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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on June 05, 2014 by

Yeah, whatever.

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Missed Reverend but 300 million quid a year for Kaye to blether about her sore throat with multi millionaire Fred MacAulay and we’re back to serious voice over BBC Obama triumph over Scots democracy. No thank you.


I said a few weeks ago that it wouldnt be long before that very nice man Tony Blair would be making an impassioned plea on behalf of UK-OK.

I reckon it cant be long now, probably just after some BBC employee gets Pele to say “Please stay Scotland!” during a half time talk at the World Cup.

wingman 2020

Obama has forgotten his roots.

Les Wilson

Is there a post to the Rev’s conversation on Call Kay,Rev if recorded can we hear please!.

Imagine the response from the rest of us out there had we known, but the BBC probably would have just crossed to cricket results, or maybe England in the last world cup!

Adrian B

Obama’s Irish speech. You can skip the first ten minutes or so:

link to


I have been trying to phone the American embassy in London and the American Consulate in Edinburgh to express my disgust at the covert involvement by Obama in our referendum but they won’t answer their phones so I would hate to be a American citizen that actually needed them. There must have been a champagne reception last night what else do these trumped up embassy staff do. I did however leave several comments on their Embassy website.

The Rough Bounds

As my American friend has just written to me regarding this Obama baloney:

”Who gives a bent nickel what our ‘leaders’ say. The Scots should just tell Obama to go to Hell and mind his own business on the way there”.

I think that is the attitude of a lot of Americans.


“First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they get their Bilderberg loving mates to fight you,
and then you win.”



Do you think that BBC Scotland and Scottish Labour have an agenda regarding Alex Neil and the Scottish NHS.

Do you think Jackie Bailie and Eleanor Bradford combine forces to run down our national Health Service.

Do you think BBC Scotland tell lies when reporting stories about the Scottish NHS.


BBC endlessly replaying wee Dougie’s soundbite.

Now cast your mind back a just a few years, a different President, same prodding for same speech.

Replay wee Dougie’s soundbite replacing Obama with Dubbya. How does that sound BBC?

Les Wilson

Just watching a bit of the Normandy Landings, I hate the glorification of war.Of course I support all the troops involved, it is the symbol of war I do not like.

Don’t even start me on the celebrations of the “start of the First world war” Who the hell does such a thing, apart from warmongering Westminster? We know why of course.

Listening to France’s Hollande, I was just waiting for “Europe is stronger together” bit, followed by ” Scotland stay in the UK” Anyway, I switched off just in case.


Firts world war Les!
Scotland lost 28% of her combatants, England 12%.
It was all to do with the land raids, they feared the returning Scots troops.
Then the Scots were put into Murmansk to fight the reds in 1919.
Something to celebrate!?


The saltire in triumph shall wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Tomorrow – Strathclyde Park – Yes in the Park!
12 till 5 – Tickets (free) still available!


heedtracker –

Thanks for the link to ” a true Scottish Hero.”

Darling, Lang and Forsyth shame every Scot with their self-serving weasel words.

Redundancy cannot come quick enough for them motherpluckers in the commons and the unelected house of lards.

The democracy approved by a lame-duck president.


Just watching Obama here,and can’t help thinking that the Leader of the free world wants everyone to be free except,well,Scotland,because it looks to be ok from where he is.


“House of Lards” Great imagery there lol.

Les Wilson

fergie35 says:

Oh just a slip old chap!
Yes, you are right about that many more Scots died than any other home nation, per head of population.

Also consider Dunkirk, where the Highland Division, was sacrificed to allow the English Army to escape. Thousands of men had to surrender due to no ammunition left, some never seen again, others sent to Nazi work camps, a few, like my father escaped, he was 16 years old.


So this week ends with another anti independence triumph for BetterTogether/BBC, everything from Alistair Darling says you’re a nazi if you vote YES, leader of the free world Barack Obama says vote No and now UKIP/BBC new MEP for Scotland says vote Yes and youre in the Borg Collective too. TeamGB is such a lovely place to be

link to

wingman 2020

I am sorry to say, I do not believe Independence will happen this time.
Too many of the residents of Scotland are one or more of the following:

Uninformed – Don’t know the facts.
Brainwashed by the media – Headline Junkies.
Misguided Socialists – Dyed in wool Labour voters
Frightened – Better the devil you know.
Dullards – Lack hope, vision and ideas for a better tomorrow
Politically twisted Hate SNP or Salmond
OCDs Completely change resistant
Religiously twisted Orange Order or Irish republicans etc

Add these above people to the people who want to retain the status quo for their own benefit:

Establishment elite, aristocracy, advocacy and
Selfish Wealthy and comfortable, don’t care about the populace or the general good.
Faux Socialists Labour MPs and Councillors

… and we have a problem with numbers to get us over the line.

