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Wings Over Scotland

A bridge too far

Posted on December 24, 2015 by
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Slab must have a whole fleet of those.


Fantastic. Nail on the head.


Very good Chris-I like that one. No words needed.

Hope you & yours have a lovely Christmas &that Santa brings you everything you wished for.

Same goes to all wingers & everyone else that may pop in for a peep. Have a good one all of you.

Grouse Beater

Excellent. Labour as muck spreader.


Brilliant. Merry Christmas all.

Auld Rock

Pure bloody brilliant. Mind you when are SNP going to get it right, building a new bridge because New Labour cancelled back in 1997 even though they had been told it was being overloaded and coalition in Holyrood with Fib/Dems did nothing, then when fault was discovered on 4th December got on with repair then had the audacity to reopen twelve days ahead of scedule and not only that, they went even further and opened a further 40 mins early. Not good enough – SNP must be BAD.

Feck them, 5th May – SNP x 2.

Happy Christmas to you all.

Auld Rock


Given the glut on the world sanctimonious bullshit markets they’ll soon not even be able to give it away for free,

Scotland, the only country in the world that pays to be lied to be under penalty of jail!

Do not pay these people to spread their muck!


Thanks Chris. Spot on.

Wishing you, the Rev and all the Wingers a Happy holiday and a Peaceful New Year.

Wings is (mostly) an oasis of sanity in a world that seems to have gone completely bonkers.

Thanks to you all for your enlightening, informative and amusing posts. Too many brilliant folk to name names but you know who you all are. Peace and love to you all.



That just sums up the red Tories year. Have a great Christmas and New year, then onward and upwards to independence.


Happy Christmas to everyone.

Adam Davidson

There must be a steady stream of these trucks from all over Scotland hoovering up Labour BS and heading to Shieldhall. Gotta feel sorry for the west coast fish.

I hear there is one connected up to Jackie Baillie’s house on a permanent basis.

Auld Rock

Have you heard the ‘JOKE’ of the day? No, well Wee Ruthie is telling us to look after the needy this Christmas, bit rich when she and her posh toffs have caused most of it!!!

Auld Rock


Love the rendering of the lorry.


They’ll not run out of that anytime soon. 🙂

Nice one Chris.

The very best of the season to all Wingers.

Have a good one folks. 🙂


Another classic,
Nice One Chris.

Bugger (the Panda)

That would be a two compartment tanker with the second one filled with industrial concentration Brasso.

happy and peaceful Xmas to all.

Bugger (the Panda)

Great cartoon Chris.

Are you still in Skye and is that bridge still working?


Nice one Chris.

Ach well, they’ll just have to park their trucks in the streets of Morningside. I’m sure the residents will be delighted to have them.

Have a good holiday everyone.

donald anderson

Don’t forget Labour Bridge Tolls and the Erskine Bridge incompetence, student fees, scrapping of student grants without warning and support for prescription charges, etc, etc, etc.

The list is endless, so a Happy New Beer tae yin and a’.


Analysts forecasts suggest that the crude SLab Sanctimonious Bullshit price has a lot further to fall yet – that it could go as low as $20 a barrel or they wont even be able to give it away.

This is the extreme low “cost price” predicted since the autumn by Goldman Sachs/Scottish voters, for early next year. Now the International Monetary Fund has hinted that global SLab Sanctimonious Bullshit prices could fall this low when Iran increases its oil exports in the wake of the lifting of international sanctions.

Hugh Barclay

Nice one Chris, says all we need to know about Labour in Scotland.

On an other note, Stuart Campbell, another fantastic year taking Unionist bollocks apart and opening folks eyes, so a massive thank you for that, I hope you have a nice relaxing time over the holidays, much deserved.

To all other Wingers, happy Christmas (Pagan Day) and here’s to an amazing 2016 and Unionist wipe out at SE2016, SNP1+2 🙂


love it.
I seriously wonder, in the light of all the revelations, if Jackie Bailie still wants an enquiery ??????
Surely even she is aware that some of the shit she’s throwing will stick.
Or maybe not.

Black Joan

Further proof that the Evil Cybernats have all the best jokes. Indeed, almost the only jokes, as the Yoons are far, far too angry to do humour. Or to understand it.

Thank you Chris, Rev, and all Wingers for brilliant analysis combined with comedy gold.


Another quiet chuckle! That ‘officer’ is being very polite under the circs.
Thanks Chris and Merry Christmas to you and everyone.


Good ‘toon to end the year Chris!

Just want to say to all here, there and everywhere to enjoy the next couple of days:

No drinking to excess, no falling out with partners, husbands, wives children or in-laws.

