Nothing to see
Posted on
January 20, 2018 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Well of course not. Nothing to see here. They’ll never know their little parliament thingy is about to disappear if we don’t tell them.
Spot on Chris right down to that supercilious expression.
It was made very clear this week, if their was any lingering doubt, that the BBC are perfectly happy to pretend ‘nothing is happening’, and thereby deceive the people of Scotland. Wilful omission of perhaps the most damaging undemocratic action against Scotland for three hundred years by the stinking English Parliament – but NOT for viewers in Scotland.
The fact is, Scottish Tory MP’s this week voted to undermine the Scottish Government and Parliament, as voted for by the people of Scotland by both election and in the original Scottish Parliamentary referendum.
BBC = paid liars, happy to destroy Scotland and usurp democracy.
Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation.
I often wonder what they think their reward will be for their deceit and then I think of the chappie paid in molten silver – and I smile!
Good one Chris. Must be now starting to sink in that their jotters have black marks come indy.
The BBC greedy lying, lazy chancers. Lying to the people. Losing even more viewers. Biased and corrupt. The Westminster corruption of democracy worldwide. The sanctions, killing, starving and maiming of people. There are plenty of other outlets for ‘News’. Especially on the internet. The truth will out.
I see the BBC at it again with their coverage of the interview with Macron.
Leading the story with a headline that somewhat misleadingly claims that there could be a ‘special relationship’ for the UK with the EU (but not really as they wont be in the single market) the BBC relagate the real intersting bit of the interview to the bottom few lines, where he says (about the Referendum campaign)
‘When I look at your debate it was too much favourable just for the City (financial interests of London banks) and less favourable for the rest of the country’
If ever a picture depicts the relationship between Scotland and the rest of the UK then here it is folks.
Trouble is, getting the message out to the masses who simply don’t care so long as they can watch Strictly or BBC Dramas every week.
What other country in the world taxes you (TV License) to fund propaganda against you and gets away with it? Seriously people, there has to be a co-ordinated campaign of mass non payment of this vile tax in Scotland.
When, oh when are thickoes like Leonard, May, Corbyn et al going to get it into their thick skulls what the EU have very firmly stated all along, “You are not going to get a deal that is equal to or better than the one you now have as a member.”
I’m with you dunks, we need to nip this in the bud before ref 2. Win the information war and we win our independence. The BBC poll tax in Scotland is completely unjust. They are full of unionist in all the top positions and are unable to provide a balanced service. There is no democracy without a balanced media. Simple as that! We need a figure head. Come on Tommy Sheridan. Step up. Whether you like him or not he’s a plain speaker.
I see Murdo queen’s eleven pants have caused a blaze at the most powerfully devolved parliament in the cosmos. Mind you it could be any one of the yoon’s pants that have caused the fire 🙂
The folk that I work with have no knowledge of this first step by Westminster to gradually strip Holyrood of its powers and the threat this will mean to devolution. Most of them have no great interest in politics.
The BBC and Unionist MSM understand this and have done their jobs well. I fear that unless the SNP and Independence activists get the importance of this outrage made known to the kind of folk that I work with, who I believe are in the majority of the populace, then the future of an Independent Scotland is at risk. Before anyone suggests “ why don’t you inform them” well I have tried, but you are soon put into the category of the soapbox hero or a tinfoil hat wearer and ignored. Discussing politics in our tearoom is a definite NO NO.
Why do people care so little about matters that will have a massive impact on their lives?
Thought last week wouldn’t be topped but my oh my Chris..dagger to the heart lol.
Politics at any time is not for the feint of heart. It is vicious,it is tribal, it is deception on steroids.
However, in a civilised Society all parties usually have similar outlets via forms of media to put their points across.
The UK however breaks that particular mould. I have watched with some dismay the national broadcaster
a) Minimise the time given to the SNP on air.
b) Continuously interrupt those SNP politicians who actually get time.Does that happen to Ruth Davidson?
c) Deliberately state incorrect facts as the truth. IE. Nick Robinson, Sarah Smith.
d) Relentlessly run smear stories using deliberate and premeditated falsehoods often at the same time as newspapers run the same nonsense.
However you look at it, there can be so denial that whoever is in charge of BBC broadcasting ,among others, is deliberately playing to an orchestrated propoganda war the like of which I have never seen outside the Eastern bloc media.
I believe it is all orchestrated from London.
There is absolutely zero chance this is coincidence. It is planned premeditated and goes beyond the normal cut and thrust of politics. It is quite simply manipulation by the State to surpress a troublesome colony.
Very effective image, Chris.
Scotland no longer has a functioning media. Purveyors of propaganda and fake news, sometimes …. most of the time it’s just no news.
I have been at one FM public engagement. No media presence. I was talking to someone this week who had just been at one and was surprised there was no media presence at all. Apparently this is normal. Well, normal in Scotland.
Oh that’s a keeper Chris, superb work.
Bob Mack says:
Indeed. Nothing could explain what we see every single day.
Frankly I never thought I would see this level on state propaganda and manipulation.
However, I do reckon it isn’t working. It may be slowing down the rate at which people see the reality of Scotland’s situation, but I doubt that it makes anyone un-see it. Also, it hardens the attitudes of folks who do know what’s going on.
Yet the complaint about SNP PBB with a guy who looks a bit like Torrance the Tweetabix was reported on radio Scotland this A.M
I don’t think they’re complaining about Torrance at all, they’re complaining about us lot taking the mickey out of one of them and then trying to shift the blame to the SNP for whipping us up to do it, which if Torrance wasn’t such a total Wally anyway or one of them nobody would’ve paid a blind bit of attention to it
Nailed it Chris.
Just watched Sky News telling us all to be vigilant for fake news.It was on an item about Zuckerberg planning to filter news on social media.
These smug liars need to be called out again and again by people with a voice.
Once upon a time you dressed so fine
Threw the bums a dime in your prime,didn’t you ?
No sympathy,the BBC acknowledged the problem,then chose to look the other way.
Too Big to Fail ?.
