Listening and engaging
One of the compensations of living in England (from the perspective of editing a website about Scottish politics) is that you get a much clearer picture of how English people – who make up 85% of the UK electorate, and as such in practice determine who the government is – see the country’s political leaders.
For those of you who don’t, here’s Charlie Brooker – a man who’s no fan of the Tories by any stretch of the imagination – casting a weary and exasperated eye over Ed “these strikes are wrong” Miliband on last night’s Weekly Wipe.
In our experience it’s a pretty accurate snapshot of how the hapless Labour leader is regarded by most left-leaning people down on this side of the border. You’ll need to have seen the rest of the episode to get the “Schofield!” joke.
Political robot exterminate exterminate.
I think for many of us (of the former Labour ilk) the last of the leaders worth any kind of respect was the late John Smith.
To watch & listen to adenoid Ed, always working from a script, never really engaging and free thinking in his rhetoric is just so…uninspiring
His footstool in North Britain, Murphy, claims he is a “Trade Unionist”, despite never having worked in his life, apart from a brief spell as student in burger joint.
so no ‘other’ experience then.
I also would avoid going on about being an advisor in the Treasury when we all know what happened there
Him and Ed Balls couldn’t manage toffee let alone the economy.
Never got the respect for John Smith, Grizzle. Remember, his constituency was – indeed, still is – a byword for Labour local government corruption and nepotism. Are we supposed to believe Smith knew nothing about quotient on? Aye, right…
Contrast & compare: Ed Milliband & Nicola Sturgeon
I’m English & live in England but to me its a simple 5 word answer-no 5,000 word essay required
Nicola by a country mile
Clearly displayed in this clip that Ed has never worked for a living, does not listen to questions being asked, doesn’t connect with voters. He likes to say Tories are out of touch with the real world but so is Ed M, a millionaire with delusions of becoming a statesman. Fat chance on present form-he just doesn’t inspire confidence in the slightest.
A leader, a leader, my kingdom for a Nicola & my apologies to Wm Shakespeare for the loan of some of his words.
The inherent tribal, nae blatant nepotism that you speak of has been a long standing issue in that particular constituency, to which as a former Labour member, caused intense anger and embarrassment.
This happening at a time when many of us were trying to finally rid ourselves of the Forsythe Saga.
I was more unconvinced of the Liddell factor on that particular affair than her predecessors complicity.
I speak more of the John Smith, who although cannot be completely devoid of responsibility to his own ‘poisoned chalice’ was an admirable & plausible performer on the bigger stage.
I also reside in the south, and I think I can say, with some confidence, that you will be getting another Conservative government. Similarly to referendum voting, the zombie horde will prevail.
I do hope the plucky North Britain rugger side have better luck this weekend.
“C’mon North Britain, get stuck in chaps”.
John Smith changed the rules of the Labour PP, which allowed Blair to behave as a dictator. Ed Milliband has changed it back. The only thing Miliband has got is distance from the illegal wars.
Will watch this when I get home Brooker invariably raises a wry smile or two regarding our dysfunctional country
Ed comes across as very a very alien creature,divorced from everyday reality…
Nicolas Roeg made a film about one a few years ago now…
No Ken500, even Peter Oborne of the Spectator more generously applauds Ed Miliband as being brave on at least 3 counts: opposing, successfully, the proposed illegal attack on Syria, backing the Palestinians, and criticising Murdoch. Dennis McLaughlin merely echoes the disgusting Daily Mail level of abuse.
“backing the Palestinians, and criticising Murdoch.”
I’m not sure what “backing the Palestinians” means in practice, and how is criticising Murdoch brave? Murdoch had abandoned Labour well before then, there was nothing to lose in having a bit of a go at him, and Miliband has since posed with The Sun anyway.
Y O Y O Y can’t politicians just admit they are wrong or don’t know. If the poor guy had just said. “I have worked all my life in politics because it is my passion because I believe it is the way I could contribute to making the world a better place. It is always a challenge to understand the world through others eyes but that is part of the job. No matter what my background, listening and understanding to people from other backgrounds is what is important.”
OMG – I am a Labour Party speech writer. I wonder if Jim is hiring?
Just for laughs, like:
link to
What I am about to say doesn’t quite touch on the above the article, but it does have key elements that resonate with it.
If you remember in the lead up to the referendum, when the Better Together campaign asked the people of the UK to phone their Scottish relatives, and try and persuade them from voting ‘Yes’ in the referendum, I actually got one of those phone calls.
Or rather, I was emailed through the messaging system of Facebook. The email itself came from one of the wife’s cousins, and for literally 2 hours, I corresponded with her in an almost desperate bid in trying to placate her, and convince her that myself and the wife were not anti-English. She had read newspaper forums and Facebook pages for a few days and in the end, had come to a worrying and disturbing conclusion about what was happening in Scotland (in one sense, my wee entry here probably has more in common with the Rev’s article from yesterday in ‘The Invisible and the visible).
In the end, even the wife had to phone her and inundate her with undying love and promises that we, along with the rest of the entire Scottish family (both sides) as well as all her Scottish friends, were not borderline racists with an axe to grind against England.
And this is the point. The wife’s cousin through no fault of her own, had come to believe that the Scots had it in for England. Thanks to the UK media, a picture had been painted that the Scots were conniving, greedy, thankless and bitter neighbours who wanted it all, such was the painting that had been painted (and continues to be painted) against us.
