Monkey disowns organ-grinder
We mentioned this story (about David Cameron pushing ahead with “English votes for English laws” legislation that would exclude Labour MPs from budget votes, despite the Smith Commission report categorically saying he wouldn’t) earlier today, but one particular line from it deserves a post of its own.
He said: ‘This is the Prime Minister’s view, it is not government policy.’”
You heard it right, readers: a never-seen dimwit in a job so pointless he himself stood in the last election on a policy of abolishing it altogether really just said “Don’t listen to anything this idiot says about government policy, he’s only the Prime Minister.”
It’s been that sort of day, folks.
Quelle surprise? How dim the So called Scottiish electorate?
I have had enough of this treachery and am starting to canvass already to get Labour out. My immediate family then close friends will be reminded of the limited powers. Then onto the streets and I wont stop till the depression wears off
It’s been that sort of day, folks.
Give them their due, Unionist politicos write good comedy gags.
‘The Myth Commission’ grousebeater on wordpress
Don’t know why Cameron is worried about EVEL, GE2015 should almost eliminate the problem.
From Stu’s piece above-
He (Alistair Carmichael) said: ‘This is the Prime Minister’s view, it is not government policy.’”
Apologies for not being able to recall the source, but only today I read a comment somewhere which indicates that Carmichael is correct because his statement agrees with constitutional Law re the voting rights of Scottish representation at Westminster which are protected forever and cannot be changed.
I also don’t understand why people are dissappointed in the Smith Commission report. I read it this morning and it was just the sort of flannel I expected, apart from from the exciting total control of roadsigns.
“Scottish representation at Westminster which are protected forever and cannot be changed”
If you read anything that said that it was a load of shite. There’s no such thing in the UK as a law that can’t be changed.
BBC Scotland still describing the Smith Commission recomendations as “sweeping new” powers, and “significant.”
A fibbing Sarwar says, “This is Labour Scotland delivering its promise.”
And some deflated balloon adds the cliche, “It’s a game changer.”
Then Cameron mentions he is “Keeping that vow.”
Its been a long day for all Better Together propaganda merchants. Libby Carrell of rancid Guardian says Sturgeon will abolish air passenger duty now. Their CiF is almost as demented too.
“new package will allow the Scottish parliament to raise top rate income tax to 50p – a move endorsed publicly for the first time by Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon – or to cut taxes below English rates; abolish air passenger duty, undercutting airports in northern England, and abolish the bedroom tax.”
C’mon ‘The National’. If you really want to be taken seriously by those who voted NO as a result of the VOW promising a New Dawn of Devo-Max / Federalism for Scotland, then there is only ONE front page headline you can possibly have:
I am sure you can fill in the rest yourselves.
Any devolved powers to Scotland WILL need the consent of the 650 English WM MP’s .and could still be revoked at a later date.@RuthDavidson and @WillieRennie said that if we win we will legislate to implement the pledge “as soon as possible afterwards”
When Carmichael states it is not government policy he probably means it is not the policy of the pliable, duplicitous Liberal Party.
Glegg should be instructing his MPs to go back to their constituencies and prepare for extinction.
They can amend the voting rights of Scottish MPs, the only legislation that requires to be amended is the Act of Union.
Front page of tomorrows National
Now that would be a can of worms to open wouldn’t it?
Attempts were made back in 1953-court declared that Act of Union could not be amended by UK Westminster -only by consent of governments of both Scotland & England together.
Its on one of the other threads from today with a link to it……
re: that sort of day,
Trying to make the initial conditions perpetual! Ed may be not very good as a future PM but with Balls as his chief advisor it disproves the old saying two Eds are better than one.
WTF.. A modern blueprint for Home Rule mair like a size nine shoe print of John Bull..
Taken from post on previous thread
“Mad Jock McMad says:
Then there was Lord Cooper’s judgement in McCormack vs the Lord Advocate (1953) where he stated that: ” ….. the principle of unlimited sovereignty of parliament is a distinctly English principle and has no counterpoint in Scottish Constitutional Law”. Equal importance must also be given to the Lord Advocate’s own concession, “admitting the Parliament of Great Britain could not alter or repeal fundamental and essential conditions of the Acts of Union.”
Such as the voting rights of elected members to the UK Parliament, preserved for ‘all time’ under Article 19 of the Treaty of Union where ‘all time’ means exactly that.”
Lordy Smiff on Scotland tonight talking to Berny the bolt, who did not a bad job. Smiffy otherwise known as sloping shoulders ” it wisnae me gov a wis just dain it as a favour tae dave Fra the big smoke. But a did a wonderful job didn’t a”
A weasel. Slug
All this pointless powers stuff,independence is what is needed. They might as well have handed over the power to make a cup of coffee,it is just as useful. When the big power is held in another country by another parliament,it can run rings around anything the Scottish Government does,the bedroom tax is a great example of chucking a spanner in the works.
The Scottish Government negated that,now something else will be found to tie the Scottish Government in knots and we all know it.
Can I just put my head above the parapet and ask what CiF stands for? I’ve seen it several times, but I don’t know what it means.
Benny and STV usually more balanced that the State Broadcaster. Another reason Broadcasting should have been devolved as the BBC’s Scottish democratic deficit gets worse by the day.
Lesley Riddoch in Scotsman, Sweeping Powers .. Give us a break!
link to
These powers are better than any government has anywhere else in the world from Labour/Tory alliance. Politicians!
I was as underwhelmed as others on hearing the news this morning but am still a little uncertain about the income tax issue. If Scotland were to raise tax rates why would that not result in increased revenue for Scotland now that it had been devolved? I understand that raising taxes is not really something that the SNP would want to do but they can now tinker with the bands and raise more that way…no?
It really does your head in hearing how this is being reported. It’s like Gordon Brown’s significant interventions all over again.
All the usual idiots are going along with “sweeping powers”, “greatest change in a generation”, blah blah. Well it doesn’t take much to build on next to zero.
Imagine if this was all about powers held by the EU Vs Westminster? The same reporters would have blood coming out of every orifice in their desire to highlight any continued EU centralisation of powers.
Proud Cybernat,
“C’mon ‘The National’. If you really want to be taken seriously by those who voted NO as a result of the VOW promising a New Dawn of Devo-Max / Federalism for Scotland, then there is only ONE front page headline you can possibly have:
Don’t hold your breath – The National is ‘only’ the Herald’s (younger) sister paper.
I wonder how many No voters were turned into Yes voters by The Sunday Herald’s pro-independence stand.
