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Wings Over Scotland

An unfortunate misunderstanding

Posted on November 08, 2022 by

All cleared up in slightly under three years.

How long this situation will last is unknown – New Improved Elon Musk Twitter is still stuffed with all the same activist moderators it was before, and we don’t doubt that the SNP’s purple-haired sturmjugend will even as we speak be engaged in an obsessive frenzy of malicious reporting and complaining to try to have us shut down once again.

Hopefully they won’t succeed, and hopefully some other unjustly-banned accounts such as those of Graham Linehan, Dennis Kavanagh, Holly Lawford-Smith, Meghan Murphy, Claire Graham, Maya Forstater (currently locked out) and far too many more to list, mostly feminist women, all suspended for basic statements of human biology, will soon be restored too.

But rest assured that in the meantime we’ll be having as much fun as possible.

0 to “An unfortunate misunderstanding”

  1. Neil Mackenzie says:

    Welcome back and (a day late) happy 11th birthday.

  2. sarah says:

    Ready, AIM, fire?

  3. John Main says:

    Elon Musk for president!

    Shame he doesn’t have any recent Scottish ancestry, then we could cosy up to the White House incumbent and use that link to advance Scotland and the Indy cause on the international stage.

    Haud oan.

    We already had that advantage with the last one. We blew it.

  4. Stoker says:

    A link to this article would be a good start, get it out there, folks. LOL!

    The countdown clock has started.

  5. Dave Llewellyn says:

    Welcome Home Stu.
    I hear thousands of woke arsecheeks flapping as they migrate somewhere less wing full.

  6. Ross says:

    Welcome back, sir. (My OCD is telling me to remind you to edit the URL on the Twitter icon above…)

  7. maureen says:

    Well that’s cheered me up, looking forward to reading your posts again on twitter!

  8. Robert Dickson says:

    Welcome home

  9. Stoker says:

    Twitter, the social media platform that suspends the account of honesty (WOS) whilst allowing unrestricted use of its platform by creepy bastards such as Hunter Moore. A piece of shit who got a pal to hack email accounts of wee lassies & young women to steal any nude photos they had so he could post them on his specially set-up blog. The c@nt eventually did some time, after he had made a few bob, and still operates on Twitter as far as i know. He paid his pal $100 (i think it was?) for every account successfully hacked.

    “No 10 says checks being made into ‘serious’ claim Williamson told official to ‘slit your throat’ – UK politics live”

    “Tory MP Mark Francois criticised for ‘crass racial slur’ in Commons about Japanese”

    “former leader of the House [Jacob Rees-Mogg] said the word ‘Yellow Peril’ from that despatch box.”

    “Afterwards a Labour party source said: If there was ever any doubt, the nasty party is firmly back.”

    Says the Red Tory scum party who shared a platform with the BNP against Scotland’s right to self-determination in our 2014IndyRef. Just ask Labour’s Dame Anne Begg!

    “The Liberal Democrats are calling for an independent Cabinet Office inquiry into the the report that Sir Gavin Williamson told an official to “slit your throat” and to jump out of a window when he was defence secretary.”

    Aye! Good idea! And throw in an inquiry into previous LibDem connections to Westminster paedophiles while you’re at it, eh?

    What a cesspit of smouldering crud Westminster truly is.

  10. Astonished says:

    Do you think the transcult have figured out they’re being exposed? And folk really don’t like what they’re seeing.

    I also note pronouns being quietly dropped.

    Possibly Twitter will name the complainers? And then we can see how close they are to Nicola.

  11. 100%Yes says:

    I bet Pete Wishart is at the top of that long unionist list, I can just hear him now growning and moaning that Elon Musk has brought twitter into disrepute. Will the moaners ever learn that twitter is there for all.

    Peter if your own here why not have a wee dig at Michelle Thomson your buddies in the unionist papers are.

  12. sarah says:

    I am astonished to see the coverage given by the mainstream media – well, the Herald and National- to the return of Wings twitter. Shomeshing wrong, shurely? ED.

    But actually that goes to show what visibility your comments will get, Rev. I have a list of suitable topics for you to mention: Edinburgh Proclamation; missing £600,000; defence evidence accepted by the jury in the case that found Alex Salmond innocent; the list of independence postponements by the current FM; the Mark Hirst case; the Craig Murray case; the cases not brought e.g. Derek MacKay….

  13. Republicofscotland says:

    Sunak rushes out of COP27 in a hurry, why?

    “For some unknown reason, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has walked out of the climate summit conference after an attendee whispered something in his ear.”

    link to

  14. Andy Ellis says:

    Go play! This should be interesting. 🙂

    Out of interest, did this just “happen” out of the blue, or had you been actively pursuing it? When they suspended my account, all I got was stonewalling and automated responses, never any evidence of the alleged offence.

    I wonder if some of the other accounts will suddenly be unsuspended too?

  15. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    I filed a new appeal about two weeks ago.

  16. Andy Ellis says:

    @ Rev. Stuart Campbell 4:29 pm

    I filed a new appeal about two weeks ago.

    Not sure I can be arsed to do it TBH: I even tried the Better Business Bureau route when it first happened but hit the same wall in the end.

    It’ll be interesting to see how yours goes, but I’m still unconvinced Uncle Elon will make that much difference to the experience in the long run.

    Maybe Bluesky or Lens will change things….but folk thought the same about Mastodon and other alternative which failed to reach escape velocity, so maybe not?

  17. Turnbuldrier says:


    That is all…

  18. George says:

    Well, this is an early Christmas present.
    Welcome back and I hope you have as much fun as possible.
    No doubt your fun will provoke fury from others. Excellent!
    More power to your elbow.

  19. Allium says:

    Good to see you back.

  20. Hatuey says:

    Cool. That’s one thing sorted.

    Now all I need is China to invade Taiwan.

  21. John Main says:

    @ Hatuey says:8 November, 2022 at 5:29 pm

    “Now all I need is China to invade Taiwan”

    That’ll be why Sunak walked out of the COP27 meeting.

    What’s the bet the MSM won’t tell us it has happened?

  22. Skip_NC says:

    The invasion happened years ago but the Lizard People kept it a secret. link to

  23. Andy Ellis says:

    Now all I need is China to invade Taiwan.

    T-Day minus 47 and counting……

  24. Geri says:

    Welcome back, Wings.
    Lang may yer lum Reek!

    Elon seems to be reversing the damage caused by bot accounts on cancel culture.

  25. PacMan says:

    I haven’t been following Musk’s takeover of Twitter closely so I’m happy to be corrected.

    My take is that Musk wanted to buy Twitter on the cheap and he used a number of tactics including the Bazaar of ideas that get the right wingnuts frothing at the mouth. It didn’t work and he couldn’t get out of buying it so he’s saddled it with debt which means job cuts and drive to monetize the platform.

    One of these ideas to charging users for a blue badge check that allows them to be shown as verified accounts. It may be the case that Musk is trying to provoke a ‘culture war’ for commercial purposes to sell these blue badge checks so users with them can be seen as more ‘authentic’ that other ones, particularly ones that were previously banned?

    Just my take on it but as Musk has saddled Twitter with billions in debt, the company needs money and the current model won’t be able to service that debt so he need to come up with ideas fast to get the money coming in.

  26. John Main says:

    @Pacman 6:24

    A lot of Unherd articles about Twitter/Musk lately, but this one is innarestin:

    link to

    I guess everybody fucks up eventually, but no reason so far to believe this is Musk’s turn.

  27. Confused says:

    [hassan does a massive twitter harrumph and clutching of the handbag]

    why not take windbag hassan to the small claims court to get that tenner off him?

    – could be a fun day out.

    think of it as a dry run for doing an Nobilised Officialcum to Dissolvelise the Union.

    I once used the small claims to get my deposit back off a thieving landlord; the key to victory is to address the bench with your thumb in your lapel.