If you get past all that THEN have a MERRY CHRISTMAS 😀 😀


Great toon.

What it doesn’t show is the queue of dozens more carrying hundreds of tons of the stuff.

All with their appropriate logo on the rear!

The other Yoony political parties, Yoony bloggers, all the CorpMedia, and of course there are five trucks there from the BBC alone – all trying desperately to deliver.


Nice one.

I hope it’s not a coincidence that the lorry isn’t articulated.

Tony Little

Yet another classic! Well done Chris.

To the Rev, Chris, other contributors and ALL Wingers – the very best of wishes for the season, Stay with it we are winning.

Flower of Scotland

Great one Chris. Right to the point. Thanks for all your contributions.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.


Very apt cartoon.

I hear on the radio that Gatwick Airport Rail station won’t have trains for 10 days. What is Derek Mackay doing about it? Jackie Baillie will be demanding answers. SNP to blame no doubt.

Chic McGregor


I wonder if they have thought whether HGV’s might travel over it when empty? i.e. is an empty HGV any heavier than a busload of people?

That way it could save something for those who don’t have a backhaul in one direction.

Probably need a checkpoint set ip[ thopugh.

paul gerard mccormack

So so so true. thank you chris for a spot on comment in two words. this rarely happens in life. you said it for me. maybe you have coined a new acronym. SBS ? and not special boat services. happy new year and christmas to one and all.


It’s worth remembering that the Tories
refused point blank to pay a single penny towards the new Forth Crossing but Scotland will pay its share (through the Barnett formula) of the cost of the Millenium Stadium and another 272 million to “transform”it for a privately owned company,namely West Ham football club,

The total cost of the Millenium stadium will be £701million of which £70million (10%) will be deducted from Scotlands block grant while the full cost of the new Forth crossing a vital part of the UK road network comes from Scotlands budget,however remember folks we’ll have the rare privilege of paying “our” share of the HS rail link from London to Leeds, we also paid “our share of Londons crossrail link, the M25, Londons sewers, oh and the cost of the Olympics which according to Westminster benefited ALL of the UK of which we contributed 10%!
still feeling better together?

link to

[…] A bridge too far […]

Bob Mack

As usual Chris,right on the money.

A very merry and happy Christmas to all who come to the Wings site ,friend or foe.

All that separates us sometimes is a belief of how to achieve something better for everybody. The usual old way has not worked. Time for something different. It is not a sinister message, but rather one of hope ,like the one we are all celebrating at this time of year.

Iona Brand

Labour’s sanctimonious bullshit should be labelled
“Best Before May 2016.”

Brian Powell

I see Lesley Riddoch has written a useful article in the National in support of the Tory Guvnur General, Mundell. Really.


Kenny Farquharson
Last updated at 9:58PM, December 23 2015
As political spinning goes, it was pretty slick. Derek Mackay, the SNP transport minister, surprised everyone with his announcement that the Forth Road Bridge would be reopening earlier than expected. Cue rejoicing among Fifers who had been cut off for 19 days, and tearful reunions reminiscent of those news reports where North and South Koreans parted for decades are reunited.”

A Murdoch henchman puts the UKOK boot in, with tinsel. At least there is an awareness of N Korea from the Times goons.


Must just be the effects of late nights, but looking at that rose, it seemed to me that somehow you’d managed to suggest the appearance of Margaret Thatcher amongst the petals.

On a higher resolution, it turned out to be the workings of my fevered imagination.

But presumably such a load would require special licences to be transported anywhere in Scotland.



No hazard info notice on the truck?

At least it should say ‘toxic rhetoric may stain’

mike cassidy

How come the SNP didn’t provide emergency relief for us cutoff fifers.

Its not as if we expected much.

link to



Good stuff. I LOLLED. Have a good Christmas, Chris.


Another hazard notice for the truck could be..

Danger! Corrosive blame-mongering by fake socialist parties can seriously damage the future of your country.


Merry Xmas to you all and all the best for 2016.

Posting not for me I’m afraid……me got limited vocabulary and diminishing grey cells…..but will enjoy continuing to read all of your posts on WOS.

Enjoy the banter and excellent factual reporting.

Wonderful to have access to ACCURATE information from fabby Rev Stu, helping to redress the balance that is sadly lacking from the Yoons who are immune to truth , fairness and impartiality with their unwanted and twisted views on SNP & Independence .

SNP/SNP May 2016 . Yabby Dabby Doo…..the Noo.

Les Wilson

Great cartoon, yet again Chris you are top of the league.

