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Wings Over Scotland

Bloody nationalists

Posted on April 14, 2015 by

Don’t you just hate ’em?



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John Dickson (@NkosiEcosse)

No, I pity them…

Alistair Grapevine

Hate is a strong word, however


Maybe the LibDems will come out with “The Bestest Plan, The Bestest Future”

Stephen Bowers

Why hammers, why not beaten to death with fluffy teddy bears, much longer and painful ?


Oh well that’s two up and two down.

Does that leave one or two still to go?

I’m confused does UKIP count as part of the BIG party brigade yet or are they still minnows?

Democracy Reborn

“Ein volk, ein Britannia, ein premierminister….”


Ok so life now is shit but we can promise you a better future.

I can promise you many mansions
There will be houris
We’ll keep Trident for a more secure future
ad nauseam (trans. till your boody sick of them)

Bruce L

Rabid flag waving weirdos the lot of ’em.

R-type Grunt

Actually, yes. I do.


Oh I hate them alright.

Trouble is I can’t tell them apart – they tell the same lies, spout empty promises, and can’t be trusted.


it’s astonishing that they don’t see it. labour’s launch yesterday looked like a scene from “1984” (but without immigrants obviously – they were told they weren’t welcome on a giant red and white banner)

Linda McFarlane

The two sides of the same coin.

Two heads so therefore bent coin.


That pair of bastards will ruin the UK, err oop’s too late.


We all know nationalists when we see them!

Nationalism can have its dark side. Fortunately that is almost completely absent from modern Scottish nationalism. The same can’t always be said for aspects of British nationalism emanating from Unionist ranks and establishment.

To the media and Unionists the word nationalist in current politics seems synonymous with Scottish nationalist. For reasons best know to themselves, they fail to see their believes and behaviour as British nationalism and themselves as British nationalists.

To further confuse, British nationalism is often English nationalism, and vice versa!

Personally, I don’t tend to apply the terms nationalist and nationalism to myself and my hopes. I see myself as a pro democracy activist and the only way I can see to achieve a fair, decent and democratic society is to break all links to Westminster and it’s ruling elite!

I can actually imagine a UK worth staying in … Written constitution, sovereignty with the people, fully democratic parliament, representative voting system, etc ,etc … Think Scandinavia. The UK will never come up to those standards, Scotland could.


Britnats baaad.


Flag waving mentalists


At least the Conservatives are open about their flag waving.
What are labour all about? Slightly fading the flag, cloak it in pink??
I also see their famous red rose on the lectern has all but turned blue.
Sign of the times I suppose.
Bloody Nationalists right enough.


Britain’s choice – grim and dire


This is hypocrisy of the highest order. The UK media and Establishment unashamedly project British Nationalism as good, but Scottish Nationalism as bad. They demean us.

Seriously, when are we going to say, ‘stop, enough is enough’.

Sam Dingle

The Tories have pledged an extra £8bn a year for the English NHS by 2020. Is that £8bn coming from the money they will save by pulling us out of the EU?


Nationalism BritNat style-OK
Nationalism Scotland style- not OK

Hypocrites to the core rUK

Kevin evans

I don’t hate anyone but they come pretty close


Come, come Stu. These men don’t espouse “narrow nationalism”. They have broader horizons, or imperialism, as it used to be known.

With their gimcrack economic theories, their two kitchens and fast track to the House of Lords (which Labour is promising to reform AGAIN!), nuclear submarines , parked far away, money laundering banks and off shore tax havens. Neo-liberal imperialists better describes them.


Wait, who’s wrapping themselves in a flag and spouting jingoistic soundbites again?

That’s right, when they do it, its politics. Anyone else, its dangerous and small minded tribalism.

Hypocrisy bypassometer going off the scale.

Louis B Argyll

Aye, futures being laid out which ignore TODAY’S ISSUES.

There are wrongs to right. Imbalanceres to correct.

Hope the electorate wisens up. WE burden the debts not the politicians.

A few quid here and there is within many peoples comfort zone, but actually. devastating to many more.

They haven’t got a clue.

The manifestos have turned into “presentations” laying out CREDIT AGREEMENTS, SIGNED BY EVERY ONE OF US.

Democracy? Ha!
Its a con.


A pair of snake-oil salesmen.

“The peoples flag was proud and red,
now it’s white, the colour bled”


A Brighter,Better more Secure future for whom?


Anybody else getting really fed-up with the over-use by politicians of the word ‘clear’?

As in; ‘We have been very clear’, or ‘I have been clear about this’.

When I hear that, I just think that ‘you’ve probably been anything but’ and I know we’re in for another dose of obfuscation and waffle.

It’s getting very hackneyed.

Just once, please, somebody respond with; No you haven’t, you lying shit’.


When you realise what it is that the Unionist parties represent (bankers, the free market, a right wing ideology, etc) and then we see the likes of the Tories and Labour wrap themselves up in that flag, it is probably no surprise that people in this country want nothing to do with the Union flag.

Once we were told that the Union Flag represented a greater ideal; a guiding force for the greater good in a fairly dark world. An representation of fairness. A land that is openly democratic, free thinking and everyone is welcome…

…to say that it no longer represents any of those ideals would be an understatement…


O/T but fun. Russian inspectors arrived in Scotland to observe the massive NATO exercise. While Russian ships sail through the Channel.
link to

Robert Louis

Both the same two peas on a right wing neoliberal pod. There is just nothing of substance to Labour anymore.

As regards the rampant British nationalist union jackery they have both adopted, the sad fact is, they really cannot see how it is nationalism.

Perhaps they need the wisdom of Burns,
‘O wad some Power the gift tae gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us…etc’


I pity them, when I look at my debt I sometimes worry.

But then I look at their £1.5tr debt and it makes me feel a bit better.

Oh no, wait, that’s not their debt is it, its ours and our children’s and our grandchildrens and our great grandchildrens and so on isn’t it!



My wife and I have hand delivered about 3,500 SNP leaflets up here in the highlands.
Out of face to face encounters at least 90% have been positive.

I will not take anything for granted even after the election, because I know what the establishment will sink to.

I am expecting something on the mornings of the 6th/ 7th, from the unionists to try and sway the vote, but going by the reaction we have experienced, the Westminster parties are Murphied. (Fu*ked)


Ed and Dave, in their opening remarks made it clear that this message was NOT for everyone.

“And could all the people up in Scotchland and up North, who are not, unfortunately, going to be part of the better, brighter, more secure future, please make your way, at your earliest possible convenience, to your nearest crematorium or abattoir, where plans have been put in place to secure a better future for the rest of us.

But please don’t rush all at once and create large queues, because no shelter or food will be provided while you wait.

Please note – a separate, marked grave will not be possible as all remains will be mixed with sludge and dumped at sea. And, yes, we know we made promises, but not to you.

Champagne anyone?

Proud Cybernat

Much prefered ‘Scotland’s Future’ myself.


Well played Carol Erskine on STV. She asked the questions we wanted answered and the look on Murphy’s face at one point was the expression of a man very close to loosing it. Link is here and its worth a watch link to


I know why I have never and will never vote Tory.
I have become completely disenchanted with Labour/New Labour/SLabour, or any other guise they harbour under, since the Iraq War, the expenses scandal, the trashing of the economy and all that they propose for the next goverment.
I do not see Milliband as any kind of leader and as for the rest of his front bench, I would not trust any of them as far as I throw them. I would dearly like to give the party a kick in the teeth by giving all their greedy, grasping, self seeking, entrenched M.P’s in Scotland the sack.
I am in favour of independence and I am inclined towards the SNP, but why should I vote to send a predominance of SNP M.P’s to WM who will vote to put Ed Milliband and his despicable entourage into Downing St., as Nicola Sturgeon has intimated.
Perhaps if I solve one side of the equation I should be satisfied.

Ian M

Has anyone found the 1600 pounds for school leavers in the Labour manifesto ?
Just curious as to the cost of Labour Manifesto ( are there more mansions than first identified?)
Governments tend to be overstaffed but finding internal savings year after year can become increasingly more difficult


Fluffy Alert

Emma Harper, SNP Candidate for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale today condemned Tory candidate David Mundell who used House of Commons resources to tell voters he was “ensuring Kello Hospital stays open” despite there being no plans to close the cottage hospitals. Similar rumours had been reported in Douglas and other towns with cottage hospitals in Lanarkshire.

