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Wings Over Scotland

A Very Dark Place

Posted on March 19, 2024 by

I make no apology for what I am about to write because while I’ve said it before, the time to do so is running out.

In a couple of weeks, the Scottish Government’s Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 will come into effect and my world, and that of women up and down Scotland will enter a very dark place.

Our contribution to political discourse will not only be ignored by government, it may cease to be lawful. Discussing the fundamental characteristic that defines us, our sex, is likely to be considered an aggravated hate crime.

I still struggle to believe this illiberal control on freedom of thought and expression is happening in Scotland, the country of the Enlightenment, the country that only 10 years ago was gripped by an independence campaign of hope, vision and ambition.

Growing up in the industrial macho culture of Fife was no picnic for a young gay guy like me but, despite the challenges of AIDS and Section 28, I was able to forge a happy work and home life while being able to demonstrate in the workplace and in public for equality before the law.

It was also an extremely tough environment for many women and there was tremendous solidarity between the women’s movement and gay rights movement as we worked together to effect legal protection in statute. Back then, many people had to conceal their sexuality at work lest they were sacked, so finding your crowd behind the blacked-out windows of a gay bar was a release and somewhere you could luxuriate in just being yourself among trusted friends.

Life in the 1980s was by no means perfect but I remember those days of solidarity and shared endeavour fondly despite the tragic losses to the ravages of AIDS.

Under this new legislation, introduced to parliament by the current First Minister when he was justice secretary, that social world and activism of the 1980s is likely to be considered criminal. The legislation’s exclusion of sex as a protected characteristics means women do not exist as a sex class for the purposes of the act.

And although the act includes sexual orientation as a protected characteristic, it is silent on the definition of sex, so the same applies to lesbians and gay men who are by definition homosexual and attracted exclusively to same-sex partners. The disgusting and frequently violent misogynistic abuse meted out against Joanna Cherry MP, Joan McAlpine, Johann Lamont and brave female detransitioners from cry-bully activists is not captured by this definition as a hate crime.

They are all fair game in this First Minister’s Scotland. And this matters because public bodies such as the Scottish Government are required to comply with the public-sector equality duty contained in the Equality Act 2010. How this dog’s breakfast of an act ever came into being is bewildering. Whether by intent or effect, this is bad law that purposefully discriminates by omission and I can’t comprehend how it survived a basic equality impact assessment.

No clearer can that disparity be seen than through the lens of events last year where a woman, physically assaulted in broad daylight found herself denied justice by Police Scotland, using the secret guidelines of a Lord Advocate who is also a Cabinet member. Meanwhile, well-connected others are protected from words they use casually themselves.

And there’s no outrage or challenge when columnists in supposedly independence-supporting newspapers or SNP MPs hurl homophobic slurs in my direction. Those voices, so imbued in arrogance and self-importance, betray their ignorance of moral philosophy, ethical theory and the need for precise language in law.

(One saving grace is that the public is completely capable of differentiating between ordinary LGB and T people who just want to get on with their lives and the malign march of the attention-seeking queer theory adherents.)

From the high of equal marriage delivered by Alex Salmond’s SNP to today, I can only conclude that for all that was wrong in the 1980s for women and LGB people, none of that comes close to the oppressive threat this law presents now.

For all her faults even Thatcher didn’t deny us our voice, our right to define who we were, to speak freely in the privacy of our own homes, or to campaign on the streets to secure our equality. Section 28 was a walk in the park in comparison to Yousaf’s authoritarian silencing of women and LGB people.

You can’t protect what you fail to define, and you can’t argue a defence that doesn’t exist in law. All of this and the potential for state intrusion into fundamental freedoms and human rights should deeply worry everyone in Scotland.

In my reading this act is in conflict with Articles 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to which the UK State is a signatory and where in Scotland, civil and political rights are protected by the Human Rights Act 1998 and the related provisions that underpin the Scotland Act 1998.

No public body is outside the rules when it comes to the Equality Act, and the Scottish Government must be legally challenged in this regard. I fully expect to be accused and arrested under this law.

So far, I’ve had repeated vexatious actions against my office; I’ve suffered murderous threats as the trans rights activists cheer on. I’ve been dragged through the media for highlighting gender reform conflicts with women’s rights and child safeguarding and I am abused regularly on social media by those who claim to be on the right side of history. Newsflash – they’re not.

The bar for prosecution is extremely low. No corroboration is required and the definition of “harassment” is ill-described and includes a wholly subjective test of “causing the person alarm or distress”. Such nebulous scope invites vexatious and malicious complaints, prosecutions, convictions and potential incarceration.

Homosexuality was not decriminalised in Scotland until 1981. This bill re-introduces this harm in its effect as it seeks to criminalise the act of defining who and what women and same-sex-attracted people are and in so doing erases the rights and protections we fought so long to establish.

To quote Alexandre Dumas:

“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you.”

The Hate Crime Act must be repealed, but until then all we have is courage.

0 to “A Very Dark Place”

  1. Denise says:

    Women have already been silenced you have a man speaking for us. Does that not strike you as part of this problem. Why a male MP?

  2. sarah says:

    It is shattering and terrifying, Neale. What on earth can we do about yet another piece of idiotic legislation from the SNP/Green government?

    The National is giving space to articles admiring the architect of everything bad that has been done by the Scottish government since 2014, M/s Sturgeon. There are people who still believe that she was good whereas the truth is quite the opposite.

    How can the truth be exposed?

  3. panda paws says:

    Welcome to the Lives of McOthers.

    link to

    Maybe in 30 years, someone will write McStasiland

    link to

  4. Karen says:

    We don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Like “trans” it will be cast out soon, but how much damage will have been done, and to whom?

  5. Dorothy Devine says:

    Utterly sickening . I cannot believe that Scots , normally conservative with a small ‘c’ , are going to buy into this science denying , human rights denying nonsense.

    Roll on elections so that the voice of Scotland can be heard loud and clear.

  6. duncanio says:

    Hate Crime
    Gender Self-Identification
    Conversion Therapy
    Juryless Trials
    Protest Restrictions

    and so forth are proof that the current Scottish Government has embraced the attitude of its Westminster equivalent and acts as one of its colonial administrators in the territory of Scotland by deploying techniques to keep that populace in its place thus protecting their own position.

    The pattern is clear: Holyrood has become a byword for Vichy.

  7. Kevin Cargill says:

    Nail hit squarely on the head Neale.

  8. Ellie says:

    The HCB is essentially coercion and compelled speech being forced upon every one of us

  9. David Hannah says:

    Excellent what you say Neale. I’m worried about housing, the immigrants are getting the homes and if you saying about it. You’re a racist. I’m a football fan and I know that the business rates increase, and the 65p alcohol tax will shut down our pubs and way of life. For them to be replaced by mobile phone repair shops and Vietnamese restaurants. I don’t like eating with chopsticks Neale. My family are catholic but I’m bisexual. I’ve been in love with men and women. Women – female. Men – male. And transexuals are not my type. They are humiliating me. Big corporations are complete humiliation. I like football. I don’t like dressing up as a rainbow and going to drag shows. We’re not all sexual deviants. It’s a disgrace what’s happening. Humza is an anti white racist. He’s giving our money to Africa. He’s giving £24 million to John Kerry. Instead of saving the jobs of Grangemouth. Glasgow is rat city. They’ve turned it into a shitehole with the LEZ and 9 per cent rail fare hikes. Our money goes to pay for these entitled under 24s like “This is rigged” art school trip day out to Holyrood.

    We know the alphabetties tried to get Salmond. We all know that Lady Dorian. Dorothy Bain. Sturgeon and Murrell are corrupt to the core.

    And Humza wants us to hate tories. HERR HUMZA. AND HIS FINAL SOLUTION.

    Thank you for speaking out. I will fight back. I will resist. THIS IS MY COUNTRY AND I AM A NATIVE.

    God bless you.

  10. Alison says:

    I may be accused of catastrophising – so be it. As a woman who refuses to accept that human beings can change sex & who fervently believes that men, regardless of their assumed gender, whether legally acquired or not, need to be kept out of women’s spaces, I am afraid of my government.

  11. Jill says:

    I’m not an independence supporter, though I support the principle of self-determination. I’m not a Scot. I started readings Wings because I’m interested in the trans issue. I stayed because I became more interested in Scottish politics broadly. Both my adult children live in the Highlands and I visit the country regularly. For the first time, I am inspired to comment. As a student of international politics and history, this law fills me with dread. This is not about hate, it is about the silencing of non-complaint women and non-compliant gay men. More generally, it is about the silencing of opponents of government policy, the silencing of political opponents, through the threat of imprisonment. In its first iteration, the proposed law encouraged radicalized children to inform on their parents, who would then face sanction by the state. Who else in history has done this in the interest of advancing their political agenda? As Neale says, this is happening in Scotland, the cradle of the Enlightenment. We all have an interest in seeing this law repealed, either through the ballot box, or if necessary a campaign of mass dissent. I wish you well.

  12. Craig says:


    I may be accused of catastrophising – so be it. As a man who refuses to accept that human beings can change sex & who also believes that men, regardless of their assumed gender, whether legally acquired or not, need to be kept out of women’s spaces, I am NOT fraid of my government but I stand alongside my female warriors to protect women’s spaces and strive to ensure their rights continue to be protected.

  13. David Hannah says:

    It’s time to turn the screw on the virtuous ones.

    WE must Report. Report. And report. They will continue to commit Hate Crimes. Because they think they are the second coming. One step down from God. – Allah that is – We know they all fall over themselves saying Eid Mubarak. Ramadan.

    But are too woke to wish us Happy Easter. They attacked Kate Forbes for her religious beliefs and put this racist bigot, and 10 time by election loser in charge of the SNP.

    To finish the job Sturgeon started – This is Sturgeon’s Hate Crime Bill. The biggest bunny boiler in Scottish history. Her soul is a black hole of hate. That sucks everything into it and obliterates it.

    We must fight back. We must take our freedom back. We are proud to be white. Scotsmen invented the industrial revolution. And shared it with the World. We stopped Slavery! The British, West Africa Squadron. We shouldn’t be reconciled to the wrongs of our the ancestors of our past. We shouldn’t apologise.

    It’s the islamic bigots of today that should be apologising. They are taking scotland backwords and making us racist again. By flooding the country with immigrants we don’t want. Like the hundreds of Angry Young Migrant men living in the Brittania Hotel at Charing Cross, Glasgow. Next to the strip club. NOT SAFE FOR WOMEN. Avoid Charing Cross on the way to the Kings Theatre. Angry loitering migrant men illegals.

    What’s happened to our county? TAKE IT BACK!

  14. David Hannah says:

    Don’t apologise for being MEN! Don’t apologise for being a WOMAN! Don’t apologise for being a Tory! Don’t apologise for being a football fan. Don’t apologise for being a teenager! Don’t apologise for being straight! Don’t surrender to Joe Farrell’s Statsi police force. Don’t apologise for saying chicks don’t have dicks.

    Fight fire with fire. They want to destroy us. we will destroy them!

  15. panda paws says:


    A gay man is talking about the Act’s affects on homosexuals, as well as its affects on women. I’m happy he’s doing so. Though Joanna Cherry, a woman and a homosexual as well as a KC has also been raising the issue.

    I’m sure Wings would publish an account by any woman on the matter.

  16. George Ferguson says:

    Neale the Scottish World will enter a very dark place for everyone not just women or LGB. They will use the Hate Crime to take out political opponents especially the successful ones, standby Stu. Previous example being the use of #MeToo to take out MSPs and former First Ministers. The biggest loser will be Police Scotland. An order of magnitude greater than the miners strike. I doubt they will ever recover from this Hate Crime Leglisation. An Interim Interdict followed by Judicial Review is needed. Again Lawfare needed against our own Scottish Government. An even darker black hole place awaits.

  17. AnneDon says:

    @Alison 3.19pm
    Complaining that the article is written by a man? THAT’S your problem with this?
    Not the disgraceful connivance by most SNP MPs and MSPs with this illiberal legislation – including the handmaid careerists?
    We need all the allies we can get, FFS!

  18. Ruby says:

    (One saving grace is that the public is completely capable of differentiating between ordinary LGB and T people who just want to get on with their lives and the malign march of the attention-seeking queer theory adherents.)

    This member of the public doesn’t know the difference between ‘T people who just want to get on with their lives’ and any other man who masquerades as a woman.

    All transwomen are problematic vis a vis woman’s rights.

    The idea that men can change sex ie the GRA 2004 is not compatible with women’s rights.

    I’m sure Mr idul Wadhwa just wants to get on with his life working at The Rape Crisis Centre as does India Willoughby, Robym White, Eddie Suzanne Izzard however they are all encroaching on women’s lives.
    I am disappointed with Alba and this article by Neale Hanvey MP.

    I think they might need to listen to women more.
    Checking out Posie Parker might be a good idea.