I thought perhaps this would give even Jackie Bailey a smile,
No? Well I can live with that.


Even if that truck was stopped, you can be sure there would be another one along in a couple of minutes. This time in Tory livery…

The Lib Dem tanker failed to even start….


Nice one, a real Christmas cracker.

The Isolator

Nail on heid ….fantastico.

Merry Christmas all.

SNP x 2 next May!!


@ Mike Cassidy
your supplies come via the west route. It is us on the South side risked losing our supplies of Pies and Bridies baked by the wonderful bakeries of Stevens , and Stuarts, there are others but these two export to the Lothians and are greatly appreciated.
Great cartoon Chris.


One of your best Chris.


I don’t believe in a great God above

I believe that God is love

I don’t pray at night to an empty sky

I pray for peace for you and I

I pray our children live to see,the world at peace

And Scotland free.

God’s not up there looking down,

He’s yellow He’s white HE’s black He’s brown,

He is ours and we are his,He’s all of us, He’s All that is!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all Wingers.


Excellent cartoon Chris.

O/T.. In the Independent yesterday . We Scots are dancing less because of the SNP!
Wtf! I thought it was a spoof article until I saw it was comments made by Jackson Carslaw, the Tory ring piece, sorry mouthpiece.

SNP Baaaad! No one is sloshing anymore!


I don’t believe in a great God above

I believe that God is love

I asked Santa for a UK that pays teachers a million quid a year and pro footballers £22k.

Chic McGregor

As a temporary measure, Jackie could sacrifice her Xmas by lying down across the Forth, the HGV’s could then use her for a crossing.


You never heard of a Baillie Bridge? 🙂

Craig Evans

Brilliant cartoon as always!

Merry Christmas To all Wingers

Dave McEwan Hill

Brian Powell at 11.15

No. Not really. She has written an article expressing surprise that a representative of a Tory Government which has opposed every effort to devolve more sensible power to Scotland should have the temerity (or cheek) to talk about devolving power to Scottish councils.

She has been very strong on this subject of malfunctioning and grossly oversized local government for many years. Most of us agree with her


Well done Chris! Great cartoon as usual.
Merry Christmas Stu and Chris.

Chic McGregor

For political balance there should be one of Ruth in her tank as well, you could give the guy a carrier bag for additional symbology.

I would suggest one for Naebody’s Wullie but buses are allowed.


O/t I am heartened by just walking the dog in the park. It was like going to an snp rally, there really is a lot of support for independence in Jim Murphy’s old constituency.

Chris Cairns

@Bugger (the Panda) – safely back down the road from Skye, thanks.
And thanks to everyone for their support, kind words, book orders etc.
Merry Christmas Wingers!

Chic McGregor

“I thought perhaps this would give even Jackie Bailey a smile,”

But she always has a smile, in the same way a crocodile has.

Or should that be alligator? (sic) 😉

Chic McGregor

Leaving soon for Xmas down in Bathgate so Merry Xmas a’bdy.

link to


That vessel was filled just by George Foulkes coughing to clear his throat before he uttered a single word. His criticisms of the SNP Government are enough to fertilise the Sahara every single day. George doing his bit for the environment.

Well done Chris.

Merry Christmas everyone.


Dr Jim

Labour roasting on an open fire
Tories nipping at their toes
Yoontide carols being sung by a few
BBC dressed up as Eskimo’s
Everybody knows

Their Fucked!! Tee Hee

Dr Jim


It’s the drink


jdman says:

“It’s worth remembering that the Tories refused point blank to pay a single penny towards the new Forth Crossing but Scotland will pay its share of the cost of the Millenium Stadium”

London’s greed seems boundless.

Scotland has a solution, if enough of us have the balls to take hold of the situation and get out!

English regions have a big justified grievance too about London sucking the life blood out of them. The difference with them is, they have no obvious solution because all their politicians are London centric. England seems like The Hunger Games come true!

Free Scotland

Sorry, Mate. I think your sat-nav may be on the blink. You should try following the M6, then follow the M1 as far as it goes. That’ll tak ye in tae the right neck o’ the wids.

Graham MacQueen

May 2016 bring health, wealth, independence and happiness to all.

Many thanks Rev for doing such an incredible job.

Happy Xmas

Dan Huil

Fundilymundily articulorrily.

Socrates MacSporran

Ruby – this is about sport

Folks, please, get your stadium names correct.

The Millennium Stadium is situated in Cardiff. AS of 1 January, 2016, it will be known as “The Principality Stadium”, under a £15 million sponsorship deal with the Cardiff-based Principality Building Society. The Wales v Scotland Six Nations game will be the first match held there under its new title.