I wouldn’t trust anything that has anything to do with the British establishment.
The unionist liebour spin monkeys are at full throttle tonight with vacuous phrases like powerhouse parliament and home rule delivered. You have delivered zilch zero nada you bunch of shameless dishonest cretins. Straight from the evil McTurnips book of lies.
Front page of tomorrow’s The National
link to
it will continue publishing on Monday.
@ Rev. Stuart Campbell
Manandboy says
“Scottish representation at Westminster which are protected forever and cannot be changed”
“If you read anything that said that it was a load of shite. There’s no such thing in the UK as a law that can’t be changed.”
I’ve found that source Stu. I’m sure you’ll read it with interest!
link to
Here’s a reminder –
“EVEL breaks the Treaty of Union, just as sure as a Yes vote would have because, under Article 19 of the 1707 Treaty, the UK Parliament at Westminster does not have any legitimate legal or constitutional basis to alter voting rights of members elected to the UK Parliament. Such a change can only be made by the agreement of the original sovereign signatory parliaments to the 1707 Treaty. The UK Parliament conceded this to be the legal and constitutional case in 1953 (McCormack vs the Lord Advocate (1953) before Lord Cooper).
What do you think? Shite or no shite?
@Natasha –
CiF stands for ‘Comment is Free’ – it’s a long-running blog on the Guardian. Some very good writers use it occasionally to air pieces which the regular print edition might be a bit twitchy about.
I’m going to hide behind the parapet at this point and watch the fireworks from a safe distance.
@ Natasha
Can I just put my head above the parapet and ask what CiF stands for? I’ve seen it several times, but I don’t know what it means.
Comment is Free. It’s an opinion page of the Guardian newspaper.
link to
Will the last of the Empire loyalists in the UK government ever stop bleating about separatists ‘ruining our country.’ They were at it again today in retaliation for the loss of an atom of power to Scotland
What have I done for you
England, my England?
What is there I would not do
England, my England?
William Earnest Henley (1849-1903)
I couldn’t help but notice that on the front page of the Daily Record today it had the date as the 27th November.
I’ve checked and it was indeed the correct date.
Is the editor aware than a factually accurate element has made it into his newspaper, and on the front page as well.
Thanks Ian Brotherhood. I’ve been racking my brains. 🙂
The “National” front page for tomorrow:
link to
Thanks Jimbo too!
Anyone watch Scotland 2014? Swinney was fantastic and said that in terms of what we can actually bring in it’s only 29% of new tax powers and he said what we all now know that the Smith commission FAILED to deliver!
The report from Shawfield was a dreadful bit of usual BBC propaganda and I feel sorry for the two young girls in the cafe who think that something is actually happening for Scotland.
Watching Scotland 2014 – feeling like sticking my foot through the telly.
John Swinney should tell them right now we plan to slash income tax and abolish APD to make the economy more competitive than England, stand back, and watch the Tory backbenchers go insane.
‘Sweeping powers’ is indeed the buzz phrase to be mentioned as a matter of fact again and again by good old impartial BEEB. No mention of broadcasting so far but then I haven’t had a chance to read Smith yet. There must be more in it than it appears.
Interestingly the shoe repair guy had a better grasp of the matter than the BBC journos when he anticipated the Commons and lords filleting this report. If you’re reading this (and I’m guessing you might well do) well done for telling it like it is.
there’s also a few other CIF option…
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Grouse Beater
For some reason the BBC just label the bad guys “separatists”, like the Scots or Russian/Ukrainians.
But if you are in Hong Kong, the BBC label you a,
“pro-democracy protester”.
@ Natasha
Further to what Ian and Jimbo said, Comment is Free is a quotation from C.P. Scott, long-term editor and owner of the Manchester Guardian, who believed that the “primary office” of a newspaper was accurate news reporting (!!), on the grounds that “comment is free, but facts are sacred”.
Somehow I don’t think he’d be too impressed by the current state of his paper.
@Rob Outram
Yes they can tinker with the bands/thresholds at where the higher rates kick in but not the starting rate for paying tax, the Personal Allowance. They can also vary the rates up or down within these bands.
Of how much practical use this is, I fail to see. Increasing Income Tax at the lower rate will likely get you kicked out of government at the next election which is why this power has never been used, even though available.
Raising at the top end may also be limited as many others have pointed out, there is no doubt that for tax purposes many would likely give their domicile as rUK and zero addition revenue may result.
Any tax that may have given Scotland a competitive advantage over other areas of the UK are precisely why they were not devolved. Don’t count on APD being devolved either, even though a recommendation.
The one I really wanted to see devolved was Corporation Tax as currently all those profits generated in the N. Sea goes straight to the treasury as “Offshore Tax” it is not attributed to Scotland. I’m not talking of the Petroleum Tax but the tax on companies profits generated in Scotland. Same goes for the likes of ASDA and Tesco, where does their corporation tax go and how much of that is actually Scotland’s contribution.
Nobody can tell you, as they don’t want the Scottish people to know.
Thanks Alex…I think I understand that much but still doesn’t really answer my question. Say snp did a bit of juggling and came up with a tax increase for those of us that can afford it..reduced taxes for those who are struggling and slightly increased the amount that the top rate pay..if that increased the revenue in Scotland would we be better off in terms of income tax revenue our would we lose it elsewhere.
I agree that other taxes would have benefited us more and therefore the myth commission was a waste of time..but just wondering if there’s any silver lining?
Tam Jardine
And don’t forget,
just about every Scottish labour rep today came away with “Powerhouse Parliament”.
They don’t half know how to wear out a phrase.
Raising Tax is not an option , no one can afford that, we need all our money not 30% . We need to creat jobs not make people worse off.
Anyone happen to have captured an image of Carmichael waving today’s Daily Record around in the HoC today? Not sure if the torrent of laughter it produced was directed at him or the paper.
Alex Salmond when asked by Andrew Neil about EVEL:
Says he’s sympathetic to the idea – and that “England is more than capable of self government”
It is very creepy in teamGB land tonight as Guardian says you got what you wanted Scotland, so hush now and vote Labour, be happy in teamGB and the great fraud himself Gordon Brown has got exactly the non tax devo his THE FRAUD promised and would never deliver, but its very sad for Labour as they didn’t get it, except for the fact that they did. No wonder they think they can defraud Scotland though as in
“Politically, this decision caused far more anguish for Labour than the other parties in the commission. Labour’s traditional instinct, expressed in particular by Gordon Brown, has been for partial devolution of income tax, retaining a balance between the UK and Scotland. This would further ensure that all Westminster MPs would retain a responsibility for at least part of tax and spending policy, while Holyrood gained control of the remainder.”