The letters came to light after local MSP Aileen Campbell was contacted by constituents concerned that the cottage hospitals would be closing. Having sought immediate assurance from the health board that there were no such plans, it became clear that the rumour was being promulgated for party political advantage. Ms Campbell has additional reassurances from the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Shona Robison MSP, in a letter of March 24th concerning the Out of Hours services, that the cottage hospitals are not affected by the plans to alter the Out of Hours provision.

SNP Candidate for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale Emma Harper is a nurse who works in Dumfries and has made protecting public services like the NHS a key focus of her campaign. This stands in contrast with both unionist parties who have committed to further public spending cuts as part of the austerity agenda.
Ms Harper said:

“There are enough serious issues facing this constituency without inventing ones out of the air. People are understandably alarmed when it’s suggested that local hospitals could be shutting, but it’s clear that the only person suggesting this is David Mundell. As part of a Coalition Government which has inflicted cut after cut on public services, we have enough to worry about trying to clear up the Tory-Lib-Dem legacy, without David Mundell inventing further scare stories.”
Ms Campbell said:

“Looking at the polls David Mundell is understandably concerned he’s on a shoogly peg. But that’s no excuse for putting hard-working NHS staff in fear of their jobs. There are no plans either from the health board or at a Scottish Government level to close the cottage hospitals, to suggest otherwise is fundamentally dishonest. We’ve been busy putting together a strong case for retaining Out of Hours services in Clydesdale, the people of Clydesdale would be best served by an MP who knew the real issues affecting people in the area, and didn’t have to invent new problems come election time.”

[…] Bloody nationalists […]


What Lollysmum said at 5:59pm. I’ll second that.

Words fail me, and what she wrote sums it up for me.



Not as half as bad as that old chestnut they wheel out after a fatality that could be easily averted, “Lessons have been learned”.



Sorry for O/T here.

Just been speaking with our local campaign team who are out and about as usual door knocking. Apparently they were out last night, can’t remember where, and they ended up playing a wee game amongst themselves. The game was called “Spot the house WITHOUT an SNP sticker in the window!” 😀


I’ve just seen this on Twitter.

link to

I’m thinking the BritNats will not be just so chipper when they hear about this.

Ptoject Fear2 is just about to be stepped up yet another *YAWN* level!


Roll up roll up! Get your luverly manifesto here, fresh off the press. Free union jack with every copy. Tell you what missus I’ll give you a labour one and a Tory one, if you can tell the difference you can have them half price. Roll up roll up. Murphy manifesto, past it’s use by date, 5 for the price of one.
Only fools and horses..seriously only fools and horses would buy what’s printed in these manifestos. (Apologies to any horses reading this.)


Who can forget that video in Glasgow with the 2 orange order Neanderthals with bulging eyeballs screaming “nationalist scum” at a yes supporter whilst waving a butchers apron the size of a bed sheet? Comedy gold.


Rank hypocrisy to the right of me, even more hypocrisy even further right.

It’s no different from Slipping Jimmy Murphy telling Scotland he’s not a unionist.

link to

*Better Call Saul’s just finished


The Con

English votes for English Laws.


Ok STV did run a piece on ‘Ballsgate’ (sorry) but nothing on RS

Graham MacLure

Never mind given a couple of years of the SNP at Westminster ramming it right up them till they don’t know if they are punched or bored will have Nicola offered full independence with no strings attached, just to get back to their comfort zones!


Please have a look at the petition by positive money to change banking for good. It will only take a couple minutes to read and sign.
link to


Mad Jock McMad

There is a growing sense from the utterances of Cameron and Miliband they have given up on Scotland and agree the only way to deal with Scotland after the 8th of May is to send those ‘stupid jocks’ early to bed without any supper, no fiscal autonomy and further cuts to the Scottish pocket money for voting SNP.

This is of course no real surprise as this is what Gordon Brown did in 2007 when us ‘stupid jocks’ put the SNP into government in Scotland along with binning the co2 recovery project at Peterhead, amongst other project which were no longer fundable because Labour were not in charge..

call me dave

Hardly see these flags about here except for the compulsory one at the council HQ in Glenrothes, plenty of the saltire variety though.

Party of the working people …tories and party of financial responsibility…labour. They have swapped clothes or wrapped in that flag together.

Did you catch Murphy in the labour PPB, same old stuff including the biggest party gets to form the government.

Partner filling in a large populous poll on line (I don’t interfere) and ‘Scot goes pop’ has a couple of updates regarding telephone polling in certain parts of Scotland have a look and tell him where if you have been asked.

Some think it’s the SNP checking their on the ground results are valid.

Didn’t bother with Radio Scotland today..feel better about that



Toby, Milliband is the lesser of two evils.


I converted a labour voter yesterday to SNP,sound argument,facts did the trick,also he is a now former BBC viewer….I feel good :-).

But not complacent,still work to be done,this flag waving is just like the subliminal messages on TV programmes,almost every one of the popular shows will sneak it in for no good reason.

They have not given up,they have 99% of the MSM we have word of mouth,we are still the underdogs,let’s go for it,I promise you all,I will work my ass off till the end,you have my word,I will not beat myself up later,if only I had tried harder,I know the score,it needs to be earned,they won’t hand it to us.
Come May I hope I feel I left it all in the ring,no excuses,I will try harder,today,right now.

chris kilby

Patriotism – the last refuge of the scoundrel and shameless political opportunist alike.

(Beware politicians who wrap themselves in flags while showering themselves with gold.)



Dr Jim

It seems clear these Bits are Ultra Extremists or at the very least Insurgents and we should be afraid for our country

They’ll be wanting veto’s over the rights of Scottish MPs to vote next

I’m Astonished

Johann Lamont


Scottish Labours Powerpoint for Dummies Broadcast just shown.

All about ‘Change’ yet Jims still saying its a fact the Biggest Party form the Govt.


Just watched BBC1 to see SLAB n Smurphy Labour party Election broadcast and neary bust the screen when they trotted out the biggest party wins lie again.. Arghhhhhhh


Feel the love

You’re no getting to vote in oor parliament. Just hand over your tax revenues so Westminster can waste it.

Alan of Neilston

As I have already said its not THE SCOTTISH LABOUR PARTY any more, it’s THE BRITISH LABOUR AND UNIONIST PARTY. So long Jim Murphy I hope you go down big time.


I don’t hate Cameron or Miliband. I just regard them as part of the unplanned political obsolescence program. It won’t be long before they follow Clegg, who is already being phased out as no longer required for future needs.

John Young

Could all wingers on this special blog please refrain from commenting on the physical appearance of other persons be they mps, msps or TV commentators.

If your comment includes derogatory words pertaining to another person’s shape or size then, in my opinion your contribution says more about you than the person you are attempting to comment on.


Unionist’s words are like acid rain. Corroding, corrupting
Nicola’s words are like fresh water. Cleansing, refreshing

Let anyone in the UK tell me that is not true.

Support Nicola and Scotland.

Vote SNP. Join SNP.

Be Independent.


The biggest party gets to form the government

They can do this be securing an outright majority or by pooling and sharing resources with another party to give them an outright majority.

The latter approach does not require any of the pooled and shared parties to have single most seats in the parliament. A Billy No Mates party can have that honour and still fail to form the government. Does Ed want to be the Billy No Mates?

Hoss Mackintosh


thanks for the link to the STV Murphy interview.

Just asking Murphy simple relevant questions like a proper journalist should do. Well done STV.

STV may not be perfect but they are light years ahead of the BBC in the impartiality stakes.

BBC are just becoming irrelevant in Scotland – I wonder what they will do after 7th May if there is an SNP landslide.

More of the same?


Toby @6.29
Funnily enough I was reading a thread yesterday and the questioner posed the exact same type of question as you.
No matter how many links they were given or arguments / examples were given, they just just couldn’t be convinced to vote SNP.
In fact they just rubbished every argument and put up their own links.
Funny that.


OT –
When the postal votes are fluttering around the country, look out for wee Ruthie waving a big net to catch them…

She’ll only look at them and let them go, so no harm done, eh?