  28. Dan says:

    Referendum super majority bill.

    link to

  29. Iain More says:

    Musk? Yet another narcissistic Billionaire. I have never used Twitter and I have no intention of ever using it.

    It will however amuse me no end when the narcissistic Wokists have to start paying for proselytizing their anti male and Transgender poison on Twitter.

    I suppose Musk could take their tax payer funded coin to provide Starlink to Iranian protesters. I don’t think Mad Vlad Putin would like that though. I think a Revolution in Iran is the last thing Mad Vlad wants.

  30. Republicofscotland says:

    Dan @7.28pm.

    Yeah, Dan I saw that earlier on, the UK ISN’T a democracy, we AREN’T in a union of equals, we ARE being held against our will, and still Sturgeon who is at present grandstanding at COP27 won’t rid us of this union.

    I also read that the UK government is to sunset hundreds of EU laws, many of them to do with food safety standards, opening up the door to imports of low quality foods into Scotland and the rest of the UK.

  31. PacMan says:

    John Main says:8 November, 2022 at 6:46 pm

    @Pacman 6:24

    A lot of Unherd articles about Twitter/Musk lately, but this one is innarestin:

    link to

    I guess everybody fucks up eventually, but no reason so far to believe this is Musk’s turn.

    Interesting article.

    Another theory I had heard is that to make good a bad deal of buying Twitter, Musk is moving the debt of his other companies to Twitter so when it goes bankrupt, it will put the other companies in a more financially healthier state.

    Again, just stories but like in real life where some people don’t know when to shut up, these woke loons who say they will desert Twitter will come back as they can’t stand seeing the other side winning. When that happens, the advertisers will come back as well.

    Regardless of this rumour mongering, the good news is that the Rev is back in Twitter and I’m sure the other ones mentioned in article will be back on as well.

  32. David Holden says:

    Enjoy yourself as I am sure the darkside are gathering to bring you down again. I will enjoy this while it lasts.

  33. PacMan says:

    Going O/T

    I see that the US Mid term elections are being held today. I wonder once over, if US oversea policy will settle down a bit or at least become a bit less aggressive?

  34. Confused says:

    The Times says :

    Stuart Campbell, who runs the social media account Wings over Scotland and a blog, called a journalist a c*** in December 2019.

    Legal research says (okay it was google) :

    The main defence to a libel action is ‘truth’, that is being able to prove that the defamatory allegation is substantially true.

    Now, I put it you (thumb in lapel)



    modus ponens, yir honour

    Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”

    Hunter S Thompson

  35. PacMan says:

    @ Confused 7:58

    You’ll love the intro to this song:

    link to

  36. Republicofscotland says:

    Pacman @7.55pm.

    This is a belter of an article on Biden and the Democrats (Mid-Terms) and the state the US is in.

    Penned by Chris Hedges a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist.

    link to

  37. Daisy Walker says:

    Good to see you back Rev, always enjoyed your twitter feed.

    No doubt the British Establishment are writing a big cheque to Mr Musk just now to get you kicked off.

    One way to make twitter profitable again I suppose.

    And in other news… the LGBA v Mermaids case has re started and first duty of the day appears to be having John Nicholson MP’s ‘evidence’ ‘parked’.

    Poor Pete, poor Pete, poor Pete…. Wahaaaa.

  38. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says:8 November, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    “This is a belter of an article on Biden and the Democrats (Mid-Terms) and the state the US is in”

    It’s certainly a piece of work. I got as far as:

    “all of us barreling toward extinction because of a refusal to curb the greed and destructive power of the fossil fuel industry”

    That will be the same greed and destructive power that keeps my lights on, heats my flat, powers my car, delivers the food I eat, fertilises the crops that make up the food I eat, etc etc.

    Once again, perhaps some good points, drowned in a roiling sea of hysteria.

  39. Effijy says:

    Mmmm don’t know about this Rev

    England wants Boris back
    America wants Trump back
    and Musk lumps you in the come back clowns?

    You appeal.

    Great to see a bit of common sense setting you free again.

  40. Republicofscotland says:

    Main @8.36pm.

    You missed out the end of that paragraph, which reads.

    “which has raked in $2.8 billion a day in profit over the last 50 years.”

    It’s certainly not controversial (especially in the current energy crisis) to point out that oil companies and energy firms are making obscene profits at the expense of the consumer, with no real justification to do so. Unless of course you agree that they should be making such profits?

  41. Confused says:

    link to
    I think not.

    will the real stu campbell please stand up?

    will it all get silly, like the case of the 3 Paul McCartneys and 4 Bob Dylans?

  42. Rab Davis says:

    Has Sturgeon mentioned Scottish Independence on her jolly to Egypt?

    Or is saving the planet another on her “to do” list before we can even think about Scotland getting out of this stinkin Union we are stuck in with the detested English bastards.

    She should be climbing to the top of the highest Pyramid over there and screaming about Scottish independence,,,but then your heart sinks when you remember it’s the Indy imposter Sturgeon we are dealing with here.

    “Dear God,,,any chance of infecting Nicola Sturgeon with some deadly Egyptian virus”.


  43. Derek says:

    “PacMan says:
    8 November, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    Another theory I had heard is that to make good a bad deal of buying Twitter, Musk is moving the debt of his other companies to Twitter so when it goes bankrupt, it will put the other companies in a more financially healthier state.”

    Not a new strategy; see also Manchester United being used as a cash cow by the owners to help prop up their other – U.S. based – properties.

  44. Willie says:

    Why was Sunak rushed out of the COP conference yesterday.

    Video shows an aide having a word in his ear. Thereafter with another word on his ear he rushes out, actually running at one point.

    What prompted that. Something to do with the reported US i US emergency action intel messages said to have been intercepted by other military agencies.

    Or the incident with the HMS Victorious vanguard class Trident 2 armed nuclear submarine at sea emergency. Or the reports of US bombers across three continents being in the air. Or reports of an RAF jet being fired on.

    Who knows what is going on. Spin, propaganda, psychological misinformation or the reality that we may be on course for war.

  45. Andy Ellis says:

    @Wullie 6.14 pm

    Who knows what is going on. Spin, propaganda, psychological misinformation or the reality that we may be on course for war.

    Or more likely running out to take a call about Williamson’s resignation and stop another avalanche of resignations from others who are no better than Williamson?

    Often the most quotidian explanations are the most likely.

  46. John Main says:

    @ Republicofscotland says:8 November, 2022 at 9:18 pm

    “You missed out the end of that paragraph, which reads.

    “which has raked in $2.8 billion a day in profit over the last 50 years.”

    It’s certainly not controversial (especially in the current energy crisis) to point out that oil companies and energy firms are making obscene profits at the expense of the consumer, with no real justification to do so. Unless of course you agree that they should be making such profits?”

    As I wrote, I stopped reading before I got there.

    It certainly is a lot of profit, but then, it certainly is a huge global industry.

    I have no idea what level of profit might not be “obscene”. I can point out that as the vast majority of the industry is overseas, good luck with setting an acceptable international profit level. I can also point out that if this has been going on for 50 years, the time to really try to do something about it was maybes 49 years ago.

    Closer to home, and within nudging distance of reality, I can also point out that these profits are taxed to pay for things like the NHS, etc. Then taxed further when we buy the stuff. For example, something like 50% of the consumer price for petrol and diesel is tax. Even gas and electricity, the subject of most people’s concerns this winter, continue to attract 5% tax.

    I can also point out that far from these profits being creamed off into the back pockets of billionaires, they will be distributed among shareholders, which will quite possibly include the pension funds of readers on here.

    If you have a job, and a pension fund (actually compulsory for most workers), and some hope of enjoying a long, contented and moderately affluent retirement, be careful what you wish for.

