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Wings Over Scotland

Heads up

Posted on June 23, 2018 by
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Got it in one…..well done Chris.


Another masterpiece !

That sums it up perfectly.

Les Wilson

Another Westminster “great” explanation.
Well done Chris, bang on.

The subject however is not funny at all,(was not meant to be). Tory self greed is driving all of us into uncharted waters, with no idea of the destination.
The UK is in it’s death throes.Scotland is the voice of sanity and we will see Independence soon.


An excellent example of the Unionist default stance..
Well done Chris.

Grouse Beater

What a confluence of colonial arrogance we’ve endured this week, Chris; millions of money looted from Scotland, rights, powers and sovereignty too. If that doesn’t jolt the doubters to reject a usury Union nothing will. All of it was predicted when we lost the referendum but dint of being overwhelmed by incomers. I hope they know what they will lose next time if they vote No.

Your essential weekend reading:

Republished to show England’s greed: link to
A film about a clash of cultures: link to

Robert Louis

Really sorry, but O/T .

March at Bannockburn today. 1pm start. Ending at the statue to Scotland’s champion, Robert the Bruce King of Scots.

ROUTE here : link to

Oh, and never forget..

“…But from these countless evils we have been set free, by the help of Him Who though He afflicts yet heals and restores, by our most tireless Prince, King and Lord, the Lord Robert.

He, that his people and his heritage might be delivered out of the hands of our enemies, met toil and fatigue, hunger and peril, like another Macabaeus or Joshua and bore them cheerfully.

Him, too, divine providence, his right of succession according to or laws and customs which we shall maintain to the death, and the due consent and assent of us all have made our Prince and King.

To him, as to the man by whom salvation has been wrought unto our people, we are bound both by law and by his merits that our freedom may be still maintained, and by him, come what may, we mean to stand.

Yet if he should give up what he has begun, and agree to make us or our kingdom subject to the King of England or the English, we should exert ourselves at once to drive him out as our enemy and a subverter of his own rights and ours, and make some other man who was well able to defend us our King; for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule.
It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”

Declaration of Arbroath, 1320.

Aye, it’s going to be a great day. 🙂

Albert Herring

Ah, that explains that wide stance.


The people are revolting had enough of Westminster and the Tories. It is the marching season but not as people know it.

Marching against DUP/orange lodge and the Tories and their crass policy. Brexit, Scotland marching for Independence from the Westminster crooks and thuggery. Maliciously killing their own citizens. Marching against Brexit and the Tory total fraud and mismanagement of the economy. Especially in Scotland where people did not vote for them A disasterous evil Westminster government.

Unionist appalling mismanagement of the Scottish economy since 1928 and before. Eden, MacMillan, Wilson, Callaghan, Thatcher, Blair, Brown, Cameron,May. evel All a disaster for Scotland. Holding Scotland back. Creating poverty. It is surprising how many people with Scottish names would chose to misgovern Scotland. Cheat and lie to hold Scotland back and destroy the economy, illegally and secretly take the resources and squander them. To build up London S/E and leave Scotland in relevant poverty by comparison. Depopulated Scotland maliciously. The North/South divide. Kept secret under the Official Secrets Act. Iraq, Lockerbie and Dunblane kept secret for 100 years.

Illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion by the Westminster unionist bastards. Trident, Hickley Point, HS2 a disaster. Completely lying and embezzling public funds. To line their and their cronies pockets. Westminster pycho bastards and their unionist Parties. A disgrace. Disaster foreign policies.Now Brexit.

Enough is enough. Only Independence will resolve Scotland’s problem of Westminster unionist mismanagement and corruption,

This May Gov is getting worse than Thatcher, if that was possible. They are destroy the UK and world economy. They must be stopped and defeated. Scotland must go it!s own way for prosperity, equality and fairness.The Westminster unionist Gov is appalling. Sanctioning, starving and killing the citizens and people around the world. Trashing the world economy,

The Westminster unionists make promises, get elected. Then Immediately betray the promises. 2010 elected to support NHS and Education, Condems did the opposite Cut funding. Then they seem to look around and see how they can ruin the economy. Cut taxes, especially for the wealthiest. Cut public spending starving vulnerable people. It cost more in other services.

Austerity. Run down the economy. Ruin the Scottish economy, To high Oil & Gas taxes when the price was falling. Took £Millions intended for Scottish farmers. Ruined the fishing industry for years by not regulating using bigger nets and improving terms and conditions by conservation. Ie Supporting the industry.