I think the younger ambitious members of the press are smelling an opportunity to make a name for themselves hence the STV interview. I think they also sense that Murphy and Labour in Scotland is a dead duck and they want to be the one to deliver the coup de grace.

To my mind this partly explains the difference between the BBC and STV. STV appear to have the younger and hungrier team. The BBC staff on the other hand appear to be older, institutionalised staff. I don’t think its so much intentional bias in the BBC’s case as it is more a sign of an organisation that has failed to renew itself and its thinking through proper recruitment.

Graham MacQueen

Surely the use of the Comparative must be in reference to THEIR previous efforts of government and how they promise to do better this time round!

They can’t honestly believe that those who have no involvment to them or their twisted, conniving plans will vote for them, can they?

Only those with something to loose will support them, no?


Its also impotant to know what their catchphrase really means.

For example the Tories Brighter future is accurate in 2 ways:
The days are getting longer and therfoe brighter. Vote tory and they promise not to back to winter before summer has arrived.

Secondly a Tory vote will help finance them to secure more holidays in warmer climates so its a brighter future for them.

The more secure is obviously more gearing towards a police state, more spying on our communications, Trident renewal to help secure Britains seat at the top table and pretend it is an empire. And obviously to secure that the rich remain rich.

So the Tory message is completely true, you just have to read between the lines.

The Labour message though is just bumbling pish. They are so inward looking it just means they are desperately for ‘a better plan’ so they can have a ‘better future’ for Labour. Its a cry for help.


I did not see the Labour cartoon tonight but I DID receive a wee “special delivery” from my *ahem* favourite Labour candidate in Dumfries, Tweeddale and Clydesdale a certain Arcie Dryburgh. 😉

There is olny one, yes folks ONE mention of the SNP … The election in our are is a two horse race between Archie Dryburgh and the Tories.

A vote for the SNP or Lib Dems or not voting at all will let the Tories in the back door. (My bolding)

The leaflet was, as you’d expect printed by a printing firm in Scotland after all Labour are all about saving and creating jobs aren’t they?

Oops! Sorry folks think I got a wee bit ahead of myself there the leaflet was NOT printed in Scotland … it was printed in … CARDIFF!

As for the contents of this Royal Mail delivered comic he goes long on mentioning the SCOTTISH N.H.S., only he does not call call it the SCOTTISH N.H.S. just calls it the N.H.S. 😛

By the way oor Archie has FIVE pledges in his comic. 😉

Be a local voice for local paople – with a proven track record putting our communities first.

Protect our NHS, with investment in more nurses, retaining local hospitals and by getting NHS contracts out of TTIP.

Back our next generation, with a guarantee of a job, training or apprenticeships for all young people.

Tackle low pay, with a rise in the Minimum Wage and an end to zero hours contracts.

Support local families, with a freeze in energy bills, so prices can fall but not rise.

I’m thinking oor Archie has not quite grasped the concept of DEVOLUTION yet with regards to the NHS and the SCOTTISH NHS yet. Don’t panic though folks he does mention the 1,oo more nurses and to cut cancedr waiting times and introduce a £100 million Frontline Fund to target A&E, funded by a … drum roll please … Mansion tax on properties valued over £2 Million.


O/T – Anyone know what the policy is on Postal Vote forms?
Hoping postal votes could work to our advantage this time.

Can canvassers carry and dish out postal vote forms for people wanting to vote that way? Help them fill in the forms?

Trying to work out why Labour usually does well on postal votes. There are plenty of valid reasons without getting into any conspiracy theories. Is it simply because their voters are older?

Or are their activists actively suggesting postal voting for certain voters, and checking back to confirm if they have received the forms and voted yet?

Grouse Beater

The only dark side of Scottish nationalism is the motivation it gives to the likes of Brown, Darling and Murphy to reduce Scotland’s hopes and ideals.

Donald Urquhart

I so fu++ing impatient to get independence and normalise this country, sometimes I get angry.

“Don’t you just hate ’em?”.. asks Stu.

Here’s an opportunity to get in touch with my inner liberal, I thought, – my non angry inner calm. I’ll suggest ‘hate’ is too string a word and berate Stu for his intemperate language, I thought.

Then I read this…

link to

and now I think, ‘hate’ doesn’t begin to describe the total contempt I hold for people who can hold views like this Tory candidate. .. and how it’s this kind of shit I associate with that fu==ing Union Flag.

Grizzle McPuss

Do you think that both of them have prepared their speech for May 8th…

‘Where there is discord, may we bring harmony.
Where there is error, may we bring truth.
Where there is doubt, may we bring faith.
And where there is despair, may we bring hope’

Either of them could carry that handbag.

(Toby @6.29…it’s that bloody Hobson’s choice thing again…join the grumbling club)

Donald Urquhart

John Young says: @ 7:09

Even Jim Murphy?

Matt Seattle

Better or Brighter – ?

“I need more information…..”


@John Young
I totally agree. With just over two weeks left, it looks promising, making personal offensive remarks about any of the other lot is counter-productive.

Grouse Beater

Chris Kilby:
Patriotism – the last refuge of the scoundrel and shameless political opportunist alike.

A greatly misquoted epigram.

Johnson actually wrote: “False patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”

There is whole different meaning to what Johnson said and Boswell wrote down.

I’m thoroughly fed up hearing that tossed at Scots as if it’s a heinous crime. There is nothing inherently wrong with loving the country of your birth, or supporting its ideals.

It’s when you have somebody such as Murphy saying he loves Scotland whilst all the time espousing Westminster policies for Westminster interests.

Craig Macinnes

In the old Soviet Union the Party used to proclaim the coming of a “radiant future” a phrase which became a standing joke amongst dissidents. They also had state-controlled media and an empire. Wonder whatever happened to them?


Dunno about the rest of yeez, but I feel quite sorry for all the jingoistic, nationalistic, scottishistic stuff I feel deeply about. Nae mair flag waving for me. Sorry, Dave. Sorry, the ither guy.


Here is Cooncillur Terry Kelly rallying the troops at the end of his latest blog:

“The situation could hardly be graver nor the choice starker. If you want rid of the Tories the only way to do that is to vote Labour on General Election Day, every vote for the snp boosts the chances of Cameron and the Tories getting another 5 years.


What exactly does he mean? – Don’t vote Labour or don’t let people vote for the Snp?

It probably makes sense to him and his imaginary friend the bookie.

I tried to reply yesterday along the lines of aye, no panic councillor but as usual he dingied my comment


Toby 6.29

Because, no matter which Tories (Red or Blue) get to form the next government,if there is a large progressive Scottish presence from the SNP,then they are the best bet for moderating the Brit Nat parties,and are the only ones you can trust to look after Scotland’s interests.

Is that any good to you.


“Don’t you just hate ‘em?” Nope — I really couldn’t be bothered expending that amount of emotional energy on them. At most, I just wonder occasionally when they will go away. Perhaps on May 7th.

Robert Peffers

Those bloody foreign nationalists, they all look and sound the same to me, mind you some of my best friends are politicians.

Dr Jim

I’ve been searching for the offensive stuff
can’t find it

Kevin evans

Just watched jims stv interview. His first statement was a minimum wage of £8 an hour. I thought on Sunday he said it would be £8.50. At this rate by Friday it’ll be £7.25

Robert Llewellyn Tyler

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Paula Rose

Why do they both want more betters? I’ve never been a fan of gambling.

Dave Robb


Mr Mundell was up to the same nonsense in Tweeddale and Upper Clydesdale part of his seat over local hospitals, claiming he was at the forefront of campaigns to “save” them from non-existent closure.

This, despite his vehement insistent at a previous public meeting that the at the “NHS was a devolved issue”, and that it was not relevant to address him on discussion of Westminster plans for privatisation of the NHS in England.

He was nailed twice in the “Peeblesshire News” without reply on the issue of his doubletalk. Hopefully, we’ll get him this time.

Marie clark

The Brothers Grimm.


@Ronnie 6.09

Use of word ‘clear’.

You are bang on Ronnie. I expect the Westminster mobsters’ psycho-tacticians have picked up the idea that clarity is what punters want, so they just keep repeating words like ‘clear’, ‘clearly’ and so on. But as you point out they are rarely if ever clear at all.