  47. Dan says:

    Aye, John, obviously fossil fuels is a global industry. But that being the case it doesn’t stop individual countries or states passing legislation to generate revenues from said industry through prudent licensing or taxation.
    For someone who so regularly asks to be shown the money, you really don’t seem to be too concerned about the phenomenal amounts of money that has been and continues to be pissed away through London Rule.
    I’m busy today so don’t have time to post endless responses to your whataboutery and deflections.
    But here’s a couple of simple examples of what could be done.

    link to

    link to

    And there is also the matter of UK taxpayers’ money being used to subsidise oil companies if you bother to search.

  48. Dan says:

    Effective subsidies to oil companies.

    link to

  49. Dan says:

    But the Yes movement has failed every bit as much as the SNP. We have let Sturgeon get away with far too much. We should have been in there kicking arse two or three years ago. Instead, half the Yes movement or more just gave up on the task because it seemed too difficult.

    link to

    Soz Pete. Why the royal we? Up the curve alert folk were kicking arse years ago but were told to shut up and Weesht for Indy by the slow to wake up and react mob that defended the actions of the captured NuSNP and Greens for far too long.
    The lack of alertness and dynamism of many of the effective gatekeepers in the YES Movement means it will continue to be outplayed and maneuvered by those that play a sharper game.

  50. Republicofscotland says:

    “Closer to home, and within nudging distance of reality,”


    The reality as you put it is that the Tories have aided the oil and gas industry in the UK at the expense of the public.
    This is from last year, and with new licences issued to open new oilfields the time is still now not 49 years ago as you say.

    Unfortunately, Scotland has a treacherous FM who has put her party and self-interests ahead of the people of Scotland, the people have given her multiple mandates to push to leave this union, but she has ignored them, and our assets will continue to be stolen by Westminster and their corporate oil and gas buddies.

    “Shell and BP, which together produce more than 1.7bn tonnes of greenhouse gases a year, have not paid any corporation tax on oil and gas production in the North Sea for the last three years, company filings reveal.

    The oil giants, which have an annual global footprint of greenhouse gases more than five times bigger than Britain’s, are benefiting from billions of pounds of tax breaks and reliefs for oil and gas production.

    Shell and BP paid no corporation tax or production levies on North Sea oil operations between 2018 and 2020, and claimed tax reliefs of nearly £400m, according to annual “payments to governments”

    A petroleum revenue tax of 35% was effectively scrapped by the then chancellor, George Osborne, in 2016 and oil giants can claim billions of pounds in taxpayer handouts for decommissioning rigs.

    The North Sea is now one of the most profitable areas in the world for oil and gas production, after tax cuts by the government to encourage production.”

    link to

  51. Republicofscotland says:

    Scotland’s latest Governor General Alister Jack who prances about the Westminster staging post in Scotland Queen Elizabeth House thinking of ways to undermine Scotland, is in line for a peerage he was nominated by ex-PM Boris Johnson.

    “However, in yet another break from constitutional convention, Johnson has reportedly asked those MPs who he has nominated to delay taking up their spot in Westminster’s second chamber to avoid triggering by-elections.

    A poll earlier this year found that if a snap General Election is called before 2024, Jack would lose his Dumfries and Galloway seat to the SNP. The Tory MP currently only has a 2000 vote majority, and the SNP held the seat between 2015 and 2017.”

    Delaying peerages for two-years to avoid triggering by-elections is that legal? Mind you I’d put nothing past the Tories in this day and age.

    link to

  52. Republicofscotland says:

    Spineless and gutless SNP MSPs/MPs bitching about something they’ll never have the guts to change, by confronting the Judas in Bute House. All these SNP MPs/MSPs are of low moral character (if they weren’t they would’ve done something about Sturgeon the betrayer by now, but they haven’t) will just continue to finger point and bitch about how bad Westminster/Tories are (apart from Wishart and Blackford who have openly said they love it at Westminster) whilst keeping their snout pressed firmly into the taxpayers trough.

    “A HOLYROOD committee has accused the UK Government of planning another power-grab on the Scottish Parliament.

    MSPs have warned that the bill on the Northern Ireland Protocol could allow UK ministers to bypass the Scottish Parliament in devolved areas.

    The Tories say the proposed Westminster legislation – which is currently under scrutiny in the Lords and at Holyrood – is needed to change the protocol, the framework of rules that dictate Northern Ireland’s post-Brexit relationship with the European Union.

    But in its report, Holyrood’s Delegated Powers Committee raised concerns that, as the bill stands, there is no requirement for UK ministers to obtain the consent of the Scottish Parliament or Scottish Government before potentially interfering with new laws in devolved areas.”

    link to

  53. Geri says:

    Dan @10:41am

    I know a few who seen it as a lost cause the moment 56 arrived in WM & spent more time fking about in the labour benches *for a laugh* while WM voted down every single amendment to the Scotland Bill.
    Meanwhile, Scotlands answer to Eva Peron, was swanning the globe talking absolute shite she had zero chance of changing & not in her remit while the indy money kept rolling in.

    “Why are you not voting SNP? They can get us indy!”

    “Get yersel to fk! She’s a gradualist bastard who’ll never call it!” (circa 2017) Was the common response to that question & here we are. Dropped to 35 seats that yr when independence was the new swear word never to be mentioned.

    As for Main & we should’ve done this 40/50 yrs ago? Margo must be spinning in her grave! Has he never heard of the ‘Its Scotlands Oil’ campaign?

  54. Chas says:

    Always lots of comments, on every article Rev Stu produces, irrespective of the subject matter, on how Sturgeon has betrayed Scotland and has done nothing to pursue Independence for 8 years now.

    Whist I am in agreement with my comment above I have to ask why would she really want to force a referendum, in the full knowledge that the SNP would get gubbed again and this would probably end her political career, together with a lot of her incompetent side kicks?

    Do the regular posters on here really think that a majority of sane Scots would vote for an Independent Scotland with Sturgeon and the SNP in full control of EVERYTHING?

    No doubt some will argue that, after Independence, a whole host of new Political Parties will emerge and the SNP will simply disappear ‘joab done’. Really??? Do you honestly think that the troughers in Holyrood and Westminster will risk the derailment of the gravy train?

    Try as I might, I really cannot see any real progression towards Independence until Sturgeon and the SNP are forcibly booted out.
    Hopefully the men are women and women are men debacle is the start of the demise.

    Note-not a sweary word or any name calling in my post but…………..I was tempted!

  55. Geri says:

    Rev said on the locked thread we need Cherry to be the same one when Sturgeon is booted.
    I’d disagree. SNP should die the toxic death it deserves. The whole rotten lot have shown thier true colours. Scotland doesn’t need more serfs.

    McNeil, Whitford & Cherry should walk now or go down with the rats.

  56. Flower of Scotland says:

    So pleased to see you back on Twitter. You were missed!

  57. Flower of Scotland says:

    So pleased that you’re back on Twitter. You were sorely missed!

  58. Breeks says:

    Republicofscotland says:
    9 November, 2022 at 11:01 am

    Scotland’s latest Governor General Alister Jack who prances about the Westminster staging post in Scotland Queen Elizabeth House thinking of ways to undermine Scotland, is in line for a peerage he was nominated by ex-PM Boris Johnson.

    Looking at the cess pit of UK politics, then cess pit of US politics, then the cess pit of Devolution, if the US / UK political Establishment was a house on fire but you had time to save one thing, you’d just turn around and close the door.

    This is bleak, but worth reading.

    link to

    There’s a wry expression that the first Nation invaded by the Nazi’s prior to WW2 was Germany. I rather suspect there’s a parallel expression that the first Nation to be the victim of an American Corporate Coup d’état was America.

    It’s hard not to dread what now lies ahead, but personally, how can we point a disapproving finger at America when Scotland’s long overdue civic revolution has been stymied by a sickening Coup d’état by Nicola Sturgeon and her Transgender Taliban, merrily fucking up both Scotland’s democracy and constitutional sovereignty at the same time?

