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A change of heart

Posted on October 07, 2013 by

102 to “A change of heart”

  1. HandandShrimp says:

    LOL now he wants to make it a point of conflict.

  2. MajorBloodnok says:

    Is he any relation to Ian Carmichael, star of the film “Lucky Jim” (also starring Terry-Thomas)?

  3. david says:

    abrasive, aggresive, in your face. fantastic qualities for an honorable mp. 

  4. Bill C says:

    If things were in a ‘steady as she goes’ mode, this sacking would not have taken place, something or someone has obviously ‘spooked the horses’.  I smell fear from ‘Project Fear’!

  5. Midgehunter says:

    Cameron’s probably foaming at the mouth with all the bad publicity he’s getting regarding Scotland and his “chicken” wings, BT is losing the plot, Moore wasn’t making any headway. I reckon there’s been a few very heated meetings just recently in Westminster about how to tame the Scots – the bad stuff is just about to get a little bit more deadly, get ready folks.

  6. HandandShrimp says:

    You don’t throw in a winning hand that is for sure

  7. John grant says:

    In the immortal words of someone , bring it on 

  8. Seasick Dave says:

    So it can’t be a bad memory then.

  9. Vincent McDee says:

    To the new Viceroy I can only say “Ave Ally, independenti te salutamus”. It sums feeling wonderfully.

  10. Keef says:

    I don’t know if he is Major.
    But I certianly do not like the cut of the mans jib.

  11. The hypocrisy of the unionists is yet another reason for you to vote yes.

  12. cath says:

    ‘tax-funded campaign manager for the Labour Party in Scotland’.
    But it’s fine if it’s a tax funded campaign manager for the Lib Dems and Tories. Or just Westminster and the union more generally. In that case lets get all abrasive and insult and smear the elected Scottish government even more than we have been doing already.

  13. Luigi says:

    I suppose if DC is feeling uncomfortable because of his refusal to debate with AS, then the small matter of sacking MM may provide a useful, temporary distraction.

  14. Stevie Mach says:

    Another non-tory-Tory fall guy, human shield, scapegoat, sacrificial lamb to the slaughter. Can’t wait for the debates with this one!

  15. Macart says:

    Since they’re bringing in this shouty, in yer face chap, maybe they think we’re deaf?
    I mean we got the message from Westminster first time round with the quieter lad. 😉

  16. HandandShrimp says:

    I have be honest here and say I would not know Carmichael if you dropped him on me from a great height. What has he been involved in?

  17. Simon says:

    I think it used to be called the Secretary of State for Scotland. When did they change to to the Secretary of State against Scotland?

  18. Guy Wersh says:

    It’s obvious that they’re going to have to get “shouty” because we’re ‘foreigners’ to them and we all know that shouting makes you more easily understood.

  19. redcliffe62 says:

    It is so obvious. Cameron needs a focal point other than himself and so Carmichael is being bigged up as a representative of the Coalition.

    Darling does not cut it with even a modicum of questioning as he is just a Labour backbencher based in London most of the time and Cameron knows it.

    That 12 mile limit for Orkney and Shetland needs to be on the posters. Vote No as your MP tells you and you can have all the oil within 12 miles of Lerwick and Kirkwall, or you can be part of the Scottish revolution and experience.

  20. Dramfineday says:

    “Alistair Carmichael, will adopt more of an abrasive, in-your-face approach to Alex Salmond.”

    Oh no! Please no. Not another from the J Lamont school of shouty, ill mannered, lying politics? It’s bad enough watching her week in and week out without the governor general now wading in! (wee greety faced thing bob).

    Still, on the upside, and for those of you paying more attention than me, what’s the score now for Alex regarding seeing off opposition leaders and governor generals?

  21. BeamMeUpScotty says:

    It would now appear that even the unionists agree that having two governments is one too many.
    We just have to decide which one we want to keep.

  22. Seasick Dave says:

    OT, but Derek Bateman is hoofing it into Labour (and Grahamski) at the moment.
    Well worth a read.

