna call?
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Peace Always
@ Tinto, don’t think TM would be too chuffed with the venue either given that Anglican bishops sit unelected in the Lords & make laws for the rest of us!
I know what I know!
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Peace Always
@Tinto Chiel
Can’t say I blame you. I wonder how many folk will give it a miss for the same reasons.
Ta for ‘A trip through time’ link, I’ll be awol for the next wee while!
Your welcome Nana, enjoy!

Peace Always
Hadn’t thought about the venue and its implications for TM, Fred.
Nice place, though.
Good morning, Tinto, as the goat nadgerring season comes to a close, wot noo fir you? Be careful out there!

link to
Peace Always
@ Smallaxe, Semenchantedevening!
Peace Always
I’m still called out for specialist GN-related jobs, Smallaxe, but things are tailing off a bit now.
Next month it’s the start of sorbus-rustling, of course.
You film clip really built up to a climax. Was never a great lover of milk and somehow things have just got worse.
When on Skye, I was always the one sent to get the croft’s cow back from the bull.
Still traumatised. Can’t drink Bovril either.
I come over all unnecessary if I see an oxo cube Tinto, it’s always been a puzzle to me, which part of the beast do they come from?
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Peace Always
Really Chuffed to see you back in the Tower of Song Smallaxe. link to
Where do you find them, Smallaxe?
“Three pints of heavy in East Kilbride”: a reference I could understand.
Bunch o’ gadgies, and that’s a compliment.
Muse-Knights of Cydonia(Video) link to
Whatever Happened To- link to
Shawn Mullins- Lullaby link to
Thought I’d share something with you, here’s a job I was on last year, great experience. Lucky me
link to
Some good tunes in that video, I hope you stick with it as the last bit is the best bit. Well if your an engineer it is lol.
Hi Alex really enjoyed that video. loving the new Avatar. here is a wee song to go with it. link to
Hi Michael, thanks for the welcome, I hope you’re doing Ok my Friend.
Another Poet of Song and Word; Gil Scott Heron “Bottle”
link to
Peace and Love, Michael to You and those to whom you give your Love.
Peace Always
Nice one, Alex.
Tinto, “Where do I find them?”, well some of that thought had flitted through my mind, (it was flitting to a bigger place)

See what you think of this “Twa Gadgies”
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Peace Always #Manky
Alex, I enjoyed that, walk this way, please,
Edvard Grieg: topside lift operation;
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Peace Always
Michael, Red Rooster, nice one, one of many of my favourite genres, gotta love the blues. I was into this guy for a while and then Rory Gallagher played some of his music, this one you will know.
Blind Boy Fuller:”Pistol Slapper Blues”
link to
cearc, play some music,
Peace Always
Sorry, but it’s a compulsion.
Rory Gallagher:”Pistol Slapper Blues”
link to
Peace Always
Watched “Ceann Righ!” (The King’s Heid) on Alba the night, facial reconstruction of Robert the Bruce from a cast of his skull taken from the tomb at Dunfermline Abbey & very interesting it was too! Don’t think you’d want to get on the wrang side o him!
Hi pals – for you Smallaxe…
link to
Alex, just watched it again. Some neat, eh? The docking was spot on as well.
Smallaxe, I have been known to.
Hello Michael, hello Smallaxe, hello cearc, hello Fred, hello Paula. My, this place is busy tonight. What I want to know is who let you lot in?
Fred, dinnae fash yersel, we’re oan his side.

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Bring it on!
Peace Always (except sometimes)

Alex, never mind us. We let youj in ‘cos there’s that very big heavy sofa that needs to be moved.
Yes very neat, the guy that made it is a friend of mine, he’s Dutch and we’ve worked together on many jobs, I wonder how that will go after Brexit. This was a platform for the Scottish sector of the N. Sea that was built in Holland.
I don’t have too big a problem with that but am less keen on the likes of BP sending the biggest jobs to South Korea as they did with Clair Ridge just also recently installed.
Once that platform arrived in the N. Sea same as all the others built abroad it is marked down as an import to Scotland worth hundreds of millions. My question is. Is this really necessary when Scotland has the skills, talent and facilities to have them built here?
A message…
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Hi Smallaxe here is Blind Willie McTell doing an early Bob Dylan impersonation. link to
Paula Rose; For you, and I hope you saw Alex’s invitation, be cool if you can come along.

