Heavy reality day
Posted on
June 10, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
No cause for alarm, just some inescapable events. Probably no posts until later this afternoon, so catch up on the stuff you may have missed over the last few days. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ. (There probably won’t.) (OR WILL THERE?)
There’d better be a quiz now you’ve mentioned it.
And points. I hope there are points. Because points means prizes!
A Crackerjack pencil and a Wings T-shirt gets my vote.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
As long as there’s not a music round.
Geography is fine.
1st question in the quiz.
How much will a first class stamp cost in an independent Scotland?
Can you imagine Margaret Curran being quized on Labour party history? “Ah couldna possibly comment, it wiz afore ma time!”. “Am no that auld, ye no!”.
Horacesaysyes – TRICK QUESTION!!! There won’t be any post offices under independence, so stamps will be worthless. It must be true, because the Scotsman says so.
link to scotsman.com
@ Horacesaysyes
that would have to be a trick question. Every one knows for a fact that if Scotland votes yes, then the UK government will not allow us to communicate in English. As it is not ours to use. This and the fact that independant Scots would lose the ability to make paper and because everyone’s keyboards would be in Gaelic, no one will be able to understand it so the answer is what currency are we using.
What flavour will vanilla icecream be in an Independent Scotland?
A quiz….sounds furrin tae me![🙁](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f641.svg)
If, in an independent Scotland, Alex Salmond went back in time and killed his grandfather, would Scotland still be independent?
It’s just that if he did go back in time and kill his grandfather, Alex would not have existed, so would not have led the SNP to victory in 2011 and so… But then if he didn’t exist, he couldn’t have gone back in time to kill his grandfather, so…
MajorBloodnok says:
10 June, 2013 at 10:13 am
What flavour will vanilla icecream be in an Independent Scotland?
I hope that there will be a referendum after independence to assertain an answer to this conundrum . If for instance it were to be bananna flavoured , I honestly think that would be a deal breaker for me.
Darn, my not-so-cunning ruse was exposed immediately by Doug and Alex! Must try harder next time!
Will we be charged for air blowing across the border from the South in an Independent Scotland?
If Scotland votes yes, will Alistair Darling’s eyebrows turn white?
Will we still be allowed to drive on the left side of the road in an independent Scotland, or will the EU force us to drive on the right?
@Scottish Skier that’s another of those trick questions. Everyone knows the oil is running out so we have no need for automobiles in an independent Scotland.
Quizzes like Credit Unions will not be safe in an Independent Scotland!
I’m really worried about this quiz. Will we have to pass 40% to win?
We should do a trial period with regard to driving on the right. For a period of say six months cars will continue to drive on the left and HGVs can drive on the right!
I want Better Together to count up my points.
On a serious note (just for a wee bit) A date (Just announced) for your diary. 4th. August 2014 Glasgow Cathedral. “Celebrations” for the start of WW1. An excellent opportunity to demonstrate against the opportunistic parasites that are backing this insult to our nation.
Will we still be able to drive down Union Street in an independent Scotland? If not there’ll be traffic mayhem across the whole country!
Are we allowed a second question?
Will we still be able to drive down Union Street in an independent Scotland?No, down is out, up only.
First question: What is the etymology of the word ‘quiz’?
@Alex McL
Gaelic keyboards is a great idea. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet but only 18 in Gaelic. Our computers would become smaller giving us an edge over English and American devices.
Le meas (respectfully yours).
See what I mean?
THERE WILL BE A QUIZ. (There probably won’t.) (OR WILL THERE?)
I cant take the uncertainty. Im not investing my time coming here and reading all the posts until I have clarity. I know that because people, important people have told me so and I wish you all to give up this ridiculous idea of a quiz.
Anyway it wont be a real quiz. It’ll just be 500 answers and you’ll have to dream up the questions. So there.
Cruel Dinners threat on independence
link to mirror.co.uk
Gaelic keybord is a great idea. Because they have less letters they use less electricity, saving the environment and money at the same time
Make it so Alex.
