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Wings Over Scotland

Lamont: shock revelation

Posted on March 22, 2013 by

We must admit that we didn’t see this one coming. Johann Lamont made a rather surprising admission 3m 16s into last night’s Newsnight Scotland special.


“There’ll be many people who voted SNP but don’t believe in independence who will breathe a sigh of relief, like me.”

Well, that goes some way to explaining the size of the SNP’s majority, at least.

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I love how ‘leader’ is in quote marks.


Johann voted SNP?  Has anybody told Duncan Hothersall?


There are some people who vote SNP who do not support independence.  However, to say many don’t is a massive exaggeration.  Mind you it sums up Lamont’s political skills.  On a par with not identifying the rise of Nicola Sturgeon as a politician.  Does Lamont seriously think she can win over SNP voters by showing such hatred towards the party they vote for?   


Ouch.  I actually heard that, and the penny didn’t drop.

Doug Daniel

TheeForsakenOne – wow, coming from Newsnicht as well. At least that’s one thing they got right last night then.


Speak for yourself, Johann!


There’ll be many people who voted Labour but will breathe a sigh of relief that Johann Lamont is not First Minister.

Albert Herring

I’m afraid you thesis rests on the assumption that Johann Lamont is capable of constructing a coherent sentence.


Numpty…thats all one can call her.


Love the face on the guy standing behind Johann Lamont – he was the poor sap Labour had set up to stand up in the Parliament, with the eyes of the world on him and call Alex Salmond a “Big Feartie”.  No wonder he looks so miserable.  Obviously not a graduate of the Edinburgh School of Lightning Wit and Repartee (it’s an old joke).

Doug Daniel

“In the interests of full disclosure I really ought to point out that I may have slightly Photoshopped that caption “
And there was me thinking they’d turned a corner!


if you photoshopped it Rev could you not have gone the extra mile so I didn’t have to see that physog again?

John Lyons

I liked how she said she’ll be glad to not have to talk about independence and Salmond was able to point out her high number of times she brought the subject up at FMQs.half of the forty five as opposed to only twice when she mentioned unemployment. By my reckoning she puts Independence around 11 times as important as wether people have a job or not.
For once I agree with her!


In the interests of full disclosure I really ought to point out that I may have slightly Photoshopped that caption
MAY have, MAY have??? What do you mean?  Did you or didn’t you?  DID you or DIDN’T you?  The public has a right to know!   (No need to answer……just me practising my Gordon Brewer skills.)

ronald alexander mcdonald

What an insult to some of Scotlands electorate. “People like me”.   


Luigi says: “There’ll be many people who voted Labour but will breathe a sigh of relief that Johann Lamont is not First Minister”.
Actually, there’s a point not to be missed here. maybe voters would be tempted to vote No just in case Lamont did become the First Minister in charge and responsible for the fiscal and economic activity of an independent Scotland – now that is a scary thought.


There’ll be many people who voted SNP but don’t believe in independence who will breathe a sigh of relief, like me.”
The above was the other part of the clip i heard on Real Radio 6pm news last night.  I remember not so long ago when they threatened to vote down the minority SNP administration on wanting to bring forward a bill to bring us an Independence Referendum, that they said if we wanted Independendence we get the opportunity to vote every 4 years and should vote SNP!!  Guess what, we did in 2011 in big numbers and now they tell us we still dont want Indpendence.

Lamonts rhetoric is lamentable, what a sick sick joke they are on all of us here.  We deserve to have them gone from our view.  Good news for Lamont and slab is that comical ali kept going ’til the bitter end insisting they were winning when delusion was his only friend.


Watching Lamont recently, I can’t help feeling that the media training is showing.  She’s visibly controlled yet trying (quite well) to appear at ease, her voice is modulated, and her gestures seem rehearsed.  She’s trying hard not to look at her script the whole time.

She’s absolutely telegraphing hours and hours spent with an elocutionist and a specialist in presentational skills.  She comes over like a good and diligent student doing her very best and hoping for a high mark.

And it’s completely false.

Graham Ennis

Only the legendary epic Scottish national Poet McGonaggle could ever do justice to the wit and eloquence of phrase of Madame Lamont. (Rolling on floor laughing helplessly.)


