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Wings Over Scotland

Left out in the rain

Posted on March 22, 2014 by
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Patrick Roden

haha! Chris you captured Johanns bitter expression just right lol.

Is she really that slim though?

Can’t stop laughing at this!!! 🙂


And we’ll never have that recipe again. We hope.


Pointy eyebrows perfectly captured! However, neck needs to be redder 🙂

Alfresco Dent

Pure dead brilliant!


Hahaha… crackin’ 10/10 😀


Johann Lamont –

the only wummin in the world that makes German Chancellor Angela Merkel look good.


It might be half baked and rancid, but some of our esteemed journalists are this morning ramming it down our fellow citizens throats as the best thing since sliced bread.


Hope all the folk who are swallowing the unionit jam have a good detergent.
That “jam” is going to leave one helluva stain on them if there’s a no vote.

john king

Naw ah’ll pass am still fu after ADH’s jam tomorrow from 1979


Amazing how powerful a political cartoon is. It captures the whole issue just as effectively as a detailed written article.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

wee cherry: red Ed on the race to the bottom


How someone looks has no place in the independence debate.


Johann’s deputy, Anas, launched “The Red Paper” yesterday.

Aided by the Daily Record, the Red Paper is the vision for Scotland after we vote NO.

Even the readers of the Record have caught on to the mince that they are printing.

More and more comments getting banned.

link to


And what’s this new drivel that she’s coming out with now. The ‘Osborne Max’ to describe SNP Policies. She claims that the SNP have failed on ‘equality’. What!

Honestly guys, I actually believe that she’s starting to suffer and buckle under the pressure. I think she is deeply aware that if the Referendum is a ‘Yes’ win, then her name is mud in the history books. I believe the whole thing is getting to her. Her body movements during interviews display someone who is trying not only to convince others of what she is saying, but she appears to be trying to convince herself too. Her actual language, emotions, stance is of a person flailing out in all directions and saying anything …ANYTHING …that might sound convincing and thus make her look credible.

Week after week on a Thursday, she ridicules herself by repeating what the spin doctors tell her; she is ignored by London; she is even chastised by London if she does suggest anything; she is told to say things even though she knows (as well as we do) that she doesn’t understand what it is that she is explaining (and the 2 interviews this week confirm this). All of this happening on a regular basis would wear someone down; destroy their confidence; wish to be somewhere else (as seen from the photographs from the Rev’s post ‘Keep smiling through’. This is not a person who is happy with her world. This is a woman who not only fears for her future, but must be wondering, how she will be defined after the 19th of September.

To be honest, if I was Johann, I would get out now. Jump off the bus, hand the reins to Iain Gray, and sit back and let the crash happen. At least, she might be able to disappear into the background relatively unnoticed (will probably be demoted into some councillor role) as the wreckage is surveyed after the 19th. Better that, than having to explain to the entire UK population in TV interview, after TV interview, as to why this disaster happened on her watch.


Just heard on GMS that B.Taylor has a half hour interview podcast,on the beeb website,with lamentable.
Wonder if it’s a half hour party political broadcast?

Rev. Stuart Campbell

“Just heard on GMS that B.Taylor has a half hour interview podcast,on the beeb website,with lamentable.
Wonder if it’s a half hour party political broadcast?”

No. In fairness he goes after her pretty hard.


Caz-m… YES is winning. 😉



Holy Moly, you weren’t wrong about the Daily Record. They’ve deleted pages of comments, there’s hardly any left.

What’s most telling is that the comments they’re getting now are about comment deletion rather than the article itself

What a ham-fisted effort from them.


Glad to hear it.Anything worth posting?Or is it another traincrash?


Brian Taylor v’s J-Lo

link to


You’d have thought the launch of the Labour Devolution Commission proposals just before the conference would have been the centrepoint of Ed Miliband’s speech but they only got one throwaway reference in his speech.

Weren’t these the proposals which were going to be the reason to vote no in the referendum?

The fact that Ed almost ignored the Devolution proposals to concentrate on his “One Nation” appeal to Scots in his speech shows how little the rest of the Labour party regards both the proposals and those who wrote them.

Even Ed Miliband was ignoring the half-baked jam tomorrow sponge.