The Tory, Labour, LibDem and media manipulation of the electorate has been so effectively exposed on this brilliant site over the last several months that this morning, for the first time in my life, I joined a political party—the SNP. It only took me 40 years (I’m now 61) but I’m there now, and so glad and proud to be on board.


Cuddis 8.34,
Well done.

Jamie Arriere

No, I don’t hate them, I just know that their nation is not my nation. Not hate, just no respect


When a politician or the BBC use the word ‘clearly’ it almost certainly isn’t. MSM, Westminster are not interested in patriotic love of UK. They are in it for them, them alone and the Union flag is one of convenience. It’s what a scholar termed ‘ a hurrah!’ word. The Queen Mother, Royal babies, WW2, London Blitz. 1966. Enough steeple swallow it hook line and sinker for it to be effective.

Robert Peffers

@galamcennalath says: 14 April, 2015 at 5:47 pm:

” … nationalism. The same can’t always be said for aspects of British nationalism emanating from Unionist ranks and establishment.”

That comment, galamcennalath, is hilarious and you didn’t realise just how funny it really is.

They are all United Kingdom Nationalists, for Britain is not either a country nor a nation. There are four United Kingdom Countries in Britain and four non-UK countries in Britain. Here count the non-UK ones – The Republic of Ireland, (Republics cannot be part of a kingdom); Bailiwick of Jersey,(A crown, not a UK dependency); Bailiwick of Guernsey, (same as Jersey); and the Isle of Man; (another crown dependency). These four are as independent countries as, for example Canada, Australia or New Zealand. Seems their propaganda has worked on you, though. Oh! BTW: David Cameron is/was NOT the PM of Britain – he just thinks and claims he is/was.

Here’s another wee thought for you. Not only does their form of, “Nationalism”, equate exactly to that of Adolf Hitler’s, Benito Mussolini’s or even Saddam Hussein’s for in all four cases their aims were to take over other countries to add them to their possessions, in fact it is thus internationalism, while the Scots have ambitions to only control their own country’s affairs.

jock mc X

O/t Alex Salmond has said that the referendum has changed
Scotland forever.

If thats true then it also means the uk has changed forever.

After the recent 7 leader debate Nicola Sturgeon was being
highly praised by many accross the uk who had seemingly
never heard of her before.

She has assured them that the snp will pursue progressive
policies to the betterment of ordinary people all over
the uk,and at the same time not denying that she wishes
Scotland to be independant.

Scottish independence poses no threat to people in the rest
of the uk.

Just as people across the uk had never heard of Nicola
Sturgeon,they will not have heard of wings, common space,
newsnet and many other voices that we know so well up

I don’t want to seem pushy,but when this general election is
over,would it not be a good idea for all those involved in
Scotland’s “new media” to get together and discuss a way
forward…there are so many talents,i am sure if they put
thier heads together they could find a way to broaden all
thier horizon’s,so to speak…there is nothing wrong with
thinking big,if wer’e going to be in a land of new politics.

After all,as far as we know the snp might well be thinking
The “Scottish National Labbour Party”,or summit like that

Just some thoughts…


John Young says:
14 April, 2015 at 7:09 pm
Could all wingers on this special blog please refrain from commenting on the physical appearance of other persons be they mps, msps or TV commentators.
That gets my vote.


I’m disappointed the Conservative manifesto launch wasn’t on a BP oil rig with the Red Arrows flying past. Isn’t that normally what they do?

Hoss Mackintosh

Well done Cuddis,

Wellcome to the SNP.

But you are still a youngster – my dad joined his first political party at 87 – the SNP.

Robert Peffers

One_Scot says: 14 April, 2015 at 5:52 pm:

” … The b UK media and Establishment unashamedly project British Nationalism as good, but Scottish Nationalism as bad. They demean us.

No such thing as “British” Nationalism, One Scot, how could there be when Britain is comprised of 8 nations and only four of them are United Kingdom Countries/Nations.

The UK is exactly what its title describes, a Kingdom. It could, of course, loosely termed a nation but it certainly cannot be “A”. country.

Bob Mack

The Labour Party really have become very schizoid.On one hand they are espousing the need for Labour to have the largest party,and on the other,they are advising people on their facebook site to vote tactically.
Reminds me of a scorched earth policy.If we can’t have it,we will try and deny it to you..It really is a sad end to something I valued as a priority in my life at one time.


I think perhaps Ed Milliband is defo looking for another job. He looks as though he’s auditioning ‘badly’ for the next Star Trek movie by the hand gesture in that pic!


John Young says:
14 April, 2015 at 7:09 pm
Could all wingers on this special blog please refrain from commenting on the physical appearance of other persons be they mps, msps or TV commentators.

Fat Chance


Tinto Chiel

Anent flag-waving, etc.

I have left my bothy on the warm southern slopes of Tinto for a holiday break with Mrs T.C. in Danny Alexander’s constituency and environs. I have to report that all around are signs of Dangerous Separatism: from every public building flies the Cross of Insurgency (with one exception in Elgin) and support for the Forces of Atavistic Nihilism is freely displayed in fenestral black-and-yellow.

Short of a postal vote scam, I fear Gideon Osborne’s ministerial cup-bearer is TOAST.

Memo to Londinium: you need more Red/Blue/YellowPawns.

Free Scotland

O/T, I know, but does anyone have any info on the success of the “Scottish” labour party’s drive to recruit new members by cutting the price of membership to the paltry sum of £1?


Is this comment from the right Honourable MP Jim Murphy today real?? “The size of the budget is determined by the Labour Party as a whole, that’s clear, that’s always been the case… how the money is spent in Scotland is a decision for the Scottish Labour Party when it comes to these devolved policies like health and education”.
“You’ll see in our manifesto later in the week just how we’ll spend this money and that’s a decision for the Scottish Labour Party and no one else.”
I thought the Scottish Government made the spending decisions!!

ronnie anderson

I,ve had a letter from Pamala Nash (lab) I did’nt give her permission to use ma Sunday name ( ronald),anyhows she,s asking people if they want a postal vote,no doupt they will fill it in to.


Free Scotland says:

O/T, I know, but does anyone have any info on the success of the “Scottish” labour party’s drive to recruit new members by cutting the price of membership to the paltry sum of £1?

I haven’t a clue FS cause I’m still waiting for them to start offering their membership at the very attractive “new members” rate of THEM paying new members £100 to join! 😀

Connor McEwen

Caught a bit about Broadband being bad down in ” Mundanes ” patch,sorry Mundell in Tweedale,how he must be delighted.
To Toby; Caw Canny.
To Garles;Cameron and his Sachet and Sachet Public relations and advertising co.are masters of the art of Sheeite stirring which Mundane is implementing.Scare the crap out of the plebs say S.A.S

Robert Peffers

@Capella says: 14 April, 2015 at 6:04 pm:

“Come, come Stu. These men don’t espouse “narrow nationalism”. They have broader horizons, or imperialism, as it used to be known.

With their gimcrack economic theories, their two kitchens and fast track to the House of Lords (which Labour is promising to reform AGAIN!), nuclear submarines , parked far away, money laundering banks and off shore tax havens. Neo-liberal imperialists better describes them.”

At last – well said, Capella. That’s one nail well driven home. Not until we Scots wake up to the truth that these people are not running Britain but certainly have ambitions to do so will we really see them for what they are. Never forget that these are the imperialistic prats that had the temerity to inform, “You will cease to be British if we dare to leave the United Kingdom”.

This was arrogance on two levels first they arrogantly claim they own Britain and secondly that the Kingdom of England, and only the Kingdom of England, is the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is legally a bipartite union of two equally sovereign kingdoms. Rather like a marriage in fact, but one where one partner has two children by a previous pairing, (and an illegitimate one at that), considering both additions were a result of overpowering weaker crowns(one kingdom and one princedom).

The actual legal term for when a bipartite union ends is a return to, “The Status Quo Ante”. Their arrogant claim is that the marriage ends but one partner is still the marriage and the other is a divorcee. The truth is that if Scotland leaves the United Kingdom has disunited.