If Scotland has 90% of the standing fresh water resource in the UK, after independence how many buckets do we have to send to rUK – is it a) 90% based on population b)99% based on the newly drawn border which includes Inverness as part of Kent or c) rUK will rain on its own parade and have no need for Scottish Socialist Democratic Water?
Will it still rain as much in an independent Scotland or will the union not allow Scotland its share in a Trident free zone?
Will the sky still be blue in an independent Scotland?
Uncertainty over pension payments, according to Ed Balls. Saying he would have no problem cutting pensions so he could meet his targets. He said that the over 60s was an area that hadn’t really been looked at yet. What’s your reply to that statement Alastair my darling.
I want cruelty-free dinners!
Ach. Stop that. Be quiet. I’m trying to revise for the quiz. The Rev will be back soon and yoos’ll be sorry. Them at the back are just showing off.
In a manner that has become all too accustomed to us denizens of the cheap seats, we suffered another boastful announcement that on seperation our English keyboards would be replaced by the inferior Gaelic ones as they had less keys and so were more eco-friendly. This is typical of the ill informed, on the hoof policy making of the departists. On any examination, let alone close scrutiny, this has the ability to return those Scots who choose to remain in the North part of a broken Britain to the days of manual labour and death, worn out, at 65. Anybody with the slightest idea about the Gaelic will notice how many extra letters their words contain and how much extra space is needed on the page to say what can take only a few lines of English. So more manual labour typing, more electricity, more paper, more storage for starters. If you say yes then Im out of a job so say NO … please.
Independence will mean Scotland can’t become independent. Only as part of the UK does it have the possibility of becoming independent. You’ve been warned.
@ The Rough Bounds says – Whats the etymology of the word ‘quiz’
Well, according to Oxford Dickshunary the word was first noted in a diary written in 1792 by a lady called FANNY BURNEY [That made me smile].
Who choose and who agreed to Glasgow being the epicentre of UK First World War celebrations?
When was comparing democratically elected Alex Salmond to the nepotism of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un considered satire?
How many other “entertainers” say they were threatened with abuse in order to get publicity headlines for forthcoming programmes and increased gigs from the BBC?
ach, see whit yiv went an done. A wis that busy swottin up fur ma test that ahve burnt the bacon. Ony wey thurs only 7 letters in Garlic. whit’s this a aboot an kin wan o yeez gie us a copy? am feart!
Damn it, that erchie an his burny fanny made me choke oan ma burnt bacon.
Just saw a clip of Alex Jones having a quiet word with Andrew Neil about the BBC being connected to the Bilderberg group.
Q: How many Better Together activitists does it take to change a light-bulb?
A: Depends who’s counting.
I was out on the piss at the weekend, and I’ve found out that alcohol-fuelled attempts to turn people into Yes voters are slightly more productive than alcohol-fuelled attempts to get phone numbers etc.
Just thought I’d pass that on for any other single people reading.
is the quiz compulsory ? It sounds more like a test to me.Or even an exam.And the mere suggestion of it has turned this site into a havering pile of gibberish.
And who’s going to set the questions? If you do decide to test us on the flavour of vanilla ice cream post indy,will you be asking Maitland Mackie for the definitive answer?
I’ll only participate if some of the questions are multiple choice.
@ Mealer
Aye when the cats away….etc etc.
@ Mosstrooper
Explain reason for choking to NHS24 – Ah wiz readin aboot a burney fanny!
@ Rev Stu
Now that you have done your shoppin, can you put this lot in detention or pull oot your tawse.
Why haven’t No Better Together asked about the national animal in an independent Scotland? Is this a top secret unionist plot to hijack the unicorn for some dark and dubious purpose? We can’t vote yes with such uncertainty.
BTW, any chance we could have a new national animal that isn’t mythical? Bugger heraldry, anything would be better. Even Nessie – yes I know not real either but would be a great flag.
Heilan’ coo, or red squirrel?
…or lion (rampant)!
@ Red Squirrel says – …..animal that isnt mythical.
Think about the poor Welsh folk with their ‘dragon’. Sad to say they have had dog’s abuse from certain Christian political parties [deposit losers] who maintain it is Satanic.