I’ll say this much …Big Margo MacDonald got tore into the lot of them, and rightly so. I hope she does this every week for the next year. She is right …we are fighting for Scotland’s soul here, and to have those 2 useless mares …naw make it 3 useless mares (wee Wullie counts too) ….they should be ashamed of themselves.
All three of them wander into that chamber every Thursday lunchtime, and it is just an attack on Salmond, the SNP, or one of the main cabinet members for the first 20 minutes before we finally (if that!) get down to business! 
Margo is right, and I hope she does this every Thursday. Good on her !!! It is high time to end this pantomime that charades itself as politics…


@Graham Ennis
Lamont – “On that last devo ref in 79……which shall be remembered for a very long time”

The Man in the Jar

I agree absolutely about Margo getting right in about them yesterday. It needs to be repeated every week. FMQs should be the shop window of Holyrood and not used by the charlatans to pile abuse on AS and the SNP.
Someone mentioned “Chemical Ali” I liked the guy. He always delivered his bulletin’s with a wee smile as if to say “Look guys I know that this a complete pile of pish, I’m only doing what I am telt!” Much more than can be said about the lamentable one.


In the interests of full disclosure I really ought to point out that I may have slightly Photoshopped that caption 

Damn you. Here I was hoping a cheeky caption editor had got onto the Newsnicht staff and we could look forward to more of the same.


Labour are making a very very serious mistake which will backfire on them bigtime, by making personal attacks on the leadership of the SNP and YES campaign for that kind of playground behaviour does not go down well at all with voters (especially female voters) who want a clean fight.
Also telling porkies will not win over the undecided especially when the truth is so easily available to find on the internet.

Craig M

I believe that Labour, in particular, Johann Lamont, are still in denial as to what is actually happening. The bus just moved off and left them at the bus stop. In fact I would go further. Is it not evident that Lamont and the Holyrood party are not even on the Better Together bus? Of course, perhaps this is a deliberate ploy, to at worst ignore the issue of the referendum, at best to treat it with indifference as though it isn’t that important. Perhaps they reason that showing indifference will result in the whole affair being ignored by the electorate. There isn’t any fire in their bellys. If I believed passionately in something, in this case the Union, I’d be shouting from the rooftops and my rhetoric would reflect this. It isn’t there with Lamont and co. They look like a bunch of dead fish washed up on the beach.
There is another possibility to explain their rather bizarre behaviour. New Labour, over the last 2 decades, has simply not created the conditions within the party to allow passionate, fired up individuals to come to the fore. So when the requirement for passion is needed, it isn’t there. It’s centralisation gone mad. Johann actually made a comment that is a rather an accurate metaphor for her ability. She’s a teacher, she can read from a script, follow a syllabus, set a test on a subject, but when it comes to creativity, it’s not there. In short, Lamont and the members of her party sitting behind her are institutionalised.
Truely a bunch of dead fish.


Only the legendary epic Scottish national Poet McGonaggle could ever do justice to the wit and eloquence of phrase of Madame Lamont
I scoured the McGonagle archives, and it turns out he’d already written a piece of poetic prophecy worthy of Nostradumus.

Sound drums and trumpets, far and near!
And Let all Scottish Labour’s voters loudly cheer!
And show by their actions that they revere,
Their leader Johann Lamont whom the SNP fear!

All hail to the great orator, no greater has there been!
Long may she live happy and serene!
And as she nears the referendum year,
I hope Scotland will show her loyalty without fear.

Therefore let all of Scotland rejoice and sing,
As Johann Lamont speaks eloquently on any thing,
And let young and old of her speeches be glad,
And cry, “Long Live Johann Lamont! She makes Alex sad!”.

She has been a good leader, which no one dare gainsay,
And I hope God will protect her for many a day;
May He enable her a few more years to lead,
And let all Labour voters keep her at their heid.

Let all hatred towards her be thrown aside
All o’er dominions broad and wide;
And let all Scotland’s voters understand,
By God Labour are put in trust o’er Scotland.

Therefore rejoice and be glad on her historic day,
And try and make the heart of Johann Lamont feel gay;
Oh! try and make her happy in country and town,
And not with Shakespeare say, “uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”

And as we near the historic referendum year,
It will be her last as leader, I rather fear:
Therefore, sound drums and trumpets cheerfully,
Until the echoes are heard o’er land and sea.

