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Wings Over Scotland

Constructive talks

Posted on January 14, 2023 by

0 to “Constructive talks”

  1. Geri says:

    Brilliant! šŸ˜€

  2. Skip_NC says:

    Well, this was a nice Friday evening treat.

    Itā€™s all going to come crashing down at some point, isnā€™t it? I mean, it simply has to.

  3. PhilM says:

    Rishi a wealthy chap I hear…maybe they’ve got a Ā£600k side bet on.

  4. smitty says:

    Looks like the tranny law is getting booted out by Sunak. I cannot believe we are asking for Westminster ti be the grown ups and bringing in some reality to this delusional to

  5. Roger says:

    Totally O/T but…
    The nonces and their apologists have bullied shoe0nhead off Twitter. She was trans friendly and all that, but wouldn’t buy the nonce MAP shite…so they turned on her
    There’s a lesson there…

  6. Robert Hughes says:

    The colours of those blocks were not chosen randomly I’m assuming , CC . Brilliant work , again .

    It’s almost certain the ” Constructive Talks ” centred around how * Scotland * & rUK ( ie …England ) can present a * united front * in the Proxy War and ensure the bloodshed continues and vast quantities of money flow to the M.I.C . Y’know , how ” Democracy must be defended ” – except in Scotland , where the elected Gov can inflict policies the electorate neither asked for nor want and rUK were proposals are well underway to – effectively , ban strikes by * key workers * ( the definition of ” key ” is malleable ) first , ultimately , if they get their way , any strikes .

    They may have found time to discuss the latest manifestation of the ongoing and accelerating total Corporate takeover of , well , everything Free Ports ; indicative – should any more evidence be required , of the SNP’s full embrace of Neoliberal/Capitalist dogma .

    What won’t have been discussed is anything to do with Independence . There would likely have been agreement between the two heads of What A Fucking State that ” Now is not the time ” .
    The UK is a basket-case and Sturgeon is tying our country ever tighter to it . Voting for the SNP while the current regime is in situ would be an act of mindless self-harm on a par with Brexit

  7. Robert Louis says:

    Great cartoon – who will cling on to power longest, whilst screwing up their respective countries?? Sunak or Sturgeon?

    I wonder what crooked deals she struck whilst at her ‘private working dinner’, with the chief English lying Tory, Sunak.

    I think Sturgeon is aware the SNP are on the way out – as she planned. She therefore is now in a rush to introduce as many pro London policies such as freeports, and selling off Scottish energy capacity (to England for pennies) as possible before getting booted out by Scots at the next election.

    Were freeports in the SNP manifesto?

    Freeports are taxhavens, where NONE of the current rules, laws and regulations apply, in order to maximise profits for the greedy pig shareholders and rich money men…like billionaire Rish Sunak. Tachavens around the wortld, are the homes of the very biggest crooks, thieves and liars. They are utterly, utterly corrupt.

    In other news Sturgeon continues prepping the ground with the narrative that a plebiscite election for indy cannot happen. The truly (at this late stage) gullible SNP faithful will lap it up, and heartily agree they should do nothing.

    She and the SNP really are the biggest obstacle to Scotland progressing. She is either a London stooge, or the biggest political coward the whole world has ever seen. I think it’s both. Either way she is a liar, and needs to go.

  8. Geoff Anderson says:

    The latest backtrack from Sturgeonā€¦.what a surprise
    link to

  9. Frank Gillougley says:

    Thank you Chris. I really like your succinct cartoons every week. That they had dinner together, reminded me of the very first time I heard the phrase, ‘like turkeys voting for christmas’ why on earth do folk actually still vote SNP?

  10. Breeks says:

    I donā€™t exactly fear Sunak, but he has competencies which make him far more difficult to deal with than Truss, Johnson, May, and Cameron combined.

    Scotland will come to regret bitter irony that the surge for Independence in the decade of worst possible and wholly inept UK Prime Ministers was an open goal squandered because it happened to coincide with the tenure of Nicola Sturgeon, Scotlandā€™s own Benedict Arnold.

    When you sup with the devil, better use a long spoon, but I suspect Sunak has a collection of designer long handled spoons, and where Sturgeonā€™s concerned, probably a long handled spade for stirring a trough was more than adequate.

  11. Colin Alexander says:

    Contrary to misleading assertions on the previous post, Alba has not closed the door on also going down the SNP Indyref s30 begging bowl route, rather than asserting our national sovereignty and legal right to self-determination. It is one of the options being suggested for discussion and consideration in yesterday’s members’ email. However, policy has not been decided. Policy will be decided in February.

  12. Wee Chid says:

    Geoff Anderson says:
    14 January, 2023 at 7:37 am
    “The latest backtrack from Sturgeonā€¦.what a surprise
    link to

    I’m shocked, so I am.
    Will the faithful ever wake up?