Are all foot-soldiers bloggers door-knockers informing the people what to expect during the last few days of this election campaign. The bile and vitriol the lies and deceit that will be heaped upon us from all the opposition. Inform people what happened during the last days of the Indy Ref, Broon the Vow etc etc, do not be fooled again, its going to happen.
Fore-warned is Fore-armed. Lets not wake up on the morning of the 8th only to say I never saw that coming, please make people aware.


Could all wingers on this special blog please refrain from commenting on the physical appearance of other persons be they mps, msps or TV commentators.

I stopped describing Bliar MacDougal as a bloated pie muncher and so on.

Its only a normal reaction to watching likes of Bliar McDoughball, Chairchoob Ian Davidson, convicted drunkard Lord Foulkes of wherever all on tv/radio/press, calling anyone and everyone who disagrees with them in their Scottish region “the cybernats.”

If the ugly corrupt fat gits can dish it out, they can take it too, surely.

Robert Peffers

@Strak1314 says: 14 April, 2015 at 6:07 pm:

“A Brighter,Better more Secure future for whom?”

The exact same group of people it always has been in BOTH Britain and Great Britain – THE ESTABLISHMENT.

Which really highlights their terror of –


link to



Just seen the *ahem* angelic 😉 front page of the National for tomoorow.

Over to you Marcia. 😛


Two wrongs don’t make a blah blah blah but getting called Nazis and brownshirts on a daily basis trumps any personal attack you could mention, no?

Robert Peffers

@Toby says: 14 April, 2015 at 6:29 pm:

< … Perhaps if I solve one side of the equation I should be satisfied.

I’ll assist you Toby by asking you a wee question.

If you could be placed in the position of being able to exert influence over either the totally useless and inept Labour leadership or the more evil but also more powerful combined Tory/LibDem or worse the Tory/UKIP government which would you think the easier to manipulate?

The truth is that the whole Westminster Establishment Unionist parties are just different factions of the same Neo liberal gang. To fight them you choose the weakest one you can to fight.

Connor McEwen

Is that Nicola talking to a KEPT WOMAN/

Kevin meina

1930 tomorrow night Wednesday Ardrossan civic centre Patricia Gibson and Katy Clark the chameleon #snp

Kevin meina

Fuck me I sold my soul canvassing in West Kilbride pretended I was a Rangers fan to some old bigot what the hell he is voting SNP

Donald Urquhart

Kevin meina says: @ 10:27

Jeez!… that’s over and above the call of duty


Re the name calling of unionist politicians by shape etc.

We have to rise above it.

SNP voters and politicians also have weight issues so we will be alienating our own supporters.

Remember all the derision we had for the ‘fat Salmond’ ‘who ate all the pies’ etc.

I still have to listen to unionist clients who bad mouth Alex Salmond on his eating and drinking habits.


The Tories are so absolutley sneeky and corrupt. Just worked out what their new “Right To buy” really means.
They state that Housing associations will be forced to sell at a significant discount if requested by tenant. After Thatcher allowing council HOUSES to be lost to the private sector, now its the remaining Association HOUSES that they are trying to privatise.
But that is NOT the sneaky part. The Associations will be subsidised for their capital loss from the FORCED sale of “high value” council houses (aka: newly built or rarely remaining FAMILY HOMES – expect 3 bedrooms+, gardens etc.) when the existing tenants leave. The remaining portion of the sale is meant to provide the local authority with a means to build “Low cost” homes (i.e – flats) – probably no gardens). So in other words moving ALL TRADITIONAL FAMILY HOUSES into the private sector. After all how dare the poor, the vulnerable and everyone who cant afford to buy even consider living in a house with a garden and its own front and back door. The Tory message “Lets PRIVATISE ALL REMAINING COUNCIL HOUSES”. I just hope people in England looking for a council house and considering voting Tory are aware of what they are really proposing to do!

Free Scotland

@Lesley-Anne at 9:34

But, wouldn’t that create a black hole in the Branch Office’s finances? Between that and the £1600 to be paid to all those teenagers, they could end up winning the race to the bottom.


“We’ve made changes to that (Bedroom Tax) in Scotland”

Wee Ruth tiptoes around the true facts on BBC2 with Ms Smith.

Robert Peffers

@Connor McEwen says: 14 April, 2015 at 10:12 pm:

“Is that Nicola talking to a KEPT WOMAN/

Ach! Connor, Ye were meant tae ask which ain wis the maist Dagerous wummin in Britain.


But I suspect you know that.


@ Cuddis 8.34 & Hoss Macintosh 9.13,

Well, my friends, I too had never anticipated joining any political party, but the Phoenix which rose in me after the initial despair of 19/9 had to find an outlet.

I couldn’t let the ‘YES’ in me just die a death, so I joined.

I’ll be 74 next month.

Les Wilson

Marie clark says:
14 April, 2015 at 8:32 pm
The Brothers Grimm.

No Marie, they are a lot grimmer than that!

Ian M

On the Jim Murphy extended STV interview at the 5 minute mark he says that the SNP FFA plan would result in the Tory cuts plus the additional 7.5 billion in cuts
Surely it would be one or the other but not both?
More Murphy speak?


Really good reception in Campbeltown Argyll for Alex Salmond and Brendan Ohara tonight at the opening of the drop in Hub.

The Man in the Jar

I dont want to break up the union. I want to grind it down to the finest dust. That dust to be loaded into a Saturn 5 rocket and fired into the heart of the sun!

Patrick Roden

@ dakk,

What eating and drinking habits are these?

I’m sure you pointed out to your clients that Alex Lost loads of weight last year, because he had been eating and drinking a far healthier diet…didn’t you?

I can’t remember any derision because who ate all the pies, what I remember was disgusting insults and death threats with some maggot hoping his father would die.

I also remember disgusting smears from Unionist MP’s with constant complaints about financial irregularities, all of which were found to be smears.

I’m sure you would be the first to say that these smears and insults were the work of low life Unionist maggots.

Robert Peffers

@desimond says: 14 April, 2015 at 10:52 pm:

“We’ve made changes to that (Bedroom Tax) in Scotland”

Wee Ruth tiptoes around the true facts on BBC2 with Ms Smith.

Wow!Desemond, Are you trying for the SNP Medal Of Honour by watching that programme?

Or are you just into masochism?


Free Scotland says:

@Lesley-Anne at 9:34

But, wouldn’t that create a black hole in the Branch Office’s finances? Between that and the £1600 to be paid to all those teenagers, they could end up winning the race to the bottom.

Ach that’s all right FS they will figure it out after all they have Scotland’s top economist on the job as we speak … how’s it going Jim?


BBC took their calculator back … AGAIN!

I think it will take a wee while FS BBC have snatched back their calculator … apparently so Jim has been forced to revert to plan B to complete his economic calculations … counting on his fingers and toes! 😀


Robert Peffers

Know thy enemy etc etc.

Wullie Rennie is getting grilled tomorrow if you need a laugh


The union flag behind Ed “Hells Yes” Milliband is the wrong way round, things must be “in distress” at labour hq.

call me dave

@The Man in the Jar

Hey! Join the queue… Tackety boots provided.

Got my two metal goldie coloured YES badges today from SNP store as I gave away my two blue and white small metal YES badges to a couple I know who were desperate to get them a couple weeks ago.

They’re very nice too…err the couple & the badges! 🙂

Donald Urquhart

Ruth Davidson….“We’ve made changes to that (Bedroom Tax) in Scotland”

We’ve!!!! Jeeeezus!!!


Aww crap wrong press meeting. My mistake. But there was one where the flag behind him was the wrong way round.



I pity England having to listen to Michael Gove ignore all the bare facts about Englands Housing crisis to blindly champion the awful ‘Right to Buy Housing Assoc stock’ jam tomorrow in manifesto

Ian M

I checked out the Labour manifesto and could find no reference to 1600 pounds for school leavers
This is the closest reference

“Young people who do not have the skills they need should be in training, not
on benefits. We will replace out of work benefits for 18 to 21-year-olds with a
new Youth Allowance dependent on recipients being in training and targeted
at those who need it most.


Some good results coming back from canvassing in Paisley South/Renfrewshire West.