Did I miss anyone?



Of course they do. All I’m saying is that Tuesday WAS a crisis for NHSGGC. One which, unfortunately, I see getting worse when they close the Western and Gartnavel to be replaced by the super new Southern Next year…with fewer beds.

Norval Smith

If Obama and Putin agree on Scotland staying in the union, then I suspect it’s better to leave ASAP. Unfortunately this Glaswegian has no vote.


Switched on telly to find Arsehole Obama on the BBC and Sky.

The television is now turned OFF.


Les Wilson says:
6 June, 2014 at 10:20 am

Don’t even start me on the celebrations of the “start of the First world war” Who the hell does such a thing, apart from warmongering Westminster? We know why of course.

I know- shameful stuff. Let’s celebrate the needless slaughter of a generation due to a war borne out of ego and envy.


We should be telling the Americans to “BUTT OUT”, surely?

link to

Les Wilson

Let’s not be deterred, we have the choice of letting them away with this deception or telling them where to go in September. Lets just do that !



Well get off your arse and do something about it. For we are the YES campaign and waiting for someone else to sort out your problems is what Unionists do.

Ian Brotherhood

@MajorBloodnok –

Hear hear…GOYA!

Brian Powell

Les Wilson.

I agree that the Highland division was left behind, however it wasn’t a deliberate sacrifice.
They were trying to move up to Dunkirk but they were under the ‘command’ of the French army and depended on the trains and trucks supplied.

This was old dilapidated stock and they simply couldn’t get away quickly enough and were surrounded by the German army, which was heavily armed with armour.

Part of the problem was that the Maginot Line, which they thought would be an impregnable concrete structure, was at this part, it mainly wood and in very poor condition, some parts non existent.

The Highland divisions spent around six weeks, trying to rebuild it and make it defensible, but they could only use what was at hand. No Concrete etc.

This meant when the German armour and artillery attacked they couldn’t hold for long and pulled back to the coast, but then were surrounded.

ronnie anderson

@ Heedtracker is there any mair names they kin caw us in that H/P article.

Ah’l need tae stop that thing ah dey at the back o the bus

Moonnin nin nin, ah jist canna stop masel lol.

ronnie anderson

@ Wingman 2020 yep you missed quite a lot, as a X O/O member I take every oppertunity to promote a Yes vote,
Airdrie & Shotts Yes Group have 4 Young Republican Band members delivering newspapers whitch I fold.

As Majorbloodnok says get aff yer arse & do something,leave
the Carp to do what they do best, going round in circles.

gerry parker

I thought a wingman was there to be supportive?


Nice one Rev on K this morning.

Wonder if Kaye has finally managed to find and read a copy of the McCrone Report yet, professional journo and all that!

Lesley Riddoch has an interesting article in the Guardian today, mostly focused on A.D. Article in New Statesman.

Comments below the line interesting as well. One of the posters Tellen1, has an uncanny resemblance to our dear Duggie, same points of complaint that he has been banging on about in every post and quotes WOS contributions from same time frame and thread as his own complaints.

Seems to be too much of a coincidence for it not to be the same person and Tellen1 is not a supporter on Independence!

CameronB Brodie

Re. the Rev’s incursion into enemy territory. Perhaps he has had training we don’t know about, at the School of the Americas. 🙂

wingman 2020


Well get off your arse and do something about it. For we are the YES campaign and waiting for someone else to sort out your problems is what Unionists do.

@Ian Brotherhood

Very funny. Not!
How do you guys know what I am doing?

wingman 2020

@Gerry Parker

I am being realistic from what I have experienced on the ground recently.

Do you prefer tea and sympathy?

gerry parker

No – I prefer people who stop whining and get out and do something about it.

wingman 2020


Met Tellen online numerous times… His usual complaint is that “the Scottish Government don’t have a mandate to take Scotland into EU or NATO….” He repeats that ad infinitum.


@Wingman 2020

At the very least, what started as a ripple will eventually become a Tsunami, it might need even a few generations of instilled belief but we will get there.

As that nice man Barak Obama once said HOPE!