  13. Robert+G says:

    Geoff Anderson @ 7.37 – The Times article also further confirms that Sturgeon’s priority is not independence when it was an official at the meeting with Sunak that raised the issue of a second referendum and not Sturgeon.

  14. McDuff says:

    Very clever Chris it says it all.

  15. Astonished says:

    “Scotland’s own Benedict Arnold” Breeks.

    Well said. I see Sturgeon has employed another uber yoon.

    Hurry up and wake up folks.

    Great cartoon, Chris. It will all end in tears.

  16. Robert G says:

    Geoff Anderson @7.37am – The Times article further confirms that Sturgeon is not really interested in progressing independence when it was an official at the meeting with Sunak that actually raised the issue of a second referendum and not Sturgeon.

  17. Luigi says:

    Folks, I get the feeling that this cleverly constructed, ever so sneaky Jenga tower is going to come crashing down soon. Couldn’t happen to a nicer pair of self-servers. The taller it gets, the more spectacular the crash and, unfortunately, the bigger the mess someone (us) will have to clean up once the dust settles. Ah well, may as well enjoy the show before the real hard work begins.

  18. Graeme+Hampton says:

    Our politicians may let us down but our cartoonists never do. Chris here and Camley in the Herald excelling in my favourite form the large single panel like that hero of my youth Giles. Long may they continue.

  19. David Hannah says:

    I have just seen on Facebook there’s a pro independence, resign Sturgeon demo outside Bute House on the 25th of January. Charlotte Street with Alba Party members and Salvo attending. Fantastic.

  20. Dramfineday says:

    Aye – quite.

    That’s all.

  21. Wilson McBride says:

    If England blocks the Gender Reform Bill, then Sturgeon will be wishing she had used one of those many mandates she has been handed for Scotland to become an independent nation,,,in which case England would have had no say on her beloved Gender Reform Bill.

    She’ll be fcukin beelin’.

    Hell mend ye Sturgeon, you horrible little reprobate.

  22. Stuart MacKay says:

    Robert Hughes @6:37am

    Spot on. I bet the “Coalition of the Willing” will be operating on several fronts.

  23. Dorothy Devine says:

    Geoff Anderson , another bleedin’ mandate – you could almost play canasta with all her mandates.

  24. Dorothy Devine says:

    To be fair – I am trying very hard – Ms Sturgeon may very well outlast yet another Tory PM.

  25. Dazed & Confused says:

    Some are wondering if in exchange for freeports Sunak will find a way to let her have her GRR. ?

  26. 100%Yes says:

    This would be a pathetic cartoon if it was so true. Since 2014 we have all been looking forward to a new and fresh attempt at Independence. Then came Brexit and here was the opportunity to have our right to another referendum, so what have we got for all our waiting, well the pic sums it up completely.

    The pic also says here is two conservative and unionist holding Scotland to ramson while they play games with our lifeā€™s.

  27. Colin Alexander says:

    Another option for discussion by Alba is a constitutional convention. There should be convention but one to exercise the right of the sovereign people of Scotland to remove those who abuse power, starting with the FM and her SNP Scottish Government cabinet.

  28. Mark+Goodwin says:

    You know you’ve sunk to rock bottom when you are relying on WM to bale you out.

  29. jockmcx says:

    Scotland is ready to vote for independence Right Now,
    you can hear it everywhere.

    The Uk is fucked and everybody knows it, even archie “the NHS is not
    being privatised” Mcpherson and his cat knows it.

    I no longer know who or what the snp is!

    It looks like only the Scottish people themselves will have to bring
    down this disgusting shite show.

  30. Effijy says:

    What happens at Free Ports is existing companies relocate there to reduce their taxes so less money to the treasury, no additional jobs and more profit for a profitable company.

    Is there a way for Scotland to open a business in one where we import our NHS Drugs and PPE without taxes on them?

    Should all Whisky and seafood from Scotland be forced to export from these ports without touching anything English.

    Educational and local authority tablets and pcā€™s could be imported without tax?

    Must be ways to screw Englandā€™s treasury but would SNP think that would be nice or obedient to upset our Colonial Masters.

  31. John Main says:

    @Luigi 9:23

    Pleased to see you stepping up to the plate with your offer to help clear up the mess when it all comes crashing down.

    What’s your ideas for running an aspirational first-world country in the middle of an economic crisis and an escalating world war? Sure, I understand you will need probably hundreds of pages to write it all down, but can you maybes summarise for us?

    I guess you won’t be doing it all yourself. Any names for us? List your dream team.

  32. Luigi says:

    Well John Main, see what you did there? – blame the current mess on “events”? Nice try, but it won’t wash. Economic crisis? Likely World war (read NATO war)? Maybe – but who created these? They didn’t just happen on their own accord, y’know. As for who will clean up the mess – it will be all hands on deck, such will be the extent of this disaster about to fall upon us. Each and everyone of us has something to contribute IMHO. One lesson learned- we can’t rely on politicians to do it.