The Olympic Stadium, or The Stadium at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is the stadium being discussed here. It is the one sucking-in money from elsewhere in the UK, so that Baroness Brady of Knightsbridge and her West Ham United football team can have a home worthy of their status as mid-table cannon-fodder for the good teams in the English Premiership.

Can we get it right, meanwhile, in Scotland we have to make-do with the inadequacies of Hampden Park. Better Together – aye right!!

Cadogan Enright

Nollaig shunndach dhuibh mo charaidean

Nollaig shona daoibh mo chairde

link to


Just brilliant Chris! Laughed out loud, genuinely. Thanks for all your wonderful ‘toons throughout the past year, and Rev, no words…heartfelt thanks for your ceaseless capacity to serve the whole of Scotland with the news where we are.

Don’t do xmas…but…have a lovely time folks, like someone said on previous thread, keep talking to people, the tide has turned and our time is coming, of that I am certain.


Most absurd thing about the bridge story for me.

Some mouth on BBC radio
” what will scottish govt do if hgv driver attempts to take vehicle across it before February ?”


Great image, thanks Chris.


I was talking about this with my cousin the other day. I asked them why the NE of England is so tridden on and poor considering all the coal they had and ship building and where did all that money go? They hadn’t thought of that. Of course the difference being that they are regions, but still, they have also been taken for a ride by the toffs down South.

Many in England don’t blame westmonster for siphoning off the revenue from their industry, they blame Scotland. The reason being they are told that Scotland is getting a load of cash more per person, and with no tuition fees, or prescription charges, they are resentful of that, but they don’t blame westmonster for their lot.

I hear that the NE of England is doing really badly regards employment, there are literally no jobs!
They can’t blame Scotland for that!

Helena Brown

Och,I am having such a good Christmas Eve I don’t want Santa to come and spoil it. I laughed out loud at that one Chris, blooming marvellous. Have a Merry Christmas everyone and a Guid New Year.


A very happy Xmas everyone, Wings keeps me sane, though hanging my washing out last night maybe disproves any notions of sanity I have, oops!

Have a peaceful time all.


Meant trodden, not tridden, computers are good at making up new useless words aren’t they!

Robert Kerr

Merry Christmas to all, Chris for making us smile, The Rev for making us think, all Wingers for being our togetherness, even the No voters for reminding us of human fallibility.

Christian charity for now.

No no no...Yes

Another great cartoon from Chris. Thanks for always succeeding in making us smile.

Sitting reading the new and expanded National newspaper this morning and like it very much. Good positive pieces in the Business section today, rather than the endless doom and gloom from the rest of the MSM.

Wings continues to lead the way in Scottish politics online analysis. Busy few months coming up, so rest up now Rev!

Merry Christmas to all fellow Wingers and here’s to a SNPx2 New Year


Blue sky thinking here, no judgement, maybe SLab should stop trying to end Scottish democracy and just go with it. Lab have given up on them

link to

Diane explains why SLab are looking at the end of the road, from 10 minutes in, its too late now. Pacific Quay freak show didn’t like that though.

Carol singers are nice, history’s greatest perverts at the Heil no doubt trying to look up their skirts, for their yuletide great British leching readership.

Jamie Arriere

Frosty the Snowman had a very itchy bum
And he stood all day with his cheeks on fire waiting for the night to come
Frosty the Snowman he didn’t even flinch
While children played round him all day, he never moved an inch

When night-time fell around him
With not a soul awake
Poor Frosty leapt back into life
To relieve the constant ache

So he scratched it on the doorstep, and he scratched it on the fence
He scratched it on the gatepost with a vigour most intense
He scratched it on the lamppost, and he scratched it on the wall
Soon Frosty had no itchy arse, cos he had no arse at all

Santa Claus was passing by
And heard poor Frosty moan
He gave an early Christmas gift
A new arse from a curling stone

Frosty the Snowman had a ball on Christmas Day
He wore a smile as wide’s a mile, as the kids came out to play
But one boy in a bad mood tried to take him down a peg
He ran and kicked ol’ Frosty’s butt, and he broke his bloody leg

Frosty the Snowman has a lesson for us all
And a lesson worth remembering when the snow begins to fall
Never kick a snowman no matter how bad you feel
Cos his arse might be made of granite, and his bollocks made of steel

Merry Christmas Wingers!