BBC Scotland journalists complaining about Trump making his audiences look bigger than they are, are only complaining because that’s the same trick the journalists perpetrate on us
So the complaint really is Trump stole the BBCs trick
So what about the Scottish parliament then, Sshh shut up!
Achnababan says:
20 January, 2018 at 8:16 am
The only other outlet that seems to have that as a headline is RTE.
When you dig down, what actually happened was this:
‘Pressed on whether there would be a bespoke special solution for Britain, he said: “Sure, but this special way should be consistent with the preservation of the single market and our collective interests.’
And a lot more about cake eating etc. Basically nothing has changed. The headline could have said any number of things but they latched onto the only vaguely positive phrase that they could.
If only they would work so hard to get a positive SNP headline.
For those interested, you will recall the recent yougov poll that put support for independence at around 35%.
Some research finds that of the total poll sample ,only 147 of the respondents actually stayed in Scotland. The rest were from other parts of the UK.
How could that then be sold as a gauge of Scotland opinion that the desire for independence was diminishing.
Yes friends, the propoganda machine rolls relentlessly on.
Hootsmon should be reported to IPSO for today’s front page.
They’re claiming Torrance is both respected AND a journalist.
‘God gave Noah the Rainbow sign,
No more water, the fire next time.’
Your most chilling yet, Cairns.
By October, the slumbering masses will rouse from their slumber, as the Brexit fuelled Financial Depression hits. and makes 2008 look like the halcyon days.
Indyref 2 is ‘the fire next time’.
If we arrive at April next year, ands an English Government forces me by decree to leave the EU against my express wishes, I shall consider this to be a declaration of war between our two countries.
It is that serious.
I do not live in an illegally occupied colony of England.
Scotland is not Catalonia.
Indyref 2 is the inevitable consequence of England and its compliant enemy within, the Scottish Fifth Column of a wealthy elite attempting to crush the people of Scotland into subservient obedience.
BBC is much more interested in a Boris Bridge across the Channel to a Continent he no longer wants to belong to.
What’s that about?
tories must be in raptures this week! their treacherous deeds have been exposed, but not publicised.
The electorate has not been presented by the facts due to deliberate omission by the bbc and printed media.
Yet still the SNP and their leadership sit back meekly and allow this to pass.
The more we sit back and let this and other coverage pass, the more distant independence becomes.
How many times do people need to point this out?
The enemies of independence are never going to say we mucked up, or that the future of the uk looks like terrible and living standards will fall.
It’s fantasy and always has been that the Scottish people see through the media, they don’t and won’t unless a concerted and forceful challenge by the SNP is made for fair coverage we are wasting our time.
But, but Jordan Daly said it was a conspiracy!
The bias is relentless and clear as day to those who look.
‘God gave Noah the Rainbow sign,
No more water, the fire next time.’
Your most chilling yet, Cairns.
By October, the slumbering masses will rouse from their slumber, as the Brexit fuelled Financial Depression hits. and makes 2008 look like the halcyon days.
Indyref 2 is ‘the fire next time’.
If we arrive at April next year, ands an English Government forces me by decree to leave the EU against my express wishes, I shall consider this to be a declaration of war between our two countries.
It is that serious.
I do not live in an illegally occupied colony of England.
Scotland is not Catalonia.
Indyref 2 is the inevitable consequence of England and its compliant enemy within, the Scottish Fifth Column of a wealthy elite attempting to crush the people of Scotland into subservient obedience.
Some may argue that for Mundell to threaten his fellow Scots with a new English Alien Act, for this little worm to actively wish poverty and starvation on our children and frail through a Trade Embargo, constitute criminal threats of violence and harm on innocents and the vulnerable.
I shall not stand by and let this happen, nor will millions of my fellow countrywomen and men.
I haven’t been following the Lib Dem idiot’s rampage around the china shop but it strikes me that if David is a respected journalist and someone says your press guy looks like him (which he does) then your press guy is going to be modestly but quietly pleased. You would only throw a fit if your press guy is compared to a complete fud.
I think David should be upset by the Lib Dems reaction rather than the casual observation that a party press guy looks like him. They are the ones reacting as if it is a slur.
dakk says:
20 January, 2018 at 9:32 am
Nailed it Chris.
Just watched Sky News telling us all to be vigilant for fake news.It was on an item about Zuckerberg planning to filter news on social media.
These smug liars need to be called out again and again by people with a voice.
Yep, they only want us to know what “they” want us to know.
Mass media = mass control. Regardless of what is true and what is fake. Anything that does not fit their narrative is “inconvenient”, you understand. Free speech and all that. IMO Facebook will be signing their own death warrant if they try to muzzle the users.
Most of the media barons and politicians are in the pockets of the deep state. With some, it’s idealogical, but many are controlled through blackmail (lots of dirty secrets – it’s a tight leash). 🙁
Well, we talk about our sovereignty, some will agree we have it, some will say we are an english colony. We need our sovereignty confirmed.
The english think they own us,it needs proven that they do not.
The english interpret the act of “Union” as if they can do anything to Scotland, it needs proven that they cannot.
One thing is for sure, that they are shitting themselves otherwise we we not have the full force of UK propaganda against us.
Why would they, if they can just tell us to do what they impose on us?
They know we have a way out, they would not be spending fortunes on trying to prevent us carrying out the will of the people, if it was not a serious threat to their existence in Scotland.
Something is bad for them, precisely what that it is needs highlighted and reinforced.It is buried somewhere, where are our legal hero’s (do we have any?) who will find that word, that clause, that can turn them upside down. Now is the time. They know that there is a trip wire for them, their treachery has concealed it for centuries. It needs found.
Scrub my last I see they are moaning about a PBB which I have yet to see.
I have been told it is very good which will explain the deranged attacks from the Lib Dem snowflake 😉
The difference to what the BBC raise in licence fees and what is actually spent in Scotland should be made aware to the public as the MSM won’t tell them.
@Les Wilson,
You are totally correct. It is very seldom I have ever seen this level and depth of propoganda churned out relentlessly.
I think you are spot on when you say they are very very worried indeed about something as yet unknown to ourselves.
I think it indicates more about their state of mind than it does about indy supporters.