  23. jim mitchell says:

    Rev, maybe it would be interesting if we could compile a what they said then, and what they say now list from various unionist politicians!

  24. simian hoofer of the daily mail says:

    Wonder if Carmichael will try the old partioning routine so beloved of the brits in years gone by.
    How would the unionists like it if the Scottish Government started bullying the English and claiming the Isle of Wight for Scotland?

  25. Susan S says:

    Okay – they’re doing this because they are dissatisfied with MM’s approach/demeanor/apathy, and they have hope this guy will turn things around…or – they’re doing this because they feel they’ve already lost and they want to give the new guy a duff assignment, thus humiliating him in Sept 2014 so that they can snigger and point at him behind his back. 

    Alternatively – they KNOW they are going to lose, and this guy is the best candidate for doing the bulk of the negotiations with the Scottish Government. 

  26. Desimond says:

    Its all going Wizard of Oz as far as i can tell

    After Nicola easily dealt with The TinMan Michael Moore, and then managed to suffer the wannabe Scarecrow in Anas Sarwar, I look forward to her smiling as Mr Carmichael roars at her like the Lion encountering Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road.

    One nose tweak later and it will all be over!

  27. Jamie Arriere says:

    Interesting quote from Clegg in letter to Moore per BBC website :
    “In a letter to the MP, Mr Clegg said: “Not only have you successfully piloted through legislation to enable Scotland to take a major step towards the party’s long held goal of Home Rule, but you have also ensured that the referendum next year will give the Scottish people a clear and decisive question on which to cast their vote.”
    So-o-o-oh, are the Libdems voting Yes? If not why not? What is this Home Rule that’s on the ballot paper?

  28. handclapping says:

    Moore was too respectful of the rights of the only Government in the UK to have a parliamentary majority gained in free and fair election. Clegg and Brave Dave have decided we need to be reminded that they are Westminster and they are sovereign so they appoint some shouty bruiser who will ignore the democratic mandate and subvert our First Minister and our Scottish Parliament.
    Yet again, Westminster isn’t working for Scotland. Vote Yes and let us make our own mistakes rather than accepting Westminster’s ones.

  29. Kev says:

    So just days after Salmond gave Cameron the option to either debate with him or butt out completely, Dave responds by sending one of his heavies into the fight.. Sounds like a feartie to me…And I wonder what this replacement Secretary of State AGAINST Scotland will do? Attempt to sell a positive case for the Union or just tell the same old scare stories and lies, but shout them at us instead..

  30. Munguin says:

    Firstly I’m not sure it’s such a good idea to be changing horses in the middle of the race. Replacing a known figure, with a handle on the brief with an unknown one without? Is that really sensible?
    Secondly do they really think that an abrasive and in your face model is the one to adopt in  the last 11 months (or less as I assume Carmichael will take a bit of time to bed in). Alex and Nicola will not be unduly worried by that. I find that an abrasive approach is much more of a turn off. See Kirsty Wark and Jerment Paxman’s abrasive attitude to the SNP for a case in point. And see how easily Alex and Nicola’s calm authority makes these masters of in your face abrasion look small and petty.
    Sometimes I wonder if they actually want to win this referendum!

  31. heraldnomore says:

    and former Viceroy, Murphy about to be demoted….

  32. MajorBloodnok says:


  33. call me dave says:

    Tell us more!   Labour also doing a shuffle this week.  I can see nowt in the news so far.

  34. Brian Powell says:

    I noticed something about Norman Smith saying, Faslane may have to remain part of England.
    Is that something very old, from several months ago, or has this come up again?

  35. domhnall dods says:

    Bbc showing their usual grasp of detail said he’d be replacing moore as head of the no campaign, and moore had been too soft,  for example he’d never come out and said Scotland couldn’t survive as an independent country. 
    Unrelnting positivity is what we can expect then. 