(Was going to give you Rudolph the Incontinent Reindeer, but it’s just a bit too lavatorial)


link to

And a Merry Christmas to Lord Darling of Shameless Expenses Fraudshire too. Watching Lord Darling mince into the Lords and taking his SLab red tory seat next to blue tory Lady Mone of Mayfair, made me so proud to be British. Frankly.

link to

Its huge CV of great British achievements but very weird why he’s complete left out his historic defeat of the vile separatists, in his Scotland region 2014, or was it not even worth a bettertogether mention?

His UKOK colleague wont shut up about his referendum triumph/saving of the scrounger Scots

Blair McDougall ?@blairmcdougall Dec 21
The $113 oil price that the economic case for leaving the UK was based on is literally now off the charts.

schrodingers cat

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat
Go raibh an ghaoth go brách ag do chúl
Go lonraí an ghrian go te ar d’aghaidh
Go dtite an bháisteach go mín ar do pháirceanna
Agus go mbuailimid le chéile arís,
Go gcoinní Dia i mbos A láimhe thú.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
May the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

may you be in heaven half an hour afore the Deil notices
May we be happy – and our enemies know it!

Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!

Graf Midgehunter

A very good cartoon Chris, it touches on a more inner Scottish theme than a UKOK one. 🙂

Apart from the emergency services, Police, utilities etc. at 14.00 today everything in Germany closes down for Xmas. The shops first open again on Monday morning.

It’s the same with Easter, Whitsuntide and various other days off, Unification Day etc. The economy here doesn’t live from shopping and the madness of the housing market in London.

The Germans put a lot of emphasis on R&R -rest & recuperation. Time for the family and other things are important, not just work.

It certainly doesn’t harm the economy which is quite literally booming and screaming out for skilled workers.

Anyway enough of my “Letter from Germany”.

A very merry Xmas to all Wingers and the “Boss” himself Rev. Stu.


Fantastic image by Chris Cairns, just when you think he cannot do any better. Folks, here’s the FRB strategy:

Just wait until the Labour numpties come out and eyeball the tanker’s sewage pipe to figure out why it isn’t working, then turn it full on with a public enquiry. I know, I’ve been watching Father Ted. 🙂

I’ll get ma coat.


…. Just popped in to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all fellow Wingers. May 2016 bring you everything you wish for.


Excellent cartoon and some very good Xmas posts. Here’s to a Sch! you know what? Jackie Baillie free sixteen.

? jdman, thought we were all in this together?

Grouse Beater

Have a stress-free day tomorrow: link to


Excellent cartoon, sums Labour up 😀

Speaking of bullshit, I got a brown-enveloped letter addressed to “The Legal Occupier” this morning. I don’t think it was a Christmas card though. Anyway, it’s in the shredder.

BBC, get it right up ye !

Merry Christmas everyone 🙂


Chris, many thanks for another year of brilliant cartoons – and can’t wait for Cairnstoon Volume 2!

And to all you Wingers – think back to this time last year and what you were wishing for re. the GE in May! Now – just maybe since we’ve been good girls and boys – Santa will deliver what our wee hearts are hoping for in May again 🙂

Merry Christmas and mumsyhugs to everyone! 🙂 xxx


Aye there’s no demand for it any more……


Merry Christmas to One And All

People Carrier

Jamie Arriere says:
24 December, 2015 at 2:06 pm

(Was going to give you Rudolph the Incontinent Reindeer, but it’s just a bit too lavatorial)

Jamie – can I request it as an Xmas pressie?? 🙂 My stocking’s looking rather anaemic………

ben madigan

merry christmas to Rev Stu and all posters on the forum.
Have a great one, everybody!!

A true Confession and pressies for all on the way!!!
link to


When you got nothing you have to try anything. Labour are not in a good place.

However, the holidays have begun and I am relaxing.

Have a merry one 🙂


Merry Christmas to all of all opinions!
Best wishes


Didn’t get chance till now to post my thanks to Chris for another great cartoon,nice start to what’s been really hellish day at work,and not done yet.

Merry Christmas to Wingers of all hues.


Christmas cracker, Chris!

Pity we can’t use all that bilious shite as a source of power.

It’s one natural resource that looks like it will never run out.

Merry Christmas everyone.

call me dave

Nobody’s doing politics better with the art and humour Mr Cairns.
Excellent again.

Got my Wings badge and sweeties today, thanks. 🙂

HMRC demand for £1000 pre-payment for taxes due in April 2016
Jury duty service Fife
BBC licencing final, final,final demand 🙂

All the best wingers have a Merry Christmas. God bless us everyone!

David Wallace

artyhetty says:

Meant trodden, not tridden, computers are good at making up new useless words aren’t they!

Jum Fundillymundilly Murphy found alive and well and living in Artyhetty’s computer!