    This Alba politician is telling us that ‘transwomen are women’.

  19. Den says:

    I cannot believe Misogyny and sectarianism are not included in this bill .. wtf, but calling a bloke dressed up as a women a bloke gets you your collar felt.

  20. David Hannah says:

    Another serious rant which can only explain the SNP want to destroy itself. Sturgeon devised the Hate Crime Bill. She looked into the future. She refused to resign over the missing 600k. Prolonging her damage.

    She forceen the GRR. She forceen Isla Bryson going into the female jail. Some believe this brought her down.

    She had the Hate Crime Bill in the pipeline to destroy Independence. To get Scotland to hate each others communities by dividing us. And then she put a muslim racist bigot in charge of the country to finish off the Independence cause.

    It is electoral suicide.

    The Herald is reporting today that Joe Farrell’s boot boys are to target comedians. She wants to destroy the fringe festival!

    If the election is in November. Well 8 months of enslavement into a bannana dictatorship should bring the entire house down.

    He’s turning Scotland into a Tartan Bongo bongoland. That worships Mecca. And gets Christians, straights, same sex attracted people. Women – Adult Human Females. Those that believe in Industry and fossil fuels. Native Scots. MEN. Boys and teenagers. And children. To Bend the knee to the Woke Ideology. And carve themselves up at its altar.


  21. David Hannah says:

    Fight back. The working class man. Fight back. Take your country back! We voted for Independence not enslavement to woke ideology.

  22. David Hannah says:

    I voted for Scottish Independence.

    I did not vote for a banana dictatorship without the bananas

    I did not vote for a Tartan Bongo Bongoland where the natives bend the knee to NATO, WEF and our sneering political elite. They despise us. They hate our country.

    It’s time we told our Pakistani Garment wearing, urdo oath swearing racist false minister – he’s a false prophet – to do one. Get on a plane. Glasgow Airport is that way!

  23. David Hannah says:

    Fight fire. With fire! The Patriotic Flame. Shall never die!

  24. Dave Llewellyn says:

    This whole culture war can be summed up by Brad Pitts monologue in the iconic film Fight Club.
    “We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives.

    We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.

    Personally I blame the smacking ban and free social science degrees at university.

  25. John C says:

    Under this new legislation, introduced to parliament by the current First Minister when he was justice secretary, that social world and activism of the 1980s is likely to be considered criminal. The legislation’s exclusion of sex as a protected characteristics means women do not exist as a sex class for the purposes of the act.

    Which is exactly the purpose of the act. I can call a woman a ‘bitch’ and nothing will happen but if I call India Willoughby a man (which he is) I could get a chap on the door by the police, spend a night in the cells, have all my devices taken from me, doxxed by activists, and if I didn’t work for myself I may be sacked and then spend months waiting for a trial which stands a chance of being thrown out by the judge.

    But the process is the punishment. That’s the point of this. It’s to create a chilling effect so that Trans activists in particular (but other activists will use this to silence people) will silence and attack opponents. I imagine on the 1st of April J.K Rowling will be reported to the police by some blue-haired lunatic activist with links to the Greens/SNP. I hope they do as she’s got the money to push this in the courts and I note several KC’s are up for taking on cases to challenge this in the courts.

    And there’s no outrage or challenge when columnists in supposedly independence-supporting newspapers or SNP MPs hurl homophobic slurs in my direction. Those voices, so imbued in arrogance and self-importance, betray their ignorance of moral philosophy, ethical theory and the need for precise language in law.

    I’m sure Neale knows this but for anyone who doesn’t, the Trans movement and so-called ‘progressives’ contain an extraordinary amount of homophobes and self-hating homosexuals. The Trans movement is built around transing away the gay & I find it repulsive that gay men like Patrick Harvie support a movement that is trying to make people like him a thing of the past but then again, he’s sold out so often that this really isn’t a shock.

    Section 28 was a walk in the park in comparison to Yousaf’s authoritarian silencing of women and LGB people.


    This can be compared to what Section 28 wanted to do in creating a chilling effect to demonise and outlaw homosexuality & this is looking to outlaw and demonise homosexuals fighting for hard fought rights as part of its purpose. It’s also designed to create an open season on abuse of women speaking out about safeguarding, and yet again this is going to possibly weaken boundaries so if say, you speak out about men in women’s toilets or changing rooms then you’ll almost certainly now be reported as of 1/4/24. As for if you point out that ‘Trans women can be lesbians’ is in fact, the very pinnacle of rape culture and the patriarchy , then you’ll be in the cells in a day or two.

    In my reading this act is in conflict with Articles 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to which the UK State is a signatory and where in Scotland, civil and political rights are protected by the Human Rights Act 1998 and the related provisions that underpin the Scotland Act 1998.

    I’ve read that in court any case is going to crumble when tested against ECHR legislation, and it’s also worth noting that the Tories who despise the ECHR haven’t brought in anything as bad as this and they’ve brought in some appalling acts which curb civil rights.

    My worry is that rights lost are rarely returned. If this law collapses then the damage will be done.

    The bar for prosecution is extremely low. No corroboration is required and the definition of “harassment” is ill-described and includes a wholly subjective test of “causing the person alarm or distress”. Such nebulous scope invites vexatious and malicious complaints, prosecutions, convictions and potential incarceration.

    I’m aware of several threats from activists of them making clear that come the 1st Aprils they’ll be reporting people even though there’s no retroactive part of this law and the law itself is so badly drafted that they’ll be lucky to get a prosecution. Again, that’s not the point, the process is the punishment. They want you in the cells, or sacked, or spend months with declining mental health because these people are sadists.

    And that’s probably enough for me to get nicked if I repeat it in April.

  26. Ruby says:

    I don’t have a problem with a man writing this article but I do have a problem because he just doesn’t get it.

    I think that also applies to Alba. If they got it they would probably attract lots of female votes.

  27. John C says:

    Women have already been silenced you have a man speaking for us. Does that not strike you as part of this problem. Why a male MP?

    Normally I’d agree but as a gay man Neale has major skin in the game but it’d also be good for Stu to give a woman to put the female point of view.

  28. robertkknight says:


    If the women MPs representing Scottish constituencies won’t speak up, is it fair to object to men who do?

  29. Ruby says:

    19 March, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    I cannot believe Misogyny and sectarianism are not included in this bill .. wtf, but calling a bloke dressed up as a women a bloke gets you your collar felt.

    Calling a bloke dressed up as a women a bloke is misogyny. 🙂

    The Orange Lodge are currently making claims of racism. Anti-Irish racism also anti-protestant bigotry. I expect they might also claim anti-British bigotry.

  30. John C says:

    I can’t quite believe how Scottish nationalism has developed into this nonsense and as well you’ve got people like David Hannah here in the comments going full blood and soil racist.

    A decade ago we managed to create a civic nationalism that was unique in these islands, and now we’ve got full on flag shagging racists and authoritarians.

  31. James says:

    John C;

    Agreed; embarrassing to read some of it, but they’re scroll-past dingbats.

    Sadly the mainstream would probably cheer them on.

  32. Lollypop says:

    I have looked at the details of ‘hate crime’ laws in both Ireland and Canada and they too have vague and undefined notions of what ‘hate’ is, leaving it to the accuser to define the crime. I believe this vagueness and lack of definition of hate is deliberate, not a mistake, not poorly drafted law. Why? In order to shift the balance of power to the state. The prime reason for ‘hate crime’ laws is specifically to prevent any legitimate criticism of transgenderism which is why they have deliberately omitted sex as a category falling under protected characteristics. Transgenderism is a divisive, wedge issue and is a useful divide and conquer tactic for governments to keep a population cowed, silent and in fear of making any public criticism. The chilling effect is baked into the hate crime laws and vastly increases the power of the government over its population.

  33. holymacmoses says:

    I don’t quite understand why the concept of ‘trans-women’ being ‘women’ hasn’t been be tested in a court of law.
    The old testament commandment

    ‘You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.’

    lends itself to being used in a trial against someone who makes an accusation of ‘hate’.
    After all, the courts are sworn in by the Bible

  34. Murdo Ritchie says:

    An excellent, perceptive analysis by Neale. But I am bewildered by the reason for including a photograph of East German soldiers. Murdo Ritchie

  35. Alison says:

    Ignored says:
    19 March, 2024 at 4:49 pm
    @Alison 3.19pm
    Complaining that the article is written by a man? THAT’S your problem with this?

    *I* didn’t say that. I’m happy to have Neale’s voice raising this issue. I’m happy to have anyone’s voice raising this issue. Neale has been a consistent champion & has my gratitude.

  36. Sven says:

    Concerning to think that post the 1st April not only would many of the comments posted on this thread alone be sufficient to get some poster reported at their convenient Glasgow sex shop, but may lead to the site which allows them to be posted being suspended or closed down.
    Does anyone doubt that “blood & soil” or immigrant comments aren’t going to be reported as being the responsibility of the site owner.

  37. Ruby says:

    19 March, 2024 at 5:11 pm


    If the women MPs representing Scottish constituencies won’t speak up, is it fair to object to men who do?

    I’m objecting to him for just not getting it not because he is male.

    All Scottish MPs male & female are pretty useless.

    Outwith women’s rights I think Neale seems to be a very good and intelligent MP. I don’t really know Neale but based on what I’ve heard him say so far (outwith the trans issue) I would say I like him.

    I listen to his 45 minute long speech during the ‘Lloyd Russell-Moyle’ bill I thought it was excellent but like this article I felt there was something missing. I reckon it is because he believes transwomen are woman.

  38. George Ferguson says:

    @John C 5:18pm
    A direct consequence of the action and Leglisation of the Scottish Government since 2014. Don’t blame this on the Independence movement. Allocate blame and responsibility to the Scottish Government and Scottish Parliament. I can give you a plethora of examples where abdication of responsibility is the norm. Latest example Micheal Matheson.

  39. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ruby: all the political parties, except, perhaps, the Tories, have just gone along with this. They are utterly spineless, at best, malevolent, at worst. None of these men, old-style transsexual or not, are safe around women and children. They ALL have paraphilias and fetishes. ALL of them. There are no real ‘trans’. They were just the propaganda wing of a movement that is so malevolent that it will eventually eat itself.

    Neale, as a gay man, is in no better position than females, but too many gays and too many females are batting for the other side in this fight. The gay men who support this ordure are misogynists. The females? Gullible idiots who wouldn’t understand that they are destroying themselves along with other females. They are despicable.

    I think something is going to give if this stuff passes into the law of Scotland. It is going to utterly destroy the SNP at long last – richly deserved – but, as you say, ALBA and every other party has avoided this fight. The only answer is the Party of Women. Leave all the others, women of Scotland, and get behind this one because most men will not fight for us and our rights.

  40. Sven says:

    Holymacmoses @ 17.31

    Just as a point of information, the last time I was a witness in a court action I affirmed, not a Bible in sight.
    The two main reasons allowable for affirming being that you do believe in a christian God, (the Bible does say not to swear an oath, but let your Yea be Yea and your Nay be Nay; or that you do not believe in a christian God, so the oath on a Bible would be meaningless.

  41. 100%Yes says:

    Mr Humza plan for a Tory free Scotland sounds like a hate crime. Please advice what mushroom farm I can report this to.

  42. James Jones says:

    duncanio at 3:40 pm.

    “Hate Crime
    Gender Self-Identification
    Conversion Therapy
    Juryless Trials
    Protest Restrictions

    and so forth are proof that the current Scottish Government has embraced the attitude of its Westminster equivalent and acts as one of its colonial administrators in the territory of Scotland by deploying techniques to keep that populace in its place thus protecting their own position.

    The pattern is clear: Holyrood has become a byword for Vichy.”

    How on earth have you managed to blame Westminster for this? It’s entirely Scotland’s doing.

  43. Corrado Mella says:

    Compelled speech is the harbinger of dictatorships and simultaneously a manifestation of extreme weakness, making anyone that imposes such abomination extramely dangerous.

    The disgust I feel for what the Saint Nicola’s Party is nowadays is overwhelming.

    I’m dismayed at my hope that the UK Government intervenes – again – to stop this madness, as I feel cheated and powerless.

    What have we come to?

  44. Corrado Mella says:


    Read twice, post once, dunce.

  45. twathater says:

    WHY have most politicians not just the Scum Nonce Party ones remained silent on this, do our politicians believe that the general public are on board with this reviled HCB, I personally and I believe lots of others emailed our mp’s and msp’s to inform them of our opposition to this lunacy, and AS USUAL very few responses were received

    So either our politicos don’t care what we think (obviously) or they hold us in so much contempt that they can’t be bothered listening to what we say, or (my belief) they are comfortable with this legislation because most of them are odious creatures whose morality is questionable

    And as for people lauding Joanna Cherry, as a KC what did she do to EXPOSE this lunacy, every time I have heard her complain it is from a lesbian perspective NOT from a women’s perspective

  46. London Scot says:

    It was Mrs T’s government that de criminalised homosexuality by accepting an ammendment tabled by Robin Cook MP to a UK Government Bill. Nether Harold Wilson nor James Callaghan wanted to upset Scottish Labour MPs who were socially very conservative by forcing the 1967 act on Scotland. As a Conservative student in Edinburgh in the late 1970s I spoke in favour of decriminalisations – most fellow student Tories were in favour of decriminalisation.