    How I ache to see that narcissistic, toom tabard charlatan impeached and flung from office. I honestly find Union Jack’s enbaublement less nauseating than listening to Scotland’s Feminist to her Fingertips.

    Come on Scotland. We maybe can’t fix America, but we can at least put our own house in order. Maybe that’s the one thing we can still save.

  59. willie says:

    Anyone any idea about the vanguard nuclear submarine that armed with trident missiles had an emergency, reported to be a serious fire, that caused the craft to have to make an emergency surfacing in the north Atlantic.

    Crippled boat apparently on its way back to its base in F@slane, West of Scotland.

    Given that there are also reports of an RAF plane having been attacked over country 404, does anyone have any idea about this.

    Sunak was pulled out of the COP 27 debate by aides. Not as usual thing to do on the world stage, and unlikely, as one poster here has postulated here, anything to do with one of his ministers resigning due to bullying allegations.

    Maybe more to do with reports that US nuclear bombers were launched on three continents following reports of an absolute tidal wave emergency action messages being intercepted.

    I don’t think any of us know a quarter or less of what is going on. And we think we’re going to get agreement and action on climate change

  60. James Che says:

    What was date the NATiON of Sovereign Scotland joined the Treaty of the Union?

    I have not found it in Two years of research.

    Can else anyone find it?

  61. James Che says:

    To clarify.

    The 1707 Scottish parliament nor any of its members entered the British parliament under the treaty of the union, as it closed its doors three hundred years ago with Sine Die…

    What date did the rest of the nation of Sovereign Scots join?
    Should we be recognised by the UN as a Nation?

    Is no one Curious?

  62. James Che says:

    Is Scotland a Sovereign nation AND a Country?

  63. James Che says:

    I wait for someone here to surpass my research and find the actual date of when the closed Parliament of Scotland entered the British Parliament as the Scottish parliament.

    And wait for someone to surpass my research on the Date the NATION of Scotland were asked to join the Treaty of Union.

    A Challenge set for those that consider themselves rather efficient at research.

  64. Andy Ellis says:

    Given that there are also reports of an RAF plane having been attacked over country 404, does anyone have any idea about this.

    It was also “reported” that the Azov steel complex was full of NATO soldiers and that a US Lieutenant General was among them.

    What can be asserted without evidence can be similarly dismissed.

  65. James Che says:

    Surely if someone connected to MOD contracts wants to talk about War as a Constant, on a site that advocates Scottish independence,

    He must be on the wrong site.

  66. Geri says:

    You don’t interrupt a PM to discuss whits for lunch.

  67. James Che says:

    Scotland is not at war with any country,
    Scotland is not in a treaty with the UK,
    Scotland with no consent is just the dumping ground for war games and nuclear wmd.

  68. James Che says:

    Back o Scottish independence.

    The challenge to anyone here to find the dates that Scotland as a Nation joined the Treaty of union still stands.

  69. Geri says:

    James Che

    The colony of Scotland was invaded & occupied by a staggering 400+ English military bases in the 1650s
    The population didn’t vote. Only gentry. A ‘save ourselves’ attitude.
    Scotland was always a mongral nation impossible to tame. It’s why the Romans built a wall. So the English gave the pretence it was an equal partnership.
    It wasn’t.

    Meanwhile, back in sturgeon land, we’re bemoaning burning witches from 1697 & should grant them an official memorial site, a parliamentary pardon, a date of remembrance & congratulate ourselves for a campaign well done. Yay, us!

  70. Cuilean says:

    Been humming ‘Spring time for Hitler & Germany’ all day.

    To all the humourless SNP woke sturmjugend, this is a joke, in keeping with the article’s tongue-in-cheek theme.

    I despise nazis.

    I despise Hitler.

    I’m grateful the Third Reich ended in 1945.

  71. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Geri.

    Not only prior to the union…

    link to

    “Map shows 400 British Army camps in Scotland after Culloden”.

  72. James Che says:


    You are absolutely correct in you’ assessment, The Nation of Scotland did not vote to join the Treaty of the Union EVER.

    The Nation of Scotland cannot therefore be in the Treaty of Union.

    The Gentry that did vote to Join the Treaty of the Union then Cancelled themselves out in 1707 as the Scottish Parliament before entering into the British Parliament.

    This information can be found on the UK parliament site 2022.

  73. James Che says:

    Brian Doonthetoon.

    Prior to What Union?

    The Scottish parliament Gentry closed its doors as a Scottish parliament before they entered as a non Acting member of the 1707 Scottish parliament into a British parliament as private civilians.

    This information can be found on the UK parliament site 2022.
    Where by it is stated, ” by Agreeing to the the treaty of the union the Scottish parliament had also voted for its extinction “( just by agreeing )

    The result being there is no Scottish Parliament in the treaty of the union.

  74. Republicofscotland says:


    Read it yesterday and posted a link @8.10pm last night for everyone else to read it. Thanks anyway.

  75. James Che says:

    Brian Doonthetoon.

    The 1707 Scottish parliament agreed to enter into a treaty of union with Englands parliament, then voted for its own extinction prior to the completion of entering into the British parliament.

    A quick check of the dates finds NO Scottish parliament as a active Scottish Parliament entering the Treaty of the Union.
    As it was extinct according the UK parliament site 2022.

  76. James Che says:

    The old English parliament entered into the new British parliament it created until it ended its session in 1708.

  77. Geri says:

    Scotland wasn’t active in WM for fear a swarm of heathens descended on *thier* parliament. Clad in tartan, hung like a donkey & terrorising all their women. Far better to keep the plebs under the control of their Kirk cause we’ll keep them under control with threats of sanctions.
    The toleration Act, patronage Act, alien act. By the time you factor in all the fking acts we’ve all lost the will to live.

    For every Scot there were 6 English to overrule everything.

    Just the exact same shite as today then. Let the *administration* deal with the Mickey mouse stuff while we outvote them on the important stuff down south.

    There wasn’t votes by plebs to elect representatives. If there were we’d never have been there in the 1st place. We’d have been butchered or deported to a sunnier climate.

  78. James Che says:

    Brian Doonthetoon.

    The relevance of Dates is important.

    The 1707 cancelled Scottish parliament did not proceed to enter into the British parliament As the old English parliament had done,
    The Treaty of union cannot exist without the old 1707 Scottish parliament existing as continuious still today.

    For three hundred years this has not been the case in Westminster parliament.
    The Scottish Gentry members sitting in Westminster parliament since 1707 are not from the cancelled 1707 Scottish parliament.

    There is no one that represents Scotlands old parliament and the devolved present parliament is English legislated due to the 1707 Scottish parliament ending in 1707.

    For the Treaty of Union To be legal, the 1707 Scottish Parliament would have to open its doors once more.

    But then there would have to be reparations to Scotland for Three hundred years of non participation and representation of Scotland, from the British parliament whom as protector of that treaty cancelled the 1707 Scottish parliaments half of the treaty, from the beginning

  79. Andy Ellis says:

    @James Che

    Surely if someone connected to MOD contracts wants to talk about War as a Constant, on a site that advocates Scottish independence,
    He must be on the wrong site.

    Why does being connected with companies which have MoD contracts or business mean anyone participating here would be on the wrong site exactly?

    Do you know how many people work directly and indirectly for defence contractors or companies that supply goods and services to the military or companies that supply the military?

    Do you honestly believe all of them are unionists?

    It’s not likely that an independent Scotland will have zero jobs indirectly or directly involved in defence procurement either, so I’m struggling to see your logic?

  80. James Che says:

    This is what most people do not comprehend.
    A Cancelled 1707 Scottish parliament did not and could not complete the Treaty of the Union. Nor could it participate in Westminster thereafter.
    As the UK parliament site states ( BY) agreeing to the treaty, “The Scottish parliament had voted for its extinction”
    An extinct parliament is not beholden to a treaty.
    Nor can it have members in the British parliament.