Off Topic, Yestival Tour dates announced

The Yestival tour will feature an array or artists across the country, details of which will be announced shortly.
Leaving on the 30th June from National Collective’s subterranean headquarters in Leith, The Art Cave, the touring party will travel the length and breadth of Scotland and is hosting events in the following locations on these dates:

30 June – Haddington
01 July – Melrose
02 July – Sanquhar
03 July – Ayr
04-06 July – Glasgow
08 July – Falkirk
09-12 July – Edinburgh
13 July – Fort William
15 July – South Uist
16 July – North Uist
17 July – Harris
18 July – Stornoway
19 July – Ullapool
20 July – Inverness
21-22 July – Orkney
23-24 July – Shetland
25 July – Lossiemouth
26 July – Aberdeen
28 July – Montrose
29 July – Arbroath
30 July – Dundee
31 July – Perth
01 August – St Andrews
02 August – Stirling


I assume that President Obama and his fellow Americans will now be changing the title of their national holiday on July 4th, from “Independence Day” to “Separation Day” – (recommended by Ian Davidson in particular!)

Dave McEwan Hill

Wingman 2020
There are many uninformed voting for independence, many Labour supporters voting for indpendence, many who hate Salmond or the SNP voting for independence, many elected Labour pwersons voting for independence and many Orangemen and republicans voting for independence.

We are aware that many across all divisions are voting against independence and many across all divisions are voting for.

Have you a point?



Unfortunate that you are getting those responses. I live in a relatively prosperous part of Edinburgh and I can tell you that there is a lot of YES support here and a lot of people getting out there and doing something.

Our canvassing has been very enlightening and it’s interesting to see how many YES supporters there are, even in our area, which one would expect to be pretty soundly NO.

And having nearly 20 people turn up for a Marchmont/Morningside YES meeting on a Tuesday night (it was a pub admittedly) was amazing, frankly.

All that said, my efforts are as nothing compared to the likes of Ian Brotherhood, who is an inspiration (as is Ronnie, and many many others on Wings).

Never give up, never surrender! (to quote Galaxy Quest.)

PS if you’re at the Meadows Festival on Saturday morning see you at the YES stall. Free balloons…



Yes Duggie and Tellen sing from the same hymn sheet (which I think was written by Norse Warrior)

Duggie is a conformed Yes voter on here and Tellen has been exceptionally anti on CIF…although I noticed a more nuanced approach in his pro-Green posts in the last few days. Cross fertilisation posting 🙂

All is fair in love and referendums


@wingman 2020

Everyone has down days – But we must keep going; this is exactly what the relentless strategy of of UK and hostile Scots media want.

I dont exactly live in a YES heartland (very Tory area)

Honestly out canvassing and general discussions – its on a knife edge 50/50 if Im honest.

I like you, wonder if Scotland and its citizens deserve Independence as sumtimes people don’t seem willing to fight fro whats right; but often Im very surprised by who turns out to be a def YES.

Keep at it buddy save such talk till the result – I feel you just might be politley surprised.

Its getting dirty, (see Obama), but all the more reason to respond and get back in there. Hope you do we need ‘everyone’; this will be a true team result.


Arrgghh sumtimes – dohh!

Adrian B

More from Obama during his 2011 visit to Ireland:

link to

Includes some of the text of his speech.

Mary Bruce

What’s happened to all the comments on this thread? Is it just me? I can only see comments from 10.05am this morning, everything from last night gone?


Mary – try clikcing on “older comments (in green, bottom left). if that doesn’t work then I don’t know – sorry 🙂

David Smith

Either that or the Stasi have taken them for (ahem) examination. 😉

Jamie Arriere

Did I miss anyone?

Yes, Defeatist Yes supporters.

Mary Bruce

Thank’s Steve. That link only appeared after I posted, before it displayed links to the next and previous posts.


wow comments on this where are the earlier ones ?


@wingman 2020

Im finding it fairly promising in Eastlothian,Musselburgh is already going YES according to my local groups stats.However,we have to get them all out on the day!

We have a friend from Ecuador who is staying with us just now,she is disgusted with Obamas intervention and is joining us on the musselburgh YES stall tomorrow.

CameronB Brodie

steveasaneilean’s comment at 12:52pm. 😉



wee green words saying “older comments” are a hint 😉

Loads of comments though…Dougie Alexander playing poodle certainly gets the kicking boots on.