    Re. section 28 – at the time (1980s) paedophiles were infiltrating liberal organisations – NCCL (now Liberty who allowed PIE to be an associate member), gay groups, the social work and education professions, Councils etc. So the governement was a bit spooked. Many of the Council childrens home abuse scandals come from this era.

  47. Mac says:

    So how does this work if you post a blog from outside Scotland like say for example Bath or mainland Europe? Are we in the ridiculous situation where it’s illegal in Scotland to say something but step one foot over any border and its totally legal?

    How do they know where you are if you use a VPN?

    What about if I post something outside of Scotland that is illegal in Scotland on behalf of someone in Scotland? What if I set up free service doing exactly that from outside of Scotland?

    This a fucking stupid dumb arse law and one of a long line of misguided shit legislation from the morons drafting this arse fluid in the SNPG legal team.

    These Youless cunts could not run a bath.

  48. Mia says:

    I am obviously very concerned for all what Mr Hanvey writes above, but I must admit I am even more concerned about what it might be that this toxic legislation is trying to hide from us and what it will be really deployed for. I do not believe it is merely to protect trans. There is an ulterior motive to this.

    Problem, reaction, solution

    It stands to the obvious Sturgeon’s useless government (and that of the even more useless Yousaf) was creating a problem that was not there in the first place. Women were not being viciously attacked by fake trans goons before she started leading the SNP nor deliberately silenced or even forced out of their jobs simply for defending their rights. This does not belong in a democracy nor in the 21st century. This is akin to what women experienced in the 17 and 18th century. It is in your face. It is deliberate and it is obvious it is seeking to provoke a strong reaction from the public. As Mr Hanvey says, this legislation purposely breaches the Equality Act because it is leaving behind some protected characteristics like sex and age. Yet, the useless lord advocate has not a problem with it nor, of course, the crown agent of the day or Alistair Jack. How convenient.

    When you read through the messages in social media on the trans issue, some of the things you see would not be out of place in a dystopian sci fiction movie. The attempts to normalise the sickening promotion of castration of children and mutilation of their wee bodies, or the disturbing images of disgusting male perverts wanking themselves in the females’ toilet or taking selfies just to infuriate women, seem deliberately trying to provoke a strong reaction from women, from parents and grandparents of girls and from boyfriends and husbands.

    In this day and age, it is unbelievable that somebody could be so stupid and so ignorant as to even think for a second that allowing a male into the female category is ending women’s sports. Yet, we have committee after committee, like turkeys voting for Christmas, allowing this to happen.

    This shit is targeting everybody and their dog. And they are ensuring they are targeting everybody and their dog.

    The “solution” to the “reaction” is obvious: a fascist piece of legislation which would be the envy of dictators like Franco or Mussolini. The Hate crime legislation may be called hate crime, but it is a piece of legislation whose evident objective is to repress the population and kill dissent.

    But dissent to what? is my question. Any dissent? I do not bite that it will only be used to protect trans. I bet the establishment does not give a shit about them.

    We have seen from the way Mr Salmond was targeted by the establishment how anybody can be tarnished with a fabricated sex crime. Now the establishment does not even need that. The mere allegation that you have committed a crime of hate, even if it is calling a name to your pet fish, is enough. This tells me that the establishment types are preparing themselves to a situation where they anticipate having to quashing dissent in industrial scale. It is interesting this thing is going to be deployed in Scotland and not England, suggesting this will be used to quash support for independence. Goodness knows what the British establishment is planning for after the next GE.

    There is something about all this that does not smell right. Okay, everything about this idiotic law or how it was forced through holyrood or the way the trans goons managed to get control of every public service and government structure, even the courts, smells off. But this putrid law in particular, the justification for it and what it will be used for, smells rotten. Smells at fabrication. Smells fake.

    There are quite a few strange cogs placing themselves in odd parts of the machine right now, and one wonders what they are seeking and who is controlling them. Owen Jones, for instance. What on earth is a high profile individual like him doing in a dump like the National with close to no readership elbowing each other with the WGD? This is odd. How can the National afford to pay this man? If the National is not paying him for the “interviews” and articles he writes, who is paying him? And if he does it altruistically without being paid, where does his sudden interest for writing on a Scottish paper, and one which alleges to be pro-independence, when he is diametrically opposed to independence, come from?

    Is he another successor of Dafoe, another propagandist sent arrogantly by the English crown to lecture and patronise the Scots on what we have to think, believe and say and how? This is bizarre on the extreme.

    And the large smile of Yousaf when interviewed by this man is even more bizarre.

    This smacks at “change of guard”.

    Some of the pictures in social media show men dressed as women which go purposely to disrupt women’s rights protests. But when you look at some of those types, you do not see a trans trying to look even remotely feminine. You see a very masculine, very tall and large men that is standing on a posture that resembles a western cowboy that is about to unload both barrels, a soldier or special forces. Those men are holding the handbag like a soldier would hold a machine gun and wear the high heels with the same style and pose you would imagine an elephant to adopt when wearing stilettos. It is very obvious they are there to disrupt and it is very obvious they do not believe for even a second the notion that they are “women”. So who are they disrupting women’s rights protests on behalf of and why?

    I am terrified to find out what the “solution” this putrid bill is really trying to deliver is and on behalf of whom/what.

    Since 19 September 2014 I no longer believe democracy exists in the UK. Ever since, I have believed elections are a charade where the result has been already decided before hand, candidates manipulated to ensure the result obtained is what the establishment had planned for and then propaganda is distributed on industrial scale through different channels, including the reports of some professors and “experts” to prepare the public for the “official” result to avoid a furious backlash.

    But I must admit I am disconcerted by this. Disconcerted and scared, to be frank. The ganging up of the entire political class to force this on the population of Scotland is not only disgusting in the extreme, but it is not normal in a democracy or even a pretend democracy like Scotland is.

    What this legislation has proven beyond any reasonable doubt is that no-one, no-one sitting in Holyrood is working for Scotland. They are working against. Because if they did, they would not dare force this disgusting piece of legislation on the people of Scotland. Shame on them all. I hope this legislation they undemocratically forced on us comes back to bite them really hard on their backsides.

  49. David Hannah says:

    If we don’t mention the immigration issue. We’ll lose our homeland. And that includes English colonisers! And the billionaire beasts here to turn Scotland’s countryside into a gated community.

    Meanwhile they continue to demolish the Wyndford Estate in Maryhill. And they are giving housing to asylum seekers who are turning up without documentation.

    ‘losing’ their documents on their way across the channel.

    AYE RIGHT. We have no idea who these people are. And they are given preferential treatment like the Ukranians.

    Charity starts at home. And Scots must fight back. Because you’re paying for their free house. Their free money. Their free laptop. Their two child payment. Their baby box. Their mobility car. Their free laptop. The disability payment. The Covid uplift. The universal credit. As they work in the deliveroo drivers market and sell drugs. Like Humza’s heroin punting smack head EL NALKA! Poisoning the native Scotsmen. Who are in destitution.

  50. Ruby says:

    Lorna Campbell

    19 March, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    I think something is going to give if this stuff passes into the law of Scotland. It is going to utterly destroy the SNP at long last – richly deserved – but, as you say, ALBA and every other party has avoided this fight. The only answer is the Party of Women. Leave all the others, women of Scotland, and get behind this one because most men will not fight for us and our rights.

    Always in agreement with you Lorna. 🙂

  51. Anton Decadent says:

    The Fall predicted this back in the 1980’s with the song Guest Informant, it even mentions “the miserable Scottish hotel.”

  52. David Hannah says:

    They keep blaming us for everything. Saying we’re right wing. We’re this. We’re that. We’re the problem.

    And then they try and criminalise us for existing and breathing.

    Time to fight back!

  53. London Scot says:

    Can a legal expert enlighten me? Reading different accounts I see ‘religion’ and sometimes ‘religion & belief’ listed as protected characteristics. Which is correct? If belief is included could that apply to political beliefs? If so could “Tory scum”,”from Aberdeen to the Borders..Tory free” be considered a hate crime?

    At least they are not like Canada threatening $39K fines, lifetime imprisonment and house arrest for the possibility you might commit a hate crime. Yet.

  54. David Hannah says:

    We’re not right wing. We’re not racists. We voted for Independence. We want our Government to look after us. Not treat us as second class citizens in our own country of birth. I wanted an Independent Scotland. And now the Government is trying to destory our country. And give it away. That’s how it feels. Lots of young people feel left behind. The SNP admitted this in their conference.

    They tell young teenagers in school that they are white and priveleged. They tell young girls that life is easier being a man – Go and visit the gender doctor. They tell us to apologise for black history month. For alaphabet month. They give the houses to the immigrants. Everyone is struggling with the cost of living. We pay our taxes for us. We don’t pay our taxes for them to give all our money away.

    Point made.

  55. twathater says:

    @ Lorna Campbell 5.43pm as a male I agree with you entirely and I also agree with Ruby, ALBA had the chance to come out openly and publicly fighting on behalf of OUR WOMENFOLK, but preferred the weak mealy mouthed approach frightened to upset prospective voters or members, Alex Salmond encouraged people to accept Yvonne Ridley’s apology but it was apparent that her statements were unambiguous and personal, Yvonne is a very experienced journalist and wordsmith who knows EXACTLY what she means to say

  56. Anton Decadent says:

    @Mia, it is worse abroad, ANTIFA armed with AR15’s on the streets and rooftops outside venues in the US which were hosting Drag Time Story Hours.

    With regard to people saying that this is a mens movement, the only men in my personal circles who support this are ANTIFA/SWP/Green supporters.

  57. David Hannah says:

    And where will Scotland be in ten years. When all these immigrant families children grow up? That’s right. They’ll become Ghettos.

    Where crime is rife. Where that culture of violence pervades. And Gangs return. Where gangs didn’t before. Division. And crime.

    You give them an inch. And they take a mile. That’s what’s happening. They are playing the race card. And the Hate Crime Bill gives them that protection to treat us Natives. As second class citizens. Because we happen to be born Scottish. With Scottish documentation. With British passports. And Scottish Birth Certificates. Scottish national insurance numbers. And having paid tax to this country all our working life. We work. We pay more. We are squeezed out for Johnny Foreigner. It doesn’t make the working class Scottish right wing to say otherwise. Or glasgow city council declaring a housing emergency.

    It’s how we feel. Guilty as charged. Our leaders as I said are loyal to the false green agenda. WEF. And not to the workers of Grangemouth.

    We need to say something about it! It is a top tier issue for me!

  58. PacMan says:

    Ellie says:
    19 March, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    The HCB is essentially coercion and compelled speech being forced upon every one of us

    Sounds exactly like Havel’s Greengrocer

    The manager of a fruit-and-vegetable shop places in his window, among the onions and carrots, the slogan: “Workers of the world, unite!” Why does he do it? What is he trying to communicate to the world? Is he genuinely enthusiastic about the idea of unity among the workers of the world? Is his enthusiasm so great that he feels an irrepressible impulse to acquaint the public with his ideals? Has he really given more than a moment’s thought to how such a unification might occur and what it would mean?

    I think it can safely be assumed that the overwhelming majority of shopkeepers never think about the slogans they put in their windows, nor do they use them to express their real opinions. That poster was delivered to our greengrocer from the enterprise headquarters along with the onions and carrots. He put them all into the window simply because it has been done that way for years, because everyone does it, and because that is the way it has to be. If he were to refuse, there could be trouble. He could be reproached for not having the proper decoration in his window; someone might even accuse him of disloyalty. He does it because these things must be done if one is to get along in life. It is one of the thousands of details that guarantee him a relatively tranquil life “in harmony with society,” as they say.

    Obviously the greengrocer is indifferent to the semantic content of the slogan on exhibit; he does not put the slogan in his window from any personal desire to acquaint the public with the ideal it expresses. This, of course, does not mean that his action has no motive or significance at all, or that the slogan communicates nothing to anyone. The slogan is really a sign, and as such it contains a subliminal but very definite message. Verbally, it might be expressed this way: “I, the greengrocer XY, live here and I know what I must do. I behave in the manner expected of me. I can be depended upon and am beyond reproach. I am obedient and therefore I have the right to be left in peace.” This message, of course, has an addressee: it is directed above, to the greengrocer’s superior, and at the same time it is a shield that protects the greengrocer from potential informers. The slogan’s real meaning, therefore, is rooted firmly in the greengrocer’s existence. It reflects his vital interests. But what are those vital interests?