Also Steve Bell says we’re being showered with money, English money. Thanks again proud Scot buts.
If you are in Hong Kong, the BBC label you are a “pro-democracy protester”.
Interesting perception.
Salmond hammering Portillo, Neil, and others on late night political chat show.
Accused of begging up what the Vow promised, an empty gibe, Salmond retaliates by quoting Brown and others talking as if the Vow would deliver Home Rule.
You’ll never get a Tory to admit the Vow will go down in UK history as a bare-faced lie it will – but you might get a few Labourites admitting they were dragged into accepting a few paltry concessions for Smith to appear as if he had done a good job as chairman of the commission.
If the Referendum did nothing else it certainly laid bare the infamy and hypocrisy of the political elite that ruled Scotland for too long.
I’ve just watched Alex Salmond on “This Week.”
Let’s just say I’m glad I’m on HIS side. Michael Portillo didn’t get away with anything and was continually shot down in flames. Diane Abbott was more respectful but she too was *ahem* corrected more than once. As for the man in the middle, no not Alex the other one Andrew whatsisname, he also got short shrift from Alex.
Still if nothing else I did at least learn ONE thing from Alex’s piece tonight … the “VOW” has been delivered … in FULL! 😉 Thankfully this is NOT a description coming from our former First Minister but from the former Tory Defence Secretary. 😛
At least some good news today that the National will continue after the trial period. 🙂
For Tam Jardine (and others).
The Smith Commission Report.
(Broadcasting – page 17 – blink and you’ll miss it)
link to
Aye – pooling and sharing, NEVER sharing and pooling. Fucking robots mate.
The narrative the broadcasters run is identical – have just watched Scotland 2014, Scotland Tonight and Newsnight all begin from the base camp that the additional powers are sweeping ie good.
Murphy is on Newsnight now to do another pitch.
You know that if Murphy describes it as ‘a remarkable deal’, it is a pile of shite.
Here is the thing.
If we all vote SNP at GE15 they can ak fook off.
It is that simple.
Thursday Midnight Teaser!
Who said this?
“This was their chance, and just (sic) regret, for the sake of the debate, that they seem to have blown it.”
Go on – have a guess.
(Clue – he said it on Nov 26th 2013. One year, two days ago…)
link to
Robbed again, folks. But by whom?
Just how involved was the SNP in the formulation of these so called new powers, what sort of blessing did the SNP give to the proposals, if any, and will the SNP resist their implementation?
Responsibility for managing a welfare or housing budget that is going to be cut isn’t new powers, it’s a poison chalice, unless of course you stand to gain in terms of career options and in the provision of jobs for the boys. Presumably the SNP will stand to gain in terms of handing out those jobs etc.
Anyone with a remotely realistic understanding of how the politics trough works will forgive my cynicism. If the SNP has integrity they will boycott any move in this direction.
And let me be clear, history is replete with examples of national liberation movements being sidetracked by ploys along these lines — the idea that these “powers” represent some inexorable move in the right direction is just disgustingly naive, stupid, wrong, or (more likely) a deliberate attempt to deceive.
I’ve noticed the rank and file are excitedly looking forward to the general election and anticipating a trouncing for Scottish labour. What a scam. Is that what we are reduced to? Even if it happens it’s just entertainment and nothing more. There’s an opportunity to make real progress here that’s being missed with all this party political bullshit.
Caz-m: pooling and sharing
No, no. You mishear.
It’s fooling and scaring.
Jim Murphy is hilarious on Newsnight.
He travels seamlessly (in one sentence!) from ‘lets put partizan differences to one side’ before immediately attacking the SNP! He just canny help himself. Our next First Minister? Aye, right!
Westminste runs the UK on the English principle of parliamentary Sovereignty that is that NO decision of parliament is ever binding on another.
@ Tim Jardine
If the ‘shoe-repair-guy’ doesn’t happen to read this then I’ll tell him tomorrow when I pass by his shop. And of course he’s clued up on Scottish politics, he’s a serious Yesser. No discounts , alas!
@Rob Outram, 12.10 – there is no silver lining. If the Scottish Government raised more money from income tax, the same amount would be cut from the block grant. Devolving income tax is not to increase revenue but responsibility. This applies to all the “new powers”. See RevStu’s earlier post And now for the truth.
Powerhouse Parliament – scream – distinct lack of vision and ambition from Labour and Tories.
At least now we know what to campaign on and concentrate on for May. Sure we can turn our disappointments into triumphs, It has been nearly fifty years since Winnie took Hamilton. I got the vote in time to see her lose it. We have come a long way since. It will happen.
Tam Jardine
Quote of the day:
“You know that if Murphy describes it as ‘a remarkable deal’, it is a pile of shite.”
That could be our future First minister you are talking about there Tam.
The “50p in the pound” tax man. It will solve ALL our problems.
There was mention somewhere today that these ‘powers’ will not be implemented before the GE.
So we have what we need, get the SNP in, Lab out and take it from there.
Squeeze Lab until the pips squeak.
The Vow according to the Smith Commission – 29% of Scottish Tax Revenues, 14% of Scottish Welfare Spending ….. Brilliant Scotland, shows you how you how much believe in yourselves with a NO vote. Awarded plateful of crap from your feeders!
‘More powers after a No? Alistair Carmichael and Stewart Hosie’
(261 views right now. Worth a swatch. AC/SH from 4 mins 50 secs..)
link to
“That could be our future First minister you are talking about there Tam.”
Aye – if that day comes i’ll be digging out the combats, getting a store of tins of soup, heading into the hills and turning into a cross between Mr Bloom and the Unabomber.
@ Liz U do the squeak I,ll get the nut crackers oot, ah think Paula Rose has the pips clamps.
Another wee chunk of archive which may be of interest to some.
From The Daily Politics, March 2014:
“…we want to give control of something in the region of about 60% of the Scottish parliament’s budget to the parliament.” Alistair Carmichael (8 mins 43 secs)
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Ronnie Anderson
A laughed at your post the other day Ronnie, about Labour’s Neil Findlay saying he wants to build 50,000 new houses.
Well a knew he was good at the “brickie” thing but I didn’t think he was that good.
Or maybe he could if he had a good labourer, coz a know wee Johann is lookin for a job at the moment.