The SNP Gov is the only thing defending people in Scotland and the economy from further harm. They make things better. By standing up for Scotland and the economy. Caring about people. Better policies. Scotland could do much better Independent with policies to suit. Scotland would get better off. If Scotland gets better off so does the rest of the UK and Europe.

Brexit will ruin the British economy. EU membership was an advantage not a disadvantage. The Tories have cheated and lied. To line their and their cronies pockets. The Westminster unionists and their cronies UK/US (France) caused the migration in Europe. The worst migration crisis in Europe since the 11WW, Causing havoc in the Middle East, Europe and all around the world.

They have caused the migration crisis but do not want people to come to the UK. After they caused it. Irresponsible and harmful. They expect everyone else to sort out their mess. Costing £Billions/Trns. The only thing to help sort it out. The Westminster Tories and their cronies downfall. Scotland to be Independent (in EU).

Vote SNP/SNP,. Vote for Independence. Simple.

Good luck and best wishes to the Marchers.

Representing those who can’t be there. Working, caring or ill. Standing up for Scotland and people’s rights to self determination. The declaration of Arbroath still stands and influenced the world, Enlightenment. A first in tertiary education. Scottish invention shaped the modern world, TV, radio, telecommunication led on to the internet. Engineering, Medicine, literature. Liberty, equality and fraternity. 49 million disporia. Friends in Europe and all around the world.

Thank goodness for the internet.


I can never understand why so many Scots are so passive, when they can surely see how the Westminster Tories are stripping us of power AND wealth.

Hope the march today is massive – but I’m not sure some Noers will ever realise what’s going on, anyway.

Great toon, once more Chris.


Aye, no bad Chris, yet again you catch the nub of the mad situation that is May and her government of unfit for office eejits.

That we are still attached to this incompetent crowd is scary.

That we KNOW we can do better than this is frustrating.

In 100 years folk will read about this time and be amazed that we didn’t escape sooner!


Reminds me of proud Scot buts Chris their heads are up their arse as well..


[…] Wings Over Scotland Heads up Read the full article:: Wings Over Scotland Heads […]

Ian McCubbin

Brilliant would love to see you do one of her in the same yoga pose lol.

ronnie anderson

What ah way to the start of the day Thanks Chris Laughter all the way to Bannockburn


That about sums it up.

More worryingly, the fact that Westminster is no longer a parliamentary democracy seems to have been lost on the media. It is now rule by government decree.

Jim Davidson

FMqs not on at its usual bbc parli time, or all weekend by the looks of it. Did anything significant happen for them not to show it. Its happened before when Nicolas wiped the floor wi rooth the mooth, even more than she normally does.


Ian McCubbin,

Some hope. The woman cannot even manage a court curtsy

Anyways, Have a great flag party everyone (nod to Grousey).

Les Wilson

I have no doubt the Government of England is one of the worst afflictions of mankind. Wars and millions dead across many centuries, colonial theft of countries assets, cause of famine that killed so many people. We Scots have been embroiled in this too, via all the trickery and lies poured on us. We helped them do it for 300 years.

However now we have salvation at hand, the current Westminster government is the most hapless one with no idea of direction, monumental self harm for the population is a given. This all to enrich the elites. In the past this would not have been so apparent but in today’s world they cannot escape so easily as before and their evil intend can easily be seen.

This the time for Scotland to break free of what is fast becoming total UK breakdown. We will have no more of their wars, we will no longer allow the theft of our assets, we will walk a better path with a much better society and become the Scotland we deserve to be. There is no longer a choice.


FM’s had been advertised (usual time) then another programme has been showing. Last few weeks. Censorship? Most of the Conference was not broadcast – BBC2 or Parliamentary Channel. Only Nicola Speech (on BBC) Conference on Friday/Saturday. Not Friday/SaturdaySunday. Different TV shedule. Usually shown/screened Saturday/Sunday. BBC2.

FM’sQ wil be on the internet. Google it. With the date.


A propos the stuck up fundament posture anyone been collared for the GSA fire yet?
Enough of the hand wringing and crocodile tears. As the acrid stench and smoke subsides we need clarity.
Some resignations would be a first step in the right direction. .

Jockanese Wind Talker

Farmers away to get fucked:

“Ruth Davidson accused of hypocrisy after acknowledging ‘distinct needs’ of Scots farmers”

link to

Another Union Dividend

At Highland Show apart from UK Government getting prime location with large tent and giving away lots of Union Flag branded materials plus plug on every map haned out to visitors claiming Food is GREAT Britain. Agriculture is of couse devolved.