Lauryn Hill: “Everything is Everything”
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Peace Always
Rasta call You
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One Love
Peace Always
It is so sad that there are no vids like that of stuff coming out of, say, Nigg.
Totally ridiculous in fact that we have no build industry for the oilfields. Better to have no industry and no tax revenue than to let the Scots know how valuable their assets are. Total madness.
Michael, Out There!
Blind Boy Paxton: “Harvest Time Blues”

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Peace Always
Sad right enough cearc, we must change things, soon!
The Great Dictator
link to
Very Soon!
Peace Always People
I will bide you all a good night until tomorrow. I will leave you with Lucas. with the lid off. link to
Paula will be coming to visit in Gretna, so too Ian Brotherhood.
Sorry Folks just found this and feel I have to share. Hope you enjoy. Night Night. link to
Goodnight, Michael.
link to
Peace Always
Hmm, I see a jaunt is being planned…
That’s great news Alex, sounding good!

Sun is Shining,
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Peace Always
cearc, you would be more than welcome to join us.
“Come Together”
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The Merr the Morier
Peace Always
All that post on Off Topic welcome to Gretna, not a proper Wings do just a wee friendly intimate meet up
First weekend in Sept is the tentative date for now.
Goodnight, Folks,
The Beatles:”Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight / The End
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Peace Always All Ways
William Wallace, are ye there?
Yes please
“Good Day Sunshine”
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Peace Always
All You Need Is Love
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It’s Easy!
Peace Always
Paula rose
Re the yes picnic in Kilwinning. I’m in Ardrossan and didn’t know about it so will spread the word.
Also Planning to take the grandkids to the Viking festival in Largs on the 2nd September. You can join the parade and wave the saltire if you want. Folk seem to forget the Scots won the battle although some Councillors in north Ayrshire give the impression they would have preferred the invaders to win. Also they can’t ban the saltire at this despite their best efforts. At the same time have a good day out with the weans!
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“Werewolves of London” Warren Zevon:
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The place is full of them!
Peace Always
Feeling nostalgic, despite Sutherland’s Law.
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Off to my lonely shieling now.
Cheeriebye, chinas. See you some time.
Thanks for MacCunn Tinto, would it make a national anthem one wonders? how could U put words to that kid? Enjoy the lone sheiling, hope the weather’s better than Ben Oovi.
McPherson’s Farewell, Tinto, hurry back!
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Peace Always #Manky
Back for my keys.
Will work on the libretto in my hovel under the ben, Fred.
A great version, Smallaxe, thanks. Martyn Bennett has a good modern version on “Grit”.
Adieu, mes braves.
Tinto; for upon your return,
Martyn Bennett: “Rant” from Grit”
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Peace Always
Anent “MacPherson’s Farewell” guys, I believe Jackie Bird is a MacPherson, I could wish her a fond farewell anytime! mebbes Madame Tousaud’s has a vacancy?
Fred, A fond farewell?
Tell the truth, we want to tell her tae,
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Peace Always Fred #Manky
Not impressed with having my Saltire and Yes Flags removed from my holiday home with Argyll holidays. Someone, who hid behind animosity, complained about the flags
Flying a saltire and yes flag is apparently offends some people.
I meant to put this on here and not on the main site but I’m running back and forward from my mike
Somebody was talking about online radio. It’s dead easy. I am sitting a the moment at an online radio station in Dunoon. If you are online or have a smart phone you can listen ton me anywhere in the world on ARGYLL INDEPENDENT RADIO. You can tune in from anywhere.To put this together cost us us about £400 per annum in licenses plus broadband charges,a couple of mikes a computer and a mixing desk. Get to it. Contact me here if you want any detail
Scotrock at 6.11
Get this into all the Argyll papers. These are Oban Times, Dunoon Observer, the Buteman, Campbeltown Courier and Argyllshire Advertiser
@Dave McEwan Hill/Scotrock –
The local papers *thrive* on such stories – without them they’d be sunk.
Methinks ‘Argyll Holidays’, who-e’er they may be, could be about to get a ‘Barrhead Travel’ experience.
Any half-decent reporter would start by asking them for a copy of their policy on the display of *anything*, be it a flag, sticker, helium-filled balloon or whatever else. If they don’t have one already there, in writing, as part of the contract signed by tenants, they’re in some soapy-bubble and you’ll be due an apology, nay compensation.
But, hey, me no know about this stuff – all I do know is, it smells like a meaty wee ‘story’!
@Alex (ex Thepnr) –
Dunno if this’ll copy okay, but if so, you’ll like it mister!
link to
Scotrock at 6.11
Which Argyll Holidays site was that?
@Ian Brotherhood
OK got it on, not sure I’ll like it that much
American Football? It’s ok.
Haven’t really watched since last in Mobile, Alabama lol.
@Dave McEwan Hill
Tuned into Argyll Radio for a bit, some good tunes you picked, very good. You should let us know whenever you have guest speakers along would like to hear that.
@Alex –
Sorry man, I don’t know what you got via that link, but what I *tried* to send was a still-photo of a mother wolf teaching her weans how to howl!
Never mind Ian, I took no offence
Hi, Ian, Alex, this was the best I could find. Mr Winger???
By, Mr Winger1951
link to
Dave McEwan Hill; Only the good die Young. Suit me, Sir!
Peace Always
I’ve heard those three wee pups before. Over on the main thread LOL
Just spotted the Mr Winger Hahaha, brilliant!
Alex, one can but try,