Red squirrel says:
10 June, 2013 at 1:22 pm
Why haven’t No Better Together asked about the national animal in an independent Scotland? Is this a top secret unionist plot to hijack the unicorn for some dark and dubious purpose? We can’t vote yes with such uncertainty.
BTW, any chance we could have a new national animal that isn’t mythical? Bugger heraldry, anything would be better. Even Nessie – yes I know not real either but would be a great flag.
I’m up for it!
We have a small by vibrant colony in Sunny Govan for about 4,000 years, you know.
Will MI5 be casting a furtive eye over all those who participate in this quiz?
You’ll have to get your Bugger heraldry matriculated by Lyon King of Arms and you’ll be all the way sunshine.
Could the reason that they are so desperate to keep us in the union be because of our abundance of national icons?
Think about it, we have
Lion (rampant) Unicorn, Nessie, Heilin Coo, Stags, Eagles, Grouse, Haggis and even sheep (nudge nudge, wink wink)
Thistles, Heather, Bluebells and Rose (white)
Haggis (again), Whisky, Porridge, Shortbread and Irn Bru
Tartan, Bagpipes etc.
Probably some more that I have missed.
What dose England have? A Bowler Hat and a rolled-up Brolly FFS.
Ah, be fair now man in the jar, they’ve got prancing about with tissues and bells too![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
Also can I add the wildcat (highland tiger) to your Scottish icons list?
Oh, and Scots Pine, great tree and it’s got our name on it after all.
To go with the haggis, I mean. No reflection on any of the above posters.
Please excuse me, I forgot the Morris Dancers.
I can confess that I have Morris Danced. I knew someone once that was half-Scottish but grew up in Norfolk. He could get a tune out of the pipes but he also instructed me in some basic morris dancing for a laugh. I remember one New Year when both of us in kilts morris danced around his estate in Auchterarder. We got some right queer looks I can tell you!
Let’s not forget Scotland’s dugs. Deerhounds, Westies, Scotty Dugs, Cairn Terriers, Skye Terriers (endangered species) and can we claim the Border Collie?
As the bard put it.
“And they stood up and shook their lugs and rejoicit that they wernae men but dugs!”
We cannae overlook the midge, especially the sabre-toothed yin.
aka – meana chulagean
TMITJ – don’t forget the bulldog, one of those British = English = British icons.
I thought the “border” bit in Border Collies was the Welsh one?
@Doug Daniel
Ah the English Bulldog.
“A dog with legs so deformed it can barely walk, a jaw so undershot it cannot grab a frisbee, and a face so bracyphalic it can barely breathe. Add to this a deformed intestinal system which makes the dog fart constantly, a pig tail prone to infection and serious eye problems due to excessive facial wrinkles, and you have a dog that considers its own death a blessed relief.” “Is this a dog that any patriot would choose as a representative of his or her country?”
This from Patrick Burns “Terrierman” the guy who wrote the article that led to the Panorama program exposing the kennel club for the bunch of snakeoil salesmen that they are. He writes a dam good blog as well!
Dont take my word for it.
link to terriermandotcom.blogspot.co.uk
National animal?
A couple of pandas back to back, one with a chastity belt on!
I would presume all who are of a pro-independence nature will by now have at least viewed in it’s entirety the BBC Alba programme Diomhair. Incase anyone has not here is the link which will take you to the 6 part programme.
link to auldacquaintance.wordpress.com
Hail Alba vote YES in 2014.
I never thought of that!
I assumed that it was the Scottish borders. I know that Burns mentions one by name “Luith” in his magnificent social commentary poem. “The Twa Dugs” Highly recommended, the poem relates to today’s UK political scene almost exactly.
Those damn collies. What is it with them and borders.
Sprinkle powdered unicorn horn in their chow. It’ll work wonders. Mind you, I’m not sure if a Scottish Conservative MP breeding programme is the best use for it.
Well i hope there not Carnoustie sea border collies, or they are in for an almighty identity crisis come Independence Day.
I own a Border Collie cross (Dalmatian). Would she be allowed to cross the border into England under grim separation?
Having said that, her Croatian heritage will likely lead her to support independence![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
TMITJ – great link, I had a good read.