Hotrod Cadets

goldenayr says:

Just heard on GMS that B.Taylor has a half hour interview podcast,on the beeb website,with lamentable.
Wonder if it’s a half hour party political broadcast?

Actually it’s surprisingly good. Taylor gives her a pretty hard time, and presses her to give answers rather than just waffle.

G. P. Walrus

Devo Nano getting the soft-soap treatment on GMS this morning. No need to intrude on private grief by actually interviewing anyone from the Labour party. Instead some discrete and respectful reporting from afar.

Helena Brown

Daily Record or Retard in my house, is a complete disgrace. Left spam on and from what I could see have deleted what they regarded as unacceptable posts, some which I had already up voted. Yes has them rattled.
On the other hand I see that Labour, though Tory haters are about to endorse the Tory pension plans. They are also to endorse the Tory Welfare Cap. I take it that those who remain members of the Party cannot read, or perhaps cannot see the truth.

Patrick Roden

@caz M,

Poor Daily Record, today they are reporting that George Osbornes Pension Plan will leave a lot of pensioners worse off…

Today it has been reported that Labour have backed Osbornes pension plan!!!

What a mess this referendum is leaving the Daily Record in,
as their attempts to portray Labour as more Left Wing than the SNP, has the Labour Party in Westminster, making fools of them yet again.

Note to DR: it’s all about Middle England chaps, Scotland is irrelevant to Westminster Labour and it’s Westminster Labour who are calling the shots in Scotland.


Great work although I reckon the 3rd word shouldnt be BAKE…there is a K in it mind.

O/T In local takeaway last night and saw recent copy of The Sun with the lovely Kezia Dugdale ranting about YES means Scots losing 93000 University places. The woman embodies NO and Scottish Labour..utter buffoons.


Great cartoon!

Here is a link to Alex Massie’s article on Ed’s standup just in case you have not seen it:
link to


Not sure if this has been posted, but newsnet have more from their poll.

link to

Serious lack of trust/belief in UK parties to deliver more powers that meet expectations and sampling was before the Devo Nano proposal.


JL commented at the bake off
Im “astonished” folk think the cake came out so dry, we followed the recipe exactly as London ordered…eh a mean as i ordered……
The jam was flowing oot o it but following the recipe we got confused, after all were no genetically programmed to make these decisions. The maths didny add up (no that we checked mind) was supposed to be 40% jam but when it came out it was bone dry, just felt right though.
The “experts” backed this up but im no tellin yi why cause i diny ken either.
Nevermind, its just one o they “wee” things.
Daily record reports JL wins the bake off with the moistest jammiest cake ever made and makes it front page all week.

Robert Peffers

Let’s face it this whole Labour strategy is utter claptrap. Fact is the referendum is NOT about devolution. If it was we would be able to vote for and against devolution. There is no way to vote upon devolved powers and no way to guarantee delivery of them if we could. Even if Cameron, Farage, Clegg and Miliband collectively signed to deliver it in their own respective blood. No Westminster elected government can be tied to either their own, any previous government or any laws already passed. Westminster is a legislation that introduces, amends or throws out legislation – that is their main job description. Furthermore, whatever any party not in power promises is Pie in the Sky. If not in power they may not have enough candidates elected to be in opposition. For example the LibDems could be a party unrepresented in any parliament in the United Kingdom after the next General Election.

Murray McCallum

There will of course be a queue of proud Scots but BritNats waiting to get a slice of that lovely cake and a wee sausage roll.

They will have to be on their best behaviour and ask very nicely though. Many will go hungry, but that is part of the arrangement.

ronnie anderson

@Footsoldier 8.19am, There is a Moderator on this WoS site

( with or without his dog coller on ) if the verbals of the

people dont suit your taste,s,I would suggest a Christain

magazine for more temperate language,Toodleonthrough.

Linda's Back

We need someone to detail those occasions at Westminster where Labour MPs failed to support moves to oppose the reduction in the highest tax rate band, the bedroom tax and other welfare measures and use it in response to the ludicrous claims. Just make sure Jim Murphy’s not around while you do the counting.

The “deputy” leader of Labour in Scotland and MP for Glasgow Central, Anas Sarwar, was in Pakistan rather than voting against the bedroom tax in the House of Commons on 13th November.
link to

So there you have it, repealing the Bedroom Tax is not important business for Labour.