Reboot him… on second thoughts, don’t…

Nollaig Chridheil!

Helena Brown

KenC, on the subject of not being able to use that bilious shite to generate power, we were in Lucerne oan oor Holidays and right where they have the river coming into the lake right in the centre of town they have this great little turbine sitting in it generating power. Well we have this great wee burn here outside Dunfermline which is running just as high right now, so why can we not do the same?


Tell HMRC to go and do one.
Tell them you are withholding payment until Westminster stops pissing your money up against a brick wall, ie taxis for lords and ladies fannying about Londonshire.

As for the TV licence, have you read my post in “to the bitter end”
Screw the bastards for every penny you can, they have stopped sending us letters, when they start sending us letters again I will threaten them with legal action for harassment.
Have a good one.


Merry Yesmas to all at Wings (and all for the cause),

Merry Christmas to all others.

(Flat beer & stale fare to all Proudscotbut so called journos) its about as good as you lot deserve to be honest; but then you can’t can you ?


A very Happy Christmas to you Rev and all the rest on here,

As for this lot Alan Cochrane, Simon Johnson, Alan Roden, Chris Deerin, Euan McColm, Magnus Gardham – and the rest of them we will overcome all your bile and crap writings.

uno mas

“Feed the World, Let Them Know it´s Xmas Time”
we all sang back in 1984 never thinking for a moment that thirty years later we would be making contributions to food banks to allow hundreds of thousands of our own country men and women feed themselves and their family.

Here´s hoping that in the coming couple of years we can do something to correct this obscene situataion.

Felices Fiestas a todos.


Thanks for all the cartoons Chris, always thought provoking.

Happy Christmas to all wingers

Robert Peffers

There remains but one outstanding question.

Is that load of shite attempting to get into Fife or out of Fife?

If the former – which capital’s parliament was it dispatched from – London or Edinburgh?

If the latter option then it must be on its way from Wee Wullie Rennie as he is the only party leader in Fife. In which case, where are the rest of his fleet, one is not nearly large enough and where are they all heading.

Robert Peffers

@Auld Rock says: 24 December, 2015 at 9:24 am:

“Have you heard the ‘JOKE’ of the day? No, well Wee Ruthie is telling us to look after the needy this Christmas, bit rich when she and her posh toffs have caused most of it!!!”

Truth is, Auld Rock, there’s either method in her madness or madness in her method.

The Tory austerity measures are not taking enough from the poorest as shown by recent government figures. So Ruthie, (We really can no longer call her wee these days), wants Middle Englanders to give more to the poor so that the most Rich can go an as they have – more than doubling their wealth by robbing the poor.


Have a fundimundily good festive period.

Dr Jim

Funny how England becomes Britain and the UK when it comes to major infrastructure projects but Scotland is only in the UK and Britain when we’re forced to pay for these projects for our own benefit they say

But If Scotland has infrastructure projects we’re not in the UK or Britain we’re just Scotland so of no benefit to The UK so we have to pay for them ourselves

Isn’t it about time England went on it’s own “Can”


As its Christmas, here’s a wee tip for any veggies missing the dreaded bacon roll.
Slice some mushrooms and red onion and fry in the frying pan, stick on a roll when crispy enough, you won’t miss the bacon. Num Num.
oops wife just told me the rolls are still in the freezer, time for more Drambers.

In case I am not on this sight again tonight.
Merry Christmas to all wingers, you lot have made the year bearable, considering the Sh*t that has been thrown at us.
Have a good one.


Well done Chris another corker.

“Sanctimonious” perfectly describes elected members of SLAB and their cheerleaders in the corporate media.

“Bullshit” perfectly describes the crap they spout or write.


PATRIOTS, I know that words taken on certain connotations recently but like “Britishness” its time we took back possession of words that describe US and not feel ashamed of them.
A very merry Christmas to all my patriotic friend’s, I’m proud to be counted in your number!


Here’s a joke you might not get in a cracker.

“Why was the Rabbit laughing?”

“There was a Hare in it’s hole”.

Merry Christmas



Yet another classic toon only missing bit is the bullshitting broacasting corporations outside unit riding gunshot.


BBC r4 6pm news just covered Gatwick express and other south east England rail repair delays for xmas travellers and it’s a long careful explanation of the why and how and not to worry, sensible, cant be helped, it happens, BBC reassurance.

All of which compared to the full on savaging Sturgeon/SNP got from the BBC vote SLab Scotland crew, the difference is just incredible, shock, let alone UKOK press creeps

From this

link to

5 mins in

link to

Holy fcuk.