And let the innocent voices of the children at home or abroad
Ascend with cheerful shouts to the throne of God;
And sing aloud, “God Save Scottish Labour!”
Because a better leader it could want no more.

Therefore, ye sons of Great Britain, come join with me,
And welcome in the referendum opportunity;
Because she has been a noble politician, ye must confess,
There hasn’t been her equal since the days of Jim Wallace.

Therefore let all her lieges shout and cheer,
“God Save the Union!” in the referendum year;
let such be the cry in the peasant’s cot, the hall,
With stentorian voices, as loud as they can bawl.

And let bonfires be kindled on every hill
And let Unionists dance upon them at their freewill;
And try to drive dull care away
By singing and rejoicing on that Lamont will stay.

May God protect her for many a day,
At home or in England when she’s far away;
Long may she young Ed Miliband obey,
And let each and all with one voice say – Nay!

Lamont is a good leader, which all her voters know,
And for that may God protect her from every foe;
May He be as a hedge around her, so she doesn’t show.
That she’s got no ideas expect “No! No! No!”


Support for indy bounces back
link to


what other country in the world would have elected representatives who want to continue the virtual occupation of their country.


Oh…that’s genius.  My poor wee ears are fair loupin.

The Man in the Jar

Not only can you predict the future you are a poet as well.
Sorry posted this on the wrong thread earlyer (weeembarasedthingy)


Japan Times positive opinion piece
link to


Ipsos/MORI issued this today to co-incide with the SNP Spring Conference:
link to


Whaur’s yer Wullie Shakespeare noo?


Hmm, Scottish Government approval rating of PLUS 12 and Westminster Government approval rating of MINUS 41. Gosh are these two governments running neck or what?…..WHAT! 😆
Now I know why I prefer to be in an independent Scotland as opposed to s repressed and broken union!


Absolutely brilliant.

Not much worth saying about her,but I do think if a poster is made up and with these words “here is your next first minister vote NO”


Johann Lamont as FM. Comedy gold; can you imagine her at FMQs without a script?


No.  From Johann Lamont with a script, she’s now trained actress (decent amateur) with a script.  God alone knows what the real Johann Lamont, extempore, would be like.


The only sense I get from Lamont is that she hates the SNP with a passion (hardly alone in that in SLAB), she is a very sceptical devolutionist (she voted against in 1979), and she appears to be almost scared witless of the very idea of Scotland taking responsibilty for its own affairs.  All these things probably stem from her local government background. 


Hi all i have been busy for the past couple of days and had very little time to read any articles and any of the enlightening comments . so quick question to you all . I take it not much changed same pish, doom and gloom and you guys tearing it to shreads?
away to share everything on facebook
Hail Alba

Seasick Dave

All of these BT folk; politicians, ‘journalists’ and TV types are the very people who have been holding Scotland back for decades.
You can see it in their every utterance and facial expression; a pure disdain for anyone who wishes to see Scotland set out on its own path and make its own way in the world.
It would be great if they could see the light and realise that Scotland has fantastic prospects which could improve each and every one of our lives.
I’m sure the next 547 days (or 577 if you use the BT calendar) will start to focus a few minds and basing your future on how much you hate Eck the Great Dictator will suddenly start to seem not such a bright idea.


It’s about time i posted Villiers Lamont again. 🙂


I just received a text from Better Together asking about my intentions with Scottish Independence.
My cover as a paid up BT mole is blown… Except it isn’t, they must be buying lists of details. (I forgot to tick the box ages ago while looking for car insurance online, its been a massive pain in the arse ever since.)
I wonder what they’ll do with the results of their ‘survey’…


Someone forwarded to me the text they received from Better Together.  The poll is:
I think Scotland should remain part of the UK
I think Scotland should be an independent country
I don’t know.
You then get a wee video telling you why you’re better together or just press submit and you get a further question asking how strongly you feel about it.
I’ve just voted three times in a row on the forwarded text.  Do you think it’ll count if I wasn’t sent the text in the first place and if it does work, will it just work once or three times?  Anybody know?
You can also text UKOK for more info – but standard rates apply!