    Let us take note: if the greengrocer had been instructed to display the slogan “I am afraid and therefore unquestioningly obedient;’ he would not be nearly as indifferent to its semantics, even though the statement would reflect the truth. The greengrocer would be embarrassed and ashamed to put such an unequivocal statement of his own degradation in the shop window, and quite naturally so, for he is a human being and thus has a sense of his own dignity. To overcome this complication, his expression of loyalty must take the form of a sign which, at least on its textual surface, indicates a level of disinterested conviction. It must allow the greengrocer to say, “What’s wrong with the workers of the world uniting?” Thus the sign helps the greengrocer to conceal from himself the low foundations of his obedience, at the same time concealing the low foundations of power. It hides them behind the facade of something high. And that something is ideology.

    Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of an identity, of dignity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them. As the repository of something suprapersonal and objective, it enables people to deceive their conscience and conceal their true position and their inglorious modus vivendi, both from the world and from themselves. It is a very pragmatic but, at the same time, an apparently dignified way of legitimizing what is above, below, and on either side. It is directed toward people and toward God. It is a veil behind which human beings can hide their own fallen existence, their trivialization, and their adaptation to the status quo. It is an excuse that everyone can use, from the greengrocer, who conceals his fear of losing his job behind an alleged interest in the unification of the workers of the world, to the highest functionary, whose interest in staying in power can be cloaked in phrases about service to the working class. The primary excusatory function of ideology, therefore, is to provide people, both as victims and pillars of the post-totalitarian system, with the illusion that the system is in harmony with the human order and the order of the universe.

    The smaller a dictatorship and the less stratified by modernization the society under it, the more directly the will of the dictator can be exercised- In other words, the dictator can employ more or less naked discipline, avoiding the complex processes of relating to the world and of self justification which ideology involves. But the more complex the mechanisms of power become, the larger and more stratified the society they embrace, and the longer they have operated historically, the more individuals must be connected to them from outside, and the greater the importance attached to the ideological excuse. It acts as a kind of bridge between the regime and the people, across which the regime approaches the people and the people approach the regime. This explains why ideology plays such an important role in the post-totalitarian system: that complex machinery of units, hierarchies, transmission belts, and indirect instruments of manipulation which ensure in countless ways the integrity of the regime, leaving nothing to chance, would be quite simply unthinkable without ideology acting as its all-embracing excuse and as the excuse for each of its parts.

    The problem is that we don’t like in a totalitarian state and the Scottish devolved administration doesn’t have the funds to operate one. The Scottish police doesn’t have the resources to deal with low-level crime never mind implementing the HCB to the point it can be effective like the above.

    As others have said, this will get repealed like the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act as it is unworkable.

  59. Anton Decadent says:

    I should have added this to my previous post. I recently gave a loan of Graham Linehans’ book to a friend who I hoped would see the injustice. The friend has busts of Lenin etc around his house but identifies most with the Mensheviks and on giving me back the book basically said that Linehan had no one else to blame but himself for sticking his neck out.

  60. Ruby says:

    19 March, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    So how does this work if you post a blog from outside Scotland like say for example Bath or mainland Europe? Are we in the ridiculous situation where it’s illegal in Scotland to say something but step one foot over any border and its totally legal?

    What I understood was that you could be based in Bath but if your blog was read in Scotland then it would be a hate crime in Scotland.

    I wasn’t sure what would happen then. Would the English police handle the complaint or would the person be extradited to Scotland.

    It’s all a bit mad and as Lorna said

    something is going to give if this stuff passes into the law of Scotland.

  61. duncanio says:

    James Jones
    Ignored says:
    19 March, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    duncanio at 3:40 pm.

    “Hate Crime
    Gender Self-Identification
    Conversion Therapy
    Juryless Trials
    Protest Restrictions

    and so forth are proof that the current Scottish Government has embraced the attitude of its Westminster equivalent and acts as one of its colonial administrators in the territory of Scotland by deploying techniques to keep that populace in its place thus protecting their own position.

    The pattern is clear: Holyrood has become a byword for Vichy.”

    How on earth have you managed to blame Westminster for this? It’s entirely Scotland’s doing.

    I didn’t.

  62. dearieme says:

    ScotNaz indeed.

  63. ross says:

    I dont agree with the bill but I think it’s a bit sensationalist to think it’ll have stasi consequences.

  64. Stuart MacKay says:

    So, we’re back to the good old days of blasphemy laws. Anyone care for an Enlightenment?

  65. Mia says:

    @Anton Decadent
    “it is worse abroad, ANTIFA armed with AR15’s on the streets and rooftops outside venues in the US which were hosting Drag Time Story Hours”

    I wonder until what point all this has to do with the dollar fast losing its hegemony and with big world blocks increasingly moving away from the dollar.

    There has to be a reason why under the useless Sturgeon the SNP moved towards NATO and Israel and aligned its foreign policy with that of the UK.

    There has to be a reason why the useless Cameron, after the mess he left in Libya, has now been parachuted by someone/something to the position where he is now by entirely bypassing every democratic process.

    And then we have the unconditional backing of the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza by both, the UK party of government and the opposition, despite knowing they are going directly against the opinion and morals of the overwhelming majority of the UK public.

    It stands to the obvious that whoever is controlling the Tory and labour party is no longer even trying to keep a minimum pretence of democracy. This is fast becoming an overt dictatorship where the political class is acting in a parallel dimension to that where the general public sits, and the speed at which that parallel dimension is detaching itself from the people is accelerating.

    All these maneuvers have to be interlinked. This cannot be random. I wonder if these bastards are preparing the field to force us kicking and screaming into the mother of all neoliberal wars for the sake of, once again, preserving USA’s privileges. Because, of course, all always hinges around USA and its interests. Ireland’s independence was delayed thanks to world war I. I wonder if those warmongers sitting in Westminster and at the other side of the Atlantic are hoping that dragging us into another unnecessary war will delay or kill Scotland’s independence.

    I wouldn’t put it past them.

  66. Frank Gillougley says:

    Indeed, a very dark place. Wankers with scores to settle, given the chance to de-rail anyone else’s life while they will be under investigation. And of course, no comment can be made by anyone, while any case will be under investigation. This is well and truly bollocks, and where they want us – under their control. Darkness at Noon, indeed.

  67. Fairliered says:

    The way to undermine the pernicious Hate Crime Act will be to bombard the police and prosecutors with complaints against the real haters, Stonewall and their acolytes, and also any SNP politicians that support their evil. Overwhelm the courts and make the Act unworkable.

  68. Republicofscotland says:

    Thanks Neale for this eye opening article, so no corroboration is needed which means anyone can claim a hate crime has been committed against them just on their word alone.

    I’m hoping this madness is repealed when it turns out that the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland, which is already down to bare bones in numbers and funds, fails miserably to fully enforce the Hate Crime laws.

    In that instance I foresee Police Scotland being compelled to arrest the more prominent folk in Scottish society who oppose the HC laws the kind of folk like you and the Rev who inform folk of what’s actually going on in this Mad Alice in Wonderland that is Scotland today under this SNP government, the Rabbit Hole goes much deeper.

  69. Stuart MacKay says:


    If you can spare the time, you need to read link to There are a lot of interesting ideas, some very useful insights and you’ll gain a better understanding of where we are, and how we got here. There are absolutely no answers though. You will however, see that things are likely to get a whole lot worse, before they get any better.

    Personally, I can’t wait for the New, Improved, HCB 2.0 with preventative detention. It’ll be doubleplusgood.

  70. George Ferguson says:

    I have never been charged let alone prosecuted with any offence in my long life. No speeding tickets or parking tickets. Immediate family ex Police Federation
    (Brother) double Police gallantry award (Brother) and a Gold Medal received for 40 years as a Police Intelligence operator (Sister). Award received from the new Chief Constable Jo Farrell several weeks ago. I am about to become the black sheep of the family. Honestly Police Scotland read the runes .

  71. Republicofscotland says:

    Here the Keystone Cops aka Police Scotland virtually admits that it doesn’t have the resources to fulfill the unpopular legislation that are the Hate Crime Laws.

    “POLICE Scotland has revealed its concerns that the new Hate Crime Bill will create additional pressures and cited plans to tackle abuse within the force.

    The force has also clarified that actors and comedians will not be targeted under new hate crime laws.

    The Hate Crime Bill will come into force on April 1, expanding existing legislation to cover comments made in private settings without the intention to offend – prompting criticism from author JK Rowling, as well as lawyers both sides of the Border.
    Police Scotland’s chief financial officer James Gray revealed that no budget provision had been allocated for “new legislation” at a committee meeting of the Scottish Police Authority.”

    link to

  72. Robert Hughes says:

    Ignored says:
    19 March, 2024 at 7:03 pm

    ” I dont agree with the bill but I think it’s a bit sensationalist to think it’ll have stasi consequences. ”

    That’s what people always think when such laws are introduced . Until they do have ” stasi consequences ” – or the modern equivalent .

    Who asked for this bill ? Where was the public clamour , consultation , scrutiny of it’s probable effects ? Had/has Scotland become a hate-filled country , where gangs of bigots stalk the streets looking for prey ? Has it fuck .

    As Mia says , above , this aberrant , perverse all-out assault on our freedom of speech/thought is too extreme , too authoritarian to have come about solely through the auspices of a bantam-weight pretender like H Yousaf .

    “Between the idea
    And the reality
    Between the motion
    And the act
    Falls the Shadow ” .

    We can speculate whose Shadow ; but we can be certain it’s darkness is going to fall on all of us . One by one , formally secure , recognised as essential , freedoms are being stripped from us .

    The most disgusting aspect for us is that it is the supposed ” Party of Scottish Independence ” that is facilitating this erasure of our freedoms . Beyond contempt the lot of them .

    I’ll dance on their ( political ) graves

  73. Lorna Campbell says:

    Ruby: have you noticed that the ‘trans’ men (‘trans’ identified men) never get a mention. This is because they are not treated in the same way that ‘trans’ identified men are (so-called ‘trans’ women). The women who ‘trans’ are still treated as women, otherwise why are they not screaming about using male loos, gyms, changing rooms, participating in male sports, or about demanding to be put in male prisons? It is a sick joke. They will always be female because they are too weak physically and at risk to be ‘men’.

    Everyone knows, including them and the ‘trans’ identified men, that they are female. Full stop. It would not matter a jot if they had been sewn up and a roll of arm flesh sewn on as a pretendy penis: these women are still at risk of sexual assault. Lots of these paraphiliac/fetishistic men favour the back entry or the oral entry, so no female would be safe at all – ever.

    Likewise children: they, too would never be safe regardless of how they identify. Apart from sexual opportunism on the part of some elements under the alphabet umbrella, they are there to hide the men and their paraphilias and fetishes. They are the cloak of invisibility for forms of male sexuality that the general public could not stomach. If anyone is deluded enough to think that this will just blow over, they need to think again. This is not the football stuff. This is raw, red meat and these guys are not going to give up so easily, as the women in this fight know full well, and have always known.

    Party of Women: the only way forward for females in all four parts of the UK. I wonder whether JK Rowling would kickstart it up here?

  74. Dorothy Devine says:

    Robert Hughes , I suspect you won’t be alone in your dance.

  75. Geri says:

    Denise at 3:19 pm

    “Women have already been silenced you have a man speaking for us. Does that not strike you as part of this problem. Why a male MP?”

    Because Alba doesn’t have any female MPs in Westminster.

    & We can forget about Cherry. She’s a fully paid up stooge to this shit coming from her own party. She’s fallen into line rather than standing on her principles. As she claims, she’s been given assurances by Dumbza. Nice that she has them at least eh?

    Politicians really need to stick to what they were elected on & it wasn’t for any of this shit.

    The sooner us peasants can instantly end a political party going off script the better. That’s a law we’d all welcome.

  76. Geri says:

    I’ll dance to that too.

    Roll on Four LOL

    (election rather than chair before I’m hockled off for hate lol)

  77. Mark Beggan says:

    This is Humza’s way of getting back at women. He’s spent his life crawling after females, taking orders from women and kissing their feet. He is even taking the flak from his female superior. The woman who can’t admit she’s a woman stole his big moment of failure as he grasped the reins. The continuing boy. A failure of infamy. What a fanny.

  78. Frequency Modulation says:

    Dear Rev Stu,

    Could I become a nun in your church? Would I then be protected from prosecution for my “belief” that a trans woman is a man, as belief is a protected characteristic under the Equalities Act 2010? Asking for a friend.

  79. Antoine Roquentin says:

    There’s no better an issue than this with which to initiate a real confrontation with the Scottish administration and the left-fascists who inhabit it. If we don’t stand up in defiance and demand adult governance as citizens, you can rest assured that nobody else will do it for us.