OK I watched it and this is an attack on press freedom how exactly? Nice spoof of a Monty Python classic. I get what the tie thing is about too now.
The Lib Dems are a joke, even a snowflake would be embarrassed. If I was David I would be less than pleased that the Lib Dems are drawing so much attention to it. I can’t imagine the SNP press office are disappointed it is front page news. The public are not going to care if the Michael has been extracted from a journalist. They still rate as one of the lowest respected professions in the country.
Good one Chris. We should be afraid though, very afraid. Beeb gimp end game in Scotland 2021, either red tory SLab Scots gov or an anemic and dying Holyrood, probably both.
Next 3 years of beeb gimp SNP bad attack propaganda will make their Vote NO 2014 rage look like Bambi.
Chris: another great image for a billboard campaign. Says it all about Vichy Vision.
Bob Mack @9.07: really good comment. I actually think the BBC’s always been like this, it’s just you don’t fully realise it until you’re at the receiving end of their misinformation, e.g. Nick “Asbestos Pants” Robinson or The Affair of The Amazingly Invisible 13 Tory Massey Fergusons.
Street Andrew says:
“BBC is much more interested in a Boris Bridge across the Channel to a Continent he no longer wants to belong to.”
Get over it, Boris 😛
‘Child poverty in the USA has been rising, but child poverty in the UK is rising more quickly and is set to overtake the USA in just over two years time when more than a quarter of all British children will be living in poverty…
So much is possible in the next fifty years. Including the eradication of child poverty long before 2068. The rising number of children living in poverty today in the most unequal of affluent nations is the result of political choices. The proportion does not rise by accident’
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UK low GDP spend on health and social care-certainly seeing the effects of that now;
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In work poverty, child poverty, pensioner poverty;
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Seeing a connection in WM joined up thinking? WM wants you to be poor, no matter how hard you work. If can’t pull yourselves up by your bootstraps you deserve your poverty whilst the ruling elite deserve their entitlements, inheritance and access to the levers of power. The poor inherit more poverty and misfortune -stressed lives, premature morbidity and mortality. Those are the economic and political choices being made on behalf of the 99.9%, except Scotland hasn’t voted for them.
Calum McKay at 10.13
And where will this “concerted and forceful challenge by the SNP” get coverage? In the media?
Get real.
The SNP is doing terrifically well considering the continuous monstering it gets all across the media.
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Lol, the Yoon media can totally ignore the fact that 13 Scottish Tory MPs votes allowed a bill to pass that will effectively result in the destruction of Scotland’s parliament, but they go into absolute meltdown over the fact that they believe that a random actor in an SNP Party Political broadcast looks like a total loser of a unionist journalist.
If this does not tell you everything you need to know about Scotlands media and where Scotland is going to end up, I don’t know what will.
Honestly, if we do not vote YES for our right to live a better society and country in the coming Independence referendum, then we only have ourselves to blame.
We’ll end up paying for that bridge if we’re not careful!
So its a fine Saturday morning, lets see what the papers have to say about Scottish politics shall we, maybe even what the say about the tory 12 voting Holyrood out of existence, lets try the broadsheets and progressive liberal ThE gRaUN, for example.
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Food & drink Opinion
Yes, we love ready meals – but Britain is still a foodie nation
Ian Jack Ian Jack
While top chefs such as Angela Hartnett draw on European cuisine, black pudding and pies have a rich history too
Sat 20 Jan 2018 06.00 GMT
or, an old tory yoon, waffles for rule teamGB in Scotland and his juicy pension.
When will death come:D
@Col says: 20 January, 2018 at 8:43 am:
“There is no democracy without a balanced media. Simple as that! We need a figure head.”
That comment just shows you how effective the BBC, so called, “Independent”, TV companies and the SMSM are at suppressing Scottish News.
Here we have Col commenting on Wings, and Col quite obviously doesn’t know that eminent professor of Scottish history, Professor John Robertson, has for a considerable time been highlighting the anti-Scottish Westminster propaganda machine that is the State Broadcaster and mainly the BBC.
The reason Col is not, (yet),aware of the great work being done by Prof. John Roberson and others is simply because the BBC, STV and the dead tree press in Scotland have not told Col about him, (but Wings most certainly has).
In a real, or even half decent, democracy the people of Scotland would know the stark truth and the BBC/STV and most of the dead tree press would have already been run out of Scotland, tarred and feathered, on a rail long before now.
Here’s one of Professor Robertson’s great projects:-
link to
However, Professor Robertson is far from being the only pro-Scotland voice not being known to the people of Scotland, (many of whom are actually unionist stooges and want the genuine voices of Scotland to be suppressed). Siccna paircel o rogues in ae nation.
BBC accounting works in similar ways to treasury accounting, money is allocated as being spent by Scotland but is not actually spent here. BBC allocate productions to Scotland but the money is not actually spent in Scotland.
I could just see one of Chris’s cartoons with Boris’s Bridge, dual carriageway, one side completely empty and the other with two streams of traffic heading twoards each other with John Bull in his Union Jack pony and trap at the front saying:
“They’ll give way, we’re British”.
I’m surprised Chris Cairn’s drawing arm is still able to produce such telling cartoons. That drawing arm of his must be well worn out by persistently hitting so many nails on the head.
Obviously not Torrance, his parting is on the right, whereas the actors parting is on the left.
Nobody on here have nothing to say about SNP MSPs going to talk to the Lords?
Well, I do. Unless they just went there to enjoy the cheap top class food in the Lords’ restaurant, then it’s a disgrace.
They shouldn’t be talking to unelected peers who are an affront to democracy.
Scotland voted Remain in the EU by 62%, but that’s overruled by a 51% UK-wide result to leave.
Aye, I know, people believe an indyref is going to happen and that that will settle everything. Scotland will vote Yes and when the result is announced, Scotland will by magic become independent. It’s a lovely thought. But that’s not how it works, even with a Yes win.
If Scotland voted for independence in a referendum. On that same basis, what’s to stop the UK Govt holding a UK-wide referendum asking: should Scotland should remain part of the UK? ( and the decision then backed by UK MPs).