  81. Geri says:

    James – they were sitting in the HoL. Wasn’t that stuffed with clergy? Self loathing Scots wearing ermine demanding the Union be more union-y & remove Scots law immediately. It is continuous – isn’t that where the oath of allegiance is still taken before today’s members can park thier lazy arse in either parliament?

    It doesn’t matter the treachery of the past. It should be where we’re heading now – especially when the plebs CAN vote for who’s sent there NOW. Starting by driving out the users of the SNP & make some other party our representatives best suited our needs. A union can only remain by consent of the ppl. Unfortunately we still have selfish self loathing Scots who are worried about thier mountain goats, bank balances & ASDA food prices ffs.

  82. Chas says:

    I am certain that I glanced at a comment the other day when a certain poster advised that they would not be participating on ‘Wings’ for a while due to a death in the family.

    Said poster has posted THIRTEEN times this afternoon. It would not be so bad but each post is the same crap that they have posted umpteen times previously.

    Boring, boring, boring!?

  83. James Che says:


    No I do not believe that all MOD contractors are Unionists, and ( I ) never Stated or implied any such thing as you suggest.

    My point is that you have skin in the game for ensuring that you’ re contracts are extended, this has little or nothing to do with Scotland aiming for our independence on a Site that advocates Scottish independence.

    Perhaps the only link is, that Scotland as a nation are fed up of being a country that is dragged into every War and having weapons of WMD on our doorstep against our will, and great sections of Scotlands land cordoned of for MOD practices with other countries through supposedly being in a mythical treaty,

    Most people living in the major cities in Scotland fear the escalation of war and nuclear accidents.
    Simply because everything is here,

  84. Chas says:

    14 and counting!

  85. Tommo says:

    Wee Jeannie has found 5 million quid to give away by way of ‘reparations’ to ‘developing’ countries. Won’t make a blind bit of difference (Save to justify further rage at Westminster’s failure to fund her government adequately) but might buy her a selfie with the Doom Goblin

  86. James Che says:


    You are right of course.

    Where do we go from here now we realise that the old cancelled 1707 Scottish parliament no longer exists and cannot be held accountable to a treaty.?

    Where do we go from here now we realise there can be no members from the cancelled Scottish parliament sitting in Westminster parliament?

  87. Geri says:

    Then ignore, ignore, ignore.
    Has the rev bolted yer arse to a seat here? It’s not cricket to curb what others wish to talk about.

    James, condolences on your loss.
    The internet can be a good escape for a wee while. Don’t let others put you off.

    Suffice to say we still have these fkrs in charge of Scotland from Ruth the month, McConnell to the Dugdales demanding a new Act is created to lock us in permanently. Before Sturgeon consents to sign on the dotted line on our behalf we need to get her out of office & make sure SLabber never recovers or there’ll be more ermine Scots in that hell hole.

  88. Dan says:

    @ Chas

    And your 2 contributions add what value to the site? Particularly after what Stu has recently said on not being overly personal to a point it kicks off.
    And I’d back off with that angle of attack too if you think it comes across as a good look. Post bereavement is a difficult time as the grieving process begins to come into play after the stresses leading up to a death. So people will do what they do to get back to some semblance of routine and concentrate on other matters as a way to take a break from what is a very raw emotional time.

  89. Geri says:

    The question of our Independence should never, ever have been decided by the very country we wish to leave.
    She was told how to do it with the original plan B (majority Holyrood + majority WM = we immediately start our exit negotiation or call in external, independent arbitration. Simple.

    Too Simple for Sturgeon tho. Remaining in power for trans rights is & was her only aim.
    When she fecks off so will half her posse & we for e plan B from the get go & not let this bullshit fester as long as Sturgeon has allowed next time. One term or fk off should be every parties warning.

  90. Geri says:

    Well said, Dan.

  91. Chas says:


    The last thing I need is lectures from anybody.

    I always ignore the posts from that individual, together with those of others, but it is difficult not to spot the dates in the ramblings as I scroll past.

    You are correct, everybody grieves in different ways. Some look for the sympathy vote but most don’t!

    I am suitably chastened………………….maybe not!

  92. Geri says:

    Btw, if memory serves, original plan B wasn’t to park arses on seats in WM. The majority there is simply to discuss exit with UK government without taking any seats there & Chris McEleny stated no pish oath would be taken.
    It’s not a legitimate parliament from that point on.
    Out means out lol & it’s out from the get-go!
    Willing to be corrected if any of that’s wrong.

  93. Rab Davis says:

    You can ALWAYS count on the same “three names” trying to dictate the direction of flow on Wings.

    It happens on every thread.

    This is them starting again.

    James Che, if you are getting up the noses of the “three names”, then you must be doing something right.

  94. Geri says:

    Taking of Chris & the MOD, wasn’t he sacked for being a Yes campaigner? A threat to UK security or some such pish! A separatist terrorist LOL!

    As Shauny Boy would say ‘I write fkin cookbooks!’ 😀

    I think he won that unfair dismissal didn’t he? Shows how paranoid the MOD is. Can’t even have political views but it costs yer job. It’s the stuff of mad Vlad eh?

  95. sarah says:

    @ Dan at 5.01: spot on.

  96. Andy Ellis says:

    @James Che 4.40 pm

    My point is that you have skin in the game for ensuring that you’ re contracts are extended, this has little or nothing to do with Scotland aiming for our independence on a Site that advocates Scottish independence.

    So you’re specifically ignoring Rev Stu’s injunction about not getting personal, and seriously suggesting that me, or by extension anyone else, who works for a company that directly or indirectly has “skin in the game” by being involved in defence procurement is on the wrong site?

    Thousands of Scots people are directly supported by companies working in defence, either wholly or partly. Many more thousands work for companies that supply defence contractors, whether with high tech goods, rope, soap and dope, or services. Thousands more actually serve in the armed forces or work on MoD sites.

    It won’t change overnight with independence. Scotland’s industry post indy will still have defence work. We’ll still have armed services, a shipbuilding industry and a supply chain that supports defence contractors here and abroad.

    Scotland currently contributes lets say 9-10% per capita of the UK’s defence budget, which is north of £40 billion a year. Post indy we can decide our own defence and security policy, both how much we spend and what we spend it on, but it’s not going to be zero.

    There’s no way we could or should be exporting Scottish jobs – many of them highly skilled, hi-tech roles – because a small number of people in the movement want us to embrace total disarmament, or spend next to zero on defence and security. The Irish defence budget is set to rise to 1.5 billion Euros by 2028 from its current level of 1.1 billion, which is only about 0.3% of its GDP (‘tho it has been as high as 1.6% in the 1980’s). Most of our neighbours apart from Iceland spend considerably more than Ireland.

    Trust me, I won’t be taking notice of anyone who thinks that those working for companies involved in defence and security are somehow suspect or not “real” independence supporters, still less that they don’t belong on this site.

  97. Geri says:

    Straight out the yoons better together playbook

    “Thousands & thousands..”

    Wasn’t it more like 300 & dwindling?

    £30 billion for not a lot. Bargain!

  98. James Che says:

    There is no personal in it, it called an observation.

  99. Andy Ellis says:

    @Geri 6.10 pm

    You think 300 jobs in Scotland depend on defence spending….?

  100. Geri says:

    PS. Wakey, wakey..
    ..the UK has been exporting our talent for decades while the UK civil servants actively thwart Scotland in Holyrood.

    Stuart Ballantyne gave an excellent overview regards Ferries.

    You won’t have any contract with the MOD in an independent Scotland. I’ve just given an example of what they think of separatists.

  101. Dan says:

    Talking of defence. Is multinational company Raytheon with a turn over of tens of billions still in receipt of taxpayer subsidies paid by the Scottish Government Administration of Devolved Powers to help them diversify out of the weapons game?