Neil Findlay, super brickie!
@ronnie anderson – sounds like a plan!
Do you have a link to Article 19 of the 1707 treaty in its original form ?
I had a look for it and could only find an Article 19 about Scotland keeping her own judiciary system.
This was from `Union with England Act 1707` so might be different Act.
Well we knew that we were landed into a ‘big boys’ game with the NO vote – thanks for that – so what are we YES siders going to do about this farce now?
No more reactive politics – time we took our own road.
@ Ian Brotherhood
Sorry Ian, I tried to watch that BBC output, replete with Alistair Carmichael in full sincerity mode, but had to switch off. What is the point of a “Secretary of State for Scotland” when we have a parliament? As someone on a Holyrood committee asked (apologies I don’t remember who) “Are you Westminster’s man in Scotland, or Scotland’s man in Westminster?”
From what I’m picking up online, there is a full court press on to sell the Smith Report as “extensive new powers”.
But they are not new, not extensive, and not powers.
link to
Have you tried this site Scot?
@cirsium says:
“there is no silver lining. If the Scottish Government raised more money from income tax, the same amount would be cut from the block grant. Devolving income tax is not to increase revenue but responsibility. This applies to all the “new powers”..”
The main silver lining is that it continues a process where Holyrood becomes the main focus of political life in Scotland, and Westminster gradually becomes less relevant.
Each step increases that mindset.
There will be constant demand for more powers.
If job creating powers are gained then any jobs created are real, even if the block grant is reduced.
English Votes for English Laws will also help increase the profile of Scottish MSP’s relative to Scottish MP’s, who could genuinely become second class.
Cameron will find it hard to resist EVEL in a bid to win back UKIP votes, and hobble Labour.
The latest polls still show Labour slightly ahead.
From what I gather, EVEL is popular, but splitting England into regional parliaments is not.
A federal UK with one English parliament looks increasingly likely at some point.
Apologies, Scot, that is the very same.
I’ll give it another go in the morning, but right now my dog is acting up and I’d better go and see what’s bothering him before he wakes the family and the neighbours.
Marcia says:
Front page of tomorrow’s The National
link to
it will continue publishing on Monday.
Good news about the National.
That it is no longer just a trial removes any excuse from Tesco, Spar or any other shops who resisted it.
The same applies to any ‘What the Papers Say’ sections.
And the infighting starts. The front runners jockeying for position and gearing up for full on campaign mode.
Grab a bag of popcorn sit back and watch them beat the snot out of each other for a while as they all try to prove just how right wing and right on they are. Cameron, Mr Ed, Farage and Clegg are going to do a fair bit of the heavy lifting for us all on their own in this run up.
So is that it then? Better Together promised us Devo max.Home Rule.As near to Federalism as we can have.Cameron,Clegg and Miliband say it has been delivered.Devolution is no longer an ongoing process.This is all the devolution we’re getting.Ever.
@Rob Outram: say Holyrood did adjust the tax bands and rates etc, and it did actually bring in £2m more in income tax. If that happens, the block grant from the UK Treasury is adjusted down to be £2m less for Holyrood.
Net gain for Scotland’s public services: £0.00.
Net loss for Scotland’s tax payers: £2m.
It’s a scam.
@ Mealer
Their words not ours ‘devolution is a journey’. Apparently we’ve reached the destination. It was a destination they never outlined right enough. But according to a Labour party who went into that commission wishing give nothing to Scotland, they have DELIVERED, and in big red letters too.
So now we know where Labour’s journey ends and it has ended sadly in lies, arrogance, presumption and theft. They are attempting to steal credit for even the piss poor offerings of the Smith commission. Even now spinning like tops to garner votes for May’s election trumpeting Smiths recommendations as delivery of goods, significant, historic no less.
Truly grim just how low they’ve sunk.
The National, Yay!
Target: 59 SNP (or Alliance) MPs 7/5/15
Target: 70 SNP MSPs 2016 + Greens + SSP
Target: Indy Ref 2 2017 – 70% YES
Target: Independent in 2019
Sinky says
“Says he’s sympathetic to the idea – and that “England is more than capable of self government””
Sarcasm frae oor Alex?
Nivver! 🙂
The radical Liard says
“Robbed again, folks. But by whom?”
Eh, I think you took a wrong turning somewhere,
Now if you go out of here, turn right and go on for about 20 miles you’ll find what your looking for,
The Scotsman!
Sorry Jimbo sorry Sinky. 🙁
I have bought the national but I have to admit that I am perturbed that I am paying money into the coffers of an establishment organisation which spread misinformation throughout the referendum campaign.
John King – I just took a mouthful of coffee ,it now resides on my keyboard1
link to
If as yesindyref2 suggests, Indy happens in 2019, 3 yrs behind
schedule, the known and unknown cost of the No vote could be serious, particularly for the elderly of course, but also for Scotland the nation, as WM will have 3 years in which to extract as much value from Scotland’s assets as they can, while reducing to nothing any input – apart from stuff like lots of nuclear waste; lots and lots, as a memento of their 310 year visit.
I fear the No vote will leave a sizeable scar.
It could have been amicable and relatively pain free, but then it wouldn’t be the English, would it.
A bit like having Alien as a ‘friend’. Alright till you want to leave.
response from Morrisons re “The National”
Good afternoon Mr King
Thank you for contacting us.
I can confirm Morrisons is unable to stock The National due to a lack of space in store. Stocking this trial newspaper would require us to remove other titles, including local newspapers. However, we will continue to monitor how the newspaper performs and will review this again in due course.
I will pass your comments on with regards to the bunting being placed in store and the English songs on the tannoy.
Thank you once again for contacting us.
Kind regards
Benjamin Kargans
Customer Services Department
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC
Tick tock Morrisons,
Tick tock
The comment about English songs refers to my comment in a feedback form to Morrisons playing “Three Lions and “Vindaloo” some few weeks prior to the referendum which I asked the Manager of the shop we were in if Morrisons had some sort of death wish?
He himself expressed dismay at the lack of tact shown!
The bunting mentioned was in response to another complaint that Morrisons had decorated every spare inch of shelf,wall, floor,ceiling space with Union flags to celebrate— “Britain’s got talent” new series,
no really,
and made not one bit of a mention to the most important Sporting event in many years, namely the Commonwealth games!
Dorothy Devine says
“John King – I just took a mouthful of coffee ,it now resides on my keyboard”
was it something I said?