  80. shiregirl says:

    Thought provoking article, Neale.
    Fellow nurse here. I respect your work in the political sphere and also previously in nursing text.
    I have significant concerns re how nurses will undertake their work and be able to continue to be gender critical without being accused of being transphobic for no reason.
    This is very concerning.
    I am surounded by rainbow email signatures and lanyards. Can you imagine I wore a purple/white/green lanyard? Why should I not? I have the right to wear this, no?
    What happens if a male attends requesting a smear test?
    If I refuse, would the NMC stand behind me? This is the NMC who stated that they were committed to trans rights and misgendering a trans person was contrary to the code.
    This is the NMC who participate in Stonewall diversity champions and workplace equality schemes.
    Where does that leave gender critical nurses?
    I’m upset and angry the vocation I loved and entered many years ago has been taken over by absolute and utter nonsense.

  81. George Ferguson says:

    @shiregirl 9:12pm
    The same for Doctors. A presentee with classic prostrate problems says they can’t have prostrate problems because they identify as a woman. Relayed to me from a working SNHS Doctor. At some point the madness has to stop.

  82. Colin Dawson says:

    As I understand it, misogyny is not included in the definitions of hate crime. Transwomen want to be treated as women. Won’t any alleged hate crime against a transwoman be regarded as misogyny? If so, it’s not a hate crime. Am I misinterpreting?

  83. Siobhan Bonnar says:

    Can I cross over the border to England, let the Hate Monster engulf me, post something considering a hate crime and be charged when I re-enter Scotland?

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “Can I cross over the border to England, let the Hate Monster engulf me, post something considering a hate crime and be charged when I re-enter Scotland?”

      Short answer: yes. You don’t even need to re-enter Scotland, they’ll come and get you.

  84. Anton Decadent says:

    @Mia, I believe that America is a proxy country which is used as muscle and cannon fodder by its true owner and other Western countries are dragged along in its wake to suffer the backlash of unjust actions. See how media outlets such as the Guardian have been tub thumping for action against Iran for a number of years.

    Re the Hate Muppet, surely they should have included Animal for emotional support?

  85. McDuff says:

    Why is there this deafening silence from the people especially those prominent individuals in law, church, trade unions, etc. Are they all so cowed and terrified that they cannot speak out against this sinister madness. Who is behind this insanity and is its ultimate aim to control the people through fear?
    I simply do not recognise this country anymore.

  86. George Ferguson says:

    @Colin Dawson 9:47pm
    You are coming at this problem from the wrong perspective. The HCB is about silencing all political dissent. Nothing to do with women, men or trans. A gateway for the SNP/Green Government to lock up people they don’t approve of.

  87. Anne says:

    It’s like we’re lab rats for something real nasty coming down the line, and there will be a lot of hate about.

  88. Iamsmurphslaw says:

    I can’t find it again, but someone published a list of MSPs who initially supported this bill. If it was accurate then virtually everyone but the Tories voted for it including Ash Denham (Regan), SNP now ALBA. Perhaps Neale could ask her why?

  89. sheena macinnes says:

    Crikey some of the replies to this – esp Mia – scary shit !!

  90. Lorna Campbell says:

    Since it is the victim who decides what is a hate crime, does this extend to other crimes? I think I have been robbed, therefore I have been robbed. Arrest someone.

    No, Colin, it can’t be misogyny because misogyny is specifically not covered by any specific law, and it relates only to biological females (the definition of the word). That is why this would be a so-called hate crime because that was what they intended. Very open-ended and wide as the ocean – a catch-all, in fact. Women were deliberately left out because the b******s knew we would report the ‘trans’. I think we still should – in droves.

    The 2010 Equality Act covers any snitching, as does the Forstater Ruling. Arm yourself with these if the police come calling. If anything goes to court, the prosecution will need to cite witnesses. You’ll find out then who your accuser is. Ensure that you have the name on record + details + same for any other witness(es) who is/are backing the accuser. Keep all records of the accusation + details around it and demand to know if your name will be noted although not put forward for a charge, if you get a warning or if all action is dropped.

    If you find yourself investigated by police, contact one of the big names, such as the Rev, JK Rowling, Kellie Jay Keen-Minshull, Graham Lineman, Barry Wall, Mr Menno, Reduxx, Alex Massie, Clive Simpson and Dennis Kavanagh, GB News, Talk News, Spiked, Unherd, any of the Scottish bloggers and anyone else you can think of who might publicize your plight. Get friends to take photos, if you can, if you are arrested, and contact a trusted solicitor immediately. Say nothing until you speak to a legal representative.

  91. Anton Decadent says:

    Re what I said about USA, any country which has a porous border but which is funnelling hundreds of billions to protect the borders of two other countries is controlled by one of those countries.

  92. JohnM says:

    This law seems to have made a lot of people very angry. This is not a reaction from the political bubble, it is real people who are incredulous that in our country we could have such an attack on our democratic rights.

  93. msdidi says:

    link to
    Find out how your MSPs voted on the Scottish Government’s Hate Crime Bill. The overall result was 82 MSPs voted FOR the Bill, 32 voted AGAINST the Bill and there were four abstentions. This means that only 118 votes were registered out of 129 MSP’s. Ash Reagan is one of 11 missing names.

  94. Effijy says:

    It’s not so bad.
    Say anything you like and just stick a few million in the Tory Party Funds.

  95. David Hannah says:

    I’m glad Ash Regan didn’t even bother voting for this toxic bill. She didn’t want to legitimise it clearly.

    She’s a braw lassie. One of the few in the Scottish Parliament.

    The Fringe Festival comedy show which brings in billions will be destroyed this year. When Scotland is meant to be laughing its way out of hardship. The puppeteer Sturgeon wants us to be as miserable as her.

    Music festivals. Destroyed. Police unable to arrest blacks with allegations of Hate Crime.

    Gay pride parades out of control. The Furries will be taking over. The dog mask fetish brigade will be sniffing children in broad daylight. It’s a hate crime to accuse them of being a deviant.

    You can’t say anything to patrick harvie. Or the deviant greens. Like Maggot Chapman – The Guislaine Maxwell – of the Scottish Greens. Who recruits young gay feminine looking boys and girls. And advocates for puberty blockers for kids. So they don’t grow up like Peter Pan. And Patrick Harvie can have his way with them… That’s what these creeps are like. I’ve said it!

    The Woke brigade in the trade unions in your work will be coming to police your thoughts. They are coming with their rainbow lanyards and are coming to attack your freedom of thought and free will.

    It doesn’t bear thinking about. I AM SO ANGRY! With what’s happened to our beautiful Scotland.

  96. David Hannah says:

    No laughing in the sunshine of the fringe festival. The last few years in August. The SNP has cancelled Joanna Cherry. Jerry Sadowitz. remember?

    The sunshine was ruined by the smell of the pathetic SNP councils unable to pay the bin men the proper wage.

    There was a stench emanating over Calton Hill. There is no beauty for a country in chains. A country muzzled. like DOG.

    Unless of course – You’re a bully XL OWNER – Humza’s illegal devil dogs here to bite your baws off.

    They have destroyed our country. This is the last straw. WE FIGHT BACK!!!!!

  97. Old John says:

    I follow this site regularly, and am ever increasingly concerned by what continues to be brought to light by the excellent work of the operator of same.
    I cannot believe that we have stood by, and permitted our country to descend into the increasingly dangerous and illiberal society I see before me today. I believeve that all of this has been rendered possible by the slavish adherence by many of my fellow Scots to the cult of N Sturgeon and her gauleiters.No one likes to admit that they’ve been conned, but many have, and unless something radical happens soon, we really are in the shit.
    I know it’s unthinkable for the majority, and I also know it will never happen, but I would reluctantly endure a Conservative administration in Scotland, (albeit temporary)as I may be the only hope there is of returning the country and its people to some sort of equilibrium.
    I shall now return to the Anderson shelter, and don my tin helmet.

  98. Geri says:


    It’s colonialism. The USA took over from the Britnats.
    They have over 700 military bases worldwide yet there is no one near them LOL! No one has invaded them – yet they see fit to interfere in every other country’s elections, foreign & domestic policies, candidates, economy, energy, weapons, currency…on & on it goes.
    They’re also the only ones to ever use nukes but they’re saving us from other mentalists getting hold of any lol. They’re the only ones bright enough to know when to use them.

    Their imperial expansion is under threat because their continued sanctions only lead countries to become more self sufficient. The very opposite they hoped to enforce. Now it’s coming home to roost as they bite back. They have been shown on the international stage to be dictators who have absolutely zero regard for international law, treaties or human life.

    They have also stupified their own nation with this trans shit. They waste billions policing the world while their own nation burns. Greed is what drives them. Like the Brits before them – they’re not happy with their own wee patch of land – they want everyone else’s too & they stole theirs off others.

    The Tucker interview (& subsequent follow up interviews) was dripping in exceptionalism. They have zero knowledge of other countries, cultures or what goes on in them. He doesn’t even think Nazis still exist in Europe FFS. LOL

    This hate crime crap is to control the masses. The TRA crap is only a Trojan horse for far sinister stuff to come.

  99. Geri says:

    Old John

    It’s not just Sturgeon.

    Unfortunately they’re all at it. Labour & Lib dems are too & the Tories turned a blind eye while this rubbish polluted schools & institutions. They’ve obviously had instruction from the good old U.S of A. Everyone seems to follow those lamas for fear of being sanctioned or their currency reserves stolen LOL

  100. George Ferguson says:

    I know there is a lot anger about and justifiable so. But that has been pattern of divisive politics with the SNP/ Greens over the last few years reading the outcomes. And Humza is no different. He had a chance to rectify the situation and failed. Spent millions on woke issues because you won’t do anything about it. A crazy non rational strategy with Nicola living in his head rent free. Humza doesn’t look at Electoral Calculus.

  101. moixx says:

    msdidi @ 11.30pm

    “Ash Reagan is one of 11 missing names.”


    I’m afraid not. Ash Regan used to be known as Ash Denham, and her name is on that list as having voted for it.

  102. Anton Decadent says:

    @Geri, read the non fiction book Blass Mass by John Gray and it names the Pentagon kabal which took the US into the invasion of Iraq. The US lost control of its own affairs directly after WW2 if not before. See my comment in the previous thread with regard to who are behind the placing of the likes of Yousaf into Western political positions of power and enforcing open borders for our countries which they would not even consider for a second for Israel (The John Smith Institute, Unbound Philanthropy, WEF, TIME magazine etc.)

  103. Geri says:

    McDuff 10:28

    “Why is there this deafening silence from the people especially those prominent individuals in law, church, trade unions, etc.”

    They’re all busy putting up rainbow bunting & chalking up their year planners. Everyday will be a rainbow holiday.

    Being serious for a mo, it’s because they became organised in positions of authority. It’s textbook. Change from within.

    I’ve mentioned it before but, as an example, they did the same with the Catholic Church. “Goodbye, Goodmen” was written by an investigative jurno. It chronicled the exact same methods & tactics – Manoeuvre into position & play the victim card to manipulate & silence. Hence the *be kind* slogan.

    They put a stop to it but the Anglican church didn’t tho. That’s why they can have so called churchy people draped in flags & speaking on behalf of their parishioners when they do no such thing.

    It’s the exact same for Police, Judges, Teachers, Universities etc.

    They’re acting on their own regardless of any opposition & public opinion.

  104. Yvonne says:

    Excellent article Neale and I certainly have no insecurities about you speaking on behalf of women, especially when you hit the nail on the head every time.
    Many thanks.

  105. Geri says:


    I’ll take a look, thanks.

    I’ve been off a while so need to catch up with the latest articles.

    Yes, America lost it after then to the military complex. War is money & it’s lucrative. A permanent conveyor belt of ex military moving into decision making. The CIA too. Any diverging gets a president whacked lol. Then there’s the Zionist mentalists.

    They’ve a nerve to try enforce their “values” onto other countries around the world. They’re not that great themselves. WTF wants to ape them? They can’t even claim to be democratic now either, always their great claim, as they enforce coups all over. Netanyahu didn’t even win the election to be conducting genocide & this didn’t start on 7th of October but the week before when he instructed an attack on a mosque. Hamas responded on the 7th & that’s the one that made the news. They conveniently left out the why..

    Our media is asleep at the wheel. It’s easy for the UK government to push open borders when they’ve just introduced their voting to include expats & the boundary changes ensure a permanent Tory government. That passed without much ado either. We’re heading into fascism.

  106. stuart mctavish says:

    I dunno Neale,

    And I don’t know what the threshold is for the police to take allegations of crime seriously.