Another Wolfie
link to
Peace Always
very quiet, intit?
Peace Always
Update on my flags. I am allowed 1.
And it can be a Saltire. Provided I take it down when the holiday home is not in use.
So yes flag is now flying.
I checked the rules and the complaint is correct.
@Smallaxe –
Apologies for my abrupt departure last night, hit the sack unusually early for a Friday.
Great to see you back in here mister.
@ Ian B/Hood
Good to be back Ian, looking forward to your visit.
Peace Always
Dear Reverend Campbell,
My apologies, Rev. Stu, my heartfelt wish is for Scotland to attain Her independence peacefully without the violence that I have seen in other “colonies”.
I will, of course, cease and desist this practice immediately and comply with your rules.
Can I please, at least use it here on Off Topic among my good friends that are willing to tolerate my eccentricities and inane rambling? I would be eternally grateful if you could find it within your good self to grant me, a broken down old hippy, this one concession.
Again, I offer my abject apologies Reverend and wish you a peaceful and pleasant evening, sir,
Yours sincerely
When I saw Rev’s gravatar there I got an actual fright.
It’s like when you’re having a quiet smoke with buddies and yer Da walks in!
@Smallaxe –
As and when we get this visit sorted, is there anything you would like brought? I mean, specific delicacies from Glasgow bakeries, anything of that sort?
To me, Gretna feels quite far south, so I’m just wondering if there’s anything you ever get a hankering for that isn’t readily available there.
Hi, Ian, thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you, as a matter of fact, there is something I hanker for and that’s the company of some liked minded Friends, believe me, Ian they are in short supply (others here will agree) down here in the Mundell Muppets Manor!:-)
Come down for some Good Ole’ Southern hospitality here in the South of North Britain. Bring yourselves down to this lovely part of Scotland for a small soiree with cocktails, canapés and a Mince Round (ooh Matron)
Genuinely, Ian, I’m delighted that you’re all thinking of coming to visit, it will be a pleasure to see y’all down here where I live on the ground where the Scots defeated the English at the Battle of Sark in October 1448. Pure dead clever me int ah.
BTW, “live on the ground” don’t worry, I’ve got a house here.