  36. Arbroath 1320 says:

    Sorry Stu all I can think of is what I posted over on Munguin’s.
    UKOK Tower: Muppet 1 this is UKOK Tower calling are you receiving?
    Muppet 1: Are you talking to me UKOK Tower?
    UKOK Tower: Affirmative!
    Muppet 1: does that mean yes?
    UKOK Tower: *SIGH* yes Muppet 1 that does indeed mean YES!
    UKOK Tower: Muppet 1 RTB!
    Muppet 1: RTB UKOK Tower?
    UKOK Tower: Affirmative!
    Muppet 1: What does RTB mean UKOK Tower?
    UKOK Tower: for goodness sake Muppet 1 et your earse back to base!
    UKOK Tower: Muppet 2 you are cleared for taker off!
    Muppet 2: take off what UKOK Tower?
    UKOK Tower: don’t you bloody well start Muppet 2 I’;ve had just about enough with Muppet 1 just get your earse into the air pronto!
    Muppet 2: pronto?
    UKOK Tower: *BANG*

  37. McHaggis says:

    “OT, but Derek Bateman is hoofing it into Labour (and Grahamski) at the moment.
    Well worth a read.”

  38. call me dave says:

    Snippet from Telegraph. Labour reshuffle speculation.
    What will happen to the Blairites? The Labour Left are in the ascendant, and they are looking for scalps. Unite’s Len McCluskey has frequently called for Miliband to rid himself of apostates such as Liam Byrne, Stephen Twigg, and Jim Murphy. If Miliband were to do so, it would send a damaging signal that McCluskey is the man really pulling the shadow cabinet strings, so a mass cull is unlikely. That said, Labour’s conference shows Miliband is not afraid of charges he is taking his party to the Left, so a purge can’t be completely ruled out.
    link to

  39. call me dave says:

    For Bateman link scroll up  top page and click Derek Bateman.
    He has two blogs on the go there.

  40. Jenny says:

    Maybe they want to keep Orkney and Shetland in the event of a “no” vote from that region and a “yes” vote from the mainland. Alistair has had a seat there for some time.

  41. call me dave says:

    The NO campaign has dumped one of it’s strongest cards!

    link to

  42. Dennis Smith says:

    @ Brian Powell at 3.16.
    Radio Scotland this morning.  The point is (if I heard right) he wasn’t talking about Faslane remaining part of rUK (which makes a kind of perverse sense).  He was talking about Faslane remaining part of ENGLAND.

  43. call me dave says:

    Jim Murphy has been moved from his position as Shadow Defence Secretary. Stephen Twigg has also lost his job as Shadow Education Secretary.

  44. cath says:

    “How would the unionists like it if the Scottish Government started bullying the English and claiming the Isle of Wight for Scotland?”
    Maybe the SNP should try it? Not bullying, just standing in constituencies where Blair’s stolen oil has ended up and offer them the SNP prospectus (including similar autonomy and resource rights as looking likely to be offered to the islands) plus joining with Scotland instead of being run by Westminster. Might find a surprising amount of support.

  45. HandandShrimp says:

    Murphy to International Development? That is a bit weird. I can’t imagine he is too pleased. Still he will get to go to lots of countries…just sans aircraft carriers.

  46. Gordon Hay says:

    With Moore at a loose end, I wonder if that means Darling’s days as head of BT are numbered. After all, he made it plain from the start he was a reluctant conscript to the role.

  47. scottish_skier says:

    Maybe Moore’s exit coincides with negotiations being largely complete? The white paper and joint UK-Scottish Government statement is due just next month.
    Time to put a raving, voter betraying unionist who doesn’t like foreigners in place to push the Scots to Yes?
    I agree with much of the New Statesman article anyway.

  48. desimond says:

    So the Blairites are being removed from the great trough. Wonder how long that will last?

    I watched the excellent movie “A Royal Affair” last night, a highly recommended show on 1770s Danish Court and the Council cabal of greed and misery looking after themselves while the common man suffers by their action and inaction.