By the same principle: If the SNP accept UK-wide referendum results take precedence over Scotland’s will, then the principle is already established. If the UK decides Scotland remains, that would overrule Scotland voting for independence.
Also, the Gina Miller case established MPS have the final say, not Govt or the people via referendums.
Thus, an Edinburgh Agreement is worthless, so is a S30, as any indyref result would only be advisory.
It would still take MPs’ and Lords’ legislative consent via an Act of Parliament. So, a referendum would not decide anything at all. It would be a very big opinion poll.
Until Scottish sovereignty is asserted, Scottish democracy relies on goodwill from a hostile UK.
A public broadcaster… Uh huh!
A public broadcaster that FAILED to inform its own public that their parliament had been the victim of a smash and grab on their powers.
A public broadcaster that FAILED to inform the public that this constitutes a breach of their devolution settlement and creates a looming constitutional crisis.
A public broadcaster that FAILED the public.
Well done them.
Think about just why the Yoons are going batshit crazy, they know Indy2 is coming, and as I said previously, they know something that we do not, as yet, that truly scares them. Fortunes in resources to belittle us, mass propaganda from everywhere, concentrated and in organised fashion. Organised by a utterly corrupt state.
They are scared it is the end of the UK, if they thought we could not do it, none of this would be happening,they would just be laughing at us, and of course they do, in the media et all.
But the corridors of power are very very worried.
They are beginning to imagine life without their cash cow, but more than that it is about Empire, ownership and many other things. They are worried for sure, and they should be, it is the middle of the end,not the beginning. Tick tock.
Nice to see you barking mad as ever Colin A. SNP are just sooooo bad arent they Colin A.
Try saying something Colonel Ruth bad Colin A, or beeb Scotland gimps think they are THE power in whatever is left of it in Scotland, or what on earth really motivates that double barrel named LibDem to make such a public fool of himself over a hard core tory hack like Torrance etc etc?
Bet you can’t.
@Colin Alexander,
The problem with you Colin is that you can have all your cake and eat it too. Everything you say sounds so simple and strait forward. Do ABAND C and there you are Freedom.
The only problem with that is we know from the experience of Empire, it is not quite so simple.I cannot find any example of a country achieving it’s freedom from the UK as you describe. Usually it has been a dog eat dog procedure leaving many casualties on the field of battle. England does not give up territory easily.
The UK still controlled aspects of the government via the Commonwealth etc.
No, it will take what it will take, and we each have to play our part in that.
Oh, last word on Torrence, the guy in the video cannot be his doppelganger, he is wearing a tie! Torrence says he doesn’t, despite the evidence to the contrary. This time,and only on this time,I suggest we take his word.
From the other thread, a wee factoid.
Annual embassy / consulate costs.
UK Cost £2billion, Scotland’s 1/12th share £167 million for 5.3 million people.
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Ireland cost £70 million for 4.8 million people (google and Irish Times I think). For Scotland’s population ratio that is £78 million, a saving of £89 million a year plus the SDI already keeps 40 offices in 20 locations, so that’s even more savings incorporating the two.
Should we keep one guy in an ex-palace in Paris, or with Independence save the RAH children’s ward with a whole load of millions to spare?
@colin alexander
Now then, instead of all the boring anti-SNP dirge, how about you come out with a pro-Indy factoid for a change?
Maybe how much stamps would be worth to the Independent Scottish economy as stamp-collectors all over the world collect the stamps? And new and special issues?
Or currency, our own of course, how much would the issue of notes and coin (M0/M1 I think) be worth, taking account similary of collectors?
Maybe you can take one project, and get your tag team National basher to do the other – I daresay you have your means of communication. I’d be fascinated to read your factoids.
Its like this Colin A, you chunter on and on, SNP bad but imagine the beeb Scotland gimp rage, if this was Scotland with an SNP Scots gov.
Kind of puts Scotland’s great beeb liars and their latest 100, 000 Scottish A&E tragedy fraud into perspective.
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Forty people are thought to have died or been seriously injured as a result of lengthy delays at one ambulance trust which meant patients were left waiting hours for emergency responders, a whistleblower has said.”
@dakk says: 20 January, 2018 at 9:32 am:
“These smug liars need to be called out again and again by people with a voice.”
The thing is, dakk, that anyone who raises their voice against the Westminster Establishment is an instant victim of the Westminster Establishment’s propaganda machinery.
Voices are raised against the false news and suppressors of news but these are instantly suppressed by not only the Westminster Establishment but by the wider on-line World Wide Web providers. For example Google, (and even if using Google Advanced Search:-
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Trying the search term :- “Professor John Robertson”, and you get reams of results but way, way down the list comes Professor John Robertson the eminent professor of Scottish History who has worked very hard to highlight the pro-union corrupt Scottish media. Here’s a link to prof John’s website:-
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Now do not just click on that link and read it.
Copy it to your favourites toolbar and visit it often and tell anyone who will listen to try the website. It often lifts the heart when things look black and despairing.
What’s really upsetting the journos is not that we just disagree with them but that we are also laughing at them for the pathetic coverage of Scotland. Most journalists have massive egos, they hate when they are not seen as the seers of knowledge they believe themselves to be.
@jfngw says: 20 January, 2018 at 11:12 am:
“Obviously not Torrance, his parting is on the right, whereas the actors parting is on the left.”
Aye! jfngw, and so are their political views.
I’ll get that flaming factoid properly togeter one of these days. Insert somewhere:
Official residence of the British Ambassador to France, a magnificent ex-palace set in its own grounds in Paris.
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We can spend money where it’s needed.
Another good one Chris well done.
You have to give credit to Boris Johnson, for having such a huge brass neck, and not blushing with it.
On this occasion, of foot in mouth disease, (and there’s been many incidents of this behaviour from the FS. Johnson waxes lyrical about building a bridge between Britain and France, and not in the metaphorical sense either.
Now Johnson a leading voice in the Brexiteer’s taking back control, and out with bloody Johnny Foreigner and all that, actually proposes that a physical bridge should be built between Britain and France.
Our illustrious FS, added and I kid you not, that it would be good for yrade among other things.