Yes, we know that our wonderful Scottish media either twists or ignores the truth, lies, or boosts the Unionist cause with meaningless guff, but it is also just as bad south of the border. The one great thing the Referendum did do, was to enlighten half the Scottish nation in the art of political science. But that is something that England is still in the dark on, and while the media continues to deceive the entire British Isles, then nothing about our image to those south of the border will change. We talk about a ‘divide and rule’ element that the British imperialists used on other nations. Well, in one sense, they are using it in these Isles too. Can you imagine if both Scotland and England were to sing from the same ‘Yes’ ideology hymn sheet? It would be the death of the Establishment.
It is therefore, maybe one reason, why the information we receive from our media outlets is not only rank rotten, but also full of misinformation, and which is used simply, to divide the population of the UK in so many ways…
I love Charlie!
His bit on the Indy Ref in the Year Wipe programme was good. And the fact that during the whole thing he had a big Yes sign in the background of the livingroom set.
Grizzle McPuss 2.27, (I of no former ilk) Smith of the Munro,s was another establishment Labour figure, bammed up to the hilt he knew about the McCrone report the same as the rest of them,the greatest PM britain never had,I didnt beleive it then more so now.
His Wifes enjoying his retirement present, the Ermine collar.
@Will Podmore
I did not notice your condemnation of the Daily Mail when they were campaigning against Scottish Independence – Hypocrite.
Also you never answered my question on the previous thread. It you are a left wing libertarian as you claim, why do support a right wing, authoritarian, neo-liberal party like the UK Labour Party?
@ronnie anderson 4:04pm
Aye and his daughter is on the BBC payroll. Wonder how that happened?
Seems like the ideal leader for Labour to have at this important stage in Scotland’s constitutional development!
It would all be much more challenging if they had someone with lots of charisma and good presentational skills (like Nicola).
Milliband, Cameron, Clegg and Farage …. we are truly blessed to have them stacked up against us
Ed Miliband is the “Bland and Vacuous” front of Labour.
He can’t think on his feet, interview without a script or eat properly! The real Labour have become people like McTernan, vile, crass and ruthless, publicly fairly OK in short bursts but unable to contain their hatred of electorate who are asking searching questions.
The real Miliband is residing at Madame Tussauds!
I’m sure I saw him move…
Just caught BBC Radio Scotland’s Newsdrive programme doing a piece on, yet again, ANOTHER former BBC employee up on child abuse charges – Fred (someone?).
Is there no end to the shame and filth emanating from this filthy corrupt establishment organisation?
Be aware BBC Labour Party, ‘Anonymous’ are coming for you and all your dirty little political friends at Warminster.
The truth will out.
link to
Charlie says (no not that charlie)
“I once overheard two posh people – almost certainly Tories – having sex in a hotel room. It was grim. The woman kept saying, “Fuck me, Gerald,” in a cut-glass accent, which was funny, but Gerald himself soon wiped the grin off my face with his grunting, which wasn’t really grunting at all, but instead consisted of the words “oh” and “ah” crisply orated aloud, like Sir Laurence Olivier reading dialogue off a card at an early rehearsal. I didn’t stick around long enough to hear the climax, but I imagine the words “gosh”, “crumbs”, and “crikey” probably put in an appearance.”
That was totally too too much information Charles and the graphic use of word like “GOSH and CRICKEY” was just outrageous just a little potty mouth aren’t we Charlie boy maybe we should take you down to our little room of pain and see just how keen you are then to utter disgusting words in mixed company, words like “CRUMBS”! DISGUSTING!
Now if you would be so kind as to take your trousers off Charlie and put this orange in your mouth and pull this stocking over your head,
What do you mean no?
you do know I’m a high court judge, no one says no to me Charlie,
now bend over!
What the hell does Schofield mean?
I remember after Miliband was hailed for standing up to Murdoch he was pictured sitting with a gormless smile promoting ‘The Sun’ newspaper.
Wonder when he will appear in an HSBC advert?
Hoss Mackintosh says
“why do you support a right wing, authoritarian, neo-liberal party like the UK Labour Party?”
Em can I phone a friend?
can I go 50/50?
can I ask the audience?
nope I got nuthin!
Charlie Brooker
great in your face sarcasm
thx REV,nice find
It is amazing to look back at the methods used by Blair / Brown / Murphy / Darling / Alexander etc to hijack the Labour Party.
How did they manage to take such a change in direction without any significant kick back by members. Yes, people did leave the party but somehow they managed to hold power and turn a socialist party into a neoliberal organisation.
Even stranger is the inability of people within the party to win back control.
…does anyone want to turn it back?
John King, you had me laughing so badly, you naughty person. I can only think that Schofield relates to one Philip but other than that I want to know as well.
Stoker says
“Just caught BBC Radio Scotland’s Newsdrive programme doing a piece on, yet again, ANOTHER former BBC employee up on child abuse charges – Fred (someone?).”
It was Fred Talbot, the ex weatherman on ITV’s This Morning, found guilty on three counts of sexually abusing teenage boys when he was a teacher, its almost as if these creatures have to get themselves on telly intit.
The “Milly Dowler Moment – who said what” seems to be taxing everybody’s brains in England at the moment.
“I reported here and elsewhere that the Labour leader’s aides saw this as another Milly Dowler moment. The phrase was seized on by Labour’s enemies in the press and by Tory HQ to suggest that Ed Miliband or his spin doctor were exploiting the memory of a murdered child. At no time did I or anyone else at the BBC make any such a claim. I did not directly quote anyone using the phrase “Milly Dowler moment” and won’t of course reveal my source.” – Nick Robinson, BBC
Shades of Nick Robinson’s run in with Alex Salmond.
I always thought the less talented, hapless Millimarx brother was good comedy material like the rest of Labour but this Charlie Brooker treatment is pure comedy gold.
Anything outside of politics ?? Errmm Treasury, politics, Harvard politics & politics …. Doh !!