    The lengths that people will go to protect their lifestyle was as frightening then as it it now, only now, they dont even bother doing it behind  closed doors.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “I watched the excellent movie “A Royal Affair” last night”

      That IS a good movie.

  49. EdinScot says:

    Reshuffling of deckchairs on the Titanic springs to mind.  I mean look how successful the three Unionist Scottish Leaders have been since the resignations of their three namesakes after the hammering their parties took from the SNP via the voting public at the Holyrood 2001 Election, right?  Getting even more shouty for the hard of hearing Jocks will work, wont it?  Well, wont it, lol.

  50. Craig P says:

    I was doing some housekeeping on my PC and found a list made last summer with my impressions of some milestones in the lead up to the referendum. These likely milestones are based on nothing more than what I have read on websites such as this. Interesting as a year on, most of them have come true.
    • Jubilee and Olympics
    • Polls show slight rise in support for union
    • Rangers go down the Swanee
    • Indy ref agreed for SNP favoured date circa Oct 2014, with SNP favoured wording, and no 2nd question
    • Scottish Labour announces shift to right
    • Scotland fail to qualify for Brazil world cup
    • Labour splits into pro union and pro indy factions

  51. Craig P says:

    And here are the events from the list that have yet to happen, but maybe will?
    • Major newspaper supports indy
    • McCrone report distributed to all Scottish households
    • A range of establishment figures reveal support for Indy
    • Conversations amongst normal people reach ‘tipping point’ – more often than not, when talking to people about politics, it turns out they already support indy
    • Black flag event such as Adam Busby sending a couple of letter bombs to unionist politicians
    • 2014 indy rally gathers 50,000, held in Glasgow
    • 1m signatures for independence
    • Referendum

  52. Albalha says:

    New post, Mr Bateman on Mr Moore
    link to

  53. cath says:

    “Reshuffling of deckchairs on the Titanic springs to mind. “
    I’m surprised in looking at the re-shuffles just how few names I’ve heard of, and the number I’ve heard of but can’t remember which party they’re in and can’t bring to mind anything they’ve ever done.

  54. call me dave says:

    No love lost there then.  But the point Bateman also makes is that these ‘big players’ are just paper tigers.  The whole NO campaign is rotten inside and only the semblance of a shell holds the thing together.
    I doubt his replacement will be any different but when listening to him a few minutes ago on BBC radio Scotland, he’s full of himself.

  55. call me dave says:

    Vernon Coaker moves from his job as shadow Northern Ireland secretary to shadow defence secretary, replacing Mr Murphy.
    From wiki; not much there!
    In January 2010, Mr Coaker apologised for remarks that misled MPs. Mr Coaker had earlier told MPs that 70 police officers were hurt as a result of a Climate Change protest at Kingsnorth power station.
    In fact, there were only 12 injuries that were legally reportable with just four of those involving contact with another person.[4] The remaining eight injuries included “wasp sting”, an injury while “sitting in a car”, and an officer succumbing “to sun and heat”.
    There were 68 injuries in total with the rest being treated by first aiders at the scene. The whole operation had involved more than 1,000 officers.[4]

  56. EdinScot says:

    Cath, its gotten to the point with me, that its a case of ‘same s**t different day’ with these chancers, if you’ll excuse my poor grasp of French.  It already is a stuck record from the Unionists with yet another one churning out the same old negative mantra.  Not exactly got all the hallmarks of a winning formula, eh!

  57. EphemeralDeception says:

    This begs the question: Why are Scots paying for the SoSfS to attack our own government when he is supposed to be pushing Scottish interests in the Cabinet?
    Why is SoSfS only acting for No voters as opposed to taking a more balanced view as a go-between and facilitator on all aspects of Scottish UK relations?
    Secondly this is complete interference by Cameron.  He has sanctioned this  (from BBC) “David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s desire to have a more combative figure in the job to take the fight to SNP leader Alex Salmond.”
    Since it is obvious that Cameron is taking a direct action on behalf of the UK, now he has even less grounds to avoid debate, he is certainly not butting out, he is butting in further.
    SNP should call him an interfering coward and puppeteer and state that if the future of the UK is as important as he says, he needs to make his case. As for choosing a team Captain, that’s already been done by making him UK PM and Salmond selected as FM

  58. gavin lessells says:

    The Scottish Parliament was created by an act of the UK Parliament. The SNP won a majority of that Parliament under the rules set by that Act.