But I will be keeping a lid on it until the night of the count, where it will be pay back time if we can get Mhairi Black elected as our MP.

The unionist Councillors and MPs really rubbed it in on the night of the Referendum count. They took great delight in celebrating their victory in front of us. It reduced a lot of YES supporters to tears.

Jim Sheridan’s Labour Paisley North seat is also expected to fall to the SNP’s Gavin Newlands. What a double that would be, Jim Sheridan AND Dougie Alexander.

As I say, I will have to keep a lid on it, for now.


Oh Michael Gove AND Ruth Davidson BOTH refuse to rule out cuts to Child Benefit in future

“Not in current plans”…we know what that actually means



Let’s be clear about this, this separatism lark is a slippery slope. Joining those vile nationalists who want to run their own country can only lead to a free Scotland, and that would seriously damage britain’s London regeneration program. It can only end in independence you know 😉

Delighted to hear you’re still on the rollercoaster Ronnie!

Who’d have thought losing could be so much fun.


Yes and yes. Cameron and Miliband, Tories and Labour.

Robert Peffers

@EddieMunster says: 14 April, 2015 at 11:23 pm:

“Aww crap wrong press meeting. My mistake. But there was one where the flag behind him was the wrong way round”.

Mibbies the flag wis the richt wey roond an the gadgie wis stannin hidin ahint it.



X_Sticks says:

Who’d have thought losing could be so much fun.



Are you SURE about that X_Sticks?

This is news to me. Why have I never heard about us losing?


I’ve just realised why I haven’t heard about us losing … it’s a BBC thing right? … it’s a BBC thing come on now own up it IS a BBC thing! 😀


Thanks for the Murphy interview laukat – tweeted that one out.

Murphy looks close to the edge to me. Barely managing to keep it together under firm but fairly gentle questioning.

A case of one (or one thousand?) lies too many?

I hope karma hits him right between the eyes.

Donald Urquhart

Ian M says: @ 11:25

Re – Youth Allowance

Jim Murphy: last week : – ” We will give £1,600 to every young person who doesn’t go to College or University”

Labour Manifesto: this week : – “Youth Allowance – targeted at those who need it most.”
Kathy Jamieson: on Scotland 2015, last night :- ” up to £1,600″


Murphy: last week, STV – “Minimum Wage £8.50 per hour”

Murphy: today, STV – “Minimum Wage £8 per hour”

If a grub of people are going to lie, they should spend a wee bit more time rehearsing their scripts..

Annihilation is too good for them!

Still Positive.

Like the others who have joined SNP I did too. I have been pro-indy since the day after Winnie Ewing won Hamilton in 1967 and I read what the SNP stood for (the days of a -fairly- balanced press): Scotland is a country so it should be independent.

I always said that I was far too bolshie to toe a party line but I listened to what Alex Salmond said at the party conference in November and decided it was time to put my money where my mooth is. I made the decision then to join after Nicola was sworn in as FM.

One of my sons wished me luck in toeing the party line but I pointed out that if they could have Roseanna Cunningham in the Cabinet they could deal with me.

I am so glad I made that decision – Nicola is such a star.


Woo Hoo!

Tommy Sheridan is returning to Annan.

He will be appearing back in the Victoria Halls in Annan on 22nd April at 19:30. He will also be accepting non-perishable goods that he will forward on to the local Annan foodbank! 😛

I could not wait until May 7th arriving … scratch that … I can’t wait NOW for April 22nd to arrive. I was at the Victoria Halls when Tommy did his tour during the referendum. For me he is an amazing speaker. I remember saying to my partner at that time “I’m glad Tommy will not be standing down here in 2015 or 2016. He is one of the very very VERY few inspirational speakers who could stand a REAL chance of persuading me to move my vote from the S.N.P.!” 😀


Patrick Roden

You have no idea the crap I have to listen to in one of the most No areas of Scotland.

I certainly defend Alex Salmon and fight my corner to the last.Not good for business mind you,but people have sacrificed far more than me for their country.

That’s the whole point I’m making.These unionists make up smears,and spread malicious lies.

I have lovely salt of the earth pillars of society,doctors and nurses calling Salmond and Sturgeon,for everything.

Regarding shape,I’m saying,potential SNP voters, who are self conscious about their weight,will not like hearing us calling people fat this or that.What is the point,we only alienate some of our own supporters.

Still Positive.

@ Lesley-Anne: totally agree about Sheridan. In early 1997 there was a march in Glasgow against education cuts and I was there with the teachers from my school.

It was cold and raining and we were huddled under umbrellas in Blythswood Square and chatting away when Tommy started to speak – immediately silenced about 7 or 8 of us English teachers. (No mean feat!). He was mesmerising. Since then I have told everyone, especially in the last 2 years or so, if they get a chance to hear him to take it.

One of my sons tried to get into a meeting in Glasgow on 16th September but it was full and a second one planned back-to-back which they couldn’t wait for shows how popular he is.


@Robert Peffers much earlier
I think those glorified branch managers couldn’t care less about nation states but they certainly want us to identify with the UK which, as you point out, isn’t even a nation state. And they even more certainly don’t want us to identify with Scotland.

Cameron and his Bullingdon pals are more like feudal overlords in their arrogance and greed.

Miliband and Balls seem quite stateless. I imagine a lucrative deal in some consultancy firm in New York would be their ideal destination.


Well Done Cuddis.

Done the same after the referendum . Now i plan to ensure a dozen locals and family vote SNP on May 7th. Wee margo said everyone should get one person to vote with them and we would be independent in no time. Well not indi this time but Scotland all the same. 🙂

The internet is ours Wingers. Every time they tell a lie , we expose it in hours. The MSM cannot keep up. they, like the union politicians are past their sell by dates and are beginning to get a bit wiffy.

Time for a spring clean. 🙂


I remember during the ref campaign Still Positive watching video’s on You Tube from all over Scotland of Tommy doing his thing. In fact it got to the point that he was opting to do a mini talk, outside the hall he scheduled to speak in, to people who could not actually get in to hear him speak!

There are not that many political speakers who would be prepared to do something like that.


Absolutely hilarious, isn’t it?

“I’m voting No as I don’t like nationalism” mob much like those Labour socialists ala Findlay, Clark who seem to be bumping their gums at a Dutch owned Scotrail.

I had a great discussion with an internationalist. Who was voting Yes, as although not a ‘nationalist’, he thought the potential for Scotland and her 5.bity million people to change was far clearer and easier than the United Kingdom.

Labour truly have written off Scotland. They’ll do a deal with the SNP if they must, but they are not even throwing any funds at the key marginals and Jim Murphy’s absolutle beamer yesterday shows they are always going to be fighting against the crowd.

The SNP have been for 8 years, a steady and competent government. I am a ‘gloryhunter’ and joined them on the 19th, and although I don’t agree with everything they say or wish to govern with, they speak for us.

Labour are so poor. They’ve had 8 years in exile in Scotland and their polling is getting worse. How can that be?

This 25% could be their core vote. If you look at most polls, the reason it’s 10% ahead of the Tories (in general) is thanks to the over 60s (again, many older lads and lassies on here and top o’ the morning! Not saying everyone), but SNP are polling absolutely insane numbers with the 18-25 year olds and younger folks(our future).

And our Green friends, they ken the script. They’ll get a second vote most likely by many SNP fans who are non-members.

Scotland’s future is beautiful. It will appear very soon, much sooner than “the settled will of the Scottish people” (which does not exist). There is no settle will of anything. Time is transparent, just like days are – and records, numbers, governments, facts are all a measurement of the now, but they are there to be changed. Which they will and are envovling.

Keep your heids up. All o’ ye!


Still Positive.

Totally agree Lesley-Anne. Nicola could be the next one to do just that too.


Ronnie 10.59pm

YES gone yerself Ronnie 🙂

Heedtracker .

laffed my heed aff. Wonderful stuff never saw it coming 😀

We’re all Nazi’s and cybernat abusers . Nothing will change that so if they dish it out they can get some back. We don’t get angry we slag them off . Laughing is the best medicine right ? 🙂

Any way Blair Mac Pietheif and the like should be slagged for all the disgusting shit they stir.

Anyone know the total of newbies members since last weeks charades to the SNP. I think it’s over 2000 now. Hilarious .