All political viewpoint differences aside, the simple fact is that Miliband is just not a leader. Period.
As we all (including the Labour party know) he is the ‘wrong’ Miliband.
Ed Minibrain,Millipede,Millisecond,
The Wallace and Gromit guy, will people really vote for this man?
You have to have some sympathy for the English, this is all they’ve got, or Cameroon, Glaikit or the guy with the Beer and Fags
They must be looking at us and thinking “look what they’ve got in Scotland That nice young woman First minister they told us was a Nazi and it turns out she’s not, and she wears nice clothes as well, can we not get somebody like her”
@ John King.
As I am unable to do any sort of meaningful statistical comparison between the real World and the BBC I am not so sure but I wonder about the female BBC slaverers?
Oh yes, they just abuse a nation. Maybe they think of us as being like children?
Does anyone else think that the Smith’s thingy is destined to be stillborn, by events dear boy, by events?
Robert Louis
As we all (including the Labour party know) he is the ‘wrong’ Miliband.
Absolutely agree with your assessment there, but also within it, still lies a flaw.
If David Miliband had defeated Ed to become leader of the Labour Party, would we really be looking at a future Prime Minister? One of the reasons that David lost was due to his heavy involvement in not only Blair’s government, but also Brown’s. Many, perceived David to be tarnished because of his involvement in both governments.
I believe if David had won, then in today’s terms, the people would probably hold David Miliband in a different type of contempt. He would still be perceived to be tarnished, and thus, probably just as unelectable as his brother is at the moment.
But apart from that! I do agree that the wrong brother won!
@ Jim Thomson 4.14 Sarah Smith worked her way up the greasie pole ,effter awe she,s ah Jurnalist is she no.
Looks as though I have been disappeared?
Yep, just confirms there is nae danger the red Tories will win the GE with this twonk at the helm.
@Will Podmore
Here are some writers for that “disgusting Daily Mail”. You might recognise them…
Alistair Darling – Labour MP
link to
John McTernan – Chief of Staff – Labour
link to
Jim Murphy – Labour MP
link to
So please do not go on whining about the Daily Mail. You slept the Red Tories, got shafted by the Red Tories and come May 7th, Labour is going to be wiped out in Scotland.
Good riddance to you all.
Now do us all a favour and fuck off.
@ronnie anderson 5:31pm
I commented on a twitter thread a few days ago that had the hashtag of #AdviceToYoungJournalists – “follow the editorial line and not the truth”
Was disappointed that it wasn’t re-tweeted at the time.
I suspect that greasy poles (the objects, not the people) are much easier to climb with the help of the Editor’s Line tied firmly round the waist (or should that be, neck?).
@B(tP) 5:36pm
Nope, you are still firmly stuck in the time/space continuum that sits on the edge of the MSM vortex.
back again?
Does anybody else get a feeling after watching that video that our Nicola must have had a wee brain blow-out when she was down in Southern Scotland (UCL) the other day?
Even though only on a “confidence and supply” basis, she would actually entertain supporting that guy.
Am I mad or maybe just a wee bit bonkers?
I have always thought that Labour have rotten taste in Leaders, I even thought that about Harold Wilson but he was not found out until he gave up. Though at the time I did think he was more sinned against than sinning, I still would never have voted for him though but he did keep my generation out of Vietnam. Since his day I have looked a Labour and thought “how could you?” They never seem to be able to say like the Tories, that this person is no good, we should dump him/her. So they get the people they deserve, and boy they deserve Miliband junior.
@Ronnie & Jim
Well that’s my ‘erse handed back to me in flames.
I guess that’s what I get for putting on an old pair of red tinted specs.
You see what happens people when you allow someone to “get to you”.The previous thread was all about keepin the “heid” with these interlopers.Take your own advice please With regard to Will.
Slightly O/T but worth the read.
“The SNP plan to conquer the UK as a whole. ”
“Scottish Takeover”
link to
Many thanks to Peter A Bell, “Politics Scotland”.
Midgehunter, I seriously doubt she will get the opportunity. I just cannot see this man in charge of anything and I detest Cameron and crew but I have not seen as many lies coming out of his mouth than from Labour. I don’t think they can tell the truth if their lives depended on it. I don’t think the English Branch is any better.
Should’ve ended: Ed, it will never be this time, or the next; now go away.
The very fact that Nicola even utters anything in connection with a certain Ed M is something I find very strange at the moment..!
Sadly we still have those who are worth saving from themselves and she is trying to get them on board. I hope it works, but as I said I doubt she needs to, he is toast down South or he will be once the Tory press turn the flame thrower on him.
For me the problem with all of the politicians at Westminster is, that none of them have ever had a proper job. No life experience outside politics, they have absolutely no idea what it’s like in the real world where the rest of us live. Nor do they care.
Milliband is an absolute loser. Every time I see him i think, imagine that as Prime Minister, and I can’t. No policies, no vision, no answers. Just more of what the blue tories were doing.
Why do they think we should vote red tory, when we will just get more of the same. It’s pathetic.
There is only one hope for us, and that’s to return as many MPs that will look after Scotland, and put us first, before pockets or careers. That will not be Labour.
Guys, when it comes to our wee pet troll, just ignore him. He soon gets fed up and goes away. No need to swear at him.
No wonder I am getting my Tories mixed up – there are now Pink ones
(Warning ! Do not have food or drink in hand/mouth before opening…)
link to
Think Pink!
Je Suis Charlie!
Marie Clark says
“Guys, when it comes to our wee pet troll, just ignore him. He soon gets fed up and goes away. No need to swear at him.”
maybe we should leave a glass of milk and some cookies out for him and a carrot for his reindeer?