Ian Brotherhood

Christmas Cracker ‘gags’ you’ll never see:

‘How do I sleep? I sleep like a baby. Middle of the night I wake up screaming.’


Its a Christmas cracker, Chris.

Everything wrapped, even the dog’s treat; dinner in the oven, Christmas may now happen. Have a good one everybody.


sensibledave says:
24 December, 2015 at 2:41 pm
…. Just popped in to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all fellow Wingers. May 2016 bring you everything you wish for.

Thanks sensible! You too.

I wish for UKOK toryboys to stop insulting me and others on WoS, when we wont agree with them, that this union’s not a farce and Scotland’s not been bled dry long enough, by its neighbour.

Make this wish come true sensible and a Happy New Year.

Dan Huil

Why was the turkey in a bad mood? Because it had an altitude problem.


I was so angry today and I hate being angry as it’s the yoons who are the angry ones. But when I overhear a Scot berating our Scottish Govt it pisses me off.

This guy today was crowing about the EU blocking the Govts plan for MUP on alcohol and saying it’s not to help anybody it’s just Sturgeon wanting to make more tax. Well I was so angry I yelled at him where does all your fucking tax go FFS, and for the first time in our history someone actually tries to do something about our drinking culture FFS.

Honestly it’s hard keeping on when you have to share your country with such cringing nawbag fuckers. I don’t want to be angry I want to be free.

Dunno how you keep going Stu, somedays I would say to you stay in Bath away from this fucked up country and other days it makes me more determined to fight for our independence.

sorry for rant… Merry Xmas Stu, Chris and all our Wingers

call me dave

Ach! Here’s one.

Santa can’t use the lift… Claustrophobia


SNP don’t bomb Syria campaign – only requires 170 signatures to reach 100,000.

link to

Have you signed yet ?


Happy holidays to all..

arthur thomson

A merry Christmas to every Winger.


Yep, I’ve signed it..the don’t bomb petition..

Feels good to know that we’re also standing up for Scotlands’ right to differ, internationally, never mind within our own democracy.


What should Santa bring naughty UKOKers for Christmas ? A pack of batteries with a note saying “toy not included”.


Gordon 7.54,
I think the fact this online petition hasn’t yet reached the 100,000 mark should be a wake up call to anyone who thinks social media activity can make up for a lack of face to face,real life conversations.


Just popping by to wish you all a very merry Christmas.


Ian Brotherhood@7.22,

Or…. “I sleep like a baby every night, but just like a baby I wake up covered in sick, pish and shite”.

I’ll get ma coat.

Merry Christmas everyone.



Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Every year i write him a note. This year i wrote,

“Dear Santa i can explain……”


When we are independent I would hope that we have extradition treaties with countries around the world, particularly those that have been trashed by Westminster in recent decades. That would worry a few people.


Wullie says: @8.52pm, Oh i hope so Wullie. Whoever is in charge of Scotland takes no shit and talks straight to the world. The status quo don’t cut it.


Wishing all Wingers the very best for Christmas, but especially yourself, Rev Stu.

Where would we be now without your total dedication and skill?

Let’s make 2016 another great year for Scotland!


I’ll second that.


A very merry Xmas to Stu & the Wingers.


@Gordoz at 7:54 ….. Petition

I got a friend to sign the petition about 15 minutes ago. No mention of his name or change to the figure at that time.

ronnie anderson

Ronnie, yea right stand aside here comes oor Nicky, she’ll fix it


call me dave@7.42
I’ll get your coat.
Have a good one.


To all the Scottish UKOKs, it’s more fun being a Winger than a Whinger, come join us.

Merry Xmas to all.


Thanks for the ‘belly’ laugh Chris.

Stuart I can’t tell you how pleased I was to hear that you’re taking a well-deserved break (if you are?). I wonder if you have any idea of just how much you have done / are doing for the Independence cause? As the names of the parcel of rogues will forever be remembered so too will your name. You’ll go down in history as being one of a few key figures at the forefront of this battle: helping us to break free from the corrupt Westminster dictatorship. No mean feat as we all know. So Stuart my heartfelt thanks for the time and energy you expend on this site … in relation to such a worthwhile and historic cause.

Christmas Eve now so hoping you all have a great time over the festive season. And Robert I’ve just read your story and hope that your luck picks up soon. I know what you’re talking about because the 3rd week in March is, year after year, inevitably crisis time for me.

Anyway how many more Christmases will we have to endure being shackled to Westminster? Two I reckon.

A wee reminder of why we unite on here and what we are all fighting for … our beloved Scotland.

link to


From Dubai, another country that struck and got rich, like England.