By contrast the Scottish Government had a small tent and no freebies.

The PA announcer gave a big build up for David Mundell being in crowd at Galloway Cattle judging. Not a ripple of applause other rhan a Moo or was it Boo from a nearby Coo.

Announcer tried again still no response from audience.


Boris Johnson on companies leaving uk because of brexit…

“EU diplomats have claimed that during a Foreign Office reception to celebrate the Queen’s birthday last week, the Foreign Secretary was asked about the fears of some business leaders over Brexit and replied: “f*** business.”

link to


The Yoonstream will be apoplectic.. LOL

link to

john Moss

A great cartoon. Straight to the point!


Chris, One of your BEST.
Nice One.



I loved this tweet about it:-

Protik Islam-Jakobsson
There’s a long tradition of this in the Tory party. Cameron for example once tried to revive the failing British pork industry using a similar strategy.

Richard Hunter

Is this the new way David Davis has found for sitting at Brexit negotiation meetings?


More Labour lies. Total liars. Lewis MacDonald that incompetent. Is claiming ‘the Accounts Commission was brought into the City because of the SNP bankrupting the City. That is total and absolute lies. Labour was voted out leaving £1/2Billiond of debts. In 2007. The Labour+ unionists used tombalance the books when they were short by selling off City assets or raiiding the Common good fund (R. Bruce) To balance the books. Totally fraudulent and illegal.

A LibDem/SNP got power. The Accounts Commission was brought it to sort out the mess the Labour Party left. The only time the City has been well round was when the LibDem/SNP administration was in power. The books were sorted out and balanced. Union Square (successful) built. Good value. Essential services supported. UTG project majorly supported by vote wa being undertaken which would have pedestrianise the City and renovated the centre. £80Million gift. + £20Million funding.

The Labour/unionists claimed it was too expensive. Got into power and cancelled it.The non existent United Unionist Coalition Party. Not on the ballot sheet. Misusing electoral funding. Breaking electoral rule and code of conduct. Not fit for public office. Breaking code of honesty. Vow. Deceiving the voters. An elected LibDem. On being elected declared Independent and joined the illegal coalition party.

They proceeded to ruin the City with Muse monstrosity. Not needed hotel/offices/shops, Hotels are underoccupied, restaurants struggling and empty. Shops lying empty. PPI Cost £7Million a year £200Million. A monstrosity blott on the landscape. Appalling eye sore. People wanted open spaces and tranquility. An oasis in the City, They got a sprawling urban high mess of offence. Blocking out the light and lack of distribution. Making folk sick. Turns the stomach.

The City was underfunded for thirty years. Received 30% less of all comparable council funding because of Labour dominated Cosla. The Labour/unionists did nothing about it. The Labour/unionist blocked the by pass road for forty years. Voted against. The only City in Eurooe without by pass road while all the Oil revenues went south.

Now the Labour+unionists have once again ruined the City. £1.2Billion of debt this time. Unplanned groteque projects of no value ruining the City. So incompetent they are despised by the residents. Appalling decisions. People were protesting in the streets. Ignored. A total and absolute mess of incompetence. Appalling. 9 Labour supported by a two job Tory. Council/Holyrood. The SNP has the highest number rep 19. STV irregulation of representation.

Labour Unionists are now telling absolute lies as usual. They are a total discredited disgrace. Appalling. Lewis MacDonald and his cronies are telling absolute lies. Milking the City to line their pockets. List greedy, lazy incompetents. They have be at it for years. Fifty years of filthy Labour. They should be up in court for fraud. The have taken vows to tell the truth and follow a code of conduct. Not fit for purpose. Not fit for public office. Complete and utter lies and misuse of public money. They got City extra money and just totally wasted it. £Millions.

The SNP Gov have tried to recompense for the situation. Alex Salmond. Built the vital, essential by pass road which will help the economy. Helped fund the sports centre. The turbines in the Bay. Too close? Etc. John Swinney has helped close the unionist comparable budget deficit by investment..

Ian Foulds

Our rallying cry should not necessarily be Independence.

Surely we would get more on board if it was Freedom from Westminster. Even some royal supporters might be enticed.

We can address the UK matter after we have our own Parliament with its FULL powers.