Mind you Aa could dae wi gettin ma lum swept.
eh Will?
john king says:
13 February, 2015 at 7:15 pm
Marie Clark says
“Guys, when it comes to our wee pet troll, just ignore him. He soon gets fed up and goes away. No need to swear at him.”
No need indeed. You can ony be as good as your arguments.If the guy is OK he may be open to reason. After all, do you expect his sources to be accurate? It’s not his fault. Lots of nice English people fall for that propaganda. They may not want to listen at first, but if you are reasonable in your arguments many will listen.
Will, have you donated to the Maryhill food bank appeal yet? Let us know if you want to be put in touch with Phil Robertson, I’m sure it would be a match made in heaven.
Dr Ew says
“Je Suis Charlie!”
So your the potty mouth?
In the dungeon wi ye.
Alex Salmond is on Any Questions at 8:00pm tonight on BBC Radio 4.
Acting goofy isn’t a USP (unique selling point).
Unless you want to imitate Spike Milligan.
@ John King 7.15 here Mr king hud the bus nae milk an nae cookies unless you kin send him ah load fae yer cache an bugger up his PC how dey you know he hiz a reindeer.
Will Podmore on the visible and the invisible states
” I merely pointed out, in a discussion about Quislings in WW2, that statements by a long-gone leader of the SNP showed a distinct tendency towards Quisling-like behaviour.”
any comment about a person who with the benefit of hindsight has absolutely no excuse
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john king says:
Stoker says
“Just caught BBC Radio Scotland’s Newsdrive programme doing a piece on, yet again, ANOTHER former BBC employee up on child abuse charges – Fred (someone?).”
It was Fred Talbot, the ex weatherman on ITV’s This Morning, found guilty on three counts of sexually abusing teenage boys when he was a teacher, its almost as if these creatures have to get themselves on telly intit.
Aye, that’s him, John.
He started out at the BBC back in the 1970s then got back into tv work after losing a teaching career when some boys he was teaching made complaints against him.
Donald Anderson
read my next post,
People have two choices,
to believe everything they read or to question it and look for the facts,
I have no patience with people who read the Daily Mail and take it as fact.
O/T – Alex Salmond is on bbc radio 4 now – if anyone interested. Subject: Tax (the usual abuse/gang-up!)
btw Donald Anderson
If I were Will Podmore I would be feeling very patronized at this moment,
He’s as capable of ascertaining the fact as anyone else is,
he doesn’t need to depend on a biased msm London based agenda if he choOses to find the truth it is out there, NO EXCUSES!
Alex is going down well on Any Questions. Other members of the panel are Harriet Harman (of the pink bus)Ming Campbell & Anna Soubry
Alex scoring points on every question & get applause
John King.
Hot tea- splash- screen soaked.
Bugger , i should know better but was still laughing at Millipedes performance..
Donald Anderson
maybe you would like to explain to our friendly (uninformed) ordinary Englishman what the realities of life in Scotland actually are?
oh btw just to keep you informed about WHO your talking to
link to
not your average joe eh?
I thought Will Podmore was an extra long paragraph break full of inconsequential gibberish made up of minced trollings – am I mistaken?
Miliband is lacking conviction, he’s indecisive, has no confidence in his own opinions and is unable to make up his mind about anything. “Help, someone, tell me what I’m supposed to say here,” is the subliminal message he’s telling the voters.
Imagine being led by someone who makes vital policy decisions based entirely on a fear of the reaction of the right wing tabloid media. It’s why he spent a year worrying about what his opinion would be on the bedroom tax (hint, Ed: bedroom tax = bad) or why he blurted that his first thought was “respect” when he saw the photo of white van man’s England flags.
What an utter coward. The man is a big feartie, that clip makes me cringe in embarrassment.
This is why Nicola Sturgeon is light years ahead of him: she has utter faith in her own beliefs and isn’t afraid to tell the world about it.
The unacceptable farce of the Labour party.
I like ships – the bow bulb …… blah
The flag on it says it all. Fuck me, on our soil!
link to
And we build the things instead of pursuing real maritime innovation! Servility writ large. Piss off unionists and take your fucking vanity white elephants with you. Just look at the new gen supply vessel designs coming out of Norway. Rant over. Feel better now, ohm ohm, calm. I know about the jobs etc. But ffs
Pair margret curran. Have you heard her latest?
” aye it’s aw right fur youse! A wis telt being a labour politician wis a Joab fur life!
No am fuckin sick. Am bein telt despite tellin a wee white lie fur ma pals in London a might be outta a Joab in a few months!
this is affectin my health! A went tae the doctors tae see what the spot was between ma tits !
A came hame relieved far be told it wis ma belly button!
An its aw that Nicola sturgeons fault!
Rev has just given a shout via Twitter for the IndyLive folk’s current Indiegogo appeal – we all know and love what these guys do, and they’ve grown in tandem with WOS (especially on the social side of things!), so let’s treat this as a dry-run for the WOS appeal proper and do them proud:
link to
Labour want the country to have a leader that the majority of their MPs themselves did not want.
I just wish they would get all the pretence over with and merge with the Conservatives .
John King @ 7.05.
John you are naughty, but I like you. Don’t tell Mrs King.
Daily Mail
thinks it speaks for britain
it’s vile trashy scummy soiled peice of shate,an that’s the front pages
@Marie Clark
apologies – not my normal style of post.
It is just that I cannot really put up with hypocrites and fools – especially Red Tory ones.
Cameron played a blinder – got the Labour Party to make the running to save the Union and his job and got the right wing press to back them and then within hours stabbed the Labour Party in the back.