  102. Dan says:

    It’s difficult to get a commitment with regard to contracts from the Defence Secretary.

    link to

  103. James Che says:


    Thank you very much for you’re condolences for the passing of my mum this past Sunday,. Its been a tough year, the loss of five family in just under than a year.

    Day off today from red tape as tumbled down the stairs this morning being a bit tearful and not focusing on what I Was doing. All Ok though just a few bruises and a good ticking off to myself.

    Wether it is my own personal chaos in my family this year or wether it is the independence for Scotland.
    Things can only get better when they have reached such a low,
    Chin up, smile and persist to our Goal and our destination to a independent Scotland

    And may I say big thank you to everyone else for all your kindness on Wings over Scotland.,
    Stu Could not ask for a better group of people on his site.

  104. James Che says:


    Your twisting the conversation to suit your own needs and to direct a conversation where you need it to be. you blow it out of all per portion.
    And attempt to drag all other defence departments into our conversation seeking a majority backing by manipulation of what was and was not said.

    Everyone can read what I commented on and it did not involve any name calling or abuse,
    It was you’re own input that volunteered the information on your MOD contracts.

  105. Dan says:

    A bit more on Raytheon and Border Precision.
    Mind that time *Hans Blix and the weapons inspectors rocked up in Scotland, no me neither.

    link to

    * Hazy recollection of a band of that name playing a gig at Barrowlands, but can’t really recall as I was very very drunk…

  106. Hatuey says:

    I wouldn’t work in the arms industry. I think it’s as unethical as you get, worse than the slave trade. They always try and justify it with talk of jobs… the same people export jobs all the time if there’s a buck in it.

  107. John Main says:

    @Hatuey 8:43

    Every freedom and privilege you enjoy today is because somebody was prepared to fight for it in the past.

    Weapons are necessary because there is much evil in the world. You may choose to believe that bad things only ever happen to bad people. Realists know different.

    It’s a common fantasy that free Independent Scotland will be a place of such niceness, that we will have no countries or people who will ever wish us ill.

    It’s still a fantasy though.

  108. Geri says:

    Utter tosh.
    No one has ever said we wouldn’t need defending.

    Note the use of *defending* there..

    Not invasion, occupation, coups, pretendy peacekeeping missions, bombing countries we can’t spell, playing gob almighty writing cheques our arse can’t cash, sucking up to dictators if they’re the right kind of dictator & being the USAs lap dug housing wmd.

    Big difference. HUGE.

    Don’t piss over real war heroes. Everything after WW2 was aggression.

  109. Hatuey says:

    Did I say I was a pacifist? What I’m opposed to is selling arms for profit — that’s what we mean when we talk about the arms industry. You don’t need to be Immanuel Kant to understand that profiting from violence and the misery it creates is immoral.

    We are now at the desperate stage where politicians seem to be starting wars just to boost arms sales, and that’s relatively new, taking the immorality of the arms industry to new depths, as well fostering all sorts of corruption.

    And before anyone starts, the arms industry has fuck all to do with defence, ours or anyone else’s — it’s about profits, not jobs or helping innocent people defend themselves; it’s about making a buck, regardless of the consequences.

  110. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 2.12 am

    OK, so given you are not an absolutist in terms of pacifism, that means that if you are in government in any country whether an independent Scotland or anywhere else, you’re faced with a choice in terms of providing yourself with the means of defence. Do you:

    a) simply not bother at all and hope that nothing bad happens (see John Mains comment above @ 10.17 pm), because I doubt that’s going to be widely supported by the public, who probably will expect a government to at least be capable of defending the national sovereignty;

    b) decide on a proportionate defence and security strategy and ensure that as a country you can equip your armed forces to carry out the strategy, probably by a combination of buying some of the systems from other major countries who make the complex systems you can’t manufacture yourself, and producing some of them domestically to provide jobs. You might even seek to sell the things you can produce yourself to other countries, because it’s good for your economy and it decreases the unit cost of those items and offsets the investment / R&D for those items. You could decide only to sell to regimes you thought were morally acceptable, or sell to anyone with the money; or

    c) you decide you won’t buy anything from abroad and are going to produce everything you need domestically. This will radically increase costs, and entail you spending more on defence and security. The benefits are that the money stays in country, your R&D is increased and stays in country, and you get to feel virtuous that you’re not selling arms to questionable regimes abroad. It also means you’re not beholden to a foreign power for things like spare parts, support and upgrades.

    Your last paragraph seems to be more a critique of the capitalist system as a whole. You may not believe the arms industry has nothing to do with defence or helping innocent people defend themselves, but what is it you think the folk of 404 are defending themselves with? Would they be more secure or less secure today if their government had decided to keep the nuclear weapons they inherited from the USSR, or if they had equipped themselves with many of the weapons systems they now have prior to February 2022?

    It’s easy for armchair generals and folk making sophomoric arguments about the evils of the armaments industry to advocate a moral position of “down with this sort of thing!”, but I’m not sure how it would help someone standing in front of the ruins of their house in country 404, or bring back the family and neighbours buried underneath.

  111. John Main says:

    @ Geri says:9 November, 2022 at 11:21 pm

    “Utter tosh.
    No one has ever said we wouldn’t need defending.”

    Naw? Pay more attention then.

    “Don’t piss over real war heroes”

    Don’t think I did. You saying I did doesn’t make it true. Soz.

    “Everything after WW2 was aggression”

    Now that is utter tosh.

  112. John Main says:

    @ Hatuey says:10 November, 2022 at 2:12 am

    “What I’m opposed to is selling arms for profit”

    Most commendable.

    I guess you may also be against selling food for profit, or selling medicines for profit. That would at least be consistent.

    Sadly, human nature being what it is, few people ever do anything unless there is something in it for them. If you have managed to survive so far and not noticed that, then you really have led a charmed and lucky life.

    There are a lot of promises dangled to drum up support for Scottish Indy. Some of them are plausible, even believable. A fundamental change in universal human nature does not fall into these categories.


  113. Sarah David says:

    Trauma responses to male violence aren’t conditional on how individual male people describe themselves. Telling students to report those who wish to have female-only spaces is truly shameful.

  114. Hatuey says:

    How predictable and inane, but I see where Ellis has gone wrong.

    The warring in the east didn’t start in February. If you believe it did, then you’re going to struggle to explain what the Minsk agreements were referring to and aimed at.

    Funny how you think you can construe an example of US meddling for the purposes of selling arms as a moral argument for the immoral arms trade. I won’t be meeting you down that rabbit hole.

    Scotland and many other countries got by for years producing arms and weapons for defence. We were rather good at it. Note that I use the word ‘defence’ correctly there, not in the way you and others use it to disguise your nefarious and criminal antics in the world which have more to do with attacking and maiming people than defending them.

    That all said, since my views on this are rooted in my own personal standards and values, it’s quite impossible for me to be wrong and there’s really no need for me to defend them. If you’re involved in the arms industry, I believe you’re morally bankrupt and there’s nothing anyone can do about me believing that…

    Have you considered, though, Ellis, that your involvement in that “industry” — if you are involved — may have corrupted your soul and essentially destroyed your moral compass so that you are left unable to judge things as any ordinary human being might?

    Most people are against killing innocent people, I believe that’s an integral aspect of human nature, and the arms industry is responsible for the deaths of millions every year. How would you feel about the arms industry if you or your family were on the wrong end of it, in Yemen for example? Would you defend the arms industry if its bombs were falling on your babies?

    If you don’t struggle with that, it can only be because you’re more psychologically damaged than you yourself probably understand, and probably beyond redemption.

  115. Muscleguy says:

    Welcome mein fuhrer. I minted my twitter account on your banning to give the SNP jugend a whackamole challenge. I shall not be removing it since it has taken on a life of its own. So there are now a small plethora of Wings accounts on Twitter. Maybe all of us Wings accounts should put links to yours in our bios?