    But, what with it being called Hate Crime and Public Order Scotland Act 2021 , I’d imagine that if Police Scotland received a single complaint on April 1st, let alone 5 million or so, about the (interpretation of) UKSC decision on a Scottish independence referendum constituting a (warmongering) crime, of (attempted) denial of democracy, that was clearly aggravated by prejudice against Scots, and overt racism v same, they’d be obliged to take it very seriously indeed..

    link to

  107. PacMan says:

    ross says:
    19 March, 2024 at 7:03 pm

    I dont agree with the bill but I think it’s a bit sensationalist to think it’ll have stasi consequences.

    I have said the same thing simply because the state doesn’t have the resources or the legal means to force this on the whole Scottish population. However I do agree, as others have mentioned, it will have an effect on specific areas like education and healthcare. It is also designed to stifle political dissent.

    A poster previously mentioned that all parties are sitting on the middle ground but that middle grounds has been so enlarged that takes up most of the traditional left and right.

    This is untenable as seen with the Tories who are literally tearing themselves apart in front of our eyes. The same will happen with Labour when they get in power when they have to deal with the realities rather than barking from the sidelines in opposition.

    The same is happening with the SNP. They are going to lose a ton of seats at Westminster this year and will fracture support at upcoming elections. Issues like HCB is going to compound this.

    It looks dark at the moment but once this bill affects more and more individuals then it will become a drip, drip effect and it will be gone, much like the SNP will be.

  108. stuart mctavish says:

    Then of course there’s the corollary, where nobody reports the denial of democracy as a hate crime, and COPFS is defacto obliged to charge the entire population with hating itself and, ostensibly, provide corroborating evidence as to why..

  109. DavidT says:

    We will have to wait and see how the courts interpret the law. It’s their duty.

    However, Neil is on course to lose his seat at the next general election, and Cherry will probably scrape by.

    I don’t support independance parties, but I tend to warm towards Scottish women politicians like Mhairi, Kirsty, and, I know it is heresy, Nicola.

  110. John Main says:

    An innarestin article on Unherd:

    link to

    Here’s some wee quotes:

    “Humza Yousaf (who was then Justice Secretary) was dogged in his determination to see the bill pass”

    “Activists have already pledged to weaponise the new law to see J.K. Rowling prosecuted for the “crime” of referring to a man as male”

    “The SNP has effectively reintroduced blasphemy laws by stealth”

    I have a strong reaction to the word “blasphemy”, every time I see it in print, because I know specifically and precisely how it is intended to be used in this 21st Century, in this Scotland, and in the wider UK and EU.

    Look at all the evidence, and join the dots, folks.

    Waken up, or be ready to take your places as second-class citizens in your own country.

  111. John Main says:

    @ Geri says: 20 March, 2024 at 2:19 am

    this didn’t start on 7th of October but the week before when he instructed an attack on a mosque

    Burning the midnight oil again, eh Geri? Feverishly trying to get Off Topic and back to your own, familiar vomit.

    Here’s a wee link, just because I care:

    link to

    BTW, it’s not for you – you’re beyond educating. It’s for everybody else genuinely trying to make sense of what’s going on.

  112. Tommo says:

    Ignored says:
    20 March, 2024 at 6:15 am
    We will have to wait and see how the courts interpret the law. It’s their duty.’

    I disagree. It’s the duty of what passes for your ‘government’ to pass legislation which, so far as possible, is clear and concise and addresses the elements of a criminal offence. Either deliberately-to create an atmosphere of apprehension and intimidate those guilty of ‘wrong’ thinking-or due to their usual congenital incompetence-the ‘government’ has created a steaming pile of bat guano and passed it on to the police and courts to ‘see what you can do with that’.
    Remember, too, that every time the courts are called upon to ‘interpret’ this shambles the real lives of real defendants are subjected to scrutiny, fear and apprehension until it’s time to ‘spin the wheel of justice’; thereafter it would be interesting to see what the Supreme Court would make of any conviction.

  113. Dorothy Devine says:

    Is there such a thing as ‘ heterophobia’? And what daft term could be conjured up to use as an insult?

    I have no idea what ‘cis’ means or from whence it came.

  114. McDuff says:

    Geri 12.3
    “They`re acting on their own regardless of any opposition or public opinion”.
    My point is that given the poisonous impact this Bill will have on the the population there is no concerted opposition by institutions or the people. The only way to stem this insanity is to vote SNP out and i never in a million years thought i would ever say that.

  115. Mac says:

    If you want to at least partly understand the psychotic mentality of the IDF today it goes back over a hundred years.

    Fun fact. When the Black & Tans were disbanded, for psychotic behaviour in Ireland, 700 of them then joined the Palestinian Police Force, which morphed into Israeli armed militias, which ultimately morphed into the IDF…

    So they started off with a bed of murderous, atrocity committing psychos and took it from there… et voila. Genocide was always going to be the ultimate expression of the psycho state. Black and Tans on steroids.

  116. sam says:

    Tribunal Tweet thread reader is now showing an employment tribunal claim.

    Earlier this year, Tribunal Tweets put up threads showing the claim of unfair constructive dismissal made by Roz Adams against Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre which I expect ERCC to lose – spectacularly.

    Naomi Cunningham represented Roz Adams. Ms Cunningham is a barrister and has a blog “LegalFeminist” which is worth a look.

    It is through these cases that the battle will be won. As always, the process is the punishment.

    link to

  117. Mia says:

    “Waken up, or be ready to take your places as second-class citizens in your own country”

    The Scottish people have been second-class citizens in their own country since 1706. There is no better proof of this that having the political party in power in Scotland, elected to end the union, proactively denying democracy and abusing the pro-independence votes to do precisely the opposite. All while they engage in pursuing aberrant pet causes and harshly punish the people of Scotland with toxic policies, knowing they are both toxic an unpopular.

    It seems that being Scots is the mere reason why the people of Scotland is being punished.

    Sturgeon had a habit for throwing the males of her team under the bus of the day to fabricate distraction and save her corrupt arse. Before she dropped the bombshell and run like the political coward she is, she ensured Yousaf would not last as FM.

    Yousaf is the man who, as Justice secretary, oversaw this Hate law aberration. While the law was ultimately Sturgeon’s responsibility, he was stupid enough to put his name to it.

    And because of his rigged leadership election, he is now in the unenviable position of having to implement his own toxicity law too and endure the backlash which surely will come. In other words, he cannot escape the accountability for this toxic legislation in two fronts.

    Was this by design? I wouldn’t be surprised.

    Whoever is moving the strings of the SNP is ensuring they crush and burn at the upcoming GE. This is just another nail to the political coffin of the SNP and Yousaf.

    The bill goes live on the 1st of April, giving it just enough months before the upcoming GE to cause untold damage and totally finish Yousaf and the SNP off politically. By design? You bet.
    Just as it is likely that it has been by design that the leaker was never found (goodness, that must have been some miracle the police had to pull off to not find out the culprit), and that operation branchform appears to have been sedated and kept sleeping. I bet it will suddenly wake up as soon as they announce the date for the GE.

    There are so, so many things that the establishment appears to be manipulating to ensure Scotland does not send another anti-union majority to Westmimnster that one wanders how high real support for independence among Scots actually is.

    Having an infiltrated SNP bent on hiding it by pissing on democracy for the best part of 10 years to deny the people of Scotland its own democratic mandates, is a give away.

  118. Ruby says:

    link to


    The transmen’s only claim to fame is that they get pregnant. They are not winning ‘man of year’ any mens sports, getting highly paid contracts with Nike/Budweiser etc, nor are they meeting Joe Biden or reading stories to children.
    Not that many committing crimes either.

    I read the following comment on Twitter and it really hit home.

    The moment I realized that puberty blockers keep children biologically pre-pubescent as time passes to the age of consent I couldn’t unrealize it, and I am highly contemptuous of every single person who supports it.

    The other thing I found really disturbing was discovering ‘castration fetishists’

    link to

    As you say the ‘Party of Women’ is the only one making sense.

    We are as the headline suggests in A Very Dark Place

    The Scottish Government want us not to hate all these paedophiles, groomers, castration fetishists, sexual deviants & sadists who are running the show and who they support.

    Their ‘Hate Crime Bill’ is to ensure we never mention any of this.

    The ‘Hate Crime Bill’ is the ‘Wheest for Jimmy Saville’ bill.

  119. Ruby says:

    John Main
    20 March, 2024 at 7:51 am

    BTW, it’s not for you – you’re beyond educating. It’s for everybody else genuinely trying to make sense of what’s going on.

    This is straight out of the Andy Ellis playbook. One of Ellis’s favourite saying is “You Can’t Educate Pork”?

  120. Mac says:

    So if it does not matter if you are in Bath or outside of Scotland, if you post something they dislike on a blog on the internet which is generally available in Scotland, then you have published it ‘in Scotland’ and thus guilty of a hate crime in Scotland…

    Which means potentially millions of hate crimes will be committed (globally) ‘in Scotland’ every, single day… I hope Police Scotland have a good database of the people they will have to arrest if ever they travel to Scotland.

    Plus all the extradition requests for the really bad cases of hate of which you would think there would be at least several thousand cases per day. Probably more…

    While there is a genocide going on my guess is… they will try to prosecute JK Rowling. (Good luck with that BTW, she has more money than God and will have top class lawyers.)

    But we are not living through a cultural revolution… noooooo.

    Plus add on the fact that ‘hate’ here is not even well defined. So it casts a pretty wide and vague net… how convenient.

    This a classic post 2014 SNP Bill, thought up and executed by ‘woke’ idiotic incompetents with deeply sinister and authoritarian undertones.

  121. Ruby says:

    John Main
    20 March, 2024 at 7:51 am

    Burning the midnight oil again, eh Geri? Feverishly trying to get Off Topic and back to your own, familiar vomit.

    Here’s more abuse from Main. Sounds pretty much like something Ellis would say.

    What’s with these men who need to resort to abuse?

    Doesn’t seem like very highly educated or intelligent behaviour to me.

  122. Ruby says:

    Tourists are not going to be rushing to Scotland and risk being arrested for something they posted on their blog nor are they going to be rushing to the highly censored ‘Edinburgh Festival’

    It’s going to be like ‘Lock Down’ all over again.

  123. Frank Gillougley says:

    ‘Humour is our way of defending ourselves from life’s absurdities by thinking absurdly about them.’ – Lewis Mumford.

    So its goodbye from Jerry Sadowitz, Frankie Boyle & Billy Connolly and hello from Pastor Jack Yousaf.

  124. Mac says:

    Killing all these civilians and tens of thousands of children is very obviously deliberate. ‘Oops I accidentally bombard every single hospital’ is not convincing anyone and they can send forty hasbara wankers on here every day and it will change fuck all.

    Killing all these kids just screams of their weakness. This is all they can do… and the whole world is seeing it.

    The ongoing reputational damage being done here to Israel and the US (and also the UK and the EU) is off the scale. It is game changing, world changing…

    It also has thrown the complete corruption of our political and media classes into sharp relief, as we see them all now look the other way, in lockstep. America especially is completely controlled. Who is actually calling the shots in that ‘relationship’.

    We have entered the time where these things are not hard to find ‘conspiracy theories’ anymore, they are right in front of you, naked.

    It is hard to see now how this is going to end well. Israel’s population has fundamentally changed. It is so far right now it is a runaway train of extremism… and because they bought the political system in the US there is now no one there to save them from themselves…

  125. sam says:

    From LegalFeminist blog.

    “The legal framework
    Article 9 ECHR provides:

    Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.
    Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
    Article 10 ECHR provides:

    Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
    The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
    The European Court of Human Rights has been explicit that the protection of these rights is foundational to democracy. For example, in Sahin v Turkey (2007) 44 EHRR 5, [104], the Court concluded that

    “freedom of thought, conscience and religion is one of the foundations of a ‘democratic society’ within the meaning of the Convention.”

    A similar commitment can be found within domestic law. For example, in R v Central Independent Television plc [1994] Fam 192, 202-203, Hoffmann LJ noted that

    “A freedom which is restricted to what judges think to be responsible or in the public interest is no freedom. Freedom means the right to publish things which government and judges, however well motivated, think should not be published. It means the right to say things which ‘right-thinking people’ regard as dangerous or irresponsible. This freedom is subject only to clearly defined exceptions laid down by common law or statute.”

    This position was neatly summarised by Sedley LJ in Redmond-Bate v Director of Public Prosecutions (1999) 7 BHRC 375, [20]:

    “Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative … Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.”

    The importance of political speech — the ability to discuss public policy, law, governance, and rights — has been particularly emphasised as necessary for democracy. In R (Prolife Alliance) v BBC [2004] 1AC 185, Lord Nicholls stressed that

    “Freedom of political speech is a freedom of the very highest importance in any country which lays claim to being a democracy. Restrictions on this freedom need to be examined rigorously by all concerned, not least the courts”

    Similarly, the European court of Human Rights in Vajnai v Hungary [2008] ECHR 1910, has noted that there is “little scope under Article 10(2) of the Convention for restrictions on political speech or on the debate of questions of public interest.”