Im never knowingly funny,
at least that’s what my wife says. 🙂
The National today.
OOOFT, but in a good way. 🙂
@Radical Laird.
You can’t polish a turd.
That’s about right for a timescale. 🙂
Been sayin’ it for weeks now, but all we have to do is let Westminster be Westminster. They’ll dissolve the union with only a little prodding from us now. The stone has already been kicked off the top of the hill and their barking right wing press, reactionary politicians and establishment intransigence will do the rest. 😉
What would really set the cat among the pigeons is just one SNP candidate south of the border and a full 100k membership of the SNP. Follow that with a full on campaign in the National, on the web, on social meeja about representation in the big telly debates come May…
… Well, I did say with a little prod from us now and again. 🙂
Scottie Dog
What else can we do?
we have to take what we can get, and get on with it,
these people are only in it for one thing,
if they see the main chance is in supporting independence they’ll support it with “every fibre of their being” because that’s where the money is, so we just have to hold our nose and play the game.
We can do the moral high ground bit when we have independence.
So that’s that then here in England, Scots have their devo max and let’s all move on to the real news as in long empty waffle over a Tory boy that swore at the the cops on BBC R4 news, over and over. Crash Gordon for one must laughing like a drain today. Swinney says, Brown/Record THE VOW was pre referendum rhetoric in The National and it’s come to exactly that.
Anyone in contact with Robert Peffers?
Not seen him for about a week and missing his input,
Robert, are you out there?
Macart says
“What would really set the cat among the pigeons is just one SNP candidate south of the border and a full 100k membership of the SNP. Follow that with a full on campaign in the National, on the web, on social meeja about representation in the big telly debates come May…”
Well didn’t Christine Grahame say recently she was prepared to stand under the SNP banner in Berwick on Tweed?
Given the way London is viewed in that town she would have a good chance of winning,
My feeling is that as long as we didn’t flood the town with central belt “sweaties” and got people like Lesley-Anne who speak the language of the borders we could bring in a sizable support there
Call K setting the agenda on The Myth Commission titled:
“The first minister has said the Smith proposals were disappointing – whaddaya think?
Diggin out the earplugs.
England thinks it has done us a favour by offering Scotland crumbs from the Smith Commission.
England thinks it deserves EVEL as political compensation for its largesse.
EVEL will end the union, methinks.
This is what I was on about Macart
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@John King
Yep fair point about the national. Scotmid are stocking it so will aim to do much of my business there.
SNP politician Christine Grahame insists that she is serious about contesting the Berwick seat at next year’s general election and says she has had “loads of supportive messages”.
The level of interest can certainly be verified by the Berwick Advertiser – over 4,500 read the story online in one day and a Facebook link to it received over 3,500 likes.
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I really like this lady.
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@Macart, I think that they are going to realise soon that we are too much trouble to hang on to even with the oil etc.
Where are we when BBCEngland main news is more accurate than the spin BBCScotlandshire puts on this in the late evening news? Also I think we should find out if it meets the Jackie Bird test. She who decided to call it “devo max” in her cosy chat with Darling beamed to all the electorate in the frenzied last days. Darling of course did not correct her by calling it what was actually being planned – devo mince.
@ John King
That’s what I’d heard and Berwick would be ideal. It can’t be just a stunt though. If such a thing were to happen then that person would have to walk the walk and be prepared to stand up for that community.
But yeah, that’s the sort of statement which would have an impact. If we’re in the UK and for however long that lasts, then it has to be a case of ‘no taxation without representation’. As third largest party by membership, the SNP as both party and official Scottish Government have earned the right to appear in those debates, argue Scotland’s case and hold the other party leaders to account publicly.
Cameron needs EVEL to stop the rise of Ukip, and to outsmart the Labour Party. All of this is for pure party political purposes alone. However, what he doesn’t realise is the outcome will be the slow break up of the UK.
Despite Cameron saying how much he loves the UK, history will show that it was him that presided over the destruction of the UK and not the SNP or Alex Salmond.
You read my mind. 😮
But good to hear.
Its a trap of their own making. The Smith Commission, EVEL, Labour’s transparent self interest and the unionists own anti Scottish media narrative are going to do most of the work. They took the brakes off a runaway train.
Vow = broken.
The leaders of all three Westminster parties are lying treacherous scum.
England you are governed by a dishonourable shower of shite.
We are leaving.
Cheers for the links Nana and John. 🙂
I reckon its a route of travel that possibly has legs.
The National is a carousel of WTF this mornIng. Michael Moore says its “home rule for Scotland” and Sturgeon says Westminster controls 85% Scottish Welfare and over 70% of Scottish taxes. So how is this home rule. won’t be questioned by our frauster press. It’s between 15 and 29% home rule and that’s going to get booted out in the Commons if their fraud actually gets there. It’s a cold grey pea souper fog in England and our imperial masters are on desert island disks as BBC proud Scot but grovels to Teresa May. bleh.
The fall out from the Myth Commission continues with Willie Walsh, chief executive of IAG (parent company of British Airways), stating that “Scotland’s plan to scrap air passenger taxes would create a “domino effect” of people avoiding English airports to seek cheaper flights north of the border”
The article form Bloomberg stated that Walsh estimated that a family of four could save £ 276 by flying to the U.S. from a Scottish airport rather than an English one.
In other words British Airways (and by the same token London Airports) could suffer as they don’t actually have direct services from Scotland, which is strange as it is supposed to be the ‘UK’s’ national flag carrier.
With more people being able to fly directly from Scottish airports on long haul, airlines like BA will be marginalised in Scotland (let me shed a crocodile tear!)
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I quite liked the National this morning….large coverage of the vow and how it’s a joke, then they show up the unionist parties for what they are.
@ ScottieDog
Yep fair point about the national. Scotmid are stocking it so will aim to do much of my business there.
By all means buy your paper at whatever outlet available to you – But just for your info: Scotmid (Co-op) sponsor the Labour Party. There are Co-operative sponsored Labour MPs sitting in Westminster. A percentage of very pound spent there is a donation to the enemy of Scotland’s people.
The acid test of whether the Vow was kept and pre-referendum promises honoured, will be made by the Scottish people in May 2015. Labour and Liberal will be hit badly. Just how badly is the unknown. What is rather sad, though, is the Tories’ vote is Scotland is likely to remain stable. They too deserve a kicking.
EIGHT trade unions filed a formal complaint yesterday against the Scottish Labour Party after officials were accused of a stitch-up to help Jim Murphy take the party’s reins.