@Smallaxe –
‘Good Ole’ Southern hospitality here in the South of North Britain.’
But then, it’s expected from a class act.
See ye soonish I hope.
‘Love From Ayrshire, Always.’
@ Stu.
What exactly is it that bothers you about people signing off on comments? It all seems rather anal to me. Signing off with slogans can be a positive thing reflective of an individuals particular ethos or stance. Personally, I think rule 8 is an utter nonsense.
Additionally, smallaxe has not had the best of times recently and you wading in shouting the odds strikes me as a little insensitive and entirely unnecessary.
I fully appreciate that you do an enormous amount of great work for the indy cause but, sometimes you can be a right dick about things. It can get peoples backs up and those people are the people that are on your side.
I understand that what you endure daily on behalf of the indy cause can bring a lot of stress into your life but, you need to lighten up. Particularly with regard to your fellow indy travellers, allies and friends.
Save your ire for those fully deserving of it. I would end this comment with a peace and out but, that would be a contravention of rule 8 so I won’t bother.
@William Wallace –
Man, this is doin’ ma nut in, so ah have to ask outright –
Are you the same William Wallace who is in Ayrshire, wears the kilt, sometimes dyes his beard/hair, muckled aboot fine wi’ aw indy-folk in Ayr Main St twixt the SSP and Yes stalls afore Indyref, and also was there, at the count, at the Citadel, on Sep 18th 2014?
Is that yourself?
William Wallace;
Thank you, Wull, for your very kind support, it’s very much appreciated.
I can only say the Rev. did come on to O/T and called me by name and did not curse and swear at me on the M/T, as is his wont, this I took to be a softer touch than is usual so I took no offence, my Friend.
I’m still waiting for the poem, Wull, wherisit?
@Ian Brotherhood
Nah Ian, our WW is from my region. Said so himself if I remember right.
Everything still a go from this end, Ian doesn’t mind sleeping on the carpet, he told me before. I’m a bit older so want at least a couch
If yer gonnae shout and ball at Smallaxe and he’s only been back on for a few days, for signing off “Peace Always” why haven’t you been having ago at that prick Rock, who’s been sarcastically signing off with ‘Truth Always’ for the past few weeks?
It’s no the first time ye’ve hud a go at Smallaxe either but ye don’t come shouting and balling btl to that little wanker Rock, what the fuck is that about?
Get aff him Stu, he’s only writing words on a fucking page. Ffs.
(ah thew a cup at my dad when I was 16…he just ducked)
@Alex –
Ah don’t give a fuck where ahm sleepin, so long as there’s naebdy lyin oan the tap ay me!
Funny you should mention Achmelvich on MT, I was there this very afternoon with 2 wee grandweans and very bonny it was too (as always).
I’ll have to decide whether to journey to the extreme south a bit closer to the time, depending on the chick/duckling situation as I have eggs incubating which I may or may not have mothers to fob them off on.
With perfect timing I have a couple of new ducklings, from a nest abandoned halfway through, just in time for the weans to have real ducklings to play with in the bath. Much more fun than the rubber variety!
That’s no me mate. Ehm fae Dundee.
Good to see you kicking aboot again. Will get a poem sorted soon. Had a million things on the to do list recently. Never seems to be enough hours in the day any mair.
Alex, if Ian wants to sleep on a carpet he’ll need to sleep on the stairs, the rest of the house has tiled floors downstairs and wooden floors at the top, sorry Ian, but you’re welcome to crash where you like but I’ve got no bath either, just a shower.

It’s “Norwegian Wood”
link to
If you were up for it, you would only need make it as far as mine and I’d take care of the rest. Welcome for an overnight here too before we travel the next day.
William Wallace;
I’ve got a zero hours contract and I make full use of it Will.

Ded bizzy, soamurr!
“Time is”
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That would be great. I am certainly keen and haven’t had a jaunt for a while. Also never been to Gretna only driven through shouting, home!
Any wee motherless birdies should be ok to be left in the garage (so my neighbour doesn’t have to be chasing them around). So it is a probably, assuming he agrees.
Good, mind bring some eggs
It’ll be you and Paula as navigators.
Aye,okay, whatever, if ahm no wanted, fuckit, ahll just bring ma tent.

Unless there’s any restrictions on the fucking tents?!
Pished noo friends, affty ma scratcher…it’s that Edwina Currie in the background, radiowise, she’s daein ma nut in…
@Ian Brotherhood
Get a good rest, you’ll be needed again before you know it. Your a stalwart.
cearc, “assuming he agrees”. Do you mean me? I certainly do agree, my Friend, assuming that it is me to whom you refer, of course.
I’ve had a look in the mirror and I can confirm it’s definitely me!