We could be looking at an absolute majority in Scotland . Who’d have thought after Sept.


I’ve just heard a wee snippet about oor wee lass who WILL kick Fluffy’s earse on May 7th.

I don’t know where it happened but Emma was out canvassing and came to one house with an 84 year old woman inside who invited Emma in for a wee cuppa. As she was leaving, after the wee cuppa 😉 , the woman asked if she could get a wee “Vote Emma” badge. Go Emma!

Apparently oor Archie and Fluffy have been seen to be making right earses of themselves on T.V. … AGAIN!


Still Positive. says:

Totally agree Lesley-Anne. Nicola could be the next one to do just that too.

I would not be surprised if that was indeed the case SP. 😉


@ Faltdudh

Nice airy uplifting note on which to retire to slumber.


AND what does an “absolute majority mean in plainspeak. ??

Is it good news ?? Not sure about this so any help will be great

jock mc X

Just watched this on munguins republic.
Quite emotional.

link to

call me dave

Breaking ranks over trident… Still canny find a place for him in my world.

link to

call me dave

Insomnia…marking exam papers, but here is a Murphy alert 🙂

The article gives Dim Jim & Kezia break, a free ride bigging them up, but does contain this.

Of course the IFS figure doesn’t bear close scrutiny: it is using numbers gathered in one year to define Scotland’s economy in perpetuity.

It also fails to take into account that by 2020 Scotland’s onshore revenues are predicted to grow by £15bn. It should also be taken into account that the UK’s deficit was £98bn last year and that over the five years to 2014 the UK’s cumulative deficit has been worth more than £600bn, yet in two of the past four years Scotland’s GDP percentage deficit has been less than the UK’s.

Factor in the fact that, in each of the past 34 years, Scotland has paid more tax per person than the rest of the UK and a future without Barnett looks a lot less gloomy.

link to

ronnie anderson

test test


Nice UKIP lady from Shropshire getting very pleasant BBC r4 Today show manifesto chat. She says they are going to scrap Barnett, why Scottish bums be subsidised, and it will go to save £32bn a year for the hard working teamGB.

All goes unchallenged by that endlessly bizarre crew of BBC Today shills but and so, they scrap Barnett and pull Scotland out of the EU, keep taking Scots taxes and resources and dump Trident 2 on the Clyde.

Another teamGB day kicks orf:D


keep waiting on a Final Solution appearing on a manifesto


Lesley-Anne 12.46am
“…the woman asked if she could get a wee “Vote Emma” badge. Go Emma!”

I saw the report last night on Emma Harper. Then I heard the reporter telling us that she came from Stranrear.

It brought back a lot of good memories. I used to holiday at a farm in Stranrear and the farm next to the one I went to was owned by the Harpers. They had the big farm on the hill just as you entered Stranrear from the Cairnryan side.

So here’s hoping Emma is you next Westminster MP.


@call me dave

(Ian Murray) Breaking ranks over trident… Still canny find a place for him in my world.

Me too. I wonder if it’s because “Labour activists in Edinburgh South (are) struggling to counter the SNP’s pitch as the anti-Trident party standing up for Scotland” /s

(Source: Sunday Herald, link to

While we’re on the topic of Ian Murray… On:

link to

@Another Union Dividend points out:

Ian Murray voted for George Osborne’s latest attack on the poor on 25th March.

He must be struggling on his £66,396 a year salary as according to the Edinburgh Evening News, on 6th November he claimed the highest amount of any Lothian MP for his energy bill of over £747.

The Edinburgh South Labour MP claimed a total of £181,840 in expenses, on top of his salary, including the third highest amount in the UK for his Constituency Office at £26,593 which is crazy as since Devolution Scottish MPs have fewer responsibilities than English MPs. (Office rented from the former disgraced MP Nigel Griffiths)

The Office expenses don’t include his staff salaries amounting to £121,430 which also provides extra household income by employing his partner as a secretary. No wonder these Westminster MPs are so hostile to Scottish self determination as it will end their London gravy train.


Dear idiots who still support the UK state (for whatever reason)

Have any of you seen Cameron’s manifesto proposals on the English rate of tax? I’m betting that unlike Scotland it won’t be a percentage share or partial control of tax rates, but fully leaded 100% control. Now since the bulk of the UKs electorate live in EWNI and more particularly England, that would effectively mean cutting the other partners off from input/representation to the UK budget. Without full control of our own tax and spend in order to offset or compete with any tax changes in the English rates, Westminster could effectively cripple their own partners at will.

Did any of you seriously think EVEL was about anything other than controlling power and revenue streams throughout the whole UK?

Perhaps I’m wrong though. Surely establishment politicians wouldn’t do such a thing to keep folks in line eh?

Robert Peffers

@desimond says: 14 April, 2015 at 11:11 pm:

” … Wullie Rennie is getting grilled tomorrow if you need a laugh”

Actually I’m amazed at just how much good laughs and humour are found by independence seekers. Especially with the wall to wall bitterness exhibited by the Unionist cabal.

However, I think today’s best laughs may be UKIP’s MEP David Coburn on BBC Radio Scotland this morning.


Awayanbileyerheed 10:38pm
Yes I noticed that too. Breathtakingly cynical even by Tory standards. You have to hand it to Cameron, he knows his marketing.

Robert Peffers

Oh! Dear!

David Coburn wibbling and dribbling on BBC Radio Scotland now about The Barnett Formula. The numptie obviously is totally ignorant of what, how and why there is such a formula.

It’s a phone in or I would be asking him to explain it for me. Unfortunately I have problems with hearing conversations by phone so cannot do so and I suspect BBC has me blacklisted for email. They don’t even auto-acknowledge receipt of them now.

Nana Smith

Read the first article and watch the video to the end.

Evil people will do anything for control.

link to

link to

Robert Peffers

Here come the UKipper supporters on BBC Radio Scotland now and every one of them as thick as an afu thick thing.

Absolute raving loonies.


Re Caption “Don’t you just hate ’em”

Now there’s a sensible. non inflammatory, play the ball not the man comment. Many of you here are working yourself up into a lather of jingoistic nationalism that is increasingly unpleasant if not downright racist.

There was a referendum, your countrymen voted to stay part of the Union. It is apparent that democracy and the “will of the people” means absolutely nothing to many of you here anymore.

It seems to me, that in your campaign to force another referendum, you could make it different this time by making sure that everyone in the UK gets to vote in the referendum. I am pretty sure you would get your Independence – regardless of how the people of Scotland vote.


Report in today’s Herald that there is now an increased police presence at Mr Murphy’s campaign events because of disturbances and people trying to gatecrash and disrupt the events. Mr Murphy’s team seem to have asked for them.

Strange but until this I had not seen any such reported incidents.

Nana Smith


Has it not sunk in yet? It would not matter one iota if the English people voted en masse for Scotland to leave the union, your masters would never allow it.

Now why do you think that is?

As for playing the ball not the man, don’t make me bloody laugh. We have spent years of having our elected representatives ‘played’ slandered & maligned in every which way.

and as for ‘will of the people’ those who were tricked into voting No you mean.

Robert Peffers

Sheesh! There’s no real mystery with the Barnett’s Formula it is really quite simple.

For any of the three devolved administration : –

(a) – Take the, “population proportion”, of the devolved administration as compared to the population proportion of England.

(b) – Multiply that figure by the, “Comparability Percentage”, That is the monetary value of the different devolved functions the particular devolved administration has compared to England’s that is funding directly by Westminster Ministries.

(c) – Then multiply that figure by the total, “Change of spend”, in England during the past year. This gives the annual Barnett Consequentials.

That worked total gives the individual Block Grants allocation to, respectively, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales and if England has derived extra funding in the year it increases the devolved administrations Block Grant but if the English funding has decreased then the Block Grant is cut.

The obvious con is that they don’t make it clear the differences in per capita fundings is proportional to the different devolved functions of the three devolved administrations compared to what England get directly from Westminster Ministries.

Thus they encourage the English to believe everyone but they get more funds. Why do they not quantify the value of the non-devolved function enjoyed by the English as provided directly by UK Ministries?