Ian Brotherhood

@wingman –

Wasn’t meaning to have a go there, but I can see it could’ve looked that way! Apologies.

I was echoing MajorB’s use of ‘get off your arse’ as a rallying call, not a slight at your good self. It’s a great acronym and could come in useful as we near the big day.

In any event, I hope you’re not getting down about the characters you helpfully listed – I’m sure we all know people who fall into one or more categories. The combination of sloth, self-satisfaction and plain laziness is potentially toxic. Some of them are beyond reach, but it shouldn’t stop us trying to wake up t’others.

Ian Brotherhood

@wingman –

Take heart mister. Everybody’s battery gets a bit flat at times:

REM, ‘Everybody Hurts’ –

link to

Peter Macbeastie

Indeed, I know I could go out and canvass in a given area and get around ninety percent no… some people live in a bubble of unionist happiness. I can only assume Wingman has been operating in a very similar sort of area.

Have a wee bit of faith, Wingman. Most regular canvassers are reporting ever increasing numbers of yes. You must be saddled with a particularly nasty area mentality where you are. Someone always gets the shite jobs and I think you might have got ‘lucky’ this time.

Obama’s ‘intervention’ makes for cracking distraction territory. Of more interest is the result of the Newark by-election ‘doon sooth’ where the Tories won the seat but second place, with a massive increase in vote share, went to the odious UKIP.

Those who say there’s no risk of UKIP getting much power should pay some heed. They don’t have to get much; they just have to get enough to hold the balance of power when the nigh inevitable coalition negotiations start after the general election in 2015.

Obama, frankly, is irrelevant.

And, as the expert on US/ European relations on Radio ‘Unbiased’ Scotland said this morning in between partronising everyone in Scotland, it could very well turn out to be damaging to the No campaign. Big shot trying to interfere in a Scottish referendum and he’s not even from here? Same basic effect as David ‘Yes Deep Cover Agent’ Cameron has. Opens his mouth, more people move to yes.


Ive written to the leader of the free world through that link someone posted earlier, tongue in cheek like…he’ll never see it, but it’s important to keep the diplomatic channels open..smirk:

Dear Mr Obama,

I am a citizen of Scotland.

I’m not the Prime Minister of the UK.

As such it’s up to me to determine the outcome of the referendum on whether Scotland should be an Independent country.

I live here, I am the people, I know the situation on the ground. I am Emminently qualified to make this decision.

My decision is that Scotland should be an Independent country.

Will you have a word with the BBC et al, and indicate you have revised your earlier comments and reiterate strongly that it is for the people of Scotland to determine the outcome of the referedum.

May I suggest that you approach this in a casual manner, at an impromptu press conference; make a reference to the ancient Sovereignity of the people of Scotland, the Declaration of Arbroath, in fact the very template of your own nation’s Declaration of Independence! The forced 1707 treaty that is under renewal at present. Not a bullet being fired in over a hundred years of this nations attempts to unshackle from its larger neighbours’ politcal policies.

These are just a few suggestions to aid you in dispelling the very strong impression you gave that you have aligned your self with the UK governments’ position. And by extension to the cross party coalition group; Better Together.

I hope my comments are regarded favourably for your consideration. I know, highly unlikely that you personally will even see them, nonetheless It’s important to make the effort to write to the leader of the free world every now and then and let them know how we’re really getting on in the Old Country.


ronnie anderson

@ Good we’re back on song Sos Wingman somtimes as Ian B says we lose the place sometimes,but ther’s always somebody
tae gie a help up ( as a trained 1st aider sometimes thats a sherp slap ) only fur good intent,jist keep on going.


Just listened to Morning Call with Kay -with-an-e talking about the Obama intervention and heard ‘Stuart from Bath’ call in. Introduced by K-w-a-e with ‘we now have Stuart from Bath, now Stuart are you in the bath or in Bath? The Rev replies and she then asks why he’s calling if he’s in Bath and he replies because I’m a Scottish person! He really does have a lovely voice and I don’t think K-w-a-e realised just who it was she was speaking to. But she seemed to be quite fair on the prog.

CameronB Brodie

Did you not notice the ‘expert’ being called back to provide a rebuttal, once ‘they’ realised who was calling in? The presenter was also noticeable cautious. Anyway, that’s what I though.