Certainly wasn’t important enough for Anas Sarwar who was giving a lecture in Pakistan (no doubt telling them that they should have stuck with India) or Jim Murphy who was attending a lunch at a vegetarian cafe in Glasgow.
btw Mr Sarwar claimed £25,768 for a year’s bedroom in London.
On the second reading of the Welfare Reform Bill on 9th March 2011
ONLY 12 Labour MPs from the party’s total number of 258 voted against the Bedroom Tax . All the rest abstained or didn’t turn up. All SNP MPs voted against. The only Scottish Labour MPs to vote against were Katy Clark, Michael Connarty and Jim Sheridan.
John McDonnell MP (Lab) tweeted that Ed Miliband told Labour MPs (PLP) to ABSTAIN on the bill, and to only support the amendment Therefore the bill passed by 308 votes to 20 .

link to

New Shadow DWP Minister, Rachel Reeves (a 34 year old ex-banker who has never had a real job in the real world outside of the Westminster-Whitehall-Oxbridge-City of London bubble), has promised in her first public statement in her new job to be tougher than the Tories when it comes to the welfare state.

btw Brian Wilson in Scotsman attacking SNP for suggesting that BBC may not be impartial


link to

Personalised to J-Lo…

“Dyscalculia is difficulty in learning or comprehending arithmetic, such as difficulty in understanding fiscal and monetary policy, learning how to manipulate [not in the political manipulation sense] numbers, and learning maths facts [hmm… Facts!]. It is generally seen as a specific developmental disorder like dyslexia.

Dyscalculia can occur in people from across the whole IQ range [sayin’ nuthin], often, but not always, involving difficulties with Taxation, Assets versus Liabilities and political reasoning.”

Jamie Arriere

OT (sorry) – don’t know if anyone else clocked this, but listening to Radio 5 early this morning, I heard an interesting statement by EU President Van Rompuy regarding reducing energy dependence on Russia.

link to

Listen between 7.58 and 8.37

Indeed elsewhere he suggests moving toward an “energy union”

link to

EU are to produce a report about June 2014 on energy security.

link to

Does anyone think that they would exclude one of the largest potential sources of renewable energy from community membership?


Ed is not getting much in the way of plaudits for his speech in Perth yesterday. Labour seem to be aiming at both feet with a heavy machine gun.

call me dave

A lament for a lost love how apt, convoluted lyrics going nowhere spot on, hated the song when it came out.

Good choice and a point well made. I’ll never forgive Richard Harris for it 🙁

ronnie anderson

@Chris Cairns,A Captionist of distinction,whit a big white

area on her pinny, ( ah olso make Wuntsomesoup tae sup )at

least a picture of rid Ed as a rosette.

You,ve gave me this 1st laugh of the day,nodoupt it wunt be

the last wanst the lads n lasses pit their p i s helmets on.


O/T – I tried to donate to Yes Scotland but you can only donate using credit card and not paypal, i enquired and apparently they have taken the paypal option down because paypal take an admin charge for transaction. I appreciate paypal are a business to make money but how much do they charge? I have used paypal for all my crowdfunds including Wings. I wonder how much paypal are making through this?


@ronnie Anderson 9:46
I think that’s uncalled for Ronnie. Footsoldier very gently made his point and there’s no need to suggest he or anyone else leaves this site. The cartoon is a good one, makes a good point – but comments about how pretty/thin or otherwise JoLa is are completely irrelevant ad-hominum attacks which undermine our message. We were quick to object to the other side making the debate all about Alex Salmond being fat.

If you’ve been following this site for a while you’ll be aware that women are in the minority here, and also as far as Yes votes are concerned. Anything that turns people away from this great resource is worthy of challenge. This isn’t some lads club.


Follow-up on the Daily Record story and the direction it is going in, can be put down to the thinking of one man.

David Clegg is political editor at the Record and he seems as blind as Johann Lamont as to what Scots really want for the future prosperity of their country.

Listen to him on Newsnight Scotland on Thursday night with Joyce Macmillan.

