As you like it
In a Twitter conversation yesterday, we suggested that a solution to the problem of biased reporting in the Scottish media might be to adopt a variant of the “Whizzer and Chips” approach. That is, you’d have two newspapers in one – one way round the news would be presented from a Unionist perspective (as it is now), but if you flipped the paper over and read it from the other end it’d have all the same stories, except covered by independence-friendly journalists.
It looks like the Guardian has tentatively taken the idea up already.
Ah’ll hae a whizzer an chips an aw.
Nope. A a neutral headline would have been “Electoral Commission endorses Scottish Government’s choice as it suggests minor tweak”
O/T sorry
Cameron tells Angus Robetson to “F*ck off” … is now hitting the news pages.
link to
Cameron is on our side
“Fuck off”
That’s a great idea for a publication. It would really show up the media bias!
Ahh, Whizzer and Chips, I used to love that. And Buster. Although nothing beats Scotland’s very own The Beano.
I think this is an excellent idea. Maybe you should try it out yourself, Stu? Unionists could do with all the help they can get when it comes to the internet.
Good idea, but would never float commercially.
Do we really want the Mirror spouting nonsenses about what the PM didn’t say? Have you noticed they have covered themselves by stating that the PM “apparently” said FO. Cuphook has already pointed out what was actually said.
AS is looking a lot more healthy on the left hand photo – I’m assuming it’s a more recent photo that the other one? (I certainly hope so).
By the way, when you mentioned Whizzer and Chips I was thinking that it was going to be one of those Better Together posters again – something like vote NO and ye’ll get nae Chips, just a Whizzer, or some such nonsense.
Cameron continued “………. and take those safe labour seats with you”
Cameron’s run of gaffes in regards to Scotland continue. Fit is he up to?
Now that the fox that was the ‘rigged question’ has well and truly been shot down. What are the NO side going to be obsessive about now? They have all been dancing on a pinhead for a while now. I get the feeling although they might not know it, they have been painting themselves into a corner. Poor darlings.
The laughable thing about it is they were so pleased with themselves that they rejected a second question, and thought they had boxed Salmond into a corner. They never stopped to ponder if it was Salmond who was playing rope-a-dope with them?
From Wikipedia:
The rope-a-dope is a boxing fighting style commonly associated with Muhammad Ali in his 1974 Rumble in the Jungle match against George Foreman.
In competitive situations other than boxing, rope-a-dope is used to describe strategies in which one party purposely puts itself in what appears to be a losing position, attempting thereby to become the eventual victor.
The rope-a-dope is performed by a boxer assuming a protected stance (in Ali’s classic pose, lying against the ropes which allows much of the punch’s energy to be absorbed by the ropes’ elasticity rather than the boxer’s body) while allowing his opponent to hit him, providing only enough counter-attack to avoid the referee thinking the boxer is no longer able to continue and thus ending the match via technical knockout. The plan is to cause the opponent to “punch himself out” and make mistakes which the boxer can then exploit in a counter-attack.
On the topic of Cameron’s outburst, check out the BBC live feed, here link to
If you scroll down to 12.21 – Cameron’s retort to Angus Robertson’s question is noted. Have a look at Ross Hawkin’s comment directly after that at 12.22.
Nothing gets past these BBC newshounds…
Poor Sleverin must be spinning today, with so may articles to write (he was supposedly responsible for both mentioned above) . I can only guess he was leaned on to make the more realistic second article.
@Pa Broon
Cameron didn’t swear; he says ‘What are you frightened of?’. You can hear him saying it on the audio, though it is very faint. It’s his usual retort to the SNP.
I did wonder. With the number of mics in the place, it would be hard for it not to be picked up.
“WWWhat AAAre YYYou FFFrightened OOOf?”
“WWWhy DDDont YYYou FFF*ck OOOff?”
Aye, I can see the similarity. Benefit of the doubt. Cameron is innocent.
The Telegraph is a veritable mine of interesting material currently.
link to
Clearly this thought process has no application to any other situations.