  33. LarsMoller says:

    BlackRock has already signed agreements to clean up the mess that it helped create. You can Google and see.

    Nice drawing.

  34. Stoker says:

    šŸ™‚ Thanks, Chris!

    Colin Alexander says on 14 January, 2023 at 10:08 am:
    “Another option for discussion by Alba is a constitutional convention. There should be convention but one to exercise the right of the sovereign people of Scotland to remove those who abuse power, starting with the FM and her SNP Scottish Government cabinet.”

    Agree wholeheartedly! Only correction i’d make to that comment is:

    “starting with the FM and her Scottish administration.”

    They are far from any true definition of a “government”. They are akin to children playing doctors & nurses. So far removed from being the real deal. With their focus on creating a nation of knobbless Action Man like figures.

  35. Cactus says:

    Constructive talks and their bullshit walks.

    ‘A Tall Tale’ is one card short of a full deck.

    Soccer today at Hampden:
    link to

    It’s endless.

  36. Mark Goodwin says:

    Effigy says:

    ‘Must be ways to screw Englandā€™s treasury but would SNP think that would be nice or obedient to upset our Colonial Masters’

    It’s not Englands treasury though is it? Would that it were, then we wouldnt be giving 37 billion of it per year to Scotland.

  37. Stoker says:

    Wilson McBride says on 14 January, 2023 at 9:49 am:
    “If England blocks the Gender Reform Bill,”

    As i said weeks ago, never going to happen. Mark my words.

  38. Stoker says:

    Wilson McBride says on 14 January, 2023 at 9:49 am:
    “If England blocks the Gender Reform Bill,”

    As i said weeks ago, never going to happen. Mark my words.
    If anything England will follow suit.
    Wales is already contemplating it.

  39. Stoker says:

    Dazed & Confused says on 14 January 2023 at 10:01 am:
    “Some are wondering if in exchange for freeports Sunak will find a way to let her have her GRR. ?”

    Sturgeon has no power to stop the UKGov creating “Freeports”. Their recent meeting was not to obtain her agreement on “Freeports”, the meeting was mainly for discussing the current economic crisis and to put on a pretence that the UKGov cares deeply about Scotland.

    That it has been used to make it look like the PM & FM are working together on this is more by design (PR stunt) rather than need. Look at it this way, what agreement did the UKGov need with Scotland to pull us out of the EU against the wishes of Scotland’s majority? Or base their nuclear weapons in Scotland against the wishes of Scotland’s majority? Or to build a huge UKGov headquarters in Scotland’s capital city?

    Absolutely none whatsoever is the answer.

    Sturgeon and her halfwitted army of “advisors” think they are clever. Little realising they’ve just been played by the UKGov yet again. I think if folk looked into the detail of devolution etc they will discover that the UKGov retains far greater control over Scotland’s coastlines, sea’s and harbours etc than Scotland currently does.

    I’m more than happy to be proved wrong on this but somehow i don’t think i am, D&C! šŸ˜‰

  40. Lekraw says:


  41. Geri says:


    Re, coastlines.
    If that’s the case then surely it would be nullified or legally challenged. Our vote for devolution should never have been a bribe. The fact that was allowed to happen should’ve been challenged at the time. Also the Devo settlement was the brainchild of political parties not registered in Scotland & were Unionists at a time only Unionists were in power. I think there’d be a legal argument there to return it.

    As for WM & Gender woo. I don’t think England will embrace it. They’ll either reject it completely or they’ll cherry pick the very basic to change in EA. They’ve already tweaked it (lower cost + move application on-line. I think that’s all they’ll get.

    Other countries are starting to apply the breaks to this nonsense.

    But who knows. WM may decide to let Scotland go ahead as a self inflicted punishment as a lesson ‘See what happens when you vote eejits into parly? Imagine if you were indy’

  42. Luigi says:

    Just in case it’s escaped some folks attention, on social media there are increasing calls for NS to stay – from unionists! The same ones saying how much they hate her now see her as the best chance if saving the union. Now I wonder why that would be?

  43. Stoker says:

    Geri says: “But who knows. WM may decide to let Scotland go ahead as a self inflicted punishment as a lesson ā€˜See what happens when you vote eejits into parly? Imagine if you were indy”

    That’s exactly the reason i’m so confident they’ll not put a stop to it. Sturgeon’s damaged the image of indy beyond belief, and the Unionists know it. As if our job of promoting and selling the indy case is not hard enough already.

    And i’m with you on the possibility of England watering their version down. It did cross my mind once or twice. Time will tell though. I hope you’re bang-on about other countries beginning to put the brakes on all this crap. Why it was ever allowed to get as far with as much traction as it has is way beyond my comprehension.


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