    There is a wide latitude as to the manner in which such views are expressed. In De Haes and Gijsels v Belgium [1997] 25 EHRR 1, the Court observes that

    “Freedom of expression is applicable not only to ‘information’ or ‘ideas’ that are favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of indifference but also to those that offend, shock or disturb the State or any section of the community… it must be remembered that Article 10 … protects not only the substance of the ideas and information expressed but also the form in which they are conveyed”

    There is more. This site should be read,imo.

    link to

  126. Sven says:

    Mac @ 08.37

    Only change I’d make to your post would be to change 2014 to 1984, Mac.
    Although, we’ve now lost our BB figure … oops, my bad, have I just verged on hate speech by “misgendering” our former leaderene.
    Interesting to speculate what gender reference would be appropriate for anyone who chooses to “identify” as one sex in public and another in private.
    Ah, never mind, I’ll just stick with the old fashioned biological men and biological women.
    I’ll reconsider when men require hysterectomies and women have to deal with prostate problems (bit of a sore one that is).

  127. Geri says:

    Genocide John

    “Burning the midnight oil again, eh Geri? Feverishly trying to get Off Topic and back to your own, familiar vomit.”

    Did you pish the bed posting at 7:51?

    If Stu is looking for a time stamp monitor I’m sure he’ll let you know. Until then, shut it & mind yer biz..

  128. AlanMac says:

    Biological women of Scotland – Please, please, please wake up before it’s too late. Stand up and fight this perversion. If not for your own sakes then for the sake of your children and grandchildren. These people will not stop until they enshrine the right to have sex with babies toddlers and under age children into law.

  129. Alf Baird says:

    stuart mctavish @ 3:21 am

    “But, what with it being called Hate Crime and Public Order Scotland Act 2021 , I’d imagine that if Police Scotland received a single complaint on April 1st, let alone 5 million or so, about the (interpretation of) UKSC decision on a Scottish independence referendum constituting a (warmongering) crime, of (attempted) denial of democracy, that was clearly aggravated by prejudice against Scots, and overt racism v same, they’d be obliged to take it very seriously indeed.”

    Yes indeed, racial oppression of an entire people/nation is “a consubstantial part” and parcel of everyday life in a colonial society.

    According to Aime Cesaire “colonization is based on psychology” which leads to denial of its very basis, which is racism. And so we end up with “psychoanalysis Embellished with existentialism – where the most absurd prejudices are explained and justified” and where the colonialist “has grafted modern abuse onto ancient injustice, hateful racism onto old inequality”.

    For the colonized, “hateful racism” is therefore a constant part of life for an entire people, albeit made largely unconscious, so even the (culturally assimilated) legislators and courts cannot see it, and don’t want to see it (hence denial). But yes, an entire colonized people are subject to “hateful racism” every day of their wretched lives. Which helps explain why any independence movement depends on the solidarity of the oppressed ethnic group, and where independence is decolonization, and liberation from (racial) oppression.

    Sae lang as the National party elites dinnae ken whit independence is aboot, thay’ll shurely no be able tae fund the leeberation door tae gang oot.

    link to

  130. PurgeThe Sturge (and the rest) says:

    OK, so how do we fight this thing? Flood them with vexatious reports? A campaign of mass dissent/civil disobedience?? Ultimately, I think this one will need to be fought by the big guns such as JK Rowling, but I’m so worried for all the ordinary people with jobs, reputations and families to care for. Could some sort of legal defense fund be established to help out with the costs this monstrosity will dump on the people forced to fight to clear their name??? I’m so scared, but I want to fight. We must fight.

  131. SteepBrae says:

    Dorothy 8.04am:
    “Is there such a thing as ‘ heterophobia’? And what daft term could be conjured up to use as an insult? I have no idea what ‘cis’ means or from whence it came”.

    It’s maybe taken from organic chemistry where the structure of a fatty acid chain, which has a certain pair of hydrogen atoms, can differ. A cis fatty acid has the two hydrogens on the same side of the chain. A trans fatty acid has them on opposite sides of the chain.

    Worth noting that trans fatty acids are bad for you (unsaturated fats). Not sure you’ll be able to say that after April Fool’s Day.

    They’ll be coming for the chemistry teachers next.

  132. SteepBrae says:

    Oops – mistake at 9.38.
    It should read ‘…that trans fatty acids are bad for you (saturatedfats).

  133. TURABDIN says:

    This is enlightening.
    link to
    The Scottish court of James VI was cosmopolitan and sophisticated compared to that of England it seems.
    He was in many respects a renaissance prince in the European mold.
    How different Scotland might have been had that other fateful union, the personal one, not taken place.
    Just a pity he had that «thing» about witches and demons.

  134. John Main says:

    @ Geri says: 20 March, 2024 at 9:24 am

    shut it

    I dinna think I will.


    Nae way.

    Nae soz.

    As I wrote earlier, my posts aren’t intended for you, but for the alert and presumably lurking readers.

    They will be able to see the irony of somebody posting demands to “shut it” on a thread dedicated to the preservation of free and unfettered speech.

    Perhaps for you, irony is something that bruises yer tootsies when ye drap it.

  135. Bortwiskels says:

    It’s heartening to read the comments on here, it gives me hope that this appalling piece of legislation could be taken down. To be honest I didn’t think it would ever get enforced.

    I have been hoping to read of actions, proposals, campaigns to get it repealed, but in truth, like the GRRB, perhaps it’s downfall will be publicity. Having the light shone on the absurdity of the GRRB made millions aware of the reality of the horseshit that would have been implemented upon them, and I think forced the UK gov to act. The SNP got away with it, they played the Undemocratic Meddling UK card and escaped being run out of town. For now.

    That publicity could come any time, from day one, and from anywhere. I think a campaign to jail JKR would alert many people to the severity of the issue and turn them against the law and those who would enforce it, but anyone in the public eye getting lifted for stating scientific fact or even an opinion, or the first time someone gets charged for voicing an opinion in a private conversation, could very well do the same.

    The Fringe and the election later this year could be absolute carnage! Though its certain that green and SNP supporters/activists will report gender critical opponents for hate crimes, it becomes much more interesting when it’s those who this bill was designed to defend are reported! Remember Nicola and Humza both saying things publicly recently that would constitute hate speech? Then we’ll either see the law applied selectively very publicly, or it’ll get quietly dropped.

    I’m intrigued by the idea up-thread that there’s another motive here, the suppression of dissent. I can’t disagree, but it worries me that even if that wasn’t the intention, there’s nothing in the bill to prevent it being used for that in the future. Just look at extremism laws at WM! How long before support for Scottish or Welsh independence is considered anti-british extremism and made a jailable offence?

    Individually we have too much to lose to stand up for this, as with cancel culture this law could remove your livelihood, employability, reputation (the next one in the chamber could take your family away too!) for speaking your mind. That fear of personal consequences controls us. That fear costs us our voices. I hope that when we use those voices together the consequences aren’t for us using them, but for those who’d ignore them.

  136. John Main says:

    @SteepBrae says: 20 March, 2024 at 9:38 am

    If you don’t mind, I’m going to squirrel away both trans fatty and cis fatty for future use.


  137. Ruby says:

    John Main
    20 March, 2024 at 10:25 am

    @ Geri says: 20 March, 2024 at 9:24 am

    shut it

    I dinna think I will.


    Nae way.

    Nae soz.

    As I wrote earlier, my posts aren’t intended for you, but for the alert and presumably lurking readers.

    They will be able to see the irony of somebody posting demands to “shut it” on a thread dedicated to the preservation of free and unfettered speech.

    Perhaps for you, irony is something that bruises yer tootsies when ye drap it.

    It’s fuckin’ playground shit all over again

  138. Never mind the bollocks, here’s the sex pissed-offs! Scotland’s first – and only – hardcore erotic rap-and-poetry album protesting the Hate Crime Bill! We got sent a hateful crime bill we couldn’t pay, because our mouths wrote a cheque we couldn’t cash! Gobby, jobby-lobbing bastirts! Chocs away!

    link to

  139. Alf Baird says:

    TURABDIN @ 10:16 am

    “The Scottish court of James VI was cosmopolitan and sophisticated compared to that of England it seems.”

    Yes, Scots have aye been mair culturally closer to our European neighbours than the ‘auld enemy’. When I started work in shipping in the 1970s we still had regular liner shipping connections with almost all European countries, and these had been developed over many centuries. Barely 20 years later all these companies had been acquired by London firms and the services closed down, with Scottish trade re-routed via ports in England, and our ancient Scottish ‘burgh’ ports sold by UK Gov onto the London Stock Market, now offshore private equity.

    Scots lost our well developed European cultural connections as well as our trading partners, since becoming even more dominated by ‘the mother country’ in all respects.

    ‘Ports are the mouths through which continents speak to each other’ (Voscherau)

    ‘Culture is shaped by ships and the sea’ (Vigarie)

  140. Breastplate says:

    “A Party of Women”

    A ridiculous idea that neatly encapsulates the contempt for men.
    Equally ridiculous would be ‘A Party of Men’.
    A natural progression would be A Party of White People, they could be called the KKK for short.
    A Party of Muslims.
    A Party of Wellie Wearers.

    Where do we stop?

    The idea that men aren’t already overwhelmingly onboard with the protection of Women’s rights is, if I was being diplomatic would say misplaced and if I was being realistic, blinded by misandry.

    I think women have to realise that their voice carries much more weight surrounding these issues, as it should.
    This is why it’s much more damaging to women’s rights when women speak up for chicks with dicks.

    Lady Gaga posing with Dylan Mulvaney, on International Women’s Day no less, endorsing Trans rights (whatever they are) is much more damaging than Arnold Schwarzenegger posing with Dylan Mulvaney endorsing Trans rights.
    J.K. Rowling endorsing Trans rights would be much more damaging than George R.R. Martin endorsing Trans rights.

    Women should not be shifting the blame for this nonsense on to men while exonerating themselves, women have been at the front and centre of this debacle since its beginning with their compliance, aquiesence, validation, protection and endorsement.

    Men already know that these guys are just blokes in frocks with mental disorders, we don’t need to be convinced, we’re already there.

    Sport is a soft underbelly for the Trans movement and women should Boycott any sport and their governing bodies that allow these men to compete against women.
    Women need to do this, men can’t do it for them.

    It’s not more division that’s needed to sort this, it’s less.
    We could do with working together more and pointing fingers less.

  141. Breeks says:

    I know it’s a long shot, but deep down, there’s a part of me hoping that Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics are going to come charging to the rescue and end the madness. “Hatecrime. Hatecrime. Twenty Twenty four…do, do, da, do-do…

    Aye, remember the days when women could dress up like men, David Bowie could do his “thing”, and it wasn’t an ugly thing to witness.

  142. Athanasius says:

    The entire concept of “hate speech” is perverted at best, ruthlessly cynical at worst. There is literally no situation where laws against it are needed to protect anyone since it is an absolute human right to hate anyone you want. It’s only a problem when it turns to violence, discrimination or defamation, and there are ample laws existing to deal with that. In every instance, these laws are leftist driven for the purpose of control and for no other purpose whatsoever. I have said this again and again, and I’m not going to stop saying it — the left is poison. It’s killing Scottish independence, and it’s killing those who identify with labour and working-class history. To every individual who might read this, you have simply got to break with socialism before socialism breaks you. It’s an addiction, and the only way to stop is cold turkey.

  143. Breastplate says:


    If only we could stop socialist politicians and socialist parties gaining power and enacting socialist policies in this country, then everything would quite obviously be hunkydory.
    If only we could ban them.

    I forget, which politicians and parties are misusing the levers of power for their evil deeds?

  144. Geri says:

    It’ll never be policed.
    A complete waste of everyone’s time & money.

    One person’s belief doesn’t trump another person’s belief.
    Someone may think they’re a woman.
    Others may think they’re not.

    Who is right?

    The SNP. Greens, Labour & Lie Dumbs need to go.

    Time for independents to stand.

  145. Campbell Clansman says:

    Who voted for this legislation?
    All but one of the parties–SNP, Labour, LibDem, Green. Even Ash Regan of Alba.
    Who voted against? The Conservatives.

    A teachable moment.

  146. Ruby says:

    20 March, 2024 at 11:51 am

    “A Party of Women”

    A ridiculous idea that neatly encapsulates the contempt for men.


    Womens toilets = A ridiculous idea that neatly encapsulates the contempt for men.
    Womens only spaces = A ridiculous idea that neatly encapsulates the contempt for men.
    Womens party = A ridiculous idea that neatly encapsulates the contempt for men.

    He says
    Men are not to blame for any of this gender idiology. It’s all womens fault
    after all Lady Gaga posed with Dylan Mulvanney.

    Dylan Mulvanney is a man. He doesn’t seem to be overwhelmingly onboard with the protection of Women’s rights.