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Johnson is a prime example of the inept bumbling clowns that are the Westminster government. Why any Scot would want to be partially governed by Westminster is beyond me.
Has Boris forgotten there is a Channel Tunnel, or are we thinking of filling that in?
That has always perplexed me. Modern journalism is lazy and poorly researched. Some of it isn’t even particularly well written. Why these third rates have an ego without a body of work that commands any academic or even wider journalistic respect is baffling. Torrance, Roden, Spanner etc., are party political mouthpieces. Crude drafters of propaganda not dogged investigative journalists. They are fair game for mocking. Indeed if one cannot mock the fourth estate then we are on a dangerous road.
@colin alexander says: 20 January, 2018 at 11:13 am:
“Nobody on here have nothing to say about SNP MSPs going to talk to the Lords?
Well, I do.”
Aye! Of course you will, but most folk here will be doing what I’m about to do and scroll on by.
Ye kin mak aa the speak ye want bit ye canna make gadgies listen.
(owersettin intil the inglis),“You may comment all you wish, but you cannot make folks listen.”
We have put up with BBC Scotland’s Brit/Nat biased and non reporting of news for years. We sit back and complain year after year and nothing changes. There are numerous instances of the biased nature of their news coverage, or non coverage appearing on this website.
STV are just as bad but they are an independently funded organisation, and like the print media, broadcast what the want. Like the press they are not interested in balance or fairness. I suspect they have been told by westminster to “toe the line” or your licence will be reviewed.
Westminster have control over broadcasting and OFCOM the so called independent regulator. Any complaint is dealt with the standard response ” nothing to see here Gov”, move on.
Its time that the SNP/Scottish government seriously considered taking legal action against the BBC. As a westminster funded organisation it is supposed the adhere to the BBC charter. It fails miserably to do this therefor legal action is an avenue that should be pursued.
Yes I know the Brit/Nats would complain about freedom of the press/broadcasters, Scottish government trying to control broadcasting etc. But that is exactly what the westminster government is and has been doing for years through the various mechanisms that they control.
Also as an SNP member I agree with others on this site that when our MPs and MSPs are interviewed by the BBC we should highlight there numerous shortcomings before we even answer a question. They should be assertive and not be afraid to call them out at each and every turn.
WHAT DO WE HAVE TO LOOSE – we are already being discriminated against.
Poor actor guy. Imagine being told you look like Davy Tornface.
The answer to all of this is for the SNP to call an election and after telling the Scottish people all the facts about the lies and omissions stand on a mandate for independence put it to the test deeds not words o for a William Wallace a leader with fire in his belly no offence to Nicola I Have nothing but respect for her and of course Wallace did not play by their rules wise man
You think if the brit nats want to unite us than Johnston would be looking for a bridge between Northern Ireland and North Britain ? Of course further north than the north ie Leeds doesn’t come into it.
How about some new capital projects to open the west and north.
Bridges to Arran from the Mull of Kintyre to Bute Dunoon etc. Further north more causeways. Making the lifes of people better in Shetland Orkney Lewis etc would also benefit the mainland via tourism and provide jobs for all.
@yesindyref2 says: 20 January, 2018 at 11:40 am:
“Official residence of the British Ambassador to France, a magnificent ex-palace set in its own grounds in Paris.
link to
We can spend money where it’s needed.”
As we are on that subject perhaps a little observation of the actuality, (rather than the Westminster Establishment male bovine rectally sphinctered waste matter), may be in order.
In so called, “British”, Embassy and Consulates throughout the World, Kingdom of England firms and trade bodies all get free use of the United Kingdom owned facilities but Scottish business’ and trade organisations are sweetly charged for any usage. I kid you not:-
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Thus it is obviously the view of Westminster is that these embassies and consulates belong exclusively to the Kingdom of England. Even if the term, “United Kingdom”, plainly states that it is not a unified country but is a bipartite union between the Kingdom of Scotland and the three country kingdom of England.
How else can charging Scottish business’ but the other UK Kingdom countries go free be viewed?
Blair Paterson
we already had an election. SNP is in power. They have the right to call a independence referendum.
A Scottish election is a deflection and time waster– but you know that.
Independence referendum late 2018 early 2019?
@Blair Paterson,
In order to tell the people the real facts then you must have a voice ,which is denied to us by the UK Unionist media.
However, they are also having problems, because every noted journalist is slowly but surely being hung by their own Petard. When you are held to ridicule you somewhat lose the power to influence and convince.
Daisley, Massie, Torrance. Sarah Smith, Nick Robinson. All have made an ass of themself at one time or other.
I doubt many of them will be taken seriously again.
Other players such as Muriel Gray have been exposed openly. Remember her climbing munro after munro telling everybody who would listen about her love of Scotland and all things Scottish. When push came to shove, that changed to all things British.
They are a Unionist cabal of writers for television media and the Arts. Probably all go to the same social functions.
They destroy themselves from within.
Making the lifes of people better in Shetland Orkney Lewis etc would also benefit the mainland via tourism and provide jobs for all.
They voted NO. There has to be some costs and benefits involved in the way you vote.
We want them to take their eye of our Ball / Oil,
and just tell us the whole facts.
Or most of us will have no choice other than to vote YES.
heedtracker says:
Definitely. Our entire future hinges on a possible Indyref2 soon-ish or Holyrood 2021.
Committed Unionists all know this. Their plan is clearly to avoid IndyRef2 and remove the pro Indy majority in 2021. If they achieve this, we can all give up politics, perhaps permanently.
The average SNP / Yes voter isn’t getting this message suffiently strongly.
They are a Unionist cabal of writers for television media and the Arts. Probably all go to the same social functions.”
And imagine the UKOK beeb gimp shitstorm backlash, if as is suggested sometimes, SNP did actually take on the whole of the beeb gimp network, like what we do btl WoS?
They’re just waiting for the chance, all of them, to turn on Sturgeon with the same msm fury Orange Hitler rightly gets in the USA.
Or check out this bloater, hard core tory hatchetman, just itching to reach for the fake news shitpile, created entirely by UKOK tory hackdom, the whole UK anti SNP msm freakshow.
link to
I notice that the ludicrous Scotsman front page spread of the Torrance pisstake calls him a “respected journalist”.