This is the guy that said he had inside information of some kind of surprise being announced at the Scottish Labour Party Conference. Am still waitin David.

link to

Red Squirrel

Devo mince – indigestible and incomprehensible but they keep on selling it.

No way no how is EU going to want iScotland outside with oil, renewables and electricity to export when it looks increasingly likely that Russia will have to export to China. Keeping the lights on will become a lot more important than appeasing Tories & UKIP.


@squarego 10.01am



Jamie Arriere @ 9.50.

Thanks for those links Jamie.

Just been posting that very same point over on Derek’s blog.

Do people really think the EU will ‘kick us out ‘?

Do people really think the EU council want to sit round their massive conference table looking at a map of Europe with the whole North west of the continent blanked out, missing out on Norway, Iceland and Scotland and the majority of the North Sea -oil, gas, renewables and fish stocks ?

Of course not, yet this is the rubbish the No campaign are trying to sell to the Scottish voter.


Hmmm..? This Russian energy thing selling fuel to China.
I foresee a lot of Chinese businessmen purchasing tankers to transport it to Europe.
A revived shipbuilding industry anyone?


Regarding the political editor of the Daily Record interview on Newsnight.

You have to keep reminding yourself that this guy is actually trying to persuade you to vote NO and stay with the UK.

He must think that the more I frighten them, the more they will listen to me.

(Have a look at your comments page Mr Clegg after any article you write relating to the Independence debate)

He sounds more and more like a desperate Scottish Labour MP who knows the party is definitely finished.

Seasick Dave

EU kicking Scotland out?

Just remember the EU has been offering billions in financial aid to Ukraine.

James Kay

One of the comments still on the Daily Record’s article (link at 8.23 above) quotes the DR’s terms & conditions, including:

8.We do not pre-moderate comments. If you see a comment which you think may contravene the House Rules and/or our Terms and Conditions, you can report this. You can do this by clicking on the Report Abuse link beneath a comment and outlining why you have done so. A moderator will then check the comment and decide what action to take.

On the face of it, all that is required is for somebody to report a comment, and it will automatically be disappeared!

Murray McCallum

The British Nationalist policy position on Scotland remaining in the EU, seems to put us behind the continuing EU enlargement program in Ukraine despite the risk of military conflict with Russia.

Their policy position seems to involve:

Forcibly ejecting the EU’s largest full member, oil (and potential renewables) producer. This is odd given the EUs total lack of energy security and/or sustainability.

Replacing a stable, fully compliant democratic member nation with one in ethnic turmoil and at the centre of a proxy conflict between the two most powerful nuclear powers on earth.

It would seem that the political class in the UK has an incredibly low opinion of Scotland. They would also appear to be extreme risk takers.

Doug Daniel

This is brilliant. “Half-baked” indeed.

I hope that’s not the same spoon she uses to stir mince…

Doug Daniel

Seasick Dave – and the EU also has its eyes on Moldova and Georgia next. Add that to Serbia, Macedonia, Albania and so on, and you really have to have quite an imagination to think the EU will kick Scotland out.

Deepest Green


Clegg came scross as a sug b@$*&^d on Newsnicht, hinting at his inner circle access, cant say what the big surprise is, all hush hush, turn the momentum the campaign pish.
The DR is following the party line to the end, be interesting to see how they react on 9/19 after we vote Yes.


This cartoon made me laugh so hard, thanks Chris.


@ Footsoldier: Johann Lamont looks absolutely glum.

It may well be because she doesn’t believe a word of what she is being required to say by her minders.

It may well be that she may simply not actually understand the speeches she is required to deliver and that is an uncomfortable situation to be placed in.

However her behaviour at FM Question Time and, at times, vile references to the First Minister lead me me to believe she is glum by nature, and it shows.


The title reminds me of Richard Harris singing MacArthur Park.

Meanwhile in Hawick this morning;

link to


An independent Scotland will not be leaving the EU, not while there is a man in Moscow desperate to have a friend in Western Europe same applies to NATO


Chris –

One minor tweak; you could have had the bunting going in one ear and out the other. Slightly more accurate ?


Beeb radio really pushing lamentables lies at conference as if she’s telling the truth.

Anyhoos,gotta go.See ye.


@Deepest Green
The DR is following the party line to the end, be interesting to see how they react on 9/19 after we vote Yes.