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See what you are saying, but perhaps consider it from another perspective and focus on how unionist Herald types are paying into the coffers of a newspaper group which is sharing indy arguments about the wider population where we need them to be?
In buying The National, I do so full in the knowledge that I am ‘being worked’ somewhat, by a newspaper group seeking to make money out of people who have similar political beliefs to me. But I accept this as a) I enjoy reading and things pleasurable for me to read are preferable (and have been lacking in the newspaper sphere till now) and b) having it continue to publish is the only way that the arguments *might* reach those who resolutely will only read print news and/or believe that only print news (or the sodding BBC) is ‘real news’.
All week in my local W H Smith The National was hidden on the bottom shelves. This morning front and centre on the top shelf.
Well done to all those at The National. Keep up the good work in spreading the good word.
I see the National is starting to attract advertising, unsurprising as it looks like it will settle at a circulation of about 50 to 60,000… making it a key player at the serious end of the news stand.
On topic, I think we can rely on the Conservatives to make the Smith proposals a bumpy ride in Westminster and quite possibly sow the seeds of referendum two.
The National is pretty great, even down to not using SNP photos that are the ugliest and maddest they can find, unlike what teamGB media do do, worst being BBC in Scotland and their big book of photoshop of SNP grotesques. But then Macwhirter says this in their news section online ed and its very very WTF. eg
“My opinion, as aviewer, was that the BBC Scotland journalists
like Glen Campbell ,Brian Taylor, James Cook (the BBC Scottish correspondent) took their responsibility to be impartial very
seriously indeed. They are excellent journalists and in my view wholly unbiased. The same goes for John McKay and Bernard Ponsonby of STV”
These guys are not journalists they are British BBC rule in Scotland propagandists and its rather insulting to be told they are not. Or WTF The National?
Just seen a report on FB from C4 about the Smith draft being butchered at the WM cabinet meeting on Tues
“The draft conclusions were diluted in the last 48 hours much to the irritation of the Smith Commission members. “There was panic” in Whitehall according to one Smith Commission source.”
Would be very interesting to see what the actual Smith report said before WM got their hands on it. So much for the Smith commission coming up with the report, rather than it being manipulated from afar.
Purely in the interests of market research, ie trying to find out what some of the public might think about the Smith proposals, I am trying to listen to Kaye with an e on Morning Call. This is almost above and beyond the call of duty.
As usual, it is a flag waver for Labour. Worse, a caller has just proved that he has paid no attention whatsover to all the information made available during the referendum campaign to assure people that Scotland is not a basket case and does in fact pay for itself. The too wee, too poor, too stupid card has been paid several times over already.
Deja vu and it is depressing.
Scottie Dog,
I shouldn’t worry too much about that. It is excellent that it has happened.
Had we even been able to crowdfund the huge costs involved in setting up a daily newspaper, we would still have had to get distribution.
Although supermarkets have had to flap around while their directors decide whether selling it would upset any of their cosy little agreements with Cameron, it has nevertheless been distributed throughout the country by Menzies along with Newsquest’s other titles.
Even with the lack of co-operation from some supermarkets it has achieved substantial sales.
Would an entirely independent, new, pro-indy paper have been able to get distribution? I think it unlikely.
‘Newsquest is the third largest publisher of regional and local newspapers in the United Kingdom with 300 titles in its portfolio.’ (Wiki). They do not have that problem.
My apologies if this has been referred to or suggested already, but I haven’t had the chance to read all the above comments on this article, or the previous one.
I was listening to Iain Gray on Scotland 2014 last night and heard his suggestion that the Scottish Government, while it has no control over the Personal Allowance for Income Tax, could set a 0% rate.
If it is the case that Scotland is to be no better off and no worse off as a result of the transfer of the collection of Income Tax, (can’t remember where I read this) what would be the result of making the first, say £5,000 of taxable income liable to 0% tax? Would the loss of Income Tax revenue be compensated for by an increase in the Block Grant?
If so, the Scottish Government could make a bold and radical statement of intent with such a measure. This could be part of a package; taking many people out of tax liability at the lower end of the wage range, but introducing a 50% tax rate for incomes over £100,000, adding a few pence on the basic rate so it would benefit anyone on £20,000 or less, was tax neutral for those on £20,000 to £25,000 and was balanced by a higher tax take from those on £25,000 plus. A whole package could be devised which was revenue neutral, thus not requiring any adjustment in the Block Grant.
There are several caveats; HoC and HoL approval and admin costs, but importantly, the Scottish Government could show that it wanted to be more progressive than Westminster and a Scottish Tax Office would be established, as someone mentioned yesterday on an earlier thread. Both these factors would increase the chance of the result of the next Referendum being positive.
The National, now barely a week old, has had a few teething problems and a fair bit of (generally constructive) criticisms. I’ll say one thing though:
The timing couldn’t have been better.
Well done – keep up the good work.
No shock – The Smith Commission was never going to set Scotland free … at best it may give it a bigger cage!
@Alan Mackintosh
Could you provide a link to that.
@nana Smith, great link to the trade unions raising a complaint about a stitch up! They know how we feel!
I’m pleased about the National, please keep supporting them, we need a daily out there for the southerners, and those not politicised enough to bother with the GE 2015.
They are there for Scotland’s good, not a mouthpiece for our anger, and I want to think they are engaging New people to Indy.
I meant ditherers!
“The timing couldn’t have been better.”
I was thinking it was about a year late !
Labour Head Office at odds with Scottish Branch Office – file under “Situation Normal.”
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Best analogy I’ve heard on the powers, is its like an old car polished nicely, and you get in to find no key, and no engine under the bonnet
The National now moved from bottom shelf to prominent top shelf in local Smiths, but curiously alongside the daily Herald.
I saw a little old lady buying the National.
Crowd well some people gathering in Glasgow to hear Ed Milib spout rubbish.
A big screen on the wall declaring the vow delivered.
The Smith Commission was flagged as being a way of getting cross party consensus. It was not ever meant to be a mouthpiece for Westminster so if it is true that WM watered down proposals then we need to see the original report. There has to be a way. If not, then Smith has to be tackled and made to admit his work was tampered with. I am still seething that 10000 private submissions were not put out to the public. Apparently they were sorted into general themes. I would like to see which themes were put forward to the commission. Maybe Yes leaning parties can leak them?