What the address for Press Complaints in relation to fake news?
And well done to Michelle Thomson for tackling Cole-Hamilton’s utter hypocrisy on twitter given the way he and Lib Dems attacked her in two successive elections in Edinburgh West.
@Colin Alexander who wrote, “Nobody on here have nothing to say about SNP MSPs going to talk to the Lords?
Well, I do.”
Not only is that wee bit of logic expressed in very bad grammar but is also extremely bad arithmetically.
A double negative is always a positive. Thus Colin began his usual SNP BAAAD comment by saying that as nobody on here had nothing to say then logically someone on here had something to say.
With logical thinking like Colin’s, can we take anything else he thinks up as SNP BAAAD being a logical truth?
Heedtracker 1217
How did Lewis vote?#
We are better than punishing voters.
Following your train of thought the Queensferry bridge wouldn’t be built.
My view at 1216 is we need more infrastructure.
I was curious about how quickly this story was whitewashed and buried. One mention late in the day for one day on Beeb Scotland. So, as ever I had a look to see where else it was mentioned. Which became curiouser, because my first stop was RT (checked a good few international, no-one cared)
Now, they are hysterically accused of anti-establishment, anti-UK, pro-Russian bias etc. Now if this were the case, you would think that’s a story to run with. But unless I gave it a “man-look” I couldn’t find it. Which made me think a bit –
Firstly, Scotland is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of world affairs they report on. Secondly, other than the odd wind-up like A.Salmonds ouvre, RT actually don’t agitate against the UK or Westminster. Because a sure way to rile them and agitate would be floating Pro Scottish /anti Unionist news stories. There is plenty of material but I seldom see much.
So, there is the curiosity and the choices are:
The significant news stories and anti-Scottish propaganda I’m aware of is a fallacy.
It’s real, but is insignificant in world affairs.
It’s insignificant in UK politics and RT has little interest.
It’s significant but RT dont really agitate against the UK
It’s significant in UK politics but RT is scared to run it.
It’s significant and RT want to bury it as well.
I came to no conclusion.
galamcennalath says:
20 January, 2018 at 12:39 pm
heedtracker says:
But SNP will also be thinking about hedging presumably.
Its extremely unlikely that even the power and glory of Jacky Bird can get a Colonel Ruth or that Leonard nobody elected as Scots FM.
BBC Scotland will be aiming to reduce the SNP Holyrood seat total, next Scots GE, even by half a dozen is a realistic Pacific Quay target. That’s all BBC Scotland really need in Holyrood.
They will certainly be aiming to further reduce the Westminster SNP MP numbers by even more this time but they have the whole of the beeb gimp network across the UK to assist, with their world renowned balanced and impartialness shyste.
In many ways, BBC’s ongoing UKOK wide blackout of anything and anyone SNP, could actually be in their favour.
How can Scots voters get fed up looking at annoying, say beeb gimps, SNP MP’s, if they hardly ever see or hear from them, on the beeb gimp network?
Status quo may not look that much fun for us, but its clearly a likely outcome 2021, as Westminster sets about stripping Holyrood of all and any devo they feel like.
Because as we saw lately, or didnt, if the beeb Scotland gimps just do not tell Scotland what is really happening to Holyrood, how can Scots make informed choices.
The UKOK deck, is all stacked in favour of the great beeb Scotland gimpery.
Robert Peffers
So, you are more worried about my poor grammar than Scotland’s constitutional, political and economic future being decided by the unelected, undemocratic House of Lords?
C’moan Da, after I did a Scottish history essay for you, I expected a better response.
But that’s parents for you, they always want their weans to do better.
@Heed tracker,
Many many years ago, my mother was a housekeeper for a TV celebrity at that time. He was called Bill Tenant who presented a news show among other things. I believe his wife was Mar got.
When he held a “soiree” or party to you and me, the guest list was almost exclusively people from TV ( both channels then), and media folk. My mum who helped prepare for the event often said they would blether a load of sh#*e among themselves, as luvvies do.
They demonstrated an air of intellectual superiority, but as my mum said. “Christ, they cannae even organise a party or clean up without me doing it for them”
The BBC appear to have charter obligations of impartiality to fulfil, however their role in protecting and promoting the State ie the UKOK, overrides this.
This isn’t going to change until after Indy when they are replaced,
The press are a different issue, they are entitled to take different partisan lines. The problem for Scotland is they almost all take the same pro UKOK line.
Together they are Scotland’s enemies. They are not simply the enemies of the pro Indy half, but of the whole, because they corrupt and undermine the democratic process for everyone.
Bob Mack
Bill Tennant was an STV presenter. Supposedly he made a comment to the TV viewers, after TV cook Fanny Craddock demonstrated how to make doughnuts:
“I hope your doughnuts turn out like Fanny’s”.
Blair Paterson says: 20 January, 2018 at 12:12 pm:
“The answer to all of this is for the SNP to call an election and after telling the Scottish people all the facts about the lies and omissions”
Oh! Aye!
That’ll be the logical thing to do richt enouch – NOT.
Where do the Yoon Establishment find these people?
This one advocates that the SNP/SG should call an election AFTER telling them, “all the facts about the lies and omission’s.
He figures that because the SNP/SG have been unable, so far, to tell the electorate, “all the facts about the lies and omissions”,, that they should instead tell the electorate, “all the facts about the lies and omissions”.
Cough! How do you propose they should attempt to do that, Blair?
Just how do you expect the SNP/SG to tell the electorate “all the facts about the lies and omissions”, when there is no further access to broadcasting other than on-line social media that has already failed to get the truth out to the whole electorate and when Westminster controls all the licences to broadcast to the electorate?
You couldn’t make this stuff up. These people, who usually claim to support Scottish independence, are here on Wings attempting to lead genuine indy supporters to believe that the faction preventing the message getting out to the general public should be relied upon to get the message out to the electorate so we can hold an election with a properly informed electorate.
The media not suppressing the facts will just go on suppressing the facts before, and after, any SNP/SG called election and the SNP/SG have no powers, or means, to prevent them doing so.