    Keir Starmer, Craig Murray, Alex Cole Hamilton, Humza Yousaf, Anas Sarwar, Patrick Harvie, India Willoughby, Robyn Whyte, Eddie Suzanne Izzard, Debbie Hayton, Billie Bragg, The Alba Party etc etc etc etc etc all men who don’t seem to be overwhelmingly onboard with the protection of Women’s rights.

    Women need to do this, men can’t do it for them.

    They could if they wanted. They have all the power.

    How about men boycotting sport to show how overwhelmingly onboard they are.

    Just quit watching/going to football/rugby matches.

    Don’t think of it as doing it for women. Think of your children.

    Men need to be doing it for their sons and daughters. Giving up football & rugby is a very small sacrifice to pay to save the children.

  147. Breastplate says:

    You are quite entitled to blame men for your all your ills but if you can’t identify or misdiagnose the source of the problems, there’s little hope of a cure.

    Men call out cheats in their sports in a heartbeat, it’s time women did too.

  148. Mac says:

    The trannies in female sports are the ones I have total contempt for. Cheats, nothing more nothing less.

    Mediocre men cheating a living by denying exceptional women the honours and rewards that they deserve and worked their whole lives for.

    As for the ones in MMA and boxing. They should get their heads kicked in by the general public watching these events just as they would if some guy started beating up a woman in the crowd.

    There was a reason we had male and female sports to start with. Different physiologies. Only a complete cretin tries to argue otherwise. Same is true for being a man versus a woman.

    It amazes me the various sporting bodies have been as tolerant as they have. It totally undermines women’s sports.

  149. Trudt says:

    We are now about 9 years in to a mass western media demonisation of nationalism.

    Western media started bastardising it to the masses in 2014 and then wen nuclear when orange man appeared.

    In my view our populace showed a willingness to defecate all over the concept of nationalism once orange man was waved around as the cool person to bond via collective political hatred. Remember the slogan “love Drumpfs hate”? I bet you do.

    That guy and covid were pretty long lasting tests/exercises of complacency and suggestability which in hindsight its fair to say we “passed” as far as those who ran the tests are concerned.

    Pretty much any stance of orange man was rejected because of this. If ylu remove the emotion youll find orange man is probably more in line with the original dreamers of indy on many issues than not. But its too late, you let him become a taboo and you missed the opportunity to exploit those connections for the indy cause – like how the Uk gov brought Obama over in 2014 to not interfere in our referendum.

    Surely others feel as played as I on this.

  150. Trudt says:

    We are now about 9 years in to a mass western media demonisation of nationalism.

    Western media started bastardising it to the masses in 2014 and then wen nuclear when orange man appeared.

    In my view our populace showed a willingness to defecate all over the concept of nationalism once orange man was waved around as the cool person to bond via collective political hatred. Remember the slogan “love Drumpfs hate”? I bet you do.

    That guy and covid were pretty long lasting tests/exercises of complacency and suggestability which in hindsight its fair to say we “passed” as far as those who ran the tests are concerned.

    Pretty much any stance of orange man was rejected because of this. If ylu remove the emotion youll find orange man is probably more in line with the original dreamers of indy on many issues than not. But its too late, we let him become a taboo and we mightve missed any opportunity to exploit those connections for the indy cause – like how the Uk gov brought Obama over in 2014 to not interfere in our referendum.

    Surely others feel as played as I on this.

  151. Iamsmurphslaw says:

    Ignored says:
    20 March, 2024 at 12:26 am
    msdidi @ 11.30pm

    “Ash Reagan is one of 11 missing names.”


    I’m afraid not. Ash Regan used to be known as Ash Denham, and her name is on that list as having voted for it.

    Thanks moixx for highlighting that my original post was correct and that Ash, amongst lots of other women, voted for it.
    I repeat, perhaps Neale should be asking her why and publishing her answer?
    You can find details here….
    link to

  152. Ruby says:

    20 March, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    The trannies in female sports are the ones I have total contempt for. Cheats, nothing more nothing less.

    They just take advantage of crazy rules.

    The root cause of all the problems is this idea that people can change sex and transwoman are woman.

  153. Ruby says:

    20 March, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    You are quite entitled to blame men for your all your ills but if you can’t identify or misdiagnose the source of the problems, there’s little hope of a cure.

    Men call out cheats in their sports in a heartbeat, it’s time women did too.

    Can you identify the source of the problems?

    I bet you can’t.

    Cheerio Mr Breastplate.

    Party of Women is a brilliant idea!

    Tough if that upsets you!

    You could report it as a hate crime or you could join all the trans activists the next there’s a ‘Let woman Speak’ meeting.

    I suspect you might do that already.

  154. Breastplate says:

    The idea of a “Party of Women” does not upset me, it merely exonerates all women of any wrongdoing in this utter shambles.
    You may not like that it is your duty as a women to protect your rights, it’s an obligation that you and others like you shrink from, you have decided that attacking men is how best to salve your conscience.

    The sad fact about these nonsensical laws that are detrimental to womenfolk is that it would not and could not have come in to being without the support of women at every level of society and every level of government.

    Of course this makes you uneasy, it should.

    Blaming men for women letting men compete with them in sports is convenient for the people who like blaming men for everything.

    This law will ultimately be repealed because it is simply farcical.
    This law wouldn’t have seen the light of day if women had put their foot down when men wanted to compete with women on a level footing.

    Sadly, some women thought this would be lovely and cuddly and sweet and everything would go swimmingly well and unfortunately, feminists who thought that anything a man can do, they can do better, thought it ticked the box of equality, it appealed to their sense of injustice in a man’s world where the male of the species are to blame for everything.

    Allowing hairy arsed guys to change with the girls and compete with them ‘equally’ at everything, has the rest of the male world shaking their heads in disbelief.

    This is a complete and utter mess of your own making but us men are happy to help you clean it up.

  155. msdidi says:

    Thanks for pointing out that I was mistaken about Ash Reagan/Denham. I should have been more careful when scanning the list for her name. Have to admit to being disappointed though.

  156. Geri says:


    Men are to blame in their own way.
    In the early days of this shit on Twitter, women were told to wheeshst for indy. Wheeshed for the SNP. Wheeshed for Nicola. Just wheeshst, live & let live.

    Stu endured no end of abuse about it too when he’d speak out.
    If men had ridiculed the ridiculous, of grown lads winning against wee lassies it’d have gone a long way to maybe knock this shit on the head.

    As it happens tho, I don’t think it’d have mattered in the end. There is a deviance at play here that doesn’t give a shiny shite for public opinion & that’s across all parties.

    I take exception tho at yer claim we didn’t speak out. We did & plenty were lifetime banned off twitter & media platforms & Posie (Aka, Women – Adult Human Female campaign/Let women speak fame/ Women’s Party Founder) has suffered more than most by even being arrested/detained in various countries LOL!

    Men can join her party last time I heard her podcast. She’s just not giving over to men dictating what she, & others, agendas should be regards giving the trans mob an inch to placate them. She’s not much into finding common ground like some others have done. Trans women are men – no matter what idiocy they partake in. They’re still biological men & should be nowhere near children & the grooming shit in schools needs to go. Period.

    It’s a wonder weans can think straight with this shit in schools all day, every day, of every month. Indoctrinated into believing they’re born wrong & suicide or surgery is their only future.

    As far as I know she’s looking for councillors. As Dan has stated before, that’s where the real powers lie. Council level. Women to get in there & just say No – not happening at council meetings

    Good luck to her. I think the name is OK. There’s no room for doubt on who they are. Believers of common sense & biology.

  157. Ruby says:

    Breastplate is posting about stuff he hasn’t a clue about.

    No point in arguing with someone so ignorant and so bitter.

  158. Geri says:


    Women did voice complaints..guess what happens?

    They’re thrown off the team.

    Told to pack up their belongings & go home.

    The same happens in parliament. Whipped to vote or ostracised like Ash was. Holyrood Mandy wrote about Holyrood being absolutely toxic with the Greens making it very uncomfortable working environment.

    There are women who cheerlead this shit. There’s a want aboot them but besides that it comes down to protecting their own positions/livelihood too & they just go along with it. Look at the government funding – another weapon they used. Agree or yer funding is cut..

    Sturgeon shafted us. She gave an indyref vote to the eejit Greens to implement their already rejected manifesto & all for absolutely no reason other than she wanted the SNP to burn. That’s why this shit passed & every single feckwit in Holyrood who passed this needs voted out.

  159. Breastplate says:

    I was generalising when I say women put up with this. Of course there were those who spoke up. My point was that they were negated by the other women who had spoken up on behalf of chicks with dicks.

    Otherwise I agree with everything you’ve said.

  160. Stoker says:

    Geri, you wrote: “It’s a wonder weans can think straight with this shit in schools all day, every day, of every month. Indoctrinated into believing they’re born wrong & suicide or surgery is their only future.

    Here’s an interesting fact for you, on a similar theme. It also fits right into the category of big pharma’s influence in fucked-up western societies. There are just over one-and-a-half *MILLION* kids under 5-years-old in the United States that are on some form of…wait for it…antidepressant.

    Utter shame on all those involved. In my opinion that’s a form of child abuse. *UNDER 5-YEARS_OLD.* What child under 5 even knows what depression is? If a child under 5 truly has depression i think i’d want its guardian(s) looked into before anything.

  161. Stoker says:

    BTW, Geri, good to see you back on form. Was beginning to think maybe you had croaked it. 😉

  162. Ruby says:

    That’s interesting Stoker.

    I read a self help book many years ago about depression.

    The writer compared depression to a toddlers tantrum.

    Basically you went into a sulk/got depressed because you couldn’t get what you wanted.

    Looks as if now they are calling Toddlers tantrums depression.

    I wonder if the depression started when the were 2 years old.

    The terrible twos.

  163. Geri says:


    Aye. It’s Munchausen by Proxy on stilts over there.

    Even worse, some of those anti depressants are found to cause suicidal thoughts.

    I think this perversion is a grotesque form of population control. Have young people willingly remove themselves from procreating.

    I see a lot of the reviews on TikTok/twitter of parents marching in their kids to surgery when the vid is really about the adult attention seeking to their audience. It’s criminal.

    TRA teachers even worse – spending whole lessons on their own sexuality & what they & their partner did at the weekend. Not a jotter even opened for a real lesson. It’s complete madness.

    The surgeons & doctors need jailed. They’re on TikTok too celebrating *neep the teats* (or whatever the saying is) as they promote removing young, healthy girls breasts. It’s tragic.

  164. Geri says:

    I’ve not croaked it yet lol

    Just had things to do. There was a blink of sun & I mistakenly thought spring had sprung as the heavens opened.


    I bet that has a lot to do with it. Jeez, I’d be terrified as a kid now playing with my brother’s Action Man & being marched in for the chop.

    Half the eejits I see on social media are narcissists seeking attention by vlogging/TikToking about their Trans kid. I’m reminded of Harry Enfields Waynetta Slob sketch where she wanted a black baby cause everyone on the estate had one but her..LOL

    He’d be arrested for that now…10 yrs in the clink. Take him down lol

    Imagine this crap in court..

    Well, M’lord, I Wiz in the pub when Ze/Zen & Two spirited walked in & the barman called us a bunch of fannies cause he thought two spirited was a drink. I Wiz dead hurt so a wiz.. I’ve been aff my Vera’s for weeks due to emotional distress ..bang him up, Mister.

  165. Neale Hanvey MP says:

    @Ruby and others. I struggle to understand why you would conclude or seek to infer I’m on board with TWAW mantra. I have rejected this repeatedly in my many articles and speeches. For the avoidance of doubt I don’t ’believe’ anything. My position from the start is clear, I know that Transsexuals retain their natal biology , so trans identifying males are male. Cross dressing men are male. No one can change their natal sex, and this is consistent with the views of many transsexuals. If stating material reality and truth are to be a crime that constitutes a totalitarian pseudo-theocracy I reject entirely.

    I don’t seek to speak for women, but I will always stand with them as they stood with me.

  166. Cuilean says:

    The British state have plants in SNP and Scottish Greens. That’s a given.

    Plants will encourage all law which is unpopular but niche to the out of touch elite.

    Scots lose confidence in Holyrood, which quickens its demise.

    It would be one explanation for the series of unpopular law passed at Holyrood since Sturgeon came to power.

    Of course, the flaw in this narrative is that if Labour win the UK GE, it will introduce the same.

  167. Andy Storrie says:

    More herding tactics from London gofers. Designed to lead and herd people away from the Scottish parliament, and, thus, away from full autonomy.

    Needless to say, legal officials and parliamentarians in Scotland should not be abusing their positions in such a manner.

    London has Humza Yousef batting for them, the bulk of the Scottish legal sector, and the vast, vast majority of Fake news outlets… and the percentage of Scots who want fuck all to do with the shit bags in London continues to climb.

    That’s how bad London is.


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