Will be interesting to see what happens to these vehemently pro Union newspapers after Scotland makes a success of independence. I hope the whole lot of them will be consigned to the rubbish bin of history and we see a proper Scottish media emerge.

Les Wilson

In ALL these interviews, you can save yourself a mind numbing session, by just accepting the truth.
Which is, we will NEVER be offered ANYTHING that threatens Westminster’s hold over us.

No matter what they say, how they spin it, it will never happen. Anything offered will ALWAYS be based on Westminster’s needs. When you think of that, it gives you the truth. So why put yourself through it. Just be happy and think YES.


@squarego @10.01 – in defence of oor Ronnie. I was talking to a guy at work the other day, a labourite, who knows Johann and Archie and he told me that Johann is a really nice woman. Now I am quite sure she is a nice woman and firmly believes in her politics but I’m sorry if you put yourself up for public office and pontificate to the people that they are not genetically programmed to make political decisions then you are fair game.

I have on occasion commented that Johann’s hair resembles that on a wee Lego man so tough.


@ starlaw: Spot on.

The Russian navy has twice in recent years visited the Moray Firth. Putin, on a visit to the Uk a few years back, insisted in breaking off procedures in order to visit Scotland as a token of Russia’s recognition of Scotland’s past association and contribution to Russia.

I think the EU would be well advised to brush aside the UK government’s posturing of no clarification nor negotiations on the EU before the referendum and simply state that should Scotland vote Yes or No for independence she will continue as a member of the EU.

Common sense really.


O/T saw this on the NO FB page last night but is in the papers today.

link to

ronnie anderson

@Squarego, That retort was not for today,s post its for other post,s, I had in mind to mention Mr Alex Salmond but refrained fron doing so,I dont take kindly to people commenting on
grammarical errors, (Such as Footsoldier has done in past posts )
or people on here useing sweary word,s ( & most used in context ) joke, poem,ect. by & large there is a lot of leeway
give by the Rev in mild rebuke if needed, so lets leave at that.

Mary Bruce

I haven’t watched that BrianTaylor interview with JoLa yet but I did click on the link. What a fantastic photo (or still?) they have chosen, her expression is total smugness and arrogance. She really is the gift that keeps on giving.

link to

ronnie anderson

@SeasickDave 10.31, EU makeing up Rules as they go, recarding

Ukraine signing a contract of assosiation Mr Barrossa beaming

brightly at the same table,no one should ever believe another

word spoken on Indy Scottish EU membership ( not that I aggree

with Eu Membership ) but that is up to the people of a I Scot

at another time.


Fake Off surely!

Early Ball


McArthur Park was good value on a juke box because it went on for ages!

Just had a bet on a Yes outcome at Ladbrokes. 4/1. Had a chat with the bookie who was very surprised at the odds after I told him about the Panelbase poll. I said Alex Salmond has not even started campaigning publicly yet. He told me he was going he was going to have a bet himself.

ronnie anderson

missed oot the f G in regarding ( an ah thought a wiz deying well

this morning )lol jist as well you,s know whit like a kin be,

light bulb oon light bulb aff, how come ah canny save on


Robert Kerr

Caz M at 7.05

Dr Merkel may be plain but she is intelligent.

Further, take note of her Defence Minister. Dr Ursula von der Leyen.

link to!!/

Be impressed by her CV.

Compare and contrast with what we are offered in this United Kingdom.


If I can pinch all the usual criticisms from the ‘Bake Off’ show – Labour’s Victoria Jam Sandwich (how apt) failed to rise as the cake was too dense, it collapsed rather easily as the jam had no substance, it did not cut well and has a soggy bottom.

An excellent cartoon – spot on.

ronnie anderson

@Gordoz 11.04, noo a likes that,ah likes it a lot.

ronnie anderson

@Croompenstein 11.23, Naw its WEE MOs wig fae the Stoogies,

but we can agree to disagree,& others will have their own

opinions on her hair,jaikits, n pan stick Dulux face paint.

without fear or faviour. lol

call me dave

A crowded cafe this morning a man sits at next table another man comes across and sits beside him. He says “Jim your the man who knows what’s what” “If it’s a YES vote what will happen to pensions” Naturally I tune in to what Jim is going to say.