Only if youre a cat person. 3 2 1 Hit it

link to

Dave McEwan Hill

This is for Stu

Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur


@ Helena Brown. 4.47

Great idea. Perhaps we could have Labour politicians pedalling the thing.

Make themselves useful for a change. ; )

ronnie anderson

@ Chris Cairns great Toon as per Chris.I could,nt recist posting Wee Scribbles Toon.

Merry Christmas WINGERS & LURKERS,have a good one .

Marie Clark

Well folks, pressies wrapped, baking finished, had a nice meal tonight with grandweans and sister in law. A couple of wee drams, and ready for bed now. Knackered, but ready for Tomorrow.

Hope Santa is good to all of you, and Merry Christmas. have a good one.

Oh aye, and before I forget. Well done Chris. Nail squarely on the heid.

Alan Mackintosh

Aye, to echo Dave M H up above. To Stu and all the wingers

Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ur


Haven’t been on much this past wee bit, but could not neglect wishing Stu and everyone on Wings a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Don Mc

May I wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas from here in the antipodes. All you posters and of course Stu, bring sunshine into my belief in seeing Scotland independent soon.


Thanks Stuart for saving my sanity and being a beacon for truth and common sense.
Happy Christmas and a great New Year.

OT Only a. couple of hundred posts to teach half a million. What an achievement!

r baxter

the light is now starting to penetrate. thank you stu and all wingers, bless you all.

Stephen McKenzie

Have a good Xmas all Wingers and especially Stu for all his hard work!


“Hark the herald angels sing”

The road to Damascus is not a ring road around Bethlehem or Aberdeen. It goes right through the middle. Follow the star of hope!


Cheers Chris and thanks for all the laughs throughout the year. More power to you for 2016. Same to you Stuart and with the hope that you have a good break.

Best regards to all readers and contributers, peace be with to you all.


Merry Christmas everyone.


Still Positive.

A very Merry Christmas to you all but especially Stu for all the work he does for our independence.

Now take a break Stu, much as we will miss you.

Still Positive.

Sorry, should also have said well done to Chris on a great cartoon and wish Chris and family a Merry Christmas.


To all the Wingers (posters and lurkers) have a great yuletide. To Rev Stu, thanks for everything, enjoy your break. 🙂


Merry Christmas Wingers, the Rev & Chris. Thanks for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (and the laughs).

“Br’er Rabbit once tricked Br’er Fox into taking him to his “Laughing Place”, (actually a tree full of bees).
Br’er Fox complains, “You said this was a ‘Laughing Place’. But I ain’t laughing”.
Brer Rabbit retorts, “I didn’t say it was your Laughing Place, I said it was *my* Laughing Place”.


Gordon 11 people have signed the Syrian petition since you posted around 8pm yesterday? Still no sign of my friends signature. Something stinks!

Anne Graham

Good love and peace to you Stu,and to all others here.


(Edwin Morgan) 🙂

Al Dossary

Wishing you all the best from a dreichit Middle East – it’s raining here today which u guess is the Saudi equivalent of snow.

Alcohol free Brunch to look forward for dinner followed by cracking open a bottle of “date juice” when I get back which was bottled last September.


Al Dossary
Merry Christmas Al
hope the sun comes out for you.

Ian Brotherhood

.hic…orrabest tae a’body orratime…hic… 🙂


@ Dave McEwan Hill, enjoy your letters in the Nash, keep up the good work!

Mind nae fightin fur the wishbone Wingers!


Yet another good one, Chris. What it didn’t show was Wee Ruth The Merciless waiting in her Tory Tank right behind the Labour Bullshit Tanker, waiting her turn to be stopped from trundling across the Bridge!

All the best for the festive season to you and RevStu. I look forward to lots more of the two of you shooting down the Unionist Bad News Hoodie Craws in 2016 and beyond.


Who will be watching the Queen at 3.00pm? Lol. Me neither, and I haven’t for years. She can purr off as far as I’m concerned. I’d rather listen to and smell a flatulent old dog guffing all day at the dinner table that that old Queen talking bollox.

Merry Christmas everybody.



Gordoz you posted around 8pm last night stating that 170 signatures were required to reach the 100,000. I’ve been keeping an eye on it as my friends name was never mentioned. I see that since last night 15 people only have signed it?!

Brian Doonthetoon

The surprising thing is that the petition’s on the SNP web site, which should mean that at least 115,000 members have been made aware of it.

So, why aren’t they signing?


Strange one Brian. I kept my eye on the site last night and my friends very unusual sounding (foreign) name didn’t appear however during that time alone more than 15 people signed.

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