How soon before an MP cites “Cutting Air Duty tax is a race to the bottom”
@Calgacus (9.09) –
This is a long shot, but did you attend the SSP public meting in Irvine last night? (Sorry to be nosy, but I’ve good reason for asking!)
Here is a poser.
What are the differences between the recommendations of the Smith Commission and the Strathcylde Commission from the Tories?
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Smith Commission ‘dropped welfare proposals’
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“It included devolving the power to vary all the key elements of Universal Credit, which supporters believe would have enabled Holyrood to design its own welfare system.”
Yeah, I’m seeing a pattern forming.
Can’t have that wee parly setting up its own distinct systems, not on major taxes, or welfare it seems.
Heathrow has been subsidised by £Billions of public money for years. BA slots were subsidised. Indirect flights costs Scottish travellers overnight stays etc.
MochaChoca says:
28 November, 2014 at 10:26 am
“The timing couldn’t have been better.”
I was thinking it was about a year late !
Nah, past is past. Now is the moment!
To paraphrase the BBC website they saw a draft copy of the Smith report on Tuesday where further powers had been devolved. However, from the article:
“These recommendations appear to have been removed on the day the UK cabinet was briefed on the Smith Commission. It is understood that concerns were raised around the Cabinet table about a range of the proposals under consideration. But a UK government source said he would be “surprised” if this had any substantial impact on the Smith Commission agreement”
Yea right!!
Author_Al says:
28 November, 2014 at 10:30 am
The Smith Commission was flagged as being a way of getting cross party consensus.
Cross party consensus and the actual will of the Scottish people seem to be at odds at present. Ah well, a chance to sort out this will arise in May 2015.
@ Nana Smith
Apologies, should have added this in my OP
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I also caught a brief mention of something on GMS news(but wasnt really listening) saying that the BBC had a copy of the draft which listed a wide range of powers which had subsequently been axed. Might have been the 9am bulletin
Following on from my last post- where the f@@k did it say that we would see the Smith Commission report would only be released once it had been sanctioned by the cabinet.
The Smith Commission report is basically the Strathclyde Commission report.
Labour stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories during the referendum, and Labour now have fully endorsed Tory devolution proposals that were published back in June.
Today Ed Miliband will say the Vow has been delivered, but what he has done is back David Cameron’s and George Osborne’s plans on devolution.
English Tory Ministers did not back the agreed draft of the Smith Commission report.
Ian Duncan Smith forced the Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael to inform the Smith Commission to drop its recommendations on welfare.
Alistair Carmichael embarrassingly reduced to being Ian Duncan Smith’s fag. So much for standing up for Scotland in cabinet.
Westminster are still taking £Billions out of Scotland. English MP’s have always decided tax policies in the UK. There has never been a time 50+ Scottish MP’s have decided policies in England. The majorities have historically been higher.
Thatcher secretly took £Billion of Oil revenues from Scotland. The Labour Party secretly buried the McCrone Report. Westminster secrecy and lies.
Vote SNP/Alliance 7/5/15
You’ll find that should these proposals go through, it won’t be long before APD is actually axed by Westminster and renamed something else…thus deeming our ‘power’ over it, null and void.
Link to the C4 blog saying that there was panic in Whitehall when the REAL Smithh Commission recommendations were read out.
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Smith Commission ‘dropped welfare proposals’ after UK
Cabinet briefing.
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Mildly surprised that the BBC has such a strong piece on the Cabinet doctoring the final draft of Smith. It certainly lends strength to Nicola’s assertion that it isn’t enough.
Thanks Valerie for picking up on my analagy, my full comment was ” Smith Commision! Bit like being given a second hand car, old idea but all polished to look like new. You get the keys and find someone has removed the engine. No more powers, only recommendations of impractical and worthless promises that will only hinder and impoverish Scotland ”
Pretty much sums up my feelings on this tragic waste of time.
Scotland’s new Tax Powers in a nutshell.
The report of the Smith Commision is meaningless as Scotland will still be funded to the Barnett formula. All these wonderful taxes given to Scotland will be cut from the Block Grant to ensure it stays at the Barnett formula level!
The only power is to enable the Scottish Parliament to tax Scots MORE HEAVILY than the rest of the UK in order to try and fend off any Westminster austerity cuts coming via Barnett.
“Devo-Max”—“Near Federalism” anyone?
This is just for starters——just wait until the Commons and the House of Lords get their hands on it!!!
Ed begging Yes voters to back labour.
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Geez is this guy really so thick.
john king says:
28 November, 2014 at 8:05 am
Im never knowingly funny,
at least that’s what my wife says.
LOL, your wife says that to your face, but to her friends………I wonder.
@Edward – Wasn’t Willie Walsh saying during the referendum he thought Scotland getting rid of Passenger air duty would be a good thing, he supported it.
Has he changed his mind?
A copy of The Laughing Policeman, downloaded with the words stating. This is what the world thinks of Scotland and the Scots. Jocks or Jokes
The following appears on the Better Together publication which was used to promote the “VOW” before the 18th September:
“By St Andrew’s Day we will have completed the consultation and published a White Paper which will set out the final agreed plans. These will be open to challenge and scrutiny.”
At the moment, these are still just “plans” which are “open to challenge and scrutiny.” So why are these prats strutting around saying that the vow has been delivered?
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We envisaged that by 24th November we would just have enough money to start thinking about how we could bring a daily news broadcast for Scotland into reality — but thanks to your support, we were able to get started much, much sooner. The crowdfunder has allowed us to produce our promo video and begin creating some taster content — but now the real fundraising begins.
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Going by what I read in the paper today, Willie Walsh et al are in favour of the APD… brings about it’s own ramifications though….if that why not corporation tax for instance?
Some good news…
Angus Robertson @MorayMP
SNP Gain from Tories: Congrats to Ross Cassie of @theSNP who won in Aberdeenshire Council Troup by-election, miles ahead of Con, LD & Lab.
Nana Smith,
Thanks for the Christine Grahame speech , she has fire in her belly that’s for sure. Snp have many good female politicians. Great points made about blaming pensioners for a NO. Well worth a watch .
Smith Commission is more ammo for the coming election folks. I expected smoke and mirrors so wasn’t disappointed .
Over the next few weeks more and more folk will realise it’s a dud and hopefully vote accordingly. Meanwhile watch them fight amongst themselves in WM over the EVEL . That alone will spell the end for the union.
I am really enjoying this. Perhaps because i know the BBC and MSM will dress it up as the game changer and Labour will declare they are back. (Shakes head )
keep telling folk the truth. Most are listening but waiting to see. The No voters will believe it for a wee bit but not long. They are the mugs here, not the YESSERS who expected nothing and got nothing.