The truth is that the Westminster propaganda machine is being shown to be slowly failing in its quest to suppress, misreport or bias opinions. This is plainly so going by the various opinion polls that indicate a slow but sure swing towards support for independence.
This is why the Westminster Establishment, which includes the Fourth Estate, have gone completely mental in their Westminster controlled media. They, and their controlled media, know their days are numbered but they cannot, and will not, give in gracefully.
If the History of the, “British”, Empire tells us anything it is that Perfidious Albion will fight on to the last Yoon standing before the battle is ended … but ended it will be.
History of the British Empire also tells us that is true.
We are better than punishing voters.
Following your train of thought the Queensferry bridge wouldn’t be built.
Its not punishment though. Orkney and Shetland voted NO and the idea that they should then receive investment on the scale of the new Forth Bridge is hard to take on.
You cant sit and listen to NO votes up there all Better Together, then moan about how bad they do in the UK.
Regarding the now infamous ppb, would it not be a bit of a wheeze for the SNP to follow this up with a follow up. Beardy guy goes from no to yes!
This could give great publicity for the excellent no to yes films which are among the best recruiters to indy out there.
First post, read since near the beginning and you’ve kept me sane guys. Thanks
BBC-related: has anyone else noticed that Cameron McNeish who used to be their speed-dial person for anything outdoor or mountain-related, has disappeared off the airwaves, and is pro-Yes?
If these two things are related, he has my respect for ‘coming out’ as he must have known the likely consequences.
From his wiki:
‘”I’m well aware that we are being warned not to get too emotional about independence but dammit, I’m going to get a little emotional. I love this country with a passion. I love its hills and mountains and lochs and coastlines, I love its culture and its music and its traditions, and I’m fed up with it being treated as a mere region, the Winterfell of Britain.
Let’s go from here and tell our friends and our families, our workmates and our neighbours that Scotland can prosper as an independent country. Don’t leave it to the politicians – they’ve got enough to do. It’s up to us, you and me. As they say in the Nike advert – just do it…’
Bob Mack says:
20 January, 2018 at 1:28 pm
@Heed tracker,
Interesting story Bob. UK media, especially the BBC is an odd thing though, its a media corp, with ITV yet its extremely politicised to, er, extremes.
I have a couple of cronies, school and uni, now BBC relative big shots, who are profound lefties, very pro Labour, very pro democracy, very lovely chaps and chapesses, until it comes to the beeb crunch and blammo! all their socialist worker dinner party waffle goes out the window. They are as BBC Conservative as anyone else down those leafy driveways of the grand ol UKOK zone. Its where they’re from and its from where they never ever want their UK to change.
But this is what all the UK Lab left are like. Maybe Momentum are going to shake up Labour but Corbyn’s not even close to a core SNP policy like free higher and further education in England. His Brexit stuff’s all over the shop, he’s a very anti nuke weapon dude, who’s going to buy Trident 2, he’s going to scrap the Lords but he’s been plonking giant lefty hypocrites and because he knows he has to get the massed ranks of beeb gimps, like my two cronies on his side, and its not working, the big sap.
Robert Peffers
I don’t understand why you scoff at an election to achieve an independence mandate.
The bias of the media would be the same for an indyref as a Scot Parl election.
Either way it would be a media blitz of anti-indy/ anti-SNP propaganda.
Compare the rules:
link to
9.2 Are there rules on impartiality for the media during the Scottish Parliament election?
News reports, features and editorials in print or online media are not subject to electoral law, and the law does not require them to be impartial.
Political impartiality in broadcast media is covered by the editorial guidelines relevant to that broadcaster:
? The BBC’s draft editorial guidelines on broadcasting during the Scottish
Parliament election (and other May 2016 polls) can be found at:
link to
? Commercial broadcasters are subject to the Ofcom Broadcasting Code, which
can be found at link to
TV, radio and online debates between party leaders are also a matter for the
relevant broadcasters and newspapers. The Electoral Commission has no regulatory role in relation to debates between party leaders.
link to
6.6 Are there rules on impartiality for the media during the referendum?
News reports, features and editorials in print or online media are not subject to electoral law, and the law does not require them to be impartial.
Political impartiality in broadcast media is covered by the editorial guidelines relevant to that particular broadcaster:
? The BBC’s editorial guidelines on broadcasting during the Scottish
independence referendum can be found at
link to
? Commercial broadcasters are subject to the Ofcom Broadcasting Code, which
can be found at
link to
Think the LDs have highlighted the idea that our media are meant to be unquestioned.
Perhaps through fear that the SNP are finally fighting back.
Am confused at which elections are provoking this rash of PEBs, if any, but good that the SNP took the opportunity to break the news embargo against them.
The End Game…
link to
@colin alexander says: 20 January, 2018 at 1:18 pm:
“So, you are more worried about my poor grammar than Scotland’s …”
No Colin, I’m not in any way worried about you in any way whatsoever.
My sole point was that your entire logical thinking is flawed. You began with a double negative statement and that immediately reverses whatever it was you thereafter were attempting to say.
Whatever you said thereafter was totally illogical.
@ Bob Mack, yer Maw wisnae Mrs Mack from “Take the High Road?” I always assumed she was Brian Wilson!
@Glamaig says:20 January, 2018 at 1:52 pm:
“BBC-related: has anyone else noticed that Cameron McNeish who used to be their speed-dial person for anything outdoor or mountain-related, has disappeared off the airwaves, and is pro-Yes?”
Great comment, Glamaig. Keep up the good work.
Its not punishment though. Orkney and Shetland voted NO and the idea that they should then receive investment on the scale of the new Forth Bridge is hard to take on.
Doesn’t make sense. Why should Aberdeenshire get a bypass, Lothians a new bridge.
My point is good infrastructure projects improving the lives of the people of the islands such as Orkney, Shetland, the western Islands and why not a bridge /tunnel to Northern Ireland is good for all.
ot/ during the snows why don’t the emergency services borrow a few snowmobiles or snowcats from the ski slopes to help & even from the artificial xscape in Glasgow?
heedtracker says:
20 January, 2018 at 1:49 pm
It might work the other way though. The south-west infrastructure is abysmal. Ever tried driving to Stranraer, or anywhere via Ayrshire? A75 could do with an upgrade too.