And now the right wing press are attacking the Labour Party – Not fair eh?!
North British Labour’s hatred of SNP made them easy patsies for the more astute Tories who used them as the “human shields” for their Westminster privileged Establishment.
Clearly the cream does not always rise to the top.
I def have more respect for politicians who’ve had other jobs before politics and have no time for career politicians straight out of collage/uni into the corrupt Wesmonster establishment!
Jim Murphy and his Labour Party have blood on their hands.
Warmongering child killers are not wanted in Scotland.
link to
Protect Scotland’s interests – Vote SNP.
Following Ian Brotherhood’s call, I have just made a modest donation to the IndyLive call for financial support. Doing so meant that I was reminded of a few other donations I have made via Indiegogo. One was to WFI, one to Broadcast News and another to Freedom TV.
I have since heard of and from the former two, but not the latter. Does anyone on here know anything about Freedom TV? Was it an honest concept that failed, or was it a scam into which I and others were suckered?
All information gratefully received…
@john king says:13 February, 2015 at 8:05 pm:
“Will Podmore on the visible and the invisible states
” I merely pointed out, in a discussion about Quislings in WW2, that statements by a long-gone leader of the SNP showed a distinct tendency towards Quisling-like behaviour.”
Matter of fact, John, I posted the truth about Podmore’s lies and accusations on the original thread. A bit late as I was playing catch-up after two computers got attacked and infected and needed a thorough clean-up. Being massive machines storage-wise it took many hours.
Anyhow, the truth about Donaldson’s case was that an un-named informer told MI5 he was guilty of planning a Quisling like government in the event of a German invasion of Scotland. Donaldson was arrested and his home searched with MI5 claiming they found documentation and a large large store of arms.
Donaldson was held at Kilmarnock before transfer to Barlinnie but released without charge after six weeks. No evidence of either documents or arms was ever produced by MI5. Being wartime I’m sure he would have faced a firing-Squad if there had been a single bit of actual evidence.
In other words the Establishment were attempting to frame him but failed and the man actually has a clean record never being convicted of anything.
Now if that doesn’t put Podmore exactly where he should be then I submit there is more evidence of wrongdoing on his record that ever was on Donaldsons.
By the way Donaldson’s widow swore there was no weapons or incrimination documents. Does anyone think if there had been, or even a chance to plant some, the Establishment wouldn’t have done so? Remember the murder and continued refusals to explain the killing of Willie McRae?
HSBC were poster boys for Better Together not that BBC Scotland or MSM would mention that now
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This old article is still well worth a read:
Opposition to Iraq war led to Labour vote-rigging
link to
Hoss @9.28 No need to apologies. it’s get us a’ like that sometimes. I don’t suffer fools gladly either. But sometimes trolls are better ignored.
Something else that struck me.
Now, I know there is quite a bit of variability in the English accents on the British Isles, but Milliband is putting enough random glottal stops in his accent to sound like someone trying to affect a lower-class accent than his native one.
It is possible that he speaks in an accent that I haven’t heard yet. But either way he needs a voice coach to sound more authentic, because right now he just sounds fake and pandering on his speech patterns alone.
To my ears it’s almost as bad as Dick van Dyke’s Mockney in Mary Poppins.
David Stevenson
I think Freedom TV renamed itself Broadcasting Scotland but their fundraiser was a failure. I think they thought their fundraiser would be as successful as Broadcast News but it was not to be. Cannot remember who they gave the monies raised to or if they are still trying.
link to
OT – no excuse for this off-subject link except that it’s interesting to see an FT map of Europe (inc. Scotland w/in the UK) in terms of divergence of assets between Europeans being a function of regions rather than countries.
Nice, easy to read and (for me) surprising map of disposable income per region (not GDP which it says is not such an interesting indicator). Nice to see attention to regions as the base unit – a sign for the future?
Also some details on Spain which are a lot more accurate than other UK MSM stuff (FT beats the Guardian every time on Spain). link to
Francis Maude MP conspired with others to prevent the public seeing details of the contracts through which the, “Cabinet Office Leadership Committee”, attended, “Common Purpose” training courses and additional contracts for the same purpose for, “Common Purpose” to train the Top 200 Civil Servants. Despite legitimate, “Freedom of Information” requests and Maude’s boasts of Conservative transparency, the Cabinet Office is fighting to withold the information. Why? Because details will clearly show insider dealing and that Common Purpose is key to the Conservative party machinery. The Tories are now the Emperor with no clothes. Corruption, abuse of Freedom of Information rules and dirty deals with, “Common Purpose” hidden from the public.
link to
Quite a good program on BBC3 – iplayer – “Idiots guide to politics”
The first time I have ever seen positive coverage of the indy campaign from Glasgow in the days before the referendum from the BBC.
So they did have cameras there?
link to
Quite interesting but quite sad as well – a complete disillusionment with Westminster. Perhaps the SNP should have put candidates across the whole of the UK?
Also quite telling that after an enthusiastic first few minutes with the Indy campaign there were no offers of interviews with Yes politicians or SNP.
I look forward to the sequel – I fear it will not be till after May!
Robert Peffers says:
13 February, 2015 at 11:03 pm
@john king says:13 February, 2015 at 8:05 pm:
Its always difficult to rebut Brit Nat propaganda but
On 6 December 1930, Oswald Mosley MP published an expanded version of the “Mosley Memorandum”, which was signed by Mosley, his wife and fellow Labour MP Lady Cynthia and 15 other Labour MPs: Oliver Baldwin, Joseph Batey, Aneurin Bevan, W. J. Brown, William Cove, Robert Forgan, J. F. Horrabin, James Lovat-Fraser, John McGovern, John James McShane, Frank Markham, H. T. Muggeridge, Morgan Philips Price, Charles Simmons, and John Strachey. It was also signed by A. J. Cook, general secretary of the Miners’ Federation.