  116. Kevin Kennedy says:

    Twitter has become interesting again.

    Loving the NewSNP troughers/trougher wannabes going into meltdown.

    Welcome back.

  117. Andy Ellis says:

    How predictable and inane, but I see where Ellis has gone wrong.

    There’s a first time for everything….. this isn’t it though!

    The warring in the east didn’t start in February. If you believe it did, then you’re going to struggle to explain what the Minsk agreements were referring to and aimed at.

    I neither said so, nor do I believe it. The war which started in February when Vlad invaded was merely an example. There are others…..
    Your deflection to the Minsk agreement isn’t really germane, nor does it add anything to the discussion at hand.

    Funny how you think you can construe an example of US meddling for the purposes of selling arms as a moral argument for the immoral arms trade. I won’t be meeting you down that rabbit hole.

    I don’t view everything through the same ideological lens as you appear to. I don’t accept that the arms trade is immoral: only an ideological zealot would maintain otherwise. If we are to make weapons to defend ourselves, then others will also use them for the purposes of attacking others.

    You said you’re not a pacifist, therefore presumably you accept that making and having weapons is not in itself immoral. That being said, is it then immoral to supply to anyone else under any circumstances? You appear to be stuck in a hole you dug for yourself.

    Scotland and many other countries got by for years producing arms and weapons for defence. We were rather good at it. Note that I use the word ‘defence’ correctly there, not in the way you and others use it to disguise your nefarious and criminal antics in the world which have more to do with attacking and maiming people than defending them.

    Really? When was that then? Were all the dreadnoughts built on the Clyde only for defence then? You can’t honestly expect us to believe that all the armaments and weapons produced in Scotland were purely defensive can you? Ships, aircraft, missiles, guns and ammo can all be used for defence, but they can also be used to attack other people. Despite your desperation to paint it otherwise I’m not involved in any nefarious and criminal antics.

    That all said, since my views on this are rooted in my own personal standards and values, it’s quite impossible for me to be wrong and there’s really no need for me to defend them. If you’re involved in the arms industry, I believe you’re morally bankrupt and there’s nothing anyone can do about me believing that…

    You are of course quite entitled to your erroneous beliefs. Nobody has said otherwise. I doubt labelling anyone who is “involved in” the arms industry as lacking a moral compass will win many converts to the cause amongst the thousands whose jobs and livelihoods depend on working for such companies, however indirect that might be.

    Such moral absolutism might give you a warm glow but it will strike anyone with a sense of perspective as performative sophomoric politics of the worst type.

    Have you considered, though, Ellis, that your involvement in that “industry” — if you are involved — may have corrupted your soul and essentially destroyed your moral compass so that you are left unable to judge things as any ordinary human being might?

    No, because it’s a deeply stupid viewpoint. I’ve worked for many companies in my career, some were involved in defence procurement directly, some indirectly and some not at all. We’re all part of a polity which depends on companies involved in defence and security helping keep us safe.

    Even if we or you yourself would never work in or for a company with even indirect links, your taxes, pension fund money and the ability of our society to pay for the things we want depends partly on the success of such companies, unless you’re some hermit who is wholly disengaged and off grid. You may be out of touch, but I don’t think you’re an island to yourself.

    Most people are against killing innocent people, I believe that’s an integral aspect of human nature, and the arms industry is responsible for the deaths of millions every year. How would you feel about the arms industry if you or your family were on the wrong end of it, in Yemen for example? Would you defend the arms industry if its bombs were falling on your babies?

    Motherhood and apple pie sentiments won’t help anyone. Doubtless how the people in any conflict zone would feel about the arms industry would depend on the circumstances. Would people in the Yemen, or anywhere else for that matter, feel better or worse if they had no means of defending themselves at all? Would it be better if they had weapons that could protect them from the bombs?

    Doubtless the folk in country 404 would have preferred that their government had been in possession of anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems before Vlad and his nice bunch of lads invaded, or that they’d had the means to defend themselves more effectively at an earlier stage. The same would apply to the folk in Yemen or in any other conflict situation.

  118. James Che says:

    Back to Scotlands independence.

    Where do we go from here?
    Now the UK Parliament has Stated the Scottish Parliament ceased to exist in 1707.

    With no Scottish parliament in the treaty of the union since 1707.

    Do we have to ask to leave?

  119. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: Organizations:


    World Economic Forum: Organizations:

    BG Group:

    World Economic Forum: People:

    Charles Cameron: Charles was appointed Director of Technology & Engineering and a member of the Centrica Executive Committee on January 2016 and the Chairman of Centrica Innovations…:

    World Economic Forum: People:

    Helge Lund: Chief Executive Officer, BG Group Plc…:

    ThisIsMoney (10/11/2022): British Gas owner Centrica capitalises on soaring energy prices as National Grid profits jump by 50% to £2.1bn:

    “…Centrica now expects annual profit to come in at the top end of forecasts. 

    Although the energy giant said that its British Gas retail arm had continued to see profits squeezed, bumper earnings from trading and energy generation more than made up for this…”:

    link to

  120. gregor says:

    ONS: Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination, England: January to March 2022:

    re. ONS dataset: Table 1.

    Population who had received a third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine: 62,801 deaths by 31st December 2022 (4,781 attributed to Covid-19 deaths).

    By 31st December 2021: 8,901,895 males and 10,671,705 females (19,473,570 total people) had received a third dose of the Covid-19 booster vaccination.

    Average (mean) time between receiving a booster and the person losing their life: 48 days:

    link to

  121. gregor says:

    Armaghi (08/11/2022): Forensics on scene of young woman’s sudden death in Waringstown:

    “A young woman has been found dead in Waringstown this afternoon (Tuesday)…

    …forensic officers had cordoned off the area, as well as a car in the vicinity…

    …the death is not being treated as suspicious at this time…”:

    link to

    Mirror (08/11/2022): Mum suddenly dies at carnival after telling friend that her heart ‘feels a bit funny’:

    “It remains a mystery why Shaynah Olyvia Smart, 28, suffered a cardiac arrest at Notting Hill Carnival. Her aunt described her as a “selfless” human and “incredible mum”…”:

    link to

    Sun (09/11/2022): Heartbreaking tributes to ‘beautiful’ young Scots woman, 22, who died suddenly after night out:

    “…Molly Brogan McBeath, from Falkirk, passed away on Sunday aged just 22…”:

    link to

  122. gregor says:

    IrishSun (09/11/2022): Carlow GAA mourning young camogie player who ‘died unexpectedly after sudden illness’:

    “…Rachel was a member of the Carlow Under 14 Development Squad, Under 16 and Under 18 County Teams from 2013 to 2018…”:

    link to

    DerbyTelegraph (09/11/2022): Mickleover Football Club ‘devastated’ by sudden death of young goalkeeper:

    “…club say they are shocked and saddened following the sudden death of one of their promising young players. Fin Bowen…

    The 18-year-old was an academy graduate and recently first-team goalkeeper…”:

    link to

    BelfastTelegraph (10/11/2022): Tributes paid to young GAA player Conor McCaughey who died suddenly in Co Tyrone:

    “Tributes have been paid to a young GAA player in Co Tyrone who has died suddenly…

    “Our club is devastated following the sudden passing of one of our players, Conor McCaughey,” the club said in a statement on social media…”:

    link to

  123. gregor says:

    BelfastTelegraph (10/11/2022): Co Tyrone motorcycle racer and four-time British champion dies suddenly:

    “Irish motorcycling has been left stunned by the sudden death of four-time British champion Keith Farmer.