What ever is coming next, i await with baited breath … and the big bucket of popcorn 🙂 . Dave and ED can relax now the jocks are sorted HUH
Christine can be quite forceful at times. This is exactly what I want from politicians. I want them tell it like it is and no pussy footing about.
Pity I don’t care for popcorn and chocolate adds on the weight so best stick to chewing gum. Had to make a change from chewing my gums from rage!
@ Ian Brotherwood
Clicked on the link and noticed poor old Alistair only had 127 views and most , if not all, of those came from the link from here.
I would like to abolish Alistair Carmichael, it might not acieve much, but it would make me feel a lot better.
@James Caithness
In a word – Yep!
Which tells me he just uses situations to blow smoke up the UK governments orifice
Now that APD has the possibility (nothing guaranteed when Westmidden are involved) Instead of seeing an opportunity of developing long haul from Scotland. He see’s it as a threat to BA’s plans to continue using the London Airports as the ‘UK hub’
If you compare the likes of Lufthansa, which is the German national Flag carrier, they don’t use Berlin as a hub, they fly long haul out of many airports in Germany. Notably Dusseldorf, which has a similar catchment area to Edinburgh (night and day come to mind)
I’m currently watching the PQ Lunchtime News and they are leading with an item on the anniversary of The Clutha Crash.
When it started I thought surely they aren’t going to show the interview with Murphy at the scene – they couldn’t be so blatant.
Well I was wrong and they did show it – Have they no shame?
@ Nana
You’re on form today. Great links. I thought the Energy Voice critique of tax powers very good:
“…the Scottish Parliament now has the power to set earned income tax threshold levels and rates and to keep all such tax raised in Scotland.
Is this not a poisoned chalice? In the first instance no extra revenue will accrue to Holyrood; the first income tax to be kept by Holyrood will be deducted from the Westminster’s Barnett formula block grant allocation…
In any event the tax will still be collected by HMRC and any additional administration costs involved due to specific rules applying to Scotland will be charged to the Scottish parliament.”
Also, tax varying powers are not new. Holyrood already had those but didn’t use them because they are useless on their own simply adding admin costs.
Just as we have been saying all along. I believe Rev Stu had a post relating to this.
a poisoned chalice? In the first instance no extra revenue will accrue to Holyrood; the first income tax to be kept by Holyrood will be deducted from the Westminster’s Barnett formula block grant allocation…
But never mind, Ed is talking through his —- right now, telling us all the Plans for a radical transfer of power from Westminster to Holyrood have been signed, sealed and delivered.
Give me strength!
What I don’t understand is why we aren’t hearing more about this fact from the SNP? I can just about understand why they signed off on not do so would have seemed churlish and opened them up to even more criticism but now it’s out in the open and considering that “tax raising powers” is the unionist media’s headline…why are SNP not banging home the message that the new powers are pointless..unless they do then unionists across the land will continue to believe this is a Great deal!
@Ian Brotherhood, sorry took so long to reply Ian, no I wasn’t at the meeting.Was it a guid one?
@Calgacus –
It was interesting. (A public meeting btw, so I’m not breaking any confidences here.)
A man, who did not identify himself, but claimed to be a documentary maker who has interviewed a lot of political heavyweights, and has excellent contacts in the Intelligence services (particularly in the US) made some astonishing claims.
According to him, we won the referendum ‘by a landslide’, but under no circumstances were we ever to be allowed victory. It’s all sewn-up, and the only hope we have of securing independence is if all the pro-Indy groups get together, stay together, and unite on one issue (he cited fracking).
He said a lot more, most of which has escaped me, but involved many acronyms – the bottom-line, for him, was that WM cannot and will not let us go because it is so utterly debt-ridden that it needs revenue from Scotland to keep it afloat.
He also mentioned to a colleague that he reads Wings – so, if he does happen to see this? I hope he’ll come here or O/T and fill us in as far as he’s able. No-one reasonable would expect the man to possess hard evidence to back up what he said, let alone bring it to an SSP meeting in Irvine, but it would be good to know that – potentially at any rate – such evidence does exist.
Why did I think he may be you Calgacus? That’s another story, but basically, the dude claims to have dressed-up as Calgacus on Sep 18th before going to cast his vote. Make of that what you will!
RE: Troup by election, let’s see how this plays out in Aberdeenshire council. One of the “let’s all join together to keep out the biggest party”
The recommendations still have to get through Westminster. If the SNP rubbish them now, it’s an engraved invitation for the unionist parties to say, well since you don’t want these powers you’re not getting them, deliver nothing or very little, and then blame it on the SNP.
It’s a theory, but i would like the snp to go on the offensive now and the time Westminster get round to not even giving us what Smith came up with it’ll be old news and if the snp start banging on about broken promises again then a large part of the electorate will sigh and walk away. Anyway theres alot in the myth commission we don’t want anyway, it’s toxic and the sooner someone out there with a voice says so the better.
I want independence and I want it now!
(Stamps foot in very aggressive manner)
Greg Moodie has him down to a tee – Promoted far beyond his competency…
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and finally…
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Hopefully the Northern Isles will get rid of this moron from Port Ellen (also George Roberton territory) come 2015 but unfortunately he does have the safest Lib-Dem seat in the UK.
Surely time for a change?
Wake up Orkney and Shetland – Together you deserve Better!
It is right that Scottish MPs do not have a vote on purely English matters, the same as English ones don’t have a vote in Holyrood. Needs to apply to Irish and Welsh ones as well.
Rob Outram
No no no-SNP don’t need to go on the attack. Haven’t you noticed that every press release & every speech has a clear warning in it. Either-Its up to the Scottish people-they will give their verdict in May 2015 election or Scotland will hold WM feet to the fire.It is always the last thing that is said.
WM parties can see SNP growing against all expectations-they know people are getting behind SNP & other Indy supporting parties & they are worried-they can see their seats are on the line.
SNP has to behave as a professional party, following all the rules to demonstrate to the electorate that they are the party of government for Scotland. They earn votes that way.They can’t get involved in dirty politics as that would count against them & put off their own voters.
Tories(red,blue, yellow & purple) are worried about May elections-they know they’ve screwed over Scotland & there’s nothing they can do to put that right-people don’t believe them any more. Electorates tend to hit back using the ballot box & Scotland will do that on 7th May.
makes interesting reading now as do the comments