It’s “brachycephalic”, by the way.
Brachyphallic – poor little bulldog, as if life wasn’t hard enough!
I have a Sporting Lucas Terrier, a breed created in Caithness, albeit by exiled Englishman Brian Plummer. link to sportinglucasterrierassociation.co.uk
According to Wikipedia, the border collie is indeed from the Anglo-Scottish border region, and is alternatively known by the name ‘Scotch sheep dog’. It further states that the word ‘collie’ has its origin in Lowland Scots dialects, so I think we can safely claim this one.
Ah Brian Plummer a name that I recognise. He had something to do with Patterdale Terriers. Mine is a Cairn / Patterdale cross (very)Terrier. Free to a good home, I gave two large bottles of Vodka for her in thanks, best dog I have ever had.
He writes an excellent blog. Not just about dogs. During Presidential elections in USA you should have heard him having a go at Mit Romney!
I am considering contacting him regarding the referendum. He is well up to speed on UK politicks and a natural indi supporter. A wee help from the Diaspora disnae do any harm.
According to Wikipedia, the border collie is indeed from the Anglo-Scottish border region, and is alternatively known by the name ‘Scotch sheep dog’. It further states that the word ‘collie’ has its origin in Lowland Scots dialects, so I think we can safely claim this one.
Is that right? There was me labouring under a misapprehension all that time.
Brachyphallic – poor little bulldog, as if life wasn’t hard enough!
That too, I believe.
Will I have to pay tuition fees to study for the quiz? Will someone in Yorkshire still be allowed to kill a Scotsman with a bow and arrow? And not be done for it.
Poor Rev., he’s got to wade through all this rubbish to see if anyone has come up with something useful in his absence and then look to choose something from the rubbish that our MSM has served up for our delectation. Going the messages may have never seemed a more welcome chore.
Will the weans still get money for going the messages in an independent Scotland?
And what money will that be?
Preparing to asset strip in the event of a No vote?
link to guardian.co.uk
Apparently the Yorkshire story is true, someone told me this a wee while ago, I haven’t looked into it, but it wouldn’t be surprising!
On the theme of Post Offices, and such things, just why do the ‘no’ lot want to keep us if we are such a liability, ie being subsidised by England…
Would we have used Scottish Steel on the Forth Bridge if Scotland was an independent Country.
and if no why no?
@The Man in the Jar:
Morris Dancing is just Kendo for softies
Right so the Quiz isnae foriegn it wiz invented by THE fanny (not the Mundell type) And the pandas canna breed ‘cos someone stole their garlic keyboard and sprinkled it with border collie dust.![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
I can feel a “SALMOND ACCUSED’ moment coming on When’s FMQs?
@ handclapping – well you sure know how to silence what was a fun day. Hardly a post since you consigned us all to the waste heap. Personally I think that Rev. Stu will be happy that so many posters, and new ones at that, feel the freedom to express themselves with their observations & humour.
I am somewhat disappointed that you think all the previous correspondents are rubbish as I have previously followed your comments on WOS with interest. Perhaps you should be going out for the ‘messages’ without payment and come back with a ‘pan loaf’ & ‘chips’
@Krackerman says:
“Preparing to asset strip in the event of a No vote?”
I have to say I was very disappointed with Sir Ian Woods comment (BBC tonight) on this. It was along the lines of we must maximise recovery of North Sea oil and gas for the benefit of “UK plc”. I may be doing the guy a disservice, but it sounded very much like he was asset stripping his own country’s natural resources to benefit the UK Government.
So……who won the quiz?
You did.
Here’s a coconut:
link to pitch.com
A quiz, we are having a quiz. Brilliant I’m looking forward tae that.
Unionists often say that people in England should get a vote on Scottish independence.
They can! All they have to do is hold a referendum in England on English independence. If they vote Yes, then Scotland becomes independent, irrespective of the vote in the Scottish referendum. Done!
When is the quiz?
On the subject of a National Animal for an independent Scotland I would suggest the Wild Pictish Boar.
The Wild Boar was the Royal Standard of Scotland until the year 1165 when it was dropped by King William the Lyon in favour of the Lion Rampant.