Ian; Bring a hat!

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No, I meant my (only) neighbour. He is usually fine about it despite the hens herding all their chicks into the bushes as soon as they see him coming and the guineas refusing point blank to go in when he’s there – so they just have to sleep in the trees.
@Alex –
Hear ye mon.
‘Love From Ayrshire, Always’!
cearc; Got it!

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Mornin’ all.
Here’s another.
Straight Shooter
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Smallaxe you make me smile. Your sincerity is honest.
well done sir. Big Kudos .
Big Phil;
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“Best of all Possible Worlds”
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Kris Kristofferson&Foo Fighters:”Sunday Morning Coming Down”
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@ Rev Chillaxe
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Nellie Kane if you are tuning in then this is for you. link to Morning Smallaxe
Ronnie; for you. Thanks for All that you do.
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@ Smallaxe Thanks . Our hopes today are our reality of the future , where we’re All lifted to where we belong in a Independent Scotland .
Keep well & stay to the fore .
You’re a man after my own heart, Ronnie, thanks for your kindness. I’m doing ok and like yourself, I remain determined to see an Independent Scotland take Her rightful place in the world.
Michael, I’m sorry that I missed your post last time I looked but I may have been practising my,
Zydeco Dancing;
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I hope that you’re well, my Friend
Haven’t saw Liz g post for a wee while now nor Cameron B. You still around guys?
It’s like troll Central over on Main St. at the moment. Somebody must have touched a nerve somewhere and woken them all up.
They never come alone but hunt in packs, even then there are often wee pointers planted for them earlier in the thread from little known but occasionally used names. They trolls repeat the planted comments left by their friends in order to vindicate another often ludicrous statement. Happens and is all too obvious.
Wings attacked from the outside and at the same time from the inside. Ignoring is the best defence, wish more people would understand that.
It is quite amazing though that Wings has kept the trolls at bay through self policing and not censorship of their posts, tell you what though that seems to be getting more difficult.
Mibbee that’s because there are less polis!
“I will, of course, cease and desist this practice immediately and comply with your rules.”
Axe in one hand, Bible/Koran in the other, right Smallaxe?
If only you had listened to me.
Rock (15th April – The most sensitive way possible):
“As for Smallaxe, who else would sign off every post with “Peace Always” or similar apart from the re-incarnation of Mother Theresa?”
“I hope that you’re well, my Friend”
I don’t think this “my Friend” nonsense will go down well either.
LOL Right on cue. Guess they feel they are getting the upper hand.
What happened to your Truth Always sign off Rock? Scared to get tin canned?
@ Smallaxe 2:57pm yes I am well my friend and loving the zydeco.
I must apologise for Rock, he/she forgot to leave their choice of music.
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Apropos Her Madge, (bless her little cottons) opening the Queensferry crossing 53? years to the day after opening the Forth Road Bridge.
I was in Exeter at the time and remember hearing Richard Dimbelby
After mentioning the famous Forth Bridge and the fact that The Queen had just opened the Forth Road Bridge he said something that made me think; “He’s got good earsight!”
If I remember correctly, what he said was;
“I can hear the navy ships hooting on the Clyde”
The things that stick in your (or at least my) mind.
This is meant to cheer you all up and get us smiling again. I tried
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I see that we’ve had a visit from the man @GCHQ, I wonder if it was the video that I posted earlier about the 1968 Grovener Square March that rattled his cage?
File this!
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Hi, Alex, I was wondering where liz g was, she hasn’t been on the M/T either as far as I can see, I hope she is ok. CameronB was having some IT problems a while back so hopefully, that is all that is keeping him away.
“Long Grey Mare” Fleetwood Mac
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Hahahahahahaha “Rock” hahahahahahahaha “Dickhead” hahhahahahahaha
Funniest song ever on Off Topic. No, no Funniest song ever.
Screw you Rock lolololololol
Hahaha Just watched the second vid. Succinct!
“As for Smallaxe, who else would sign off every post with “Peace Always” or similar apart from the re-incarnation of Mother Theresa?”
“Or similar”, I wonder who’s reincarnation would do that?

