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Wings Over Scotland

Johann’s Hat Shop

Posted on October 02, 2012 by

Johann Lamont seems a bit confused today over whether her cap fits or not. Can you help the Scottish Labour “leader” get dressed in time for her big important speech?

40 to “Johann’s Hat Shop”

  1. Doug Daniel says:

    The helicopter hat would be brilliant. The bowler or top hats would be most appropriate, though.

    Or this one:

  2. james morton says:

    where is the margaret thatcher wig?

  3. Alex McI says:

    It’s a fuckin hard hat she will be needing if she decides to take a swagger down pollock way anytime soon.

  4. scottish_skier says:

    Nice light blue number she’s wearing in the pic on the STV ‘Tory Lamont’ article. If she goes on stage in Manchester with that on all you’ll see is a floating face.

  5. Juteman says:

    The chefs hat will be handy for her hubbie cooking the books on GCC.

  6. MajorBloodnok says:

    Maybe the blue screen and suit is meant to be like a CGI thing where they digitise the background (and her) so they can make the conference look like the Matrix.

    Of course for the next Labour conference in Scotland they’ll need a blue screen where the audience goes so they can CGI in all the millions of cheering supporters and add happy smiling faces and red ties to them and whatnot.

  7. Luigi says:

    A brilliant hat selection there. Everyone of them would be relevant. However, since Johann Lamont cannot wear more than one hat at a time (although she has tried!), I suggest the bowler hat – very British and appropriate to her current London leanings.

  8. mogabee says:

    I’d definitely go for the “suicidal tendencies” cap. It certainly reflects their tragectory.

     On further thought, the brim of the cap would hide most of her face…afterall no need to frighten the horses!

  9. Alex McI says:

    What about the one Homer Simpson wears that has the straws going in to two cans of super lager, let’s face it she must be steaming most of the time to spout the pish she comes away with.

  10. Alex McI says:

    Or a miners helmet with the wee Davy lamp, handy for finding her way out of Cameron’s arse.

  11. Luigi says:

    Maybe we should just give Johann a free, honorary YES SCOTLAND cap, for all the great work she has done for the cause.

  12. heraldnomore says:

    Did Elmer Fudd not run to a fetching line in headgear – she’s certainly doing her utmost to fill his shoes – another laughing stock that Labour think is wee enough, poor enough, and stupid enough to lead this fine nation of ours.

  13. Seasick Dave says:

    How about a black bag?
    (no holes)

  14. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “What about the one Homer Simpson wears that has the straws going in to two cans of super lager,”

    Bugger! I had one of those, and somehow forgot to put it in.

  15. scottish_skier says:

    Then a thoat a could make Dave a bribe
    So I said I wis in his tribe
    Grabbin handoots can be so frustratin
    When there’s aw they Labour cooncilors waitin

    So you can understand why a let someone else rule oor land, cap in hand

    Aye, the jimmy hat held out begging for pennies would be appropriate.

  16. Silverytay says:

    My initial view was the red union jack tea cosy until i remembered she had joined the blue tory,s . 
    2nd choice was the bowler hat so that she could feel at home with her chums in the O.O .
    I wonder if it was her or murphy who arranged for them to boo the first minister at the golf .
    The best hat for her by a mile has to be the suicidal tendencies as it is the one that fits her profile most .
    As for her standing up at conference today and calling Alex Salmond a tartan tory that has to take the biscuit , is it not johann that has the welsh and scottish tory,s fighting her corner for her .

  17. wulie says:

    Are we still paying these people while they are at their party conference and not at their respective places of work.

  18. Alex McI says:

    The Homer one is probably much too sensible attire for Johann Stu. They are ingenious head wear.

  19. MajorBloodnok says:

    A long time ago a friend of mine, for Hallowe’en, used an alice band, some cardboard and silver paper to make a comedy meat-cleaver that looked like had been brought down with considerable force through the top of her head.  As a metaphor for Labour’s lobotomised strategy I reckon that would be the most appropriate headwear.

  20. scottish_skier says:

    The homer hat is good, but maybe instead of the beer cans, some sort of trough?

  21. Jeannie says:

    If she’s going to say what I’ve read she’s going to say, then I’d suggest the clown hat as my first reaction was, “You must be joking!”  For the future, though, I’d suggest the bowler hat as she clearly has her eye on a career down in London and that cloth cap image is just so passe in the eyes of today’s Labour Party.

  22. Jeannie says:

    @Major Bloodnok
    What a brilliant idea! Might try that myself this year!

  23. scottish_skier says:

    link to
    Aye, looking at that pic there’s no question she’s a Tory.

    I wonder if Dave was up next

    link to     

  24. velofello says:

    I’d say that there is a hat for each day of the week for her – nice political response eh?
    But surely you are not stopping at her hat? There is her “fool” wardrobe to determine. 
    Daywear should that spell ware(?): then evening: to bed does she wear a Knighty or jammies. Could well be her jammies will have a jam tomorrow motif, her knighty motif – I had a dream?

  25. EmbraBoffin says:

    link to
    Now the story about the eejit in Aberdeen makes a bit more sense. I assumed he was raking the bins for some ‘fresh’ ideas for Scottish Labour, apparently not.

  26. Wallace Bruce says:

    If the hat fits wear it, so it must be the jester or fool’s hat for Johann.

  27. Arbroath 1320 says:

    I was thinking along the lines of the top hat myself. After all she’ll need to wear a top hat when she leads the funeral cortège at Labour’s funeral.

  28. Appleby says:

    So she’s been getting on to cafepress too, eh? 😉
    This reminds me of those dress-up paper dolls. The ones with the little outfits you’d cut out of paper and they’d have tags to fold around the back of the cardboard cut-out. This is pretty close to that. Go on. You know you want to.

  29. Seasick Dave says:

    Embra Don
    The P&J has a headline today on this story;

    ‘Bucket Heid shows his face’

    I kid you not.

  30. Alex McI says:

    Seasick dave , apparently he was looking for Johanns hat.

  31. MajorBloodnok says:

    I thought the bucket was the hat….

  32. Seasick Dave says:

    Johann is a bucket Heid.

  33. Richie says:

    I always thought she should be wearing curlers and a hair net.
    Come to think of it, maybe her head is a hat, cos it’s fuck all use for anything else. 

  34. Richie says:

    Actually, she should be wearing a purple helmet, so that the country can see her for what she really is.

  35. Roll_On_2014 says:

    aye Seaside Dave I would go with the Bucket as long as it has a toilet seat fitted.

    after all she is ‘full of it’.

  36. Andrew says:

    Dewar, McLeish, McConnell, Alexander, Gray. Lamont.
    Anybody see a pattern here?
    Who’re they gonnae get next!

  37. Roll_On_2014 says:

    Andrew they could always dig Keir Hardie up.
    After all he would talk more sense than these DunderHeids… even dead.

  38. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “This reminds me of those dress-up paper dolls. The ones with the little outfits you’d cut out of paper and they’d have tags to fold around the back of the cardboard cut-out. This is pretty close to that. Go on. You know you want to.”

    That was in fact the original idea, but I couldn’t get any good vector images of hats…

  39. Andrew says:

    Aye, but tae keep the trend going they need tae find somebody even worse than Johann. There’s ayeways Magrit I suppose.

  40. blunttrauma says:

    If you want to get ahead, get a hat.


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