Lions, as you will know, are not indigenous to Scotland, but boars are.
There is a Boar carving on the top of Dunadd hill fort in Argyll and the boar features on several Pictish carved stones. Our oldest stories and legends often contain references to the wild boar.
If we vote No I recommend the white chicken.
I see that yon plook Alex Ferguson (him wi’ the face like a burst sausage) has come out publicly to endorse the Labour candidate in the Donside by election.
Anybody else think that this walking chewing gum advert is worth listening to?
I’ve had a fairly chunky reality today myself and popping in to read the comments on ‘the quiz’ in particular has only lightened the day for me
hurry up with that quizzzzz, I’ve had the ouija board out for the last six hours, hoping for a “head”start!!.
@ Albaman
will we still get ghosts in an independent Scotland
@Archie I think you’re being too harsh regarding Handclapping’s comment 06.47. I read his comment as tonque in cheek to be honest. Now you’ve got me thinking about a chip butty with brown sauce![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
So, is ‘Rory Bremner on Scottish Politics’ going to be as grisly as it looks?
I think we should help the Rev Stu out by coming up with some useful questions for him.
1) Which peice went intae orbit and became a satellite, and would this still be allowed in an independent Scotland or would we have to join NASA?
Comedy relief from Labour`s reliably hilarious, Anas Sarwar
link to twitter.com
Richard Lucas,
the answer to that question is …B St Mirren.
Sorry.Wrong question.The answer is …C.Probably.
Can we have a Highland cow as national animal? I’m sure it’s foreign enough for the Daily Mail (Such a great headline!) link to dailymail.co.uk
Another cracking exclusive from those well known agricultural experts – ‘those foreign cows, coming over here, taking over our fields, another reason we should leave the EU’ (someone actually said that last bit – its true).
silly moos in Englandshire.
101st reply. Do I win a prize?
Can we have a Highland cow as national animal? I’m sure it’s foreign enough for the Daily Mail (Such a great headline!)
I suspect a left-wing, European conspiracy.
Will Heilan’ Coos South of the Border be forcibly repatriated after a ‘Yes’ vote?
Another “Ye couldnae make it up” headline in tomorrows Hootsmon.
(Teresa) “May threat that Scots might not keep UK passports”
@The Man in the Jar says:
“Another “Ye couldnae make it up” headline in tomorrows Hootsmon.
(Teresa) “May threat that Scots might not keep UK passports”
They really don’t get it, do they?
@Bill C
They are beginning to make it too easy for us; Darling at the Tory Conference, Davidson’s threat to remove devolved powers and now a promise that I’ll have a passport issued by the Scottish Passport Office, it just gets better and better
Man in he jar,, I think we will find it probably is made up..she is threatening to use border controls, well that works both ways, if there are border controls going out then you will have border controls coming in..and NOBODY wants all that hassle. This passport story is a none story.
@Eva – I propose that the motto on the new Scottish Passport should be “Hail Alba”.
This short video made me laugh almost as much as the “Hootsmon” headline.
They certainly dont get it, do they!
link to terriermandotcom.blogspot.co.uk
@Bill C![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
as long as I can officially describe myself as Scottish and choose Scotland, not UK or GB, in a drop down menu when ordering online I’ll be happy. I approve your choice of motto especially as we’ll all be forced to communicate entirely in Gaelic as Westminster will keep the English language for themselves in the divorce settlement
In the divorce settlement we wil give them all the midgies.
“May threat that Scots might not keep UK passports”
Snigger. My UK passport went into the recycling bin years ago. I’m Irish now, until we get independence. Irish/Scottish is the only dual nationality I want. Unless we can have three – could we have three? Then I’ll be French/Scottish/Irish. But I like Spain too – could I be French/Scottish/Irish/Spanish? (I’m hoping Wee Mags Coorin reads this, and faints at the thought of all the foreign-ness. Wooooo!)