    The Scottish Goverment called a Referendum on the future of Scotland legitimately under the terms of the Scottish Parliament and the Act that led to it`s creation

    The Secretary of State must recognise the legitimate right of the elected Scottish Parliament and to ensure fair play in the conduct of the Referendum.


  59. EphemeralDeception says:

    The Lib dems now have seriously low credibility and trust across Scotland.  If AC now has to act like an attack dog (as  billed), I cannot see this going down well at all, no matter how the MSM stage it.
    Indeed Moore did at least support the process. AC does not support his own role, or the referendum really, he also voted for WAR in Syria recently (voted aye), he is a liability to the no campaign.
    Like all LDs he also voted against Scottish ministers having any oversight whatever in the new so called borrowing powers of the devolved parliament (link to
    All in all, there are many questions and challenges that can be asked of AC and this puts him up as more as a target than Moore.  Its funny, given that Islay has tons of local talent and the island itself benefits Scotland as a major exporter and source of revenue and culture, it seems this has been counterbalanced by the likes of AC and George Robertson.

  60. Andy-B says:

    Alisatir Carmichael, a man who once said the post of Scottish Secretary shouldnt exist, Carmichael also said Holyrood and Stormont shouldnt exist either.
    Mr Carmichael only wants Westminster and his ascention, up the greasy pole of advancement through appeasement of his southern political masters.

  61. Cruachan says:

    Newsbreak……Murphy moved to International Development.

  62. call me dave says:


    The main role of the Scottish Secretary is to promote and protect the devolution settlement.
    Other responsibilities include promoting partnership between the UK government and the Scottish government, and relations between the 2 Parliaments.
    link to

  63. call me dave says:

    Yet Moore revelations from Mr Bateman.He’s having two bites of the cherries.(sounds painful)
    Link above on the blue column top page

  64. velofello says:

    So we are provided with a Secretary of State for Scotland from the minority LIbDems – Scotland and rUK-for the second time,and both Moore and Carmichael have expressed the view that the office of SoS for Scotland should be abolished. Haun knitted for the job.
    Why was wee Mundy passed over,he is the big near majority-in rUK- Tory party’s man in Scotland? 
    Just can’t wait to hear Murphy’s heartfelt concerns for the people of…..wherever, as the Yanks would say.Plus side for him is that he get to travel with the arms trade missions, to wherever.

  65. ScotFree1320 says:

    On Sunday, Nov 4th 2012, John Rentoul of The Independent was fed a line which he obediently repeated.  Clearly it was not meant to end like this!  The report is as comical as its headline and caption!

    The man who saved the Union: Lib Dem Michael Moore is Westminster’s answer to James Bond
    The SNP will ask the Scottish electorate to vote for a greased pig in a dark poke

    link to

  66. Haggistrap says:

    Amazingly AC took 62% of the vote in Orkney & Shetland against approx 10% each for SNP & Labour in the 2010 general election.
    What are they drinking up there?

  67. Haggistrap says:

    Whatever his views, Michael Moore did conduct himself in a gentlemanly manner. That is about to change with more yaboo style dialogue with Alistair Carmichael, couldn’t call it debate.
    Tonight on Newsdrive Scotland, Gary Robertson I think, said he managed to get one question in when interviewing AC.

