Considerable restraint exercised
Posted on
July 14, 2013 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
We were passed this Scottish Government document through our sinister network of cyber-agents, from an operative who wished to remain anonynous. It’s a list of official complaints made about inaccurate and misleading articles in newspapers since the 2011 Holyrood election. As we’re talking about bias today, we offer it up for your perusal and interest. We’re only surprised it’s so short.
I find it difficult to believe that is all the complaints. What is an ‘official’ complaint, i wonder?
When you think of all the pieces in the Press in that time its actually been pretty good for avoiding factual inacuracies. The interpretations however have been something else again!
I guess they do not want to get “trapped” in constant complaints and being perceived as defensive on a wide range of issues. The project fear publicity, humour, growing public skepticism, ridicule approach is better.
Surely this can’t be the full list? Some are obviously informal emails, some are formal correspondence, I am wondering if there really is a formal list of “official” complaints, I suspect some MSPs complain by email every day, they are just not catalogued.
Of the ones included in this document, some of these are far too nicey-nicey, with the sender requesting “a chat” to clear up any misinterpretations, while others demand a full published apology. I suspect few if any apologies have been published. Does anyone monitor and chase these up? I suspect not, and I suspect that the “mole” is pushing for a stricter stance.
I’m with Juteman on this. Once the document was loaded my immediate thought was “Is this it. Is this all that there are?” I also concur with Murray McCallum that the SG would not wish to appear as a bunch of moaning Minies but even at that I am surprised at how few complaints have been made.
It would perhaps be more revealing to have access to the responses, if any, which were received to these complaints…is there no way this might be effected…?
The SG does seem to have let the press off lightly. Mind you, do we want to pay for an entire Dept of civil servants to make innefectual complaints about all the bias? At least Blair McDougall has succeeded in giving himself the jitters, though.
Dear MSM,
Every one of your deliberately misconstrued, falsified, scaremongering stories, articles and editorials are being kept in a digital archive, which, upon independence and hence forth, will be available for access by future Scottish generations, and, indeed, anyone with an interest in such matters.
Every organisation and its owners, editors and journalists who contributed, have contributed, and continue to contribute to undermine, and to prevent, the democratic and constitutional right for Scotland and its people to self-determination will be forever named in infamy in the digital archive of an independent Scotland.
Yours most sincerely,
The people of Scotland.
the democratic and constitutional right for Scotland and its people to self-determination
Scotland and its people also have the democratic and constitutional right to remain in the union, of course. And within that union, Scotland’s newspapers and journalists have a democratic – but not constitutional? – right to free speech, including trying to persuade Scotland’s people to choose one democratic and constitutional future over the other.
DanTDog, I agree, I think the reply’s to these requests might have been very enlightening, that’s if any were received. It’s also a pity that nobody can check what difference, if any, the various papers actually made to their stories after they received these requests.
I forgot to add that perhaps those papers mentioned should consider these polite requests in relationship with their dramatically falling sales figures.
The problem for the Scottish Government and the SNP is that the only thing they can complain about in the press is innaccuracy.
The press are not obliged either legally or morally to be even handed about a party or Government.
It’s also very dangerous to complain about the BBC being biased because paradoxically it will then be used by the BBC to launch further attacks on the independence movement.
Revenge as far as the BBC is concerned will be best tasted cold after independence day.
Like Rev. Stu mentioned in a recent article it is sites like Wings and others chipping away at the bullshit that is making a real difference. It is up to us to keep on spreading the word. “The Truth is Out There”
@ The Man in the Jar
I thought this was place where the truth could be found.
“Wings” where the truth that is out there can be found?
@ The Man in the Jar
That’s acceptable.
I have no problem, as such, with the entire Scottish MSM being anti-Independence. These are privately owned papers with CEOs who have their own agendas and I suspect that when the tide of opinion really turns (I predict a small and consistent YES majority by March 2014) a number will follow suit. It’s about profit, not principle.
I DO have a beef with the BBC in Scotland as it is a publicly owned organisation paid for by the taxes of everyone in the uK. as such it has a duty to be impartial. It isn’t.
Listening to “Headlines” on Radio… err um Scottyland this morning. I think we are going to regret Derek Bateman’s retirement. Can anyone stand that smug sneary voiced David Torrence? He is a sickening character.
I have noticed for some time now that the Sunday Post has gone downhill especially since the referendum became a reality however was sickened today to read about the funeral of Kay Matheson who liberated the stone of destiny under the headline ” Funeral of Stone thief “. Totally disrespectful to this elderly lady.
@ annie 5.36
I suspect that that will lose the Sunday Post yet more of its readership. And once upon a time it was said to reach every household in Scotland.
We should remember headline that when the next MP or Lords that was on the take dies.
Death of a Thief.
I always saw the pages that came with the Broons and Oor Willey, as the complimentary Sunday supplement. As such, they were generally ignored, as I have little interest in adverts for stair lifts, puff-piece articles concerning royalty, sport (mainly football) and fictional short stories. Doh!
Scot Gov. gave up complaining, just a shake of the head and a tut, move on.
Jiggsboro says:
Scotland’s newspapers and journalists have a democratic – but not constitutional? – right to free speech
I would appreciate you pointing me in the direction of any piece of legislation in UK law that says I have a right to free speech.
Gutter journalism Annie,
Words fail me.
My condolences to her family and friends.
This is how it should be
link to
I would appreciate you pointing me in the direction of any piece of legislation in UK law that says I have a right to free speech.
I hadn’t realised you were a newspaper.
We’re subjects, not citizens, and as such we have no rights. We have occasional privileges granted by Her Majesty’s Loyal Government.
If there was no other reason for voting Yes, that would be enough.
“We’re subjects, not citizens”
I believe this was changed in recent years.
sorry, back to Kay Matheson – there was supposed to be a film about Reclaiming the Stone – I’ve never seen it – anyone else?
link to
What’s the name of that wee island on the WoS Twitter page?
Ooh, I did know this, but forgot to write it in the filename. Sorry. (It’s definitely Scottish, though.)
It’s picture-postcard perfect. Wonder who lives on it…
Mr & Mrs P. Perfect?
‘What’s the name of that wee island on the WoS Twitter page?’
Possibly Berneray (off top of N.Uist)?
Don’t think it’s Berneray.
“PROJECT FEAR” presents “CARRY ON SCREAMNG” oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh classic!
They will be sorry we found out about this LOL..
Twitter picture – Westray?
It’s the south end of Gigha.
So it is. How could I have forgotten that?
It’s the south end of Gigha….. has a look on Google maps. Mystery solved.
Thanks BuckieBraes.
See, this is the sort of thing which makes my friend call this site a haven for conspiracy nuts.
I’m ashamed to say that in all the times I’ve clicked the Wings Twitter button, I’ve not once even noticed the island at the top.
Now that we’ve established the name of the place, here comes the acid test –
Any WoS readers on Gigha?
‘Come in Gigha…come in Gigha…’