@Marcia – but of course they get the midges! We’ll have all the haggis farms, distilleries and shortbread factories. See – managed to avoid mentioning the oil there![😉](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f609.svg)
The Top of my passport says “EUROPEAN UNION” and all current passports will remain valid until they expire. Just as they did before we joined the “EUROPEAN UNION”. Drivers licences will be exactly the same – even if rUK pull out of the EU, passports and driving licences will not require to be updated until the natural expiry date – which is 10 years for each.
Right, I declare the Quiz (Fanny Burning !!! ???) over.
and the winner is ………………………
Some cracking posts.
Couple of “chocked on gulp of beer” moments.
Some computer housekeeping required.
…… where did I leave the Mr. Clean ?
So, GCHQ is monitoring all the emails, blogs, phone calls etc?
Quelle surprise.
I’d love to see whoever’s tasked with following WoS threads. I find it difficult to keep up at times – this thread is an example, with lapses into vernacular, rendered phonetically, and Milliganesque flights of imagination.
There’s a Political Theory 1.1 graduate somewhere in the bowels of GCHQ, doing 12-hour backshifts (on minimum wage, naturally) eyeballs reddened, scrolling through this and other threads, double-checking his handy Glossary to find out what ‘bawbag’ means. Poor wee sowel.
(Now he’s having to check ‘sowel’, but it’s not there…add ‘SOWEL’ to list, with ‘?’ refer to Nigel in Neological Acquisition Dept…)
Good luck.
Ya bawbag.
Brilliant Ian, a real laugh out loud moment. Thanks![😉](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f609.svg)
The Rough Bounds says:
10 Jun w, 2013 at 11:17 am
“First question: What is the etymology of the word ‘quiz’?’
I remember reading that the word ‘quiz’ was invented by someone purely as a bet that they could establish a new word. He apparently wrote it on walls all over town and folk started asking what it meant. So it came to mean something unknown. He won his bet. Can’t remember where this took place, Paris or somewhere.
Chic McGregor says:
11 June, 2013 at 7:54 am
The Rough Bounds says:
10 Jun w, 2013 at 11:17 am
“First question: What is the etymology of the word ‘quiz’?’
I remember reading that the word ‘quiz’ was invented by someone purely as a bet that they could establish a new word. He apparently wrote it on walls all over town and folk started asking what it meant. So it came to mean something unknown. He won his bet. Can’t remember where this took place, Paris or somewhere.
From Wikisomething
The first attested use of the word is from 1781[1] and means an odd person. This sense survives today in the word “quizzical”. It was also used in the term quizzing glass, a common accoutrement of British Regency dandies. It later acquired a meaning of to make fun of, or to mock. How it acquired its current meaning of a test is unknown, but that sense did not appear until 1867 and then it was in the United States.[citation needed]
The Oxford English Dictionary attests the use of the verb “quiz” to mean to question or interrogate, with a reference from 1843: “She com back an’ quiesed us”, which could be a clue to its origin. Quiz as a test could be a corruption of the Latin Qui es, meaning “Who are you?” The American Heritage Dictionary says it may be from the English dialect verb quiset, meaning to question. In any case it is probably from the same root as question and inquisitive.
There is a well-known myth about the word “quiz”, which says that in 1791 a Dublin theater owner named James Daly made a bet that he could introduce a word into the language within twenty-four hours. He then went out and hired a group of street urchins to write the word “quiz”, which was a nonsense word, on walls around the city of Dublin. Within a day, the word was common currency and had acquired a meaning (since no one knew what it meant, everyone thought it was some sort of test) and Daly had some extra cash in his pocket. However, there is no evidence to support the story, and the term was already in use before the alleged bet in 1791.[2]
We will still be permitted to play cricket after a YES vote?
Would anyone outside Freuchie, Falkland and a few Aberdeenish villages really care?
ianbrotherhood says:
11 June, 2013 at 5:17 am
So, GCHQ is monitoring all the emails, blogs, phone calls etc?
I was at Sabhal Mor Ostaig for a couple of weeks back in around 1999 – there was one woman there from GCHQ (a linguist and non-Scot) who was learning Gaelic. So beware! GCHQ can probably understand Gaelic as well, so Scots will be a doddle for them!!
Considering how silent Stu has been, this must be an *awesome* quiz.