  68. call me dave says:

    Not what they drink, it’s the gas and oil fumes. It is fair to say that the population will have many folk who 30 years ago would have been happily working elsewhere and bringing up a family. So it’s a diverse cross-section of settled folk with newer folk just putting their roots down and there has always been a ‘we can look after ourselves’ approach to life.
    When you have your MP stirring things up to thwart the SG for personal reasons  (see link) it appears that things are not as they are on the mainland.  However I believe that the voters will be, in the main, quite happy to stick with Scotland.
    link to

  69. James Westland says:

    Regarding AC and his share of the vote, I suspect there are several factors coming in to play:
    Orkney and Shetland have always been traditional Lib territory – think Jo Grimond, Jim Wallace
    There is probably a huge “personal” vote for him as well.  This is classic Liberal stuff. The late Rae Michie was hugely popular, likewise Charles Kennedy. Almost like the politics took second place to the personality. Might be the case with AC as well. Mind you, I am talking about old school liberalism here – not the new “in bed with the tories” stuff
    Just arm-waving here – might be other reasons

  70. scottish_skier says:

    Anyway, sometimes people must learn a lesson the hard way.
    Alistair is about to learn ‘never trust a Tory’ in this manner.
    Will be ‘sucked in and spat out” just like Mr Moore.

  71. Albalha says:

    There is always hope maybe the people involved in these groups can shed a light on the current popularity of their MP.
    link to
    link to

  72. Les Wilson says:

    simian hoofer of the daily mail
    Well I do believe we could make a legitimate claim on DONCASTER !

  73. Daughter of Evil Reindeer says:

    Think Carmichael has been chosen because of his constituency, heritage Liberal and location, deep in oil country, also his large majority at last vote.

    I thought that his comments on the Scotland Act were interesting way back in May 2012, wonder if he is still of the same opinion?

    Commenting, Mr Carmichael said:
    ‘While debates over further devolution and independence will continue, the Scotland Act is a big step in the right direction. The Scottish Liberal Democrats have always been a home rule party and the measures included in this bill offer Holyrood significant new powers. Since the creation of the Scottish Parliament, no First Minister has been responsible for raising the money that they spend. The Scotland Act goes some way towards addressing this anomaly”.

  74. Taranaich says:

    @ScotFree1320: On Sunday, Nov 4th 2012, John Rentoul of The Independent was fed a line which he obediently repeated.  Clearly it was not meant to end like this!  The report is as comical as its headline and caption!
    Thanks very much, ScotFree1320! From that link:
    Salmond has been underestimated before, although support for independence in opinion polls has rarely exceeded one third of the electorate. But he may have met his match in Moore, as skilful in judging the politics of Whitehall as he is the mood of Scotland. It may be that, after the referendum, Moore will be counted the most successful Liberal Democrat in the Cabinet, and, even, the man who saved the United Kingdom.
    Ah, hindsight…

  75. call me dave says:

    Thanks for the link to the Islands.  I liked this little jewel.

  76. Kirriereoch says:

    I wonder if Mr Carmichael will be able to repeat the Better Together mantra that oil will run out in 2 weeks/2 months/2 years etc with a straight face while being perfectly aware that there is more than a wee bit of oil in his own constituency.

  77. James Westland says:

    Daughter of the Evil Reindeer mentions:
    Scottish Liberal Democrats have always been a home rule party”  I’d like to see this statement fleshed out a bit more. What does he actually MEAN by “home rule”. Is that complete independence? Devo max? Devo uber-hyper-super-max?  What fiscal powers? Defence? Foreign policy? Nukes?  
    According to:
    link to
    They are in favour of a “federal” UK? Sounds almost like independence by another name. 
    I am pretty certain that this “federalism” is NOT what BT is all about.

  78. Arbroath 1320 says:

    sorry this is O/T but if anyone is in Edinburgh tomorrow with 5 minutes to kill they might like to go along to the old Ferranti Crewe Toll site where a certain Mr Hammond is apparently planning to give a talk to the workers there. 😆

  79. Andy says:

    This will be them getting ready to say Orkney and Shetland do not want independance and will stay part of England

  80. Krackerman says:

    Mr Carmichael has just been on the telly blathering some sh1te or other about being proud to be newly selected Uncle Tom Jock of choice and something struck me…
    I’ve seen him before..