Jim Davidson

Thanks for that its bullshit is it nae they’re rerunning brexit night results in its place. Why? We aw know how that went. Didn’t realise about conference, always watch it but was away at Eden festival that weekend.
I’ve just got a phone and no wifi, so unfortunately have rely on BBC. Aboot the only thing I watch. Should be compulsory they show it.
Will head out for brunch somewhere that’s got WiFi and watch it on my phone


How low can they go? When it looks like they could not go lower. They do. Labour/unionist totally lying and inventing a completely dishonest narrative. Never mind the truth. To try and support their 9 councillor colleagues who have broken their party rules. Broken political code of conduct and vow of honesty which they took. Lying and breaking Party and political rules, Not fit for purpose of public office.

Trying to help them out to get them resurrected in order to get re elected. To continue to milk the system and the public purse. Wasting public money. Lewis MacDonald’s wife is one of them. Shocking lying in the Press. They should be sued. Not fit for public office. A disgrace. Cause anger and annoyance. Total frustration and disappointment. Could they get any worse? Liars always get found out.

Dan Huil

That explains the fudge.


The BBC is supposed to show equal relevant political cover per it’s constitution. Rules. Equal cover per party Conference. They are now reneging on that. SNP Conference can be 3 days. Main Conference October. Sat/sun was show on BBC Two or Parliamentary Channel (on internet).

BBC is cutting cover recently. Repeat on Sat FM’Q has been advertised but not shown. Shown something else. Conference not shown as per usual (but Friday/Saturday) Just Nicola’s speech. Usually Sat/Sun shown. Speech on Sunday.

Only Saturday. Different schedule? Sunday Nicola on MSM. Still from Aberdeen. Broadcast from a local beach restaurant. People can stay in the Hotel beside Conference Centre? Aberdeen chosen because it is a less expensive Conference Centre with uncongested links? More economical. Saves money. Prudent. Spring Conference. Main Conference October. Moves around places so more people have access to it and can attend. Easier. Also on the internet. Live coverage. If there is access.


The Brexit strategy is to cherry pick all the EU bits they like, and reject what they don’t.

Someone needs to point out that those are haemorrhoids not cherries!

Paul Paterson

Chris Cairns total genius!


Nice one Chris.

Don’t we just know Davis David will still have that glaikit grin over his shite caked face when he eventually extricates his heid from his lower bowel.

Robert Peffers

@cearc says: 23 June, 2018 at 9:12 am:

“That about sums it up.
More worryingly, the fact that Westminster is no longer a parliamentary democracy seems to have been lost on the media. It is now rule by government decree.”

Nah! You got it wrong, cearc, Westminster has never been a parliamentary democracy. Not even when it rebelled against their monarchy was it ever democratic and it sure as hell isn’t democratic now.

Even when Westminster threw out their rightful monarchy they didn’t make the people of the Kingdom of England sovereign. To this day the Kingdom of England still has a legally sovereign monarchy. Unfortunately, for the Kingdom of Scotland where the people are legally sovereign Westminster illegally assumes that royal sovereignty also applies legally to Scotland.

Which, if you think about it, is why tens of thousands of legally sovereign people of Scotland are marching in protest through Bannockburn. Appropriately the scene of where the people of Scotland stood against the might of the Kingdom of England and asserted their legal sovereignty.

auld highlander

Just look at the embarrassing Gargoyle.

link to

Branson successfully sues NHS for two million of public money.
A shameful creature really.
link to

Tam Fae Somewhere


Kings Park in Stirling already has 30 or 40 flags flying.

Hope the rest of you are on the way!


Nicola has been reported as saying handling of the Brexit bill has eroded trust in Westminster.

Ok, we know she is trying be stateswoman like, diplomatic, and ever-positive ….. HOWEVER … there was damned little trust left toward Westminster even before the Brexit Bill fiasco!

Meg merrilees

Just had an e-mail from a local newsagent in Bannockburn with a photo attached.

The National have sent out badges and Posters for window display today in support of the march.

Stephen Kerr and a small group of likeminded Tories are ‘out’ in Bannockburn today – of all days , I hope the guid folk give them a flea in their ears.

Our MP and his band, stood outside the shop window, trying to obliterate the poster and without asking permission from the shop owner, took photos of their group .

Thought you have to ask to permission to take a photo nowadays

Steady stream of people walking past my front door carrying Saltires heading into town – grand sight.

Jack Murphy


TODAY. The Daily Express England edition reassures it’s Little Englanders:

” OUR FANTASTIC FUTURE OUT OF EU—and we can leave EU without a deal ”
Quoting an interview with David Davis Tory Brexit MP.