@ TJenny

Did you think so? I think she sounded quite fatuous with her “are you saying that Obama is Cameron’s lapdog”.Which she repeated at the end of the segment coupled with a “I an quite taken with that” and a self deprecating ” I am overstating it as usual”

I think she was trying to discredit the information that it was a set up in the only way she could. Might be wrong: pity the pre printed No posters couldn’t be brought in as well, though.


Stu’s put the recording up on a new post. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Our usual turnaround for posters, was 48 hours. Work was normally completed within 24 hours, but…. Rush jobs could be completed in a matter of minutes or hours, but required preparation and coordination between the client, designer and ourselves (the printer). That poster was planned and ordered way before the speech was made.

CameronB Brodie

Not unless it was hashed up by a BBC bod and printed out on the office inkjet.


The ultra anti-Scottish independence and London owned Daily Record, says in its “Record View” today, of President Obama. “Barack Obama, is the most important, and inspiring politician in the world”, he is revered around the world”.No link I’m afraid only in paper version.

Also the Canary Wharf owned Daily Record has given failed politician Gordon Brown, a double-page spread every day of this week, to denounce Scottish independence, here the Ex-PM lays out seven flawed reasons to vote no. Mr Brown hired ATOS to punish the poor, he also removed billions from the pensions pot, claims he has the answer, and the answer is no.

link to

Meanwhile not everybody in the Labour party wants to keep Scotland under Westminster’s thumb.

link to

rebecca cuzen

I agree about America getting its independence from Britain and all the bloodshed which will not happen with Scotland .I also think Obama has a short memory of his own country if he thinks back to American history of slavery and Black People who were not even allowed a vote. Who is he to comment on an issue which is very important to our future although not saying outright that we are better together he is implying it. What is his agenda. Could it have anything to do with Trident which is lying off the shores of Scotland my homeland.

rebecca cuzen

Cameron is promising more power to the Scottish Parliament why now? Why not years ago? Anyhow let us face this I have heard comments from people who do not like Alec Salmond and Isay so what?You are not voting for a person or a Party you are voting for freedom to govern your own affairs whether it is SNP,Labour,Liberal or whoever they want. That seems to be a big issue with some people.


Meanwhile not everybody in the Labour party wants to keep Scotland under Westminster’s thumb.

It’s sad that they only come out and support independence just before they retire.


Yes,too late then.Saying that,he could maybe persuade a few north of the border to come out for yes before they retire too.


It’s the loss of cannon fodder he’s concerned about, no more and no less. It seems that this american has forgotten that the 4th July is about more than fireworks.
In short, he’s an eejit.


O/T – it would appear that the view cinema in Stirling are still showing Better Together Brainwashing adverts to our young people


Pres. Obama’s participation in this process did not raise him in my estimation. He has allowed himself to be used by the UK PM.

Anyone who doubts the anodyne nature and the qualification of those comments can listen to them here:-
link to

As weegingerdug remarks:-
“The number of people in the USA who know about Scotland’s referendum is probably lower than the number who think we’re already independent. It may be a higher number than the number who believe Scotland is a part of Ireland, but that’s a bit of a coin toss.
Pres. Obama recognised this. The way he phrased his comments was surely significant, and careful. “From the outside” the UK seemed to be working, He did not have to add the “from the outside” qualifier, but he did”.


Dave McEwan Hill

Comment from Craig Murray

link to

The next UK Government will be a Tory led one




Wingman, do not forget that A huge proportion of the

Uninformed,Brainwashed by the media, Misguided Socialists, Frightened, Dullards, Politically twisted,OCDs, & Religiously twisted

Are also very poorly motivated and cynical. A lot of them will not vote.

I too am pessimistic, but we have come this far, not so long to go, don’t walk out of the exam early.

Edward Margerum

It was an improper question by PM Cameron. Obama tried to say as little as possible. 1) Independence is up to the Scots. 2) Obama likes working with the UK. The US will continue to be allied with the UK whatever Scotland does. Scotland is not vital to the interests of the United States. On the other hand, the UK is a big player in World diplomacy for good or ill. It is best for the US not to goad its most consistently supportive lackey.

mr thms

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pro-independence campaign close the gap to just 5% in sensational new Survation poll

link to

“…the latest monthly poll that has just been released from Survation may – and I do emphasise the word may – be the first proper indication that something has indeed been happening. It shows the No lead at just 5% – that’s a 5 point drop on last month, and is 3 points lower than Survation have shown at any point in the campaign to date.”

Should Scotland be an independent country?

Yes 39% (+2)
No 44% (-3)

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