  81. call me dave says:

    There is a hint that some folk thing a policy change on trident could be on the horizon.
    link to

  82. Daughter of Evil Reindeer says:

    @ James Westland
    All seems a bit vague… Anyway, the report of the Scottish Liberal Democrat’s Home Rule and Community Rule Commission – bit from the student paper The Journal.
    It proposes an alternative to independence in which a future Scottish parliament would be given responsibility for generating the majority of its own revenues and controlling subsequent domestic expenditure, while local councils would be allocated greater financial autonomy in an effort to strengthen local democracy.

    Were the commission’s recommendations to be implemented, the Act of Union between Scotland and England would be replaced by a declaration of federal union. Responsibility for defence, foreign affairs and welfare would remain with a federal UK parliament at Westminster, but the Scottish government would be responsible for most domestic issues.

    but the Hootsmon has more on the nittygritty…
    THE Scottish Government should be stripped of its power to effectively impose the council tax freeze across the country, under a blueprint for a federal UK unveiled today by former Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell.

    link to
    Not quite sure how this would fit in with their coalition role or their BT role.
    Cheap and nasty.

  83. Jeannie says:

    Oh Dear God, it’s LORD Jeremy Purvis now.  Have these folk no self-respect at all?

  84. In relation to the comments above from EphemeralDeception and Call Me Dave about the role and responsibilities of the Secretary Of State for Scotland, according to this article from the BBC’s Political Correspondent Iain Watson – link to – it’s apparently ‘to tweak Alex Salmond’s tail.”
    Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that the role of the opposition in the Scottish Parliament, rather than a member of the Westminster Cabinet, (that we are partly funding, no less)?
    And I can’t see how that squares with the job description to “promote partnership between the UK government and the Scottish government, and relations between the 2 Parliaments.”

  85. call me dave says:

    Thanks for that link.  It will take a better man/woman to tweak the tail of AS than the new boy on the block.. Changing horses in mid stream is strange and somethings afoot, both in the coalition and in the better together grouping about how the independence debate is panning out.
    Maybe their (private) polling is alarming them or maybe Moore told Cameron to do the decent thing and take AS on in a head to head.  It will all come out in the wash soon enough.

  86. Krackerman says:

    Now Now Horace – as you well know the role of the SoS for Jockland’s job as new Uncle Tom Jock is to keep all us little jocks in line and the money flowing to Westminster.
    Partnership! lol – what do you think this is… a union of equals!!??

  87. Haggistrap says:

    Usual BBC bias, under UK political news, the Party Conferences section shows 4 political parties including UKIP. Comments are permitted for Tories, Labour and Libdems but not UKIP. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want comments on UKIP but what blatant bias and stifling of viewpoints.
    The same is probably going to happen with Scottish Greens and SNP conferences. The BBC is not fit for purpose, although my grandaughter thinks they do a good job on Cbeebies.

  88. call me dave says:

    Nice little piece here on Moore.
    link to

  89. James Westland says:

    Call me Dave: “Changing horses in mid stream is strange and somethings afoot, both in the coalition and in the better together grouping about how the independence debate is panning out.”
    A fascinating point. WTF is going on? You dont change a winning team. There is a look of desperation about this. Please please please let it be so……

  90. Barontorc says:

    Well didn’t it all tumble out from LORD Jeremy Purvis on Newsnicht; the LibDems are leading the push for the UK coalition gov to keep Scotland in the Union and it was the LibDems that decided it was time for a change of horse, by removing Moore and sticking in ‘bruiser’ Carmichael as SoS.  
    He gleefully said it twice, he’s the LORD in charge of LibDem strategy/ Scotland for the UK, so it must be TRUE and does that mean i’ts the bloody-silly-party LibDems who are running the UK gov’s side for Scotland, that they have been given Scotland to look after? Now that is a class act from Call me Dave – that is real contempt in action!
    Then the real torag class acts Torcquil and Severin were wheeled out to explain what a clever ploy it all was and that Salmond’s contempt for Moore would not happen with ‘bruiser’ Carmichael, or words to that dire effect. These bampots are definitely smoking much too much ganja! Add to that Alistair of the black eybrows slinging his handbag at Gordon of the moral compass on the real Newsnight from Blighty and it was quite an incredible evening all round!