On 28 February 1931 Mosley resigned from the Labour Party, launching the New Party the following day. The party was formed from six of the Labour MPs who signed the Mosley Manifesto (Mosley and his wife, Baldwin, Brown, Forgan and Strachey),
In the 1930s more Brits than Scots backed Hitler with many Tories and Labour MP Oswald Mosley admiring Hitler and it was Cpt Archibald Maule Ramsay, grand vizier of the notorious “Right Club”, the UNIONIST MP for Peebles and South Midlothian, who was interned in May 1940 as a threat to national security.
“Britian’s best loved poet” Philip Larkin’s father Sydney, treasurer of the city of Coventry, who corresponded with Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s minister of economics from 1934 to 1937, attended several Nuremberg rallies, kept a statuette of the Fuhrer on his desk and, when Coventry was bombed by the Luftwaffe, congratulated himself on having had the foresight to lay in a thousand cardboard coffins.
Right O/T
Wee daft story before I go to bed. The other day I went to get my pension. The PO is in a Co-op Store. I usually pick up anything I have run out of and was looking round the shelfs when I came across a wee girl sitting in a buggy and crying her wee eyes out.
Now I’m a sucker for kids and I asked her what she was crying for. She was not really old enough to converse but sobbed out, “Ah want an Ocean”. I’m stymied at this and cannot make head or tail of it.
At that Mummy came round the end of the isle and I said, “The wee ane wis greetin bit Ah dinna ken whit fir”. Mummy goes into fits of laughing and said, “Oh she’ll be wantin an Ocean”.
On my puzzled look she explained. It’s aa her Granny’s fault – when she comes tae visit an Ah ask her whit she wants fir tea she says, “Ah’ve goat an notion, fir a wee chocolate biscuit”. The wee ain thinks she says she wants an ocean.
I’m still laughing two days later whenever I think about it.
@David Stevenson (11.01) –
Good on ye for supporting Kevin et al – I’m not involved with IndyLive, but know Kevin from the first WOS social night, in the Horseshoe, in Glasgow. I remember him saying, that night, that he was ‘going to do something’, and he has.
He’s the real deal, so you know your dosh is well-spent there. If you haven’t already met him I hope you will sometime – top guy. IMO, he was one of the real heroes to emerge from the indyref movement and he’s shown no signs of flagging – he hasn’t had a fraction of the credit he deserves. The very fact that Rev gave the appeal a plug via Twitter speaks volumes – it’s just a real pity that anyone has to do so.
Currently at £2526…looking for £4k.
Please, a’body, spread the link by all means possible, and let’s nail it tonight – let Kevin Gibney and colleagues sleep easy:
link to
You’ve got to read this,
A labour activist saying they cant get members to campaign and he is probably going to vote SNP!
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Jim Murphy and his Labour Party have blood on their hands.
Warmongering child killers are not wanted in Scotland.
Help protect Scotland – kick out the Red Tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s – Vote SNP.
@Robert Peffers (11.37) –
Reasons for Nicola not helping to finish off Milliband and indicating possible support for a government led by him
– the right wing press in England don’t need help
– Labour the obvious target for coalition – so we dont mind them winning seats in England
– If they know this they wont waste too much time propping up the collapsed north british wing and concentrate on Cameron and Clegg
As for MIlliband not having a real work record – none of the 3 lads and many in Westminister have never really done a tap – Murphy etc – its one of the reasons why WM is imploding as a vehicle of the establishment
Its stunning how much better Nicola is in so many ways than the 3 posh boys.
When the world conspires to defeat you!
Reject the idea of defeat and be positive of the future.
We will win. It may take more time than I have but that doesn’t matter – We will win!
… long as a hundred…..
Amazing how a good malt brings focus.
Just watched the final bit of the idiots guide to politics (above) again as a thought I heard it wrong.
Around 53 mins.
Damian McBride – special advisor to Gordon Brown saying that his politicians do “Lying without lying”.
I had to repeat it a few times I as did not understand it – perhaps I am a bit dense?
“Lying without Lying”
So it is not right to lie but it is ok to lie about lying?
Perhaps I finally understand the Gordon Brown mentality and his final legacy – “Lying without Lying”.
We really have to get away from these maniacs.
Soar Alba.
A wee realistic assesment there Patrick Roden by their ‘insider’ labour activist on the true state of affairs.
We’re on our way!
If, please God, all goes well and the SNP hold the balance of power in the next Government – it would be golden if Angus Robertson was to regularly inform all in London that he needed to go back to Scotland for a few days and discuss what, if anything, needed to be done about important matters of state with the real power in the land(s) – and he would let them know when the powers that be in Scotland had decided what is to be done policy-wise in England and Wales.
I’d say if he did this once or twice a month, for about a year or 18 months, they would get so worked up that they would pay Scotland to go its own way.
If they don’t like it – Nicola could always suggest that they have their own devolved parliament, and we could decide what amount of money to give them in an English version of the Barnet formula.
any questions
Alex Salmond
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donald anderson 7.36pm
If the guy is OK he may be open to reason. After all, do you expect his sources to be accurate? It’s not his fault. Lots of nice English people fall for that propaganda. They may not want to listen at first, but if you are reasonable in your arguments many will listen.
Everything you say is true, but don’t pay Will the compliment of thinking it applies to him. He comes on here for the sole purpose of winding people up and has done so for a long time. He’s not interested in listening to reasoned arguments or engaging with people.