    The 35-year-old’s brother, David, said he died in the early hours of Thursday…”:

    link to

    BirminghamLive (10/11/2022): Hockey player dies suddenly aged 18 as tributes pour in for ‘rising star’:

    “A hockey player has tragically died aged just 18 as his school pays tribute to him. Chris Figgis has died in a barn where his father runs a farm…”:

    link to

  124. gregor says:

    KilkennyPress (07/11/2022): Councillors informed of spikes in deaths:

    “…Patrick E. Walsh of Maudlin Street, Thomastown told Kilkenny Press that overall deaths in County Kilkenny were up 30.4% for July to October 2022 compared to July to October 2019 (Pre Covid for comparison).

    He also said that Sudden/Unexpected deaths in County Kilkenny were up by a whopping 120.83% for July to October 2019 (Pre Covid for comparison).

    Mr Walsh contacted his local councillors, saying that it was his civic duty to put the figures into the public domain…”:

    link to

  125. gregor says:

    The New England Journal of Medicine: Lifting Universal Masking in Schools: Covid-19 Incidence among Students and Staff:

    November 9, 2022:


    “…Our results also suggest that universal masking may be an important tool for mitigating the effects of structural racism in schools…”:

    link to

  126. Hatuey says:

    I have no idea why you mentioned dreadnoughts on the Clyde, Ellis. Don’t you know anything about Scottish history? When I say “Scottish” history, I don’t mean British.

    Guns and cannon were being successfully manufactured in Scotland as early as the 15th century. Presumably you will appreciate that capitalism hadn’t been invented in the 15th century.

    The idea that we are all in some way dependent on the arms industry, and somehow as guilty as those directly employed and invested in it, is so warped and psychedelic that I genuinely don’t know where to begin. Was that intended seriously? You’re really saying that?

    My God.

  127. gregor says:

    Breitbart (08/11/2022): John Kerry Says Climate Strategy ‘Modelled’ on Covid Vaccine Rollout at World Economic Forum Panel:

    “The World Economic Forum’s ‘First Movers Coalition’ climate change agenda was “modelled” off the effort to roll out vaccines during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, John Kerry said at a COP27 panel in Egypt on Tuesday.

    Appearing alongside WEF President Børge Brende and various corporate executives, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said that it is urgent for the private sector to pair with governments to realise the goal of preventing the global temperature from rising and to save lives in the allegedly looming global climate crisis.

    “We have an enormous challenge before us to bring to scale new technologies and to harness the deeply capable capacity of private sector entrepreneurs in order to bring them to the table because without it, no government has enough money…””:

    link to

  128. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: Organizations:

    United Kingdom Government: Headquarters: United Kingdom:

    link to

  129. gregor says:

    World Economic Forum: People:

    Nicola Sturgeon: Office of the First Minister of Scotland:

    link to

  130. gregor says:

    Time (2020): The Great Reset:

    Tony Blair: I’ve Always Been an Optimist. But for the First Time Ever I’m Troubled About the Future:

    “COVID-19 will usher in a world where insecurity and unpredictability constitute the new normal. Everything that was relevant and present before COVID will be there afterwards, except intensified and accelerated…

    The impact of this, along with the huge hangover bill for dealing with the virus and the loss of economic activity, will be to produce a lot of hardship with the burden falling often on the most vulnerable…”:

    link to

  131. gregor says:

    Sex Pistols (1976): Anarchy in the U.K.:

    “…I wanna destroy the passerby

    Cos I wanna be anarchy…”:

    link to

  132. gregor says:

    LiverpoolEcho (11/11/2022): Young actress Emily Chesterton dies suddenly:

    “A former LIPA student, described as “beautiful” and “sweet” has died suddenly, her family have said.

    Emily Chesterton, who was in her 30s, died suddenly and “unexpectedly”… Due to unexpected natural causes…”:

    link to

  133. gregor says:

    ZeroHedge (10/11/2022): Doug Casey On The WEF’s Plan For Mankind And What Comes Next:

    “Doug Casey: “International organization for public-private cooperation” is a code phrase for economic fascism – which is to say, the hand-in-glove melding of the political power of the State with the economic power of corporations.

    Things like the WEF, and other NGOs (non-governmental organizations), institutes, and think tanks, have proliferated in recent years. They’re almost all destructive parasites on productive society.

    Almost all of them are leftist, statist, and collectivist in orientation. They’re typically populated by intellectuals and academics and funded by tax-exempt foundations, usually set up by elderly do-gooders interested in leaving a “legacy.”…

    The WEF is by far the most successful of the breed…”:

    link to

  134. gregor says:

    Vlaams Belang (03/11/2022) Press Release: Vlaams Belang asks the Flemish government to cancel its membership of the World Economic Forum:

    “In 2022, the Flemish government will pay a membership fee of 175,763.87 euros to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and 27,000 Swiss Francs (about 27,300 euros) as a participation fee in the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos. This is apparent from the answer of Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon to a parliamentary question from Flemish Member of Parliament Sam van Rooy. “The Flemish Government thus legitimizes and subsidizes a worldwide lobby organization that clearly pursues a specific ideological agenda, namely that of globalism”, responds van Rooy…”:

    link to


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    • Peter McAvoy on Green Eggs And Bams: “Another dismissal of the concerns and welfare of all native or permanent resident Scottish people would be to easily forget…Mar 7, 02:21
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Fuck off John Hatey Main the ever-present bot twat. We’ve been over this matter for years and I’ve provided plenty…Mar 6, 21:14
    • Muscleguy on Green Eggs And Bams: “And woodburners pollute the house they are in so badly it has been compared to having a diesel exhaust piped…Mar 6, 20:42
    • Derek on Green Eggs And Bams: “Of course, the 2021 figures were significantly inflated by the double whammy of the pandemic and Sturgeon’s one and only…Mar 6, 20:37
    • Michael Laing on Green Eggs And Bams: “If only the cycle lanes were empty! Here in Edinburgh, these lanes are an absolute menace to pedestrians, with cyclists…Mar 6, 20:14
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““a geographic area having an abundance of clean renewable energy generation yet it being too expensive for many to access,…Mar 6, 20:00
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “You are right, Breeks. We have been, and continue to be, betrayed by nearly every SNP MSP and MP. How…Mar 6, 19:59
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “The Scottish Government signed off on guidance last month which said “trans staff should choose to use the facilities they…Mar 6, 19:55
    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “It sounds perfect, Ian. I know there will be a great atmosphere and old comrades remembered – Cearc, Smallaxe among…Mar 6, 19:54
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
    • JockMcT on Green Eggs And Bams: “The definition of insanity; Voting SNP 1 & 2 and hoping for a referendum from WM.Mar 6, 19:27
    • Dan on Green Eggs And Bams: “Or “enjoy” the illegal level of noise generated by dodgy shite totally inappropriate air sourced heatpump installs in what were…Mar 6, 19:10
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “The next ‘Friends of Wings’ gathering will be in The Eagle Inn, Coatbridge, on Friday April 4th. The function room.…Mar 6, 18:58
    • MsDidi on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you BreeksMar 6, 18:55
    • agent x on Green Eggs And Bams: “10 October 2017 The Scottish government is to set up a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company, Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The…Mar 6, 18:40
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “It really is black and white though, twathater. An invading army from one country is 40% into its neighbouring country.…Mar 6, 18:30
    • Alex stewart on Green Eggs And Bams: “I doubt this, the snp are way too far gone now to “grow up”. This blog post pretty much sums…Mar 6, 18:09
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “Where is all the misinformation peddled by the kremlin and the honest and verifiable facts issued by the EU, the…Mar 6, 17:45
    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
    • 100%Yes on Green Eggs And Bams: “The SNP hasn’t changed, its the traitors running us and the SNP leadership which has. Its was all about riding…Mar 6, 16:32
    • David Rodgers on Green Eggs And Bams: ““So easy to delude people, so hard to get them to recognise that they’ve been deluded.” – This also applies…Mar 6, 16:09
  • A tall tale

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