  91. call me dave says:

    You know that theory of Scottish_Skier.  The one that says the Tory party want Scotland out of the way!  He might be right.
    PS:   Bit of fun here: Mr Salmond.

    See the first comment. Corker!!

  92. john king says:

    I wish they had made Phillip Hammond Scottish secretary,
    oh what fun we could have had 🙂

  93. john king says:

    simon says
    “I think it used to be called the Secretary of State for Scotland. When did they change to to the Secretary of State against Scotland?”
    we’ve NEVER  had a secretary of state FOR  Scotland since then

  94. Shinty says:

    More lies from Darling;
    link to

  95. john king says:

    Sally Magnusson @ 07.00 today
    “The BBC has seen a Ministry of Defence internal briefing  document on Scottish independence, it raises concerns the effect a yes vote would have on the politics, the economy, and the standing of the rest of the UK” 
    quote ends
    now we’re getting to the REAL reasons for the bitter attacks on the independence campaign 
    soor ploom anyone?

  96. Graeme Purves says:

    BBC Scotland is reporting that Murphy is being posted to Project Fear.

  97. desimond says:

    Murphy to Project Fear, it was mentioned that he would devote his newly found abundance of Free Time now to “defending the Union” on Newsnight Scotland. 

    These people really have no shame. Thanks to the posters who have highlighted how the Sec of State for Scotland is anything but FOR Scotland, incredible really, if it was a gag on The Thick Of It we would slam Armando Ianucci for “taking it too far!”

  98. Morgan McKeown says:

    Given that the SNP are all for joining  federal europe with power and authority  centralised in Brusselsminster….why so offended by a federal UK. Switzerland is a federal country that has 4 languages and cultures under its flag. German, French, Italian and Romanch speakers. It has a seven person rotating presidency so that no one person has absolute rule, a parlaiment…could be a goer. is all i would say. UKIP advocate that policy aswelll as the LIB`s.  

  99. A2 says:

    Is it not possible (even probable) that Michael Moore has had a look at the figures, listened to the arguments and come to the sensible conclusion?

    He has after all, had access to a lot of information about Scotland’s finances, and may have had to say to Dave “Umm actually I can’t argue against independence any more”

  100. cath says:

    “why so offended by a federal UK.”
    Who’s offended by it? Many people would have preferred it but it’s not an option on the ballot paper. Westminster has had 300 years to deliver a federal system – and it’s been discussing home rule for Scotland for 150 of them. It ain’t happening.
    “UKIP advocate that policy aswelll as the LIB`s. “
    UKIP certainly don’t. They want to abolish Holyrood and replace it with a Westminster MPs committee. The Libs said they did but when they had a real chance to do it, ie a coalition with the SNP in 2007 coupled with being in government in the UK in 2010, they ran a mile.

  101. call me dave says:

    Hear! Hear!
    The Libs have been parading ‘Home Rule’ / Federalism for over 100 years. They actually had a chance to do it once but chickened out.
    You are right it’s not on the Ballot paper.  It’s a meant to distract and set a false trail away from the real issue.  Look a ginger squirrel!
    UKIP: Aye right!


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    • Lorn on Signal and noise: “Well, Hatey, you are going to have to explain that one to the four (at the last count) ‘men’ who…Mar 13, 12:54
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “In another turn of events Sarah is partially right and Stuart is partially wrong. Designation as a non-self governing territory…Mar 13, 12:29
    • Marie on Signal and noise: “I agree but we need to fight for Scotland’s historical legacy as an epicentre of enlightened thinking. Political parties that…Mar 13, 11:13
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    • Nae Need! on Signal and noise: “Couldn’t agree more, Lorn.Mar 12, 21:35
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