Save Scotland from this Tory Theresa May/Ruth Davidson House of Brexit. 🙁

Robert Peffers

@Meg merrilees says: 23 June, 2018 at 11:54 am:

“Thought you have to ask to permission to take a photo nowadays
Steady stream of people walking past my front door carrying Saltires heading into town – grand sight.”

No, Meg, No one needs permission to take stills, video or film in public places. If they did the SMSM would be in real bother on an hourly basis.

Even, secretly videoing such things as, “The BBC investigations”, we regularly see and hear about, (usually about the SNP or SG), are not illegal.

You cannot really invade anyone’s privacy in a public location.

Grouse Beater

Peffers; “No one needs permission to take stills, video or film in public places.”

Unless its for commercial purposes, Robert, in which case they need a council permit, and if a resident association exists, permission from it to include shots of properties in the finished article.


I think people are unduly harsh on May for this.

Think about it, she supported ‘remain’ but was, after NOT being elected leader, tasked with the job of overseeing Brexit!

Add to this the opposition leader who had to spearhead the ‘Remain’ campaign when he is, and always has been, in favour of Brexit!

But the Leave campaign had the opposite of the Yes Campaign. The Yes campaign had a plan, it had facts and figures, it had a weighty tome full of timelines, plans, OECD figures and literally, an answer for everything. It was well thought out and had contributions from experts in all fields. The Brexiteers had a big red bus with a lie printed on the side.

So, with no previous plan, strategy or ideas and led by someone who campaigned AGAINST it, how can we judge her??

Under the circumstances she’s doing remarkably well just having matching shoes on every day!!


Hey Chris 🙂

Maybe it should be mand-a-tory for a tory to go on…

“I’m a politician, get me outta here!”

Nominations as follows:
– Theresa May
– Streuth Davidson
– Paul Masterton
– your local tory

Send them all to the political jungle.

Heads up it says… there’ll be more going up there than a head.

Meet my friend Eula, she’s an international unicorn.

Oh look, your shoelaces are undone…


There are magical powers within our international horn to freedom.

A rainbow of colours for all.

Out of many, one people.

Smallaxe always knows.

Love Scotland.

Heads up x.


FYI readers… another surge in @WingsScotland Twitter followers…

Just gone up to 55,311 of the now.

Approaching 800K comments on the mainframe.

People are Watching…

The Audience is Listening. 🙂


Yeah, ah quite fancy the real cave life too, think of the acoustical sound system you could get in there.

All you’d need is a 240V socket for games.

Have an open fire.


I learned a lot a bout life 😉 playing ‘The Sims’ game on early Playstation.

Fulfilling motives is mostly the SOP to keep stayin’ alive.

But building stuff is really cool.

Cave life could be good like.

and ehhh, on that note with what’s current, good news in Thailand, well done international rescue people, although one didn’t come back.


I understand it is still very early and raw, but just like the 100% rescue of the trapped miners, saved by a capsule, that they through time made into a movie… with what’s current, will they maybe one day…

A good story with well meaning.

Will leave it there at that.

Because of 1 down.


Check this one out recent comments Wingers…

Scotland on harp:
link to

Check out the last verse.

Endorphins like.

Happy good.


Hey Liz g and K1 if ur reading here mwah mwah xx.

Kurt says…

Swear away:
link to

It’s good to fuck. 😉

Fuck’s back.


Aye hear the Glasgow fucking Celtic are winning 3 to nil the now.

Mon the soccer!


Guess who won the international football…?

The fucking Celtic!

Well played.



Headin’ out for the soccer second hauf, yee-ha.


Liz g

Hey Cactus , I’m reading … X


C’est si bon Liz g xx

Viva la France!


Mel Brooks has just walked into the bar…

What to do now..

Kappa walk.


Did a kappa walk earlier going westbound, still in the southside for the live and living music.

Croatia versus England ra morra…

Ur gov is fucked England like.

Any affect on yer fitba?

Heads up n eyes doon.


Going back on a road-trip tomorrow, back to the east side furra couple days… Anstruther callin’…

Hey you wae the Wings Over Scotland flag ootside yer abode… aye may aye do a Cactus call… is that cool, aye’ll do ye a turn.

Afterall, my feet will be worn from the walk.

Ah’ve got the key like…

You know the secret.

You know like.


Last night was SO much fun!

Best wishes to Croatia for later on this evening.

Soc it to em.

T time.

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