Please note the correct spelling of reincarnation and do not mistake a man who asks for peace for a pacifist.
He’s well due a punch in the puss. Dickhead hahahahahaha. Sorry can’t stop doing that now after that song
Alex, as you know, I’ve already had a fight with a Monkey.

Apeman” the Kinks;
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it wasn’t me!
Who’s got a dirty mind?
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Whodini:”Freaks Come Out at Night”
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Another Fleetwood Mac that I for one like very much. Youth
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At the risk of being obvious:
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Peter Green:”Give me back my freedom”
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Music for Giraffes,

It’s a Beautiful Day
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Hell with it, another favourite:
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for the hat-trick
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and time for bed said Zebedee
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By the way, I’d watch that INDY2 guy if I were you. he seems to have the hots for you
Loves your “straight talking”.
Check the MT in case you missed it.
so I lied
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should probably play this to NO voters …
Once I start I just can’t help it
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Away goes trouble down the drain
“Lay Down Your Weary Tune” The Byrds;
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“Chain of Fools” Aretha Franklin; from the movie Michael
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I’m not here it’s a mirage, honest
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Sheesh look what I found, don’t know how many bars I’ve been in where this has been done, but in memory of catweasel long gone to that banjo in the sky
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helps to pass the time at sea, as he would say
Wilson Pickett:”Hey Jude” (w/ Duane Allman)
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Yeah, colour, religion, race, sex, orientation, who gives a crap, we’re all
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Definitely zzzzzzz time for me, night Smallaxe!
Yeah, colour, religion, race, sex, orientation, who gives a crap, we’re all
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Definitely zzzzz time for me, night Smallaxe, and all!
What a beautiful song…
Alex? Wings is gettin’ mair bizarre by the day…I saw it and responded. Maybe we’re aw becoming famous lol
*nervous laughter*
The Beatles:”Revolution”
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Goodnight Folks
(someone has mail)
“If yer gonnae shout and ball at Smallaxe and he’s only been back on for a few days, for signing off “Peace Always” why haven’t you been having ago at that prick Rock, who’s been sarcastically signing off with ‘Truth Always’ for the past few weeks?”
Because I hadn’t noticed. Consider it applied to him too.
Casting my eye about elsewhere, I am seriously beginning to wonder if we have our own agents out there, one in particular is doing potentially great groundwork on a particular issue.
Is he/she one of yours smallaxe? The quick sneaky fox jumped over the full moon?
Fred recommended here on Off Topic a really good book a couple of months ago. It was His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet.
A very enjoyable read.
Here’s four books I read in my youth that have stuck with me and are well worth a read.
The Choirboys by Joseph Wambaugh 1975
Was made into an average film but the book is far superior. It follows the everyday lives of 5 different LA cop patrol cars and the events that shape their lives. A brilliantly funny book with very serious overtones. One that could make you laugh and cry.
Fake by Robert Baudin 1977
An amazing autobiography of a counterfeiter who travelled the world starting out selling fake watches and the like and progressing to counterfeiting banknotes for which he was eventually caught and jailed. A son of a professor but was often in trouble he claims to have learned to fly and flew round the world in a single seater plane. Interesting story and a bit different.
Papillon by Henri Charriere 1970
An absolute cracker of an adventure novel that was also made into a film. A pretty good film at that but the book has so much more. The story is about a small time petty crook in Paris that gets sent to Devils Island, it is claimed to be true but the facts did not bear up to that claim. You won’t put this one down until you finish it.
A Chancer by James Kelman 1985
I was given this book on the rigs by a guy from Cumbernauld which is where I believe Kelman lived at the time. I loved it, Tammas the main character was just like me then! A gambler who couldn’t wait for his next fix whether at the bookies, the dogs or the casino. The highs and lows go with the territory and it describes life in Glasgow exactly as such through the eyes of a young man sometimes with plenty money in his pockets and more often with nothing. Well worth reading.
Just trying to introduce something new to Off Topic as not much being said at the minute anyway
Sheesh, I wouldn’t let Bibby and the Herald loose even with this lot:
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They’d be struggling to understand.
@Alex Clark
Here’s a link for those who like audio books, available to download for free.
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