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Wings Over Scotland

Misleading advertising

Posted on April 13, 2014 by

The pitch:


The reality:


Mind you, it could have been worse. It could have been Airdrie.

52 to “Misleading advertising”

  1. DaveyM says:

    I never suspected my old home town would be such a hotbed of Unionism. Hahahahahahaha!

  2. heedtracker says:

    To man in blue jaiket, ” Excuse me mister, fancy taking bettertogther’s positive message to the local people?” No.

  3. Steve McGhie says:

    The train on platform 1 has left

  4. RogueCoder says:

    Surely the misleading advertising is “taking our positive message to the local people”?


  5. heedtracker says:

    To man in blue jaiket, “Is there any UKOK types up there?” No. To man in red hat, “is there anyone from BetterTogether down there?” No. “Wait here comes a taxi.” “Is there anyone BetterTogetherists in it?” No.

  6. caz-m says:

    WHY do Better Together keep using Clydebank.

    Didn’t Anas Sarwar tell them of the last visit they had there.

    The guy in the pic is looking up the stairs just hoping that the two guys coming down the stairs are UKOKers.

  7. “Excuse me sir, are you campainging for Better Together, in Clydebank”. “Are you on drugs?”

  8. RogueCoder says:

    Nah, that’s no campaigner – that’s Ian Murray MP hiding from nasty Yes vandals.

  9. Thepnr says:

    “The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.”

    Mother Teresa

  10. CameronB says:

    I think the proceeding sentence was even more misleading.

    There is NO positive case for the union, otherwise we might have heard of it by now, if it has ever existed.

    @ Better Together
    Have you not had enough time yet, over the last 300 years or so. to get your positive case together?

    Thought not, ’cause you’re a bunch of Muppets, i.e. inhumane fabrications animated by external forces. I’m not entirely certain, but possibly dark ones. Astonishing, I know, and potentially cataclysmic. Who will save world peace?

  11. ronnie anderson says:

    Airdrie calling can you,s hear me

    BT meeting at McDonalds in the retail park Garlea Rd at 6pm

    Mon / Tues / Wed 14/15/16. Must be going fur a Happy Meal

    Together Again Gray Skies Keep Fallin

    With the long Lonely Nights.

  12. Clootie says:


    Just watched Sunday Politics Scotland. Somehow Better Together managed to get a full party political advert placed on the show on Defence.

    It must have been Better Together because the BBC would never be allowed to express such blatant bias – would they?

  13. BuckieBraes says:

    Why does ‘Better Together’ even bother with this fiction of a ‘positive message’ and the pretence of a grassroots campaign?

    We all know that, to get their overwhelmingly negative message out, they simply make maximum use of their biased, uncritical print and broadcast media.

  14. gordoz says:

    I thought Better Together were bringing their ‘big beasts’ out, along with the ‘Lords of the New Labour church’ ?

    As long as they bring this ‘Big Wain’ with them; seriously watch this ignorant, petulant git in action at 2mins in.

    Honestly, I forgot what an embarrassment ‘Brown’ is to Scotland; respected ???

    link to

  15. no no no…yes says:

    The BT website has set out the Rules for Campaigners. Here is an extract:

    “Give Respect: People won’t always agree with us. Respect that people have different views. Share your views and invite them to share their perspective. Don’t ever be argumentative, antagonistic or aggressive. We have 2 years to persuade people of our case. Tell people your story and then leave them to think about it. Don’t make personal attacks on anyone on the other side of the argument, regardless of how much you disagree with them.

    Celebrate Difference: Our campaign seeks to represent people from every background and every walk of life. Sexism, racism, bigotry, homophobia or any other form of discriminatory behaviour isn’t acceptable in this campaign. Anyone acting in an intolerant manner isn’t speaking for our campaign.

    Make it Personal: When you are talking to people tell them your personal perspective. People remember stories about people more than facts and figures – think of the difference between snoozing through a maths lesson and reading a really good story. Similarly understand that everyone has different reasons for holding certain views on Independence. Don’t make blanket assumptions about people, take the time to listen to their ideas and concerns.”

    Perhaps the Clydebank locals read them and decided to stay at home.

    A couple of questions:

    Do these rules apply to everyone, including the leadership?

    Can Mr. Darling truly say that he complies with these rules?

  16. gordoz says:

    @ Clootie

    I clocked that rubbish cartoon on defence, (allegedly.)