@Doug Daniel-
Aye, it’s one of those Zen quizzes – after three days of utter silence you realise that the answer is you and you are the answer…nae coconuts for anyone.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say hello to MI5
Thank you to all of you for a much needed good laugh.
I’d be hard pushed to choose my favourite – just so many!
Just a wee addendum
inquisition is a Latin based word of about the 13th / 14th Centuries and is concerned with questioning and inquiring.
perhaps this is the root
A message from MI5
“Can you chaps speak a little slower please, thank you ever so much”
He’s a tricky character that Rev. Stu – perhaps the ‘quiz’ was in the header statement ‘will there – won’t there be a quiz’ and my answer is still 42.
sneddon says:
11 June, 2013 at 9:46 am
A message from MI5
“Can you chaps speak a little slower please, thank you ever so much”
Pmsl coffee all over the windscreen
Bugger (the Panda) says: “inquisition is a Latin based word of about the 13th / 14th Centuries and is concerned with questioning and inquiring.”
Good grief, I wasn’t expecting that!
all right Rev Stu, I was expecting to log on today to find an awesome quiz to participate in. Now It seems I have been played for a fool. Well I’m off to better together site, they have a 500 question quiz running apparently. What message are you sending to the world , they want independence but they can’t even organise a quiz.
poor poor show.
Will Matheson get his comeuppance in an independent Scotland?
They have gaelic speakers???
Right! Plan b.
Come on now Rev time to get back here!
No? In that case I shall prepare my Turnip Surprise!
Really?..And the surprise is?
There’s nothing else in it except the turnip! (Smiley thing wi tears).
Hope you got that MI5.
Major No one expects the inquisition![🙂](https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f642.svg)
nuff said
heraldnomore says: Will Matheson get his comeuppance in an independent Scotland?
Yes, but he’s to avoid carparks this time – it frightens the horses.
What if Rev. Stu has been captured. What if he is in a deep dark dungeon somewhere in GCHQ. Conditions so bad that he has to lick the walls of his cell for moisture?
Could this turn out to be the longest thread in the history of the Internet?
heraldnomore says:
“Will Matheson get his comeuppance in an independent Scotland?”
No! There will be no cars in an independent Scotland, therefore no car parks for him to… ( I’ll just stop there I think).
sneddon, AlexMcI
I’ve just found the official MI5 guidelines on how to converse with those not afflicted with a Scots accent:
link to youtube.com
Quiz Question : When Stu runs his stats, how angry will he be to see the Article with most comments was a non article?
pmcrek says:
11 June, 2013 at 11:00 am
sneddon, AlexMcI
I’ve just found the official MI5 guidelines on how to converse with those not afflicted with a Scots accent:
I thought it was this they used –
In the days of Blether with Brian he went on his hols when the Parliament was not sitting and left a blog open. There were over 2000 rambling posts on it when he got back and closed it!
I often think we are still the teenager with the spray paint and a blank wall. Just as our ancestors used their cave walls as a way of passing the boring winter so we have inherited this gene / meme that silence and blank spaces must be filled.
What will be the sound of one hand clapping in an independent Scotland?
Oh Dear may your eyes be soiled by this out of touch Drivel
link to theweek.co.uk
The headline starts of then it disappears into the realms of fantasy island
handclapping says: What will be the sound of one hand clapping in an independent Scotland?
Very similar to the sound of Johann Lamont face-palming in her office every week after FMQ?
Mathieson off the Hook, WTF!!
I reckon Stu is in Hong Kong
BTW, my finest moment ever in Scrabble was when I made the word QUIZZED out of all seven of my tiles and got the whole lot down on a triple word square!
AlexMcl says “will there be ghosts in an Independant Scotland”?.
There already are plenty of them, think of Mags Curran, Spud Murphy, J Lamentable, D Mundel
(Mundain), not forgetting A Darling.
och ,you can all add your names to the never ending list of unionist undermining the Scottish
folks confidence, and yes there is a whole host of them ghosting around Scotland frightening
the natives into inaction!.
Actually, these are not the ones to be wary of, it’s the stealth ghosts (MI 5 &6)!!.