I doubt if he’s ever been to Scotland and he clearly knows nothing about what it means to be poor and to struggle to feed your kids. He has made it clear in the past that he cares nothing about people starving to death or committing suicide as a result of ATOS and DWP sanctions.
Much better to take the piss out of him than try to reason with him. Also much more amusing.
@ Ian Brotherhood, 9:24pm, 13/2/15
Ian, I was just about to post a similar reminder about Independence Live’s appeal when I saw your comment. No harm in posting it again though!
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@Betty Boop –
Hoots to you missus!
Hope ye’re well, and yer man also.
We shall meet again!
@Grizzle McPuss. Ah, John Smith, the Labour leader. The person Who after a 1 hour meeting with my mum, a lifelong Labour voter, managed to do something I had never managed; he got her to vote SNP for the every election after that meeting.
I have never got this veneration of Smith, he knew fine well what was happening in Monklands and didn’t raise a finger to stop it. He would have done everything Blair later did.
@ Grizzle McPuss Now thats two Airdrionians that have had contact with the would be venerable John Smith,& werent impressed, as I said in my previous post ( bammed up to the hilt ) the Labour have form on telling porkies.
Or thers somthing in the watter in Airdrie that makes things clearer. Donald Dewer was another wan bammed up to the hilt but Dewer 1st, Labour 2nd,,he was a lawyer in Airdrie.
@ Donald Anderson Donald ( will podmore ) has haunted various Indy sites pre/post Referendem,as Natasha says there is no point in engadging with him,he,s only on here to cause devision ,as he did on Yes Scotland F/B site until people caught on.
Please everybody dont engadge put up TROLL ALERT every time he appears,for a inteligent man he,s a total idiot.
@ Cardogan Enright 12.52. Well thats you done yourself oota ah job as policy advisor to the SNP Gov.
(own devolved parliament, and we could decide what amount of money to give them in an English version of the Barnett formula.)
hows yer cocoa.
If the SNP are in a position at westminster in some form of coalation & get hold of the paperwork on revenues they,ll be paying us back for all the theivery.
Here,s a idea,if when,the SNP get elected in Scotland(please…if there is a god),why don,t we make a arrangement that all money collected in Scotland is spent in Scotland ? Sounds good to me,or am I am a dunderheid…..wait a minute I have held down a job with a big oil company for over 20 years…surely they do not employ dunderheads ?
Just noticed on F/B Angela Constance MSP is auctioning of her Bambi Shoes for charity,I might put in ah bid, is it impolute to ask a certain lady fae Brechin her shoe size ?.
Well I have just listened to the Radio 4 broadcast listed earlier in the thread. Impressed as always by Alex, Ming Campbell came across reasonably well but the one thing that strikes me is that Harriet Harmann is the most odious politician that I have ever heard. Not one single question would she answer throughout the show.
To go to the topic of Labour MP’s – I originally hail from the old Motherwell and Wishaw seat. We had for 31 years the displeasure of Dr Jeremy Bray as our MP – Much to the chagrin of my father. Dr Bray had stood in Middlesbrough on a ticket to “Close the Scottish Steelworks”. If ever you needed proof of the red rosette and monkey syndrome you only had to look at our MP back in those days. As a 3rd generation steelworker it did not hold any better with me.
Ronnie she’s a size 8. Saw it in The National. That’s big shoes. I’m only a 5 so no use to me. Yi gona out in a bid now Ronnie? I can just see you & Paula Rose fighting over them????
Breaking hot news
A police horse called Brian is in danger of losing his name as its not,.. well,.. very imposing and a facebook campaign has been launched to let him keep his name,
dontcha just luv the BBC
finger on the pulse and aw that!
Are you going to the night out next week Jonny, if so I’m looking forward to meeting you again,
last time we met was coming back from PQ protest before the referendum,
Irene’s still got the Whisky you so kindly donated back after winning it, so that’ll go back into the raffle next week, no doubt you’ll win it again.
anybody got an opinion about what ever money we raise,
what should it go to?
p/s any raffle prizes will be welcome.
John King “A police horse called Brian…….????” Another reason why I love Wings. And Wingers obv’. One of my wife’s workmates cat is called Simon.
Aye Aye John I’ll be there next week. It’ll be good to see you too. And ab’dee else tay ken.
John Smith was most certainly a “Trojan Horse” brought in by
the British Labour Party.(same stable as Donald Dewar).
The epitome of false representation and an enemy of the Scottish people.
All part and parcel of the mythical creature referred to locally as The Scottish Labour Party.They have infiltrated public office at every level for over 60 years at the behest of the Westminster establishment.
Referred to as”foot soldiers” for many years and essential to the party machine these people will not give this up without a fight.It’s their very existence at stake here however the beast is without doubt both wounded and cornered.Interesting times ahead.
As for Podmore, please refrain from clogging up this site with complete Hogwash.?
What is scary a scary thought. ED in charge and he goes of on one like Yul Brunner in Westworld.
I see many people on this site tumbled to John Smith. Like many other Labour big guns he was a tory who found getting elected easier on a Labour ticket. As we all marched about Lanarkshire trying to save Ravenscraig and Gartcosh he never made an appearance (and he continued as a busy QC in the courts while his constituency office dealt with the workload). He wanted to be Prime Minister but did not want to be associated with a failing campaign on the steelworks.
What is it about Dunoon Grammar School that it produced John Smith, George Robertson and Brian Wilson?
@ronnie anderson 3.50
I’m only messing – dreaming up new forms of torture for WM with the SNP in power.
All of those muttonheads came from Dunoon Grammar?
Well I never!