    Sort of sounded offa’ BT propaganda to me.

    UK = big = good // Indy = to wee = bad

  17. On the subject of trains, I see DfID and DoT are weighing in with the apocalyptic theme of the week, unleashing famine and even stealing our Pie in the Sky. Are you keiching your breeks yet?

    link to

  18. ronnie anderson says:

    Aye REV, it could hiv been Airdrie, an ah would be the reception committee.

  19. Jim says:

    Labour for independence is having a meeting in Clydebank Town Hall on the 17th. I suspect the hundreds of them are going to be demonstrated against by a lone smurf look-a-like.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Clootie @ 4:08 I agree.

    It was a strange cartoon/ info graphic about trident and the armed forces with a rapid speak soundtrack of child-like Scots voices. Sounded to me like an advert for ‘no’ but I think Gary Robertson might have introduced it as ‘informing the debate’. There was no discussion before or after so it was just weird.

  21. ronnie anderson says:

    @Roddy MacDonald, good read ther Roddy,welldone.

  22. Jamie Arriere says:

    That bit on Sunday Politics about defence was like something out of Sesame Street. Flippant simplistic puerile nonsense about a very serious subject.

    The voting age is being reduced to 16 not effing 6!!!

  23. Ananurhing says:

    How about Pink Floyd Comfortably Numb.

    “Hello, is there anybody in there, just nod if you can hear me, is there any one at home.”

    Oops sorry, wrong thread.

  24. Andy-B says:

    It appears people aren’t comfortable with the negativity of the Better Together’s campaign, and ergo they don’t really want to associated with it, and who could blame them.

    The crux of the matter, is does this negativity transfer over to a YES vote, or does it merely mean, that a no vote for the Better together campaign,isn’t necessarily a no vote for the union, if the polls are to be believed.

  25. Bevrijdingsdag says:

    gordoz 4:23 pm

    Perhaps in north British Broons case an unanswered question is better than an unquestioned answer.

    What possesses our fellow Scots to despise their Country so much?
    Why are they so afraid?

    Why can Goofy talk and Plato cannae?:-)

  26. Bevrijdingsdag says:


  27. Alba4Eva says:

    The guys at the top of the stairs have stopped and the one in the blue jacket is phoning the police, because there is a weirdo hanging about on his own at the bottom of the stairs.

  28. gordoz says:


    What gets me is the Scottish media keep pumping the idea that this Clown Brown is a ‘respected politician’ ???

  29. Andy-B says:

    O/T I do apologise.

    According to the Washington Post, Barack Obama has Scottish ancestry, and if he appears in Scotland, in person, then it will be enough to stop Scots voting YES, and keep the union.

    link to

  30. Elizabeth says:

    You can watch the defence cartoon thing from Sunday Politics Scotland here:

    link to

    It comes courtesy of Peter Curran@moridura

  31. Andy-B says:

    A look at Scottish independence through the eyes of the French newspaper Le Monde.

    link to

  32. CameronB says:

    Apparently Barack Obama has also been in with the CIA since he was a college student. Apparently. Did I say apparently? 🙂

  33. Morag says:

    Point of information. Was it actually established that the guy with the green rucksack was a BT leafleter? He just looks like some random bloke loitering at the foot of the stairs.

  34. G. P. Walrus says:

    My wife and I got BT’d yesterday in Inverurie High Street. My wife browsed the copy of Better Together News we were handed, pointed to the story about a woman who “wouldn’t be here without the UK NHS” and said “Aren’t there reciprocal relationships with all EU health services, so wouldn’t this continue to happen all over Europe let alone between Scotland and England?”

    10 second silence

    BT Guy: “Well yeah! To be honest, you’re right about that one. But don’t see that as a reason for not voting no.”

    Me: “OK, what’s the top reason for voting No.”

    BT Guy:”Well I don’t want see artificial barriers being put up between us and the rest of the UK.”

    Me: “What barriers? We don’t have any barriers with the Republic of Ireland.”

    BT Guy: “Well we’d need barriers because Scotland would have a completely different immigration policy.”

    Me: “The Republic of Ireland has a different immigration policy and we have an open border with them. Why would Scotland not have an open border with the rest of the UK when the Republic of Ireland has one?”

    15 second silence – followed by a clearing of his troubled visage, an un-furrowing of the brow and a wry smile.