It makes you wonder if the cringers like Lamont and the rest in slab all hope the Scotland footy team gets beat tonight.  Well im trying to follow their logic in that, they’re prepared to lie, scaremonger and propagandise against their own people to stop Scotland taking the very normal step of self determination.  Their masks have slipped to show a level of fear and hatred that is unparalleled anywhere.  Then i remembering hearing apparantly that Labour mps did in fact cheer when RBS collapsed.  So in my reckoning, its not too far a stretch to say that them wishing bad privately on our Sporting men and women if it means a feel good factor in the country which would be a bad thing for them.  What with them putting the UK interest before Scotlands every single time.
The enemy within eh…makes you wonder.

Bill C

@Morag – Ah Morag, we’re not going to fall oot aboot this an’ all are we? “No.  From Johann Lamont with a script, she’s now trained actress (decent amateur) with a script.” Decent amateur actress? I think not. She wouldn’t have had a role in any of my school productions. Well maybe outside the school organising the parents car parking! No, on second thoughts the insurance wouldn’t cover her.


I think we should give it both barrels. Johann plus her boss Millipede gawking at us from the same poster. Neither is rated in Scotland.


@ Morag: Nice analysis on Ms Lamont. She is what I would categorise as a metronome player, just simply cannot play it by ear. Whereas Alex Salmond, he is a cool jazz and blues man and can improvise with ease.


@ Jiggsbro: well done with your McGonaggle school of poetry submission.
“There hasn’t been her equal since the days of Jim Wallace”.


@Seasick Dave
All of these BT folk; politicians, ‘journalists’ and TV types are the very people who have been holding Scotland back for decades.
You can see it in their every utterance and facial expression; a pure disdain for anyone who wishes to see Scotland set out on its own path and make its own way in the world.
Excellent summary of the ‘professional No types.’  You can see it in Kirsty Wark’s interview with Salmond in 2007, and BBC Scotland’s increasingly surreal coverage of politics here.  The Cochranes, Glenn Campbell’s, Catriona Renton’s of the MSM in Scotland have made careers on the back of their disdain for the SNP, and Scottish self-government.  Also, among Unionist politicians, such as Darling, Lamont, Brian Wilson, Dalyell etc. 


Well, Bill, I was trying to convey an impression.  She’s not terrible.  She’d pass her Grade 5, or whatever grades they have in acting exams.  She consciously modulates her voice, she doesn’t speak too fast or too loud (that I’ve heard, recently), she appears studiously relaxed, and she does the gestures as rehearsed.

The problem is that she comes over as a senior-level schoolgirl who is desperately trying to do what her teacher told her to do.


Just watched SNP PPBrodcast, pretty good 

Adrian B

The problem is that she comes over as a senior-level schoolgirl who is desperately trying to do what her teacher told her to do.
Ruth Davidson is a little having the same problems being taken seriously by her party as well.


Just saw the SNP party political broadcast too.  Thought it was good – like it better than the “Let’s work together” one. 


DAMN I missed the PPB but I will NOT be missing conference on BBC 2 tomorrow from 14:45!
Wonder how many overspill halls they will have to fill this time round? 😆

Bill C

@Morag – We are in agreement. Unity is Strength. Roll on 2014!


Albert Herring
Probably to late! 🙂


You can watch the PPB on Youtube. link to


Does anyone remember Blair McDougall saying on BBC 2 yesterday that, today, BT would launch an “exciting, never seen before in the UK”, publicity drive?
I hadn’t actually connected it to the cock-up with the text messages, but that must have been what he meant, because I haven’t noticed anything else today from the Noes.
Or have any of you noticed anything?


Mato21 posted a link to a really interesting ipsos mori poll above.
it actually has lament on a higher approval rating than Salmond.  A first?  A one off?


When I heard Blair McDougall say that I assumed he meant something similar to their last “big drive” and we all know how “successful” THAT particular event turned out! 😆


I think we should test how loyal she is to the unionist cause,  we should tell her to walk to her beloved celtic park , wrapped in a union flag , singing “rule Britannia “..

Laird o' Cair Dhòmhnaill

Could this be delusion from Lamont. I quite like Dees suggestion about the walk to Parkhead.

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