Because I was not particularly politically aware until Mr Callaghan/ Mrs Thatcher , I was never susceptible to Labour” charm ” and remain quite astonished that Mr Smith was buried on Iona since I thought it was reserved for the Kings and Queens of Scotland – he fitted into neither category.
I’m sure someone will be able to correct should I have the wrong end of the stick.
@ Wee Johnny Its no the dress size ye numpty,its the shoe size an am a 10 in ah shoe,well ah dey wear thick socks.
sees you next Sat.
@ Cardogan Enright Ha Ha ah thought you were on the sherry an ah dont mean trifle.
Dave McEwan Hill…..good post.Makes you wonder about Dunoon right enough.
It’s well known that the Labour party seconded interns from the Obama team for the Referendum.A few are still here at British tax payers expense I believe.They are easy to flush out in the MSM..they keep referring to mobile’s as their cell phone.
You gotta laugh at their quest for democracy.Dontcha just luv em?
Oh and the Bowie intervention was probably payback for some drug misdemeanors in the 70’s.Just keep it on file Chad!!
Dave MacEwan Hill :
Don’t forget BT’s mastermind Bob Monkhouse … sorry Rob Shorthouse of the referendum is paying for my mortgage fame !
Now there’s a local hero .. NOT !! (Another DGS production !)
Ronnie I ken it’s no the dress sez. Her feet are a sez 8. Yo numpty ???? C U N Saturday
Just wanted to thank Patrick Roden for the article about the state of Labour in Cumbernauld, I choked with laughter, what a situation to find oneself in but then voting according to your ancestors isn’t wise, political parties change and sometimes out of all recognition.
John Smith, well he managed to have a nice house up in Morningside along with I am sad to say Jim Sillars and Margo. Seems those who follow the Socialist Path come out quite well heeled, we should also remember that Donald Dewar, Father of the Nation, died a millionaire, I doubt his constituents had as much as a brass farthing when they departed this earth.
Helena Brown says:
14 February, 2015 at 11:27 am
Just wanted to thank Patrick Roden for the article about the state of Labour in Cumbernauld, I choked with laughter, what a situation to find oneself in but then voting according to your ancestors isn’t wise, political parties change and sometimes out of all recognition.
John Smith, well he managed to have a nice house up in Morningside along with I am sad to say Jim Sillars and Margo. Seems those who follow the Socialist Path come out quite well heeled, we should also remember that Donald Dewar, Father of the Nation, died a millionaire, I doubt his constituents had as much as a brass farthing when they departed this earth.
Dewar was a TRIPLE millionaire and left three big hooses. The front page Record headlines on Garscadden by election said that if Keith Bovey, SNP, was elected Garscadden would lose Barcley Curle and Stephens shipyards; plus, Singers, United Biscuits, Goodyear tyres, Albion Motors, Barr & Stroud, etc. Dewar was elected and we lost; Barcley Curle and Stephens shipyards; plus, Singers, United Biscuits, Goodyear tyres, Albion Motors, Barr & Stroud, etc.
George Galloway later bragged in his Record column that he played the sectarian card in the Airdrie and Coatbridge, as well as the Garscadden by elections, alomng with Baroness Piddle and the whole rotten Burgh Labourites.
Ronnie and Wee Jonny, I had my dibs on those shoes but I would need mair than thick socks I have discovered, I am a size three.
Sez 3 Helena……… Freak!!!????
The ‘Bambi’ shoes…
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@ronnie anderson says: 14 February, 2015 at 3:37 am:
“( … will podmore ) has haunted various Indy sites pre/post Referendem,as Natasha says there is no point in engadging with him,he,s only on here to cause devision ,as he did on Yes Scotland F/B site until people caught on.”.
Except, Ronnie, if they post something that really needs knocked on the head. He did that by his claims about Donaldson. I would have ignored him but for the fact that the particular slander he posted has been doing the rounds all my life and a great many Scots do not know the truth.
So I told the true story and Podmore can now be identified for exactly what he is. My real motive, though, was to get the truth out to all other posters who did not know that in spite of all the Unionist lies Donaldson was a totally innocent man and the claims against him were proven to be false.
Please everybody dont engadge put up TROLL ALERT every time he appears,for a inteligent man he,s a total idiot.
Whatever happened to the Electoral Commission’s view that despite Jim’ s delusions, his daily ramblings ( which recall I M Jolly’s Thought for the Day) could not form a separate Scottish Labour manifesto, since a branch party cannot deviate at election time from the explicit manifesto published by its bosses in the main party?
Who is progressing this? What strategy will ensure that JM does not simply ignore this stricture? Is someone preparing legal action to enforce compliance?
Hoss Mackintosh asked, “If you are a left wing libertarian as you claim, why do support a right wing, authoritarian, neo-liberal party like the UK Labour Party?” I don’t support the Labour Party. I support tactical voting to defeat the SNP. So in Gordon, I’d support not the Labour Party but the LibDems, to defeat Salmond.
Robert Peffer refuses to retract his allegations that I lied about the SNP’s record, even after I showed him the SNP’s own figures proving him wrong. Now he tries to excuse Donaldson’s dubious wartime statements by writing about something completely different. Doubtless, MI5 did falsely “claim they found documentation and a large large store of arms”. Mr Peffers goes on, “In other words the Establishment were attempting to frame him but failed and the man actually has a clean record never being convicted of anything.”
And then, “Now if that doesn’t put Podmore exactly where he should be then I submit there is more evidence of wrongdoing on his record that ever was on Donaldsons.” What evidence is he writing about? What evidence has Mr Peffers that I am guilty of some unspecified wrongdoing? Isn’t thus just another of his unsubstantiated smears?