    “Oh I get it. You’re SNP activists aren’t you? We were warned that people like you would come asking us questions and trying to keep us talking. I guess I’ve fallen for it haven’t I?”

    He came up to us!!!!!!

    Anyway, my wife is thrilled to be part of Salmond’s Black Ops Brigade.

  35. Morag says:

    Ha ha! Priceless.

  36. RobQos says:

    My brother in law works for a Scottish Government department. The department organised for a representative from Yes and No to give a presentation. Only the Yes guy turned up.

  37. SquareHaggis says:

    The only visitor we’ve had from BT is the guy who keeps f***ing up the broadband 🙁

  38. CameronB says:

    Did the presentation go ahead anyway?

  39. wee folding bike says:

    @ronnie anderson

    I need some ATF for the big car’s PAS. It leaks a lot and the pump is making a heck of a noise. I’ll see if the memsahib will let me out to Halfrauds and I’ll have a wee keek at McDonalds on the way by.

    You know I’m easy to spot. I’ll not be in a car.

    BTW, is that your shed?

  40. Bevrijdingsdag says:


    Got a guy at work who will be voting Yes, but who thinks Broon is a “true socialist” (his words)

    Don’t want tae rock his boat too much, or spend time convincing him otherwise, as a “Yes” is all that matters for now.

  41. jake says:

    poor wee soul!
    there’s a buttock busting irony in that he’s all alone selling a “better together” message.

  42. Mary Bruce says:

    That wee defence cartoon thing from the BBC is a shocking piece of propaganda. Did anyone else notice the smug self satisfied smirk that flitted across Gary Robertson’s face after it was broadcast?

  43. ronnie anderson says:

    @ wee folding bike, long time no see,aye the sheds mine on Gartleahill drop in, kettles always on an if yer lucky a wee bisquit,an mind chap the back door, bell at front noworky.

  44. wee folding bike says:

    @ronnie anderson

    I signed up on the Yes volunteer list for July onwards, May and June are quite busy months for me with SQA marking. I’ll probably see you in the summer.

    Some of the memsahib’s friends have been asking if I’m OK so they must have seen me around town. I think they have an idea I’ve got a serious health problem and some chemo but I don’t. I shaved my head in August but I’ve only been cycling home with no hat for the last couple of weeks since the weather warmed up.

  45. farrochie says:

    Airdrie had a radical past. An entire pipe band was arrested for playing “Scots Wha Hae” in Airdrie in the Radical times of 1820.

    link to

  46. Grendel says:

    Government troops were stoned by Airdrieonians as they rode to put down the uprising in 1820.
    Around 10,000 people gathered in Airdrie to call for Scottish Independence.
    Unfortunately nowadays the dark side is strong in Airdrie, a hotbed on red handed loyalism. I spoke to someone the other night who is intent on voting No. Why? “Because Alex Salmond won’t let us sing our songs at the football”.

    When I pointed a few home truths his mood changed a bit. Sick family members who would have to pay for prescriptions they can ill afford hit home the most.

    There are some good people in Airdrie. Locally we may be outnumbered, but we are doing our bit. We are however, relying on the rest of the country to get us there.

  47. GordonMcA says:

    Had to laugh at the sign ‘no trolleys beyond this point’. Not a problem for better together as they are clearly allready off theirs.

  48. ScotsCanuck says:

    … Is there a difference ????

    Morag says:

    … was it actually established that the guy with the green rucksack was a BT leafleter? He just looks like some random bloke loitering at the foot of the stairs.

  49. bobdog collie says:

    maybe the rest of BT were at their spring conference in telephone box round the corner

  50. Morag says:

    Locally we may be outnumbered, but we are doing our bit. We are however, relying on the rest of the country to get us there.

    See, that worries me a bit. There are too many groups saying that. Including us, here in the Borders.

    The people getting the great canvass returns naturally brag about it. So it all sounds fantastic. The people surrounded by Tory-voting establishment types, or Proddie football supporters, tend to be a bit quieter. But there are a lot of roups quietly hoping others will make up the shortfall they’re looking at.

  51. ally says:


    I took the picture! I can assure you it was. Stu trusts me enough to publish the story on my say-so, based on previous articles /pictures I have sent to him.

  52. Scot says:

    Is it true that Chalmers Street is pronounced ‘Charmers Street’?


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