I hate all decisive groups, be they Scottish,English, Cornish, Auchtermuchty,whatever.

A Brit born and bred in Aberdeen.


@Nana Smith 10.11am

If I get your message correctly Nana, in the last referendum, the Scots were on the point of voting for Independence after 300 years of oppression by the nasty English in Westminster. Then, just before the referendum, all the main parties sent their English, fresh faced, public school boy, oxbridge educated, Scots hating, time serving politicians up to Scotland to speak for the No campaign – and the scots were so enamoured with what they had to say – that they decided to vote for continuing oppression?

That is certainly an “interesting” spin on events Nana, and one that is hard for me to swallow. Is the average Scot really so gullible as you would have me believe – or is just possible that a majority of Scots, didn’t agree with your politics.

Nana smith


I believe as your name suggests you are sensible? so you will know fine well what I meant.

Pensioners were told by the media they would not receive their pensions among other scare stories. Politicians the like of Brown pushing said scares along with many others.

On the whole people who do not follow politics were and probably still are unaware of the lengths some politicians will go to in order to further their own interests.

Sadly the same applies to people in the rest of the UK.

By the way nowhere did I say the ‘nasty English in Westminster’ as there are plenty nasty Scots there too.

Perhaps you did not see how cosy Anne Begg was with the bnp during the indyref, or perhaps you did not see Jim Hood mp stand in parliament and say he would still vote NO even if Scotland would be better off economically under independence.

No sensibledave we have plenty of nasty mps of our own.

Also meant to say in my last post the Rev’s comment above alludes to the fact that Scottish nationalism is ‘bad’ according to the media & some politicians but British nationalism is somehow fine and dandy.


@ Nana Smith 11.03

Amongst other things Nana, you wrote “or perhaps you did not see Jim Hood mp stand in parliament and say he would still vote NO even if Scotland would be better off economically under independence”

I assume that you gave me that quote as an example of Mr Hood’s (not someone who’s politics I generally agree with) Treason, or stupidity, or something. And there is the rub. You are incapable of empathy on this subject. You simply cannot comprehend that Mr Hood might think that there is more to the Union than just money. That he might think the Union is about us being better together?

Do you think, for instance, that the average English Unionist – is a Unionist because they think England would be worse off financially if England was independent? Really?



Ta Ta then

Nana Smith


I would say Mr Hood is far more inclined to believe in ‘what is good for Mr Hood’ than anything good for the union.

Expenses claims are after all such a good reason to maintain the status quo.

I notice you have only mentioned English unionists, no mention of Welsh or Irish. They are after all part of the union although more and more Welsh folks seem to be joining plaid cymru.

I think by now many on this site have already stated they would be happy paying more into the system in order to build a fairer nation. For me that means a fairer England Wales and Ireland.

Have a good day Dave.


@ Nana Smith 12.30

…. you will note that my question regarding English Unionists was a “for instance” to try and get you to understand that not everyone thinks (like you presumably) that the Union is about whether one is “winning” or “losing” financially.

Please tell me the Independence movement is more about self determination, the will of the people, confidence, taking a place on the world stage as an independent country – and not because you think (if your sums are correct) that you personally might be a grand, or so, a year, better off? Surely you are “bigger” than that?

If you work on the basis that everyone puts their own pocket first then you might like to consider say, the finances of say someone who runs say, a successful plumbing firm in Scotland – post an Independent Scotland. Maybe he will change the location of his registered office to say Berwick – where his company will pay lower corporation tax, he will pay lower income tax – and he will carry on working just the same as before Independence – so Scotland loses all of his income and corporation tax.

Then to stop this eventuality, Scotland wants to introduce new laws to prevent plumbers doing that – but it would be a requirement of EU membership that you have to accept that eventuality.

I am not saying this would happen – I am saying if everyone agreed with you and selfishly worked to maximise their own finances, then that is the sort of outcome you will create.

Anyway, I will continue to be a democrat and look for ways to uphold the “will of the people” whilst you will continue to ignore the “will of the people” because you know better and you know what is good for them. I think there’s a name for that political approach!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi sensibledave.

If, next year, it is the “will of the people” of Scotland to vote, in enough numbers, to elect parties into government at Hollyrood, who will have had the commitment to hold an independence referendum in their manifestos, would you regard this as democracy in action?

Nana Smith

You know what sensibledave life is too short for getting yourself in such a strop.

I don’t know where you get all that bunkum from my post so I won’t waste my time debating imaginary scenarios.

The will of the people is yet to be seen now they have the facts which were denied them during the referendum.


@ Brian Doonthetoon 1.32

… short answer Brian – Yes! … its called democracy. A concept many here seem to struggle with.

If you only involve yourself in groups where everyone agrees with you – then, not surprisingly, you might end up with a somewhat skewed view on life and politics. You might end up believing everyone thinks the same as you and you are part of an overwhelming majority – rather than being part of a minority – as was established in a free, open, democratic referendum recently. Hey Ho.


“Hey Ho”, what an absolute fanny!

Brian Doonthetoon

Hi sensibledave.

“You might end up believing everyone thinks the same as you and you are part of an overwhelming majority”

I suppose keeping up with the opinion polls, from all the polling companies over the past 6 months, could lead one to believe that your “overwhelming majority” actually exists in Scotland.



There was a referendum, your countrymen voted to stay part of the Union.

. . . you could make it different this time by making sure that everyone in the UK gets to vote in the referendum. I am pretty sure you would get your Independence – regardless of how the people of Scotland vote.

(My emphasis in bold).

Very revealing. Yet another person who knows nothing about Scotland or its affairs presuming to tell us what to do. By the way, there were a fair few of my countrywomen in that referendum.

If you are so sure that people in the rest of the UK would vote to be rid of us, why are you so keen on arguing against our independence? Either we are an equal part of this so-called ‘family of nations’ or we are not; if we are, then stop making snide comments such as that.

We keep campaigning for independence because it’s what we believe in; just like all the former colonies of the British Empire which eventually won their freedom. And before you ridicule the suggestion that Scotland is a colony, again I would point out that you clearly have little or no experience of what it means to live and work in Scotland.

There is a saying that it is better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it beyond all possible doubt. You would do well to follow that advice.


@ Natasha 6.20

The use of the word “countrymen” was, perhaps lazy on my behalf – but it was not meant to offend – but I note you are easily offended so I will try to be more precise.

1. With respect to Scottish affairs, I know there was a referendum on Independence. I know that the No vote won a clear majority.

2. My comment about the rest of the UK voting in the next referendum was, of course a joke, but I note that you are way to serious to get that. However, do you not see that the rest of the UK might be struggling to reconcile a solution for the Scots based upon a “no” in the referendum and a big win for the SNP in a General Election?

3. This is the biggy! Nowhere have I argued against Scotland having Independence. As written previously, if push came to shove, my personal view is that I would prefer Scotland to be Independent. However, and I am serious on this point, I am first and foremost – a democrat. The Scots had a free, open democratic referendum on their future – they voted to stay in the Union. That is the democratic “will of the people”. I accept that and want to make it work. You don’t – which is your right of course. But please stop telling me I don’t know what Scots want – have a look in the mirror and you will see the person that doesn’t know what the majority of Scots want.


@Fred 4.35

…. I note that you had nothing to say about my brilliantly concise point!


@ Nan Smith 1.41

You wrote “The will of the people is yet to be seen now they have the facts which were denied them during the referendum”

… including the bunkum budget based upon fairyland oil revenues?


@Regarding most responses to me above.

I have read through the thread above again and am struck at the general theme. No matter how many times I talk about democracy and “the will of the people”, that issue is just brushed aside as an irrelevance.

Justification for the perceived irrelevance is, in the main, that the gullible Scots were “tricked” by the nasty Westminster establishment. After 300 years of oppression, the gullible Scots were on the point of voting for their “freedom” and then, at the last minute, the nasty Westminster types went up and conned them, again, with a few smooth words. Really??

We all know what the problem is here. The referendum was lost by the Nationalists because they got 45% of the vote. The GE can be won, with a landslide, by the SNP with a similar percentage of the Vote. Those are the electoral facts and are what will cause a great deal of irreconcilable fuss, post GE.

Sometimes democracy is “hard” isn’t it!

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