Maybe folk down there could do with seeing some more benefits of voting SNP.
My point is good infrastructure projects improving the lives of the people of the islands such as Orkney, Shetland, the western Islands and why not a bridge /tunnel to Northern Ireland is good for all.”
Because this is NOT how teamGB works, is it.
Norway as usual shows the way, where there is little or no geography versus vote number bias investment. Its why the EU really worked in Scotland too.
But this IS teamGB, Brexit fcuking UKOK zone.
If you want to live on Orkney and Shetland, you have accepted the one simple commonality of what you voted for.
London and south east get first, then the rest of England and then Scotland, maybe, and then Orkney and Shetland, unless there’s another war, then our imperial masters will start pumping military dosh into the islands, again, like last time, WW2.
Using shite infrastructure on Orkney and Shetland to monster SNP Scots gov, when are clearly not going to vote YES ever, is just mad.
And, do we really need to go into the Alistair Carbuncle Ascendancy, where that tory nutcase could take a dump in an Orcadian’s porridge and they will still vote for him.
Come on:D
I’ve long thought that Aberdeen to Ayr should be our HS2. So just a wee extension..
Would be interesting to get a report on a possible road and rail link to N.I. although the variable depth of the North Channel might make things fairly costly.
Put me down for a return ticket on the Peterhead to Waterford Express.
Something to see here about our media pack, Chris.
Your essential weekend reading:
Scotland’s press – rotten to the core: link to
Glamaig says:
20 January, 2018 at 2:25 pm
heedtracker says:
20 January, 2018 at 1:49 pm
It might work the other way though. The south-west infrastructure is abysmal. Ever tried driving to Stranraer, or anywhere via Ayrshire? A75 could do with an upgrade too.
I know. That’s the biggest eye opener, as the Scottish road infrastructure is slowly getting better, after the horrible SLabour domination of England first, that Scottish roads don’t actually go anywhere outside Scotland. They were all merely designed to get from Scots city to town, let alone to England. Even then they’re pretty awful still. Why is the A9 a death trap, when every last English town is connected with a vast interconnection of motorways and dual carriageways, because its how it works in teamGB.
Why is it so incredibly slow to get to Ireland from Scotland? because yoon culture dictates, England first.
@Glamaig –
re Cameron McNeigh.
Lesley Riddoch has also written about how the work dried up after she became an active Yesser. There must be many others, esp freelancers, who’ve been targetted and punished. It’s despicable, but not in the least surprising, just typical of the BBC’s vindictive treatment of anyone who dares go off-message.
Have you ever heard of the BBC’s Christmas Tree files? Smacks of tin-foil hat stuff but it’s real enough. Ask Grousey of this parish, he knows all about it…
Speaking of HS2 we’re probably still paying for HS1.
link to
Hamish 100 12.16pm.Ah but didn’t Doris say, a £1 spent in croydon was better than a £1 spent in Strathclyde. Let’s face it, he’s an ignorant buffoon just like the rest of these Tory b******s.
Just to re-balance the Westminster Establishments omitted or fake news here is a couple of item that tragically put the fake/omitted news in Scotland into proper perspective:-
link to
link to
Exellent work from Chris. Still don’t understand why people pay the bbc tax, unless they’re British nationalists.
The bbc is without doubt anti-Scottish.
Apologies for being off topic, but I thought you might like to see this and maybe make use of the comments/quotes from Mr Speaker Bercow.
Obviously, he’s not directly referring to IndyRef2, but, hey … maybe you in Scotland can. 😉
PS Note the usual hypocrisy from the Fib Dumbs.
link to
Aye, Welsh Sion, Blair said the same about a 2nd EU Ref a week ago. But of course he’d never say the same about Scotland’s 2nd Ref. Britnat hypocisy knows no bounds.
Robert Peffers
In the Edinburgh Evening News, Tommy Sheppard SNP MP said :
“Peers are not accountable to the electorate and the chamber is now stuffed with party hacks, cronies and election losing has-beens, as well as convicted criminals. It is an utter affront to democracy.”
Yet, the SNP MSPs are away to the Lords to negotiate with them. That’s not good.
I just hope it’s Party List MSPs, cos they will have something in common with the Lords: they are also unelected party-appointed politicians, such is the undemocratic nature of the devolved Scottish Parliament.
I expect better from the SNP following the fine words by Mr Sheppard.
You know what, I have all the time in the world for unionist supporters making valid points and engaging in debate, but unionists pretending to be Independence supporters, well they are just the scummiest lowest of the low.
Party list MSP’s are of course elected. They are elected according to the number of regional vote’s each party receives.
They might not be elected by name but they are still elected through a tally of the votes in that region.
Party List MSP’s are in many cases the political rejects. The ones that lost the constituency vote.
But, often they are also on the Party List. Chosen by the parties, not the electorate.
Thus, rejected by the electorate but given an MSP job nonetheless.
I accept there has been some fine MSPs that came from the Party List, Nicola Sturgeon being a classic example.
However, the Party List system is unfair to the electorate, as it denies the electorate the opportunity to vote out candidates they don’t want.
Colin Alexander: “Yet, the SNP MSPs are away to the Lords to negotiate with them. That’s not good.”
It’s not good, as you put it, SNP MPs sit in the House of Commons, but that’s what they’re elected to do; that’s the system we have, and the system we have to work with.
In any event, nobody ‘negotiates’ with their friends.
Enemies of Scotland
Mornin’ Chris, another glimpse into the BBC frame of mind, scary. They should stock your Cairnstoon books in the Scottish Parliament shop, our tourists would love them too.
We should get a crowd of Wingers together and go there some Thursday for FMQ’s… book up the top right wing of the public gallery, then make a day of it. 🙂
Here’s a very wintry looking Glasgow, LIVE from Freedom Square:
link to
Oor parliament building should have a public webcam too.
Aye aye People of Edinburgh, how ye doin’?
Wanna be an international iEdinburgh?
Glasgow callin’.