Jim quietly explains about how a Scottish pension would be OK probably a wee bit higher per week £1.10. Also explains we don’t get as much over time as we generally die younger in Scotland..and Scotland can afford it.

I’m astonished… But then Jim says “The ‘cross border’ rule will go through EU legislation” and not to worry!
The man shakes his head and tells Jim thanks and will still probably vote NO but he’s torn about it and leaves.

Jim’s wife arrives with the coffee and they they begin reading the papers.

I get up to go and catch Jim’s eye, he notices my YES badge. Well I say “Will your pal vote YES”? He smiles.. “Aye but he doesn’t know it yet”.

His wife looks up, not realising what has gone before , “Look at this rubbish”, holding up the page of the paper(Lamont kisses Ed) they’re a disgrace.

Glenrothes this morning…well done Jim and his wife. 🙂


My two favourite things in the whole world – Johann Lamont and The Great British bake off. Thanks Chris for reminding me just how great they both are. 🙂

Calgacus MacAndrews

@call me dave says:
I get up to go and catch Jim’s eye, he notices my YES badge.

I’ve been wearing my YES badge on my outer rainproof jacket since the turn of the year, and I think I detect a growing change in the response it is receiving.

Normally nothing is said.
But it seems to me that now (for a variety of reasons) we have Game On as regards the referendum, and that there is a growing normalisation of the YES position, I am not seeing much of the “shock” reaction I used to get.

By “shock” reaction I mean that a fair proportion of people used to spot the badge and react a bit like they had been jabbed with a sharp stick.

It was like they had not been thinking about the referendum at all, and the sight of someone with a YES badge reminded them they would have to get their thoughts together at some point and make up their mind.

I think things like the Glenrothes cafe conversation of today shows that the information (for YES) is now out there to a large extent.

And there are still six months to go.

Everybody just keep doing what everybody is doing …


In that interview with Brewer the other night, I think you got a pretty good idea as to her character – she was struggling to keep it under control. “And what I’m telling YOU is…”.

The authoritarian teacher, not listening, not interested in understanding the problems, just putting you in your place, her word is the law.

And no, it’s not good to comment on people purely for their looks. But when their character seems to lend them a continual bad-tempered grimace..



I’m slightly disappointed in that “WEE” spoon – would have thought a much larger one would’ve been more apt. Or a rolling pin perhaps?

Bob W

@call me dave
Cafe Alfresco?


Well done Chris very funny, Nora Batty hasn’t got a look in as long as Lamont’s around.


Should be the great british back off 🙂


As one of the minority on this site – a female (and not young either) I’d like to say that I do NOT appreciate comments on appearance of politicians of either sex. I am absolutely indifferent to what they look like. For me what counts is that they do (as much as they are able) what they said they would when they were in opposition when they get into power.

If you look at the triumvirate of pretty toy boys we have at Westminster now, how do you rate them? Think of male and female politicians whom you respect. How many of them are good looking in the advertising world sense?

There are some old adages like
All that glitters is not gold.
Never judge a book by its cover.
Actions speak louder than words.

Think about it.

By the way, I understand that Angela Merkel does her own household shopping from time to time. If our politicians had done that, they would have known the price of a pint of milk!


I saw a sign outside Tesco this afternoon, advertising 4-pint bottles of milk for £1.

That is simply unconscionable. No wonder dairy farmers are going bankrupt and having to sell up.

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    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “BBC demon is always ‘at it’ fleecing the public, regardless. The beep is not worthy, nor is it capable of…Feb 8, 11:22
    • Captain Caveman on The Joker: “Because both the SNP and Labour are a bunch of woke- obsessed, useless morons who’ve made an absolute mess of…Feb 8, 11:20
    • Sven on The Joker: “I’d guess to a large extent because they can pump out whatever views they feel are held by the majority…Feb 8, 11:20
    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “WikiLeaks @wikileaks: “Jeanne Bourgault at the World Economic Forum (2024) calling to develop “exclusion lists” to pressure advertisers to fund…Feb 8, 11:16
    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “WikiLeaks @wikileaks: “USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, “Internews Network”…Feb 8, 11:10
  • A tall tale

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